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Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems by an Optimization Approach

  • The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine

Abstract and Figures

A system optimization method was used, which consists in the consistent justification of optimal technological and constructive solutions and parameters of drainage polder systems during the development of their projects. This is done in compliance with modern economic and environmental requirements according to criteria and models for di erent levels of management decision-making over time (project, planned operation). Based on the performed relevant predictive and optimization calculations for the conditions of the real object, the following three tasks have been accomplished. (1) The optimal pump module at the stage of operation for the existing polder drainage system has been substantiated. (2) The design of the pumping unit and the parameters of its components during the reconstruction of the polder drainage system have been improved. This made it possible to reduce the load on the pumping equipment, the duration of its operation, and the cost of electricity by 20–40%, depending on the water level of the year. The improvement was carried out by the diversion of the corresponding part of the surface runo with additionally introduced gravity elements in the form of a puncture in the body of the protective dam and a siphon intake. (3) We have substantiated the optimal water regulation technology for the existing polder drainage system in modern and forecast weather and climate conditions, which will ensure the maintenance of the necessary water-air regime of the drained soils in di erent phases of the growing season of agricultural crops. This will make it possible, on demand, to increase the energy and general environmental and economic e ciency during their creation and functioning of the polder drainage system in accordance with modern changing conditions.
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Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics 71 (2024), pp. 27–41, doi: 10.2478/heem-2024-0002
Archives of Hydro-Engineering
and Environmental Mechanics
Published since 1954 ISSN 1231–3726
Vol.64 No.12 2017
D.Prybytak, P. Zima: A Comparison of Simplified Two-dimensionalFlow
ModelsExemplifiedby WaterFlow in a Cavern .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... 141
A.Gorączko,A. Olchawa: The Amounts of WaterAdsorbed to the Surface of
ClayMineralsat the Plastic Limit.... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... 155
K.Szmidt,B. Hedzielski: Added Mass of Fluid and Fundamental Frequencies
ofaHorizontal Elastic Circular Plate Vibrating in Fluid of Constant Depth 163
W.Świdziński,J.Mierczyński, A. Mikos: Response of Partially Saturated
Non-cohesiveSoils......... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... 187
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AHEM •• VOL.64 NO.12 2017
Publishedsince1954 IndexNo.351725
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder
Drainage Systems by an Optimization Approach
Pavlo Volk1, Anatoliy Rokochynskiy1, Liubov Volk1, Yevhen Chugai1,
Ruslan Tykhenko2, Ivan Openko2, Olha Tykhenko2
1National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, 11 Soborna Str., 33028, Rivne, Ukraine;
e-mail: (corresponding author); 2National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, 17 Vasylkivska Str., 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine
(Received 06 February 2024; revised 04 April 2024)
Abstract. A system optimization method was used, which consists in the consistent justification of
optimal technological and constructive solutions and parameters of drainage polder systems during the
development of their projects. This is done in compliance with modern economic and environmen-
tal requirements according to criteria and models for different levels of management decision-making
over time (project, planned operation). Based on the performed relevant predictive and optimization
calculations for the conditions of the real object, the following three tasks have been accomplished.
(1) The optimal pump module at the stage of operation for the existing polder drainage system has
been substantiated. (2) The design of the pumping unit and the parameters of its components during the
reconstruction of the polder drainage system have been improved. This made it possible to reduce the
load on the pumping equipment, the duration of its operation, and the cost of electricity by 20–40%,
depending on the water level of the year. The improvement was carried out by the diversion of the
corresponding part of the surface runoff with additionally introduced gravity elements in the form of
a puncture in the body of the protective dam and a siphon intake. (3) We have substantiated the optimal
water regulation technology for the existing polder drainage system in modern and forecast weather and
climate conditions, which will ensure the maintenance of the necessary water-air regime of the drained
soils in different phases of the growing season of agricultural crops. This will make it possible, on de-
mand, to increase the energy and general environmental and economic efficiency during their creation
and functioning of the polder drainage system in accordance with modern changing conditions.
Key words: polder drainage system, technological and constructive parameters, ecological, eco-
nomic and investment evaluation
1. Introduction
Because over the past two decades, as a result of the transition of the country’s econ-
omy to a market economy, when the financing of the maintenance of land reclamation
facilities was rather low, in the conditions of climate change, the operation efficiency
©2024 Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academyof Sciences. This is an open access ar ticle licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (
28 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
of both polder drainage systems (PDS) and reclamation drainage systems (DS) as
a whole has decreased. That’s why most of them are in an unsatisfactory technical
and ecological state. In the territory of the Western Polissia of Ukraine, the area of
drained land is 1232.4 thousand ha. At the same time, the area where (PDS) with
reliable mechanical drainage were built is 96.7 thousand hectares.
In the past design decisions for the constructing of polder drainage systems were
characterized by the following features:
overestimated reliability, which affected the overestimated cost of construction
works of this type of objects (the design economic efficiency of the vast majority
of such objects was actually not achieved);
the ecological component was actually not considered and taken into account dur-
ing the construction of such water management and reclamation systems, and their
ecological and reclamation status was mostly unsatisfactory;
the low energy cost was not a limiting factor in their construction and operation.
Currently, the existing PDS are subject to the following changes in the conditions
of their operation:
a significant increase in energy cost;
significant wear and tear of pumping and power equipment and other technical el-
ements of the system, silting of reclamation canals and the collector and drainage
network, unsatisfactory technical condition of hydrotechnical structures on recla-
mation systems, etc.);
violations in design parameters and a decrease in both the technological (ameliora-
tive) and agricultural efficiency of reclaimed lands (decrease in their productivity
by 25–50% compared to the design one) (Shumakov 1996);
emergence of environmental problems (flooding of agricultural lands, increased
washing regime of drained soils);
low level of agricultural production and use of drained polder lands;
unsatisfactory ecological and reclamation status of drained polder lands, etc. (Ay-
darov et al 1990).
Therefore, today the issue of increasing the overall technological, ecological and
economic efficiency of drainage, primarily polder systems operation, is extremely
important. This will make it possible to:
improve the technological and technical condition of the polder system;
improve water regulation regimes and technology, as well as the operation of the
polder pumping station;
increase the fire safety of drained peat soils;
forecast of changes in their ecological and meliorational status for the nearest and
distant perspective, taking into account changes in weather and climate conditions.
Polder systems are an extremely complex and specific object of research in terms
of their construction and functioning, compared to other traditional drainage systems.
That is why we adopted a systematic approach and system analysis with its integral
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 29
component the method of optimization and modeling of complex objects and sys-
tems as the methodological basis for solving the specified problem. Such complexity
of the problem requires developing and applying modern optimization methods. Such
methods are aimed at more complete relationships and interactions of production and
natural processes during the functioning of PDS that can be solved by a complex
optimization problem with heterogeneous elements.
Therefore, to ensure the effective development of the agricultural sector of the
economy of Ukraine, it is necessary to restore the productivity and resource potential
of water management and reclamation facilities. This is impossible without increasing
the overall technical, technological, economic and environmental efficiency of their
construction and operation in accordance with current changing conditions and re-
quirements. As a result of climate change, existing environmental problems become
more complicated and require the coordination of economic and environmental goals,
which achieve the necessary overall ecological and economic effect (Kovalenko et al
2021, Orlinska et al 2022, Kuzmych, Voropai 2023).
Thus, the purpose of the presented research is the consistent substantiation of
the optimal technological parameters of polder drainage systems (pumping module
and water regulation technology) and structural parameters (pumping node design)
based on the application of a method of system optimization. This system optimization
consists of finding intermediate local optima, when each subsequent optimal decision
is made by taking into account the previous one in the sequence.
2. Methods and Techniques
Currently, in the drainage area, polder drainage systems with mechanical water lifting
are the most technically advanced. Such systems have indisputable advantages over
gravity ones both in terms of efficiency of regulating the water regime and ecology.
The main disadvantage of PDS is the relatively high cost of their construction and
operation. However, on the path of technical improvement of drainage systems, the
future is for systems with mechanical water lifting. And in the conditions of periodic
land flooding, there is no alternative to polder drainage, which is already quite devel-
oped, both in Ukraine and in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe (Schultz
The need for additional irrigation of drained lands in the western Polissia was
proven by the researches of Dolid (1990) and other scientists. At the same time, as it
was noted by (Dolid 1990, Kovalenko 2011) PDS are quite convenient hydrotechnical
complexes in terms of two-way regulation of the water regime. Due to them in certain
periods it is possible to achieve the desired groundwater level in the fields by changing
the mode of water pumping by the pumping station and timely closing of the shields
of the sluices-regulators.
The issue of regulating the water regime of drained lands on the PS in different
natural and climatic zones was studied only in certain areas. In particular (Alfonso
30 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
et al 2010, Van Overloop 2006) considered the optimization of water levels on such
systems. These traditional methods and research of a high scientific level made it pos-
sible to develop appropriate practical recommendations for the design and operation
of the PDS.
When designing PDS, an important element of their calculation is the total flow of
water to the PS (pumping station) (pumping module). Depending on its value, both the
total consumption of the PS and the number and consumption of individual pumping
units are determined. But, as evidenced by practice and the accumulated experience
of the long-term operation of such objects, the PS parameters calculated according
to simplified approaches (for example, the pumping module was recommended to be
considered and accepted only from the design area of the polder practically without
taking into account multiple other determining factors of influence) considered only
the technological efficiency PDS, practically without taking into account their eco-
nomic and ecological efficiency, which is a mandatory condition.
Therefore, in the 70s of the last century, the need to change scientific and method-
ical approaches to the creation and functioning of water management and reclamation
facilities based on the application of the optimization method was scientifically sub-
Generalized conceptual approaches to the optimization of the reclamation regime
through the formulation of general principles and the definition of indicators, criteria
and the creation of optimization models are considered in the recommendations of
I. P. Aidarova, O. I. Holovanova, Yu. M. Nikolskoho, L. M. Reksa, and others. The
main provisions of these recommendations regarding the zone of drainage reclama-
tion, together with other similar developments, are taken by us as the basis of the
conducted research (Handbook. . . 2023).
According to the studies carried out at that time (K. T. Khommik, I. S. Rabochev,
I. V. Minaiev, L. A. Downey, J. Doorenbos, A. H. Kassam, M. O. Lazarchuk, etc.),
the economic-mathematical method, which combines the advantages of traditional hy-
dromechanical and empirical methods and is based on the implementation of a com-
plex of predictive and optimization calculations, was adopted to determine the pa-
rameters of reclamation systems and their modes of operation. But the optimization
methods and models developed at that time were considered and used mainly for the
justification of local single decisions regarding individual elements of the system or
water regulation technologies, in particular, the optimal parameters of the main chan-
nel, hydrotechnical structures, drainage, etc.
At the same time, it turned out that in the modern conditions of the transition to
market relations in the country, this method, as a simplified optimization method, in
the form in which it was implemented, considered only the economic component of
optimization and did not take into account environmental efficiency when determining
optimal technical and technological solutions and their parameters. It also does not
meet modern requirements, namely:
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 31
insecurity of comparison of options for project solutions in terms of the volume
and quality of the obtained agricultural products;
conditionalities and the relevant relativity of the implementation of this method
regarding the term of determination of productivity losses and the validity of the
design values of this productivity;
impossibility to differentially determine the optimal parameters of technical
and technological solutions for water regulation about different levels of pro-
ductivity of cultivated crops, taking into account the multiple variables of the
natural-agro-reclamation conditions of the real object;
non-compliance with modern ecological and economic requirements.
That is why the existing methods of design and calculation of PDS need to be
changed and transition to a system methodology for determining their energy effi-
ciency and overall efficiency of operation.
Consideration of a PDS as a complex natural-technical and ecological-economic
system requires finding the general optimum in such a system on the basis of sys-
tem optimization. The essence of such optimization consists in finding intermediate
and local optima for all its main components of water regulation elements (pump-
ing station, main canal, sluices-regulators, drainage, etc.) and their operation modes
(pumping and water supply units, etc.), by all the main variables in space and time fac-
tors affecting the efficiency of water regulation (climate, topography, cultivated crops,
soils, schemes and technology of water regulation, etc.) (Volk 2023). The same applies
to the search for the optimum also for all components of the system effect mode
technology construction design and the implementation of the proper optimization
model (Volk, Haponiuk 2023).
By analogy and in the development of such an approach, in accordance with the
structural scheme of the PDS (Fig. 1), it is advisable to consider the technical subsys-
tem of the type of parameters of water regulation (pumping) parameters of em-
bankment dams parameters of a closed collector and drainage network param-
eters of reclamation channels, regulating structures and advance camera (regulating
basin) parameters of pumping and power equipment, etc.
The flow of water from the surface of the reclaimed field through all elements of
the PDS is created due to the pressure gradient in the advance chamber (regulating
basin), which is ensured by the operation of the PS and, accordingly, the amount of
electricity spent on it, which determines the significant energy consumption of this
Thus, the optimization of the parameters of various efficiency indicators of the
primary reclamation measures on the existing PDS can be presented as given param-
eters of the economic and ecological effect the optimal pumping modules the
optimal parameters of the PDS.
At the same time, the pumping module acts as a key link of such a subsystem, as
the main factor providing water regulation. Then, the functional connection between
its components determines the need to use system optimization. This is when differ-
32 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
Fig. 1. Structure diagram of PDS
1 embankment dams; 2 collector and drainage network; 3 a network of
side channels; 4 the main channel; 5 advance chamber or regulating pool;
6 pumping and power equipment; 7 water intake; 8 regulating structures
and means of automation of drainage; 9 regulatory structures and means of
automating water supply
ent levels of decision-making are consistently considered in time by various criteria
regarding the optimization of pumping module parameters, which are used to justify
the design parameters of the PS and other elements of the PDS in their relationship.
Thus, the substantiation of the technological and design parameters of the PDS
based on system optimization includes the performance of optimization calculations
in the following sequence: substantiation of the optimal pumping module at the stage
of operation for the PDS; substantiation of the design of the pumping unit and the
parameters of its components during reconstruction; substantiation of the technology
of water regulation of drained lands for PDS. This is possible under appropriate cri-
teria, conditions, and complex models of economic and environmental optimization
regarding different levels of management decision-making over time (project, planned
operation, operational management of the object).
At the operation stage of the existing PDS, by analogy with (Rokochinskiy et al
2023), the optimal parameters of the pumping module can be justified by the following
complex optimization model
Di p ·αp,i=1,ni;
Di p |qsˆqecol|·αp,i=1,ni,
where D0 is the optimal value of the criterion of net income Dby the i-th variant of
PD population {i},i=1,ni, UAH/ha; αpis known (determined or specified) values
of repeatability or shares of the possible state of typical meteorological regimes in
the estimated vegetation periods of the population {p},p=1,npwithin the design
term of the object’s operation,
αp=1; q0 is the optimal estimated value of the
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 33
drainage coefficient by the i-th version of the PD, l/s·ha; (the optimal calculated value
of the drainage flow module according to the i-th variant of the design solution, as
the conditions for the environmental optimality of the pumping module for the PDS,
l/s·ha); qs is the weighted average value of the drainage coefficient within the system
and the design term of the object’s operation by the i-th version of the PD, l/s·ha;
ˆqecol is the limit value of the drainage coefficient, which corresponds to the level of
ecological efficiency of the drainage operation in the studied conditions, l/s·ha; i is
the variants of the PD population {i},i=1,niregarding the type, design and drainage
The economic criterion for optimization is the indicator of net income D. Net
income is achieved by obtaining a certain volume of agricultural products grown on
reclaimed lands when applying various options for technological solutions of the pop-
ulation {i},i=1,ni possible methods and schemes of water regulation at the system,
determined by its type, design, water supply, etc. (Volk et al 2022).
In this case, the optimization condition is the maximization of the net income
and the objective function is
In the expression (2), the current costs Ciof obtaining products consist of agricul-
tural Cagr
iand operational costs Co
i. Operational costs include the costs for deprecia-
tion and repair Ai, reclamation costs Cr ecl
iinclude the costs for system maintenance
and water for irrigation on drained lands.
Accordingly, at the stage of reconstruction, the optimal parameters of the PS and
other elements of the PDS are substantiated by the following complex optimization
model (Volk 2023). Accordingly, at the stage of reconstruction, the optimal design of
the PDS pumping unit and its constituent elements is substantiated according to the
following complex optimization model
ZPi p ·αp,i=1,ni;
Di p |qsˆqecol|·αp,i=1,ni,
where ZP0 is the optimal value of the criterion by the i-th variant of PD population
{i},i=1,ni, UAH/ha.
34 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
The general economic criterion for optimization is the given costs Z, reduced to
a comparative form ZP by the volume (cost) Vof the received products in the variants
of the technical solutions of the population {i},i=1,ni types and designs of the
polder systems, determined by the accepted methods and schemes of water regulation
Volk 2023, Frolenkova 2023)
where kV
Zi is the summation coefficient of the given costs Ziby the volume (value)
Viof the obtained products by the variants of the technical solutions of the population
{i},i=1,ni, which is determined by the inverse ratio 1/Vi;Ci current costs for
obtaining products by the variants of technical solutions; En normative coefficient
of economic efficiency of capital investments Kiby the corresponding variants of
technical solutions.
Then the expression (5) becomes:
The substantiation of the optimal water regulation technology for the current PDS
is carried out according to the appropriate optimization model, which is similar to
model (5).
The work of the drainage on the PDS when using the drying mode leads to an
increase in the flushing water regime in different vegetation periods in terms of heat
and moisture supply. As a result of that, soil fertility decreases due to leaching of
nutrients and disruption of the soil structure. Therefore, the deviation of the weighted
average value of the drainage coefficient within the system and the design term of the
object’s operation qsfrom its limit value ˆqecol , which corresponds to the ecological
drainage efficiency, i.e. qsˆqecol can be a criterion for the ecological optimality of
the pumping module on the PDS (Koptyuk et al 2023).
The minimization of the drainage coefficient leads to an increase in the overall
moisture supply within the DS, which is extremely relevant for drained peat soils
under conditions of climate change (Shang 2014, Su et al 2019, Volk 2023).
The mentioned issues were solved on the example of the modernization of the
“Birky” PDS on an area of 544 hectares, which is located in the Volodymyretsky
district of the Rivne region (Fig. 2). In view of its design, the system can implement all
the main technologies of water regulation on drained lands: drainage with mechanical
pumping and regular drainage, preventive sluicing, subsoil irrigation and sprinkler
irrigation. Soils on the site are medium-thick, well-decomposed, medium-ash peat on
alluvial sandy loams with a filtration coefficient (kf=1.2 m/day). Cultivated crops
were winter wheat (fractional share (fk=0.1); potatoes ( fk=0.1); vegetables ( fk=
0.3); grass ( fk=0.5).
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 35
Fig. 2. Scheme of the location of the PDS “Birky”
Compared with the existing designs, the proposed design of the pumping unit with
the slotted tubular dam opening (patent No.153154) and siphon (patent No. 155116).
Depending on the water content of the year, this makes it possible to increase the
efficiency of the PDS operation by reducing the load on the pumping equipment by
redistributing the pumping flow to the corresponding gravity elements of the pumping
The following complex of technological and technical measures for the modern-
ization of the object is foreseen before the implementation: clarification of the calcu-
lation module of pumping; improvement of the existing design and parameters of the
pumping unit, which consists of a pumping station and a slotted tubular dam opening
(PS + Stdo), due to the additional installation of a siphon (PS + Stdo + S); clarifying
the water regulation scheme on the system, as well as performing a comparative as-
sessment of the ecological, economic and investment efficiency of project solutions,
technologies for the development of PDS projects.
The sequence and structure of performing optimization calculations includes:
1. Justification of the optimal parameters of the pumping module according to model
(1) for changing its parameters in the range of 0.8–1.2 l/s·ha, with its design value
of 1.15 l/s·ha;
2. Justification of the design of the pumping unit according to model (5) for the
following options: PS + Stdo, PS + S, PS+ Stdo + S (Fig. 3).
3. Justification of the technology of water regulation of drained lands for PDS ac-
cording to options, which include the operation of the system in the mode of
drainage (DM), preventive sluicing (PS), moistening sluicing (MS); sprinkler ir-
rigation against the background of preventive sluicing (PrS) and their possible
combinations for current and forecast weather and climate conditions.
36 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
Fig. 3. Scheme of the pumping unit: 1 dam; 2 premises of the pumping
station; 3 regulating pool; 4 main canal; 5 pressure pipeline; 6 deriva-
tion canal; 7 intake chamber; 8 siphon intake; 9 the slotted tubular dam
A hierarchically connected complex of predictive and simulation models was used
to implement the considered optimization models. The practical application of these
models is regulated by relevant industry standards of the State Water Agency of
Ukraine for local climatic conditions or meteorological regimes, water regime and
water regulation technologies of drained lands and their productivity of drained lands
(Handbook. . . 2023).
3. Research Results and Their Discussion
The generalized results regarding the substantiation of the technological and structural
parameters of the PDS according to the optimization approach are presented in Tables
A fragment of the results of optimization calculations to determine the optimal
pumping module for the object under study is presented in Table 1.
By the results of prediction and optimization calculations, it was determined that
the optimal pumping module for the studied object is = 0.95 l/s·ha when having the
net income indicator Di=29057 UAH /ha.
A fragment of the results of relevant of prediction and optimization calculations
for determining the optimal design of the PDS pumping unit for the optimal pumping
module for the object under study is presented in Table 2.
In turn, for the optimal pumping module due to reconstruction, the optimal de-
sign of the PDS pumping unit is determined by the optimization model (5) when
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 37
Table 1. Summarized results of optimization calculations to determine the
optimal pumping module of PDS
Crop fkqPDS , l/s·ha Yn, c/ha Yah, c/ha Di, UAH/ha
qPDS =0.9 l/s·ha
Winter wheat 0.2 0.9 39.0 24.5 10641.4
Potato 0.2 0.9 390.0 245.7 35894.2
Vegetables 0.1 0.9 292.5 184.2 20025.6
Grass 0.5 0.9 390.0 245.7 35936.1
qPDS =0.95 l/s·ha
Winter wheat 0.2 0.95 39.44 24.8 11513.2
Potato 0.2 0.95 394.4 248.4 38112.3
Vegetables 0.1 0.95 295.8 186.3 21273.6
Grass 0.5 0.95 394.4 248.4 38154.9
qPDS =1.0 l/s·ha
Winter wheat 0.2 1.0 40.6 25.5 11287.4
Potato 0.2 1.0 406.5 256.0 37365.3
Vegetables 0.1 1.0 304.9 192.0 20855.7
Grass 0.5 1.0 406.5 256.0 37406.5
At the 0.9 27362.6
system level 1.0 0.95 29057.8
as a whole 1.0 28487.6
Note: PDS pumping module, l/s·ha (liter per second from 1 hectare); Yn project yield, c/ha (centner
per hectare); Yah actual yield, c/ha.
ZP0=0.4037. The optimal design includes a PS, the slotted tubular dam opening
and a siphon (Fig. 2) with the following distribution of estimated costs as a whole for
the system and for the elements of the pumping unit, respectively: Q0
C=0.51 m3/c;
PS =0.38 m3/c; Q0
Std o =0.01 m3/c; Q0
si phon =0.12 m3/c.
Thus, due to the redistribution of water flows by the improved design of the pump-
ing unit with additional elements, a reduction in costs and the volume of water pumped
by the PS and electricity consumption is achieved by 35%.
The determined economically optimal technological and design solutions for the
object under study are environmentally acceptable under the given conditions, since
the weighted average value of the drainage coefficient within the system and the design
term of its operation qs=0.38 l/s·ha corresponds to the ecological drainage efficiency,
i.e. qsˆqecol.
An example of the economic feasibility of investment projects regarding the op-
timal design and parameters of the pumping unit for a PDS “Birky” is presented in
Table 3.
The main economic indicators for calculation in specific form regarding the opti-
mal technology of water regulation of drained lands at DPS “Birky” in modern and
forecasted climatic conditions, according to (Handbook...2023), according to the rel-
evant options are given in Table 4.
Thus, the given results show that at the preliminary stage of the evaluation of
design solution options for the optimal pumping module, the optimal option for the
38 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
Table 2. Summarized results of optimization calculations to determine the
optimal design of the PDS pumping unit
Design of qPDS ,Yn,Yah,VYφ,Cagr
PDS l/s·ha c/ha c/ha UAH/ha UAH/ha UAH/ha UAH/ha UAH/ha UAH/ha X Pi
Winter cereals
PS+Stdo 0.80 37.80 23.8 3808 1730.1 1534.6 457.9 203.5 3604.1 0.4609
PS+ Stdo +S 0.80 37.80 23.8 3808 1730.1 1390.9 314.0 203.6 3460.5 0.4587
PS+S 0.80 37.80 23.8 3808 1730.1 1416.9 340.2 203.5 3486.3 0.4591
PS+ Stdo 0.80 378.0 238.1 9520 4469.5 1534.6 457.9 203.5 6343.5 0.4086
PS+ Stdo +S 0.80 378.0 238.1 9520 4469.5 1390.9 314.0 203.6 6199.9 0.4085
PS+S 0.80 378.0 238.1 9520 4469.5 1416.9 340.2 203.5 6225.7 0.4085
PS+ Stdo 0.90 292.5 184.2 7617 3098.0 1591.9 515.2 203.5 5029.2 0.3913
PS+ Stdo +S 0.90 292.5 184.2 7617 3098.0 1430.2 353.2 203.6 4867.6 0.3911
PS+S 0.90 292.5 184.2 7617 3098.0 1459.4 382.7 203.5 4896.7 0.3911
PS+ Stdo 0.95 394.4 248.4 8377 3909.9 1620.5 543.8 203.5 5869.7 0.3824
PS+ Stdo +S 0.95 394.4 248.4 8377 3909.9 1449.8 372.9 203.6 5699.1 0.3823
PS+S 0.95 394.4 248.4 8377 3909.9 1480.7 403.9 203.5 5729.9 0.3824
At the system level as a whole
PS+ Stdo 0.4049
PS+ Stdo +S 0.4037
PS+S 0.4041
Note: PS+ Stdo design and parameters of the PDS when PDS during the operation of the pumping
station with the slotted tubular dam opening; PS+ Stdo +S design and parameters of PDS during the
operation of the pumping station with the slotted tubular dam opening and a siphon; PS+S design
and parameters of PDS during the operation of the pumping station with a siphon.
Table 3. The main economic indicators regarding the reconstruction of the
design parameters of PDS, UAH/ha
Design and parameters of the pumping unit of PDS
No Indicator PS+Stdo PS+Stdo+S PS+S
1 Capital investment in reconstruction 723.872 904.84 814.356
2 Depreciation of fixed assets 180.968 226.21 203.589
3 Net income 182.84 312.35 254.48
4 Given costs 0.541 0.458 0.476
construction of the PDS pumping unit will be the PS+Stdo+S option, and from the
various considered technologies of water regulation of drained lands for modern cli-
matic conditions, preventive sluicing is the best option. And for forecast conditions,
there can be humidification sluicing and sprinkler irrigation.
An example of the economic feasibility of the investment project regarding the op-
timal design and parameters of the PDS pumping unit (PS+Stdo, PS+Stdo+S, PS+S)
was implemented for the conditions of the real object under study.
The generalized results on the assessment of the investment efficiency of the con-
sidered design solution for the object under study are shown in Table 5.
Justification of Technological and Design Parameters of Polder Drainage Systems... 39
Table 4. Main economic indicators of PDS, UAH/ha
Water regulation technology
No Indicator D PS MS SD D PS MS SD
Current conditions Predictive conditions
Capital investment
1in reconstruction 84260 88360 126760 164160 84260 88360 126760 164160
Current costs: 39790 42907 49758 53257 55837 59994 68511 78351
agricultural 36138 38774 40187 40552 52185 55861 58940 65645
2 operational 1124 1482 3233 4498 1124 1482 3233 4498
depreciation of
fixed assets 2528 2651 6338 8208 2528 2651 6338 8208
3 Gross production 47587 51273 54480 58553 69318 75543 84795 95916
4 Net income 10325 11017 10666 12824 16009 18200 21885 24799
5 Given costs 1.667 1.542 1.606 1.59 1.79 1.613 1.48 1.369
Note: drainage (D); preventive sluicing (PS); moisturizing sluicing (MS); sprinkling on the
background of drainage (SD).
Table 5. The main indicators of the economic efficiency of investments in
the reconstruction of the PDS pumping unit
Design and parameters of PDS
No Indicator PS+Stdo PS+Stdo+S PS+S
1. NPV, UAH/ha 2209 3436 2878
2. IRR,% 4.05 4.80 4.53
3. DPP, years 3 24
Note: usually, indicators used to make investment decisions are the net profit value (NPV), profitability
index (PI), discounted payback period (DPP) and internal rate of return (IRR) ( Handbook. .. 2023).
The obtained results on the investment evaluation of design solution variants con-
firm both the economic and sufficiently high commercial efficiency of the PS+Stdo+S
variant. The highest values of the profitability index were UAH 3436/ha for the
PS+Stdo+S variant. The payback period for capital investments for this variant is 2
years, which is quite promising and can ensure a quick repayment of investments.
The results of the final calculations regarding the determination of investments in
the reconstruction of the “Birky” PDS when substantiating various technologies of
water regulation of drained lands in the current and forecast conditions of the opera-
tion of the object under consideration are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. The main indicators of the efficiency of investments in water regu-
lation technologies of drained lands
Water regulation technology
No Indicator D PS MS SD D PS MS SD
Current conditions Predictive conditions
1. NPV, UAH/ha 19342 21810 10306 5376 65158 79715 100734 101898
2. IRR,% 1.23 1.25 1.08 1.03 1.77 1.90 1.79 1.62
3. DPP, years 11 11 13 15 7 6 77
40 P. Volk, A. Rokochynskiy, L. Volk, Y. Chugai, R. Tykhenko, I. Openko, O. Tykhenko
The calculations made regarding the investment evaluation of the optimal PD
variants show that in current conditions drainage and preventive sluicing with a dis-
counted payback period of 11 years can be such a variant of water regulation tech-
nology. Accordingly, in predictive conditions, preventive sluicing with a discounted
payback period of 7 years can be quite promising and can ensure a quick investment
repayment in the facility reconstruction.
4. Conclusions
The substantiation of the technological and design parameters of the PDS in accor-
dance with the optimization approach by using an appropriate set of optimization and
predictive simulation enables to carry out the following:
1. To substantiate the optimal pumping module at the stage of operation for the op-
erating PDS.
2. To improve the design of the pumping unit and the parameters of its components
during the reconstruction of the PDS, which makes it possible to reduce the load
on the pumping equipment, the duration of its operation, and, accordingly, the
cost of electricity by 20–40%, depending on the water level of the year, due to the
diversion of the corresponding part of the surface runoff with additional gravity
elements in the form of a slotted tubular dam opening and siphon.
3. To justify the optimal water regulation technology for the current PDS in current
and forecast weather and climate conditions, which will ensure the maintenance
of the necessary water-air regime of drained soils in different phases of vegetation
of cultivated crops.
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The article is devoted to the actual scientific and practical problem of improving methodological and methodical ap-proaches to the evaluation of design solutions in the water management and land reclamation industry based on the ecolog-ical and economic principles in conditions of uncertainty. The current stage of the development of the water management sector in Ukraine is characterized by a combination of past negligence and the present energy, food and water crises, as well as global climate change. To solve these problems, it is necessary to reform organizational-economic relations in the industry, including new sources and forms of financing for water management and land reclamation projects, introduction of new environmentally advanced technologies, and the im-provement of the existing ecological and economic evaluation of investments. Based on scientific and methodological recommendations used for evaluating the effectiveness of investment in vari-ous spheres of economic activity, the authors developed and implemented an improved methodology for the evaluation of water management and land reclamation projects. It is based on methodological approaches that cover such elements as the variety of options, changes in the value of money over time, specific project implementation environment, including the impact of weather, climate and environmental factors on project performance, multilevel and gradual evaluation of a pro-ject against specific criteria and according to stages of the project cycle. The method was tested during the reconstruction of a rice irrigation system in the steppe zone of about 3000 ha in Ukraine. Economic results, namely the deterministic payback period and investment return index confirm that the proposed mechanism, unlike the traditional one, increases the economic and environmental feasibility of water management and land reclamation projects. Therefore, it stimulates investment in the land reclamation sector.
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In modern conditions of climate change and agricultural use of drained lands, there is a need for efficient production with the introduction of new or improved technologies for growing economically attractive crops that can ensure sustainable harvests, environmentally safe production, and minimize all costs, including water resources. By implementing a resource-saving technology of water regulation of drained lands during the cultivation of perennial grasses, the saving of water resources is 48,700 m3/year, the consumed electricity is 5.7%/ year. The saving of water resources during the cultivation of corn for silage was 670 m3/ha, and the costs of operating the sluices decreased by 2-3 times. Compliance with the technological parameters of water regulation during the cultivation of paiza, amaranth and fodder beans made it possible to increase the yield of cultivated crops by 15-20%, ensure the saving of water resources by up to 25% and obtain the economic effect.
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Topical applied and scientific problem concerning the evaluation of technical condition of retention basins of irrigation systems has been highlighted. The expediency of comprehensive use of geophysical methods of the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth as well as vertical electrical sounding to identify deformation zones of agricultural hydraulic structures and seepage techniques has been considered making it possible to determine parameters of the disturbed areas. It has been demonstrated that geological (inclusive of tectonic and hydrogeological) features of territorial structure and development are the factor of unsatisfactory technical condition of agricultural hydraulic systems of land-reclamation schemes turned out to be understudied during their design and construction. Localization of zones of water seepage losses to concentrate repair and restoration works within the most disturbed areas will help reduce significantly time and costs while improving the total efficiency of a hydraulic system operation. Hence, the measure emphasizes expediency of further use of the system of geophysical methods.
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Assessment of ecological flow or water level for water bodies is important for the protection of degraded or degrading ecosystems caused by water shortage in arid regions, and it has become a key issue in water resources planning. In the past several decades, many methods have been proposed to assess ecological flow for rivers and ecological water level for lakes or wetlands. To balance water uses by human and ecosystems, we proposed a general multi-objective programming model to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for inland water bodies, where two objectives are water index for human and habitat index for ecosystems, respectively. Using the weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization, minimum ecological flow or water level can be determined from the breakpoint in the water index–habitat index curve, which is similar to the slope method to determine minimum ecological flow from wetted perimeter–discharge curve. However, the general multi-objective programming model is superior to the slope method in its physical meaning and calculation method. This model provides a general analysis method for ecological water uses of different inland water bodies, and can be used to define minimum ecological flow or water level by choosing appropriate water and habitat indices. Several commonly used flow or water level assessment methods were found to be special cases of the general model, including the wetted perimeter method and the multi-objective physical habitat simulation method for ecological river flow, the inundated forest width method for regeneration flow of floodplain forest and the lake surface area method for ecological lake level. These methods were applied to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for two representative rivers and a lake in northern Xinjiang of China, including minimum ecological flow for the Ertix River, minimum regeneration flow for floodplain forest along the midstream of Kaxgar River, and minimum ecological lake level for the Ebinur Lake. The results illustrated the versatility of the general model, and can provide references for water resources planning and ecosystem protection for these rivers and lake.
The article focuses on the actual scientific and practical problem of accounting for the influence of meteorological and climatic factors in the technical and economic calculations in the field of environmental management. It has been proven that the introduction of scientifically sound and effective methods of using meteorological and climatic information in economic calculations significantly reduces the loss caused by weather conditions and improves the implementation of an optimal strategy for agricultural production on reclaimed lands. Such calculations are based on economic and statistical modelling of different variants that account for standard hydrometeorological information in the implementation of design, management, and economic decisions. This increases the validity and reliability of calculations, as well as their compliance with the actual operating conditions of environmental and economic facilities. Consequently, this attracts increased interest from both public and private investors.
Approaches to the systemic optimization of technological and design solutions for the creation and operation of drainage systems have been determined. It seems that the drainage system is a complex natural and technical ecological and economic system. Finding the general optimum in such a system based on the system optimization consists in substantiating local optima for all its main components of heterogeneous elements in the system effect - mode - technology - design in their interconnection. The practical implementation of a complex of predictive-simulation and optimization calculations in projects for new construction, reconstruction and modernization of drainage systems based on the developed scientific, methodological, information and software can be carried out using the appropriate toolkit, which is CAD and modern BIM technologies.
The necessity and scientific and methodological approaches to improving the calculation of a closed collector-drainage network of drainage systems are considered. Based on the application of the system methodology, the structure of the hierarchical and hydraulic connection between the water regime of the field and the operation mode of the closed collector-drainage network has been established. On the basis of the theoretical and experimental studies performed, relatively new scientific provisions have been proposed. This will allow, based on the application of the obtained universal equations, to construct a distribution profile of the total turbulent kinematic viscosity and the average flow velocity in the collector pipe. It becomes possible to evaluate the efficiency of the flow movement both in the constituent elements (collector pipes) and in the closed collector-drainage network as a whole. And it also becomes possible to improve the methods of designing and calculating their technological and design parameters.