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Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships
No. 9-10, 2017 5
UDC 151.21.31+121.21.61+159.9.101+159.96+167.0+510.2+530.145+577.359+577.38
Bukalov A.V.
English version
The possible nature of consciousness and psyche and their relationship with known
neurophysiological processes and structures are considered. A review of a number of works
shows that the processes of consciousness and thinking are adequately described only using the
concepts of quantum mechanics, which leads to questions about the quantum nature of mental
processes and consciousness. Since the neural substrate cannot provide the manifestation of
quantum processes, concepts of consciousness are proposed in which neural structures are
connected with others that have a quantum nature and are associated with neurons. The
emergence of such concepts is also associated with the existence of living and working people
in whom no more than 10% of the brain functions. Cases of people with completely degraded
neural structures of the brain are also given. Based on these facts, the author proposed a new
hypothesis - in the form of the concept of quantum biological structures - condensates with
superfluidity properties, formed by light elementary particles. The properties of such a
structure, which interacts with the molecular structures of a living organism, correspond to all
known manifestations of consciousness and psyche. The proposed hypothesis has testable
experimental consequences.
Key words: neurons, psyche, brain, quantum mechanics, consciousness, quantum
condensate, superfluidity, quantum thinking, organism, physics of living things, synergetics.
The nature and relationship between consciousness and matter, psyche and body is one of the
most complex and intriguing mysteries not only of science, but also of human cognition in general.
Before the advent of the methods of modern science, this question was mainly within the framework
of religious ideas about the soul, in some mysterious way connected with the body and leaving it after
death. Such ideas, to one degree or another, have been characteristic of the vast majority of human
cultures for many millennia, as archaeologists, historians and cultural scientists are well aware of.
Such similarity speaks of the basic unity of perception and understanding of the relationship between
mental and life processes by people of all continents. Since the beginning of first philosophical and
then scientific research on this problem, various concepts have been proposed from completely idealis-
tic, in which all observable reality is a consequence of the activity of consciousness or the “World
Spirit”, to completely materialistic, in which matter is primary, and consciousness and psyche are as a
whole is a product of material processes.
However, Rene Descartes, one of the founders of modern science, having considered the issue
of the relationship between “soul and body”, proposed the concept of dualism of soul and body in the
form of the duality of ideal and material, which is still covered in textbooks on psychology and higher
nervous activity. He viewed the body itself as a working mechanism in which processes occur as
“clock movements”, in fact acting as the founder of reflexology.
The study of the material substrate has received its special development in modern science as
a result of an increasingly detailed study of the neurological and biochemical processes occurring in
the brain. The emergence of cybernetics in the 20th century as the science of control and communica-
tion, as well as computers, made it possible to simulate a range of information processing processes
with the goal of creating artificial intelligence, even to attempts to imitate the functioning of the brain
using computer models simulating millions of interacting neurons. It should be noted that, despite lo-
cal successes, there were no decisive breakthroughs. Existing systems reproduce only a number of in-
stinctive reflexes, improve in pattern recognition, or imitate some aspects of logical analysis, acting as
a human assistant in information processing. However, nothing similar to manifestations of conscious-
ness is observed in such systems and models, despite the continuous increase in computing power.
Therefore, the question of the nature of consciousness and psyche cannot be considered re-
International Institute of Socionics
6 No. 9-10, 2017
solved today, despite all the successes of neurophysiological and computational approaches. Moreo-
ver, the modern idea of the special nature of consciousness arose and is developing within the frame-
work of quantum physics, the success of which, as we know, has revolutionized not only the scientific
picture of the world, but also the flow of new technologies. Even Niels Bohr, the creator of the theory
of the atom, the head of the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics, who proposed the principle of
complementarity as a generalization of the uncertainty principle of W. Heisenberg, considered obvious
analogies between descriptions of quantum and mental processes.
Phenomenological description of mental processes as quantum
Research in the field of quantum mental processes is an area that applies the mathematical ap-
paratus of quantum theory to model cognitive phenomena, including information processing in the
human brain, studies of language and speech, decision-making processes, memory, concept formation,
judgment and perception [119, 147, 159, 175]. These studies do not depend on hypotheses about the
nature of quantum phenomena in the brain, that is, they are also phenomenological and empirical, that
is, experimentally verifiable in psychological experiments.
Ideas for applying quantum formalisms to mental processes first appeared in the 1980–1990s
in the work of D. Aerts and his co-authors, E. Finkelstein, A. Bukalov, J. Brokart, S. Smets, E. At-
manspacher, P. Bordley and A. Khrennikov. This direction has received particular development since
the late 2000s as a result of a number of publications in well-known psychological journals, the publi-
cation of monographs and textbooks, and a number of seminars in Stanford, Oxford, Washington, Ab-
erdeen, Paris, and Leicester.
Considering the functioning of the psyche as a macroquantum phenomenon (at the system lev-
el), we can conclude [24] that all the features of quantum laws necessarily arise in it, including the
fundamental complementarity of corpuscular and wave descriptions. Many authors wrote about this:
N. Bohr [7], D. Bohm [6], R. Feynman [84], I. Tsekhmistro [91], E. Finkelstein [85], F. Capra [52],
etc. And proof of the manifestation of quantum properties by the psyche automatically leads to the
identification of corpuscular and wave components in it, which in humans can be considered as com-
plementarity between the rational and irrational components of the psyche.
Therefore, for example, the conclusions of mathematical logic that a formal description of an
object is meaningless or a meaningful object cannot be formally described represent extreme cases of
the uncertainty principle for formal and semantic descriptions of a mathematical object, just as in
quantum mechanics, with an infinitely accurate measurement of momentum, the coordinate of an ele-
mentary particle does not exist, and vice versa [17].
This complementarity of form and semantics reflects the relationship between verbal, logical-
formal and non-verbal, intuitive-semantic thinking. The incompatibility and complementarity of for-
mal and semantic descriptions of objects constructed by the mind of a mathematician and the corre-
sponding forms of thinking are reflected in the dispute between the formalistic and intuitionistic direc-
tions in the foundations of mathematics. The formalistic direction presented by D. Hilbert proceeds
from the fact that the proof of the properties of a certain mathematical object determines its existence;
intuitionists, led by L. Brouwer, who developed the ideas of A. Poincaré, took a completely opposite
position: from the point of view of intuitionism, it is not enough to indicate the existence of a certain
mathematical object; it is necessary to carry out its constructive construction. It will be shown below
that this requirement is similar to the requirement to operate only with observable quantities in ortho-
dox quantum mechanics. From the point of view under consideration, the foundations of mathematics
in mathematics itself play a role similar to micro-objects in physics; in other words, the boundaries of
thinking at the systemic macro level are isomorphic to the boundaries of measurability in quantum
mechanics. To prove this statement, consider the basic ideas of intuitionism.
According to Brouwer, the primary source of mathematical truth is found in primordial human
intuitions regarding mathematical objects; mathematics is an autonomous activity independent of lan-
guage (more precisely, symbolic representation) [91]. The essence of this activity lies in the acts of
thinking performed by the mathematician—thoughts, constructions of intuitive systems of entities.
Language (symbolic) is secondary and serves only for understanding in mathematical communication;
it arises as a verbal parallel to mathematical (let’s add - any!) thinking, then this language is analyzed,
and formal systems arise. Brouwer gave a description of the process of mathematical creativity, which,
upon comparative analysis, turns out to be similar to the process of measurement in quantum mechan-
ics. Namely, he identified two acts in the thinking process of a mathematician:
Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships
No. 9-10, 2017 7
mental construction
The measurement process in quantum mechanics
to Heisenber
The first of these acts, which distin-
guishes mathematics as an extra-
linguistic activity, is an intuitive
mental construction of distinguishing
one thing from another in time (or
distinguishing states in time by con-
Each dimension consists of two acts. The first act is that the
system under study is subjected to an external, physical in-
fluence that changes the course of events. This act is de-
scribed using the Schrödinger equation for the entire system,
combining the quantum object and device under study. As a
result of the interaction between the device and the object,
the pure state of the object under study turns into a mixture
of pure states of this object. The observer's consciousness is
also a device.
The second act is recognition of an
already completed construction if it is
repeated. This is a timeless process,
instant (gestalt) recognition.
The second act of measurement, instantaneous, selects from
an infinitely large number of states of the mixture some that
are completely defined as actually realized. This second step
is a process that does not itself affect the course of events,
ut onl
es our knowled
e of real relationshi
The result is a linear series, and the
sequence of natural numbers appears
as a product of initial intuition.
As a result of measurements, a linear series or matrix of ob-
servable quantities, expressed in numbers, appears.
Thus, the result of both processes is a linear series of numbers expressing the observed ob-
jects. It turns out to be possible to identify in content and form the process of measurement in quantum
mechanics and the act of the appearance of new objects in consciousness. This statement is also con-
sistent with the position of quantum mechanics about the inseparability of an object and a device and
the relativity of the boundaries between them [86].
Let us dwell on the second act of measurement - a spontaneous quantum leap. It is interesting
to note that the idea of the spontaneity of creative acts, their unpredictability and irrationality was put
forward by the Danish philosopher S. Kierkegaard. His ideas about unpredictable leaps in conscious-
ness and breaks in continuity in creativity influenced N. Bohr, who encountered a similar situation in
physics when trying to comprehend the criterion for the reality of the existence of quantum objects 1.
The famous physicist D. Wheeler summed up N. Bohr’s conclusions in one phrase: a phenomenon is
not a physical reality until it has been observed [7]. A. Einstein argued with N. Bohr: physical reality
exists regardless of the method of observing it [8].
Brouwer criticized the principle of the excluded middle in mathematics, as the Eastern philo-
sophical schools had done long before him. For intuition, there are many alternatives, not two, as in
binary logic. Similarly, in quantum mechanics, with interference phenomena for a particle moving
through two slits, there are not two alternatives to classical mechanics, but an infinite number of alter-
native trajectories, i.e., quantum logic is realized, built by von Neumann and expressing intuitive logic.
Brouwer pointed out the impossibility of creating fully formalized mathematics. And in quantum me-
chanics it is also impossible to fully describe the characteristics of an object. A reflection of this is the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that there is a fundamental measurement inaccuracy
that prevents obtaining complete information about an object.
Thus, the complementarity of the right and left hemispheres really expresses quantum me-
chanical complementarity. More precisely, to reflect the real world, its material and corpuscular, wave
and geometric properties, the reflective ability of the macroquantum system - the psyche - is neces-
sary. This conclusion can be formulated in a more general form: in any system that has quantum prop-
erties, structures arise that are similar to additional, conjugate quantities of quantum mechanics and
have similar properties. (The question of the reason for the systemic organization of structures that
reproduce the features of microphenomena at the macro level will be discussed below).
As was shown above, the birth of a thought, its awareness, is described as a measurement pro-
cess in quantum mechanics. The stream of consciousness described by J. James and A. Bergson [3, 45]
can be easily compared with the description of the modern picture of a physical vacuum, consisting of
virtual quanta of physical fields, particles, emerging and disappearing semi-real formations. Both the
thought and the particle here have both corpuscular and wave properties. Measuring or fixing attention
on one such “particle” - a thought - separates it from the vacuum continuum, it grows, becomes heavi-
1The works of J. James in psychology [45] also had a great influence on N. Bohr’s formulation of the principle of comple-
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8 No. 9-10, 2017
er, while, however, losing its previous features, especially when expressed verbally (“a thought ex-
pressed is a lie”)2. In this case, the superposition of the states of the thought particle with all the states
of the quantized virtual stream of consciousness disappears, and a certain state is allocated, which is
one of the own states of consciousness, acting as a device. Here selectivity or predisposition of con-
sciousness is manifested, an attitude towards choosing a solution (this is the reason for subjectivity); It
turns out to be possible to introduce the concept of the wave function Ψμ, which describes the psyche.
Logical operations of consciousness, reducing the wave function of the psyche, cause compression of
the wave packet of thought, or its fixation, its concentration. The isolation of some aspects of thought
leads to the loss of others. This is the difficulty of self-observation - introspection. Therefore, from an
evolutionary point of view, formally logical abstract thinking in its fully developed form arose in hu-
mans only when it could be afforded, since intellectual activity reduces and inhibits the work of the
brain. A. Bergson wrote about this, pointing out the deadening, inhibiting effect of intellect in compar-
ison with intuition [3].
One of the main conclusions following from the proposed concept is that the development and
differentiation of speech must be accompanied by the synchronous development of visual, spatial, and
geometric perception. In the history of mathematics, as a science about structures and objects, there is
a parallel development of geometric and algebraic approaches, as well as their constant synthesis. As
the famous archaeologist Ya.A. Sher showed on specific material [94], among developing humanity,
the complication of speech is synchronous with the manifestation of developed forms of fine art. Thus,
the development of verbal discrete stimulation also stimulates the development of figurative represen-
tations. This explains the paradox that the modern development of increasingly advanced digital tech-
nologies is accompanied by a desire to visualize information for the end user instead of increasingly
abstracting it.
The wave function of the psyche can be considered as describing a hierarchy of “quantum
fields of meaning”, that is, a hierarchy of semantic fields distinguished by groups of symmetries, simi-
lar to the hierarchy of physical quantum fields. As one goes deeper into the semantic hierarchy, the
degree of differentiation of meaning decreases, arriving at a certain deep, primary semantic field. Sim-
ilarly, the hierarchy of physical fields (and their differences) disappears, turning into a single field (in-
teraction) at high energies. Such a Planck field existed in the first moments of the birth of the Universe
during the Big Bang. But the primary semantics of a child’s behavior and thinking appears at his birth,
this is heredity plus imprinting, learning, etc. The symmetry of the primary field is broken over time,
forming a hierarchy of fields. Likewise, the symmetry of the “primary mental field” is broken during
the development of the child’s psyche and the receipt of information from the outside world. That is,
the psyche of animals from protozoa to mammals to humans differs in the degree and form of viola-
tion of mental symmetries, etc., the material conductor of which is neural structures.
The movement of a thought is not rectilinear; in its movement it interacts in an associative
manner (or interferes) with other thoughts (analogues of interaction with vacuum virtual particles). At
the same time, it is impossible to indicate the path of thought to the set goal; the trajectory of thought
is confused, broken, “smeared” throughout the entire associative space of thoughts of the same dimen-
sion. This description corresponds to the quantum interference of alternatives described by the Feyn-
man path integral.
Verbal (corpuscular) components or phenomena of the psyche are necessarily discrete, in con-
trast to the integrity of gestalt images, the integrity of the mental act, its indivisibility and inseparabil-
ity. This same statement about the integrity and indivisibility of quantum phenomena is the central
point of quantum mechanics.
Thus, we can say that the recognition of the psyche by a quantum mechanical system ex-
plains many mental phenomena and paradoxes. The question of the quantum mechanical properties
of the psyche can be considered from another point of view. Namely, from the recognition of the hol-
ographic principles of the brain [17, 74], all of the above quantum mechanical properties automatically
follow: superposition of mental and emotional states, interference of alternative amplitudes of the
probability of a thought or action, etc. In the interpretation under consideration, the mental uncon-
scious as an unobservable part of the psyche appears as quantum vacuum, but not structureless, but
possessing a hierarchy of symmetries of quantum fields, playing the role of a vacuum field.
Thus, for any part of the psyche there is dualism, and this dualism has a deep physical basis.
Therefore, the main thesis is formulated as follows: it is believed that the physical Universe, its laws,
2F.I. Tyutchev.
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No. 9-10, 2017 9
and structure should be described from quantum principles (D. Wheeler et al.), which is now being
done (theories of the quantum birth of the Universe [83]. The entire psyche or a significant part of it is
a reflection of the Universe as reality and, to some extent, its modeling, i.e. reproduction. Thus, the
reflection of the phenomena of the external world also obeys quantum mechanical laws, reproducing
the laws of nature. Therefore, the principles of the psyche reflect not only the phenomena of reality,
but also the laws governing these phenomena, and this reflection, in turn, turns out to be isomorphic to
the fundamental physical principles. Then the answer to the question about the reason for the emer-
gence and existence of two different hemispheres of the brain is formulated as follows: the need to
reflect the observed reality, which is additional at its core, necessitated the emergence of a quantum
modeling mental substrate that uses the same laws. This is directly indicated by the holographic nature
of information processing in brain structures [17].
Applied research in quantum thinking and cognition
These studies are based on the quantum paradigm [97, 115, 145, 146], which consists in the
fact that the mechanism of information processing using such a complex system as the brain, taking
into account the context dependence of information and probabilistic reasoning, can be mathematically
described within the framework of quantum information theory and quantum probability theory.
In this field, researchers do not attempt to describe how the macroscopic and apparently non-
quantum neural brain implements the observed quantum behavior. They are interested in the effects
themselves, which consist in the fact that various cognitive phenomena are more adequately described
by quantum information theory and quantum probability than by the corresponding classical theories.
The quantum probability view developed by C.A. Fuchs et al. [121] also supports the quantum ap-
proach, especially for describing the decision-making process.
Here contextuality is the key word, which is emphasized in Khrennikov’s monograph [147].
Quantum mechanics is fundamentally contextual [173], since quantum systems do not have objective
properties that can be determined independently of the specific measurements of the context, as N.
Bohr pointed out. Such contextuality implies the existence of incompatible mental variables, as well as
a violation of the classical law of total probability and interference effects.
Experiments with player decision making show that that when players are not told the results
of the first round, most of them will be reluctant to play the second round [161], although previously,
knowing the results, they were mostly willing to play regardless of whether they won or lost. This re-
sult violates the law of classical probability. However, it can be explained as a result of the quantum
interference effect, similar to the explanation of the results in a double-slit experiment in quantum
physics [119, 160, 172].
Such deviations from classical rational expectations of agents' decisions under conditions of
uncertainty produce well-known paradoxes in behavioral economics [108, 126, 179]. They are ex-
plained by the assumption that the overall context of the task influences the subject's choices in an un-
predictable and uncontrollable manner. Therefore, the decision-making process cannot be modeled in
a single Kolmogorov probabilistic space, and this leads to the use of quantum probabilistic models in
decision-making theory. The description of such paradoxes occurs using the formalism of a single
Hilbert space, and human behavior under conditions of uncertainty is explained from the point of view
of quantum aspects - superposition, interference, contextuality and incompatibility of non-commuting
operators [106, 107, 153, 160.
In doing so, quantum probability provides a new way to explain human errors in probability
estimation, including conjunction and disjunction errors [149].
The Liar Paradox is a contextual paradox. It can be shown that the true-false state in this para-
dox is described in a complex Hilbert space, and the oscillations between “true” and “false” are dy-
namically described by the quantum Schrödinger equation [100, 170].
The use of quantum entanglement to model the semantics of combinations of various concepts
has also been proposed [177].
The concept of quantum superposition is used to explain the emergence of a new concept
when concepts are combined [102, 130, 171].
According to Hampton [133, 134], the combination of the two concepts can be modeled in a
specific quantum Fock space, where observed deviations from classical theory are explained in terms
of contextual interaction, superposition, interference and entanglement [98, 99, 118, 171]. At the same
time, a cognitive test for the implementation of a specific combination of concepts shows that quantum
entanglement arises between individual concepts, with violations of Bell’s inequalities [103, 105].
International Institute of Socionics
10 No. 9-10, 2017
Similar effects are associated with memory [117]. Such quantum models were proposed by
S. Kak [143, 144].
Quantum research has had a profound impact on the understanding and development of for-
malism for obtaining semantic information when dealing with concepts, their combinations, and varia-
ble contexts in a body of unstructured documents. These mysteries of natural language processing
(NLP) and information retrieval (IR) on the Internet, as well as databases in general, can be solved
using the mathematical apparatus of quantum theory [174], with the introduction of quantum structure
in the approach to informational search. Quantum logical negation for a specific search engine is used
[176, 177]. In the semantic space of theories such as latent semantic analysis, quantum structure is de-
fined [101].
It is known in the field of perception research that if a stimulus has an ambiguous interpreta-
tion, its interpretation tends to fluctuate over time. Quantum models have been developed to predict
the time periods between oscillations, and how these periods vary with measurement frequency [114].
Quantum theory has also been used to model Gestalt perception, to take into account the interference
effects obtained with measurements of ambiguous figures [114, 123, 125, 141].
In [110] it is noted: “Quantum mechanics does not explain Gestalt perception, but in quantum
mechanics and Gestalt psychology there are almost isomorphic concepts and problems:
As with Gestalt perception, the shape of a quantum object does not exist a priori, but it de-
pends on the interaction of that quantum object with its environment.
Quantum mechanics and Gestalt perception are organized in a holistic way. Individual parts of
the perceived object are not necessarily existing in a separate, individual sense.
In quantum mechanics and Gestalt perception, objects must be created by eliminating holistic
correlations with the “rest of the world”.
Theoretical physicist Elio Conte was the first to obtain experimental results related to theoreti-
cal research on quantum cognition. He believes that quantum mechanics plays a major role in the de-
scription and implementation of the perceptual and cognitive levels of the psyche. Elio Conte does not
agree with the position of researchers who use quantum mechanics only as an instrumental method.
They often use the term “quantum” within this instrumental approach, with the rationale that in some
cases the use of quantum probabilistic calculus provides a better description than that based on classi-
cal probabilistic calculus. He conducted a large number of experiments that seek to highlight two
characteristic features of quantum mechanics in the work of the psyche. The first of these is the phe-
nomenon of quantum interference. Secondly, proof that, using experimental data obtained in experi-
ments, it is possible to restore a posteriori wave function of knowledge and characterizing the mental
state. He obtained experimental confirmation of the quantum interference effect and the existence of
wave function at the perceptual-cognitive level by people using ambiguous figures, cognitive anoma-
lies such as conjunctions of delusions, emotive-cognitive conflict, observation of ambiguous figures
after a cognitive task, which indicates the quantum properties of consciousness, which manifest them-
selves on the basis of the basic quantum principle of superposition of states of quantum mechanics. In
some experiments, E. Conte also proved the violation of Bell's inequalities at the cognitive level. One
of the main features of his theory is the demonstration of the logical origins of quantum mechanics,
from which follows the famous “everything is a bit” thesis of John Wheeler, the logic of Orlov and
Deitch. Elio Conte essentially reformulated the whole body of quantum mechanics using Clifford al-
gebra. In this context, he also reproduced von Neumann’s proofs of the quantum measurement process
and wave function collapse [122, 123, 124, 125].
In the field of economics and finance, there are also a number of works showing that infor-
mation processing by market agents obeys the laws of quantum information theory and quantum prob-
ability (E. Haven, O. Shustova, A. Khrennikov [135]). This is, for example, Bohm’s model of stock
price dynamics, in which this price, as a quantum potential, is generated by the expectations of finan-
cial market agents.
A number of researchers apply the theory of open quantum systems to describe the decision-
making process as a result of the dynamics of the mental states of a system interacting with the envi-
ronment. The description of the decision-making process is mathematically equivalent to the descrip-
tion of the decoherence process. This idea has been explored in a number of papers by researchers at
the University of Tokyo [112, 113].
A biological cell is also considered as a system that performs quantum information processing.
In the 80s, this concept was put forward and developed by E.A. Lieberman, who considered the cell as
a hypersonic molecular quantum phonon computer, and the brain as a system of such quantum com-
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No. 9-10, 2017 11
puters [56, 57]. A slightly different approach was proposed in a number of works by a Swedish-
Japanese research group using methods from the theory of open quantum systems [111].
Physics of living things, synergetics and the quantum framework of the organism
In the 80s of the 20th century, in the works of prof. S.P. Sit’ko and his followers (Kyiv), a new
direction arose “physics of the alive”, which developed in connection with the use of microwave reso-
nance therapy as part of quantum medicine. At the same time, the physics of the alive was considered
from a quantum perspective from the very beginning.
The emergence of this direction was due to the fact that the reasons for the synchronization of
processes that occur in billions of cells of the body, the nature of differentiation of tissue cells, and the
mechanisms for the implementation of gene information during the development of the body were un-
Prof. H. Fröhlich (Great Britain) was the first to propose a solution to the problem of a physi-
cal explanation for the sustainable existence of macroscopic living organisms. He suggested the exist-
ence of a biological coherence effect that could create effective long-range action [127]. The practical
development of the concept of biological coherence began in 1982; manifestations of the human
body’s own characteristic frequencies in the millimeter region of electromagnetic waves were discov-
ered [1]. S.P. Sit’ko and his colleagues discovered manifestations of the human body’s own character-
istic frequencies in the millimeter range of electromagnetic waves [1], and also obtained experimental
results on restoring the health status of patients when exposed to low-intensity electromagnetic radia-
tion in the millimeter range, about 50 GHz, on human biologically active points (BAP). BAPs are be-
lieved to coincide with Chinese medicine acupuncture points. BAPs are predominantly located on spe-
cific conventional lines called “meridians”. It is believed that the human body is penetrated by 26 me-
ridians. At the same time, BAPs have a reduced electrical resistance compared to neighboring areas of
the skin, and therefore are easily detected using an ohmmeter or simple electric light indicators. The
problem for Western medicine is the lack of observable morphological features of the body in the lo-
cations of BAP and meridians in general. The electromagnetic nature of BAP goes beyond the molecu-
lar chemical paradigm of Western medicine, although there are even textbooks and monographs with
tables of the electrical characteristics of BAP.
Within the framework of the physics of living things, a combination of synergetic and quan-
tum principles was proposed, which became the basis for the concept of quantum medicine. In particu-
lar, within the framework of the physics of living things, a theoretical model of the electromagnetic
nature of the Chinese meridians was proposed [79, 167], which has direct experimental confirmation
According to I.S. Dobronravova [47], within the framework of synergetic concepts, “the Lan-
dau-Haken type potential is the simplest form of introducing nonlinearity into the environment. In this
case, the equation of motion acquires solutions that, when moving to a two-dimensional problem, can
be interpreted as a limit cycle. In the Poincaré classification, this is one of the types of solutions to
nonlinear differential equations, which in the phase plane is represented by a closed curve and charac-
terizes stable periodic movements along a certain trajectory. Since other types of solutions are unsta-
ble, it is natural to associate limit cycles, or more precisely, their spatial projection, with the meridian
system of living organisms, which has an electromagnetic nature. From the point of view of synerget-
ics, the presence of periodic solutions that are stable in space and time indicates the existence of a self-
consistent potential of the same type that arises in a laser beyond the threshold of a nonequilibrium
phase transition.
The analogy with a laser is justified by the fact that living things represent an active environ-
ment both as a whole and in each component cell. As Mitchell showed, any living cell spends most of
its metabolic energy not on accumulating chemical energy, as previously thought, but on creating and
maintaining a huge electric field intensity on the membrane. And if the need for such a potential for
the transmission of nervous excitations is quite obvious, then the question of its expediency for all
other cells still remains open. H. Fröhlich was the first to draw attention to the fact that natural oscilla-
tions Protoplasmic membranes of cells, in accordance with their physical properties, are in the range
of (10-10 ÷ 10-11) Hz, and, being energized, under any excitation they are sources of electromagnetic
radiation precisely in the range of millimeter electromagnetic waves [128]. Since the genome of each
somatic cell of a particular living organism is the same, there are prerequisites for considering each
cell as an active center in the potential possibility of creating a coherent electromagnetic field of the
entire organism (multi-mode laser), thus realizing the genome at the macroscopic level.
International Institute of Socionics
12 No. 9-10, 2017
However, since the active centers (cells) under consideration are located in an absorbing aque-
ous medium, it is impossible to say a priori whether the metabolic pumping of the membrane potential
is sufficient for the system to pass the threshold of a nonequilibrium phase transition and be main-
tained above this threshold in the laser lasing mode throughout the life of the organism. Evidence was
needed that such a regime was actually being implemented. Such evidence was obtained both experi-
mentally and by analyzing the ideas of ancient Chinese medicine through the prism of synergetics
The level of integrity exhibited by a living organism is so high that it is comparable only to the
integrity of quantum mechanical systems such as nuclei, atoms and molecules. The physics of living
things defines living things as “the fourth (after nuclear, atomic and molecular) level of quantum or-
ganization of nature, when a self-consistent potential, ensuring the existence of effective long-range
forces, functions like a laser potential in the millimeter range of electromagnetic waves” [163].
“It should be said that the subject of physics of the alive does not exhaust the entire existence
of a living organism. Despite the novelty and fundamental nature of the physical definition of living
things, it leaves in the subject field of biology and chemistry many vital processes occurring in the
body and providing it with the opportunity to meet the above definition. The important thing is that the
ability of a living thing to act as a quantum mechanical object is decisive for its very existence as a
living thing, that this constitutes the physical difference between living and non-living things.
Defining the alive as the fourth step of the quantum ladder [27], S.P. Sit’ko considers living
organisms as quantum mechanical systems similar to nuclei, atoms and molecules [166]. Quantum
mechanical systems are known to be the most stable systems known to modern physics. Due to their
inherent mass defect, they can only be destroyed at sufficiently high energy levels characteristic of
each type of such system. The integrity of quantum mechanical systems is manifested not only in their
stability, but also in the irreducibility of a quantum mechanical system to the sum of its constituent
elements and the interaction between them, which is expressed in the nonlocality of quantum effects
[36], and in the fact that their spectra have a line “single-particle” character, despite the complex inter-
nal structure. It is not for nothing that science did not immediately establish the divisibility of mole-
cules, atoms and nuclei.
Such an inside view of the integrity of quantum mechanical systems, not as a given, but as a
result of self-organization, was carried out by S.P. Sit’ko [165], who put forward a single physical cri-
terion for the stable integrity of quantum mechanical systems for living and nonliving things. The fact
that the quantum mechanical integrity of a living organism, determined by a self-consistent potential,
arises and is maintained according to the laws of synergetics, gives hope for considering other quan-
tum mechanical objects as self-organizing systems [46].
So, from an ontological point of view, the role of the physics of living things is special. The
combination of synergetic and quantum principles in the theoretical foundations of the physics of liv-
ing things shows that a unified scientific picture of the world is possible, where the stability of all sys-
tems is considered from a single synergetic position as self-organizing and self-sustaining dynamic
Indeed, the coherence of electromagnetic radiation from the cells of a living organism deter-
mines its existence as a macroscopic quantum mechanical object. And the macroscopic scale deter-
mines the applicability of classical electrodynamics to describe the propagation of an effective milli-
meter-wave electromagnetic field in the body. Thanks to this, it is possible to rely on the known laws
of reflection, refraction, and interference of electromagnetic waves when creating quasi-classical theo-
retical models of certain phenomena. For example, a theoretical model of papillary lines was created
as being formed along the interference lines between direct and reflected traveling electromagnetic
waves from the nails” [47].
Therefore, restoration of the integrity and coherence of the electromagnetic framework of the
diseased organism leads to the restoration of biochemical processes, that is, to recovery.
It should be noted that within the framework of the concept of physics of the alive, on the ba-
sis of an order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, a research center for quantum medicine
“Vidguk” (“Response” in Ukrainian) was created in 1986. It was headed by prof. S.P. Sit’ko, who col-
laborated with 46 institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and clinics. The work was supported
by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician. A.P. Alexandrov. 1,750 doctors
were trained to work using the microwave resonance therapy (MRI) method. More than 200 thousand
people were cured from a number of serious diseases in a number of countries around the world. 5
generations of Sit’ko-MRI medical devices have been created, operating in clinics in various coun-
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In 1990, S.P. Sit’ko, for his work on the coherent electromagnetic framework of the body, was
nominated for the Nobel Prize by academician N.G. Basov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the
Nobel Prize laureate and one of the creators of the laser. At the same time, N.G. Basov noted that
S.P. Sit’ko discovered that living organisms are natural lasers in the millimeter range, which create a
coherent field in their electromagnetic framework.
Since 1993, the Higher Attestation Commission scientific journal “Physics of the Alive” has
been published, dedicated to issues of physics, biophysics and medicine [47].
Thus, already at the electromagnetic level, the quantum structure of a living organism has not
only been discovered, but also experimentally studied. In addition, studies have shown that even light
quanta, when interacting with organic molecules, even at room temperature under certain conditions,
can form a quantum hybrid superfluid liquid that moves without friction [131].
However, to understand the quantum properties of the psyche and consciousness, one electro-
magnetic structure is not enough. It is too simple and cannot provide the described characteristics of
consciousness, the processes of quantum computing and thinking. The author discussed this issue with
S.P. Sit’ko. Therefore, despite the important role of the electromagnetic coherent framework, such a
structure can be considered only as one of the substructures of the entire quantum system of the body,
ensuring the interaction and coupling of this system with molecular biological structures. To realize
the complete quantum system of an organism as a carrier of psyche and consciousness, it is necessary
to have another substrate - a quantum condensate of light elementary particles with half-integer spin -
that is, fermions.
Psyche and quantum physics
In modern science, including quantum physics, scientific concepts are being developed to a
certain extent connecting religious, psychological, biological and physical ideas. As an introductory
overview of this issue, we can refer to the dissertation of S.A. Penkin “Philosophical analysis of the
quantum concept of consciousness” [71]. Several international journals on this topic are published, for
example “Neuroquantology” with a representative international editorial board3. Since 2001, the jour-
nal of the International Institute of Socionics “Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and As-
trophysics”4 has also been published. In general, in a number of works, mental, transpersonal and de-
rivative phenomena are considered as a consequence of the quantum nature of the psyche, which is not
reduced only to a molecular biological substrate. That is, the psyche is not a completely local entity
that lives according to the laws of the quantum world, and religion is, in a sense, a reflection of these
laws, which provide a set of rules for correct behavior in this quantum world. Therefore, the contradic-
tions between “materialism” vs “atheism” and “spirituality” vs “religion” are due to the consideration
of different but related realities - the “classical” and “quantum” world with its non-local paradoxes and
The problem of measurement in quantum mechanics and the consciousness of the observer
Simultaneously with the creation of quantum mechanics and its mathematical apparatus, the
problem of describing the measurement mechanism, which is not described by the Schrödinger causal
equation, arose, but is the so-called a spontaneous “process of reduction” of the wave function of a
quantum object during its interaction with a device, when one of the many possible values is unpre-
dictably realized, and the others turn to zero. As a result of such measurements, the value of the meas-
ured quantity is given with a certain probability equal to the square of the wave function. Numerous
attempts to get rid of the probabilistic description and propose a deterministic measurement mecha-
nism were mostly unsuccessful. One of the exceptions is the “pilot wave” theory of D. Bohm, which
connects the movement of a quantum particle with a certain wave. This theory shows a possible mech-
anism and is used by a number of physicists, but it is in principle impossible to verify it, because it
describes unobservable processes. The second exception is Everett’s theory of multiple universes, in
which all possible realities exist in parallel, and the process of quantum measurement represents the
choice of one of the trajectories or values, while the others continue to exist in an unobservable form.
This theory, although mathematically equivalent to standard quantum mechanics, although used by a
number of cosmologists as an explanatory scheme, is also in principle unverifiable. In addition, in
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quantum mechanics, nonlocality arises in the interaction of previously interacting particles, later sepa-
rated in space at any distance, but described by a single integral wave function. This is proven by nu-
merous experiments on remote teleportation of states of quantum objects and quantum communication
lines created on this basis.
At the same time, a detailed analysis of the observation process in standard quantum mechan-
ics has led a number of outstanding physicists to the conclusion that it is impossible to exclude the
consciousness of the observer from the measurement process. This, in particular, is evidenced by the
position of quantum mechanics about the inseparability of the object and the device and the relativity
of the boundaries between them, which is expressed in the well-known von Neumann theorem about
the arbitrary transfer of the boundary between the object and the consciousness of the observer record-
ing the readings of the measuring device. Indeed, even in the case of a measurement that turns a mi-
croscopic quantum event into a macroscopic one, it must be recorded by the consciousness of the ob-
server, and the device itself must be continued to the retina and neural structures for processing incom-
ing information. However, the process of quantum measurement is completed only after it is realized
by the inner “Self”. It would seem that this can be dismissed, considering such a physical description a
formal fiction, but the role of consciousness is also manifested in the fact that it is the observer who
decides what he observes and how. This point of view was adhered to by a number of leading experts
in the field of quantum mechanics: von Neumann [86, 87], E. Schrödinger [162], F. London and
E. Bauer [152], E. Wigner [178], R. Penrose [72, 156], who considered the issue of reduction of a
wave packet by the consciousness of the observer.
In recent years, a number of articles by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences have
been devoted to these issues. M.B. Mensky (FIAN), a well-known specialist in quantum field theory,
and other authors in the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk”. Editor-in-Chief of the journal, acade-
mician. V.L. Ginzburg, Nobel Prize laureate, chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences commis-
sion on pseudoscience, supported the discussion and debate on this issue started by M.B. Mensky [59,
61, 62, 64, 65].
M.B. Mensky, who studied the measurement process in detail, showed that this process can be
described as the action of an imaginary Hamiltonian - an imaginary energy operator in the Schrödinger
equation, which usually contains only the real Hamiltonian corresponding to the actually observed en-
ergy. Therefore, the total energy of the system turns out to be complex. Actually, this follows from the
recording of the wave function itself. At the same time, the imaginary part of M.B. Mensky identified
it with the measuring action of consciousness [63].
To explain how the consciousness selects one state from many alternatives, M.B. Mensky
turned to Everett’s many-worlds concept, suggesting that consciousness, being included in all alterna-
tive realities, decides which of them should be realized. From here he proposed an explanation for a
number of strange phenomena of the psyche and religious concepts, since he concluded that in such a
description consciousness is preserved after the death of a person, since it is in many realities at once,
as a kind of unity of multiplicity. At the same time, being in special states such as trance, conscious-
ness can see another reality and choose it for implementation in the existing reality. In this way, hu-
man consciousness can receive hidden information and shape a more favorable future.
However, assessing this explanation, one can come to the conclusion that in his approach, fig-
uratively speaking, “a riddle is explained by a mystery,” since the incomprehensible is explained
through the unknown. At the same time, the approach of M.B. Mensky is physically and mathemati-
cally quite correct, but Everett’s formulation of quantum mechanics, as is known, is mathematically
completely equivalent to standard quantum mechanics (the difference is only in interpretation). Based
on the results of M.B. Mensky, along with the works of other authors, referred to this topic on this top-
ic by the famous quantum physics specialist dr. A.A. Grib in his review [34]. And from this it follows
that, within the framework of the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, the result obtained by
M.B. Mensky and other authors boils down to the fact that consciousness is a kind of quantum phe-
nomenon, and the psyche as a whole is a specific quantum object, described by a wave function con-
taining, by definition, the set possible states.
Thus, the results of a strict physical analysis coincide with those obtained above phenomeno-
logically. This raises the inevitable question about the quantum substrate in which mental processes
and the phenomenon of consciousness are realized. M.B. Mensky did not touch upon this question,
clearly avoiding it, but in his last book [66] he was forced to make the remark that consciousness must
be connected with something, some kind of “soul” (otherwise it is unclear what ensures the integrity
of consciousness in all worlds - A.B.), but without defining the concept of “soul” in any way.
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On a possible quantum substrate of consciousness
It is worth recalling that in the Universe known to us, observable matter - atoms, molecules
and their fields - constitute only 4.5% of the total mass and energy of the Universe. The rest - 95.5% -
is the incomprehensible “dark matter” (27%) filling galaxies, and the mysterious “dark energy”
(68.5%) causing the accelerated expansion of the Universe. And when statements are made that “we
know all the basic laws of nature,” then even from a methodological point of view, not to mention
common sense, such statements look, to put it mildly, naive.
In his work “Quantum Indeterminism and Free Will” A.A. Grib notes [35]: “But besides the
randomness that we observe in the microworld and is ultimately determined by consciousness, there is
another randomness that manifests itself in the macroworld and primarily in our body, which we call
free will, and is associated with a sense of responsibility for our actions. This free will is a property of
our empirical self, and not the absolute self... It is I, like Andrei with this body, who is responsible for
this or that action. On the other hand, I do not feel any responsibility for the decay of the uranium nu-
cleus or the hit of an electron at one point or another on the screen. Following von Neumann, we
would have to say that this “division of responsibility” is due to the discrepancy between the empirical
self and the absolute subject. Isn't our free will, however, a consequence of quantum indeterminism,
since our empirical self is involved in the absolute self? If this is so, then the brain or any other parts
of our body have additional quantum characteristics that are consciously conscious, i.e. Unlike other
macroscopic bodies of the inanimate world, we, and perhaps all living things, measure not only mac-
roscopic observables. What these observables are is still unknown. Some authors believe that these are
measurements related to the tunnel effect during the excitation of brain neurons, changing the proba-
bilities of these transitions [169], others [156] attach particular importance to the properties of the so-
called microtubules, etc.”
Therefore, the hypothesis about the existence of quantum structures from an as yet unknown
form of matter, additional to biological structures, but connected with them in a certain physical way,
seems quite legitimate. These structures are responsible for mental phenomena and consciousness and
are associated with biological processes.
Of course, the emergence of the concept of quantum consciousness is associated with a num-
ber of theoretical, conceptual and experimental problems. Including the presence of living and work-
ing people whose brains lack up to 90% of neurons [138, 140]. Such people, by their very existence,
undermine a number of neurological concepts. In 2003, the author talked about this topic with the di-
rector of the Brain Institute, academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, while visiting her at the insti-
tute. The nature of the psyche was discussed for a long time. N.P. Bekhtereva herself, as is known,
studied the human brain for 45 years. I talked about my theory of the quantum nature of consciousness
(quantum superfluid structures), which I was developing. She expressed interest in this issue and ex-
pressed the opinion that such a theory could clarify a lot about the effects that they observe as brain
researchers. Her review served as an impetus for a series of works by the author on this topic (2004–
2010), as well as a report5 at the All-Russian scientific conference “The Problem of Consciousness in
an Interdisciplinary Perspective” at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in
2012 [137].
Note that there are striking examples that are not explained by the neurophysiological concept.
For example, 10 years after its discovery, no physiologist has yet explained the phenomenon of a
“clerk from Marseilles” living and serving in a government agency, who does not have 90% of the
brain, including the seemingly necessary parts. In addition, the experimental discovery of self-
awareness in ants (!) was recently reported [136]. For reference: ants have only 250 thousand neurons
versus 100 billion in humans, or a similar number in cetaceans. But artificial neuron-like systems with
millions of elements are already working, but they lack self-awareness. It turns out that the presence of
self-awareness depends little on the number of neurons, that is, the volume of biological structures.
And this again brings us back to the question of the quantum nature of consciousness and its quantum
Let us note that the problem of consciousness is one of the most difficult in natural science,
psychology and philosophy. Our ideas about consciousness are inextricably linked with general philo-
sophical and worldview ideas. They change in the historical process, and these changes are associated,
among other things, with changes in the paradigms of the world sciences.
5It should be noted that for the selection of speakers, fully written texts were accepted, and they were evaluated by a qualified
program committee. Therefore, this report has undergone full scientific testing, as well as discussions and discussions
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As long as physics remained mechanistic, the act of thinking or consciousness seemed similar
to the influence of one mechanical body on another. Although this picture seemed incomplete, there
was a lack of language to describe the process of thinking in a way other than mechanistic. The search
for a physiological, neural substrate for consciousness is a continuation of the same line: the search for
material structures that could implement mental acts and as a result of the functioning of which con-
sciousness arises. The traditional neurophysiological paradigm considers consciousness to be a prod-
uct of the interaction of neurons. If this is so, then consciousness should arise in any neuron-like sys-
tem and it can be modeled.
The wide dissemination of the information paradigm has made it possible to look at the brain
only as one of the possible “thinking machines”, to break away from the physiological basis and try to
implement or model thinking processes on a completely different “element base”. A breakthrough in
this area ushered in the computer age, providing us with new tools for working with information and
for modeling thinking processes. In cybernetics, functional models of consciousness have long been
developed, and intensive work is currently underway to model various aspects of consciousness.
However, this actively developing area has also encountered difficulties associated with the
objective impossibility of realizing the specific features of consciousness using the existing element
base and principles for creating software. Quantum computers are now being developed that operate
on principles very different from those of binary crystalline semiconductor processors.
Holographic models of the psyche and consciousness
There are a number of other ideas and facts that cast doubt on the neurophysiological para-
digm, which is essentially mechanistic. In the history of physics, the mechanistic paradigm was re-
placed by a field paradigm, in which fields, first classical - electromagnetic and gravitational, and then
quantum, began to play a central role in describing the physical phenomena of the structure of the
As the first non-mechanistic models, we can cite examples of holographic models of con-
sciousness, starting with the model of K. Pribram [74]. Already these models demonstrate the role of
wave processes in the formation of the phenomenon of consciousness and thinking. We can consider a
generalized holographic model of the psyche and information metabolism [23]. Moreover, within the
framework of information models of the psyche, in addition to Jung’s mental functions, we also intro-
duced the function of consciousness as an integrating center that controls the activity of mental func-
The presence of various functional parts in the brain allows the existence of different types of
intelligence, both left-hemisphere, which is rational (logical and ethical), and right-hemisphere, which
is irrational (intuitive and sensory).
In 1989, the author proposed a holographic
model of the Jung–Augustinavichiute mental func-
tions as organs of thinking [15]. This model is
based on the following. According to neurophysiol-
ogy [92], information about external and internal
reality enters the brain through two different sys-
tems—the so-called specific and nonspecific, which
conduct excitation from receptors and from lower
centers to the cerebral cortex. These systems pro-
vide the transmission of information, which in-
cludes an assessment of the physical parameters of
the stimulus and its signal value. The synthesis of
this information at the level of the cortex is consid-
ered one of the very first and most important stages
of higher nervous activity.
The information that comes through a specific system is discrete and determined by sensory
modalities. Moreover, its distribution throughout the cerebral cortex fully corresponds to the projec-
tion principle. A specific system perceives and transmits to the cortex information about the objective,
physical properties of the stimulus, regardless of its biological significance. It provides the ability to
accurately analyze stimuli according to their objective indicators. Therefore, such information is called
In contrast, information entering the cerebral cortex through a nonspecific system is of a dif-
Fig. 1.
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ferent nature and is called nonspecific. When passing through the structures of the brainstem, it loses
its specificity, which is associated with its delocalization in the cerebral cortex and leaving the projec-
tion field of the corresponding analyzer. At the same time, passing through the emotional and motiva-
tional centers of the limbic system and hypothalamus, it acquires a new meaning, consisting in the as-
sessment of stimuli according to their biological significance. Therefore, nonspecific information is
nonspecific only from the point of view of the sensory modality of the stimulus, but it is strictly spe-
cific in relation to its biological 6significance, that is, in terms of its role for a particular activity of the
Hence the existence of two types of signals: one of them carries “objective” information, the
other “subjective”, colored by the internal desires, motivation, and biological needs of a person [92].
In this regard, it is appropriate to note that C.G. Jung identified extraversion as the property of
perceiving objective data from the surrounding world with the subordination of subjective aspects to
this, as opposed to introversion as the property of relying on the inner world, thoughts, desires, etc.
with the subordination of objective data to this [96].
Thus, it is completely natural to correlate the neurophysiological mechanism of transmission
and processing of specific information with the mental process of extraversion, and the mechanism of
transmission and processing of nonspecific information with the mental process of introversion.
Moreover, both of these processes are realized in both hemispheres of the brain - left and right.
Let us now consider the effects of holography. If a beam of light emitted by a coherent source
(laser) is split into two beams using a translucent reflective plate (Fig. 2) and one of the beams illumi-
nates an object, and then brings the first beam together with beam 2, reflected by the object, then these
rays will interact with each other (interfer). As a result, in the area of interaction of the rays, a three-
dimensional image of the object illuminated by beam 2 will appear. Thus, in the wave holographic
process, all information about the object from which it was read is transferred and restored. In this
case, beam 1, which remains unchanged in its characteristics and creates a coherent background, is
called reference, and beam 2, interacting with the object, is called modulated, since it is modulated by
information about the object with which it interacted.
The principles of holography are applicable to any wave processes, for example, acoustic
ones. We consider the processes of information
processing in the brain as a consequence of the
flow of coherent wave processes, the reflection of
which is the known rhythms of the brain. Then
the functions of information metabolism act as
fixed (in the configuration space of brain states)
areas of interaction and interference of coherent
wave processes, including specific and nonspecif-
ic components that interfere with each other ac-
cording to information aspects in mental functions (functions of information metabolism - FIM), evo-
lutionarily released and differentiated for the occurrence of these processes.
In contrast to this process, for introverted mental functions, specific, objective information is
associated with the reference wave information flow, and nonspecific, subjective information is asso-
ciated with the information process modulated by subjective, including biological, human needs.
Thus, if for extroverted mental functions nonspecific information is only a background for iso-
lating objective information from the surrounding reality, then for introverted mental functions objec-
tive information is a background for isolating subjective reality and its predominance in mental pro-
cesses of perception.
This model is fully consistent with the conclusions of neurophysiologists that “the synthesis of
two types of information about a stimulus (its physical parameters and informational value) is a key
moment of the perceptual act, necessary for the emergence of a subjective image (sensation), for the
transition of the physiological to the psychological. Moreover, the sensation from the very beginning
has a synthetic character, although it consists of two components. Sensory information is responsible
for reflecting some “objective” properties of the stimulus, and information associated with motivation
and personality attitude gives perception a certain “subjective” sensory coloring ” [92, p. 129].
6In this context, biological significance refers to not only physiological, but also mental aspects. So, if a person wants to eat,
then this desire has a biological (physiological) aspect as a need of the body, as well as a mental aspect.
Fig. 2.
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L, , ,
objective information
as a coherent back
information flow modulated
by subjective information
subcortical structures of
the limbic system and
, , ,
subjective information
as a coherent back
objective information
as an information flow
modulated by reality
In addition, our model includes, as a special case, the holographic memory model of
G.I. Shulgina, in which “it is assumed that ordered (nonspecific) impulses, which generally arise in
different brain structures, first under the action of reinforcement, and after a series of combinations in
response to a conditioned signal, can be considered as an analogue of the reference beam of a holo-
gram, and modally 7a specific form of impulse - as an analogue of a reflected beam, the properties of
which during the formation of a hologram are determined not only by the properties of this beam, but
also of the object itself. Reactions that arise during the interaction of specific and nonspecific influ-
ences are probably recorded in
the nervous elements similarly
to the holographic recording of
the result of the interaction of
the reference and reflected rays
in the sensitive elements of a
photographic plate” [92, p.
So, we examined the
holographic model in relation to
the physiological structures of
the brain. However, recently,
more and more evidence has
been accumulating, giving rea-
son to believe that the phenom-
enon of the psyche, conscious-
ness and thinking is determined
not so much by the molecular
brain, but by other, still poorly
understood structures. A num-
ber of prominent physiologists
came to this opinion at different
times. Thus, the greatest mod-
ern neurophysiologist, Nobel
Prize winner in medicine, J.
Eccles, believed that based on the analysis of brain activity it is impossible to find out the origin of
mental phenomena, and this fact can easily be interpreted in the sense that the psyche is not a function
of the brain at all. According to Eccles, neither physiology nor the theory of evolution can shed light
on the origin and nature of consciousness, which is absolutely alien to all material processes in the
Universe. The spiritual world of man and the world of physical realities, including brain activity, are
completely independent independent worlds that only interact and to some extent influence each other.
His opinion is supported by such prominent experts as Karl Lashley (director of the laboratory of pri-
mate biology in Orange Park (Florida), who studied the mechanisms of brain function) and Harvard
University doctor Edward Tolman.
With his colleague, the founder of modern neurosurgery Wilder Penfield, who performed over
10,000 brain operations, Eccles wrote the book “The Mystery of Man.” The authors point out that
"there is no doubt that a person is controlled by something outside his body." “I can confirm experi-
mentally,” writes Eccles, “that the workings of consciousness cannot be explained by the functioning
of the brain. Consciousness exists independently of it from the outside.”
After many years of research, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Di-
rector of the Institute of the Human Brain N.P. Bekhtereva came to similar conclusions: “The brain
can generate only the simplest thoughts, such as how to turn the pages of a book you are reading or stir
sugar in a glass. And the creative process is the manifestation of a completely new quality”.
Holographic models describe the observed phenomena well, but the ability of the neural sub-
strate to actually ensure the occurrence of holographic processes is questionable. After all, such pro-
cesses are associated with ensuring quantum coherence, and they require an appropriate quantum sub-
strate. Neural structures are macroscopic non-quantum structures and have significant entropy. They
are, of course, associated with wave quantum holographic processes, but can hardly ensure their oc-
7As is known, the first holographic theory of memory was proposed by K. Pribram [74].
Fig. 3.
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currence. They can rather be considered as classical transition devices for input-output of information
in relation to quantum processes and quantum substrate.
Therefore, the holographic model we described can be called phenomenological, reflecting the
physiological projection of the work of more fundamental quantum structures that determine the spe-
cifics of mental processes. We now turn to consider these issues.
Nonlocality of consciousness and its physical effects
Thousands of experiments by S. Grof and his colleagues showed the richness and widest range
of mental states [23, 42]. It turned out that the psyche is a hierarchy of levels of consciousness and the
unconscious, in which not only those mental states that are studied by rational Western psychology
find their place, but also others - those that are described and used in various religions, yoga, etc. In
the works of S. Grof convincingly showed that the psyche is a phenomenon associated with the physi-
cal world known to us, with its space-time, but, as a phenomenon, possessing its own degrees of free-
dom. S. Grof and many other researchers have proven that the psyche in its broad sense has access to
any point in the physical world or space-time.
There are also a number of experiments with the physical influence of the consciousness of a
human operator on various physical and chemical processes, including effects on random number gen-
erators [77] and the perception of distant information [44–50].
Particular interest are experiments on psychokinetic effects, not of human consciousness, but
of the psyche of animals. Rene Peoc’h (France) found [157] that “young chicks between 1 and 7 days
old could be attracted to a robot controlled by a random number generator.” Birds imprint easily, and
the robot was presented to chicks immediately after they hatched, causing them to mistake it for their
mother and respond actively to it. Then the chicks in the cage were located in the corner of the room
along which the robot moved. The built-in plotter tracked the robot's movement and graphically rec-
orded its path. It was found that the robot spent two and a half times more time on the half of the room
that was closer to the chicks compared to its
movement when the cage was empty (χ2>11,
p<0,001). In control experiments with chicks
that did not accept the robot as their mother,
the robot moved in a normal random manner.
Similar experiments with a robot car-
rying a light source in a dark room showed
that in 57 of 80 experiments (71%) the robot
spent more time on the half where the chicks
were [158]. These and similar experiments
show both the universality of psychokinetic
effects and the universality of the mental sub-
strate itself, inherent in all living organisms
and, probably, associated with the presence
of quantum structures, the non-local proper-
ties of which allow distant psychokinetic effects to be exerted. In fact, such experiments demonstrate
the properties of the consciousness of living beings non-locally, at the quantum level, to change the
course of physical processes in the desired direction, as follows from the previously described concept
of the participation of consciousness in quantum measurements.
Quantum description of mental processes and thermodynamics of thinking
As is known, modern information theory is based on the works of N. Wiener, C. Shannon and
L. Brillouin [10], who, in turn, used the concepts of statistical physics, thermodynamics and probabil-
ity theory. This approach made it possible to obtain a formal description of the amount of information
associated with choosing from a set of alternatives. However, this approach, while proving fruitful in
the theory of communication and coding, does little to describe information, and especially mental
processes in living organisms. The sheer amount of information, or the degree of orderliness of living
matter, described by the methods of standard thermodynamics, turned out to be indistinguishable from
the amount of information in any mineral of the same weight as a living organism [5]. Therefore, the
author proposed an extension of standard thermodynamics into the temporal region, in fact using the
unique temporal degrees of freedom of biological molecules during the life of an organism [19]. This
description made it possible to unambiguously determine the qualitative difference between living and
Fig. 4. The robot's path in the experiment with
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20 No. 9-10, 2017
nonliving matter and show that the phenomenon of living matter is associated not only with the sharp
asymmetry of space, which V.I. Vernadsky wrote a lot about [29], but also with time asymmetry, as it
should be if we consider a single space-time complex. However, in contrast to the homogeneous
space-time of the Minkowski world or the macroscopic curvature in the general theory of relativity,
we observe in living matter sharp anisotropy and asymmetry, as well as the individuality of the space-
time trajectories of the evolution of biological molecules and biochemical reactions. In fact, living
matter is an anisotropic space-time “crystal”. Note that this is also qualitatively consistent with No-
ether’s theorem: in a flat, homogeneous space-time, energy and momentum are conserved. Therefore,
in mechanics, classical and relativistic, we can identify a closed system with conservation laws and
consider it within the framework of equilibrium thermodynamics. However, in highly nonequilibrium
systems of the biological type, in conditions of sharp heterogeneity and anisotropy of the evolutionary
space-time of biological molecules and the organism as a whole, we fix only the balance of energies
entering and exiting the organism. As follows from the description of the simplest structures in syner-
getics, the very fact of strong nonequilibrium of the system gives rise to spatiotemporal structures. An
example of this is Benard cells, laser coherent radiation, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions, etc. In the
phenomenological quantum description of living organisms, which actually move “in incoming flows
of energy-momentum,” the author proposed a phenomenological equation of the form
Ψε Ψ
iS B x t
(, ) ˆ
() ( , ) (1)
as an analogue of the Schrödinger equation, but in the energy-momentum region. In this case, the role
of the Hamilton operator is played by the operator μμ
Bx t
whose eigenvalues give the spatiotem-
poral intervals of biochemical reactions (, )
bio p
—the wave function of a living organism [19, 20].
In fact, this means that we can consider such temporal and metric intervals as analogues of the
eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian operator - that is, the values of energy and momentum, but in the
space-time domain. Moreover, this gives us the opportunity to consider such bio
intervals bio
as a
consequence of certain spatiotemporal structures that regulate the evolution of biomolecules. And,
since outside living organisms both time and space are isotropic, we inevitably come to the conclusion
about the existence of some field or fields, the structure of which is responsible for the existence of
temporal and spatial anisotropy characteristic of living organisms. In fact, biomolecules move in this
field, which is associated with a living organism and determines its living state as an observable dy-
namic, molecular and biochemical phenomenon. This field, or rather the field structure, must have
macroscopic quantum characteristics, that is, be a quantum condensate of certain particles, have the
properties of superfluidity or superconductivity. A superfluid condensate, having a single momentum
and being in a flow of energy coming from outside, can be sharply anisotropic in the spatial, and in
our case, in the temporal domain. Using the symmetry of impulse and space coordinates, energy and
time in quantum mechanics and applying this to Noether’s theorem, we can conclude that in a homo-
geneous impulse space the “spatial structure” is preserved, ()
and in a homogeneous energy space
(energy flow) the time, temporal structure is preserved - ()
8. Thus, we obtain a theorem symmet-
rical to Noether’s theorem, which well describes the phenomenon of the existence of the space-time
structure of the body in the flow of energy-momentum, organizing a homogeneous energy-momentum
space of movement. And this homogeneity is associated with the quantum ordering and coherence of
the field condensate formed by light fermions, which we called levions [26].
This is how we can understand the difficulties of standard statistical physics and molecular bi-
ology in assessing the degree of order of living organisms: fixing the structure of molecules without
observing the coherent superfluid levion field in which they are immersed does not make it possible to
deviate from the standard assessment of the degree of order of a living organism according to
C. Shannon’s formula, not distinguishing between a living organism and a piece of mineral of the
same weight [5].
The fact that the orderliness of living organisms is described not only by scalar information,
but also by vector information was discovered and described by Prof. N.I. Kobozev in the 50–60-s of
8The space-time structure (,)
can be described as the existence of space-time quasiparticles (an analogue of phonons)
that form this structure in a living organism. The same is true for the Universe as a whole: the existence of space-time
structures is associated with an increase in the degree of coherence of the vacuum, or “dark energy” of the Universe.
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the 20th century. He was the first to determine that thinking processes require light elementary parti-
cles with masses of 10-5÷10-6 electron masses, which corresponds to the masses of the levions we in-
troduced when constructing the quantum theory of life [26]. But, having calculated the masses of the
particles, N. Kobozev could not explain how the gas of such particles interacts with living cells, in-
cluding neurons. After all, such a gas has low, but not zero, entropy and does not form an integral
structure. Therefore, the works of N.I. Kobozev aroused criticism [91] and were no longer developed,
although ideas about some light elementary particles were expressed, starting with the ideas of the
neurophysiologist J. Eccles about psychons and others, which were even reflected in psychology text-
books [81].
And only in the early 2000s the author was able to propose (as a hypothesis) a solution to this
problem, which removes the paradoxes associated with the phenomenon and thermodynamics of life
and thinking: a gas of light fermions really cannot provide zero entropy and a stable physical substrate
for mental processes. However, the Bose or Fermi condensate of such particles, which has super-
fluidity properties, provides the necessary stable substrate and ensures the entropy-free thinking
process [26]. This is due to the fact that the condensation temperature of light fermions (levions) un-
der certain conditions is much higher than room temperature, and for various types of levions and their
interactions is in the range 20 3,5
10 K 10 K
T , that is much higher than room temperature
(≈300 K). This ensures the high stability of levion structures at room temperatures. At the same time,
the entropy of the superfluid condensate is zero, 0
, therefore such structures can perform entro-
py-free, ideal, quantum information processing, since, in essence, they are quantum computers. The
input-output of information in such a substrate is carried out through phonon-roton excitations (qua-
siparticles) in a quasi-fluid substrate. We call such a flow of phonons at the level of consciousness
thoughts, since they are excitations in the quantum lion substrate of the psyche.
Thus, in the phenomenon of life and thinking, we can detect both a molecular component that
has entropy, and an entropy-free, ideal, and therefore difficult to observe levion structure, which also
contains a normal component that carries phonon-roton excitations. These two structures interact with
each other. However, the phenomenon of thinking consists not only in entropy-free processing of in-
formation, but also in the creation of new information. This was shown by N.I. Kobozev, based on the
analysis of thermodynamic processes. So, if in the Boltzmann-Planck equation lnSW, for closed
molecular systems 1W, 0Sthen for living organisms 1W
, 0S
In other words, living organisms have antientropy (not to be confused with L. Brillouin’s
negentropy), and this reserve of potential antientropy is spent on extinguishing various disordered,
Brownian actions of the organism. Moreover, “this potential nature of antrientropy makes it possible
for it to accumulate in the body and be transmitted to organs and cells that have found themselves in a
state of excess positive entropy, which is always dangerous for the body” [54].
This removes the problem of evolutionary degeneration of living organisms with the accumu-
lation of mutations, which is described by a number of authors, for example, F. Hoyle [90] and
E.M. Galimov [31]. In particular, E.M. Galimov in his monograph “The Phenomenon of Life”, after
considering the molecular and physico-chemical foundations of life processes and evolution, makes
the following final conclusion: “Nonlinearity in conditions of iterativeness (reproduction of similar)
biological processes leads to the accumulation of iterative errors, which leads to the completion of the
evolution of ordering on different levels: molecular structures, organisms and species, and ultimately
the biosphere as a whole” [31]. However, in reality, we are not observing degradation, but evolution
over billions of years with the constant complication of organisms. In a living system, a self-
reproducing error that promotes further survival and self-reproduction is new information. This also
suggests the presence of another, non-molecular ordering factor, which can be associated with the anti-
entropic behavior of superfluid quantum structures, operating from the moment of the origin of life
and eliminating the problem of enumerating 10–500 variants of the initial stable genetic code. There
are also certain reasons to believe that the evolution of the biosphere through hidden interactions is
connected with the evolution of the Universe as a whole [11]. For example, the total length of DNA in
vivo from the genomic pool of the entire biosphere of the Earth, considered as the length of the inte-
gral genome of the biosphere L, is close to the radius of the observable Universe R:
LR (2)
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How can a state of negative entropy be realized in a superfluid condensate? The amount of
information, or the degree of spatiotemporal ordering of leion structures, is orders of magnitude
greater than the degree of ordering of molecular structures [14]. In addition, it is necessary to take
into account the dynamics of the phase transition to the condensate state. Since we are dealing with the
condensation of fermions, this condensation process is similar to the process of formation of a super-
conducting current: electrons with opposite momenta and spins at temperatures below the critical tem-
perature c
TT form pairs, which then form a Bose con-
densate. For a Fermi condensate, as in the case of superfluid
3He, there is a weak electromagnetic interaction between the
electrons, which is sufficient to form pairs at low tempera-
tures. In this case, for the superconducting state there is a
region of decreasing entropy, since the difference between
the entropy of the normal state n
S, and the entropy of the
S is negative. This region (Fig. 5) is at a tem-
perature of 0<T<Tc. But a living organism is in similar conditions: 0<Torg <Tc ≥ 10 3.5 K. In dynamics,
a cyclic decrease in the entropy of the system is possible during the interaction of levyon condensate
with molecular structures. Therefore, the levion condensate forms the necessary reservoir of reduced
entropy, extinguishing the entropy of the molecular structures of a living organism.
Phase transitions as processes carried out in leion condensates provide the equivalent of a sup-
ply of negative entropy or information. Therefore, the supply of information to the molecular entropy
system reduces the total entropy to the level of the entropy of a superfluid condensate.
N.I. Kobozev examined in detail the phenomenon of thinking, which is characterized by the
fact that the mind can sort particles according to certain characteristics, placing them in one class. In
the process of solving such a problem, all initial “chance particles” are transformed into a certain k -
sort with a drop in total energy [54]. Thus, when solving a problem logically (Fig. 6), the initial disor-
dered data is characterized by a high entropy value, which decreases when moving to the task level:
. (4)
The subsequent process of transition from the problem level to the solution level is associated
with a further drop in entropy relative to the problem level by the amount G:
L Shennon i i
. (5)
In this case, the entropy of the resulting solution for a logical problem “strictly reaches zero”: 0
Thus, any mental mental act is a process that occurs with a decrease in entropy. Taking into
account the fact that we are considering the functioning of a levion condensate, this means that in such
a condensate dynamic processes of decreasing information entropy as the entropy of quasiparticles
(phonon and roton excitations) can occur with their transfer to a selected coherent state in the operat-
ing cell, in the levion structure. This is shown schematically in Fig. 7.
Note that this process almost completely coincides with the measurement process in quantum
mechanics (Fig. 8). The difference is that the end result for the thinking process is the coherent state of
the macroquantum lion cell, while in the quantum measurement process the end result is a macroscop-
ic reflection of the measured characteristic: a trace in a bubble chamber, a spot in a photograph, etc.
Thus, the observed macroscopic physical reality is constructed by the psyche from a combina-
tion of coherent cells.
In particular, for the mental sphere of the psyche, described by models of information metabo-
lism, for each mental function as a quantum processor that processes information, we can determine
the number of such operational cells that allow us to distinguish or sort the source data. Thus, for the
first function of the information metabolism type, which is four-dimensional (dim =4) in terms of in-
formation processing parameters, we have established the existence of N 1 =27 cells. Second function
has 3 dimensions (dim =3) and N2 =16+1=17 cells. Third function has 2 dimensions (dim =2) and
N3 =10+1=11 cells. Fourth function has 1 dimension (dim =1) and N4 =6+1=7 cells. At the same time,
subject to the combinatorial interaction of operational cells, the power of such information processing
Fig. 5.
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will be in one time cycle in x
127! 10 /
, 14
217! 3,6 10 /
, 7
311! 4 10 /
, 47! 5040 / x
Note that it is the number of operational cells of the psyche that distinguishes humans from
primates and other animals [23].
The number of qualities of objects distinguished by the psyche depending on the dimension
(the number of parameters for distinguishing objects) has been established in a number of experiments
From this quantum point of view, the Jung-Augustinavichiute mental functions (intuition, log-
ic, sensory and ethics) are dedicated quantum structures that work as special quantum processors,
transferring the original data through a phonon-roton phase transition into an ordered condensed state
in a dedicated segment information space, processing one of the 8 aspects of information flow known
in socionics [23]. This approach to understanding the processes of information processing and thinking
makes it possible to identify new, previously unknown principles of the functioning of human mental
Fig. 6. Complete thermodynamic path of the thinking process (according to N.I. Kobozev).
in the levion
condensate of
the cell
Coherent ordered
state of phonon-
roton -
quasiparticles of
the cell
Mental state as a combination (superposi-
tion) of quantum coherent cells (image of
the real world)
Pure (coherent) state o
Rice. 7. The path of the thinkin
process in Levin theor
.identity: the mental image corresponds to
the observed world
of the measured
ixture of ob-
and device
Selection of one
state (wave func-
tion reduction
Macroscopic world as a combination of
measured states.
. 8. Scheme of the
uantum measurement
International Institute of Socionics
24 No. 9-10, 2017
A comparison of thought processes and quantum measurement sheds additional light on these
phenomena. The idea of the macroscopic world is generated by a quantum mental substrate 9. In this
case, the measurement process begins with quantum objects and also ends with a quantum object, a
levion condensate structure. From here it is clear that the identification of the macroscopic world by
consciousness is in a sense an illusion, a kind of “coordinate system” that arose during the adaptation
of living organisms to the specific conditions of their existence in certain intervals of space-time and
In reality, we have every reason to assume a quantum structure of the world, in which the Lev-
in superfluid structures that form the material substrate of the psyche are a subsystem. On the other
hand, the process of wave function reduction, which has not yet been fully understood, can be repre-
sented as a process of condensation of quantum excitations in a measuring device, which correspond
to a mixture of “object-device” states, into a single coherent state. Let us also note that the quantum
analogue of Boltzmann's H-theorem, which speaks of an increase in entropy in a closed system, shows
that in a quantum system, even a closed one, processes with a decrease in entropy can occur. This oc-
curs when the degree of quantum entanglement of particles in this system decreases [120].
A new approach to describing the quantum measurement process
Let us now consider the paradoxes of the quantum measurement process. It is believed that
consciousness produces a reduction of the wave function [86]. Analyzing the measurement process,
M.B. Mensky came to the conclusion that the measurement process in quantum mechanics must be
considered within the framework of Everett’s quantum many-worlds concept [62, 64, 63]. According
to this concept, there is no reduction of the wave function, and there is an infinite number of branching
events and worlds. In this sense, the reduction of the wave packet is an illusion (at the same time, it is
easy to show that the measurement process makes it possible to assign imaginary energy to conscious-
ness [63]). From the point of view of the proposed quantum concept of life and consciousness, the lat-
ter arises as a result of the existence of superfluid quantum structures. Vortex superfluid motion de-
termines the existence of the very phenomenon of consciousness, and the hierarchy of levy struc-
tures determines the hierarchy of levels of consciousness. An information quantum signal interacts
with a quantum superfluid body, but no reduction of the wave function occurs: interference takes place
in the quantum substrate. The result of this interference, which is actually a process of quantum infor-
mation processing expressed through phonon or rotonic excitations in a superfluid body, is an effect
on biochemical reactions, nerve impulses, muscle response or human thought. However, all interfering
alternatives exist in the quantum substrate - the superfluid carrier of consciousness. Therefore, there is
no need for the existence of an Everett multiverse. This entire multiverse turns out to be a metaphor
for quantum consciousness arising in a superfluid substrate, which is described by a single wave func-
Thus, the quantum measurement process both begins and ends with a quantum process, that is,
interference in a superfluid liquid with a change in the distribution of phonons and rotons in it.
Quantum physical model of the psyche and consciousness
Analysis of these facts gives reason to assume the existence of a special quantum substrate as-
sociated with neural, cellular, molecular structures, but forming independent structures that are re-
sponsible for the higher aspects of thinking and consciousness. In such a model [23], neural structures
play the role of input/output of information, provide access to the quantum substrate and provide an
information transition from the macroscopic world, subject to the laws of classical mechanics, to the
substrate of the psyche, the properties of which are better described by the laws of quantum mechan-
ics. The quantum and neural subsystems turn out to be conjugate subsystems.
In a number of works, we have shown the necessity of the existence of quantum fluid struc-
tures in living organisms [21, 23], which, along with the molecular body, provide the phenomena of
life, psyche and consciousness. At the same time, the quantum bodies of living organisms, including
humans, consist of light elementary particles - levions (from the Latin levis - light), interacting with
each other both by electromagnetic forces and forces of non-electromagnetic origin, which are associ-
ated with the existence of a number of non-electromagnetic fields. The fundamental feature of the lion
bodies of living organisms is that the lion bodies, uniting into a single structure, form the so-called.
9Apparently this is described by the well-known formula: “Atman (individual Self) is Brahman (the fundamental principle of
all things and phenomena)” in Indian philosophy.
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quantum Bose or Fermi condensates, superfluid structures. This is analogous to the formation at low
temperatures of superfluid liquids consisting of 2He or 3He atoms. But levion structures become super-
fluid at high temperatures, the critical temperature T c >2000 K, in contrast to liquid helium 2He, for
which T c = 5 K, or 3He, for which T c = 0.0026 K. High transition temperatures of levion structures
structures into a superfluid state are explained by the fact that the masses of levions are thousands and
millions of times less than the masses of helium atoms [14, 23], and the temperature of transition to
the superfluid state is correspondingly higher. Therefore, at the usual temperature of existence of liv-
ing organisms T 300 K, levion structures are absolutely stable and have macroscopic quantum prop-
erties. It is with their existence that various phenomena of the psyche and consciousness are associat-
ed, including anomalous properties and transpersonal aspects discovered by various researchers [23,
44– 50, 77]. This explains the quantum properties of the psyche, which were also noted by many re-
searchers - from psychologists to mathematicians and physicists [24].
Let us dwell on the process of condensation of levions as Fermi particles into a fermionic con-
densate with superfluid properties. To understand this process, let's turn to liquid helium. If we consid-
er 2He, then it consists of atoms that contain an even number of Fermi particles - protons and neutrons
and therefore has an integer spin. The properties of a liquid consisting of such atoms are described by
Bose-Einstein statistics. Such a liquid is superfluid and contains Bose condensate (up to 7% of the to-
tal mass). In turn, 3He atoms contain an odd number of Fermi particles with half-integer spin and
therefore are not bosons themselves, but fermions with non-integer spin and obey Fermi-Dirac statis-
tics. The mechanism for the formation of superfluidity in such a liquid is similar to the mechanism of
superconductivity, which arises due to the existence in the crystal lattice of a metal or alloy of weak
forces of electron-phonon interaction.
These forces combine electrons into pairs (so-called Cooper pairs), and as a result, a gap is
formed in the energy spectrum. Such an electronic liquid, consisting of Cooper pairs, becomes super-
fluid and moves through the crystal lattice without experiencing resistance. Such a current can exist
indefinitely without attenuation. Liquid 3He also contains interatomic interaction forces—van der
Waals electric forces. These are very weak interactions. Their force is proportional to r–7, where r is
the distance between particles. However, this is enough that at ultra-low temperatures, Tc = 0.0026 K,
such attraction leads to the binding of liquid helium 3He atoms into pairs similar to electron pairs in a
superconductor. Similar to liquid helium 3He, levion fermions, as particles with non-integer spin, obey
Fermi-Dirac statistics. Already at high temperatures, T c >2000 K, they transform into a liquid state
possessing quantum properties, i.e., superfluidity properties (and containing condensate, which may be
responsible for specific properties). Due to the fact that there are electromagnetic and non-
electromagnetic interactions between levions of the same type, they are also weakly attracted to each
other, forming, like 3He atoms or electrons, similar pairs. In turn, this leads to the appearance of a su-
perfluid levion liquid with its macroscopic quantum properties. Vortexes in a superfluid fermion liquid
form stable structures, which together can be called a quantum body with a certain dynamic organiza-
As J. Piaget showed [73], and this was studied in detail by I.Z. Tsekhmistro [91], human intel-
ligence is characterized by entropy-free operations. However, within the framework of thermodynam-
ics of thinking N.I. Kobozev could not give an answer as to why mental operations are entropyless.
Indeed, according to the third law of thermodynamics, the entropy of a system tends to zero as the
temperature of the system itself tends to zero [91]. This gave I.Z. Tsekhmistro has grounds to conclude
that the thermodynamics of thinking is not explained by a gas of light elementary particles, and cer-
tainly not by the work of the molecular structures of the brain, which obviously have significant entro-
py. This is how the so-called “thermodynamic paradox of thinking” arose, which was formulated by
N.I. Kobozev [54] and analyzed in detail by I.Z. Tsekhmistro. The approach we propose resolves this
paradox and removes the contradictions with thermodynamics.
Quantum bodies and the hypothesis about the emergence of molecular biological structures
The formation of dynamic vortex structures with a constant current of a superfluid liquid,
which can be identified with the “organs” of a quantum body, is energetically more favorable for a
superfluid Fermi liquid than a static stationary state [25, 53]. An analogue to this is the formation of
structures in nonequilibrium synergetic processes. In turn, the structures of quantum bodies, each of
which consists of one (or two) types of levions, can induce the formation of similar structures in heav-
ier levions due to the gradual capture of heavy levions by vortices of lighter particles. Further, the
formed hierarchy of quantum bodies can influence the formation of a molecular body, that is, the for-
International Institute of Socionics
26 No. 9-10, 2017
mation of a biological molecular organism. This quantum approach to describing the phenomena of
life and consciousness makes it possible to solve the problem of the appearance of the first self-
organizing biological molecules and structures. As is known, the probability of the occurrence of a
minimal coding chain of DNA or an active protein (peptide) by standard thermodynamics methods is
estimated to be extremely low: P≤10– 2000 [82]. All attempts to solve this problem were unsuccessful,
since nature would need time much longer than the existence of the Universe to sort through all possi-
ble options.
To understand how this problem is solved within the framework of the concept of the exist-
ence of quantum bodies, let us consider a simple but related problem described by J. Nicholis, for
which he could not find a satisfactory solution [70]. The essence of the problem is as follows. There
are 20 dispatchers sitting and working in the airport control room; There are 50 landing requests from
planes per hour. J. Nicholis believes that there are 2 20 50 = 21000 possible answers and therefore does not
find a satisfactory solution for how 20 dispatchers process such a gigantic number of options as 21000
options per hour. According to Nicholis, it is a profound mystery how the brain can process such a
monstrous number of variations [70]. However, there is no mysticism here, and the approach to solv-
ing the problem itself is illegal. Elementary common sense allows us to conclude that there are
N = 50/20 = 2.5 requests per hour per dispatcher. Therefore, the dispatcher is able to devote an average
of t = 60 minutes/2.5 requests = 24 minutes to processing one request and solving the problem. It is
clear that no monstrous speed is required to process information. The subtlety here is different: the
actions of all 20 dispatchers are mutually correlated, and the signal for processing goes only to the free
dispatcher. But this correlation of dispatchers’ actions is not taken into account by the standard combi-
natorial approach. Thus, the control room is a system with 20 mutually correlated information pro-
cessing structures.
Obviously, if instead of a control room we consider a certain number of mutually correlated
processes (for example, vortices in a superfluid liquid), then we will find that in such a system there is
no need to sequentially go through 21000 options. This problem is solved in a different way. A quan-
tum-correlated system in its operation is equivalent in the number of operations to a sequential number
in N!: Nq ~ N! In the case of the origin of life, the problem cannot be solved by searching through
102000÷10000 2 6000÷30000 options. The quantum lion structure, which selects the biologically active com-
ponents of molecules, can consist of several quantum-correlated subsystems. Thus, to form a chain of
600 nucleotides (like the tobacco mosaic virus), the probability of assembly into a biologically active
state is P10–2000. But for two correlated subsystems, it is necessary to carry out only N2 =2000/2=1000
operations of selecting suitable nucleotides, since the necessary “information” already exists in the
form of boundary conditions, which are set by superfluid quantum levion structures. The time of this
selection is determined by the average time of one biochemical operation and the frequency of occur-
rence of a nucleotide or amino acid residue in a biochemical solution.
Thus, even with a low concentration of nucleotides, the formation of primary replicating RNA
or DNA under the control of a quantum structure could occur very quickly by geological standards -
within several decades. Next, protein synthesis occurs using an RNA or DNA matrix, complication
and selection of the resulting system. In this case, assembly under the influence of a superfluid quan-
tum levyon substrate is a process that increases the probability of the appearance of the required nu-
cleotide in the right place in the RNA (DNA) sequence, but is not a strictly determined mechanical
process. This is due to the weakness of interactions between quantum and molecular structures.
The interaction and influence of quantum structures is significant in nonequilibrium condi-
tions, when the sensitivity of the biochemical system at bifurcation points sharply increases. Thus, su-
perfluid quantum levion structures easily solve the problem of primary synthesis and optimal selec-
tion, as well as maintaining the primary forms of living matter, regardless of where this process first
took place: on Earth, on Mars or on other planets of other star systems. Moreover, the problem of the
emergence and maintenance of chirality or dissymmetry of living things, which has been unsolvable to
date, is simultaneously resolved [33]. It is obvious that superfluid levion structures induce and main-
tain the chirality of biological molecules in living organisms, since this dissymmetry is caused by the
violation of symmetries in the levion structures themselves. In turn, the chirality of superfluid liquids
can be associated with the structure of the vacuum, the energy of which constitutes 75% of the observ-
able energy of the Universe [17]. In this regard, we can say that the phenomenon of life is associated
precisely with the existence of superfluid lion structures and their hierarchy. And the molecular form
of life is only a special case, or rather a molecular subsystem of the general system of life processes.
Because of this, the molecular form of life is short-lived, in contrast to stable superfluid lion forms,
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most of which, being ultra-light quantum bodies, can exist from several thousand to millions and even
billions of years.
Thus, quantum levion bodies form a primary field structure, in the field lines of which organic
molecules move, gradually combining into a molecular structure that most optimally satisfies the dy-
namics and structure of the quantum levion body, which is actually some dynamic “field matrix”, like
magnetic field lines, orienting iron filings. The only difference is that the levion effect is weaker due
to the small mass of the levions, and the process lasts orders of magnitude slower, and its dynamics are
determined by temperature and corresponding fluctuations of the environment. This automatically im-
plies the concept of a morphogenetic field, introduced by A.G. Gurvich to explain the formation and
growth of organisms [43]. Such a field is derived from a quantum body. But these processes are no
longer for the origin of life and the emergence of the first biomolecules, but for established and
evolved organisms. Thus, Levin superfluid bodies control both the formation of biological molecules
and the biological molecular organism as a whole as their subsystem.
So, the process of the emergence of a molecular biological structure is as follows:
condensation in the hierarchical sequence of levion superfluid bodies →
→ assembly according to the field superfluid matrix →
→ self-replicating RNA (DNA) →
→ protein assembly according to the RNA matrix (DNA).
Quantum structures, consciousness and neural structures of the brain
In the structure of the organization of a living organism, including consciousness, that we have
described, it is easy to see the solution to a problem that has occupied many thinkers, philosophers and
physicists: why the mental is ideal, but the observable macroscopic world is not. It is the property of
superfluidity of quantum liquids, including their various phases, that provides the properties of entro-
py-free, ideal thinking and consciousness. These are also quantum, non-local properties of the mental
substrate. Therefore, the human psyche, formed by a hierarchy of quantum liquids - Bose and Fermi
condensates from light particles, by definition, is a non-local, irreducible, integral coherent structure,
which is described by a single wave function Ψ. The excitations in such condensates may correspond
to the flow of thoughts and feelings.
We also note that the direction of creating quantum computers, which are much more efficient
than conventional ones, is currently rapidly developing. From our point of view, such systems have
already been implemented in nature based on structures made of quantum liquids - Bose and Fermi
condensates of light elementary particles.
Mental functions С.G. Jung–A. Augustinavichiute, as we have shown, can also be considered
as a system of specific quantum computers, each of which processes a certain aspect of the infor-
mation flow [23]
It is easy to see that such a quantum description naturally includes holographic principles of
thinking, which have been considered by a number of authors. The quantum levion model we propose
also explains the well-known psychophysical parallelism.
Each level of organization is holistic and therefore has a certain autonomy in the implementa-
tion of its own life processes and in maintaining stable homeostasis. As R. Penrose rightly noted [72],
simple macroscopic coherence of the brain is not enough, otherwise superconductors would also have
consciousness. But biocondensed systems, unlike simple superconductors and superfluid liquids, are
nonequilibrium. Under the influence of incoming flows of energy and information, complex structures
of vortices and textures containing a normal component are formed in such superfluid systems. These
structures are the collective state of the entire superfluid liquid and represent formations, or “organs,”
of the quantum body, responsible for energy and information metabolism, and act as an integral part of
the process of functioning of the superfluid quantum biocondensate - an integral and indivisible mac-
roscopic quantum object - in the flow of energy. Such a synergetic system and its functioning can be
described as a certain level of organization of life activity, or the level of the living, with a correspond-
ing level of consciousness. The established, formed structure seeks to maintain its existence in flows
of energy and information. Therefore, the hierarchy of collective quantum effects provides macroscop-
ic coherence of the brain, the need for which was noted by R. Penrose and other authors, since there
are no physical conditions for such coherence at the molecular and neural levels. Roger Penrose, to-
gether with neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff, proposed a hypothesis about the connection of conscious-
ness with quantum mechanical oscillations in the microtubes of the cell cytoskeleton, creating the
“theory of quantum neurocomputing”. But, as R. Penrose admits, this is not enough, since global co-
International Institute of Socionics
28 No. 9-10, 2017
ordination of all kinds of mental processes requires “coherence on a scale much larger than individual
microtubules or even entire cytoskeletons. There must be substantial quantum entanglement between
states maintained within individual cytoskeletons in many neurons—that is, something like a collective
quantum state spanning large regions of the brain” [72].
Quantum biology and optical communication in the brain
Researchers from the University of Calgary (Canada), having studied the optical characteris-
tics of axons, came to the conclusion that it is possible to transmit photons inside the brain over mac-
roscopic - centimeter distances. In this case, axons about 2 millimeters long can transmit from 46 to
96% of the biophotons entering them. At the same time, the brain can produce more than 10 9 biopho-
tons per second, which allows us to talk about the possibilities of quantum entanglement of these pho-
tons - when implementing quantum communication [148] But quantum communication requires not
only optical communication channels, but also mechanisms that encode, receive and process quantum
information - that is, the desired quantum processors. In general, research on biophotonics and optical
communication of cells has been carried out since the 20s of the 20th century [30], and the hypothesis
of optical communication in the brain was put forward by V.P. Kaznacheev in the 80s of the 20th cen-
tury [51].
Problems with memory theory
There are also conceptual difficulties in explaining the phenomenon of memory. Thus, the
neuronal-protein (molecular) theory of memory states that the transition from short-term memory to
long-term memory is associated with the synthesis of certain proteins and modification of neurons and
their connections. Memory research is one of the fastest growing areas of neuroscience. The basis of
memory is considered to be long-term potentiation - increasing the efficiency of impulse transmission
in certain synapses between neurons. Until recently, it was believed that the “memory molecule” was
responsible for increasing the efficiency of synapses based on experiments in which it was possible to
erase the memories of rats by temporarily blocking the work of PKM-ζ using a special inhibitor pep-
tide ZIP (zeta inhibitory peptide), which was injected into various areas brain test, carried out immedi-
ately before the reminder stimulus, led to the disappearance of the previously developed conditioned
reflex in animals. However, as it turned out, deleting the PKM-ζ gene itself had no effect on the mem-
orization of new information. Thus, the effect of memory formation and maintenance is not related to
the supposed “memory molecule” [109].
At the same time, the implementation of long-term memory processes, according to model ex-
periments, mainly on animals, requires considerable time and repetition of stimuli. However, there
were and are people who voluntarily remember an almost unlimited amount of information from the
first presentation and “for the rest of their lives”. One of these people V.V. Shereshevsky was studied
and described for many years by the famous neuropsychologist A.R. Luria in his work “A Little Book
of Great Memory (The Mind of a Mnemonist)”: “He was indifferent whether meaningful words or
meaningless syllables, numbers or sounds were presented to him, whether they were given orally or in
writing; he only needed that one element of the proposed series be separated from the other by a pause
of 2–3 seconds, and the subsequent reproduction of the series did not cause him any difficulties.
Soon the experimenter began to experience a feeling that turned into confusion. The increase
in the series did not lead Sh. to any noticeable increase in difficulties, and it was necessary to
admit that the volume of his memory did not have clear boundaries. The experimenter turned
out to be powerless in what seemed to be the simplest task for a psychologist - measuring memory
capacity. I made an appointment for Sh. for a second, then a third meeting. They were followed by a
whole series of meetings. Some meetings were separated by days and weeks, some by years.
These meetings further complicated the experimenter's position.
It turned out that Sh.’s memory has no clear boundaries, not only in its volume, but also in the
strength of retaining traces. Experiments have shown that he can successfully - and without noticeable
difficulty - reproduce any long series of words given to him a week, a month, a year, many years ago.
Some of these experiments, which invariably ended in success, were carried out 15–16 years (!) after
the initial memorization of the series and without any warning. In such cases, Sh. sat down, closed his
eyes, paused, and then said: “yes, yes... it was in your apartment... you were sitting at the table, and I
was on the rocking chair... you were in gray suit and looked at me like this... here... I see what you told
me...” - and then followed an unmistakable reproduction of the series read.... And yet how little we
know about this amazing memory! How can we explain the strength with which Sh.’s images are pre-
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served for many years, if not decades? What explanation can we give for the fact that the hundreds and
thousands of series that he memorized do not inhibit each other and that Sh. could practically selec-
tively return to any of them after 10, 12, 17 years? Where did this indelible persistence of marks come
We have already said that the laws of memory known to us are not applicable to the
memory of Sh.
Traces of one irritation do not inhibit the traces of another irritation; they show no signs of ex-
tinction and do not lose their selectivity; in Sh. it is impossible to trace either the boundaries of his
memory in terms of volume and duration, or the dynamics of the disappearance of traces over time; it
is impossible to identify in him that “edge factor”, thanks to which each of us remembers the first and
last elements of a series better than those located in its middle; It is also impossible to see the phenom-
enon of reminiscence in him, due to which a short rest leads to the resurfacing of seemingly faded
traces...” [60].
It is more than obvious that modern theory is not able to explain the phenomenon of infinite
memory, with all events being remembered once and forever. The concept of oscillatory wave net-
works G.R. Ivanitsky et al. [9] propose an oscillatory, wave form of memory, but accurate preserva-
tion of the wave pattern in an incoherent neural system is simply impossible - any failure in its
maintenance of such a nonlinear nonequilibrium will destroy the integral pattern of oscillations. In
addition, for the virtually infinite memory discovered in the direct experiments described above, the
ability to superpose an almost infinite number of oscillations is necessary, which is only possible in a
quantum system, but impossible in a limited and non-quantum neural ensemble. Therefore, oscillatory
neural ensembles can only be responsible for the translation of one type of memory - deep and practi-
cally endless - into another - an updated final form, and vice versa. That is, problems with recall arise
not with memory as such, but with the reproduction or translation of memories at the neural level,
when brain or molecular processes are disrupted. This is another indication of the need for a new
quantum theory of consciousness, psyche and memory.
About medical paradoxes - living “people without brains”
The presence of a quantum subsystem coupled with a neural one is also indicated by the facts
of the existence of living people who have almost no neural structures in the brain, but who live or
have lived safely and even have a fairly high IQ (some have up to 126). Moreover, almost the entire
volume of the brain in such people is occupied by cerebral fluid [129, 155]. A striking example is the
well-researched and described in the authoritative medical journal “Lancet” case of the “clerk from
Marseille” Mathieu R., who at the age of 44 went to the hospital with a complaint of weakness in his
left leg. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that 90% of his
brain was missing, and the remaining part, as a result of the development of hydrocephalus, was occu-
pied by cerebrospinal fluid. He has a not very high average IQ 75 (with the norm ranging from 85 to
114), but works normally as a government employee, is married and has two children. However, his
verbal intelligence is 84. It is believed that this man's brain was slowly destroyed over 30 years as flu-
id accumulated. He was diagnosed as a teenager and underwent a shunt to restore the movement of
cerebrospinal fluid, but at the age of 14 the shunt was removed. As a result, fluid accumulated in the
skull, and the brain was gradually destroyed, and at the time of the examination it was predominantly
an outer thin layer of nervous tissue. The inside of the brain is missing. 10 years have passed since the
discovery of such a case, clerk Mathieu R. still lives and works, although, apparently, the process of
degradation of the neural structures of the brain still continues. Prof. Cognitive scientist Axel
Cleeremans, of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, considers this case and notes: “Any theory of con-
sciousness should be able to explain why such a person, who is missing 90% of neurons, still exhibits
normal behavior 10”.
But this case is not isolated. In the history of medicine, many similar and even more serious
cases have been recorded. This gave reason back in 1980 to researcher R. Levin to title his article in
Science “Do We Really Need a Brain?” [151], in which he described a number of cases of hydroceph-
alus with reference to the practice of John Lorber, professor of pediatrics at the University of Shef-
In particular, there was a case with a student who complained to the doctor about a slight ma-
laise. After consultation, the patient went to Professor Lorber. “The scan showed that the entire space
International Institute of Socionics
30 No. 9-10, 2017
of the student’s skull was occupied by ventricles filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The nervous tissue of
his brain was only a thin layer of a few millimeters around them. However, this student did not suffer
from any mental disorders (his IQ was even slightly higher than normal and amounted to 126). He
studied successfully (especially excelled in mathematics) and was even able to graduate from the uni-
versity with honors”.
Second example: “In 1970, a New Yorker died at the age of thirty-five. When an autopsy was
performed to determine the
cause of his untimely
death, it was also discov-
ered that his brain was al-
most completely missing.
This man worked as a con-
cierge and was popular in
his circle. Residents of the
house where he worked
said that he usually spent
his time doing routine ac-
tivities: watching the
steam boiler, reading
newspapers” 11 [151.
Typically, neuro-
physiologists' explanations
for such cases come down
to the fact that the rem-
nants of nervous tissue
take over all the functions
of dead neural structures.
This, to a certain extent,
can explain the cases of
people with lesions of half
the brain (duplication of
one of the hemispheres).
However, the absence of
90%, and in some cases 99%, of neurons raises reasonable doubts about this explanation. It simply
contradicts the theory of evolution and the principle of biological expediency. The brain is a very en-
ergy-consuming organ. Constituting only 2.5% of a person's mass, it consumes 20% of the total energy
used by the body. If a reduced brain could play the role of a large brain in a natural way, then natural
evolution in order to reduce energy costs would lead to a significant decrease in the volume and mass
of the brain, i.e. microcephaly of mankind. Nature conducted such an experiment with representatives
of one of the branches of the genus Homo - Homo floresiensis with a brain volume of 400 cm3, which
is three times less than the volume of the modern human brain. It is assumed that Homo floresiensis
was a dwarf island variant of Homo habilis (homo habilis), whose brain volume was 600–700 cm³.
Moreover, these dwarf “people” had primitive stone tools and used fire: burnt animal bones and other
traces of material culture were found. Here, the coefficient of natural reduction of the brain is equal to
2 and is within normal limits, known for the human brain with various injuries. However, a natural
evolutionary decrease in the brain mass of humans and other higher animals by 10 or more times has
not been recorded. Therefore, the cases of hydrocephalus described above are a much more complex
Our concept explains these cases by the duplicating role of the quantum substrate, which took
over the functions of the neural substrate of the brain during the gradual development of the organism
and personality. Such people have neurons, but there are much fewer of them than usual, and they ap-
parently play a predominantly auxiliary role in transmitting information to the quantum subsystem for
processing and decision-making. Moreover, the laws of evolution of such systems are more complex,
since natural selection, valid for biological objects, acts primarily at its systemic—biological level. At
the quantum level, its laws naturally undergo changes, and natural selection at the level of molecular
Comparison of the brain of a clerk from Marseille (top) with the brain of a
normal person (bottom):
1. Axial section (top view);
2. Frontal section (front view); 3. Sagittal section (side view). Image 1A was
taken using computed tomography (CT), the rest were taken using magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI).
Fig. 9.
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No. 9-10, 2017 31
biological structure cannot adapt to much more unpredictable quantum conditions and structures,
which are also located at a higher hierarchical level in the general system of a living organism.
Thus, quantum bodies control biochemical, molecular and physical processes, determining
their direction and consistency, surprising biologists and physiologists. The implementation of ele-
ments of biochemical processes in laboratories in the form of certain biochemical reactions gave rise
to the illusion that the entire phenomenon of life can be explained as a system of biochemical reac-
tions. However, the experimental process of reproducing life in the laboratory did not go further. And
this can be explained very simply: such a complexly ordered and self-consistent system requires holis-
tic management. It is realized by the hierarchy of quantum coherent structures.
In connection with the proposed hypothesis, it is necessary to note the long-term experimental
work of the famous researcher in the field of human consciousness Robert Monroe [139], who devel-
oped a technique for studying the “second body” as a carrier of consciousness and techniques, includ-
ing technical ones, that allow any person to experience this experience [67]. The seriousness of these
developments is evidenced by the fact that the American military was trained in them [142]. R. Mon-
roe not only gave a description of the functions of this “field body”, but also discovered that it has
very real physical properties, for example, it interacts with a magnetic field (attracted by sources of
strong fields), reflects or scatters (albeit weakly) electromagnetic radiation in the visible range of the
spectrum, has weight, although small, that is, it interacts with the gravitational field, and also has high
flexibility and elasticity. The Monroe Institute has developed a number of technologies that are active-
ly used to stimulate brain function and treat certain diseases. It is reported, in particular, that after a
week of classes using the developed technologies, students of the institute can achieve meditative
states that can be achieved by Buddhist monks in 30 years of meditative practice [116].
Monroe's data are in good agreement with the hypothesis under consideration about superfluid
quantum structures controlled by consciousness and capable of extension over significant distances.
This is due to the fact that the superfluid liquid, while remaining a single whole, can be stretched
without breaks into a thread atom thick. Moreover, such structures interact with electrons and protons
(more precisely, quarks, their components), therefore, by definition, they must interact with magnetic
and electric fields.
Let us now consider the process of the birth of a thought or other conscious impulse that con-
trols a living organism. A psychic impulse arising in the lightest body (possibly induced by interaction
with a psychic charge (,)QI
) in the form of vibration (oscillation) propagates in the superfluid con-
densate as a quantized excitation of the phonon or roton type. This excitation is then transmitted
through the normal component to the heavier condensate, and so on through the hierarchy, producing
separate phonon vibrations at each level. This control process is carried out through a control pattern
of phonons formed in the overlying (lighter) structure and transmitted through the normal component
to the controlled, underlying, heavier structure.
Let us also note that a number of information-controlling vibrations (oscillations) come from
outside with energy that forms the nonequilibrium structures of each quantum body.
When the control pattern of excitations is transmitted from a higher level to a lower one, these
phonon and, possibly, rotonic excitations manifest themselves at the subjective level of perception as
intuitive insights (at the level of higher structures), thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. Therefore, at the
level of each quantum structure, mental impulses - phonons - manifest themselves in superfluid liquids
according to the structure and structure of the corresponding quantum body.
The reverse process is also interesting: receiving information from the senses and processing
it. Nervous excitation at the molecular level is also associated with an impulse transmitted sequentially
into quantum structures. In this case, the phonon excitation pattern becomes increasingly generalized,
since vibrations of the heavier normal component of the underlying level are only partially transferred
to the lighter superfluid structure of the higher level. At the information-psychic level, this leads to an
increasing abstraction of the information received at each level of organization of superfluid bodies.
It is noteworthy that the described physical process of information processing fully corre-
sponds to the structure of the hierarchical control system developed within the framework of cybernet-
ics: processing of abstract information at higher levels of management and more detailed information
at lower levels. Thus, in the physics of hierarchical nonequilibrium bioquantum liquids, or bio-
condensates, control theory, information theory, synergetics, quantum mechanics, elementary
particle physics, condensed matter physics and the thousand-year spiritual experience of all
mankind are combined into one single unit.
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32 No. 9-10, 2017
Some conclusions from the proposed hypothesis
1. Living molecular structures are only an observable component of a hierarchical system of
coherent structures consisting of light elementary fermions - levions - and their fields. In this case,
each structure has its own characteristic energy.
2. Unlike atomic-molecular structures, such structures have quantum properties (such as su-
perfluidity), since they consist of light elementary particles that form superfluid Bose and Fermi liq-
uids (condensates). This ensures that their functioning is practically entropy-free.
Therefore, the quantum properties of such structures provide ideal entropy-free information
processing 12, which allows us to resolve the “thermodynamic paradox of thinking” discovered by
N.I. Kobozev [54].
3. Such integral macroscopic condensates, which have an internal structure, due to the supply
of energy, interact with molecular structures - biological bodies - and control them. However, if the
functioning of molecular structures is disrupted, living quantum structures can stop interacting with
them, continuing their existence in an unobservable or almost unobservable form. The destruction of
structures that follow the molecular ones in the hierarchy preserves the functioning of the organism,
which consists of subsequent fields and elementary particles.
In this sense, a living structure, having arisen at the level of elementary particles, exists much
longer than a molecular structure.
Thus, simple and natural physical assumptions about the formation of condensates of
light elementary particles - levions - lead to a picture that completely coincides with the many
thousands of years of spiritual ideas of all mankind about the existence of forms of life other
than molecular, and about the transition to such forms after the death of a biological molecular
organism. At the same time, it is easy to notice that the hidden, unobservable form of the living and
the molecular form, if they are considered as an analogue of a superfluid liquid in its integrity with all
interactions, are correlated as superfluid and normal components. In this case, the normal, mo-
lecular, observable component is immersed in a superfluid, which is a macroscopic quantum ob-
ject, a kind of “single molecule”.
It is impossible not to note the fundamental coincidence of our conclusions with religious and
esoteric ideas about the existence of certain “subtle” human bodies that form a hierarchy and interact
with the physical (molecular) body, control it and continue to exist for various times after the death of
the molecular (physical) body.
Thus, the existence of life forms in the form of integral macroscopic quantum conden-
sates of light fermions is possible even without the presence of a molecular body. This means that
existence in a living conscious state continues without a molecular body: this is the posthumous
existence known in the thousand-year religious and spiritual experience of all mankind. In addi-
tion, the presence of an atomic-molecular body is not at all a necessary condition for the exist-
ence of life.
It should be emphasized that each quantum body has a structure comparable in complexity to a
molecular body. Therefore, elucidating the details of the functioning of each quantum body, as well as
their interaction with each other, is a huge section of quantum nonequilibrium physics of living bio-
condensates. Of course, this concept is still in the status of a scientific hypothesis, awaiting further
testing and clarification.
It is possible to experimentally verify some provisions of the proposed theory. This, for exam-
ple, is the accumulation of supposed light particles in an electromagnetic trap when green biomass is
placed in the latter, followed by natural drying. There are also experimental data (Institute of Microbi-
ology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) on the effects of shielding or-
ganisms with aluminum screens, which, unlike steel, lead and others, have a special effect on vital
processes and a number of biochemical reactions [37–40]. This allows us to assume that such effects
are associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of the desired light particles with aluminum [11,
13] and all metals of the main subgroup of group III of the Mendeleev Periodic Table, since the prop-
erties of gallium, indium and thallium resemble the properties of aluminum. There is also some diffi-
culty in studying such light particles, since at present there are simply no detectors for particles that
are three or more orders of magnitude lighter than an electron. Their creation is the task of the next
12That is, the attributes of consciousness, which can probably be attributed to the physical vacuum of the Universe as a whole
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decade. Moreover, the masses of the proposed particles — levions — are in the range of the masses of
dark energy particles, the masses of neutrinos and axions. Modern particle physics was not ready to
study these ranges, since in the Standard Model there are simply no particles lighter than an electron,
and neutrinos have no mass. Numerous modifications of the Standard Model of elementary particles
are now proposed to obtain particles with masses in this range, but a generally accepted model has not
yet been created due to the lack of instruments and corresponding measurements.
Taking into account the above, we can also conclude that further study of the quantum laws of
the functioning of the psyche and consciousness provides the key to the creation of fundamentally new
quantum computers, the operating principles of which will approach the principles of the functioning
of human thinking and consciousness.
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The article was received by the editor on June 17, 2017.