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Disaster in London
The LAS Case study
Darren Dalcher
Forensic Systems Research Group
School of computing, South Bank university,
103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, UK.
Email: dalched @
This case study reviews the system and the processes that
led to the botched implementation. The London
Ambulance Service have spent the best part of the last
fourteen years attempting to computerise their despatch
system. (They are still trying). The infamous failure of the
second attempt was selected due to the multitude of issues
and considerations it raises. The prevailing culture and
the financial climate played a major role in shaping the
events that led to disaster. This case study highlights how
circumstances can gang-up and the resulting implications
to the health and safety of patients.
The automation of the despatch of ambulances in London,
which was implemented on the 26 October 1992, was
subject to very severe problems on the 26 and 27 October,
and to total failure on 4 November 1992. In the early
hours of the 4 November the system started slowing
down and eventually locked up altogether. Attempts to
switch off and restart failed. In the absence of a back-up
system, the operators were forced to resort to a hastily co-
ordinated manual procedure.
LAS Background
The London Ambulance service was founded in 1930 as a
direct replacement to the service run by the Metropolitan
Asylums Board. In 1965 the LAS was enlarged, as part of
the establishment of the Greater London Council, to
incorporate parts of eight other emergency services in the
London area. In 1974, LAS became a quasi-independent
body with its own board, managed by the South Thames
Regional health Authority under the control of the
National Health Service.
The London Ambulance Service covers a geographical
area of just over 600 square miles with a resident
population of about 6.8 million people. The day-time
population is boosted by millions of commuters and
visitors swelling to around 10 million people in the
summer months.
This makes the LAS, the largest ambulance service in the
The service has 318 accident and emergency ambulances
and 445 patient transport ambulances, a motorcycle
response unit, and one helicopter. 2,746 staff are based in
the 70 ambulance stations divided into four operating
divisions. Out of the 318 emergency ambulances, 212
may be rostored to be in use, at any one time. The
remainder are relief vehicles or are being serviced.
Some 55 percent of the LAS staff, 40 percent of the
vehicles and 76 percent of its annual budget are devoted
to the accident and emergency service function.
Volume of work:
The LAS receives between 2,000 and 2,500 calls and
transports over 5,000 patients daily. Emergency calls
account for 60 percent of the calls and result in roughly
1,400 (of the 5,000) transported patients.
The ambulances attend an average of 1,200 incidents a
day. They are controlled from Central Ambulance Control
at the LAS headquarters at Waterloo. The staff of the
control room handle between 1,900 and 2,500 emergency
999 calls each day (many incidents generate more than
one call).
During the early 1980s, it became apparent that the
emergency dispatch system required upgrading. The
establishment of the national 3-minute standard
mobilisation time, meant the manual dispatch method was
inadequate in terms of prescribed performance. This
would become more acute during peak times and large
incidents. The LAS became convinced that a computer
dispatch system was the only approach that could
automate ambulance call outs and ensure the meeting of
the dispatch standard.
The original manual system was structured around three
major components:
Call taking: Control Assistants at the LAS control centre
would write down the details on a pre-printed form. The
assistants would then locate the incident co-ordinates in
their map book and place the completed forms on a
conveyor belt transporting all the forms to a central
collection point.
Resource identification: Another assistant would collect
the forms, scan the details, identify potential calls, and
allocate them to one of the four regional resource
allocators. The appropriate resource allocator would
examine the incident forms, consult ambulance status and
location information provided by the radio operator,
consult the remaining forms maintained in the allocation
box for each vehicle, and finally decide on which
resource (ambulance) to mobilise. The ambulance details
would be entered on the form.
Resource mobilisation: The forms would be passed to a
despatcher who would then phone the relevant ambulance
station (if that is where the ambulance was assumed to be)
or pass the mobilisation instructions to the radio operator,
if the ambulance was known to be mobile.
This procedure had to be completed within the national
three minute activation standard!
Some of the major deficiencies had the potential to
further delay the entire procedure. These included:
a) Manual searching of the map book often requiring a
search for a number of alternatives due to incomplete or
inaccurate details.
b) Inefficient movement of paper around the control
c) Maintaining up to date vehicle status and location
information as provided by the radio operators and
d) Communication procedure and the use of voice
communication were slow and inefficient, and could lead
to mobilisation queues.
e) Over-reliance on human ability and memory to
identify duplicate calls and avoid mobilising multiple
units to the same incident.
f) Over-reliance on human ability to note and trace all
available units.
g) Call back (caller phoning for second time) which
forced the assistants to leave their post to talk to the
allocators using up time and introducing physical
congestion into the control room.
h) Identification of special incidents (large or extremely
urgent) depended on human judgement and memory.
The proposed system
It was hoped that the computerised system would handle
all the major tasks which existed in the manual system.
Calling 999 and asking for the ambulance service would
connect the caller to a despatcher who records details of
the call and assigns a suitable vehicle. The despatcher
would select an ambulance and the system would transmit
details to the selected vehicle.
The major components:
Computer-Aided despatch system
including the infrastructure hardware and software,
incident record keeping system, a radio system and a
radio interface system.
Computer Map Display system
including sophisticated mapping software
Automatic Vehicle Location System
with the ability to position units optimally in order to
minimise response times and tracking long term asset
performance. Also including radio system, radio interface
system, and mobile data terminals.
Early History:
In May 1987, after a year of delay, a three year £2.5
million contract was awarded to IAL (International
Aerdio Ltd.), a subsidiary of British Telecom, and CGS
(Cap Gemini Sogeti) to provide a limited despatch
The new system was not required to include any mobile
data capability.
In 1989, the design specification was altered to include
mobile data in addition to voice transmission..
In October 1990, the project was terminated after two
tests investigating peak load performance failed. In
addition to abandonment, an independent assessment of
the systems requirements, sponsored by the LAS chief
executive, recommended that, if possible, the system
should be replaced with a bespoke system.
By the time it was cancelled, the project was already
severely behind schedule with the accumulating costs
having escalated to £7.5 million.
The cost overrun, at cancellation represented a figure of
300% !!!
The LAS attempted to seek damages from the prime
contractor, claiming that the prime vendors did not
understand the requirements. The vendors counter-
claimed by blaming the LAS, their constantly changing
specifications, and the lack of clarity and ambiguity in
their initial request. An out of court settlement was
eventually reached.
The independent assessment of the early failure,
conducted by Arthur Andersen, recommended that the
system should be replaced with a turnkey system. If such
a system were available, the study asserted, that the LAS
would need to spend £1.5 million and 19 months to field
The report clearly sets out that If no suitable packaged
solution could be found, the cost and time involved in
developing a new system from scratch would be
significantly higher. (The independent assessment
referred to the original statement of requirements
produced prior to the first failure and therefore excluded
mobile data and vehicle location systems.)
While numerous operating despatch packages were
examined (including the ones operated by the ambulance
services in the West Midlands, Surrey, and Oxford), none
was deemed an acceptable foundation to build upon as
they all suffered what the LAS perceived as major
New requirements:
Once it became clear to the LAS, that the despatch system
project had to be re-initiated, they began an effort to write
a new system requirements specification for a new
despatch system.
The specification was written by a project committee
taken form LAS management and the systems team
without any input from the ambulance crews or
consultation with the unions. At the same time, a new
LAS senior management team was being appointed.
The new proposed system would go further than the
original and would represent the state-of-the-art in
despatch systems. The ‘thinking’ ability incorporated into
the new system would free the operators and despatchers
from all manual tasks, but, more revolutionary it would
also free them from making decisions.
The controllers would feed the information they receive
from callers into the system, and leave the system to take
over. The despatch system would allocate and mobilise
ambulances, interact with crews, and track and monitor
actual performance and positions.
Exception messages would only be generated in extreme
cases of failure when no free ambulances were available
for at least 11 minutes. Only under these exceptional
conditions will human intervention be required.
The new system would show the location of each patient
and the nearest three ambulances.
The system would also be in charge of all
communications with the crews in the field. Alarms
would sound if the selected vehicle did not acknowledge
or went the wrong way. The ambulance would report to
base on its way to hospital and when free for next
The LAS were fully aware that this extremely ambitious
system represented a quantum leap in technology. The
previous attempt which was essentially a much simpler
system, became a failure when the supplier failed to
understand the complexity inherent in the environment.
Combining the sophisticated allocation, tracking, and
monitoring, without human intervention with judgement
and decision making aspects necessitated a major
intellectual and technical effort.
The expected benefits (regardless of feasibility) sounded
very promising, and in order to maximise them, it was
decided to opt for a big-bang implementation. Rather than
phase the system in over time, a single shot
implementation encompassing full functionality would be
used over night.
Pre- History
The new software development specification document
was being developed with an eye to saving costs and
perhaps more crucially, time. Insiders, report a sense of
urgency that pervaded meetings, attitudes, and decisions
relating to the computer system.
Hardware components from the failed attempt were
incorporated into the proposal as a means of saving time
and capitalising on a previous investment.
The implications of the new system for staff working
practices were so immense that new guidelines had to be
published. This was conducted without any co-operation
from the ambulance crews, the control room operators, or
indeed the unions.
All allocations would be handled by an ‘objective’
computer. No longer would staff be able to decide which
ambulance to take, or stations decide which vehicle to
mobilise. Ambulances would thus, be allocated to
incidents away from their home stations and could spend
the rest of their shift covering unfamiliar areas further
increasing the distance to their home base. After the end
of the shift, crews would be forced to drive back to their
home station, often confronting heavy traffic on their
way. Controllers, despatchers and radio operators would
no longer need to communicate with ambulances by
voice-based radio or with the stations by telephone as the
computer system would be handling all communications.
Successful implementations often report that users feel
they ‘own’ and benefit from the system. In this case there
was no attempt to sell the system to the users or even
reduce the resistance to change, despite the fact that the
new system was bound to introduce anxiety and possibly
conflict due to the severe implications on working
practices. Based on recent history of industrial conflicts
and attitudes towards structural change within the LAS,
there was every reason to assume that another major
change to the organisational culture would require tact
and careful management. User involvement often
provides the most effective mechanism for overcoming
organisational or cultural resistance. In a ‘quantum leap’
where the stakes are high this can be a most critical
The new specification document was completed by early
February 1991 (some 3.5 months after the decision to
abandon the old system). The majority of the work was
completed by a contract analyst and the systems manager.
The document was highly detailed and extremely
prescriptive, containing a high degree of precision on how
the system was intended to operate, yet, leaving little
opportunity for the suppliers to incorporate their own
ideas, use their experience, or optimally utilise their
One of the constraints in the new document calls for the
operational system to be available by January 8, 1992,
thus allowing a mere 11 months for the development of
this new concept in despatch systems.
The standing instruction from the Regional Health
Authority is to put all new systems to tender. An
advertisement seeking interest in the development and
building of a despatch system for the LAS appeared in the
Journal of the European Communities on February 7,
1992. 35 companies expressed an interest in bidding and
were sent the newly developed statement of systems
Most potential bidders questioned the tight deadline
constraint to be told that the date is nonnegotiable.
Seventeen companies provided proposals for all or part of
the system. A number of the vendors proposed an
alternative timescale whereby a basic version can be
supplied by the January 8, 1992 deadline, with a fully
functional system available in early 1993.
The initial screening by the LAS, eliminated all proposals
that did not explicitly state January 8, 1992 as the
deadline for the full system.
The handful of remaining contenders were evaluated
using price (lowest tender) as the primary criteria. While
an explicit set of criteria were used as a checklist
(including resilience, functionality, flexibility, and
response times), team members concentrated on the cost
factor. The quality of the proposed solutions was not
considered as it was felt that financial instructions
governing government procurement should be rated on a
cost basis.
The internal ‘secret’ figure targeted by the LAS was £1.5
million. There is no clear rationale as to how this figure
was arrived at. It is probably safe to assume that this is
based on the previous figure supplied by the independent
assessment of the previous failure. This figure is
predicated on the assumption that a suitable package
could be found and that the original assumptions hold.
In practice, no such package was deemed suitable and an
additional requirement for mobile data and vehicle
location systems was added to the requirements. Each of
these factors should have resulted in a serious re-
evaluation of this cost. It would appear that the group
used the initial price, which was taken out of context, and
with the wrong set of assumptions as their anchor.
Decision makers often use the first figure offered as an
anchor and adjust subsequent values in small increments.
In the context of group decision making, where all
members were part of the management function, it
became easy to home in on the initial value, and use
groupthink and group dynamics to defend it.
The previous attempt at a less challenging
computerisation was a failure and exceeded its initial
budget of £2.5 million by a factor of three. This project
would have been a more ambitious undertaking, with
more sophisticated components and a tight and inflexible
time-frame, yet the internal tag of £1.5 million was never
challenged. The early commitment to a figure, albeit an
irrelevant one, and the apparent homogeneity of the group
could have blinded them to the relative danger of fixing to
an initial price before evaluating the quality and strengths
of the incoming bids. By applying collective
rationalisation, coupled with the illusion of
invulnerability, group members are often able to persuade
themselves to ignore outside information and alternatives.
In the absence of dissenters, groups adopt an internal
structure which feeds on the inherent self- censorship
mechanism and the illusion of unanimity to adopt
‘unchallengeable’ and often indefensible positions.
As the initial failure lasted for almost 3.5 years before it
was scrapped, at the cost of £7.5 million, forcing a fixed
timeframe of 11 months on a more demanding ‘quantum
leap’, would necessarily have required more than was
actually spent on the aborted project. Looking at either
the time or the cost factor with the benefit of hindsight
from the previous failure, it is extremely difficult to
defend the teams’ rationale.
Using this financial criteria, the clear winner was the bid
for £937,463 for the complete system. The nearest
competitors come in at £1.6 million and £3 million. The
implicit, internal figure of £1.5 is exceeded by all but one
of the bids. With the additional incentive of assessing bids
by price rather than quality, the race was already won.
The bid of £937,463 for a system to be completed by the
mandated deadline, was put forward by a consortium led
by Apricot computers. The bid was hardware driven with
Apricot Computers ( a UK hardware supplier owned by
Mitsubishi) supplying the networked PC’s and fault-
tolerant file server system as the hardware platform.
Systems Options (a small UK software house) would
supply the software for the despatch system which was
based on their Wings Geographical Information System.
Datatrak would supply the Automatic vehicle Location
System, while the Radio Interface Systems and Mobile
data terminals would be supplied independently by Solo
Electronic Systems (The equipment from Solo, was used
in the previous abandoned information systems).
The quoted price of the software component of the
despatch system, the main hub of the system, was
£35,000. The core of the system, the software that makes
allocation decisions in place of humans was being offered
as a throw-in in a hardware deal. The price represented
less than 4% of the overall price of what should have
been a software intensive system, a gross mis-estimation
of the expected functionality and inherent complexity. It
would appear that the LAS became concerned about the
software experience and balance within the consortium.
The LAS advised Systems Options that the failure of the
previous system was largely due to the supplier’s
software house not taking on board the complexity of the
system. While Apricot were the consortium leaders, they
refused to assume project leadership as the success of the
entire system clearly depended on the quality of the
software provided by Systems Options. During later
negotiations, under severe pressure from the LAS,
Systems Options, reluctantly agreed to take over from
Apricot as the consortium and project leaders. It later
emerged that System Options had been reluctant to bid
for the system in the first place, but were persuaded to do
so by Apricot. A similar bid by the two companies for a
far more basic service at the Cambridgeshire Ambulance
Service was rejected due to the lack of technical
understanding exhibited in the bid. The significance of
the software component was clearly visible to all
The requested despatch system was significantly bigger
and more complex than anything any of these companies
have handled previously. The new leaders, Systems
Options, with their software experience, were only
accustomed to smaller, simpler systems. Their main field
of expertise was in developing government administrative
systems. They had no experience in developing real-time,
safety-critical, command and control systems. The LAS
were reassured by the fact that Systems Options had
delivered systems for police and fire services. In actuality,
these were administrative systems with no critical
The procurement team fielded by the LAS was small and
inexperienced in terms of both technical knowledge and
acquisition procedures. Procurement guidelines for the
Regional Health Authority stated that the lowest tender
should be accepted unless there are ‘good and sufficient
reasons to the contrary’. No attempt was made by the
team to question the differential in bids, the price which
was below the internal target price, or even the difference
by almost an order of magnitude between their favoured
bid and the next cheapest. The prime responsibility for the
evaluation of the bids rested with the contract analyst and
the systems manager. The systems manager was an
ambulanceman who had taken over responsibility for
ambulance service systems on the understanding that he
would be replaced by a qualified systems manager at
some point. The contract analyst had five years
experience with the LAS, largely as a result of his
involvement in the failed original project. The decisions
were thus being made by a manager expecting to become
redundant and a contractor who was a temporary addition
to the organisation.
The letters of reference regarding Systems Options,
suggested that the company was overstretched on its
current contracts and had been having trouble delivering
(the much simpler and less demanding) software on time.
A letter from the Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service
expressed grave concerns over the ability of Systems
Options to cope with the project. These claims were not
investigated or even acknowledged by members of the
LAS procurement team.
As is the practice in the public sector, LAS higher
management conduct an audit of the selection process
before awarding a contract to the party recommended by
the internal procurement team. The audit and the external
assessor indicated that the process was risky and required
close management attention, yet, the decision was
The major management restructuring was finally
completed during April 1991. Senior and middle
management ranks were slimmed by 20%, and the LAS
was reduced from four divisions to three. The
restructuring resulted in a large number of experienced
staff leaving the organisation and the reported creation of
a great deal of stress for those who remained. The internal
climate was influenced by a minimal investment in staff
or managerial training, and little scope for career
advancement. The remaining managers were
unmotivated, stressed, anxious, and oppressed by job
security prospects.
The rapid changes eliminated any stability within the
organisation. To compensate for the loss of the highest-
calibre managers, others were promoted or shifted
sideways to new positions (rising to level of
incompetence syndrome?). The directors were left with a
great span of responsibility and power.
In the absence of consultation with employees and the
unions, industrial relations deteriorated, resulting in
resentment, lack of trust, low staff morale, and increased
absenteeism. An earlier national industrial dispute over
pay and conditions, left relations strained with little
communication between management and workers. (The
subsequent appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer
with a reputation for ‘sorting out’ troublesome employees
and interfering trade unions did not help.)
On May 28, 1991, (with just over seven months to the
deadline), the LAS Executive Board endorsed the
decision to award the contract to the consortium. As a
safety procedure , the LAS required the consortium to
provide a complete systems design specification detailing
how the final despatch system will operate. The document
was viewed as an assurance that the consortium truly
understood the needs of the LAS and could provide an
adequate solution. (This no doubt represented their need
for reassurance following the perceived failure of the
previous vendors).
A small starter contract was awarded to the consortium to
develop the design specification document. The document
was developed during June and July (count down to the
fixed deadline was now five months for the full
Design issues
In order to allow the complex allocation algorithm to run,
extreme processing power was needed. The greater the
distance between the incident and the ambulance
resource, the longer the time needed to calculate the
resource allocation due to the need to identify the most
appropriate resource. At busy times when the number of
incidents increased and the number of resources not
already dealing with other incidents decreased, the entire
system would slow down due to the volume and
complexity of the calculations.
The consortium decided at an early stage to perform a
tradeoff between ease-of-use and performance in order to
facilitate a user friendly interface. The consortium opted
for Microsoft windows 3.0 for the user interfaces and
Visual Basic as the development tool for the creation of
the screen dialogues. This was not specified in the
proposal submitted to the LAS..
Project management
While the design specification document was being
developed, The LAS was trying to figure out its
management strategy in relation to the project.
The concerns that were noted and minuted but never
followed up included the facts that:
* No full time LAS staff member had been assigned to
the project
* The draft project plan left no time for review or
* The 6-month schedule was somewhat shorter than the
18 months that other municipalities need for less
complicated despatch systems.
The LAS director of support services invited one of the
losing bidders to perform independent quality assurance
on the project. This proposal was rejected internally as it
was felt by the project team that quality assurance was the
contractor’s responsibility and not their concern. Rather
than have external quality assurance (incorporating risk
assessment and audit features), the team devolved all
quality assurance activities to Systems Options, the
software developers.
Additional concerns included the lack of clarification of
how PRINCE was to be applied to the project and the
lack of a formal programme project group and review
The PRINCE project management methodology was
selected to guide the development effort. The suppliers
had little experience of project management and have not
come across the methodology before. As the staff in the
LAS had no experience of applying this methodology
either, a special course was arranged for the project team
to acquaint them with the methodology. Very little use
was ever made of this knowledge and nor was any
alternative methodology or computer tool adopted in its
Official project launch:
The contract was awarded to the consortium on August 8,
1991, following The LAS’s approval of the design
specification. (Leaving exactly 5 months for the project).
There was no formal sign-off of the design specification
which contained omissions and undeveloped sections
(such as the interfaces with other components and
Project meetings were scheduled at regular intervals.
During the meetings it became clear that Systems Options
were not planning to project manage the entire effort as
they were struggling to manage their own software effort.
It was quickly acknowledged that there was no
experienced project manager among the team members.
The contract analyst employed by the LAS, and the LAS
Director of Support Services were forced to add
managing the overall project to their list of duties.
Systems Options Did not perform any formal quality
assurance on the system, or even on their portion of the
code. Changes that were agreed during the project, were
not recorded, or tracked in any way.
No formal configuration management was applied. No
test plans existed. No integration tests were ever planned.
The consortium did not perform any project management
activities. The only scant attempt at project management
was performed, by default, by inexperienced members of
the LAS.
The contract with Solo Electronics for the
communications hardware was not signed until
September 16, 1991 (four months before the delivery
deadline, and some three months after the award of the
system design contract). The essence of the contract was
to salvage key features from the earlier abandoned
project. Software deliveries were all late. Systems
Options blames the delays on the two months needed to
develop the systems design and the delay in signing the
contract for the communication equipment their software
needed to interface with.
The LAS hired a new systems manager in October, who
promptly arranged a formal project review for November.
The LAS senior management, were informed of the
results. The key finding of the review were that:
a. Little time had been set aside for review
b. Increased quality management was needed
c. Troubling technical problems were cropping up.
d. The January operational date should be maintained if
only to keep pressure on the suppliers.
The publicity and external pressure had resulted in
questions put forward to the Health Minister. The reply
was that in the Governments’ view, the consortium was
fully qualified for the task at hand. Senior management of
LAS decided to take no action.
As mid-December approached it was becoming clear that
the January 8, 1992 deadline was not achievable. With
three weeks left the despatch software was incomplete
and untested, the Radio Interface Systems was yet to be
delivered, the design and position of the data terminals in
the ambulances required changing, the vehicle location
tracking system was not fully installed, and according to
some reports, the data provided by the tracking system
was neither accurate nor reliable. In addition, no training
of ambulance crews or control room operators had been
Phase two
By late December, it was agreed that the despatch system
would not be delivered on time. A new schedule for a
three increment delivery strategy was agreed. The
increments would be rolled out over the subsequent ten
months. Final delivery was scheduled for October 26,
Phase 1, was to feature the call taking function. The
details and location of calls would be recorded and
printed. These print-outs would then be used within the
old manual procedure.
Phase 2, was to focus on improving the resource
allocation function. The allocators would be issued with
terminals that will contain call information. Ambulance
locations wouldl be automatically tracked by the system,
which would also notify ambulance crews of incidents,
eliminating the use of voice despatch. The actual
identification and mobilisation of resources would still be
orchestrated by the resource allocators as before.
Phase 3, would deliver the fully automated system. All
identification and mobilisation duties would be handled
by the software. Ultimately resource allocators would
become surplus to requirements
A chief implication of the phasing effort was that
temporary measures would have to be introduced in order
to enable certain operations. During phase 1, the need to
print-out call details required the introduction of printers
that were not part of the “paperless” office envisioned by
the LAS. The addition of printers introduced a number of
new problems including screens locking up, server
failures, and the accidental loss of calls in February,
when a printer was switched off and the contents of its
buffer memory erased.
Live trial versions of Phase 1 and phase 2 were delivered
in irregular fashion throughout the three LAS divisions
offering different versions of the partially automated
despatch system. As they were being delivered, changes
and enhancement were being made to the packages
delivered to the different divisions. In some cases
unrecorded changes were made to code that had already
been tested and was assumed to be final and correct. In
the absence of a baseline and of a configuration
management function, the despatch systems delivered to
the different divisions were not functionally or
operationally equivalent. This led to immediate software
errors, equipment failures, inaccurate or missing vehicle
tracking information, and poor radio communication. The
lack of training of ambulance crews and control room
operators added to the chaos and misery.
Meanwhile, a staff attitude survey, commissioned by the
LAS and carried out by Price Waterhouse in January
1992, revealed that only 10 percent of staff felt they knew
what the LAS plans were for the future. 13 percent of
staff believed that the LAS was providing a quality
service, only 8 percent believed that management listened
to them. Similar sentiments were expressed by ACAS
(Arbitration Conciliation and Advisory Service), three
years earlier when they remarked that “the great majority
of staff felt the service was deteriorating and that
pressures at work were increasing... on-going and
relenting [pressures] which gradually wore them down.”
March 1992 was the deadline for releasing the finalised
version of phase 2. This was marked by a major system
crash, resulting in: a 30 minute delay to emergency calls,
delayed ambulances, and lost incident reports. Some LAS
local area officers ordered a switch back to radio systems
until the computer was able to match their performance.
The area officer for the ambulance union, NUPE, called
for urgent public enquiry. An LAS spokesman reassured
the press that these are “normal teething problems and no
one has anything to worry about”.
A new review conducted by the LAS systems manager
revealed that:
a. The radio interface system was failing almost daily;
b. No volume testing of the whole communications
infrastructure had been done;
c. There was no way of tracking changes to the system;
d. Ambulance crews and control room staff were not
No recommendation as to the future progress or
cancellation of the project was made in the review report,
which did not elicit any response from LAS senior
A number of letters from computer consultancies and
safety experts warning about the inadequacy of the
system, had reached the LAS and Government ministers.
A number of letters from safety-critical specialists argued
that the system was ‘totally and fatally flawed’. In April,
hundreds of callers failed to get through to the ambulance
service. LAS management blamed the public for calling
too much and clogging the line. The LAS board were
presented with a formal vote of no confidence in the
system by staff from one of the three divisions.
Additional complaints and concerns throughout the rest of
the year were quickly brushed aside by the LAS executive
management. Phased trials, it was explained, were used to
highlight problems and there was therefore no need to
panic as the final system would obviously work.
Some new problems began cropping up at this stage.
These included:
* Occasional locking up of terminals
* Overload of communications channels
* Inaccurate location information provided by the
Vehicle location system.
* Crews using different ambulances to the ones allocated
by the system.
* Slowness of the system.
* The inability of the system to identify the nearest
available ambulance
* Failure of the Vehicle Location System to Identify
every 53rd vehicle in the fleet.
As a result, calls were getting lost in the system, while
others failed to reach ambulances - Vehicles were being
assigned incorrect codes, while others were missing from
the system - Call waiting queues as well as the ever
multiplying exception message queues would scroll off
the top of the screen.
At no time before phase 3, was the system either stable or
operational across all three LAS divisions.
In the background meanwhile intense governmental
pressure was being applied on the LAS to reduce its
seriously overspent budget. In order to reduce its
expenditure, it was decided that planned capital
improvements and preventive maintenance on emergency
vehicles would have to be delayed.
Up and running
Phase 3, was scheduled to come on line at 3 A.M. on
Monday, October 26, 1992. by 7 A.M. the new system
was meant to be fully operational.
The move to the final phase required a move from the
existing divisional structure to a centrally controlled ‘pan
London” approach within a unified control room. The
control room had to be reorganised and all temporary
equipment and temporary solutions, such as printers,
dismantled and removed. Once the control room was
cleared up, similar groups , such as radio operators,
controllers and allocators, could be united and positioned
in different parts of the room.
Prior to the release, the system software had two known
errors that could cause severe service degradation in
which the system would not function and 44 errors that
could cause operational problems that could affect patient
care. 35 more minor problems were also known to exist,
giving an overall total of 81 outstanding ‘issues’. No
stress testing had been done on the full system. No
backup plans were in place in case of system failure. The
LAS did not have their own network manager having
relied on the contractors to rectify all previous problems.
By mid-morning it was known that ambulances were
arriving late and doubling up on calls. Callers were
waiting in excess of 30 minutes to get through while some
calls simply appeared to vanish from the system. The map
system refused to recognise certain roads, forcing
operators to scramble for maps and despatch ambulances
by telephone unbeknown to the system.
Error messages were appearing on all terminals, and
warnings that ambulances were not meeting their arrival
deadlines were flooding the system. It appeared that
ambulances were either arriving late, not arriving at all or
turning up two at a time. Operator screens and mobile
data terminals simply locked up.
Staff were under instruction to minimise voice
communication. When wrong allocations were made ,
many felt too threatened to attempt to rectify the problem
by voice communication.
Overload problems
New calls wiped old calls off the screen.
(even though they have not been dealt with)
An overloaded system would only display the latest batch
of calls, losing calls that had been received and not
responded to.
The system was slow at logging acknowledgements,
therefore, creating many spurious alert messages.
Alert messages also wiped old calls off the screen without
a trace
(these calls were totally lost)
The system design ignored the limitations of radio-based
systems in urban areas. The system relied heavily on
radio for data feeds on ambulance location and status. The
information had to be perfect at all times. But, there had
been no attempt to test the system’s response to
incomplete or incorrect data
These imperfections led to an increase in the number of
exception messages... which in turn led to more call
backs and enquiries... thus contributing to the overload
The LAS continued to run the system for the next 35
hours as chaos reigned. By Monday night new emergency
calls were overwriting undealt calls thus, hiding an
increasing number of unanswered calls within the system
and generating new exception messages. The exception
queues were growing at a rapid pace and slowing the
system down. In an ill-advised attempt to speed up the
system, which resulted in a new spiral of delays, the
exception queue was cleared of its contents erasing all
references to calls!
Ironically, while the system was in a state of total chaos, a
team of public relations experts were busy promoting the
new technological efficiency of the service.
At 2 P.M. on Tuesday, October 27, 1992, a decision was
made to take the phase 3 system down and replace it with
the semi-manual phase 1/2.
More ambulance crews and control room staff were
brought on duty in attempt to cut the backlog. In the
backroom, the computer people were attempting to
regroup, investigate the errors, and try to relaunch the
Up to 46 emergency patients may have died prematurely
over the two days due to the lack of emergency system
according to some sources [Charette 1995, The Times,
The independent]. Nupe, the public employees’ union
suggested that 20 patients may have died. - These claims
were hotly disputed by the LAS. The breakdowns forced
some patients to wait as long as 11 hours!
On Wednesday morning the LAS claimed that no serious
disruptions were caused by the computer system. By
Wednesday afternoon, the LAS chief executive resigned.
It was later argued that he was under extreme pressure to
improve performance by the end of that year and was thus
forced to rush the computer implementation.
Following intensive pressure from families of patients,
the unions, and a stormy session in Parliament on
Thursday evening, the Health Secretary called for an
official inquiry into the affair. The trade unions called for
the system they described as a “lethal lottery”, to be shut
down in the interest of patients. Their plea went
The LAS received over 900 complaints about its service
during those 36 hours.
Excuses and causes:
LAS management claimed that an excessive number of
calls were made on October 26 and 27 thus contributing
to the systems problems and lowering service to patients.
The inquiry report revealed that the total number of
patients transported on these two days was less than the
daily average for October. The adjusted number of calls
was only 6 percent above the average for October. Due to
the lack of response, the number of call backs (people
calling again) was up for that period. Yet, even allowing
for the call backs, the total number of calls was within the
upper limit of predicted calls.
LAS management claimed that ambulance crews
deliberately sabotaged the system.
This was shown to be erroneous. Despite losing the
personal touch of having a familiar human voice
despatcher, crews seem to have accepted the initiative,
albeit reluctantly, and co-operated. Crews had to use a
sequence of six buttons in the right order. Datatrak, the
primary contractor for the vehicle location sub-system,
stated that resistance at the LAS was no greater than that
experienced by them at other organisations and did not
seem to have played a part in complicating the operation
of the system as a whole.
LAS management claimed that users and crews had not
been trained in how to use the system.
The inquiry team concurred with this assertion. Staff
training was provided by a combination of internal LAS
staff and Systems Options trainers. All training was
scheduled to be completed by the original implementation
date of January 8, 1992. Control room staff were
subjected to a two day familiarisation exercise, while
crews had trained separately. At a meeting shortly after
this date, staff representatives protested over the
inadequate training. The long delay (10 months) before
the final introduction of the system coupled with the
continual changes that continued to beset the system
during development resulted in inconsistent, incomplete,
and in some cases irrelevant training.
Several critical flaws later emerged from the Inquiry
report. these included:
a) The need for perfect information for the allocation and
monitoring algorithms to perform satisfactorily
b) Poor interface between crews, terminals and the
system. A list of some eleven reasons for lack of perfect
information was produced including black spots, failure
to press correct buttons, noise corruption, wrong call
signs, and too few operators. No consideration had been
given to the possibility of violating the assumption of
perfect information.
c) Frequent “locking up” of screens during trials
prompted an instruction to staff to simply re-boot their
The design flaws and inattention to the implications of
imperfection directly led to delayed and duplicated
allocations. This resulted in a build up of exception
messages requiring personal attention from operators and
preventing them from answering new calls. As the
messages and lists were building up the system slowed
down. The lack of operators who were engaged in
resolving exceptions, led to a backlog of calls. Concerned
patients and relatives were forced into calling back
initiating new exception messages. The cascading effect
simply overwhelmed the system and its operators.
The complete system had never been load tested to
predict its performance under-pressure, extreme
conditions, in a disaster scenario or with incomplete or
contradictory information. (The first system was scrapped
in 1990, following its failure to pass either load test. This
could explain the LAS’s implicit attempt to forego load
testing despite frequent smaller scale failures. Similar
attitudes and fears of disconfirming information have
been reported in other safety critical failures, such as
Bhopal, Three Mile Island, Challenger, Chernobyl, and
even Pearl Harbour, where decision makers rejected all
evidence which threatened their group). The possibility of
operator errors or the behaviour, volume, and response to
exception messages was not considered or challenged.
The overall effect of exception messages on system
performance and the problems concerning the interaction
of the different sub-systems, were similarly neglected.
The operators were inexperienced and poorly trained and
could not be relied upon to spot problems or be able to
override them.
The cost reduction programme indicated earlier, was
responsible for more ambulances than normal being
unavailable for duty due to degradation and lack of
repairs. The less than optimal complement of ambulances
was therefore already stretched and experiencing delays,
resulting in additional call backs and exception messages.
The final Chapter:
The reduced functionality system was working for the
next ten days. On November 4, 1992 the system started
slowing down considerably and finally locked up
altogether at 2 A.M.
Operators attempted to apply the ‘magic’ solution of
rebooting the system, to discover that it was still frozen.
The automatic back up system failed to come on-line.
The LAS made the decision to revert to the manual
methods of the 1980’s. Voice tapes had to be replayed to
log calls manually. Following the shift to the manual
system, all mobiliasation, activation and arrival categories
recoreded dramatic improvements (most by a factor of
And then...
The LAS system manager asserted that the computer did
not fail, although he did not know what did.
An LAS software specialist defended the choice of the
consortium, and stated that no other company could have
done better in meeting London’s requirements.
Systems Options declined to comment.
Technical problems
The inquiry team discovered that a programming error by
a Systems Options programmer caused the software to
fail to release file server memory after each ambulance
mobilisation and gradually consumed all available
memory. The small piece of code was left had
inadvertently been left in the system. Over a three week
period all the available memory was used up causing the
system to crash.
The backup system did not come on-line because of the
way the system had been re-configured after the failure of
phase 3. The back-up system was designed to operate as
part of the completely paperless system. The printers
were used as a stop-gap introduced prior to the actual
implementation. The effect of the introduction of
additional components, albeit temporary, on the overall
system were never tested. The potential failure of the
(temporary) printer-based system was not even
Systems Options admitted to the inquiry team that many
of its programs could have benefited from fine tuning.
Most of the code was written in visual basic, a language
more suitable for the rapid delivery of prototype systems.
The performance of visual basic programs is rather slow,
thus, filling the screens with such programs can easily
take several seconds. To overcome this, ambulance
control room staff pre-loaded all the screens likely to be
needed at the beginning of a shift and used the Windows
software to transfer around as required. The implication
of this is the excessive demand on the memory available
within the workstations, which degraded performance and
led to extra ‘clutter’ on controllers’ screens.
Aside from being an inefficient and the most unsuitable
tool for a safety-critical system Visual basic was also a
new development tool. Systems Options were using a
new and unproven tool, without experience or knowledge
for a command-and-control safety-critical system. The
tradeoff of impressive user interfaces against reduced
speed and systems performance should have been
carefully evaluated.
While the inquiry report indicated that Systems Options
“rapidly found themselves in a situation where they
became out of their depth”, it also stated that “Within the
time constraints imposed on the project and the scope of
the requirements, no software house could have delivered
a workable solution.”
Overall, The technology leap, attempted by the LAS was
too great, and they didn’t really look first.
The government inquiry report released on March 1, 1993
was one of the most scathing government reports ever
released. The report described the chaotic management
and total lack of planning and technical oversight which
led to the disaster and called for the complete re-vamping
the LAS and the way it conducts its business.
During a press conference marking the publication of the
official report, Paul Williams, a member of the inquiry
team commented that the LAS “went through every
mistake in the book”.
Following the publication of the report the chairman of
the LAS resigned saying “We caused a considerable
amount of anguish to the people of London. We failed to
deliver the service we could.”.
Systems Options lost their contract for the administrative
system they developed for the Staffordshire Fire and
Rescue Service (used as proof during the LAS tendering
stage). Staffordshire’s Assistant chief officer stated that
“the ability of Systems Options to support their system
had declined and its capability to meet the demands
placed on it had not come up to expectations”
Further incidents resulting from the reintroduced manual
system and lack of adherence to performance standards
may have led to further deaths over the ensuing couple of
A further report, commissioned by the Secretary of State
for Health, following the death of an eleven year old girl
listed a long set of steps necessary in order to speed up
progress and quieten the public outcry
The case of Nasima Begum’s death followed in the
footsteps of the LAS fiasco. The public outrage following
intensive media coverage forced an official government
inquiry into the handling of 999 calls and the London
Ambulance Service.
Nasima Begum, aged 11, suffered from a kidney
condition known as relapsing nephrotic syndrome.
Nasima died of pulmonary oedema after her family had
telephoned four times for an ambulance and had waited
for 53 minutes. Her doctors at the Royal London Hospital
revealed that the girl required treatment within twenty
minutes, “Nasima could have been saved had urgent
treatment been more forthcoming”. The ambulance that
should have saved Nasima was redirected to treat a
patient with a sore toe.
The events leading up to Nasima Begum’s death were
investigated by a cross-party committee of MPs which
reported that “lives may have been lost as a result of
failings in the London Ambulance Service”. The report
described the system as ramshackle and undermined by
absenteeism, ‘blame culture, cumbersome processes, lack
of trust between management and staff, and lack of
technology. The MPs went on to accuse the Regional
Health Authority and The National Health Service
executive of a complete ‘failure of nerve’ following the
1992 crash, which itself came after a decade of serious
The NHS issued a detailed set of guidelines governing the
procurement of computer systems. POISE, Procurement
Of Information Systems Effectively focused on a standard
procurement process, a set of stages and tools, and
guidelines on best practice.
In the wake of the failure, RES ambulance services were
offering a guaranteed service to south Londoners for an
annual fee of £37.50 per household. The teams were
made up of disgruntled and disillusioned ex-LAS crew
Personal views of a disaster:
S.B., an operator, was on duty when the system was first
switched on, “Until the day we only saw parts of it ...
Nobody knew what the whole lot was like together... We
started at 7.00, by about 10.00 we started to lose control,
by lunch time we lost complete control.”
Another operator remembers that “the stress level were
unbelievable and there were furious bust-ups between
Others contribute their recollections “The aim was to get
a call activated in three minutes, but sometimes it was as
long as 18 minutes before an ambulance was sent.”
“Everything that could go wrong did.”
“The computer was supposed to recognise the first four
letters of a road name, but often it just couldn’t.”
“It was also supposed to work out the quickest route, but
it would frequently end up directing crews down a high
street on a busy Saturday morning”
M.H. from East London, watched his GP arrange a bed
and order an ambulance for his mother, suffering from
heart attack, at 3.45 P.M.. He was promised an ambulance
within the hour. Six hours later concerned that she might
lose the bed, M.H. arranged a bed in a van and
transported his mother to hospital. At 1.45 A.M., The
phone rang, it was the ambulance service ringing to check
if the ambulance was still required. (10 hours later).
A disabled woman was trapped in her chair by the body
of her collapsed husband. She called the LAS every 30
minutes, to be told each time that there was no trace of an
earlier call. The ambulance finally arrived 2.75 hours
after the initial call, by which time the husband had died.
Crew members reported long delays to the press giving
specific details of people that could probably have been
saved had it not been for the system. Cases included an 83
year old who collapsed in Wembley and died while an
ambulance took 90 minutes responding to a 999 call
because the computer could not find the address, and a 14
year old asthma patient who waited 45 for an ambulance.
M.B., a control assistant recalled that “It was chaotic,
incredibly stressful and a disaster from the minute I
arrived for my shift”. “There was a four-hour backlog of
calls and my colleagues and I just looked at each other
and said “Where on earth do we start?” ... The computer
was failing to give us the message that an ambulance had
picked up an emergency, so we had to ring back the 999
caller and ask if the vehicle had arrived, Not surprisingly,
they would then give us abuse.”
In one heart attack case, the reply was “I called for an
ambulance two hours ago and someone has just died
“The following day we decided to revert to partial
automation to clear the backlog and take control of the
mess... The problem was there was no back-up system.
We were just left with a computer that did not work.”
P.W., an ambulance driver said that both days were
chaotic. “The control room had completely lost us and
could not give us any calls. They found us in the end, but
by then delays were running at about 90 minutes. Many
people we went to pick up had made their own way to
hospital ... Some on the bus.”
In a number of incidents, ambulance crews were greeted
with a ‘nice of you to arrive’ greeting by the police and
fire brigade.
The Southwark coroner, Sir Montague Levene, described
the ambulance control as ‘totally and absolutely
inadequate’ [The health service Journal, November 5,
A.S. , an experienced radio operator was forced to deal
with angry crews questioning why it took three hours to
get them to incidents. “In one occasion, a distraught crew
were asking why the undertakers were there before the
ambulance crew”
The author wishes to thank the numerous contributors and
corespondents that volunteered information in various
Report of the Inquiry into the London Ambulance
Page D., Williams P. and Boyd, D., Februrary 1993
Report on the London Ambulance Service following the
death of Nasima Begum. January 1995.
National Health Service: Patient Transport Services
National Audit Office, July 1990.
999 - The london Misery Line
NUPE, September 1992.
Sample Articles:
The LAS disaster was covered by all the major general,
computing and health publications.
British medical Journal:
LAS report, January 21, 1995, Vol. 310, No. 6973
Ambulances and Management, January 21, 1995, Vol.
310, No. 6973
Computer Weekly:
Any takers for a stretcher case?, March 14, 1993.
Condition critical, August 25, 1994.
LAS on sick list before collapse, November 5, 1992.
LAS ignored warnings, November 5, 1992.
LAS chiefs slammed over systems disaster, March 4,
Daily Telegraph:
Flood of calls caused 999 chaos, October 29, 1992.
The Health Service Journal:
Failure to Deliver , November, 5, 1992.
The Guardian:
Ambulance Controllers resort to old methods after delays,
October 26, 1992.
Ambulance Chief quits, October 26, 1992
999 service was told of faults in computer, November 6,
The Independent:
Computer call after ambulance failure, October 31, 1992.
Report prompts resignation of ambulance boss, February
26, 1993.
Management failures spanned several years, February 26,
New Scientist:
Did ambulance chiefs specify safety software?, November
7, 1992.
Ambulance Computer system was too complicated,
November 14, 1992.
Pressurised managers blamed for ambulance failure,
March 6, 1993.
Nursing Times:
Emergency report, November 18, 1992
The Times:
New chief to decide fate of 999 computer, October 30,
999 service was told of faults in computer, Novemner 6,
System designed as best in world, February 26, 1993.
Blunders at the top, February 26, 1993.
London ambulance chief quits, February 26, 1993.
New Failings force 999 staff to ditch computers, April 18,
Electronic Sites:
The Risks Digest