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Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
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Climbing anxiety scale (CAS-20): Preliminary development and validation
Maria Stefania Ionel a, Andrei Ion b,⁎, Dragos Iliescu b,c, Laura Visu-Petra a
aResearch in Individual Differences and Legal Psychology –RIDDLE Lab, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
bAssessment and Individual Differences –AID Lab, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Bucharest, Romania
cStellenbosch University, South Africa
Sport anxiety
Scale development
Anxiety has been the primary focus of emotion research in sport psychology. Most of the existing anxiety mea-
sures focus on the competition related anxiety. Little is known about the way in which anxiety affects athletic
outcomes in extreme sports. We contribute to the literature on anxiety in extreme sports by: (1) developing and
providing a preliminary validation for a novel, theoretically anchored sport climbing inventory, Climbing Anxi-
ety Scale (CAS-20), among an international sample of rock-climbers (N= 153); and (2) providing preliminary
evidence on its factorial and criterion-related validity. Our investigation includes two phases. The first phase (6
clinical and sport psychology experts) included the development and expert review of a climbing specific anxiety
scale. The second phase (N= 153) offers preliminary evidence pertaining to the measure’s reliability, factorial,
convergent and criterion related validity. Factorial validity was investigated by deploying a series of confirma-
tory factorial analyses. Convergent and discriminatory validity were examined by comparing the scale’s associa-
tions with a general anxiety measure, a sport anxiety measure, as well as climbing self-efficacy. Criterion-related
validity was estimated by examining its relationship with rock-climbing performance. We contribute to the gen-
eral domain of sport and athletic research by developing a sport-specific anxiety measure, investigating whether
and how anxiety comes into play in rock-climbing, a high-risk sport. This scale can be used for assessing anxiety
in climbing and monitoring the impact of an interventions designed to reduce these symptoms.
1. Anxiety in sports and athletic performance
The study of anxiety and its impact on sport-relevant outcomes has a
long history, anxiety being one of the most commonly measured con-
structs in competitive sports (Cox et al., 2003). Furthermore, the preva-
lence of anxiety symptoms varies, with rates ranging from 26% among
former elite athletes to 34% among current elite athletes (Gouttebarge
et al., 2019), and reaching up to 45% in team sports (Reardon et al.,
2019) depending on the type of anxiety and the measures used to cap-
ture it, the most common being clinical interviews and self-report mea-
sures (Reardon et al., 2019). Extant research proposed various path-
ways through which anxiety can negatively impact athletic perfor-
mance, such as physiological activation, kinematic variables, or atten-
tional impairment (Cooke et al., 2011;Mullen et al., 2005). Considering
both the theoretical foundations (Liebert & Morris, 1967) and the com-
plexity of the pathways linking anxiety symptoms to athletic outcomes,
multifaceted measures of anxiety in sports have been developed (e.g.,
Jones et al., 2019). Although much progress has been made to under-
stand the intricacies of the anxiety-athletic outcome connection, little is
known about the way in which this relationship unfolds in high-risk
sports. To this end, we developed a climbing anxiety measure, provid-
ing preliminary evidence pertaining to its validity and exploring its as-
sociation with athletic performance in rock-climbing.
2. Conceptualizing anxiety in sport
Anxiety has been at the forefront of research aimed at understand-
ing the way in which emotions facilitate or interfere with athletic out-
comes and athletic behaviours. Anxiety received the lion’s share of at-
tention in sport psychology with several theoretical explanations ac-
counting for its effects (Janelle et al., 2020). Despite this extensive the-
oretical development, the number of sport-specific measures aiming at
capturing it is not so high. This discrepancy is more pronounced when it
comes to non-competitive sports, with only a few notable exceptions,
such as the study conducted by Llewellyn et al. (2008). Depending on
the construct level, these measures are structured with either a unidi-
⁎Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, University of Bucharest, 90th Panduri Ave., Bucharest, 030018, Romania.
E-mail address: (A. Ion).
Received 29 September 2023; Received in revised form 27 February 2024; Accepted 2 April 2024
1469-0292/© 20XX
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M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
mensional or multidimensional approach, with most of the measures fo-
cusing on competitions, and assessing state and trait anxiety. One ap-
proach conceptualises anxiety in sport as a unidimensional construct,
without differentiating between various sub-components such as so-
matic or cognitive anxiety. Within this approach, one of the widely used
measures is the Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT; Martens, 1977).
Another approach describes anxiety in sport as being a multi-faceted
construct. For example, Martens et al.'s (1990) multidimensional anxi-
ety theory became one of the most prominent conceptual frameworks
for competitive anxiety (Janelle et al., 2020). According to their con-
ceptualization, anxiety in sports should be divided into cognitive and
somatic components. Furthermore, the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS; Smith
et al., 1990), a sport-specific multidimensional trait anxiety measure,
includes three components: somatic anxiety, worry and concentration
disruption, the latter being two facets of cognitive anxiety. The SAS re-
lies on the cognitive-affective model and demonstrates strong reliability
and validity as a measure of both cognitive and somatic anxiety related
to sport performance. Since its initial development it underwent a revi-
sion and has been employed across various sport settings (SAS-2; Smith
et al., 2006). Finally, using a multidimensional approach, the Competi-
tive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2; Cox et al., 2003;Martens et al.,
1990) is a widely acclaimed measure that consists of three subscales:
somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, and self-confidence, demonstrating
associations with athletic outcomes across diverse disciplines (e.g., Cox
et al., 2003). A recent development describes anxiety as a multidimen-
sional hierarchical construct where the general construct of competitive
anxiety includes three lower order components: cognitive (worry, pri-
vate self-focus, public self-focus), physiological (somatic tension, auto-
nomic hyperactivity), and regulatory (perceived control), reflecting the
multiple pathways described earlier (Jones et al., 2019).
Although there is a considerable number of measures capturing the
construct of anxiety in sports, as well as its associations with various
sport-related outcomes, our understanding regarding the extent to
which these findings generalize to the realm of extreme, high-risk
sports remains limited. There are several potential mechanisms that
could explain why the anxiety-sport relevant outcomes relationship
might not directly generalize to high-risk sports. For example, to consis-
tently practice such sports athletes having either very low baseline anx-
iety levels or having the necessary skills to manage the anxiety levels
might have self-selected themselves into such disciplines. Similarly, a
review highlighted that individuals with higher levels of anxiety sensi-
tivity were found to engage in less physical activity, potentially leading
them to specifically avoid these types of sports (DeWolfe et al., 2023).
Consequently, employing the anxiety measures devised for sports that
do not qualify as high-risk disciplines might fail to capture the relation-
ship between anxiety symptoms and sport-relevant outcomes in such
disciplines. In the realm of high-risk sports, tailoring the measures to re-
flect the specific demands of the respective athletic discipline is pivotal
to enable the understanding of how the anxiety - sport-relevant out-
comes relationship unfolds. A similar perspective has been emphasized
by Janelle et al. (2020) highlighting the importance of utilising sport-
specific assessment tools (Teixeira et al., 2022), allowing for a more
precise evaluation of an athlete’s mental state within the context of
their sport. Such an approach might be required to understand how
anxiety symptoms relate to various aspects of athletic practice and per-
formance in high-risk sports such as climbing or to devise targeted in-
terventions aimed at addressing the distinctive challenges faced by ath-
letes in such sports (Garrido-Palomino, I., & España-Romero, 2023). For
instance, the unique nature of climbing can be captured through ques-
tions that highlight climbing-specific fears, e.g., i2 ‘I overgrip the
holds’; i8 ‘I have mental images about falling or getting injured’; i9 ‘I
constantly try to block thoughts about falling or getting injured’; i20 ‘I
quit climbing a route because I felt terror or fear about falling’; i27 ‘I
struggle to understand what others (e.g. coach, belayer, friends) are
saying to me because the fear is too intense’; i37 ‘I feel ashamed espe-
cially when others are around (e.g. people I know, ‘better’climbers,
While the existing measures provide sport psychologists and coun-
sellors with various options for capturing the different facets of sport-
related anxiety symptoms, several aspects might limit their relevance
and utility for the specific context of high-risk sports. First, such scales
mostly reflect general anxiety processes, while potentially failing to
capture sport-specific elements that might come into play within vari-
ous sport disciplines, in general, and for extreme sports, in particular.
For example, there are sports that inherently include a high degree of
risk-taking, where practitioners are routinely exposed to a higher de-
gree of objective risks, such as motorcycling, mountaineering or rock-
climbing. Although typical anxiety measures are not meant to accu-
rately capture the way in which anxiety interferes with athletic out-
comes, they lack the sensitivity needed to capture the extent of experi-
encing symptoms of anxiety in the specific context of such challenging
and highly dangerous sports. Second, extant research from other do-
mains, such as self-efficacy (Llewellyn et al., 2008) illustrates that em-
ploying contextualized, sport-specific measures of self-efficacy results
in an optimized criterion-related validity for the respective measures.
We argue that particularly for high-risk sports, the design of sport-
specific, contextualized anxiety measures is a necessity.
Consequently, we address the above-mentioned gaps by (1) devel-
oping a sport-specific anxiety measure and (2) pitting its criterion-
validity against existing sport anxiety measures, in order to illustrate
the necessity of specificity in conceptualizing and measuring anxiety
symptoms in sports.
3. Is there a need for sport specific anxiety measures?
Currently, there is limited understanding of outdoor sports that ex-
tend beyond traditional competitive formats. Examples include ‘high-
risk’sports, which have seen a significant surge in interest and partici-
pation over the past couple of decades (Clough et al., 2016). Rock-
climbing, a ‘high-risk’sport, has only been recently included in the
2021 Olympic Games, presenting a unique case as it includes both com-
petitive (indoor sport climbing, bouldering and speed), and non-
competitive formats (outdoor sport climbing, bouldering, multi-pitch,
etc.), with a majority of practitioners preferring the outdoor recre-
ational/non-competitive format (Brymer et al., 2020), as is the case in
the current study.
While in competitive formats, the actual risks faced by the practi-
tioners are greatly reduced, the practice of outdoor, non-competitive
format still poses a considerable level of risk. Consequently, the practi-
tioners of such sports are perceived as being ‘trained’to manage levels
of anxiety deemed unacceptably high in other sport contexts (e.g.,
Hunt, 1995). Previous research on anxiety indicates that elite rock-
climbers generally exhibit lower levels of anxiety symptoms than the
average population, though anxiety symptoms are still experienced
when practicing the activity (Robinson, 1985). Several investigations
showed the presence of anxiety symptoms when climbing for the less
seasoned practitioners, with anxiety symptoms emerging at various lev-
els of analysis: psychological, behavioural, and physiological assess-
ments, e.g., heart rate, difference in muscle tension/fatigue (blood lac-
tate concentration and electromyographic –EMG –activity of the mus-
cles), or ‘geometric index of entropy’(Aras & Akalan, 2014;Pijpers et
al., 2003;Pijpers et al., 2006). These results were suggestive especially
for novice climbers reporting significantly more subjective anxiety
(‘cognitive and somatic anxiety thermometer’) and objective anxiety
(exhibiting significantly higher heart rates, more muscle fatigue, and
higher blood lactate concentrations) symptoms on routes high on the
wall than when they traversed an identical route low on the climbing
wall (Pijpers et al., 2003). Furthermore, lead climbing (a practice where
climbers need to place the rope through various anchors along the route
to progress) was perceived to cause greater anxiety symptoms for the
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
athletes, compared with top-roping (where the rope is already placed
through the various anchors; Aras & Akalan, 2014;Hodgson et al.,
2009). Also, in a situation where climbers had current knowledge of the
route, lead climbing has been observed to stimulate a higher concentra-
tion of cortisol response compared to top-roping (Draper et al., 2012).
This distinction is essential for climbers because they might consider a
route completed only when done in a lead climbing format. As shown
earlier, lead climbing demands a higher level of expertise, but it also en-
tails greater danger and, consequently, increased anxiety levels.
Designing a domain specific anxiety measure for climbing will aid
researchers, coaches, and psychological professionals to develop an in-
depth understanding on whether and how anxiety symptoms interfere
with various aspects of climbing performance and, consequently, to
construct or optimize their interventions and potentially opening a new
research avenue for the investigation of anxiety in high-risk sports.
More specifically, we add to the literature on anxiety in sports in two
ways: (1) by identifying whether the construct domain of anxiety in
sports generalizes to rock-climbing, a high-risk sport and (2) by investi-
gating whether a sport-specific anxiety measure captures more con-
struct-relevant variance over and beyond the general measures of anxi-
ety in sport.
4. Aims of current research
The overarching goal of our investigation was twofold: (1) to de-
velop and validate a theoretically-anchored sport climbing inventory/
questionnaire and (2) to provide preliminary evidence on its construct
and criterion-related validity. We contribute to the general domain of
sport and athletic research by developing a sport-specific anxiety mea-
sure, focusing on uncovering whether and how anxiety symptoms come
into play in rock-climbing, a high-risk sport. From a practical stand-
point, we offer a newly developed anxiety measure that can be used ef-
ficiently when working with rock climbers. We tackled these objectives
via two different phases. Phase 1 describes the development of the
Climbing Anxiety Scale (CAS) and contains the item development and
factorial validity. Phase 2 offers preliminary evidence pertaining to the
measure’s construct, convergent, discriminatory and criterion-related
5. Phase 1: scale development and content validity
The goal of the first study was twofold: (1) to generate a sufficiently
large item pool in order to capture the most relevant aspects of climbing
anxiety (see description below), specifically somatic anxiety, cognitive
anxiety (including concentration disruption, following the multidimen-
sional anxiety theory based on the cognitive-affective model by
Martens et al., 1990), and the addition of the self-confidence subscale;
and (2) to select the most relevant items based on a content analysis
conducted by experts.
We followed Waltz and Bausell’s (1983) methodology to conduct an
item-level content analysis. The Content Validity Index (CVI) to assess
the content of individual items. We employed a panel of experts that
evaluated each item for its relevance (1 = not relevant; 4 = very rele-
vant), clarity (1 = not clear; 4 = very clear), simplicity (1 = not simple;
4 = very simple), and ambiguity (1 = doubtful; 4 = meaning is clear) us-
ing a 4-point scale. The proportion of experts who rate an item was cal-
culated with CVI scores of < 0.75 generally considered strong.
6. Method
6.1. Participants
Phase 1 of the study involved the participation of four female sport
psychologists, one female clinical psychologist, and one male coach, all
of whom were specialized in working with climbers, and were aged be-
tween 29 and 46 years old. The sport psychologists’experience ranged
between 3 and 7 years, the clinical psychologist had 20 years’experi-
ence, and the coach had 10 years’coaching experience. A total of six ex-
perts from the United Kingdom (n= 4), Austria (n= 1), and Slovenia
(n= 1) participated in the study. All the experts were fluent in English
at a C2 level and were independent of the research team.
6.2. Procedure
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee of [MASKED FOR RE-
VIEW] University. Participants were recruited from the International
Association of [MASKED FOR REVIEW], they volunteered to respond to
our invitation via an online survey and were required to provide writ-
ten informed consent before participating in the study. No compensa-
tion was offered.
6.3. Climbing anxiety scale (CAS)
6.3.1. Model development and initial item pool
Item development. The principal investigator, an experienced clinical
psychologist and rock-climbing practitioner (over 20 years of sport
practice) together with a psychometrician having extensive expertise
in test development and adaptation (the corresponding author) formu-
lated an initial item pool of 45 items. To facilitate further reviews and
data collection, all the items were written in English. In developing the
items, an extensive review of the theoretical and empirical literature
on anxiety in sports and athletic performance was conducted. The
items were subsequently formulated by following a rational-theoretical
approach, being geared towards capturing the facets of sport-related
anxiety (such as the multidimensional anxiety theory with cognitive or
somatic aspects; Martens et al., 1990) as well as components of the
cognitive affective model (Smith et al., 2006). The CAS was devised as
an anxiety trait measure specific for rock-climbing. The participants re-
ceived the following set of instructions: ‘Many climbers get tense or ner-
vous before or during their climb. This happens even to pro climbers. Please
read each statement, then tick the appropriate box that best represents how
you usually feel during climbing. There are no right or wrong answers. Do
not spend too much time on any single statement but select the option that
most accurately depicts your general feelings during climbing’. Moreover,
the total number of items included in the initial item pool reflected a
balance between parsimony (measuring anxiety symptoms via a rela-
tively short and easy to administer inventory) and content relevance
(employing a sufficiently large number of items to reflect the potential
facets of anxiety as manifested in rock-climbing). No strict limitation
was imposed on the total number of items. The items captured the fol-
lowing constructs: somatic anxiety (16 items), cognitive anxiety (20
items), concentration disruption (4 items), and self-confidence (5
items). Out of the 45 items developed, we used and reformulated eight
items (i) form CSAI-2R (see Appendix 1 CAS-45: i10, i11, i14, i16, i26,
i30, i36, i41) and five items from SAS-2 (see Appendix 1 CAS-45: i17,
i19, i28, i29, i42). The eight items based on the CSAI-2R state anxiety
measure, were modified in order to reflect trait anxiety levels in climb-
ing situations, for example, the item ‘I’m concerned about performing
poorly’(i11 from CSAI-2R) was modified into a trait item by adding
the indication ‘how you usually feel during climbing’to ‘I’m concerned
about climbing poorly’(i11 from CAS-45). The remaining 32 items
were formulated to capture somatic anxiety (i2, i4, i8, i24, i31, i33,
i34, i39, i40, i43, i44, i45), cognitive anxiety (i1, i3, i5, i6, i7, i9, i12,
i13, i15, i18, i20, i21, i22, i25, i27, i32, i35, i37, i38), and self-
confidence (i23). The following principles were followed during the
item generation process: (a) Content coverage –the items were formu-
lated to reflect potentially unique construct-relevant aspects and be-
haviours; (b) Parsimony –anxiety in sport in general and in sport
climbing more specifically, is not described in a literature as being a
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
broad construct that includes a hierarchical latent structure or a com-
plex measurement architecture. Consequently, the construct's relative
parsimony should be reflected in the scale's structure and number of
items; (c) Spearman-Brown principle was followed in formulating the
number of items, thus for each potential subdimension/facet we estab-
lished a minimum five number of items; (d) Scale length –we focused
on obtaining the minimal number of items that could reflect via unique
contents the various facets of climbing anxiety (cognitive, emotional
and somatic). The final item set included a total of 45 items which
were analysed by a panel of six experts.
A relatively standard set of scale completion instruction was used:
‘Many climbers get tense or nervous before or during their climb. This
happens even to pro climbers. Please read each statement, then tick the
appropriate box that best represents how you usually feel during climb-
ing. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time
on any single statement but select the option that most accurately de-
picts your general feelings during climbing’.
6.4. Data analysis
To assess content validity, the experts provided ratings for the items
using a 4-point CVI scale (Waltz & Bausell, 1983). The criteria can be
found in Appendix 1. Each expert rated each item according to the crite-
ria. To calculate the CVI, the number of responses for each item rated as
three or four was summed and divided by the total number of items, re-
sulting in a fractional proportion. Items with a CVI of 0.75 or higher
were contemplated to have adequate content validity.
7. Results
Appendix 1 displays the Mean CVI scores for each item for rele-
vance, clarity, simplicity, and ambiguity. In total, six items had mean
CVIs below 0.75 (items 4, 6, 8, 10, 24, 26) and were consequently re-
moved from the item pool. Each of these six items were reviewed to
determine if they could be revised, but they could not have been re-
vised without replicating another item and therefore they were re-
moved, yielding a CVI scores for all non-revised 39 items ranged from
0.83 to 1.
8. Phase 2: scale validation
The aim of the second phase was to examine the internal structure of
the scale generated in Phase 1. We tested the preliminary factor struc-
ture of the newly developed measure and refined it through an iterative
process. The overarching aim of this phase was to derive a new and psy-
chometrically coherent assessment of climbing anxiety. This aim was
further split into three separate objectives: (1) refining the initial item
pool by analysing the response distributions per item; (2) estimating the
measure’s reliability by examining its internal consistency and the
item-total correlations and (3) examining three different forms of valid-
ity: construct validity by deploying a series of exploratory and confir-
matory factorial analyses; convergent and discriminant validity by ex-
amining the scale’s associations with sport anxiety, anxiety and depres-
sion, and climbing self-efficacy; and criterion-related validity by exam-
ining its relationship with rock-climbing performance.
9. Method
9.1. Participants
Power estimation. To determine the necessary sample sizes, we em-
ployed R software, version 4.1.2 (R Core Team, 2021)‘semPower’
package, relying on the approach outlined by Jobst et al. (2023). The
power analysis was based on the following assumptions: 20 observed
variables, df = 167, RMSEA = 0.05, loadings of 0.80 and suggested
that the minimum sample size to obtain a power of 0.80 is N = 123.
Following institutional ethics approval [MASKED FOR REVIEW],
we collected data from 153 participants, regular practitioners of rock-
climbing (including sport climbing and/or bouldering as two different
forms of rock-climbing practice). The sample included 95 males
(62.1%) and 58 females (37.9%), with ages between 17 and 67
(M= 33.18, SD = 10.75). At this stage, the single inclusion criterion
was a minimum of 12 months experience in practicing rock-climbing.
Their experience in rock-climbing ranged between 2 and 42 years
(M= 11.18, SD = 9.32). In respect to education, 79 participants
(51.63%) attained a graduate or post-graduate degree, 44 participants
(28.75%) attained a bachelor’s degree, and the remaining 30 partici-
pants (19.61%) had a high school degree or equivalent. Participants
were polled from 18 different countries from Asia, Australia, Europe,
North America, and South America.
9.2. Measures
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales Short Form (DASS-21; Lovibond &
Lovibond, 1995). DASS-21 is a brief version of DASS-30 which is a self-
report measure of negative emotional states of depression (e.g., ‘I felt
that life was meaningless’), anxiety (e.g., ‘I was worried about situa-
tions in which I might panic and make a fool of myself’), and stress
(e.g., ‘I found it hard to wind down’), measured on a 4-point scale from
0 (did not apply to me at all) to 3 (applied to me very much or most of the
time). Higher scores indicate higher level of depression, anxiety, and
stress, respectively. Internal consistencies for the current sample
ranged between 0.92 (depression), 0.74 (anxiety), and 0.82 (stress).
Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2; Smith et al., 2006). Sport anxiety was
assessed by employing the 15-item inventory that measures the compet-
itive trait anxiety which is usually experienced by athletes before or
during competitions. To stay consistent with our sport and because par-
ticipants were not competing, we used the term ‘climb’instead of ‘play’
or ‘game’. SAS-2 is composed by 3 subscales: somatic anxiety (e.g., ‘My
muscles feel tight because I am nervous’), worry (e.g., ‘I worry that I
will climb badly’), and concentration disruption (e.g., ‘It is hard to con-
centrate on the climb’), measured on a 4-point scale from 1 (not at all)
to 4 (very much). Higher scores indicate higher level of somatic anxiety,
worry, and concentration disruption, respectively. Internal consisten-
cies for the current sample ranged between 0.83 (somatic anxiety), 0.88
(worry), and 0.88 (concentration disruption).
Climbing Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES; Llewellyn et al., 2008). The CSES
is a scale that has been previously validated for the climbing domain. It
evaluates self-efficacy in relation to the various sub-skills needed for
successful performance in climbing. Participants rate how confident
they feel, in general, from 0% (not at all confident) to 100% (extremely
confident) regarding 10 non-hierarchical themes (e.g., ‘Prepare physi-
cally for demanding routes’;‘Prepare mentally for demanding routes’;
‘Use appropriate climbing techniques’). The total score ranges from 0
to 1000, where higher scores indicate greater confidence that is higher
level of self-efficacy in climbing. For CSES internal consistency for the
current sample was 0.93 (Cronbach’s alpha).
Climbing Anxiety Scale (CAS-39). Climbing anxiety was assessed by
using the 39-item scale developed in Phase 1. On a 4-point scale from 1
(not at all) to 4 (very much so), participants rate how they feel in gen-
eral before or during climbing. CAS is composed by 3 dimensions: cog-
nitive anxiety (e.g., ‘I find it hard to concentrate on the climb because
of my inner fears’), somatic anxiety (e.g., ‘I feel jittery’), and self-
confidence (‘I feel confident while climbing’). Higher scores indicate
higher level of somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, and self-confidence,
Sport Climbing Performance. In estimating rock-climbing perfor-
mance, two components are taken into account: route difficulty level
and climbing style. In respect to estimating difficulty, different scales
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
have been proposed by various national or international mountaineer-
ing and/or climbing associations: the French/sport scale, the Yosemite
Decimal System (YDS), the Union Internationale des Associations
d’Alpinisme scale (UIAA), and the Ewbank scale, following the ap-
proach used in ([Masked, 2022]). Drawing from an international sam-
ple of rock-climbing participants, each participant was allowed to se-
lect the most familiar reporting scale (French, UIAA, YDS or Ewbank).
The reported grades have been converted according to the recommen-
dations outlined in IRCRA’s position statement (IRCRA; Draper et al.,
2015). We asked each participant to report the most difficult routes
that they managed to successfully complete in the three different styles
outlined above during the past 12 months.
9.3. Procedure
The measures were administered via an online survey. Considering
the challenges in identifying and enrolling a sufficiently large number
of practitioners from a single country, we decided to open the survey to
the international community of rock climbing and bouldering practi-
tioners. Consequently, the survey was disseminated via email and social
networks to English-speaking adult climbers from different countries.
The participants were explained their rights as volunteers and all of
them provided their informed consent before completing the survey.
Fifteen randomly allocated prizes were offered. The prizes included: 4
books in the field of climbing and 11 sessions for optimizing the psycho-
logical aspects related to climbing performance, facilitated by the main
author ([Masked]).
9.4. Data analysis
Preliminary analyses were used in order to refine the initial item
pool and to gain insights in respect to the measure’s structure and valid-
ity. We further refined the item pool by reviewing the response distribu-
tions and estimating the measure’s internal consistency. Subsequently,
to examine the factorial structure of the newly developed measure, we
proceeded as follows: first, we analysed the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin and
Bartlett’s test of sphericity, then we established the number of factors
by conducting a parallel analysis (Horn, 1965) and visually inspecting
the screeplot. Next, an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) with a maxi-
mum likelihood extraction with an oblimin rotation was deployed. We
further refined the item pool by eliminating items with very small load-
ings, items that cross-loaded onto non-target factors or having a low
communality (Child, 2006). Then we ran an additional EFA on the re-
maining item set. Although the general guidelines suggest running the
confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) on a different sample, we opted to
run the CFA to offer preliminary information on the measure’s factorial
validity, as a confirmation sample drawn from such a particular popula-
tion was difficult to obtain in a reasonable timespan. To inform about
the measure’s convergent and divergent validity we analysed the mean
squared correlations between the latent factors as well as the average
variance explained. Hierarchical regressions were employed to estimate
criterion-related validities.
We then conducted an Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis to look
into the quality of the items and the test in its entirety; we computed
discrimination and difficulty parameters under the auspices of the poly-
tomous Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM) (Muraki, 1992), and
inspected various item information and test information indicators.
Finally, we conducted a network analysis for a supplementary indi-
cator of item quality (specifically, centrality, betweenness, closeness,
strength, and expected influence), and of item grouping (a visual indi-
cator of relationships between items for construct validity).
All analyses were performed with IBM-SPSS version 26 (IBM Corp.,
2019) and Rsoftware, version 4.1.2 (R Core Team, 2021), using the
packages ‘psych’,‘nfactors’,‘factoextra’ ‘lavaan’,‘semPower’,‘mirt’,
‘qgraph’and ‘bootnet’.
10. Results
Means, standard deviations, bivariate correlations between our
main variables and internal consistency reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha)
are shown in Table 1 and discussed below. The relatively high correla-
tions between the three anxiety subscales suggest that our analyses
might have been affected by multicollinearity. Consequently, we deter-
mined the Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) for each of the three sub-
scales. The VIFs for each subscale were below the 2.5 threshold
(Johnston et al., 2018); for CAS Factor 1 (cognitive anxiety),
VIF = 1.29, for CAS Factor 2 (somatic anxiety), VIF = 1.30, and for
CAS Factor 2 (self-confidence), VIF = 1.23.
10.1. Initial validation
Step 1. Response distribution. In this step we removed the items that
had a range of less than 4 steps, e.g., where the answers were
located between 1 and 3, respectively between 2 and 4 or 3 and 5.
Following this we removed item 33 (Appendix 1) because it had a
very narrow range (min = 1; max = 3).
Step 2. Internal reliability analysis. After removing the aforementioned
item, the internal consistency reliability was computed (Cronbach’s
alpha = 0.87). We removed ten items with item-total correlations
less than 0.30: (Appendix 1): i1 (r= 0.27), i7 (r = 0.27), i11
(r= 0.11), i13 (r= 0.17), i17 (r= 0.06), i22 (r= 0.16), i28
(r= 0.29), i29 (r= 0.19), i31 (r= 0.21), i32 (r= 0.23), i33
(r= 0.26).
To estimate reliability for the refined version of the Climbing Anxi-
ety Scale in a more robust manner McDonald's omega was computed.
The omega coefficient for the overall CAS measure was found to be
ω= 0.94, suggesting a good reliability (McDonald, 1999). The omega
coefficients for the three factors were 0.85 (Factor 1), 0.88 (Factor 2)
and 0.77 (Factor 3). The omega coefficients for each factor were re-
ported in Appendix 2. The item-factor loadings corresponding to the re-
liability analysis were reported in Appendix 2 (Schmid Leiman Factor
loadings matrix).
Step 3. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). To examine the factorial
structure of the newly developed measure, we analysed the latent
factor structure by deploying a series of EFAs on the dataset.
Next, we examined three different forms of validity, and
proceeded as follows:
(a) Factor Structure and Factorial validity. Considering that the
measure was developed on a theoretical measurement
foundation, we expected the data to suggest a three-factor
component (e.g., Cox et al., 2003). The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin
coefficient yielded a value of 0.91, and Bartlett’s test of
sphericity was significant (p < 0.001), indicating that the
dataset has an underlying factorial structure (Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2007). Subsequently a maximum likelihood extraction
with an oblimin rotation was conducted. The three-factor solution
accounted for 43% of the total variance, the first factor
explaining 22%, the second only 8% and the third 13%. After
analysing the pattern of item loadings reported in Table 2, we
eliminated the items having a low communality (<0.20) and/or
a pattern of cross-loadings amongst the three different factors
(Child, 2006). An item was considered to cross-load if it loaded
0.32 or greater on one factor and the difference between loadings
on other factors was <0.10 (Brown, 2015). After applying the
criteria outlined above, we removed the following items due to
low communality (<0.20): i5, i21, i25, i26, i39. Additionally, we
removed i10, i14, i15 due to cross-loading (≥0.32, or difference
between loadings on other factors <0.10). Altogether we
removed eight items: i5, i10, i14, i15, i21, i25, i26, i39 (see
Table 1
Descriptive statistics, scale intercorrelations and internal consistency.
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Age 32.1 10.0 –
2 Experience 9.0 9.1 0.69*** –
Anxiety measures
3 CAS Overall 16.0 4.5 0.15* 0.46*** (0.92)
4 CAS Factor 1 17.0 4.6 0.19** 0.48*** 0.99*** (0.91)
5 CAS Factor 2 17.3 5.0 0.18** 0.48*** 0.98*** 0.90* (0.80)
6 CAS Factor 3 16.5 4.3 0.08 0.35*** 0.94*** 0.73* 0.59* (0.76)
7 DASS-21 Anxiety 15.0 3.7 0.13 0.45*** 0.96*** 0.93*** 0.92*** 0.85*** (0.74)
8 DASS-21 Stress 10.9 9.9 −0.03 0.14* 0.34*** 0.43*** 0.34*** 0.35*** 0.35*** (0.82)
9 DASS-21 Depression 19.5 4.1 0.26** 0.48*** 0.59*** 0.68*** 0.59*** 0.61*** 0.66*** 0.98*** (0.92)
10 SAS-2 Overall 11.5 10.1 −0.03 0.14* 0.35*** 0.44*** 0.35*** 0.35*** 0.36*** 0.99*** 0.94*** (0.90)
11 SAS-2 Somatic 19.1 4.2 0.18* 0.33*** 0.42*** 0.48*** 0.42*** 0.48*** 0.50*** 0.85*** 0.77*** 0.72*** (0.83)
12 SAS-2 Worry 18.1 3.7 0.21** 0.44*** 0.58*** 0.63*** 0.53*** 0.60*** 0.62*** 0.96*** 0.95*** 0.90*** 0.75*** (0.88)
13 SAS-2 Concentration Disruption 15.5 5.1 −0.13* −0.13* −0.06 −0.02 −0.05 −0.07 0.01 −0.04 −0.17* −0.03 −0.29*** −0.17* (0.88)
14 CSES 66.60 16.39 −10 0.18* −0.39** −0.33** −0.22** −0.22** −0.10 −0.09 −0.14 −0.23** −0.29** −0.21** −0.22** (0.93)
15 Climbing Performance Overall 3.4 0.6 0.23** 0.20** 0.21** 0.24** 0.22** 0.21** 0.17* 0.09 0.22** 0.08 0.17* 0.24* −0.30*** 0.36** (0.79)
Note: N = 153. *p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001. CAS = Climbing Anxiety Scale; DASS-21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21; SAS-2 = Sport Anxiety Scale 2; CSES = Climbing Self-Efficacy Scale.
Internal consistency estimates (α) are shown in parentheses along the diagonal.
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
Table 2
Item factor loadings and item communalities.
First round EFA Second round EFA
Item 2 −0.11 0.64 0.12 0.38 −0.05 0.54 0.11 0.31
Item 3 0.64 0.09 0.15 0.62 0.62 0.12 0.17 0.64
Item 4 0.65 0.11 0.16 0.67 0.63 0.12 0.19 0.69
Item 5 −0.06 0.45 0.13 0.20 – – – –
Item 6 0.67 0.05 0.08 0.56 0.45 0.28 0.14 0.56
Item 8 0.57 −0.01 0.03 0.34 0.67 −0.07 0.03 0.40
Item 9 0.72 −0.09 −0.03 0.42 0.75 −0.09 −0.02 0.47
Item 10 0.41 0.30 −0.03 0.42 – – – –
Item 12 0.25 −0.05 0.56 0.48 0.09 0.07 0.61 0.49
Item 14 0.37 0.31 0.01 0.40 – – – –
Item 15 0.39 0.29 0.20 0.56 – – – –
Item 16 0.77 0.03 0.02 0.66 0.53 0.27 0.10 0.63
Item 18 0.89 −0.04 0.04 0.79 0.63 0.21 0.13 0.74
Item 19 0.08 −0.01 0.47 0.26 0.02 0.00 0.51 0.27
Item 20 0.74 −0.01 −0.12 0.47 0.80 −0.05 −0.10 0.80
Item 21 0.14 0.30 0.02 0.18 – – – –
Item 23 0.22 0.59 −0.07 0.54 0.11 0.69 −0.06 0.55
Item 24 0.18 0.50 0.08 0.46 −0.07 0.73 0.12 0.54
Item 25 0.28 0.13 0.08 0.19 – – – –
Item 26 −0.05 0.41 0.12 0.18 – – – –
Item 27 0.44 0.23 −0.16 0.32 0.28 0.40 −0.14 0.33
Item 30 0.14 0.01 0.58 0.45 0.16 −0.06 0.61 0.45
Item 34 0.47 0.27 0.01 0.49 0.29 0.45 0.05 0.50
Item 35 −0.04 0.03 0.84 0.69 −0.04 −0.02 0.83 0.66
Item 36 0.04 0.67 −0.09 0.46 0.04 0.65 −0.10 0.41
Item 37 0.02 0.44 0.15 0.28 −0.02 0.47 0.15 0.28
Item 38 0.12 0.40 −0.06 0.22 0.03 0.48 −0.06 0.23
Item 39 −0.02 0.39 −0.01 0.14 – – – –
Factor 1 – – – – – – – –
Factor 2 0.71 – – – 0.70 – – –
Factor 3 0.49 0.34 – – 0.49 0.42 – –
22% 8% 13% –21% 10% 17% –
Note: EFA = Exploratory Factor Analysis.
Table 2). Next, we examined the item factor loadings and the
item parameters. The results were included in Table 2, Item
Factor Loadings and Item Communalities. A second exploratory
analysis on the remaining 20-item data set by employing the
previously outlined approach. The solution accounted for a total
of 48% of variance and no further cross-loadings and low
communalities were identified.
Next, we conducted CFA based on a maximum likelihood estima-
tion. Because the χ2-test is sensitive to sample sizes, the root mean
square error of approximation (RMSEA), standardized root-mean-
square residual (SRMR) and the comparative fit index (CFI) were used
to estimate goodness-of-fit (Browne & Cudeck, 1992). In analysing
goodness of fit the thresholds of 0.90 or higher for CFI and 0.08 or
lower for RMSEA and SRMR were employed (Browne & Cudeck, 1992;
Hu & Bentler, 1999). The three-factor solution provided a good fit for
the data, CFI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.06, 90% C.I. [0.05 - 0.08], and
SRMR = 0.06. Table 3 includes the final item list with their corre-
sponding factor loadings.
With respect to the measure’s latent factor structure, three compo-
nents were identified as: Factor 1 –Cognitive Anxiety (e.g., i3: ‘I find it
hard to concentrate on the climb because of my inner fears’); Factor 2 –
Somatic Anxiety (e.g., i23 ‘I feel tense or rigid in my movements’); and
Factor 3 –Self-confidence (e.g., i12 “I feel confident while climbing”).
(b) Convergent and discriminant validity was examined by analysing
the scale’s associations with latent factors for anxiety levels,
depression and stress, sport anxiety, and climbing self-efficacy as
Table 3
Loadings matrix.
Item Factor
I overgrip the holds. –1–
I find it hard to concentrate on the climb because
of my inner fears.
1– –
I struggle to stay focused on the climb because of
intense fears.
0.90 – –
I struggle to maintain my composure. 0.86 – –
I have mental images about falling or getting
0.76 – –
I constantly try to block thoughts about falling or
getting injured.
0.82 – –
I feel confident while climbing. ––1
I feel agitated or fearful. 0.92 – –
I struggle to keep calm. 0.90 – –
I feel confident in my ability to handle the
unexpected challenges.
I quit climbing a route because I felt terror or fear
about falling.
0.96 – –
I feel tense or rigid in my movements. –1.32 –
I feel jittery. –1.33 –
I struggle to understand what others (e.g. coach,
belayer, friends) are saying to me because the fear
is too intense.
–0.68 –
I’m confident because I visualize myself reaching
my goal.
I start shaking or trembling uncontrollably. –1.08 –
I’m confident about performing well while
My muscles are tensed. –1.15 –
I feel ashamed especially when others are around
(e.g. people I know, ‘better’climbers, etc.)
–1.13 –
My palms sweat nervously. –1.01 –
presented in Appendix 3. Significant and mid-sized correlations
were observed between the newly established anxiety scale, CAS,
its three factors and the other measures (Appendix 3).
Additionally, to inform about the measure’s level of convergence
between its factors, as well as its convergence with the other
measures, the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was estimated.
We employed Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) criteria, AVE values
higher than 0.50 indicating that the underlying constructs explain
at least half of the observed variance. For the overall measure, the
AVE was 0.51. The average variances extracted for the three
different factors were 0.68 for Factor 1, 0.41 for Factor 2, and
0.69 for Factor 3 (see Table 4). To inform about the measure’s
discriminant validity, we contrasted the AVE with the squared
correlations between the latent factors across all the measures. As
expected, the differences between the AVE for each factor and the
squared correlations with the SAS-2 were smaller compared to
the ones observed for DASS-21 and CSES. While the AVE to
r−2differences between Factors 1 and 3 and SAS-2 were higher,
suggesting that these two components might have discriminant
validity in respect to the general construct of sport anxiety, for
Factor 2 the r1were higher than the AVE, indicating that Factor 2
partly overlaps with constructs captured by the SAS-2. More
precisely, Factor 2 overlapped to a higher degree with somatic
anxiety. With respect to the remaining measures, as expected, the
r−2were generally lower than the AVEs for each dimension of the
newly developed measure.
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
Table 4
Convergent and discriminant validity –climbing anxiety scale.
Measure Scales Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
CAS Factor 1 –
Factor 2 0.82 –
Factor 3 0.53 0.34 –
SAS-2 Somatic 0.52 0.61 0.28
Worry 0.17 0.28 0.19
Concentration Disruption 0.49 0.58 0.30
r−20.39 0.49 0.25
DASS-21 Depression 0.06 0.08 0.04
Anxiety 0.13 0.16 0.13
Stress 0.13 0.15 0.11
r−20.11 0.13 0.09
CSES Climbing Self-Efficacy 0.14 0.11 0.23
r−2across measures 0.23 0.28 0.18
AVE 20.68 0.41 0.69
Note:r−2= mean squared correlations between latent factors; AVE = Average
Variance Extracted. CAS = Climbing Anxiety Scale; SAS-2 = Sport Anxiety
Scale 2; DASS-21 = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21; CSES = Climbing
Self-Efficacy Scale.
(c) Criterion-related validity by examining the hierarchical regression
where the overall climbing anxiety score was employed as a
predictor of overall climbing performance over and beyond age,
gender, and the other variables. Next, we transformed the raw
scores in latent factor scores. We employed hierarchic regression,
following recommendations in the literature (Hunsley & Meyer,
2003). Age, gender and experience were entered in step 1. In step
2 we introduced climbing self-efficacy, the CSES. In step 3 we
introduced sport anxiety, the SAS-2. Climbing anxiety, the CAS
was added in step 4 in order to estimate its validity over
demographics, climbing self-efficacy, and sport anxiety. The
results were reported in Table 5. Four dimensions of climbing
performance were considered: overall climbing performance
(latent factors derived via CFA), highest redpoint, highest
onsight, and highest flash.
Outdoor Sport Climbing Performance. In step 2, climbing self-efficacy
(β= 0.30, p< 0.001) significantly predicted overall sport climbing
performance (latent) and accounted for 7.9% of the overall variance in
overall sport climbing performance over age, gender, and experience
(ΔR2= 0.079, p< 0.001). Climbing self-efficacy (β= 0.34,
p< 0.001) significantly predicted highest redpoint and accounted for
10.5% of the overall variance over age, gender, and experience
(ΔR2= 0.105, p< 0.001). Climbing self-efficacy (β= 0.30,
p< 0.001) significantly predicted highest onsight and accounted for
8.2% of the overall variance over age, gender, and experience
(ΔR2= 0.082, p< 0.001). Finally, climbing self-efficacy (β= 0.32,
p< 0.001) significantly predicted highest flash and accounted for
9.1% of the overall variance over age, gender, and experience
(ΔR2= 0.091, p< 0.001). In step 3, when adding sport anxiety, the
models were not significant for any performance indicators. When in-
cluded in step 4, the dimensions that significantly predicted overall
sport climbing performance (latent) were climbing self-efficacy
(β= 0.21, p< 0.01), sport anxiety (β= 0.20, p< 0.05), and climb-
ing anxiety (β=−0.07, p< 0.05). This accounted for a mere 4% of
the overall variance in sport climbing performance over age, gender,
experience, climbing self-efficacy, and sport anxiety (ΔR2= 0.040,
p< 0.01). In step 4, the dimensions that significantly predicted high-
est redpoint were climbing self-efficacy (β= 0.21, p< 0.05). Further-
more, in step 4, the dimensions that significantly predicted highest on-
sight were climbing self-efficacy (β= 0.20, p< 0.05) and climbing
anxiety (β=−0.08, p< 0.05). This accounted for 4.7% of the overall
variance in highest onsight over age, gender, experience, climbing self-
efficacy, and sport anxiety (ΔR2= 0.047, p< 0.01). Finally, in step 4,
the dimensions that significantly predicted highest flash were climbing
self-efficacy (β= 0.24, p< 0.05) and climbing anxiety (β=−0.07,
p< 0.05). This accounted for 3.2% of the overall variance in highest
flash over age, gender, experience, climbing self-efficacy, and sport
anxiety (ΔR2= 0.032, p< 0.01).
10.2. Item Response Theory analysis
Extraction of the IRT model yielded good fit indices for a unidimen-
sional model: RMSEA = 0.075; TLI = 0.938, CFI = 0.946. Table 6 pre-
sents the item parameters, i.e., a (discrimination) and b1, b2, and b3
(difficulty). Overall difficulty is computed as a mean of the 3 difficulty
parameters. Deviance is the difference between the respective difficulty
Table 5
Climbing anxiety’s incremental validity over Age, Gender, Experience, Climbing Self-Efficacy Scale, and Sport Anxiety Scale in predicting Outdoor Sport Climbing
Step Rock-climbing performance indicators
Overall Sport Climbing Performance (latent) past 12 months Highest Redpoint (past 12 months) Highest Onsight Highest Flash
Predictors βR2ΔR2βR2ΔR2βR2ΔR2βR2ΔR2
1 Age −0.40*** 0.161 – −0.43*** 0.204 – −0.49*** 0.220 – −0.43*** 0.146 –
Gender −0.19* −0.27** −0.20* −0.17*
Experience 0.43*** 0.45*** 0.54*** 0.43***
2 Age −0.38*** 0.240 0.079*** −0.40*** 0.308 0.105*** −0.46*** 0.302 0.082*** −0.39*** 0.237 0.091***
Gender −0.11 −0.18* −0.13 −0.08
Experience 0.38*** 0.38*** 0.48*** 0.36***
CSES 0.30*** 0.34*** 0.30*** 0.32***
3 Age −0.38*** 0.240 0.000 −0.40*** 0.315 0.007 −0.46*** 0.302 0.000 −0.39*** 0.238 0.001
Gender −0.11 −0.18* −0.13 −0.08
Experience 0.39*** 0.37*** 0.47*** 0.36***
CSES 0.30*** 0.33*** 0.30*** 0.32***
SAS-2 0.01 −0.09 −0.01 −0.01
4 Age −0.33** 0.280 0.040** −0.38*** 0.330 0.015 −0.41*** 0.349 0.047** −0.33*** 0.269 0.032**
Gender −0.05 −0.15 −0.09 −0.06
Experience 0.34*** 0.33** 0.42*** 0.30***
CSES 0.21** 0.21* 0.20* 0.24*
SAS-2 .20* 0.09 0.17 0.15
CAS-20 −0.07* −0.05 −0.08* −0.07*
Note:β=Standardized β; *p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; ***p< 0.001. CSES = Climbing Self-Efficacy Scale; SAS-2 = Sport Anxiety Scale 2; CAS-20 = Climbing Anxiety
Scale –20 items.
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
Table 6
Item parameters estimated by the IRT analysis (Generalized Partial Credit
Item a b1 b2 b3 Overall difficulty d.b1 d.b2 d.b3
Item 2 0.88 −0.66 1.04 3.50 1.29 −1.95 −0.25 2.20
Item 3 2.29 −0.07 1.11 1.51 0.85 −0.92 0.26 0.66
Item 4 2.94 0.43 1.41 1.88 1.24 −0.81 0.17 0.64
Item 6 1.91 −0.12 1.14 2.11 1.05 −1.16 0.10 1.07
Item 8 0.85 −0.07 1.87 1.10 0.97 −1.04 0.90 0.14
Item 9 1.02 0.47 1.41 1.54 1.14 −0.67 0.27 0.40
Item 12 0.85 −0.69 1.11 2.41 0.94 −1.63 0.17 1.47
Item 16 2.37 0.29 1.11 2.03 1.14 −0.85 −0.03 0.88
Item 18 3.94 0.13 1.25 2.18 1.19 −1.06 0.07 0.99
Item 19 0.52 −1.71 0.73 3.13 0.71 −2.43 0.01 2.41
Item 20 0.89 0.92 0.96 0.98 0.95 −0.03 0.00 0.03
Item 23 1.32 −0.16 1.50 2.62 1.32 −1.48 0.18 1.30
Item 24 1.15 0.17 1.57 2.22 1.32 −1.15 0.25 0.90
Item 27 1.29 1.84 2.41 3.34 2.53 −0.69 −0.12 0.81
Item 30 0.87 −2.21 −0.26 1.56 −0.30 −1.91 0.05 1.86
Item 34 1.74 1.04 1.98 2.36 1.79 −0.76 0.19 0.57
Item 35 0.74 −2.02 0.61 1.87 0.15 −2.17 0.46 1.71
Item 36 0.90 −0.36 1.49 3.18 1.44 −1.80 0.05 1.74
Item 37 0.69 0.74 1.53 2.11 1.46 −0.72 0.07 0.65
Item 38 0.52 1.45 2.25 1.61 1.77 −0.32 0.48 −0.16
Note: a = discrimination; b1, b2, b3 = difficulty; d.b1, d.b2, d.b3 = deviation
parameter and the overall difficulty. An analysis of discrimination para-
meters shows very strong discrimination for some items (e.g., i3, i4,
i16, i18) and weaker, though acceptable discrimination for others (e.g.,
i37, i38 etc.). An analysis of the difficulty parameters shows that the
mean difficulty is 1.15; a single item (i30) has difficulty below 0; all the
other items have over-average difficulty of around 1. Figures 1a and 1b
also visualize the item traces and item information brought by each of
the test's items and presents in a more compelling manner the same in-
formation, showing both differences in discrimination between the var-
ious items, and the fact that most items cover the average and medium-
to-high areas with more information (roughly the area between
θ= [0.00, 2.00]). Figure 1c presents the Test Information Function for
the entire test, while Figure 1d visualizes the standard error of measure-
ment for the test score, conditional on ability level. These figures show
that the test discriminates very well at “ability levels”(i.e., symptom
levels) of θ= [−0.50, 3.00], with the lowest possible measurement er-
rors at symptom levels of θ= [0.00, 2.00]. This was already suggested
by the item information curves and other item statistics.
10.3. Network analysis
Table 7 visualizes the node (item) parameters of betweenness,
closeness, strength, and expected influence resulted from the network
analysis. Figure 1e visualizes the centrality chart for the nodes (items),
and Figure 1f visualizes the network plot showing the various relation-
ships (in form of proximity of nodes) and strengths of relationships
(i.e., the line width of lines spanning the nodes). These results confirm
in principle the structure of the test in 3 separate but closely connected
clusters of items. A more clearly separated cluster 3 (i12, i19, i30, and
i35) is visible, having i12 as the lead item, and corresponding to sub-
scale 3 (self-confidence). Then, a cluster 2, corresponding to subscale 2
(somatic anxiety), containing 2 sub-clusters, namely 2a (i2, i23, i24,
i36, i37) and 2b (i27, i34, i38). Finally, a cluster 1, corresponding to
subscale 1 (cognitive anxiety), containing the remaining items, some of
these seem to also be the most influential items of the entire test (e.g.,
i3, i4, i18), both in terms of relative influence (e.g., relative influence
[i18] = 2.30) and of strength (e.g., strength[i18] = 2.32), and in
terms of relationships to other items (e.g., betweenness[i3] = 2.81;
closeness[i3] = 1.78).
Figure 1. (a) Item traces for the test’s items. (b) Item information function for the test’s items. (c) Test Information Function. (d) Standard error of measurement for
the test score, conditional on ability level. (e) Centrality chart for the nodes (items). (f) Network plot showing relationships (proximity of nodes) and strengths of re-
lationships (line width between nodes).
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
Table 7
Node (item) parameters resulted from the network analysis.
Node Betweenness Closeness Strength Expected Influence
Item 2 0.44 0.45 −0.80 −1.01
Item 3 2.81 1.78 1.48 1.47
Item 4 0.89 1.40 1.59 1.59
Item 6 −0.47 0.69 0.21 0.23
Item 8 −0.58 −0.20 −0.51 −0.48
Item 9 −0.47 0.01 −0.27 −0.24
Item 12 1.34 −0.65 −0.31 −0.28
Item 16 −0.13 1.12 0.68 0.69
Item 18 0.44 1.24 2.32 2.30
Item 19 −1.15 −2.14 −1.66 −1.61
Item 20 0.10 0.74 −0.48 −0.44
Item 23 −0.36 −0.14 0.50 0.52
Item 24 −1.15 −0.61 −0.01 0.02
Item 27 −0.36 0.26 −0.44 −0.65
Item 30 −1.15 −1.45 −0.64 −0.61
Item 34 0.89 0.22 0.72 0.73
Item 35 0.89 −1.07 0.18 0.20
Item 36 −0.58 −0.51 −0.27 −0.24
Item 37 −0.36 −0.35 −0.79 −0.75
Item 38 −1.04 −0.80 −1.49 −1.44
11. General discussion
The purpose of the current paper was to develop and offer a prelimi-
nary validation for a measure focusing on climbing anxiety symptoms.
Our investigation contributes to the general literature on anxiety in
sports in several ways. First, we identified that anxiety in rock-
climbing, a high-risk sport unfolded into the same cognitive and affec-
tive facets as other existing measurement frameworks for anxiety in
sports, suggesting that the cognitive-affective model of anxiety general-
izes to the domain of high-risk sports (e.g., Martens et al., 1990). Sec-
ond, our findings offer preliminary evidence pertaining to the mea-
sure’s convergent and discriminant validity Third, in respect to crite-
rion-related validity, the newly developed measure accounted for vari-
ous performance-relevant outcomes in rock-climbing over generic mea-
sures of sport anxiety. Fourth, drawing from Item Response Theory, we
identified that the CAS-20 optimally differentiates between average,
above average and high levels of anxiety.
Taken together, our findings support the development of multi-
faceted, sport-specific anxiety measures, suggesting that employing
sport-specific measures might lead to an increased criterion-related va-
lidity. In respect to factorial validity, our investigation suggests that
climbing anxiety might be regarded as a three faceted construct, com-
prising elements of cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-
confidence. Theoretically, the multidimensionality of the climbing anx-
iety scale allows for a greater differentiation in understanding how each
dimension impacts performance or other relevant criteria. Taken to-
gether, our results suggest that anxiety in sport climbing might be suffi-
ciently different from existing sport-anxiety conceptualizations, war-
ranting a dedicated, contextualized measure. In respect to criterion va-
lidity, our measure accounted for performance-relevant outcomes over
existing measures of anxiety in sports and of climbing self-efficacy, sug-
gesting that the use of sport-specific item contents might capture con-
struct-relevant variance that further contributes to developing a better
understanding of anxiety’s role in explaining various sport and athletic-
relevant outcomes.
The IRT analysis shows good measurement characteristics for the
whole scale, with consistent information delivered by the total score,
especially between θ= 0 and θ= 3, with a peak of the information
function around z= 1.5 and the lowest standard error of measurement
between θ= 0 and θ= 2. This translates into the fact that the total
score is especially valid for anxiety levels that are average and above
average, up to about percentile 98. The items cover most of the range of
the construct well, albeit some items are not very strong in discrimina-
tive power; this translates into the fact that, while they contribute to a
meaningful total unidimensional model, some items could easily be ex-
cluded for a possible short form of the test. The network analysis identi-
fies the core indicators of the measured construct quite well (i18: ‘I
struggle to keep calm’) and also identifies three separate clusters of in-
dicators, corresponding to three different subscales that could give ex-
tra flavour in the interpretation of test-taker profiles.
From a theoretical standpoint the implications of our findings are in
line with previous research suggesting that employing sport-specific,
contextualized items to measure different facets of anxiety leads to a
higher criterion-related validity compared to measures that rely on gen-
eral, non-contextualized items. For example, in personality research,
extant research highlights the importance of using contextualized per-
sonality items to attain superior criterion-related validity in predicting
academic performance (Schmit et al., 1995) or various facets of job per-
formance (e.g., Bing et al., 2004;Holtz et al., 2005;Lievens et al.,
2008). Conceptually, this phenomenon was explained by the mecha-
nisms included in the Cognitive-Affective Personality System theory
(CAPS; Mischel & Shoda, 1995). CAPS posits that individual behaviours
depend on various situational specific cues and demands; ergo behav-
ioural consistencies are higher for situations having similar cues or con-
straints as opposed to situations imposing different demands on the in-
dividual. One of the unfolding measurement implications, generally re-
ferred to as frame of reference, is that the accuracy with which some
outcomes can be predicted increases when individuals respond to items
that provide them a specific contextual details or situational cues. The
lift in criterion-related validity when using contextualized items was ex-
plained via two different mechanisms. First, imposing a frame-of-
reference reduces the between-person variability in the way in which
individuals respond to various items included in the inventory. Second,
the use of contextualized items also reduces the within-person inconsis-
tencies, potentially impacting a measures’reliability and validity (e.g.,
Lievens et al., 2008). Considering that there are little differences in ob-
served reliabilities among the various anxiety measures employed in
our research, the most likely ‘culprit’for the lift in criterion-validity is
the reduced between-person inconsistencies as a consequence of con-
textualized sport climbing anxiety items. Additional research is war-
ranted to further explore this hypothesized explanation.
A potential explanation for our measure’s criterion-related validity,
the contextualized sport-specific anxiety measure accounted for vari-
ance in rock-climbing performance above and beyond the anxiety mea-
sure devised generically for sports (SAS-2) resides in overlap between
the frame of reference and the criterion domain. More specifically,
when responding to the climbing anxiety measure, the participants
adopt a frame of reference that overlaps with the criterion domain. In
line with the assumption that specific attitudes will have stronger rela-
tionships with specific behaviours, while general ones will contribute to
explaining broader outcomes (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1974), our findings
suggest that matching the level of specificity for anxiety measures to
the sport-specific performance criteria potentially leads to higher crite-
rion-related validity compared to employing measures that use generic,
non-sport specific items.
In respect to the practical implications, our findings indicate that
climbing anxiety affects various facets of sport climbing performance,
employing measured based on sport-specific frames of reference might
lead to more the Climbing Anxiety Scale, demonstrates its relevance in
several ways: (1) it predicts performance outcomes, over general and
even anxiety measures devised from sport contexts; (2) its validity in
accounting for performance outcomes remains intact even when con-
trolling for other variables such as self-efficacy; (3) it might have a
greater appeal for practitioners specializing in this athletic domain, for
two reasons - it includes constructs considered by experts to be relevant
and uses specific contents allowing a better reflection of the expression
of anxiety symptoms within this discipline and, implicitly enabling
practitioner to develop behaviourally targeted interventions; (4) Ar-
M.S. Ionel et al. Psychology of Sport & Exercise xxx (xxxx) 102635
guably, especially for sports where either due to exposure or due to self-
selection (practitioners experiencing anxiety symptoms are unlikely to
even consider practicing the respective disciplines) contextualized mea-
sures are needed to accurately reflect the relationship between anxiety
and sport performance.
Limitations. Our investigation has several limitations. First, the use
of self-reported questionnaires collecting data about physiological man-
ifestations was criticized due to concerns about individuals' accuracy in
interpreting their symptoms (Woodman & Hardy, 2001). Second, crite-
rion-related validity should be established via longitudinal designs and
should draw on a sample of practitioners from several climbing disci-
plines (e.g., aid climbing, bouldering, deep water soloing, multi-pitch,
trad climbing, etc.). Third, to assess content validity, future studies
could employ an item-stems based approach, where series of items
could belong to specific item stems (e.g., ‘Usually, during a climb … ’).
Fourth, our sample was drawn from 18 different countries, and it was
not large enough to enable us to establish different levels of measure-
ment invariance for all the measures that we employed. Consequently,
potential biases related to cultural differences between the participants
could affect the current findings. Future studies should employ larger
samples of rock-climbers and thus, unlock the possibility to conduct in-
variance analyses as well. Fifth, unlike other sports, rock-climbing is a
less institutionalized discipline and participants are harder to identify
and to enrol. Consequently, it was not feasible at this initial develop-
ment stage to employ a different confirmation sample on which to ro-
bustly test the three-factor solution that we identified via the ex-
ploratory factorial analysis. Our proposed three-factor model should be
confirmed in a future replication sample. Sixth, another limitation is re-
lated to the potential impact of multicollinearity on accuracy and sta-
bility of the estimated parameters of the three factor CAS model. Multi-
collinearity could have resulted in artificially inflated standard errors,
imprecise parameter estimates and potentially undermining the true re-
lationships estimations amongst the observed variables. Consequently,
caution is advised when interpreting the factor structure, factor load-
ings and factor intercorrelations. Moreover, future research should
strive to establish a clear theory to explain necessity of using measures
that include sport-specific items, but otherwise tap into generalizable
constructs, such as anxiety. Future research endeavours should estab-
lish the utility of the CAS-20 in interventions and in working with elite/
professional climbers to gauge its applicability in this context. Future
research should also explore whether reliance on sport-specific items
leads to a more precise and valid measurement, increasing the validity
and utility of psychological measures in sports.
In conclusion, we contribute to the general domain of research in ex-
treme sports by developing a sport-specific anxiety measure and identi-
fying whether and how anxiety symptoms come into play in rock-
climbing performance. From a practical standpoint, the newly develop-
ment measure, CAS-20 can be used to assess anxiety in rock-climbers,
its validity in respect to climbing performance being higher than the
one observed for other sport anxiety or general anxiety measures. Fur-
thermore, practitioners and researchers alike can utilize the CAS-20 to
gain more in-depth understanding on how anxiety impacts various as-
pects of climbing performance. This understanding can inform the de-
velopment or enhancement of interventions. Additionally, it opens up
new avenues for understanding the intricate impact of anxiety in high-
risk sports.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Maria Stefania Ionel: Writing –review & editing, Writing –origi-
nal draft, Visualization, Validation, Project administration, Methodol-
ogy, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization.
Andrei Ion: Writing –review & editing, Writing –original draft, Visu-
alization, Validation, Supervision, Resources, Methodology, Formal
analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Dragos Iliescu: Writing –
review & editing, Writing –original draft, Visualization, Validation,
Supervision, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation. Laura
Visu-Petra: Writing –review & editing, Validation, Supervision, Re-
sources, Methodology, Conceptualization.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal rela-
tionships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
Maria Stefania Ionel is collaborating with Climbing Psychology devel-
oping sport psychology services for climbers, and the International As-
sociation of Psychologists in Climbing (IAPSYC) and the International
Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) developing psychoeducation for
Data availability
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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