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Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)
Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024, pp. 681~689
ISSN: 2089-9823 DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v18i3.21135 681
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Students' misconceptions on the concept of sound: a case study
about Marinyo, Tanimbar Islands
John Rafafy Batlolona, Jamaludin Jamaludin
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia
Article Info
Article history:
Received Jul 21, 2023
Revised Oct 10, 2023
Accepted Dec 22, 2023
Marinyo is a culture left by the Portuguese around the 15th century in
Maluku. The purpose of this study was to find out to what extent students'
misconceptions about the concept of sound in the Marinyo case in the
Kepuluan Tanimbar Regency. The method used was a qualitative study in
ethnography in ten villages in two sub-districts. In addition, they conducted
a survey in the form of a diagnostic test in the form of questions related to
the Marinyo case on 300 elementary school students. The findings in the
field show that students experience relatively high misconceptions. It was
because teachers did not accustom students to learn from natural phenomena
around them and were given scientific questions to seek, find and provide
answers and solutions related to these natural phenomena. The teacher was
more pursuing the conditions and problems of physics in textbooks and less
exploring contextual matters. Future researchers are suggested to develop
physics or science teaching materials based on regional local advantages that
are oriented towards understanding concepts, mental models, critical
thinking, problem-solving, creativity and innovative thinking so that
teachers and students can learn well so that knowledge of science becomes
Concept understanding
Local wisdom
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
John Rafafy Batlolona
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pattimura University
Ir. Putuhena Street, Campus Poka Ambon 97233, Ambon, Indonesia
In order to effectively reshape one's prior knowledge into scientifically understandable and
acceptable, it is necessary to identify and address their knowledge. According to the theory of conceptual
change, we may want to replace existing reasoning, rearrange, refine or rebuild it during the learning process
[1]. This situation is called a cognitive concept or conceptual change. Conceptual understanding is an internal
representation, which acts as a structural analogue of a situation or process. Its role is to explain individuals'
reasoning both when they are trying to understand discourse and when they are trying to explain and predict
the behaviour of the physical world [2].
Most students still experience high misconceptions about physics and physics learning which is very
different from the views of physicists. They reported that some students viewed physics as pieces of
information studied separately. In contrast, others saw physics as a coherent set of ideas to be studied
together [3]. Some students perceive studying physics as memorizing formulas and problem-solving
algorithms. In contrast, others think that learning involves developing a deeper conceptual understanding.
The University of Maryland uses the term 'cognitive expectations', which means expectations about
understanding the learning process of physics and the structure of learning physics [4]. 72 Articles
identifying misconceptions across disciplines to assess student understanding [5]. In addition, 111 articles
ISSN: 2089-9823
J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 681-689
from 2015 to 2019 that focused on student misconceptions across disciplines, namely physics, biology, and
chemistry. Understanding the complete concept of physics will help students work on problems with varying
difficulty levels [6].
Misconceptions as scientifically inaccurate interpretations with erroneous ideas and views [7].
Misconceptions come from various sources; students, teachers, textbooks, and the environment [8]. In formal
education, scientific misconceptions have been found through interactions between teachers and students
who may experience misconceptions in the learning process [9]. Teachers must understand students'
misconceptions in learning and improve students' conceptions correctly [10]. Teachers are expected to have
good knowledge to help and direct students to better students' scientific concepts [11]. One important factor
that hinders meaningful and beneficial learning for students is misconceptions [12]. Misconceptions are
based on faulty thinking [13]. Students come to class with fragmented and incomplete knowledge and are
always held by students [14]. This situation is an obstacle for them to learn the correct academic concepts.
Suppose students are desired to stop the misunderstandings they have and tend to academic concepts, first of
all. In that case, these misconceptions must be identified [15]. Several methods have been used to determine
misconceptions in interviews, tests, drawings and predict-observe-explain (POE) [16]. Students realize that
difficulties and misunderstandings are obstacles to reconstructing scientific knowledge, especially when
students learn the concept of sound [17].
Misconceptions about sound have been studied in primary and secondary education. First,
misconceptions about sound are expressed in scientifically unacceptable mental models of the nature of
sound, as well as concerning certain aspects of sound, such as relating pitch (frequency) and volume
(intensity) and/or distance travelled, assuming that the frequency depends on the propagation medium or the
assumption that the speed of sound depends on a different one, such as the speed of the sound source,
frequency or intensity [18]. In addition, studies on high school students revealed that sound is an invisible
object with dimensions that require space to move or sound is air [19].
Most physics scientists have detected students' misconceptions about sound. They do to find out and
detect students' misconceptions is a diagnostic test like that done to students in Taiwan [19]. Diagnostic test
to measure students' misconceptions in a mental model with three levels, namely surface, matching, and deep
(SMD) for high school students in Malang City, Indonesia [20]. In addition, diagnostic test to measure
students' misconceptions about the concept of waves [21]. The first-year measures the reasoning of physics
students, and the second year measures wave mechanics. Correlation analysis showed that the first-year
students did not apply the wave concept consistently. Second-year students seem to apply the concepts fairly
consistently to questions about the superposition and motion of particles in sound waves, but not to questions
about reflection. These exercises help students develop cognitive skills to understand better abstract physics
cases that are still difficult to solve.
In this study, different things are displayed. The measurement and students' understanding of sound
on things were still general. For instance, students knew that speakers produced sound to provide
information. There is something different about the Tanimbar Islands Regency. In providing information for
the community members. In the village, they do not use speakers but use human voices. The person given the
task to provide this information is called Marinyo. Almost all areas in Maluku used to use the services of
Marinyo. However, this phenomenon or activity has disappeared due to the emergence of speakers. In the
Tanimbar Islands, the Marinyo culture is still sustainable today. Marinyo can shout at a specific frequency
and can be heard well by the community in providing information about village developments. A diagnostic
test was given to students to measure the extent to which students' understanding of the particular sounds of
the Marinyo case was given to measure students' conceptual understanding of Marinyo. From the
explanation, the purpose of this research was to find out the extent of students' misconceptions about the
concept of sound in the Marinyo case in the Kepuluan Tanimbar Regency.
The type of research used was in the form of a qualitative study, namely ethnography. This research
traced the culture and community activities that were still sustainable and well maintained. The research was
conducted by conducting in-depth interviews with people considered important informants in data collection.
The data collection technique was in the form of a snowball, namely visiting the local government, which
had the authority to permit data collection and interviewing agencies related to Marinyo culture. Next, they
directed and guided to enter the targeted villages. It was essential to ensure the researchers could reach the
village and had no obstacles. Then, the researchers could be served well, and the research objectives could be
achieved. In addition, a survey was also conducted in the form of a diagnostic test for elementary school
students to measure students' conceptual understanding or misconceptions regarding the concept of sound for
the Marinyo case.
J Edu & Learn ISSN: 2089-9823
Students' misconceptions on the concept of sound: a case study about Marinyo … (John Rafafy Batlolona)
The research was conducted qualitatively in ten villages in two sub-districts. The informants who
met were the village head village officials who carried out direct discussions at the village hall. In addition,
the village head recommended some elders who were considered to have a lot of experience and knowledge
about Marinyo. There were also interviews with Marinyo, who had served for decades. Another activity was
a diagnostic test for 300 elementary school students in Ten Elementary Schools in the Tanimbar Islands
Regency. Before taking the test, a small question was asked, namely, "do you all know what Marinyo is?". It
was to lead them to the measured goal.
The conceptual diagnostic test instrument refers to the rubric developed by Furtak et al. [22], which
includes 4 aspects: not conceptual, no logical conceptual, conceptually based on data, conceptually based on
evidence, and logical and sequential conceptual based on inductive-rules deductive. The questions developed
were in the form of 5 questions that require 1-4 complete student answers with various points of view. Before
testing the students, three experts validated the instrument, namely theoretical physics and learning physics,
from Pattimura University. In addition, a structured interview instrument in the form of 15 questions to
informants was used to obtain good information about Marinyo. Two cultural sociologists also validated this
instrument from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences from Pattimura University. The latter had done
much research on Marinyo.
The data analysis technique was carried out in interviews with informants, then analyzed and
reconfirmed with experts who had done much research on Marinyo. In addition, relevant sources were looked
for to reconfirm, so there were no errors when reporting was done. The survey data in the form of test results
were then corrected, analyzed and mapped according to the instruments from the recommended experts to get
a profile of students' misconceptions about Marinyo.
3.1. What is sound?
Sound is a mechanical vibration of a continuous medium. It requires a good understanding of
classical and modern physics [23]. Sound is caused by the movement of vibrating particles that can cause
friction with the surrounding substances. The vibration of objects or air touches the particles of substances
nearby in the form of gases, liquids, or solids, depending on the location of the vibrating object. The loudness
of sound is strongly influenced by the sensation caused to a person's hearing. Loudness increases as the
intensity increases, but this increase does not occur linearly. The greater the amplitude, the louder the sound
produced will be more excellent [24]. Sound is a wave propagation from one point to another or a physically
propagating object moving from one location to another [25]. In addition, the sound is formed by molecules
bouncing off surfaces. Sound will travel faster if it does not meet any object in the air. Sound travels faster
because the density of solid objects is smaller [26].
Sound has many functions, one of which is communicative in providing literal and nonliteral
information. Literal sounds convey meaning that refers to the listener's source of the sound [27]. For
example, hearing footsteps refers to hearing someone walking or running. On the other hand, nonliteral
sounds are disconnected from the source or nondiegetic sounds. It means that the audience cannot see and
refer to the source that created the sound [28]. Sound waves in the air are longitudinal waves that are periodic
[29]. Figure 1 represents the models, and the differences can be depicted like a cartoon [30]. Here, the human
character represents the air particles, and the ball represents the sound entity. These models are A) Wave
Model, which is a scientifically accepted model, B) Propagating air model (hybrid model), C) Dependent
entity model (hybrid model), D) Independent entity model, which is a dominant alternative model.
Figure 1. Sound models
ISSN: 2089-9823
J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 681-689
Sound is a motion of particles moving in the air [31], as shown in Figure 2. The findings in Spain
show that students' mental models of the concept of sound still show great misconceptions even though they
have made simple pictures [32]. Sound is taught at the University, but this topic is challenging to learn.
Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge has a limited scope, but
imagination covers the whole world and all that has ever existed to know and understand [33]. Sound as
particle motion can be shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sound as a movement of particles
3.2. What is Marinyo to the archipelago community in Maluku?
Marinyo was taken from the Portuguese language, namely Meirinho, which is an assistant to the
captain, who serves as a spokesman who conveys instructions and decisions to the people or in other words
he is the "mouth of the king" [34]. This term emerged after 1512. Marinyo had a kind of rank in the village
community, even though he was not included in the high class or nobility and held a hereditary position.
Marinyo also serves as assistant to the head of Soa and serves as a bodyguard. The village government
appointed Marinyo. This tradition is a cultural heritage in Maluku, but this culture is getting lost. In the
Tanimbar Islands, Marinyo still applies this ancestral culture. Marinyo must go around the village to deliver
news to the community. Apart from that, Marinyo is also tasked with gathering citizens or children of the
negeri when there will be a traditional event or emergency by ringing a kentongan and blowing Tahuri or
large shells like a trumpet. Usually, Marinyo shouts, or Tabaos gives information to the village community in
the late afternoon. It is done because when it is late in the evening, the people have returned from their
gardens and gone to sea so that the community can hear the information.
The student record data in Table 1 displays the results of student answers that are fully informed.
This data is displayed in providing conceptual information on sound, especially Marinyo. Some students
were able to answer several questions with four alternative answers. The data in the field provides
information that students who had a good conceptual were due to parental support factors in facilitating
children's academics. On average, in addition to studying at home, children were given online science
courses so that they helped and improved their learning outcomes. In addition, children who live in cities
have a good mental model compared to children who live in rural areas. Living in a rural area with a lack of
facilities, the unavailability of supporting devices such as laptops or cellphones in finding information to
increase physical literacy. This is in line with the results of previous studies, which showed that parents play
an important role in children's academic achievement in the form of grades and other academic targets to be
pursued and achieved [35].
Marinyo shouting in giving information to the public is shown in Figure 3. The sound pressure from
Marinyo's mouth gives force. This force generates an elastic wave in a longitudinal wave, resulting in back
and forth motion. This movement produces a pressure sound that is detected by the listener's ear.
Formal education in Macedonia starts from the age of 6-7 years. At the end of elementary school
education, students were given lessons that equipped their physics concepts before junior high school. The
materials provided are dynamic electricity, static electricity, sound, light, atomic structure, isotopes, types of
radiation, and radiation and its application [36]. Teachers believe these materials will equip them at the top
level. The results of a previous study in Turkey to 470 science teacher candidates in the form of a diagnostic
test in a Four-Tier Misconception Diagnostic Test showed that 48 misconceptions were revealed. It was
suggested that tests were also conducted on secondary and higher education students. Experimental and
virtual studies should be carried out to dispel misconceptions [37].
J Edu & Learn ISSN: 2089-9823
Students' misconceptions on the concept of sound: a case study about Marinyo … (John Rafafy Batlolona)
Table 1. Recorded student answers
Student answer
Why can people hear the voice of
Marinyo screams?
1. Marinyo produces a high-frequency sound.
2. The distance between Marino and the community is not far.
3. The presence of reflective media in houses from walls or mountains
can reflect sound to listeners.
4. The great energy produced by the Marinyo.
In your opinion, what breathing is used
when Marinyo screams, chest
breathing, or belly breathing?
1. In chest breathing, the muscles between the ribs expand (contraction)
when inhaling (inspiration) and contract again (relaxation) after
exhaling so that the resulting sound is immense.
2. In abdominal breathing, the diaphragm muscle contracts during the
inspiration process and relaxes when exhaling air so that the sound
produced is slight.
3. Marinyo is more stable in chest breathing and does not need much
energy to produce sound.
4. Abdominal breathing can open the blood vessels in the lungs so that
more oxygen enters the blood. This condition will impact the
increasing concentration and mental capacity of Marinyo.
When Marinyo makes a sound, why
should his mouth be circular shape?
1. Form a circular pattern to produce an immense sound spreading to all
directions due to the air expulsion from the inside.
2. Establish a high frequency.
3. Produces significant air repulsion.
4. Taking sufficient oxygen in the air.
Why would Marinyo prefer to shout at
night rather than during the day?
1. The density of particles at night is denser.
2. Sound sources from the environment are lost, and only one sound
source is heard.
3. The temperature in the air decreases so that sound travels faster.
4. During the day, the air temperature increases to suppress the sound to
slow down.
Why do Marinyo choose to scream at
an altitude position?
1. Objects in front do not block the flow of particles in the form of
2. Air particles will push the sound to move faster.
3. The resulting sound particles do not cancel due to reflections.
4. The density of the air at high altitudes is better so that the sound
particles are lighter and the air quickly transports the bottom.
Figure 3. Simulation of sound waves from source to listener in the form of longitudinal waves
The findings of sound for elementary school students in the Tanimbar Islands still have high
misconceptions. From a total score of 100 out of 5 questions, students can achieve a score of 15.83. This
situation is something that needs to be seen. Students always see and relate directly to Marinyo's activities,
but they find it challenging to connect scientific concepts. On the other hand, the teacher does not provide
scientific information to students. On average, teachers only give or teach students in physics in textbooks.
The teacher forgets that the real learning of physics is to introduce the world around as a good learning
laboratory. In addition, many science teachers do not teach conceptually. Instead, they prefer algorithmic or
mathematical teaching. Such learning can improve students' algorithms in problem-solving while conceptual
understanding is not developed or is weak. In addition, teachers find it difficult to translate or transfer
knowledge in scientific language that is good for students to understand. Teachers have high misconceptions
[38]. Suppose students' misconceptions are not appropriately handled. In that case, it will have a significant
impact when children are in society and the world of work.
ISSN: 2089-9823
J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 681-689
The study of physics cases in the last three decades is marked by the number of students who find it
challenging to study physics. It is because learning physics is not good when given by the teacher. Learning
is still traditional and does not stimulate higher-order thinking skills. Consequently, when students are given
questions related to surrounding phenomena, students will find it difficult to answer. Even if they answer
with various answers, some are complete, some are wrong, some are still in simple terms [39], [40]. The
process of shifting from a wrong scientific understanding to a correct understanding is strongly influenced by
what the learner already knows. The learner's priority should always be involved when trying to understand
new information. This situation then requires cognitive reorganization in the brain to accommodate the new
information [41]. Misconceptions are detrimental to students, and the average is in younger students. In
addition, students' cultural background and lack of physical literacy also affect misconceptions [42]. Students
tend to form the concept of light based on their daily experiences and build a belief system that very often
contradicts scientific theories to affect student academic achievement.
Sound is a substance that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sound is microscopic and cannot be
adequately understood. Therefore, learning media is needed that simulates things that are still abstract so that
they can be explained to students in a concrete way. Moreover, in this case, the sound is described by
Marinyo, who only screams, and the effect is that the public can hear it. Simulating sound so that it reaches
the listener is very difficult to explain. Therefore, teachers must use assistive media in the form of animation
or audio-visual media to explain the phenomenon well to students. The previous findings provide information
that learning is based on lectures and students only take notes, so the contribution to mastery of the material
is only 5%. If it is continued with reading, it contributes 10%. Learning with audio-visual aids will contribute
to mastery of the material by 30% (The Higher Education Academy) [43]. Suppose students can visually see
biological material in microscopic form. In that case, students will understand it more efficiently and avoid
the construction of misconceptions. Visualization of the movement of sound particles also increases, so
students will easily understand and develop more meaningful concepts. The results of physics research in
Bhutan revealed that the average score of students' physics misconceptions was 52.60 [44]. It is because
students find it difficult to explain an abstract phenomenon. Misconceptions should not be regarded as
something frightening but rather as an opportunity for students to incorporate new knowledge and act as a
starting point for building new scientific understanding from a constructivist point of view. Misconceptions
may still exist even though learning has been carried out in eliminating student misconceptions.
Misconceptions will continue to exist in primary, secondary and higher education. The simulation of sound
waves can be shown in Figure 3.
When the speaker diaphragm vibrates back and forth, it will disturb the surrounding air molecules.
The air molecules then pass on the reaction to adjacent air molecules. In this way, the vibration waves
coming from the speakers travel through the air molecules as sound waves. The air molecules themselves do
not move from the speaker to the ear but only vibrate to and fro. It is because air molecules move in the same
direction as the waves. Accordingly, sound waves are longitudinal waves. Wavelength is the distance
between successive compressions or rarefactions. Compressions are regions in a wave where air molecules
are pushed close together and at slightly higher pressure. Rarefaction is areas in the wave where the air
molecules are further apart at a slightly lower pressure.
The results of previous studies for junior high school students in Ambon City for learning physics in
solving mathematical equations and solving problems still experience high misconceptions. Disruptive
factors that make high physics misconceptions are motivation, interests, knowledge, and basic skills [45], [3].
High misconceptions will result in academic failure in specific fields affiliated with physics such as science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), resulting in a high decline. The results of studies in the
United States provide information that only 57% of engineering graduates complete their studies. Due to the
complexity of high misconceptions that interfere with poor academic performance [46]. Misconceptions also
interfere with meaningful learning. In addition, misconceptions can penetrate the walls of students' cognition
and are very difficult to change [47]. Even if they change it, the environment also affects the change for quite
a long time. Field data shows that students experience relatively high misconceptions in sub-sounds, and can
be shown in detail in Table 2.
Table 2. Student misconceptions for Marinyo
Marinyo's misconception with microscopy
Sound can be heard
Breathing used to scream
Mouth shape when shouting
Scream at night instead of morning
Shouting position
J Edu & Learn ISSN: 2089-9823
Students' misconceptions on the concept of sound: a case study about Marinyo … (John Rafafy Batlolona)
Students assume that sound is a wave that transports matter. On the contrary, natural science says
that sound transports energy from one position to another. Sound has atoms or constituent particles that are
tightly packed and always move depending on the frequency produced from the sound source. In longitudinal
waves, atoms collide with neighbouring atoms and transmit energy. The sound propagates until it reaches the
eardrum. The energy flows into the tiny hairs inside the ear. A vibrational pattern is generated in the ear and
interpreted as a particular sound by our brain [48].
In addition, according to students' thinking, the speed of sound can be blocked by the medium
through which it travels. The density of the molecules propagating in the medium increases the resistance.
Since there is no resistance, heat affects the speed of sound. In addition, students cannot determine the
relationship between sound frequency, wavelength and period and between sound frequency and proper
thickness and thinness [49]. The study results show that there is a significant relationship between heat and
sound. However, this significant relationship is sometimes weak [50].
Based on the findings and discussion, students still experience misconceptions regarding the concept
of high sound related to Marinyo. Teachers did not accustom students to learn from natural phenomena
around them and were given scientific questions so that students could seek, find and provide answers and
solutions related to these natural phenomena. The teacher was more pursuing the conditions and problems of
physics in textbooks and less exploring contextual matters. If this situation is not quickly resolved, students
will experience embedded misconceptions. They will be bottomed out at higher levels, society and the world
of work.
Future researchers are suggested to develop physics or science teaching materials based on regional
local advantages oriented to understanding concepts, mental models, critical thinking, problem-solving,
creativity and innovative thinking so that teachers and students can learn well so that knowledge of science
becomes better. Nature provides various advantages, but human resources are still weak and challenging to
explore. One of the factors is conceptual science which is still low. It makes it challenging to develop the
existing nature for the life and welfare of many people. This research implies that teachers, researchers and
related institutions can get information and input in the future development of students' science to produce
superior, productive and resilient human resources. In addition, teachers can improve scientific literacy
through lots of exercises and training in improving teacher competence.
The gratitude is for the Rector of the Patimurra University, who has provided research funds in
goods providing for research activities for educators/lecturers at the University of Pattimura. Decree No.
1497/UN13.1.3/SK/2021, led by Marleny Leasa.
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John Rafafy Batlolona is young thinker in the field of physics education. He is
currently an outstanding lecturer at Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teachers
Training and Education, Pattimura University. Achievement carved is to be a permanent
reviewer in several reputable international journals in the United States, one of them is Journal
of Educators Online. Short message: "Never say anything the least that someone is stupid. He
might be a shining diamond amid the darkness. Interest research: physics education, science
education, teaching and learning model, primary education and ethnophysics. He can be
contacted at email:
Jamaludin Jamaludin is a Physics Education Lecturer, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Pattimura University, Ambon-Indonesia. He completed his Bachelor
of Physics Education in 2000 at Pattimura University and completed his Masters in Physics at
Gadjah Mada University. He was appointed as a Lecturer in Physics Education Study Program
in 2005. His research interests are: Physics Education, Rock Physics, Geophysics, Ocean
Physics, Electromagnetics. He can be contacted at email: