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Multimedia Systems (2024) 30:135
Modeling methods ofcylindrical andaxisymmetric waterbomb
origami based onmulti‑objective optimization
MingyueZhang1,2· YanZhao2
Received: 25 December 2023 / Accepted: 25 March 2024 / Published online: 25 April 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024, corrected publication 2024
The basic principle of origami is to use two-dimensional flat materials to obtain various three-dimensional target shapes by
folding crease patterns. Among them, the study of waterbomb tessellations inspires the design and functionality implemen-
tation of engineering structures. However, there are some optimization spaces when building three-dimensional structures
based on waterbomb origami. In this paper, we propose modeling methods to construct cylindrical and axisymmetric three-
dimensional waterbomb tessellations with multi-objective optimization. Our methods aim to solve two optimization problems:
(I) Constructing waterbomb tessellations to approximate the target surface more accurately. (II) Unifying waterbomb units
to construct flat-foldable three-dimensional waterbomb tessellations. In addition, we present waterbomb approximations,
the performance of optimization, rigid folding sequences, comparison of crease patterns, and physical origami fabrications
to demonstrate the validity of our methods. Our work can expand the exploration of cylindrical and axisymmetric origami-
inspired structures, such as foldable roofs, tubular materials, etc.
Keywords Waterbomb tessellation· Multi-objective optimization· Distance constraint· Uniform waterbomb units
1 Introduction
Origami is an ancient art of paper folding. The principle of
origami is to use flat paper as the material and fold it along
creases to obtain origami structures with various shapes.
The rationality of origami structures and the variability of
their shapes make it possible for scientists and engineers to
study the design and function of origami. Origami struc-
tures are widely used in scientific and engineering fields,
such as DNA origami [1], a self-folding microscale con-
tainer that could be used for controlled drug delivery [2],
a self-deployable origami stent graft based on waterbomb
origami [3], a centimeter-scale crawling robot that is self-
folded from shape-memory composites [4], and simulation
of an origami-based deployable solar array for space satel-
lites [5]. Common types of origami include Miura-ori [6],
Resch origami [7], Yoshimura origami [8], and waterbomb
origami [9].
One of the traditional types of origami is the waterbomb
origami also known as the waterbomb tessellation. There are
two main types of waterbomb units. The first type of water-
bomb unit consists of eight alternating mountain and valley
folds around a central vertex. The second type of waterbomb
origami consists of creases of two mountain folds and four
valley folds around the central vertex. As shown in Fig.1a, the
red line represents mountain folds and the blue line represents
valley creases, which indicate the folding direction of each
crease in the plane. In this paper, we focus on the six-crease
waterbomb tessellation. Owing to its large deployable ratio
between expanded and packaged states, the six-crease water-
bomb tessellation can be potentially used to fold large flat
roofs and space solar panels [10]. We exploit the symmetrical
properties of the waterbomb pattern to inverse the design of
the waterbomb tessellation based on the profile curve of the
Communicated by B. Bao.
* Yan Zhao
Mingyue Zhang
1 School ofFilm andTelevision, Wuxi City College
ofVocational Technology, 12 Qianou Road, Wuxi214153,
Jiangsu, China
2 School ofComputer Science andCommunication
Engineering, Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road,
Zhenjiang212013, Jiangsu, China
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