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Responsible Research is also concerned with generalizability: Recognizing efforts to reflect upon and increase generalizability in hiring and promotion decisions in psychology



We concur with the authors of the two target articles that Open Science practices can help combat the ongoing reproducibility and replicability crisis in psychological science and should hence be acknowledged as responsible research practices in hiring and promotion decisions. However, we emphasize that another crisis is equally threatening the credibility of psychological science in Germany: The sampling or generalizability crisis. We suggest that scientists’ efforts to contextualize their research, reflect upon, and increase its generalizability should be incentivized as responsible research practices in hiring and promotion decisions. To that end, we present concrete suggestions for how efforts to combat the additional generalizability crisis could be operationalized within Gärtner et al. (2022) evaluation scheme. Tackling the replicability and the generalizability crises in tandem will advance the credibility and quality of psychological science and teaching in Germany.
Meta-Psychology, 2024, vol 8, MP.2023.3695
Article type: Commentary
Published under the CC-BY4.0 license
Open data: Not Applicable
Open materials: Not Applicable
Open and reproducible analysis: Not Applicable
Open reviews and editorial process: Yes
Preregistration: No
Edited by: Daniel Lakens
Reviewed by: Veli-Matti Karhulahti, Erich Witte
Analysis reproduced by: Not Applicable
All supplementary files can be accessed at OSF:
Responsible Research is also concerned with generalizability:
Recognizing efforts to reflect upon and increase generalizability in
hiring and promotion decisions in psychology
Roman Stengelin1,2, Manuel Bohn1, Alejandro Sánchez-Amaro1, Daniel B.M. Haun1,3,4, Maleen
Thiele1, Matthias Allritz1, Moritz M. Daum5,6, Elisa Felsche1, Frankie T.K. Fong1,7, Anja Gampe8,
Marta Giner Torréns9, Sebastian Grueneisen3,10, David J.K. Hardecker1,3, Lisa Horn11 , Karri
Neldner1,4, Sarah Pope-Caldwell1, and Nils Schuhmacher9
1Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology, MPI EVA, Leipzig, GER
2Department of Psychology and Social Work, University of Namibia, Windhoek, NAM
3Leipzig Research Center for Early Child Development, Leipzig University, GER
4LeipzigLab, Leipzig University, GER
5Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, SUI
6Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich, SUI
7Early Cognitive Development Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUS
8Institute for Socio-Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen, GER
9Department of Psychology, University of Muenster, GER
10Faculty of Education, Leipzig University, GER
11Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, AUT
We concur with the authors of the two target articles that Open Science practices can
help combat the ongoing reproducibility and replicability crisis in psychological science
and should hence be acknowledged as responsible research practices in hiring and pro-
motion decisions. However, we emphasize that another crisis is equally threatening the
credibility of psychological science in Germany: The sampling or generalizability crisis.
We suggest that scientists’ efforts to contextualize their research, reflect upon, and
increase its generalizability should be incentivized as responsible research practices in
hiring and promotion decisions. To that end, we present concrete suggestions for how
efforts to combat the additional generalizability crisis could be operationalized within
Gärtner et al. (2022) evaluation scheme. Tackling the replicability and the generaliz-
ability crises in tandem will advance the credibility and quality of psychological science
and teaching in Germany.
Keywords: Generalizability Crisis, Sampling Crisis, Responsible Research, Cultural
Gärtner et al. (2022) and Schönbrodt et al. (2022)
advocate for a greater consideration of responsible re-
search practices in hiring and promotion decisions in
Germany. Building upon the San Francisco Declaration
on Research Assessment (DORA), they propose to in-
centivize Open Science practices in Psychological Sci-
ence by including assessments of such practices when
evaluating candidates for academic positions. More
generally, the authors suggest prioritizing the quality
rather than quantity of publications while also consid-
ering other scientific outputs.
We agree with the authors that greater incentives for
quality over quantity and encouragement of Open Sci-
ence practices are much needed to respond to the repli-
cability crisis. However, we flag another fundamental
crisis threatening the credibility and quality of psycho-
logical science they left mostly unattended: the gener-
alizability crisis (Arnett, 2008; Henrich et al., 2010; Si-
mons et al., 2017).
Psychological science almost exclusively relies on
participants from a thin slice of humanity: Formally-
educated, urban, middle to upper class communities
from the wealthy Global North, such as the United
States or Germany (Muthukrishna et al., 2020). These
communities are rarely approached for theoretical rea-
sons, but predominantly for convenience: Scientists
tend to study participants they can recruit with rela-
tively low effort and cost. This leads to a drastic over-
representation of psychology students from local uni-
versities across cognitive, personality, and social psy-
chology (Arnett, 2008; i.e., “the science of the behav-
ior of sophomores” in McNemar, 1946; Sears, 1986) or
strong bias towards children from formally educated,
middle-class communities in developmental psychology
(Nielsen et al., 2017). All of this would be less prob-
lematic, if the authors gave explicit information about
which populations their research conclusions are based
on and apply to. However, this is rarely the case: data
is frequently interpreted and presented as if it applies to
much larger populations and, often, humans in general.
Scholars rarely contextualize their research and make
generalizability concerns explicit. Of course, some re-
search is not meant to generalize beyond the population
from which the sample is drawn. This is, however, the
exception and not the norm and should be communi-
cated as such.
The habitual reliance on convenience sampling and
the widespread tendency to assume generalizability
from such data have drastic consequences: Psycholog-
ical science is built upon participants who are outliers
on many cultural metrics known to guide human behav-
ior and experience (Henrich et al., 2010). They come
from predominantly White (Remedios, 2022; Roberts et
al., 2020), ethnically homogenous (Drazanova, 2019),
individualistic (Schulz et al., 2018), western, edu-
cated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (“WEIRD”)
communities (Henrich et al., 2010). Ad-hoc gener-
alizations from such peculiar participants are inade-
quate. Moreover, impact-related publication incentives
towards broad and universal claims lead scholars to
portray their research as robust and generalizable, dis-
counting effects of cultural background (Castro Torres
& Alburez-Gutierrez, 2022; Roberts et al., 2020).
In contrast, samples outside these focal convenience
communities often require justification. This dou-
ble standard encourages biased research participa-
tion, evaluation, and impact (Castro Torres & Alburez-
Gutierrez, 2022; Kahalon et al., 2022) and feeds into
deficit or non-normative models of communities outside
“standard” convenience samples (Forbes et al., 2022;
Scheidecker et al., 2022). As of today, the field’s re-
luctance to situate and reflect upon its participants per-
petuates global disparities in scientific knowledge pro-
duction and representation (Draper et al., 2022). As
we outline below, we propose that appropriate contex-
tualization of psychological research, attempts to test
and increase generalizability, and discussions of limita-
tions to generalizability are responsible research prac-
tices that help address this crisis. The replicability and
generalizability crisis share some key features: Both be-
came relevant to a broader audience around the same
time (Arnett, 2008; Henrich et al., 2010; Schmidt,
2009; Simmons et al., 2011; Syed, 2022), and in
both cases effective countermeasures have been put
forward. On the downside, both movements have, until
today, received some skepticism, ignorance, and even
resistance. To overcome the status quo, changes need
to be made on a science-policy level (Doebel & Frank,
2022; Nielsen et al., 2017; Schönbrodt et al., 2022).
Generalizability issues need to be accounted for when
assessing the replicability of psychological research, and
vice versa (Fischer & Poortinga, 2018; Milfont & Klein,
2018; Syed & Kathawalla, 2021). It is thus surpris-
ing that the replicability crisis and the generalizabil-
ity crisis have hitherto barely engaged with one an-
other (Syed & Kathawalla, 2021). Cultural perspectives
and adequate generalizations are foundational to psy-
chological science (Fahrenberg, 2016; Wundt, 1906).
Contrastingly, generalizability issues are often treated
as relevant only for specific subfields of psychology
(e.g., (cross-)cultural psychology, comparative psychol-
ogy) with associated journals, conferences, and scien-
tific societies. In result, there has long been a drastic
underrepresentation, or avoidance, of cultural perspec-
tives in psychological science (Haun et al., 2020; Hel-
frich, 2021). In Germany, dedicated professorships or
junior groups researching culture or generalizability are
almost absent, as are synergies with closely related dis-
ciplines, such as anthropology or ethnography (see also
Wissenschaftsrat, 2018). In consequence, cultural and
generalizability issues are underrepresented in research
and teaching in Germany.
A final parallel between the replicability and gener-
alizability crises are the additional efforts researchers
face when attempting to mitigate them. For both crises,
some measures can easily be undertaken by all, such
as by contextualizing research in scientific publications
and teaching or adopting Open Science practices. Other
measures require substantial devotion: for example,
building and maintaining scientific infrastructure to in-
crease the replicability or generalizability of psycholog-
ical science. Today, efforts to contextualize research
and improve generalizability are barely incentivized in
funding schemes, hiring decisions or publication pro-
cesses. Concerning the replicability crisis, Schönbrodt
et al. (2022) show why such efforts are important and
provide practical recommendations for how they should
be recognized. We advocate that similar steps be un-
dertaken to reflect upon and promote generalizability
in psychological science in Germany. Next, we pro-
vide concrete recommendations on how this could be
achieved during hiring and promotion decisions. Our
recommendations could be incorporated into the eval-
uation scheme proposed by Gärtner et al. (2022). We
outline three primary practices relating to generalizabil-
ity that can be implemented by all psychological sci-
entists, but also flag how more effortful and structural
investments could be considered as scientific contribu-
tions beyond the proposed publication formats.
A first criterion would be whether researchers con-
textualize their research by providing relevant details
about the participants and describing how the tested
sample relates to the research question and method-
ology. For any research involving human participants,
scholars can provide cultural metrics and ethnographic
details that may affect participants’ performance in the
research. Which information is required depends on
the research and should hence be informed by theory.
A second criterion would be to include dedicated con-
straints on generality statements discussing the scope of
research explicitly (Simons et al., 2017). Note that both
these steps can help assess and increase the replicability
of psychological science by making the target popula-
tions explicit. A third criterion would be to invest efforts
into collecting data that tests or fosters generalizability
(Doebel & Frank, 2022). The efforts invested here may
vary depending on the research approach (Lakens et al.,
2022) and be graded correspondingly. Some findings
may already benefit from adding another convenience
sample including different language speakers, or partic-
ipants from more diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
Others may involve testing individuals from multiple,
culturally diverse small-scale societies (e.g., Blake et
al., 2015; House et al., 2020; van Leeuwen et al.,
2018). Other research may benefit from data analytic
approaches promoting generalizability (e.g., Deffner et
al., 2022).
These three criteria aim to incentivize responsible
research practices by contextualizing research as well
as discussing and fostering its generalizability. Such
efforts can be undertaken by all psychological scien-
tists and could thus be added as evaluation criteria
for publications in the scheme proposed by Gärtner
et al. (2022). Other contributions are difficult to as-
sess on the level of single publications, particularly for
researchers contributing to sustainable infrastructures
dedicated to improving the generalizability of psycho-
logical science more generally. Examples for this are
collaborative networks like the Psychological Science
Accelerator (Moshontz et al., 2018), ManyLabs (Klein
et al., 2014), or ManyPrimates (Primates et al., 2019).
Others may build and maintain research infrastructure
with underrepresented communities and invite external
scientists to collaborate and increase the generalizabil-
ity of their work. Such contributions exceed the scope
of single publications, but are central to the problem at
hand. We suggest adding efforts and documentation re-
lated to such infrastructures as alternative research out-
puts to those proposed by Gärtner et al. (2022). This
would ensure that hiring and promotion committees in
psychology could account for the diversity with which
scholars contribute to pressing issues in psychological
The fundamental importance of culture in enabling
and constraining human behavior and cognition is
deeply rooted in the history of psychological science in
Germany (Wundt, 1906). However, current practice in
the field rarely incentivizes but even discourages schol-
ars from grappling with their participants and the re-
sulting generalizability of their research. To combat the
status quo, action needs to be taken on a science-policy
level. This includes hiring and promotion decisions in
Germany and other countries. We hope this comment
serves as a starting point to think about the two funda-
mental crises of psychological science as one: Responsi-
ble research in psychology is concerned with replicabil-
ity and generalizability.
Author Contact
Conflict of Interest and Funding
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Writing
this commentary was supported by the Max Planck So-
ciety for the Advancement of Science.
Author Contributions
RS: Conceptualization, Writing - Original Draft,
Project Administration
MB: Conceptualization, Writing - Original Draft
ASA: Conceptualization, Writing - Original Draft
DH: Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing
MT: Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing
MA: Writing - Review & Editing
MD: Writing - Review & Editing
EF: Writing - Review & Editing
FF: Writing - Review & Editing
AG: Writing - Review & Editing
MGT: Writing - Review & Editing
SG: Writing - Review & Editing
DJKH: Writing - Review & Editing
LH: Writing - Review & Editing
KN: Writing - Review & Editing
SPC: Writing - Review & Editing
NS: Writing - Review & Editing
Open Science Practices
This article is theoretical and not eligible for any
Open Science badges. The entire editorial process, in-
cluding the open reviews, is published in the online sup-
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Full-text available
The use of journal impact factors and other metric indicators of research productivity, such as the h-index, has been heavily criticized for being invalid for the assessment of individual researchers and for fueling a detrimental “publish or perish” culture. Multiple initiatives call for developing alternatives to existing metrics that better reflect quality (instead of quantity) in research assessment. This report, written by a task force established by the German Psychological Society, proposes how responsible research assessment could be done in the field of psychology. We present four principles of responsible research assessment in hiring and promotion and suggest a two-phase assessment procedure that combines the objectivity and efficiency of indicators with a qualitative, discursive assessment of shortlisted candidates. The main aspects of our proposal are (a) to broaden the range of relevant research contributions to include published data sets and research software, along with research papers, and (b) to place greater emphasis on quality and rigor in research evaluation.
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Traditional metric indicators of scientific productivity (e.g., journal impact factor; h-index) have been heavily criticized for being invalid and fueling a culture that focuses on the quantity, rather than the quality, of a person’s scientific output. There is now a wide-spread demand for specified alternatives to current academic evaluation practices. In a previous report, we laid out four basic principles of a more responsible research assessment in academic hiring and promotion processes (Schönbrodt et al., 2022). The present paper offers a specific proposal for how these principles may be implemented in practice: We argue in favor of broadening the range of relevant research contributions and thus propose concrete quality criteria (including ready-to-use online templates) for published research articles, data sets and research software. These criteria are supposed to be used primarily in the first phase of the assessment process. Their function is to help establish a minimum threshold of methodological rigor that candidates need to pass in order to be further considered for hiring and promotion. In contrast, the second phase of the assessment process will focus more on the actual content of candidates’ research output and necessarily use more narrative means of assessment. We hope that this proposal will help get our colleagues in the field engaged in a discussion over ways of replacing current invalid evaluation criteria with ones that relate more closely to scientific quality.
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It has become increasingly apparent that publishing research on child development from certain countries is especially challenging. These countries have been referred to collectively as the Majority World, the Global South, non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic), or low-and middle-income countries. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to these persistent challenges , and provide constructive recommendations to contribute to better representation of children from these countries in child development research. In this paper, we outline the history of publication bias in developmental science , and issues of generalization of research from these countries and hence where it 'fits' in terms of publishing. The importance of explaining context is highlighted, including for research on measurement child development outcomes , and attention is drawn to the vicious publication
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Significance Contemporary social sciences aim to be diverse and inclusive, but traces of the historical dominance of Western European and North American academic institutions persist in scientific practices. One such practice is the phrasing of article titles. Our analysis shows that articles studying the global North are systematically less likely to mention the name of the country they study in their title compared to articles on the global South. This constitutes, potentially, an unwarranted claim on universality and may lead to lesser recognition of global South studies. Social and behavioral scientists must reflect on the phrasing of their article titles to avoid reproducing harmful relations of intellectual domination which limit inclusivity and constitute a barrier to the generalizability of scientific knowledge.
Over the past decade, the field of psychology has come under increasing fire for the replicability of purported findings, for the transparency of the methods used, and for the generalisability of the claims. In general, these criticisms have focused on the methodological and statistical aspects of published work. Herein, we highlight the importance of diversity of both our participant samples in empirical studies and of our researchers within developmental psychology as a barrier to generalisability. Far beyond being a purely methodological question, for example, of heterogenous sampling, ignoring the importance of context and environment in development implies risking failing to comprehend pivotal facets of development. Importantly, we discuss the harms done to our science's theoretical contributions as a direct result of defining and maintaining misplaced “norms” or “normative” developmental scenarios. Finally, we outline how even small steps by individuals can be impactful, such as ceasing to request unsubstantiated comparisons to the Western “norm” in peer review. Highlights Developmental Psychology seeks to understand how humans develop. To do this, we also need to understand the dynamic cultural context of participants and of the field. A failure to do this sets up implied norms, which is harmful to the field and to our understanding of human development. We examine these norms and make recommendations to avoid this phenomenon.
Knowledge and implementation of open science principles and behaviors remains uneven between and within sub-disciplines in psychology, despite over 10 years of education and advocacy. One reason for the slow and uneven progress of the movement is a set of closely-held myths about the implications of open science practices, exacerbated by the relative isolation of various sub-disciplines in the field. This talk will cover three of the major recurring myths: that open science is in conflict with prioritizing diversity, that “open data” is a binary choice between fully open and accessible and completely closed off, and that preregistration and registered reports are only appropriate for certain types of research designs. Putting these myths to rest is necessary as we work towards improving our scientific practice.
Behavioral researchers increasingly recognize the need for more diverse samples that capture the breadth of human experience. Current attempts to establish generalizability across populations focus on threats to validity, constraints on generalization, and the accumulation of large, cross-cultural data sets. But for continued progress, we also require a framework that lets us determine which inferences can be drawn and how to make informative cross-cultural comparisons. We describe a generative causal-modeling framework and outline simple graphical criteria to derive analytic strategies and implied generalizations. Using both simulated and real data, we demonstrate how to project and compare estimates across populations and further show how to formally represent measurement equivalence or inequivalence across societies. We conclude with a discussion of how a formal framework for generalizability can assist researchers in designing more informative cross-cultural studies and thus provides a more solid foundation for cumulative and generalizable behavioral research.
There is emerging consensus that diverse samples are valuable to the study of cognitive development, and psychology more broadly. But convenience samples—typically recruited from local populations close to universities—are still the most widely used in developmental science, despite the fact that their use leads to a vast over-representation of Western, White, and high socio-economic status participants in our studies. Do convenience samples still have a place in our research? We argue that diversity in developmental science is a critical need and discuss some of our own work that attempts to address issues of sample diversity. Despite the importance of this issue, specific policies encouraging sample diversity may be misguided. In particular, it is neither efficient nor practical to pursue diverse samples in all cases given the different aims and expertise of different labs. Further, we argue that the objective of representative demographics in every study is neither necessary nor sufficient as a response to questions about diversity and representation. Instead, we suggest 3 ways forward: 1) using online methods as an important potential route to broader "convenience" samples; 2) working in teams, such as partner labs and larger consortiums, to pool resources and samples to achieve meaningful comparisons across diverse groups; and 3) using theory and observed variation in order to choose when to investigate in convenience samples and when to study across diverse populations.