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Bioinspiration and biomimetics in marine robotics: a review on current applications and future trends



Over the past few years, the research community has witnessed a burgeoning interest in biomimetics, particularly within the marine sector. The study of biomimicry as a revolutionary remedy for numerous commercial and research-based marine businesses has been spurred by the difficulties presented by the harsh maritime environment. Biomimetic marine robots are at the forefront of this innovation by imitating various structures and behaviours of marine life and utilizing the evolutionary advantages and adaptations these marine organisms have developed over millennia to thrive in harsh conditions. This thorough examination explores current developments and research efforts in biomimetic marine robots based on their propulsion mechanisms. By examining these biomimetic designs, the review aims to solve the mysteries buried in the natural world and provide vital information for marine improvements. In addition to illuminating the complexities of these bio-inspired mechanisms, the investigation helps to steer future research directions and possible obstacles, spurring additional advancements in the field of biomimetic marine robotics. Considering the revolutionary potential of using nature's inventiveness to navigate and thrive in one of the most challenging environments on Earth, the conclusion of the current review urges a multidisciplinary approach by integrating robotics and biology. The field of biomimetic marine robotics not only represents a paradigm shift in our relationship with the oceans, it also opens previously unimaginable possibilities for sustainable exploration and use of marine resources by understanding and imitating nature's solutions.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002
1 December 2023
6 February 2024
11 March 2024
2 April 2024
Bioinspiration and biomimetics in marine robotics: a review on
current applications and future trends
Amal Prakash1, Arjun R Nair1, H Arunav1, Rthuraj P R1, V M Akhil2, Charbel Tawk3
and Karthik V Shankar1,4,
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India
2School of Interdisciplinary Research, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
3Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon
4Centre for Flexible Electronics and Advanced Materials, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: and
Keywords: biomimetic aquatic robot, marine organisms, propulsion mechanism, fish locomotion
Over the past few years, the research community has witnessed a burgeoning interest in
biomimetics, particularly within the marine sector. The study of biomimicry as a revolutionary
remedy for numerous commercial and research-based marine businesses has been spurred by the
difficulties presented by the harsh maritime environment. Biomimetic marine robots are at the
forefront of this innovation by imitating various structures and behaviors of marine life and
utilizing the evolutionary advantages and adaptations these marine organisms have developed over
millennia to thrive in harsh conditions. This thorough examination explores current developments
and research efforts in biomimetic marine robots based on their propulsion mechanisms. By
examining these biomimetic designs, the review aims to solve the mysteries buried in the natural
world and provide vital information for marine improvements. In addition to illuminating the
complexities of these bio-inspired mechanisms, the investigation helps to steer future research
directions and possible obstacles, spurring additional advancements in the field of biomimetic
marine robotics. Considering the revolutionary potential of using nature’s inventiveness to
navigate and thrive in one of the most challenging environments on Earth, the current review’s
conclusion urges a multidisciplinary approach by integrating robotics and biology. The field of
biomimetic marine robotics not only represents a paradigm shift in our relationship with the
oceans, but it also opens previously unimaginable possibilities for sustainable exploration and use
of marine resources by understanding and imitating nature’s solutions.
1. Introduction
The Earth’s vast oceans, covering 71% of its sur-
face area, harbor many essential resources, includ-
ing water, minerals, oil, and diverse living organ-
isms, crucial to modern society. Despite this import-
ance, most of the ocean remains largely unexplored
and inaccessible throughout human history [1,2]
Consequently, the efficient and sustainable explor-
ation and exploitation of marine resources have
become one of the leading research interests within
the scientific community. Underwater robots, with
their wide range of applications and immense poten-
tial value, emerge as essential components of marine
development and underwater activities. Researchers
have developed novel marine robots for specialized
missions, including autonomous underwater vehicles
(AUVs) and remotely operated vehicles. The mari-
time robotics market is expected to reach USD
6.74 billion by 2025, indicating significant growth
soon [3].
Marine robotics finds applications across a diverse
range of sectors, each with unique challenges and
opportunities [4]:
Science and environment: through breakthroughs
in energy provision, perception, navigation, com-
munication, control, and autonomy, marine
robotics substantially contributes to scientific
endeavors, especially in oceanography, geological
sampling, and seafloor mapping. They are also
useful for long-term environmental monitoring
© 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
and are excellent at resolving pollution and
oil spills.
Military: the military sector leverages marine
robotics for underwater surveillance and stealth
Ocean mining and oil industry: in the oil and
mining sector, marine robots play a critical role in
assisting operations such as offshore oil drilling,
undersea structure building and maintenance,
resource assessment, and ocean survey.
Other applications: besides these main applic-
ations, marine robotics is used in underwater
communication, nuclear power plant inspection,
ship hull inspection, internal tank inspection, and
power cable installation and inspection. They can
also be used as underwater fishery rangers, provid-
ing entertainment like underwater tours. These
uses highlight marine robotics’ adaptability to vari-
ous industries.
The various challenges posed by the harsh mari-
time environment have spurred the development of
marine robotics. With life in the ocean for 3.7 bil-
lion years, evolutionary advantages and adaptations
of various marine species offer valuable insights for
innovation and have become essential in shaping
marine technologies. Natural selection has honed the
mechanical systems in fish, making them highly effi-
cient in their habitats. Harnessing these adaptations
inspires innovative designs for improving the effi-
ciency and interaction of man-made systems with the
aquatic environment.
Humanity has always drawn inspiration from
nature, as seen by the development of early tools and
modern technologies. The foundation for translating
biological solutions into technical applications is that
biological structures are well-suited for their specific
purposes and can provide interesting applications [5].
Bio-inspired fish robots outperform conventional
underwater vehicles thanks to great efficiency, agility,
low noise, and little fluid disruption [6]. The soph-
isticated solutions in biological systems have out-
performed the most advanced manmade underwater
sensors in maneuvering through challenging under-
water situations. The merging of biology and techno-
logy shows promise for solving the unique challenges
of the maritime environment through the application
of biomimetic marine robotics.
The current review commences with explor-
ing various classifications for underwater robots,
subsequently delving into a comprehensive analysis
of marine organisms categorized by their respect-
ive propulsive mechanisms. It then proceeds to
provide an overview of recent research endeavors
and provides instances of robotic systems that har-
ness or emulate each of these propulsion methods.
It then proceeds with a few examples of marine
bio-inspired sensing technologies. The following dis-
cussion focuses on current research directions and
obstacles in marine biomimetic robotics, providing a
comprehensive overview of this cutting-edge area.
1.1. Terminologies
The diversity of terminologies related to biomim-
icry can lead to confusion due to varying interpret-
ations, and therefore, it is crucial to establish a com-
mon understanding [7]. The current review adheres
to the standard definitions outlined in ISO Standard
18458:2015 [8], ensuring consistency and clarity in
the use of terminology. By adopting these standard-
ized definitions, the review aims to mitigate discrep-
ancies arising from cultural factors, professional spe-
cializations, and individual perspectives, providing a
solid foundation for communication and compre-
hension in biomimicry. Some of the important defin-
itions adopted in the current review are as follows:
Bioinspiration-creative approach based on the
observation of biological systems.
Biological system-coherent group of observable
elements originating from the living world span-
ning from nanoscale to macroscale.
Biomimicry/Biomimetism-philosophy and inter-
disciplinary design approaches use nature to meet
sustainable development challenges.
Biomimetics-interdisciplinary cooperation of bio-
logy and technology or other fields of innovation
to solve practical problems through the function
analysis of biological systems, their abstraction into
models, and the transfer into and application of
these models to the solution.
Bionics-technical discipline that seeks to replicate,
increase, or replace biological functions by their
electronic and/or mechanical equivalents.
Sustainability/Sustainable development that sat-
isfies the present requirements without risking that
future generations will not be able to satisfy them.
2. Classification of different types of
bioinspired and biomimetic marine
The current review identifies several distinct categor-
ization frameworks in classifying biomimetic mar-
ine robotic systems. The first classification criterion
scrutinizes the application domains of these robotic
systems within the marine sector, encompassing sci-
entific research, geological sampling, environmental
monitoring, military applications, ocean mining, and
the oil industry. This delineation is crucial for under-
standing these biomimetic systems’ diverse roles in
addressing marine challenges [4]. The second classi-
fication criterion involves categorization based on the
phylum of the organism that serves as the inspiration
for the robotic system. Leveraging the extensive World
Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), a prominent
repository of marine organism data, this classifica-
tion provides insights into the taxonomic origins of
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 1. Approximate geographic coverage of the larger Regional Species within the World Register of Marine Species.
Reproduced from [9]. CC BY 4.0.
biomimetic designs [9]. The approximate geographic
coverage of the larger regional species within the
WoRMS database is shown in figure 1. However, the
primary focus of this review centers on the third
classification criterion, which classifies biomimetic
marine robotic systems based on the type of marine
locomotion they emulate [10], illustrated in figure 2.
The subsequent subsection offers an in-depth ana-
lysis of this classification, unraveling the intricacies of
locomotion-inspired designs and their implications
for advancing marine robotic technology.
2.1. Classification based on locomotion
When examining biological locomotion in marine
species, a wide range of locomotive techniques offer
an abundance of analytical criteria to consider. As
a phenomenon, marine locomotion is systematically
categorized into three principal classes: fin oscilla-
tion, fin undulation, and jet propulsion. Each clas-
sification encompasses various locomotive mechan-
isms, contributing to the comprehensive understand-
ing of animal movement [10]. Various fins utilized by
these locomotive mechanisms are shown in figure 3.
The coming sub-sections will look briefly into these
various classes of locomotion.
2.1.1. Fin oscillation
The nomenclature used to categorize fin oscilla-
tion is derived from extensive research conducted
by Sfakiotakis et al [11], which offers a thorough
description of various fish locomotion types. This
classification is the broadest of the ones that have
been established, encompassing a wide range of bio-
logical systems that offer various options in size,
speed, endurance, and turning skills. The propulsion
actuation systems within this classification show sig-
nificant variety depending on the sub-classification
under examination. This variation allows for many
missions, including close-quarter maneuvering, burst
swimming, and endurance. The sub-classifications
encompass caudal fin swimmers, pectoral fin swim-
mers, dorsal & anal fin propelled species, and finally,
the category of combination oscillation representing
a combination of multiple fin types. In addition to
highlighting the variety of biological locomotion, this
variation within the fin oscillation categorization also
lays the groundwork for understanding the various
functional adaptations aquatic creatures display in
their search for effective movement. Caudal fin—anguilliform, thunniform,
subcarangiform, and carangiform
The category of caudal fin Swimmers often denoted as
body caudal fin (BCF) swimmers, is distinguished by
the generation of thrust primarily achieved through
the undulatory movement of the body, particularly
by the tail as shown in figures 46. This method
of propulsion is characteristic of faster swimmers or
those possessing high endurance. Notably, a substan-
tial proportion of these fish species exhibit predatory
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 2. Classification Based on the type of marine locomotion the system emulates.
behavior [12]. Moreover, many caudal fin swimmers
are also known to be migratory animals, emphasizing
their adaptability and long-distance swimming cap-
abilities. Within the BCF classification, distinct sub-
types are discerned, each with its unique mode of
locomotion. A detailed description and examples of
these subtypes are given in table 1. Pectoral fin-labriform
Labriform swimming, characterized by pectoral fin
locomotion, is tailored for slower speed and agile
swimming [16] and is exemplified by species such as
wrasses and parrotfish, which are shown in figure 7,
which efficiently navigate close quarters within reef
ecosystems. Labriform swimmers may occasionally
integrate the use of the caudal fin, particularly dur-
ing burst swimming or when their pectoral muscles
are fatigued, they exhibit limited endurance when
relying solely on their pectoral fins for propulsion.
Structurally, labriform swimmers possess pectoral
fins with rigid fin rays within the fin membrane,
enabling effective swimming [17]. This swimming
style encompasses two distinct modes: flapping, char-
acterized by upstroke and downstroke with the
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 3. Various fins are that are utilized for locomotion. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Table 1. Classification of caudal fin swimmers.
Sub types Description Examples
Anguilliform Largest body oscillation for caudal fin oscillation.
Characterized by a sinuous and serpentine motion.
Extremely flexible with small turning radii.
Efficient migratory swimmers: European Eels are efficient
migratory swimmers [13].
Found in reefs, highly flexible due to a large number of
vertebrae [14].
Extremely efficient propulsion, sparing energy for
migratory swimming.
European Eel, Giant Moray, Sea
Figure 4. Sea Snake. Reprinted
from [10], Copyright (2018),
with permission from Elsevier.
and carangiform
Highly similar, distinguished by initiation point along the
Subcarangiform uses more head movement, and
oscillation closer to the head.
Carangiform uses one-third of the posterior body for
Studied due to accessibility and efficiency as power thrust
fish [15].
Variety in sizes, weights, and speeds
Less flexible than anguilliform.
Subcarangiform: Chinook
salmon, lake sturgeon
Carangiform: bonefish, giant
Figure 5. Chinook Salmon.
Reprinted from [10], Copyright
(2018), with permission from
Thunniform Limited body oscillation to the last quarter.
Rigid tail with powerful oscillations.
Very streamlined bodies for efficiency.
Extremely efficient with sustained top speed.
Some are warm-blooded, providing advantages in
endurance and power [12].
Yellowfin tuna, Bottlenose
Figure 6. Yellowfin tuna.
Reprinted from [10], Copyright
(2018), with permission from
leading edge of the pectoral fin and suitable for
close-quarter maneuvering, and rowing, employed
for faster speeds [10,11]. Combining these modes
allows for swifter speeds, exemplifying the versatility
of labriform swimming across diverse fish species in
adapting to distinct locomotive demands.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al Dorsal and anal fin- tetraodontiform
The dorsal & anal Fin locomotion category, exem-
plified by species such as the sharptail mola, slender
sunfish, and ocean sunfish shown in figure 8, is not-
ably underrepresented in the literature. Species in
this class use two huge paddle fins—one dorsal and
one anal—for propulsion and are thought to have
the least efficient design among the fishes described,
despite their astounding size [11]. The rigid ribbed
fins allow non-traditional oscillation motions to con-
trol depth and direction. However, because of their
poor yaw and pitch control, these animals have dif-
ficulty navigating in close quarters [10]. The distinct
characteristics of the tetraodontiform class, contrib-
ute to their unique ecological niche within the aquatic
ecosystem. Dorsal/anal, caudal, and pectoral
Fish that mostly live in reef and close-quarters habit-
ats and can regulate their mobility via pectoral and
dorsal/anal fin oscillations are classified as ostracii-
forms. A distinctive and stiff body form resembling
a box characterizes this class; species like the Cowfish
and Boxfish, depicted in figure 9, are prime examples.
The unique anatomical configuration allows for pre-
cise fin oscillations, which enhances maneuverab-
ility in tight places. Despite their agility, ostracii-
form fishes are limited in their speed because of
their box-like body structure and relatively ineffi-
cient fin actuation [18]. Like labriform swimming,
ostraciiform species move by flapping their pec-
toral fins vertically and horizontally. Moreover, the
anal and dorsal fins execute coordinated flapping
in phase to give stability and forward propulsion.
Although ostraciiform fishes rarely use their little
caudal fin for burst propulsion, it does not happen
very often.
2.1.2. Fin undulation
The Fin Undulation locomotion class is distinguished
by using individual rib stimulation in fins to pro-
duce undulatory waves, which let aquatic anim-
als generate thrust and maintain stability and con-
trol. Interestingly, certain members of this class
can manipulate the direction of the undulating
wave, which allows for null-speed turning or swim-
ming both forward and backward [11,19]. Various
swimmers, including ambush predators and high-
endurance animals, are included in this class. The fin
undulation class has a more diverse membership than
the fin oscillation class, although it is smaller [10].
The sub-classifications encompass rajiforms, gymno-
tiforms, amiiforms, balistiform, and diodontiform,
presenting many locomotion techniques within the
fin undulation class. Rajiforms
Fish with rajiform locomotion are distinguished by
their characteristic undulations of extended pectoral
fins. This unusual adaptation allows fish to move
through the water by modulating a single control sur-
face, the pectoral disc, by undulating rays [20]. This
class comprises mostly animals like skates and rays,
whose bodies are made of cartilage, which gives them
incredible flexibility. Various examples of rajiform
swimmers are shown in figure 10. Swimming capab-
ilities vary within the rajiform category, with manta
and cownose rays efficiently cruising due to their
rigid fin structures, enabling gliding, while species
like the common stingray and electric rays, with flex-
ible fins, exhibit excellent maneuverability in close-
quarter environments [10]. Amiiform
Amiiform locomotion is distinctive for its utilization
of an undulating dorsal fin, a characteristic feature
observed in select species such as the African aba and
the bowfin, shown in figure 11. When in amiiform
mode, these fish swim by flexing their long dorsal
fins, and keeping their bodies straight [11]. The gym-
narchus niloticus is a prime example of this class, with
an extended dorsal fin that spans most of its body
length and tapers to a posterior point. The dorsal fin’s
locomotor waves exhibit variable amplitude and can
go either direction, especially when the animal turns
or brakes [21]. Amiiforms are not very fast, but they
are very agile, able to move both forward and back-
ward by changing the direction of the wave motion
produced by the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin structure
comprises a flexible membrane surrounding tightly
packed fin ribs or rays. The muscles on either side
of the membrane contract to cause intricate wrink-
ling. This intricate undulatory motion grants amii-
form animals tight turning and multi-directional
capabilities, enabling effective navigation in various
directions [22]. Gymnotiform
Gymnotiform locomotion represents the inverted
counterpart of amiiform mode, where propulsion is
achieved through undulations of a long anal fin, a
characteristic feature observed in species such as gym-
notus carapo [21]. Various examples of gymnotiform
swimmers are shown in figure 12. In this mode, fishes
lacking dorsal and caudal fins rely on the undulat-
ing ventral anal fin for propulsion, akin to amiiform
animals [23]. Unlike engaging in extensive migratory
swims, gymnotiform species focus on hunting within
their preferred zones to minimize vulnerability to lar-
ger predators. The undulating fin at the body’s pos-
terior provides forward and backward movements,
coupled with the body’s bend, enabling these fishes
to execute complex maneuvering [24]. The angle of
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 7. (a) Banded Wrasse. (b) Schelegel’s Parrotfish. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 8. Ocean sunfish. Reprinted from [10],
Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 9. Boxfish. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018),
with permission from Elsevier.
the undulatory fin to the vertical axis grants a higher
degree of freedom in movement, allowing gymnoti-
form species, such as the ghost knifefish, to achieve
various directional changes by adjusting undulation
waves and the fin’s angle. Pectoral fins serve as con-
trol surfaces for pitch and roll control, enhancing the
overall maneuverability of gymnotiform fishes. Balistiform
The balistiform mode of locomotion, observed in
fishes like the Picasso Triggerfish, which is shown
in figure 13, involves propulsion through synchron-
ized movements of both the dorsal and anal fins,
collectively referred to as medial pair fin (MPF)
undulation locomotion. This mode offers two altern-
ative forms: undulatory or oscillatory movements
of the median fins, analogous to the anguilliform
and carangiform modes of body flexure, respectively
[23]. Balistiform fishes primarily utilize their MPFs
for undulation propulsion, occasionally employing
the caudal fin when the muscles controlling the fin
ribs become fatigued, enhancing endurance [25].
Balistiform fishes, typically characterized by modest
size, are not known for extensive migrations; they
are commonly found and studied in shallow reef
environments. Diodontiform
The diodontiform mode of locomotion, exempli-
fied by species like the porcupine fish or pufferfish
shown in figure 14, is characterized by the genera-
tion of propulsive thrust through propagating undu-
lations in large pectoral fins. In this mode, undula-
tions are induced through the flapping of the fins,
with up to two full wavelengths visible across them
[26]. Diodontiforms use broad, undulating pectoral
fins for slow movements, which are complemen-
ted by oscillating dorsal and anal fins that provide
a push for faster speeds [27]. Diodontiform swim-
ming is primarily found in shallow-water reef habitats
and is not adapted for migratory purposes. Another
example in this category is the Bluegill, which uses its
pectoral fin undulation for swimming at low speeds
and its caudal fin at greater rates [28].
2.1.3. Jet propulsion
Pulsatile jet propulsion, a prevalent swimming mode
across diverse aquatic taxa ranging from chordates
to cnidarians, encompasses a spectrum of sophistic-
ated adaptations that significantly amplify propulsion
capabilities in biological systems compared to their
mechanical counterparts. Key features contributing
to this enhanced efficiency include flexible propulsive
structures, variable jet orifice diameter, vortex inter-
actions, and energy capture during the refill phase
[29]. Categorically, jet propulsion manifests in four
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 10. (a)Cownose ray, (b)common torpedo, (c)manta ray. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from
Figure 11. (a) African Aba and (b)Bowfin. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 12. (a) Black knifefish, (b) electric eel. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 13. Picasso triggerfish. Reprinted from [10],
Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
distinct classes, each characterized by specific organ-
isms and propulsion mechanisms and they are Bell
constriction, mantle constriction, shell compression
for swift and agile jet propulsion through the rapid
closure of their shells, and a combination of jet and
mantel fin undulation. Bell constriction
Bell constriction locomotion is a kind of propulsion
unique to jellyfish. It is defined by the coordinated
contraction and relaxation of subumbrellar muscles
inside the bell, which causes the bell’s volume to con-
strict and cause water to be ejected. The effective-
ness of this motion is closely linked to ocean cur-
rents. A schematic representation of an oblate-shaped
Jellyfish and a prolate-shaped Jellyfish is shown
in figure 15, which exhibit diverse swimming pat-
terns, engaging in two primary modes: jet propulsion
and rowing propulsion [30]. Prolate-shaped jelly-
fish, characterized by a bullet-shaped bell, employ
jet propulsion through higher-frequency bell con-
tractions at an increased energy cost. In contrast,
oblate-shaped jellyfish with flat-shaped bells opt for
rowing propulsion characterized by slower but more
voluminous bell contractions, achieving greater water
displacement. Circumferential constrictions, while
not universal, enable oblate jellyfish to achieve full
bell deformation. Rowing propulsion, more preval-
ent in biological Jellyfish, is associated with energy
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 14. Common pufferfish. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 15. Parts of (a) oblate-shaped jellyfish and (b) prolate-shaped jellyfish. Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with
permission from Elsevier.
efficiency, leveraging ocean currents for extended
journeys [10]. Mantel constriction
The octopus is a prime example of mantel constric-
tion, a unique type of propulsion in which move-
ment is accomplished by creating a siphon and
then filling the mantle cavity with water. The main
method by which octopuses move is by combining
siphon propulsion with limb movement, particularly
the walking gait made possible by their arms [31].
Figure 16 shows an image of an octopus denoting
its various parts. Mantel constriction serves diverse
purposes for octopuses, including hunting, defense,
and achieving rapid swimming capabilities. Defensive
burst swimming, marked by the swift expulsion of
water, enables octopus to elude predators efficiently.
In instances of threat, octopus may deploy a defens-
ive ink release during burst swimming as a distraction
tactic [32]. Shell compression
Mollusks with a basic structure like the Atlantic
bay scallop are good examples of shell compres-
sion locomotion, which involves the dynamic open-
ing and shutting of the two shell halves to pro-
duce a characteristic clapping-action movement, as
shown in figure 17. This intricate propulsion mech-
anism involves water absorption into the abductor
muscle of scallops, followed by the forceful expulsion
Figure 16. Image of an octopus denoting its various parts.
Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission
from Elsevier.
of water between the shells, resulting in the char-
acteristic clapping motion. The primary purpose of
shell compression in scallops lies in its utility as an
escape mechanism from predators [10]. However, it
is imperative to acknowledge that shell compression
is not an endurance-oriented propulsion method as
the energy expenditure associated with this mechan-
ism is significant. Undulating mantel fin and mantel constriction
Biological systems that use a dynamic combination
of mantel constriction and undulating mantel fin for
propulsion, such as the squid and cuttlefish depicted
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 17. Parts of mollusks (Atlantic Bay Scallop). Reprinted from [10], Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 18. (a) Squid and (b) cuttlefish. Reprinted from
[34], Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.
in figure 18, demonstrate an amazing degree of plasti-
city in underwater locomotion. This adaptable tactic
allows for multiple swimming modes, with the undu-
lation fin-to-jet propulsion ratio changing accord-
ing to needs. Notably, these cephalopods can navigate
both forward and backward, executing rapid changes
in swimming directions through the synergistic use
of undulating fin and mantel constriction [33]. While
this propulsion approach offers meticulous control at
slower speeds, it endows cuttlefish and Squids with
unparalleled agility and remarkable speed. Certain
squid species, for instance, can generate propulsive
forces potent enough to launch them out of the water.
3. Bioinspired and biomimetic marine
robotic systems
Bioinspired fish robots are superior to traditional
underwater vehicles, boasting heightened efficiency,
superior maneuverability, minimal noise, and neg-
ligible fluid disturbance. Integrating nature-inspired
principles, encompassing the study of fish bion-
ics and robotic fish design, holds pivotal signific-
ance for developing next-generation submersibles. A
noticeable surge in research activity within the bio-
mimetics or biomimicry field, particularly evident
in recent years, underscores the increasing interest
and dedication of the research community toward
understanding and emulating natural phenomena.
This heightened focus on biomimetics, with a not-
able impact in the marine sector, presents a com-
pelling solution to the unique challenges posed by
the extreme conditions of the maritime environment.
These conditions, affecting commercial and research-
based marine industries, necessitate innovative solu-
tions, and biomimetic marine robots emerge as a cru-
cial response. Researchers and engineers take a signi-
ficant stride in marine innovations by tapping into the
evolutionary advantages and adaptations that various
marine organisms have developed to thrive in harsh
While developing biomimetic/bioinspired robots,
the choice of the material plays an integral part.
Generally, these materials can be categorized into
three main types: rigid, soft, or hybrid. Stiff materi-
als like steel, aluminum, or ABS plastic are commonly
used to build rigid robots. Typically, hydraulic sys-
tems or electric motors are used to drive them. Such
robots are essential in industry assembly lines because
of their sturdy construction, which enables them to
perform jobs demanding accuracy, rapid speed, and
significant force. However, their inflexibility makes
them less adaptable in chaotic, crowded settings or
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
close to people [35]. As an illustration, many mar-
ine lives move in complex and elegant ways, pro-
pelled by soft structures that lack hard parts and are
mostly made of flexible materials that allow them
to flex while in use, soft robots are modeled after
these natural models. Their morphological altera-
tions are profound and range from somewhat flex-
ible to quite squishy. The primary objective of soft
robotics is to create machines that emulate the adapt-
ability and capabilities found in animals. This flex-
ibility and softness make soft robots ideal for tasks
in cluttered, unstructured environments and more
closely mimic the movements of living organisms
[36]. Using soft materials in robot design is instru-
mental in bridging the gap between traditional rigid
robots and the intricacies of natural locomotion.
In the upcoming subsection, we classify existing
biomimetic/bioinspired AUVs and marine/aquatic
robotic systems. This classification is based on the
specific type of marine locomotion they emulate.
It provides a structured framework to comprehend
the diverse bioinspired robotic systems designed for
underwater exploration and tasks.
3.1. System based on anguilliform
The domain of Anguilliform AUVs presents an
intriguing convergence of bioinspired design and
advanced robotics, showcasing distinct advantages
over traditional underwater vehicles. These AUVs,
characterized by their serpentine motion and signi-
ficant body undulation, use biomimicry principles
to navigate underwater environments efficiently.
Typically sized around 1 m, these AUVs demonstrate
versatility in speed, with some designs incorporat-
ing depth control mechanisms [10]. For instance, the
miniature autonomous robot (MAR) was designed
for underwater exploration and maneuvering, show-
casing an endurance range of 2–5 h. MAR utilizes a
helical fin system, closely mirroring the efficiency of
aquatic animal movements, enabling accurate steer-
ing and diving through its pectoral fins and an actu-
ated tail. Furthermore, the scalability of MAR for
swarm or cluster deployment enhances its applicabil-
ity in confined spaces where traditional thrusters may
face limitations [37]. A detailed description of MAR
and a few other robotic systems based on anguilliform
is given in table 2.
Emulating anguilliform locomotion extends bey-
ond traditional rigid robotics to soft robotics, intro-
ducing flexibility that enables intricate movements
and adaptability in cluttered or unstructured envir-
onments. Soft eel robots featuring soft pneumatic
actuators deform during use, showcasing flexib-
ility and adaptability. These robots can be util-
ized for delicate tasks with considerable efficiency;
for example, an eel-inspired robot could achieve a
straight-swimming speed of 10.5 cm s1, demon-
strating a cost of transport (COT) of 19.21 in optimal
conditions [38]. The hydrodynamic models of these
soft robots are designed to correlate thrust force
with the beat frequency of their undulating bod-
ies, optimizing conditions for efficient underwater
Another research looks at how caudal fin shape
affects robots that resemble snakes and eels and iden-
tifies optimal swimming parameters of the fin since
these robots swim most efficiently and quickly at cer-
tain caudal fin angles. Various caudal fin angles used
in this investigation are shown in figure 19. The study
found that stronger and more organized vortex rings
are produced by the ideal design, defined by an 85
leading edge angle and a 120convex trailing edge
angle. This enhances swimming efficiency and velo-
city. The wake structure created by the snake-like
robot is shown by numerical simulations to be made
up of two parallel, disconnected verse van Karman
vortex rings. This ideal caudal fin design reveals the
efficiency and agility of aquatic movement, similar
to the common caudal fin designs seen in slender-
bodied animal swimmers in biology [39].
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) represents a
paradigm shift in controlling underactuated robotic
eels. The online control method based on DRL
enables the robotic eel to learn to swim through
200 epochs of training autonomously, each consisting
of 500 steps. The methodology effectively addresses
complex control challenges, particularly in scenarios
difficult to model conventionally. The online control
method demonstrates the longest forward distance
and superior overall performance compared to off-
line control methods. Its adaptability and efficiency
in energy use make it a promising avenue for future
robotic fish applications, including those in environ-
ments with disturbances [40].
The synthesis of bioinspired design and advanced
robotics in anguilliform AUVs unveils a spectrum of
underwater exploration and tasks possibilities. These
advancements, from helical fins to soft robotic adapt-
ations and optimal caudal fin geometry, underscore
the potential for innovative solutions in underwa-
ter robotics. Integrating DRL further propels the
autonomy and adaptability of underactuated robotic
eels, contributing to the evolving landscape of biomi-
metic marine robotics.
3.2. System based on thunniform
Thunniform-based underwater systems, notable for
their limited body undulation to the last quarter, rigid
tails with powerful oscillations, streamlined bodies
for efficiency, and impressive top speeds reaching up
to 2.1 m s1, represent a class of underwater vehicles
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 2. Examples of systems based on anguilliform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Struebig et al [37]MAR for underwater exploration with
helical fin structure.
Inner/outer loop steering, actuated tail,
raspberry Pi, Wi-Fi control.
Precision via pitch, roll, off-axis forces;
neutral buoyancy, separate pectoral
fins for submerged swimming;
adaptable tail, swarm scalability.
Length: 108 cm
Speed: 0.47 m s1
Power consumption reduction: up to
Overall efficiency: 0.176 N/W
Thrust: 4.7 N
Power: 26.6 W
Weight: 7500 g
Nguyen and Ho [38]Soft eel robot mimicking natural
musculature using soft pneumatic
Regulates air delivery to produce
sinusoidal waves via four pairs of soft
actuators and pulse signals.
Positive correlation between thrust
force and beat frequency; swimming
efficiency affected by thrust force and
body posture.
Length: 0.53 units
Width: 0.045 units
Highest Velocity:19 cm s1or
0.36 BL s1.
Velocity Range: 6.5 cm s1
(0.122 BL s1) to 10.5 cm s 1
(0.198 BL s1)
Lowest COT: 10.72
Frequency for the highest velocity and
lowest COT: 1.25 Hz
Suitable frequency range: 0.83–1.67 Hz
Feng et al [41]Serial soft-actuator array for
anguilliform locomotion in
underwater robots
Untethered eel-inspired soft robot
featuring bidirectional bending flexing
fluidic elastomer actuators,
miniaturized station with pumps,
batteries, and control components.
Dragon skin-10 passive silicone rubber
tail attached to the FEA array.
Mean forward speed: 0.12 l s1, akin to
rigid anguilliform robots, slower than
real eels (0.6 l s1).
Larger head beating amplitude at 2.0 s
results in reduced speed, aligning with
computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Crespi et al [42]Salamander-like robot, seen in [22],
having two degrees of freedom (DOFs)
for the spine and two for each leg.
A six-segment walking robot with an
FPGA-based control system on board
was demonstrated in [23]. It is not
Central pattern generator (CPG): Used
to drive locomotion as a network of
coupled nonlinear oscillators.
Crespi et al [43]Amphibious snake-like robot
(AmphiBot I) for water and ground
Sea snake and lamprey-like swimming;
snake-like lateral undulatory
movement on the ground.
Figure 20 shows the robot in the
experimental setup and motion.
0.07 m ×0.055 m ×0.033 m
Speed: 0.035 m s1
Stefanini et al [44]Lamprey-inspired development
integrating biomechanical and
neuroscientific knowledge.
Untethered, compliant body,
high-efficiency muscle-like actuators
replicating lamprey movements.
Proprioceptive sensors for stretch
detection, stereoscopic vision for
enhanced environmental interaction.
Dimension: 0.99 m
Speed: 0.3 m s1
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 2. (Continued.)
Rollinson et al [45]SEA snake line of elastic-actuated
snake robots with specifics on
architecture and design.
Architecture allows exploration of
different robot topologies; joining
modules to a central chassis enables the
creation of legged robots with torque
and position control at each joint
Dimension per module =0.064 m
Total module =1.174 m
Yu et al [46]Designed for versatile locomotion on
land and in water using 9 Modular
Universal Units.
Explores various gaits, including
traditional and novel ones like S-shape
rolling and helical rolling.
Derived with each step under the
supervision of a reduced Serpenoid
Length: 1.17 m
Speed: 0.07 m s1
Liljeback et al [47]Modular and reconfigurable for
versatile research applications,
featuring a waterproof design for
underwater locomotion.
Length one section =0.089 m,
Total =1.1 m
Joint speed: 429 deg s1
Figure 19. Various caudal fin shapes utilized in the study and various views of its underwater snake-like robot. Reprinted from
[39], Copyright (2022), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 20. The AmphiBot I in the (a) experimental setup and (b) in motion. Reprinted from [43], Copyright (2005), with
permission from Elsevier.
characterized by their larger size. A detailed descrip-
tion of a few robotic systems based on thunniform is
given in table 3. The kinematics and dynamics of their
undulatory motion, crucial for understanding their
propulsion mechanisms, often involve computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) to model swimming motion.
However, current dynamic models face limitations
due to certain assumptions, emphasizing the need for
improved models that consider both kinematics and
hydrodynamics without restrictive conditions [48].
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 3. Examples of systems based on thunniform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Masoomi et al [48]
Modeled after a tuna fish, featuring a
four-DOF design with inspiration
from thunniform swimming modes
assisted by a tail mechanism driven by
a single DC motor.
Figure 21. Shows the prototype Fish
Robot UC-Ika 1 and its mechanical
Length: 0.213 m
Cruising speed: 0.29 m s1
Angular: slight swing, 5.56amplitude
around the center of mass
Mass: 4.12 Kg
Dong et al [52]Innovative prototype modeled after the
whale shark, featuring controlled
pectoral fins, pitch adjustment,
buoyancy control, and actuation
Investigates effects of pectoral fin
deflection and moveable mass
displacement on the gliding angle.
Length: 0.47 m
Width: 0.26 m
Forward speed of gliding: 0.55 BL s1
Swimming speed: 0.77 BL s1
Turning radius: 0.72 BL
Weight: 2.2 Kg
Tong et al [53]Develop untethered high-performance
robotic tuna addressing speed and
maneuverability challenges in
bioinspired underwater robots.
Establish a comprehensive
three-dimensional model and
accurately identify model parameters
through experimental data.
Propose two strategies to enhance
steering performance, imitating tuna
and meeting operational demands.
Length: 0.72 m
High swimming speed: 2.26 m s1
Outstanding steering maneuverability:
0.48 body lengths in turning radius
Yan et al [50]Implement autonomous navigation
with visual stabilization control and
develop a stereo vision-based
navigation network for guidance law.
Novel sphyrnidae-inspired robotic
shark with superior motion
Develop a navigation network to
generate strategies for dealing with
structural obstacles,
Dimension(mm): 920 ×276 ×342
Maximum swimming speed: 0.8 BL s1
Maximum Turning Radius: 20 cm
Image Jitter Reduction: 26.02% improve-
ment compared to traditional methods
Weight: 5.5 Kg
Mitin et al [54]Thunniform swimming robot
mimicking tuna fish movement with a
novel elastic cord propulsion system.
Its mechanical design and motion are
shown in figure 22.
Increased oscillation amplitude up to a
threshold enhances speed, but further
increases result in weak speed gains
with higher energy costs.
Dimension(mm): 379.6 ×127.7 ×95.2
Maximum Speed: 0.4 BL s1
Swimming efficiency: 30–70 J kg1·m1,
Mass: 0.78 kg,
Wen et al [55]Quantifying robotic fish thrust
efficiency using a novel experimental
Identified peak efficiency within a
specific Strouhal number range,
emphasizing the significance of
optimizing robotic fish design.
Length: 0.588 m
Speed: 0.3 m s1
Chen et al [56]Biomimetic robotic fish propelled by
an IPMC actuator
Passive plastic fin fastened to the IPMC
Predict steady-state cruising speed
based on periodic actuation voltage,
supported by experimental results for
different tail dimensions.
Length: 0.223 m
Speed: 0.02 m s1
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 3. (Continued.)
Kopman and
Porfiri [57]
robotic fish with a modular caudal fin
Investigates how different caudal fin
geometries impact thrust production.
Conduct experiments to assess
performance, maneuverability, and
correlation between static thrust and
terminal speed.
Length: 0.117 m (without caudal fin)
Shen et al [58]Features 3-DOF flippers on each side
with versatile motion capabilities,
including lead-lag, feathering, and
Implements a multi-link oscillatory
propulsion system with four joints,
including a robust worm gear and a
powerful DC motor for high torque in
the first joint.
Length: 1.2 m
Yu and Wei [59]Mechatronic design and
implementation of a fast-swimming
dolphin-like robot.
Modular slider-crank-based flapping
mechanism, leveraging continuous
high-speed rotation for enhanced
swimming speed.
Length: 0.75 m
Speed: 0.78 m s1
Anderson [60]Draper Lab VCUUV designed for
fish-swimming propulsion studies.
Modeled after yellowfin tuna with a
rigid front hull and freely flooded
articulated robot tail.
Utilizes vorticity control propulsion.
Length: 2.4 m
Speed: 1.2 m s1
Turning rates up to 75 degrees per second.
Wu et al [61]Novel design for a gliding robotic
dolphin, combining features of robotic
dolphins and underwater gliders.
Offers high maneuverability and long
endurance for diverse underwater
Controllable fins and a horizontal fluke
eliminate the need for internal
movable masses, saving space.
Length: 1.125 m
Gliding speed: 0.155 m s1
Yu et al [62]Achieve enhanced hydrodynamic
efficiency through a streamlined body
design. Ensure a high power-to-weight
ratio to optimize propulsion
Equip the system with attitude and
depth sensors for enhanced control.
Increased Degrees of Freedom.
72 cm long, 12 cm wide (at the shoulder),
13 cm high (at the shoulder),
Minimum Exit Speed for Leap: 1.60 m s1
(2.29 BL/s).
Maximum swimming speed: 2.85 BL s1
Achieved speed: 2.05 ±0.03 m s1at
k=0.25 Nm/,f=4.65 Hz, correspond-
ing to 0.61 BL Hz1
Weight: 4.7 kg.;
Lau et al [63]Wire-driven robotic fish that is
bioinspired and can move both
forward and upward by swaying its
caudal fin.
Derivation of a sway motion model for
the robot shark.
Length: 0.6 m
Maximum velocity: 129.6 mm s1
(0.22 BL s1)
Bending amplitude: 35
Flapping frequency: 2 Hz
Maximum body pitch angle: 17.3
van den Berg et al
Uses a DC motor’s continuous
rotation, which differs from a servo
motor’s typical back-and-forth action
and allows for higher frequencies and a
more sinusoidal waveform.
Figure 23 shows OpenFish’s
mechanical design and movement
under experimental conditions.
Velocity: 0.85 m s1,
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 3. (Continued.)
Investigator Description System Parameters
Mitin et al [65]Propulsion system that combines an
elastic cord with a tail fin attached to it.
The tail fin is linked to a servomotor
with movable thrusts, simulating
muscle contraction.
Ret al [66]
Prototype of a robot replicating a white
shark’s locomotion using a caudal fin.
The mathematical model accurately
represents the movement of the real
robot in short distances, making it
Yu et al [67]Improvements in the mechanical
structure of the robotic fish, which
endows it with large thrust and a wider
range of movements.
Motion analysis is used to provide
information and parameters related to
the swimming state of the robotic fish
Velocity: 1.14 m s1
Figure 21. Thunniform robotic fish design [48]. Reproduced from [48]. CC BY 3.0.
Figure 22. (a) Fish robot UC-Ika 1 and (b) its digital design [54]. Reproduced from [54]. CC BY 4.0.
Tunable stiffness plays a pivotal role in the
performance of these fish-like robots, as real fish
optimize their swimming efficiency by adjusting
stiffness based on their speed. A study on stiff-
ness tuning reveals that it can lead to a doub-
ling of swimming efficiency, particularly at frequen-
cies resembling those of tuna, ranging from 0 to
6 hertz. The study’s model, supported by experi-
mental data, emphasizes the potential of stiffness
tuning in enhancing the performance of fish-like
robots, offering significant energy savings of 16%,
41%, and 55% when compared to fixed configura-
tions, an important metric in underwater robotics
development [49].
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 23. Open fish design in experimental setup. Reproduced with permission from [64]. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
To address the problems with current stabilization
networks, especially in underwater conditions, a bio-
mimetic robotic hammerhead shark was developed
with an autonomous vision-based navigation and sta-
bility augmentation control system. By combining
vision-based navigation and cephalopodic stabiliza-
tion control, the suggested framework was success-
fully able to lower jitter by 26.02%, improving the
safety of autonomous navigation—a crucial measure
in underwater exploration. In addition to giving bio-
mimetic robotic fish greater intelligence and the abil-
ity to maneuver through a variety of obstacles and
situations, the research advances underwater percep-
tion and operation, a crucial area of study for the field
of underwater robotics. Future study objectives in this
particular field will be highlighted by the difficulties
in handling extreme vibrations and the necessity of
more research into computer efficiency [50].
A study was done to address the challenge of con-
trolling biomimetic underwater robots in nonlinear
fluid flow fields focusing on the attitude-holding task
of a robotic fish, using a learning-based approach
with a deep neural network mapping raw sensor data
to control signals. A data-driven simulation envir-
onment was created from an experimental dataset,
incorporating dynamic, sensor, and control mod-
ules. A DRL algorithm was trained on simulated
data to develop a control policy successfully trans-
ferred to a physical robotic fish and the experimental
results using a test robotic fish confirm the DRLs
effectiveness [51].
3.3. System based on carangiform and
Despite their great similarity, subcarangiform and
carangiform locomotion methods differ in the ini-
tiation point along the body; the former uses more
head movement and undulation near the head, while
the latter uses one-third of the posterior body for
undulation. These species, which exhibit a range of
sizes and weights, speed from 0.1 to 0.85 m s1, and
endurance from 35 min to 4.5 h, are investigated for
their usefulness as power thrust fish [10]. A detailed
description of a few robotic systems based on sub-
carangiform & carangiform is given in table 4.
An illustrative example of biomimetic design for
underwater propulsion is presented in a micro-robot
fish with an embedded shape memory alloy (SMA)
wire-actuated flexible biomimetic fin as shown in
figure 24. Inspired by the musculature of squid and
cuttlefish fins, the design focuses on achieving flexible
bending akin to fish and cuttlefish propulsion modes.
The biomimetic fin, activated by SMA wires through
resistance heating and cooling, exhibits flexible bend-
ing to both sides, resembling the caudal fin com-
ponents of fish [34]. The integration of this biomi-
metic fin into a micro-robot fish design offers propul-
sion through flexible bending movements, showcas-
ing efficient biomimicry in underwater locomotion.
In the context of carangiform robotic fish, a study
explores dynamic simulation models and optimiza-
tion techniques for achieving precise values in a flex-
ible multi-joint propulsion mechanism resembling
an artificial spine system. The optimized parameters
imitate the body wave of a real fish’s motion, offering
flexible maneuverability, high propulsion efficiency,
and reduced noise. Implementations of route plan-
ning scenarios showcase the versatility of carangi-
form robotic fish in free swimming and destination-
reaching modes, where decision-making processes
determine turning directions and seek the shortest
route to the target, highlighting their potential in
autonomous underwater exploration [68].
3.4. System based on labriform
Labriform-based underwater systems have a unique
way of swimming characterized by the use of pec-
toral fin locomotion, designed for more agile swim-
ming at slower speeds. Labriform swimmers have
poor endurance when using their pectoral fins alone.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 4. Examples of systems based on subcarangiform & carangiform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
and Palani [69]
Employs shape memory alloy (SMA)
subcarangiform propulsion
Utilizes SMA spring actuators and a spring-based
propulsion mechanism, avoiding conventional
Lightweight 3D printed components contribute to
the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the design.
Length (without battery and electronic
control board): 25 cm
Steady swimming velocity: 24.5 mm s1
Maximum force during fin oscillation:
0.39 N
Weight: 416 gm
Wang et al [34]Fish microrobots driven by a biomimetic fin
modeled after the muscular systems of squids and
The fin is operated using shape memory alloy
(SMA) wires with an elastic substrate and
transverse SMA wires resembling muscles.
Mechanism for storing and exchanging elastic
energy to increase efficiency.
Figure 25 shows a prototype of the Micro-robot
146 mm (length), 17 mm (width),
34 mm (height)
Maximum swimming speed:
112 mm s1
Minimum turning radius: 136 mm
Weight: 30 g
Gao and Techet
Constructed using FDM rapid prototyping with a
spring-loaded wing mechanism.
Analysis of lift forces demonstrates the
importance of keeping aerial-aquatic vehicles
small for maintaining altitude.
Body length 0.25 m, volume 145 cm3,
Using lighthill’s theory at 10 m s1
requires a specific power output of
4150 W kg1.
Weight 145 g.
Hu et al [71]The difficulties in replicating fish-like swim
patterns with a robotic system.
Highlighting the significance of comprehending
fish biomechanics for effective use.
Length: 0.52 m
Speed: 0.6 m s1
Yu et al [72] .
Altering joint deflections to tune orientation and
varying joint oscillation frequency modulation to
change swimming speed.
Utilizing a hybrid method and PID algorithm for
online speed control and a fuzzy logic controller
for orientation control.
Utilizing an overhead vision system for real-time
visual feedback to enhance control effectiveness.
Length: 0.4 m
Speed: 0.32 m s1
Yu et al [73]Self-propelled robotic fish with multiple control
surfaces for enhanced aquatic maneuverability.
Figure 26 shows the assembled prototype and the
mechanical design of its various motions.
Utilizing a central pattern generator (CPG)-based
method for motion control, with real-time
adjustments based on monocular underwater
vision feedback.
Length: 0.68 m
Speed: 0.71 m s1
Ozmen Koca
et al [68]
A flexible multi-joint propulsion mechanism that
resembles an artificial spine system is
incorporated using a dynamic simulation model
for the carangiform robotic fish.
Achieving precise values for flapping frequency
and speed by optimizing parameters using a new
search method.
Figure 27 shows the designed model and the
physical model during swimming.
Length: 0.52 m
Speed: 0.2 m s1
Yu et al [74]AmphiRobot-II is an amphibian-inspired design
that can move both on land and in water thanks to
a hybrid propelling system.
Combines fin, wheel, and propeller movements to
enable flexible wheel-based crawling on land and
fish or dolphin-like swimming underwater.
Proposes a body deformation steering approach to
achieve efficient turning on land with a minimal
turning radius.
Length: 0.7 m
Speed: 0.45 m s1
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 4. (Continued.)
Liu and
Huosheng [75]
Identifies key challenges, especially in achieving
C-shape turning (CST), for replicating fish-like
swimming in robots.
Introduces a novel 4-DOF tail kinematics model
to replicate CST behavior in a robotic fish.
Length: 0.8 m
Ichikizaki and
Yamamoto [76]
Utilizing rapid prototyping with stereolithography
and 3D laser measurements to create a realistic
outer shell for the robotic fish, minimizing fluid
Equipping the carp robot with servomotors, a
drive shaft, a joint in the waist area, and actuators
for ballast pumps.
Length: 0.9 m
Speed: 0.41 m s1
Clapham and
Hu et al [77]
Attaining total body synchronization in the
swimming motion of iSplash-I, including frontal,
mid-frontal, and rearward displacements.
Introducing a novel mechanical drive system
operating in two swimming patterns to enhance
Length: 0.251 m
Speed: 0.85 m s1
et al [78]
Uses hydraulic power for soft body deformation,
offering improved control and precision,
potentially surpassing pneumatic systems.
Introduces a water-based transmission fluid for
reduced friction and energy consumption in the
aquatic environment.
Smartly incorporates pectoral fins as dive planes,
suggesting dynamic maneuverability, including
diving, expanding the robotic fish’s range of
Length: 0.45 m
Speed: 0.1 m s1
Zhong et al [79]Transfers real fish actuation to biomimetic robots
using the lighthill model and fish muscle function.
Suggests compliant parts contribute to robot fish
propulsion, reducing motor reliance.
Offers a guide for building efficient robot fish with
fewer motors adaptable to various swimming
Marchese et al
fish-mimicking soft-bodied robot with embedded
actuators for rapid, continuum-body motion.
Utilizes a novel fluidic actuation system
integrating power, actuation, processing, and
control subsystems.
A key feature is the ability to perform rapid escape
responses, resembling biological fish behavior
during escape maneuvers.
Zhong et al [81]inspired by underwater gliders. Combines critical
modules of a glider, such as the buoyancy
regulation module (BRM) and attitude regulation
module (ARM), with the main structure of an
underactuated robotic fish.
Uses a 1 R pseudo rigid-body model (PRBM) to
reflect the bending of the compliant tail during
Capable of two motion modes: swimming and
gliding. Utilizes an open and modular design
1566 mm ×1080 mm ×530 mm
Fastest swimming speed of 0.4 m s1
(0.256 BL/s)
Weighs 29.44 kg
the fastest turning speed: 0.242 rad s1
minimum turning radius: 0.35 BL
However, they may periodically incorporate the use
of the caudal fin, especially during burst swimming
or when their pectoral muscles are fatigued. They
structurally have pectoral fins with stiff fin rays inside
the fin membrane, which allows for efficient swim-
ming. There are two different ways to swim in this
class: flapping, which uses the pectoral fin’s leading
edge for both upstroke and downstroke and is good
for close-quarters swimming, and rowing, which is
used for quicker speeds. Labriform AUVs typically
range in mass from 0.33 to 2.5 kg, achieving a speed
of 0.53 m s1, with good turning and depth con-
trol capabilities [10]. A detailed description of a few
robotic systems based on labriform is given in table 5.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 24. The structure and bending of SMA
wire-actuated flexible biomimetic fin. Reprinted from [34],
Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 25. Micro-robot fish prototype. Reprinted from
[34], Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.
Several important metrics were examined in a
study that focused on improving the performance of
labriform swimming robots based on the morpho-
logical characteristics of pectoral fins. It was found
that 50was the ideal fin beginning angle for the
power stroke phase, suggesting a tactical placement
for effective forward propulsion. The amplitude of the
pectoral fins’ rotational displacement and the ensuing
forward thrust were shown to be linearly correlated,
offering important new information about the link
between fin movement and swimming efficiency. The
study also showed that the 50angle produced the
most thrust, highlighting the significance of this par-
ticular orientation for optimizing propulsive force.
Concurrently, the drag was found to be at its lowest
point at 50, leading to a complete angular displace-
ment of 100. This comprehensive exploration of dif-
ferent angles demonstrates a nuanced understand-
ing of how the orientation of the pectoral fins signi-
ficantly influences both thrust and drag forces dur-
ing swimming. Additionally, the relationship between
frequency and speed was studied, indicating a lin-
ear correlation at low frequencies. This insight into
the interplay between frequency and speed is cru-
cial for optimizing the swimming performance of
labriform AUVs, providing a foundation for fur-
ther advancements in biomimetic underwater robotic
design [82].
3.5. System based on ostraciiform and
Fish belonging to the ostraciiform classification, such
as boxfish and cowfish, use a special combination of
pectoral and dorsal/anal fin oscillations to control
movement, especially in tight quarters and reef hab-
itats. The body design of this class is a sturdy box that
allows for excellent maneuverability in small spaces
and well-tuned fin oscillations. Because of their box-
like body structure and rather poor fin actuation
for reaching high speeds, ostraciiform fishes, despite
their agility, have speed limits [10]. Even though these
fishes hardly ever employ their little caudal fin for
burst propulsion, their speed is still restricted when
they do. A detailed description of a few robotic sys-
tems based on ostraciiform is given in table 6.
A study was conducted looking into the pectoral
forms and locomotor tactics for creating a robotic
fish modeled after the ostraciiform morphology—
specifically, the boxfish (ostracion melagris)—in
the context of bio-inspired robotics. Three micro
servos—two on the pectoral fins and one on the
caudal fin—actuate a robotic fish prototype used in
the study. Different pectoral fin designs, including
rectangular, triangular, and quarter-ellipse shapes,
were examined while retaining the same aspect ratio
(AR) utilizing fused deposition modeling (FDM) or
3D printing. Important findings were obtained from
the comparison study of the robot fish’s pectoral
fin forms (triangle, rectangle, and quarter-ellipse)
to hydrodynamics, thrust, and speed. The pectoral
fin, shaped like a quarter-ellipse, produced the max-
imum thrust (0.06 N), outperforming the triangle
(0.04 N) and rectangle (0.038 N). Combining a delta-
shaped caudal fin with a quarter-elliptical pectoral fin
allowed greater maneuverability and the fastest speed
(0.106 m s1). For the robot fish in this work, the
quarter-ellipse pectoral fin was the most efficient in
thrust, speed, and maneuverability, particularly when
paired with a delta-shaped caudal fin [91].
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 26. Embedded vision guided robotic fish with multiple control surfaces-(a)The assembled prototype (b)its various
motions [73]. Reproduced under the terms of the Creative Common License Reproduced from [73]. CC BY 3.0.
Figure 27. (a)The designed model and (b) the physical model during swimming. Reprinted from [68], Copyright (2016), with
permission from Elsevier.
Another study built a morphable tail for an adapt-
able robotic fish modeled after the boxfish, butter-
fish, and big-eye. This allowed the fish to switch
between swimming modes and operate in quickly
changing underwater conditions. As illustrated in
figure 28, the tail comprises three articulated seg-
ments controlled by servomotors and a passive caudal
fin. Analytical functions represented fin deforma-
tions inspired by biological processes, and Simscape
was used to optimize the linkage lengths. Thrust
and forward speed were evaluated experimentally
throughout a range of lateral oscillation amplitudes
and undulation frequencies using a laser sensor and
load cell. The findings showed that various loco-
motion modes impact swimming performance and
that synchronizing locomotion parameters signific-
antly impacts overall thrust. The experiments sup-
ported lighthill’s notion of propulsion for elongated
entities. The artificial fishtail showed flexibility in
responding to shifting navigational needs by tuning
for various fish movement patterns [92].
Similar to the previous study, another study
also addresses the challenge faced by scientists and
engineers in modeling and controlling various fish
locomotion motions, focusing on cruising-straight,
cruising-turn, and fast turns. It also proposes a ver-
satile kinematic model synthesized using a nonlinear
oscillator and a traveling wave equation, defined by
four parameters that accommodate different swim-
ming motions. The model was validated through a
multi-joint robotic fish [93].
Large size is a defining characteristic of the tet-
raodontiform classification, which includes species
like the ocean sunfish, sharptail mola, and slender
sunfish. Despite their impressive size, species in this
class are considered to possess the least efficient
design among the fishes mentioned, utilizing two
large paddle fins—one dorsal and one anal—for
locomotion [11] and therefore it is notably underrep-
resented in the literature and lacks any robotic sys-
tems exclusively based on it.
3.6. System based on rajiforms
The field of aquatic robotics within the rajiform
category seeks to replicate the movement patterns
of marine animals, particularly those that resemble
Skates and Rays, which have extraordinarily flexible
bodies made of cartilage. Fish that move in a raji-
form fashion is characterized by their amazing undu-
lations in their enlarged pectoral fins. Their skeletons
are anatomically defined by fin ribs that grow from
the body into the pectoral fin. A detailed description
of a few robotic systems based on rajiform is given in
table 7.
The study by Yang et al [100] provides a fun-
damental contribution to our understanding of raji-
form locomotion in marine robotics. The goal of
the paper was to create the robotic fish known as
‘cownose ray-I, which has a body, two lateral fins,
and no tail. The study explores the complex interac-
tions between three important kinematic factors that
affect the robotic fish’s forward speed. The biggest
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 5. Examples of systems based on labriform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Sitorus et al [83]Highlighting screw-type propellers’
inefficiencies and maneuverability limitations
in underwater vehicles, attributed to issues like
vortices and sudden thrust forces.
Length: 0.375 m
Speed: 0.0351 m s1
Naser and
Rashid [82]
swimming robot with labriform swimming
mode, emphasizing effective steering.
Utilizes a concave-shaped pectoral fin system
(1-DOF) with differential driving by adjusting
left and right fin velocities.
Incorporates a mass sliding mechanism to alter
the center of gravity, allowing control of pitch
angle for underwater depth management. Two
independent actuators control the center of
gravity and pectoral fin actuation.
Dimension:0.185 m ×0.06 m ×0.065 m
Speed: 0.074 m s1(0.40 BL/s)
Body mass:0.650 Kg
Connor et al
Modeled after the Scomber Scombrus fish,
emphasizing highly actuated pectoral fins and
labriform motion.
Emulates the mackerel’s caudal tail for
propulsion, specifically focusing on labriform
motion over Carangiform locomotion.
Rigid fins offer better lift but higher drag, while
bio-inspired fins, with lower lift, have
comparable drag. Challenges noted in
independent bio-inspired fin lift generation.
Behbahani and
Tan [85]
Developed a flexible joint mechanism for
robotic fish pectoral fins, emphasizing aquatic
animal motion, rowing mode, and passive
feathering for efficient swimming.
Utilizes blade element theory to create a
dynamic model, representing the joint as a
paired torsion spring and damper, enhancing
understanding of hydrodynamic forces.
Speed: 0.53 m s1
Zhang et al [86]Create a robotic fish that mimics the
movements of insects and fish fins to improve
its underwater agility.
Uses its two caudal fins at the tail for main
propulsion. It produces opposing lateral forces
by flapping its fins in opposite directions, which
makes for steady, high-performance swimming.
Incorporates two pectoral fins mimicking
insect wings on each side to enhance
maneuverability in the vertical plane.
Length: 0.44 m
Speed: 0.53 m s1
Costa et al [87]a novel transmission system that transforms a
rotary actuator’s constant angular velocity into
the pitching-yawing rotation of fish pectoral
The system employs biomimetic thrusters that
utilize a drag-based momentum transfer
mechanism from labriform swimmers to
generate the necessary steering torque.
The inherent synchronization of the system
provided by the mechanism’s kinematics. The
proposed solution reduces the control system’s
effort, inertia, and encumbrance compared to a
system with multiple servomotors.
For 3 Hz motor frequency and traveling
at a speed of 1Bl s1, a turnabout radius
of 4.41 BL was achieved
Naser and
Rashid [88]
Investigates the impact of pectoral fin geometry
on labriform-mode swimming mechanisms.
Utilizes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
to simulate different fin shapes and angles,
starting with simulations before constructing a
robot prototype.
Highest swimming velocity attained at
a 3:1 power-to-recovery ratio
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 5. (Continued.)
Naser and
Rashid [89]
Developed a swimming robot with efficient
steering in labriform mode.
Utilizes a 1-DOF mechanism with two
concave-shaped pectoral fins, applying the
differential drive principle by varying fin
velocities for steering control and a mass
sliding mechanism
Functions as a glider with independent
actuators for the center of gravity and pectoral
fin control, reported as one of the smallest
swimming-gliding robots in the literature.
The robot achieved a minimum turning
radius of about 0.40 of its body length.
Li et al [90]Inspired by the structure of a deep-sea snailfish.
The robot is designed to be untethered,
eliminating the need for a rigid vessel.
Careful design of the dielectric elastomer
material for the robot’s flapping fins allows
successful actuation.
The work highlights the potential of designing
soft, lightweight devices for use in extreme
22 cm long (body length 11.5 cm, tail
length 10.5 cm) and 28 cm in wingspan.
0.45 BL s1
Field Test in Mariana Trench, a depth of
10 900 m.
Swimming in the South China Sea, a
depth of 3224 m.
amplitude, wave number, and phase discrepancies
between neighboring fin rays affect speed, whereas
the frequency of the fin beats has a significant effect
on the fish’s pectoral oscillatory propulsion. The
structural limitations of the fin rays and the com-
plex operation of the servo-motor were blamed for
the departure from accepted conclusions. The robotic
fish’s steering capability is notably achieved by intro-
ducing an asymmetric phase difference between the
left and right pectoral fins, emphasizing the signific-
ance of the phase difference in the propulsive wave for
effective steering. Acknowledging certain limitations
in the model design, evidenced by the slower for-
ward velocity of the robotic fish and existing defects,
the study propounds future research directions. It
advocates for an exploration of frequency analysis and
undulation studies within the context of a loaded flex-
ible beam model.
3.7. System based on amiiform, gymnotiform, and
The unique use of an oscillating dorsal fin, as seen
in species such as the African aba aba and the bow-
fin, characterizes amiiform movement. When the sys-
tem is in this mode, it moves forward by undulat-
ing its long-base dorsal fin and keeping its body pos-
ture upright. Extensor and flexor muscles on both
sides contract to produce the intricate undulations of
the dorsal fin, which is made up of a flexible mem-
brane and tightly packed fin ribs or rays. This allows
for precise turning and multidirectional movement.
Amiiform locomotion could be faster, but it exhibits
good agility.
The opposite type of amiiform locomotion,
known as gymnotiform locomotion, is best repres-
ented by animals such as gymnotus carapo, whose
propulsion is provided by the undulations of a long
anal fin. This mode allows the body to bend and move
forward and backward, allowing gymnotiform spe-
cies to change their direction by varying the angle of
their fin and the waves of undulation. Pectoral fins
improve overall maneuverability by acting as control
surfaces for pitch and roll.
Balistiform locomotion, observed in fishes like
the picasso triggerfish, involves synchronized move-
ments of both dorsal and anal fins, collectively
referred to as MPF undulation locomotion. A detailed
description of a few robotic systems based on
amiiform, gymnotiform & balistiform is given in
table 8.
The thrust performance of a biomimetic under-
water undulating fin-driven propulsor inspired by
gymnotiform fish species is examined in the study
‘Experimental Study on Kinematic Parameter and
Undulating Pattern Influencing Thrust Performance
of Biomimetic Underwater Undulating Driven
Propulsor’, which was published in 2015. The robotic
fin uses a sinusoidal wave to propel itself and it is
made up of 16 connected fin rays with a rubber
membrane, simulating the swaying action of gym-
notiform fish. The investigation explores kinematic
parameters such as oscillation frequency, wavelength,
and amplitude envelope. Using varying amplitudes
(40 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm) and frequen-
cies (0.5 Hz, 0.75 Hz, 1 Hz, 1.25 Hz), four cyclic
motion patterns are investigated. According to exper-
imental results, oscillation frequency and amplitude
are almost directly proportional to static thrust force.
The impact of parameters on thrust force varies across
patterns, emphasizing the complexity of undulating
fin propulsion [115].
3.8. System based on jet propulsion
One common and effective form of propulsion for
AUVs and robotic systems is pulse jet propulsion.
This system takes the form of four different classes,
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 6. Examples of systems based on ostraciiform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Lachat et al [94]A versatile robot designed for swimming and
crawling, inspired by the boxfish, featuring
three fins and driven by DC motors.
Utilizes a central pattern generator (CPG)
implemented as coupled nonlinear oscillators,
mimicking biological rhythmic activity for
controlling various locomotor behaviors.
Length: 0.25 m
Speed: 0.37 m s1
Chen et al [95]Developed a 6-DOF bionic boxfish-like robot
with 2-DOF pectoral fins and a caudal fin for
underwater swimming.
CPG parameters on propulsion performance,
revealing the importance of amplitude and
frequency, with optimal propulsion observed at
1 Hz. Introduced time-asymmetric flapping
characteristic equation
Figure 29 shows the mechatronics of the
boxfish robot and its various swimming
Length: 325 mm, width: 150 mm,
height: 140 mm
Qiu [96]biomimetic robotic boxfish with 2-DOF
pectoral fins and a 1-DOF caudal fin for
lift-based and drag-based locomotion.
Utilizes the Lattice–Boltzmann Method for
numerical calculations, exploring the effects of
motion parameters on hydrodynamics.
Length 500 mm, width 300 mm, height
150 mm
Straight swimming speed: 0.38 BL/s
In-situ turning speed: 20/s.
Weight (after counterweighting): 3.7 kg
Kodati [97]Inspired by the boxfish, the Ostraciiform’s boxy
shape gives its trajectories a self-correcting
Two 2-DOF pectoral fins and one 1-DOF tail
fin are used for locomotion.
Two distinct halves are used in 3D prototyping
to create the robot’s final body design.
Length: 0.15 m
Speed: 0.0411 m s1
Wang et al [98]Utilizes a Central Pattern Generator (CPG)
model for motion control of an ostraciiform
fish robot.
A boxfish robot with two motorized pectoral
fins and one motorized caudal fin is used to
demonstrate the technique.
Integrates a vision sensor into the CPG-based
control, allowing real-time target tracking
Length: 0.35 m
Speed: 0.38 m s1
Wang and Xie
Designing a Central Pattern Generator
(CPG)–based locomotion controller for a
boxfish-like robot to achieve flexible swimming
patterns and precise attitude control.
Comprises two layers—a lower layer with
coupled linear oscillators and an upper layer
transforming locomotion stimuli into control
parameters for oscillators.
Figure 30 shows the actual prototype of a
boxfish-like robot and the experimental pool
with a 3-axis force measurement system.
Length: 0.33 m
Speed: 0.347 m s1
Mainong et al
Design inspired by the boxfish in terms of
Three micro servos actuate the robotic fish
prototype, with two on the pectoral fins and
one on the caudal fin.
Tested various pectoral fin shapes (rectangular,
triangular, quarter-ellipse) with the same
aspect ratio (AR).
Length: 0.165 m
Speed: 0.106 m s1
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Figure 28. (a) CAD diagram of the robotic fish and (b) simulation of its undulatory deformation. Reprinted from [92], Copyright
(2022), with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 29. (a) Mechatronics of the boxfish robot and (b) its various swimming patterns [99]. Reproduced under the terms of the
Creative Common License. Reproduced from [99]. CC BY 3.0.
Figure 30. (a) Actual prototype of boxfish-like robot [95]. Reproduced from [95]. CC BY 4.0.
each of which represents a separate underwater mov-
ing strategy.
In the first class, bell constriction, creatures such
as jellyfish are representative. To propel itself forward,
the bell-shaped body contracts and releases water.
AUV designs have advanced as a result of this mech-
anism’s sophisticated simplicity.
Cephalopods, particularly octopuses, showcase
mantle constriction as their method for generating
thrust and achieving controlled movement. With the
versatile use of arms in both propulsion and manip-
ulation positions, cephalopods are potential assets in
diverse underwater tasks, including structural inspec-
tion, search and rescue operations, and ecological
monitoring [31].
Mollusks, typified by scallops, employ shell com-
pression as a means of achieving swift and agile jet
propulsion. The rapid closure of their shells facilitates
efficient movement. The adaptability of this mech-
anism offers insights for biomimetic applications in
The fourth class involves a combination of jet
and fin undulation, observed in organisms like
squid and cuttlefish. This hybrid approach seam-
lessly integrates rapid jetting for bursts of speed
with fin undulation for precise and controlled move-
ments. The synergy between these two propul-
sion methods enables these organisms to navig-
ate their underwater environments with exceptional
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 7. Examples of systems based on rajiforms.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Zeng [101]a robotic devil fish based on the MPF
movement pattern.
Submerged underwater at a depth of 0.5 m for
72 h, the robotic devil fish continues to
function well, highlighting durability and
Recommends synchronizing the vibration
periods of the left and right fins for effective
turning without adjusting individual fin
vibration periods.
Gliva et al [102]The underwater robot is inspired by the
locomotion of rays and cuttlefish, featuring
lateral undulatory fins.
Tube-shaped hull with laterally-mounted fin
propulsors. Each fin mechanism has three
individually actuated fin rays interconnected by
an elastic membrane.
Overall length: 24 cm
Overall width: 57 cm
Speed: 20 cm s1
Wang et al [103]The micro biomimetic manta ray robot fish is
actuated by shape memory alloy (SMA) wire.
Fish-like swimming is highlighted as superior
in terms of noise and maneuverability
compared to traditional motor actuators.
Length:243 mm
Width:220 mm
Height: 66 mm
Speed: 57 mm s1
Maximum amplitude: 40 mm
Weight: 354 g
et al [104]
Taking inspiration from the Pacific electric ray,
the RayBot
RayBot modeling and simulation are done
using a 6DOF impulse-based multi-body
technique. Nine bodies and nine hinge joints
make up the model, which can be divided into
separate pelvic fins, centrally and peripherally
actuated planes, and a tail with extra hinge
Dimensions: 75 cm long x 50 cm wide,
maximal height 15 cm at the tip of the
caudal fin, disc height 9 cm.
Top Speed: over 10 cm s1
Gao et al [105]Develop a fish robot mimicking Manta Rays’
swimming motion with a focus on flexible
oscillatory pectoral fins.
pectoral fins, in oscillatory motion, generated
significant thrust, influenced by frequency and
Length (L)=0.5 m, wing span =0.6 m
Speed: 0.7 m s1
Niu et al [106]Robotic fish mimicking cownose ray with a
dorsoventrally flattened body for pitch stability.
Utilizes a fuzzy logic method for automatic
depth control amid complex hydrodynamics
and environmental uncertainties.
Equipped with an AHRS (Attitude and
Heading Reference System) for attitude angle
Length (L)=0.56 m, height
(H)=0.12 m, width (W)=0.643 m
Speed: 0.32 m s1
Chen et al [107]Mimic manta ray swimming behavior using
artificial muscles.
Robotic manta ray with two artificial pectoral
fins for undulatory flapping motions as shown
in figure 31
Pectoral fins consist of IPMC muscle on the
leading edge and passive polydimethylsiloxane
membrane on the trailing edge.
Length: 0.11 m
Speed: 0.007 m s1
Fin attains a 40twist angle and a 100%
tip deflection.
y Alvarado et al
Use flexible bodies with specific material
property distributions for desired locomotion
kinematics with minimal actuation.
Length: 0.225 m
Speed: 0.007 m s1
Cai et al [109]Flexible pectoral fins for fish-like propulsion.
Soft body with pneumatic muscles as driving
sources. Two ribs with distributed flexibility in
the propulsive mechanism.
Length (L)=0.33, wing span =0.55
Speed: 0.2 m s1
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 7. (Continued.)
Chew et al [110]Pectoral fins designed to mimic manta ray’s fins
using passive flexibility. Experimentation
involves testing various fin materials and
adjusting flapping parameters.
Length (L)=0.28 m, Wing
Span =0.58 m
Speed: 0.45 m s1
Zhou and Low
et al [111]
Development of RoMan-II, a biologically
inspired underwater vehicle mimicking manta
ray locomotion using CPG.
Length: 1 m
Speed: 0.4 m s1
Park et al [112]Created to mimic batoid fish, featuring
tissue-engineered ray and optogenetics for
guidance and navigation.
Rat cardiomyocytes are patterned on an
elastomeric body enclosing a microfabricated
gold skeleton. This approach replicates the
fish’s morphology at a smaller scale.
Enables phototactic guidance, steering, and
turning, responding to light cues for
Diameter =0.01 m
Speed: 0.001 m s1
Yurugi et al
The inspiration for the robot’s design comes
from the swimming principles, morphologies,
and softness of aquatic animals, specifically the
The researchers test the hypothesis that
anisotropy in stiffness, achieved through
cartilage structures encapsulated in soft tissue,
contributes to efficient swimming in
underwater robots.
They create a stingray robot using
silicone-based cartilage and soft tissue,
mirroring the anatomical features of the
rajiform fins.
Flat cartilaginous: maximum speed
[mm s1]:13.1
Sharp cartilaginous:- maximum speed
[mm s1]: 9.8
Homogeneous soft (only soft tissue):-
maximum speed [mm s1]: 7.7
Homogeneous stiff (mixture of cartil-
age and soft tissue materials):- max-
imum speed [mm s1]: 11.2
Huang et al
A new design featuring two pectoral fins and
two vertical propellers for attitude adjustment,
aiming to enhance overall motion performance.
The results suggest that the propellers
effectively adjust the robot’s posture and
enhance its stability.
A 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) motion
equation is established to describe the robot’s
movements and is validated through CFD
Average speeds after 16 s:
MATLAB Calculation: 0.223 m s1
FLUENT Simulation: 0.226 m s1
Figure 31. Robotic manta ray powered by ionic polymer–metal composite artificial muscles [107]. Reproduced from [107].
CC BY 4.0.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 8. Examples of systems based on amiiform, gymnotiform & balistiform.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Low [116]Examination of single fin segment geometry and
derivation of fin workspace, forming the design of
NKF-II robot.
Comprises buoyancy tank, motor compartment,
and undulating fin modules mimicking black
ghost knifefish swimming gaits.
Figure 32 shows the fully assembled Nanyang
knifefish II (NKF-II)
Length 70 cm, Height 42 cm, Width
13.5 cm
Total of seven segments,
Mass: 11.62 kg
Color: Black
Material: mostly acrylic and delrin
Hu et al [117]Developed motor-driven fin actuator as shown in
figure 33, inspired by gymnarchus niloticus,
mimicking the undulatory movement of the fish’s
dorsal fin.
Introduction of a ruled surface-based model
describing undulation characteristics in
gymnarchus niloticus as a guide for biomimetic
mechanism design.
Speed: 0.4 m s1
et al [118]
Biomimicry from knife fish, specifically focusing
on the anal fin for propulsion, aiming for
efficiency and agility in underwater robots.
Robotic fish equipped with an undulating fin
producing a sinusoidal wave for mimicking
natural swimming motion.
Speed: 0.24 m s1
Curet et al [119]Centered on South American electric knifefish
and their undulatory swimming as a neurobiology
Identified an optimal parameter space where the
robotic knifefish achieved the best performance.
Optimal parameters resembled those observed in
the black ghost knifefish, affirming biomimicry.
Length: 0.326 m
Speed: 0.18 m s
Liu et al [120]Commences with the development of a robotic
fish for practical experiments, validating
computational hydrodynamic models.
Introduces a comprehensive computational model
to analyze the hydrodynamics of the undulating
fin, focusing on wave motion effects.
Length: 1.2 m
Speed: 0.25 m s1
Figure 32. Fully assembled Nanyang knifefish II (NKF-II). Reprinted from [116], Copyright (2009), with permission from
Figure 33. RoboGnilos, with nine-fin rays connected by a membrane surface. Reprinted from [117], Copyright (2009), with
permission from Elsevier.
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Several key features contribute to the enhanced
efficiency of pulsatile jet propulsion. These include
the presence of flexible propulsive structures, allow-
ing for dynamic adjustments during movement.
Variable jet orifice diameter adds a layer of adapt-
ability to the propulsion process. Vortex interac-
tions play a crucial role in optimizing thrust, and
the capture of energy during the refill phase and
enhance overall propulsion efficiency. The compre-
hensive understanding of these features not only illu-
minates the intricacies of natural locomotion but also
serves as a valuable resource for the development of
advanced AUVs and robotic systems [29]. A detailed
description of a few robotic systems based on Jet
Propulsion is given in table 9.
4. Marine bio-inspired sensory
Nature’s evolved sensing capabilities offer untapped
potential for advancing artificial devices. Various
marine species showcase impressive sensing sys-
tems, often surpassing human-engineered sensors,
especially under extreme environments of the ocean.
Translating these nature-derived solutions into artifi-
cial technologies promises groundbreaking advance-
ments in sensor design. Table 10 contains some
examples of marine bio-inspired sensory techno-
logies. These sensors in underwater robotics replicate
biological sensing mechanisms, enabling enhanced
perception and adaptation to aquatic environments
improving the robot’s ability to navigate, detect
obstacles, and respond to environmental changes. By
mimicking the sensory capabilities of marine organ-
isms, biomimetic sensors contribute to the devel-
opment of more effective and resilient underwater
robotic systems. One such advantage is explained in
a study [128], which investigates locomotion con-
trol in undulatory swimming, focusing on the inter-
play between central pattern generators (CPG) and
sensory feedback. The study employs a robot model
and simulations to reveal that both central and peri-
pheral mechanisms contribute redundantly to the
generation of undulatory swimming. The research
emphasizes the role of exteroceptive feedback, partic-
ularly in spinal transection recovery, and explores
how structural asymmetry and body properties
influence hydrodynamic forces, promoting forward
5. Research trends and challenges
The trend of biomimicking robotics has experienced
a remarkable historical evolution, as demonstrated
by figure 34, which displays the number of biomim-
icking publications per year. This trend indicates a
transformative surge in interest that began to emerge
in 2003 and continues to the present day. A num-
ber of elements that have been crucial in influencing
the field’s growth are also driving the rising trend
of biomimicking robotics. Interest in biomimicking
robotics was greatly aided by the growing emphasis
on creating innovative products specifically for the
offshore and maritime industries as well as research
applications. Furthermore, one of the key reasons for
the continued expansion in this field has been the
use of marine robots to carry out complex indus-
trial and military tasks. The surge in robotic bio-
mimicry research is further justified by its pertin-
ence to space exploration endeavors envisioning the
deployment of various biomimicking probes tailored
for specific terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic
environments [147].
Energy provision and storage are key focal points
in recent research developments within biomimick-
ing robotics. Notably, the emergence of microbial fuel
cells (MFCs) and various other strides made towards
enhancing efficiency and provisioning of energy in
biomimicking robotic systems [147].
Bioinspiration within the marine sector has res-
ulted in many applications such as those shown in
figure 35, that capitalizes on the remarkable adapt-
ations observed in marine organisms. Biomimetic
approaches contribute to sustainable practices, from
adhesion inspired by barnacles and mussels for med-
ical and construction innovations to antifouling solu-
tions drawn from natural coatings. The protective
properties of fish scales and mollusk shells inspire
biomimetic designs, particularly in military armor.
Stealth adaptations in marine life, such as passive
camouflage and translucency, also inspire biomimetic
designs. The movement of marine life has inspired
various biomimetic designs spanning underwater
vehicles to robots. Sensory adaptations observed in
marine life have led to biomimetic designs, includ-
ing sonar and radar inspired by dolphins and whales,
sensors and artificial electroreceptors inspired by
sharks, and optical adaptations inspired by mantis
shrimp [3].
Exploring the frontier of biomimetic and bio-
inspired marine robotics presents an array of
opportunities, challenges, and promising research
Biomaterials in marine robotics: Future advance-
ments in smart materials enable the creation of arti-
ficial muscles or soft actuators for more accurate
animal-like motion underwater [147]. The ongo-
ing development of biomaterials stands as a key
pillar to elevate the potential of soft-robotic solu-
tions. Soft robotics, characterized by utilizing flex-
ible and deformable materials mirroring the attrib-
utes of living organisms, promises a paradigm shift
in adaptability and functionality. Hybrid systems
of soft and hard materials are also important for
future research.
Enhanced operation efficiency and energy util-
ization: To ensure their operational autonomy
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 9. Examples of systems based on jet propulsion.
Investigator Description System Parameters
Villanueva et al
Developed a systematic method for fabricating
the robotic jellyfish ‘robojelly’ with SMA-based
BISMAC actuators.
Resolved folding effect in silicone bell by
segmentation, with the best-performing
configuration including a segmented bell and a
passive flap structure.
The addition of a passive flap to the segmented
bell increases average thrust by over 1300%.
164 mm bell diameter.
Average of 16.74 W over the 14th cycle.
Thrust: averaged 2.8 ×103N for the
first 4 cycles
Najem et al [122]Introducing the design, construction, and
testing of a biomimetic jellyfish robot that
drives itself with IPMCs acting as flexible
Flexible bell, central hub, eight spars, and
radially extending IPMC actuators defining the
jellyfish’s shape.
Composed of a heat-shrinkable polymer film
for less weight and better shape retention.
Diameter: 15 cm
Height: 5.8 cm
Eight actuators: maximum swimming
speed: 1.5 mm s
Eight actuators: average power: 1.14 W.
Godaba et al
Utilizes dielectric elastomer actuator for
muscle-like movement.
Water ejection system mimics jellyfish
movement for efficient propulsion. When
voltage is applied, the membrane compresses
and expands, providing unique features like
high deformation (over 100%), high energy
density, quick response, and low energy
Bell diameter: 118 mm
Bell height: 140 mm
Bell thickness: 2 mm
Acceleration (a0): 0.09 cm s2
Maximum thrust:0.15 N
Dooley et al [124]Bioinspired robotic jellyfish with tentacles and
steering mimicking natural jellyfish.
Tentacles actuated by a pulley system, steering
via the center of mass adjustment with
weighted gears.
Records surroundings for potential
applications like autonomous fish tracking.
Length less than 20 cm.
Runs on a 14.8 V LiPo battery for several
hours untethered
Arienti et al [125]Mantel Constriction inspired by octopus
Silicone body integrating crawling and
swimming components, the three-bar
mechanism driving each leg, compliance for
navigating cramped environments, and narrow
PoseiDRONE, the first underwater soft robot,
exhibits multi-functional locomotion and basic
manipulation, including grasping objects and
holding onto submerged structures.
Length: 0.20 m
Mass: 0.755 Kg & 0.816 Kg
Wang et al [33]Biomimetic cuttlefish robot replicating
streamlined shape and propulsion mechanisms
of cuttlefish.
Biomimetic undulatory level pectoral fin and
mantle actuated by Shape Memory Alloy
(SMA) wires.
Biomimetic cuttlefish robot combines
undulatory and jetting propulsion, showcasing
versatility in achieving different swimming
speeds and efficiencies.
Biomimetic pectoral fin Speed:
0.18 m s1
Biomimetic mantle speed: 0.6 m s1
Biomimetic pectoral fin propulsive
force: 0.047 N
Biomimetic mantle force: 0.79 N
Sfakiotakis et al
Robotic swimming with multiple compliant
arms inspired by the octopus.
Propulsive thrust and rapid acceleration
primarily achieved through arm movements.
Complex pattern characterized by a sculling
profile involving a fast power stroke and a slow
recovery stroke.
Up to 0.26 body lengths per second
Weight: 2.68 kg
Propulsive forces: up to 3.5 N
Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 031002 A Prakash et al
Table 9. (Continued.)
Cianchetti et al
OCTOPUS is a fully soft robot inspired by the
octopus, featuring eight arms for manipulation
and locomotion and a central body housing
processing unit.
Manipulation arms mimic the morphologi