Content uploaded by Kemal Gökhan Nalbant
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All content in this area was uploaded by Kemal Gökhan Nalbant on Mar 20, 2024
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Urban Academy | Urban Culture and Management ISSN: 2146-9229 606
Volume: 17 Issue: 2 - 2024 | Cilt: 17 Sayı 2 - 2024
Article Type: Review Article | Derleme Makalesi
Submission Date | Gönd erilme Tarihi: 29.09.2023
Admission Date | Kabul Tarih i: 16.03.2024
Nalbant, K. G. & Aydin, S. (2024). Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas, Kent Akademisi
Dergisi, 17(2):606-625. https :// 35674/kent.1368683
Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate
Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas
Teknolojik olarak Gelişen Kentsel Alanlarda Emlak Sektöründeki Pazarlama
Stratejileri ve Avantajları
Kemal Gökhan Nalbant1
Sevgi Aydın2
Throughout history, the significance of land and buildings as valuable assets, sources of authority, and drivers of economic prosperity has
been widely recognized, spanning from ancient civilizations to contemporary societies. Cities have inherent value due to their ability to
facilitate good interactions among individuals. The significance of the real estate sector as an investment vehicle has been growing.
Companies, particularly those seeking to make new investments in the commercial real estate sector, are particularly interested in achieving
a high degree of potential for their ventures. Turkey is a nation that has a significant position in this industry. In this study, the real estate
sector in Turkey, housing sales according to type and situation, city management, the real estate market, the impact of COVID-19 on real
estate markets, real estate marketing and technologies, and the advantages and disadvantages of technologies in real estate are examined.
Furthermore, an analysis was conducted on the data pertaining to housing transactions in Turkey, categorizing them based on the kind of
sale and the condition of the properties. When the data is examined, housing sales in Turkey are the highest in 2020 . Housing sales decreased
after 2020, and there was a large decrease in housing sales in 2023. As a result, to develop real estate marketing and revitalize this sector, it
is necessary to invest in technologies such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, augmented reality, virtual reality and increase the number
of studies in the literature where these digital technologies are applied.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Digital Marketing, City Management, Real Estate Marketing
Tarih boyunca arazi ve binaların değerli varlıklar, otorite kaynakları ve ekonomik refahın itici güçleri olarak önemi, eski uygarlıklardan çağdaş
toplumlara kadar geniş çapta kabul görmüştür. Şehirler, bireyler arasında iyi etkileşimi kolaylaştırma yeteneklerinden dolayı doğal bir öneme
sahiptir. Gayrimenkul sektörünün bir yatırım aracı olarak önemi artıyor. Özellikle ticari gayrimenkul sektöründe yeni yatırım yapmak isteyen
şirketler, girişimleri için yüksek derecede potansiyel elde etmekle özellikle ilgileniyorlar. Türkiye bu sektörde önemli konuma sahip bir millettir.
Bu çalışmada Türkiye'deki gayrimenkul sektörü, türüne ve durumuna göre konut satışları, şehir yönetimi, emlak piyasası, COVİD-19'un emlak
piyasalarına etkisi, emlak pazarlaması ve teknolojileri, gayrimenkulde teknolojilerin avantajları ve dezavantajları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca
Türkiye'deki konut işlemlerine ilişkin veriler, satış türüne ve mülklerin durumuna göre sınıflandırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Veriler incelendiğinde
Türkiye'deki konut satışları 2020 yılında en yüksektir. 2020 yılından sonra konut satışları azalış göstermiş olup, 2023 yılında konut satışlarında
büyük bir düşüş olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, gayrimenkul pazarlamanın gelişmesi ve bu sektörü canlandırmak için yapay zekâ, metaverse,
artırılmış gerçeklik, sanal gerçeklik gibi teknolojilere yatırım yapılması ve bu dijital teknolojilerin uygulamalı kullanıldığı literatürdeki
çalışmaların artırılması gerekmektedir.
Keywords: Yapay Zekâ, Artırılmış Gerçeklik, Dijital Pazarlama, Şehir Yönetimi, Gayrimenkul Pazarlama
1 Corresponding Author: (Asst. Prof. Dr.) Istanbul Beykent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Software
Engineering, İstanbul, Türkiye,, 0000-0002-5065-2504
2 (Asst. Prof. Dr.) Istanbul Beykent University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business, İstanbul, Türkiye,, 0000-0002-9507-5448
Teknolojik olarak Gelişen Kentsel Alanlarda Emlak Sektöründeki Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Avantajları
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi ISSN: 2146-9229 607
There are several potential benefits that might accrue to stakeholders in the real estate sector when
sustainability indicators and ratings are utilized. Because of this, there has been a huge growth over
the course of the last decade in both the number of sustainability grading systems that have been
developed and the number of times that they have been used. Both the academic and professional
communities have been quite vocal about their disagreement with the contents of these ratings. On
the other hand, there has been a severe lack of in-depth analyses relevant to the procedures that are
utilized by the various grading systems that are now in use (Rogmans & Ghunaim, 2016). Conventional
investment theory views real estate as a triangle framework with location, financial resources, and
temporal concerns. This use is assigned to a defined location that generates predicted monetary
inflows during a set term. Immobility and inflexibility define the real estate sector in this deterministic
view. Lack of movement and flexibility creates a sense of real estate certainty. In this case, standard
net present value methods may be suitable for investment analysis. Standard valuation methods
become less effective when investors consider more uncertainty. When examining the numerous
characteristics of entrepreneurial flexibility, standard approaches underestimate investment
opportunities. These strategies fail to consider or value other options, resulting in myopic decision-
making (Lucius, 2001).
The act of acquiring residential property is frequently seen as an important transaction in individuals'
lives, with an innate emotional connection that develops when dwellings transition into personal
homes. This is because of the inherent emotional connection that forms as dwellings turn into personal
homes. Nevertheless, it would appear that this specific discovery is not fully reflected in the corpus of
scholarly research that is currently available. In the realm of real estate, the relevance of the
consumption function, in addition to the social and emotional components of the industry, is
sometimes ignored (Salzman, & Zwinkels, 2017). Most homebuilders target upscale markets. These
sectors' high prices increase earnings, causing this trend. There are several luxury flats for sale. These
products target investors who value profit over homes. This industry faces significant hurdles.
Commercial banks, which support real estate, need sustainable financial options. Low-end and middle-
segment property development projects sometimes become luxury enterprises, creating regulatory
worries. Thus, this adjustment reduces low-end and middle-market real estate. Many real estate
developers are condemned for their environmental implications, typically owing to unlawful urban
planning and architectural initiatives. Recent civil engineering technologies have reduced lead times.
Famous real estate companies may now provide more items to their affluent clientele, a minority of
society. Thus, the real estate market has surplus, with expensive properties, and undersupply, with
few affordable housing options for the general population (Hiep et al., 2021).
After conducting an extensive literature analysis, it was clear that there is a lack of research on
marketing in the real estate sector in technologically advanced urban areas. The objective of our
research is to address this deficiency. Furthermore, the scarcity of research pertaining to real estate
marketing and digital technology in Turkey is evident. Bond et al. (2000) investigated the endeavors of
residential real estate brokers to adapt to the ever-changing market by collecting listing data from
established real estate brokerage websites. Ford et al. (2005) conducted an investigation on the impact
of dual property listings on both online platforms and the multiple listing service (MLS) on the
marketing duration and pricing of those properties. Aytekin & Demirli, (2017) utilized the rankings
provided by the Alexa website to establish the sample for their study. By employing this method, they
were able to calculate the visitor traffic of the top five real estate websites in Turkey through tracking
techniques. Liu & Xiong, (2018) conducted an analysis of the historical progression of China's real
estate market, providing an overview of the real estate boom and examining its interconnectedness
with households, local governments, enterprises, and the financial system. Cagli (2019) examined the
Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas
Urban Academy | Urban Culture and Management ISSN: 2146-9229 608
possible occurrence of explosive dynamics within the Turkish real estate market. Alhodiry et al. (2021)
sought to offer fresh empirical evidence by examining the effects of exogenous shocks, specifically oil
prices and the U.S. interest rate, on Turkey's real estate market via three co-integration testing
methods. Balemi et al. (2021) conducted an extensive literature analysis on the most recent scholarly
findings about the impact of the pandemic on the housing, commercial real estate, and mortgage
sectors. Their conclusions are associated with detailed information on the performance of each real
estate industry during the crisis. De Toro et al. (2021) sought to analyze the trends in the residential
market in Italy, specifically focusing on the metropolitan region of Naples. Dell’Anna & Bottero (2021)
gave a long-term review of the sustainability plan, highlighting consumer behavior in various stages of
Singapore's real estate market. Their findings demonstrated how spatial models filter out the
autocorrelation effect. Grybauskas et al. (2021) posed the topic of which characteristics of an
apartment are most likely to impact a price adjustment during the epidemic. During the COVID-19
epidemic, they used big data to do predictive analytics on the real estate market. Azmi at al. (2022)
aimed to examine the possible applications of virtual reality (VR) in the context of residential real
estate marketing, specifically its impact on individuals' desire to acquire a property. Chong & Phillips
(2022) conducted an estimation of the financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall
worth of commercial real estate in the United States. They found that the real estate markets would
have seen far larger reductions if not for the implementation of aggressive monetary and fiscal policies
during the initial stages of the epidemic. Qashou et al. (2022) predicted that the use of renewable
energy considerably contributes to CO2 emissions, whereas real income promotes environmental
deterioration in both the short and long term. Furthermore, their research found that the real estate
sector had a negative impact on carbon emissions reduction in Turkey. Barkham et al. (2022)
deliberated on the influence of recent developments in urban big data implementation on real estate
markets. Also, they anticipated that these technologies would ultimately increase urban productivity
and quality of life.
Broxterman & Zhou (2023) conducted a literature review concerning the economics of information in
real estate. Also, the authors demonstrated how research has enhanced their comprehension of
potential market failures and corrections, thereby improving market functioning, through the
examination of the nature and magnitude of information frictions in these significant markets.
Brzezicka & Wisniewski (2023) introduced the speculative frame method, which identifies market
tensions, minor shocks, and price peaks in order to analyze the real estate market. Time and price data
series were utilized in their methodology. Miljkovic et al. (2023) detailed the advantages of AI and VR
technology for the real estate industry. Furthermore, they conducted an in-depth literature study
focusing on the theoretical foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality, specifically
highlighting its use in the real estate sector. Sanchaniya et al. (2023) performed a comparative analysis
of the real estate markets in India and Canada, providing a fundamental evaluation of the Canadian
real estate market using insights from the real estate crisis in India. Besides, they examined recent
economic history to identify the factors that led to the real estate disaster. Zhang et al., (2023) sought
to examine the impact of internet advertising on new house sales, exploring possible influencing
elements and the underlying process. Through the analysis of comprehensive secondary data
collection and the application of econometric models, they discovered that internet advertising boosts
the sales of new homes. This impact was more pronounced in areas with lower property costs, greater
residential incomes, and lower-tier cities. There are several articles in the literature on the metaverse,
artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality technology (Aydin & Nalbant, 2023; Aydin
et al., 2023; Nalbant & Aydin, 2023; Nalbant et al., 2023). Research on the implementation of these
technologies in the real estate industry should be expanded. The purpose of this study is to review
house sales statistics and investigate the current state of house sales in our nation. The real estate
market, city management, housing sales by type and circumstance, the real estate sector in Turkey,
Teknolojik olarak Gelişen Kentsel Alanlarda Emlak Sektöründeki Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Avantajları
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi ISSN: 2146-9229 609
the impact of COVID-19 on real estate markets, real estate marketing, and technologies, and the
benefits and drawbacks of technologies in real estate are all investigated in this study. Furthermore,
an analysis of the real estate marketing literature indicates a scarcity of research specific to this
subject; consequently, the goal of this book is to fill that gap.
1. Real Estate Sector in Turkey
As part of the present study, an examination of the Turkish real estate market was conducted. The
present study examined the sales figures of residential properties throughout the time frame spanning
from 2013 to 2023. In this part, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis of residential property
transactions, categorizing them based on the kind of sale and the current stage of the transaction.
State and type of house sales from 2013 to 2022 are detailed in Table 1. Housing sales across Turkey
increased by 25.1% in January compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 88,306 in
Table 1 for 2022. Istanbul had the highest share of housing sales, with 15 thousand, 110 house sales,
and 17.1% in Table 2. Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 8 thousand 255 house sales and a 9.3%
share, and Izmir with 5 thousand 486 house sales and a 6.2% share, according to sales numbers. The
provinces with the lowest number of house sales were Ardahan with 18 houses, Hakkari with 31
houses, and Bayburt with 44 houses (TUIK, 2023).
Table 1. House sales by type and state for 2013-2022.
Sales by type
Sales by state
Mortgaged sale
Other sale
First hand sale
Second hand sale
Share (%)
Share (%)
Share (%)
Share (%)
1,157,190 460,112 39.8 697,078 60.2 529,129 45.7 628,061 54.3
2014 1,165,381 389,689 33.4 775,692 66.6 541,554 46.5 623,827 53.5
1,289,320 434,388 33.7 854,932 66.3 598,667 46.4 690,653 53.6
1,341,453 449,508 33.5 891,945 66.5 631,686 47.1 709,767 52.9
1,409,314 473,099 33.6 936,215 66.4 659,698 46.8 749,616 53.2
1,375,398 276,820 20.1 1,098,578 79.9 651,572 47.4 723,826 52.6
1,348,729 332,508 24.7 1,016,221 75.3 511,682 37.9 837,047 62.1
1,499,316 573,337 38.2 925,979 61.8 469,740 31.3 1,029,576 68.7
1,491,856 294,530 19.7 1,197,326 80.3 461,523 30.9 1,030,333 69.1
1,485,622 280,320 18.9 1,205,302 81.1 460,079 31.0 1,025,543 69.0
2022 January 88,306 18,183 20.6 70,123 79.4 27,203 30.8 61,103 69.2
February 97,587 19,888 20.4 77,699 79.6 28,897 29.6 68,690 70.4
March 134,170 30,271 22.6 103,899 77.4 38,337 28.6 95,833 71.4
April 133,058 32,030 24.1 101,028 75.9 36,421 27.4 96,637 72.6
May 122,768 29,335 23.9 93,433 76.1 32,861 26.8 89,907 73.2
June 150,509 40,610 27.0 109,899 73.0 44,732 29.7 105,777 70.3
July 93,902 19,146 20.4 74,756 79.6 28,688 30.6 65,214 69.4
August 123,491 22,168 18.0 101,323 82.0 39,025 31.6 84,466 68.4
September 113,402 16,970 15.0 96,432 85.0 35,954 31.7 77,448 68.3
October 102,660 13,268 12.9 89,392 87.1 32,692 31.8 69,968 68.2
November 117,806 16,655 14.1 101,151 85.9 37,380 31.7 80,426 68.3
December 207 963 21,796 10.5 186,167 89.5 77,889 37.5 130,074 62.5
Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas
Urban Academy | Urban Culture and Management ISSN: 2146-9229 610
Other housing sales across Turkey increased by 17.2% in January compared to the same month of the
previous year, reaching 70,123 in 2022 (Table 1). Other sales accounted for 79.4% of total housing
sales. Second-hand house sales across Turkey increased by 26.5% in January compared to the same
month of the previous year, reaching 61,103. The proportion of used home sales to total home sales
was 69.2%. Table 2 and Table 3 list the top 10 provinces with the highest sales in total and the bottom
5 provinces with the lowest sales for 2022-2023 (TUIK, 2023).
Table 2. House sales by provinces in 2022.
January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Istanbul 15,110 18,752 23,974 26,330 22,148 27,998 14,350 18,485 19,089 16,987 19,687 36,744 259,654
Ankara 8,255 8,464 12,609 12,195 11,497 13,303 7,417 9,736 8,812 8, 146 9,367 16,365 126,166
Izmir 5,486 5,575 8,051 8,459 7,159 8,243 4,868 6,395 6,338 5,686 6,366 10,876 83,502
Antalya 4,295 4,727 6,364 8,076 6,732 8,045 4,643 6,106 6,078 6,323 7,902 11,168 80,459
Bursa 3,734 3,354 4,918 4,851 4,323 5,283 3,538 4,361 4,130 3,787 4,304 7,694 54,277
Mersin 2,346 2,662 3,686 3,529 3,302 3,919 2,412 3,386 2,866 2,846 3,468 5,822 40,244
Gaziantep 1,662 2,092 3,205 3,067 3,085 3,648 2,726 3,585 2,957 2,735 3,243 6,676 38,681
Kocaeli 2,801 2,877 3,618 3,676 3,252 4,117 2,347 3,047 2,648 2,171 2,697 4,803 38,054
Tekirdag 2,215 2,405 3,336 3,308 3,120 3,873 2,135 2,802 2,616 2,185 2,506 4,206 34,707
Konya 1,794 1,908 3,020 2,682 2,736 3,312 2,357 3,150 2,681 2,378 2,764 5,772 34,554
Gümüshane 64 136 124 86 84 113 110 146 98 114 106 231 1,412
Tunceli 96 67 103 75 104 105 99 174 153 135 85 155 1,351
Bayburt 44 47 82 47 75 90 98 101 108 69 58 137 956
Hakkari 31 40 505 25 21 40 31 41 40 30 34 72 910
Ardahan 18 23 25 25 43 44 31 63 49 42 47 58 468
Table 3. House sales by provinces in 2023.
January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Istanbul 17,415 14,980 18,166 13,944 18,435 13,578 15,724 17,408 15,247 14,941 15,187 23,714 198,739
Ankara 8,808 8,235 12,023 10,000 11,196 7,325 9,688 11,007 9,048 7,394 8,250 11,458 114,432
Izmir 4,894 5,031 5,858 4,960 6,015 4,061 5,203 6,504 5,476 5,192 5,105 7,166 65,465
Antalya 5,572 4,927 6,120 4,908 6,158 4,503 5,059 5,707 5,196 4,764 5,064 6,743 64,721
Bursa 3,559 3,055 3,701 3,015 4,216 2,990 4,001 4,771 4,054 3,675 3,449 4,930 45,416
Mersin 2,553 2,139 3,067 2,277 2,906 2,345 3,152 3,617 2, 847 2,870 3,035 4,182 34,990
Gaziantep 2,513 825 1,584 1,848 3,183 2,505 3,158 3,806 3,402 2,661 2,660 4,115 32,260
Konya 2,264 2,072 2,916 2,030 2,983 2,134 3,120 3,489 2,691 2,299 2,374 3,493 31, 865
Kocaeli 2,435 2,319 2,912 2,435 3,218 2,274 2,572 2,762 2,398 2,174 2,071 3,571 31, 141
Balıkesir 2,025 1,858 2,346 1,966 2,568 1,930 2,647 3,133 2,521 2,330 2,211 2,802 28,337
Gümüshane 99 74 89 68 91 104 160 172 98 156 73 136 1,320
Bayburt 57 58 69 53 55 79 104 148 77 80 74 135 989
Tunceli 42 47 70 57 55 44 91 164 122 98 91 89 970
Hakkari 23 16 54 22 38 29 40 67 55 40 52 65 501
Ardahan 24 30 23 22 18 17 27 39 47 43 57 79 426
Figures 1 and 2 provide house sales data by month in 2022 for different types and states.
Teknolojik olarak Gelişen Kentsel Alanlarda Emlak Sektöründeki Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Avantajları
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi ISSN: 2146-9229 611
Figure 1. House sales by sales type in 2022.
Figure 2. House sales by sales state in 2022.
State and type of home sales from 2013 to 2023 are detailed in Table 4. Housing sales across Turkey
decreased by 1.1% in August compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 122,091 in
Table 4 for 2023. Istanbul had the highest share of housing sales, with 17 thousand 408 house sales
and 14.3%. Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 11 thousand 7 house sales and a 9.0% share, and
Izmir with 6 thousand 504 house sales and a 5.3% share, according to sales numbers. The provinces
with the lowest number of house sales were Ardahan with 39 houses, Hakkari with 67 houses, and
Artvin with 139 houses (TUIK, 2024).
Other housing sales across Turkey increased by 4.3% in August compared to the same month of the
previous year, reaching 105,716 in 2023. Other sales accounted for 86.6% of total housing sales. Other
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
160 000
180 000
200 000
Sales by type
Mortgaged sale Other sale
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
Sales by state
First hand sale Second hand sale
Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas
Urban Academy | Urban Culture and Management ISSN: 2146-9229 612
housing sales decreased by 11.9% between January and August compared to the same period last year,
reaching 644,980 units (TUIK, 2024).
Second-hand house sales across Turkey increased by 2.7% in August compared to the same month of
the previous year, reaching 86,781 in 2023. The share of second-hand house sales in total house sales
was 71.1%. Second-hand house sales decreased by 16.2% in the January–August period compared to
the same period of the previous year, reaching 559,309 (TUIK, 2024).
Table 4. House sales by type and state for 2013-2023.
Sales by type Sales by state
Mortgaged sale
Other sale
First hand sale
Second hand sale
Share (%)
Share (%)
Share (%)
Share (%)
2013 1,157,190 460,112 39.8 697,078 60.2 529,129 45.7 628,061 54.3
1,165,381 389,689 33.4 775,692 66.6 541,554 46.5 623,827 53.5
1,289,320 434,388 33.7 854,932 66.3 598,667 46.4 690,653 53.6
2016 1,341,453 449,508 33.5 891,945 66.5 631,686 47.1 709,767 52.9
2017 1,409,314 473,099 33.6 936,215 66.4 659,698 46.8 749,616 53.2
1,375,398 276,820 20.1 1,098,578 79.9 651,572 47.4 723,826 52.6
1,348,729 332,508 24.7 1,016,221 75.3 511,682 37.9 837,047 62.1
2020 1,499,316 573,337 38.2 925,979 61.8 469,740 31.3 1,029,576 68.7
2021 1,491,856 294,530 19.7 1,197,326 80.3 461,523 30.9 1,030,333 69.1
1,485,622 280,320 18.9 1,205,302 81.1 460,079 31.0 1,025,543 69.0
1,225,926 177,748 14.5 1,048,178 85.5 379,542 31.0 846,384 69.0
2023 January 97,708 16,203 16.6 81,505 83.4 27,532 28.2 70,176 71.8
February 80,031 17,357 21.7 62,674 78.3 23,476 29.3 56,555 70.7
March 105,476 25,262 24.0 80,214 76.0 32,899 31.2 72,577 68.8
April 85,652 21,769 25.4 63,883 74.6 26,952 31.5 58,700 68.5
May 113,276 27,476 24.3 85,800 75.7 34,413 30.4 78,863 69.6
June 83,636 13,463 16.1 70,173 83.9 25,886 31.0 57,750 69.0
July 109,548 14,533 13.3 95,015 86.7 31,641 28.9 77,907 71.1
August 122,091 16,375 13.4 105,716 86.6 35,310 28.9 86,781 71.1
September 102,656 8,446 8.2 94,210 91.8 30,488 29.7 72,168 70.3
October 93,761 5,577 5.9 88,184 94.1 29,230 31.2 64,531 68.8
November 93,514 5,245 5.6 88,269 94.4 30,472 32.6 63,042 67.4
December 138,577 6,042 4.4 132,535 95.6 51,243 37.0 87,334 63.0
2024 January 80,308 5,915 7.4 74,393 92.6 25,263 31.5 55,045 68.5
During the January–August period (2023), there was a decline of 15.5% in housing sales as compared
to the corresponding period in the previous year, resulting in a total of 797,418 units sold. When Turkey
as a whole is taken into consideration, it is possible to make the observation that significant centers
with the highest levels of technical development have the highest share of house sales within the real
estate business (TUIK, 2024). Figures 3 and 4 provide house sales data by month in 2023 for different
types and states.
Teknolojik olarak Gelişen Kentsel Alanlarda Emlak Sektöründeki Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Avantajları
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi ISSN: 2146-9229 613
Figure 3. Housing sale by sales state in 2023
Figure 4. Housing sales by sales type in 2023.
Figures 5 and 6 provide the house sales data for 2013–2023. Although there has been a general upward
trend in house sales since 2013, specific divisions by state and type indicate a decline in total sales for
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
90 000
100 000
Sales by state
First hand sale Second hand sale
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
Sales by type
Mortgaged sale Other sale
Marketing Strategies and Benefits in the Real Estate Industry in Technologically Advancing Urban Areas
Urban Academy | Urban Culture and Management ISSN: 2146-9229 614
Figure 5. House sales by sales type in 2013–2023.
Figure 6. House sales by sales state in 2013–2023.
2. City Management
Cities are intricate and ever-evolving entities. Furthermore, these entities serve as nodes within spatial
networks that encompass economic, social, and political geographies. These focal themes serve as
major areas of focus for the many challenges that underlie ongoing discussions about sustainable
development. The objective of this study is to examine the specific environmental impacts of
urbanization at the local level and explore potential strategies for addressing these effects within the
context of a single city as well as within the broader framework of urban regions as components of a
larger economic system. Special emphasis is placed on various forms of information systems and
feedback mechanisms, including those that are automated, which facilitate the integration of
economic and environmental factors at the urban level. The central inquiry at hand pertains to the
determination of the potential contribution of urban indicators, encompassing economic and
environmental aspects, towards enhancing urban governance. From a policy standpoint, the complex
interplay of shifting economic, environmental, and social factors presents challenges in monitoring
concerns and formulating both immediate responsive measures and long-term strategic frameworks.
200 000
400 000
600 000
800 000
1 000 000
1 200 000
1 400 000
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales by type
Mortgaged sale Other sale
200 000
400 000
600 000
800 000
1 000 000
1 200 000
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales by state
First hand sale Second hand sale
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In order to effectively address transient challenges, it is crucial to possess timely signals of the issues
at hand, with a specific focus on pivotal moments within ongoing patterns. In both the short and long
term, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the underlying interconnections and
structures that influence urban development. This understanding allows for the identification of areas
where intervention is necessary and where self-correcting mechanisms are present (Button, 2002).
To effectively retain and recruit citizens, city administrators must possess a comprehensive
understanding of the factors that contribute to the formation, cultivation, and augmentation of place
attachment. In addition, it is imperative for them to meticulously analyze the underlying motives and
causes that drive the behavior of their inhabitants. Based on this understanding, urban areas may
implement appropriate measures to leverage this sense of emotional connection. Developing and
strengthening the sense of place attachment, nonetheless, should be incorporated as an integral
component of a deliberate and coordinated strategy framework. Short-term treatments may
potentially provide counterproductive outcomes since certain individuals may exhibit opportunistic
behavior through isolated activities. Therefore, city administrators should not heavily depend on
individuals who demonstrate significant patronage with rapid impact. It is important to additionally
take into account people whose emotional attachment to a certain location has substantial
importance. Similar to organizations, cities often prioritize and provide incentives to those who make
regular purchases while disregarding others who do not engage in frequent buying activities. However,
it is essential to examine the underlying factors that drive individuals' decision-making processes when
it comes to making a purchase at a certain location. Consequently, doing research is the initial
undertaking that city or town administrators must engage in to establish the parameters that
determine the extent of place attachment and patronage. This includes determining the factors that
contribute to such attachment and patronage, such as the quality of local services or familial
connections. Based on the severity of the identified aspects, appropriate judgments and actions can
be implemented (Florek, 2011).
3. Real Estate Market
From an economic perspective, the real estate market may be seen as the intersection point where
the supply of and demand for real estate converge, facilitating the exchange of real estate assets. This
abstract concept raises several inquiries. The real estate market is commonly divided into distinct
submarkets based on numerous factors. The primary aspects of significance encompass the
classification of real estate, spatial considerations, and temporal factors. Upon closer examination of
the housing sector, it becomes evident that it can be divided into two main categories: single-unit
housing and multi-unit housing. In the case of the latter, the real estate market may be analyzed from
two distinct perspectives: that of the individual apartments inside multi-unit buildings or as a collective
entity encompassing the entire building. The outcomes may vary depending on whether we analyze
transactions involving individual apartments or the buying and selling of entire apartment buildings.
At the individual unit level, transactions may vary in terms of their nature. The two most significant
agreements are likely to be those pertaining to the transfer of ownership and leasing arrangements.
In the context of the rental market, an inquiry arises regarding the extent to which the real estate
market encompasses just new rental agreements or also encompasses a significantly greater quantity
of pre-existing rental agreements. At a higher level of analysis, market transactions can occur at several
levels within a structure. The item in question may consist of a solitary tangible entity that is subject
to trade, or alternatively, it may encompass a collection of several items. In the latter scenario, the
portfolio may comprise many categories of real estate assets. Real estate portfolio transactions
frequently occur in bundled formats rather than through direct means. Often, it is the entity possessing
the collection of real estate assets that is subject to trade, therefore allowing other attributes of the
entity to potentially impact the transaction. In the event that the corporation is listed on the public
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stock exchange, the exchange of its shares, while primarily occurring inside the financial market, may
also be seen as a transaction within the real estate market (Maier & Herath, 2009).
The concept of real estate market transparency involves the integration of smart sustainable
development and growth objectives into the operational processes of both the industry and
government. This factor is of utmost importance in determining the success of a city. The utilization of
this mechanism facilitates the efficient operation of governments and public entities, hence yielding
enduring advantages for local communities and the environment. Additionally, it facilitates the
establishment of a heightened level of competitiveness and adaptability within the realm of
investments and enterprises, while concurrently making noteworthy contributions towards enhancing
the overall standard of living for individuals. The efficient functioning of real estate markets is
contingent upon the presence of substantial degrees of openness. Due to powerful disruptors, the
emergence of flexible office space has significantly altered the dynamics of the real estate sector. The
current emphasis on beneficial ownership and anti-money laundering is a result of ongoing public
discussions about issues like ownership, tax evasion, and corruption, all of which have received a lot
of media attention. The increasing development and integration of the "alternatives" sector into the
mainstream market is driven by investor expectations for more transparency (Siniak, 2020).
3.1. COVID-19's Impact on Real Estate Markets
In March 2020, the global community encountered its inaugural pandemic due to the failure to
effectively control a novel respiratory ailment referred to as coronavirus disease 2019, often known as
COVID-19. In instances where other measures have been thoroughly explored and implemented
without success, governments worldwide employ the strategy of imposing a curfew and issuing
directives for individuals to remain within their residences, with the aim of mitigating the risk of
overwhelming the healthcare infrastructure. During the subsequent months, vacant office buildings,
residential workspaces, retail centers, and pedestrian walkways, with closed restaurants, hushed pubs,
and clubs, serve as emblematic representations of social estrangement and the boundaries that exist
within interpersonal relationships. This tendency is similarly evident in the limited level of engagement
observed in public areas, including promenades and retail malls. Despite the availability of many
economic aid measures, the occurrence of shutdowns becomes unavoidable during a global economic
crisis, regardless of the efficacy of these efforts in curbing the further transmission of the disease. The
real estate markets, encompassing both residential and commercial properties, together with the
mortgage markets, are currently facing unprecedented challenges, similar to several other industries.
There has been a decline in the sales volume of both commercial and residential properties.
Additionally, individuals are vacating their apartments in metropolitan areas, and households are
encountering difficulties in making mortgage repayments. These are some of the consequences
observed as a result of this situation. Consequently, economists and other experts in the field possess
a strong interest in acquiring a more profound understanding of the impact of the epidemic on the real
estate and mortgage sectors. Moreover, their intention is to employ this information in order to
predict the economic ramifications of subsequent waves of COVID-19, both in the short term and the
long term. These findings are particularly valuable in the context of late 2020, when several countries,
mostly in Europe, are poised to reintroduce measures aimed at mitigating the transmission of the
second wave of illnesses. The impact of COVID-19 on the housing and real estate markets is challenging
to ascertain. Due to the infrequency of pandemics, there is a limited corpus of knowledge on their
etiology. This assertion has particular validity in light of the sporadic occurrence of real estate time
series. Moreover, the task of isolating the impact on the market becomes challenging due to the
substantial effect exerted by broader macroeconomic factors, which are temporally and spatially
constrained. The identification of the precise factor contributing to the alteration in price becomes
challenging due to this circumstance (Balemi et al., 2021).
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4. Real Estate Marketing and Technologies
A customer has discomfort when they are required to go through several agency sites or real estate
portals in order to locate a certain product. Therefore, the present need entails consolidating essential
information onto a single page. The focal concern pertains to the precise manner in which the
transition from dispersion, lack of coordination, and surplus of data to a consolidated database should
be executed. In this study of the near-term prospects for the domestic internet industry, we will utilize
an examination of the key participants in the Western market, with a special focus on the American
market. In recent times, novel company models have emerged that have been causing astonishment,
particularly within the steady real estate market in the Western region, through the provision of
exceptional innovative services. Their primary focus is on the business-to-consumer (B2C) area. One
notable example is the remarkable initiative undertaken by the English firm, which,
at the turn of the century, introduced a realtor service with fees that were half the usual price. This
reduction was made possible by the implementation of advanced technology for promoting properties
on their innovative website. One example of a website that offers a handy service for real estate firms
and clients is This platform allows users to search for properties using the
cartographic service provided by Google Maps. Another illustrative instance is the corporation, which incited speculation on the imminent demise of the conventional real estate
agent industry. The method was created to effectively harness the existing demand for real estate
services. A proprietor of an item has the option to voluntarily share details about their residence,
presumably with the purpose of selling it, on the digital mapping platform known as Google Maps.
Subsequently, they may receive targeted offers accompanied by precise price quotations. The present
mechanism can be classified as a form of auction. In a similar vein, prospective purchasers have the
ability to utilize a map to locate and assess the properties they are interested in acquiring. Later, the
proprietor of the dwelling may opt to relocate due to the influence of alluring price incentives. The
newly introduced service has been designated as "MakeMeMove." The utilization of realtor services
for the purpose of selecting or selling a property has become obsolete, as it has significantly dominated
the realm of real estate agent services. Franchise networks represent the third category of aggregators,
wherein internet technologies enable the replication of the well-established idea of franchising. It is
worth noting that the concept of franchising was initially introduced in 1851 by the inventor of the
sewing machine empire, Zinger. The market's size is the only factor limiting the possibility of replicating
innovations. The inclusion of a new partner into a franchise network is analogous to providing them
with a password for accessing the corporate network. This network comprises a comprehensive and
regularly updated set of information on the standards and practices of the master office. Franchise
networks often own centralized databases, which play a significant role in the growth of realtor
informational archives (Gummerus, 2010; Gornostaeva et al., 2017).
Real estate technology refers to the amalgamation of internet platforms and software technologies
utilized by many parties within the real estate business. The individuals encompassed under this group
consist of investors, brokers, lenders with a focus on real estate, property owners, mortgage providers,
managers, and customers. Real estate technology is commonly denoted as "property management
technology" in scholarly discourse. This category encompasses internet platforms that provide
guidance and knowledge pertaining to the procedures involved in the rental and purchase of real
estate properties. According to available reports, these businesses exhibit a substantial dependence
on a diverse range of technological innovations, such as AI, cloud computing, software applications,
big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), three-dimensional
scanning, wearable technology and gadgets, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and
robots. By accessing the information that Big9 technology provides, customers can effectively reduce
feelings of regret. This will provide customers with information, empowering them to make more
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educated decisions. In a more expansive context, these technologies may be classified into three
distinct categories: networking tools, data-mining technologies, and data-collection technologies
(Ullah et al., 2018).
The concept of "augmented reality" pertains to the integration of additional information, acquired
from various sources such as external knowledgebases, social media networks, or real estate search
engines, into the camera-captured reality. Examples of such sources include GPS and compass
information. Hence, it is possible to create a value proposition that offers users tangible and intangible
benefits by establishing a multidimensional relational framework for both physical and digital objects
(Lang & Sittler, 2013).
Land offices have the potential to employ augmented reality (AR) technology in order to create
interactive inventory and advertisements, as well as introduce novel methods for clients to see a
property. This assertion is likely to hold true as AR is a contemporary technological advancement that
is often perceived as very stimulating. Customers are more likely to establish a connection with a
property when it is enhanced with an augmented reality (AR) component, since AR is favored above
images, recordings, and textual descriptions for representation purposes. The degree to which an AR
experience may improve a property or structure directly correlates with its level of complexity.
Moreover, it is worth noting that augmented reality innovations have the potential to enhance client
interest and engagement with the products or services offered by a business. Through the utilization
of augmented reality technology, individuals now have the ability to virtually explore a property of
interest. This practice effectively optimizes the schedule of a specialist, resulting in time and resource
savings for the entire office (Ganapathy, 2016).
AI plays a key role in assisting real estate brokers in the process of screening potential consumers by
utilizing data-mining search algorithms to collect relevant information. Additionally, this practice aids
in refining marketing tactics and effectively engaging potential clients by utilizing social media
platforms and email communication, hence optimizing work processes. These immersive systems and
procedures have the objective of providing customers with information right from the initial stages of
their property search. AI-powered systems have the capability to connect individuals with their ideal
residential properties by employing filters that enable users to specify the essential criteria. The
implementation of intelligent matching algorithms has the potential to prevent the occurrence of
regrets that stem from human mistakes. AI bots have the capability to aid customers in enhancing their
search process and identifying pertinent properties by using large datasets employed by AI for
predictive analysis. AI-powered speech recognition technology is an additional application that has the
potential to offer valuable information to customers, thereby mitigating the occurrence of regrets
associated with information among end users. The absence of effective communication might
contribute to the emergence of feelings of remorse, as individuals may see it as a deliberate act of
concealing vital information. Cloud-based software, such as PropertyMe, facilitates access for brokers,
customers, and owners, enabling the sharing of essential information pertaining to maintenance and
renovation requirements across various parties. Furthermore, it enhances the accessibility of financial
information pertaining to the properties for stakeholders, thereby mitigating any regrets through the
provision of additional data. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms like RealSpace and PropertyBase
provide the exchange of information pertaining to maintenance, security, lease and tenancy, contracts,
and work orders among many parties, including customers. These features have the capability to
provide consumers with the necessary knowledge to mitigate post-purchase regrets. The utilization of
drone imagery enables the visualization of solar trajectories, surrounding vegetation, geographical
locations, and proximities to recreational areas, educational institutions, and essential facilities. Using
high-quality, magnifiable visuals inside a home makes it possible to see intricate details from vantage
points that would be out of reach for most people. The outcome is an increased provision of
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information to consumers, which has the potential to facilitate constructive decision-making and
mitigate post-purchase remorse. Through the use of such technological gadgets, individuals have the
ability to maintain a constant connection with a structure and acquire immediate updates regarding
various matters such as maintenance requirements, potential fire threats, gas leaks, and other related
concerns. The use of immersive connectivity enhances the user's connection with the building,
facilitating more engagement in everyday decision-making processes and perhaps fostering a deeper
emotional attachment to the property. The development of a connection and a sense of attachment
helps to reduce potential regrets that could arise from ignorance, especially after making a purchase.
Valuable data might be passively captured to provide later renters or owners with information on the
property (Ullah et al., 2018).
The advent of mobile technology has significantly transformed the operations of real estate
organizations and their methodologies across several areas within the industry. This encompasses a
wide range of activities, ranging from property showings and lease signings to inspections, as well as
ad hoc maintenance, regulatory compliance, and enhanced retail experiences. The existing conditions
suggest that several factors have likely played a role in the rising use of mobile technology in the real
estate industry. The following key issues are worth noting in this regard:
(1) The consumerization of technology and the widespread use of mobile technology.
(2) A social norm in which customers expect companies to interact with them through their mobile
devices, including social media platforms.
(3) Increased customer demands for quick responses and better value and experiences.
(4) The constant pursuit of automating routine and unplanned tasks, along with efforts to streamline
and improve operational efficacy (Warburton, 2016).
The emergence of blockchain technology is poised to bring about a transformative impact on the real
estate sector, with tangible manifestations of its potential already evident. The real estate business is
a prominent worldwide industry that significantly contributes to the economic prosperity of nations.
The expansion of the business sector, the need for office space, industrial sites, urban housing facilities,
agricultural areas, and so forth effectively support the expansion of this sector. Nevertheless, the
current realm of real estate is characterized by its intricate nature, mostly due to the absence of
transparency in various transactions, including leasing, acquiring, and sales. Consequently, it falls short
of achieving the desired standards of secrecy and authenticity in operating data. The requirement for
transparency, data integrity, and security in various parts of its operations, including property sale
prices, sale history, lease rental rates, market valuation, and other related factors, is expected to
increase. This necessitates the establishment of a trusted environment. Consequently, the availability
of property-related information may be enhanced by digitizing and hosting it on decentralized
databases inside distributed systems, thereby reducing the occurrence of fraudulent activities and
errors. The potential for shared misperception and covert actions in the context of sales, rentals, and
leases may be effectively mitigated, leading to the successful implementation of digital platforms for
real estate ownership. Incorporating its wide-ranging benefits, blockchain has the potential to become
a prevalent practice in several aspects of real estate investing, encompassing decision-making
processes and property selection (Krupa, & Akhil, 2019).
The real estate sector, encompassing both its direct and indirect manifestations, plays a significant role
in generating a substantial amount of job opportunities and contributes significantly to the overall
economy. Without any doubt, it can be asserted that the internet is unequivocally the most crucial
marketing instrument available in contemporary society. In recent years, social media has emerged as
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the most effective advertising platform. It is recommended to cultivate an online presence on YouTube
through the creation of a dedicated channel and to leverage the advertising capabilities provided by
Instagram by sharing links to engaging content or promotional materials on one's profile. By doing so,
individuals will have the capacity to expand their consumer base. Effectively using social media in the
real estate industry necessitates the implementation of many tactics, with active involvement in online
interactions with the target audience being particularly crucial. Given that it is a prerequisite, there is
a need to undertake efforts in the domain of search engine optimization (SEO). The likelihood of
customers making purchases may be attributed to a noticeable impact resulting from enhanced
visibility of the website, achieved through search engine optimization. Customer relationship
management system (CRM) denotes a software application employed for the purpose of effectively
managing interactions and connections with customers. A customer relationship management system
(CRM) is widely recognized as a crucial component of digital transformation in many firms and
organizations. One might potentially get a significant benefit by initially classifying and subsequently
documenting all relevant customer information. The construction of a client portfolio within the real
estate industry is well recognized for its sophisticated and time-consuming nature, mostly owing to
the various stages required and the inherent problems associated with this undertaking. A discernible
association has been observed between the rise in internet users and the corresponding growth in the
quantity of real estate-focused websites. These portals facilitate the process of submitting and
retrieving advertisements on the Internet. Utilizing real estate websites affords users several
advantages, with access to property listings being a prominent feature among them. Nevertheless, it
is important to note that this is but one facet of the numerous benefits offered by such platforms.
Through the utilization of these online platforms, real estate consultants have the opportunity to gain
a full grasp of the sector. These portals facilitate the process for real estate consultants to conduct
market and competitive analysis, granting them enhanced access to supplementary information. The
advent of the digital age has led to several notable advancements in several sectors, with the electronic
newsletter emerging as a particularly renowned innovation within the realm of marketing. The
utilization of e-newsletters, distributed to clients via electronic mail, has demonstrated efficacy as a
tactic for enhancing consumer awareness of a brand and fostering customer trust. In the realm of the
real estate industry, the utilization of e-mail marketing as a means of distribution has significant
importance in the transmission of electronic newsletters. Irrespective of the sector, a firm's capacity
to sustain profitability is closely linked to the extent to which it prioritizes the needs and preferences
of its customers and formulates its marketing strategy accordingly.
An expanding number of platforms provide numerous prospects for landing in the metaverse. Luxury
property developments are currently being promoted in the real estate sector through the utilization
of metaverse-based digital twins. Consequently, the investment in "real estate of the future" in the
metaverse can be likened to the worth of a corporation's website when viewed from the angle of
marketing and advertising. A similar process applies to the development, construction, server hosting,
and maintenance of a digital replica of a physical store located in the metaverse (Hutson et al., 2023).
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies in Real Estate
One notable benefit of employing virtual reality technology in the field of real estate is that it enables
real estate agents to properly see or grasp a project, even prior to its physical construction.
Furthermore, the utilization of augmented reality technology in the realm of land holds the potential
to significantly reduce time consumption. When a land expert opts to employ virtual visits and virtual
scheduling, the process of searching and evaluating properties may be conducted more efficiently and
expeditiously. This eliminates the need for any buyer or renter to undertake a journey to a distant
location in order to physically view the property in question, thereby conserving both time and
resources. Furthermore, computer-generated reality technology also contributes to the reduction of
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costly project marketing efforts. It is customary that during the construction phase, the utilization of
augmented reality technology may once again enhance the efficiency of tasks, simulate training for
on-site jobs, and enhance the accuracy and precision of construction workers by providing them with
a continuous visual representation of the final project design. When these components are integrated,
it can be confidently asserted that virtual reality (VR) possesses the potential to provide substantial
cost savings for property managers and other real estate investors. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to
mention that augmented reality innovation is making significant advancements from the perspective
of the consumer. This is true in the architectural blueprints or initial designs for a specific property. It
is common for a well-constructed model to be expected to undergo bending or modification in
subsequent stages. Subsequently, the development professionals are required to revisit the planning
board in order to address the situation and replicate their modifications. This implies that the
development organization will be required to handle uncertain cost increases. However, the deliberate
utilization of computer-generated simulation responses for Construct land applications has the
potential to effectively address these concerns, including the management of time constraints. Finally,
this suggests that experts are able to reach the most important clients and efficiently address their
inquiries from the convenience of their own homes. Ultimately, several real estate agents find the
process of completing documentation for transactions and navigating legal formalities to be
exceedingly time-consuming and significantly burdensome. The enhanced experience of real visits and
assistance has significantly simplified life for a certain group of professionals, fostering stronger
connections and collaboration between customers and employees. A considerable quantity of
supplementary intelligence tools facilitates the enhancement of the consumer experience, such as
mortgage calculators, the depiction of localities and landmarks, and details pertaining to comparable
homes, among others (Ganapathy, 2016).
The importance of digital marketing in the real estate sector is continuously growing daily, and it is
expected that this trend will continue in the foreseeable future. Over the course of the past decade,
there has been a discernible increase in the use of the internet, which has led to a concomitant surge
in both the demand for and the availability of real estate. The phenomenon that has been seen can be
related to the concomitant increase in the availability of real estate. The ongoing pandemic has had a
huge influence on the real estate industry, leading to a constant growth in the relevance of digital
marketing because of this trend. It is common knowledge that a sizeable percentage of people who
are interested in purchasing a home will begin their hunt by utilizing several different web resources.
The fact that only a small percentage of customers still choose to conduct their property searches using
traditional methods demonstrates how important it is for the real estate business to adapt its
marketing techniques to take advantage of digital platforms. The significance of making use of these
strategies is brought out by this fact.
After conducting an in-depth analysis of the relevant published material, it was discovered that only a
small number of studies have been conducted on the topic of marketing strategies for the real estate
industry within the context of technologically developing urban areas. There are not a lot of in-depth
studies that are especially centered on this subject area. The effect that newly developed technologies
like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, mobile technology, and the internet have
had and will continue to have on the real estate industry is a topic that has garnered the interest of
academics. Examining the influence that digital technology has on marketing strategies in well-
established metropolitan areas is the primary objective of this research project, which intends to fill a
current void in the academic literature.
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Customers need quick access to their preferred brands and products, and achieving this goal is their
aim. Advancements in technology have enabled the real estate market to utilize virtual reality
technology for property viewing in a user-friendly way. Therefore, efforts are being made to maximize
communication speed. Successful firms must create consumer-centered strategies and deliver
solutions that meet customer expectations. It is crucial to invest in digital technologies like artificial
intelligence, the metaverse, blockchain, virtual reality, digital twins, and augmented reality apps.
Further study of these technologies in the real estate sector is essential to expanding the existing
knowledge base.
The real estate sector encompasses a diverse range of enterprises. Examples of such firms include real
estate consultants and real estate agents. The identification and engagement of potential real estate
buyers and their investment portfolios can be achieved by employing various digital marketing tactics.
These include the utilization of websites, listing sites, social media platforms, online advertising, search
engine optimization, email marketing, content marketing, and mobile applications, among other
strategies. It is expected that the effective implementation of prominent digital marketing
technologies within the real estate sector will directly contribute to the growth in sales volume,
aligning with the ongoing expansion of the industry. Furthermore, this will aid in the enhancement of
the organization's brand value. Organizations that employ digital marketing strategies possess the
potential to have a significant impact on their target demographic, thereby augmenting their consumer
base. In 2023, there has been a significant decline in housing sales compared to previous years,
reflecting the impact of digital technology in our day. Hence, greater emphasis should be placed on
digital technology, particularly artificial intelligence. Literature studies in the real estate business need
to be expanded. We believe that future studies should be guided by research that incorporates digital
technologies like artificial intelligence, the metaverse, virtual reality, and augmented reality.
Compliance with Ethical Standard
Conflict of Interest: The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Ethics Committee Permission: In this article, ethics committee approval is not required, and a consent
form affirming that a wet-signed ethics committee decision is not necessary has been added to the
article process files on the system.
Funding Disclosure: No financial support was required in this study.
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