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A Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya


Abstract and Figures

The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts, flooding and erratic rainfall, among other effects are increasingly driving agricultural-dependent households into deeper poverty each year. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive adaptation and mitigation strategies, involving both local and global efforts. Self-help groups (SHGs) are recognized as powerful instruments for the empowerment of vulnerable groups, particularly women, by providing access to credit and health information. They also play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation, which in turn enhances sustainable livelihoods for their members. However, this aspect has received limited attention in academic research. This study explores the nexus between SHGs, climate change mitigation, and sustainable livelihoods in Nyakach Sub County, a region where persistent poverty is exacerbated by recurrent climate shocks. A descriptive research design was employed, involving a sample of 384 respondents selected from members of 630 self-help groups (SHGs) in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya. The study's findings show that SHG members benefit from SHGs facilitated capital assets some of which that have not only led to reduced reliance on firewood, thus mitigating deforestation, but also facilitated a transition to alternative energy sources. This shift has enhanced their adaptive capacity to challenges posed by climate change. Furthermore, a significant correlation (rs=0.659, p=0.014) was observed between SHG-associated resources and competencies in climate change mitigation, as well as household sustainability. Additionally, collective action, such as participation in tree planting and trenching/water channelling to combat flood effects, showed a strong correlation with SHG-associated resources. Overall, the study concludes that SHG-linked assets and competencies play a vital role in enhancing climate change adaptation and the sustainable livelihoods of members. The study recommends increased emphasis on strengthening social capital within SHGs.
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American Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Innovation (AJMRI)
Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building
Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya
Paul Okello Atieno1*, George N Mose2, Peter G Oino1, Nicholas K Ombachi3
Volume 3 Issue 2, Year 2024
ISSN: 2158-8155 (Online), 2832-4854 (Print)
Article Information ABSTRACT
Received: February 08, 2024
Accepted: March 17, 2024
Published: March 22, 2024
The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts,
ooding and erratic rainfall, among other effects are increasingly driving agricultural-
dependent households into deeper poverty each year. Addressing these challenges requires
comprehensive adaptation and mitigation strategies involving both local and global efforts.
Self-help groups (SHGs) are recognized as powerful instruments for empowering vulnerable
groups, particularly women, by providing access to credit and health information. They
also play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation, enhancing sustainable
livelihoods for their members. However, this aspect has received limited attention in
academic research. This study explores the nexus between SHGs, climate change mitigation,
and sustainable livelihoods in Nyakach Sub County, a region where recurrent climate shocks
exacerbate persistent poverty. A descriptive research design was employed, involving a
sample of 384 respondents selected from members of 630 self-help groups (SHGs) in
Nyakach Sub County, Kenya. The study’s ndings show that SHG members benet from
SHGs facilitated capital assets some of which that have not only led to reduced reliance on
rewood, thus mitigating deforestation, but also facilitated a transition to alternative energy
sources. This shift has enhanced their adaptive capacity to challenges posed by climate
change. Furthermore, a signicant correlation (rs=0.659, p=0.014) was observed between
SHG-associated resources and competencies in climate change mitigation and household
sustainability. Additionally, collective action, such as participation in tree planting and
trenching/water channelling to combat ood effects, strongly correlated with SHG-associated
resources. Overall, the study concludes that SHG-linked assets and competencies play a vital
role in enhancing climate change adaptation and the sustainable livelihoods of members. The
study recommends increased emphasis on strengthening social capital within SHGs.
Climate Change, Grassroots
Solutions, Nyakach Sub-county,
Rural Households, Self-Help
Groups, Sustainable Livelihoods
Climate change is a global phenomenon that has a far-
reaching impact on the environment and human societies.
It is characterized by prolonged droughts, severe oods,
and other extreme weather events that disproportionately
affect populations based on their vulnerability and
geographical location, intensifying poverty (Charles et al.,
2019). This phenomenon poses signicant challenges to
agricultural production and rural livelihoods, impacting
approximately 2.5 billion people dependent on agriculture
(Ali & Erenstein, 2017). According to Roy et al. (2018) a
1.5 °C increase in global temperatures would particularly
harm disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, leading to
food insecurity, increased food prices, income losses,
health issues, and displacement. This impact is anticipated
to be most severe among populations dependent on
agriculture and coastal resources, including indigenous
peoples, children, the elderly, laborers, and urban poor in
African cities (Michaelsen et al, 2020; p. 3). Recent studies
(e.g., Christian et al., 2019; Desai et al., 2023; Walcott et
al., 2023) demonstrate that Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
have empowered members, especially women, in various
challenging contexts, including climate change mitigation.
However, the specic contributions of SHG participation
to climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihoods
remain underexplored.
In developing countries, the SHG model is increasingly
employed to assist communities in coping with livelihood
shocks, enhancing food security, and building social
capital (Tol et al., 2020). SHGs typically consist of 15-
20 members, often including the poorest community
members, engaging in collective social and economic
activities for empowerment (Walcott et al., 2023). These
groups vary in objectives, functions, size, governance,
and formal institutional linkages (Desai et al., 2023).
Economic groups like SHGs, village savings and loan
associations (VSLAs), and rotating credit and savings
associations (ROSCAs) aim to promote nancial
inclusion by encouraging savings and providing lending
opportunities (Desai et al., 2023). SHGs often partake in a
range of activities, including health, agriculture, advocacy,
or community resource management, tailored to the
unique socio-environmental contexts and developmental
challenges of their members (Orchard et al., 2020).
Despite this, the impact of SHG participation on
climate change mitigation and the improvement of rural
household livelihoods warrant further investigation
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are recognized for promoting
development in rural and under privileged populations,
particularly in developing countries. Through collective
efforts and nancial pooling, SHGs have helped in
building resilience to shocks, including those from
1 Kisii University, Kenya
2 Murang’a University of Technology, Kenya
3 Masinde University of Science and Technology, Kenya
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:
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climate change, by providing access to credit for recovery
from disaster-related losses. Yet, in Nyakach Sub County,
Kenya, despite a high prevalence of SHGs, many still
face challenges like food poverty, inadequate sanitation,
limited access to clean water and reduced agricultural
output due to climate variability. Previous research
has established a link between SHG participation and
livelihood diversication and empowerment, but the
extent to which this contributes to enhancing sustainable
livelihoods in the context of climate change impact is
not well understood. It is therefore necessary to explore
the specic assets and competencies developed through
SHG participation that may facilitate climate change
mitigation in member households. This study aims to
investigate how SHG participation facilitates climate
change mitigation and, in turn, enhances the sustainable
livelihood of households in Nyakach Sub County, a
community reliant on smallholder agriculture for food
supply in Kenya.
This study therefore focuses on three key objectives.
Firstly, it seeks to determine how assets and competencies
developed through SHG participation contribute to
building resilience to the impact of climate change
on households. Secondly, the study aims to establish
the specic ways in which these SHG-based assets
and competencies facilitate climate change mitigation
at the household level. Lastly, it intends to examine
the relationships between SHG-derived assets and
competencies in climate change mitigation and the
sustainable livelihood of these households.
Generally, Documents begin with an introduction. It
contains a brief idea of the work, the requirement for this
research work, the problem statement, and the Author’s
contribution to their research. Adequate latest reference
citations should be included for showing the prevailing
challenges and importance of recent work. This
section should be concise, with no subheadings unless
unavoidable. State the objectives of the work and provide
an adequate background related to your work, avoiding
a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
In literature, the role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in
enhancing sustainable livelihoods, particularly in the
face of climate change, is an area of growing interest.
A number of studies have highlighted the multifaceted
impact of SHG-based assets and competencies, revealing
a complex interaction between these community-led
initiatives and wider socio-economic and environmental
impacts. Research has consistently highlighted the critical
role SHGs play in providing resources and skills that
underpin the livelihoods of underprivileged families. For
instance, Islam et al. (2022) emphasize that SHGs offer
essential capital in the form of water harvesting tools,
agricultural inputs, and credit facilities, which are vital for
building resilience to climate-induced nancial losses.
The empowerment of women through SHGs has been
linked to increased agricultural diversity and food security.
Connors et al. (2023) observed that women’s participation
in SHGs is associated with a greater variety of food
crops and nutrient-dense crops, suggesting that SHG-
related empowerment can enhance resilience in food
systems. Additionally, studies like that of Abdu, Marquis,
Colecraft, Dodoo, and Grimard (2022) in Ghana have
shown that women’s involvement in farmer groups not
only fosters empowerment and household gender parity
but also positively inuences household food security.
SHGs have also been recognized as a platform for capacity
building in agriculture, especially for women. Ingutia and
Sumelius (2022) found that women’s decision to join
farmer groups is often inuenced by the prospect of
accessing credit, which positively impact their agricultural
productivity. Furthermore, Atieno (2016) demonstrated
that participation in SHGs leads to improvements in
household income, physical assets, and food production
in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya.
Recent studies (such as (Michaelsen et al. 2020; Demont,
2022, Kwadwo & Moka 2024) highlight the impact of
climate change on rural livelihoods. Michaelsen et al.
(2020) have drawn attention to the increased vulnerability
of agricultural communities to climatic variability,
particularly in light of changed weather patterns. Within
this context, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have assumed a
critical role in strengthening resilience against the shocks
induced by these climatic variations. For instance, Demont
(2022) demonstrated that SHGs empower households to
more effectively cope with rainfall shocks, with access
to credit serving as a key factor in this resilience. Other
studies, such as Ali and Erenstein (2017) argue that farmers
involved in SHGs are more likely to adopt climate change
adaptation practices, leading to enhanced food security
and reduced poverty levels. This suggests that SHGs can
be instrumental in equipping farmers with the necessary
strategies to cope with the changing climate.
The sustainable livelihood framework offers a lens
through which the impact of SHGs can be further
scrutinized. Studies by Guo, Xie, and Xu (2023)
provide valuable insights into the factors inuencing
the sustainability of rural livelihoods, underscoring the
importance of community-level interventions like SHGs.
Moreover, the role of agroforestry, as highlighted by
Islam et al. (2022), in enhancing various forms of capital,
from physical to human, through SHG participation,
illustrates the multifaceted benets of such community
initiatives (Olobia, 2023).
Theoretical Framework
This study was guided by Collective Action (CA) Theory
and the Sustainable Livelihood Framework.
Collective Action (CA) Theory
Collective Action (CA) theory, developed by Mancur
Olson in 1965, is a framework for understanding how
groups, especially marginalized populations, can organize
to achieve common goals and address public goods
misnomers (Ostrom, 2015, Badejo, Majekodunmi,
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Am. J. Multidis. Res. Innov. 3(2) 14-22, 2024
Kingsley, Smith & Welburn, 2017). The main tenets of
the theory include proactive actions aimed at solving
public-goods misnomer facing marginalised populations
in society such as women with regard to acquisition
of assets and other competencies; actions capable
of empowering the less privileged members of the
community; and actions explicitly challenging social
norms and constructions which limit the opportunities
of the less privileged people including their household
(Dhal, Lane, Srivastava 2020).
In this study, Collective Action (CA) theory is applied
to examine the role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in
addressing their members’ challenges, such as adapting to
climate change and enhancing the sustainability of their
livelihoods, aligning with the arguments presented by
Funnis (2017). The focus is on understanding how SHG
members’ collective behavior, through initiatives like
local savings and credit schemes and diversifying income
sources, contribute to improving their living conditions.
As Atieno (2022) suggests, the core aim of CA theory
in this context is to analyse how individuals within these
groups collaborate to tackle socioeconomic challenges,
highlighting the theory’s applicability in exploring group
dynamics in overcoming environmental and economic
The Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF)
The SLF is a comprehensive approach to understanding
and addressing the challenges faced by communities, the
complexities of poverty and vulnerability and informs
strategies for sustainable development. It was developed
by the Department for International Development
(DFID) of the UK in the 1990s, drawing on earlier work
by Chambers and Conway (Chambers and Conway, 1992).
Its focus is on the multiple types of capital assets (human,
social, natural, physical, and nancial), the inuence of
external shocks and stresses such as climate change, the
pivotal role of institutions and policies, the necessity for
adaptive strategies, and a participatory, people-centered
approach. In this study, the SLF is applied to examine
how Self-Help Groups (SHGs) harness various forms
of capital to facilitate resilience and sustainability.
For example, how SHGs use their collective social
and nancial capital to adapt and diversify livelihood
strategies, mitigate risks, and advocate for supportive
policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate
sustainable livelihoods. Therefore, the SLF provides a
useful framework for identifying and understanding the
diverse ways in which SHGs can empower individuals
and communities to build resilience to climate change
This study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research
design, integrating both qualitative and quantitative
methods to investigate the impact of self-help groups
(SHGs) on building resilience to climate change. A
stratied proportional sampling technique was used to
select respondents from the three divisions of Nyakach
sub-county, ensuring representation proportional to the
SHG population in each division. Quantitative data was
collected through a survey administered to 384 members
of the 630 SHGs, representing a total membership
of over 9,450 individuals. The survey focused on
understanding the assets and competencies gained from
SHG participation and how these contribute to climate
resilience. Additionally, qualitative data was gathered
through key informant interviews and focus group
discussions with purposively selected SHG members,
government ofcials, and representatives from supporting
organizations (both for-prot and non-prot).
Data Collection and Analysis
This research employed a multi-pronged approach to
data collection, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative
methods. The two primary instruments, developed by the
researchers, were utilized: checklists and a semi-structured
questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was
established through review by a panel of experts from
Kisii University and experts from the departments of
social services and agriculture. Qualitative data collection
involved key informant interviews with SHGs ofcials,
NGOs supporting SHGs, nancial institutions, and
local and national government representatives. These
interviews were conducted using a semi-structured
interview schedule (SSI) and audio-recorded with
informed consent. Thematic analysis was employed
to identify recurring themes and patterns within the
qualitative data. Quantitative data collection used a survey
questionnaire tool that was administered to participants.
Data entry and analysis were conducted using SPSS
version 25.0. Both descriptive and inferential statistics
were employed, including frequencies, percentages, and
means. The relationships between SHG-based assets
and competencies in climate change mitigation and
sustainable livelihood was determined using Spearman’s
Rank Correlations.
SHG -Based Assets and Competencies
This section presents the analysis of assets and
competencies acquired by members through their
involvement in SHGs. The Sustainable Livelihoods
Framework (SLF) is used as a lens, with the analysis
highlighting the diverse range of assets gained through
participation. These assets, categorized within the SLF
framework, are able to enhance members’ resilience
against the challenges posed by climate change. From the
data, members (24.7%) reported that they had acquired
physical assets as a result of SHG participation including
assets like water tanks, cooking gas, and solar panels for
domestic use. These acquisitions suggest improved access
to essential resources, potentially reduce vulnerability
to climate impact. Social capital was reported by over
twenty three percent (23.4%) who indicated that they
had participated in collective action for environmental
management, such as tree planting, trench building,
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and water channeling as a result of SHG participation.
This collaborative approach underscores the power of
building resilience through improved natural resource
Over Eighteen percent (18.2%) reported having gone
through SHG-organized training sessions, equipping
members with life and business skills and some form of
human capital development. This enhanced knowledge
and abilities can empower individuals to navigate
challenges and pursue income-generating opportunities.
Respondents (17.5%) reported having accessed nancial
capital benets including the savings schemes, group
insurance schemes and access to microloans. Over sixteen
percent indicated having been involved in trainings that
exposed them to soil conservation practices, rainwater
harvesting systems, improved farm inputs and livestock
breeds that contribute to the natural capital. These assets
directly contribute to enhanced agricultural productivity
and potentially improved livelihoods, particularly in the
context of climate-related uncertainties.
Figure 1: Assets and Competencies categorized using SLF acquired through SHG Participation
SHG -Based Assets and Competencies in Climate
Change Mitigation
The study also sought to assess how the SHG-based
assets and competencies have helped the respondents
in building resilience to climate change impacts in
the area. The researchers rst sought to establish the
manifestations of climate change in the study area. As
presented in Table 3 below the respondents noted that
livestock and crop diseases (M=4.16; SD=.82), oods
(M=3.86; SD=.85), and drought (M=3.82; SD=.77) have
affected their farming activities over the years, resulting
in low yields. For example, oods (M=4.21; SD=.83)
had crops resulted in low yields among a number of
Tab le 1: Climate Change Manifestations
Climate Change Manifestations N M SD
Floods normally destroyed our homes leaving us with low-quality shelter 384 3.79 .91
Each year, our crops are destroyed by oods leaving us with very low yields 384 4.21 .83
Our sanitations are destroyed by oods each year causing water-borne diseases 384 3.59 .81
Mean 3.86 .85
Prolonged drought has often affected our livestock hence low animal products 384 4.15 .73
Prolonged drought has often affected our crops hence poor yields 384 3.49 .81
Mean 3.82 .77
Livestock & Crop Diseases
Appearance of strange diseases normally affect our livestock production 384 4.18 .81
Crop production on our farms has always been affected by strange diseases 384 4 .14 .82
Mean 4.16 .82
The researchers proceeded to further analyse how SHG-
based assets and competencies gained help in building
resilience to climate change impact in the study area.
The SHG-based assets and competencies assessed
included domestic equipment, improved livestock breeds,
improved farm inputs, participation in collective and
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skills acquired through SHG trainings. Table 2 presents
the distribution of SHG-based assets and competencies
in climate change mitigation.
Table 2 illustrates that in overall, SHG-based assets
and competencies (M=3.72; SD=.83) are agreed upon
by the sampled respondents to help them in building
resilience to climate change impact in the study area. Of
importance are the skills acquired through participation in
SHG training sessions (M=4.0; SD=.83), improved farm
inputs (M=3.98; SD=.88) such as improved seed varieties
and fertilizers received through SHG participation, and
participation in group collectives (M=3.85; SD=.79) that
have been noted as having helped the respondents very
much in building resilience to climate change impacts.
Tab le 2: Distribution of SHG-based Assets and Competencies in Climate Change Mitigation
SHG-Based Assets & Competencies in Climate Change Mitigation N M SD
Domestic Equipment
SHG acquired water tanks has enabled me to have clean water for home use 384 3.59 .93
SHG acquired cooking gas has enabled me to have clean & efcient energy 384 3.21 .89
SHG acquired solar has enabled me to have clean & efcient lighting system 384 2.59 .85
Mean 3.13 .91
Improved Livestock Varieties (Chicken, goats, Sheep)
Improved livestock varieties acquired from SHG has enabled me to expand my stock 384 3.75 .79
Improved livestock varieties acquired from SHG has enabled me to enhance my livestock
384 3.49 .81
Mean 3.62 .80
Improved Farm Inputs
Improved seed varieties acquired through SHG has enhanced my farm yields 384 3.98 .84
Fertilizers & Manure acquired through SHG has enhanced my farm yields 384 3.97 .92
Mean 3.98 .88
Participation in Collectives
Tree planting through group collectives has enabled me to have enough trees on my compound 384 3.49 .82
Trench/water channeling through SHG collectives has reduced ooding on my compound 384 4.21 .76
Mean 3.85 .79
Skills Acquisition through SHG Participation
Business skills acquired through SHG has enabled me diversify my income 384 4.12 .72
Health skills from SHG has enabled me improve family healthcare 384 3.86 .81
Farming skills acquired through SHGs has enabled me to improve my yields 384 3.98 .79
Mean 4.0 .77
Overall Mean 3.72 .83
Relationships between SHG -Based Assets and
Competencies in Climate Change Mitigation and
Sustainable Livelihood
To gain deeper insight with regard to the relationship
between SHG-based assets and competencies in climate
change mitigation and sustainable livelihood among
group members’ households, Spearman’s Correlation
analysis was conducted. In this regard, the researcher rst
sought to determine the level of sustainable livelihoods
existing among the sampled SHG members. Sustainable
livelihood in this study was determined based on capital
assets including human capital, social capital, natural
capital, physical capital and nancial capital. Table 3
presents the level of sustainable livelihood.
According to results presented in Table 3, the respondents
moderately agreed (M=3.20; SD=.80) that their livelihood
was sustainable. Social capital (M=4.59; SD=.65) came
out as an outstanding livelihood which is considered as
sustainable among SHG members who participated in
this study.
The researchers thereafter proceeded to analyse how
SHG-based assets and competencies in climate change
mitigation relate with sustainable livelihood of the group
Tab le 3: Level of Sustainable Livelihood
Capital Assets N M SD
Human Capital 384 3.23 .78
Social Capital 384 4.59 .65
Natural Capital 384 3.21 .78
Physical Capital 384 2.38 .94
Financial Capital 384 2.59 .85
Mean 3.20 .80
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members. To attain this, Spearman’s Rank Correlation
analysis was utilised with the signicance level of
the relationship pegged at 0.05. Table 6 presents the
relationship between SHG-based assets and competencies
in climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihoods
of group members’ households.
Tab le 4: SHG-based Assets and Competencies in Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Livelihood
SHG-based Assets &
Competencies in Climate
Change Mitigation
Sustainable Household
SHG-based Assets &
competencies in Climate
Change Mitigation
Correlation Coefcient 1.659**
Sig. (2-tailed 0.001
N 384 384
Sustainable household
Correlation Coefcient .659** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001
N 384 384
** Indicates spearman correlation signicant at p ≤0.01.(2 tailed)
As illustrated in Table 6, there is a strong and positive
correlation between SHG-based assets and competencies
in climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihood,
which was statistically signicant (rs = .659, p = .001)
for 384 samples. This implies that improvement in
SHG-based assets and competencies can result into
approximately .659 unit improvement in sustainable
livelihoods of the members’ families.
The study ndings show that by participating in Self-Help
Groups (SHGs) members are able to access various capital
assets that signicantly impact on their livelihoods (see
Figure 1). These assets have wider implications on their
resilience to the impacts of climate change. For instance,
the physical capital assets (including to water tanks,
cooking gas, and solar panels) not only improves water
security but also reduces reliance on rewood, thereby
mitigating deforestation. This shift towards alternative
energy sources enhancing their adaptive capacity. These
ndings are consistent with studies such as Swain &
Varghese, (2009); Atieno, (2017) and Wekesa, Nzioka and
Mutune, (2021). For example, Swain & Varghese argue that
longer membership in SHGs positively impact on asset
creation. Similar ndings have been reported by Atieno,
(2017) who observe that participation in SHGs gives
members opportunities to expand asset acquisition. The
social capital facilitated by SHGs evidenced by collective
action, such as tree planting and water channeling for
environmental management. This collective action is part
of community-level resilience against climate impacts like
droughts and oods.
From the ndings a signicant proportion of respondents,
specically 18.2%, reported undergoing training sessions
organized by Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The training
sessions aimed to impart life and business skills, which
built members’ human capital thus empowering members
to adapt to changing circumstances and pursue income-
generating opportunities. This capacity building not only
enhances livelihoods but also reduces vulnerability to the
challenges posed by climate change. These ndings are
consistent with Kapoor (2019), whose work highlights
the signicant contribution of SHGs to the economic
development and livelihood improvement of members.
Kapoor argues that SHGs empower members specically
women by promoting entrepreneurship, promoting
awareness on diverse issues, and cultivating self-
condence and self-identity.
From the ndings, the evidence shows that participation
in SHGs has enabled members to diversify their
opportunities amidst climate change impacts, particularly
in areas of environmental conservation and watershed
management. This is consistent with Islam et al. (2022),
in a study in Bangladesh showed that agroforestry
presents a sustainable alternative livelihood option
for farmers. However, a research by Laxmi (2017), in
Karnataka, found that only a minority of SHG members
engaged in advanced environmental conservation
practices in villages of despite their expressed interest
in tree preservation. This implies that individually, SHG
members may lack the capacity for conservation efforts,
but collectively, within their groups, they demonstrate
active engagement in conservation practices. Indeed,
Khatibi and Yamakanamardi (2009) found that with the
assistance of NGOs, women’s SHGs play a signicant
role in water resource management in India.
The results highlight a strong correlation between
participation in Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and the
acquisition of various competencies among respondents.
Specically, participants reported gaining skills in
entrepreneurship, farming, and general life skills, with a
mean score of 4.0 and a standard deviation of 0.77. These
ndings underscore the role of SHGs as platforms for
capacity building and empowerment within communities.
These competencies, particularly in entrepreneurship
and farming, are essential for building resilience and
adapting to changing socio-economic and environmental
conditions, such as those posed by climate change.
The results of this study are consistent with previous
research conducted by Were and Kimaru-Muchai (2021)
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in Kenya, which demonstrated that leadership skills
gained through SHG participation empower women to
make investment decisions, thereby diversifying their
sources of income. Additionally, ndings from Atieno’s
(2016) study in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya, showed
that SHG participation led to signicant improvements
in household income, physical assets, crop yields, and
daily meals for 73.5% of members. These results support
the conclusion that SHG participation enables members
to acquire various domestic assets and competencies,
ultimately facilitating income source diversication in
response to the impacts of climate change.
Assets and Competencies of Self-Help Groups in
Addressing Climate Change Challenges
The study ndings showed that the study area is among
the regions impacted severely by climate change, with
livestock and crop diseases, oods, and droughts
adversely affecting farming activities and resulting in
low yields. These sentiments appear to resonate with
similar challenges highlighted in Ali and Erenstein
(2017). Participation in SHG training sessions, led to
increased use of improved technologies such as more
adapted seed varieties and fertilizers and other strategies
for building resilience to climate change impact. Other
studies such as Gikunda & Lawyer (2019), Masthani &
VijayaBharathi (2018), and Quandt & Kimathi (2017)
further show that farm-based support and contribute
to overcoming negative impacts of climatic changes.
Furthermore, research by Ingutia and Sumelius (2022)
have reported signicant improvement in crop yields
despite climate constraints for SHGs participants, while
Kyalo and Matayo (2020) demonstrates how farming
skills acquired through SHGs have enabled women to
engage in self-employment, thus enhancing resilience
to climate variability. Therefore, strengthening strategies
that enhance SHG-based assets for resilience to climate
change impacts is essential for improving the sustainable
livelihoods of households in the study area.
The study has demonstrated how members participating in
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have acquired various types of
capital assets. Physical assets such as water tanks and solar
panels have not only reduced reliance on rewood, thus
mitigating deforestation, but also facilitated a transition to
alternative energy sources. This shift has enhanced their
adaptive capacity to challenges posed by climate change.
Furthermore, SHG training sessions have facilitated the
acquisition of life and business skills, thereby enhancing
members’ human capital and empowering them to adapt
to changing circumstances and pursue income-generating
opportunities. This capacity building improves livelihoods
and reduces vulnerability to the challenges posed by
climate change.
Additionally, participation in SHGs has enabled
members to diversify their opportunities amidst climate
change impacts, particularly in areas of environmental
conservation and watershed management. Through
collective action, such as tree planting and water
channeling, SHG members have actively contributed to
environmental sustainability and resilience building in
their communities.
Moreover, the study identies livestock and crop diseases,
oods, and drought as signicant manifestations of climate
change in the study area, adversely affecting farming
activities and leading to decreased yields. However,
participation in collective actions facilitated by SHGs
has helped households build resilience to these climate
change impacts. Skills gained through SHG training
sessions, along with access to improved farm inputs
like seed varieties and fertilizers, have further bolstered
their ability to mitigate and adapt to these challenges.
Furthermore, while the sustainability of livelihoods varies
among SHG members, enhancing SHG-based assets
and competencies can signicantly improve sustainable
livelihoods for member families. Notably, social capital,
represented by networks and connections, emerges as
a prominent asset aiding livelihood sustainability across
SHG membership in the study area.
Recommendations for improving sustainability of
livelihoods through SHG participation include scaling up
efforts to enhance SHG-based assets and competencies.
Additionally, measures to strengthen factors fostering
social capital among SHG members are essential, given its
robust inuence on participation and associated benets.
Future research should further explore the contribution
of social capital to mitigating climate change and fostering
sustainable livelihoods among SHG members in Nyakach
Sub County, Kenya.
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This research assessed the Sustainable Livelihood Program's Micro-Enterprise Development Track, focusing on social preparation, resource mobilization, and participant mainstreaming while excluding pre-implementation, as beneficiaries still need to be involved at that stage. The researchers assessed beneficiaries' awareness and identified challenges faced by implementers. Data was gathered through cluster sampling from 150 out of 234 beneficiaries of Rodriguez, San Mateo, and Cainta in Rizal Province, Philippines, and nine implementers were purposefully selected. The findings indicated that the Seed Capital Fund was the primary assistance modality utilized by beneficiaries. However, beneficiaries had lower awareness of the two-day capability-building activities than other social preparation elements. Implementers encountered problems such as inadequate training evaluation tools, limited space, and the need for an SLP office. Although beneficiaries were generally aware that monitoring and assessment are crucial to government programs, challenges included insufficient contact information and unsustainable livelihood projects. An action plan was proposed to address these issues, focusing on enhancing the social preparation and program mainstreaming stages, using a mixed-method approach with a sequential explanatory design for data collection. By adopting this plan, program implementation may be enhanced. Additionally, the plan calls for follow-up studies to evaluate the livelihood program, assess its impact, and oversee the execution of the SLP Employment Facilitation Track, which remains part of the national government's SLP initiative.
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Background: Interventions with women’s groups are increasingly seen as an important strategy for advancing women’s empowerment, health, and economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries, with the potential to increase the resiliency of members and their communities during widespread covariate shocks, such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: This evidence synthesis compiles evidence from past shocks on women’s group activities and the extent to which women’s groups mitigate the effects of shocks on members and communities. We reviewed 90 documents from academic databases, organizational reports, and additional gray literature, and included literature diverse in geography, type of women’s group, and shock. Results: The literature suggests that covariate shocks tend to disrupt group activities and reduce group resources, but linkages to formal institutions can mitigate this impact by extending credit beyond the shock-affected resource pool. Evidence was largely supportive of women’s groups providing resilience to members and communities, though findings varied according to shock severity, group purpose and structure, and outcome measures. Further, actions to support individual resilience during a shock, such as increased payment flexibility, may run counter to group resilience. The findings of the evidence synthesis are largely consistent with emerging evidence about women’s groups and COVID-19 in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Conclusions: We finalize the paper with a discussion on policy implications, including the importance of sustainable access to financial resources for women’s group members; equity considerations surrounding the distribution of group benefits and burdens; and the potential for meaningful partnerships between women’s groups and local governments and/or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to enhance community response amidst crises.
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Rural households' livelihood sustainability is the core issue that affects their production and life standards, and it is a necessary evaluation index for rural sustainable development. As a sensitive area of urban-rural integration development in Beijing, the environmental protection measures and industrial structure adjustments in ecological conservation areas (ECAs) have influenced the sustainability and stability of local rural households' livelihood. First, based on livelihood capital quantification data, this study established an evaluation model of rural households' livelihood sustainability, which employed the combined weighting approach and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). Second, this study investigated the influencing factors of rural households' livelihood using the methodologies of regression analysis and the mediating effect. The results showed the following: (1) the overall livelihood sustainability of rural households was at a medium level, scoring 0.4436; (2) the sanitation conditions of the community were rated as the critical factor with a positive impact on rural households' livelihood, which was followed by the frequency of online shopping, family expenditure, and management capability of village cadres; (3) improving one's rural household income can enhance rural livelihood sustainability indirectly. Finally, effective livelihood strategies were explored and put forward for ECA development .
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This study was conducted among communities surrounding the Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh with the aim of assessing farmers’ participation in agroforestry systems, as well as the opportunities it provides for enhancing sustainable and resilient livelihoods. However, field work was conducted between July 2014 and July 2015 to collect data from 120 respondents who were selected using a multistage sampling technique in four sub-districts (Debhata, Tala, Kalaroa and Kaliganj) in Satkhira, Bangladesh. The results showed that almost 100% of the respondents practiced homestead agroforestry traditionally and more than 56% practiced aquasilviculture. Besides, majority of the farmers (40%) practiced boundary plantation, 31% practiced alley cropping and the rest (29%) practiced random and mixed plantations. Farmers’ reported improved opportunities for livelihood diversification by working with agroforestry as of possessing benefits from trees, fruits, medicinal plants, fuel wood and fish as well as opportunities for the rearing of livestock and the cultivation of food crops. The results also showed that these livelihood activities resulted in an enhanced ability of respondents to construct and repair housing (physical capital), purchase land (natural capital), save money (economic capital), fund children’s education (human capital) among others. In all, these results suggest that agroforestry is a sustainable alternative livelihood option which provides opportunities for reduced dependency on protected forests, in addition to increased potential for livelihood diversification and ability to cope with climate change impacts and other change drivers.
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Women's groups are a widely implemented and researched development intervention, particularly in South Asia and Africa. Groups encompass many models and aim to address a range of objectives. However, there is no consistent approach to describing their varied implementation models, which hinders the accurate interpretation of evidence and construct validity. Drawing from three recent evidence reviews and research experience with groups, we propose a typology and common reporting indicators to describe women's groups. As large-scale investments in women's groups grow, these tools can support the interpretation and transferability of evidence across models and settings. ARTICLE HISTORY
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Background Few studies have examined the influence of women's participation in farmer groups on female and male empowerment, which is considered essential to improving nutrition. Objectives The study aimed to (1) assess the empowerment of Ghanaian women farmers, one adult male family decision maker, and the household gender equality, and (2) investigate the relationship of empowerment and household gender equality with women's participation in farmer-based organizations (FBO), women's and men's nutritional status, and household food security. Methods A cross-sectional study investigated secondary outcomes using baseline data from a nutrition-sensitive agriculture intervention implemented through FBOs in rural Ghana ( (NCT03869853). Existing FBOs in eight communities were selected based on six criteria (e.g., participation level, readiness to change). Female FBO (n = 166) and non-FBO (n = 164) members together with a male family member (n = 205) provided data on individual and household characteristics; empowerment was measured across 11 indicators with the project-level Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Generalized linear mixed models tested the associations between empowerment and household gender equality with FBO membership, nutritional status, and household food security. Results Women's FBO membership was associated with an increased likelihood of women's empowerment (aOR = 3.25; 95% CI [1.97, 5.33]) and household gender parity (aOR = 2.82; 95% CI [1.39, 5.84]) but not men's empowerment. Household food insecurity, but not nutritional status, was positively associated with women's FBO participation and individual empowerment indicators (financial services). Food insecurity was negatively associated with women's empowerment indicator related to attitudes about domestic violence (aβ = −0.78; 95% CI [−1.35, −0.21]) and men's overall empowerment (aβ = −0.79; 95% CI [−1.58, −0.01]). Conclusions Understanding the complexity in which FBO participation, empowerment, nutritional status, and food security are linked is critical in designing interventions that promote gender equality and improved nutrition.
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Climate-related disasters have a severe impact on the livelihoods of people in south-western coastal Bangladesh, and the adaptive capacity is linked to this. However, this subject has not received any thorough attention. This study therefore identified the adaptive capacity indicators that affect the livelihood vulnerability to climate-induced disasters in the three unions (Dakshin Dedkashi, Bagali, and Koyra) of Koyra Upazila (sub-district) in the Khulna district (a climate-vulnerable southwest coastal region) of Bangladesh. We surveyed 300 households from the three unions using an interview schedule. The data were analyzed by using an ordered logistic regression. Gender and education of household heads, presence of dependents, family members working in different communities, crop growing, agricultural activities as the primary source of income, access to support from relatives or friends, access to local government services, and membership in community-based social organizations were identified as the significant indicators of adaptive capacity that determine vulnerability in this study. A partnership between government agencies and the community might lead to new perspectives on climate risk mitigation measures; the cost-effective adoption of innovative adaptation solutions; and social inclusion and empowerment in terms of livelihood opportunities.
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Better utilization of rainfall through rainwater harvesting can greatly increase agricultural productivity, improve food security and alleviate poverty. Water is the main limiting resource for crop production in arid sub-Saharan Africa. The biggest challenge currently is growing water shortage and dwindling rivers. This has impacted the livelihoods of rural population in arid and semi-arid counties. The introduction of novel rain-water harvesting (RWH) is, however, seeking to mitigate the effects of perennial droughts in arid areas. Successful adoption of such technologies has the potential to alleviate water problems faced by rural households. In Kenya, very little research has been conducted about adoption of water harvesting technologies and their role in curbing water shortages. Therefore, there was a need to interrogate the extent to which adoption of water harvesting technologies has impacted households in Matungulu Sub-County. Focus group discussions, interview with key informants, and structured questionnaires were used to collect data for the study which were then analyzed using SPSS version 22 software. The findings indicated that overall, a composite mean of 4.04 and a standard deviation of 0.699 of the respondents agreed that incentives from the county government significantly promoted water harvesting technologies. This was confirmed by a positively strong and significant correlation between the integration of RHT in the county development agenda and the impact on household livelihoods. A further regression analysis indicated that Integration of RHT had a positive and significant influence on household livelihoods (β= 0.755, t=22.351, p=0.000<0.05). Results of this survey indicate that rainwater technologies are financed mostly by household heads and county government initiatives have not been adequately felt. There is a strong indication from the study that water harvesting technologies had a statistically significant influence on the impact on household livelihoods. To ensure sustainability of rainwater harvesting technologies, the study recommends that Machakos
The governance of natural resources used by many individuals in common is an issue of increasing concern to policy analysts. Both state control and privatization of resources have been advocated, but neither the state nor the market have been uniformly successful in solving common pool resource problems. After critiquing the foundations of policy analysis as applied to natural resources, Elinor Ostrom here provides a unique body of empirical data to explore conditions under which common pool resource problems have been satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily solved. Dr Ostrom uses institutional analysis to explore different ways - both successful and unsuccessful - of governing the commons. In contrast to the proposition of the 'tragedy of the commons' argument, common pool problems sometimes are solved by voluntary organizations rather than by a coercive state. Among the cases considered are communal tenure in meadows and forests, irrigation communities and other water rights, and fisheries.
Combining seven years of household data from an original field experiment in villages of Jharkand, East India, with meteorological data, this paper investigates how Indian Self-Help Groups (SHGs) enable households to withstand rainfall shocks. I show that SHGs operate remarkably well under large covariate shocks. While credit access dries up in control villages one year after a bad monsoon, reflecting strong credit rationing from informal lenders, credit flows are counter-cyclical in treated villages. Treated households experience substantially higher food security during the lean season following a drought and increase their seasonal migration to mitigate expected income shocks. Credit access plays an important role, together with other SHG aspects such as peer networks. These findings indicate that local self-help and financial associations can help poor farmers to cope with climatic shocks and to implement risk management strategies.