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Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
RESEARCH ARTICLE: An assessment on the competencies in
local governance among the punong barangays in the
Municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu
Nafisa S. Adian1* and Masnona S. Asiri1
1Sulu State College Graduate School, Capitol Site, Jolo, Sulu
*Corresponding author: sscgspub@sulustatecollege.edu.ph
ABSTRACT. The study evaluates the competencies of Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Province of Sulu, in terms of delivery of basic services, executive functions, and legislative
functions during the Fiscal Year 2023. The study involved 100 respondents, mostly female,
married, aged 31+, with high school education and an average monthly income of 5,001-10,000.
With 100 samples taken through non-probability sampling method via purposive sampling, and
with the use of weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, One-way
ANOVA, and Pearson’s r the findings indicate that Punong Barangays are generally competent in
their duties and functions. The study supports the Antal Szerletics, Gerry Stoker, and B. Guy
Peter’s model, which emphasizes the importance of establishing a good governance structure to
guide and manage sustainability and responsibility. This structure allows leaders to set direction,
establish goals, and create policies to execute strategies. Good governance can be conceived as a
basket of practices, including professional civil service, anti-corruption policies, transparency and
accountability, democratic decision-making, the rule of law, protection of human rights, and
independent judiciary. The findings suggest that the Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Province of Sulu are competent in their duties and functions, with age, gender, average monthly
income, and educational attainment not significantly mediating their assessment of competencies.
KEYWORDS: Governance, Punong Barangays, Democracy, Competency, Municipality
1. Introduction
The term 'barangay' originated in Malayan and was later adopted by the Malays who moved to the
Philippines aboard the balangay. Today, the phrase refers to a political structure in which each
barangay is led by a Datu or Rajah, who wield immense powers equivalent to an autocratic
government. The Agurangs, or Council of Elders, function as counselors. During Spanish
colonialism, the Spanish government structure resulted in centralized control over barangays under
the gobernadorcillo. This reduced the Datus' structural political powers, but they remained subject
to the gobernadorcillo's authority. The term barrio, which is a Spanish word for a tiny unit of local
government, became more popular than the barangay.
The name 'barangay' became more prominent after power was devolved from the national
government to local administration in 1991-1992. The Local Government Code of 1992 specified
that barrio be referred to as a 'barangay'.
SPHE-00015; Received: February 27, 2024; Accepted: March 28, 2024; Online: April 15, 2024
Adian, Afisa S. and Asiri, Masnona S. (2024). An Assessment on the Competencies in Local Governance among the
Punong Barangays in the Municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. Social Psychology and Human
Experience. DOI: 10.62596/k8cqd592
Copyright © 2024 by author(s). Social Psychology and Human Experience is published by Stratworks Research Inc.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing redistribution and reproduction in any format or medium,
provided the original work is cited or recognized.
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
The current barangays in the Philippines, led by the Barangay Captain/Chairman, have
specific authorities to ensure their continued existence as an autonomous part of the municipality.
They have executive, legislative, and judicial powers under the Philippines' Local Government
Code. Barangays have become one of the most important sectors of local administration, as
opposed to barrios, which were previously considered only territorial or symbolic identification of
a certain physical place. Barangays' importance and role in society should not be underestimated.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the competencies in local governance among
Punong Barangays in the Municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. The findings
will provide authorities with a baseline for selecting the type and focus of capabilities trainings
and seminars to improve Punong Barangays' competence.
2. Research Question
This study was aimed to assess the competencies of Punong Barangays on local governance as perceived
by their constituents. Specifically, it answered the following questions:
1. What is the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in the context of:
1.1 Delivery of Basic Services;
1.2 Legislative Functions; and
1.3 Executive Functions?
2. Is there a significant difference in the level of competencies in local governance among the
Punong barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, when
they are grouped according to their demographic profile?
3. Is there a significant correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the level of
competencies of the Punong Barangays?
3. Literature
3.1 Good Governance on Executive Functions
Governance refers to the act or process of governing under authoritative direction or
control. It also refers to a leader's continual exercise of authority and performance of tasks for a
political unit, such as the barangay. It refers to the organization, apparatus, or agency through
which a political entity exercises authority and functions, such as delegating powers to an official
or governing body. According to Presthus (2015), political interest pervades the entire fabric of
government--the mechanism or agency through which the political unit exercises authority and
functions. Public administration or governance operates in a highly politicized atmosphere.
Politics seeks both aims and means for the betterment of the society it serves, including
structure, political activity, influences, and attempts to bring communities together on political
concerns. Lipson (2016) defines politics as the principles of social order, including the
development of groups. Society is a network of groups that provide fertile ground for political
activity. Good governance can encourage public involvement in policymaking and inclusion in
decision-making processes. A well-governed society should offer every individual with as many
opportunities as possible to reach his or her full human potential.
Therefore, implementing good governance in a fundamental political unit like the barangay
can be a useful tool for advancing the welfare of the populace as a whole and would also serve as
a gauge for the effectiveness of elected barangay officials. This investigation finds that
incompetent officials and their indecision while taking on new responsibilities as officers-in-
charge might have an impact on a barangay's ability to govern well. Influence of their siblings and
other family members as well as the delicate nature of the topics and worries being discussed.
Since the barangay is the fundamental political unit in the nation, it has always been at the
forefront of efforts aimed at local development. Due to their crucial location at the grassroots level,
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
particularly in the effective and efficient service delivery to the community, barangays work
together as partners with the national government to address development concerns. The
cooperative effort of the barangays to provide services is a reflection of the city's or municipality's
level of government. The barangay, which is the fundamental political unit in the community, is
responsible for organizing and carrying out government projects, programs, and basic services. It
also acts as a platform for the exchange of ideas and the crystallization and consideration of
community opinions. The barangay assembly is the closest thing to direct democracy in the
Philippines since it allows local residents to directly legislate on issues that affect them.
Similarly, Republic Act 7160, also referred to as the Local Government Code of 1991,
requires the barangay to perform three fundamental roles: a) acting as a political unit; b) serving
as the main organizing and executing unit; and c) serving as a forum. The barangay, a political
subdivision of the national government, is the smallest body politic in the nation and serves as its
fundamental political unit. The barangay is responsible for organizing development projects and
programs, carrying out government policies and initiatives in the community, initiating projects
within its borders, and providing the general public with essential government services. It is the
principal planning and implementing entity. The barangay serves as a venue where residents can
voice their opinions on a range of political issues. Furthermore, it offers a forum for peacefully
resolving conflicts. Man has always faced managerial difficulties and oddities wherever he has
gone in today's society. That does not, however, imply that a guy cannot serve his people outside
of politics. However, in the current tendency, a man usually serves his fellow citizens if he holds
an elective office. Individual merit is becoming more and more of a dominant notion in our society.
This theory suggests that a person's ability and diligence should be their greatest assets. In the eyes
of society, this is the most equitable—and, above all, effective—method of allocating marriage
rewards and social standing. We require capable government officials who can advance the welfare
of the populace as a whole, particularly at the local level. As stated by Vitasek, et al. (2016), good
governance is accountable. One of the most important components of successful government is
accountability. For the benefit of the community it represents, local government is required to
report on, justify, and take responsibility for the decisions it makes. Good leadership is open and
honest. The decision-making process ought to be understandable and accessible to all. This implies
that they will have a clear understanding of the process and rationale behind a decision, as well as
the information, counsel, and consultation that the council examined and, when applicable, the
laws that the council complied with. Rule of law is the foundation of good governance. This
indicates that council decisions are within its authority and are in line with applicable laws or
common law. The Local Government Act of 1989 and additional laws like the Public Health and
Wellbeing Act of 2008 and the Equal Opportunity Act of 2010 are pertinent laws in the context of
the local government in Victoria. Sensitive governance reacts. Serving the needs of the entire
community and juggling conflicting interests in a prompt, appropriate, and responsive manner
should always be the goal of local government. Good government is inclusive and egalitarian.
When all list members believe their interests have been taken into account by council during the
decision-making process, the community will be at its best. This means that all groups, particularly
the most vulnerable, should have opportunities to participate in the process. Good governance is
effective and efficient. Men have always been sociable and have eventually banded together to
form politically structured societies. Aristotle lays the groundwork for both the philosophy of good
governance and the methods for implementing it. Once realized, this organization must
demonstrate its superiority, which can be demonstrated by its ability to perform the activities for
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
which it was "invented." Good governance should emphasize the well-being of its constituents as
the ultimate purpose of any government.
According to Marcou (2017), a study of this kind can lead to a diagnosis of local powers
and functions in a given country, in terms of the main arcs concerned and the degree of local self-
government in the exercise of those powers and functions. The report's competency profile idea
groups’ functions according to their functional characteristics, allowing the identification of the
predominant competence profiles in the actual powers and functions of local authorities.
According to an international comparison, the combination of competence profiles varies across
local government systems in Cambodia and changes over time, sometimes significantly, as a result
of sectoral reforms that may result in the devolution or centralization of the relevant sector,
depending on the situation.
3.2 Good Governance on Legislative Function
A competency is typically defined as a person's set of abilities, knowledge, characteristics,
and behaviors that allow them to successfully do a task or activity within the scope of their
employment. Competencies are measurable, observable behaviors that are important to define job
requirements and to hire, train, and retain employees. The usage of the French noun "competence"
and its other European variants reveals their ambiguity. When referring to legislative power, for
example, it is commonly used to designate not only the power itself but also the subject matter to
which it applies (as in the case of Article 72(3) of the French Constitution, as amended on March
28, 2015, which specifies that local and regional authorities “shall have regulatory power to
exercise their functions”) or the authority to act.
"The Legislative competence is an important issue in all constitutional regimes with federal
characteristics," states Bronstein (2016). The South African Constitution divides up the legislative
authority between the national and local governments according to the laws' subjects. To ascertain
the functional area to which the legislation relates, one must first ascertain the subject matter of
the law under consideration in any case involving problems of legislative competence.
A study by Fisher and Tees (2018) added to the analysis of the theory that has been
presented by addressing a pertinent topic from earlier research: When competency is tested? A
final question in considering legislative competence is the point at which competence is tested,"
was the response provided. One argument is that competence is a one-time requirement that takes
effect on the day the law is passed.
3.3 Good Governance on Executive Functions
Although various authors have defined leadership differently, they all seem to agree on the
same definition—that is, that leadership is a crucial topic in the study of organizational behavior.
When it comes to interactions between individuals and organizations, leadership has the most
dramatic consequences. Stated differently, the leadership capacity of a management team
determines its ability to carry out a "collaborative effort." According to Lee and Chuang (2019), a
great leader not only encourages their team members to become more productive, but also fulfills
their needs as the firm works toward its objectives. According to Stodgily (1957), leadership is the
ability of an individual to direct a group of others toward a shared goal. According to Fry (2018),
leadership is the application of leading techniques to provide motivating incentives and to
maximize the potential for professional development of the workforce. There should be a
connection between organizational success and leadership style for a number of reasons.
Since some academics believe that one of the main factors influencing a firm's performance
improvement is its leadership, it is also critical to comprehend how leadership affects performance.
Effective leadership is seen as a potent source of management development and sustained
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
competitive advantage for organizational performance improvement (Avolio, Lado, Wright, and
Rowe, 2017). For example, transactional leadership ensures that workers have the tools necessary
to do their tasks and links job success to meaningful rewards, which helps firms accomplish their
current goals more effectively (Zhu, Chew, and Spengler, 2015). According to Avolio (2019) and
McShane and Von Glinow (2015), visionary leaders develop a strategic vision of a future state,
convey it through metaphor and framing, set an example for others by performing consistently,
and foster committed followership. According to some academics, visionary leadership will lead
to high levels of motivation, cohesiveness, commitment, trust, and ultimately performance in the
new organizational contexts (Zhu et al., 2005). According to Mehra, Smith, Dixon, and Robertson
(2016), a traditional strategy for firms looking for effective ways to outperform competitors is to
concentrate on the impact of leadership. According to popular belief, team leaders are essential in
establishing group norms, assisting teams in adjusting to their surroundings, and organizing group
activities. The relationship between team performance and leadership has been better understood
because to this leader-centered paradigm (Guzzo and Dickson, 2016). In order to better understand
how to apply leadership paradigms and leverage leadership behavior to enhance organizational
performance, some research has looked into the strategic role of leadership. This is due to the
growing recognition of intangible assets—like motivation, skill and competence, leadership styles,
and organizational cultures—as major sources of strength for businesses that can effectively
integrate people, processes, and organizational performance (Purcell et al., 2017). According to
earlier research, there should be a direct correlation between leadership paradigms and financial
performance, employee happiness, and consumer happiness. To date, however, research on the
effects of leadership on organizational performance has been lacking. House and Adyta's review
(1997) criticized leadership studies, arguing that they focused too much on superior-subordinate
relationships at the expense of other functions that leaders carry out as well as organizational and
environmental variables that play a critical role in mediating the relationship between performance
and leadership. The fact that the outcomes of current research on leadership vary depending on the
degree of analysis is another issue. House and Adyta (1997) made a distinction between macro-
level research, which focuses on the organization as a whole and its surroundings, and micro-level
research, which focuses on the leader in relation to their direct superiors and subordinates.
According to some academics, leaders' actions affect their followers as well as the results of the
organization (Tarabishy, Solomon, Fernald, and Sashkin, 2015). Despite a hypothesized
relationship between leadership and performance put forth by some researchers, Fenwick and
Gayle's (2018) study of the missing links in understanding the relationship between leadership and
organizational performance comes to the conclusion that the current research is difficult to
interpret and inconclusive.
Gabriel and Gutierrez's (2017) study in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, found that "the study
discovers the congruence of governance principles and actual administrative practices in local
legislative chamber in Nueva Ecija, Philippines." It assessed how governance principles affected
legislative performance and organizational efficacy through the use of case studies. There is a
relationship between legislative performance and the good governance tenets of accountability,
openness, and citizen participation. Drawing inspiration from the organization theory of systems
model, the findings demonstrated a connection between legislative performance, organizational
success, and adherence to good governance standards. The report suggests conducting scientific
research to gauge how much the theory and practice of the Philippine administrative system
coincide and diverge.
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Caldo (2015) study found that competency measures among local government officials in
the Philippines are rarely monitored, often subjectively. The proponent proposed a policy to assess
the competency measures of the San Jose, Sto. Tomas, Batangas Barangay Council. Despite the
study, no policy related to competency measures was enacted, and most policies focused on basic
services and facilities required by the barangay.
Men have always been gregarious and have finally come together to form politically
structured communities. Aristotle establishes the foundation for both the philosophy of good
governance and the means of achieving it. Once realized, this association must prove its
superiority, and this thing can be demonstrated by means of its capacity to carry out the functions
for which it was "invented." Good governance should prioritize the well-being of its constituents
as the ultimate goal of any government.
4. Methodology
This chapter dealt with the research methods used in the conduct of this investigation. It included
the research design, research location, study participants, sampling technique, data collection
procedure and instruments, research instrument, validity and reliability, and statistical data
Research Design
The study conducted descriptive survey research to identify contemporary occurrences and collect
data. In contrast, quantitative research use mathematically based approaches to measure
relationships between variables. The positivist paradigm was utilized, which included techniques
such as inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, mathematical exposition, experimental design
randomization, and structured protocols. Data was collected, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted
to assess the competency of Punong barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu.
1. Research Locale
This study was conducted among the five (5) barangays of the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, namely, Barangay Bangas, Barangay Bubuan, Barangay Kabukan,
Barangay Pag-asinan, and Barangay Teomabal.
2. Respondents of the study
The subjects of the study were the constituents in the aforementioned barangays. It is
distributed in accordance to the table below:
Table 1. Distribution of respondents according sectoral representation per barangay
Barangay Bangas
-women sector
- PWD sector
-Senior Citizens sector
-Livelihood sectors (fisherman, seaweeds farmer, etc.)
-Youth Sector
-Barangay Lupon and Sangguniang Barangay Member
Barangay Bubuan
-women sector
- PWD sector
-Senior Citizens sector
-Livelihood sectors (fisherman, seaweeds farmer, etc.)
-Youth Sector
-Barangay Lupon and Sangguniang Barangay Member
Barangay Kabukan
-women sector
- PWD sector
-Senior Citizens sector
-Livelihood sectors (fisherman, seaweeds farmer, etc.)
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
-Youth Sector
-Barangay Lupon and Sangguniang Barangay Member
Barangay Pag-asinan
-women sector
- PWD sector
-Senior Citizens sector
-Livelihood sectors (fisherman, seaweeds farmer, etc.)
-Youth Sector
-Barangay Lupon and Sangguniang Barangay Member
Barangay Teomabal
-women sector
- PWD sector
-Senior Citizens sector
-Livelihood sectors (fisherman, seaweeds farmer, etc.)
-Youth Sector
-Barangay Lupon and Sangguniang Barangay Member
3. Sampling design
The researcher applied purposive sampling to determine the respondents of this study which
are representing various sectors per barangay. According to Arikunto (2010: 183), purposive
sampling is the process of selecting sample by taking subject that is not based on the level or
area, but it is taken based on the specific purpose. Purposive sampling is where a
researcher selects a sample based on the needs about the study. The participants were
selected based on the purpose of the sample.
4. Data Gathering Procedure
After validating and establishing the reliability of the research instrument, the
researcher addressed a letter of request to the Punong Barangay of the relevant
Barangay Local Government Unit, requesting permission to conduct research among
its people. The survey data were tallied, tabulated, and passed over to the statistician
for analysis.
Research Instrument
Research instruments are essential tools for collecting data in research. According to
Wilkinson and Birmingham (2003), a research instrument is just a mechanism for gathering
information pertinent to the research subject. According to Ary et al. (2010: 431), several
instrumentation methods are often employed to guide and assist researchers in data generation,
such as observation, interviews, and document analysis. In this study, the researcher gathered data
through a questionnaire and an interview. The questionnaire was based on the book "Punong
Barangay Task and Responsibilities" released by the Local Government Academy (LGA)
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in 2018. According to Cohen et al.
(2007:317), a questionnaire is a frequently used and useful instrument for gathering survey
information since it provides organized, often numerical data, can be delivered without the
presence of the researcher, and is often quite simple. The survey questionnaire consisted of two
parts. Part one was about the respondent's demographic profile, and part two was about the level
of their competences in local governance. There were ten (10) assertions for each, including basic
service delivery, legislative functions, and executive functions. There were five (5) levels to select
for each statement, ranging from "very competent" to "incompetent". The statements were also
translated into Bahasa Sinug for the convenience and better understanding of the respondents.
Based on the study's topic, the questionnaire will be designed so that each item expresses an
indicator of the variables.
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Validity and Reliability
The instrument used in this study was based on the book "Punong Barangay Task and
Responsibilities" released by the Local Government Academy (LGA) Department of the Interior
and Local Government (DILG) in 2018. However, to ensure that it was applicable to local contexts,
the questionnaires were reviewed by two specialists from Sulu State College's Graduate Studies
Statistical Treatment Data
The study examines the competencies of Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Province of Sulu, in basic services, legislative functions, and executive functions. It also
investigates the differences in competencies based on demographic profile, using T-Test for gender
and ANOVA for other variables. The study also examines the correlation among subcategories
under competencies.
5. Results and Discussion
The study looks at Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in terms
of basic services, legislative functions, and executive duties. It also looks into differences in
competences depending on demographic profile, employing a T-test for gender and an ANOVA
for other variables. The study also looks at the association between subcategories of competences.
Question 1: What is the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in the context of: 2.1
Delivery of Basic Services; 2.2 Legislative Functions; and 2.3 Executive Functions?
1.1 In the context of Delivery of Basic Services
Table 1. 1 Level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in the context of Delivery of Basic Services
Affective Commitment
The Punong Barangay provides for agricultural and
fisheries support services, i.e., planting and fishing
materials and operation system, management and operation
of agricultural lands, seaweeds farms, collection and buying
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay gives support to health services, i.e.,
augmentation to RHU/ BHS staffs and promotion of
availment of health services.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay provides services and facilities
related to hygiene and sanitation and beautification.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay provides services and facilities
related to solid waste collection and disposal.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay provides services and facilities in
recognition of the rights of the vulnerable sectors of the
community (women and children, PWD, senior citizens).
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay maintains the functionality of
Katarungang Pambarangay
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay provides the maintenance of
barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay gives provision for infrastructure
facilities such as multipurpose hall, multipurpose
pavement, plaza, sports center, and other similar facilities.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay maintains the presence public
information and reading center.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay encourages the promotion and
maintenance of public market, where viable.
Very Competent
Total Weighted Mean
Very Competent
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Table 1.1 shows the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in the context of
Delivery of Basic Services. As revealed in this table, this sub-category obtained a total weighted
mean score of 4.8440 with standard deviation of .17997 which is rated as Very Competent.
Respondents of this expressed agreement that Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are very competent in their duties and responsibilities
specifically on the delivery of basic services. That is, local Punong barangays in the municipality
of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are very competent in facilitating the basic social
services for the constituents.
1.2 In the context of Executive Functions
Table 1.2 Level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in the context of Executive functions
Executive Functions
The Punong Barangaay enforces all laws and ordinances
which are applicable within the barangay.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay maintains public order in the
barangay and, in pursuance thereof, assist the municipal
mayor and the Sangguniang members in the performance of
their duties and functions.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay organizes and leads an emergency
group whenever the same may be necessary for the
maintenance of the peace and order or on occasions of
emergency or calamity within the barangay.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay, in coordination with the BDC,
prepares the Annual Executive and Supplemental Budgets
of the barangay.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay prepares an Annual Procurement
Program for the ensuing fiscal year on or before the 15th
day of July of each year.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay approves vouchers relating to the
disbursements of barangay funds.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay exercises general supervision over
the activities of the Sangguniang Kabataan.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay conducts “Annual Barangay Feast”
which shall feature traditional sports and culture which shall
feature and celebrate the innate traditions of the barangay.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay promotes the general welfare of the
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay represents the barangay in all
meetings and deliberations called by the different chapters
of the Liga ng mga Barangay.
Very Competent
Total Weighted Mean
Very Competent
Table 1.2 shows the Level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in the context of
Executive functions. As revealed in this table, this sub-category obtained a total weighted mean
score of 4.7680 with standard deviation of .24283 which is rated as Very Competent. Respondents
of this expressed agreement that Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Province of Sulu are very competent in their functions specifically on the delivery of executive
functions. That is, local Punong barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province
of Sulu are very competent in maneuvering the barangay local government unit towards gearing
up for improvement and development.
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Specifically, employee-respondents rated as agree or with Very Competent the following
items: “The Punong Barangaay enforces all laws and ordinances which are applicable within the
1.3 In the context of Legislative Functions
Table 1.3 Level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in the context of Legislative functions
Legislative Functions
The Punong Barangay calls and presides over the sessions
of the Sangguniang Barangay and the barangay assembly,
and vote only to break a tie.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay chairs the Barangay Development
Council (BDC) and its Executive Committee and
implement the barangay development plan (BDP), projects
and activities.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay has the ability in conveying
Legislative Agenda orally to their colleagues and
constituents, can express their ideas clearly and effectively
when communicating with their colleagues and other
Very Competent
Upon approval by a majority of all the members of the
Sangguniang Barangay, the Punong Barangay appoints or
replaces the barangay treasurer, the barangay secretary,
and other appointive barangay officials.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay administers the operation of the
Katarungang Pambarangay in accordance with the
provisions of the Local Government Code.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay acts on leaves of absence of
Sangguniang Barangay members.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay establishes a procedure whereby
complaints and grievance of barangay employees may be
inquired into, acted upon, resolved or settled.
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay causes the administrative
proceedings against any barangay appointive employee
who may have committed an offense in their official
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay submits an annual report to the SB
on the socio-economic, political and peace and order
conditions and other matters concerning the barangay
which shall cover the immediate preceding calendar year,
copy furnished the Department of the Interior and Local
Very Competent
The Punong Barangay creates monitoring and evaluation
framework for effective policy implementation
incorporating standards, risk management and impact
Very Competent
Total Weighted Mean
Very Competent
Legend: (5) 4.50-5.0=Very Competent (VC); (4) 3.50 – 4.49=Highly Competent (HC); (3) 2.50 –
3.49=Moderately Competent (MC); (2) 1.50 – 2.49=Less Competent (MC); (1) 1.00 – 1.49=Incompetent (I)
Table 1.3 shows the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in the context of
Legislative functions. As revealed in this table, this sub-category obtained a total weighted mean
score of 4.5650 with standard deviation of .29623 which is rated as Very Competent. Respondents
of this expressed agreement that Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Province of Sulu are very competent in their functions specifically on the delivery of legislative
functions. That is, local Punong barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province
of Sulu are very competent in their power to legislate in the context of Sangguniang Pambarangay.
Specifically, employee-respondents rated as agree or with Very Competent the following
items: “The Punong Barangay calls and presides over the sessions of the Sangguniang Barangay
and the barangay assembly, and vote only to break a tie”
Question 2: Is there a significant difference on the level of competencies in local
governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province
of Sulu when they are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of 3.1 Age; 3.2
Gender; 3.3 Civil status, 3.4 Average monthly income; and 3.5 Educational attainment?
2.1. According of Age
Table 2.1 Differences in the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they are grouped
according to their demographic profile in terms of age
Sources of Variation
Sum of
Mean Square
of Land Status
and/or Survey
Not Significant
for the
Approval of
Survey Plan
Not Significant
for Public
Land Titling
Not Significant
*Significant at alpha 0.05
Table 2.1 presents the differences in the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they
are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of age. It can be gleaned from this
table that the value of F-ratios and P-values of all other sub-categories subsumed under the level
of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are not significant at alpha .05. This means that, although
respondents vary in age range, yet they do not differ in their assessment towards the level of
competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. This result implies that being older or within 31 years old &
above may not probably put an respondent in a vantage point towards assessing the level of
competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays than those who are within 20
years old & below, and 21-30 years old, or vice versa.
Nonetheless, it is safe to say that variable age has no significant mediation in ways how
employee-respondents assessed the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
2.2 According to Gender
Table 2.2 Difference in the extent of implementation of Land Management Services of
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Energy-Sulu as perceived by the clients in terms
of age.
S. D.
Delivery of
basic services
Not Significant
Not Significant
*Significant at alpha 0.05
Table 2.2 shows the differences in the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they
are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of gender. It can be gleaned from this
table that, except for “Executive Functions” the value of mean differences of all other sub-
categories subsumed under the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are not significant at
alpha .05. This means that male and female respondents do not differ in their assessment towards
the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of
Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. This finding implies that being a male respondent may
not necessarily put him in a vantage point towards assessing the level of competencies in local
governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province
of Sulu than his female counterpart, or vice versa.
Consequently, it is safe to say that variable gender has no significant influence in the ways how
employee-respondents assessed the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu.
2.3 According to Civil Status
Table 2.3 Differences in the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they are grouped
according to their demographic profile in terms of civil status
Sources of Variation
Sum of
Delivery of
Not Significant
*Significant alpha .05
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Table 2.3 presents the differences in the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they
are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of civil status. It can be gleaned from
this table that, except for “Delivery of Basic Services” the value of F-ratios and P-values of all
other sub-categories subsumed under the level of competencies in local governance among the
Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are indeed
significant at alpha .05. This means that, the fact that respondents vary in age range, still they
indeed differ in their assessment towards the level of competencies in local governance among the
Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. This result
implies that being married may probably put a respondent in a vantage point towards assessing the
level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays than those who are single,
and separated/widowed, or vice versa.
Nonetheless, it is safe to say that variable age has indeed a significant mediation in ways how
employee-respondents assessed the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu.
2.3 According to Civil Status
Table 2.3.1 Post Hoc Analysis: Differences in the level of competencies in local governance
among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when
they are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of civil status
(I) Grouping by Civil
(J) Grouping by
Civil Status
Difference (I-J)
Std. Error
*Significant alpha .05
A Post Hoc Analysis using Tukey Test was conducted to determine which among groups
classified according to civil status to have different levels of mean in areas subsumed under the
level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of
Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they are grouped according to their demographic
profile in terms of civil status.
The result of the analysis which is shown in Table 3.1.1 indicates that the difference in the
means of Executive Functions is obtained by way of lower group mean minus higher group mean.
On Executive Function: It shows that the group of respondents who are married obtained
the mean difference of -.24009* with Standard Error of .07382 and p-value of .004 which is
significant at alpha=.05 over the group of respondents who are separated/widowed. So under this
sub-category, no other group of respondents of respondents are supposed to have better ways of
assessing the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in terms of Executive Functions than those
respondents who are.
2.4 According to Average Monthly Income
Table 2. 4 Differences in the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they are grouped
according to their demographic profile in terms of average monthly income
Sources of Variation
Sum of
Delivery of
Not Significant
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
Not Significant
Not Significant
*Significant alpha .05
Table 2.4 presents the differences in the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they
are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of average monthly income. It can be
gleaned from this table that the value of F-ratios and P-values of all the sub-categories subsumed
under the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are not significant at alpha .05. This means
that, although respondents vary in age range, yet they do not differ in their assessment towards the
level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of
Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. This result implies that for a respondent to have 10,001
& above of monthly income may not necessarily put him/her in a vantage point towards assessing
the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays than those who have
5,000 & below, and 5,001-10,000 of average monthly income, or vice versa.
Nonetheless, it is safe to say that variable average monthly income has no significant mediation in
ways how employee-respondents assessed the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu.
2.5 According to Educational Attainment
Table 2.5 Differences in the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong
Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they are grouped
according to their demographic profile in terms of educational attainment
Sources of Variation
Sum of
Delivery of
Not Significant
Not Significant
Not Significant
*Significant alpha .05
Table 2.5 presents the differences in the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu when they
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
are grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of educational attainment. It can be
gleaned from this table that the value of F-ratios and P-values of all the sub-categories subsumed
under the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are not significant at alpha .05. This means
that, although respondents vary in educational attainment, yet they do not differ in their assessment
towards the level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the
municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu. This result implies that for a respondent
to have a college degree may not necessarily put him/her in a vantage point towards assessing the
level of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays than those who have
elementary level, high school level, and no formal level of education, or vice versa.
Nonetheless, it is safe to say that variable educational attainment has no significant mediation in
ways how employee-respondents assessed the level of competencies in local governance among
the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu.
Question 3. Is there a significant correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the level
of competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu?
Table 3. Correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the level of competencies
in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji Panglima Tahil,
Province of Sulu in terms of Delivery of Basic Services, Executive Functions, and Legislative
Pearson r
Delivery of Basic
Executive Functions
Nearly Zero
Delivery of Basic
Executive Functions
*Correlation Coefficient is significant at alpha .05
Correlation Coefficient Scales Adopted from Hopkins, Will (2002):0.0-0.1=Nearly Zero; 0.1-0.30=Low; .3-0.5
0=Moderate; .5-0.7-0=High; .7-0.9= Very High; 0.9-1=Nearly Perfect
Table 4 illustrates the correlation among the sub-categories subsumed under the level of
competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in terms of Delivery of Basic Services, Executive functions, and
Legislative Functions. It can be gleaned from this table that the computed Pearson Correlation
Coefficients (Pearson r) among these variables are indeed significant at alpha .05.
Specifically, the degrees of correlations among the sub-categories subsumed under the
level of effectiveness of outcome-based teaching approach among Sulu State College faculty are
as follows:
1) High positive correlation between Delivery of Basic Services and Executive Functions;
2) Nearly zero positive correlation between Delivery of Basic Services and Legislative
These results indicate that the group of employee-respondents who assessed the level of
competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in terms of Delivery of Basic Services as Very Competent is
Social Psychology and Human Experience
(2024) Volume 1 Issue 1
probably the same group of respondents who assessed the Executive Functions and Legislative
Functions as Very Competent, respectively.
For the time being, it is safe to say that, generally the sub-categories subsumed under the level of
competencies in local governance among the Punong Barangays in the municipality of Hadji
Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu in terms of Delivery of Basic Services, Executive Functions, and
Legislative Functions is moderately correlated
6. Conclusion
The study discovered that respondents in Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of
Sulu, are well represented in terms of age, gender, civil status, average monthly income, and
educational level. Age, gender, and income do not significantly influence respondents' evaluations
of local governing competence. Employees who assessed their level of competence in local
governance were most often the same people who assessed Executive and Legislative Functions.
The findings corroborate Antal Szerletics, Gerry Stoker, and B. Guy Peters' concept highlights the
significance of effective governance in achieving successful sustainability and responsibility
7. Recommendation
Based on the findings and conclusions, this study forwards the following recommendations:
1)The Local Government Unit of Hadji Panglima Tahil may adopt the results of this study as
baseline input for officials and functionaries in determining the type and focus of capability
trainings and seminars that will enhance the competence of their respective Punong Barangays in
their area, respectively.
2) The Punong Barangays may utilize results of this study to further empower and equip
themselves with plans, programs, and activities that will further enhance their level of
competencies in local governance and will allow them to dig deeper into their roles as barangay
chief executives.
3) The Constituents may use the results of this study to assist the people in determining whom to
choose as Punong Barangays during the local elections. Competent Punong Barangays will result
to good governance that will facilitate to improve benefits for the people; and
4) Student-researchers in the field of public administration are encouraged to replicate this study
but to include other variables like competencies of local government units in municipal level, work
engagement among employees of local government units, and work stress and anxiety among
employees of local government units in some other settings.
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