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Shallow landslides, frequently triggered by extreme events such as heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or earthquakes, affect vast areas with remarkable density. In the immediate aftermath of such events, it becomes crucial to rapidly assess landslides distribution and pinpoint the most severely affected areas to prioritize damage assessments and guide field survey operations effectively. Once the emergency phase subsides, the attention can shift to enhancing the accuracy of landslide inventory. In this work, we introduce the two-phase methodology "PANDA", the unsuPervised shAllow laNdslide rapiD mApping, for the low-cost mapping of the potential landslides, firstly in the emergency phase and then, with an improved version, in the post-emergency one. This approach utilizes variations in NDVI derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and geomorphological filters. We applied PANDA to rainfall events in the northeastern Apennine range, Italy, occurred in May 2023, causing dramatic social and economic consequences for this mountain territory. Within just five days of obtaining Sentinel-2 post-event imagery, we produced a reliable, ready-to-use map covering a vast area (~4000 km 2). The map tested during emergency field mapping shows positive feedback. In the post-emergency phase, accuracy was enhanced using completely cloud-free imagery, a filter to identify false positives associated with land use changes, a higher resolution digital terrain model (DTM), and an iterative approach to optimize NDVI and slope thresholds. Potential landslide density related with rainfall, indicating that the most severely affected region attained a density of approximately 50 landslides/km². Validation against an independent manual inventory based on high-resolution imagery demonstrated encouraging accuracy results from both inventories, with a noticeable increase in the F1 score for the post-emergency version.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
Available online 5 April 2024
1569-8432/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
The unsuPervised shAllow laNdslide rapiD mApping: PANDA method
applied to severe rainfalls in northeastern appenine (Italy)
Davide Notti , Martina Cignetti
, Danilo Godone , Davide Cardone , Daniele Giordan
National Research Council of Italy, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (CNR IRPI), Torino 10135, Italy
Semi-automatic processing
Extreme event
Emergency management
Residual risk
Change detection
Emilia-Romagna Region
Shallow landslides, frequently triggered by extreme events such as heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or earthquakes,
affect vast areas with remarkable density. In the immediate aftermath of such events, it becomes crucial to
rapidly assess landslides distribution and pinpoint the most severely affected areas to prioritize damage as-
sessments and guide eld survey operations effectively. Once the emergency phase subsides, the attention can
shift to enhancing the accuracy of landslide inventory. In this work, we introduce the two-phase methodology
PANDA, the unsuPervised shAllow laNdslide rapiD mApping, for the low-cost mapping of the potential
landslides, rstly in the emergency phase and then, with an improved version, in the post-emergency one. This
approach utilizes variations in NDVI derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and geomorphological lters. We
applied PANDA to rainfall events in the northeastern Apennine range, Italy, occurred in May 2023, causing
dramatic social and economic consequences for this mountain territory. Within just ve days of obtaining
Sentinel-2 post-event imagery, we produced a reliable, ready-to-use map covering a vast area (~4000 km
). The
map tested during emergency eld mapping shows positive feedback. In the post-emergency phase, accuracy was
enhanced using completely cloud-free imagery, a lter to identify false positives associated with land use
changes, a higher resolution digital terrain model (DTM), and an iterative approach to optimize NDVI and slope
thresholds. Potential landslide density related with rainfall, indicating that the most severely affected region
attained a density of approximately 50 landslides/km
. Validation against an independent manual inventory
based on high-resolution imagery demonstrated encouraging accuracy results from both inventories, with a
noticeable increase in the F1 score for the post-emergency version.
1. Introduction
Extreme rainfall events are one of the primary triggers of shallow
landslides (Guzzetti et al., 2008). They usually initiate almost simulta-
neously, densely distributed and involving large territory (Bessette-
Kirton et al., 1950; Cignetti et al., 2019; Guzzetti et al., 2004), causing
severe damage, especially, to the road network (Bordoni et al., 2018;
Giordan et al., 2017). After those events, one of the rst activities
necessary to evaluate the damage is a rapid mapping of landslides.
Landslide event inventory mapping is one of the main approaches to
estimating the level of risk posed by geo-hydrological hazards, playing a
crucial role in recording the date of triggered events and evaluating the
spatial extent and the magnitude of landslides (Corominas et al., 2014;
Guzzetti et al., 2005; van Westen et al., 2008). Many approaches have
been proposed for landslide event inventory mapping (Novellino et al.,
2024). Traditional methods rely on 3D visual interpretation of aerial
photos or satellite images, coupled with extensive eld surveys (Brar-
dinoni et al., 2003; Santangelo et al., 2015). The increased availability of
high-resolution images (from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), aerial or
satellite platforms) (Casagli et al., 2017; Giordan et al., 2020) allowed
accurate mapping of small landslides. Unfortunately, these products are
rarely free-cost and require an acquisition plan and/or only cover some
of the area affected. Moreover, detailed mapping needs a time-
consuming expert manual approach (Donnini et al., 2023; Guzzetti
et al., 2012) or the development of a machine learning algorithm that
requires a high level of expertise (Đuri´
c et al., 2017; Galli et al., 2008; Lu
et al., 2019; Meena et al., 2023; Murillo-García et al., 2015). The advent
of remote sensing technologies has opened opportunities for the devel-
opment of methodologies and techniques for automating landslides
mapping through the utilization of various high-resolution optical
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Notti), (M. Cignetti), (D. Godone),
(D. Cardone), (D. Giordan).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
International Journal of Applied Earth
Observation and Geoinformation
journal homepage:
Received 19 January 2024; Received in revised form 18 March 2024; Accepted 29 March 2024
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
sensor products, signicantly reducing the timing for the mapping
(Casagli et al., 2016; Guzzetti et al., 2012). Recent studies (Nava et al.,
2022; Santangelo et al., 2022) use also the amplitude of Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) derived products to overcome the problem of
cloud cover of multi-spectral satellite data. However, SAR techniques
introduce some other limitations (e.g., vegetation and snow coverage,
shawdowing, decorrelation noise), necessitating the expertise of users to
process the data.
The Sentinel-2 satellites, with a 5-day revisiting pass, allow medium-
resolution images over wide areas and the possibility to compare the
post-event images with the same condition of sunlight direction angle
(Drusch et al., 2012). The availability of these images allows a rapid,
fully or partially, automatic mapping of potential landslides (PL) over
vast areas as soon as cloud-free images are available using the variation
of NDVI (Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2022b; Notti et al., 2023b). These maps
aim to estimate the severity of the event and its impact, and to focus the
high-resolution mapping on the most affected areas.
Despite NDVI-based landslide mapping methods offering rapid re-
sults, and low computational and economic costs, ensuring a user-
friendly approach even for non-expert users, diverse drawbacks need
to be taken into account. Final products may be inuenced by shadowed
areas, cloud coverage, NDVI variations associated with agricultural ac-
tivities and deforestation, as well as river erosional processes, poten-
tially leading to an increased number of false positives in the mapped
results. In recent years, various methods that aim to solve the limitation
related to the use of NDVI images have emerged from different re-
searchers. Fiorucci et al., (2019) proposed a manual mapping approach
that leverages NDVI images coupled with digital stereoscopy for the 3D
visualization of landslide events mapping, even in shadowed areas.
Other authors have developed algorithms that exploit the slow regrowth
of vegetation in landslide detachment areas to automatically detect
landslides using NDVI time series data following the triggering event.
However, this approach faces challenges with cloud coverage, making it
unsuitable for rapid landslide mapping after a catastrophic event (Mil-
ledge et al., 2022). The recent advancement of new machine learning
techniques, in particular, the algorithms that use the convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) and Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) for
image segmentation (Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2021), has facilitated the
analysis of extensive datasets, enabling the observation of NDVI trends
over extended periods and facilitating the identication of various fac-
tors inuencing these uctuations, such as seasonality, landslide trig-
gers, and human activities (Doan et al., 2023).This work presents a two-
phase methodology aimed at the low-cost mapping of shallow land-
slides: the unsuPervised shAllow laNdslide rapiD mApping - PANDA
method. The rst step (PANDA-E) is applied in the emergency phase as a
survey management tool. It is based on an improved version of the
procedure proposed in (Notti et al., 2023b), to obtain a rst assessment
map of the area affected by PL in the aftermath of the rainfall event,
immediately available for survey eld operations and risk management.
The second phase is post-emergency mapping (PANDA-PE), in which the
PL inventory is progressively improved with the availability of new
images and ancillary data (e.g., high-resolution DTMs, eld survey in-
formation, UAV surveys), of which acquisition is usually arranged in the
stages immediately following the event. The availability of progressively
more detailed and higher-resolution data, allows the initial mapping to
be rened, identifying the false positive and resolving the eventual gap
of cloud cover of the rst map. The PANDA-PE aims to obtain a reliable
inventory tool for the subsequent phase of validation, risk mitigation
and action planning.
The proposed methodology was applied both in the emergency and
post-emergency phases in a portion of northeastern Apennine chain
(Central Italy) to map the dramatic consequences of two severe rainfall
events that occurred in May 2023. The maps obtained were also vali-
dated by a third-party (Ferrario, 2023) manual inventory made on high-
resolution satellite images.
2. Study area
2.1. Geological and geomorphological settings
The study area covers the central-eastern sector of the Tuscan-
Emilian Apennines, within the provinces of Bologna, Ravenna, and
Forlì-Cesena, Emilia-Romagna Region, and a small portion of the Tus-
cany Region (Florence Province) (Fig. 1). The area of interest (AOI) was
identied as the mountainous and hilly regions predominantly impacted
by the dual rainfall occurrences in May 2023 and was pinpointed with a
particular focus on the sector where the second event (1617 May)
recorded precipitation exceeding 150 mm or the cumulative rainfall of
two events surpassed 250 mm (Fig. 2b).
This territory pertaining to the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine segment is
mainly characterized by a mountainous to hilly morphology, with ele-
vations ranging from 1300 m a.s.l. in the Apennine portion to 50 m a.s.l.
towards the Po Plain. This Apennine sector, a fold and thrust belt, is
mainly constituted by turbiditic deposits (ysch) with the alternation of
mudstone and massive rocks as sandstones and calcarenites (Pini, 1999)
(Fig. 1b). Considering the high-medium slope values and the presence of
lithologies prone to erosion, this territory is extremely susceptible to
slope instabilities. According to the IFFI catalogue (Trigila et al., 2008)
the most widespread landslide typologies are earth ows, translational/
rotational slides and complex landslides, generally triggered by snow
melting and moderate but exceptionally prolonged (even up to 6
months) periods of rainfalls. On the other hand, shallow landslides and
debris ows are generally less prevalent; however, their occurrence
rapidly increases during high-intensity rainfalls or by prolonged low-
intensity rainfalls (Benedetti et al., 2005; Ibsen and Casagli, (2004);
Martelloni et al., 2013; Martina et al., 2010). This territory generally
displays a high degree of urbanization characterized by numerous small
inhabited areas scattered in the hilly zones connected with the main
urban centers by a dense road and rail network. Consequently, geo-
hazard related to landslides is one of the major issues affecting the entire
2.2. The rainfall events
During May 2023, an extended portion of the Central Apennine,
specically the Emilian Apennine side and the Po Plain of the Emilia-
Romagna Region, was affected by two consecutive rainstorms that
occurred in less than twenty days: i) 1-3th May 2023 weather event, and
ii) 1617 May 2023 weather event (Brath et al., 2023).
In the rst event, a low-pressure area generated a convergence of
moist air, interacting with the Apennine chain in the central-eastern
sector of the Region (i.e., provinces of Bologna, Ravenna and Forlì-
Cesena), and a small portion of the Tuscany Region included in the
Adriatic river basins (Reno and Lamone). Referring to the spatial grid-
ded data (5 km of spatial resolution) of rainfall available on the SIMC
platform (
ppa.html), this rst event led to rainfall accumulations in the hilly
area even exceeding 200 mm (Arpae-SIMC, 2023a), in the central area
(cells ID 1628, ID 1505 Fig. 2a) and 150 mm in the western limit (cell ID
1302) calculated on the whole event (about 40 continuous hours). The
average hourly intensity ranged from 3 to 6 mm/h, with some peaks up
to 10 mm/h (Fig. 2a). This event was weaker in the eastern part with
cumulated rainfall of 75 mm (cell ID 2031, Fig. 2b). Other minor rainfall
events contributed up to 50 mm of rainfall between the two events in the
same area.
In the second event, a cyclone transiting the Mediterranean affected
approximately the same area impacted by the previous event, with peak
rainfall slightly shifted to the east (i.e., provinces of Bologna and Forlì-
Cesena). Most of the precipitations were concentrated in the central-
eastern hills and foothills areas, with accumulations of ~ 250 mm in
35 h and peaks recorded during May 16 exceeding 200 mm (Arpae-
SIMC, 2023b; Brath et al., 2023). The intensity of the second event was
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
also slightly higher than that of the rst event, especially in the central-
eastern part (7 mm/h), where some peaks reached 20 mm/h, especially
in cell ID 2031(Fig. 2a).
These amounts of precipitation poured over an area close to satu-
ration (according to the soil water index SWI content available on
Copernicus Global Land Service
ducts/swi) by the intense rainfall events in the preceding days, mak-
ing the soil unable to absorb part of the precipitations and triggering
many shallow and deeper landslides.
3. Materials and methods
Following the methodological ow chart proposed in Fig. 3, we
dened two main phases of PANDA approach for shallow landslide
Emergency mapping (PANDA-E): It aims to create a rst assessment
map helpful for support in eld surveys to estimate the most affected
area in terms of landslide density and a preliminary estimate of
damage. In this step, rapidity has priority on accuracy. The emer-
gency mapping is based only on a semi-automatic methodology
derived from Notti et al., (2023) that uses Sentinel-2 satellites.
Post-Emergency mapping (PANDA-PE): This step aims to improve
the rst asset mapping and to make a more rened mapping of
shallow landslides. This step could improve the semi-automatic
methodology using the land use change lter and enhanced
geomorphological lter. Here, high-resolution images from aerial or
satellite can be used for validation. The mapping aims to create an
accurate event map for research, land-use planning, or susceptibility
It is not possible to quantify the time of the emergency phase, which
may last from a few days up to several months, depending on many
factors. For the Emilia case, we considered the emergency phase to have
ended when the eld survey for the rst assessment and residual risk
evaluation ended, approximately 40 days after the event.
3.1. The PANDA-E mapping steps and parameters
Performing a shallow landslide map over large areas during an
emergency context, available immediately after a rainstorm event, re-
quires a rapid and unsupervised mapping of the affected area. We
implemented PANDA to obtain a prompt map of the ground effects
based on free-cost optical satellite images.
The emergency methodology is based on those proposed by (Notti
et al., 2023b), a GIS-based and user-friendly approach to map PLs, based
on the difference between pre- and post-event Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI) obtained from satellite images, e.g., free
Sentinel-2 dataset, available on the Copernicus Dataspace Service (https
:// and geomorphological ltering. The vari-
ation in the NDVI (NDVI
), mainly linked to the processes that occur
during the rainstorm, allows the functional detection of surface changes
and signs of PLs. Considering the emergency context, the need for im-
ages immediately following the event may result in some constraints in
the post-event image selection. After a rainstorm, the availability of
entirely could-free images can be challenging to achieve. However, if the
cloud percentage is below an empirical threshold that allows an almost
complete mapping (e.g., <20 % of the study area), it is possible to
exclude from PL mapping the areas covered by the clouds using the mask
available on the Sentinel-2 dataset (Table 1), joined with a manual
renement to include cloud shadow. In our case, the rst image was
acquired on 2305-2023, a week after the event, compared with the
previous year image (13/05/2022). It is worth noting that The Google
Earth Engine (GEE) platform has undergone advancements in cloud
detection capabilities, enabling precise identication of both clouds and
shadows (
Then, we combine two Boolean lters based on the NDVI
and slope
gradient. The rst one selected all the areas with an NDVI
below a
certain threshold (based on visual evaluation of NDVI
pattern) that
Fig. 1. (a) Location of the AOI that identies the sector most affected by the rainstorm events that occurred in May 2023, and (b) simplied lithological map based
on 1:500.000 scale lithological map of Italy (MASE, 2009).
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
identify a PL. The second is a geomorphological lter based on slope
gradient (derived from digital terrain model (DTM)). This lter is based
on an empirical threshold (based on local geomorphology), below which
an NDVI change is most likely unrelated to a shallow landslide occur-
rence. In the Boolean raster, the pixels where both thresholds are
satised have a value of 1, and such pixels are extracted and converted
into vectors: i.e. the PL polygons. In our study area, we used the
thresholds NDVI
<=-0.3 and slope >15. Such thresholds are
empirically based on the pattern NDVI
previous experience, the local
geomorphological conditions, and literature (Ghorbanzadeh et al.,
2022a; Notti et al., 2023b); such thresholds could be changed in iterative
procedure in order to obtain the most likely ground truth scenario. In
this case, we used a conservative NDVI
threshold for the problem
related to cloud coverage.
In addition, the polygons have been intersected with the
hydrographic network (polygon or buffered layer geometry) to exclude
bank erosion processes or sediment deposition along the river system.
The ltered polygons exemplify the area where a shallow landslide is
most probably located. Consequently, the PL density map allows us to
identify the most affected areas to focus emergency activities.
3.2. The PANDA-PE steps and parameters
After the preliminary release, in the post-emergency phase, it is
possible to improve the PL database by acquiring new images and
ancillary data. The aim is to obtain a more accurate mapping of the event
impact and its consequences. Among the several improvements that can
be made, the rst is to use an utterly cloud-free image (cloud cover <3
%) to have information on the whole AOI. In this case study, we found
the rst cloud-free image on 17 July 2023, compared with a pre-event
Fig. 2. Rainfall data of May 2023 events. a) Hourly (left Y-axis) and cumulated (right Y-axis) rainfall data (computed respectively for the May 1-3rd and the May 16-
17th rainfall events. The precipitation time series utilized have been extrapolated from the grid of the SIMC platform (
/erg5v2/timeseries/mappa.html) over 4 representative cells. b) Location of selected cells and the rainfall contour lines used to delimit the AOI.
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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
image of 22 July 2022.
The false positive land use change (LUC) lter based on NDVI
is a
second improvement. The change of land use, and vegetation activity,
that intercurred between the pre-event images and the event is one of
the leading causes of false positive (e.g., a forest cut or change in crop
cultivation). If available, a cloud-free image acquired slightly (i.e. in the
same agricultural cycle) before the event can be compared with a syn-
chronous image from the previous year. Leveraging the NDVI difference,
it is possible to calculate a pre-event NDVI
. If the mean LUC NDVI
the PL is below an empirical threshold (<-0.15, in our AOI), we classify
it as a possible false positive. In our case study, we could make this
improvement only on a portion of the study area because the closest LUC
image to the event (2202-2023) features partial snow cover. The
LUC lter and cloud-free post-event images allowed us to use a
less conservative threshold of NDVI
for PANDA-PE, which was xed at
Finally, the geomorphological lter could be improved from the
emergency phase using a more detailed hydrographic network or slope-
DTM. In our case study, a few months after the events, a 5 m DTM was
available on the whole AOI and allowed us to improve the accuracy of
the slope lter.
3.3. Comparison and validation with a manual inventory
In the aftermath of the May 2023 rainstorm, the authors conducted
eld surveys and rapid reports to aid regional and local authorities in
identifying and mapping critical landslides. This allowed for testing the
PANDA-E method, although on a limited scale, just a few days after the
event. Moreover, we used data from geolocated reports, videos, and
photos on the web to validate the rst PANDA-E map locally.
Then, during the post-emergency phase, the results obtained from
both methodology phases (i.e. PANDA-E and PANDA-PE) were validated
by exploiting the manual landslide (ML) inventory made by Ferrario,
2023. This manual mapping, available on the Zenodo data repository, is
based on Planet Scope satellite images (about 3 m of spatial resolution)
published about 40 days after the event, overlapping most of our AOI
(Ferrario and Livio, 2024). We also considered only the ML and PL with
a median slope 15to make a homogeneous comparison and discard
the process more related to the river erosion. We used the same vali-
dation schema described in (Notti et al., 2023b) where ve intersection
types are dened: True Positive (i.e. PL and ML complete overlapping),
Partial Positive (i.e. PL that intersects a ML), False Positive (i.e. PL that
not intersect or overlap a ML), Partial Detection (i.e. ML that intersect a
PL) and False Negative (i.e. ML that not intersect or overlap a PL). We
also calculate the statistics like the Detection Rate (DR) =(TP +PD)/
(TP +PD +FN) and the False Positive Rate (FPR) =FP / (FP +TP +PP)
and the standard performance of accuracy: precision (P) =TP / (TP +
FP), recall R =TP / (TP +FN) and F
score F
=2TP / (2TP +FP +FN).
For the Emilia-Romagna region, we also intersected the validation test
with the land use dataset to evaluate the effect of land cover on the
Additional local validation was made using the very-high-resolution
(0.2 m) post-event images acquired by CGR S.p.A and available on the
Emilia-Romagna Region web portal, specically acquired for the 2023
rainfall events (
4. Results
4.1. Application of PANDA-E
The PANDA method, used in the emergency related to the May 2023
Emilia-Romagna rainstorms, rapidly mapped potential ground effects in
the aftermath of the second event. The unsupervised mapping of shallow
landslides provided an overall territorial framework, that can be very
useful for a rst evaluation of the impact of the occurred event, the
Fig. 3. The two-phase owchart of PANDA methodology proposed for shallow
landslide mapping.
Table 1
Used data for the shallow landslide mapping with PANDA-E and PANDA-PE
steps related to the Emilia Romagna Rainstorm events.
Sensor and
Sentinel-2, Bottom-
reectance in
geometry (L2A). B4,
NIR (10 m)
Cloud and shadow
Cloud probability
mask available on
the Sentinel-2
quality assessment
folder (layer:
Cloud cover <3
% cloud mask
not necessary
for false
Sentinel-2, Bottom-
reectance in
geometry (L2A). B4,
NIR (10 m)
Not used pre-
Filtering Slope derived from
10 m DTM TIN Italy 5 m DTM Emila-
Available shapele from Geoportale of
Emilia-Romagna Region (https://geoport
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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
distribution of damage and the denition of priorities in the scheduling
of eld activities (Notti et al., 2023a). The mapping of ground effects
performed within the investigated areas revealed about 30,000 PLs
(covering an area of 20 km
, 0.5 % of the whole AOI), among them, a
few thousand are most probably related to hydrological processes.
About 10 % of PLs intersect the road network within 10 m. This map
partially suffers from cloud cover affecting about 8 % of AOI (related to
the available Sentinel-2 image acquired on 23rd May 2023), even if
mainly in the southern portion of the observed area, close to the
Adriatic-Tyrrhenian drainage divide, less affected by rainfall. Never-
theless, it is immediately possible to detect the sectors most affected by
PL, on which to focus risk assessment and mitigation activities. Fig. 4a
shows the Kernel density distribution of the PL centroid; the density was
computed on a 100 m resolution grid with a search radius of km and
uniform interpolation. It is possible to see that the zone featuring higher
values (about 150 km
) is nearby Modigliana municipality (more than
3000 PL) and matches rainfall data and ground evidence reported day-
by-day by eld operators during the emergency. The most affected
municipalities, in terms of PL abundance and density, are reported in
Table 2.
The histogram in Fig. 5 a shows the distribution of PL areas. Such
distribution agrees with the power law distribution of shallow landslide
areas (Bellugi et al., 2021; Guzzetti et al., 2002). Approximately 80 % of
potential landslides (PL) exhibit sizes ranging from 100 m
to one pixel of Sentinel-2) to 1000 m
, as depicted in Fig. 5b. Some
outlier values up to 1.2105 m2 (Fig. 5 inset plot) are probably related to
false positives due to the residual unltered cloud cover or land use and
vegetation changes. Due to the spatial resolution of both Sentinel 2 and
DTM, there are no PLs smaller than 100 m
Because the rst aim of the PANDA methodology is to rapidly detect
the most affected area and the preliminary location of PL, it was almost
impossible to validate it with a manual inventory, high-resolution
images or extensive eld surveys. However, leveraging the collected
geolocated information and videos available on the web (e.g., national
newspapers or Localteam website, it was
possible to carry out a local ground-truth comparison of PANDA results
(Fig. 6 C-D). Moreover, during the eld survey operated by our research
group and started a few days after the event, several positive feedbacks
were observed. For instance, Fig. 6 A-B shows a high correspondence
between extrapolated PL polygons and phenomena observed.
4.2. The improved PANDA-PE inventory
The improved PANDA-PE version was made in September 2023
(Fig. 7). The better quality of the post-event image, combined with the
LUC lter and higher resolution DTM, allowed us to obtain a complete
database of PL with about 54,000 polygons corresponding to an area of
Fig. 4. The Kernel density map made with PL centroid (parameter: cell size 100 m; search radius 2.5 km; uniform interpolation; scaled) overlapped with the mask of
cloud and shadow areas. The location of ground validation (Fig. 6) is also added to the same map.
Table 2
PL centroid density in the top 10 most affected municipalities.
Municipality Inhabitants (dati.
PL PL Density
affected (%)
Dovadola 1573 1708 43.6 3.17
Modigliana 4288 3717 36.6 2.32
Fontanelice 1913 907 24.4 1.87
Casola Valsenio 2498 2044 24.1 1.66
Predappio 6296 2010 22 1.38
Roncofreddo 3422 1125 22 1.31
Brisighella 7186 3551 18.4 1.12
3198 469 15.9 1.17
Civitella di
3639 1821 15.4 0.83
6797 1489 14.9 1.2
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about 40 km
. The intersection with the hydrographic network allowed
the classication of about 2700 polygons as a hydrological process,
while the LUC NDVI
lter allowed the detection of about 1600 false
positives (Fig. 7a). The relative Kernel density of the PL classied as
shallow landside (Fig. 7b) shows a similar distribution of the PANDA
inventory. In Fig. 7b, it is possible to observe the low density around
rainfall cell ID 1505 and an isolated peak of PL density in correspon-
dence with cell ID 2031, despite a similar amount of rainfall (Fig. 2).
Fig. 8 shows, over a test area, some details on the improvements of
the PANDA-PE version. The higher resolution of 5 m DTM and derived
slope (Fig. 8b) better identies the critical slope than the previous 10 m
resolution (Fig. 8a). Then, the NDVI
made with the post-event cloud-
free image (202307-17) (Fig. 8c) and corrected with LUC NDVI
hydrographic network layer (Fig. 8d) allowed the classication of the
PL. The post-event high-resolution image of the Emilia-Romagna region
(Fig. 8e) conrmed the validity of classication; in particular, the PLs
classied as false positive with LUC NDVI
corresponds to a change in
the cultivated eld.
4.3. PANDA-PE PL density and distribution and correlation with rainfall,
slope lithology and land use
Using the PANDA inventories, we made some rapid evaluations on
the main factors that are commonly used in literature (Reichenbach
et al., 2018) for shallow landslide distribution analysis or susceptibility
modelling: the trigger factor (rainfall) and predisposal factors (slope,
lithology and land use). The most interesting results are related to the
triggering factor, the rainfall. We compared the PL density with rainfall
distribution in Fig. 9 for the rst event (panels a and a), the second
event (panels b and b), and the summarized rainfall (panels c and c).
The rainfall and landslide density are calculated for each cell of the
rainfall grid of the Emilia-Romagna region (SIMC platform https://dati Panel b of
Fig. 9 shows a box plot of the PL density for each rainfall class of the
second event (1617th May 2023). It is important to note the relation-
ship between cumulated rainfall and density, notably where the second
event reached values up to 150 mm (300400 mm, considering the
cumulated precipitation of the two events). Conversely, the relation is
less evident with the cumulated rainfall of the rst event (Panel a of
Fig. 9). Most probably, while the rst rainfall saturated the soil (https:// the second (also with high
hourly intensity) triggered most of the processing. Moreover, the ante-
cedent rainfall (see paragraph 2.2) also affected shallow landslide dis-
tribution. Considering the intensity-duration thresholds (Guzzetti et al.,
2008; Mondini et al., 2023), both single and the combination of these
two are above the trigger thresholds worldwide found. Compared to
nearby historical events, the total rainfall of these two events (up to 500
mm and average intensity of 6 mm/h) is similar to the 2013 Marche
events, while it is very different from the event that hit the nearby
Marche region in September 2022 (Donnini et al., 2023), which showed
much higher intensity and short duration.
As already known, the slope gradient is one of the main factors
related to landslide distribution (Lee and Min, 2001). In our case, the
landslide density related with the slope angle is a partial analysis, as we
consider only a slope above 15to extract the PL. Considering this there
is a linear relationship between the percentage of the area affected by
landslide and the slope angle, which ranges from 1 % for the with a slope
between 15and 20up to 4 % for the area with slope gradient class 40-
The lithology also played a role in the distribution of shallow land-
slides density and distribution, with higher concentration in the arena-
ceous turbiditic unit, especially in the Marnoso-Areaneacea
formations. In contrast, shale and chaotic formations show less density
of landslides. Considering the percentage of the area affected by land-
slides, the Marnoso-Areaneacea formations reach a peak of 20 Kernel
Density against the 4 KD of chaotic shale. The lithology has a strong
inuence on the slope degree distribution. The lithology also explains
some incongruency with rainfall distribution: for instance, the low PL
density (KD 8) of cell ID 1505 with cumulated rainfall of 350 mm located
in chaotic shale, by contrast, the higher PL density (KD 15) of cell ID
2031 in arenaceous turbiditic formation with low rainfall (170 mm). The
role of lithology in landslide density was already documented in the
nearby Marche 2022 event (Donnini et al., 2023).
The land use (based on the 2020 Land cover database of Emilia-
Romagna Region, 2023) already inuences the landslide density dis-
tribution but less reliably compared to the previous factors because the
methodology introduces possible bias in this comparison. For instance,
the higher PL density on oak-hornbeam and chestnut forest types is
related to the fact that this type of land use is located mainly on the
arenaceous turbiditic formation and in the area most affected by rainfall.
Meanwhile, beech forests in the southern limit of the study area, which
are less affected by rainfall, show low PL density. At the same time, the
distribution of PL shallow landslides may suffer an underestimation
detection bias in the area where the vegetation cover is already lower
(vineyard, badland), or an overestimation where human activity in-
terferes with vegetation (cultivated land), as already reported in previ-
ous work (Notti et al., 2023a) and in paragraph 5.2.
5. Discussions
5.1. PANDA-E mapping time and accuracy
During the emergency phase, like in the Emilia-Romagna event, it is
crucial to quickly establish an overall framework for the most affected
areas. An important point to stress here is that, due to the relevant
emergency occurred, the rapid mapping refers to the ground variation.
The obtained product does not correspond to a geomorphological
Fig. 5. A) histogram of pl area frequency distribution up to 1000 m2. Inset plot
shows the whole distribution, including the outliers. b) Cumulative distribution,
up to 10,000 m2.
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
landslide inventory in the strict sense because it is the output of a semi-
automatic feature extraction based on middle-resolution images.
Consequently, the proposed approach may generate potential false-
positive cases mainly related to land use changes during the observed
period (e.g., cultivation areas) or the effect of cloud cover. The semi-
automatic cloud lter allows the partial reduction of false positives.
However, local residual effects related to cloud coverage remain at this
early stage. Another limitation is related to the spatial resolution and
Fig. 6. Comparison between the potential landslide polygons overlapped to Google Earth Satellite images and the on-eld observations and web-based images or
videos. Montiano municipality, Forlì-Cesena Province, affected by a rotational sliding evolved in an earth ow: A) PL overlapped to Google Earth pre-event image
(13/09/2022 Credit ©Maxar, 2022); B) Post-event ground photo taken a few days after the events (Credit Davide Notti). SP306 close to Casola Valsenio hamlet,
Ravenna, affected by several shallow landslides along the upstream slope: C) PL overlapped to Google Earth pre-event image (13/09/2022 Credit ©Maxar, 2022); D)
Same PL on the frame from Localteam video ().
Fig. 7. A) the centroids of improved panda-pe pl classied in a shallow landslide (shl), hydrological process (hyp) and false positive related land-use changes (fp); b)
relative kernel density (parameter: cell size 100 m; search radius 2.5 km; uniform interpolation; output value scaling: scaled) of PL classied shallow landside,
associated to the selected cells used in Fig. 3 for analysis of rainfall events.
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
accuracy of the DTM, which hamper the slope ltering. Despite the
above limits, the obtained map provides a tool, freely and immediately
available after a catastrophic event, useful for the eld survey opera-
tions devoted to residual risk assessment. The use of Sentinel-2 satellite
images allows to a totally free-of-charge approach, ensuring a cost-
effective and user-friendly downloading and management with a free
cloud computing platform as Google Earth Engine. Nevertheless,
PANDA is structured to operate with any optical spaceborne imagery,
regardless of revisiting time or resolution. However, the exploitation of
satellite images with shorter revisit times, like PlanetScope, is, in any
case, inherently constrained by cloud coverage, particularly after a
rainstorm event. Surely, higher-resolution sensors improve detection
accuracy in terms of landslide boundaries and extent, but generally have
costs not affordable for several users, misaligning with the objectives of
PANDA. Leveraging on the Open Data Program(https://www.maxar.
com/open-data), a comparative analysis of potential shallow landslides
mapped using Sentinel-2 and Maxar data (0.5 m resolution) has been
carried out. The availability of Maxar imagery, limited to the ooded
areas, did not allow extensive analysis over the hilly area, which was
only sporadically covered by the available imagery. The comparison
displayed, as the resolution increases, an improved accuracy and quality
of mapping, but, excluding those exceptional cases of data availability,
they commonly entail a related cost. Conversely, the PANDA method-
ology aims to be a free and user-friendly tool for timely use immediately
after a calamitous event, to identify occurred landslides in terms of
number and density. While the reduced time to generate the ground
effects map might compromise the accuracy of landslide outlines
compared to high-resolution imagery, it still offers valuable support for
initial emergency response actions. The rst draft map obtained was
generated on 26th May 2023, just three days after the Sentinel-2
acquisition and after one week, the map was published on the Zenodo
repository. The need to have such an instrument within a few days,
immediately after a rainstorm, obviously precludes the possibility of a
large-scale data validation with a manual landslide inventory. A manual
mapping on high-resolution images or by eld survey operations re-
quires, on such a large area, several weeks/months of work or many
operators (Galli et al., 2007; Milledge et al., 2022), an incompatible
timing during the emergency phase. In the case of the May 2023 events,
the rst manual inventory was produced about one month after the
event and released in vector format in the Zenodo repository (Ferrario,
2023), and a technical report, including a landslide map, was produced
about six months later (Brath et al., 2023). Directly comparing the ac-
curacy, time, and cost of this study methodology to others is complicated
or even biased due to variations in study area size and event intensity, as
well as the aim of the nal users of the method. However, some insights
can be gleaned. For example, Mondini et al., (2011) spent ve days
creating and validating their inventory, with two experts in remote
sensing and geomorphology, using PCA, covering an area of 9.4 km
PANDA could potentially reduce processing and validation time by two
days for larger areas, and it does not need remote sensing expertise, but
at the cost of lower accuracy. In agreement with PANDA also Mondini
et al., (2013) found that the use of a limited number of morphometric
parameters (e.g., slope and hydrographic network) reduces the
complexity of the classication framework and the computation time.
Fig. 8. PANDA-PE PL overlapped to: a) 10 m spatial resolution slope-DTM; b) 5 m spatial resolution slope-DTM. c) PANDA-PE PL overlapped to cloud-free NDVI
d) Classied PANDA-PE - PL overlapped to LUC NDVI
and hydrographic network, e) Classied PL overlapped to post-event high-resolution images.
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
(Li et al., 2016), compared simple change detection with more sophis-
ticated techniques that improve results. In this work, using geomor-
phological lters and LUC in the post-emergency phase could improve
the performance, avoiding expertise in processing. Similarly, Lu et al.,
(2019) demonstrated the effectiveness of PCA in small forested areas
using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data compared to NDVI variation.
However, their study area was small and required remote sensing
expertise. Compared to the other approaches, PANDA provides some
important advantages, ensuring a methodology capables to process wide
areas in a short time (e.g., two days for Sentinel-2 scene), with a reduced
number of input data, commonly available worldwide, that are needed
to run the model (NDVI, cloud cover, slope, hydrographic network),
through a GIS-based procedure completely cost-free and suitable for
users with different degree of experience.
5.2. Comparison and validation with a manual inventory. PANDA-E vs
As shown in Notti et al., (2023b) the PL dataset could be validated
with manual-based landslide inventory (ML) to evaluate its accuracy. In
the emergency phase, nding data for validation is almost impossible,
except from local cases such as reports or geolocated video (Fig. 6). In
the weeks following the event, it could be possible to obtain or create a
manual inventory based on different sources (e.g., satellite, aerial,
The PANDA-E PL inventories made during the Emergency (v 1.0)
phase and the improved PANDA-PE (v 2.0) version were validated using
the manual inventory made by Ferrario, (2023), available on the Zenodo
data repository. The overall results for the validation study area are
resumed in Table 3. It is possible to observe that the improved PL in-
ventory (PANDA-PE) increased the surface of detected shallow land-
slides about two times (7.6 to 13.4 km
) with a slight decrease of False
Positive (11.3 to 10.9 km
) more evident in percentage (24 % to 18 %).
The overall performances of PL inventories calculated as reported in
paragraph 3.3 are compared in Table 4. Fig. 10 shows, on a test area, a
comparison between the validation of PANDA-E (Fig. 10a) and the
PANDA-PE (Fig. 10b). It is possible to observe the improvement of the
PANDA-PE PL version, considering the area: the overall F
increased from 0.40 to 0.59, which is a satisfactory result, considering
the complex land use. Considering the validation test only for broadleaf
forest land-use type, the F
-score reached a value of 0.72 (Fig. 10c),
similar to studies that use high-resolution images (Meena et al., 2023) or
tested in tropical forests land-use (Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2022a), or with
more complex multi-sensor analysis (Lu et al., 2019) On the other hand,
the F
value decreased to 0.15 on cultivated land (Fig. 10e) also urban
areas and badlands show lower performance. The effect of land use on
Fig. 9. Maps of interpolated rainfall distribution and associated bar plots of PL Kernel Density for rainfall class respectively for: the 1 3rd May rainfall event (a and
a), 16 17th May rainfall event (b and b) and the sum of the two events (c and c). The Kernel Density and rainfall are computed on the rainfall grid of SIMC
platform (
Table 3
Intersection cases summary with ML inventory (Ferrario, 2023) by polygon
count and total area for the whole AOI.
PL Inventory version PANDA-E PANDA-PE
Intersection case Polygon N Area Km
Polygon N Area Km
True Positive (TP) 20,230 7.6 30,224 13.4
Partial Positive (PP) 16,534 3.0 24,598 15.3
False Positive (FP) 11,329 11.3 28,871 10.9
Partial Detection (PD) 14,704 13.8 24,449 11.5
False Negative (FN) 24,482 11.4 13,750 8.0
Total 87,279 47.1 121,892 59.1
D. Notti et al.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
landslide detection performance has also been observed in other studies
(Dias et al., 2023; Mondini et al., 2011). In areas with low vegetation,
the use of stereoscopic or 3D data is found to be the most effective so-
lution (Fiorucci et al., 2018). A possible solution could be to use SAR
amplitude images; however, this requires a complex process, and they
could be partially affected by the geometry distortion related to topog-
raphy. For instance, to map shallow landslides in a forested area in
Hokkaido, Japan, Nava et al., (2022) obtained a score of 0.61 using
INSAR with U-NET methods, while from the same research group,
Meena et al. (2023) in the same area, using optical data of Planet and U-
Net and f1 score of 0.81. Moreover In the same area, using SAR, it was
noticed the effect of land use on performance detection (Jung and Yun,
2020; Mondini et al., 2021).
It was possible to verify that most FNs are related to shallow
landslides smaller than 100 m
, an intrinsic limit related to Sentinel-2
spatial resolution (10 m) and the badland area (Fig. 10d), especially in
the marl-shale formation. As mentioned before, FPs correspond to land
use changes not detected by the LUC lter because they occurred later in
the image used for LUC NDVI
(202302-22) or were located in an area
covered by snow. By random checking on the very high-resolution im-
ages of CGR, we also noted that in several cases, some FP were correctly
detected, most probably because of some cloud cover, and lower reso-
lution (3 m vs 0.2 m) of the Planet images used for ML inventory. On the
other hand, as reported by (Ferrario, 2023) manual inventory could also
be affected by the false negative and false positive errors that inuence
the comparison. Finally, validation using high-resolution images also
allowed the detection of some cases in which the PANDA-E performed
better than PANDA-PE, where, for instance, the accumulation material
was removed (along the main roads) or was interested in the regrowth of
herbaceous vegetation occurring from May to July (e.g., the small
landslides in or the north sector of Fig. 10a and Fig. 10b).
6. Conclusions
The primary purpose of the PANDA is to serve as an initial and swift
emergency assessment map, allowing users to identify the most heavily
impacted areas. It has shown reliability, particularly in quickly mapping
large areas with cost-free inputs, leveraging a user-friendly processing.
Table 4
Performance of PL inventories considering the area compared to ML inventory
(Ferrario, 2023).
DR 65 % 76 %
FPR 52 % 28 %
Precision 40 % 55 %
Recall 40 % 62 %
-Score 0.40 0.59
Fig. 10. A detail over a test area of the validation of PL Inventories: a) PANDA-E; b) PANDA-PE improved inventory. The performance of PANDA-PE mapping
depends on land use: c) broadleaf forest shows best performance; d) shallow landslides on badlands are rarely detected (False Negative); e) cultivated land still
produces False Positive, despite ltering. The post-event high-resolution post-event images created by CGR spa (© AGEA - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED).
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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 129 (2024) 103806
PANDA in emergency phase, applied to the May 2023 rainfall events of
northeastern Apennine, allowed us to map, in a few days after the event
and at a low-cost, tens of thousands of PL over a wide area (>4000 km2)
and identied the most affected sector (about 150 km2) where PL
density reached values up to 50 km2.The whole map was immediately
shared on a public data repository to be used and improved by the expert
community. The obtained PL inventory was tested directly during the
emergency eld surveys with positive feedback. In contrast, emergency
rapid mapping is limited by the possibility of having a completely cloud-
free image, increasing the probability of false positives. Such limitations
during the post-emergency mapping (PANDA-PE) can be partially solved
by improving PL using a cloud-free image, a high-resolution slope-DTM
and a land use change lter also based on NDVI variation, thus
decreasing False Positive and increasing inventory accuracy as
conrmed by validation employing an independent manual inventory
(F1-score improved 0.4 to 0.59). The performance of the semi-automatic
mapping based on NDVI is related to land use, working well on vege-
tated areas, and worse on bare soils and cultivated land, and this should
be considered in emergency and post-emergency mapping. Potential
enhancements to the PANDA methodology may involve rening the
ltering capabilities to address cloud cover and variations in land use.
Moreover, the conversion of the proposed methodologies into a software
would make PANDA a user-friendly tool accessible for everyone. Over-
all, this application conrmed the suitability of the PANDA methodol-
ogy for shallow landslide detection in several contexts worldwide. The
enhanced PANDA-PE methodology further renes landslide inventory
accuracy, paving the way for improved disaster management strategies.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Davide Notti: Writing original draft, Formal analysis, Data cura-
tion. Martina Cignetti: Writing original draft, Methodology, Formal
analysis, Data curation. Danilo Godone: Writing review & editing,
Validation, Data curation. Davide Cardone: Writing original draft,
Formal analysis, Data curation. Daniele Giordan: Writing review &
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data are available at the link
We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their comments and
suggestions that greatly improved the quality of the paper.
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D. Notti et al.
... As one of frequently observed catastrophic geological disasters, landslides cause damage and loss of human lives and properties (Dong et al. 2015;Grima et al. 2020;Junichi and Naoki 2020;Doke et al. 2024). Research has shown that most landslides are recognized to be shallow one induced by rainfall (Chen and Zhang 2014;Salciarini et al. 2017;Notti et al. 2024). Therefore, accurate predictions of slope performances under rainfall conditions are crucial in providing reliable and useful guidance for landslide mitigation procedures (Chen et al. 2009;Wu et al. 2017;Guo et al. 2021). ...
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A radial degradation model is originated and integrated with the conventional stationary Gaussian random field to model the spatial variability of soil properties under rainfall conditions. Random forest surrogate model is combined with Monte Carlo Simulation to conduct rainfall induced transient slope reliability analysis. The proposed methodology is illustrated through a reservoir slope. The effects of rainfall conditions, degradation coefficient (DB), degradation model, and the vertical scale of fluctuation on the slope transient reliability are investigated in detail. Simulation results show that as DB decreases from 1.0 to 0.75, the influence of rainfall intensity on the deterioration of slope stability level turns to be weak, and the most significant day tends to move forwards. The advanced rainfall pattern will significantly deteriorate the slope stability level at the first and second day as compared with uniform rainfall pattern. The most significant effect of DB on the deterioration of slope stability level is found at different rainfall conditions as the rainfall evolves. The choice of rainfall degradation model significantly affects the prediction of slope failure probability. The slope failure probability exhibits an increase trend as the vertical scale of fluctuation increases (i.e., the spatial variability grows insignificant).
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Landslide inventories are crucial for evaluating susceptibility, hazards, and risks, and for devising resilience strategies in mountainous regions. This importance is amplified in the context of climate change, as existing inventories might not adequately reflect changing stability conditions. In May 2023, the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy was hit by two major rainfall events, leading to widespread flooding and the triggering of thousands of landslides. Predominantly, these were shallow debris slides and debris flows, occurring on slopes previously deemed stable based on historical data with no prior landslides recorded. Our team supported the Civil Protection Agency through field surveys and mapping efforts to pinpoint and record these landslides, prioritizing areas critical to immediate public safety and focusing on thorough mapping for future recovery planning. The outcome is a detailed map of all landslides induced by these events, manually identified using high-resolution aerial photography (0.2 m pixel resolution, RGB+NIR four bands) and categorized with the help of a 3D viewer. This comprehensive landslide inventory, comprising 80997 polygons, has been made openly accessible to the scientific community.
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Landslide hazards have significant social, economic, and environmental impact. This work provides a critical review of the main existing literature using satellite data for mapping landslides. We created and examined an extensive bibliographic database from Web of Science (WoS) consisting in 291 outputs from > 1,000 authors who studied almost 700,000 landslides across all continents, for a total of 52 countries represented with China and Italy on top of the list with more authors. The outputs are equivalent to ~ 5% of the whole landslide-related production for the period 1996–2022, with a 600% increase in the number of papers after 2014 driven by the availability of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Analysis of the geographical location across the 66 different countries analysed shows that, within the total number of contributions, the satellite imagery was used to detect and map two main types of landslides: flows and slides. When specified in the manuscripts, the events have been triggered by rainfall (104 cases), earthquakes (32 cases), or both (17 cases). Slope instabilities in these areas were predominantly identified through manual detection (40%); but since 2020, the advent of artificial intelligence is suppressing all other techniques. Despite the undisputed progress of EO-based landslide mapping over the last 26 years, which makes it a consolidated tool for many landslide-related applications, challenges still remain for an effective and operational use of EO images for landslide detection and mapping, and we provide a perspective for future applications considering the existing and the planned SAR satellite missions.
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Heavy rainfall is a major factor for landslide triggering. Here, we present an inventory of 47,523 landslides triggered by two precipitation episodes that occurred in May 2023 in the Emilia-Romagna and conterminous regions (Italy). The landslides are manually mapped from a visual interpretation of satellite images and are mainly triggered by the second rainfall episode (16–17 May 2023); the inventory is entirely original, and the mapping is supplemented with field surveys at a few selected locations. The main goal of this paper is to present the dataset and to investigate the landslide distribution with respect to triggering (precipitation) and predisposing (land use, lithology, slope and distance from roads) factors using a statistical approach. The landslides occurred more frequently on steeper slopes and for the land use categories of “bare rocks and badlands” and woodlands. A weaker positive correlation is found for the lithological classes: silty and flysch-like units are more prone to host slope movements. The inventory presented here provides a comprehensive picture of the slope movements triggered in the study area and represents one of the most numerous rainfall-induced landslide inventories on a global scale. We claim that the inventory can support the validation of automatic products and that our results on triggering and predisposing factors can be used for modeling landslide susceptibility and more broadly for hazard purposes.
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Landslides are among the most frequent hazards in Latin America and the world. In Brazil, they occur every year and cause economic and social loss. Landslide inventories are essential for assessing susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk. Over the decades, a variety of mapping approaches have been employed for the detection of landslides using Earth observation (EO) data. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is a widely recognized method for mapping landslides and other morphological features. In Brazil, despite the high frequency of landslides, methods for inventory construction are poorly developed. The aim of this study is to semi-automatically recognize shallow landslides in Itaóca (Brazil) and evaluate the transferability of the approach within different areas in Brazil. RapidEye satellite images (5 m) and the derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), as well as a digital elevation model (DEM) (12.5 m) and morphological data, were integrated into the classification. The results show that the method is suitable for the recognition of this type of hazard in Brazil. The overall accuracy was 89%. The main challenges were the identification of small landslides and the exact delineation of scars. The findings validate the applicability of the approach in Brazil, although additional adjustments to the primary rule set might lead to better results.
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Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a conditioning factor that significantly affects slope stabilization, as the low vegetation coverage can create conducive conditions for landslide occurrence. In previous studies, NDVI was often calculated from long-term average NDVI maps or specific yearly NDVI maps. However, this approach is unsuitable due to the time-varying nature of these data, influenced by numerous factors, including human activities. To solve this problem, this study uses NDVI as a time-varying factor. NDVI maps are generated from Sentinel 2 and Landsat_8 imagery at the onset of each rainy season between 2015 and 2020 in the mountainous region of Quang Ngai Province. Moreover, the landslide events that occurred within this 5-year period (2016–2020), along with a set of conditioning factors, are utilized to develop landslide susceptibility models based on three algorithms: logistic regression, support vector machine, and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost). The obtained results demonstrate that using time-varying NDVI shows superior performance compared to using only NDVI from 2015. The outcomes also indicate that XGBoost is the most effective model. Selecting suitable NDVI maps can improve the predictive accuracy of landslide susceptibility mapping.
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Multiple landslide events occur often across the world which have the potential to cause significant harm to both human life and property. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted to address mapping of landslides using Earth observation (EO) data, several gaps and uncertainties remain with developing models to be operational at the global scale. The lack of a high-resolution globally distributed and event-diverse dataset for landslide segmentation poses a challenge in developing machine learning models that can accurately and robustly detect landslides in various regions, as the limited representation of landslide and background classes can result in poor generalization performance of the models. To address this issue, we present the High-Resolution Global landslide Detector Database (HR-GLDD), a high-resolution (HR) satellite dataset (PlanetScope, 3 m pixel resolution) for landslide mapping composed of landslide instances from 10 different physiographical regions globally in South and South-East Asia, East Asia, South America, and Central America. The dataset contains five rainfall-triggered and five earthquake-triggered multiple landslide events that occurred in varying geomorphological and topographical regions in the form of standardized image patches containing four PlanetScope image bands (red, green, blue, and NIR) and a binary mask for landslide detection. The HR-GLDD can be accessed through this link: 10.5281/zenodo.7189381 (Meena et al., 2022a, c). HR-GLDD is one of the first datasets for landslide detection generated by high-resolution satellite imagery which can be useful for applications in artificial intelligence for landslide segmentation and detection studies. Five state-of-the-art deep learning models were used to test the transferability and robustness of the HR-GLDD. Moreover, three recent landslide events were used for testing the performance and usability of the dataset to comment on the detection of newly occurring significant landslide events. The deep learning models showed similar results when testing the HR-GLDD at individual test sites, thereby indicating the robustness of the dataset for such purposes. The HR-GLDD is open access and it has the potential to calibrate and develop models to produce reliable inventories using high-resolution satellite imagery after the occurrence of new significant landslide events. The HR-GLDD will be updated regularly by integrating data from new landslide events.
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The global availability of Sentinel-2 data and the widespread coverage of cost-free and high-resolution images nowadays give opportunities to map, at a low cost, shallow landslides triggered by extreme events (e.g. rainfall, earthquakes). Rapid and low-cost shallow landslide mapping could improve damage estimations, susceptibility models and land management. This work presents a two-phase procedure to detect and map shallow landslides. The first is a semi-automatic methodology allowing for mapping potential shallow landslides (PLs) using Sentinel-2 images. The PL aims to detect the most affected areas and to focus on them an high-resolution mapping and further investigations. We create a GIS-based and user-friendly methodology to extract PL based on pre- and post-event normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) variation and geomorphological filtering. In the second phase, the semi-automatic inventory was compared with a benchmark landslide inventory drawn on high-resolution images. We also used Google Earth Engine scripts to extract the NDVI time series and to make a multi-temporal analysis. We apply this procedure to two study areas in NW Italy, hit in 2016 and 2019 by extreme rainfall events. The results show that the semi-automatic mapping based on Sentinel-2 allows for detecting the majority of shallow landslides larger than satellite ground pixel (100 m2). PL density and distribution match well with the benchmark. However, the false positives (30 % to 50 % of cases) are challenging to filter, especially when they correspond to riverbank erosions or cultivated land.
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Timely and systematic collection of landslide information after a triggering event is pivotal for the definition of landslide trends in response to climate change. On September 15, 2022, a large part of central Italy, particularly Marche and Umbria regions, was struck by an anomalous rainfall event that showed characteristics of a persistent convective system. An extraordinary cumulated rainfall of 419 mm was recorded by a rain gauge in the area in only 9 h. The rainfall triggered 1687 landslides in the area affected by the peak rainfall intensity and caused widespread flash floods and floods in the central and lower parts of the catchments. In this work, we describe the characteristics of the landslides identified during a field survey started immediately after the event. Most of the mass movements are shallow, and many are rapid (i.e., debris flows, earth flows) and widely affecting the road network. Landslide area spans from a few tens of square meters to 10 5 m 2 , with a median value of 87 m 2. Field evidence revealed diffuse residual risk conditions, being a large proportion of landslides located in the immediate vicinity of infrastructures. Besides reporting the spatial distribution of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event, the data collected on landslides can be used to make comparisons with the distribution of landslides in the past, validation of landslide susceptibility models, and definition of the general interaction between landslides and structures/infrastructures.
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Rapid mapping of the potential ground effects related to the flood events of May 2023 that affected part of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Central Italy. The study aims to a rapid detection of the areas with highest density events on large-scale and low-resolution. The map has been obtained with the methodology described by Notti et al., 2023. This procedure is based on the difference of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) between the pre-event acquired images and post-event ones. The variation in the index is mostly linked to the processes that occur during the flood event, this allows the functional detection of the phenomena of slope instability. By using the download service of the Copernicus Open Access Hub platform (, the following Sentinel-2 images were utilized: Pre-event Sentinel-2 image: 2022-05-13 (A); Post-event Sentinel-2 image: 2023-05-23 (B). For each image, the NDVI has been computed; then the difference NDVIpost-NDVIpre was performed. All the areas characterized by a variation of NDVI (DNVI) <=0.3 and slope >=15° have been identified (the slope was obtained from 10 m DTM TIN Italy, Tarquini et al.,2017). Lastly, the obtained results were converted in polygons. Ancillary information, such as average slope (derived where available also the from 5 m DTM issued by Emilia-Romagna Region) and the intersections with roads, buildings, rivers (available as shapefile from “Geoportale of Emilia-Romagna” region, /), were added to the obtained polygons. Since the presented work is a rapid, post event, mapping, a very simplified classification was carried out: Slope instability processes (mainly shallow landslides) and secondary hydrographic network; Instability processes mainly related to the bank erosion processes affecting the hydrographic network of the valley floor. Given the limited availability of the high-resolution images, the mapping is solely based on the NDVI analysis performed on Sentinel-2 images. Consequently, the proposed procedure may generate potential false-positive related to: i) land use changes that occurred during the period; ii) residual effects of cloud cover of the May 23 Sentinel-2 image. For this purpose, a preliminary filtering procedure has been performed. However, local residual effects related to cloud coverage remain at this early stage. It is important to note that, given the spatial resolution of the Sentinel 2 data of 10 m, the presented product represent an optimal tool to identify phenomena with dimensions greater than 100-200 m². Further updates and refinements of the map will be made available as the new satellite images and data are progressively analyzed, as well as with the integration of field surveys still in progress. UPDATE (08/04/2024)The outcomes of the presented research are now published in: The open-access full text is hereby attached.
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Rainfall triggered landslides occur in all mountain ranges posing threats to people and the environment. Given the projected climate changes, the risk posed by landslides is expected to increase, and the ability to anticipate their occurrence is key for effective risk reduction. Empirical thresholds and physically-based models are used to anticipate the short-term occurrence of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. But, evidence suggests that they may not be effective for operational forecasting over large areas. We propose a deep-learning based strategy to link rainfall to landslide occurrence. We inform and test the system with rainfall and landslide data available for the last 20 years in Italy. Our results indicate that it is possible to anticipate effectively the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides over large areas, and that their location and timing are controlled primarily by the precipitation, opening to the possibility of operational landslide forecasting based on rainfall measurements and quantitative meteorological forecasts.
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Earthquakes in mountainous areas can trigger thousands of co-seismic landslides, causing significant damage, hampering relief efforts, and rapidly redistributing sediment across the landscape. Efforts to understand the controls on these landslides rely heavily on manually mapped landslide inventories, but these are costly and time-consuming to collect, and their reproducibility is not typically well constrained. Here we develop a new automated landslide detection index (ALDI) algorithm based on pixel-wise normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) differencing of Landsat time series within Google Earth Engine accounting for seasonality. We compare classified inventories to manually mapped inventories from five recent earthquakes: Kashmir in 2005, Aysén in 2007, Wenchuan in 2008, Haiti in 2010, and Gorkha in 2015. We test the ability of ALDI to recover landslide locations (using receiver operating characteristic – ROC – curves) and landslide sizes (in terms of landslide area–frequency statistics). We find that ALDI more skilfully identifies landslide locations than published inventories in 10 of 14 cases when ALDI is locally optimised and in 8 of 14 cases both when ALDI is globally optimised and in holdback testing. These results reflect not only good performance of the automated approach but also surprisingly poor performance of manual mapping, which has implications both for how future classifiers are tested and for the interpretations that are based on these inventories. We find that manual mapping, which typically uses finer-resolution imagery, more skilfully captures the landslide area–frequency statistics, likely due to reductions in both the censoring of individual small landslides and amalgamation of landslide clusters relative to ALDI. We conclude that ALDI is a viable alternative to manual mapping in terms of its ability to identify landslide-affected locations but is less suitable for detecting small isolated landslides or precise landslide geometry. Its fast run time, cost-free image requirements, and near-global coverage suggest the potential to significantly improve the coverage and quantity of landslide inventories. Furthermore, its simplicity (pixel-wise analysis only) and parsimony of inputs (optical imagery only) mean that considerable further improvement should be possible.