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Element-free Galerkin analysis of MHD duct flow problems at arbitrary and high Hartmann numbers

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Abstract and Figures

A stabilized element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is proposed in this paper for numerical analysis of the generalized steady MHD duct flow problems at arbitrary and high Hartmann numbers up to 1016101610^{16}. Computational formulas of the EFG method for MHD duct flows are derived by using Nitsche’s technique to facilitate the implementation of Dirichlet boundary conditions. The reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration technique is incorporated into the EFG method to accelerate the solution procedure impaired by Gauss quadrature rules. A stabilized Nitsche-type EFG weak formulation of MHD duct flows is devised to enhance the performance damaged by high Hartmann numbers. Several benchmark MHD duct flow problems are solved to testify the stability and the accuracy of the present EFG method. Numerical results show that the range of the Hartmann number Ha in the present EFG method is 1≤Ha≤10161Ha10161\le Ha\le 10^{16}, which is much larger than that in existing numerical methods.
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Engineering with Computers (2024) 40:3233–3251
Element‑free Galerkin analysis ofMHD duct flow problems atarbitrary
andhigh Hartmann numbers
XiaolinLi1· ShulingLi1
Received: 10 December 2023 / Accepted: 11 March 2024 / Published online: 15 April 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2024
A stabilized element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is proposed in this paper for numerical analysis of the generalized steady
MHD duct flow problems at arbitrary and high Hartmann numbers up to
. Computational formulas of the EFG method for
MHD duct flows are derived by using Nitsche’s technique to facilitate the implementation of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
The reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration technique is incorporated into the EFG method to accelerate the
solution procedure impaired by Gauss quadrature rules. A stabilized Nitsche-type EFG weak formulation of MHD duct flows
is devised to enhance the performance damaged by high Hartmann numbers. Several benchmark MHD duct flow problems
are solved to testify the stability and the accuracy of the present EFG method. Numerical results show that the range of the
Hartmann number Ha in the present EFG method is
, which is much larger than that in existing numerical
Keywords Meshless· Element-free Galerkin method· Numerical integration· Stabilization· MHD duct flows· High
Hartmann numbers
1 Introduction
The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equation is one of the
most important practical models for describing the dynam-
ics of electrically conducting fluids and their interactions
with magnetic fields. MHD duct flow problems come up
in a wide variety of applications in physics and engineer-
ing, such as blood flow measurements, nuclear reactor cool-
ing systems, and MHD flowmeters, generators, pumps and
accelerators [18]. However, partly owing to the coupling
of fluid dynamics and electrodynamics equations, analytical
solutions of MHD duct flow problems are available only for
some special geometries with simple boundary conditions
[1, 8, 9]. Therefore, effective numerical methods are neces-
sary and important for solving MHD duct flow problems.
In the past two decades, MHD duct flow problems have
been extensively studied by some mesh-based numerical
methods such as the finite element method (FEM) [13],
the finite difference method (FDM) [46], the boundary
element method (BEM) [7, 8] and the tailored finite point
method (TFPM) [10]. The success and accuracy of mesh-
based methods largely rely on the ability to generate and
keep sufficient quality elements throughout the entire numer-
ical simulation.
In order to reduce the difficulty in generating elements
and enhance the computational accuracy, some meshless (or
meshfree) methods have been developed. Several meshfree
point collocation method (MPCM) [1116] have been pro-
posed for MHD duct flow problems in recent years. Galer-
kin meshless methods have been widely used due to their
excellent stability and accuracy. As one of the commonly
used Galerkin meshless methods, the element-free Galerkin
(EFG) method [17] has also contributed a great deal to solv-
ing MHD duct flow problems [1822]. It should be pointed
out that the improved EFG method [23], the complex vari-
able EFG method [24], and the interpolating EFG method
[25] have been developed respectively by using the improved
MLS approximation, the complex variable MLS approxima-
tion and the interpolating MLS method to construct mesh-
less shape functions.
In meshless methods, shape functions are generated with
high smoothness and accuracy by scattered nodes instead of
elements. Nevertheless, due to the non-polynomial nature
* Xiaolin Li
1 School ofMathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal
University, Chongqing400047, People’sRepublicofChina
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... In [15], a stabilized FEM with shock-capturing is tested for steady and unsteady MHD equations to handle the convection dominance as a result of the high Ha values. Li and Li [16] developed a stabilized element-free Galerkin method to solve time-independent MHD duct problems for Ha ∈ [1, 10 6 ]. Marusic-Paloka [17] obtained the asymptotic solutions of velocity and induced MF to analyze the impact of slip condition and perturbation of the boundary. ...
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In this study, a machine learning approach to unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow is investigated in a square duct under the effect of an inclined magnetic field for the first time. Induced magnetic field is also taken into consideration. The duct walls are impermeable and the velocity has no-slip boundary conditions. The global radial basis function method and the backward Euler method are implemented for the space and the time discretization, respectively, in velocity and induced magnetic field equations. The datasets from the numerical results of MHD equations are stored for the range of problem variables which are Reynolds, magnetic Reynolds and Hartmann numbers, and the inclination angle of the applied magnetic field. Neural Network (NN) algorithm is utilized for modeling velocity and induced magnetic field inside the duct at the steady state by using values both in range and out of the range values. Average values of velocity and induced magnetic field are also estimated at any time level. The capability of NN to get good metric results reveals that the machine learning approach may provide independence from recurrent numerical calculations.
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A stabilized element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is developed and analyzed in this paper for the meshless numerical solution of Stokes problems. To accelerate the solution procedure and recover the optimal convergence impaired by Gauss integration, integration constraints of Galerkin numerical methods for Stokes problems are derived, and then the inherently consistent reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration is incorporated into the EFG method with explicit quadrature rules in the reference space. By using Nitsche’s method to satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition, the inf-sup stability, the existence and uniqueness, and the error estimation of the EFG solution with numerical integration are derived rigorously. Theoretical results reveal that the EFG error essentially comes from not only the meshless approximations of velocity and pressure, but also numerical integration of the Galerkin weak forms. It turns out a procedure on how to choose quadrature rules to ensure that the optimal convergence is not affected by the integration error. Numerical results demonstrate the consistency, efficiency and optimal convergence of the method, and support the theoretical results.
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A unified reproducing kernel gradient smoothing formulation is presented for efficient Galerkin meshfree analysis of strain gradient elasticity problems with particular reference to high order basis functions, such as cubic and quartic basis functions. The integration constraint is elaborated for the Galerkin meshfree formulation of strain gradient elasticity, where the possible inconsistency issue associated with the separate first and second order gradient smoothing formalism is completely resolved. In this approach, the first order smoothed gradients of meshfree shape functions are expressed as a reproduced kernel form and the second order smoothed gradients are deduced from their first order counterparts through direct differentiation. Thereafter, the unknown coefficients in the first and second order smoothed gradients are simultaneously solved from the integration constraint. The resulting smoothed gradients automatically meet the integration consistency by construction. Subsequently, it is proven that the reproducing kernel gradient smoothing quadrature rules for the conventional elasticity problems are well suitable for the strain gradient elasticity problems. Numerical results clearly demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach regarding convergence, accuracy, as well as efficiency, in comparison with the Gauss integration-based meshfree formulation for strain gradient elasticity problems.
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In this paper, based on the improved interpolating moving least-squares (IMLS) method and the dimension splitting method, the interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin (IDSEFG) method for three-dimensional (3D) potential problems is proposed. The key of the IDSEFG method is to split a 3D problem domain into many related two-dimensional (2D) subdomains. The shape function is constructed by the improved IMLS method on the 2D subdomains, and the Galerkin weak form based on the dimension splitting method is used to obtain the discretized equations. The discrete equations on these 2D subdomains are coupled by the finite difference method. Take the improved element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method as a comparison, the advantage of the IDSEFG method is that the essential boundary conditions can be enforced directly. The effects of the number of nodes, the direction of dimension splitting, and the parameters of the influence domain on the calculation accuracy are studied through four numerical examples, the numerical solutions of the IDSEFG method are compared with the numerical solutions of the IEFG method and the analytical solutions. It is verified that the numerical solutions of the IDSEFG method are highly consistent with the analytical solution, and the calculation efficiency of this method is significantly higher than that of the IEFG method.
A stabilized element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is presented and analyzed for the numerical solution of the advection–diffusion–reaction problem. Through deriving a stabilized Nitsche-type weak form for the problem, the presented EFG method is valid for small diffusivity and large reaction coefficient. Theoretical error of the method is analyzed. Numerical results verify the effectiveness of the method.
The reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration (RKGSI) is an efficient technique to tackle the integration problem and optimal convergence in meshless methods. In this paper, the effect of the RKGSI on the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is studied for elliptic boundary value problems with mixed boundary conditions. Theoretical results of smoothed gradients in the RKGSI are provided. Fundamental criteria on how to determine integration points and weights of quadrature rules are established according to necessary algebraic precision. By using the Nitsche's technique to impose Dirichlet boundary condition, the existence, uniqueness and error estimations of the solution of the EFG method with numerical integration are analyzed. Numerical results validate the theoretical analysis and the optimal convergence of the method.
In the paper, a novel stabilized meshless method is presented for solving steady incompressible fluid flow problems. For this method, the standard Galerkin discretization is used to momentum equations, where the variational multiscale method is applied to mass conservation equation. Thus, the novel stabilized method can be regarded as a simplification of the variational multiscale element free Galerkin method, but it still retains the advantages of the variational multiscale element free Galerkin method. The present method allows equal linear basis approximation of both velocity and pressure and avoids the Ladyzhenskaya–Babuška–Breezi(LBB) condition. Meanwhile, it can automatically obtain the stabilization tensor. Three Stokes flow and two Navier–Stokes flow problems are applied to validate the accuracy and feasibility of the present method. It is shown that the present stabilized meshless method can guarantee the numerical stability and accuracy for incompressible fluid flow problems. Moreover, it can save computational cost evidently compared with variational multiscale element free Galerkin method.
Presently, it has been widely recognized that numerical integration plays a crucial role on the solution accuracy of Galerkin meshfree methods due to the rational nature of meshfree shape functions and the misalignment of shape function supports with integration cells. Nonetheless, the corresponding underlying cause is still not quite clear. To address this issue, an accuracy analysis of Galerkin meshfree methods is presented in this study with a special focus on the contribution of numerical integration to the error estimates. One important fact is that the integration difficulty of meshfree methods leads to a loss of the Galerkin orthogonality condition which usually serves as a basis to develop error bounds. In order to enable the accuracy analysis, an error measure is proposed to evaluate the loss of Galerkin orthogonality condition, which is actually related to the order of integration consistency for Galerkin meshfree formulation. With the aid of this orthogonality error measure, both H1 and L2 error estimates are established for Galerkin meshfree methods. It turns out that these errors essentially consist of two parts, one comes from the standard interpolation error, and the other one attributes to the numerical integration error. In accordance with the proposed error estimates, it is evident that for the conventional Gauss integration schemes violating the integration consistency, the solution errors eventually are controlled by the integration error and optimal convergence cannot be achieved even with high order quadrature rules. On the other hand, for the consistent integration approaches, e.g., the stabilized conforming nodal integration and the more recent reproducing kernel gradient smoothing integration, the integration and interpolation errors have the same accuracy order and thus an optimal convergence of Galerkin meshfree methods is ensured. The proposed theoretical error estimates for Galerkin meshfree methods are well demonstrated by numerical results.