
Capítulo 1. Revisión de la literatura.

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Este artículo traza una breve genealogía de mis investigaciones socioantropológicas sobre la corporalidad en Argentina, partiendo del entrecruzamiento entre ciertas experiencias intersubjetivas que involucraron intensamente la corporalidad desde lo sensorial y emotivo, las performances artísticas y las etnografías realizadas desde mediados de los años noventa. A partir de esta travesía inicial, que vincula experiencias personales y producciónartística e intelectual, en un contexto geopolítico e histórico determinado, discuto tres problemáticas teóricometodológicas claves en el campo actual de los estudios sobre el cuerpo en América Latina, por cuanto constatamos que también otros colegas de nuestros países las comparten. En primer lugar, sobre los modos en que nuestras corporalidades y, agregaría, nuestras producciones intelectuales sobre el cuerpo son el resultado de un complejo entramado de materialidades biológicas, tecnologías, procesos psicológicos,intersubjetivos, históricos y político-culturales que entrelazan sensaciones, movimientos,afectividades, imágenes, representaciones y discursos. Por ello, creemos que el desafío ante tal complejidad es evitar caer en un reduccionismo del cuerpo que lo someta a la mirada unilateral de una sola disciplina, y tratar de avanzar, en cambio, hacia una progresiva interdisciplinariedad.
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El estudio conjunto de los libros de cuentas femeninos y las Ordenanzas Municipales de Barcelona se inscribe en la dialéctica existente entre los conceptos público y privado, íntimo y social. Los libros de cuentas nos permiten introducirnos en la intimidad de los hogares desde un punto de vista femenino, doméstico y cotidiano. Los ingresos y los pequeños o grandes gastos anotados por las mujeres nos hablan de las circunstancias de sus vidas, la forma de vivirlas y sus estrategias económicas. Las Ordenanzas Municipales, documentos públicos destinados a regular y controlar el buen funcionamiento de la ciudad, son el contrapunto de los documentos privados. En ellos se busca el reflejo social de la práctica individual, utilizando las normativas relacionadas con las anotaciones privadas.
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Con base en la perspectiva feminista de la economía política de la comunicación y en evidencias cuantitativas, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la participación de las mujeres en los niveles de propiedad, dirección y puestos de toma de decisión en las industrias de comunicación en México.
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Encontrar una conceptualizacion de empresa familiar es un requisito para entender la administracion de estas empresas, sin embargo en la actualidad en la comunidad cientifica aun no existe un acuerdo en torno a la conceptualizacion de la empresa familiar, a pesar de las multiples aportaciones realizadas (Vallejo, 2005). Con la falta de acuerdo sobre que se entiende por empresa familiar se imposibilita, en ocasiones, la comparacion de resultados entre distintos estudios y regiones (Barroso, Sanguino & Banegil, 2012). El objetivo del articulo es describir y analizar la conceptualizacion, clasificacion y caracterizacion a partir de una muestra de 41 empresas de un municipio de Yucatan, Mexico. Entre los principales resultados en la conceptualizacion se pudo concretar que las empresas en el municipio estan definidas por la propiedad, direccion y grado de participacion de los familiares en las actividades de la empresa; en la clasificacion del concepto observamos que estan enfocadas mas en aspectos unidimensionales como la propiedad, direccion, grado de participacion de familiares en las actividades de la empresa, que en la parte de sucesion y en las caracteristicas se obtuvo como resultado la presencia de la familia en la empresa.
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Most of those who have documented the Amerindian cultures, following their own ideas and ideologies have confined women to the domestic and private sphere, and men to the political and public one. They have also attributed to these spheres of social life different values, trying to find relations of domination homologous to those that existed in the «western» culture. The hunter-gatherers societies of the Gran Chaco were not an exception to this construction of women’s subordination. Some ethnographic data among the Toba (Qom) people of the Argentinean Chaco, allow to revisit the sexual division of work proposed by some ethnographers of the Toba people. The author intends to provide a different interpretation to that provided by the old sources by focusing on the voices of Toba women themselves.
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Resumen: La mujer es una de las piezas clave en la transmisión de valores a la familia y a la empresa familiar. Este trabajo analiza la contribución de la mujer a la formación de valores en la empresa familiar. La perspectiva de análisis a partir del concepto de familiness, permite identificar el papel de la mujer en las dimensiones de poder, experiencia y cultura que componen el " capital familiar " de la empresa. La metodología de análisis se ha basado en la explotación de una encuesta a 282 empresas familiares en toda España. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la participación de las mujeres en la formación de familiness en sintonía con el papel atribuido a la mujer en la familia y en la empresa. Palabras clave: roles de género, empresa familiar, capital social, familiness, valores, socialización _____________ 1 Este estudio forma parte de la participación de los autores en el proyecto: " El éxito de la empresa familiar: la relación entre el negocio y la familia desde la perspectiva del famili-ness " financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación con referencia CSO2010-17761
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Previous research on entrepreneurship as well as goal, social-cognitive, and leadership theories has guided hypotheses regarding the relationship between entrepreneurial traits and skill (passion, tenacity, and new resource skill) and situationally specific motivation (communicated vision, self-efficacy, and goals) to subsequent venture growth. Data from 229 entrepreneur-chief executive officers and 106 associates in a single industry were obtained in a 6-year longitudinal study. Structural equation modeling revealed a web of relationships that impact venture growth. Goals, self-efficacy, and communicated vision had direct effects on venture growth, and these factors mediated the effects of passion, tenacity, and new resource skill on subsequent growth. Furthermore, communicated vision and self-efficacy were related to goals, and tenacity was related to new resource skill.
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Historically, women have been relegated to the private realm, thus not being allowed to have access to the public sphere where civil society is developed. This situation evolved and, eventually, women were acknowledged as legal subjects. Nevertheless, despite these accomplishments, women' presence within the public sphere is still limited and obstructed by the presence of several walls. The main purpose of this article is to analyze those obstacles from a social, political, cultural, and economic perspective, taking in to consideration the indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (in its chapter of promoting gender equality and empowerment women). The formal advances in legislation are not enough to guarantee equity, until there is no improvement concerning the topic of "empowerment".
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Dr Peter Rosa, Lecture with the scottish enterprise fondations, stirling unviersity and sara carter, sernior research fellow with the deprtment of Marketing, stratchclyde univerisity. Glasgow, Scotland, directed a three year study on the impact of Gender on small business managment, funded by the UK economic and social science research council. Daphne Hamilton and Helen burns were research fellows working on the project. in spite of growing research into women in business, the quesion of how far gender difference exists in small business ownership and managment has not been rigorously addressed, mainly because most studies have been exploratory and insfficiently sophisticated in terms of of methodology. the research aimed to explore the issue of gender idiffrence in small buisness ownership and managment in a much more systematic and rigorous way, through a quantitative survey of 300 female and 300 male business properietors from three sectors: textiles and clothing, business services, and hotels and catering. the survey ws supllmented with thiry qualitative interviews of sposuse of properietors of both sexes. This paper introdcue prelliminary finding from the research which show that the impact of gender is considratable but often complex. of special note are complication of co-ownership with men and the impact of copetitive sectoral forces taht could shape managment practice.
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One result of domination of management as being male paradigm is that women managers are out of place, in foreign territory, “travellers in a male world”. The model of the successful manager has traditionally been masculine and while these stereotypes remain, they succeed in maintaining the dominant place for men in management. This is evident in both the theory underpinning and the actual experience of career in management. Indeed, the traditional working pattern of education, full-time career and retirement is based on the typical working lives of men. There is no single typical working pattern for modern women. It is clear that, while male career models remain and women are the ones to step off the fast track to meet family responsibilities, they will continue to be at a competitive disadvantage in career advancement. Reviews the literature concerning women and career and argues that the importance of offering new conceptions of career based on an understanding that women’s experiences are different from men cannot be underestimated. Areas for further research and the implications for organisations are also highlighted.
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El entramado productivo de la economía española tiene un pilar básico en la pequeña y mediana empresa, espacio en el que la participación de las mujeres va en aumento debido a factores externos e internos. Por otra parte, el acceso de la mujer a la educación reglada y a una amplia oferta formativa no reglada, ha generado una gran cualificación de la población ocupada femenina tanto en el trabajo autónomo como en el empleo asalariado público y privado. El autoempleo constituye un escenario con un gran potencial de creación de empleo para las mujeres en el futuro, entre otras cosas, debido a que el Estado social está tocando techo como empleador. Los procesos formativos pueden ayudar a que la incorporación de las mujeres a la función directiva, profesional y empresarial sea competitiva, al tiempo que se está transformando la cultura empresarial al incorporar elementos de la "subcultura femenina" que hoy resultan atractivos para las organizaciones empresariales (liderazgo interactivo, integración del factor humano, flexibilidad, etc.). Nuestro objetivo es analizar este proceso referido a la región de Murcia, en el contexto nacional y europeo. Las fuentes utilizadas son secundarias y datos procedentes de un estudio empírico de ámbito regional.
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In México, women's participation in municipal politics faces, among other difficulties, that of reconciling domestic and public responsibilities. Drawing on research conducted with eighteen female mayors of Oaxaca, this paper analyzes the ways in which women perceive the relationship between motherhood, double burden (child raising and domestic work) and their presidential position. All the women who have ruled a Custom and Practice municipality in Oaxaca since 1996 were interviewed. Two main conclusions are drawn from the analysis. First, the relationship between motherhood and presidential position varies according to women's marital status; the age of their children; and their chances of hiring domestic help. Second, even if women assume a public position of prestige and responsibility, they continue to perform domestic duties; household chores do not get redistributed among its members.
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Presents evidence from a research study into the impact of gender on management styles, using repertory grid as a methodology. Generalized differences were identified in the approaches of women and men to definition of the job, overall style, decision making and interpersonal relationships. Men had greater visibility to other men, while a broader insight was offered by women interviewees into the women managers' approaches. In the context of patriarchal power relations, in which masculinity is defined as opposite and superior to femininity, feminine working styles are perceived as less effective in organizations, while masculine attributes tend to be regarded as normatively the way to manage. Such values can imbue recruitment, selection and development practices with gender bias. Recent management and leadership theory has advocated the value of a people-centred approach, which traditionally and stereotypically has been associated with women. This might appear to open up opportunity for women. Concludes that there is a need to be alert to a redefinition of patriarchal relations as men seek to maintain status.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate female and male constructs of leadership and empowerment. Design/methodology/approach The paper describes the findings from two recent UK studies which investigated female and male constructs of leadership qualities. Findings Very different models emerged. The women's descriptors related directly to notions of transformational leadership, and the men's to transactional leadership. The implications for assessment practices are considered, as is the concept of empowerment, which is central to the notion of transformational leadership and fast becoming the organizational “buzz” word. Less obvious, and of particular concern are the observations that empowerment, like so many other values, is a gendered concept, and that beneath its attractive humanistic guise may be hidden a more sinister interpretation. Originality/value The paper offers insights into female and male constructs of leadership and empowerment.
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The literature on work, marriage and the family, and organized social life irrtplies that women are embedded in different personal networks than men, with potential conseauences for their rates of business formation, sirvival, and growth. We tested this implication by studying the personal networks of potential and active entrepreneurs in the Research Triangle Area, North Carolina and Milan, Italy. Instead of substantial differences in the networks of men and women, we were surprised by the degree of similarity we discovered, within and between countries. Networking activity is very similar within each country, as is network density. However, the sex composition of networks differs dramatically by sex in both countries. In some respects, the gap between the male and female worlds appears to have dosed substantially, but the personal networks of women in both countries still include few men.
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Research articles on women's entrepreneurship reveal, in spite of intentions to the contrary and in spite of inconclusive research results, a tendency to recreate the idea of women as being secondary to men and of women's businesses being of less significance or, at best, as being a complement. Based on a discourse analysis, this article discusses what research practices cause these results. It suggests new research directions that do not reproduce women's subordination but capture more and richer aspects of women's entrepreneurship.
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Existing theory is extended to predict the effectiveness of strategies for structurally reducing work–family conflict by manipulating roles, given the salience of work and family roles and resources available to the female entrepreneur. A conceptual framework based on the constructs of role involvement and role conflict is used to examine whether high-growth female entrepreneurs choose more appropriate strategies for reducing work–family conflict than their less successful counterparts. Three basic strategies for manipulating roles are discussed: (1) role elimination; (2) role reduction; and (3) role-sharing. The following propositions are advanced: (1) work–family management strategies are a significant determinant of venture growth; (2) women who develop high-growth businesses more effectively reduce work–family conflict by choosing strategies better matched with their internal needs and access to external resources than less successful women; and (3) role-sharing strategies are preferred because they allow women to enjoy the enhancement of both work and family roles while reducing the level of inter-role conflict. As a result, the high prevalence of team-building and participative management practices observed in women-owned businesses may be driven by the need for female entrepreneurs to manage work–family conflicts as well as genetics or socialization.
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Using Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data for 29 countries this study investigates the (differential) impact of several factors on female and male entrepreneurship at the country level. These factors are derived from three streams of literature, including that on entrepreneurship in general, on female labor force participation and on female entrepreneurship. The paper deals with the methodological aspects of investigating (female) entrepreneurship by distinguishing between two measures of female entrepreneurship: the number of female entrepreneurs and the share of women in the total number of entrepreneurs. The first measure is used to investigate whether variables have an impact on entrepreneurship in general (influencing both the number of female and male entrepreneurs). The second measure is used to investigate whether factors have a differential relative impact on female and male entrepreneurship, i.e., whether they influence the diversity or gender composition of entrepreneurship. Findings indicate that - by and large - female and male entrepreneurial activity rates are influenced by the same factors and in the same direction. However, for some factors (e.g., unemployment, life satisfaction) we find a differential impact on female and male entrepreneurship. The present study also shows that the factors influencing the number of female entrepreneurs may be different from those influencing the share of female entrepreneurs. In this light it is important that governments are aware of what they want to accomplish (i.e., do they want to stimulate the number of female entrepreneurs or the gender composition of entrepreneurship) to be able to select appropriate policy measures.
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How do women rise to the top of their professions when they also have significant family care responsibilities? This critical question has not been addressed by existing models of leadership. In a review of recent research, we explore an alternative model to the usual notion of a Western male as the prototypical leader. The model includes (a) relationship-oriented leadership traits, (b) the importance of teamwork and consensus building, and (c) an effective work-family interface that women with family care responsibilities create and use to break through the glass ceiling. We adopted a cross-cultural perspective to highlight the importance of relational orientation and work-family integration in collectivistic cultures, which supplements models of leadership based on Western men. Our expanded model of leadership operates in the context of a "culture of gender" that defines expectations for women and men as leaders. This complex model includes women in diverse global contexts and enriches our understanding of the interplay among personal attributes, processes, and environments in leadership.
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For decades, understanding of leadership has been largely based on the results of studies carried out on White men in the United States. We review major theories and models of leadership as they pertain to either gender or culture. We focus on 3 approaches to leadership: trait (including leadership categorization or implicit leadership theory), behavioral (including the two-factor, transformational-transactional leadership, and leader-member exchange models), and contingency (i.e., contingency model of leadership effectiveness and normative decision making). We discuss how dynamics related to either culture or gender (e.g., stereotypes and schemas, ingroup-outgroup interaction, role expectations, power and status differentials) can have an important impact on many aspects of leadership.
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El objetivo de este artículo es el de resaltar la necesidad de visualizar, con una perspectiva de género, la construcción social del trabajo realizado por las amas de casa. Propongo una discusión en torno a la reproducción, los espacios y el trabajo doméstico como las tres claves teóricas necesarias para reflexionar y, eventualmente, desmontar la invisibilidad en la que se ha sumergido al trabajo que más ampliamente realizan las mujeres.
La participación de la mujer en la esfera pública toma sin duda cada vez mayor relevancia,el ingreso a la educación superior y su participación en el ámbito laboral cada vez es más destacado, sin embargo, el camino sigue siendo difícil para la gran mayoría de ellas y lo es más aún cuando a la par llevan a cabo ambas actividades: son estudiantes universitarias y directoras de una micro o pequeña empresa. Es por ello que la presente investigación ha sido desarrollada con el fin de conocer aquellos obstáculos a los que se enfrentan las mujeres universitarias al dirigir una micro o pequeña empresa. En este capítulo se presentan los resultados del estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo en la Universidad Estatal de Sonora, ubicada en Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Se lleva a cabo el análisis de resultados bajo el contexto de los estudios de género, resultados pertinentes para la toma de decisiones que promuevan la equidad entre hombres y mujeres.
RESUMENEn este trabajo se analizan las barreras percibidas por un grupo de mujeres que quieren incorporarse al empleo desde la formación ocupacional. Los resultados encontrados ponen de manifiesto cómo aspectos personales, académico-formativos, profesionales y contextuales se asocian a estereotipos de género los cuales son sentidos por las protagonistas como factores que obstaculizan su formación e inserción laboral. Conocer estas barreras y comprender su proceso de gestación favorecerá su eliminación de la oferta formativa y orientadora, con la que cuentan actualmente las mujeres que quieren capacitarse profesionalmente.ABSTRACTIn this paper we analyze the barriers perceived by a group of adult women with low qualification, who want to get into the labour market from the occupational vocational training. The results show how personal, academic-formative, professional and contextual aspects, that characterize the life project of women, are associated to gender stereotypes. Women felt these factors like barriers or obstacles to their access to job and to the fullfiment of their professional projects. Being aware of these barriers will help us to improve this training process to remove gender obstacle.
Previous research has found that female-owned businesses generally underperform male-owned businesses on a variety of measures such as sales and profit. Further, this underperformance appears to persist even after controlling for demographic differences. However, previous studies have tended to limit their assessment of performance to output measures (sales or profit, for example) without relating these output measures to appropriate inputs (such as total assets or owner's equity). This would appear to be a significant oversight. After controlling for industry, age of business, and the number of days a business operated, this study finds no significant differences between male- and female-controlled businesses with respect to total income to total assets (TITTA), the return on assets (ROA), or the return on equity (ROE). Interestingly, if the control variables are removed, there is evidence to suggest that female-controlled businesses outperform male-controlled businesses.
This study examined women's perceptions of the sex-role stereotypic characteristics of the successful entrepreneur. Women in female-headed companies gave greater weight to feminine attributes than women who worked in companies headed by men. However, both groups assigned more weight to masculine attributes in the profile of the successful entrepreneur.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar si existe relación entre las características de las pymes y su permanencia o no en el mercado, objetivo que en principio acrecentó el interés de la investigación, dado que en el medio costarricense no se encontraron estudios directamente relacionados con la permanencia en el tiempo de esas organizaciones.Para el análisis del tema se conformó una muestra de 240 microempresas, a las que se les aplicó una encuesta que permitió recabar información relevante y pertinente de sus características en aspectos tales como: constitución legal de las pymes, sexo, edad y escolaridad de quienes las dirigen, forma de comercialización, condiciones de venta y formas de pago que utilizan. La información obtenida sobre ellas por ese medio fue recopilada a finales del 2011 y principios del 2012, y la muestra la compusieron microempresas de los principales cantones de Guanacaste.El problema por resolver mediante la presente investigación surge de preguntarse: ¿Cuáles características hacen que las pymes se puedan mantener en el mercado? Para responder a esa pregunta se plantean dos hipótesis, la primera de las cuales busca establecer la posible relación entre la actividad comercial de las pymes y el tipo de esa actividad comercial. La segunda es la que procura identificar las características que permiten que las pymes puedan mantenerse por largo tiempo en el mercado o que no lo logren.Entre las principales conclusiones surgidas de la aplicación de la encuesta destacan: Las principales actividades comerciales que se realizan en Guanacaste son la comercial y la de servicios; 61% de las pymes tienen más de cinco años de permanencia en el mercado; la figura legal más representativa de ellas es la de empresa física; en igualdad de representatividad, los hombres y mujeres que dirigen o son dueños de las pymes tienen edades de entre 27 y 51 años; el grado de escolaridad más identificado fue la secundaria, aunque casi 60% de los consultados la tienen incompleta; Para comercializar sus productos y servicios las pymes utilizan la venta directa y como forma de pago mayormente el sistema de crédito.
Readers who perused a 1904 issue of the Atlantic Monthly encountered an article with the intriguing title of “The Small Business as a School of Manhood.” Largely a diatribe against the growing dominance of large corporations, it lamented the presumably inevitable passing of smaller concerns. Curiously, its author, Henry A. Stimson, placed relatively little emphasis on the economic or even the political consequences of this development. Rather, he worried that the new order, which reduced would-be entrepreneurs to the status of corporate employees, represented “the loss of something fine in manhood.” Men who inhabited the newly-created ranks of middle and upper management might lead prosperous lives but faced the loss of their selfrespect, their dignity, their “intellectual stamina.” As Stimson saw it, they had been emasculated by the rise of the corporation.
The argument that gender-specific career development theories neglect important categories of life concerns for both women and men is considered, and the implications for assessment and counseling are discussed. Recommendations for expanding theory, assessment, and counseling are provided.
Although one of the fastest growing segments of the US economy, women-owned Businesses still lag behind men-owned businesses in size as measured by sales and income. This study examines women-owned businesses in the adolescent stage of their life cycle to determine whether firms that are larger than the typical women-owned businesses are so because their owner's lifestyle intentions and choice differ or because size is linked directly to the resources that the entrepreneurs control. The results indicate that having access to financial resources and emphasizing the financial aspects of the business overwhelm the effects of the entrepreneur's lifestyle intention or choice on their chances for having large businesses.
Cette recherche amène à défendre l’idée qu’il faut aborder la situation des femmes entrepreneures sous un angle systémique. La vie quotidienne de ces femmes est le résultat d’une interaction permanente entre leur vie professionnelle et leur vie familiale; plusieurs de leurs choix sont guidés par leur position dans la société et par le type d’infrastructures que la société met à leur disposition (quantité, qualité et efficience des services des gardes). Enfin, comprendre ce qui motive et guide leurs choix ne peut se faire sans un détour par la réalité du marché du travail et le statut des femmes salariées (le plafond de verre qui est pour les plus qualifiées, un moteur de l’entrepreneuriat). De plus, la réalité des femmes entrepreneures ne peut se comprendre sans croiser d’autres variables indépendantes, telles que le niveau de qualification, l’âge ou l’origine ethnique. Nous proposons ici de prendre en compte les réalités socio-économiques et culturelles, les effets des trajectoires de socialisation qui ont été construites autour de la différenciation des rôles sociaux et des genres et de voir dans quelle mesure les femmes elles-mêmes définissent leur activité d’entrepreneure en regard de différences sexuées.
Women Building High-Growth Businesses “Even in the 21st century, much of the world still systematically excludes 50 percent of the smartest people from full responsibility. Entrepreneurship rewards excellence and results, not gender, and this book is a wonderful gift to women who would like to respond to corporate America by saying, 'Thanks, I'll do it myself'.” --Jim Collins, Author, Good to Great, and Co-author, Built to Last “Savvy and inspirational, Clearing the Hurdles is an important book for women intent on growing new businesses. The team of talented authors provides information, insights, and advice that will educate, motivate, and challenge women aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs.” --Laura Tyson, Dean, London Business School “With women creating new businesses at a faster rate than males, it is imperative that today's venture capitalists take an active role in mentoring and recruiting women to become venture capitalists, business owners, technologists, entrepreneurs, and government leaders. Clearing the Hurdles is not only a wake up call; it is a roadmap to start this long overdue project.” --Mark Heesen, President, National Venture Capital Association “Clearing the Hurdles examines all elements behind the lack of access to capital for women entrepreneurs who want to build high-growth companies. If you are a woman who has a vision for a high-potential business, this book was written for you.” --Connie Duckworth, Kathy Elliott, Sharon Whiteley, Founders, 8Wings Enterprises, and Co-authors, The Old Girls Network: Insider Advice for Women Building Businesses in a Man's World “Clearing the Hurdles debunks the myths and defines the barriers that entrepreneurs confront--a perfect roadmap for women embarking on the entrepreneurial journey.” --Kay Koplovitz, Founder, USA Networks, and former Chair, National Women's Business Council Starting, funding, and growing a new venture are significant challenges for every entrepreneur. For women, the hurdles are even higher, due to widely held perceptions about them, their capabilities, and their businesses. Now, five leading experts on women entrepreneurs offer systematic solutions to the challenges, offering timely advice to women dedicated to achieving success and claiming the rewards.Clearing the Hurdles draws on five years of original research, performed as part of the Diana Project--a major initiative that explores ways women grow businesses.The authors identify key factors associated with funding, growth, and success: the founder's goals, expertise, and commitment; strategic direction; team building; effective use of networks; and access to capital. Most important, they offer concrete strategies for overcoming obstacles: strategies proven in the marketplace by women entrepreneurs.Wealth creation: Don't get left out!Learn what it takes to build your high-growth businessGet credibleFill the technical and management gaps in your expertiseGet strategicChoose the right business, build the right planGet connectedLink yourself to the right resources, networks, and peopleGet over the funding hurdles. This book is a training manual for women who want to claim their place as winners in the entrepreneurial challenge.
Discusses whether it is possible for women to enter the power structures of organizations without losing their abilities to speak for and with women, and, if so, what the ramifications for organizations are. The shifting emphasis in feminist theory is reviewed, focusing on male and female sex-role traits and the concept of androgyny. Six psychological qualities (communication and cooperation; affiliation and attachment; power; physicality; emotionality, vulnerability, and lack of self-confidence; and intimacy and nurturance) are discussed in terms of organizational change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important source of employment for women across many countries. The level of female involvement in entrepreneurial activity, however, is still significantly lower than that of men. We take a behavioral economics approach and, using a large sample of individuals in 17 countries, we investigate what variables influence the entrepreneurial propensity of women and whether those variables have a significant correlation with differences across genders. In addition to demographic and economic variables, we include a number of perceptual variables. Our results show that subjective perceptual variables have a crucial influence on the entrepreneurial propensity of women and account for much of the difference in entrepreneurial activity between the sexes. Specifically, we find that women tend to perceive themselves and the entrepreneurial environment in a less favorable light than men across all countries in our sample and regardless of entrepreneurial motivation. Our results suggest that perceptual variables may be significant universal factors influencing entrepreneurial behavior.
This study focuses on small business managers’ motivation to expand their firms. More specifically, we examine the relationships between expected consequences of growth on the one hand, and overall attitude toward growth on the other. Data were collected in three separate studies over a ten-year period using the same measuring instrument. The results suggest that noneconomic concerns may be more important than expected financial outcomes in determining overall attitude toward growth. In particular, the concern for employee well-being comes out strongly. We interpret this as reflecting a concern that the positive atmosphere of the small organization may be lost in growth. We conclude that this concern may be a cause for recurrent conflict for small business managers when deciding about the future route for their firms.
This article presents a relational view of leaders' authenticity by arguing that much more is required of leaders than transparently conveying and acting on their values. Achieving relational authenticity requires that followers accord leaders the legitimacy to promote a set of values on behalf of a community. Only under such conditions can leaders elicit the personal and social identification of followers that can enhance the success of a group, organization, or society. This article presents evidence that obtaining this identification is more challenging for female than male leaders and more generally for members of outsider groups that have traditionally not had access to particular leadership roles. The training of women and outsiders for leadership should focus on these relational aspects of achieving authenticity as a leader.
The present study examined the types of career-related barriers perceived by college students and gender differences in perceptions of barriers. Subjects (N = 48, 50% of each sex) responded to a free-response, thought-listing instrument containing five stimulus statements representing common career-related experiences, plus a sixth statement eliciting “special concerns for women.” The resultant responses (N = 1098) were sorted into categories within each stimulus topic, and categories were further coded as social/interpersonal, attitudinal, or interactional barriers, based on a modification of previous classification systems. Results of the categorization indicated that (a) subjects did perceive the existence of barriers in each of the six stimulus topics with some topical variation in the number of barriers listed, (b) the number of initial categories within topics ranged from 17 to 19, with several categories that were common across topics, and (c) interactional barriers were more frequent than attitudinal barriers, which in turn were more frequent than social/interpersonal barriers. A repeated-measures MANOVA indicated significant topic × category differences; no significant gender differences were observed.
La obra presenta los métodos cualitativos en general; la tradición teórica subyacente en la investigación cualitativa y la descripción del análisis de datos en la investigación cualitativa.
Many prior researchers have criticized business planning, arguing that it interferes with the efforts of firm founders to undertake more valuable actions to develop their fledgling enterprises. In this paper, we challenge this negative view of business planning, arguing that business planning is an important precursor to action in new ventures. By helping firm founders to make decisions, to balance resource supply and demand, and to turn abstract goals into concrete operational steps, business planning reduces the likelihood of venture disbanding and accelerates product development and venture organizing activity. Empirically, we examine 223 new ventures initiated in the first 9 months of 1998 by a random sample of Swedish firm founders and provide support for our hypotheses.
Texto que pone en evidencia cómo el espacio privado ha fungido históricamente como un espacio para el tiempo propio, en el caso de los hombres, pero que paradójicamente en el de las mujeres ha operado para lo contrario, es decir, como un espacio para la atención de lo ajeno y de los otros.