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Frontiers in Psychology 01
Can professionals “keep the tiller
straight” in organizations?
Resistance to reframing and
decoy alternatives in workplace
1,2*, CarlottaAcconito
1,2, DavideCrivelli
1,2 and
1 International research center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience (IrcCAN), Catholic University of the
Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy, 2 Research Unit in Aective and Social Neuroscience, Department of
Psychology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy
So far, little is known about the ability to contrast contextual bias as a protective
factor in an ever-changing organizational environment. This study assessed
whether professionals with dierent seniority can resist the reframing and the
decoy eect under decision-making conditions and whether decision-making
styles can predict the resistance to such covert influence tactics. To reach this
aim, two groups of professionals divided into senior and junior professionals
performed two novel tasks, a Resistance to Reframe Task (RRT) and a Resistance
to Alternatives Task (RAT), which, by including ecological scenarios that
represent typical decision situations that could arise in the company, can
measure the resistance to such covert influence tactics. Decision-making styles
were measured through the General Decision-Making Style (GDMS) and the
Maximization Scale (MS). Results showed that all professionals were able to resist
more to the reframing (at the RRT) than the decoy alternatives (RAT), without
any dierence between groups. In addition, higher GDMS-dependent subscale
scores predict lower RRT scores, especially in the group of senior professionals.
However, in the group of junior professionals, the GDMS-dependent subscale
and MS high standards subscale predicted lower RAT scores. To conclude,
this study showed that professionals know how to “keep the tiller straight” in
organizations, especially when facing reframing conditions, rather than decoy
alternatives; however, the predominance of dependent decision-making styles
(for both senior and junior professionals) and the tendency to hold high standards
in decisions (mainly for juniors) could undermine their resistance capacity and
make them vulnerable to these covert influence tactics.
reframe resistance, decoy eect, behavioral decision-making, organization,
1 Introduction
Current working conditions are characterized by a post-pandemic working modality
involving many changes in the organization of work (Chan et al., 2023). As a result,
employees—both senior professionals and novices—may experience a great deal of uncertainty
as they adapt to a new way of working. Organizations are becoming more aware that they must
Christoph Schank,
University of Vechta, Germany
Francesco Tommasi,
University of Verona, Italy
James Campbell Quick,
University of Texas at Arlington, UnitedStates
Laura Angioletti
RECEIVED 31 July 2023
ACCEPTED 12 February 2024
PUBLISHED 28 February 2024
Angioletti L, Acconito C, Crivelli D and
Balconi M (2024) Can professionals “keep the
tiller straight” in organizations? Resistance to
reframing and decoy alternatives in
workplace decision-making.
Front. Psychol. 15:1270012.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
© 2024 Angioletti, Acconito, Crivelli and
Balconi. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in
this journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
TYPE Brief Research Report
PUBLISHED 28 February 2024
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
Angioletti et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
Frontiers in Psychology 02
invest in the wellbeing of employees, and, within this framework,
we have recently argued the importance of professionals’
neurocognitive health, giving particular attention to the assessment,
and strengthening of executive functions (EFs) in the workplace
(Balconi etal., 2020).
In this study, weseek to test whether, compared to professionals
already entered the world of work, junior professionals can resist
contextual bias, such as the reframing and the decoy eect under
decision-making conditions. Moreover, weaim to investigate whether
there is a decision-making style that predicts such resistance to
reframing and yielding in the decoy eect.
We did so by asking a sample of junior and senior professionals to
perform two novel tasks, a Resistance to Reframe Task (RRT) and a
Resistance to Alternatives Task (RAT), which, by including ecological
scenarios that represent typical decision situations that could arise in
the company, in which the professionals were asked to identify
themselves, can measure their resistance to such covert inuence
tactics. During the tasks, behavioral responses were collected to
compose specic behavioral indices of RRT and RAT.
Furthermore, the General Decision-Making Scale (GDMS; Scott
and Bruce, 1995) and the Maximization Scale (MS; Nenkov etal.,
2008) were applied to prole professionals’ decision-making styles and
explore potential associations between the ve dierent GDMS
decision-making styles (rational, intuitive, avoidant, dependent, and
spontaneous), the MS subscales (high standard, alternative search, and
decision diculty), and the ability to resist reframing and alternatives,
as an high-order executive control ability.
Indeed, EFs consist of a family of high-order cognitive functions
(including working memory, cognitive exibility, inhibitory control,
decision-making, and other functions) that are the basis for the
management of sustained attention, the control of impulsive reactions
control, support goal-attainment, and are especially relevant for
promoting a quick and exible adaptation to shiing environmental
demands (Miller and Cohen, 2001; Diamond, 2013). Among EFs,
decision-making plays a crucial role at all professionals’ levels (Del
Missier et al., 2010; Balconi, 2023; Rovelli and Allegretta, 2023),
especially under conditions of uncertainty, which can aect both
experienced and junior professionals. If on the one hand, the ability
to be exible in decisions and adapt to changes has been valued
(Laureiro-Martínez and Brusoni, 2018); on the other hand, it proves
useful for professionals to beable also to maintain one’s decision
independently from the context (to use an idiom, “to keep the tiller
straight” while navigating organizations), for instance, despite a
situation being subjected to covert inuence tactics that act on the
context, such as reframing strategy or decoy eect.
e strategy of reframing, in the therapeutic context, refers to a
type of interpretation that provides a new meaning or frame of
reference to perspectives in a constructive direction (i.e., positive
reframing) (Guterman, 1992; Bateson, 1995), by oen drawing
positive implications from adverse circumstances. On the contrary,
negative reframing provides helpful warnings about dicult situations
(Tracy etal., 2002). is concept has been exploited in communication
and political studies (Catellani and Bertolotti, 2017; Voelkel etal.,
2023), reaching up to beused in the organizational eld for enabling
professionals to see organizational issues through dierent lenses
(Winter etal., 1997; Bolman and Deal, 2017; Yilmaz etal., 2021).
Another context-dependent phenomenon is the decoy eect,
which happens when additional alternatives proposed to the
individual can change one’s previous choice (Huber et al., 1982).
Regarding the link between EFs and resistance to reframing and the
decoy eect, neuroscience studies demonstrated how additional
cognitive control is needed to inhibit the automatic process derived
from the decoy eect (Hu and Yu, 2014) and contrast the framing
eect (De Martino etal., 2006; Xu etal., 2013).
To the best of our knowledge, the inuence of reframing strategy
on professionals’ decision-making has never been tested before, as well
as the ability of professionals to resist such covert inuence tactics in
the workplace.
On the contrary, the bias derived from adding a decoy alternative
under decision-making conditions (i.e., the decoy eect) has been
studied in organizations in relation to hiring decisions (Slaughter
etal., 2011; Keck and Tang, 2020). Interestingly, concerning dierences
between junior and senior professionals, Slaughter et al. (2011)
examined the extent to which highly experienced executive Master of
Business Administration Students (executives with more than 10 years
of experience) and inexperienced undergraduate students (junior-
level college students) can use the decoy eect as a covert strategy for
inuencing the outcome of selection decisions. e decoy eect
happens in a situation when the inclusion of an inferior alternative (in
this case a candidate) in a set of options alters the preference
relationships between the current, superior options (i.e., change the
attraction toward other candidates) (Huber and Puto, 1983). Authors
showed that participants could similarly build an asymmetrical
dominance set of candidates that generated a decoy eect and that
students outperformed executives. e authors supposed that it is the
type of expertise, rather than the amount of experience and age, that
provides individuals with this skill.
Although the study by Slaughter etal. (2011) has the merit of
deepening decision-making skills in the professional context, it has
the limitation of using only the recruitment and selection scenarios
(typical of human resources professional gures) perhaps unfamiliar
to the participants. In addition, the authors did not nd any signicant
relation between demographical information, job dimensions with
selection decisions, or behavioral performance (Slaughter etal., 2011).
Yet, they neglected the link between behavioral performance and
individuals’ decision-making styles.
us, there appears to bean important gap in the literature, and
lling this gap can provide an important missing link from the
decision-making perspective (in terms of decision-making styles and
resistance to these covert inuences) to the organizational literature.
Decision-making styles can be conceived as learned habit-based
propensity to react in a specic way in a certain decision context (Scott
and Bruce, 1995). Considered as individual dierences in decision-
making proles, they were classically explored with validated
questionnaires such as the General Decision-Making Scale (GDMS;
Scott and Bruce, 1995), which proposes ve dierent independent
decision styles (rational, intuitive, avoidant, dependent, and
spontaneous), or the Maximization Scale (MS; Nenkov etal., 2008),
which include three main dimensions (the tendency to hold high
standards, to seek better alternatives and the diculty in deciding),
and they have previously examined also in relation to dierent
professions (Iannello, 2007).
Given these premises and considering the level of expertise and
seniority, wehypothesize higher RRT and RAT indices in senior than
junior professionals under decision-making conditions. In addition,
it is supposed that MS high standards and alternative search subscale
scores could bepredictors of lower RAT scores in junior professionals,
as the tendency to hold high standards for oneself and things in
Angioletti et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
Frontiers in Psychology 03
general, and the tendency to always seek better options can generate
a greater tendency to yield (and thus resist less) to new alternatives,
especially for junior professionals that are entering the world of work.
Moreover, it is expected to nd a relation between GDMS subscale
scores and RRT and RAT scores. In particular, a GDMS-dependent
decision-making style could predict lower RRT and RAT scores for
both professional categories, as, regardless of seniority, this decision-
making style is characterized by constantly seeking suggestions and
advice from other people before deciding (unholm, 2004) and this
may generate a lower ability to resist external inuences deriving from
a reframed situation or the presentation of multiple alternatives.
2 Methods
2.1 Participants
A total of 61 professionals (40 females and 21 males; age
range = 22–60; Mage = 34.58 years; SD age = 11.44) par ticipated in the
study. Based on their age and expertise, the sample was divided into
two groups: e rst group consisted of a total of 32 junior
professionals (Mage = 34.21 years; SD age = 11.32) at the beginning of
their working experience, with a minimum expertise of 2 years and a
maximum of 3 years in the same role (apprenticeship); the second
group was composed of 29 senior professionals (Mage = 38.98 years;
SD age = 10.87) already placed on the labor market, who hold a
managerial role for at least 5 years. All participants were recruited
from dierent organizations in Northern Italy between October 2022
and April 2023. ey were all employed in managerial divisions and
the same job position for approximately 2 years at the time of the
experiment. is criterion was chosen to avoid potential biases
derived from situational factors, such as the potential increase of stress
due to a new job position or a greater workload while adjusting to new
tasks or obligations (Balconi et al., 2023a, 2023b). Moreover, to
increase the generalizability of the ndings, professionals were
recruited from various internal divisions (for example, human
resource management, training and professional learning, engineering
and maintenance management, service quality monitoring,
infrastructure management, and others) to increase the variety of the
sample in terms of professional specialization. In each of the two
groups, the internal divisions were equally distributed.
Exclusion criteria were levels of depression, previous psychiatric or
neurology disorders, and undergoing treatment with concomitant
psychoactive drug therapy that could alter cognitive or decision-making
abilities (Angioletti etal., 2023), as well as abnormal short- and long-
term memory or low global cognitive functioning. e study was
approved by the Ethics Committee of the Department of Psychology of
the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy. e study was
carried out under the Declaration of Helsinki Principles (2013). Written
informed consent was obtained from the participants, and they were
informed of their right to discontinue participation at any time.
2.2 Experimental procedure
Participants sat in a quiet room located on their company site, in
front of a computer place approximately 80 cm distant from them.
Aer signing the written informed consent, they received the
instruction for performing the two dierent tasks, RRT and RAT,
administered via a web-based survey and experiment-management
platform (Qualtrics XM platform; Qualtrics LLC, Provo, UT, USA).
e GDMS and the MS were administered at the conclusion of the
tasks to collect participants’ self-report data. e experiment lasted
approximately 15 min (Figure1).
2.2.1 Resistance to reframe task (RRT)
In the Resistance to Reframe Task (RRT), the participants were
presented with two dierent scenarios divided into two decisional
steps. In both decisional steps, they were asked to identify themselves
with the scene and choose the alternative that they thought was most
suitable in a set of multiple options.
In the rst decisional step, participants were presented with a
script regarding a critical work situation in which they were asked to
make a decision. For instance, in the rst scenario, they were presented
with the following script:
“You must participate together with all the executives of your
company in a particularly hard decision. Due to a funding cut, youmust
decide whether to close some plants and lay o some employees.
You have 4 factories and 6,000 employees in total. Let us introduce
youto some of the people who work in these establishments.”
Aer the presentation of the script, it was shown to them the
picture of the four companies and the four employees mentioned in
the script.
ey were asked to choose which of the four plants would they
choose to keep open (selecting one of the four options presented) and
to rate their condence in the choice on a Likert scale from 1 to 5,
where 1 corresponded to “not at all” and 5 to “entirely sure” (i.e.,
condence rating in the rst decisional step).
In the second decisional step, participants were then presented
with the reframed part of the task, in which they were told that “based
on the choice they have made, the other employees will lose their jobs”
and they were then asked once again to rate their condence in the
choice on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, where 1 corresponded to “not at
all” and 5 to “entirely sure” (i.e., condence rating in the second
decisional step, that was reframed).
Aer this rst scenario, a second dierent scenario was also
presented to the participants: e order of presentation was
randomized and counterbalanced between participants.
Response scores were calculated based on the dierence between
the condence rating in the rst decisional step and the condence
rating in the second decisional step (the reframed one), averaged
across scenarios. Such average dierence scoring was, then,
transcribed to a ve-point scale based on the following rules:
- AvgDi <1 ➔ RS = 5.
- 1 ≤ AvgDi <2 ➔ RS = 4.
- AvgDi = 2 ➔ RS = 3.
- 2 < AvgDi <3 ➔ RS = 2.
- AvgDi ≥3 ➔ RS = 1.
where AvgDi stands for average dierence scores as above
described, and RS stands for response scores. A higher score
corresponds to a higher ability to resist the reframe, while a lower
score to a lower ability to resist it.
Response scores were, then, transcribed oine in deciles to
compute the Resistance to the Reframe Task index (RRTi).
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2.2.2 Resistance to the alternatives task (RAT)
In the Resistance to the Alternatives Task (RAT), participants were
presented with three dierent realistic decision-making scenarios
related to purchases of basic facilities for the company (printer, chairs,
and hard disks) and containing decoy alternatives. Participants were
asked to identify themselves in those decisional scenarios and then to
provide a behavioral response by choosing which of several proposed
options they thought was most suitable for them.
Each scenario presented two decisional steps: In the rst
decisional step, participants could choose between two alternative
options; in the second decisional step, a third superior alternative and
the superior option were added. Table1 reports the example of one
scenario and related alternatives for each decisional step.
e ecological validity of the decision scenarios with their
alternatives was taken into consideration during their creation and
was pursued with realistic situations and problems referred to the
organizational environment, with which professionals could easily
identify. Each scenario created was validated by a panel of independent
judges, who assessed its ecological validity as well as its realism and
clarity. In addition, to avoid an order eect, each scenario and
decisional step was presented in random order and counterbalanced
between participants.
To calculate the response scores, a score of 1 was assigned if the
choice matched the two decisional steps (i.e., the selection of the same
alternatives in the two decisional steps of each scenario), while a score
of 0 was assigned if a dierent choice was made (i.e., the selection of
dierent alternatives in the two decisional steps of each scenario).
e scores assigned to each scenario were then summed to obtain
a nal score of resistance to the alternatives. A higher score
corresponds to a higher ability to resist the alternatives, while a lower
score to a lower ability to resist them. Response scores were, then,
transcribed oine into deciles to compute the Resistance to the
Alternative Task index (RATi).
2.3 Self-report scales for measuring
decision-making style
e Italian version of the General Decision-Making Style (GDMS)
(Scott and Bruce, 1995; Gambetti etal., 2008) and the Maximization
Scale (MS) (Schwartz etal., 2002; Nenkov etal., 2008) were adopted
to collect self-report data on individuals’ decision-making styles.
GDMS is a validated tool for proling individuals according to
ve dierent decision-making styles (rational, intuitive, dependent,
avoidant, and spontaneous) and is composed of 25 items, for each of
which the participant is asked to indicate his/her level of agreement
on a 5-step Likert scale. An individual with a rational decision-making
style tends to make decisions based on careful consideration and
evaluation of dierent alternatives, because of a comprehensive and
exhaustive search for information, while a person with an intuitive
decision-making style is driven to make decisions based on intuitions
derived from the attention paid to global aspects. e dependent
decision-making style, on the other hand, is characterized by
constantly seeking suggestions and advice from other people before
deciding, while the avoidant style is dened by a tendency to avoid
making decisions. Finally, an individual with a spontaneous decision-
making style prefers to decide as quickly as possible.
e MS is a validated questionnaire consisting of 13 items
(Nenkov etal., 2008) that require individuals to express their degree
of agreement on a 7-step Likert scale that allows one to measure
decision makers’ tendencies (i) to hold high standards for themselves
and things in general (the high standard subscale), (ii) to seek better
options (the alternative search subscale), and (iii) to encounter
diculties in making a choice (the decision diculty subscale).
2.4 Data analysis
First, an exploratory repeated-measures ANOVA was applied to
the whole sample with Tas k (2: RRT, RAT) as a within-subject
independent factor and behavioral scores as dependent measures, to
obtain a preliminary view of general trends within the total sample. In
addition, to specically test group dierences, a further mixed
ANOVA including Group (2: junior, senior) as a between-subject
independent factor and Tas k (2: RRT, RAT) as a within-subject
independent factor was applied to the behavioral scores as
dependent measures.
Simple eects for signicant interactions were further checked via
pairwise comparisons, and Bonferroni correction was used to reduce
potential biases of multiple comparisons. Furthermore, the normality
of the data distribution was preliminarily assessed by checking
kurtosis and asymmetry indices. e size of statistically signicant
eects has been estimated by computing eta squared (η2) indices. e
threshold for statistical signicance was set at α = 0.05.
e relationship between RRTi, and RATi and the decision-
making styles has then been further explored via linear regressions:
First by analyzing the whole sample in order to get a preliminary
general glimpse of such relationship and, second, via subgroup
analysis. Specically, the GDMS subscale scores (rational, intuitive,
dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous) and the MS subscale scores
(choose between alternatives, research of options, and high standards)
have been used as predictors in separate multiple linear regression
stepwise models including RRTi and RATi as predicted dependent
measures. Scatterplots were drawn to check for the linearity of the
relationship between the predictor and dependent measures included
in the regression models. Assumptions concerning the
homoscedasticity, linearity, and normality of residuals were also
checked by examining the scatterplot of standardized predicted values
Experimental flow.
Angioletti et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
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versus standardized residuals as well as the P–P plot of standardized
residuals. e Durbin–Watson statistic was computed to determine
the autocorrelation of the residuals, and tolerance and variance
ination indices were calculated to check multicollinearity. e eect
size of the dependence relationship between the predictor and
dependent variables was estimated with the R-square. Following
Cohen’s (1988) rules, eect sizes are considered small when ≥0.02,
medium when ≥0.13, and large when ≥0.26. e threshold for
statistical signicance was set at α = 0.05.
3 Results
3.1 Total sample
From the rst ANOVA performed on the total sample, a
signicant main eect for the Tas k factor was found [F(1, 60) = 21,472
p ≤ 0.001, η2 = 0.264], for which higher behavioral scores were detected
for RRTi compared to RATi (Figure2).
e multiple linear regression model focusing on the relationship
between GDMS subscale scores as predictors and the RRTi score as
predicted variable highlighted the signicant role of GDMS dependent
scores as predictors [F(1, 59) = 5,232, p = 0.026], with a slope coecient
(β) equal to −0.29. e R
value was 0.083, qualiable as a small-to-
medium eect size. e Durbin–Watson value was 2.242.
No other multiple linear regression model highlighted signicant
eects in the total sample.
3.2 Subgroup comparison
e ANOVA performed by splitting the sample into the two
groups (senior and junior professionals) conrmed a signicant main
eect for the Tas k factor [F(1, 59) = 21,524, p ≤ 0.001, η
= 0.267], for
which higher behavioral scores were detected for RRTi compared to
RATi. No signicant eects nor signicant interaction eects were
found for the Group variable.
For the group of senior professionals, the multiple linear
regression model focusing on the relationship between the GDMS
subscale scores as predictors and the RRTi score as predicted variable
showed a signicant role of GDMS dependent scores as predictor [F(1,
27) = 4,840, p = 0.037], with a slope coecient (β) equal to −0.39. e
value was 0.15, qualiable as a medium eect size (Figure3A). e
Durbin–Watson value was 2.331.
No other multiple linear regression model highlighted signicant
eects in the senior professionals’ subgroup.
Bar graph shows the significant dierences between RRTi and RATi
observed in the total sample. Bars indicate the ±1 Standard Error (SE).
The star (*) marks the significant dierence.
TABLE1 Example of the printer scenario and its two decisional steps with the relative alternatives of choice.
First decisional step Second decisional step
Printer scenario
Your company needs to buy six new oce printers.
You contact your supplier who oers youtwo alternatives:
Express printers: single function printer, performs monochromatic
printing operations in A4 format. Compact, fast, and reliable.
Maximum savings on toner.
Price €490 each
- Business printers: multifunction printer, performs color
printing, copying, and scanning operations. An HD prints in A4
format. Intelligent and safe technology, with high-
quality resolution.
Price €820 each
Your company needs to buy 6 new oce printers. Youcontact your supplier
who oers you2 alternatives:
Express printers: single function printer, performs monochromatic printing
operations in A4 format. Compact, fast, and reliable. Maximum savings on
Price €490 each
- Business printers: multifunction printer, performs color printing, copying,
and scanning operations. HD prints in A4 format. Intelligent and safe
technology, with high-quality resolution.
Price €820 each
- Advanced Printers: multifunction printer, performs color printing,
copying, scanning, and faxing. Professional prints on dierent formats
and dimensions in very high denition. New-generation technology and
innovative design.
Price €1,250 each
Alternatives of choice
What do youchoose?
1. Express printers (€ 490)
2. Business Printers (€ 820)
What do youchoose?
1. Express printers (€ 490)
2. Business Printers (€ 820)
3. Advance Printers (€ 1,250)
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For the group of junior professionals, the multiple linear
regression model focusing on the relationship between the GDMS
subscale scores as predictors and the RATi score as predicted variable
showed the signicant role between predictor and dependent variable
[F(1, 31) = 4,954, p = 0.034], with a slope coecient (β) for GDMS
dependent subscale equal to −0.38. e R2 value was 0.14, qualiable
as a medium eect size (Figure 3B). e Durbin–Watson value
was 1.815.
Additionally, the multiple linear regression model focusing on the
relationship between the MS subscale scores as predictors and RATi
as predicted variable showed the signicant role of MS high standards
scores [F(1, 31) = 4,487, p = 0.043], with a slope coecient (β) equal to
−0.36. e R
value was 0.13, qualiable as a medium eect size
(Figure3C). e Durbin–Watson value was 1.813.
No other multiple linear regression model highlighted signicant
eects in the junior professionals’ subgroup.
4 Discussion
is study explored the ability of professionals to resist reframing
and decoy alternatives in decision-making conditions, focusing
specically on the dierences between professionals already entered
the world of work and junior professionals. Two novel behavioral tasks
were proposed to participants for exploring their resistance to
reframing—the Resistance to Reframe Task (RRT)—and decoy
alternatives—the Resistance to the Alternatives Task (RAT)—in
organizational settings. Furthermore, the relationship between
individual dierences in decision-making styles (measured through
the GDMS and MS scales) and resistance to reframing and alternatives
was investigated.
e results derived from two distinct analyses will bediscussed
below, i.e., from a rst analysis carried out on the overall sample and
then from a more in-depth analysis applied to the two subgroups of
professionals. e latter was carried out to highlight potential
dierences attributable to job seniority.
First, the whole professionals showed to beable to resist more to
the reframing (RRT) than the decoy alternatives (RAT) task, without
any dierence between groups. us, on one hand, professionals
demonstrated to beable to run counter a reframed condition and
display a “rational,” description-invariant behavior (De Martino etal.,
2006); on the other hand, they all showed a lower ability to resist
multiple alternatives presented in such a way as to evoke the decoy
eect. Moreover, dierently from what was hypothesized no
(A–C) Scatterplots and regression line estimates for statistically significant regression models including (A) GDMS-dependent style as the predictor
variable and RRTi as the dependent variable in senior professional, (B) GDMS-dependent style as the predictor variable and RATi as the dependent
variable in junior professional, (C) MS high standards as the predictor variable and RATi as the dependent variable in a junior professional. Straight lines
represent global linear trends.
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dierences related to seniority were found. is result is partially in
line with Slaughter etal. (2011) previously demonstrated that the
ability to exploit the decoy eect did not depend on seniority, but they
supposed it depended rather on the type of expertise. is evidence
adds to this line of research that seniority did not impact resistance to
reframing and the decoy eect. However, some dierences in terms of
seniority emerge if professionals’ decision-making style is taken
into consideration.
In fact, by including in this framework the individual style that
each person adopts in making a decision, it was observed how higher
scores at the GDMS-dependent subscale predict lower RRT scores.
anks to the second-level subgroup analysis, it emerged that such an
eect was attributable mainly to the group of senior professionals and
not to junior ones. is means, that with advancing age, having a
predominance of dependent decision-making style, that is
characterized by constantly seeking suggestions and advice from other
people before deciding (Scott and Bruce, 1995; unholm, 2004;
Gambetti etal., 2008), might reduce the resistance to the reframe and
can lead to making decisions more dependent on the context (and
therefore on the frame) or dependent on comparisons with other
people (typical of this decision-making style).
Interestingly, some peculiarities related to decision-making style
and resistance to alternatives were found also in the group of junior
professionals. Indeed, two main decision-making proles were
demonstrated to predict lower RAT scores in the group of junior
professionals: One connoted by high MS high standards scores, and
one connoted by high GDMS dependent scores. is result
demonstrated that, even in the group of junior professionals, it is
always a context-dependent decisional prole (comparing with others
to receive advice on how to decide or considering others as a
comparison standard to beovercome) that makes the resistance to
multiple decoy alternatives more complex.
e reason why in junior professionals, a context-dependent
decision-making prole predicts lower RAT scores, and in seniors, the
same prole predicts lower RRT scores (together with a generally lower
ability to resist RAT, rather than RRT, regardless of the decision-making
style, as demonstrated by the ANOVA) must beinvestigated also taking
into consideration the role of EFs, examining whether a reduction in
cognitive control toward these biases also occurs in this specic case.
Another recent study (Tommasi etal., 2023) explored the
presence of bias in professionals and demonstrated that
entrepreneurs exhibit higher levels of under/overconfidence (i.e.,
self-confidence in taking decisions) than managers and
specifically showed a marked presence of this bias among
entrepreneurs at younger ages. Therefore, both higher levels of
expertise and seniority in terms of age require thorough
investigation in the context of resistance to decision biases.
To conclude, this study suggests that professionals know how
to “keep the tiller straight” in organizations, especially when
facing reframing conditions, rather than decoy alternatives;
however, the predominance of dependent decision-making styles
(both for senior and junior professionals), and the tendency to
hold high standards in decisions (mainly for juniors) could
undermine their resistance capacity and make them vulnerable
to these covert influence tactics.
Although our current study is one of the rst studies investigating
the construct of resistance to decision bias in professional contexts,
and their relationship to decision-making styles, it is not without
caveats. Among all limitations, the presence of only behavioral data
would benet from the integration of neurophysiological data to
explore professionals’ EFs and increase the validity and generalizability
of current results.
Data availability statement
e raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will
bemade available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
e studies involving humans were approved by Department of
Psychology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy.
e studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation
and institutional requirements. e participants provided their written
informed consent to participate in this study.
Author contributions
LA: Validation, Visualization, Writing – original dra, Writing –
review & editing. CA: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
Writing – review & editing. DC: Data curation, Formal analysis,
Methodology, Writing – review & editing. MB: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision,
Validation, Writing – review & editing.
e author(s) declare nancial support was received for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. is research
did not receive any specic grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors. Funded by the European Union
– Next Generation EU (PRIN 2022 call, Ministry of University and
Research - Project n° 202284WCP9). e views and opinions
expressed are only those of the authors and do not necessarily reect
those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither
the European Union nor the European Commission can be held
responsible for them.
e authors kindly thank all the professionals for their availability
in participating in the study.
Conflict of interest
e authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Angioletti et al. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270012
Frontiers in Psychology 08
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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
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