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The purpose of this systematic overview is to establish the impact of inhalation and topical application of Rosa damascena essential oil in aromatherapy practice. A bibliometric analysis using the different scientific databases was conducted to examine scientific documents related to "rose aromatherapy" and "Rosa damascena aromatherapy". Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer software were used to extract and visualize information. Founded on a review of 93 papers, the scent of rose essential oil has applications in aromatherapy for reducing anxiety, alleviating pain, improving sleep quality, as well as alleviating physiological symptoms during menopause and PMS. It aids in mitigating stress and reducing stress and reducing depression and fatigue, for relaxation and improving cognitive function, among other benefits. Ultimately, rose essential oil is safe and suitable for self-administration via inhalation or topical application, either alone or with other essential oils.
Journal of Agronomy, Technology and Engineering Management
ISSN 2620-1755
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020.
Inhalation and Topical Application of Rose Essential
Oil A Systematic Overview of Rosa damascena
Ana Miljković 1, Milica Aćimović 2,*, Biljana Božanić Tanjga 3,4, Biljana Lončar 5,
Vidak Raičević 1, Olja Šovljanski 5, Vanja Travičić 5, Milada Pezo 6 and Lato Pezo 7
1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
2 Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Maksima Gorkog 30, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
3 Pheno Geno Roses Ltd., Maršala Tita 75, 23326 Ostojićevo, Serbia.
4 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
5 Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia.
6 “VINČA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14, 11351
Belgrade, Serbia.
7 Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16, 11000 Belgrade,
* Correspondence:
Received: 12 November 2023; Accepted: 5 February 2024
Abstract: The purpose of this systematic overview is to establish the impact of inhalation and topical
application of Rosa damascena essential oil in aromatherapy practice. A bibliometric analysis using
the different scientific databases was conducted to examine scientific documents related to “rose
aromatherapy” and “Rosa damascena aromatherapy”. Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer software were
used to extract and visualize information. Founded on a review of 93 papers, the scent of rose
essential oil has applications in aromatherapy for reducing anxiety, alleviating pain, improving
sleep quality, as well as alleviating physiological symptoms during menopause and PMS. It aids in
mitigating stress and reducing stress and reducing depression and fatigue, for relaxation and
improving cognitive function, among other benefits. Ultimately, rose essential oil is safe and suitable
for self-administration via inhalation or topical application, either alone or with other essential oils.
Keywords: Rosa damascena; essential oil; pain relief; anxiety reduction.
1. Introduction
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils [1]. However, aromatherapy cannot cure
the disease, but it is effective in alleviating the symptoms that accompany the disease such as stress,
anxiety, depression, nausea and vomiting, pain, etc. [2]. Inhalation is the most popular and safe
method for administering essential oils. It is an effective way to change emotions or state of mind,
suitable for treating physical or mental disorders, as well as other functions under the control of the
autonomic nervous system [3, 4]. For this purpose, essential oils can be applied as room scents via
lamp diffusion method, aroma candles, room sprays, etc. [5], or personal inhalers such as vapour
balm, lipstick-sized nasal inhaler, or simply by direct inhalation (from a piece of gauze, tissue, or
cotton pad) [2]. Another widely used method in aromatherapy for essential oils is topical application,
primarily through massage [6]. Apart from these two methods, there is a third approach to applying
essential oils in aromatherapy practice, which involves oral consumption. However, oral use should
be done under the supervision of professionals [7].
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 999
Roses have been known since ancient times, among Mesopotamian, Assyrian, Minoan,
Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations as ornamental plants [8]. They also used roses as edible and
medicinal plants and produced "Rosaceum Oleum" by macerating fresh rose petals in olive oil [9]. The
process of obtaining essential oil from roses was discovered in the 7th century, marking the rise of
roses as an important agricultural herb [10]. Although the Damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) is
considered a superior essential-oil-bearing rose, other scented roses are also used for essential oil
production [11, 12]. Today, Bulgaria and Turkey stand out as the most significant producers of rose
essential oil, rose water, absolute, and concrete. These are important raw materials for the perfume,
cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries [11, 13].
Taking into account that the content of rose oil in fresh flowers is relatively low (0.30.4 mL/kg),
industrial distillation today requires a process called cohabitation (re-distillation of hydrosol) [14, 15].
By mixing the primarily obtained essential oil with the redistilled (second or indirect) oil, rose otto
(attar) is prepared [16]. This blend exhibits a much more natural and more decadent aroma compared
to the primary oil [17]. Rose Otto is usually available in the commercial market. The scented water
(which remains after re-distillation of hydrosol), which mainly contains phenyl-ethyl alcohol, is
known as rose water [18]. Moreover, pure rose oil is very expensive, but in aromatherapy practice, it
is commonly used diluted in the concentration of 1-10% in jojoba, sweet almonds, or evening
primrose oil [19-27].
The aim of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive review of the application of rose essential
oil, renowned in aromatherapy for its pleasant smell. The focus is on its application through
inhalation and massage. Furthermore, doses and blending with other essential and fatty oils are also
investigated in this review. In addition, the potential aromatherapeutic application of rose water is
also reviewed in this paper. Previous review papers have been published on the traditional and
phyto-pharmacological uses of damask rose [28-30], its efficacy in essential oil aromatherapy [31-32],
and its effects on treating anxiety, depression, and stress [33, 34], improving sleep quality [35],
alleviating pain severity [36-38], as well as its application in treating burn patients [39]. There was no
intention to duplicate these studies, but rather to provide a comprehensive overview of the use of
rose essential oil in aromatherapy practice, specifically focusing on inhalation and topical application.
2. Materials and Methods
Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed, and SID databases were reviewed in English (abstract
or full text) in November 2023 without limiting the search by date and using queries “rose
aromatherapy” and “Rosa damascena aromatherapy” in the title, abstract and keywords. The collected
publications were evaluated and categorized according to an annual number of documents and
distribution across countries. Microsoft Excel was used to process the data and generate graphical
representations for easy interpretations (Figures 2 and 3). For keyword analysis and visualization,
VOSviewer was utilized, a computer program designed for displaying large bibliometric maps in an
easy-to-interpret manner.
3. Results
To identify trends in Rosa damascena essential oil use in aromatherapy, the VOSviewer program
was used to represent the author and index keywords. To perform a general analysis, a search was
conducted 102 times in the titles and abstract (Supplementary Table 1). As observed in Figure 1, Rose
aromatherapy according to abstracts, was distributed in seven different clusters. In the red cluster,
the words Rosa damascena” and “sleep quality” were the most frequently mentioned. Some words
with less occurrence, such as “improvement”, “adult” and “child” also occurred. The terms with the
highest frequency in the violet cluster corresponded to “nurse” and “job stress”. In the light blue
cluster, dominates words such as “inhalation”, “stress” and “depression”, while in the dark blue
cluster are “pain intensity”, “pain anxiety” and “burn patients”. The most frequent terms in the green
cluster were “labor”, “labor pain”, “active phase” and “blood pressure”. In the yellow cluster, the
most frequently used words are “massage”, “menstrual pain” and “primary dysmenorrhea”.
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1000
Figure 1. Co-occurrence analysis of the terms in Rosa damascena aromatherapy” research according
to abstract. The frequency of occurrence is represented by the size of the circle beneath each word.
Different colours were employed to depict distinct clusters of highly related keywords, facilitating
their categorization. The VOSviewer software was utilized to represent the term cloud, with data
collected from the Scopus database.
Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in interest in the use of rose essential
oil in aromatherapy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2021) (Figure 1; Supplementary
Table 1). The majority of the studies focusing on rose aromatherapy were conducted in Iran (63),
followed by Turkey (11), Indonesia (6), Japan (3), Egypt (2), South Korea (2), Brazil, China, Germany,
India, UK and Thailand (Table 1). This distribution can be attributed to the cultural significance of
the rose, particularly in Iran and other Islamic countries, where it is known as the “Flower of Prophet
Mohammad” [40].
Figure 2. Trends in rose aromatherapy during the years (2002-2023).
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1001
Based on a review of 93 papers, that include animal studies, controlled clinical trials, and quasi-
experiments, it is clear that rose essential oil possesses significant potential in both topical application
and inhalation aromatherapy (Table 1).
Table 1. Review of research studies on the effects of rose aromatherapy (the results are listed according to
the year of publication, from the oldest to the newest, and within one year in alphabetical order).
Experimental study
1.peper, 2.estragon,
4.grapefruit, 5.rose,
43 healthy females
sympathetic activity,
and decrease
Animal study
Adult male rats
An anxiolytic effect
similar to diazepam
In vitro study on
guinea pig tracheal
1.rose ethanolic
extract, 2.rose
essential oil, 3.saline
(negative control),
Relaxant effects
Animal study
Anxiolytic effects
Animal study
14 Male Wistar rats
Improving learning
and memory
South Korea
clinical trial
52 climacteric
Effective treatment
of menopausal
symptoms such as
hot flushes,
depression, and pain
in climacteric
Clinical study
2.control (sweet
almond oil)
40 healthy
Relaxing effect
(decreased breathing
rate, blood oxygen
saturation, and
systolic blood
South Korea
Clinical trial
massage, 2.placebo,
55 female nurses
Decrease menstrual
pain and the level of
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1002
Animal and human
Male Wistar rats and
27 healthy women
In rats and humans
chronic stress-
induced disruption
of the skin barrier
can be limited or
prevented by
inhalation rose EO
Experimental study
(FA), 3.FA+rose EO
21 albino Wistar rats
Protective effects
against testicular
damages caused by
Clinical trial study
bath, 2.foot bath,
3.control (routine
120 nulliparous
Reduce anxiety
randomized placebo-
controlled study
80 patients with
renal colic
Reduce renal colic
Randomized clinical
80 primiparous
Improve the quality
of maternal and
neonatal health
Randomized blind
clinical trial of
cross-over design
massage, 2.placebo
95 nursing students
suffering of primary
Alleviate menstrual
pain, its duration,
and excessive
menstrual bleeding
Animal study
1.control, 2.chronic
mild stress (CMS),
3.CMS+rose orally,
32 male rats
Protective effects on
oxidative stress in
Randomized clinical
massage, 2.massage,
87 postmenopausal
symptoms during
(depressive mood,
irritability, anxiety,
mental exhaustion)
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1003
controlled trial
60 patients
hospitalized in the
coronary care unit
Improve sleep
Clinical study, 2.rose,
20 female students
physiological and
Randomized clinical
80 primiparous
Relief labor pain
controlled trial
1.rose EO massage,
2.unscented almond
oil massage,
3.massage only
75 students
Reduce the severity
of primary
crossover, pilot trial
27 depressed female
inpatients (18-49
Positive influence on
mood and sleep
Randomized clinical
60 patients
hospitalized in
cardiac care unit
Improve sleep
clinical trial
2.control (almond
64 children (3-6
postoperative pain in
controlled trial
1.self-massage with
almond oil, 2.self-
massage with rose,
75 students with
Reduce severity of
Randomized clinical
2.control (distilled
60 preterm neonates
Reduce apnea
attacks, bradycardia,
and SpO2 in preterm
Randomized clinical
50 patients with
second and third-
degree burn wounds
Relief pain intensity
controlled trial
120 postmenopausal
women (45-55
Improve sexual
function in
randomized clinical
90 patients with
Reduce anxiety and
Randomized clinical
research trial study
1.diclofenac sodium
(75 mg i.m.)+saline,
100 patients (19-30
years) with primary
Rose aromatherapy
is effective as
adjuvant to
treatment methods
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1004
for pain relief
associated with
clinical trial
80 elderly patients
underwent knee
arthroplasty surgery
postoperative pain in
the elderly
Clinical trial
60 patients under
Decrease depression,
anxiety, and stress in
1.lavender, 2.rose,
37 nurses working in
the emergency
Decrease fatigue rate
in work
Clinical trial
1.rose, 2.lavender,
90 hemodialysis
Improve cognitive
controlled clinical
1.topically rose EO,
2.placebo, 3.control
(no intervention)
120 women with
lower back pain
Reduce pregnancy-
related low back
pain intensity
Clinical trial
60 elderly
individuals with
musculoskeletal pain
Reduce pain
with one group pre-
test post-test with
30 elderly with
Lowering blood
pressure in elderly
with hypertension
Clinical trial
1.rose, 2.lavender,
4.control (distilled
120 primiparous
Reduce pain severity
Randomized clinical
2.control (normal
110 nulliparous
Reduce pain severity
and anxiety
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1005
Clinical trial
2.control (sesame
70 nursing students
Decrease vital signs,
effective for
mitigating exam
randomized clinical
2.control (sweet
almond oil)
64 female students
with premenstrual
Reduce the severity
of psychological and
physical symptoms
of PMS
Experimental pre-
30 children (5-12
years) with sleep
Decrease resistance
to sleep, nightmares,
and waking up
during the night
Clinical trial
1.lavender, 2.rose,
3.control (distilled
60 primiparous
Decrease pain
controlled trial
1.control, 2.placebo,
99 patients
Reduce preoperative
Randomized clinical
1.rose, 2.Benson
relaxation technique,
132 burn patients
The combination of
rose aromatherapy
and Benson
relaxation technique
has synergistic
effects in reducing
pain anxiety
randomized clinical
66 patients
undergoing CABG
No effect
Randomized clinical
trial study
60 nurses from the
Reduce anxiety
clinical trial
1.rose (4%), 2.neroli
(0.5%), 3.control
(sweet almond oil)
95 students
Effective in
improving the
symptoms of PMS
(more effective than
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1006
controlled clinical
1.rose (5%), 2.rose
(10%), 3.control
54 cancer patients
Improve sleep
Randomized 4-arms
1.lavender, 2.rose,
3.ginger, 4.placebo
184 patients
underwent general
postoperative nausea
and vomiting.
However, rose EO
shows weak activity
Clinical trial
62 hypertension
decreases systolic
blood pressure,
therefore it is an
treatment for
controlled trial
1.lavender, 2.rose,
72 orthodontic
Reduce anxiety
among orthodontic
Quasi experiment
1.rose 2.relaxation
(foot soaking in
warm water)
30 postoperative
postoperative pain
Animal study
1.control, 2.model,
3.diazepam, 4.low-
dose aromatherapy,
48 mices
EO blend namely
Anshen possesses
sedative and
hypnotic effect
randomized clinical
1.lavender, 2.rose,
90 mothers with C-
Reduce post-
caesarean overt
anxiety and pain
intensity (better than
randomized placebo
2.control (almond
60 patients
undergoing inguinal
hernia repair surgery
Relieving mild to
postoperative pain
80 elderly patients
(60-90 years) after
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1007
knee replacement
anxiety in elderly
controlled clinical
2.control (distilled
98 patients
undergoing coronary
Decrease anxiety
controlled trial
1.routine care,
2.placebo (water),
3.rose, 4.lavender
160 patients
undergoing open-
heart surgery (OHS)
Reduce extubation
time, surgical site
pain severity, and
anxiety in patients
undergoing OHS
with pre-test/post-
test design
1.lavender, 2.rose,
54 women giving
Decrease pain
intensity, in the first
phase of labor (but
lower than lavender)
Clinical trial
90 patients
abdominal surgery
Decrease anxiety
controlled trial
1.progresive muscle
90 patients
undergoing general
Reduce anxiety,
stress, and
depression in
patients undergoing
general surgery
randomized clinical
2.placebo (distilled
water), 3.control
120 patients with
burns less than 30%
Reduce pain
intensity and state
anxiety in burned
Quasi experiment
with pre-test/post-
test designs
1.rose, 2.lavender
30 postoperative
Reduce pain in
controlled study
m foot bath, 2.warm
foot bath, 3.control
(routine labor care)
120 primiparous
Decrease pain
Clinical trial
60 patients at
intensive care unit
No effect
randomized clinical
1.rose, 2.control
98 patients
undergoing coronary
Decrease stress and
anxiety severity and
parameters of
patients undergoing
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1008
Randomized clinical
1.lavender, 2.rose,
97 patients
undergoing coronary
artery bypass graft
(CABG) surgery
Positive effects on
sleep quality of
CABG patients
controlled trial
60 nurses
Reduce occupational
stress in nurses
Randomized clinical
80 patients with
acute myocardial
Reduce anxiety
clinical trial study
2.control (sesame
70 nursing students
Reduce anxiety
controlled trial
2.control (distilled
60 patients
hospitalized in the
cardiac care unit
Reduce anxiety and
increase sleep
1.rose, 2.Citrus
60 elderly people
Improve sleep
1.rose, 2.Citrus
60 elderly people
Reduce anxiety
Clinical trial
70 patients
Reduce pre-
endoscopic anxiety
of the patients
experimental study
131 students
Rose EO did not
affect immediate
learning (working
memory), but, it can
help to remember
previously learned
information more
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1009
easily during
Randomized double-
blinded, parallel-
group controlled
1.sweet orange,
2.rose, 3.placebo
(distilled water)
120 undergoing
open abdominal
Effective in reducing
pain severity after
open abdominal
surgeries (but less
effective than sweet
Cross-over study
40 women with
pregnancy nausea
and vomiting
Decrease anxiety
and depression in
patients with
pregnancy nausea
and vomiting
Pre experiments
approach, one group
28 menopausal
Lowering blood
pressure in
menopausal women
Randomized clinical
2.control (saline)
60 operating room
Reduce anxiety and
job stress and
improve accuracy
among operating
room nurses
controlled trial
74 patients receiving
Reduce the severity
of fatigue in patients
randomized trial
38 preoperative
Reduce preoperative
anxiety level
Randomized, non-
blinded, parallel-
group controlled
2.placebo (paraffin
80 operating room
Reduce state anxiety
and improve sleep
with pre-test/post-
test design
massage, 2.massage
74 menopausal
Effective in easing
somatic menopausal
controlled trial
1.Su Jok,
120 women who had
Cesarean delivery
Effective in reducing
post-Cesarean pain
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1010
Jok, 4.control
Randomized clinical
100 patients
undergoing lower
orthopaedic surgery
Reduce anxiety and
Interventional study
1.breast milk,
stoechas, 3.rose,
100 preterm infants
Decrease preterm
infants' venipuncture
Comparative mixed-
method design
2.rose, 3.control
126 patients
Reduce pain
associated with
intravenous catheter
controlled clinical
2.control (standard
86 women with
Effective in pain
relief in primary
1.lavender, 2.rose,
118 nurses
Relieving symptoms
of job stress and
improving comfort
at the workplace
Clinical trial
75 eligible mothers
Reduce anxiety in
mothers of
premature infants
Cross-over clinical
trial study
2.breast milk odor
40 neonates
Reduce pain and
crying due to blood
sampling in neonates
controlled trial
2.placebo (water)
60 burn patients
Reduce anxiety and
improve sleep
design with a two-
group pre-test/post-
test approach
40 maternity
Reduce pain severity
during 1st active
phase of labor
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1011
4. Discussion
It is known that olfactory through inhalation of odors has diverse physiological effects on the
human brain, endocrine, and immune systems [41]. According to the data presented in Table 1, the
most common applications of rose essential oil in aromatherapy practice are for pain relief (33 papers)
and for reducing anxiety (referring to 33 papers). Additionally, it is commonly used for improving
sleep quality (10 papers), mitigating stress (7 papers), reducing depression (6 papers), alleviating
physiological symptoms during menopause and PMS (5 papers), relaxation (4 papers), lowering
blood pressure, decrease breathing rate and blood oxygen saturation (4 papers), improving life
quality and well-being (3 papers), improving cognitive function (2 papers), decreasing fatigue (2
papers), improving sexual function (2 papers), and one paper refers reducing apnea attacks,
bradycardia and SpO2 of preterm infants, while in three papers, there is no activity or weak activity
of rose essential oil in aromatherapy (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Summary of research studies on the effects of rose aromatherapy according to Table 1 (some
activities are mentioned in one paper multiple times). Other activities include lowering blood
pressure, improving male sexual function, and reducing apnea attacks, bradycardia, and SpO2 in
preterm infants.
There are several systematic reviews and meta-analyses of rose aromatherapy that summarizes
anxiolytic, antidepressant, and anti-stress effects, as well as improving sleep quality [33, 34, 35, 39],
and pain [36, 37, 38]. This indicates that rose essential oil can be successfully applied to burn patients
to alleviate pain intensity after dressing and help reduce pain-related anxiety [58, 60, 75, 93, 122],
systematically reviewed by Farzan et al. 2023 [39].
Based on our review of papers dealing with rose aromatherapy, it can be concluded that the
largest number of papers refer to alleviation of various types of pain (Figure 4a), such as
postoperative pain (10 papers; [56, 62, 83, 85, 86, 89, 94, 107, 114, 115]), labor pain (7 papers; [53, 68,
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1012
69, 73, 90, 95, 123]), menstrual pain (6 papers; [21, 22, 24, 25, 61, 118]), burns (4 papers; [58, 60, 75, 93]),
intervention pain such as venipuncture, blood sampling or peripheral intravenous catheter insertion
(3 papers; [116, 117, 121]), musculoskeletal pain such as chronic pain in elderly individuals or
pregnancy-related low back pain (2 papers; [26, 66]) and renal colic pain (one paper [48]). Rose
essential oil can be applied as an effective aromatherapy treatment for reducing anxiety (Figure 4b).
A review conducted by Guo et al. 2020 [124] identifies rose essential oil as the third most commonly
used aroma preparation for significantly improving preoperative anxiety, following lavender and
citrus. According to our review, 11 papers refer to the aromatherapy application of rose essential oil
for anxiety reduction during the preoperative and postoperative period [74, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 97,
105, 112, 115], among burn patients (4 papers; [60, 75, 93, 122]), work-related stress among nurses [77,
110, 113], menstrual and menopausal anxiety [21, 23], pregnancy and maternity anxiety [108, 120],
labor anxiety [47, 69], exam anxiety among students [70, 101], cardiac patients [100, 102],
hemodialysis [66], orthodontic patients [82], elderly [104], and two animal studies [42, 44].
Figure 4. The benefits of Rosa damascena essential oil referenced in the papers (based on Table 1 and
Figure 3) for A) Alleviation of various types of pain and B) Reduction of anxiety caused by various
Rose aromatherapy exhibits great potential in women’s health, for treating menopausal
symptoms [19, 23, 27, 59, 109], reducing menstrual pain [21, 22, 24, 25, 61, 118], and improving
symptoms of PMS [71, 78]. Furthermore, rose essential oil is effective in reducing anxiety and labor
pain [47, 53, 68, 69, 73, 90, 95, 123], decreasing anxiety and depression during pregnancy [108],
alleviating pregnancy-related back pain [26], reducing post-Cesarean anxiety and pain intensity [85,
114], and mitigating anxiety in mothers of premature infants [120]. Moreover, aromatherapy using
rose oil reduces apnea attacks, bradycardia, and SpO2 of preterm infants [57], and decreases preterm
infants' venipuncture pain [116]. It has also shown the potential to decrease resistance to sleep,
nightmares, and nighttime awakenings in children with sleep disorders [72].
In addition, rose essential oil is effective in reducing renal colic pain in chronic kidney disease
patients [48]. It has also shown the potential to improve cognitive function and decrease depression,
anxiety, and stress in hemodialysis patients [63, 65]. Additionally, in the elderly, rose aromatherapy
is effective in reducing pain and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and lowering blood pressure in
elderly individuals with hypertension [62, 66, 67, 87, 103, 104].
The most common method for administering rose aromatherapy is through inhalation (referred
to in 78 papers), followed by topical application (9), while in 6 papers aromatherapy method is not
specified (Table 1). For inhalation, essential oil is mainly used in concentrations of 1-10%, sometimes
up to 40%. The duration ranges from 90 seconds to 1 hour, or it may last all night. For massages, rose
essential oil is used at a final concentration of 3-4%, and applied for 5-15 min. In aromatherapy, rose
essential oil can be used alone or in combination with other oils (Figure 5). Floral oils such as clary
sage [21, 27], neroli [84], lavender [19, 22, 23, 27, 59, 60, 70, 84, 101, 114], geranium [19, 21, 23, 59] and
jasmine [19, 27], or spicy essential oil such as ginger [21], cinnamon [22], clove [22] and fennel [59],
woody oils like sandalwood and agarwood [84], go well with rose oil in aromatherapy. Sweet orange
(fruity note), frankincense (earthy), rosemary (herbal), and eucalyptus (medicinal) oils can be blended
with rose oil effectively [23, 84, 114].
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1013
Figure 5. Essential oils that go well with Rosa damascene.
In addition to essential oil, rose water, is also a valuable raw material in aromatherapy practice
[125]. For example, inhalation of rose water from absorbent cotton handkerchiefs before sleeping and
before the dialysis process for a duration of 15-20 min over four weeks, noticeably reduces anxiety in
hemodialysis patients [126]. Furthermore, the act of rubbing the palms of the hands and inhaling rose
water for 3 min has a positive effect on reducing pain and anxiety in the patient after surgery [127].
Additionally, inhaling rose water during the phase of labor reduces pain severity in nulliparous
women [128, 129]. Aromatherapy with rose water, performed for three consecutive nights among
women during the puerperium period, has been observed to improve sleep quality [130].
Additionally, inhalation of lavender essential oil diluted in rose water via cloths on the mouths (10
breaths before sleeping) and then placed next to the pillow in pregnant women at 35-37 weeks,
decreases postpartum depression [131].
5. Conclusions
In light of its aromatic attributes, safety profile, and facile application, rose oil emerges as a viable
adjunctive or non-pharmacological modality for ameliorating anxiety, alleviating pain, attenuating
physiological symptoms associated with menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), enhancing
sleep quality, mitigating stress, ameliorating depressive states, fostering relaxation, optimizing
cognitive functions, diminishing fatigue, and affording relief across a spectrum of diverse conditions.
Furthermore, avenues for future research should explore the precise mechanisms underlying the
therapeutic effects of rose. A multidisciplinary approach encompassing pharmacological,
neurobiological, and psychosocial perspectives should be instrumental in advancing the scientific
understanding and clinical application of rose oil as a complementary therapeutic agent.
J Agron Technol Eng Manag 2024, 7(1), 998-1020. 1014
Funding: This research was funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the
Republic of Serbia [grant numbers 451-03-68/2023-14/200032 (M.A.), 451-03-47/2023-01/200134 (B.L.; O.Š.; V.T.),
451-03-47/2023-01/200017 (M.P.), 451-03-47/2023-01/200051 (L.P.)] and Provincial Secretariat for Higher
Education and Scientific Research, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia [Grant number 142-
451-2658/2021-01/1 (B.B.T.)].
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Additionally, they are very important as flavoring agents [11]. Moreover, over the last two decades, essential oils have become popular in aromatherapy [12,13]. In agricultural practice, essential oils are used as biopesticides, for controlling plant pathogens and weeds [14,15], and in storages as fumigants and germination inhibitors suitable for organic production [16,17]. ...
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Helichrysum italicum (immortelle) essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils worldwide and it has many beneficial properties, including antimicrobial. However, in this plant, the chemical diversity of the essential oil is very pronounced. The aim of this work was to process the GC-MS results of four samples of H. italicum essential oil of Serbian origin by chemometric tools, and evaluate the antimicrobial activity in vitro and in silico. Overall, 47 compounds were identified, the most abundant were γ-curcumene, α-pinene, and ar-curcumene, followed by α-ylangene, neryl acetate, trans-caryophyllene, italicene, α-selinene, limonene, and italidiones. Although the four samples of H. italicum essential oil used in this study were obtained from different producers in Serbia, they belong to the type of essential oil rich in sesquiterpenes (γ-curcumene and ar-curcumene chemotype). In vitro antimicrobial potential showed that five were sensitive among ten strains of tested microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Candida albicans. Therefore, these microorganism models were used further for in silico molecular docking through the mechanism of ATP-ase inhibitory activity. Results showed that among all compounds from H. italicum essential oil, neryl acetate has the highest predicted binding energy. Artificial neural network modeling (ANN) showed that two major compounds γ-curcumene and α-pinene, as well as minor compounds such as trans-, and guaiol are responsible for the antimicrobial activity of H. italicum essential oil. The results of this study indicate that H. italicum essential oil samples rich in γ-curcumene, α-pinene, and ar-curcumene cultivated in Serbia (Balkan) have antimicrobial potential both in vitro and in silico. In addition, according to ANN modeling, the proportion of neryl acetate and other compounds detected in these samples has the potential to exhibit antimicrobial activity.
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Essential oils (EOs) are widely used topically in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs); however, their clinical efficacy is controversial. Our aim was to find evidence that topical EOs are beneficial as an add-on treatment in MSDs. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize the evidence on the available data of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The protocol of this work was registered on PROSPERO. We used Web of Science, EMBASE, PubMed, Central Cochrane Library and Scopus electronic databases for systematic search. Eight RCTs were included in the quantitative analysis. In conclusion, EO therapy had a favorable effect on pain intensity (primary outcome) compared to placebo. The greatest pain-relieving effect of EO therapy was calculated immediately after the intervention (MD of pain intensity = −0.87; p = 0.014). EO therapy had a slightly better analgesic effect than placebo one week after the intervention (MD of pain intensity = −0.58; p = 0.077) and at the four-week follow-up as well (MD of pain intensity = −0.52; p = 0.049). EO therapy had a beneficial effect on stiffness (a secondary outcome) compared to the no intervention group (MD = −0.77; p = 0.061). This systematic review and meta-analysis showed that topical EOs are beneficial as an add-on treatment in reducing pain and stiffness in the investigated MSDs.
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Pain and anxiety were considered the most common complications of treatment procedures in burn patients. Non-pharmacological drugs, including aromatherapy, can decrease these issues. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to summarise the effects of aromatherapy with Rosa damascene (RD) and lavender on the pain and anxiety of burn patients. A systematic search was performed on international electronic databases such as Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science, as well as on Iranian electronic databases such as Iranmedex and Scientific Information Database (SID) with keywords extracted from Medical Subject Headings such as "Burns", "Pain", "Pain management", "Anxiety", and "Aromatherapy" were performed from the earliest to November 1, 2022. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal checklist assessed the quality of randomised control trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies. STATA v.14 software was used to estimate pooled effect size. Heterogeneity was assessed with I2 value. Random effect model and inverse-variance method using sample size, mean, and standard deviation changes were applied to determine standard mean differences (SMD). The confidence interval of 95% was considered to determine the confidence level. A total of 586 burn patients participated in six studies, including three RCT studies and three quasi-experimental studies. The results based on RCT studies showed RD significantly decreased the dressing pain average when compared to the control group (SMD: -1.61, 95%CI: -2.32 to -0.99, Z = 5.09, I2 : 66.2%, P < 0.001). Aromatherapy with lavender decreased the average pain in the interventional group more than in the control group (SMD: -1.78, 95%CI: -3.62 to 0.07, Z = 1.89, I2 : 97.2%, P = 0.06). Using aromatherapy with RD and lavender significantly decreased pain average in the interventional group than the control group (SMD: -1.68, 95%CI: -2.64 to -0.72, Z = 3.42, I2 : 94.2%, P = 0.001). The results showed RD significantly decreased the anxiety average in the interventional group than the control group (SMD: -2.49, 95%CI: -2.98 to -2.0, Z = 9.94, I2 : 51.6%, P < 0.001). Overall, this study showed that aromatherapy with RD decreased pain and anxiety of dressing procedures in burn patients. Although aromatherapy with lavender decreased pain in the patients, it was not statistically significant. More RCTs studies are required to be able to better judge the effects of aromatherapy with RD and lavender on the pain and anxiety of burn patients.
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Introduction A high percentage of nurses working in hospitals suffer from job stress and related psychological problems. This study aimed to examine and compare the effects of aromatherapy using lavender and rose scents on nurses’ job stress. Materials and methods This randomized placebo controlled trial was conducted on 118 eligible nurses who were randomly assigned into three groups of lavender (n =39), rose (n =40), and sesame seed as placebo (n =39). The nurses received lavender and rose scents for two hours a day during four weeks. The Gray-Toft and Anderson's Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) was used to measure job stress before the interventions on the first day, at the end of the second and fourth weeks. Descriptive and inferential statistics tests were used for data analysis. The statistical significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results No statistically significant differences between the groups in job stress before the interventions and at the end of the second week were observed. There were statistically significant differences between the groups at the end of the fourth week (p <0.003). Aromatherapy using rose scent had a positive effect on the nurses’ job stress at the end of the fourth week compared to the placebo (p = 0.002). Conclusion Aromatherapy using rose scent is a safe and non-pharmacologic method that can be used by nurses for improving their own comfort at the workplace. It can reduce nurses’ overreliance on medications for relieving the symptoms of job stress.
Mothers of premature infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) experience stress and anxiety. Reducing anxiety in mothers is essential to ensure the quality of care for infants with special needs after discharge. Non-pharmacological methods of managing anxiety are encouraged for breastfeeding mothers. Aim: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of aromatherapy with Damask Rose (DR) on anxiety in mothers with premature infants admitted to NICU. Method: In this clinical trial study, 75 eligible mothers selected through convenience sampling method were randomly assigned into intervention and control groups. In addition to the routine care, the mothers in the intervention group received a 5-10-minutes inhaled aromatherapy with 10% DR for ten consecutive nights. The mothers of the control group only received routine care. The tools of the study were a demographic information form and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software (version 22). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean scores of state anxiety significantly reduced in the intervention (48.88±10.16 to 40.68±8.62) and control groups (52.30±7.40 to 51.27±7.30). Due to the significant difference between change in before-after scores in the two groups, aromatherapy was more effective than routine care in reducing anxiety (P<0.0001). Also, the mean score of trait anxiety significantly decreased from 49.14±9.99 to 44.37±10.0 in the intervention group (P<0.0001). Implications for Practice: Aromatherapy with DR decreases anxiety in mothers of preterm infants hospitalized in the NICU; therefore, it can be recommended for the management of anxiety in this population.
Rose essential oil is one of the most valuable and pivotal raw materials in the perfume industry. However, the limited yield of essential oil in rose flowers increased the interest of both breeders and scientists to create and discover species that have potential for multifaceted applications aiming to increase the economic viability of rose cultivation. Consequently, garden roses (Rosa hybrida) through ongoing development emerge as possibly profitable for cultivation and processing. This opens possibilities for numerous applications in both food and pharmaceutical industries. The main objective of this study was to identify the essential oil composition of R. hybrida cv. Mileva and compare it against essential oil chemical compositions of 32 accessions of other non-commercial (wild and hybrid) roses available literature. The dominant compound detected in R. hybrida cv. Mileva essential oil was geranyl acetate (47.9%), followed by nonadecane and heneicosane. It was shown that the essential oil possesses moderate antimicrobial activity, good antioxidant potential and strong anti-inflammatory activity.
Introduction and objectives: Since preterm infants frequently undergo painful diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, pain management, especially through non-pharmacological methods, will be extremely beneficial. Accordingly, the present study aimed to compare the effects of aromatherapy with breast milk, Lavandula stoechas, and Rosa damascena on venipuncture pain in preterm infants. Methods: In this interventional study, preterm infants were randomly divided into four groups of aromatherapy with breast milk (25 infants), Lavandula stoechas (25 infants), Rosa damascena (25 infants), and sham (25 infants). One minute before, during, and two minutes after venipuncture, the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) as well as heart rate and SPO2 were measured. Results: The results indicated that pain intensity was significantly lower during and after venipuncture in all the aromatherapy methods compared with the sham group (P < 0.001). Breast milk odor decreased the pain more than the other two odors during and after venipuncture (P < 0.001); however, there was no significant difference between Lavandula stoechas and Rosa damascena (P = 0.94). SPO2 was significantly higher in infants in the Lavandula stoechas (P < 0.001) and Rosa damascena (P = 0.03) groups compared with the sham infants. Conclusion: All three aromatherapy methods were effective in decreasing preterm infants' venipuncture pain. Since no study on the effect of aromatherapy with Rosa damascena was found in this regard, the effectiveness of aromatherapy with Rosa damascena is of great importance, and future studies are recommended to analyze this topic in greater depth.
Introduction: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rose oil (Rosa Damascene Mill.) aromatherapy and hand-holding in reducing pain associated with peripheral intravenous catheter insertion. Methods: A comparative mixed-method design. A total of 126 patients were included in the study. For the study's quantitative data, sociodemographic characteristics of the patients and the Patient Interview Form for the qualitative data of the Numeric Rating Scale were used. In all patients included in the study, PIVC insertion was performed a single time by the same nurse using a standard procedure. Chi-square and Bonferroni tests were used for comparative statistics. Results: No statistically significant difference between the groups regarding age, gender, marital status, BMI, and education level (p>0.05). Pain scores: it was 2.40±1.78 in the rose oil group, 3.53±1.98 in the hand-holding group, and 4.88±1.56 in the control group. The difference between the groups regarding pain scores is statistically significant (p=0.001). Conclusions: The study determined that rose oil aromatherapy and hand-holding interventions reduce pain during PIVC. However, rose oil aromatherapy was more effective on pain than the hand-holding intervention. (Clinical Trial ID: NCT05425849).
Latar Belakang: Kala I merupakan tahapan yang berlangsung dari terjadinya kontraksi uterus yang teratur sampai dengan dilatasi serviks lengkap. Kontraksi rahim pada persalinan menimbulkan kecemasan dan mengakibatkan nyeri persalinan yang sangat menakutkan bagi ibu bersalin. Di Amerika, dari National Vital Statistics Reports yang dilakukan oleh Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) proporsi operasi caesar di Amerika pada tahun 2013 sebesar 32,7% dari seluruh persalinan yang tercatat. Di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas 2013 menunjukkan angka kelahiran melalui operasi caesar adalah 19,9%.. Salah satu tumbuhan penting yang digunakan dalam aromaterapi adalah bunga mawar. Aroma bunga mawar efektif pada sistem saraf pusat, kandungan sytrinol dan 2-phenyl ethyl alcohol, pada bunga mawar dikenal sebagai zat anti ansietas. Menggunakan minyak mawar mengurangi kecemasan hingga 71% dalam persalinan dan hanya 14% dari mereka yang membutuhkan anestesi lokal.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi mawar terhadap nyeri persalinan fase aktifMetode penelitian: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain pre-experimental dengan pendekatan Two Group Pre-test – Post-test Design. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu bersalin fase aktif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Branti Raya Natar yang berjumlah 42 orang yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok, 21 orang luar dan 21 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel acidental. Intervensi penelitian memberikan 4 tetes aromaterapi mawar ke dalam 10 cc air melalui diffuser ultrasonik pada ibu bersalin. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan Skala NRS. Analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji Man Witney. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Juli 2022.Hasil: Rata-rata hasil nyeri persalinan fase I aktif sebelum pemberian aromaterapi mawar rata-rata 8,14 nyeri yang berarti responden mengalami nyeri berat terkontrol. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol rata-rata nyeri sebesar 8,00 yang berarti responden mengalami nyeri berat terkontrol. Setelah diberikan aromaterapi dengan bunga mawar rata-rata nyeri sebesar 2,05 yang berarti responden mengalami nyeri ringan. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol rata-rata nyeri adalah 4,05 yang berarti responden mengalami nyeri sedang. P-value = 0,000<0,05 yang artinya ada pengaruh aromaterapi mawar terhadap nyeri persalinan Kala I Fase AktifkesimpulantambahkanSaran : Dapat dijadikan syarat bagi klien untuk mengetahui cara mengalihkan nyeri, nyeri dapat dihilangkan tanpa harus menggunakan obat secara medis (farmakologi) nyeri dapat dikurangi dengan beberapa macam terapi komplementer seperti aromaterapi inhalasi mawar Kata Kunci : Nyeri Persalinan, Aromaterapi Mawar, Ketika 1 Fase Aktif ABSTRACT Background: Kala I is a stage that takes place from the occurrence of regular uterine contractions until complete cervical dilatation. Uterine contractions in labor cause anxiety and result in labor pain is very scary for maternity mothers. In America, from the National Vital Statistics Reports conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the proportion of cesarean section in America in 2013 was 32.7% of all recorded deliveries. In Indonesia, based on the results of Riskesdas 2013, it shows that the birth of cesarean section is 19.9%.. One of the essential herbs used in aromatherapy is roses. The aroma of roses is effective on the central nervous system, the content of sytrinol and 2-phenyl ethyl alcohol, in roses is known as an anti-anxiety agent. Using rose oil reduced anxiety by 71% in labor and only 14% of those who needed local anesthesia.Objective: Ditahu the effect of giving rose aromatherapy on labor pain during the Active PhaseResearch methods: Types of quantitative research, pre-experimental design with a Two Group Pre-test approach – Post-test Design. The population and sample in this study were all maternity mother durings the active phase in the branti raya natar health center working area,which was 42 people divided into 2 groups, 21 internations and 21 controls acidentals sampling techniquest. The research intervention provided 4 drops of rose aromatherapy into 10 cc of water via an ultrasonic diffuser in maternity mothers. The research measuring instrument uses the NRS Scale. Univariate and bivariate analysis using Man Witney test. This research was conducted in July 2022.Results: Rata-average results of active phase I labor pain before the administration of rose aromatherapy averaged 8.14 pain which means that respondents experienced controlled severe pain. Meanwhile, in the control group, the average pain was 8.00, which means that respondents experienced controlled severe pain.. After giving rose aromatherapy with, the average pain was 2.05 which means that respondents experienced mild pain. Meanwhile, in the control group, the average pain was 4.05, which means that respondents experienced moderate pain. P-value = 0.000<0.05 which means that there is an influence of rose aromatherapy on labor pain Kala I Active PhaseSuggestion :For Future ResearchersThe results of this study can be used as a reference material for further research, conducting a comparative study with two inhalation interventions from other therapeutic aromas such as lemon and lavender, and still conducting a control group as a comparison.Suggestion : Can be used as a requirement for clients to know how to divert pain, pain can be eliminated without having to use medication medically (pharmacology) pain can be reduced with several kinds of complementary therapies such as rose inhalation aromatherapy Keywords : Labor Pain ,Rose Aromatherapy, When 1 Phase Is Active
The health problem that often occurs in menopause is hypertension. One way of non-pharmacological treatment for lowering blood pressure can be done using rose aromatherapy.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rose aromatherapy on blood pressure in mother menopause at the Mojoroto sub-district, Kediri, East Java. The research design uses the pre experiments approach one group pretest-posttest design. The study population is menopausal mothers who have high blood pressure with some 40 people. Random Sampling technique in getting a sample of 28 people. Collecting data using primary data using observation sheets and the results analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. From the results of the research conducted shows that getting ρ value = 0.001, which means that the value of ρ <α so that H0 rejected H1 is accepted, meaning there is an effect of rose aromatherapy on blood pressure in the mother menopause.Rose aromatherapy proven its effect in lowering blood pressure in menopausal women. Aromatherapy can be made non-pharmacological handling in lowering blood pressure in the elderly.