
Sinhogarismo como determinante de la salud y su impacto en la calidad de vida

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Abstract Objective: To determine the health status of the homeless population who spend the night on the streetsand in shelters (extreme residential exclusion), with reference to their quality of life, self-perceivedhealth, comorbidity and access to health resources. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a sample of 263 homeless people in thecity of Valencia by means of a nocturnal count and using the EQ-5D-3L Health Related Quality of Lifequestionnaire and questions from the European Quality of Life Survey for Spain. Results: Of the people who participated in the study, 129 of them slept outdoors, 49% (62.79% men,19.37% women and 17.84% unidentified), while 134 slept in hostels, i.e. 51% (67.16% men and 32.84%women) with an estimated average age of 41.53 years and 55% had been living on the street for less than12 months. People staying overnight on the streets presented worse quality of life and more than a quarterof the sample lacked a health card. Conclusions: There is a relationship between homelessness and poor health conditions in terms of qualityof life, perceived health, comorbidity and accessibility to health to resources. The inverse care law isevidenced. Objetivo: Conocer el estado de salud de la población sin hogar en situación residencial extrema (pernoctaen la calle o en un albergue), en referencia a su calidad de vida, salud autopercibida, comorbilidad y accesoa recursos sanitarios. Método: Sobre la muestra de 263 personas en situación de sinhogarismo se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la ciudad de Valencia por medio de recuento nocturno y haciendo uso del Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud EQ-5D-3L y de preguntas de la Encuesta de Calidad de VidaEuropea para Espana. Resultados: De las personas que participaron en el estudio, 129 dormían a la intemperie, un 49% (62,79%hombres, 19,37% mujeres y 17,84% sin identificar), mientras que 134 pernoctaron en albergues, lo quesupone el 51% (67,16% hombres y 32,84% mujeres). La media de edad estimada era de 41,53 a˜nos y el 55%de ellas residían en la calle desde hacía menos de 12 meses. Las personas que pernoctaban en la callepresentaron peor calidad de vida, y más de una cuarta parte de la muestra carece de tarjeta sanitaria. Conclusiones: Existe una relación entre la falta de vivienda y las condiciones de salud deficientes referidasa la calidad de vida, la salud percibida, la comorbilidad y la accesibilidad a los recursos sanitarios. Seevidencia la ley de cuidados inversos. Keywords:Homeless people Social determinants of health Health services accessibility Social exclusion Life quality

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Resumen: El sinhogarismo se caracteriza por la ausencia o limitación del acceso a una vivienda digna. Es un fenómeno producido por diversas causas en diferentes áreas de la vida de un individuo. Las personas sin hogar constituyen un grupo poblacional difícil de definir y cuantificar, sin embargo su estudio es necesario para poder elaborar políticas públicas para mejorar su bienestar. Debido al aumento de la precariedad y la vulnerabilidad, cada vez hay más gente en riesgo de exclusión residencial. Es por ello por lo que en la ciudad de València se ha ido gestando un proyecto para poder acercarse a esta realidad, lo cual se acabó materializando en el “Diagnóstico relativo al recuento de las personas sin hogar en la ciudad de València”. Los resultados muestran la detección de 831 y 754 personas sin hogar en los dos diferentes años en los que se realizó este estudio, tanto en situación de calle como en albergue. De la misma forma, ha posibilitado la creación de una red de sinergias entre las distintas administraciones en materia de sinhogarismo para la mejora de la intervención. Así, también ha incidido en la movilización y participación activa de la ciudadanía de València, y en las propias personas sin hogar, las cuales han podido formar parte de su propio cambio. Todo esto ha asentado las bases para futuros estudios en la propia ciudad y su expansión a diferentes municipios. Palabras clave: exclusión residencial, sinhogarismo, personas sin hogar, València, censo.
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El principal objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en reflexionar sobre posibles necesidades y buenas prácticas en la intervención social con mujeres en situación de sinhogarismo. Con esta finalidad se han realizado historias de vida a mujeres que se encuentran en dicha situación. También se han elaborado entrevistas a profesionales que trabajan actualmente con mujeres sin hogar. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de la aplicación de la perspectiva de género en las intervenciones con sinhogarismo, puesto que las mujeres presentan características y sucesos vitales diferentes a los de los hombres sin hogar. A pesar de que las mujeres sin hogar suelen ser menos visibles en número que los hombres en las categorías más severas de esta situación, usualmente presentan mayores problemáticas y cargas emocionales. Las principales conclusiones extraídas destacan la necesidad de ofrecer más recursos residenciales para mujeres, así como la importancia de realizar intervenciones de prevención y seguimiento, flexibles e individualizadas, estableciendo relaciones de confianza y apoyo entre profesionales y usuarias, así como la creación de grupos de apoyo entre mujeres con el objetivo de fortalecer sus vínculos relacionales. Asimismo, se necesita un consenso en la definición y medida del sinhogarismo femenino, de la mano de un compromiso político que impulse la creación de estrategias en esta línea.
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Deprivation is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic health conditions and with worse outcomes in multimorbidity. The goal of our study was to develop an integrated population index of deprivation (IPID) to observe the influence of deprivation on morbidity and the subsequent use of healthcare resources in one health district, using the socioeconomic, clinical and geographical data from its administrative health records. Eight socioeconomic indicators were identified and weighted using the methodology of two-phase principal component analysis, providing an index that allowed each census section to be classified into seven deprivation groups. Secondly, the possible relation between the IPID and the variables for multimorbidity and healthcare resources was analysed using the theory of multiple comparisons. It was observed that places with a greater proportion of healthy people presented lower values of deprivation and that, at lower levels of deprivation, there were fewer hospital admissions. The results show that living in an area with a higher deprivation index is associated with greater consumption of healthcare resources and disease burden. Identifying areas of sociosanitary vulnerability can help to identify health inequalities and allow intervention by clinical practices and healthcare management to reduce them.
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Background: Homeless people are a socially excluded group whose health reflects exposures to intersecting social determinants of health. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the demographic composition, certain social determinants of health, and self-reported health among homeless people in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2006 and 2018. Methods: Analysis of data from face-to-face interviews with homeless people in Stockholm 2006 (n = 155) and 2018 (n = 148), based on a public health survey questionnaire adapted to the group, including the EQ-5D-3L instrument. The chi-squared test was employed to test for statistical significance between groups and the independent t-test for comparison of mean scores and values. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, with Robust Standard Errors (RSE) was performed on merged 2006 and 2018 data with mean observed EQ VAS score as outcome variable. Results: In 2018 more homeless people originated from countries outside Europe, had temporary social assistance than long-term social insurance, compared to in 2006. In 2018 more respondents reported lack of social support, exposure to violence, and refrained from seeking health care because of economic reasons. Daily smoking, binge drinking, and use of narcotic drugs was lower 2018 than 2006. In 2018 a higher proportion reported problems in the EQ-5D-3L dimensions, the mean TTO index value and the VAS index value was significantly lower than in 2006. In the regression analysis of merged data there was no significant difference between the years. Conclusions: Homeless people are an extremely disadvantaged group, have high rates of illness and disease and report poor health in all EQ-5D-3L dimensions. The EQ VAS score among the homeless people in 2018 is comparable to the score among persons aged 95–104 years in the general Swedish population 2017. The EQ-5D-3L instrument was easily administered to this group, its use allows comparison with larger population groups. Efforts are needed regarding housing, but also intensified collaboration by public authorities with responsibilities for homeless people's health and social welfare. Further studies should evaluate the impact of such efforts by health and social care services on the health and well-being of homeless people.
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Abstract Between 1987 and 1990, the EuroQol Group developed a 5-dimension health-related quality of life instrument, originally known as ‘the EuroQol instrument’, which since 1995 has been called the ‘EQ-5D’. For several years, ‘the EuroQol instrument’ and ‘EQ-5D’ were both deployed in published materials. In order to standardise nomenclature, the EuroQol Group agreed in 2001 on a terminology glossary containing 12 items; this was recently revised and augmented to include 22 items and can be found on the Group’s website ( ). Since 2009, EQ-5D has been available in three versions: EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D-5L, and EQ-5D-Y, where 3L stands for three levels, 5L for five levels, and Y for youth. Yet, almost 20 years after the original glossary was published, the instrument and its components continue to be inaccurately named in published materials. Two surveys – of arthritis applications, and 82 recent publications – found a variety of terms used to describe the instrument. Despite the instrument being named ‘EQ-5D’ for 25 years, and the terms ‘EQ-5D-3L’ and ‘EQ-5D-5L’ being established for a decade, variations of ‘the EuroQol instrument’ continue to be used as descriptors. The EuroQol Group’s website contains advice on how to use EQ-5D, including nomenclature, and potential users are urged to consult the site. Since standardising nomenclature is crucial in the compilation of systematic reviews, the EuroQol Group would like to emphasise that ‘EQ-5D’ is not an abbreviation and is the correct term to use when referring to the instrument in general. In the interests of accuracy and good practice, users of the EuroQol family of instruments should employ the standard EQ-5D nomenclature when reporting and discussing their findings.
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Background The homeless constitute a subpopulation particularly exposed to atmospheric conditions, which, in the temperate climate zone, can result in both cold and heat stress leading to the increased mortality hazard. Environmental conditions have become a significant independent risk factor for mortality from specific causes, including circulatory or respiratory diseases. It is known that this group is particularly prone to some addictions, has a shorter life span, its members often die of different causes than those of the general population and may be especially vulnerable to the influence of weather conditions. Materials and methods The retrospective analysis is based on data concerning 615 homeless people, out of which 176 died in the analyzed period (2010–2016). Data for the study was collected in the city of Olsztyn, located in north-east Poland, temperate climatic zone of transitional type. To characterize weather conditions, meteorological data including daily minimum and maximum temperatures and the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) were used. Results The average life span of a homeless person was shorter by about 17.5 years than that recorded for the general population. The average age at death of a homeless male was 56.27 years old (SD 10.38), and 52.00 years old (SD 9.85) of a homeless female. The most frequent causes of death were circulatory system diseases (33.80%). A large number of deaths were attributable to smoking (47.18%), whereas a small number was caused by infectious diseases, while a relatively large proportion of deaths were due to tuberculosis (2.15%). Most deaths occurred in the conditions of cold stress (of different intensity). Deaths caused by hypothermia were thirteen-fold more frequently recorded among the homeless than for the general population. A relative risk of death for a homeless person even in moderate cold stress conditions is higher (RR = 1.84) than in thermoneutral conditions. Conclusions Our results indicate excessive mortality among the homeless as well as the weak and rather typical influence of atmospheric conditions on mortality rates in this subpopulation, except for a greater risk of cold related deaths than in the general population. UTCI may serve as a useful tool to predict death risk in this group of people.
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La vigilancia de la salud pública es la recogida sistemática y continua, el análisis, la diseminación y la interpretación de datos relacionados con la salud para la planificación, la implementación y la evaluación de las actuaciones de salud pública. Los determinantes sociales de la salud incluyen, además del sistema de salud, las circunstancias en que las personas nacen, crecen, viven, trabajan y envejecen, y explican gran parte de las desigualdades en salud. Un sistema de vigilancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud requiere una visión integral y social de la salud. Este trabajo analiza la importancia de la vigilancia de los determinantes sociales de la salud y de las desigualdades en salud, y describe algunos aspectos importantes para llevarla a cabo en sus fases de recogida de información, compilación y análisis de datos, y diseminación de la información generada, así como la evaluación del sistema. Se constata la importancia de disponer de indicadores procedentes de fuentes diseñadas para tal objetivo, ya sean registros continuos o encuestas periódicas, describiendo explícitamente sus limitaciones y fortalezas. Los resultados deben ser publicados de manera periódica en un formato comunicativo que permita a la población desarrollar su capacidad para comprender y empoderarse de los problemas que la afectan, con el objetivo último de guiar las actuaciones con impacto sobre la salud en los diferentes niveles de intervención.
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Homelessness has long been recognised as a global phenomenon, affecting poorer populations in both the developed and developing worlds. However, acute housing need has often struggled to achieve the same level of priority at an international level as the satisfaction of other basic needs, such as for food, water, healthcare and education. In this paper we present a broad-based Global Homelessness Framework as a means of providing a 'frame of reference' for cross-national engagement in this field, but recommend that concerted international action focuses on a relatively narrow definition of homelessness encompassing people without any form of accommodation (the 'unsheltered' group who are sleeping rough or in places not intended for human habitation) and those living in temporary or crisis accommodation specifically provided for homeless people. We demonstrate that current data is insufficient to generate a comprehensive and defensible worldwide 'count' of homeless people, and set out proposals to facilitate moves towards more reliable homelessness estimates at local, national and global levels. At the same time, however, we argue that at least some meaningful trend data is already available for large parts of the Global North, and for some countries and cities in the Global South, so that it would be both feasible and valuable to systematically track these 'directions of travel' over time.
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Introducción: En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados de la información obtenida en una encuesta realizada a personas sin hogar en el territorio histórico de Bizkaia. Dentro de esta investigación pueden diferenciarse dos objetivos. El primero es el de escribir y analizar las principales características del colectivo, para así poder hacer una mejor caracterización del mismo. El segundo es el de hacer una tipología operativa dentro del colectivo, para así poder responder a las necesidades de los diferentes perfiles de forma eficaz y adecuada. Los datos obtenidos se ponen en relación con otros estudios similares. Métodos y material: Para esta investigación se han realizado 200 encuestas a personas sin hogar, en diferentes centros y entidades que prestan servicio y ayudan a este colectivo. La información presentada en este artículo es fruto del análisis estadístico de dichas encuestas. Resultados y discusión: Con respecto a la tipología de las personas sin hogar se han identificado siete perfiles, utilizando como variables para dicha clasificación el origen de las personas sin hogar, la tenencia o no de problemáticas personales añadidas a la situación de exclusión residencial y la constatación de si pernoctan en algún centro o servicio concreto o, si por el contrario, duermen en la calle. Partiendo de esta premisa esta investigación subraya que las problemáticas personales unidas a la situación de exclusión social son una de las claves para responder adecuadamente al problema del sinhogarismo.
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_ Defining homelessness has long been a topic of debate, but inter-national agreement is elusive, and most of the various definitions of homeless-ness in use across the world are not conceptually grounded. The two aims of this paper are: to provide an analysis and critique of the validity of the European Typology of Homelessness and Housing Exclusion (ETHOS), which is arguably the most prominent definition and classification of homelessness with an articulated theoretical foundation in current use; and to propose a modified approach to conceptualising homelessness that the authors have developed. We begin by describing a set of considerations and criteria that can be used for assessing any system of measurement. Two parts of the ETHOS concep-tualisation are then examined: the conceptual model, and the typology of subgroups that make up the homeless and housing excluded populations. Each part is found to have conceptual weaknesses that compromise its validity. A modified definition and classification of homelessness, which we think overcomes these weaknesses, is proposed.
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This paper highlights the main issues concerned with preserving fieldwork "contracts", such as informed consent agreements, as they relate to the conduct of research and the archiving of qualitative data. We pay particular attention to the techniques and efficacy of anonymisation and, outline methods of gate-keeping for access to data. Our discussions are based on seven years experience of Qualidata, the ESRC Qualitative Data Archival Resource Centre in dealing with a wide range of qualitative data, including interviews with public figures, and the raw material arising from some of the most classic empirical studies in the UK. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs000372
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This article aims to review conceptual frameworks and some principles to be considered in research on social determinants of health and health inequalities. Some indicators of research on these issues in Spain are described. General expenditure on research and development in Spain is far from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development mean. In addition, both globally and within Spain, the scientific production on health inequalities is very low, especially compared with other research areas. The budget for research on health inequalities is also reduced. A striking example is provided by analysis of the projects funded by the Marató de TV3, which seems to have little interest in funding research on health inequalities. However, both the scientific production and project financing on health inequalities have increased in the last decade. Finally, to advance research on health inequalities and its contribution to the incorporation of health in all policies, recommendations are made, which include redefining priorities, ensuring resources and promoting knowledge translation. Copyright © 2010 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
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The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it in the population served. This inverse care law operates more completely where medical care is most exposed to market forces, and less so where such exposure is reduced. The market distribution of medical care is a primitive and historically outdated social form, and any return to it would further exaggerate the maldistribution of medical resources.
Resumen Objetivo Conocer el estado de salud de la población sin hogar. Diseño Estudio descriptivo transversal. Emplazamiento Centro de Salud de Atención Primaria de Raval Sud (Barcelona). Participantes Personas mayores de edad en situación de sinhogarismo que han pernoctado en la calle en algún momento. Mediciones principales Datos sociodemográficos y tiempo en situación de sinhogarismo. Patologías crónicas, enfermedades infecciosas transmisibles, enfermedades mentales y trastornos por uso de sustancias adictivas. Cuestionario HAD sobre ansiedad y depresión. Cuestionario CVRS EQ-5D-3L. Estadística descriptiva. Resultados Se analizó la información de 146 pacientes con una media de edad de 51,6 años (DE = 12,8), 87% de sexo masculino y una media de 12 años (DE = 11,9) en situación de sinhogarismo. Se comparó la carga de enfermedad entre el perfil CAS Drogodependencias (Baluard) y el perfil sociosanitario (Arrels Fundació). Los usuarios del CAS presentaron mayores porcentajes de trastornos por uso de sustancias, enfermedades mentales y enfermedades infecciosas transmisibles. Las personas de perfil sociosanitario presentaron en mayor porcentaje enfermedades crónicas (respiratorias, cardiovasculares y oncológicas) y más de la mitad presentaron un trastorno por uso de alcohol y un mayor porcentaje de enfermedad asociada a su consumo. Conclusiones La población sin hogar presenta una elevada carga de enfermedad especialmente para enfermedad mental, adicciones y enfermedades infecciosas transmisibles. Creemos que son necesarios estudios para evaluar el exceso de enfermedad respecto a la población general con sus costes derivados y el diseño de nuevas estrategias para atender dicha carga de enfermedad y su especificidad.
Este trabajo parte de la necesidad de introducir el enfoque interseccional en el Derecho antidiscriminatorio que yuxtapone los factores de discriminación. Para ello se propone empezar por analizar las políticas públicas de igualdad y, particularmente, por las que durante los últimos tres lustros intentan transversalizar la llamada perspectiva de género. Simultáneamente pretende llamar la atención sobre el peligro de desmantelamiento que determinadas propuestas de interseccionalidad pueden producir sobre el carácter principal (mainstream) del factor sexo-género en tales políticas. Lan honen abiapuntua da premiazkoa dela gaur egun sekzioz sekzioko ikuspegia (intersekzionalitatea) sartzea Bazterkeriaren Kontrako Zuzenbidean, bazterkeria-faktoreak aldez alde jartzen dituenez. Horretarako proposamena da berdintasunek politika publikoak aztertzen hastea eta, bereziki, azkeneko hiru bosturtekoetan genero-ikuspegia esaten zaion hori zeharkako egiten saiatu direnak. Aldi berean, agerian utzi nahi du intersekzionalitatek zenbait proposamenek arriskua daukatela halako politiketan sexua-generoa faktorearen bereizgarri nagusia (mainstream) suntsitzeko. This work starts from the need to introduce the intersectional approach in Antidiscriminatory law which juxtaposes the forms of discrimination. In order to do so, it is suggested to begin with analyzing the public policies on equality and, particularly, those that during last lustruums have been trying to make transversal the so-called gender perspective. Simultaneously, it tries to draw attention to the peril of dismanttlement which some specific intersectional proposals might cause on the main character (mainstream) of the sex-gender factor in those policies
This book explores the extent, causes and characteristics of homelessness in developing countries. Bringing together a major review of literature and empirical case studies, it is invaluable for those studying, researching or working in housing, homelessness, social policy or urban poverty. Drawing on local research in nine countries in the global south, this book offers an insight into the lives of homeless people, public perceptions of homelessness, and the policies and interventions which might variously increase or reduce homelessness. Exploring the human context as well as policy and planning, it will challenge preconceptions.
Measures of community integration rely on self-report assessments that often quantify physical or social participation, but fail to capture the individual's spatial presence in the community. The current study documents the activity space, or area of daily experiences, of 37 individuals who were once homeless through participatory mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Contrary to expectations, there was no significant relationship between activity space size and community integration measures, except a negative association with physical integration. Further analysis revealed, however, that continued use of homeless services, geographically spread throughout the city, was associated with larger activity space size, but may be counterproductive to social and psychological integration efforts. Analysis of the types of locations identified revealed high importance given to leisure locations and ongoing involvement with medical and mental health locations. Finally, community integration outcomes did not differ significantly by demographics or housing type, but rather degree of family involvement and feeling like home, factors that may have more potential for change.
Homeless people are at high risk for death from many causes, but age-adjusted death rates for well-defined homeless populations have not been determined. We identified 6308 homeless persons 15 to 74 years of age who were served by one or both of two agencies for the homeless in Philadelphia between January 1, 1985, and December 31, 1988. Using a data base that contained all deaths in Philadelphia and listings of all Philadelphia residents during the same period, we compared the mortality rate for this homeless population with the rate in the general population of Philadelphia. The age-adjusted mortality rate among the homeless was 3.5 times that of Philadelphia's general population (95 percent confidence interval, 2.8 to 4.5). The age-adjusted number of years of potential life lost before the age of 75 years was 3.6 times higher for the homeless people than for the general population (345 vs. 97 years lost per 1000 person-years of observation). Fifty-one of the 96 deaths of homeless persons (53 percent) occurred during the summer months. Mortality rates were higher among the homeless than in the general population for nonwhites, whites, women, and men. Within the homeless cohort, white men and substance abusers had higher mortality rates than other subgroups, but even homeless people not known to be substance abusers had a threefold higher risk of death than members of the general population. Injuries, heart disease, liver disease, poisoning, and ill-defined conditions accounted for 73 percent of all the deaths among the homeless. Homeless adults in Philadelphia have an age-adjusted mortality rate nearly four times that of Philadelphia's general population. White men and substance abusers are at particularly high risk. Matching cohorts of homeless people to death records is a useful way to monitor mortality rates over time, evaluate interventions, and identify subgroups with an increased risk of death.
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Effectiveness of interventions to reduce homelessness: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Effectiveness of interventions to reduce homelessness: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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