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Aims. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health concern with negative effects on individuals and families. The present study investigated the prevalence, risk factors and gender disparities associated with IPV during the Shanghai 2022 Covid-19 lockdown-a public health emergency which may have exacerbated IPV. Methods. We estimated the total IPV prevalence and prevalence of physical, sexual and verbal IPV by using an adapted version of the Extended-Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream scale. This cross-sectional study was carried out using a population quota-based sampling of Shanghai residents across 16 districts during the 2022 Shanghai lockdown (N = 2026; 1058 men and 968 women). Results. We found a distinct gendered dynamic, where women reported a significantly higher prevalence of experienced IPV (27.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 23.1-31.4) compared to men (19.8%, 95% CI: 16.1-24.0). Notably, the prevalence estimate mirrored the national lifetime IPV prevalence for women but was over twice as high for men. In multivariable logistic regression analyses, economic stress (income loss: adjusted OR [aOR] = 2.42, 95% CI: 1.28-4.56; job loss: aOR = 1.73, 95% CI: 1.02-2.92; financial worry much more than usual: aOR = 1.89, 95% CI: 1.00-3.57) and household burden (one child at home: aOR = 1.81, 95% CI: 1.12-2.92; not enough food: aOR = 1.67, 95% CI: 1.04-2.70) were associated with increased odds of overall IPV victimization among women but not men. With regard to more serious forms of IPV, job loss (aOR = 2.27, 95% CI: 1.09-4.69) and household burden (two or more children at home: aOR = 2.95, 95% CI: 1.33-7.69) were associated with increased odds of physical IPV against men. For women, a lack of household supplies was associated with increased odds of physical IPV (water: aOR = 3.33, 95% CI: 1.79-6.25; daily supplies: aOR = 2.27, 95% CI: 1.18-4.35). Lack of daily supplies (aOR = 2.17, 95% CI: 1.03-4.55) and job loss (aOR = 2.66, 95% CI: 1.16-6.12) were also associated with increased odds of sexual IPV. Conclusions. Although a larger proportion of women reported IPV, men experienced greater IPV during the lockdown than previously estimated before the pandemic. Economic stressors, including job loss, and household burden were critical risk factors for serious forms of IPV. Improving gender equality that my account for disparities in IPV in China is critically needed. Policies that mitigate the impact of economic losses during crises can potentially reduce IPV.
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Epidemiology and Psychiatric
Original Article
Cite this article: Yang L, Shaw A, Nyman TJ,
Hall BJ (2024) The prevalence of intimate
partner violence and risk factors for women
and men in China during the Shanghai 2022
lockdown. Epidemiology and Psychiatric
Sciences 33, e14 1–13.
Received: 26 October 2023
Revised: 28 January 2024
Accepted: 12 February 2024
COVID-19; gender; intimate partner violence;
Corresponding author: Brian J. Hall;
© The Author(s), 2024. Published by
Cambridge University Press. This is an Open
Access article, distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution licence
which permits unrestricted re-use,
distribution and reproduction, provided the
original article is properly cited.
The prevalence of intimate partner violence
and risk factors for women and men in China
during the Shanghai 2022 lockdown
Liying Yang1,2, Amy Shaw3, Thomas J. Nyman2,4and Brian J. Hall2,4
1The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; 2Center for
Global Health Equity, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China; 3Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Macau, Taipa, China and 4Faculty of Arts and Sciences, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Aims. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health concern with negative eects
on individuals and families. e present study investigated the prevalence, risk factors and
gender disparities associated with IPV during the Shanghai 2022 Covid-19 lockdown a public
health emergency which may have exacerbated IPV.
Methods. We estimated the total IPV prevalence and prevalence of physical, sexual and verbal
IPV by using an adapted version of the Extended-Hurt, Insult, reaten, Scream scale. is
cross-sectional study was carried out using a population quota-based sampling of Shanghai
residents across 16 districts during the 2022 Shanghai lockdown (N=2026; 1058 men and
968 women).
Results. We found a distinct gendered dynamic, where women reported a signicantly higher
prevalence of experienced IPV (27.1%, 95% condence interval [CI]: 23.1–31.4) compared
to men (19.8%, 95% CI: 16.1–24.0). Notably, the prevalence estimate mirrored the national
lifetime IPV prevalence for women but was over twice as high for men. In multivariable logis-
tic regression analyses, economic stress (income loss: adjusted OR [aOR] =2.42, 95% CI:
1.28–4.56; job loss: aOR =1.73, 95% CI: 1.02–2.92; nancial worry much more than usual:
aOR =1.89, 95% CI: 1.00–3.57) and household burden (one child at home: aOR =1.81, 95%
CI: 1.12–2.92; not enough food: aOR =1.67, 95% CI: 1.04–2.70) were associated with increased
odds of overall IPV victimization among women but not men. With regard to more serious
forms of IPV, job loss (aOR =2.27, 95% CI: 1.09–4.69) and household burden (two or more
children at home: aOR =2.95, 95% CI: 1.33–7.69) were ass ociated with increased odds of phys-
ical IPV against men. For women, a lack of household supplies was associated with increased
odds of physical IPV (water: aOR =3.33, 95% CI: 1.79–6.25; daily supplies: aOR =2.27, 95%
CI: 1.18–4.35). Lack of daily supplies (aOR =2.17, 95% CI: 1.03–4.55) and job loss (aOR =2.66,
95% CI: 1.16–6.12) were also associated with increased odds of sexual IPV.
Conclusions. Although a larger proportion of women reported IPV, men experienced greater
IPV during the lockdown than previously estimated before the pandemic. Economic stressors,
including job loss, and household burden were critical risk factors for serious forms of IPV.
Improving gender equality that my account for disparities in IPV in China is critically needed.
Policies that mitigate the impact of economic losses during crises can potentially reduce IPV.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) refers to actual or threatened behaviours by a current or
former intimate partner that cause physical, sexual or psychological harm, including acts
of physical aggression, sexual/reproductive coercion, and psychological abuse and control-
ling behaviours (World Health Organization, 2010). e impact of IPV on the health and
well-being of individuals and families is oen devastating, and IPV is recognized as a global
public health problem (Hou et al.,2010; World Health Organization, 2022). In the context
of mainland China, studies reported a gender imbalance in experiencing IPV. According to
Hu et al. (2021), in mainland China, the lifetime prevalence of experiencing IPV victim-
ization is 25% for women and 8% for men. A similar gender imbalance of IPV victimiza-
tion has also been observed globally (Ansara and Hindin, 2010; Archer, 2002; Gass et al.,
2021; Heath et al.,2013; Oram et al.,2022) and, moreover, research shows that globally
women are overrepresented in terms of severe injuries and deaths due to IPV (World Health
Organization, 2010). Nonetheless, both men and women may act as either perpetrators or vic-
tims. Available IPV research from Western countries found support for both gender symmetry
(mostly concerning yelling, shouting and less severe forms of physical violence; Archer, 2006;
Straus, 2011) and asymmetry (mainly involving severe aggression such as kicking, choking, Published online by Cambridge University Press
2 Yang et al.
restricting physical freedom or sexual violence; Archer, 2006;
Hamberger and Larsen, 2015). erefore, in examining the preva-
lence of gender-based IPV and its associated factors, the nature or
types of violence and sample characteristics need to be taken into
Complicating the matter further, stressful events such as the
outbreaks of public health emergencies have been linked to
increases in IPV, possibly due to the added stress, anger, frustration
and isolation in crisis situations (Bowles, 2020; Smyth et al.,2021).
Stress theory postulates that IPV is a way for perpetrators to release
their stress and heightened pressure during crises oen leads indi-
viduals to commit IPV (Farrington, 1986). For example, violence
against women and girls increased when the Ebola virus epidemic
hit West Africa in 2014–2016 (Usta et al.,2021; Yasmin, 2016).
In the recent coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), fear of COVID
infection, stay-at-home policies and job loss/unemployment have
increased household stress worldwide (Barrett, 2020; Li et al.,2023;
Su et al.,2022; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020), triggering
interpersonal conict at home and potentially IPV. In China, the
police department of Jianli County in Hubei Province received 162
domestic violence complaints in January 2020 more than three
times higher than the 47 cases reported during the same month in
the previous year (Zhang, 2020). In the U.S., the number of IPV sur-
vivors reaching out increased during COVID-19 (Lee, 2020) and in
a study (Peitzmeier et al.,2021) where the results did not reveal an
increase in the overall prevalence of IPV, the IPV severity increased
and novel cases of IPV occurred in relationships that had not been
abusive prior to COVID.
It is worth noting that not all data indicate an increase in
IPV during COVID-19. For instance, the New South Wales crime
statistics suggested no change in domestic violence gures from
March 2019 to March 2020 (Freeman, 2020). Data from the
International Sexual Health and Reproductive health study which
comprises 15,336 participants in 30 countries even showed some-
what reduced IPV during COVID-19 in 2020 (Campbell et al.,
2021). However, these results should be interpreted with caution, as
researchers in the eld have warned that rates of IPV probably did
not decrease during the pandemic, but rather that IPV survivors
were unable to report IPV victimization safely while being con-
ned to homes together with abusers (Evans et al.,2020; Peitzmeier
et al.,2021).
In addition to concerns about a global surge in IPV during pub-
lic health crises, advocates especially expressed fears of exacerbated
vulnerability to IPV for women (Evans et al.,2020; Guterres, 2020;
Peitzmeier et al.,2021). Admittedly, IPV research (mostly based on
data in Western and more developed economies) has revealed that
both men and women could act as perpetrators or victims (Archer,
2006; Hamberger and Larsen, 2015; Straus, 2011), but across the
world, a higher lifetime prevalence of experiencing IPV has been
reported for women, who also tend to be overrepresented in terms
of severe injuries and deaths resulting from IPV (World Health
Organization, 2010). In mainland China, the lifetime prevalence
of IPV victimization for women is three times the estimate for
men (Hu et al.,2021). In the COVID-19 era, however, whether the
pandemic has disproportionately impacted women in experienc-
ing IPV remains open to empirical examination, and if so, what
risk factors may be associated with the increases in IPV for men
and women need to be investigated.
To address these key research questions, we conducted an
online cross-sectional survey study during the 2022 Shanghai lock-
down. In March 2022, the second wave of the pandemic broke
out in Shanghai, prompting the government to implement a city-
wide lockdown, requiring all residents to stay at home to control
the spread of the virus (Hall et al.,2023). e societal shutdown
resulted in many individuals losing their sources of income, caus-
ing signicant economic pressure which likely increased the risk
of IPV victimization for both men and women (Barrett, 2020; Li
et al.,2023). Additionally, stay-at-home orders might have lead
to additional stressors that could trigger more conicts at home
and potential IPV (Evans et al.,2020; Guterres, 2020; Peitzmeier
et al.,2021). Regarding gender (a)symmetry in experiencing IPV
and being adversely impacted by the COVID-related lockdown,
although the nationwide data suggested a higher lifetime preva-
lence for women (Hu et al.,2021), this might not apply to Shanghai
(one of the most economically and socially developed cities in
China) where there are even 5% more women with college degrees
or higher levels of education in the workforce than men (Lu, 2015).
erefore, this study aims to examine the prevalence and vari-
ous types of IPV and the associated risk factors for men and women
during the 2022 Shanghai lockdown, as well as to explore the gen-
der (a)symmetry of IPV victimization in this population. Earlier
studies on IPV during COVID-19 mainly based their estimates
of IPV on suboptimal proxy measures such as ocial crime or
helpline data (e.g., Ceroni et al.,2023; Freeman, 2020; Graham-
Harrison, 2020), which could have led to underestimated IPV rates
due to the limited reporting channels during lockdowns. In the
present study, we use the more direct self-report survey approach
to collect these data. To our knowledge, this is the very rst study
that directly examined the prevalence, severity or types, and cor-
relates of IPV for men and women during the 2022 Shanghai
Data were drawn from a cross-sectional online survey conducted
in Shanghai between April 29 and 1 June 2022 (from the middle to
the end of the lockdown period). A total of 3230 participants were
recruited via purposive sampling to reach a geographic target sam-
ple of 200 residents in each of the 16 Shanghai districts (Hall et al.,
2023). Participants (1058 men and 968 women) who self-reported
being married or cohabitating during the lockdown were included
in our data analysis. We developed the survey on Wenjuanxing, a
Chinese online questionnaire platform. e IP address function
of Wenjuanxing locates participants’ network addresses automat-
ically. ese addresses were used to conrm that participants were
in Shanghai at the time of the survey. Digital informed consent was
obtained before study perception. Each participant who completed
the survey was oered 6 Chinese yuan ($1 USD) (see the process
of participant selection in Figure 1). e study was approved by the
NYU Shanghai Institutional Review Board.
Measures and instruments
Lockdown-related stressors
Key economic and household stressors were assessed. First, we
assessed nancial stressors caused by the lockdown, including
income loss (yes/no), job loss (yes/no), nancial worries (not at all,
not more than usual, more than usual and much more than usual)
and job worry (yes/no). We assessed household burden, including Published online by Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 3
Figure 1. Flow diagram for study participants.
the number of children home during the lockdown, and whether
the family was prepared to undergo the lockdown (‘At the begin-
ning of the lockdown, did your family have sucient stock of the
following items (food, water and daily supplies) for at least 1 week?’
Intimate partner violence
Participants completed an adapted version of the Extended-Hurt,
Insult, reaten, Scream (E-HITS) screening tool to assess IPV
exposure. e E-HITS has demonstrated reliability and validity in
assessing IPV in healthcare settings (Chan et al.,2010; Goldstein
et al.,2023). Participants were asked, ‘How oen did a partner (1)
physically hurt you? (2) insult you or talk down to you? (3) threaten
you with harm? (4) scream or curse at you? and (5) force you to
have sexual activities?’ during lockdown. Responses were scored
on a 5-point Likert scale (1 =never to 5 =frequently). Total scores
were calculated from the sum of item ratings (range, 5–25), with a
score of 7 dened as IPV exposure. Following Relyea et al. (2020),
any answer of two (rarely) or higher on any item was coded as
experienced that subtype of IPV.
Study covariates
Study covariates included age group (women: 18–24, 25–34, 35–44,
45; men: 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, 55), educational attain-
ment (less than high school, high school, college graduate or
more), household income in Chinese Yuan (<4000, 4001–8000,
8001–15,000, 15,001–30,000, 30,000 or higher), employment status
(employed, part-time, unemployed), previous psychiatric diagno-
sis by a mental health professional (yes/no) and migration status.
In China, the hukou is a household registration that is bound to a
particular rural or urban location. People with a Shanghai hukou
can enjoy preferential policies, like local healthcare and educational
resources in the city. ere are two ways to obtain a Shanghai
hukou, being born in Shanghai or migrating to the city and meet-
ing certain occupational or other criteria. Four kinds of migration
status were investigated in this study: Shanghai local, migrant with
hukou, migrant without hukou and temporary migrants who do
not intend to permanently migrant to Shanghai.
Statistical analysis
All analyses were weighted to adjust for deviations between the
sample and the most recent Shanghai census. Weights were cal-
culated by utilizing logistic regression models to create an inverse
probability of sampling weights to account for the dierences in the
distribution of covariates (i.e., district and age) between the study
population and the 2020 Shanghai Census data (Cole and Stuart,
2010; Hall et al.,2023).
We estimated the prevalence of IPV and subtypes of IPV. Study
covariates were described using raw frequencies and weighted
percentages. Firstly, we used two-tailed χ2tests to estimate
the bivariable associations between demographic characteristics,
lockdown-related stressors and IPV victimization. en, bivariable
logistic regression analyses were conducted to explore the unad-
justed direct associations between demographic characteristics,
lockdown-related economic and household stressors and exposure
to IPV for men and women, respectively. Multivariable logistic
regression analyses then adjusted for demographic characteristics
(age, income, education, migrant status, past psychological diag-
nosis), regressing lockdown factors on IPV and IPV subtypes in
separate analyses. Analyses were conducted using svy commands
in Stata/MP 17.0, with statistical signicance at p<0.05. e 95%
condence intervals (CIs) for the prevalence and odds ratios were
Most men were aged 25–44 years (715/48.8%) (median age: 38,
IQR: 33–47, range: 19–88), and the majority of women were
25–34 years old (525/49.4%) (median age: 34, IQR: 30–39.5, Published online by Cambridge University Press
4 Yang et al.
Table 1. Participant Characteristics
N (%)
Men Women
Overall 1058 (100) 968 (100)
18−24 20 (1.1) 27 (2.6)
25−34 337 (23.2) 525 (49.4)
35−44 378 (25.6) 264 (24.6)
45−54/45 203 (14.6) 152 (23.4)
55 120 (35.5)
Less than high school 173 (18.1) 162 (14.1)
High school 264 (25.8) 196 (19.2)
College graduate or higher 621 (56.1) 610 (66.7)
Less than 4000 59 (3.6) 90 (8.0)
4001−8000 274 (33.0) 231 (25.7)
8001−15000 361 (37.0) 267 (29.6)
15,001−30000 261 (19.0) 262 (25.1)
30000 or higher 103 (7.4) 118 (11.6)
Employed 887 (87.6) 792 (71.7)
Part–time 64 (4.1) 48 (5.2)
Unemployed 107 (8.3) 128 (11.7)
Migrant status
Shanghai local 340 (48.0) 275 (34.1)
Migrant with hukou 140 (9.9) 160 (16.2)
Migrant without hukou 344 (24.6) 291 (25.7)
Temporary 234 (17.5) 242 (24.0)
Past psychological diagnosis
No 1029 (98.6) 920 (79.4)
Yes 29 (1.4) 48 (20.6)
range: 19–86). Most men (621/56.1%) and women (610/66.7%)
reported a university degree, with a family income between 8000
and 15,000 Chinese yuan (men: 361/30.0%; women: 267/29.6%),
and most of them were employed (men: 887/87.6%; women:
792/71.7%). Nearly half the sample of men (587/42.1%) and
women (533/49.7%) reported being migrants without a Shanghai
household registration (i.e., hukou). Twenty-nine (1.4%) men and
forty-eight (20.6%) women reported a previous psychiatric diag-
nosis (see Table 1).
e prevalence of IPV experienced by men was signicantly
dierent by age, education, migrant status, past psychological
diagnosis, income loss, job loss and nance worry. For women,
they diered by migrant status, past psychological diagnosis,
income loss, job loss, nance worry and food preparation (see
Figure 2Figure 5).
Nearly, 20% (19.8%, 95% CI: 16.1–24.0) men and 30% (27.1%,
95% CI: 23.1–31.4) women experienced IPV during lockdown.
Verbal violence was the most prevalent form of IPV for both
men and women (insulted you: women: 29.2%, 95% CI: 25.8–34.4;
men: 22.3%, 95% CI: 18.4–26.8; screamed or cursed at you:
women: 30.6%, 95% CI: 26.3–35.2; men: 23.8%, 95% CI: 19.8–28.4)
(see Table 2).
Correlates of overall IPV by sex
Table 3 reports the results of unadjusted binary logistic regression
analysis. e multivariable analyses suggested several correlates of
IPV aer adjusting for demographic characteristics (see Table 4).
For economic and household stress, women who experienced
income loss (adjusted OR [aOR] =2.42, 95% CI: 1.28–4.56), job
loss (aOR =1.73, 95% CI: 1.02–2.92) and worried about nances
much more than usual (aOR =1.89, 95% CI: 1.00–3.57) compared
to not experiencing these losses during lockdown had increased
odds of IPV. Women who had one child at home (aOR =1.81, 95%
CI: 1.12–2.92) compared to no child also experienced increased
odds of IPV. Women who did not have enough food for the fam-
ily (aOR =1.67, 95% CI 1.04-2.70) compared to the group with
sucient preparation were associated with increased odds of IPV.
In contrast, the experience of IPV for men was not associated with
any of these factors.
Correlates of IPV types by sex
Women who experienced income loss (insult: aOR =2.18, 95%
CI: 1.19–3.98), job stress (insult: aOR =1.73, 95% CI: 1.06–2.96;
scream: aOR =1.95, 95% CI: 1.17–3.25) or had at least one
child at home (insult: one child: aOR =1.74, 95% CI: 1.10–2.74;
two or more children: aOR =1.80, 95% CI: 1.05–3.07; scream:
one child: aOR =1.64, 95% CI: 1.03–2.62) compared to their
reference groups experienced increased odds of verbal violence
(i.e., insult or scream). Women who reported not having enough
water for the family experienced increased odds of physical IPV
(aOR =3.33, 95% CI: 1.79–6.25) and threat (aOR =2.08, 95% CI:
1.04–4.00). Similarly, women who did not have enough daily sup-
plies for family had an associated increased odds of physical IPV
(aOR =2.77, 95% CI: 1.18–4.35) and sexual IPV (aOR =2.17, 95%
CI: 1.03–4.55). Men who lost their jobs experienced an increased
odds of physical IPV (aOR =2.27, 95% CI: 1.09–4.69) and threat
(aOR =2.50, 95% CI: 1.25–5.01). Men who had two or more chil-
dren (aOR =2.95, 95% CI: 1.33–7.69) had an increased odds of
physical IPV (see Table 4).
e current study utilized survey data from a large sample that
experienced the Shanghai 2022 lockdown and analysed IPV preva-
lence and corresponding risk factors stratied by sex. Results
revealed a gendered pattern whereby signicant associations
between economic/household stress and IPV were largely expe-
rienced by women but with few eects only for physical violence
for men.
Compared to men, women were more likely to experience IPV
during the lockdown (27.1% women vs. 19.8% men). is is near
the prevalence of lifetime IPV in China for women but more than
twice that previously reported for men (Yang et al.,2019). e
prevalence of verbal violence was higher than other IPV types for
both men and women. Although there is limited comparable data Published online by Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 5
Figure 2. Associations between sociodemographic characteristics and intimate partner violence for men (N=1058). Bar charts represent the proportion of IPV victimization
by sociodemographic characteristics. All percentages were weighted. Pvalues were calculated using the two-sided Pearson’s chi-squared test.
in Shanghai exploring the prevalence of IPV, a study conducted
in 2013 used data from 216 male and female adolescents, aged
15–19, who were immigrants to explore the prevalence and health
impact of IPV, and the result showed the past-year IPV prevalence
was 10.2% in Shanghai (Decker et al.,2014). Another study con-
ducted among married rural migrant women of reproductive age
in April and May of 2010 in Shanghai found that 18.7% women
reported any kind of IPV (emotional, physical or sexual abuse)
in the past year. Overall, the prevalence of IPV was higher than
estimates obtained before COVID-19.
Over 60% of men and 70% of women experienced income loss
and over 10% of men and women lost their jobs during the lock-
down. Income loss, unemployment and nancial worry were all
correlates of experiencing increased overall IPV among women but
not men. According to Connell’s (1987) integrative theory of gen-
der and power (TGP), people with weaker division of labour are
more likely to become victims of IPV (Connell, 1987). Although
more women work now, unemployment was a key correlate of their
experienced IPV. Meanwhile, considering the higher percentage
income loss among men, violence may have played a compensatory
role. e traditional gender identity of men being responsible
for nancial stability may have led to instability of gender power
structure during lockdown. According to TGP, the increase in IPV
victimization may have been a tool used to compensate for income
loss or unemployment and to assert dominance through violent
means in the current study (Clare et al.,2021). Based on our results,
women should not only full the obligations of the household but
may have also be blamed for their nance loss.
e results showed that men also reported IPV, especially those
with higher education, which was supported by Zhang et al. (2015).
One possible explanation is that at least some portion of men’s
reporting of experienced IPV may be the violence women engage
in for self-defence (Kimmel, 2002; Zhang et al.,2015). Women
were likely to use violence to protect themselves or retaliate against
prior violence (Allen, 2011). Besides, the focus of IPV measure-
ment in this study was the violence itself, which fails to reect
to reasons of violence and behaviours leading to violence. e
measurements without the context of violence may exaggerate the
frequency of men self-reporting victimization (Zhang et al.,2015).
Future research should incorporate additional information to clar-
ify the context of violence against men. In fact, the results indicated
that increased violence was reported by men who lost their job,
had two more children at home and did not have sucient water
for their family. Women may have perpetrated verbal and physical
IPV when their partners were unable to full their social role as a
breadwinner (Oinas, 2018). Although IPV reported by women was
more severe, victimization of men should not be ignored.
Migration status was a key risk factor for both men and women,
compared to Shanghai locals, migrants experienced a higher bur-
den of IPV, which is supported by previous studies conducted
in China (Chen et al.,2016; Li and Wang, 2023; Tu and Lou,
2017). However, empirical work surrounding migrants and IPV
has mostly focused on women (Chen et al.,2016). In fact, both men
and women migrants may face employment, income and social
welfare insecurity (Wong et al.,2008). Income and job instability
among migrants may increase the possibility of IPV. Published online by Cambridge University Press
6 Yang et al.
Figure 3. Associations between sociodemographic characteristics and intimate partner violence for women (N=968). Bar charts represent the proportion of IPV
victimization by sociodemographic characteristics. All percentages were weighted. Pvalues were calculated using the two-sided Pearson’s chi-squared test.
Figure 4. Associations between lockdown-related stressors and intimate partner violence for men (N=1058). Bar charts represent the proportion of IPV victimization by
lockdown-related stressors. All percentages were weighted. Pvalues were calculated using the two-sided Pearson’s chi-squared test. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 7
Figure 5. Associations between lockdown-related stressors and intimate partner violence for women (N=968). Bar charts represent the proportion of IPV victimization by
lockdown-related stressors. All percentages were weighted. Pvalues were calculated using the two-sided Pearson’s chi-squared test.
Table 2. Prevalence of IPV for men (n=1058) and women (n=968)
Notes: Overall means the prevalence of IPV experienced by men and women calculated by the screening threshold score of E-HITS. IPV types means the prevalence of IPV types experienced
by men and women calculated by the screening threshold score of each type.
ere are several limitations that should be noted in this study.
First, limited by the lockdown, our data were collected by online
self-report questionnaires. Self-report data may be inuenced by
social desirability and recall biases, which might lead to misesti-
mation of the prevalence of IPV. However, given the anonymity
and condentiality protections in the study, the participants
might not have been motivated to intentionally give socially
desirable responses. Second, the research design of this study
was cross-sectional, and conclusions cannot be drawn regarding
causality. ird, the participants were in romantic relationships but
may not have been paired. e TGP emphasizes gender actions
and relations in civil institutions. Data from paired couples liv-
ing together may be more helpful to understand the relationship
between labour, power and IPV. Finally, the data collection and
assumptions of romantic partnerships adhere to a heteronorma-
tive narrative, and the lived experiences of LGBTQ+participants
are not reected in these data. Future studies should examine
IPV from an intersectional lens, exploring gender, sexuality and
violence within a Chinese context. Finally, it should be noted Published online by Cambridge University Press
8 Yang et al.
Table 3. Bivariable relationships between lockdown-related stressors and intimate partner violence by type of experienced IPV
Intimate partner violence Physically hurt you Insulted you Threatened to harm you Screamed or cursed at you Forced you to have sexual activities
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
loss due to
No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 2.48
Job loss
due to
No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1.71
Not at all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Not more
than usual
More than
more than
Job worry
No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1.12
Children at
None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
One 1.19
Two or
(Continued) Published online by Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 9
Table 3. (Continued.)
Intimate partner violence Physically hurt you Insulted you Threatened to harm you Screamed or cursed at you Forced you to have sexual activities
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
OR (95%CI)
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
No 1.29
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
No 0.59
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1
No 1.00
Notes: OR =odds ratio which is the unadjusted association between the exposure and outcome. Bold estimates are p<.05. Published online by Cambridge University Press
10 Yang et al.
Table 4. Multivariable relationships between lockdown-related stressors and intimate partner violence by type of experienced IPV
Intimate partner violence Physically hurt you Insulted you Threatened to harm you Screamed or cursed at you Forced you to have sexual activities
loss due to
No 111111111111
Yes 1.76
Job loss
due to
No 111111111111
Yes 1.58
Not at all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Not more
than usual
More than
Much more
than usual
Job worry
No 111111111111
Yes 0.79
Children at
None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
One 1.30
Two or
(Continued) Published online by Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 11
Table 4. (Continued.)
Intimate partner violence Physically hurt you Insulted you Threatened to harm you Screamed or cursed at you Forced you to have sexual activities
Yes 111111111111
No 1.01
Yes 111111111111
No 0.56
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111
No 0.99
Notes: aOR =adjusted odds ratio. Models were adjusted for demographic characteristics (age, income, education, employment, migrant status, past psychological distress). Bold estimates are p<.05. Published online by Cambridge University Press
12 Yang et al.
that in this study all participants came from Shanghai, arguably
the most developed city in China. Compared to other provinces,
Shanghai has a close contact with Western culture, more developed
community-based organization sectors and convenient welfare to
residents. Our results should be interpreted with caution when
generalized to other populations in China. Future work is also
needed to understand the nature of IPV in Shanghai and among
men, outside the COVID-19 context as current data are limited.
Notwithstanding these limitations, this study provided key
insights and important practical implications. First, income loss,
unemployment and household burden were all risk factors for
overall IPV experienced by women, but the same pattern was
not observed for men, suggesting a key gendered response to
threats against masculine roles still impacted the risk of IPV against
women in Shanghai (Clare, 2021). e economic function of being
a breadwinner was limited by a public health emergency, which
may lead to IPV as a compensatory mechanism for men to bal-
ance their predominance in the gender and power structure. e
Women’s Federation or other social welfare institutions should be
strengthened to maintain access to provide help for women suer-
ing IPV during public health emergencies. Second, men are also at
risk of IPV, especially those with higher levels of education, expe-
riencing job loss due to lockdown, having two or more children
at home or not having sucient water for family. Future research
should examine the risk factors and motivation of IPV against
men to gain further understanding of gender (a)symmetry of IPV.
Finally, verbal IPV appears to be of particularly high prevalence
during the Shanghai 2022 lockdown. Interventions to promote
healthy conict resolution skills within intimate partnerships may
be benecial to reduce this from of IPV in the future.
During the Shanghai 2022 lockdown, 27.1% women and 19.8%
men met screening thresholds for total IPV. is is greater than the
prevalence of lifetime IPV experienced by women (25%) and men
(8%) in mainland China (Hu et al.,2021). e occurrence of verbal
violence was higher than other kinds of IPV. e gender pattern of
IPV experienced by men and women is dierent. Economic stress
and household burden were both risk factors for overall IPV and
all IPV types against women. While for men, economic hardship
may be the root reason to experience verbal or physical IPV. ese
ndings highlighted the importance of improving gender equality
awareness and interventions in China and evidence for the surplus
of IPV experienced during the lockdown period.
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Full-text available
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a considerable public health problem that has garnered increased attention in the past several years. Prevalence rates of IPV in the United States are high, with upwards of one in three women and nine men experiencing IPV during their lifetime (Smith et al., 2018). The onset of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic brought statewide stay at home directives and nationwide recommendations for social distancing that aim to reduce infections but are also likely to inadvertently influence intimate partners and families in ways that increase rates and consequences of IPV. Indeed, previous research has shown that violence increases during and after disease outbreaks (Peterman et al., 2020), but little is written about reasons for the surges. Thus, this paper serves to discuss reasons for a rise in IPV experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and current and future opportunities for prevention and intervention.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Background Shelter-in-place and related COVID-19 physical distancing measures may influence the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV). The current study aims to (1) describe perceived changes in IPV experienced during and prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, (2) identify social correlates of IPV. Methods The International Sexual Health and REproductive Health (I-SHARE) study collected data on sexual and reproductive health during the COVID-19 pandemic (10,717 respondents in 16 countries between July 26thand December 1st 2020). The sample comprises participants in 7 HICs, 5 UMICs, 2 LMICs, and 2 LICs: 6,643 (62.3%) participants identified as women, 3,650 (34.2%) as men, and 178 (1.7%) as another gender. The median age was 30 (IQR 24; 39). Adults (≥18yrs) were recruited online (social media, panel, or population-representative). IPV was a primary outcome measured using an adapted six-item version of the WHO IPV scale. Mixed effects modelling was used to assess participants’ experience of IPV in the three months prior to, and during, the COVID-19 physical distancing measures; participants were also asked about informal and formal reporting of IPV. Results Preliminary analysis indicated that 1,864 (17.4%) of the 10,717 participants reported experiencing at least one form of IPV before the introduction of COVID-19 control measures; 1,346 (12.6%) participants reported IPV during COVID-19 physical distancing measures. Among participants experiencing IPV when physical distancing measures were in place, 691 (37.1%) told either a friend, the police, social services or other organization. Participants with a reduction in household income during the COVID-19 measures (aOR 1.48, 95% CI 1.29–1.69) and increased consumption of alcohol during COVID-19 (aOR 1.51, 95% CI 1.26–1.81) had higher odds of experiencing IPV. Conclusion IPV may have decreased during COVID-19 measures, but remained common overall. Structural interventions are necessary to mitigate the impact of IPV.
Based on mobile phone records for 71 million users and location tracking information for one million users over almost three years, this study examines the labor market impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in China's Guangdong province, whose GDP is larger than that of all but the top 12 countries in the world. Using a standard difference-in-differences framework, our analysis shows dramatic and protracted effects of the pandemic on the labor market: it increased unemployment by 72% and unemployment benefits claims by 57% even after the full reopening in 2020 relative to their levels in the same period in 2019. The impact was also highly heterogeneous, with women, workers older than 40, and migrants being more affected. Cities that rely more on export or that have a higher share of the hospitality industry in GDP but a lower share of the finance and healthcare industries experienced a more pronounced increase in unemployment. The lingering impact likely reflects the global transmission of the pandemic's effects through the supply chain and trade channels.
Background: Common mental disorders and suicidal ideation are associated with exposures to COVID-19 pandemic stressors, including lockdown. But limited data is available on the effect of city-wide lockdowns on population mental health. In April 2022, Shanghai entered a city-wide lockdown that sealed 24 million residents in their homes or residential compounds. The rapid initiation of the lockdown disrupted food systems, spurred economic losses, and widespread fear. The associated mental health effects of a lockdown of this magnitude are largely unknown. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation during this unprecedented lockdown. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were obtained via purposive sampling across 16 districts in Shanghai. Online surveys were distributed between April 29 and June 1, 2022. All participants were physically present and residents of Shanghai during the lockdown. Logistic regression was used to estimate the associations between lockdown-related stressors and study outcomes, adjusting for covariates. Findings: A total of 3348 Shanghai residents who personally experienced the lockdown participated the survey, with 1713 (55.5 %) male, 1625 (44.3 %) female, and 10 (0.02 %) other, and a median age of 33 (IQR 27-40), who were predominately 3242 (97.0 %) Han Chinese participated. The overall prevalence of depression based on PHQ-9 was 25.9 % (95 % CI, 24.5 %-27.4 %), 19.9 % (18.2 %-21.6 %) for anxiety based on GAD-7, and 3.8 % (2.9 %-4.9 %) for suicidal ideation based on ASQ. The prevalence of all outcomes was higher among younger adults, single people, lower income earners, migrants, those in poor health, and with a previous psychiatric diagnosis or suicide attempt. The odds of depression and anxiety were associated with job loss, income loss, and lockdown-related fear. Higher odds of anxiety and suicidal ideation were associated with being in close contact with a COVID-19 case. Moderate food insecurity was reported by 1793 (51.4 %), and 515 (14.5 %) reported severe food insecurity. Moderate food insecurity was associated with 3-fold increased odds of clinical thresholds of depression and anxiety and reporting suicidal ideation (aOR from 3.26 to 3.97), and severe food insecurity was associated with >5-fold increased odds (aOR from 5.01 to 7.74), compared to food security. Interpretation: Lockdown stressors, including food insecurity, job and income loss, and lockdown-related fears, were associated with increased odds of mental health outcomes. COVID-19 elimination strategies including lockdowns should be balanced against the effects on population wellbeing. Strategies to avoid unneeded lockdown, and policies that can strengthen food systems and protect against economic shocks are needed.
Objective: Over a third of women in the United States report a lifetime history of intimate partner violence. Although a recent review found that intimate partner violence is related to poor subjective sleep, the majority of studies involved reproductive-aged women and used suboptimal measures of interpersonal violence and/or insomnia. We examined the relationship between lifetime intimate partner violence and current clinical insomnia in a cross-sectional sample of midlife women veterans. Methods: Cross-sectional data were drawn from the Midlife Women Veterans Health Survey. Women Veterans (N = 232) aged 45 to 64 years enrolled in Department of Veterans Affairs health care in Northern California completed an adapted version of the Extended-Hurt, Insult, Threaten, Scream to assess lifetime history of intimate partner violence (screening threshold score and any physical, sexual, and psychological intimate partner violence) and the Insomnia Severity Index to assess current insomnia. Results: In multivariable analyses, lifetime history of intimate partner violence was associated with twofold to fourfold odds of current clinical insomnia, including overall intimate partner violence (odds ratio, 3.24; 95% confidence interval, 1.57-6.69), physical intimate partner violence (odds ratio, 2.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-3.70), psychological intimate partner violence (odds ratio, 3.98; 95% confidence interval, 2.06-7.71), and sexual intimate partner violence (odds ratio, 2.09; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-4.07). Conclusions: Lifetime history of intimate partner violence is common and may be associated with clinical insomnia during midlife. Findings highlight the importance of screening midlife women for intimate partner violence and recognizing the potential role of this traumatic exposure on women's health.
Migration in China has been shaped by the household registration system (hukou) that determines stratified citizenship among migrants. Adopting a feminist intersectionality lens, this study investigated how hukou institution, class, and regionality intersect to have an impact on migrant women's experience of physical, psychological, and sexual violence perpetrated by their husbands. The analysis of nationally representative data from the third wave of Women's Social Status Survey in China (n = 5411) revealed that compared to rural non-migratory wives, (a) return migrants were more likely to experience all three forms of violence; (b) temporary migrants had higher odds to suffer from psychological violence; and (c) permanent migration was not a significant predictor of any form of domestic violence (DV). The findings indicate that migration should be examined in all its complexity from an intersectionality perspective and a within-gender heterogeneity framework may be necessary if we aim to address the multiplicity in migrant women's lives. In practice, attempt to alleviate the negative impact of migration on DV requires reforms or the abolition of the hukou system, and programs and services should be provided in particular to return women migrants who face triple oppression of institutional discrimination, socioeconomic stratification, and regionality marginalization.
Measures to contain the global COVID-19 pandemic led to stay-at-home orders across the world, accompanied by fears of a global surge in intimate partner violence (IPV). We administered an online general-population survey to 1169 women and transgender/nonbinary individuals throughout the state of Michigan in June–August 2020 to assess changes in the prevalence, severity, and correlates of IPV during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quota sampling was used to match the racial/ethnic and urban/rural distribution of the state. More than one in seven (15.1%) participants reported physical, sexual, psychological, or technology-facilitated IPV since COVID, similar to the prevalence in the 3 months before COVID (16.2%). However, there were indications that IPV severity increased and that novel cases of IPV are occurring in relationships that previously had no abuse. A majority (64.2%) of individuals who experienced IPV since COVID reported that the IPV was new to the relationship (34.1%) or of increased severity during COVID-19 (26.6%), representing 9.7% of the overall sample. New or increased IPV was significantly more prevalent among those who were essential workers, pregnant, unable to afford rent, unemployed/underemployed or had recent changes to their job, had partners with recent changes to employment, and those who had gotten tested or tested positive for COVID-19. Urban residence, trans/nonbinary identity, and having a toddler were more strongly associated with IPV during COVID as compared to before COVID. While findings do not support significant changes in the overall prevalence of IPV, the majority of survivors reported incident IPV in relationships that had not previously been abusive, or IPV that became more severe since the start of the pandemic. Cases of new or increased IPV were more concentrated in marginalized groups. Potential touchpoints for outreach and services during future lockdowns include prenatal and pediatric settings, daycares, employers of essential workers, and COVID-19 testing centers. Policies providing rental, childcare, and unemployment support may mitigate increases in IPV during COVID-19.