State and local tax planning is a critical aspect of corporate strategy, yet it presents complex ethical dilemmas. This paper explores the intersection of compliance and corporate integrity in the realm of state and local tax planning. Drawing on ethical frameworks and real-world case studies, it examines the ethical considerations that arise when corporations engage in tax planning strategies to minimize their tax liabilities within the bounds of the law. The tension between legal tax minimization and ethical behavior is analyzed through the lenses of transparency, fairness, and social responsibility. We delve into the ethical implications of aggressive tax planning practices, such as tax avoidance schemes and jurisdictional arbitrage, and their impact on society, stakeholders, and public trust. Furthermore, the paper explores the role of corporate governance, leadership, and corporate culture in fostering a climate of ethical tax compliance. It highlights the importance of promoting a culture of integrity and accountability within organizations to navigate the complex landscape of state and local tax planning ethically.