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Thermodynamic functions of solvent mixtures may be
useful to researchers and scientists who are interested in asses-
sing, identifying and comprehending the non-ideal behaviour
of the mixtures in a variety of contexts [1-3]. The chemical,
pharmaceutical, agrochemical and petrochemical sectors have
all made extensive use of multicomponent solvents due to their
widespread availability. Understanding the thermodynamic
properties of liquids and the combinations is imperative for
developing, testing and modeling the best possible industrial
designs and simulations. The physico-chemical properties
depend on the non-ideal solvent mixing characteristics and
these are due to interaction between different molecules [4,5].
In light of the increasing necessity to decrease emissions
of greenhouse gases and the related issues caused by the deple-
tion of fossil fuels, the development of environmental friendly
substitutes for transportation fuels is a significant scientific
and engineering challenge. By establishing the chemical found-
ations of thermodynamics, biotechnology evolves into an inter-
Density, Speed of Sound and Derived Properties of Binary Mixtures
Propiophenone + Butoxyethanol at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K
1Department of Chemistry, V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada-520007, India
2Department of Physics, V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada- 520007, India
3Department of Chemistry, Sagi Rama Krishna Raju (SRKR) Engineering College (Autonomous), Bhimavaram-534204, India
*Corresponding author: E-mail: mopidevi1986@gmail.com
Received: 15 November 2023; Accepted: 29 February 2024; Published online: 30 March 2024; AJC-21590
The current study reports the experimental density (ρ) and sound speed (u) values for binary mixes of liquids propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol
at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) and T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K for the full spectrum of composition. Densities and
sound speed measurements from experiments have been used to estimate excess isentropic compressibility (κs
E), excess molar volume
m), excess molar isentropic compressibility (KE
s,m), excess isobaric thermal expansivity (αE
p) and excess sound speed (uE). The Redlich-
Kister polynomials were used to correlate excess parameters. Excess partial molar volume quantities (VE
m,1 andVE
m,2) at infinite dilution
and their limiting values (V0E
m,1 andV0E
m,2) have been analytically determined using Redlich-Kister polynomials from the experimental
density data. The results have been analyzed in light of strength and interactions among molecular entities scope and extent prevalent in
these mixtures.
Keywords: Propiophenone, 2-Butoxyethanol, Sound speed, Density, Molar volume.
Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 36, No. 4 (2024), 907-912
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. This
license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original
creation. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
disciplinary study that enables a comprehensive understanding
of the diverse elements and attributes of biological systems.
Biofuels, derived from vegetable, animal or waste oils as fatty
acid methyl esters, provide sustainable and eco-friendly alter-
natives to traditional fuels for automobiles, reducing their
dependence on fossil fuels [6-8].
Measurements of various physico-chemical and derived
properties of solutions have proven helpful in understanding
the packing effects of solute molecules with solvent molecules
and the solute-solvent interaction [9,10]. The VE
m, κs
s,m, uE
and αE
p values considered in this work provide information on
propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol mixture interactions between
molecules the solvent’s and the solute as the mole fraction of
propiophenone is increased and the efficiency of packing. The
investigations objectives are to characterize the bonds between
these molecules in mixtures and investigate the impact of
lengthening the chain of alkyl using a common solvent.
Propiophenone is mostly found in milk as well as coffee
products and also used as perfumery for its powerful, herba-
ceous floral effect. It is a valuable compound for synthesizing
drugs that target the nervous system and serves as a stabilizer
in paints. A prospective candidate to generate inter- and intra-
molecules of hydrogen bonds is 2-butoxyethanol, which is a
member of the class of cellosolves and compounds with amphi-
philicity [11,12]. Its structure consists of partially etheric -O-
and alcoholic -OH. The chemical and physical characteristics
exhibited by 2-butoxyethanol emerging due to its self relation-
ship allows it to be positioned between solvents that are both
protic and aprotic. Pure 2-butoxyethanol and their aqueous
solutions are used to some extent as an aprotic solvent to dissolve
electrolytes [13,14] and frequently described as a quasi-aprotic
The main thermodynamic characteristics of biofuels are
complex and mostly involve volatile mixtures of methyl and
ethyl esters of fatty acids, making experimental research on
these properties extremely challenging [15,16]. From low-value
biomass wastes, volatile organic acids like ethyl butyrate are
created. As a result, they are classified as alternative bioenergy
fuels. The shorter ignition delay of ethyl butyrate may lead to
a decrease in the inlet temperature, making these esters suitable
for use as transportation fuels. To be successful, these fuels
may need to be mixed with other fuels or used in different com-
binations to control the engine. Because alkanediols are not the
only oxygenated fuels that have been investigated as a replace-
ment for fossil fuels, they are both practical and fundamentally
interesting [17]. Alkanediols, for example, can be thought of as
model substances with two donor and two acceptor functions.
Hydrogen bonds (inter- and intramolecular) have primarily
determined the structure and properties of alkanediols. Two
terminal primary hydroxyl groups characterize, -alkanediols.
This work presents the results of an interaction study of binary
mixtures of ethyl butyrate with isomeric butanediols. The goal
of this study is to provide a framework for predicting the energy
exchanges that occur in processes like chemical reactions and
for assuring the viability or spontaneity of specific transform-
As far as we are aware, no volumetric statistics have been
reported for the systems that are being examined. This study
intends to examine the potential impact of mixing butoxyethanol
molecules with propiophenone on the nature and extent of addi-
tional thermodynamic properties. The binary mixtures were
measured using the sound speed data, 2-butoxyethanol and pure
propiophenone densities and the data at different temperatures.
The change of these properties with composition reveals the
ways in which the molecules interact in the quality and extent
of component molecules.
Standard techniques [18,19] were employed to purify the
2-butoxyethanol (Sigma Aldrich, CAS No. 111-76-2) and pro-
piophenone (Sigma Aldrich, CAS No. 93-55-0) used in this
investigation. Prior to use, all compounds were degassed at
low pressure and kept over 72 h on 0.4 nm molecular sieves to
eliminate any water percentage. To prevent evaporation, the
combinations were prepared in bulk and stored in Amber glass
bottles with airtight stops. All samples were carefully prepared
within 1 × 10-5 g using a digital scale (CPA-225D, Sartorius,
Germany) right before the quantification. The mole fraction’s
degree of uncertainty was calculated to be contained 1 × 10-4.
The pure liquids densities and their binary mixtures were
determined using a single-capillary pyconometer with a bulb
capacity of approximately 10 mL. Utilizing triple-distilled
water, the calibration marks on the capillary were determined.
The published data were used to determine pure water densities
at the desired temperature. The repeatability of the measures
of density was within 0.6 kg m-3. The temperature of the mixture
was maintained during the measurement procedure in ± 0.02 K
accurate electronically controlled thermostatic waterbath (Julabo).
The sound speed of binary systems with pure liquids assessed
using a 2 MHz Mittal Enterprises, India, single-crystal variable-
path multifrequency ultrasonic interferometer model F-81. The
sound speeds had a repeatability of ± 0.67 m/s. The accuracy
of quantification of sound speed and density at various temper-
atures was established experimentally [9,10,20-29] by comp-
aring the pure liquid experimental results with the corresponding
scholarly values. The results are compiled in Table-1.
The formulas that are utilized to compute different para-
meters are provided elsewhere [30-39]. The experimental density
(ρ) and sound speed (u) measurements of the binary mixtures
of propiophenone with 2-butoxyethanol at studied tempera-
tures are provided in Table-2 and VE
m, κs
s,m, uE and αE
p values
of all the mixtures at various temperatures were also measured.
The magnitude and sign of the excess functions are influ-
enced by various factors, such as the accommodation of different
molecules in the interstitial spaces due to variations in free and
molar volumes of each component (mostly negative impact),
as well as specific interactions like strong dipole-dipole inter-
actions, formation of H-bonds, and charge transfer complexes
between the mixture’s components. The positive or negative
values are a result of the molecules’ highly different molecular
sizes fitting (favourably or unfavourably) geometrically into
each other’s geometries. The H-bond cleavage and structural
instability between dissimilar components can be blamed for
the growth of and values with an increase in temperature. Fig. 1
illustrates visually the fluctuation of VE
m with mole percentage
of propiophenone at various temperatures. The VE
m values are
negative throughout the full range of measured temperatures
over the full compositional spectrum. The negative excess values
of VE
m exhibit a decreasing trend with temperature increases
from 303.15 K to 318.15 K for the system. The maximum
negative value was observed at x1 = 0.5448 at all temperatures
Due to variations in the components’ size, shape and nature
as well as the unrestricted volumes of the individual molecules,
the magnitude and sign of VE
m fluctuates depending on the
structural characteristics of the component. These variations
are the result of one component’s geometry being fitted into
another component’s structural geometry. The molar volumes
of 2-butoxyethanol (132.36 × 10-6 m3 mol-1) and propiophenone
(134.34 × 10-6 m3 mol-1) differ significantly at 303.15 K, sugge-
sting that halogenated molecules of hydrocarbons intercalate
in the polymeric matrix units of propiophenone and break their
908 Bhavani et al. Asian J. Chem.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0. 6 0.8 1.0
10 V (m mol )
6E 3 –1
Fig. 1. Plots of excess molar volume, Vm
E against mole percentage, x1 of
propiophenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol binary
mixture at 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K; 318.15 K.
Values derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are represented
by lines and experimental values are represented by points
H-bonding. This results in an increase in the total volume of
the solution.
The two factors contributing to negative excess volume
values may be arising from existence of specific interactions
present in the combination of the different component by means
of dipole-dipole and presence of interactions arising in the com-
bination of the solvent and cosolvent molecules via complexes
of electron donors and acceptors. Fig. 2 displays the system’s
graphical representations of ks
E vs. x1 for various temperatures.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 (m N )
10 E 3 –1
Fig. 2. Excess isentropic compressibilities (κs
E) against mole percentage,
x1 of propiophenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol binary
mixture at 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K; 318.15 K.
Values derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are represented
by lines and experimental values are represented by points
ρ (kg m–3) u (m s–1)
Compounds Temp. (K) Present work Reported value Present work Reported value Cp (J K–1 mol–1)
303.15 1003.7 1004.37 [5] 1439.6 1440.0 [5] 246.39
308.15 1000.8
1001.41 [5]
1008.70 [5]
1000.60 [9]
996.80 [10]
1425.4 1425.0 [5]
1445.0 [9] 247.84
313.15 997.8 1411.1 249.61
318.15 994.9 1397.5 251.02
303.15 892.8
892.35 [11]
892.03 [13]
892.40 [14]
1289.8 1290.6 [11] 271.82
308.15 887.9
887.83 [11]
888.91 [13]
888.90 [18]
1273.5 [11]
1285.0 [13]
1283.0 [19]
313.15 883.5
883.59 [11]
883.40 [13]
883.40 [14]
1257.8 1257.7 [11] 274.32
318.15 879.0 1241.6 275.6
Common unpredictability, u, are u(u) = ± 0.67 m s–1; u(ρ) = ± 0.6 kg m–3; u(T) = ± 0.02 K
T = 303.15 K T = 308.15 K T = 313.15 K T = 318.15 K
x1 ρ (kg/m3) u (m/s) ρ (kg/m3) u (m/s) ρ (kg/m3) u (m/s) ρ (kg/m3) u (m/s)
0.0000 892.8 1289.8 887.9 1273.2 883.5 1257.8 879.0 1241.6
0.0814 902.3 1298.6 897.5 1283.0 893.0 1268.0 888.6 1252.0
0.1663 912.1 1308.9 907.4 1295.5 903.1 1282.0 898.8 1265.9
0.2548 922.2 1321.4 917.8 1309.8 913.5 1297.5 909.4 1281.3
0.3472 932.8 1336.5 928.5 1326.5 924.4 1314.5 920.3 1298.9
0.4438 943.7 1352.4 939.6 1343.7 935.6 1332.5 931.7 1317.5
0.5448 954.9 1369.3 951.0 1361.5 947.2 1350.9 943.5 1336.2
0.6506 966.4 1387.0 962.7 1379.1 959.0 1368.3 955.5 1354.0
0.7614 978.3 1405.5 974.9 1396.7 971.4 1385.0 968.0 1370.6
0.8778 990.7 1423.4 987.5 1412.3 984.2 1399.6 981.0 1385.2
1.0000 1003.7 1439.6 1000.8 1425.4 997.8 1411.1 994.9 1397.5
Vol. 36, No. 4 (2024) Density, Speed of Sound and Properties of Binary Mixtures Propiophenone + Butoxyethanol 909
Over the whole composition, the ks
E, it is observed that values
are negative. As the temperature rises, the ks
E values get more
The dipole-dipole interactions of pure propiophenone are
disrupted when the second component, 2-butoxyethanol, is
added to the mixture. Nonetheless, the dipole-dipole interaction
between dissimilar molecules arises and plays a significant
impact because the second component is polar as well. Given
that propiophenone and 2-butoxyethanol are both highly polar
components of the current system under examination, the
positive variances in ks
E values can be explained by two effects:
(i) physical force: dispersion brought on by dipole breaking;
and (ii) chemical force: complex formations of donors and
acceptors, as well as connections between dipoles. The former
benefit contributes to improving free-length, which causes the
speed of sound to deviate negatively and isentropic compressi-
bility to deviate positively. Conversely, the latter result in a
detrimental divergence in isentropic compressibility and an
increase in the sound speed. The relative strengths of the two
influences determine the actual deviation’s sign and magnitude.
The negative sign of κs
E values for the system points towards
the dominance of the latter effect on the former which is further
strengthened by the ultrasonic velocity and the density values
of the system (Table-3).
According to the results displayed in Fig. 3, for the binary
mixture across the whole composition range and at every temp-
erature that was investigated, the KE
s,m values are negative. The
existence of specific relationships, like intense interactions
between dipole molecules of 2-butoxyethanol and propiophen-
one, which lessen the mixture’s compressibility and result in
negative KE
s,m values, is indicated by the noted negative amounts
of KE
s,m for binary mixtures. For these combinations, the KE
values increases as the temperature increase. Increasing the
temperature ruptures the dipolar interactions between different
molecules, leading to the expansion of propiophenone and thus
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 K (m N mol )
14 E 5 –1 –1
Fig. 3. Excess molar isentropic compressibilities (KE
s,m) against mole
percentage, x1 of propiophenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxy-
ethanol binary mixture at 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K;
318.15 K. Values derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are
represented by lines and experimental values are represented by
increasing the molar compressibility of the propiophenone
For propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol mixture throughout
the full range of mole percentage at the studied temperatures,
where Fig. 4 shows the positive uE values. The dimensions, form
and alignment of the individual molecules all effect the inter-
molecular interactions, which are described by this parameter.
A mixture with strong molecular connections tends to be more
densely packed, leading to a rise in internal energy (u) and
positive uE values. Eyring also suggested that during mixing,
a decrease in sound speed takes place, causing the excess
isentropic compressibility to decrease and the intermolecular
free length to increase. The dipole-dipole and hydrogen bond
formation between the molecules that the reported positive
values uE for these binary mixtures point to one important
interaction make up the mixture.
Parameter Temp. (K) A0 A1 A2 σ
303.15 -0.7756 0.0636 0.2945 0.0022
308.15 -0.7564 0.0672 0.4134 0.0027
313.15 -0.7322 0.0527 0.4949 0.0029
(106 m3 mol–1)
318.15 -0.707 0.0420 0.6300 0.0030
303.15 -0.9250 -0.3541 0.1146 0.0024
308.15 -0.8980 -0.3771 0.2143 0.0021
313.15 -0.8815 -0.3779 0.2740 0.0032
(1010 m2 N–1)
318.15 -0.8721 -0.4037 0.3524 0.0015
303.15 -1.2745 -0.4660 0.1629 0.0032
308.15 -1.2424 -0.4959 0.3085 0.0030
313.15 -1.2266 -0.4997 0.4012 0.0040
(1014 m5 N–1 mol–1)
318.15 -1.2156 -0.5381 0.5125 0.0023
303.15 1.0360 0.6600 0.0370 0.0020
308.15 0.9834 0.6613 -0.0817 0.0021
313.15 0.9415 0.6370 -0.1474 0.0023
uE (102 m s–1)
318.15 0.8957 0.6390 -0.2063 0.0013
303.15 -5.8338 -0.4535 2.2255 0.0004
308.15 -5.6674 -0.4860 3.1147 0.0003
313.15 -5.4619 -0.3843 3.6992 0.0004
E (103 K–1)
318.15 -5.2510 -0.3089 4.6935 0.0003
[Ref. 16]
910 Bhavani et al. Asian J. Chem.
0.0 0.2 0. 4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 u (m s )
2E –1
Fig. 4. Excess speed of sound (uE) against mole percentage, x1 of propio-
phenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol binary mixture at
303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K; 318.15 K. Values
derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are represented by lines
and experimental values are represented by points
The results for αp
E versus x1 in Fig. 5 displays the system
at various temperatures. The αp
E throughout the entire compo-
sition range, the values are negative. Isobaric coefficients of
thermal expansion with negative excess, αp
E values may indicate
strong interactions between dissimilar molecules, which results
in more tightly packed molecules in the mixture. When the
mixture’s temperature rises, more dipolar connections between
molecules that are unlike one another are created, as shown
by the decreasing αp
E values.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 (K )
3E –1
Fig. 5. Excess isobaric thermal expansivity (αE
p) against mole percentage,
x1 of propiophenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol binary
mixture at 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K; 318.15 K.
Values derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are represented
by lines and experimental values are represented by points
The molecular interactions in the systems being studied
accurately represent the properties of partial molar volumes.
The amount of electrostriction in the structural contribution
and the solvent and the intrinsic volume of dipolar are a few
examples of the contributions that result in the partial molar
volumes and compressibilities. The partial molar volume,Vm,1
and Vm,2 values and the excess partial molar volume, VEm,1
m,2 values for the system the temperatures under study
are given in Table-4, whereas the results forVE
m,1 andVE
m,2 versus
x1 are shown in Fig. 6 for the system at various temperatures.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 V (m mol )
6E 3 –1
10 V (m mo )
6E 3 –1
Fig. 6. Excess partial molar volume (VE
m,1 andVE
m,2) against mole percen-
tage, x1 of propiophenone for propiophenone + 2-butoxyethanol
binary mixture at 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K;
318.15 K. Values derived from the Redlich-Kwong equation are
represented by lines and experimental values are represented by
The densities and sound velocities of propiophenone and
2-butoxyethanol binary mixture were measured at tempe-
ratures of 303.15 K, 308.15 K, 313.15 K, and 318.15 K across
the whole composition range in this study. The findings of the
experiments were used to compute the different excess
properties (VE
m, κs
s,m, uE and αE
p). Strong physical interactions
between the component molecules predominate over propio-
phenone effect on the addition of 2-butoxyethanol, as confirmed
by the excess function values and partial molar volumes for
the liquid mixes in binary form of propiophenone and 2-butoxy-
ethanol, which holds true for the whole range of compositions.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this article.
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