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Abstract and Figures

Discharge of crude oil (or its products) during the extracting, refining, and transporting into the environment have caused serious environmental distress due to their highly hydrophobic resistance, and persistence in nature and very difficult to be remediated from the environment. Therefore, an environmentally conscious approach to enhance the bioavailability (or solubility) of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in soil involves the utilization of biosurfactants. Biosurfactants play a crucial role in enhancing the desorption and solubilization of petroleum hydrocarbons, facilitating their assimilation by microorganisms. This research investigated the application of biosurfactant supplementation derived and purified from rhizobacteria of Scirpus grossus , which are capable of producing biosurfactants and degrading hydrocarbons, in the context of phytoremediation. The crude oil sludge used in this study was obtained from an industrial area containing 56,600±3;900 mg/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). The crude oil sludge was inoculated with biosurfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as commercial surfactant and only with the presence of S. grossus in the vegetated tanks and monitored for 90 days in a greenhouse. The results indicated that the growth of S. grossus with the addition of biosurfactant was improved and new saplings were produced. After a 90-day exposure period, the removal efficiency of TPH from the soil demonstrated significant increases, reaching 90.3%, 84.1%, and 73.7% when treated with biosurfactant+S. grossus , SDS+S. grossus , and S. grossus only respectively. These percentages were notably higher compared to the non-planted control crates (CC) where the removal efficiency was only 17.9%. These results provide evidence that the introduction of biosurfactant through inoculation can elevate the bioavailability of organic pollutants, consequently augmenting their microbial degradation in the soil.
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science
Enhanced Removal of Hydrocarbons from Crude
Oil Sludge through Phytoremediation with
Biosurfactant-producing Rhizobacteria
To cite this article: Siti Shilatul Najwa Sharuddin
et al
IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.
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International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
Enhanced Removal of Hydrocarbons from Crude Oil Sludge
through Phytoremediation with Biosurfactant-producing
Siti Shilatul Najwa Sharuddin1*, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah 1*, Hassimi Abu
Hasan1,2, Ahmad Razi Othman1, & Israa Abdulwahab Al-Baldawi3
1 Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,
2 Research Centre for Sustainable Process Technology (CESPRO), Faculty of
Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
3Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad,
Baghdad, Iraq
*Corresponding author: Email:;
Abstract. Discharge of crude oil (or its products) during the extracting, refining, and transporting
into the environment have caused serious environmental distress due to their highly hydrophobic
resistance, and persistence in nature and very difficult to be remediated from the environment.
Therefore, an environmentally conscious approach to enhance the bioavailability (or solubility)
of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in soil involves the utilization of biosurfactants.
Biosurfactants play a crucial role in enhancing the desorption and solubilization of petroleum
hydrocarbons, facilitating their assimilation by microorganisms. This research investigated the
application of biosurfactant supplementation derived and purified from rhizobacteria of Scirpus
grossus, which are capable of producing biosurfactants and degrading hydrocarbons, in the
context of phytoremediation. The crude oil sludge used in this study was obtained from an
industrial area containing 56,600±3;900 mg/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). The crude
oil sludge was inoculated with biosurfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as commercial
surfactant and only with the presence of S. grossus in the vegetated tanks and monitored for 90
days in a greenhouse. The results indicated that the growth of S. grossus with the addition of
biosurfactant was improved and new saplings were produced. After a 90-day exposure period,
the removal efficiency of TPH from the soil demonstrated significant increases, reaching 90.3%,
84.1%, and 73.7% when treated with biosurfactant+S. grossus, SDS+S. grossus, and S. grossus
only respectively. These percentages were notably higher compared to the non-planted control
crates (CC) where the removal efficiency was only 17.9%. These results provide evidence that
the introduction of biosurfactant through inoculation can elevate the bioavailability of organic
pollutants, consequently augmenting their microbial degradation in the soil.
Keywords: biosurfactant; bioremediation; crude oil sludge, phytoremediation, bioavailability
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
1. Introduction
Oil refinery serves as an industrial process plant dedicated to refining crude oil, transforming it into over
2500 valuable refined products. These include liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel,
fuel oils, lubricating oils, and feedstocks essential for the petrochemical industry [1,2]. The
comprehensive range of refinery operations encompasses all aspects of handling, refining, and storing
petroleum, preparing the products for shipment to various industries before reaching consumers [3,1].
However, large amounts of unwanted leakage of petroleum oil and its products produced during the
refinery process have polluted about 80% of lands [4]. The pollution of petroleum oil to the soil promotes
extensive changes in the chemical and physical properties of soil and subsequently introduces negative
effect to human health and the environment [5,3]. According to [3], the total petroleum hydrocarbon
(TPH) content in crude oil sludge typically ranges from approximately 15% to 50% (percentage of
mass). Concurrently, the water content falls within the range of 30% to 85%, and the solid content ranges
from 5% to 46%. The complexity of crude oil sludge composition has led to environmental distress due
to their high hydrophobicity (poor biodegradation efficiency), resistance, and persistence in nature and
very difficult to remediate from the environment [6].
Thus, an effective and eco-remediation method is required and must be implemented successfully to
detoxify and remove the polluted areas. Countless of environmental remediation approaches are being
studied and implemented which involve the use of different techniques or a combination of parallel or
consecutive treatment [6]. Even so, bioremediation through combination of biosurfactant and
phytoremediation have been prioritized for alternative treatment because they cost less and are more
eco-friendly than thermal or chemical treatment [7]. Biosurfactants are metabolic by products produced
extracellularly or as part of the cell membrane by microorganism (bacteria, yeast, fungi) [8]. Many
recent studies have demonstrated that biosurfactants produced by the hydrocarbon degradable bacteria
have more strength to remediate such pollution and can apply for diverse application in oil industry
including microbial enhanced oil recovery, and clean-up of oil containers and storage tanks [9]. In
addition, the chemical and physical structure of biosurfactant produced by bacteria have such as less
toxicity, biodegradability, selectivity, higher specificity, and high surface activity has boosted their
application [10]. Phytoremediation, or phytotechnology, is a process that employs plants to detoxify
either organic pollutants (such as petroleum hydrocarbons) or inorganic contaminants (such as heavy
metals) from water and soils [11,5]. This approach has gained widespread and successful application,
particularly in developed countries such as Europe, the USA, and Japan. It is utilized for the treatment
of both organic and inorganic wastes, including liquid forms like wastewater and solid forms such as
sludge or contaminated soil [11].
According to [12], biosurfactant alone are competent of elevating the biodegradation process but the
significant increase in the rate of biodegradation was detected when compared to the treatments when
biosurfactants and phytoremediation were combined. This is because certain bacterial strains, isolated
from the rhizospheres of plants, possess the ability to metabolize petroleum-derived compounds. These
bacteria can produce biosurfactants, making them valuable for the decontamination of polluted
environments. However, only a few studies have addressed the combination treatment of biosurfactant,
and phytoremediation of soils contaminated with real waste of petroleum hydrocarbons, and they usually
test on artificially contaminated soils as single treatment. Therefore, the aim of this current study was to
assess the effectiveness of purified biosurfactant in conjunction with Scirpus grossus plants for the
degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in real crude oil sludge waste.
2.0 Materials & Methods
2.1. Chemicals and Crude Oil Sludge
All chemicals employed in this study, including Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) and Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
for bacterial growth, were procured from Fisher Scientific (M) Sdn. Bhd. The real crude oil sludge was
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
obtained from a Malaysian-based oil refining industry. The crude oil sludge underwent homogenization
and was securely sealed in a clean container before the commencement of the study.
2.2 Plant Preparation
S. grossus was taken from its natural habitat (wetlands) at Tasik Chini, Pahang. The growth of microbial
population near the roots of S. grossus is increasing due to the large, extensive, and widely branched
root system [13]. All plants were propagated in a greenhouse located in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
where the plant growth was closely monitored.
2.3 Preparation of Biosurfactant, Supernatant and Commercial Surfactant
In this present study, a biosurfactant producing microorganisms, known as Bacillus sp. strain SB1,
Bacillus sp. strain SB3 and Lysinibacillus sp. strain SB6 were selected to perform the experiments based
on its capability to extract biosurfactant and shows great performance for hydrocarbon degradation
process. These strains were isolated from roots of S. grossus contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons
as conducted in a previous study [9] and stored in our laboratory. The bacteria producing biosurfactant
was mixed with carbon and nitrogen source in 100 ml minimal salt medium (MSM). The incubation was
carried out in a shaker for 7 days at 150 rpm. Then, the extraction process of purified biosurfactant was
adapted from [9]. The commercial surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate was prepared accordingly. The
concentration of purified biosurfactant and commercial surfactant were amended to the crude oil sludge
was 1.5 L in each treatment tank of 30 kg crude oil sludge.
2.4 Experimental Phytoremediation Design and Sampling
Experimental design as shown in Table 1 consists of 5 treatments in 3 replicates (R1, R2, R3). The five
treatments were: (1) no crude oil sludge, only S. grossus + garden soil (Plant Control, (PC)) ;(2) crude
oil sludge only without S. grossus (Control Contaminant, (CC)); (3) crude oil sludge + S. grossus (SC);
(4) crude oil sludge + S. grossus + biosurfactant (CSB); (5) crude oil sludge + S. grossus + commercial
surfactant (CSC). The treatment study was conducted in polyethylene tanks, each with a dimension of
60 cm × 40 cm × 30 and about 30 kg of crude oil sludge was placed in each treatment tank. Water supply
to the soil was provided around 50% amount during the experimental period. The treatment was
conducted about 90-day exposure. The soil from each tank was sampled for TPH analysis from CC, SC,
SCB and SCC on day 0, day 60 and day 90 and stored at 4°C for TPH analysis. The growth of S. grossus
was monitored physically (healthy or died) during the exposure period.
2.5 Analysis of TPH
The TPH analysis involved combining 10 g of the soil sample with 2 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate.
This mixture was subjected to extraction using 50 ml of dichloromethane in an Ultrasonic solvent
extraction, following the modified USEPA 3550C method [14]. After extraction, the resulting extracts
underwent rotary evaporation. The TPH sample obtained was then submitted for GC-FID analysis, and
the TPH concentration in the crude oil sludge was determined using the provided equation.
TPH Concentration =  󰇡
󰇢   ( )
   () Eq.1
The percentage of TPH degradation on Day 90 was calculated by dividing the difference between the
current TPH value and the initial TPH value by the initial TPH value, as shown in the following equation:
TPH Removal (%) = 
 100 Eq. 2
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
with, TPH0 = total petroleum hydrocarbon on sampling day 0, and TPHSD = total petroleum hydrocarbon
on each sampling day.
Table 1 Schematic diagram for treatment process.
Treatment Replicate
Plant Control (PC)
Control Contaminant (CC)
S. grossus + crude oil sludge (SC)
S. grossus + crude oil sludge + biosurfactant
S. grossus + crude oil sludge+ commercial
Surfactant (SCC)
X=S. grossus
2.6 Statistical data analysis
Statistical analysis of the results was conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
Version 21.0. The experiments were performed in triplicate to account for experimental errors in each
parameter. Mean values marked with different letters indicate significant differences, determined
through an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance level for comparing differences was set at
3. Materials & Methods
3.1 Characterization of crude oil sludge
Several parameters such as pH, nutrients such as nitrite, nitrate and phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen and
initial TPH was previously measured [13].
3.2 Plant Growth Survival
The condition of S. grossus was observed physically throughout 90 days of exposure period as tabulated
in Table 1. Over the 90-day treatment period, noticeable differences in the appearance of plants were
observed in each treatment tank with varied conditions, as compared to those in the control group. As
presented in Table 2, the condition of S. grossus in treatment control (PC) were stay healthy from day 0
until day 90. Difference situation occurs in the treatment tank of SC, SCB and SCC when all plants
portrayed sign of toxicity and distress such as yellowing of leaves/stem and the growth performance
became slower compared with the plants in PC tank. According to [5], petroleum oil and its constituents
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
can decrease the availability of oxygen, water, and nutrients in soil, and as a result declining the seed
germination rate and affecting the plant growth as obviously shown by S. grossus in all treatments tanks
except from PC tank.
Table 2 Physical Observation of S. grossus to crude oil sludge contaminants
Physical Observation
Day 0
Day 60
Day 90
crude oil
sludge + (SC)
crude oil
sludge +
crude oil
However, as depicted in Table 2 (yellow circle), the presence of few new saplings in SCB tank at
day 60 and increasing number of saplings were observed at the end of exposure period. Meanwhile, both
treatments tanks of SC and SCC have non new healthy sapling at the end of exposure period.
Phytoremediation, a highly effective bioremediation method, has been widely employed for the
remediation of various potentially organic contaminants, such as bauxite [15], gasoline [16], and
hydrocarbons [13]. In this current study, the growth of S. grossus as phytoremediation agent was
improved with the inoculation of biosurfactant due the increasing bioavailability of organic pollutants
in the form of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). As indicated by [7], the interactions between plants
and microorganisms have been extensively researched for the purpose of hydrocarbons treatment.
Microorganisms that produce biosurfactants play a crucial role in enhancing the solubility of soil-
contaminated oil, thereby increasing its bioavailability to plants.
Improvement in the plant-microorganisms interactions promotes plant biomass and tolerance to
petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants which supports the findings of this study when the growth
performance of S. grossus is improved in the presence of biosurfactant. Interactions between plants and
microorganisms result in elevated population densities of microbes and increased metabolic activity in
the rhizosphere, particularly under challenging conditions such as soil pollution [17,7].
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
3.3 Degradation of TPH
After a 90-day treatment period, the percentage removal of TPH and concentration in treatment tanks:
CC, SC, SBC, and SCC are illustrated in Figure 1. The results revealed that the SCB treatment tank
exhibited the highest TPH removal percentage (92.7%), resulting in a TPH concentration of
approximately 5021 mg/kg after the 90-day exposure period. In comparison, the TPH removal
percentages for SC and SCC treatment tanks were 73.7% and 84.1%, respectively. These figures were
notably higher than that of the non-planted treatment tank (CC), which only showed a minor reduction
(17.9%) in TPH concentration.
According to [1], one of the importance limiting factor on hydrocarbon petroleum remediation is the
low bioavailability of these compound. The inoculation of biosurfactant into the crude oil sludge
increased the uptake of TPH by the S. grossus which might be due to the low solubility of these
contaminants. The purified biosurfactant secreted by the rhizobacteria from the previous study and
released into the hydrophobic medium increase the bioavailability of the hydrocarbons. In additions, the
desorption of hydrocarbon was promoted when the attraction forces have been reduced hence the
removal of TPH is significantly higher than two others treatment tank without the presence of
biosurfactant. In other words, the degradation of hydrocarbons in the presence of biosurfactant was
elevated due to modification of physicochemical properties of contaminants [18].
Figure 1 Concentration and percentage removal of TPH after 90 days exposure study
According to a study by [19], the combination of plants with hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria has
shown promise for the effective remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. Another investigation
by [20] demonstrated that the removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) was significantly higher
(approximately 58%) when phytoremediation was supplemented with biosurfactants compared to
sunflower cultivation without biosurfactant supplementation. Additionally, the application of
biosurfactants in the phytoremediation of gasoline-contaminated soil, as reported by [16], resulted in the
removal of up to 93.5% of TPH from the soil. Consequently, the findings from the current study
underscore the potential of S. grossus in conjunction with biosurfactant supplementation for enhancing
TPH removal. In addition, this study also emphasizes the crucial role of plant-microbe interactions in
the success of bioremediation efforts targeting petroleum contamination.
Day 0 Day 60 Day 90 Day 0 Day 60 Day 90 Day 0 Day 60 Day 90 Day 0 Day 60 Day 90
Percentage Removal TPH (%)
Concenntration TPH (mg/kg)
Concentration TPH % Removal TPH
International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1307 (2024) 012009
IOP Publishing
4.0. Conclusions
Phytoremediation studies with the inoculation of biosurfactant in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils
showed that the growth of S. grossus was improved by the appearance of new sapling throughout the
treatments period. Moreover, this biosurfactant was able to reduce the concentration of TPH from initial
TPH concentration, 62,311 mg/kg reduced to 5021 mg/kg of TPH by 93% removal of TPH at the end
of 90 days. The biosurfactant, with its ability to emulsify and disperse water-insoluble compounds such
as hydrocarbons, likely contributed to enhanced bioremediation efficiency. This integrated approach,
combining phytoremediation with the inoculation of biosurfactants, holds considerable promise for the
remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, offering an effective solution without adverse
environmental impacts.
The authors would like to extend their gratitude to the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, the
Faculty of Engineering, and Built Environment (FKAB) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for
funding this research (GUP-2022-022).
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International Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences 2023
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IOP Publishing
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... Data of the hybrid system were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 21 software, Inc. Chicago, USA) (Sharuddin et al., 2024). In this test, 95% confidence interval (α = 0.05) was adopted for SPSS, and the significance difference was set at p < 0.05 to compare between groups. ...
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Burning of post-harvest non-edible agro residues (biomass) are the major source of environmental and soil pollution, affecting the lives of millions of people, especially in certain demography of developing countries like India. Non edible agro residues contain toxic structural constituents, making it unsuitable for cattle feed. However, due to its cellulosic and lignocellulosic constituents, it has the potential to be used as a promising feedstock to develop value added energy products. Authors in this review paper have comprehensively reviewed the technological aspects related to conversion of agro residues into value added energy products like bio-oil, bio-char, and pyro gas. Various non-edible agro residues like Cotton stalk, castor stalk, Maize stalk, Rice straw, Rice husk, Corn cob, Sugarcane bagasse, and wheat straw etc., have been reviewed for its potential as feedstock material for thermo chemical conversion to obtain energy products like bio-oil, bio-char, and pyro-gas. Different physio-chemical properties, its chemical characterization methods, different bio-oil upgradation techniques, Techno-economic analysis (TEA), and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been reviewed for different thermo-chemical conversion processes. The reviewed works reveal that byproducts derived from pyrolysis of non-edible agro residues have potential to be used as biofuels. Bio-oils after upgradation may be used as fuel, bio-char with appropriate pulversing may be used as soil nutrient, and pyro-gas may be used as energy gas or carrier gas for process industries. LCA of different processes for different agro residue-based biofuels indicate that conversion of biomass into energy fuels is an sustainable, and economical solution for the environment point of view and economic point of view through pyrolysis process as compare to the other conversion processes because pyrolysis process can accommodate agro waste and produce bio-char and pyro-gas along with bio-oil having capacity to generate good revenue.
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Activities in the petroleum industry unavoidably generates huge amount of petroleum sludge that contain hazardous constituents. Numerous treatment techniques are proven to reduce toxicity, sludge volume, and extract petroleum products. Their efficiency is determined by the sludge properties. These treatment technologies can lessen the hazardous elements in sludge and alleviate their negative environmental and human health impacts. However, only a few, can strike a compromise between meeting strict environmental regulations and consuming notable quantity of water, energy, and chemicals. Now, there are no waste-free and cost-effective technologies available for petroleum sludge treatment. Therefore, this review was designed to highlight the several waste, plants, and other materials that have been utilized during petroleum sludge or petroleum contaminated site treatment for resource recovery and to ensure environmental safety. The application of various additives to remediate petroleum sludge contaminated areas has been proven to be a practical and environmentally beneficial alternative. The review found that reusing remediated soils for bioremediation activity on soil contaminated with oil sludge was efficient. The review further revealed that phytoremediation by sowing plants in the soil can remarkably boost microorganism’s growth and TPH elimination rate. Also, in planted treatments using Zea mays L., Secale cereale L., Festuca arundinacea, Onobrychis viciifolia, Vertiver zizanioide, Cajanus cajan, Medicago sativa, Lolium perenne, Ttrifolium pratense etc. the most probable number were significantly higher than in unplanted treatments. It was also discovered that there is a commercial potential for the use of plants as sources of biosurfactant for use in accelerated TPHs degradation. Biosurfactant supplementation in the phytoremediation of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons co-contaminated soil was effective. The review suggests the use of composite materials for petroleum sludge treatment.
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A crude oil spill is a common issue during offshore oil drilling, transport and transfer to onshore. Second, the production of petroleum refinery effluent is known to cause pollution due to its toxic effluent discharge. Sea habitats and onshore soil biota are affected by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as a pollutant in their natural environment. Crude oil pollution in seawater, estuaries and beaches requires an efficient process of cleaning. To remove crude oil pollutants from seawater, various physicochemical and biological treatment methods have been applied worldwide. A biological treatment method using bacteria, fungi and algae has recently gained a lot of attention due to its efficiency and lower cost. This review introduces various studies related to the bioremediation of crude oil, TPH and related petroleum products by bioaugmentation and biostimulation or both together. Bioremediation studies mentioned in this paper can be used for treatment such as emulsified residual spilled oil in seawater with floating oil spill containment booms as an enclosed basin such as a bioreactor, for petroleum hydrocarbons as a pollutant that will help environmental researchers solve these problems and completely clean-up oil spills in seawater.
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One of the very promising methods in the field of bioremediation of hydrocarbons is the application of biosurfactant- producing microorganisms based on the use of wastewater as renewable substrates of culture media, contributing to the reduction of costs. With this aim, the production, characterization and properties of the yeast strain YBR producing a biosurfactant newly isolated from an oilfield in Algeria, using wastewater from olive oil mills (OOMW) as a substrate for a low-cost and effective production, have been investigated. Screening of biosurfactant production was carried out with different tests, including emulsification index test (E24), drop collapse test, oil spreading technique and measurement of surface tension (ST). The isolated yeast strain was found to be a potent biosurfactant producer with E24 = 69% and a significant reduction in ST from 72 to 35 mN m⁻¹. The study of the cultural, biochemical, physiological and genetic characteristics of the isolate allowed us to identify it as Rhodotorula sp. strain YBR. Fermentation was carried out in a 2.5 L Minifors Bioreactor using crude OOMW as culture medium, the E24 value reached 90% and a reduction of 72 to 35 mN m⁻¹ in ST. A biosurfactant yield = 10.08 ± 0.38 g L⁻¹ was recorded. The characterization by semi-purification and thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the crude extract of biosurfactant showed the presence of peptides, carbohydrates and lipids in its structure. The crude biosurfactant exhibited interesting properties such as: low critical micellar concentration (CMC), significant reduction in ST and strong emulsifying activity. In addition, it has shown stability over a wide range of pH (2–12), temperature (4–100 °C) and salinity (1–10%). More interestingly, the produced biosurfactant has proven to be of great potential application in the remobilization of hydrocarbons from polluted soil with a removal rate of greater than 95%. Graphic Abstract
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Abstract Most components of petroleum oily sludge (POS) are toxic, mutagenic and cancer-causing. Often bioremediation using microorganisms is hindered by the toxicity of POS. Under this circumstance, phytoremediation is the main option as it can overcome the toxicity of POS. Cajanus cajan a legume plant, was evaluated as a phyto-remediating agent for petroleum oily sludge-spiked soil. Culture dependent and independent methods were used to determine the rhizosphere microorganisms’ composition. Degradation rates were estimated gravimetrically. The population of total heterotrophic bacteria (THRB) was significantly higher in the uncontaminated soil compared to the contaminated rhizosphere soil with C. cajan, but the population of hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria (HUB) was higher in the contaminated rhizosphere soil. The results show that for 1 to 3% oily sludge concentrations, an increase in microbial counts for all treatments from day 0 to 90 d was observed with the contaminated rhizosphere CR showing the highest significant increase (p
Microorganisms produce a variety of non-conventional surface-active molecules, known as biosurfactants. The biosurfactants find diverse applications in the oil industry, agriculture, emulsifiers, and wastewater treatment, to name a few. Since they are produced from microbes, advantages such as biodegradability, lower toxicity, and environmental compatibility can be leveraged compared to the chemical surfactants. Recently, biosurfactants found potential usability in treating wastewater generated from various domestic, industrial, and agricultural sources. The application of biosurfactants in wastewater treatment is mainly due to their excellent foaming ability, specific activity, and high selectivity under wide operation window of temperature, pH, and salinity. Wastewater treatment with use of low cost biosurfactant is one of the important suitable goal in treating the wastewater since biosurfactants can be produced from cheap material and cause less damage to the environment by replacing surfactants produced from petroleum crude. This review focuses on the recent developments in biosurfactant production using waste materials such as food and agricultural residues, industrial waste, and animal waste and their application in wastewater treatment processes such as contaminant degradation, oil–water separation, heavy metal removal, and effluent flotation. The characteristics of the biosurfactants produced from cheap materials are compared with that of synthetic surfactants. In fact, the characteristics of both types of surfactants are found to be similar. The ability of biosurfactants for pollution removal from wastewater is extensively reviewed and presented. Finally, the review also evaluates the economic feasibility of biosurfactant production on commercial scale and their industrial scale wastewater treatment application.
Biosurfactant produced by rhizobacteria has the potential to enhance the degradation of hydrocarbons, leading to more efficient phytoremediation. The aim of this work was to search for bifunctional hydrocarbon-degrading and biosurfactant-producing rhizobacteria. Isolation of bacteria was conducted from three sources (A: rhizosphere of Scirpus grossus planted in garden soils and B: rhizosphere of S. grossus planted in crude oil sludge and C: crude oil sludge) prior to degradation test. Seven isolated rhizobacteria from source B (coded as B1-B7) were screened for a hydrocarbon degradation test with an initial total petroleum hydrocarbon content of 56.13 mg/g. Similar isolated rhizobacteria were also found in source A and C. The best three isolates (B1, B3 and B6) and mixed culture of them, significantly degraded hydrocarbon with 16.2, 8.4, 39.7 and 34.8% removals, respectively. Subsequently, the three pure rhizobacteria and their mixture (B1+B3+B6) were screened for biosurfactant production through tests of oil displacement, drop collapse, emulsification and surface tension. All the pure rhizobacteria and mixed culture had given positive response for all the tests. The presence of biosurfactant produced by rhizobacteria was confirmed by SEM images in which the formation of exopolymers interconnecting individual cells into a complex network of mass was formed due to biosurfactant extraction from bacteria cell. Thus, the three isolated rhizobacteria (B1, B3, and B6), later identified as Bacillus sp. strain SB1, Bacillus sp. strain SB3 and Lysinibacillus sp. strain SB6, respectively, and their mixed culture can simultaneously biodegrade hydrocarbon and produce biosurfactant to enhance the degradation process.
The strain Bacillus oceanisediminis H2, which was isolated from tannery processing industrial wastelands, grown on biosurfactant production media supplemented with glucose as carbon source and urea as nitrogen source was successful in the production of a crude biosurfactant. The crude biosurfactant was purified using silica-gel column chromatography and thin layer chromatography (TLC), which was then lyophilized for further analysis. TLC of both the crude and purified biosurfactant showed similar Rf values of 0.678 (of one of the spots) and 0.614 respectively. The solid purified product was then subjected to FTIR and LC-MS analysis which confirmed that the purified biosurfactant is surfactin by nature. The crude biosurfactant produced has the ability to reduce surface tension to 46.909 mN/m from 72 mN/m as that of water.
Due to the increasing importance of diesel and petroleum for industrial development during the last century, petrochemical effluents have significantly contributed to the pollution of aquatic and soil environments. The contamination generated by petroleum hydrocarbons can endanger not only humans but also the environment. Phytoremediation or plant-assisted remediation can be considered one of the best technologies to manage petroleum product-contaminated water and soil. The main advantages of this method are that it is environmentally-friendly, potentially cost-effective and does not require specialised equipment. The scope of this review includes a description of hydrocarbon pollutants from petrochemical industries, their toxicity impacts and methods of treatment and degradation. The major emphasis is on phytodegradation (phytotransformation) and rhizodegradation since these mechanisms are the most favourable alternatives for soil and water reclamation of hydrocarbons using tropical plants. In addressing these issues, this review also covers challenges to retrieve the environment (soil and water) from petroleum contaminations through phytoremediation, and its opportunities to remove or reduce the negative environmental impacts of petroleum contaminations and restore damaged ecosystems with sustainable ways to keep healthy life for the future.
Phytoremediation, a green technology that utilizes plants to degrade and remove contaminants from environment, has become a promising treatment for removing many types of contaminants including hydrocarbon pollutants. This technology is potentially efficient, much cheaper and more environmentally friendly than the conventional mechanical clean-up methods. The main objectives of the current study were to evaluate the phytoremediation potential of two native plant species in Malaysia, Scirpus grossus and Lepironia articulata by com-paring their tolerance and survival of both plants in real crude oil sludge. A preliminary test was conducted to observe whether these two plants could survive in the oily sludge. The growth characteristic of both plants was evaluated by observing the visible symptoms of withering and death of plants throughout a 30-day exposure. S. grossus and L. articulata were exposed to 3 kg of crude oil sludge in 3 L pails under greenhouse conditions. After 30 days of exposure, it was observed that 100% S. grossus could grow and survive in the sludge compared to L. articulate with only 55% survival. As a comparison, S. grossus has more potential to be used in the phytoremediation process of the real crude oil sludge.