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Process kinetics optimization for extraction of essential oil from the peel of Citrus sinensis for the development of food packaging film

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Abstract and Figures

The goals of the present work were to achieve maximum extraction efficiency from Citrus sinensis peel and effective utilization of its bioactive compounds. This work focused on studying the physicochemical characteristics and yield percentage of citrus essential oil (CEO) extracted from citrus peels at different extraction times, extraction temperatures, solid–liquid ratios, and solvent combinations, and the data of yield percentage was subjected to find the best kinetic model for better yield. C. sinensis peel powder was subjected to Soxhlet extraction of essential oil at varied solid:liquid ratios (1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, and 1/10), time intervals in minutes (120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, and 280), temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100°C), and solvents (n‐hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol, and water) to characterize their impact on yield percentage. The essential oil extraction kinetics were assessed using the experimental data and two different kinetic models (zero‐order and first‐order kinetic model). The bioactive compounds were assessed using GC–MS, as well. Amongst the other solvents, maximum extraction yield was observed at 90°C for 270 min using n‐hexane. GC–MS results showed that d‐limonene was the predominant compound constituting 41.41%. A good agreement between applied kinetic models and experimental data was demonstrated by the first‐order model (R² = .9830) and the zero‐order kinetic model (R² = .9719). Thus, the effective conditions for maximum extraction yield of CEO peels were optimized and the extracted CEO can be used in food packaging applications for shelf‐life extension. Practical applications Effective food waste management is vital for promoting sustainable resource usage, reducing environmental impact, saving money and energy, addressing global hunger, and upholding ethical and social responsibilities. It is important to minimize food waste throughout the entire food supply chain. Citrus peels are the by‐products of the citrus fruit processing industry and households which contribute to organic waste and its management is an important consideration for environmental sustainability. Thus, this study aims to manage these wastes by extracting essential oil from them and optimizing their process. The role of Citrus sinensis essential oil in the food industry includes natural flavoring with a consistent flavor profile, versatility in culinary applications, provides a natural and clean label, and are cost‐effective. Also, the universally recognized and enjoyed flavor of C. sinensis makes its essential oil a popular choice for products with broad consumer appeal. However, it is essential to follow regulatory guidelines for food‐grade essential oils and adhere to recommended usage levels. The results of this study have practical implications for improving yield, quality, efficiency, and sustainability of the extracted essential oil in the food industry. The optimized data can positively impact various aspects of food production, by enhancing flavor profiles, reducing the processing time and costs, and thus facilitating scale‐up potential. In addition, proper storage conditions should be maintained to ensure the stability and quality of the extracted essential oil over time.
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Process kinetics optimization for extraction of essential oil
from the peel of Citrus sinensis for the development of food
packaging film
Muthahar Fazila Amanullah | Padmapriya Rasamani | M. Sukumar
Centre for Food Technology, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
M. Sukumar, Centre for Food Technology,
A. C. Tech., Anna University, Chennai 600025,
The goals of the present work were to achieve maximum extraction efficiency from
Citrus sinensis peel and effective utilization of its bioactive compounds. This work
focused on studying the physicochemical characteristics and yield percentage of cit-
rus essential oil (CEO) extracted from citrus peels at different extraction times,
extraction temperatures, solidliquid ratios, and solvent combinations, and the data
of yield percentage was subjected to find the best kinetic model for better yield.
C. sinensis peel powder was subjected to Soxhlet extraction of essential oil at varied
solid:liquid ratios (1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, and 1/10), time intervals in minutes (120, 150,
180, 210, 240, 270, and 280), temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100C), and sol-
vents (n-hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol, and water) to characterize
their impact on yield percentage. The essential oil extraction kinetics were assessed
using the experimental data and two different kinetic models (zero-order and first-
order kinetic model). The bioactive compounds were assessed using GCMS, as well.
Amongst the other solvents, maximum extraction yield was observed at 90C for
270 min using n-hexane. GCMS results showed that D-limonene was the predomi-
nant compound constituting 41.41%. A good agreement between applied kinetic
models and experimental data was demonstrated by the first-order model
=.9830) and the zero-order kinetic model (R
=.9719). Thus, the effective condi-
tions for maximum extraction yield of CEO peels were optimized and the extracted
CEO can be used in food packaging applications for shelf-life extension.
Practical applications
Effective food waste management is vital for promoting sustainable resource usage,
reducing environmental impact, saving money and energy, addressing global hunger,
and upholding ethical and social responsibilities. It is important to minimize food
waste throughout the entire food supply chain. Citrus peels are the by-products of
the citrus fruit processing industry and households which contribute to organic waste
and its management is an important consideration for environmental sustainability.
Thus, this study aims to manage these wastes by extracting essential oil from them
and optimizing their process. The role of Citrus sinensis essential oil in the food indus-
try includes natural flavoring with a consistent flavor profile, versatility in culinary
Received: 31 January 2024 Revised: 15 March 2024 Accepted: 5 April 2024
DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.14613
J Food Process Eng. 2024;47:e14613. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1of11
Çözücü ekstraksiyonu gıda endüstrisinde sıkça kullanılan basit ve aynı zamanda etkili bir tekniktir. Son yıllarda özellikle atıkların işlenmesi, ekonomik katma değerin artırılması, çevre kirliliğinin önlenmesi ve biyolojik kaynakların verimli kullanılması için sıklıkla tercih edilen bir uygulamadır. Elde edilmek istenen bileşen ve kullanılan hammaddeye bağlı olarak farklı parametrelerle uygulanan çözücü ekstraksiyonunda, çözücü ve karışımları, çözücü-hammadde oranı, sıcaklık ve hammadde özellikleri en çok üzerinde durulan parametreler olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu derleme çalışmada, söz konusu parametrelerin katı-sıvı ekstraksiyonunda verim üzerine etkisi ve işlemin matematiksel olarak modellenmesi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Ayrıca katı-sıvı ekstraksiyonu termodinamik yönden de değerlendirilmiştir. Katı-sıvı ekstraksiyonunda verimin artırılması, varyasyonların azaltılması, üretimde karşılaşılan zorlukların ve üretim maliyetinin düşürülmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu amaçla yapılan modelleme ve termodinamik çalışmalar; farklı ekstraksiyon parametrelerinin son ürünün verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkisini belirlemek, ekstraksiyonda gerçekleşen fiziksel ve kimyasal olayları açıklamak ve en önemlisi prosesin öngörülebilirliğini sağlamak bakımından önemlidir.
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Citrus fruits, members of the Rutaceae family, have seen a surge in the popularity of their essential oils (EO) due to their versatile industrial applications. These EOs are primarily derived from citrus fruit peels, a practice that not only reduces waste generation but also minimizes environmental contamination. Citrus EO serves as a natural and cost-effective substitute for synthetic preservatives and flavoring agents, contributing to the pursuit of safe and wholesome food, a paramount goal in the food industry. The antimicrobial properties of key compounds such as D-limonene, linalool, α & β-pinene, sabinene, β-myrcene, α-terpineol, and other bioactive chemicals are well-documented. Moreover, these components exhibit antioxidative and potential anticancer attributes. Additionally, citrus EO-based films and coatings offer diverse applications in the realm of food packaging materials. This comprehensive review delves into a variety of extraction methods, component characterization, and recent applications of citrus essential oils across different food categories. As the demand for safe and natural food continues to grow, citrus essential oils employed as food preservatives hold a promising future. Nonetheless, further research is imperative to explore broader applications and ascertain potential allergenic and toxicological consequences, ensuring the continued advancement of this promising field.
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The one-third of all food produced for human use is wasted each year which has made food waste a serious problem all around the world. Citrus juice manufacturing factories generate peel leftovers that can account for 50-60% of the weight of the fruit, contributing significantly to food waste. This study investigates the extraction of orange and lemon peel oils using the Soxhlet process and their analysis via gas chromatography. The aim is to identify and quantify key volatile compounds present in these oils, thereby putting the leftover peels to use. Fresh orange and lemon peels were transformed into zest and extracted using Hexane and Ethanol as solvent in a Soxhlet apparatus. Gas chromatography with a specialized column and detector unveiled major volatile compounds, including limonene, linalool, citral. These compounds contribute to the characteristic aroma and potential bioactivity of the oils. Orange peels displayed notably higher limonene content compared to lemon peels. This approach illuminated the chemical composition of the oils, offering opportunities in food, cosmetics, and fragrance industries. Orange peels contained 70-90% limonene, significantly more than lemon peels. The study concluded that peels harbor 28 volatile substances, with limonene responsible for their distinctive citrus scent. In sum, this research underscores the effectiveness of Soxhlet extraction, providing insights into orange and lemon peel oils’ composition using Gas chromatography and applications.
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First‐order, second‐order, sigmoid, and absorption models were used to predict the extraction yield (EY) of anise essential oil (AEO). Sigmoid model was able to predict the EY with R² 0.9852 and 0.9869 respectively for ohmic‐assisted hydro‐distillation methods with ultrasound and microwave pretreatments. It was found that among the different prediction models, adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) has the highest accuracy for EY estimating. So that a network with the help of Mamdani's maximum‐minimum method and triangular membership function was able to predict the EY in both pretreatments with R² above 0.99. The results of artificial neural network (ANN) modeling showed that the multilayer perceptron network with feed‐forward back propagation structure, Levenberg–Marquardt training algorithm, and with configurations 3‐16‐7‐1 and 3‐14‐5‐1 was able to have the best performance in EY predicting of ultrasound and microwave pretreatments, respectively. The results emphasize the successful use of models, especially dynamic models, in predicting the kinetics of essential oil extraction. Practical applications Modeling helps to understand the basic process and is suitable for better control of the process and increasing its efficiency. Mathematical models, as a relatively simple method, lead to a better understanding of the mechanism and factors affecting extraction processes. Although mathematical models have many advantages in identifying and predicting the behavior of parameters in different conditions, generally, they are not very accurate in predicting complex behaviors. Dynamic modeling including artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fuzzy logic has recently received much attention due to its ability to learn complex processes and predict nonlinear relationships. The results emphasize the successful use of models, especially dynamic models, in predicting the kinetics of essential oil extraction.
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For centuries, phytochemicals have been of immense value to communities worldwide. These metabolites have been used in healthcare systems as medicines to treat various diseases. Further, phytochemicals are used as lead compounds in the synthesis of drugs. The extraction of compounds from plant materials is the cornerstone of natural product research. There has been a relentless endeavor to discover better extractive methods. In the same vein, several promising modern green extraction methods such as supercritical fluid, ultrasound, accelerated solvent, microwave, enzyme-assisted extraction methods are gaining significance. This review describes and discusses the various extraction techniques used to obtain the phytochemicals from different plant parts. These extraction techniques include the conventional solvent-based and the more robust modern and green extraction techniques. The review critically analyses the extraction conditions, optimized situations, advantages, and disadvantages of these extraction techniques. The review includes the recent applications of these extraction techniques. The review will propel advanced research and applications in the extraction process, a significant and integral component of natural products research.
Lignans, a group of polyphenolic low molecular weight bioactive compounds with health benefits, are major constituents of sesame cake (SC), a by-product derived from sesame oil processing. The utilization of this by-product in the food or nutraceutical industries could explore its valorization route in compliance with sustainability and circular economy principles. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different environmental-friendly processing approaches such as ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for lignans extraction from SC using central composite design (CCD) with response surface methodology (RSM). Sesaminol triglucoside (SETRI) and sesaminol diglucoside (SEDI) were identified and quantified as the major lignan glucosides in SC. Ethanol/water mixture was selected as 'green' solvent for all extraction methods. The influence of ethanol concentration (X 1), extraction time (X 2), temperature (X 3) and solid-to-solvent (SS) ratio or solid weight (X 4) on extraction yield (EY), SETRI and SEDI contents for each technique was examined. The developed models exhibited a high degree of desirability (> 0.72) with determined optimal levels of extraction parameters as follows: X 1 = 71%, X 2 = 10 min, X 3 = 50 • C, X 4 = 1.50 g/20 mL for UAE; X 1 = 80%, X 2 = 5 min, X 3 = 50 • C, X 4 = 0.85 g/20 mL for MAE; X 1 = 80%, X 2 = 20 min, X 3 = 65 • C, X 4 = 2 g for ASE. Under these optimal conditions, the experimental values for EY, SETRI and SEDI contents in SC extracts were: 8.28%, 105.98 mg/g and 16.93 mg/g, respectively for UAE; 8.75%, 105.41 mg/g and 18.76 mg/g, respectively for MAE; 9.34%, 108.00 mg/g and 18.34 mg/g, respectively for ASE. The ANOVA analysis from the RSM were fitted with quadratic models yielding acceptable R 2 (> 0.87), adjusted R 2 (> 0.77), predicted R 2 (> 0.74), and nonsignificant lack-of-fit (p > 0.05) values. Ethanol concentration and solid-to-solvent ratio were the most influencing factors affecting lignans extraction. Although ASE was found as the most suitable method for extracting lignans from SC, from an industrial viewpoint, UAE could be a more affordable technique due to advances in ultrasonic processing devices for large scale applications.
In this study, zwitterionic chitin nanofibers (Z-ChNFs) were used to prepare Pickering emulsions containing citrus essential oils (CEO) and their physicochemical properties and antimicrobial activity were investigated. Results show that as-prepared Pickering emulsions exert pH-reversible properties, pH can adjust the charge of Z-ChNFs to influence the stability of the emulsion. As the concentration of Z-ChNFs increase, the droplet size of the emulsion decreases. The high concentration of Z-ChNFs (1.5 wt%) can enhance the viscosity and promote forming nano-network structures within continuous phases, and their amphiphilic nature can strengthen the capacity for adsorption on the oil/water interface, resulting in enhanced physical stability of the encapsulated CEO emulsion. Additionally, Z-ChNFs have positive effects on the improvement of antimicrobial activity of CEO. This study provides valuable implications for the development and application of essential oils as biopreservation in the food field.
There is a huge concern regarding the potential carcinogenic and mutagenic risks associated with the usage of synthetic chemicals as preservatives in various consumer products such as food and pharmaceutical formulations. In this aspect, there is a need for the development of alternative natural preservatives to replace these synthetic chemicals. More recently, naturally occurring essential oils have emerged as popular ingredients owing to their unique characteristics like antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, to enrich and enhance the functional properties of consumer products. However, due to their high volatility and hydrophobicity, their functionality is lost and their incorporation in aqueous products is challenging. One of the promising strategies to overcome this challenge is encapsulation which involves the entrapment of the essential oil inside a biocompatible material for its controlled release and increased bioavailability. Also, the choice of encapsulation method depends on the component to be encapsulated and the shell material. In this review, encapsulation in various colloidal systems that facilitate the potential delivery of essential oils is discussed. The focus is on encapsulation techniques along with their advantages and disadvantages, encapsulation efficiency, and in vitro release studies.
Aim Extraction, chemical determination and comparison of essential oil (EO) composition from the peel oil of three varieties of citrus, sweet lime (Citrus limetta, Meetha Nimbu), lemon (C. limon) and acid lime (C. aurantifolia, Kagzi Nimbu) and their antimicrobial efficacy as preservative in food spoilage was studied. Material and Methods The extraction from all the three types lemon peel oil was done using clevenger apparatus and the chemical constituents of lemon peel EO analyzed by GC-MS. The antagonistic activity of lemon peel EO and 50% methanolic extract from peel residue left after EO extraction was studied against common food borne pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Bacillus sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by agar well diffusion assay. The test fungal species were Rhizopus sp., Rhizomucor sp., Alternaria sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. Results The chemical constituents of lemon peel EO analyzed by GC-MS showed 22 constituents with limonene (39-92%), β-myrcene (0.08-2.57%), α-terpineol (0.3-7.3%), α- and β-pinene (0.2-25.4%) as major ingredients and 1-Octanol, cis-linalool oxide, sabinene as minor constituents. It was found that lemon peel oil exhibited wide range of antimicrobial activity against both groups of bacteria with highest inhibition of zone produced against Bacillus mycoides and B. cereus 34 mm and 28 mm respectively and against fungi Rhizopus sp. and Aspergillus sp. (34 mm and 28 mm respectively). In contrast to EO, the peel extract produced widest zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus followed by S. epidermidis and B. subtilis (IZD of 15, 13 and 13 mm respectively) and in case of fungus, peel extract was most effective against Alternaria sp. and Rhizopus sp. (IZD 26 mm, 17 mm respectively). Conclusion These studies illustrated that antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of EO was much better than its lemon peel extract and has potential to be used as biopreservative in food spoilage.