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Abstract and Figures

The aim of this literature study is to answer the question, "Is the work-based learning model effective in preparing the workforce?" regarding the use of work-based learning models in vocational education. The method used is Systematic literature review. Sources for the literature review come from a number of databases. Databases for journals, including GARUDA, Scopus, ProQuest, World of Science, and Open Access Journal Directory. The results show that the "WBL" model increases students' readiness to face the world of work and has a positive impact on students' motivation and achievement. To help students accept and understand what they are learning, it also gives them the opportunity to investigate job possibilities in the surrounding environment and familiarize themselves with work habits, dress codes, and other professional customs.
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ISSN 1462 2815
Hijriyantomi Suyuthie 1*, Ganefri 2, Asmar Yulastri 3,
Nizwardi Jalinus 4, Ambiyar 5, Sukardi 6 and Alfajri Yusra 7
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author Email:
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10964820
The aim of this literature study is to answer the question, "Is the work-based learning model effective in
preparing the workforce?" regarding the use of work-based learning models in vocational education.
The method used is Systematic literature review. Sources for the literature review come from a number
of databases. Databases for journals, including GARUDA, Scopus, ProQuest, World of Science, and
Open Access Journal Directory. The results show that the "WBL" model increases students' readiness
to face the world of work and has a positive impact on students' motivation and achievement. To help
students accept and understand what they are learning, it also gives them the opportunity to investigate
job possibilities in the surrounding environment and familiarize themselves with work habits, dress
codes, and other professional customs.
Keyword: Work Based Learning, Vocational, Competence.
Currently, Indonesia is transitioning towards a knowledge-based economy. 21st
century competencies and skills are needed in this knowledge-based economy
(Gailing & Moss, 2016). Professional, management, operational, behavioral, personal
and functional skills are some of the abilities and skills needed in Era 4.0 (Maulidah,
2019). The ability of the Indonesian workforce to generate, exchange and better apply
21st century knowledge and skills will determine the country's competitiveness.
Indonesia must create a more analytical, flexible, adaptive and multi-skilled workforce
during this transition period. The goal of 21st century vocational education is to equip
students with job skills, technical employability, and business vision to meet the
demands of an ever-changing labor market (Mardhiyah et al., 2021). In other words,
the need for vocational education requires students to have the skills necessary to be
ready to face the world of work. Therefore, Indonesia must produce a workforce that
has 21st century competencies. Thus, there is a requirement for a versatile education
and training system capable of delivering the essential competencies required by
society to attain this objective.
Global plans, visions, program developments, and world conferences with UNESCO
and the World Labor Organization are part of the growing field of vocational education.
In addition to educating students for specific careers, vocational education should be
promoted for its ability to increase general knowledge and abilities that serve as a
foundation for adapting to the various opportunities that exist in society (King, 2009).
Reducing expenditure may indirectly benefit education and training (Gasskov, 2000).
According to Munadi (2008), Vocational education plays an important role in realizing
the National Education System which aims to produce competitive and intelligent
Indonesian people. Vocational education plays an important role in training workers
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who have the necessary knowledge, skills and personality (Hanafi, 2012). This is
necessary to ensure workers are able to meet increasing market demand (Wibowo,
2016). Theoretically, core concepts and universal ideologies guide vocational
education. Apart from that, the global era requires human resources who are skilled,
competitive, anticipatory, adaptive, and able to learn. This also requires competency-
based learning because the workforce profile required by the market is strong in hard
skills and soft skills (Widarto & Widodo, 2012).
In enhancing the quality of education within the professional sphere, there is a need
for a transition in curriculum design from the conventional model, which includes
subject descriptions, to a novel curriculum design encompassing explicit statements
outlining a range of competencies. This shift is imperative for competency-based
learning (Ratnata, 2012; Nurtanto & Sofyan, 2015). Therefore, although vocational
education curricula must simultaneously prepare students to be productive, they also
focus on processes and outcomes that are closely related to the advancement of
knowledge in certain subjects (Wardina et al., 2019). The vocational education
curriculum is closely related to supporting the development of students in various
knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values. Ultimately, each of these factors increases
graduates' employability (Triyono, 2017). Practically, education answers the problem
of change with the aim of achieving learning that makes society more relevant and
productive in the economic and technological fields (Slamet, 2011).
Practical learning is the main focus of how learning is carried out in vocational
education. Because vocational education is closely related to the world of work or
industry, graduates must be prepared to face work through direct learning and training
(Winangun & Mesin, 2017). According to Jang et al. (2020), acquiring practical skills
and the knowledge and behavior that go along with them is the most important aspect
of professional learning. Meanwhile, according to Rahdiyanta et al. (2016), when work
skills are taught directly with real equipment, only then can these work skills be taught
effectively. Therefore, only through direct learning activities can students acquire the
competencies they need to master, especially in the professional field.
Metso & Kianto, (2014) stated that vocational education does not only focus on
increasing students' abilities and employment potential. However, vocational
education also has other goals, such as
1) helping people interact with the world of work efficiently;
2) Guaranteeing emancipatory transformation at a personal or social level;
3) Increasing the continuity of several businesses; and
4) encouraging national economic performance.
Therefore, vocational education has a good role in developing human resources, the
health of the national economy, and business sustainability.
Vocational education aims to provide students with relevant experience and training
in skills needed in the workplace. As a result, the vocational education learning model
is different from the general education model. Therefore, the models that can be
applied in the implementation of vocational education are as follows:
1) The employment education model which is often called the "company model" is
implemented entirely within the organization or through what is usually called
vocational training;
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2) The school education model is vocational education completed at school. All
implementation infrastructure, financial planning, and management systems
are under the authority of schools, especially the government. Industry is only
seen as a model in this model;
3) Education in a dual system or cooperative model (PSG). Workplaces and
educational institutions collaborate to implement this type of teaching. This
model, which combines company and school-based approaches, is said to be
able to overcome the shortcomings of each model;
4) The production unit business model is rooted in schools. The main goal of this
concept is to bring the world of business into the classroom to increase school
income and provide real business experience to students (Sudira, 2015).
From the discussion above, it is clear that there are several ways to implement
vocational education. The final result is determined by the choice of model. Therefore,
the vocational education management model must be chosen taking into account the
needs, nature, and direction of vocational education management.
The method used is a systematic literature review (SLR) which is a research
assistance method that provides policymakers and practitioners with a robust
synthesis of results (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006; Siswanto, 2010) and the latest
evidence in a particular scientific subject (Munn et al., 2014). Sources for the literature
review come from several databases. Databases for journals include GARUDA,
Scopus, ProQuest, World of Science, and Open Access Journal Directory. By
synthesizing several scientific works obtained from the database, SLR can answer
research questions by summarizing hundreds or even thousands of articles using
scientific methodology. The steps applied in a literature review include
a) Defining research questions by developing targeted research questions,
b) Determining search parameters by formulating standards for selecting related
c) Searching literature through databases and other literature sources thoroughly,
d ) Selecting literature on predetermined standards,
e) Assessing the methodological quality and significance of each article or
literature source selected to determine the quality of the literature as a whole,
f) Analyzing and synthesizing by summarizing and finding important trends or
conclusions in the selected current literature
g) Write reports to record findings in an organized manner.
By following these steps, a systematic review of existing literature will be carried out
to gain broader knowledge about the work-based learning model and its impact on
increasing the competency of vocational education students.
ISSN 1462 2815
Literature Review
Arizona WBL Model
This model highlights the relationship between industry and educational institutions.
To provide resources and activities, both parties must work together. As a result, this
model combines academic knowledge gained in academic institutions with practical
knowledge gained in industry. According to Cunningham & Dawes (2016), the
emphasis is on developing teamwork, talent transfer, ethos, work ethic, and the
capacity to identify commercial prospects. Therefore, to connect institutional and
industrial activities, resources and support networks are needed so that this can be
achieved through mutually agreed protocols. Figure 1 below provides a brief overview
of the model.
Figure 1: Arizona WBL Model (Zhao et al., 2007)
Edmund WBL Model
This model involves 3 (three) steps, namely industry, educational institutions, and
learners. Edmund's model connects learners and educational institutions through
education, learners, and industry through training, industry, and educational
institutions through codification of knowledge (Rowley, 2003). Edmund defines the
WBL model as a process of building knowledge and skills through the active
involvement of learners, industry, and educational institutions based on a jointly
formulated curriculum. The model can be briefly seen in Figure 2 below:
Figure 2: Edmun WBL Model (Rowley, 2003)
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There are several principles in implementing the Edmun model, namely:
1) Fostering good relations between industry, educational institutions, learners
and professional organizations;
2) Assess the extent to which learning can be integrated into work by involving all
interested parties;
3) Making industry a place for learners to gain knowledge and skills; and
4) WBL is carried out based on the mutual interests and benefits of all parties
Affirmative WBL Model
This model is to prepare the trained workforce needed by the industrial world (Raelin,
2008). The foundation of this learning is the transfer of knowledge and skills to
students through supervision and work training from knowledgeable practitioners. The
curriculum implemented is in line with the preferences of the industrial world.
Its implementation requires attention to four main areas: curriculum development,
student evaluation, learning, and desired learning outcomes. Students are evaluated
based on their ability to connect theory and practice in the workplace. Therefore, the
process and results must be the basis for assessment. Figure 3 below provides a brief
overview of the model.
Figure 3: Affirmative WBL Model (Raelin, 2008)
Transformative WBL Model
This model prepares human resources who can become agents of change, leaders,
and analytical thinkers (Morris, 2018). This model directly involves students in
designing learning objectives.
The design of learning techniques aims to equip students with greater creativity and
innovation. Figure 4 below provides a brief overview of the model.
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Figure 4: Transformative WBL Model (Morris, 2018)
SkiVes WBL Model
The SkiVes model was developed by Ridhuan which is based on the SIM (Sequential
Iterative Model) training model and the Taba curriculum model (Helyer, 2015). The
combination of the two models produces the main components, namely objectives,
materials, facilities, learning strategies, and assessment of training results. This model
focuses on the training process and application of basic/general skills. Figure 5 below
provides a brief overview of the model.
Figure 5: SkiVes WBL Model (Helyer, 2015)
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Raelin WBL Model
According to Raelin, the learning model applied at the individual level is adapted from
Kolb's learning style (Fuller & Unwin, 2011). Kolb's learning styles were developed as
a way to understand a person's learning style and interests. Raelin's learning model
aims to develop understanding and critical attitudes in the workplace. It is not enough
to learn only through theory without involving students in real experiences with the aim
of students understanding more quickly and reflecting continuously. Figure 6 below
provides a brief overview of the model.
Figure 6: Raelin WBL (Fuller & Unwin, 2011)
RoTer WBL Model
This model was designed by the process industry at D3 Automotive Students which
was developed by Berkelombok (Siswanto, 2012). This model was developed to
improve aspects of thinking, intelligence, and mentality as well as giving aesthetic
character to the car. Figure 7 below provides a brief overview of the model.
Figure 7: RoTer WBL Model (Siswanto, 2012)
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This model was developed based on the RoTer model for learning Midwifery Care
courses carried out in groups in the laboratory (Marlina et al., 2019). The aim of the
development is to develop students' work skills in the field studied through job shading,
namely observing practitioners/supervisors doing work, then trying it, and making a
report. Figure 8 below provides a brief overview of the model.
Figure 8: INAA WBL Model (Marlina et al., 2019)
The WBL model is gaining traction in the education sector because it increases the
importance of tutors in the learning process and influences the success of students
(Morris, 2018) who have a direct understanding of the world of work and the skills
required (Cunningham & Dawes, 2016). This learning method, which examines how
school-based learning resources are applied in the workplace, can be combined with
other learning resources to help students in various ways (Boud & Solomon, 2001).
WBL essentially relies on engagement in the programs, organizations, and individuals
involved. This paradigm is usually created in vocational schools or institutions that
focus on preparing specialist candidates for the world of work (Morris, 2018). Starting
from market needs, planning, preparation, delivery, and assessment (Siebert et al.,
WBL aims to help students become more professional in the workplace, provide them
the chance to concentrate on their personal growth and help them take the next step
toward a promising career (Perrin et al., 2020). Opportunities for job exploration offer
a more concentrated learning environment where students actively choose and pursue
careers that align with their long-term objectives (Little & Colleagues, 2006). Students
can choose their path to prepare for their desired career once they have a stronger
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understanding of the working world. Career Preparation and Training Experiences:
These are opportunities for students to learn in the workplace that are directly tied to
a specific job or business, allowing them to demonstrate progress toward academic
and career/technical abilities (Costley, 2007).
There are various definitions for the WBL paradigm, which is sometimes confused with
work-related learning (DeFillippi, 2001). According to some definitions, WBL includes
all types of on-the-job learning, including work experience and work under supervision.
According to different definitions, WBL includes any learning that occurs as a result of
work-related activities (De Graaf & Kolmos, 2003). WBL is a term used in many
countries to describe programs at universities or schools to gain experience in the
workplace (Savery, 2015); it is also used to prepare teenagers for the transition from
school to the world of work by teaching them about the realities of the workplace and
equipping them with the knowledge they need to make wise decisions there (Evensen
et al., 2000). WBL refers to training that has a direct connection to the tasks the
company is asked to complete. More precisely, the process of recognizing, creating,
and utilizing knowledge for preparation in the workplace (Hazenfratz et al., 2017). This
can be applied to fulfill all or part of the credits required for higher education. It is also
impossible to isolate the WBL model of action learning from the context of
organizational learning (Lester & Costley, 2010).
Although there are some differences, as explained in the definition above, the WBL
model is essentially a workplace learning paradigm. In order to prepare students to
face the real world of work, this program aims to provide them with the opportunity to
apply the knowledge and skills they have learned during college to the world of work
and gain various learning experiences in the world of work. This WBL model can take
the form of training, guidance work, internships/cooperatives, education and
apprenticeships. The results obtained concluded that WBL has a positive influence on
learning achievement and motivation and increases students' work readiness (Bailey
et al., 2003). In addition, it also allows students to explore potential careers in the
environment, as well as become familiar with workplace protocols, dress standards,
and other professional behavior, developing the ability to accept and understand what
is learned. The ability to apply knowledge and skills because everything learned
becomes more meaningful; the ability to work together, and think critically and
creatively which ultimately means being able to achieve high learning standards
(Murray, 2008).
Based on research findings, it can be said that the WBL model is theoretically a
workplace learning model that seeks to provide opportunities for students to apply the
various knowledge and skills they have learned on campus to the world of work and
obtain various benefits. On-the-job learning experiences to help them prepare for the
real world of work. The WBL model has a positive influence on learner achievement
and motivation and increases learner work readiness. Additionally, it allows students
to investigate possible career paths in the environment and familiarize themselves with
workplace norms, dress codes, and other professional behaviors, which helps them
accept and understand the lessons they learn. As a result, they can apply what they
have learned in a more meaningful way and develop collaborative, critical and creative
thinking skills, all of which contribute to their capacity to meet high learning
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... The use of Team-Based Project Methods in the 4.0 era is very important to prepare students to enter the world of work, where collaboration and teamwork are important skills. These methods align with educational strategies that aim to equip students with relevant 21st-century skills, as they encourage collaboration, problem-solving, and technical competencies that are essential in the modern job market (Kim et al., 2019;Suyuthie et al., 2024). ...
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Team-Based Project Learning Methods (TBP) have become a major focus in advancing education, especially in integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. Previous research shows that the TBP method can improve students' critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, which are important in facing the challenges of the 21st century. However, the success of this method depends on the integration of relevant 21st-century skills in the curriculum. This article explores the current literature on TBP, highlighting a variety of contexts and disciplines. The results show that the TBP method is effective in developing contextual, collaborative skills, and is relevant to current job market needs. In conclusion, a deep understanding of TBP is essential for educational practitioners in designing effective learning strategies to prepare students to face the demands of the 21st century.
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This study investigates the educational contributions and breakthroughs made by Prof. Dr. Ir. Isjrin Noerdin, the first Chancellor (Teaching and Education Institute) of IKIP Padang (1965-1973), who used the historical method. Data was collected through a literature study and analyzed using a qualitative approach. The breakthroughs identified include revitalizing the spirit of cooperation among the academic community, relocating campuses, implementing the Semester Credit System, establishing a Labor School & Teacher Training Center, building the Al-Azhar Mosque to strengthen religious values, and awarding an honorary doctorate to Engku Muhammad Sjafe 'i. These innovations have a sustainable impact and continue to be developed by subsequent leaders, especially in strengthening the scientific basis of education. Isjrin Noerdin's extraordinary achievements in improving the education sector made him a leader who should be used as an example and even provided the basis for further honors, such as being awarded the title of National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia.
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Studying abroad, including in the United Kingdom is one of the aspirations for students and parents in Indonesia. In comparison to directly continuing study overseas, the availability of BTEC UK curriculum in Indonesia allows students to study for 20 months then continued their final year in the country they are planning to go to, including in the UK. Unfortunately, there is no record of the experience of students undergoing this curriculum in Indonesia, even though the curriculum already exists in Indonesia for more than ten years. This study then explores the motivations behind the decisions of students undergoing the BTEC curriculum in Indonesia, their experiences and the outcomes that occur after. Interviews with the 7 BTEC alumni in Indonesia were conducted and analyzed using qualitative phenomenology study. The results obtained that internal motivation is the main trigger whereas external motivation also applies, which is built up through social influence. The experience felt at the beginning was generally difficult to follow because the students were not used to the system, even though some felt excited about the curriculum learning system. In the middle and end of the semester, some of them feel more accustomed to it while some still find it difficult to follow this curriculum. The results in the form of a variety of positive attitudes including courage, self-confidence, and the development of communication skills.
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Vocational education purpose is to produce ready-to-work graduates who have the relevant skills for current job employment. Entering the industrial revolution era 4.0 there were massive changes in various industries and workers' ability needs. This article intends to examine the implications of the industrial revolution 4.0 era for vocational education curriculum. Based on the study of various sources and business practices, it is necessary to develop vocational education curriculum that are in accordance with the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and relevant to answering the needs of new skills, such as the ability to create and manage coding, big data, and artificial intelligence. The vocational curriculum needs to apply blended learning, which integrates face-to-face and online learning, so as to more effectively build graduates' abilities and skills. The curriculum also needs to contain mastery of 4.0 competencies such as data literacy, technology literacy and human literacy. In order for the vocational education curriculum to have a broad impact, the government, educational institutions, industries must work together to revitalize the approach and content of the vocational education curriculum. Teachers must also be able to implement good learning to produce optimal graduate performance. Pendidikan vokasi merupakan pendidikan yang menghasilkan lulusan siap kerja yang memiliki keterampilan sesuai kebutuhan dunia kerja. Memasuki era revolusi indusri 4.0 terjadi perubahan yang masif pada perbagai industri dan kebutuhan kemampuan pekerja. Artikel ini bermaksud mengkaji implikasi era revolusi industri 4.0 bagi kurikulum pendidikan vokasi. Berdasarkan kajian berbagai sumber dan praktek bisnis, diperlukan pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan vokasi yang sesuai dengan era revolusi industri 4.0 dan relevan menjawab kebutuhan keterampilan baru, seperti kemampuan membuat dan mengelola coding, big data, dan artificial intelligence. Kurikulum vokasi perlu menerapkan pembelajaran blended learning, yang mengintegrasikan pembelajaran tatap muka dan online, supaya lebih efektif membangun kemampuan dan ketrampilan lulusan. Kurikulum juga perlu memuat penguasaan kompetensi 4.0 seperti literasi data, literasi teknologi dan literasi manusia. Agar kurikulum pendidikan vokasi menghasilkan dampak yang luas, pemerintah, lembaga pendidikan, industri harus bersinergi untuk merevitalisasi pendekatan dan isi kurikulum pendidikan vokasi. Pengajar juga harus dapat menyelenggarakan pembelajaran yang baik untuk menghasilkan kinerja optimal lulusan.
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One indicator of the era of globalization is characterized by the emergence of free trade, free goods out of the country knows no bounds (borderless), this indication shows that the workforce with professional qualifications are highly demanded in the world of work in this era of globalization.In the organization of education systems-oriented world of work in Indonesia, there are two terms used education, namely: vocational education and vocational education. In Article 15 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System explained vocational education is secondary education that prepares students primarily for work in a particular field, while vocational education is higher education that prepares students to have a job with a certain applied skills equivalent to the maximum degree program. Thus, vocational education is provision of formal education which was held in higher education, such as: polytechnic, diploma, or the like which are directly related to the advancement of knowledge and skills necessary for candidates for employment in the field of engineering and industrial services. Vocational education building 8 Competency, namely: Communication Skills, Critical and Creative Thinking, Information/ Digital Literacy, Inquiry/ Reasoning Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Multicultural/ Multilingual Literacy, Problem Solving, Technological Skills.With vocational education effective and efficient is expected to generate prospective workers who have the soft skills and hard skills with critical thinking ability and skill in solving problems to face the world of work in the era of globalization.
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Penelitian bertujuan: (1) menemukan model penyelenggaraan work-based learning pada pendidikan vokasi program Diploma III Otomotif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar; (2) mengetahui luaran penyelenggaraan work-based learning dengan model yang dikembangkan. Penelitian R&D dan eksperimen ini dilaksanakan di beberapa pusdiklat/training center berbagai APM (Agen Pemegang Merek) Otomotif di Jakarta, Karawang, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Populasi penelitian: seluruh mahasiswa Diploma III program studi Teknik Otomotif yang melaksanakan program pengalaman lapangan/praktik industri di provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah. Dua kelompok mahasiswa sebagai sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 mahasiswa ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yang meliputi 3 PTN dan 3 PTS di DIY dan Jawa Tengah. Eksperimen dilaksanakan dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 1. Validasi isi dilakukan dengan expert judgement dan analisis faktor dan reliabilitas butir dengan formula Alpha Cronbach dan KR-20. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, korelasi, regresi, jalur, uji-t dengan bantuan program SPSS.17 dan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan program LISREL 8.80, taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) model WBL Rolling Terpadu cocok digunakan dalam penyelenggaraan program work-based learning Diploma III Otomotif untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar; (2) luaran (output) dari model WBL Rolling Terpadu yaitu: pengetahuan mekanik otomotif, sikap profesional, kesiapan mental kerja, dan kemandirian mahasiswa pada kelas model lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibanding kelas konvensional. WORK-BASED LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION MODEL IN AUTOMOTIVE DIPLOMA III VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAbstractThis research was aimed at: (1) finding the work-based learning implementation model in Automotive Diploma III program, (2) revealing the WBL performance outputs. R&D and experimental research was conducted at several training centers of automotive authorized dealer agencies or (APM) in Jakarta, Karawang, Tangerang, Bekasi. The population were students of Automotive Diploma III study program who were trained in industrial attachment program in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special State provinces. Two groups of 100 students as subject with purposive sampling techniques. Experiment was conducted with 2x1 factorial design. Validity was examinded by expert judgment and by factors analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha formula and KR-20 were used to examine the reliability. Data were analyzed by correlation, multiple regression, path, and t-test with SPSS ver.17. Goodness of Fit model were tested by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.80. The results show that (1) WBL Rolling Terpadu model is fit to improve performance outputs in the implementation Automotive Diploma III work-based learning program, (2) outputs of WBL Rolling Terpadu model are initial automotivemechanic knowledge, professional attitude, work mentally readiness, and personality attitude. These outputs of the experimental group in student work-based learning performance are higher than that of control group.
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Pendidikan kejuruan diyakini memiliki konstribusi yang besar bagi perkembangan masyarakat dan peningkatan ekonomi suatu negara. Daya saing negara bergantung banyak pada tenaga kerja yang memilik pengetahuan dan keterampilan, karena mereka akan meningkatkan efisiensi dan nilai tambah produksi. Pendidikan dan latihan kejuruan pada hakekat adalah sebagai tempat untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja berpengetahuan, berketerampilan, dan berkepribadian bagi memenuhi harapan dunia kerja dan industri. Tetapi kondisi riil menunjukkan banyak lulusan pendidikan kejuruan yang tidak memperoleh kerja, bahkan mereka yang telah bekerjapun menghadapi masalah keterampilan. Bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka miliki tidak cukup untuk dapat sustain dalam lingkungan kerja. Hal itu salah satunya disebabkan karena tenaga kerja tidak memiliki employability skills yang cukup seperti permintaan dunia kerja. Untuk itu, lembaga pendidikan kejuruan diharapkan mengantisipasi dengan tepat perkembangan yang terjadi di dunia kerja melalui berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran agar lebih fleksibel untuk merespon permintaan dunia kerja yang berubah dengan cepat. RE-ORIENTATION OF SKILLS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION GRADUATESAbstractSkills Re-orientation for Vocational School Graduates. It is believed that vocational education makes particular contribution on Indonesian concerning economics development. A competitiveness of the nation depends on quality of human resource in term of knowledge, skills, attitude. Vocational education and training basically is provided for preparing youth to have knowledge, skills, and characteristics to meet the requirements of work place. However, in fact Vocational High School leavers are unemployed, and the employed even face skills problems. Their knowledges, skills, and attitudes are under standard of work place requirements and incapable of sustaining hie/her current position in the work place. One of the reasons is because they don’t have enough employability skills to fulfil work place requirements. Therefore, vocational training institutions are required to anticipate firmly to developing the work place by employing learning strategies in order to have flexibilty due to a rapid changing of work place requirements.
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Artificial neural networks represent an alternative to traditional multivariate techniques, such as principal component and discriminant analysis, which rely on hypotheses regarding the normal distribution of the data and homoscedasticity. They also may be a powerful tool for multivariate modeling of systems that do not present linear correlation between variables, as well as to visualize high-dimensional data in bi- or trivariate structures. One special kind of neural network of interest in archaeometric studies is the Self-Organizing Map (SOM). SOMs can be distinguished from other neural networks for preserving the topological features of the original multivariate space. In this study, the self-organizing maps were applied to concentration data of chemical elements measured in archaeological ceramics from Central Amazon using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The main objective was testing the chemical patterns previously identified using cluster and principal component analysis, forming groups of ceramics according the multivariate chemical composition. It was verified by statistical tests that the chemical elemental data was not normally distributed and did not present homogeneity of covariance matrices for different groups, as requested by principal component analysis and other multivariate techniques. The maps obtained were consistent with the patterns identified by cluster and principal component analysis, forming two chemical groups of pottery shards for each archaeological site tested. Finally, it was verified the potential of SOMs for testing if failures in underlying hypotheses of traditional multivariate techniques might be critically influencing the results and subsequent archaeological interpretation of archaeometric data.
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This study aims to: (1) discover a collaborative skills-based learning model for practical work invocational education programs which can improve the quality of learning outcomes; (2) determine the effect ofthe application of collaborative skills-based learning model for practical work towards the students’ attitude andlearning outcome. This R&D and experiments research was carried out in manufacturing industry of machiningfield in Yogyakarta, and in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta StateUniversity. The population being studied was all of Diploma students of Mechanical Engineering study programwho enrolled in Complex Machining Processes course. Research sample of 33 students, divided in two groups,were determined by purposive sampling technique. The experiment was carried out by posttest-only controldesign. Content validation was done by expert judgment and items reliability with Alpha Cronbach formula andKR-20. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and t-test, with significance level of 0.05. The resultsshow that: (1) The collaborative skills-based learning model for practical work is suitable to be implemented inorder to improve the quality of learning outcomes in practical work; (2) The students’ attitude and learningachievement of the model class is better, or higher, than the controlled class.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menemukan model pembelajaran praktik berbasis collaborative skillpada program pendidikan vokasi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar; (2) mengetahui pengaruhpenerapan model pembelajaran praktik berbasis collaborative skill terhadap sikap dan prestasi belajarmahasiswa. Penelitian R&D dan eksperimen ini dilaksanakan di industri manufaktur bidang pemesinan diwilayah DIY dan di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT-UNY. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswaprogram studi D3 Teknik Mesin FT-UNY yang melaksanakan kuliah Proses Pemesinan Kompleks. Pemilihansampel ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Eksperimen dilaksanakan dengan rancangan posttest-onlycontrol design. Validasi isi dilakukan dengan expert judgement dan reliabilitas butir dengan formula AlphaCronbach dan KR-20. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan uji-t, taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa: (1) model pembelajaran praktik berbasis collaborative skill cocok digunakan untukmeningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar praktik; (2) Sikap dan prestasi belajar praktik mahasiswa pada kelas modellebih baik atau lebih tinggi dibanding kelas kontrol.
Abad 21 berpusat pada perkembangan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang mengedepankan pengetahuan sebagai tombak utama. Namun, dengan pengetahuan saja tidak cukup untuk mewujudkan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0, karena perlu adanya keseimbangan antara pengetahuan dengan keterampilan sebagai dasar dari sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas pada perkembangan zaman. Mengasah keterampilan melalui pembiasaan diri dan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup dalam berbagai macam hal yang didasari oleh pengetahuan. Pembelajaran abad ke 21 diharapkan dapat membuka lebih lebar kesempatan kerja dan memperluas lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat Indonesia sebagai sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan unggul. Untuk membentuk sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, maka dibutuhkan tenaga pendidik yang siap mengajar dan mendidik melalui pembelajaran abad 21 yang tentunya diharuskan relevan dengan perkembangan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keterampilan belajar yang akan dibutuhkan pada pembelajaran abad 21, dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan berupa studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran abad 21 berorientasikan kepada kegiatan untuk melatih keterampilan peserta didik dengan mengarah pada proses pembelajaran. Pembelajaran abad 21 berfokus pada student center dengan tujuan untuk memberikan peserta didik keterampilan berpikir diantara lain: (1) berpikir kritis, (2) memecahkan masalah, (3) metakognisi, (4) berkomunikasi, (5) berkolaborasi, (6) inovasi dan kreatif, (7) literasi informasi. Oleh sebab itu diharapkan pendidikan dapat menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan juga aspek kemanusiaan karena pembelajaran abad 21 lebih mengintegrasikan terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan.