
On ρ-Statistically Convergence Defined by a Modulus Function in Fuzzy Difference Sequences

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In this study, we first introduced the definition ∆_ρ^m-statistical convergence for sequences of fuzzy numbers using the generalized difference operator ∆^m. Furthermore, we defined the strong N_F^ρ (∆^m,q)-summable sequence set and the strong N_F^ρ (∆^m,f,q)-summable sequence set for fuzzy difference sequences aided by a modulus function f. Subsequently, we provided certain inclusion theorems between these sets and the S_F^ρ (∆^m ) set.

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In this study, by using definition of ρ-statistical convergence which was defined by Çakallı [5], we introduce the concepts of pointwise wρα(f)-summability, pointwise ρ-statistical convergence of order α and uniform ρ-statistical convergence of order α sequences of real-valued functions. Also, we give some inclusion relations between these concepts.
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In this paper, we examine and study Δq,λv{\Delta }_{q,\lambda }^{v} {-}statistical convergence of order μ {\mu } of sequences of fuzzy numbers such that 0<μ1,{0<\mu \le 1,} strong Δq,λpv{\Delta }_{q,\lambda _{p}}^{v} {-}summability of order μ {\mu } of sequences of fuzzy numbers such that 0<μ1,{0<\mu \le 1}, and construct some interesting examples. We also give relations between these concepts. Furthermore, some relations between the space wλμ[Δqv,F,ϕ,p] {w}_{\lambda }^{\mu }\left[ {\Delta }_{q}^{v} {,F,\phi ,p}\right] and Sλμ[Δqv,F] {S}_{\lambda }^{\mu }\left[ {\Delta }_{q}^{v} {,F}\right] are examined. The modulus function ϕ{\phi } presents the containment connection.
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In this study, by using definition of rho-statistical convergence which was defined by Cakalli [5], we give some inclusion relations between the sets of rho-statistical convergence and statistical convergence in topological groups.
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The concept of strong w [ρ, f, q] −summability of order (α, β) for sequences of complex (or real) numbers is introduced in this work. We also give some inclusion relations between the sets of ρ-statistical convergence of order (α, β), strong wαβ [ρ, f, q] −summability and strong wαβ (ρ, q) −summability.
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In this article we introduce the concepts of Delta(m)(lambda)-statistical convergence of order beta and strong Delta(m)(lambda p)-summability of order beta for sequences of fuzzy numbers. Also, we establish some relations between the Delta(m)(lambda)-statistical convergence of order beta and strong Delta(m)(lambda p)-summability of order beta and we define w(lambda)(beta) (Delta(m), F, f, p), where f is a modulus function and give some inclusion relations.
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In this paper, we define the sequence spaces ) , c f " and 0 c be the linear spaces of bounded, convergent, and null sequences ) ( k x x with complex terms, respectively, normed by k k x x sup f
The main object of this article is to introduce the concepts of f-lacunary statistical convergence of order alpha and strong f-lacunary summability of order alpha of double sequences and give some inclusion relations between these concepts.
In this paper, we present new concepts of f-statistical convergence for double sequences of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } and strong f-Cesàro summability for double sequences of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } for sequences of (complex or real) numbers. Besides, we give the relationship between the spaces wα~,02(f),wα~2(f) w_{\tilde{\alpha },0} ^{2}\left( f\right) , w_{\tilde{\alpha }}^{2}\left( f\right) and wα~,2(f) w_{\tilde{\alpha },\infty }^{2}\left( f\right) . Furthermore, we express the properties of the strong f-Cesàro summability of order β~ \widetilde{\beta } which is related to strong f-Cesàro summability of order α~ \tilde{\alpha }. Also some relations between f-statistical convergence of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } and strong f-Cesàro summability of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } are given. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and examine the concept of f-double statistical convergence of order α~, \widetilde{\alpha }, where f-is an unbounded function and give relations between f-double statistical convergence of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } and strong f-Cesàro summability for double sequence of order α~ \widetilde{\alpha } so as to fill up the existing gaps in the literature.
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of strongly ideal lacunary quasi-Cauchyness of sequences of real numbers. Strongly ideal lacunary ward continuity is also investigated. Interesting results are obtained.
In this paper, we define new generalized difference sequence spaces ℓλM (Δ vm, u) and ℓ Nλ (Δ vm, u) where M =(Mk) and N= (Nk) are sequences of Orlicz functions such that Mk and Nk are mutually complementary for each k. We also examine some topological properties and establish some inclusion relations between these spaces.
In the present paper, we introduce the concept of strongly N θ β (p, F, Δ m, M)- summable with respect to the Orlicz function M and examine the notions S θ β (F, Δ m)- statistical convergence and strong N θ β (p, F, Δ m, M)- summability for different two lacunary sequences and β ∈ (0, 1] . Moreover, we show that a sequence is S θ β (F, Δ m)- statistically convergent if it is strongly N θ | γ (p, F, Δ m, M)- summable, where θ ={kr} and θ′ ={sr} are two lacunary sequences and give some inclusion relations between them.
A sequence (αk)(\alpha _{k}) of points in R\mathbb {R}, the set of real numbers, is called ρ\rho -statistically convergent to an element \ell of R\mathbb {R} if limn1ρn{kn:αkε}=0\begin{aligned} \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{\rho _{n}}|\{k\le n: |\alpha _{k}-\ell |\ge {\varepsilon }\}|=0 \end{aligned}for each ε>0\varepsilon >0, where ρ=(ρn)\boldsymbol{\rho }=(\rho _{n}) is a non-decreasing sequence of positive real numbers tending to \infty such that lim supnρnn<\limsup _{n} \frac{\rho _{n}}{n}<\infty , Δρn=O(1)\Delta \rho _{n}=O(1), and Δαn=αn+1αn\Delta \alpha _{n} =\alpha _{n+1}-\alpha _{n} for each positive integer n. A real-valued function defined on a subset of R\mathbb {R} is called ρ\rho -statistically ward continuous if it preserves ρ\rho -statistical quasi-Cauchy sequences where a sequence (αk)(\alpha _{k}) is defined to be ρ\rho -statistically quasi-Cauchy if the sequence (Δαk)(\Delta \alpha _{k}) is ρ\rho -statistically convergent to 0. We obtain results related to ρ\rho -statistical ward continuity, ρ\rho -statistical ward compactness, ward continuity, continuity, and uniform continuity. It turns out that the set of uniformly continuous functions coincides with the set of ρ\rho -statistically ward continuous functions not only on a bounded subset of R\mathbb {R}, but also on an interval.
In this paper define the spaces l ∞ (Δ), c(Δ), and c 0 (Δ), where for instance l ∞ (Δ) = {x=(x k ):sup k |x k -x k + l |< ∞} , and compute their duals (continuous dual, α-dual, β-dual and γ-dual). We also determine necessary and sufficient conditions for a matrix A to map l ∞ (Δ) or c(Δ) into l ∞ or c , and investigate related questions.
The definition of the pα-, pβ- and pγ-duals of a sequence space was defined by Et [Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 24 (2000) 785–791]. In this paper we compute pα- and N-duals of the sequence spaces Δmv(X) for X=ℓ∞, c and c0, and compute β- and γ-duals of the sequence spaces Δmv(X) for X=ℓ∞, c and c0.
In this paper, the concept of stronglyp-Cesaro summability of sequences of fuzzy numbers is introduced. The relationship between statistical convergence and stronglyp-Cesaro summability is discussed.
A fuzzy set is a class of objects with a continuum of grades of membership. Such a set is characterized by a membership (characteristic) function which assigns to each object a grade of membership ranging between zero and one. The notions of inclusion, union, intersection, complement, relation, convexity, etc., are extended to such sets, and various properties of these notions in the context of fuzzy sets are established. In particular, a separation theorem for convex fuzzy sets is proved without requiring that the fuzzy sets be disjoint.
Statistically Convergence of Sequence of Fuzzy Numbers by a Modulus Function
  • D Barlak
Rho-statistical convergence of interval numbers
  • H Gumus