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Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Study on Gender Balance in the R&I Field to
Improve the Role of Women in the Energy
Transition (CINEA/2021/OP/0012)
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the
energy sector
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
The survey is targeted at workers (regardless of gender) in the energy sector, which for this purpose
is defined as organisations engaged in the generation, storage, management or distribution of energy;
in manufacturing, servicing or distributing energy-related products or equipment; or in business
consultancy on energy management.
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Screener question ................................................................................................................................... 4
Employment status.................................................................................................................................. 4
Organisation features .............................................................................................................................. 5
Job features ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Career ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Organisational climate ............................................................................................................................ 9
Work -related quality of life .................................................................................................................. 10
Quality of collaboration at work ........................................................................................................... 12
Sociodemographics ............................................................................................................................... 13
Discrimination ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
How satisfied are individuals working in the energy sector with their job?
Are the positions in this sector appealing enough to ensure employers can attract and retain the
talented workforce they need?
The energy industry is currently undergoing a profound transformation, and the success of this
transition relies heavily on the skills and motivation of the sector's workforce. That's why we are
conducting a survey to gauge employees' overall job satisfaction and assess the organisational culture
within their respective companies.
We cordially invite you to participate in this survey, which is being conducted by empirica as part of a
study commissioned by the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency
(CINEA), an agency of the European Commission. This global survey aims to gather crucial insights that
will shape policy-making at the European Union level and influence decision-making in countries
By 'energy sector,' we refer to companies involved in energy generation, storage, management, or
distribution. This also includes companies engaged in associated fields such as manufacturing,
servicing, or distributing energy-related products or equipment, as well as business consultancy on
energy management.
Completing the survey should take approximately 10 minutes of your time. Rest assured that your
participation is entirely voluntary, and your responses will be handled with strict confidentiality, fully
complying with EU data protection rules. The survey will not allow any identification of your person or
the organisation you work for. Its purpose is to contribute to policy research, and the results will be
published only in aggregated form.
Your input is incredibly valuable in shaping the future of the energy sector. We sincerely appreciate
your time and willingness to share your experiences and perspectives. Together, let's drive positive
change and foster an environment that promotes satisfaction and success in the energy industry for
both men and women.
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Target group
Question wording
Response option
[Intro screen, see above]
Screener question
Confirmation that
person works in
belonging to the
energy sector
SCOPE Are you working in an
organisation engaged in any of the
following: generation, storage,
management or distribution of
energy; in manufacturing, servicing or
distributing energy-related products
or equipment; or business
consultancy on energy management?
[Single answer]
1 Yes
2 No => screen out (Display: This survey is not
for you, as it is targeted exclusively at people
working as employees or civil servants in the
energy sector (broadly defined). Thank you,
however, for your willingness to participate!)
Employment status
If SCOPE = 1
EMPL Are you... ?
[Single answer]
1 Employed dependently
2 Civil servant
3 Self-employed or freelancer => screen out
(Display: This survey is not for you, as it is
targeted exclusively at people working as
employees or civil servants in the energy
sector (broadly defined). Thank you,
however, for your willingness to participate!)
4 Director in own business => screen out
(Display: This survey is not for you, as it is
targeted exclusively at people working as
employees or civil servants in the energy
sector (broadly defined). Thank you,
however, for your willingness to participate!)
5 No answer
Working time
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
TIME Do you have ...
[Single answer]
1 A full time contract
2 A part time contract (more than 50%)
3 A part time contract (50% or less)
4 Another type of contract (e.g., zero-hour)
5 No answer
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Organisation features
Energy and
renewables sector
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
SECTOR Which part of the energy
sector does the organisation you work
for operate in?*
*Footnote: If you work for more than
one company in the energy sector,
please refer in this and the following
questions to the organisation you
work for the largest part of your
working time
[Multiple answers]
1 Renewables including heat pumps
2 Oil & gas
3 Nuclear
4 Coal
5 Transmission & distribution
6 Energy retail
7 Storage
8 Hydrogen
9 Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC)
10 Energy efficiency & demand response
11 Other, please specify [...]
12 No answer
RENEW Which part of the renewables
sector does the organisation you work
for operate in?
[Multiple answers]
1 Hydropower
2 Wind
3 Solar
4 Bioenergy
5 Waste
6 Geothermal
7 Ocean energy
8 Heat pumps
9 Other, please specify [...]
10 No answer
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
COUNTRY In what country is your
workplace located?
Company size
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
SIZE Roughly how many people are
employed in the organisation you are
working for (across all sites in the
same country), including yourself?
1 1 to 9
2 10 to 49
3 50 to 249
4 250 or more
5 No answer
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Company age
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
ESTABL When was the organisation
you work for established? An estimate
is sufficient. Was it...
[Single answer]
1 Less than 2 years ago
2 Between 2 and 5 years ago
3 Between 6 and 20 years ago
4 More than 20 years ago
5 Don't know
6 No answer
Job features
Job role
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
JOB Which of these job categories
most resembles your current role(s) in
the organisation?
[Multiple answers]
1 Engineering
2 Field Services
3 Technical
4 Management / Project management
5 Project Services
6 Administration
7 Finance
8 Legal
9 Personnel / Human resources
10 Sales / Business development / PR
11 Research
12 Other, please specify [...]
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
SENIOR What is your current level of
[Single answer]
1 Entry Level
2 Assistant
3 Technical Expert, Specialist, Clerk
4 Team Manager, Supervisor
5 Senior / Experienced (manages team leaders
& line managers)
6 Director / Board Level
Years working in
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
LONG For how many years have you
worked in the energy sector, as
defined earlier?How long have you
worked in the energy sector, as
defined earlier?
_ _ years
99 No answer
1-digit for answers
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Job tenure
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
TENUR How many years have you
been employed by your current
_ _ years
99 No answer
1-digit for answers
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
LEAVE How much do you agree with
the following statements?
LEAVE1 I'm planning to work for
another organisation within a period
of 3 years
LEAVE2 I see a future for myself
within the organisation I am working
LEAVE3 If I received an attractive offer
from another organisation, I would
take that job
LEAVE4 I love working for my
LEAVE5 Within my organisation my
work gives me satisfaction
LEAVE6 If it were up to me, I will
definitely be working for my
organisation for the next five years
LEAVE7 I'm planning to leave the
energy sector within a period of 3
[Single answer]
For each:
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree
3 Disagree slightly
4 Agree slightly
5 Agree
6 Agree strongly
7 No answer
Source of module:
186-009-9024-7 (out of
11 items, the 6 ones ith
the highest factor load
were selected)
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Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Career progress
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
CAREER To what extent do you agree
with the following statements
regarding your (main) job?
CAREER1 My present job is relevant
to my career goals and vocational
CAREER2 My present job provides me
with good opportunities to realise my
career goals.
CAREER3 My present job encourages
me to continuously gain new job-
related knowledge.
CAREER4 My present job enables me
to continuously improve my
professional capabilities.
CAREER5 My promotion speed in the
present organisation is fast.
CAREER6 Compared with my
colleagues, I am being promoted
CAREER7 My salary is growing quickly
in my present organisation.
CAREER8 Compared with my
colleagues, my salary has grown more
For each:
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree
3 Disagree slightly
4 Agree slightly
5 Agree
6 Agree strongly
7 No answer
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Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Cultur Profile
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
OCP To what extent is your
organisation recognised for its ...
OCP1 Achievement orientation
OCP2 An emphasis on quality
OCP3 Being distinctive—being
different from others
OCP4 Being competitive
OCP5 Being reflective
OCP6 Having a good reputation
OCP7 Being socially responsible
OCP8 Having a clear guiding
OCP9 Being team oriented
OCP10 Sharing information freely
OCP11 Being people oriented
OCP12 Collaboration
OCP13 Being innovative
OCP14 Quick to take advantage of
OCP15 Risk taking
OCP16 Taking individual responsibility
OCP17 Fairness
OCP18 Opportunities for professional
OCP19 High pay for good
OCP20 Praise for good performance
OCP21 Having high expectations for
OCP22 Enthusiasm for the job
OCP23 Being results oriented
OCP24 Being highly organised
OCP25 Stability
OCP26 Being calm
OCP27 Security of employment
OCP28 Low conflict
[Single answer]
For each:
1 Not at all
2 Minimally
3 Moderately
4 Considerably
5 Very much
6 No answer
Items shuffled/rotated
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Work -related quality
of life
Quality of Life
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
WRQL For each of the following
statements, please indicate your level
of agreement
WRQL1 I have a clear set of goals and
aims to enable me to do my job
WRQL2 I feel able to voice opinions
and influence changes in my area of
WRQL3 I have the opportunity to use
my abilities at work
WRQL4 I feel well at the moment
WRQL5 My employer provides
adequate facilities and flexibility for
me to fit work in and around my
family life
WRQL6 My current working hours /
patterns suit my personal
WRQL7 I often feel under pressure at
WRQL8 When I have done a good job
it is acknowledged by my line
WRQL9 Recently, I have been feeling
unhappy and depressed
WRQL10 I am satisfied with my life
WRQL11 I am encouraged to develop
new skills
WRQL12 I am involved in decisions
that affect me in my own area of work
WRQL13 My employer provides me
with what I need to do my job
WRQL14 My line manager actively
promotes flexible working hours /
WRQL15 In most ways my life is close
[Single answer]
For each:
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree
3 Neutral
4 Agree
5 Agree strongly
6 No answer
Source: WRQoL, see
Items shuffled/rotated
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
to ideal
WRQL16 I work in a safe environment
WRQL17 Generally things work out
well for me
WRQL18 I am satisfied with the career
opportunities available for me here
WRQL19 I often feel excessive levels
of stress at work
WRQL20 I am satisfied with the
training I receive in order to perform
my present job
WRQL21 Recently, I have been feeling
reasonably happy all things
WRQL22 The working conditions are
WRQL23 I am involved in decisions
that affect members of the public in
my own area of work
WRQL24 I am satisfied with the
payment I receive
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Quality of
collaboration at work
Perceived Subtle
Gender Bias Index
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
PSGBI For each of the following
statements, please indicate your level
of agreement with respect to the
organisation you work for
PSGBI1 I have seen male colleagues
jump in when a woman is speaking
and take over the conversation.
PSGBI2 Compared to female staff
members, male staff members receive
more respect from other
PSGBI3 People see ambitiousness
differently for men and women (i.e.,
“strongminded” vs. “bossy”).
PSGBI4 Some people are not
comfortable being subordinate to a
PSGBI5 Some of my male colleagues
are only superficially supportive of
women’s struggles with inequities.
PSGBI6 I receive positive feedback
about my abilities from colleagues.
PSGBI7 I have a collegial work
PSGBI8 I have a good relationship
with most of my co-workers.
PSGBI9 My ideas are valued within my
PSGBI10 I receive one-on-one formal
PSGBI11 I have a mentor who is in a
senior leadership position.
PSGBI12 My institution provides
supports for balancing work and
family demands.
PSGBI13 I work in an organisation
where policies emphasize equity.
PSGBI14 I think that women are paid
[Single answer]
For each:
1 Disagree strongly
3 Disagree slightly
4 Agree slightly
5 Agree
6 Agree strongly
7 No answer
Source: Perceived
Subtle Gender Bias
Index: Development
and Validation for Use
in Academia - Nellie
Tran, Rashelle B.
Hayes, Ivy K. Ho, Sybil
L. Crawford, Julie Chen,
Judith K. Ockene, Meg
Bond, Paula Rayman,
Brita Dean, Sable
Smith, Luanne
Thorndyke, Patricia
Frankin, Deborah
Plummer, Lori Pbert,
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Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
less than men for the same job
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
EDUC1 What is the highest education
you have successfully completed?
In case of doubt, please choose the
one which best resembles the
education you have attained.
[Single answer]
1 Secondary school, not qualifying for
university (ISCED1-2)
2 Secondary school, qualifying for university
3 Vocational school, i.e. tertiary education
institution focusing on practical education
4 Bachelor's degree (ISCED 6B)
5 Master's degree or equivalent (ISCED 7)6
Professional degree (e.g., law or medicine)
(ISCED 6A/7)
7 Doctorate degree (ISCED 8)
8 Other, please specify [...]
9 No answer
Field of study
(ISCED-F 2013)
If EDUC1 = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
EDUC2 What field(s) of study did you
pursue for your highest level of
education and training?
[Multiple answers]
1 Education
2 Arts and humanities
3 Social sciences, journalism and information
4 Business, administration and law
5 Natural sciences and mathematics
6 Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs)
7 Engineering, manufacturing and
8 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
9 Health and welfare
10 Services1
11 Other, please specify [...]
12 No answer
Source: ISCED-F 2013
Includes Personal services, Hygiene and occupational health services, Security services, Transport services
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
If EDUC2 = 5
EDUC3 What field(s) of study within
the natural sciences and mathematics
did you pursue for your highest level
of education and training?
[Multiple answers]
1 Biology and related sciences
2 Environmental sciences and related
3 Chemistry
4 Earth sciences
5 Physics
6 Mathematics and statistics
7 Other, please specify [...]
Source: ISCED-F 2013
If EDUC2 = 7
EDUC4 What field(s) of study within
engineering, manufacturing and
construction did you pursue for your
highest level of education and
[Multiple answers]
1 Chemical engineering
2 Environmental protection
3 Electricity and energy
4 Electronics and automation
5 Mechanics and metal trades
6 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft
7 Food processing
8 Manufacturing and processing of materials
9 Manufacturing and processing of textiles
10 Mining and extraction
11 Archictecture and town planning
12 Building and civil engineering
13 Other, please specify [...]
Source: ISCED-F 2013
Gender of
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
GENDER Regarding gender identity,
which of the following options best
describes how you think of yourself?
[Multiple answers]
1 Female
2 Male
3 Non-Binary / Other
4 No answer
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
Household type
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
CARE Do you have any of the
following care responsibilities?
This does not include caregiving,
nursing services or support you
provide in connection with your
[Multiple answers]
1 a child or children aged 6 or less
2 a child or children aged 7 to 17
3 one or more adults with challenges of old
age or frailty
4 one or more adults with disabilities
5 one or more adults with chronic health
6 none of these
7 No answer
From DiMIS, adapted
(added distinction
between response
options 1 and 2
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
AGE What is your age (in years)?
_ _ years
99 No answer
Perception of
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
MINOR1 Would you describe yourself
as being a member of a group that is
discriminated against in the country
you live in?
[Single answer]
1 Yes
2 No
3 No answer
Source: European
Social Survey (2020).
ESS Round 10 Source
ESS questions C18,
C19, C20
Reason for
If MINOR1 = 1
MINOR2 On what grounds is your
group discriminated against?
[Multiple answers]
1 Colour or race
2 Nationality
3 Religion
4 Language
5 Ethnic group
6 Age
7 Gender
8 Sexuality
9 Disability
10 Other, please specify [...]
Country of birth
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
MINOR3 Were you born in the
country you currently live in?
If you are a resident of more than one
country, please refer to the country
you spent most of your time in
[Single answer]
1 Yes
2 No
3 No answer
If MINOR2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
if MINOR3 = 2, 3
MINOR4 In which country were you
Drop-down list entire
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
"Negative acts"
If EMPL = 1, 2, 5
NEG Have you personally experienced
any of the following in the
organisation you currently work for?
NEG1 Have you been exposed to
gossip and slander at your workplace
during the last 12 months?
NEG2 Have you been involved in
quarrels or conflicts at your workplace
during the last 12 months?
NEG3 Have you been exposed to
unpleasant teasing at your workplace
during the last 12 months?
NEG4 Have you been exposed to
work-related harassment on the social
media (e.g. Facebook), by e-mail or
text messages during the last 12
NEG5 Have you been exposed to
undesired sexual attention at your
workplace during the last 12 months?
NEG6 Have you been exposed to
threats of violence at your workplace
during the last 12 months?
NEG7 Have you been exposed to
physical violence at your workplace
during the last 12 months?
NEG8 Bullying means that a person
repeatedly is exposed to unpleasant
or degrading treatment, and that the
person finds it difficult to defend
himself or herself against it. Have you
been exposed to bullying at your
workplace during the last 12 months?
[Single answer]
1 Yes, daily
2 Yes, weekly
3 Yes, monthly
4 Yes, a few times
5 No
6 No answer
Source: COPSOQ
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master
NEG9 How often do you feel unjustly
criticised, bullied or shown up in front
of others by your colleagues or your
[Single answer]
1 Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never/hardly ever
6 No answer
Many thanks for your contribution to
this research study! Your data will be
treated strictly according to the
European data protection legislation.
If you have any questions or would
like to be notified when results
become available, please get in touch
with Karsten Gareis from the study
team, who can be reached at
If you find yourself in a concrete
conflict or problematic situation, we
encourage you to consider contacting
one of the responsible counseling
centers in your country. The website
of the European Network of Equality
Bodies provides an overview of the
initial contact points.
Questionnaire for online survey of workers in the energy sector – field version master