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Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini



Resistance is a defensive attitude, trying to fight, oppose, or other opposition efforts in general. Resistance or resistance to something suppressed in everyday life is natural, from the inferior to the superior. A defensive attitude is also shown in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini through the main female character, Yuni. Yuni's character struggles because of the stigma that exists in the community where she lives so that women cannot develop positively. Yuni is a teenager who dares to fight directly when she experiences injustice. Yuni's resistance or resistance allowed her to do what she thought was right. Yuni's resistance is in line with James C. Scott's theory. The data source in this study is the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. The research data is excerpts of sentences and phrases describing Yuni's character's resistance. The results of this study are depictions of resistance forms, including (1) refusing to marry young, (2) liking purple, (3) giving up virginity, and (4) the role of parents in decision-making for Yuni's figure.
E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1305
Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila
Hidayah Budi Qur’ani1*, Tuti Kusniarti2, Desy Rufaidah3
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia1,2, Universitas Sarjanawiyata
Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia3
Women; Youth;
Resistance; Stigma.
Resistance is a defensive attitude, trying to fight, oppose, or
other opposition efforts in general. Resistance or resistance
to something suppressed in everyday life is natural, from the
inferior to the superior. A defensive attitude is also shown in
the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini through
the main female character, Yuni. Yuni's character struggles
because of the stigma that exists in the community where she
lives so that women cannot develop positively. Yuni is a
teenager who dares to fight directly when she experiences
injustice. Yuni's resistance or resistance allowed her to do
what she thought was right. Yuni's resistance is in line with
James C. Scott's theory. The data source in this study is the
novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. The research
data is excerpts of sentences and phrases describing Yuni's
character's resistance. The results of this study are depictions
of resistance forms, including (1) refusing to marry young,
(2) liking purple, (3) giving up virginity, and (4) the role of
parents in decision-making for Yuni's figure.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Stigma arises due to discrimination against individuals or groups based on
characteristics that differ from members of society in general. Stigma is generally related
to culture, gender, race, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, body image,
intelligence or disability, and health.
Stigma can be interpreted as a representation or view of life (personal and social).
Stigma can be interpreted as constructing social relationships as a form of social relations
and reality. Stigma is challenging to conceptualise because it reflects a social form,
categorisation, and affective state process.
Stigma is not only portrayed in people's lives. In literary works, stigma is also
experienced by figures considered deviant, not by expected social behaviour. The image
of stigma appears in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. This novel tells
the story of a character named Yuni, a teenage girl who lives in a lower-middle-class
Hidayah Budi Qur’ani, Tuti Kusniarti, Desy Rufaidah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1306
neighbourhood. The condition of Yuni's living environment, which has low economic and
educational levels, causes the mindset of the people depicted in the novel very narrow.
This can be seen from the way they perceive the position of women.
In the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini, the position of women is
considered unimportant. It even raises the stigma that women do not need to be highly
educated to become wives and mothers. So, if a woman behaves differently from other
women, there will be a sneer to the woman.
Sneer and negative stigma experienced by Yuni Character. Yuni is described as a
female figure who goes against the community's mindset in her neighbourhood. One of
the resistances made by Yuni's character was his rejection of proposals twice when he
was still in high school. The behaviour described by Yuni's character is very contrary to
the social conditions of the community where Yuni lives, causing a sneer against her and
even the assumption that if she rejects the proposal more than once, she will never marry.
Yuni's resistance is also depicted when she likes purple. The colour purple is identified
in society with the colour of widows, but it does not shake Yuni's interest in purple; she
even dyed her hair purple as a self-expression.
Resistance or resistance can be interpreted as an effort made by the weak party
against the powerful party. States that resistance focuses on forms of resistance that exist
and occur in everyday life. Thus, Scoot divides resistance into two forms: (1) open
resistance, which is organised, systematic, and principled. Open resistance manifests as
rebellion, and (2) closed resistance is rejecting things forced on societygossip or
(Rahmawati et al., 2021) You are positing that Resistance does not necessarily
mean resisting in the sense of undermining power. The form of resistance itself, according
to James Scott, can be manifested in two forms, namely (1) open resistance (public
transcript) in front of many people, such as girls, against the dominance of the firm
(parents and husbands), and (2) closed resistance (hidden transcript), outside the "stage"
such as girls against secretly or hidden against the strong.
So far, research that raises the object of study of Yuni novels by Ade Ubaidil and
Kamila Andini has been carried out, namely by (Lestari & Meliasanti, 2022) entitled "The
Image of Women in Yuni Novel by Ade Ubaidil (Marxist et al.)". This study describes
the position of female characters, forms of women's injustice, and women's efforts to
release the shackles of patriarchy in Ade Ubaidil's Yuni novel. This research focuses on
women's positions, such as education, career and status. Women in society have a position
as a family need, are willing to sacrifice, have independent attitudes, and have self-
esteem. At the same time, forms of women's inequality include arranged marriages, not
having the right to vote, marrying at a young age, differences in the treatment of women
and counter-feminism actions. Finally, it is about efforts to release the shackles carried
out by women, namely daring to express opinions and make decisions for themselves.
Other studies that discuss women's resistance include (Muftiandar, 2021),
(Susilastri, 2020), (Intan, 2020), (Nugraha & Suyitno, 2019), (Susilowati & Indarti,
2018), dan (Harjito, 2019) which examines related to resistance carried out by women.
Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1307
The resistance women practise is depicted in novels, short story collections, folklore, and
women from a cultural perspective. These studies explain that women's resistance occurs
as a result of injustice or inequality that occurs in women. The injustice experienced by
women does not make them resigned and weak, but tries to fight back to defend their
rights (Intan, 2020).
This research focuses on the forms of resistance of a female character named
Yuni, a teenager who grew up in an environment full of social stigma. Thus, the
formulation of the problem and the purpose of this study is to describe the forms of
resistance of Yuni characters in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. The
social stigma that always corners women does not necessarily make Yuni give up and
give up. However, Yuni fights against the stigma. With this research, it can be a learning
for adolescents. The learning gained as a teenager is to become a human being who never
gives up and can fight if you get injustice, especially women.
Research Methods
This type of research is qualitative, using the theory of resistance proposed by James
C. Scott. The source of this research data is the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila
Andini, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2022 (Firdausa & Mahyu, 2023).
This research data is in words, phrases, and sentences that describe Yuni's resistance. Data
collection techniques use documentation techniques. The classified data is then analysed
interpretively with a descriptive method based on a resistance theory.
Results and Discussions
This section discusses the forms of resistance of Yuni characters in Yuni Novel by
Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. Yuni figures carried out the resistance as a protest
against the stigma in his neighbourhood. The resistance carried out by Yuni's character is
open. Yuni's open resistance includes (1) refusing to marry young, (2) liking purple, and
(3) giving up virginity. The findings of Yuni's forms of recession are described below.
Refusing to Marry Young
Young marriage is one of the problems that often occur in Indonesia. Child marriage
often occurs due to economic factors. A married daughter is not her parents' responsibility
but her husband's. Therefore, marrying girls from an early age can reduce the burden of
family expenses.
Young marriage is also depicted in Yuni's neighbourhood. In Yuni's
neighbourhood, it is common for women to be married off at a young age. One example
is Yuni's friend Tika, a member of Cilegenk. Tika was married to the son of her father's
friend, a truck driver. Tika was forced to drop out of school because she had to accept a
proposal from her future husband. Although Tika wanted to refuse, the assumption in her
village that the proposal was part of sustenance forced Tika to undergo a young marriage.
Young marriage is indeed something that should be avoided. This is so that women
do not become victims. Whether it is a physical victim or a psychological victim,
physically, a woman's body will become a victim because she has not experienced sexual
Hidayah Budi Qur’ani, Tuti Kusniarti, Desy Rufaidah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1308
maturity, so she will experience a high risk if you have sexual intercourse and gets
pregnant at a young age. From a psychological point of view, women will experience
emotional shocks because they have to become wives and mothers at a young age. Girls
also need to pay attention to their future. This is in line with the opinion (of Jayadi et al.,
2021), who states that the situation that must be of common concern is to prioritise the
best interests of children in providing the right to education, the right to growth and
development, the right to play, the right to get protection from violence, all forms of
exploitation, and discrimination. The most important thing is to place the child's position
in the child's world to develop according to the child's developmental age.
Although it depicts a young marriage, Yuni's novel by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila
Andini depicts Yuni's character as having the courage to fight. Yuni's character fights the
stigma of society that thinks women are better off getting married than high school
because, later, women will take care of the kitchen. Yuni Figures carried out a form of
resistance to fight the stigma of society by refusing to marry young. Yuni rejected the
proposal because she wanted to continue her studies and dreams.
Yuni's rejection when she got the proposal was not without reason. In the first
proposal, Yuni refused directly when she met Iman. Iman is a man who proposed to Yuni
through his grandmother. Yuni rejected Iman's proposal because she did not like Iman's
behaviour of bragging to her boyfriend that she could get Yuni. Yuni is angry at Iman's
attitude that women are goods so that they can be contested. Yuni rejected the second
proposal when Mang Dodi proposed to her. Mang Dodi is Yuni's best friend Sarah's uncle.
Yuni rejected Mang Dodi's proposal directly because she felt that Mang Dodi considered
women only limited to virginity. When Mang Dodi proposed to Yuni, he gave money as
a sign of seriousness and promised to add as much as 25 million if Yuni was a virgin.
Knowing this, Yuni rejected Mang Dodi's proposal and said that she was no longer a
virgin, so in the end, Mang Dodi discouraged her intention to marry Yuni.
The third proposal was rejected when Yuni wanted to be married to her teacher, Pak
Danar. Pak Damar is an Indonesian teacher at Yuni's school. Pak Damar also introduced
Yuni to poems by Sapardi Djoko Damono. Pak Damar proposed to Yuni right when he
was 17 years old. The proposal from Mr. Damar made Yuni hesitate. At first, Yuni liked
her teacher. However, when Yuni learned that Mr Damar is a cross-dresser (someone who
likes to wear clothes of the opposite sex). Pak Damar married Yuni because his student
had caught him wearing women's clothes. Pak Damar marries Yuni, so Yuni keeps her
mouth shut and does not tell her mother. Seeing such conditions, Yuni chose to run away
on her wedding day because she did not want to be a victim in her marriage.
Young marriage is a form of tradition perpetuated by the environment that has the
assumption that women must marry immediately so as not to be labelled as "old women".
So, parents are competing to marry off their children at a young age immediately.
However, parents do not see the impact of young marriage. One of the effects of young
marriage is internal conflict between the couple. Young couples' immature physical and
psychological condition results in frequent disputes, resulting in quarrels between the
couple. Usually, parents will be involved in solving problems that occur and can indirectly
Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1309
The images of rejection depicted by Yuni's character are an open resistance. It was
seen when Yuni felt unwilling and unprepared to marry at a young age. Yuni feels that
marrying young is not her dream. Yuni's dream is to become an independent woman and
decide to marry when she is ready. If there are circumstances that harm him, he
immediately puts up a fight with the person who dominates him. Yuni did this because
she wanted to end the injustice she experienced. However, he got a sneer from the
surrounding environment. Open resistance is an organised, systematic, and principled
activity. The activities carried out can manifest in the form of rebellion.
Love Purple
Colour can be interpreted as a specific spectrum contained in a perfect light (white
colour). The identity of colour is determined by the wavelength of that light. In fine art,
there are primary colours and secondary colours. According to (Fajriani & Liana, 2019),
Primary colours are the basis of the formation of all colours, and we can form many types
of colours from the combination of primary colours. The Secondary Color is the second
colour, the colour of a combination of two primary colours.
The understanding related to the colour purple is not directly proportional to the
meaning of purple in society. Indonesian people often consider purple with widows. So,
there is often a strange view if someone likes purple. It also happened to Yuni. Yuni, who
likes purple, gets a sneer from Mrs. Lis, one of Yuni's teachers. Also, Mrs. Lis's strange
view of Yuni, who likes purple, caught Yuni off guard. He tried to digest the words of
Mrs. Lis, who thought purple was a disease.
The stigma of purple represented by widows is not valid. Indonesians have assumed
that the purple or widow colour is a myth developed in society. The colour purple
represents a woman grieving because of loss (PPID Diskominfo, 2021). This was also felt
by Yuni's character, who abandoned her parents to migrate to Jakarta to make a living for
Yuni. Yuni likes purple because her mother gave her a purple headband the day before
deciding to migrate to Jakarta. Mother's word "beautiful" pinned to Yuni made her admire
the colour purple. That is where Yuni felt that purple was part of her life. The purple also
strengthens Yuni when she feels lonely and misses her mother.
Purple is a secondary colour formed from a mixture of blue and red. Purple colour
is associated with the descendants of kings. This colour symbolises strength, nobility,
luxury, and ambition. This colour can mean wealth and royalty. Purple is also associated
with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
Yuni's penchant for purple is very totality. This is depicted in jackets, earphones,
motorcycle scotlets, bags, and other accessories that are always carried. Even when Yuni
saw purple objects, she wanted to have them. Sometimes, he quarrels with his friends
because of the purple object. His love for purple is a form of escape because he misses
his parents. In addition, according to Yuni, purple is not unusual, so there is no need to
mess with colour.
The strange stigma obtained by Yuni's character, because she likes purple, does not
make her leave her favourite. Yuni's character is getting bolder in voicing her preferences
Hidayah Budi Qur’ani, Tuti Kusniarti, Desy Rufaidah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1310
with purple. This can be seen from the image of Yuni, who connects her hair to purple.
When she was in the salon owned by a friend of her acquaintance, Yuni expressed herself
in purple, ranging from her hair to her clothes. In addition to connecting her hair, she also
put on her makeup with purple shades of makeup. Yuni fights back by showing others
she is not ashamed of what she likes.
Yuni's bold character matches the purple symbol. The colour purple is a symbol of
courage. According to (Priyambodo et al., 2024), In the United States, purple hearts are
one of the highest honours given by military service to soldiers of great courage. This
purple colour symbolises courage and courage. In Western culture, purple represents
wealth and luxury. Pale purple and lavender heads are connected to Easter. In Roman
times, only emperors could wear purple (Herlianto, 2023).
Removing Virginity
Yuni's novel by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini tells the story of Yuni, who
chooses to give up her virginity. It was described when Yuni invited her underclassman
named Yoga to have sexual intercourse in an unused hotel. In the novel, Yuni consciously
chooses to give up her virginity. She does not feel afraid and burdened because virgins or
not virgins are not what determines the quality of women. Virginity, according to Health,
is symbolised as a ring of skin located at the end of the vagina that appears so clear and
white it is called a blood membrane if the blood membrane bleeds the first time during
sexual intercourse.
Yuni invites Yoga to have sexual intercourse, not without reason. He felt
disappointed and angry because when Mang Dodi proposed, he felt humbled. It was seen
when Mang Dodi talked to Mrs Ndek (grandmother) Yuni, who said that if Yuni were a
virgin during the first night, then Mang Dodi would add 25 million to the virginity price.
At that time, Yuni just kept silent because she did not want to add trouble to her
grandmother. However, after receiving such degrading treatment, Yuni is determined to
avenge the treatment from Mang Dodi.
In terminology, virginity or virginity in the Big Dictionary Indonesian is a woman
who has never had intercourse with a man. Several opinions link virginity with the
hymen. Therefore, virgin means a girl whose hymen is still intact; if it has been torn,
either due to intercourse or because of other things, then she is no longer a virgin and
many other definitions. If referring to the second understanding, that the indicator of
virginity is the preservation of the hymen, then, for now, it is no longer something scary
because, medically, there is already technology that can patch, replace or restore the torn
hymen. However, if virginity is defined as a girl who has never had intercourse, then no
matter how many hymen surgeries are performed, if she has had intercourse, she is still
no longer a virgin, as is the case with trace status (Rahman et al., 2021).
After giving up her virginity, Yuni went to Mang Dodi's workplace to cancel Mang
Dodi's proposal. Yuni honestly said that she cancelled her marriage to Mang Dodi because
she was no longer a virgin. This makes Mang Dodi prejudiced against Yuni and makes
him feel lucky because he has avoided lousy luck. In the society where Yuni lives, the
assumption of marrying a woman who is no longer a virgin is a misfortune.
Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1311
The actions taken by Yuni's character are resistance or resistance. Yuni's resistance
is an act to end the injustice experienced by women. This aligns with an opinion
(Susilastri, 2020) that open resistance presents communication between parties (superior
and inferior), concrete/tangible and observable, carried out openly and immediately
recognised by the superior or marginalising party. Open resistance is rational. This
resistance aims to counter acts of domination and oppression from the ruler and tends to
have a social impact. The resistance can be organised and systemised by social protests,
rebellions, demonstrations, or treason, but it can also be swearing, rudeness, and direct
facial expressions.
The open interaction between subordinate classes and superdominant classes
usually characterises open resistance. At the same time, stealth resistance is characterised
by closed, indirect interactions between the subordinate and superdominant classes.
Resistance is defined as something organic, systematic, cooperative, principled, selfless,
has revolutionary consequences and includes ideas or intentions that negate the back base
around family life.
The Role of Parents in Yuni's Decision Making
Yuni's open and resistant figure has the full support of family members. The fact
that Mom and Dad are willing to listen to her complaints makes Yuni comfortable.
Although he and his parents were separated, communication still went smoothly. For
example, when Yuni and her parents discussed Yuni's plans after graduating, her mother
and father listened to her plans without interrupting or forcing Yuni to follow their will.
Yuni can determine her future, and her parents are pretty considerate of her choices.
In addition to discussing her future, Yuni's parents' role was also influential when
Yuni was about to marry Pak Danar, Yuni's teacher. At that time, Yuni's parents went
home to prepare for their son's wedding. Yuni, still hesitant about his decision, talked to
his father. Yuni and her father had a heart-to-heart talk about the picture of the household.
Yuni's father did not force Yuni to marry young. Her father gave Yuni input to reconsider
her decision to get married. Yuni's happiness is the most important thing for her father
compared to the sneers from neighbours.
A figure that is no less important to Yuni is Bu Ndek or grandma. Yuni and Mrs.
Ndek live together at her house every day. Mrs. Ndek is a grandmother figure who has an
open mind. Although Ms Ndek lives in an environment full of female stigma, it does not
make her have narrow thoughts regarding women. One is allowing Yuni to decide
whether she accepts proposals from men who come to her grandson. Mrs. Ndek did not
decide unilaterally but returned her decision to Yuni so that her grandson could determine
his future.
Women's resistance is an act to end the injustices experienced by women. Injustice
against women is not only experienced by adult women but also by adolescent women.
This is illustrated in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. This novel tells
the story of Yuni, who lives in an environment full of stigma against women. The stigmas
Hidayah Budi Qur’ani, Tuti Kusniarti, Desy Rufaidah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1312
women attach make them unable to develop and increase their potential in Yuni's
environment. Thus, women can only surrender and accept every injustice they experience,
such as marrying young, dropping out of school, and deprivation of women's rights. The
Yuni character depicted in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini is a teenage
female figure who dares to speak out and fight against the stigma experienced by women.
Yuni's character dared to reject three proposals addressed to her. Yuni rejected her
proposal because she was still young and had gone to school, so she did not want to bury
her dreams. In addition, Yuni rejected the proposal because she felt that the marriage she
would live in was not based on love but for reasons of male arrogance. In addition, Yuni's
resistance is depicted by how she likes a colour with a negative stigma, purple. The purple
colour, synonymous with widows and strange, does not make Yuni stop liking the colour.
Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1313
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Yuni merupakan sebuah novel yang merefleksikan beragam anomali sosial yang bersinggungan dengan kehidupan di tengah masyarakat saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena anomali sosial yang berkaitan dengan dinamika sosial dalam novel Yuni karya Ade Ubaidil (terbit pada awal tahun 2022). Dinamika sosial berkaitan dengan pergeseran dan perubahan nilai-nilai yang terjadi di dalam lingkup masyarakattertentu. Pendekatandalam penelitian iniialah deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah setiap kalimat yang ada di dalam novel Yuni karya Ade Ubaidil. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dianalisis dan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan objek kajian dinamika sosial, yakni perubahan sosial, pengendalian sosial, penyimpangan sosial, dan mobilitas sosial. Teknik yang dilakukan dalam analisis data penelitian ini ialah teknik baca dan catat. Data-data yang ditemukan diproses lagi melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap reduksi, tahap penyajian data, dan tahap penarikan simpulan. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, ditemukan lima belas data yang menggambarkan dinamika sosial dalam novel tersebut. Data-data tersebut menunjukan perubahan sosial, penyimpangan sosial, pengendalian sosial, dan mobilitas sosial. Perubahan sosial berjumlah 9 data, penyimpangan sosial berjumlah 4 data, mobilitas sosial berjumlah 1 data, dan pengendalian sosial 1 data. Data yang telah ditemukan tersebuttidak hanya berkaitan dengan tokoh utama, Yuni. Akan tetapi berkaitan pula dengan tokoh pendukung lain, misalnya Pak Damar (penyimpangan sosial), Tika (perubahan sosial), Orang Tua Yuni (mobilitas sosial), Petinggi Daerah Yuni (pengendalian sosial).
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resistensi perempuan tandhak Madura melalui pengalaman komunikasi di tengah relasi kuasa yang terjadi atas nama tubuhnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif denagn pendekatan Etnografi Feminis. Selain itu, teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian terhadap pengalaman komunikasi perempuan tandhak Madura di tengah relasi kuasa yang terjadi atas nama tubuhnya menunjukkan adanya resistensi yang dilakukan oleh perempuan tandhak Madura baik di lingkungan privat maupun publik. Resistensi yang dilakukan dalam bentuk umpatan dalam hati yang tidak ditunjukkan atau diketahui orang lain, penolakan yang ditunjukkan melalui tingkah laku yang kurang baik, tangisan yang tidak ditunjukkan kepada orang lain. Namun resistensi juga ada yang dilakukan dengan cara mengikuti perbuatan yang diinginkan pemilik kuasa tersebut. Hal ini bukan menunjukan kepatuhan dan tidak berdaya namun merupakan stategi agar tetap survive. Kata Kunci: resistensi, perempuan tadhak Madura, pengalaman komunikasi, relasi kuasa. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the resistance of Madurese tandhak women through communication experiences in the midst of power relations that occur on behalf of their bodies. This research is a qualitative research with a Feminist Ethnography approach. The data obtained with interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The results show that the midst of power relations on Madurese tandhak women occur on behalf of their bodies resistance. The resistance prevailed in private and public circles. Resistance that is done in the form of insults that are not shown or known to others, rejection that is shown through bad behavior, crying that is not shown to others. However, resistance is also carried out by following the actions desired by the owner of the power. This does not show obedience and helplessness but is a strategy to survive.
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Perjodohan merupakan fenomena yang tidak populer dalam pandangan feminis karena dianggap cenderung merugikan perempuan. Namun demikian, perjodohan masih saja terjadi dalam konteks kekinian sebagaimana ditampilkan dalam sejumlah karya sastra kontemporer Indonesia. Hal yang membedakan, bila dibandingkan dengan tokoh perempuan yang hidup di masa lampau seperti Siti Nurbayakarya Marah Roesli atau tokoh MidahSi Manis Bergigi Emaskarya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, perempuan modern telah memiliki ruang untuk menunjukkan resistensi atas perjodohan yang menimpanya. Kondisi ini tergambar dalam novel metropop Summer Skykarya Stephanie Zen yang menjadi objek penelitian. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan kajian sastra feminis. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel tersebut, orang tua hanya membantu mencarikan pasangan dan keputusan untuk menjalin hubungan merupakan keputusan masing-masing individu sebagai pribadi dewasa. Empat tahap interaksi yang dikemukakan Randall terpenuhi, yaitu pertemuan fisik, saling menyadari keberadaan, berada dalam situasi emosi yang sama, dan adanya simbol yang mewakili fokus bersama.
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Relasi perempuan dan lelaki dapat disebut tidak setara. Ketidaksetaraan menyebabkan adanya penindasan atau tindak kekerasan. Menyikapi hal tersebut, perempuan melakukan resistensi. Tulisan ini meneliti bagaimana resistensi perempuan yang terdapat dalam prosa Indonesia. Objek material penelitian berupa tiga prosa berbahasa Indonesia, yaitu Timun Mas dan Buto Ijo, “Timun Emas’, dan “Meja Makan yang Menggigil”. Ketiga teks bersubjek perempuan dan berlatar tempat Indonesia. Resistensi perempuan terhadap kekerasan berwujud tiga kategori, yaitu diam, mengulur waktu, dan membinasakan. Diam atau mengulur waktu dilakukan karena kekuatan fisik perempuan yang lebih terbatas dibandingkan lelaki. Resistensi yang berwujud tindakan membinasakan dilakukan manakala pelaku kekerasan mengancam nyawa perempuan atau keluarga. Dalam membinasakan, perempuan menggunakan alat bantu. Selain itu, di akhir kisah terdapat sikap religius yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya keyakinan terhadap Tuhan dan rasa syukur atas karunia Tuhan. Resistensi perempuan menunjukkan bahwa perempuan bukanlah makhluk yang tidak berdaya.[The relations between women and men can be considered unequal. Inequality has caused oppression or violence. In response to the situation, women take the act of resistance. This paper discusses the form of resistance the women have done in Indonesian prose. The material object of the research consists of three prose in the Indonesian language, ie.e. Timun Mas dan Buto Ijo, “Timun Emas”, and “Meja Makan yang Menggigil”. The three prose take the women as the subject of the text and take Indonesia as the social context. The women resistance toward the violence manifests in three categories: silent, stalling for time, and destroying. They did it because women have less physical strength as compared to men. The last form of resistance is taken when the oppressor threatens the life of the women and their family’s life. In addition, at the end of the story, women show the religious attitude as they believe in God and praise to Him for the blessing. The resistance implies that women are not a powerless creature.]
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The Indonesian literary tradition during the reform period was marked by the rise of female writers who raised the issue of feminism. Within the framework of locality and contextuality, the feminism movement echoed by female writers comes in diverse expressions. This study aims to describe the reference figures and issues of Islamic feminism that are represented in novels by Abidah El Khalieqy. This research uses a feminist literary criticism approach. The data sources of the research are three novels by Abidah El Khalieqiy, namely Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Geni Jora, and Mataraisa. The technique used to gather feminist voices in the three novels is a close reading. The analysis was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study are as follows. First, Islamic feminist figures who were referred to by the feminism movement were Fatima Mernisi and Riffat Hassan. Fatima Mernisi is known as a misogonic hadith critic, while Riffat Hassan uses the hermeneutic principle in the interpretation of the Quran. Second, the issues of feminism represented are: the lives of women in the pesantren tradition, the position of women in the family, the view of normal sexual relations and relationships, and the interpretation of the hadiths and verses of the Qur'an relating to women. Islamic feminism voiced by Abidah El Khalieqy brings its own color compared to the Western feminism movement which refers to the concept of ecriture feminine. Keywords: Islamic Feminism, ecriture feminine, Indonesian literary history, politics of difference, intersectionality REPRESENTASI FEMINISME ISLAM DALAM NOVEL-NOVEL KARYA ABIDAH EL KHALIEQY Abstrak Tradisi sastra Indonesia masa reformasi ditandai maraknya penulis perempuan yang mengangkat permasalahan feminisme. Dalam bingkai lokalitas dan kontekstualitas, gerakan feminisme yang digaungkan para penulis perempuan hadir dalam ekspresi yang beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tokoh rujukan dan persoalan feminisme Islam yang direpresentasikan dalam novel-novel karya Abidah El Khalieqy. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Sumber data penelitian adalah tiga novel karya Abidah El Khalieqiy, yaitu Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Geni Jora, dan Mataraisa. Teknik yang dipakai untuk mengumpulkan suara-suara feminisme di dalam ketiga novel adalah pembacaan cermat (close reading). Analisis dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, tokoh feminis Islam yang menjadi rujukan gerakan feminisme adalah Fatima Mernisi dan Riffat Hassan. Fatima Mernisi dikenal dengan kritik hadist misogonis, sedangkan Riffat Hassan dengan prinsip hermeneutika dalam tafsir Alquran. Kedua, persoalan feminisme yang direpresentasikan adalah: kehidupan perempuan dalam tradisi pesantren, kedudukan perempuan dalam keluarga, pandangan terhadap relasi dan hubungan seksual yang normal, dan tafsir terhadap hadist dan ayat Al-quran berkaitan dengan perempuan. Feminisme Islam yang disuarakan Abidah El Khalieqy membawa warna tersendiri dibandingkan dengan gerakan feminisme Barat yang merujuk pada konsep ecriture feminine. Kata kunci: feminisme Islam, ecriture feminine, sejarah sastra Indonesia, politik perbedaan, interseksionalitas.
Minimnya penghargaan terhadap virginitas tidak hanya muncul dalam realitas sosial, namun juga muncul dalam perdebatan konseptual tentang hakikat dan nilai virginitas dalam konstruksi hukum perkawinan di Indonesia. Persoalan virginitas muncul ketika penghulu mencatat double status seseorang yang akan menikah. Disatu sisi, memiliki status perawan karena belum pernah bersenggama meskipun pernah menikah, dan disisi lain sudah pernah bersenggama namun belum pernah menikah. Seseorang yang memiliki double status seperti itulah yang menyebabkan para penghulu mengalami kesulitan dalam mencatat status tersebut. Untuk menguraikan problematika tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan mutliparadigma dan teori hermeneutika hukum. Data dikumpulkan melalui interview, dan studi literatur. Artikel ini menyatakan bahwa pentingnya nilai-nilai virginitas dalam konstruksi hukum perkawinan telah bergeser, sehingga status ganda dalam pencatatan perkawinan seorang yang memiliki double status virginitas tersebut telah terabaikan. Padahal double status virginitas memiliki implikasi hukum secara de yure adalah perawan/jejaka, namun secara de facto bukan lagi perawan/jejaka. Pergeseran nilai virginitas juga terlihat dari lemahnya kontrol sosial dan perlindungan hukum terhadap status virginitas seseorang sebelum menikah. Kata Kunci: Virginitas, Sistem Hukum Pekawinan, Multiparadigma
Masalah fenomena sosial perkawinan usia muda di Indonesia merupakan salah satu fenomenayang banyak terjadi di berbagai wilayah di tanah air, baik di perkotaan maupun di pedesaan.Hal ini menunjukkan kesederhanaan pola pikir masyarakat sehingga fenomena sosial(pernikahan usia dini) masih berulang terus dan terjadi di berbagai wilayah tanah air baikyang di kota-kota besar maupun di pelosok tanah air. Fenomena perkawinan usia muda akanberdampak pada kehidupan keluarga dan kualitas sumberdaya manusia Indonesia. Usiaperkawinan muda berbanding lurus dengan tingginya angka perceraian karena pasangan suamiistri yang remaja belum siap untuk membangun kehidupan rumah tangga. Secara psikilogismereka masih belum matang berfikir, bahkan mereka cendrung labil dan emosional Ketika terjadi permasalahan dan pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga yang pada akhirnya berujungpada perceraian. Selain banyaknya terjadi kasus perceraian, kematian bayi dan ibu dalamkasus perkawinan muda merupakan kasus tertinggi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu fenomenasosial usia perkawinan muda kembali diperbincangkan oleh berbagai pakar dan tokohmasyarakat. Mereka mencoba meninjau kembali UU No.1 1974 pasal 7 ayat 1 yangmenyatakan bahwa wanita diperbolehkan kawin pada usia 16 tahun dan laki-laki usia 18tahun. Oleh karena itu Tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana usia perkawinan dini dalamperspektif hukum positif Negara dan hukum Islam. Ada perbedaan antara hukum agama dannegara dalam melihat usia perkawinan dini yang masih terjadi di tanah air.
p>Penelitian ini berjudul Resistensi Tokoh-Tokoh Perempuan Lokal Papua Terhadap Tradisi Patriarki Dalam Novel “Tanah Tabu” Karya Anindita S. Thayf . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: Mendeskripsikan tentang resistensi tokoh-tokoh perempuan lokal Papua terhadap budaya patriarki dalam novel “Tanah Tabu” karya Anindita S. Thayf. Jenis penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah novel “Tanah Tabu” karya Anandita S. Thayf yang berjumlah 189 halaman, diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, cetakan kedua pada tahun 2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi, simak, dan catat. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa ditemukan bentuk resistensi terhadap tokoh-tokoh perempuan lokal Papua terhadap budaya patriarki dalam novel “Tanah Tabu” karya Anindita S. Thayf yaitu 1) Resistensi dalam bidang pendidikan, 2) Resistensi dalam perkawinan, 3) Resistensi mewujudkan diri sebagai kaum intelektual, 4) Resistensi melakukan transformasi dalam masyarakat, dan 5) Resistensi untuk berpikiran modern. Dengan demikian, bentuk resistensi yang terdapat dalam novel “Tanah tabu” karya Anindia S. Thayf tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan lokal Papua tidak dipandang sebelah mata, mereka berhasil menepis stigma-stigma tentang perempuan lokal Papua yang dianggap lemah dan terbelenggu oleh aturan adat.</p
Kemampuan kognitif diperlukan oleh anak dalam rangka mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang apa yang anak dengar, rasa, raba ataupun ia cium panca indera yang ia miliki.. Dalam pembelajaran kognitif khususnya pembelajaran sains masih banyak kendala yang terjadi di lapangan, salah satunya adalah kurangnya kreativitas guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran terutama dalam mengenalkan warna pada anak pada anak. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini dapat di rumuskan sebagai berikut : Bagaimanakah meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak melalui kegiatan eksperimen pencampuran warna pada usia 5-6 tahun TK Islam Silmi ? b) Apakah kegiatan mencampur warna dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak usia 5-6 tahun TK Islam Silmi ? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak melalui pencampuran warna dengan kegiatan percobaan sains sederhana pada usia 5-6 tahun TK Islam Silmi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan penelitian dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada beberapa aspek atau indikator yang meliputi: Anak mampu melakukan percobaan mencampur warna, anak mampu mencampur dengan kesesuaian warna, anak mampu menceritakan hasil percobaa sains sederhana. Setelah dilaksanakan penelitian yang berjalan selama dua siklus, terbukti bahwa ternyata ada perubahan setelah dilakukan tindakan atau setelah diterapkan metode yang sesuai saat bermain mencampur warna. Berikut ini adalah penjelasan peningkatan hasil belajar pada siklus I dan siklus II, pada siklus I dengan rata-rata nilai persentase ketuntasan rata-rata mencapai 50%, pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan dengan rata-rata nilai persentase ketuntasan mencapai 90%. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah pencampuran warna dengan percobaa sains sederhana dapat meningkatkkan perkembangan kognitif di bidang sains pada anak usia 5-6 tahun TK Islam Silmi di Samarinda Utara.
Penggunaan Warna Sebagai Representasi Aspek Dualitas Karakter Suryani & Rama Dalam Film Penyalin Cahaya (2022)
  • E D Herlianto
Herlianto, E. D. (2023). Penggunaan Warna Sebagai Representasi Aspek Dualitas Karakter Suryani & Rama Dalam Film Penyalin Cahaya (2022). Journal of Art, Film, Television, Animation, Games and Technology, 2(1), 12-23.