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Citation: Abramov, N.;
Emelyanova, Y.; Fralenko, V.;
Khachumov, V.; Khachumov, M.;
Shustova, M.; Talalaev, A. Intelligent
Methods for Forest Fire Detection
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Fire
2024,7, 89. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Academic Editors: Demin Gao,
Shuo Zhang and Cheng He
Received: 5 February 2024
Revised: 1 March 2024
Accepted: 10 March 2024
Published: 15 March 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
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Intelligent Methods for Forest Fire Detection Using Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles
Nikolay Abramov 1, * , Yulia Emelyanova 1, Vitaly Fralenko 1, Vyacheslav Khachumov 1,2,3,4,
Mikhail Khachumov 1,2,3,4, Maria Shustova 1and Alexander Talalaev 1
1Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 152021 Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia;
yuliya.emelyanowa2015@yandex.ru (Y.E.); alarmod@pereslavl.ru (V.F.); vmh48@mail.ru (V.K.);
khmike@inbox.ru (M.K.); m.v.shustova@gmail.com (M.S.); arts@arts.botik.ru (A.T.)
2Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
119333 Moscow, Russia
3The Ministry of Education and Science, Russia RUDN University, 117198 Moscow, Russia
4The Ministry of Education and Science, Russia MIREA-Russian Technological University,
119454 Moscow, Russia
*Correspondence: nikolay.s.abramov@gmail.com
Abstract: This research addresses the problem of early detection of smoke and open fire on the
observed territory by unmanned aerial vehicles. We solve the tasks of improving the quality of
incoming video data by removing motion blur and stabilizing the video stream; detecting the horizon
line in the frame; and identifying fires using semantic segmentation with Euclidean–Mahalanobis
distance and the modified convolutional neural network YOLO. The proposed horizon line detection
algorithm allows for cutting off unnecessary information such as cloud-covered areas in the frame
by calculating local contrast, which is equivalent to the pixel informativeness indicator of the image.
Proposed preprocessing methods give a delay of no more than 0.03 s due to the use of a pipeline
method for data processing. Experimental results show that the horizon clipping algorithm improves
fire and smoke detection accuracy by approximately 11%. The best results with the neural network
were achieved with YOLO 5m, which yielded an F1 score of 76.75% combined with a processing
speed of 45 frames per second. The obtained results differ from existing analogs by utilizing a
comprehensive approach to early fire detection, which includes image enhancement and alternative
real-time video processing methods.
Keywords: deep learning; remote sensing; forest fires; fire monitoring; fire detection; semantic
segmentation; unmanned aerial vehicle
1. Introduction
The problem of detecting forest fires using images and video streams from various
technical vision systems is extremely relevant, considering the negative impact of fires on
the socio-ecological-economic spheres observed in areas. Currently, fire detection systems
in limited forest areas and national parks are built based on the installation of stationary
video cameras. Due to limited time resources, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) serve
as auxiliary tools, but their usefulness can be substantial. For example, they can survey
areas that are inaccessible to stationary cameras and facilitate the delivery of small rescue
equipment to individuals in fire-affected areas. Moreover, the presence of professional
UAVs equipped with firefighting capabilities [
] allows for early fire suppression using
limited resources. Solving the problem of early fire detection allows for reducing the
undesirable consequences of fires and requires the development of new autonomous
methods to analyze photo and video streams from stationary and mobile cameras, installed,
for example, on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Fire 2024,7, 89. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire7030089 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/fire
Fire 2024,7, 89 2 of 21
The main requirement for early and accurate detection of anomalies is to obtain high-
quality images, which is generally achieved through the use of special algorithms for
processing the original video information.
An analytical review of the current scientific literature was carried out to identify signif-
icant work in this direction, which allowed singling out trends and promising architectures
of artificial neural networks (ANNs), including convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
The proposed approach involves intelligently processing the video information from the ob-
served area with computer vision technologies. We divide the early fire detection problem
into three sub-tasks. The first two of them relate to image preprocessing methods.
In the first stage, the overall quality of the video stream from the UAV’s technical
vision system is improved, including removing motion blur in frames and stabilizing
the video stream. This stage helps minimize pictures’ artifacts on video frames and
potentially improves the quality of detection in regions of interest (fire and smoke).
In the second stage, the horizon line is detected, which allows areas with clouds to be
cut off as they can be incorrectly recognized as smoke. his improves the quality of
detection too.
In the third stage, for the detection of fires and smoke, we use two approaches: using
the computer vision with the YOLO («You Only Look Once») [
] detection method
and Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance [4].
This approach to the problem allows for optimal solutions to be selected at each stage,
using both analytical capabilities and experimental research.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2contains a review of previous methods and approaches for the started tasks.
•All proposed methods are described in Section 3.
•The results of all the described methods are shown in Section 4.
We discuss the limitations of the proposed algorithms and describe future work
in Section 5.
•The conclusion and general results of this research are given in Section 6.
2. Related Works
Forest fires are a common occurrence, caused by lightning, human carelessness, and
the impact of extreme heat and drought on fuel. Due to significant damage to natural and
human resources, early warning schemes are necessary, as the initial stage is the best time
to extinguish a fire. Let us consider relevant works that explore methods and approaches
that can be used, including in the processing of images from UAVs. We will focus on the
existing methods for the forest fire detection task as the primary focus, while considering
the video stream improving methods as supporting approaches.
In [
], the authors propose a multi-stream hybrid deep learning model with a dual-
stream attention mechanism for classifying wildfires from aerial and territorial images. The
model is based on a pre-trained EfficientNetB7 and a customized Attention Connected
Network with Bayesian optimization. The proposed model attains 97.45%, 98.20%, 97.10%,
and 97.12% as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, on the FLAME dataset.
In [
], a concept of fire detection is proposed for identifying incidents, tracking, and
preventing forest fires on-site. The concept is based on data collection using sensors and
network connectivity through cloud services on the Internet of Things (IoT). A model
is proposed for predicting and monitoring forest fires during natural disasters, tracking
the threshold value, and informing authorized personnel. Another work with a similar
approach is described in [
]. A wireless sensor network was employed for forest data
acquisition to identify abrupt anomalies when a fire ignition starts. We believe such sensor
information could be used to optimize UAV flight routes in forest fire remote sensing.
A novel hierarchical domain-adaptive learning framework designed to enhance wild-
fire detection capabilities, addressing the limitations inherent in traditional convolutional
neural networks across varied forest environments is described in [
]. The framework inno-
Fire 2024,7, 89 3 of 21
vatively employs a dual-dataset approach, integrating both non-forest and forest-specific
datasets to train a model adept at handling diverse wildfire scenarios.
In [
], an automated early warning system for forest fires is described. The system
utilizes an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with multiple sensors and a deep learning
algorithm. The sensors and algorithm process real-time images using the proposed deep
learning model, the YOLO neural network. The system provides accurate real-time location
detection of forest fires, allowing for tracking and reporting to relevant authorities.
Another algorithm based on the YOLO-V3 neural network for detecting forest fires
using data collected from UAVs is described in [
]. The YOLO-V3 model supports
multifunctional fire detection, including the real-time examination of small flame objects
during feature extraction. Compared to alternatives, this model improves the accuracy of
flame recognition in video images and reduces the frequency of errors.
An extended version of the YOLO-V7 model for forest fire smoke detection is proposed
in the work [
]. The authors included the Convolutional Block Attention Module in YOLO-
V7. To detect the initial stages of wildfires in the highway network, a component is added
that extracts features of fine-grained details in aerial photographs using convolutional
kernels of various sizes. A bidirectional feature pyramid network is used for feature fusion
and obtaining more specific features, enhancing sensitivity to small fires in terms of area.
The testing results of the system showed an average accuracy of 91.5%.
An efficient algorithm for quickly localizing fires based on low-level visual features
is presented in [
]. It uses a multi-scale convolutional neural network architecture, the
convolutional neural network, based on SPP (spatial pyramid pooling), which is trained on
a dedicated dataset without the need for sample labeling. The algorithm consists of two
stages: rapid determination of candidate fire regions and accurate identification of fire with
different aspect ratios and scales. Experimental results show that the proposed approach
provides accurate flame identification at different scales; the precision estimate (F-measure)
given by the authors is 93.33%.
A new approach to detecting forest fires is explored in [
], using an artificial intelli-
gence platform. Computer vision methods are employed for smoke and fire recognition
and detection based on motionless images or video signals from cameras. Two classification
algorithms were utilized in this study, with the first being the K-nearest neighbors algo-
rithm, yielding 98.4% accuracy. Additionally, a random forest algorithm was implemented
to improve accuracy, achieving 99.6% accuracy. Image processing methods are then applied
to predict fire and smoke in the frames of the video during playback.
The approach proposed in the work [
] has several potential applications, including
forest fire monitoring. The algorithm is built based on the YOLO-V8 network model. The
proposed structure consists of four levels: (1) Smart fire detection system, (2) fog master
node, (3) cloud layer, and (4) IoT layer. The method achieved an accuracy of 97.1%.
Article [
] provides a general analysis of mobile and immobile monitoring and
surveillance systems for detecting forest fires and smoke. Two main approaches are
identified: One based on machine learning and the other on extracting color characteristics
from images or video frames. It is claimed that a combination of both methods is used to
detect smoke and fire or smoke alone, guaranteeing an accuracy of more than 90%.
The method of ensemble convolutional neural networks (ECNN) is known. For
instance, in the work [
], it is applied to eliminate the need for dimensionality reduction of
the raw spectrum, along with other pre-processing operations. The authors delved into the
internal learning mechanism of the deep CNN model to understand how it hierarchically
extracts spectral information features. The experimental results demonstrate that the easy-
to-use ECNN-based regression model achieves excellent prediction performance while
maintaining interpretability.
The authors of the study [
] describe the basics of image processing methods, paying
special attention to convolutional neural networks and their potential applications in the
task of fire detection in images. They discuss existing datasets for training CNNs to detect
fires and smoke. In the study [
], an evaluation was carried out on various combinations of
Fire 2024,7, 89 4 of 21
modern deep learning architectures, loss functions, and types of processed images, with the
aim of determining the parameters that have the greatest impact on the results obtained in
the task of semantic segmentation of images. The study [
] attempts to trace the evolution
of approaches to solving the problem of smoke detection using machine learning methods
based on characteristic features of motion, translucency, color, shape, texture, and fractal
characteristics. They propose a CNN architecture with LSTM network elements that shows
high accuracy rates.
In [
], a CNN with the CSPdarknet53 architecture (based on YOLO) with an SPP
layer is used to detect smoke. The proposed approach achieves a quality assessment of
97.9% (F-measure), with a data processing speed of 32 frames/s, which corresponds to
real-time detection requirements. A real-time algorithm for fire detection based on the
YOLO 5 s architecture CNN is described in [
]. The research showed that the model can
automatically identify and detect flames and smoke at different stages and in different
forms. The mAP@.5 (mean average precision) accuracy estimate given by the research
authors indicates successful fire and smoke detection in 80.6% of cases, and the data
processing speed is 31 frames/s.
The study [
] proposes a fire detection method based on a CNN with MobileNetV3
architecture. The described method shows 90.2% accuracy on the dataset created by
the authors, while the model size is only 21.4 MB and the processing speed can reach
29.5 frames/s
. An approach to fire recognition in a frame using deep learning with Mo-
bileNetV3 is proposed in [
]. Experimental results show that the number of parameters
for the proposed CNN architecture is only 2.64 million: As compared to YOLO 4, this
is a reduction of almost 95.87%. The approach shows the advantages of a model with
fewer parameters, low memory requirements, and high output speed compared to existing
algorithms. It was specifically designed for use as a monitoring system on a UAV platform.
In [
], it is proposed to replace the YOLO 4 base network with the MobileNetV3 network.
The experimental results show that the number of parameters in the proposed architecture
decreases by 62.78% and the output speed increases by 3.04 times as compared to YOLO 4.
At the same time, the accuracy of detection for the proposed algorithm reaches 66.6% on the
mAP@.5 scale. The main value of the presented method is the possibility of implementing a
mechanism for detecting wildfires and objects in real time on devices with low computing
Next, Let us consider several methods for increasing the quality of video streams.
Various preprocessing methods are widely used to reliably detect and recognize objects
in video frames, including discarding non-informative frames in a series and enhancing
the quality of the original images. Such methods are discussed, for instance, in [
]. The
author of the study divides the informativeness evaluation methods into three categories:
applying hash functions to reduced copies of images and comparing them, computing
correlation, and comparing images using descriptors.
Attention has been given in UAV-based fire research to improving image processing
accuracy by eliminating vibrations and stabilization. In [
], a method based on analyzing
sequential image frames captured simultaneously by optical and infrared cameras from
different perspectives is proposed. This approach reduces noise levels and eliminates
camera displacement effects that occur during vehicle movement.
The thesis [
] presents evaluations of image quality and proposes a method for
selecting the best frame from a video stream based on priority calculation using a Gaussian
kernel. Well-known quality evaluations, such as PSNR, SSIM, and others, are widely used
in image quality analysis [
]. Approaches to image quality assessments can be divided
into two categories: Those that use complete information, meaning that the “reference”
(high-quality) image is available, and those that rely only on the analyzed frame. Examples
of methods belonging to the latter category include BRISQUE, which uses normalized
brightness values in a window [
], GMLOGQA, which uses a gradient modulus map
approach [
], and ILNIQE, which is built on the gradient and the Weibull distribution [
Fire 2024,7, 89 5 of 21
A method is known for “summing” multiple
frames of a video stream, which
amplifies the useful signal by
times, while the noise is amplified only by
times [
Experiments have shown that the PSNR of the recovered image is higher than in cases
where you use the standard approaches presented in [
]. Another approach is based on
a modified MSR algorithm and involves nonlinear image enhancement while preserving
local contrast in poorly and brightly lit areas, which improves the quality of the observed
scene in the evening and under poor weather conditions [34].
Next, let us consider several methods for detecting the horizon line in the frame.
In the work [
], the pixels located at the peak of the brightness gradient from light to
dark in the vertical direction are recommended to be selected as a potential horizon line.
In the study [
], DenseNet neural networks and dynamic programming methods are
successfully used. Another example of using machine learning principles is [
], where
automatic segmentation based on the DeepLabV3+ neural network and the conditional
random fields method is applied. In the work [
], linear filters and local analysis of
structures in the image are used. The method of separating the water surface and the sky in
images is presented in [
], where the Gaussian filter is applied, and the areas potentially
belonging to the horizon line are the areas containing the maximum value gradients of the
integral image.
In summary, considering the aforementioned works, the task of forest fire detection
and related tasks for improving the video stream are currently of utmost relevance and
importance. The majority of the approaches heavily rely on the use of neural networks.
These methods are continuously evolving, and given the socio-economic impact of early
fire detection, there is a need for further research in this field. In the following sections, we
will delve into the proposed methods to address the stated challenges.
3. Materials and Methods
All proposed methods are described in this section. Main task of forest fire detection
is divided to several interrelated tasks.
We propose improving the quality of the video stream method: Removing blur and
video stream stabilization. This procedure is necessary in cases where, during sudden
movements of the UAV caused by wind gusts, the image becomes unclear, which
prevents good fire and smoke recognition. To solve this problem, various means of
removing grease are used.
Another approach that significantly affects the quality of recognition of fires is associ-
ated with removing part of the image from video frames, covering the upper part with
the sky. This is an important step since most of the recognition errors are associated
with weather conditions, such as when clouds appear in the sky adjacent to the forest
area, as well as reflections during sunsets and sunrises, which leads to false positives
of the recognition algorithm.
Finally, we solve the problem of detecting forest fires with the modified CNN «YOLO».
Fine-tuning of this network is provided through the selection of layers and neurons.
3.1. Deconvolution and Video Stream Stabilization
Real images from UAVs contain apparent motion blurs caused by the sharp camera
displacement due to operator control inputs, wind loads, and the operation of orientation
systems on the ground, including GLONASS and GPS. All these factors can occur simulta-
neously, which destabilizes the camera’s position in space. In addition, objects such as cars,
bicycles, pedestrians, and animals can also move during the capture of the same frame.
Therefore, the camera may inadequately capture an object in the frame due to (1) rapid
camera or object movement, or (2) suboptimal camera settings (for example, an excessively
long exposure time, or a very slow or overheated matrix). Deconvolution is a method
of compensating for these factors that cause video stream frames to become blurred. We
propose to use ANN-based deconvolution for video stream improvement.
Fire 2024,7, 89 6 of 21
During video stream stabilization, the frame is cropped on all sides, and the remaining
parts of the frame are used to compensate for motion and generate the final image. This
compensation is usually performed using ANN and statistical methods based on previous
frames, which requires maintaining a buffer of a certain size.
3.2. Image Semantic Segmentation
An algorithm has been developed for extracting regions of interest from full-color
images that correspond to categories previously annotated by an expert in the training data
of the knowledge base (“open fire”, “smoke”, “fire with smoke”, “normal”). The algorithm
is based on a scanning window method with pixel-wise shifting, and each position is
processed using Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance. The generalized Euclidean–Mahalanobis
metric was developed and investigated with the participation of some authors of this
article [
]. It has shown its effectiveness in processing multispectral satellite imagery.
In this case, it is reliable and works in all situations when the regions of interest are
homogeneous in terms of spectral characteristics, where the Mahalanobis metric fails
(the inverse correlation matrix underlying the metric becomes incomputable). Since the
Euclidean–Mahalanobis metric is versatile, it is suitable for processing color intensity
images, including fire detection.
For full-color images, statistical components of captured pixels are extracted from each
position of the scanning window, as well as values of the Lavas features. The result is an
image with regions of interest highlighted using color markers: Each pixel of the resulting
image is colored based on the classification result of the individual scanning window
position. “Normal” corresponds to green, “fire” to red, “fire with smoke” to orange, and
“smoke” to yellow. The program can be used for the prompt detection of forest fire foci
using Earth remote sensing data.
3.3. Horizon Line Detection
It follows from the analysis of sources (see «Related work», Section 2) that the existing
methods for detecting the horizon line are adapted to specific situations. We propose an
algorithm for extracting the horizon line from UAV images that allows for transforming
the original information by removing the part of the image containing the sky, which
interferes with the detection of smoke and fire. The algorithm is based on the principles
of edge detection, defining informative image features, and building a multiple linear
regression model. We will calculate the local contrast as a quantitative assessment of image
informativeness in a sliding window [41]:
∂[X] =
i− 1
, (1)
is the size of the square sliding window,
is the brightness value of the
-th pixel
in the sliding window K×K.
The higher the value of
, the more informative the image fragment. Thus, if
we place the center of the sliding window on each pixel of the image, we evaluate its
informativeness within the window [
], including the points of the horizon line. The root
mean square deviation (RMSD) of the brightness of neighboring pixels determines local
contrast [43].
The size of the square sliding window Khas a key effect on the results of solving a
number of computer vision problems [
]. Therefore, the choice of optimal Ksignificantly
affects the quality of the problem solution. The results of processing some landscape images
with different Kare presented in Figure 1.
Fire 2024,7, 89 7 of 21
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 22
where 𝐾 is the size of the square sliding window, 𝑋 is the brightness value of the 𝑖-th
pixel in the sliding window 𝐾𝐾.
The higher the value of 𝜕[Х], the more informative the image fragment. Thus, if we
place the center of the sliding window on each pixel of the image, we evaluate its informa-
tiveness within the window [42], including the points of the horizon line. The root mean
square deviation (RMSD) of the brightness of neighboring pixels determines local contrast
The size of the square sliding window K has a key effect on the results of solving a
number of computer vision problems [44]. Therefore, the choice of optimal K significantly
affects the quality of the problem solution. The results of processing some landscape im-
ages with different K are presented in Figure 1.
(a) (b),
(d) (e),
Figure 1. Initial images and results of assessing information content for different sizes of the scan-
ning window (K): (a) An image with a clear horizon line; (b) the result of processing image (a) with
a scanning window of size K = 7; (c) the result of processing image (a) with a scanning window of
size K = 3; (d) an image with a blurry horizon line; (e) the result of processing image (b) with a
scanning window of size K = 7; (f) the result of processing image (b) with a scanning window of size
K = 25. Each pixel is assigned a brightness RMSD value ∂[Х] in the area of which it is the center.
Next, a minimax normalization of the values ∂[Х] in each column of image pixels is performed.
Normalized values are presented in (1b, 1c, 1e, 1f). The maximum values of the standard deviation
in the column correspond to the black color while the minimal ones correspond to the white color.
A clearer horizon line will be associated with a higher RMSD and greater sharpness (1b, 1c). (1a, 1b,
1c) show that with a high contrast between the sky and the earths surface, the horizon line can be
calculated using a window of medium (K = 7) or small size (K = 3). On the contrary, a smooth tran-
sition from the sky to the Earths surface is associated with less deep and more blurred grooves (1e,
1f). From (1d, 1e, 1f) it can be seen that the average window size is not enough to detect a weak
horizon line (1e). In this case, a large window such as 25 × 25 is required (1f).
Let us set a certain threshold value of informativeness 𝑡 such that 𝜕[Х]=0
when 𝜕[Х]𝑡. Filtering out such low-informative points improves the quality and speed
of solving image analysis tasks.
Figure 1. Initial images and results of assessing information content for different sizes of the scanning
window (K): (a) An image with a clear horizon line; (b) the result of processing image (a) with a
scanning window of size K= 7; (c) the result of processing image (a) with a scanning window of size
K= 3; (d) an image with a blurry horizon line; (e) the result of processing image (b) with a scanning
window of size K= 7; (f) the result of processing image (b) with a scanning window of size K= 25.
Each pixel is assigned a brightness RMSD value
in the area of which it is the center. Next, a
minimax normalization of the values
in each column of image pixels is performed. Normalized
values are presented in (b,c,e,f). The maximum values of the standard deviation in the column
correspond to the black color while the minimal ones correspond to the white color. A clearer horizon
line will be associated with a higher RMSD and greater sharpness (b,c). (a–c) show that with a high
contrast between the sky and the earth’s surface, the horizon line can be calculated using a window
of medium (K = 7) or small size (K = 3). On the contrary, a smooth transition from the sky to the
Earth’s surface is associated with less deep and more blurred grooves (e,f). From (d–f) it can be seen
that the average window size is not enough to detect a weak horizon line (e). In this case, a large
window such as 25 ×25 is required (f).
Let us set a certain threshold value of informativeness
such that
0 when
. Filtering out such low-informative points improves the quality and speed of
solving image analysis tasks.
We carry out screening of points whose informativity is below the threshold value
We will assume that the remaining points are candidates for belonging to the horizon line
(see Figure 2). A finding from the horizon line algorithm will be presented below.
Figure 2shows that a contour image is generated after filtering out the low-information
pixels (Figure 2c). Several of the resulting contours are fragments of the horizon line.
The problem is solved by combining fragments of the horizon line and restoring gaps
between them.
Below is an algorithm for finding and merging horizon line points into a single set. A
detailed description of the algorithm steps is presented in [45].
Fire 2024,7, 89 8 of 21
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 22
We carry out screening of points whose informativity is below the threshold value 𝑡.
We will assume that the remaining points are candidates for belonging to the horizon line
(see Figure 2). A finding from the horizon line algorithm will be presented below.
(a) (b),
Figure 2. Result of filtering out low informative values of RMSD: (a) initial image, (b) result of eval-
uation of information content of image fragments, (c) contour image.
Figure 2 shows that a contour image is generated after filtering out the low-infor-
mation pixels (Figure 2с). Several of the resulting contours are fragments of the horizon
line. The problem is solved by combining fragments of the horizon line and restoring gaps
between them.
Below is an algorithm for finding and merging horizon line points into a single set.
A detailed description of the algorithm steps is presented in [45].
The algorithm can be described as follows:
1. Calculation of factors 𝑓,…,𝑓 that affect the size of the sliding window 𝐾 and the
threshold of informativeness 𝑡 for filtering out non-informative points. Factors char-
acterizing the main features of displaying the horizon line on a photo are calculated,
and models (equations) of multiple linear regression are constructed:
, (2)
, (3)
where 𝑎,𝑎,…,𝑎 and 𝑑,𝑑,…,𝑑 are parameters of the regression model, 𝑓,…,𝑓
are factors (explanatory variables, features), and 𝑓=𝑁.
The 𝑁 parameter obtained from Equation (3) is related to the size 𝐾 by the ratio
2. Normalization of the image brightness in grayscale.
3. Calculation and normalization of informative areas of the image.
4. Filtering informative pixels of the image based on the brightness of the areas above
and below.
5. Calculation of factor values 𝑓 , 𝑓 , regression model coefficients 𝑎 , 𝑎 and
threshold 𝑡 using Equation (2).
6. Filtering out points with an informativeness level below the threshold 𝑡.
7. Grouping points into lines.
Denote the line as the set 𝐿, for which (𝑦,𝑥) are the coordinates of the first ele-
(7.1) Assigning a non-zero informative pixel 𝐼≠0 to the set 𝐿.
(7.2) Search for the pixel with the maximum information value 𝐼 in the column
with the number 𝑗=𝑥1 such that 𝑖∈[𝑦−(𝛼−𝑁); 𝑦(𝛼−𝑁)]. Further in experi-
ments we take 𝛼=10. When working in a mountainous area we assume that 𝛼=80.
(7.3) If 𝐼≠0, assign element 𝐼 to set 𝐿; make a replacement: 𝑥=𝑗,𝑦=𝑖; go
to step 7.2. Otherwise, we search for the next pixel with non-zero information value, such
Figure 2. Result of filtering out low informative values of RMSD: (a) initial image, (b) result of
evaluation of information content of image fragments, (c) contour image.
The algorithm can be described as follows:
Calculation of factors
. . .
that affect the size of the sliding window
and the
threshold of informativeness
for filtering out non-informative points. Factors char-
acterizing the main features of displaying the horizon line on a photo are calculated,
and models (equations) of multiple linear regression are constructed:
t=a0+a1N+a2f2+· · · +a17 f17, (2)
N=d0+d1f2+d2f3+· · · +d14 f15, (3)
. . .
. . .
are parameters of the regression model,
. . .
are factors (explanatory variables, features), and f1=N.
parameter obtained from Equation (3) is related to the size
by the ratio
2. Normalization of the image brightness in grayscale.
3. Calculation and normalization of informative areas of the image.
Filtering informative pixels of the image based on the brightness of the areas above
and below.
Calculation of factor values
, regression model coefficients
and thresh-
old tusing Equation (2).
6. Filtering out points with an informativeness level below the threshold t.
7. Grouping points into lines.
Denote the line as the set
, for which
are the coordinates of the first element.
(7.1) Assigning a non-zero informative pixel Iyx =0 to the set Lyx .
(7.2) Search for the pixel with the maximum information value
in the column with
the number
1 such that
. Further in experiments we
take α=10. When working in a mountainous area we assume that α=80.
(7.3) If
Iij =
0, assign element
to set
; make a replacement:
; go to
step 7.2. Otherwise, we search for the next pixel with non-zero information value, such
, and go to step 7.1. If
, where
is the size of the image width in pixels, then
go to step 8.
Examples of the resulting lines are indicated in green in Figure 3c–e.
8. Grouping lines.
Let us denote a group of lines as a set
, for which
are the coordinates of the
first pixel in the first line, and
(ylast,xl ast )
are the coordinates of the last pixel in the last
line. Each line
, represented by a set of its points, can belong to only one
, i.e., for
any points (y1,x1)and (y2,x2)the condition Zy1x1∩Zy2x2=∅is satisfied.
(8.1) Include in Zyx the points of the first line Lk
yx ,k=1, i.e., Lk
yx ⊂Zyx .
(8.2) Search for a line
with the maximum information value of the first point
j=xlast +1, such that i∈[y−ε;y+ε], where ε=(α−N)(j−xlast).
(8.3) If
Iij =
0, then
yx ⊂Zyx
, perform the replacement
1 and go to step 8.2.
Otherwise, go to step 8.1. If j=J, then go to step 9.
Fire 2024,7, 89 9 of 21
Selection of the line with the greatest length. The selected line is assigned as the
“central part” of the horizon line. In Figure 3f–h, fragments of the “central part” are
indicated in turquoise.
Restoration of gaps between the segments of the “central part” of the horizon line.
We introduce the following notations:
are the coordinates of the beginning of
the skip,
are the coordinates of the end of the skip,
is the angle of the horizon line
at the skip section.
(10.1) Search for a point with the maximum information value
in a column with
number j=xf+1, such that i∈hyf−β;yf+βi, where β=α−N.
(10.2) If
Iij =
0, then perform the replacement
. Otherwise, calculate the
using the formula:
, perform the replacement
. If
j=J, then go to step 11. Otherwise, go to step 10.1.
Calculation of the “right part” of the horizon line.
We introduce the following notations:
(ystart,xstart )
are the first point’s coordinates
of the “central part” of the horizon line,
are the coordinates of the last one,
(ylast,xl ast )
are the last point’s coordinates of the “right part” of the horizon line,
sinφ=(yend −ystart )/(xend −xstart).
(11.1) We take (ylast,xl ast )=(yend,xend).
(11.2) Find a point with the maximum information value
in the column numbered
j=xlast +1 such that i∈[yl ast −β;yl ast +β].
(11.3) We assign the last point to a pixel with coordinates obtained by the formula:
(ylast,xl ast )=(i,j),i f Ii j =0
(ystart +(j−xstart )sinφ,j),otherwise (4)
If j=J, then go to step 12, otherwise, go to step 11.2.
Calculation of the “Calculation of the “right part” of the horizon line.
Let us introduce the following notation:
yf irst ,xf irst
are the first point’s coordinates
of the “left part” of the horizon line.
(12.1) We take yf irst ,xf irst =(ystart,xstart ).
(12.2) Find a point with the maximum information value
in the column numbered
j=xf irst −
1 such that
i∈hyf irst −β;yf irst +βi
. We assign the first point to a pixel with
coordinates obtained by the formula:
(yf irst ,xf irst ) = (i,j),i f Iij =0
(ystart +(j−xstart )sinφ,j),otherwise (5)
If j=0, then go to step 13. Otherwise, go to step 12.2.
Checking the horizon line for truthfulness. The mean brightness values in grayscale
above and below the horizon line are calculated and compared. Let
be the number
of points on the horizon line,
be the coordinates of the
-th point, and
be the brightness in grayscale of the i-th point on the horizon line. If the condition
is met, where
is obtained from formula (3), the horizon line is considered calculated
correctly and the algorithm proceeds to step 14. Otherwise (see Figure 3j), the size
of the sliding window is increased:
2; the informativeness threshold is
, where
15 is an empirical constant,
is the iteration
number; the algorithm proceeds to step 3.
Fire 2024,7, 89 10 of 21
Smoothing of the “left part” of the horizon line.
Smoothing of the “right part” of the horizon line.
Displaying the horizon line on the image (see Figure 3i,k).
The main stages of computing the horizon line under unfavorable conditions (partially
obscured horizon line due to smoke and blurry horizon lines) are shown in Figure 3.
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 22
of points on the horizon line, (𝑦,𝑥) be the coordinates of the 𝑖 -th point, and
𝑞(𝑦,𝑥) be the brightness in grayscale of the 𝑖-th point on the horizon line. If the
is met, where 𝑁 is obtained from formula (3), the horizon line is considered calcu-
lated correctly and the algorithm proceeds to step 14. Otherwise (see Figure 3j), the size of
the sliding window is increased: 𝑁:=𝑁+2; the informativeness threshold is reduced:
𝑡:=𝜌−2(𝑇−1), where 𝜌=15 is an empirical constant, 𝑇 is the iteration number; the
algorithm proceeds to step 3.
14. Smoothing of the “left part” of the horizon line.
15. Smoothing of the “right part” of the horizon line.
16. Displaying the horizon line on the image (see Figure 3i,k).
17. End.
The main stages of computing the horizon line under unfavorable conditions (par-
tially obscured horizon line due to smoke and blurry horizon lines) are shown in Figure
Step No.
(a) (b)
(f) (g) (h)
(i) (j) (k)
Figure 3. Stages of computing the horizon line on terrain photographs: (a) The original image with
a partially obscured horizon line due to smoke; (b) the original image with a blurry horizon line;
(c) the result of processing image (a) and the detected potential segments of the horizon line with
an informativeness threshold of t = 55.08; (d) the result of processing image (b) and the detected
potential segments of the horizon line with an informativeness threshold of t = 31.09; (e) the result of
processing image (b) and the detected potential segments of the horizon line with an informativeness
threshold of t = 13.00; (f) the computed horizon line (intermediate result) for image (a,g,h). The
computed horizon lines (intermediate results) for image (b,i). The result of computing the horizon
line for image (a,j,k). The results of computing the horizon lines for image (b).
The algorithm flowchart is shown in Figure 4.
Fire 2024,7, 89 11 of 21
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 22
Figure 3. Stages of computing the horizon line on terrain photographs: (a) The original image with
a partially obscured horizon line due to smoke; (b) the original image with a blurry horizon line; (c)
the result of processing image (a) and the detected potential segments of the horizon line with an
informativeness threshold of t = 55.08; (d) the result of processing image (b) and the detected poten-
tial segments of the horizon line with an informativeness threshold of t = 31.09; (e) the result of
processing image (b) and the detected potential segments of the horizon line with an informative-
ness threshold of t = 13.00; (f) the computed horizon line (intermediate result) for image (a,g,h). The
computed horizon lines (intermediate results) for image (b,i). The result of computing the horizon
line for image (a,j,k). The results of computing the horizon lines for image (b).
The algorithm flowchart is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Horizon line detection algorithm flowchart.
Calculation of parameterN 3by formula ( )
Calculation of pixel informativ
within a scanning window
Filtering pixels by of areas
above and below
Iteration No > 1? .
Calculation of
by formula (2)
informativeness tNo
N := N + 2
Iteration No Iteration No + . := . 1
Filtering out points with an informativeness
level below the threshold t
Grouping information points into lines
Combining lines into potential horizon line offragments
Select the fragment with the most points,
which will be called the "central part"
Calculate horizon line points that are to the
right and left of the “ part"central
Condition (6) met?
Iteration No > 3?
Horizon line not found
Smoothing the horizon line
Horizon line coordinates
t := 15 - 2 (Iteration No. - 1 )
Original image
Iteration No . := 1
Figure 4. Horizon line detection algorithm flowchart.
3.4. Detection of Forest Fires with Convolutional Neural Networks
For the detection of forest fires, we propose approach based on various YOLO-
architectures for detecting rectangular areas and accurately segmenting fire sources using
CNNs, while ignoring the area above the horizon line. YOLO architecture has better ma-
chine learning robustness properties and object detection generalization capabilities than
the larger transformer-based detection architectures, making it perfect for work in different
weather conditions [46].
The used activation function sigmoid-weighted linear unit (SiLU) resolves the issues
of gradient decay and avoids the overfitting effect, which is found in the sigmoid function.
This allows the model to train more efficiently and converge to the optimal solution faster.
Initially, YOLO 5 used the Leaky ReLU activation function in the middle/hidden layers,
Fire 2024,7, 89 12 of 21
but now it uses SiLU as the default function. These changes were made by the YOLO 5
developers directly during the course of these research studies, supporting the conclusions
made. Each detected fire source is described by the coordinates of a rectangle, which
is generally rotated at an arbitrary angle at which the source can be placed. Each pixel
is evaluated during the semantic segmentation of frames, and a decision is made as to
whether it belongs to the area with fire. The training process is carried out once, and then
the video stream is analyzed frame by frame using trained CNNs, which perform target
area detection in the form of a rectangle and/or segmentation.
4. Results
In this section, we will describe the main results of the proposed methods. We
used the following hardware and software for experiments: Intel Core i7-6850k processor
6 cores
12 threads
, 4 GHz), 32 GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card (
11 GB
video memory); CUDA 11.8 and PyTorch 2.2.1.
4.1. Results of Deconvolution and Video Stream Stabilization
Snapshots sized 1280
720 pixels obtained from a mobile camera (GoPro dataset [
that simulates the operation of UAV technical vision systems with a rate of 24 frames per
second were used for experimental data in this study.
Table 1below lists algorithmic and software solutions designed for the automated
removal of blurs [
]. The best solutions were selected based on the speed and quality of
the resulting images. Information is provided on the average processing time for individual
frames. It should be noted that all current solutions are implemented as software code using
graphics processors for calculations (full hardware configuration was described above).
This study addressed the subtask of restoring areas of a video frame with a car number
visible. UAVs are actively used worldwide for automated inspection and registration of
car numbers, making this subtask relevant. In this case, images with car numbers. The
metrics for comparing PSNR and SSIM image pairs for the damaged original blurred
images of car numbers, respectively, are as follows: 18.42 and 0.57 (left frame); 18.79 and
0.56 (right frame).
Table 1. Results of the comparison of deconvolution methods.
Method Processing Time, s Fragment 1 Fragment 2
Test-time Local
Converter (TLC) [49]13.5 33.012 0.939 31.186 0.929
Multi-Axis MLP [50] 19.5 30.556 0.917 31.748 0.934
EFNet [51] 1.10 35.184 10.948 135.695 10.962 1
degradation [52]3.60 32.549 0.932 31.739 0.934
Deep Generalized
Unfolding [53]5.80 22.582 0.735 29.923 0.903
NAFNet width32 [54] 5.00 31.789 0.918 30.000 0.916
Stripformer [55]0.03 228.060 0.876 30.222 0.916
Uformer [56] 9.40 32.296 0.928 31.477 0.929
STDAN [57] 360 31.719 0.926 30.168 0.913
MMP-RNN [58] 108 26.668 0.844 30.413 0.910
1The best result in PSNR and SSIM. 2The best result in processing time.
Experimental studies conducted using these and other images from the GoPro dataset
have shown that the Stripformer neural network performs real-time processing while
Fire 2024,7, 89 13 of 21
producing high-quality output images. Stripformer has an architecture based on the
idea of transformers. The “visual transformer” consists of a tokenizer, transformer, and
projector, and a more detailed description of its operating principles can be found in the
study [
]. Stripformer constructs internal and external strip tokens during the recalculation
of informative image features in horizontal and vertical directions, allowing it to identify
noisy fragments with different orientations (direction of blur propagation). The neural
network combines external and internal strip attention layers to determine the degree and
character of a blur. In addition to detecting specific blurred patterns of different orientations
and sizes, Stripformer works successfully even without data on the dynamics of the scene
and does not require a huge amount of training data. It is worth noting the high quality
of the EFNet neural network, which, however, cannot be used in real-time mode. Neural
networks that use multiple frames for restoration showed the longest processing time.
Thus, the proposed solution allows for obtaining data from UAVs without motion blur in
real time.
Now, we can proceed to the next step of improving the video stream. Table 2lists the
algorithmic and software solutions intended for automated UAV video stream stabilization.
We use test sets of 100 frames (1280
720) restored using Stripformer, and fed at a rate of
24 frames per second. The average processing time for the entire video file is provided.
Each solution is accompanied by a comment reflecting the acquired experience of its use.
Some solutions are implemented with the support of graphics processing units (see full
spec above at the beginning of this section).
Table 2. Results of the comparison of video stream stabilization methods.
Method Processing Time, s Note
VidGear [60] 3.91
The frame borders are cropped using a border offset and scaling. Initialization
of the stabilizer is required, with input data of about 24 frames used. The time
required to prepare the stabilizer for operation is approximately 0.70 s. 1
FuSta: Hybrid Neural
Fusion [61]1200 A graphics accelerator is used. The resulting video from these final frames is
smooth, but there are artifacts at the boundaries of the “car” and “tree” objects.
Latency Online Video
Stabilization [62]
Experiments were conducted with two settings profiles. The Original profile
provides excellent quality without borders, and the frame is automatically
cropped. The Constant High profile has artifacts in the form of unnaturally
tilted objects, such as cars.
Video Stabilization with
L1 optimal camera paths
The resulting video is “wavy”. The camera sometimes moves towards objects
in the frame and then back.
Auto-Directed Video
Stabilization with
Robust L1
Camera Paths [64]
The resulting image is significantly cropped when high levels of stabilization
are used. For example, at a threshold of 40 pixels, an image of 1280 ×720 is
cropped at the edges to 1180 ×620. Using a lower threshold gives an
insufficient level of video stabilization. Processing is divided into two stages:
2 min
for preprocessing, followed by fast stabilization using the obtained data.
Video stabilization using
homography transform
The resulting image is significantly cropped, especially at high stabilization
coefficients. The best results are obtained with real-time stabilization when the
parameter is set to 20.
DUT: Learning Video
Stabilization [66]32.0
A graphics accelerator is used. The method relies on several pre-trained neural
networks. The approach is based on self-learning on unstable video data. The
car image in the resulting video is slightly offset left and right, but the overall
resulting video can be considered of good quality.
Deep Iterative Frame
Interpolation for
Full-frame Video
Stabilization [67]
A graphics accelerator is used. Processing is performed iteratively, with the
number of iterations controlled by the n_iter parameter, which is set to 3 by
default. The resulting video stream is unstable, and the overall quality of the
resulting video stream is low.
PWStableNet [68] 8.00 A graphics accelerator is used. The resulting video has jerky movements.
1The best result.
Fire 2024,7, 89 14 of 21
The best stabilization results were achieved using the VidGear library, which accumu-
lates an array of key points over a specified number of frames with subsequent real-time
updating. The accumulated data are used to estimate the motion of the UAV camera with
compensation for its jerks. The implementation corresponds to the approach used in the
OpenCV library [
]. The overall processing occurs in a pipeline mode, as deconvolution
and stabilization are performed in parallel.
4.2. Results of Image Semantic Segmentation
The proposed feature vector contains 147 texture and 35 statistical characteristics.
The texture characteristics are computed by convolving the three RGB channels of the
image with 49 Laws’ energy masks [
]. To compute the statistical features, the image is
considered a multidimensional signal
s(R, G, B, Gray, H, S, L)
, where R, G, and B are the
color coordinates in the RGB color model; H, S, and L are the color coordinates in the
HSL color model; and gray represents the grayscale intensity. Examples of the resulting
semantic colorings are shown in Figure 5.
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22
(a) (b)
Figure 5. The result of fire detection using the Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance metric: (a) original
image, (b) results of zone recognition.
It can be observed that the difficulty in solving the fire detection task is due to the
high similarity between smoke and clouds or sky fragments, leading to errors [71].
Our hypothesis is that it may be possible to reduce the number of false fire signals
during the patrolling of areas by UAVs by excluding the portion of the image that includes
the sky. It is assumed that the information about the position of the horizon line can
contribute to improving the accuracy of recognition and determining the scale of the fire.
4.3. Results of Horizon Line Detection
Figure 6 presents some results of the proposed algorithm under conditions of high
smoke, semi-natural landscapes, and mountainous terrain.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6. Results of the proposed algorithm: (a) smoke zone, (b) semi-natural landscape, (c)
As shown in the figures, the developed algorithm allows for the detection of the
horizon line in cases where it is partially covered by smoke (see Figure 6a). It is applicable
in semi-natural landscapes (see Figure 6b) and mountainous terrain (see Figure 6c). The
hypothesis test on the effectiveness of horizon segmentation as preprocessing for fire
forest detection showed that the average accuracy without using horizon line information
was 84.02%. The recognition quality increased to 95.03% after determining the horizon
line. The application of the horizon line calculation algorithm improved the fire
recognition accuracy by 11.01%.
4.4. Detection of Forest Fires with Convolutional Neural Networks
The original images from the UAV (FLAME dataset [72], files 9 and 10) with a size of
3840 × 2160 were converted to the new Yolo-compatible dataset [73], with training and test
sets consisting of 4500 images each (with textual descriptions of fire zones). It is used for
the tasks of fire source detection based on YOLO (versions of neural networks from 4 to
Figure 5. The result of fire detection using the Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance metric: (a) original
image, (b) results of zone recognition.
It can be observed that the difficulty in solving the fire detection task is due to the high
similarity between smoke and clouds or sky fragments, leading to errors [71].
Our hypothesis is that it may be possible to reduce the number of false fire signals
during the patrolling of areas by UAVs by excluding the portion of the image that includes
the sky. It is assumed that the information about the position of the horizon line can
contribute to improving the accuracy of recognition and determining the scale of the fire.
4.3. Results of Horizon Line Detection
Figure 6presents some results of the proposed algorithm under conditions of high
smoke, semi-natural landscapes, and mountainous terrain.
Fire 2024, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22
(a) (b)
Figure 5. The result of fire detection using the Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance metric: (a) original
image, (b) results of zone recognition.
It can be observed that the difficulty in solving the fire detection task is due to the
high similarity between smoke and clouds or sky fragments, leading to errors [71].
Our hypothesis is that it may be possible to reduce the number of false fire signals
during the patrolling of areas by UAVs by excluding the portion of the image that includes
the sky. It is assumed that the information about the position of the horizon line can
contribute to improving the accuracy of recognition and determining the scale of the fire.
4.3. Results of Horizon Line Detection
Figure 6 presents some results of the proposed algorithm under conditions of high
smoke, semi-natural landscapes, and mountainous terrain.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6. Results of the proposed algorithm: (a) smoke zone, (b) semi-natural landscape, (c)
As shown in the figures, the developed algorithm allows for the detection of the
horizon line in cases where it is partially covered by smoke (see Figure 6a). It is applicable
in semi-natural landscapes (see Figure 6b) and mountainous terrain (see Figure 6c). The
hypothesis test on the effectiveness of horizon segmentation as preprocessing for fire
forest detection showed that the average accuracy without using horizon line information
was 84.02%. The recognition quality increased to 95.03% after determining the horizon
line. The application of the horizon line calculation algorithm improved the fire
recognition accuracy by 11.01%.
4.4. Detection of Forest Fires with Convolutional Neural Networks
The original images from the UAV (FLAME dataset [72], files 9 and 10) with a size of
3840 × 2160 were converted to the new Yolo-compatible dataset [73], with training and test
sets consisting of 4500 images each (with textual descriptions of fire zones). It is used for
the tasks of fire source detection based on YOLO (versions of neural networks from 4 to
Figure 6. Results of the proposed algorithm: (a) smoke zone, (b) semi-natural landscape, (c) mountains.
Fire 2024,7, 89 15 of 21
As shown in the figures, the developed algorithm allows for the detection of the
horizon line in cases where it is partially covered by smoke (see Figure 6a). It is applicable
in semi-natural landscapes (see Figure 6b) and mountainous terrain (see Figure 6c). The
hypothesis test on the effectiveness of horizon segmentation as preprocessing for fire forest
detection showed that the average accuracy without using horizon line information was
84.02%. The recognition quality increased to 95.03% after determining the horizon line. The
application of the horizon line calculation algorithm improved the fire recognition accuracy
by 11.01%.
4.4. Detection of Forest Fires with Convolutional Neural Networks
The original images from the UAV (FLAME dataset [72], files 9 and 10) with a size of
2160 were converted to the new Yolo-compatible dataset [
], with training and test
sets consisting of 4500 images each (with textual descriptions of fire zones). It is used for
the tasks of fire source detection based on YOLO (versions of neural networks from 4 to 8).
This dataset is most closely related to the problem being solved, as it contains real footage
of a forest captured by UAVs.
The YOLO with different architectures [
] approaches was used for the experiments.
However, the internal architectures of the networks were not changed, and hyperparameter
tuning was not performed. Meanwhile, the following optimizers for neural networks were
utilized [75]:
•Yolo 4 explicitly selected the ADAM optimizer.
•Yolo 5 explicitly selected the AdamW optimizer.
•Yolo 6 did not change the optimizer and used the default SGD in the code.
•Yolo 7 did not change the optimizer and used the default SGD in the code.
•Yolo 8 explicitly selected the AdamW optimizer.
The obtained results are presented in Table 3. Note that mAP is calculated without
reference to the critical confidence threshold, which is common in the researched scientific
literature: a certainty threshold, but column “Confidence threshold” contains values that
are recommended for prediction (it provides the maximum F1 score).
Table 3. Results of YOLO application experiments.
ANN Version Precision,
F1 Score,
Speed, Frames
per Second
4 csp mish 78.2 70.4 74.1 51.0 74.5 39.2 55
5s 79.4 71.1 75.1 51.5 76.7 40.7 49
5m with SiLU
activation 79.3 74.3 276.8 344.4 77. 9 441.3 45
5m with Mish
activation 80.2 172.1 75.9 49.9 77.1 41.1 43
5l 79.5 72.3 75.7 49.7 76.8 41.8 535
6t 73.7 72.3 73.0 50.0 73.7 38.3 122 6
7x 73.4 69.3 71.3 23.6 72.8 35.4 39
8l 77.3 70.3 73.0 30.1 76.1 36.4 39
8l Ghost 78.0 72.1 75.0 26.4 77.1 41.6 49
The best result in Precision.
The best result in Recall.
The best result in F1 Score.
The best result in mAP@.5.
5The best result in mAP@.5:.95. 6The best result in Processing Speed.
YOLO 5m with SiLU activation provides high performance in solving the task at
hand. Analysis of the results of the test dataset processing by the neural network revealed
that explicit errors in fire detection are practically absent, but the detected fire is often
Fire 2024,7, 89 16 of 21
fragmented, and in many cases, such fragmentation does not correspond to the annotations
in the dataset, which leads to a decrease in numerical indicators.
The same data as in the YOLO experiments (described above) were used for training
and testing, but with pixel accuracy. Significantly better results were obtained compared
to those achieved in the task of highlighting rectangular areas with target fire sources (see
Table 4). Some neural networks are used in combination with a pre-trained backbone.
Table 4. Results of experiments on highlighting of fire source boundaries detection.
ANN Used Normalized F1 Score, % Frame Size, px ×px Processing Speed,
Frames per Second
U-Net [76] with one
convolution layer added to
the coder and decoder
97.48 512 ×512 29.09
U-Net with VGG16
as a backbone 99.35 512 ×512 12.17
U-Net with ResNet18 as a
backbone 99.36 1512 ×512 37.01
EfficientSeg [77] 97.47 512 ×512 54.99
TransUnet [78] with 6 vit
blocks and 6 vit-headers,
the mhsa block size is 512, the
transformer size is 128
97.40 512 ×512 18.78
SwinUnet [79] 91.81 448 ×448 26.82
EffuNet [80] 97.54 512 ×512 56.95 2
Linknet [81] with VGG16 as a
backbone 99.30 512 ×512 11.62
Linknet with ResNet18 as a
backbone 99.31 512 ×512 38.08
1The best result in Normalized F1 Score. 2The best result in Processing Speed.
Replacing the VGG16 backbone with ResNet18 triples the speed of the neural network,
but a small “fringe” appears at the boundaries of the designated fire areas, which is not
critical and does not hinder the successful solution of the task. The main reason for the
decrease in the performance of the neural network is that small fragments of the background
next to the fire are incorrectly classified, including branches and needles.
5. Discussion
In this paper, we consider an approach to solving the problem of detecting forest fires
using images and video streams from various technical vision systems. We solve the tasks
of improving the quality of incoming video data, detecting the horizon line in the frame,
and identifying fires using semantic segmentation with Euclidean–Mahalanobis distance
and modified convolutional neural network YOLO.
There are certain limitations in the horizon line detection algorithm:
Fog and snow in the processed image make the algorithm’s operation challenging
(increased processing time and decreased accuracy in detecting the horizon line).
The applicability and effectiveness of the algorithm depend on the orientation of the
UAV’s camera.
During the processing of data obtained during daylight hours using video stream
stabilization, deconvolution of data stream, and detection of forest fires based on CNN
algorithms, no limitations were identified. The task of forest fire detection is significantly
simplified during nighttime since there is a strong contrast in the image. Therefore, the
article does not pay special attention to this issue.
Fire 2024,7, 89 17 of 21
The future work of the authors of the article includes a series of studies aimed at
improving the obtained results and expanding the scope of the solved tasks. In particular,
it involves addressing the following current issues:
Processing satellite images of forest areas. Establishing aerospace monitoring will
enhance the speed and accuracy of fire localization.
Researching new architectures of neural networks, such as Baidu Rtdetr [
] and
Yolo 9 [83].
Addressing software and hardware acceleration issues to achieve real-time computa-
tions for processing multiple parallel incoming video streams.
Addressing planning and optimization issues in monitoring forest areas using UAVs.
Enhancing the reliability of UAV control through the development of an intelligent
interface with speech and gesture recognition capabilities.
Expanding the functions of UAVs through the ability to interact with multiple devices
in a group.
All components of future work are aimed at building a comprehensive architecture of
the software-hardware system for early automatic detection of forest fires and smoke.
6. Conclusions
The article presents the fundamentals of the algorithmic software for early fire detec-
tion in forest areas. The performed research contributes to the understanding of image
processing processes from stationary surveillance cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles
and the measurement of fire scales.
General results:
The conducted research allowed to obtain a solution to two of the most important tasks
of improving the video stream from UAVs: Removing blurs and stabilizing the video.
The Stripformer neural network removes blurriness frame by frame in a video stream
captured by a moving camera, and then the processed data are passed into the buffer
of the stabilization module based on the VidGear library, which stabilizes the video
stream. The final solution allows for the full cycle of video stream processing with a
delay of no more than 0.03 s due to the use of a pipeline method for data processing.
As a result, we obtain an enhanced image in real-time mode, which can be utilized for
further research.
A new approach for detecting smoke and fires is presented, applicable to challenging
weather conditions and various types of landscapes. The approach is based on an
algorithm that segments a portion of the image frame along the horizon line and
applies a classifier in the form of a generalized Euclidean–Mahalanobis metric. This
classifier relies on extracting a large number of fire and smoke features from the video
stream frames. The calculation of horizon line points is based on determining the local
contrast of the image within a sliding window, where the window size and the pixel
informativeness threshold are determined for each image. Experimental results show
that the main advantage of this approach is the ability to distinguish smoky areas
from cloud-covered areas, which simplifies the task of early fire detection and, in some
cases, leads to an improvement in accuracy of approximately 11%.
An alternative approach to smoke and fire detection was explored, which does not
require explicit feature extraction. The approach is based on analyzing different
variants of CNN and fine-tuning them for smoke and fire classification. In the task
of fire hotspot detection, versions of YOLO (ver. 4 to 8) were compared. The best
results were achieved with YOLO 5m, which yielded an F1 score of 76.75% combined
with a processing speed of 45 frames per second, i.e., in real time. In the segmentation
task, the neural networks Linknet and U-Net with the ResNet18 backbone showed
the best performance (by F1 score). During the experiments, some shortcomings and
inaccuracies found in the current implementations of YOLO CNN were identified
and addressed.
Fire 2024,7, 89 18 of 21
The obtained results differ from existing analogs by utilizing a comprehensive ap-
proach to early fire detection, which includes image enhancement and alternative real-time
video processing methods. This expands the capabilities for potential users.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.K. and M.K.; data curation, V.F.; formal analysis, V.K. and
M.K.; funding acquisition, V.K. and M.K.; investigation, N.A., Y.E., V.F., M.S. and A.T.; methodology,
V.F., V.K. and M.K.; project administration, V.K. and M.K.; resources, V.F., V.K. and M.K.; software,
N.A., Y.E., V.F. and A.T.; supervision, V.K. and M.K.; validation, V.F. and M.S.; visualization, N.A., V.F.
and A.T.; writing—original draft, N.A., Y.E., V.F., V.K., M.K. and A.T.; writing—review and editing,
N.A., Y.E., V.F., V.K., M.K., M.S. and A.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by RUSSIAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION, grant number 22-11-
20001, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-11-20001/ (accessed on 12 March 2024) and a grant in the
form of a subsidy from the regional budget to organizations in the Yaroslavl region (No 10/04-2022-
7 June 2022).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The used datasets are released under CC BY 4.0 license and publicly
available at https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/gopro (accessed on 12 March 2024) and https://
(accessed on 12 March 2024).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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