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Modied Bamboo Shoots Flour Derived from the Ampel
Gading Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad var. Striata):
Physicochemical Properties and Potential Applications
as a Thickening Agent
1Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia.
2Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia.
Modied our is widely used in the food industry to enhance viscosity and
texture. Previous research has investigated fermenting Bamboo Shoots
Flour from Ampel Gading Bamboo which is rich in ber. Physical process
combination, like temperature changes, and chemical modifications
using acids or bases, may alter the our's gel-forming properties, thereby
expanding its applications, including as a thickening agent. The objective
of this study is to evaluate the physicochemical properties and potential
applications of Modied Bamboo Shoots Flour (MBFS) as a thickening agent.
The analysis demonstrated that MBSF comprises 28.41% carbohydrates,
with 4.88% crude ber and 18.68% starch, featuring 4.74% amylose and
13.94% amylopectin (wet basis). Additionally, it contains 28.10% protein
and 11.17% fat (wet basis), maintaining the characteristic form of MBSF.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) evaluation revealed the presence
of ovate-shaped, rough and irregular surface starch granules. Heating a
2% MBSF suspension to 100°C increases viscosity, solubility, and swelling
power. Low acidity (pH 10) enhances swelling power without aecting
viscosity signicantly. Both low acidity and heat treatments enhance the
thickening properties of the MBFS. This study oers fundamental insights
into the physical and chemical characteristics of MBFS, thereby facilitating
its potential application in nal products.
CONTACT Rohadi rohadijarod_ftp@usm.ac.id Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Semarang University,
Semarang, Indonesia.
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Enviro Research Publishers.
This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY).
Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CRNFSJ.12.1.18
Article History
Received: 12 February
Accepted: 19 April 2024
Acidity; Bamboo Shoots;
Heat; Modied Flour;
Thickening Agent.
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
ISSN: 2347-467X, Vol. 12, No. (1) 2024, Pg. 225-233
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
The annual increment, around 10-12%, in the
quantity and value of imported food additives for
Indonesia's food and beverage industry is notable.
Extensive research spanning several decades has
been conducted on diverse hydrocolloid sources
employed as food additives.1,2,3 Thickeners are
deliberately incorporated to impact specic attributes
of food quality. Presently, Indonesia's regulatory
framework approves 59 types of thickeners for
circulation and use in food processing, including
pectin, cellulose, dextrin, enzyme-modied starch,
acid, and alkaline modified starch.4,5,6 Modified
starches are derived through various methods
such as high-pressure heat application, enzymatic,
and chemical modifications.5,6 Enzymatically
modied starches are achieved through fermenting
carbohydrate-rich raw materials utilizing culture or
spontaneous fermentation, for instance, the
production of fermented cassava our and modied
bamboo shoots starch.5,6,7,8,9
Bamboo shoots stand as one of the widely favored
vegetables in Central Java, Indonesia, commonly
utilized fresh or fermented as llers in spring rolls.9,10
Typically sourced from the Ampel Gading bamboo
variety, fermented bamboo shoots (FBS) exhibit
the capacity to enhance dissolved dietary bers,
mitigate cyanide acid (HCN), and improve texture
and digestibility.9,11 Recognized for its nutritional
and functional attributes, fermented bamboo shoots
serve as a wholesome dietary option.12,13 Previous
investigations have indicated that Fermented
Bamboo Shoots Flour (FBSF) is rich in proteins,
minerals, and insoluble bers, rendering it unsuitable
as a thickening agent but suitable as animal feed.11
Fermented bamboo shoots are used in traditional
Indian medicine (Ayurveda) for various medicinal
purposes13 and extend into non-food industries,
contributing to the production of bioethanol,
bio-methane, food fibers, carbohydrates, and
serving as a raw material for extracting potassium
minerals.13,14 Numerous studies worldwide have
explored the health benets of both fermented and
unfermented bamboo shoot our, its potential as a
substitute for wheat in cookie production, and its
role in altering the nutritional composition of frozen
products.15,16,17 Reports indicated the utilization of
fermented bamboo shoots our (FBSF) derived from
Petung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) in cookie
dough preparation, while a combination of FBSF
and swamp tuber, originating from South Kalimantan,
Indonesia, demonstrated suitability as a coating for
various fried products.15 Acceptable supplementation
of cookies with bamboo shoot our is up to 6%.16 FBSF,
abundant in proteins, lipids, minerals, and insoluble
bers, holds promise as animal feed due to its low
acid detergent bers (ADF) and neutral detergent
bers (NDF) content.11 . Fermented Bamboo Shoots
(FBS) as a substitution or supplementation material
in food product manufacturing remains highly
promising. A synergistic approach to processing
targeted at generating modied our holds potential
for broadening its applicability in food products, with
a particular emphasis on its role as a thickening
agent. The integration of physical modications,
characterized by temperature variations, alongside
chemical alterations utilizing acids and bases, may
exert inuence on the gelling properties inherent to
modied fermented our. This combined approach
oers a comprehensive strategy for optimizing the
functional attributes of our to meet the diverse
requirements encountered in food formulation and
processing. Through the integration of various our
modication processing techniques, this study aims
to evaluate the physicochemical properties and
potential applications of Modied Bamboo Shoots
Flour as a thickening agent in food products.
Materials and Methods
Bamboo shoots of the Ampel Gading var. (Bambusa
vulgaris Schrad var. Striata) obtained from bamboo
farmers in Demak (Central Java, Indonesia) were
validated by the Plant Systematics Laboratory,
Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta with a certicate No.01479/S.Tb/III/2021.
Culture Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0027 (CCRC
12251) was obtained from the Food and Nutrition
Culture Collection (FNCC) Microbiology Lab. Gadjah
Mada University. The chemicals used for analysis
were sulfuric acid (H2SO4), potassium sulfate
(K2SO4), boric acid (H3BO3), sodium hydroxide
(NaOH), hydrochloric acid (HCl), petroleum ether,
glucose, acetic acid, and potassium iodide (KI)
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Missouri, USA).
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
Sample Preparation of Modied Bamboo Shoots
Fresh bamboo shoots measuring between 20 and
23 cm in height were dissected to separate the
blade and sheath parts, obtaining the edible part
of bamboo shoots (EPBS). The EPBS underwent
thorough washing with running water until completely
clean. Subsequently, the bamboo shoots were
boiled in a water bath at 80±3 oC for 30 minutes.17
Post-boiling, the boiled bamboo shoots (BBS)
were removed, drained, and sliced into 0.2-0.4 mm
thick pieces using a slicer. These slices were then
subjected to fermentation in a 5% salt solution with
the addition of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0027
starter (10 mL/L of mixture) for a fermentation period
of 14 days within a fermenter set at 28±2 oC and
80-90% relative humidity in a sealed air fermenter.
The fermented bamboo shoot slices were pulverized
using a chopper to obtain a slurry. The resultant
slurry was ltered using a lter cloth to extract the
ltrate. Sedimentation of the ltrate was conducted
for 12 hours, followed by decantation to separate the
solid sediment. The obtained sediment underwent
washing and separation processes involving two
cycles of water ltration and settling. Subsequently,
the clean sediment was dried in an oven at 45 oC for
20 hours, ensuring a moisture content of 8-10% at
the completion of the drying process. The resulting
dried sediment was identied as modied bamboo
shoots our (MBSF).
Preparation of MBSF Gel at Various Temperatures
The preparation of MBSF gel was conducted
following the methodology outlined in2 with slight
modications. A solution containing 2% MBSF was
heated in a water bath at various temperatures
corresponding to specic treatments (60, 70, 80, 90,
and 100°C) for 15 minutes under continuous stirring.
Subsequently, heating of the MBSF gel was ceased,
allowing the gel to cool down to room temperature
(28-30°C). Once cooled, the viscosity of the gel was
measured using a Brookeld viscometer.
Preparation of MBSF Gel at Dierent Acidity
The preparation of MBSF gel at varying acidity levels
was conducted following the procedure outlined
in.18 with minor adaptations. A mixture comprising
1.5% MBSF in solvents with dierent acidity levels
(ranging from pH 2 to pH 10) was heated in a water
bath at 90°C for 15 minutes while continuously
stirring. Subsequently, the heating of the MBSF
gel was terminated, allowing the gel to cool to
room temperature (28-30°C). After reaching room
temperature, the viscosity of the gel was measured
using a Brookeld viscometer.
Viscosity Measurement
The measurement of gel viscosity was conducted
following the method described in2 with minor
adjustments. In brief, each sample, comprising 100
mL, was placed in a 250 mL glass beaker, and three
spindles were utilized, setting the shear rate at 200
rpm. Triplicate measurements were performed for
each treatment.
Determination of MBSF Solubility
The solubility (%) of MBSF was assessed using
the method outlined by Pham et al. [18] with
slight modications. Initially, 0.5 g of MBSF was
suspended in 30 mL of distilled water within a 50
mL test tube. The suspension was then heated
in a thermostatically controlled water bath for 30
minutes at varying temperatures, ranging from
60 to 100°C in 10°C intervals. Subsequently, the
test tube was rapidly cooled to room temperature
before centrifugation at 2500 rpm for 30 minutes.
The supernatant obtained was transferred into an
aluminum cup and dried at 120°C for 4 hours. The
solubility of MBSF was calculated using the following
Solubility (%)= (MBSF dissolved in supernatant (g))/
(Dry MBSF weight) (g)×100%
Determination of Swelling Power
Swelling power refers to the increase in volume and
weight of MBSF following its exposure to water and
subsequent heating. The swelling power of MBSF
was determined following the methods outlined by
Pham et al.,18 with slight modications. Initially, a
sample of MBSF weighing 0.2 g was dispersed in 5
mL of distilled water and then heated incrementally
from 60 to 100°C at 10°C intervals. After maintaining
this temperature for 10 minutes, the heated sample
was rapidly cooled to room temperature and
subsequently centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 15 minutes.
The supernatant was carefully removed, and the
swelling power was calculated as the weight of the
sediment using the following formula:
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
Swelling power (%)= (MBSF post weight (g))/(Dry
MBSF weight) (g)×100%
Determination of Chemical Composition, SEM,
and Color Analysis
The proximate analysis of MBSF was conducted
following the pertinent standard procedure outlined
in.19 The amylose content was quantified in
accordance with the methodology described
by, 20 while the determination of starch content
was performed using the method outlined in
AOAC 920.44. The assessment of starch granule
morphology and the molecular composition of MBSF
were examined using scanning electron microscopy
(SEM/EDX Mapping). Additionally, colorimetric
measurements were obtained using a Chromameter
Minolta CR 400.
Statistical Analysis
The physicochemical properties data of MBSF were
acquired from three replicates and are presented
as mean ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis
was conducted to ascertain signicant dierences
(p < 0.05) among the obtained results, utilizing
ANOVA followed by Duncan’s multiple range test.
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
23.0 (SPSS Inc., USA).
Results and Discussion
Chemical Composition and SEM Prole
Extraction of modied bamboo shoots our (MBSF)
by ltration and sedimentation methods obtained a
yield of 0.37 ± 0.02% as crude starch. The chemical
composition of modied our from fermented bamboo
shoots is shown in Table 1. The starch content of MBSF
was 18.68 ± 0.11%, which is composed of amylose
4.74 ± 0.04 % and amylopectin 13.94 ± 0.14%
respectively. The amylopectin fraction is much
larger than the amylose (3:1), as is the composition
of starch in general. Amylopectin, a branched
polysaccharide, contributes to the gelatinization
process and the formation of gels. Amylose, a linear
polysaccharide, also plays a role in the thickening
properties of starch. The ratio between amylose
and amylopectin determines the texture of the
Table 1: Chemical composition of MBSF
Sample Content
Moisture (%) 8.20 ± 0.03
Lipid (%) 11.27 ± 0.06
Protein total (cf = 6.25) 28.10 ± 0.05
Carbohydrate (by dierence) 28.41 ± 0.03
Crude ber (%) 4.88 ± 0.05
Starch (%) 18.68 ± 0.11
Amylose (%) 4.74 ± 0.04
Amylopectin (%) 13.94 ± 0.14
Calorie (kkal) 280.81 ± 0.52
Color (L) 73.82±0.025
Color (a*) 0.12 ± 0.015
Color (b*) 18.23 ± 0.04
Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.76 0.03
Note: Values are mean ± standard deviation
gelatinized starch, with a higher amylose content
resulting in rmer gels. However, the MBSF contains
relative high protein (28.10 ± 0.05 %), lipid (11.27
± 0.06%), and ash (24.00 ± 0.02 %), so does not
meet the standard as starch our.21 Referring to the
national tapioca industry standard, SNI 3451:2011
concerning tapioca, which requires a minimum
starch content of 75%, a maximum of 0.4% crude
bers and maximum moisture content of 14%.22
Scanning with an electron microscope shows
the shape of MBSF granules is ovate, rough and
irregular surface, that may provides more surface
area for interaction with liquids, enhancing the
thickening properties of the our (Figure 1). This
is because a rough surface increases the contact
area between the our and the liquid, allowing for
more ecient absorption and swelling of the starch
granules. MBSF as a food additive is a minerals
source of 24% (Table 1), consisting of 4.3% Na2O,
0.7% P2O5, 0.7% SO3, 5.32% Cl, 0.95% K2O, 0.64%
Ca0, 1,05% CuO and Ag2O in trace. From Fig. 1.
It appears that the starch molecules are spaced out,
this conrms that the starch obtained is still in the
form of crude starch (Table 1).
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
Psychochemical Properties of MBSF Gel by
Changes in Heating Temperature
Changes in the Gel Viscosity
The gel viscosity of 2% our suspension at 5 heating
temperature (60-100oC) is shown in Table 3. The
heating temperature had a significant effect on
the resulting gel viscosity (p<0.05). The increasing
suspension heating temperature resulted in an
increasingly viscous gel. The higher the heating
temperature, the more color will be generated.
Fig. 1: Modied bamboo shoots our granule morphology scanning as result of scanning
with SEM/EDX at 5.000 x (left) and 10.000 x (right) magnication.
Table 2: Physicochemical gel of MBSF at various heating temperature
Sample Viscosity (cP)* Solubility (%)* Swelling power (%)*
T1/ 60 ⁰C 9. 50 ± 1.00a 1.02 ± 0.06a 17.33 ± 0.42a
T2/ 70 ⁰C 10.00 ± 0.50a 1.77 ± 0.08b 21.99 ± 0.44b
T3/ 80 ⁰C 11.16 ± 0.29b 2.42 ± 0.67c 23.07 ± 1.82c
T4/ 90 ⁰C 13.00 ± 0.50c 3.07 ± 0.12d 25.15 ± 1.99d
T5/ 100 ⁰C 13.83 ± 0.28c 3.91 ± 0.26e 27.71 ± 2.54e
*Numbers followed by dierent superscript letters in the same columns indicate there
were a signicant dierence between treatments (p<0.05), n=3.
Heat is used to break the bond between starch
molecules, so that the broken starch granules bind
more water on the amorphous side and cause
the starch suspension to become more viscous.23
The maximum viscosity of the 2% MBSF suspension
which is 13-13.8 cP., is equivalent to the viscosity of
2% sweet potatoes starch.18 The MBSF gel viscosity
assay using the Perten rapid analyzer method
(Model RVA 4, Newport Scientic, Australia) obtained
equivalent data. However, the viscosity of MBSF is
much lower than that of Konjac our (A. oncophyllus)
1.5% of 12x103 cP.2 This may be related to the level
of purity of MBSF (Table 1).
Solubility of MBSF
Flour solubility expresses the amount of our (g)
dissolved in the supernatant (100 g of solvent) due
to the amylose fraction leaching and dissociating and
coming out of the granules during swelling, then the
is recovered after supernatant is dried. The statistical
analysis showed that the heating temperature had
a signicant eect of solubility (p<0.05), shown in
Table 2. The solubility of MBSF was lower than
the solubility of both Yam and sweet potato starch.
The solubility of both our at heating temperature
of 40-90 oC according to Pham et al.18 between
2-20% and 1-5% respectively. The solubility of
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
modied cassava our was 3.32 (g/g).24 Heat causes
the interaction of the amylose and amylopectin
fraction in the dissociated polysaccharide structure,
causing an increase in water-soluble amylose.18,24
Solubility is perceived because the attractiveness
of the solute fraction is greater than the solvent.23
The amylose fraction of 4.74±0.04% (Table 1) as
the soluble fraction which is much smaller than the
amylopectin of 13.94%, was equivalent to the MBSF
solubility at 90-100 oC of 3.9 % (Table 2).
Swelling Power of MBSF
In general, the heating temperature had a signicant
eect on the swelling power (p<0.05). The higher
the heating temperature (60-100 oC) causes a
60% increase in swelling power. This is in line with
what was stated by Pham et al.18 that heating at
40-90 oC increases the swelling power of sweet
potato starch (2-14 g/g) and Taro starch (2-12 g/g).
The swelling power of MBSF (Table 2) is very low
when compared to the swelling power of others
type of starch our. It was added that the swelling
power of modied cassava our was 941-2718%,24
while sweet potato starch was 200-1400% and Taro
starch was 200-1200%.18 The low gel swell ability
of starch is due to the low starch amylose content.25
Another factor is thought to be due to the low level
of MBSF purity. The swelling power of MBSF was
correlative (r=0.92) with the viscosity gel obtained
and the correlative (r=0.96) with its viscosity value.
Meanwhile according to Pham et al.,18 swelling
power is positively correlated to viscosity but does
not to solubility.
Changes in Color of MBSF Gel
Color analysis of thickening agents is important
because it can inuence the appearance of the nal
product upon their application. Heating causes a
change in the color of the our suspension to become
opaque at rst, but as the temperature increases and
the fraction of our granules gelatinizes, a clearer
gel is formed.24 Such a phenomenon was not seen
in heating the 2% MBSF suspension (Table 3).
Table 3: Changes in color of MBSF gel
Sample Lightness (L*) Redness (a*) Yellowness (b*)
T1/ 60 ⁰C 72.71 ± 4.03d -2.21 ± 0.37a 2.10 ± 0.69a
T2/ 70 ⁰C 66.15 ± 2.05c -1.79 ± 1.20a 5.66 ± 0.28b
T3/ 80 ⁰C 57.69 ± 2.85b -1.35 ± 1.08ab 12.01 ± 3.62cd
T4/ 90 ⁰C 56.57 ± 0.52b 1.01 ± 0.63c 14.73 ± 0.40d
T5/ 100 ⁰C 41.21 ± 1.37a -0.10 ± 0.08b 16.74 ± 0.30d
*Numbers followed by dierent superscript letters indicate there was a signicant
dierence between treatments (p<0.05), n=3
Heating 2% MBSF at 60-100oC showed an increase
in turbidity. The higher the heating temperature,
the obtained gel color tends to be more yellow and
not bright (Table 3). It is suspected that the fraction
of broken starch granules-causing amylose and
amylopectin leaching – followed by water absorption
(swelling) is relatively low compared to the non-
starch fraction. So the accumulation of water trapped
in the broken starch granules (gelling) is not sucient
to provide a transparent eect of light.18,24 On the
other hand, MBSF contains 28.10% protein and
11.27% lipid which is thought to contribute to the
discoloration of the obtained gel.
Physicochemical Properties of MBSF Gel by
Changes in Acidity
To determine the eect of the degree of acidity
(pH 2-10) on physicochemical properties of MBSF
gel, heating 1.5% MBSF suspension in acetic acid
solution (pH 2-6) and sodium hydroxide (pH 8-10)
solution with heating at 90 oC/15 minutes was
performed. The viscosity, turbidity and swelling
power of modied bamboo shoot our formed can
be seen in Table 4.
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
Changes in the Gel Viscosity
The degree of acidity had no signicant eect on
the viscosity of MBSF gel (p>0.05). The MBSF gel
value was quite low (6.66-7.16 cP), lower than the
viscosity of 1.5% tapioca gel (pH6) of 56.16 ± 7.14
cP. This is in line with Akesowan,2 which stated that
dierences in degree on acidity do not signicantly
aect the viscosity of the Konjac our gel obtained.
Changes in the Turbidity of MBSF Gel
Acidity of the solvent significantly affected the
turbidity of the MBSF gel obtained (p< 0.05) (Table 4).
The level of turbidity is inversely proportional to
clarity, and it is aected by temperature, heating time
and degree of acidity. When the heating temperature
increases, the turbidity decreases.24 According to
Noranizan et al.1 the clarity of the paste is aected
by penetration and trapping of water in the matrix,
causing the starch granules to expand and increasing
the light transmitting properties. Data from Table 4
shows that the clarity of the MBSF gel (pH 6-7)
is the clearest. This is different from what was
conveyed by Diniyah et al24 that the increasing
acidity of the solvent causes the turbidity in the
modied cassava our suspension to decrease. In
addition, the turbidity of the modied cassava our
suspension decreased when the acidity mixture
increased. When compared to the clarity of the
tapioca gel (OD = 0.24), the MBSF clarity is quite
low (OD = 2.21-2.40). This is thought to be related
to the level of sample purity.
Changes in Swelling Power of MBSF Gel
The swelling properties of MBSF at various degrees
of acidity (90 oC/pH 2-10) are shown in Table 4.
In general, acidity has a signicant eect on the
swelling power (p< 0.05). The swelling power
increases slightly, along with increasing degree of
acidity. In the acidic range (pH 2-8), the swelling
power did not change much but increased drastically
in the basic zone. The swelling power during acid
treatment, the hydrogen bonds between adjacent
starches polymers are disrupted, therefore the
amorphous regions are eroded, resulting in lower
swell ability.24 Pham et al.,18 stated that acid treatment
causes partial hydrolysis, thereby reducing swelling
properties. The swelling ability of tapioca was 140
± 5.0 %, while the swelling ability of MBSF was
much lower. This is due to the low purity of MBSF,
which contains 18.68±0.11 % starch and 4.74 ±0.04
% amylose, while standard tapioca contains at least
75 % starch.
The modied bamboo shoots our (MBSF), obtained
through the ltration and settling of bamboo shoots
slurry, still retained crude starch with a yield of 0.37
± 0.02%. The chemical characteristics of MBSF
consisted of 28.41% carbohydrate, comprising
4.88% crude fiber; and 18.68% starch, which
consists of 4.47% amylose and 13.94% amylopectin
(wet basis). Additionally, it contains 28.10% protein
and 11.17% lipid content (wet basis). Meanwhile,
the physical characteristics of MBSF subjected to
varying temperature treatments ranging from 60
to 100°C exhibited notable changes in viscosity,
swelling, solubility, and color of the resultant
gel. While modications to acidity levels did not
signicantly impact viscosity, they did inuence
swelling properties, color, and solubility of the
MBSF gel. The viscosity of the resulting MBSF gel
was relatively low, measuring below 16 cP, which is
Table 4: Physicochemical properties of MBSF gel by changes in acidity
Sample Viscosity (cP) Abs. (λ=650 nm) Swelling power (%)
pH 2 6.83±0.57a 2.32±1.0ab 14.8±1.0d
pH 4 6.66±0.28a 2.40±0.9a 18.8±1.0c
pH 6 7.66±0.28a 2.21±0.6b 21.1±1.0b
pH 8 7.16±1.04a 2.42±0.5a 17.3±0.7c
pH 10 6.66±0.28a 2.32±0.5ab 25.3±1.1a
Ref./pH6 56.16±7.14* 0.24± 0.0* 140.0±5.0*
Numbers followed by dierent superscript letters indicate there was a signicant
dierence between treatments (p<0.05), n=3. *Ref. is tapioca suspension at 1.5%, pH 6.
ROHADI et al., Curr. Res. Nutr Food Sci Jour., Vol. 12(1) 225-233 (2024)
lower than expected for a thickening agent. In order
to optimize its ecacy as a thickening agent, further
research and development are necessary.
The authors acknowledge and is grateful for the
participation of two of our undergraduate students:
Sekar Ayu Putri Rahmawati and Lenny Akhyana
Mazlisa from the Department of Agri-cultural Product
Technology, University of Semarang, who helped
us during our research and our thank to the lab.
Technicians in the department mentioned above.
This work was supported by the Research and
Community Service Institute at the University
of Semarang, grant number No. 008/USM H7.
Conict of interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
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