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Abnormalities in both stimulus-induced and baseline MEG alpha oscillations in the auditory cortex of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Abstract and Figures

The neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is hypothetically related to the imbalance between neural excitation (E) and inhibition (I). Different studies have revealed that alpha-band (8–12 Hz) activity in magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG and EEG) may reflect E and I processes and, thus, can be of particular interest in ASD research. Previous findings indicated alterations in event-related and baseline alpha activity in different cortical systems in individuals with ASD, and these abnormalities were associated with core and co-occurring conditions of ASD. However, the knowledge on auditory alpha oscillations in this population is limited. This MEG study investigated stimulus-induced (Event-Related Desynchronization, ERD) and baseline alpha-band activity (both periodic and aperiodic) in the auditory cortex and also the relationships between these neural activities and behavioral measures of children with ASD. Ninety amplitude-modulated tones were presented to two groups of children: 20 children with ASD (5 girls, Mage = 10.03, SD = 1.7) and 20 typically developing controls (9 girls, Mage = 9.11, SD = 1.3). Children with ASD had a bilateral reduction of alpha-band ERD, reduced baseline aperiodic-adjusted alpha power, and flattened aperiodic exponent in comparison to TD children. Moreover, lower raw baseline alpha power and aperiodic offset in the language-dominant left auditory cortex were associated with better language skills of children with ASD measured in formal assessment. The findings highlighted the alterations of E / I balance metrics in response to basic auditory stimuli in children with ASD and also provided evidence for the contribution of low-level processing to language difficulties in ASD.
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Brain Structure and Function (2024) 229:1225–1242
Vardan Arutiunian
1 Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, Seattle
Children’s Research Institute, 1920 Terry Ave, Seattle,
WA 98101, United States of America
2 Center for Language and Brain, HSE University, Moscow,
3 IRCCS San Camillo Hospital, Venice, Italy
4 Center for Language and Brain, HSE University, Nizhny
Novgorod, Russia
5 Federal Resource Center for ASD, Moscow State University
of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia
6 Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, United States of
7 Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
8 ChairofDierentialPsychologyandPsychophysiology,
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education,
Moscow, Russia
9 ScienticResearchandPracticalCenterofPediatric
Psychoneurology, Moscow, Russia
10 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
The neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is hypothetically related to the imbalance between neural excitation
ASD,and these abnormalities were associatedwith core and co-occurring conditionsofASD. However,the knowledge
relationshipsbetweentheseneuralactivitiesandbehavioral measuresofchildren withASD.Ninetyamplitude-modulated
tones were presented to two groups of children: 20 children with ASD (5 girls, Mage = 10.03, SD = 1.7) and 20 typically
developing controls (9 girls, Mage = 9.11, SD =1.3). Children with ASD had a bilateral reduction of alpha-band ERD,
reducedbaselineaperiodic-adjustedalphapower,and attened aperiodic exponent incomparisontoTD children. More-
over,lower raw baselinealphapowerandaperiodicosetinthe language-dominant left auditory cortex wereassociated
withbetter languageskillsofchildren withASD measuredinformal assessment.Thendings highlightedthealterations
of E / I balance metrics in response to basic auditory stimuli in children with ASD and also provided evidence for the
contributionof low-level processing tolanguagedicultiesinASD.
Keywords AutismSpectrum Disorder·Auditorycortex·Event-relateddesynchronization (ERD)·Excitation(E)/
inhibition (I) balance · Language abilities · Periodic and aperiodic activity
Received: 8 July 2023 / Accepted: 22 April 2024 / Published online: 29 April 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
Abnormalities in both stimulus-induced and baseline MEG alpha
oscillations in the auditory cortex of children with Autism Spectrum
VardanArutiunian1· GiorgioArcara3· IrinaBuyanova2,10· MakarFedorov4· ElizavetaDavydova5,8·
DaryaPereverzeva5· AlexanderSorokin5,6· SvetlanaTyushkevich5· UlianaMamokhina5· KamillaDanilina5,9·
1 3
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In the study of neuro-electrophysiological recordings, aperiodic neural activity – activity with no characteristic frequency – has increasingly become a common feature of study. This interest has rapidly extended to clinical work, with many reports investigating aperiodic activity from patients from a broad range of clinical disorders. This work typically seeks to evaluate aperiodic activity as a putative biomarker relating to diagnosis or treatment response, and/or as a potential marker of underlying physiological activity. There is thus far no clear consensus on if and how aperiodic neural activity relates to clinical disorders, nor on the best practices for how to study it in clinical research. To address this, this systematic literature review, following PRISMA guidelines, examines reports of aperiodic activity in electrophysiological recordings with human patients with psychiatric and/or neurological disorders, finding 143 reports across 35 distinct disorders. Reports within and across disorders are summarized to evaluate current findings and examine what can be learned as pertains to the analysis, interpretations, and overall utility of aperiodic neural activity in clinical investigations. Aperiodic activity is commonly reported to relate to clinical diagnoses, with 31 of 35 disorders reporting a significant effect in diagnostic and/or treatment related studies. However, there is variation in the consistency of results across disorders, with the heterogeneity of patient groups, disease etiologies, and treatment status arising as common themes across different disorders. Overall, the current variability of results, potentially confounding covariates, and limitations in current understanding of aperiodic activity suggests further work is needed before aperiodic activity can be established as a potential biomarker and/or marker of underlying pathological physiology. Finally, a series of recommendations are proposed, based on the findings, limitations, and key discussion topics of the current literature to assist with guiding productive future work on the clinical utility of studying aperiodic neural activity. Project Repository The project repository contains code & data related to this project:
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Alpha-band (8-12 Hz) event-related desynchronization (ERD) or a decrease in alpha power in electro-and magnetoencephalography (EEG and MEG) reflects the involvement of a neural tissue in information processing. It is known that most children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have difficulties in information processing, and, thus, investigation of alpha oscillations is of particular interest in this population. Previous studies have demonstrated alterations in this neural activity in individuals with ASD; however, little is known about alpha ERD during simultaneous presentation of auditory and visual stimuli in children with and without ASD. As alpha oscillations are intimately related to attention, and attention deficit is one of the common co-occurring conditions of ASD, we predict that children with ASD can have altered alpha ERD in one of the sensory domains. In the present study, we used MEG to investigate alpha ERD in groups of 20 children with ASD and 20 age-matched typically developing controls. Simple amplitude-modulated tones were presented together with a fixation cross appearing on the screen. The results showed that children with ASD had a bilateral reduction in alpha-band ERD in the auditory but not visual cortex. Moreover, alterations in the auditory cortex were associated with a higher presence of autistic traits measured in behavioral assessment.
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Resting-state alpha brain rhythms provide a foundation for basic as well as higher-order brain processes. Research suggests atypical maturation of the peak frequency of resting-state alpha activity (= PAF) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study examined resting-state alpha activity in young school-aged children, obtaining magnetoencephalographic (MEG) eyes-closed resting-state data from 47 typically developing (TD) males and 45 ASD males 6.0 to 9.3 years old. Results confirmed a higher PAF in ASD versus TD, and demonstrated that alpha power differences between groups were linked to the shift of PAF in ASD. Additionally, a higher PAF was associated with better cognitive performance in TD but not ASD. Finding thus suggested functional consequences of group differences in resting-state alpha activity.
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Recent studies have revealed that gamma-band oscillatory and transient evoked potentials may change with age during childhood. It is hypothesized that these changes can be associated with a maturation of GABAergic neurotransmission and, subsequently, the age-related changes of excitation-inhibition balance in the neural circuits. One of the reliable paradigms for investigating these effects in the auditory cortex is 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR), where participants are presented with the periodic auditory stimuli. It is known that such stimuli evoke two types of responses in magnetoencephalography (MEG)-40 Hz steady-state gamma response (or 40 Hz ASSR) and auditory evoked response called sustained Event-Related Field (ERF). Although several studies have been conducted in children, focusing on the changes of 40 Hz ASSR with age, almost nothing is known about the age-related changes of the sustained ERF to the same periodic stimuli and their relationships with changes in the gamma strength. Using MEG, we investigated the association between 40 Hz steady-state gamma response and sustained ERF response to the same stimuli and also their age-related changes in the group of 30 typically developing 7-to-12-year-old children. The results revealed a tight relationship between 40 Hz ASSR and ERF, indicating that the age-related increase in strength of 40 Hz ASSR was associated with the age-related decrease of the amplitude of ERF. These effects were discussed in the light of the maturation of the GABAergic system and excitation-inhibition balance development, which may contribute to the changes in ASSR and ERF.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) are neurodevelopmental disorders with similar clinical and behavior symptoms and partially overlapping and yet distinct neurobiological origins. It is therefore important to distinguish these disorders from each other as well as from typical development. Examining disruptions in functional connectivity often characteristic of neurodevelopment disorders may be one approach to doing so. This review focuses on EEG and MEG studies of resting state in ASD and FXS, a neuroimaging paradigm frequently used with difficult-to-test populations. It compares the brain regions and frequency bands that appear to be impacted, either in power or connectivity, in each disorder; as well as how these abnormalities may result in the observed symptoms. It argues that the findings in these studies are inconsistent and do not fit neatly into existing models of ASD and FXS, then highlights the gaps in the literature and recommends future avenues of inquiry.
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Background Altered neuronal excitation–inhibition (E–I) balance is strongly implicated in ASD. However, it is not known whether the direction and degree of changes in the E–I ratio in individuals with ASD correlates with intellectual disability often associated with this developmental disorder. The spectral slope of the aperiodic 1/f activity reflects the E–I balance at the scale of large neuronal populations and may uncover its putative alternations in individuals with ASD with and without intellectual disability. Methods Herein, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to test whether the 1/f slope would differentiate ASD children with average and below–average (< 85) IQ. MEG was recorded at rest with eyes open/closed in 49 boys with ASD aged 6–15 years with IQ ranging from 54 to 128, and in 49 age-matched typically developing (TD) boys. The cortical source activity was estimated using the beamformer approach and individual brain models. We then extracted the 1/f slope by fitting a linear function to the log–log-scale power spectra in the high-frequency range. Results The global 1/f slope averaged over all cortical sources demonstrated high rank-order stability between the two conditions. Consistent with previous research, it was steeper in the eyes-closed than in the eyes-open condition and flattened with age. Regardless of condition, children with ASD and below-average IQ had flatter slopes than either TD or ASD children with average or above-average IQ. These group differences could not be explained by differences in signal-to-noise ratio or periodic (alpha and beta) activity. Limitations Further research is needed to find out whether the observed changes in E–I ratios are characteristic of children with below-average IQ of other diagnostic groups. Conclusions The atypically flattened spectral slope of aperiodic activity in children with ASD and below-average IQ suggests a shift of the global E–I balance toward hyper-excitation. The spectral slope can provide an accessible noninvasive biomarker of the E–I ratio for making objective judgments about treatment effectiveness in people with ASD and comorbid intellectual disability.
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A growing body of literature suggests that the explicit parameterization of neural power spectra is important for the appropriate physiological interpretation of periodic and aperiodic electroencephalogram (EEG) activity. In this paper, we discuss why parameterization is an imperative step for developmental cognitive neuroscientists interested in cognition and behavior across the lifespan, as well as how parameterization can be readily accomplished with an automated spectral parameterization (“specparam”) algorithm (Donoghue et al., 2020a). We provide annotated code for power spectral parameterization, via specparam, in Jupyter Notebook and R Studio. We then apply this algorithm to EEG data in childhood (N = 60; Mage = 9.97, SD = 0.95) to illustrate its utility for developmental cognitive neuroscientists. Ultimately, the explicit parameterization of EEG power spectra may help us refine our understanding of how dynamic neural communication contributes to normative and aberrant cognition across the lifespan. Data and annotated analysis code for this manuscript are available on GitHub as a supplement to the open-access specparam toolbox.
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Prevailing theories of the neural basis of at least a subset of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) include an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. These circuitry imbalances are commonly probed in adults using auditory steady-state responses (ASSR, driven at 40 Hz) to elicit coherent electrophysiological responses (EEG/MEG) from intact circuitry. Challenges to the ASSR methodology occur during development, where the optimal ASSR driving frequency may be unknown. An alternative approach (more agnostic to driving frequency) is the amplitude-modulated (AM) sweep in which the amplitude of a tone (with carrier frequency 500 Hz) is modulated as a sweep from 10 to 100 Hz over the course of ∼15 s. Phase synchrony of evoked responses, measured via intra-trial coherence, is recorded (by EEG or MEG) as a function of frequency. We applied such AM sweep stimuli bilaterally to 40 typically developing and 80 children with ASD, aged 6–18 years. Diagnoses were confirmed by DSM-5 criteria as well as autism diagnostic observation schedule (ADOS) observational assessment. Stimuli were presented binaurally during MEG recording and consisted of 20 AM swept stimuli (500 Hz carrier; sweep 10–100 Hz up and down) with a duration of ∼30 s each. Peak intra-trial coherence values and peak response frequencies of source modeled responses (auditory cortex) were examined. First, the phase synchrony or inter-trial coherence (ITC) of the ASSR is diminished in ASD; second, hemispheric bias in the ASSR, observed in typical development (TD), is maintained in ASD, and third, that the frequency at which the peak response is obtained varies on an individual basis, in part dependent on age, and with altered developmental trajectories in ASD vs. TD. Finally, there appears an association between auditory steady-state phase synchrony (taken as a proxy of neuronal circuitry integrity) and clinical assessment of language ability/impairment. We concluded that (1) the AM sweep stimulus provides a mechanism for probing ASSR in an unbiased fashion, during developmental maturation of peak response frequency, (2) peak frequencies vary, in part due to developmental age, and importantly, (3) ITC at this peak frequency is diminished in ASD, with the degree of ITC disturbance related to clinically assessed language impairment.
Defective cognition development during preschool years is believed to be linked with core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Neurophysiological research on mechanisms underly the cognitive disabilities of preschool-aged children with ASD is scarce currently. This pilot study aimed to compare the resting spectral EEG power of preschool-aged boys with ASD with their matched typically developing peers. Children in the ASD group demonstrated reduced central and posterior absolute delta (1-4 Hz) and enhanced frontal absolute beta (12-30 Hz) and gamma (30-45 Hz). The relative power of the ASD group was elevated in delta, theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta, and gamma bands as compared to the controls. The theta/beta ratio decreased in the frontal regions and enhanced at Cz and Pz electrodes in the ASD group. Correlations between the inhibition and metacognition indices of the behavior rating inventory of executive function-preschool version (BRIEF-P) and the theta/beta ratio for children of both groups were significant. In conclusion, the present study revealed atypical resting spectral characteristics of boys with ASD at preschool ages. Future large-sampled studies for the generalization of our findings and a better understanding of the relationships between brain oscillations and phenotypes of ASD are warranted.
Language impairment is comorbid in most children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but its neural mechanisms are still poorly understood. Some studies hypothesize that the atypical low-level sensory perception in the auditory cortex accounts for the abnormal language development in these children. One of the potential non-invasive measures of such low-level perception can be the cortical gamma-band oscillations registered with magnetoencephalography (MEG), and 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (40 Hz ASSR) is a reliable paradigm for eliciting auditory gamma response. Although there is research in children with and without ASD using 40 Hz ASSR, nothing is known about the relationship between this auditory response in children with ASD and their language abilities measured directly in formal assessment. In the present study, we used MEG and individual brain models to investigate 40 Hz ASSR in primary-school-aged children with and without ASD. It was also used to assess how the strength of the auditory response is related to language abilities of children with ASD, their non-verbal IQ, and social functioning. A total of 40 children were included in the study. The results demonstrated that 40 Hz ASSR was reduced in the right auditory cortex in children with ASD when comparing them to typically developing controls. Importantly, our study provides the first evidence of the association between 40 Hz ASSR in the language-dominant left auditory cortex and language comprehension in children with ASD. This link was domain-specific because the other brain-behavior correlations were non-significant.
EEG microstates represent transient electrocortical events that reflect synchronized activities of large-scale networks, which allows investigations of brain dynamics with sub-second resolution. We recorded resting EEG from 38 children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Development (ASD) and 48 age, IQ, sex, and handedness-matched typically developing (TD) participants. The EEG was segmented into a time series of microstates using modified k-means clustering of scalp voltage topographies. The frequency and global explained variance (GEV) of a specific microstate (type C) were significantly lower in the ASD group compared to the TD group while the duration of the same microstate was correlated with the presence of ASD-related behaviors. The duration of this microstate was also positively correlated with participant age in the TD group, but not in the ASD group. Further, the frequency and duration of the microstate were significantly correlated with the overall alpha power only in the TD group. The signal strength and GEV for another microstate (type G) was greater in the ASD group than the TD group, and the associated topographical pattern differed between groups with greater variations in the ASD group. While more work is needed to clarify the underlying neural sources, the existing literature supports associations between the two microstates and the default mode and salience networks. The current study suggests specific alterations of temporal dynamics of the resting cortical network activities as well as their developmental trajectories and relationships to alpha power, which has been proposed to reflect reduced neural inhibition in ASD. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved