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Site selection within the maritime spatial planning: Insights from use-cases on aquaculture, offshore wind energy and aggregates extraction



Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) has received increasing attention from policy-makers around the world as an ecosystem-based approach to the waters under the jurisdiction of coastal states, with the aim of enhancing socioeconomic development while promoting environmental protection and conservation. However, this planning process requires abundant and diverse types of data and information that are not easily operationalised in a spatially efficient manner for MSP. Aiming to overcome this barrier, the present study proposes a suitability zoning methodology based on an ad hoc developed decision support system (i.e. INDIMAR) capable of integrating the required spatial data collected and structured around a proposed suitability framework organised around five key components: environmental sensitivity, marine conservation, natural oceanographic potential, land-sea interactions, and operational maritime uses and activities. This suitability zoning framework and decision support system was tested for individual maritime activities in different Atlantic outermost regions, configuring different use cases: aquaculture in the Canary Islands, offshore wind farms in the Madeira archipelago and aggregate extraction in the Azores. The proposed methodology has resulted in a flexible model that identifies the most suitable sites for the sustainable development of maritime activities, taking into account the natural potential and compatibility with nature conservation, while mitigating potential environmental impacts and minimising conflicts with other coastal and maritime activities. However, it's important to note that the results of this study are strongly influenced by the availability and quality of data, identifying the main gaps in each region that are recommended to be filled in view of the formal processes of MSP. In essence, this study underlines the broad applicability of the proposed methodology and framework, which can be adapted and implemented in other regions after due consideration of several aspects such as: data availability, contextual differences, legal and governance frameworks, institutional capacity and spatial interactions. By taking these aspects into account, the resulting decision support system has the potential to provide valuable insights, thereby increasing the effectiveness of MSP efforts.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
Available online 12 March 2024
0964-5691/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Site selection within the maritime spatial planning: Insights from use-cases
on aquaculture, offshore wind energy and aggregates extraction
Andrej Abramic
, Alejandro Garcia Mendoza
, Victor Cordero-Penin
, Maria Magalh˜
Yaiza Fern´
, Carlos Andrade
, Helena Calado
, Sachi Kaushik
Gilberto Carreira
, Natacha Nogueira
, Deborah Shinoda
, Ricardo Haroun
Biodiversity & Conservation Research Group, ECOAQUA, Univ. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Scientic & Technological Marine Park, Crta. Taliarte s/n, 35214, Telde,
Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs, Rua Consul Dabney, Apartado 9, 9900-041 Horta, Açores, Portugal
MARE Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre / ARNET - Aquatic Research Network, Agˆ
encia Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigaç˜
ao Tecnologia e
ao (ARDITI), Ed. Madeira Tecnopolo, 9020 - 105, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
School of Sciences and Technology (FCT) University of Azores, Mare Research Center, Rua da M˜
ae de Deus, 9500 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Regional Directorate of the Sea (DRM), Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, Autonomous Region of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of the Azores, M˜
ae de Deus St., Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Maritime Spatial Planning
Offshore wind energy
Ecosystem-based approach
Suitability zoning framework
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) has received increasing attention from policy-makers around the world as an
ecosystem-based approach to the waters under the jurisdiction of coastal states, with the aim of enhancing socio-
economic development while promoting environmental protection and conservation. However, this planning
process requires abundant and diverse types of data and information that are not easily operationalised in a
spatially efcient manner for MSP. Aiming to overcome this barrier, the present study proposes a suitability
zoning methodology based on an ad hoc developed decision support system (i.e. INDIMAR) capable of inte-
grating the required spatial data collected and structured around a proposed suitability framework organised
around ve key components: environmental sensitivity, marine conservation, natural oceanographic potential,
land-sea interactions, and operational maritime uses and activities. This suitability zoning framework and de-
cision support system was tested for individual maritime activities in different Atlantic outermost regions,
conguring different use cases: aquaculture in the Canary Islands, offshore wind farms in the Madeira archi-
pelago and aggregate extraction in the Azores. The proposed methodology has resulted in a exible model that
identies the most suitable sites for the sustainable development of maritime activities, taking into account the
natural potential and compatibility with nature conservation, while mitigating potential environmental impacts
and minimising conicts with other coastal and maritime activities. However, its important to note that the
results of this study are strongly inuenced by the availability and quality of data, identifying the main gaps in
each region that are recommended to be lled in view of the formal processes of MSP. In essence, this study
underlines the broad applicability of the proposed methodology and framework, which can be adapted and
implemented in other regions after due consideration of several aspects such as: data availability, contextual
differences, legal and governance frameworks, institutional capacity and spatial interactions. By taking these
aspects into account, the resulting decision support system has the potential to provide valuable insights, thereby
increasing the effectiveness of MSP efforts.
1. Introduction
Over the past two decades, maritime spatial planning (MSP)
processes have grown globally as an emerging practice to manage ma-
rine resources more sustainably (Ansong et al., 2017a,b). MSP processes
aim to allocate maritime activities both in space and time, using
* Corresponding author. ECOAQUA, Univ. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Scientic & Technological Marine Park, Crta. Taliarte s/n, 35214, Telde, Spain.
E-mail address: (A. Abramic).
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Received 7 September 2023; Received in revised form 2 February 2024; Accepted 4 February 2024
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
strategic planned zoning as a mechanism to allow the oceans to sus-
tainably produce the goods and services on which the blue economy
depends, while maintaining and protecting the structure and func-
tioning of marine ecosystems (Borja et al., 2013). By strategically allo-
cating maritime activities in both space and time, MSP aims to achieve
planned zoning as a mechanism of policing/power used to protect
human health and safety by limiting private uses. At the same time, it
seeks to regulate common areas for a range of purposes beyond human
health and safety (Agardy, 2010; Ritchie, 2011).
The marine environment meets human needs through a variety of
maritime uses and activities. While new maritime activities are
emerging, the expansion of existing activities continues to intensify
competition for marine space (Christie et al., 2014). Thus, both marine
abiotic space and associated habitats and biological counterparts are
becoming increasingly scarce and threatened natural resources
(IOC/UNESCO et al., 2011). Thus, the warning conditions described by
Hardin (1968) about the ‘tragedy of the commons could be met in the
case of the ocean - an unlimited number of users, unrestricted by any
limits on their access to the space. Hardin (1968) also argues that one
solution to avoid these warning conditions is to manage the relevant
resources through a governance system. In this sense, MSP processes
seem relevant as a public policy that aims to promote the prudent and
rational use of marine areas under national jurisdiction (Calado et al.,
Currently, around 50% of coastal states have some form of MSP
initiative underway (Ehler, 2021), with the majority of these efforts led
by European countries (Chalastani et al., 2021). In particular, the
combined marine Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of these countries
are the largest in the world. Indeed, the European Union (EU) has been
identied as a major MSP hub, where tools, initiatives, discussions and
innovations are nancially supported and promoted by European gov-
ernments (UNESCO-IOC/European Commission, 2021). The European
MSP Directive (Directive 2014/89/EU of the, 2014) created a govern-
mental framework for the implementation of MSP processes in the
member states, which committed to adopt their respective maritime
spatial plans by March 2021 (Friess and Gr´
emaud-Colombier, 2019;
Ehler, 2021). The EU MSP legal framework explicitly includes envi-
ronmental objectives. Many authors see the MSP process as a tool to
support and implement the objectives of European environmental
legislation on the sea, in particular the Marine Strategy Framework
Directive 2008/89/EC (MSFD) (Haapasaari et al., 2022; Alison et al.,
2015; Maccarrone et al., 2015). The development of MSP provides an
ongoing opportunity to apply and update an ecosystem-based approach
and to achieve and maintain Good Environmental Status (GES), which is
the primary objective for European seas under the MSFD.
Existing international MSP process guides provide a structured step-
by-step approach (Ehler and Douvere, 2009), through main phases
ao Santos et al., 2019) or by relevant general themes
(UNESCO-IOC/European Commission, 2021), providing clear guidance
to promote practical policy- and governance-oriented MSP initiatives.
A bibliometric assessment of progress in MSP showed that this is a
rapidly growing eld of research, dominated by qualitative approaches,
which calls for progress in the development of quantitative and/or
modelling methods (Chalastani et al., 2021). The use of data for
evidence-based decision making has been highlighted as a prerequisite
for effective MSP (Zuercher et al., 2022). This development leads to the
formulation of geographic zoning methodologies, which divide the
marine area into zones based on geographic features or characteristics
that can be contrasted and associated with potential marine uses. In an
effort to increase the efciency of the developed methods and to assist
planners in identifying the sustainable allocation of maritime activities,
the MSP community started to develop interactive systems for analysing
problems and evaluating spatial and non-spatial data, applying tech-
niques for spatial and geostatistical analysis, commonly referred to as
decision support tools (DSTs) (Sprague and Carlson 1982; Depellegrin
et al., 2021).
These DSTs aim to operationalise the implementation of the
ecosystem-based approach (EBA) (Depellegrin et al., 2021) through the
understanding of socio-ecological system dynamics. At the same time,
they provide a mechanism to evaluate management strategies prior to
their implementation (Fulton et al., 2011; Stelzenmüller et al., 2013;
Janβen et al., 2019).
Examples of DSTs range from specic sectoral programmes such as
Marxan for MPA design (G¨
oke et al., 2018) or InVEST for ecosystem
service valuation (Montero-Hidalgo et al., 2023). Another example is the
use of the Automatic Identication System (AIS) to track commercial
and shing vessels (Le Tixerant et al., 2018). Other geographic infor-
mation systems such as SEANERGY have been used to assess synergies
and conicts between activities (Bonnevie et al., 2020); INDIMAR for
suitability zoning for e.g. for offshore wind farms (Abramic et al., 2021),
Mytilus for cumulative impact assessment (Hansen, 2019), or
Tools4MSP that integrates different spatial analyses (Menegon et al.,
A review of DSTs by Pınarbas¸ ı et al. (2017) showed that these tools
are mainly used by planners and marine users during specic MSP
phases and steps of MSP. These include tasks such as: examining existing
conditions and future scenarios for planning, and alternative manage-
ment measures for plan development. Consequently, the main purpose
of DSTs is to assess: environmental impacts; communication; interaction
between planners and stakeholders; and site identication and scenario
building. Nevertheless, large data requirements and specic technical
capabilities hinder the use of DSTs in all MSP steps (Stamoulis and
Delevaux, 2015). Despite the existence of a growing user-developer
community (Depellegrin et al., 2021), there is still signicant potential
to improve DSTs to support operational MSP processes (Pınarbas¸ı et al.,
The objective of this study is to structure the relevant data and key
analyses that need to be carried out in the planning and marine plan
development phases, in order to generate a suitable zoning methodology
for the future development needs of existing and emerging maritime
activities. The second objective is to test this methodology for different
maritime activities in three use cases, namely three oceanic archipelagos
with different environmental, social and economic conditions, to
conrm that the methodology is exible, adaptable and replicable.
The aim is to provide a basis for implementing suitability zoning
within an ecosystem-based approach to MSP, taking into account the
Potential impact on the marine environment and degradation of the
MSFD Good Environmental Status.
Inconsistencies with marine conservation objectives.
Optimal and limiting oceanographic conditions for the development
of maritime activities.
Fig. 1. Suitability zoning framework including its ve fundamental -
key components.
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
Land-sea and sea-land interactions between coastal uses and mari-
time activities.
Synergies and conicts between maritime sectors.
2. Methodology
2.1. Framework for suitability zoning
The maritime sector suitability zoning approach is based on ve
fundamental or key components aimed at achieving environmental
sustainability, identifying natural potential and avoiding conicts with
nature conservation, coastal and maritime sectors. To analyse each
component, the process selects relevant parameters that characterise
them and determine their ‘suitabilityin relation to the maritime sector
in question for which we are seeking suitable locations for development.
The ve components considered in this study are visually illustrated in
Fig. 1 and are described in more detail below.
2.1.1. Environmental sensitivity
This component includes information to analyse the sensitivity of the
marine environmental components in relation to the pressures arising
from the maritime sector under consideration. This involves visualising
areas of robust environmental conditions where the expected environ-
mental impacts are minimised.
In order to introduce the MSFD more deeply into the methodology
and to list the parameters needed to assess environmental sensitivity, it
is decided here to follow the Good Environmental Status (GES). The GES
is described in COM 2017/848/EU and consists of 11 Qualitative De-
scriptors (QDs) and 39 related criteria elements, divided into essential
features and characteristics of marine waters, as well as predominant
pressures and impacts. Thus, the GES served as a checklist to go through
the 11 QDs and examine the potential impacts of the maritime sectors on
the marine environment.
2.1.2. Marine conservation
This section analyses the potential incompatibility of the maritime
activity with marine conservation, considering the possibility that the
activity may contribute to the achievement of conservation objectives.
For example, marine birds conservation is in direct conict with offshore
wind energy (OWE) installations (Larsen and Guillemette 2007). How-
ever, OWE parks can act as shery exclusion zones, thereby contributing
to the conservation of biological resources (Hammar et al., 2016). When
assessing the compatibility of the analysed maritime activity with ma-
rine conservation, it is imperative to include data on the expansion of
marine protected areas (MPAs) and their associated conservation ob-
jectives and targets.
2.1.3. Potential/constraints of natural oceanography
It is also necessary to assess the (unfavourable) oceanographic con-
ditions for the development of the maritime activity under consider-
ation. Variables such as depth, wave height or current strength can
constrain or facilitate the development of activities. For example, cur-
rents are essential for the dispersion of nutrient inputs from aquaculture
sites, while limiting the anchoring of structures (Tsiaras et al., 2022).
Similarly, wind speed is crucial for OWE as visualised by energy po-
tential maps (Wind Europe 2020; Emeksiz and Demirci, 2019; Costoya
et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2020), but the installation of turbines is
limited by bathymetry.
For the list of oceanographic parameters, the Copernicus Ocean
Monitoring Indicators were used as they meet the operational re-
quirements for monitoring and assessing ocean conditions.
2.1.4. Land-sea interactions
This component analyses the potential synergies and conicts be-
tween the maritime activity under consideration and existing land use in
coastal areas. This assessment should take into account sectors such as
urban and coastal tourism development, as well as ports, land transport
infrastructure, industrial areas, rural and agricultural areas and other
relevant uses. In this study we have used land use or land cover data sets
that provide high resolution information following a classication of
anthropogenic activities within the coastal zone.
2.1.5. Operational maritime uses
Finally, as in the previous component, the potential synergies and
conicts with operational maritime uses and activities need to be ana-
lysed. For this assessment, it is necessary to collect spatial information
on the distribution of existing maritime activities in order to spatially
analyse potential multi-use and co-use areas with the maritime activity
under consideration.
2.2. Analysing the suitability of sites through multi-criteria analysis
To generate the nal suitability maps for the analysed activity, the
result map of each resulting analysis was overlaid as described above.
The spatial overlapping process requires the relative importance of each
component and associated parameter. For this purpose, we used the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Goepel, 2014; Saaty, 1990). Saaty
(1987) stated that two levels are fundamental in the use of AHP, namely
Fig. 2. -Hierarchical structure for the maritime sectors analysis (Shinoda et al., 2019) where the signicance of each cluster and each maritime sector is analysed.
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
a hierarchical structure (Fig. 2) to represent the problem being modelled
and the pairwise comparisons to establish relationships - in our case
between the key components and their associated parameters or spatial
data sets collected (see Appendix 1; Fig. 4). Five pairwise matrices were
thus developed. These matrices determine a set of weights that quanti-
tatively reect the relative importance or strength of each component or
parameter considered in the rst and second AHP hierarchical levels,
respectively. In this context, at the rst level, key components are
compared against each other, e.g. comparing whether marine conser-
vation is more/less relevant than conicts between operational mari-
time sectors when analysing suitability zoning for a particular maritime
activity. Then, at the second level, each parameter is compared with
each other for the analyses within each key component, e.g. to deter-
mine the sensitivities of different environmental components, to assess
(un)favourable oceanographic conditions in relation to the activity
under consideration, or to assess synergies and conicts between the
activity under consideration and all other coastal and maritime uses and
activities. It should be emphasised that the various analyses should be
carried out in relation to a single maritime activity.
The AHP pairwise comparison technique allows quantitative
assessment of the relative importance (i.e. weights) between parameters
and key components through the knowledge of experts and different
stakeholders. In this study, a structured process was followed to gather
expert knowledge. First, a structured survey was developed to determine
the weights of the rst and second AHP levels using the expert
knowledge within the consortium of the PLASMAR project. To facilitate
the pairwise comparison of the surveys, an AHP Excel le was adapted
from Goepel (2013).
Secondly, a round of expert discussion was conducted in order to
reach a consensus on the determination of the different weights. The
expert panel was recruited from the regional institutes and within the
stakeholder workshops (following Quesada-Silva et al., 2019, and
described in Abramic et al., 2021). Prior to the discussion, a
non-exhaustive review of scientic and grey literature, including tech-
nical reports (see the Supplementary Material for more details on the
literature review conducted for aquaculture, OWE and sand extraction),
was conducted to facilitate the discussion among the experts and to
support their judgement with empirical data whenever possible. For
example, in order to analyse the potential environmental impacts on the
GES, publications reviewing them in the context of aquaculture
(Png-Gonzalez et al., 2019) and offshore wind energy (Abramic et al.,
2018) were followed.
Compatibility with marine conservation was analysed, taking into
account recommendations published by the International Union for
Nature Conservation (IUCN) (Day et al., 2019). If the IUCN recom-
mendation included options for the development of maritime activities
within the MPA, further scientic and technical reports on specic
topics were reviewed (see Supplementary Material).
With regard to the oceanographic conditions that could limit or
favour the development of maritime activities, analyses were made of
Fig. 3. Location map showing the European Macaronesian archipelagos of the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. The study area (i.e. 30 km off the coast of the
islands) corresponds to the spatial extent of the INDIMAR DSS.
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
physical aspects (e.g. sea temperature and salinity, air pressure, ba-
thymetry, winds, currents, waves, etc.) and chemical aspects (e.g. oxy-
gen, nutrients, chlorophyll a).
Potential synergies and conicts have also been analysed for both
coastal land uses and maritime activities. For coastal sectors, the liter-
ature on land-sea interactions was reviewed, with a particular focus on
the coastal distance component, while for current maritime sectors the
debate revolved around conicts and potential multiple uses with other
maritime activities. Details of these reviews can be found in Appendix 2
(offshore wind review), Appendix 3 (aquaculture review) and Appen-
dix 4 (sand mining review).
2.3. INDIMAR decision support system and integrated site suitability
To facilitate the application of the suitability zoning methodology,
the INDIMAR Decision Support System (DSS) will be used, as developed
specically for the case study regions (Abramic et al., 2021). The
INDIMAR DSS is based on Geographic Information System (GIS) tech-
nology and uses spatial data layers representing the different parameters
of the key components. The methodology for calculating the suitability
index (R) is based on the weighted overlay technique, where each spatial
data layer (i.e. parameter) is assigned a weight according to its impor-
tance for the corresponding assessment (i.e. key component) with
respect to the maritime activity under consideration. This index can
have a value between 0 and 10, where R =0 reects a totally unsuitable
location and R =10 represents the most suitable locations or sites.
In order to calculate the suitability index, it is necessary to incor-
porate the collected data into the system. An additional requirement is
to dene the type of contribution (CV) or suitability relationship of
each parameter to the maritime activity. For more precise analyses,
numerical values of parameters can be divided into ranges (e.g.
considering suitable ranges of wind speed between 7 and 8.5 m/s and
excluding <7 m/s and >8.5 m/s). Furthermore, qualitative parameters
were divided into categories (e.g. habitat types, species or different
types of MPAs). For the purpose of calculating the suitability index, CV is
associated with values using the following coding: Positive contribution
(CV =1). Neutral contribution (CV =0). Negative contribution (CV =-
1). Excluded value (R =0).
Finally, for each parameter, it is necessary to establish the weights
(pW) calculated by the AHP. In this sense, the suitability index (R) is
calculated as the sum of the parameter weights (pW) multiplied by the
parameter contributions (CV):
R =ΣpWi* CVi, where ΣpWi =100
Once DSS INDIMAR has been congured with all the parameter
Fig. 4. Number of datasets available for archipelagos - Detailed table of data available for the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores in Appendix 1.
Table 1
Conguration of weights for the three scenarios considered in the Canary
Key components First level weights for the different scenarios
Environmentalist with
MPAs restrictions (C)
20.08 50.08 50.08
12.88 12.31 12.31
Coastal Land Use 11.68 11.11 11.11
38.98 11.39 11.39
16.38 15.11 15.11
TOTAL 100 100 100
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
weights and the type of contribution, the system calculates the suit-
ability scores for the entire study area. The system denes a grid of
discrete elements (300 m ×300 m) and calculates the suitability index
for each one. In order to increase the efciency of the system and reduce
the computation time, the suitability index is calculated for areas up to
30 km from the coast of the archipelagos of the Azores (37,500 km2),
Madeira (12,500 km2) and the Canary Islands (45,000 km2).
2.4. Use cases and scenarios
The AHP process was repeated for three maritime activities and
tested in three different use cases (Fig. 3). One suitability zoning map
was produced for offshore wind farms in Madeira, another for aggregate
extraction in the Azores and a third for aquaculture in the Canary
INDIMAR DSS also allows users to dynamically adjust the weights of
the parameters and components and visualize the resulting suitability
maps. This feature facilitates the comparison of different scenarios and
changes in the conguration of parameters and key components to
identify optimal locations for the analysed maritime activity. For
example, after establishing the relative importance (i.e. weights)
through AHP, the weights among the key components of the rst AHP
level can be modied to analyse different development scenarios.
To assess the robustness of the suitability zoning methodology,
different policy scenarios are developed within each use case:
Expert consensus scenario. The weights are developed by expert
opinion, with the panel calculating the weights using AHP. This re-
ects a sustainable development zoning that balances the weights
between all environmental, social and economic considerations
associated with all key components.
Conservative scenario. Where the weights associated with environ-
mental sensitivity and marine conservation are maximized to mini-
mize potential adverse impacts on the ecological components.
Development scenario. Where the weights associated with favour-
able natural oceanographic conditions and proximity to strategic
coastal infrastructure are maximized to minimize costs and promote
the development of the particular activity.
Conict minimisation scenario. Based on higher weights given to
land-sea interactions and operational maritime uses to minimize
conicts with all other activities.
These scenarios were applied to each use case according to the
availability of spatial data collected for each archipelago (Table 1).
Thus, the different scenarios were applied unevenly as a means of
illustrating and discussing the applicability of the proposed zoning
methodology (rather than assuming it) which is the ultimate goal of this
2.5. Data collection according to the suitability zoning framework
The data of the three use cases (Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands)
were collected according to the ve suitability components: marine
environmental data according to the MSFD GES, distribution of MPAs
and their conservation targets, oceanographic features, coastal land use
and current maritime activities (Fig. 4; Appendix 1). There was a sig-
nicant lack of spatial coverage for the marine environment data sets in
the Portuguese archipelagos (Fig. 4, Appendix 1). In comparison, the
spatial coverage for the Canary Islands is higher due to the availability of
data related to the GES of the MSFD shared by the Spanish National
Spatial Data Infrastructure. MPAs, coastal land use and oceanographic
conditions were obtained using data products from the European Envi-
ronment Agency and Copernicus (Copernicus Marine Service and Land
Monitoring Service). Data on operational maritime activities and sectors
are mainly obtained from local data providers/developers, with the
exception of information on maritime transport, which was obtained
from the EMODnet Human Activities Portal.
The use of data products from European data initiatives has two
advantages. Firstly, they cover large areas - including the entire Maca-
ronesian region. Secondly, these data sets are provided in a single,
unied data model, which means that the data sets are harmonized.
The data collection process often reveals numerous data gaps. One
approach to address this is to use indirect or proxy information. This
type of data is used to infer or estimate a particular variable or phe-
nomenon of interest when direct measurements are not available. In this
structured data collection, land cover data is used as a proxy for infor-
mation on human activities, in particular land cover. In addition, we
considered the protected area of a particular marine species as an in-
dicator of increased potential for that species to be present, in line with
the recommendations of various authors such as Abramic et al., (2023),
Zhang et al., (2022); Flower et al., (2020); Maccarrone et al., (2015);
OMahony et al., (2009).
3. Results
3.1. Applying the suitability zoning methodology to the use cases
3.1.1. Suitability zoning for aquaculture in the Canary Islands
Aquaculture is a well-established sector in the Canary Islands.
Therefore, the rst use case aimed to identify potential suitable areas for
the expansion of the marine aquaculture sector in the region according
to the different scenarios designed.
Table 1 shows the weights used in the rst level of the analytical
hierarchy process when comparing the relative importance of the key
components in analyzing suitable sites for aquaculture in the Canary
Islands for the different scenarios: expert consensus (A), environmen-
talist (B) and environmentalist considering restrictions resulting from
the designation of marine protected areas (C). Higher weight values
indicate a higher relevance of all the parameters considered within each
key component.
The rst model, Expert Consensus (Fig. 4A, Table 2), primarily looks
for suitable oceanographic conditions, such as a temperature that pro-
motes growth of the product, site depths that do not exceed 50 m,
suitable currents and wave conditions that allow construction and
maintenance of the facilities without excessive costs. Oceanographic
conditions are indirectly linked to economic viability, along with
proximity to any ports or even smaller ports to minimize maintenance
and operational economic costs. In this prole, environmental sustain-
ability is considered, the model avoids sensitive areas (e.g. specic
benthic habitats and vulnerable species), but with twice less weight than
oceanographic conditions. The other three components, conservation
(avoiding but not excluding MPAs with seabird conservation objectives),
land-sea interaction (e.g. avoiding conicts with coastal tourism) and
potential conicts with other maritime activities (e.g. searching the
distance to offshore submarine outows) are included in the model but
with much lower weights.
For the Canary Islands, it was possible to collect spatial data avail-
ability on benthic habitats (PLASMAR Consortium, 2020) and food web
models on different ecological components (Couce-Montero et al., 2015;
Montero et al., 2021). This allowed the testing of applied generic
governance policy scenarios, the development of the sector with less
possible impact on the marine environment. INDIMAR DSS, through the
environmentalist scenario, applied the highest importance to the
sensitivity of ecological components. The same scenario also included
the restriction of marine This was done to minimize the potential
negative impact on marine protected areas over other considerations,
such as higher production costs due to the remoteness of the coast.
Firstly, the environmentalist scenario in INDIMAR showed that most of
the zones suitable for aquaculture are located beyond a depth of 50 m
(Fig. 4B, Table 2). This is due to the availability of detailed maps of
benthic habitats (e.g. seagrass or maerl beds) covering this depth,
beyond which they were only mapped through broader habitats without
A. Abramic et al.
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Fig. 4A. Suitability maps for aquaculture resulting from Expert consensus scenario considered for the Canary Islands.
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Fig. 4B. Suitability maps for aquaculture resulting from Environmental scenario considered for the Canary Islands.
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Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
information at the community level (e.g. circalittoral ne sand or deep
sea bed).
The third scenario, unlike the previous environmentalist scenario
where aquaculture was only constrained by the spatial distribution of
sensitivity of the ecological components considered, illustrates the
application of specic conservation management measures resulting in
fewer suitable areas (Fig. 4C, Table 2).
Fig. 4C. Suitability maps for aquaculture resulting from Environmental and MPAs legislation scenario considered for the Canary Islands.
Table 2
Total extension (Km2) by suitability categories of the resulting zoning for each of the scenarios considered in the
Canary Islands.
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
3.1.2. Suitable zoning for offshore wind energy development in Madeira -
second use case
At the time of writing, offshore wind energy (OWE) has not been
established in Madeira. However, given the lack of a continental shelf
around the archipelago, it is likely that offshore wind farms (OWFs) will
be developed using oating wind turbines. These will need to be placed
where the wind is suitable for this activity, while staying out of the
feeding grounds and migration corridors of seabirds and sensitive
benthic habitats (Abramic et al., 2022). In this context, the INDIMAR
expert consensus generated a suitability prole that prioritised envi-
ronmental sensitivity and natural oceanographic potential (Table 3).
However, in this scenario, a notable expansion of the suitable area, i.e.
largely suitable or unrestricted zones (Fig. 5A, Table 4), can be observed,
resulting from a signicant lack of marine environmental data (Fig. 4;
Appendix 1). Signicant gaps in the available environmental informa-
tion were observed, particularly with respect to the distribution of
coastal habitats and associated species. The limited data coverage made
it difcult to identify, and therefore avoid, areas where OWE facilities
would have a high impact. This may also explain the similarities be-
tween the sustainable development scenario (i.e. expert consensus) and
the development scenario (Fig. 5A and Fig. 5B respectively, Table 4).
Table 3 shows the weights used in the rst level of the analytical
hierarchy process when comparing the relative importance of the key
components in analysing suitable sites for offshore wind farms in
Madeira for the different scenarios: (A) expert consensus, (B) develop-
ment, (C) conict minimisation. Higher weight values indicate higher
relevance of all parameters considered within each key component.
Due to the limited availability of environmental data (see Fig. 4C,
Appendix 1), further scenarios were developed to analyse suitable
zoning that would maximise the natural potential for development of the
OWE sector while minimising social conicts (e.g. with coastal tourism -
aesthetic visual impacts) and marine conservation issues Table 3. Suit-
able sites for OWE would need to be close to certain terrestrial electrical
facilities to connect the turbines to the islands electrical grid, and
within favourable wind speed and depth ranges (Fig. 5B).
OWE is often perceived as a threat to coastal areas heavily used for
recreational and tourist activities due to visual impacts (Lloret et al.,
2022). Thus, the third prole scenario (Fig. 5C) reects a policy of
avoiding conict between OWE facilities and coastal tourism.
Accordingly, this prole maximized the weights related to the land-sea
interaction, while minimising the weights of all other components to less
than 10%. As expected, this model increased the distance of suitable
areas from the coast, especially from urban areas where coastal tourism
is developed.
3.1.3. Appropriate zoning for aggregate extraction in the Azores - third use
In the Azores, public policy on aggregate extraction (i.e. mainly
sand) excludes from extraction all areas with potential conict with
other operational maritime activities. Thus, in the scenarios considered
for this use case (Table 5), suitability zoning excludes all areas currently
used by other activities, thus avoiding any type of potential conict. This
had a direct impact on the consensus of the regional experts consulted,
who gave greater relevance to coastal and marine uses and activities
when analysing suitable locations for marine aggregates extraction
(Fig. 6A).
Data on marine ecological spatial distribution were also lacking for
the Azores (Fig. 4; Appendix 1), indicating that the sensitivity of marine
ecological components is overlooked, resulting in suitable zoning that
most likely disregards environmental impacts (Fig. 6B). A conict
minimisation scenario was also carried out, taking into account the
spatial distribution of natural aggregate deposits (Fig. 6C). Due to the
Table 3
Conguration of the weights for the three scenarios under consideration in
Key components First level weights for the different scenarios
consensus (A)
minimisation (C)
35 1 9.8
Marine conservation 15 23.5 9.8
Coastal Land Use 16 24.5 60.8
30 38.5 9.8
Maritime Activities 4 12.5 9.8
TOTAL 100 100 100
Fig. 5A. Suitability maps for offshore wind energy resulting from the expert consensus scenario considered in Madeira (see Table 3).
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lack of data for this case study, the spatial results are very similar (see
Table 6).. However, in this scenario the suitability zoning showed lower
scores in zones closer to harbours to avoid conicts with high intensity
shipping lanes.
Table 5 shows the weights used in the rst level of the analytical
hierarchy process when comparing the relative importance of the key
components to analyse suitable locations for aggregate extraction in the
Azores for the different scenarios: (A) expert consensus, (B) environ-
mental, (C) conict minimisation. Higher weight values indicate a
higher relevance of all parameters considered within each key
4. Discussion
The results of this study demonstrated the applicability of the pro-
posed suitability zoning method through the three case studies for
different maritime sectors. This method considers the natural potential
of oceanographic conditions and land-sea interactions to identify suit-
able development areas for the maritime sectors analysed, with the aim
of minimising impacts on the marine environment, promoting compat-
ibility with marine conservation and reducing potential conicts with
other coastal and maritime activities. Thus, all ve components of the
suitability framework are considered (Fig. 1). Moreover, the integration
of all these aspects in the DSS INDIMAR has resulted in an easy to use
Fig. 5B. Suitability maps for offshore wind energy resulting from the Developmental scenario considered in Madeira (see Table 3).
Fig. 5C. Offshore wind suitability maps resulting from the conict minimisation scenario considered in Madeira (see Table 3).
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and exible tool for scenario development through the conguration of
weights that allow a technical decision on whether the marine envi-
ronment and/or conservation and/or natural potential and/or avoid-
ance of conicts with maritime and/or coastal sectors should be
More than a conceptual development, the method was successfully
tested on three different maritime sectors. The results showed that the
developed method using the INDIMAR DSS model is able to provide
advanced results if properly fed with data and aggregated information,
following the suitability framework. A model fed with collected data
that fulls the requirements of ve components provides accurate re-
sults for the introduction or expansion of the maritime sector. For
example, in the case of aquaculture in the Canary Islands case study, the
availability of detailed and accurate data allowed a precise assessment
of suitable areas. The ability to access a wealth of information on each of
the ve data components ensured that the model could identify areas
with optimal growth potential while minimising the risks associated
with unsuitable conditions. Reliable data availability facilitated the
assessment of trade-offs between different suitability components, such
as oceanographic conditions and environmental sensitivity.
The fully operational model is capable of enhancing the relevance of
individual or different components (e.g. marine environment and nature
conservation) while still taking into account the other components
included in the analysis. This choice provides the opportunity to tailor
the model according to the governance strategy, producing different
zoning outcomes that are consistent with a range of planning objectives.
Policy-based (weight) proles can facilitate or constrain trade-offs,
increasing or decreasing the relevance of specic components, but all
are considered in the analysis. In this way, the results provided contain
highly useful information required for the decision-making process, as
the applied method and DSS INDIMAR are aligned with the needs of the
decision maker (Bolman et al., 2018).
In addition, this methodology can be used to go beyond following
already established governance policy planning objectives. The INDI-
MAR DSS, together with the dened model, is capable of dening the
MSP governance strategies. The model can provide suitable areas for the
analysed sectors, test different scenarios and test components for a va-
riety of options for trade-offs. The testing of scenarios with different
constraints and limitations (e.g. related to the environment, marine
conservation or minimising conicts with other coastal and maritime
activities) showed spatial changes in the distribution of suitable areas for
the assessed maritime sectors depending on the congured trade-offs
between the key components of the framework. This provided insights
to assess whether the marine space requirements of the maritime sector
are secured and what trade-offs are necessary between each of the
components considered. As noted by Gimpel (et al., 2015), scenario
analysis can facilitate the denition of governance and planning pol-
icies, enhance or limit component trade-offs, or, if possible, simply apply
a balance of environmental, conservation, and oceanographic condi-
tionspotentials and conicts.
The offshore wind and sand extraction use cases in Madeira and the
Azores, respectively, faced data availability challenges that affected
their suitability zoning results. Both suitability models were signi-
cantly less restrictive due to the lack of environmental spatial informa-
tion. This clearly shows how model results depend on data availability.
After conducting a structured data collection for each case study,
missing data were identied (see Fig. 4; Appendix 1). In this context,
spatial results should be taken with caution, considering whether the
available information is sufcient to adequately assess each of the key
suitability components. Furthermore, the presence of data gaps will
indicate the suitability of policy scenarios for modelling purposes.
For areas with signicant data gaps on the marine environment, it
was possible to model specic policies to avoid conicts with coastal (i.
e. OWE in the Madeira use case) and maritime sectors (i.e. sand
extraction in the Azores use case). These proles are suitable for
developing scenarios for policy planning, with identiable options, al-
ternatives and suitable areas when considering specic trade-offs. The
third OWE model, applied in Madeira, includes specic policies to avoid
any conict with coastal tourism, to consider multi-use, co-use or even
trade-offs with maritime sectors, to develop the offshore wind farm with
lower natural potential areas and foreseeable impacts on the marine
environment during construction and maintenance.
However, the exibility of the methodology developed for the other
sectors does not apply to sheries, as it poses certain challenges due to
its dynamic nature, which is highly dependent on the availability and
movement of resources and stocks. Unlike the other maritime sectors
analysed, sheries management requires continuous monitoring and
adaptive strategies to respond to changing environmental conditions
and stock dynamics. As a result, it can be more difcult to obtain all the
necessary information and ensure its accuracy for effective decision
Table 4
Total extension (Km
) by suitability categories of the resulting zoning for each of the scenarios considered in
Table 5
Conguration of the weights for the three scenarios considered in the Azores.
Key components First level weights for the different scenarios
consensus (A)
minimisation (C)
19 50 9.25
Marine conservation 15 7.25 1.5
Coastal Land Use
26 18.26 27.51
10 2.25 11.5
Maritime Activities 30 22.23 50.22
TOTAL 100 100 100
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
making within the developed methodology.
In this study, we tested a new methodology for three different
maritime sectors, applied to three Macaronesian archipelagos with
different environmental, social and economic conditions. The results
showed that the suitability framework developed and applied by INDI-
MAR DSS is exible and can be implemented throughout the EU Mac-
aronesia region. In this context, the geographical coverage of INDIMAR
DSS is the whole marine region, similar to the application of MYTILUS or
SEANERGY developed for the whole Baltic Sea (Bonnevie et al., 2020,
2022) or the MSP Challenge simulation platform (Abspoel et al., 2021)
covering the whole North Sea.
Although the method can be applied to any use case, adapting the
INDIMAR DSS system to a new region is not easy. When applying the
INDIMAR DSS to a different environment, several factors need to be
- Inconsistencies or gaps in data can limit the effectiveness of the re-
sults provided by the DSS. It is essential to assess the availability and
quality of data and spatial information specic to the new region.
- Each region has unique social, economic and environmental char-
acteristics that shape its priorities in MSP. Adapting the system to
take account of these contextual differences is necessary to ensure its
relevance and applicability in the new region. The zone suitability
framework does not include socio-economic components. This is a
signicant gap that needs to be considered in future development
and in attempts to increase the adaptability of the system (Abramic
et al., 2023).
- Legal and governance frameworks for MSP may vary from region to
region. It is important to understand and integrate the specic legal
and governance requirements of the new region into the DSS to
ensure compliance and effectiveness. Similar to the socio-economic
component, the future suitability framework should include a
governance component that takes into account the administrative
competence related to maritime sectors (e.g. competence for mari-
time sheries) and analyses the marine area (e.g. who has compe-
tence for the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the exclusive
economic zone).
Fig. 6A. Suitability maps for the extraction of aggregates resulting from the expert consensus scenario considered in the Azores (see Table 5).
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
- The implementation of a DSS requires sufcient institutional ca-
pacity and expertise to operate and maintain the system and properly
interpret the results. It is important to assess the existing institutional
capacity in the new region in order to provide the necessary training
and resources to support the successful implementation of the DSS.
- If the new region has cross-border or transboundary dimensions,
spatial interactions and coordination with neighbouring regions
become important. These considerations may not have been
adequately addressed in the use case specically due to the nature of
archipelagos, and adapting the DSS to incorporate cross-border in-
teractions may be a challenging feature for further development.
In summary, while the INDIMAR DSS has broad applicability, its
implementation in a new region requires careful attention to data
availability, contextual differences, legal and governance frameworks,
institutional capacity and spatial interactions. Taking these factors into
account, this DSS will enhance the effectiveness and relevance of the
DSS in the MSP processes of the new region.
5. Conclusion
In this study, the tested methodology has shown a high degree of
adaptability and applicability, whether for the introduction or expan-
sion of the maritime sector, or for covering the diversity of maritime
sectors included in the study. Using the developed methodology, it is
possible to analyse additional sectors that exploits wave, tide or currents
energy, maritime transport or various maritime tourism activities such
as whale watching, diving, kite surng and others. The methodology
provides reliable results that can be effectively applied in practical
It is also important to note that methodologies developed for specic
locations can be adapted to other contexts. However, this adaptation
should take into account various factors such as data availability,
contextual differences, legal and governance frameworks, institutional
capacity and spatial interactions, especially in transboundary contexts.
The zoning methodology developed here takes into account all ve
components of the suitability framework, adjusting the weights and
seeking a balance between the marine environment, conservation,
Fig. 6B. Suitability maps for the extraction of aggregates resulting from the environmental scenario considered in the Azores (see Table 5).
A. Abramic et al.
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Fig. 6C. Suitability maps for the extraction of aggregates resulting from the Conict minimisation scenario considered in the Azores (see Table 5).
Table 6
Total expansion (Km2) by suitability categories of the resulting zonation for each of the scenarios considered in
the Azores.
A. Abramic et al.
Ocean and Coastal Management 251 (2024) 107051
natural oceanographic potential, land-sea interactions and marine and
coastal users.
During the application of the zoning methodology to three use cases,
it became clear that the results of the model were heavily inuenced by
the availability of data. To address this challenge, a structured data
collection process following the zoning suitability framework was
implemented. However, generating the new data required to improve
the quality of spatial suitability analyses was beyond the scope of this
study. Nevertheless, this structured process facilitated a clear under-
standing of which components of the framework had signicant data
gaps and the impact of these gaps on the results. This information
allowed for a more informed interpretation of the zoning results and
provided insights into areas that may require further data collection or
improved data management strategies.
In conclusion, the methodology provides the exibility to adapt the
model and produce zoning results that are consistent with the gover-
nance strategy and meet planning objectives. By incorporating policy-
dened proles with associated weights and constraints, the method-
ology allows trade-offs to be facilitated or regulated, thereby increasing
or decreasing the importance of specic components considered in the
analysis. This approach enables the creation of precise policy scenarios
tailored to specic maritime sectors.
These policy scenarios can be used for various purposes, such as
informing the development or renement of policies within the MSP
framework, adapting governance strategies for maritime sectors and
improving environmental management practices. By using these sce-
narios, decision-makers can evaluate different options, assess their im-
pacts and make informed decisions that are consistent with the
objectives of sustainable maritime development.
Author contributions
Ricardo Haroun: Writing review & editing, Project administration.
Deborah Shinoda: Methodology, Investigation, Conceptualization.
Natacha Nogueira: Methodology, Investigation. Andrej Abramic:
Writing review & editing, Writing original draft, Validation, Super-
vision, Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Formal
analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Helena Calado: Writing
review & editing. Carlos Andrade: Writing review & editing,
Conceptualization. Gilberto Carreira: Project administration. Sachi
Kaushik: Writing review & editing, Conceptualization. Victor Cor-
dero_penin: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft. Ale-
jandro Garcia Mendoza: Software, Methodology. Yazia Fernandez-
Palacios: Writing review & editing. Maria Magalh˜
aes: Methodology,
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data available and searchable through metadata catalogue:
This work was supported by the PLASMAR project (grant number
MAC/1.1a/030); PLASMAR +project (grant number MAC2/1.1a/347)
under the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal MAC 20142020 (Madeira-
Azores-Canarias) programme of the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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This document presents the conceptual framework proposed to be applied to identify and structure the data necessary for the development of maritime spatial plans. The MSP data framework provides the structure to organise input spatial information and data that needs to be considered within the full MSP process. The required input data has been organised in seven thematic clusters covering from the marine environment through to governance themes, according to the experience of previous initiatives. Each cluster is provided with a description, including its relevance to the different stages of the planning process, structure mainly based on already established frameworks, digital resources for data management and harmonisation, and possible data sources.
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Seagrasses store large amounts of blue carbon and mitigate climate change, but they have suffered strong regressions worldwide in recent decades. Blue carbon assessments may support their conservation. However, existing blue carbon maps are still scarce and focused on certain seagrass species, such as the iconic genus Posidonia, and intertidal and very shallow seagrasses (<10 m depth), while deep-water and opportunistic seagrasses have remained understudied. This study filled this gap by mapping and assessing blue carbon storage and sequestration by the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa in the Canarian archipelago using the local carbon storage capacity and high spatial resolution (20 m/pixel) seagrass distribution maps for the years 2000 and 2018. Particularly, we mapped and assessed the past, current and future capacity of C. nodosa to store blue carbon, according to four plausible future scenarios, and valued the economic implications of these scenarios. Our results showed that C. nodosa has suffered ca. 50 % area loss in the last two decades, and, if the current degradation rate continues, our estimations demonstrate that it could completely disappear in 2036 ("Collapse scenario"). The impact of these losses in 2050 would reach 1.43 MT of CO2 equivalent emitted with a cost of 126.3 million € (0.32 % of the current Canary GDP). If, however, this degradation is slow down, between 0.11 and 0.57 MT of CO2 equivalent would be emitted until 2050 ("Intermediate" and "Business-as-usual" scenarios, respectively), which corresponds to a social cost of 3.63 and 44.81 million €, respectively. If the current seagrass extension is maintained ("No Net Loss"), 0.75 MT of CO2 equivalent would be sequestered from now to 2050, which corresponds to a social cost saving of 73.59 million €. The reproducibility of our methodology across coastal ecosystems underpinned by marine vegetation provides a key tool for decision-making and conservation of these habitats.
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Spatial tools to calculate cumulative impact assessments on the environment (CIA) are important contributors to the implementation of an ecosystem-based approach to maritime spatial planning (MSP). Ecosystem dynamics are increasingly important to understand as the activities and pressures in marine areas increase. Results from the application of a new training set for the CIA tool MYTILUS, developed in capacity-building MSP projects for active learning environments, illustrate important points on how the CIA method can be used in systematic scenario design. The feedback from its use in an online PhD course outlines how the training set successfully enables researchers from different disciplines and different parts of the world to meet the CIA approach with such interest and understanding that it enables them to highlight the strengths as well as the shortcomings of the tool interface, tool capabilities, and CIA method, even when none of these researchers are CIA experts. These promising results are presented in this paper and advocate for the increasing use of MYTILUS and similar CIA tools in MSP stakeholder sessions where no preliminary CIA expertise can be expected. The key strengths and challenges of training CIA with MYTILUS are discussed to point out focus points for how to make its approaches increasingly fit for participatory and decision-making processes in MSP to utilise its promising abilities for supporting ecosystem-based management.
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The expected increase in the offshore wind farm (OWF) developments to meet global decarbonisation targets is raising concerns in the scientific community about the ecological health of the marine environment. The present contribution has conducted an extensive literature review on the environmental effects and changes that the OWF can pose on the Good Environmental Status (GES) described by the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC). Consequently, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) checklist has been developed to encompass the construction, operative, and decommissioning phases of the OWF and aimed at enabling the evaluation of whether the OWF developments are conducted compatibly with the maintenance of the GES of the marine environment or not. We have then applied to our case study the developed EIA-GES checklist through a multi-criteria analysis, to evaluate and map the potential level of impact expected from the OWF developments over ca. 45.613,5 Km² of a marine area off an Atlantic archipelago. Particularly, biogeographic aspects, oceanographic conditions, and OWF location sites will ultimately determine the overall impact of the OWF development. In our study area, results suggest that the OWF developments would have a minor or null impact on the GES for ca. 78% of the marine waters assessed. Besides, we have discussed our EIA-GES checklist applicability to decide on appropriate possible impact mitigation measures, following a case-by-case approach and identifying key ecological information that could be collected by the OWF developers during the EIA study. These surveys can support environmental authorities by providing with more insights to assess the GES status while identifying information gaps and areas to improve monitoring and data gathering for the GES maintenance. Finally, we discussed performing EIAs based on the historical datasets, and recommend reinforcement of the time series of data with updated surveys within and around OWF sites to confirm the marine environment's state.
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The EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD) requires the member states (MS) to pursue Blue Growth while ensuring good environmental status (GES) of sea areas. An ecosystem-based approach (EBA) should be used for the integration of the aims. However, the MSPD does not specify how the MS should arrange their MSP governance, which has led to a variety of governance arrangements and solutions in addressing the aims. We analysed the implementation of the MSPD in Finland, to identify conditions that may enable or constrain the integration of Blue Growth and GES in the framework of EBA. MSP in Finland is an expert-driven regionalized approach with a legally non-binding status. The results suggest that this MSP framework supports the implementation of EBA in MSP. Yet, unpredictability induced by the non-binding status of MSP, ambiguity of the aims of MSP and of the concept of EBA, and the need to pursue economic viability in the coastal municipalities may threaten the consistency of MSP in both spatial and temporal terms. Developing MSP towards a future-oriented adaptive and collaborative approach striving for social learning could improve the legitimacy of MSP and its capacity to combine Blue Growth and GES. The analysis indicates, that in the delivery of successful MSP adhering to the principles of EBA should permeate all levels of governance. The study turns attention to the legal status of MSP as a binding or non-binding planning instrument and the role the legal status plays in facilitating or constraining predictability and adaptability required in MSP.
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In this study, we define a novel methodological approach for introducing Offshore Wind Energy (OWE) facilities into sea space, determining the most suitable locations with regard to the five clusters: oceanographic potential; environmental sensibility; restrictions related to marine conservation; Land–Sea interactions; and avoiding potential conflict with current maritime and coastal activities. The methodology was tested along 1.583 km of the Canary Islands coastline and across more than 50 000 km² of related offshore areas. We have identified marine areas that have significant wind&depth potential, minimal impact on the marine environment, compatibility with marine conservation and conflict avoidance with operative economic maritime and coastal sectors (such as coastal tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, maritime transport, etc.). Suitability maps were developed with Decision Support System INDIMAR, a novel tool that analyses the OWE facilities’ relationship with each cluster parameter, introducing weights calculated by an Analytical Hierarchy Process. OWE development needs to find a balance of all five clusters reflecting on Ecosystem-Based Management components that should be mirrored in the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) strategy, including options with tradeoffs among sectorial growth, conflict prevention and environmental protection & conservation.
As marine spatial planning (MSP) continues to gain global prominence as an approach to ocean governance, planners and other stakeholders are eager to evaluate its social and ecological outcomes and to better understand whether plans are achieving their intended results in an equitable and cost-efficient manner. While a plan’s outcomes for marine environments and coastal communities may be of particular interest, these results cannot be separated from planning processes. The field has yet to fully develop the guidance necessary for this critical consideration of how features of an MSP process and external factors interact with plan performance and outcomes. To fill this gap we used a literature review and expert discussions to identify 19 enabling or disabling conditions of MSP within four major categories: Plan Attributes, Legal Context, Plan Development and Social Context, and Integration. We propose semi-quantitative scoring and the development of narratives to operationalize the framework as part of a comprehensive methodology for MSP outcome evaluation. Applying the framework can add depth to quantitative MSP evaluation, shed light on questions of outcome attribution, and inform plan adaptation. Evaluating MSP outcomes in the explicit context of the enabling or disabling conditions identified here can stimulate discussion around what works in MSP and provide a path forward for assessing the benefits and costs of MSP worldwide. By identifying conditions instrumental to effective MSP, and alternatively, conditions hindering a plan, the framework can be used to guide plan adaptation and promote learning across the wider MSP community.
Marine spatial planning (MSP) is adopted as an effective marine resource management tool worldwide to balance the growing development needs and marine conservation. However, the launch of MSP in some countries is still in its infancy due to lack of capacity to compile MSP, such as insufficient financial support, ineffective marine governance system and limited data. To implement MSP within the limitation of capacity, an effective solution would be to target at reconciling the principal contradiction between exploitation and conservation. An issue-oriented framework of MSP for spatial planning was proposed to deal with the constraint and applied it successfully in Koh Lan, Thailand. The framework consists of four layers, namely the layer of issues, the layer of survey and data collection, the layer of analysis, and the layer of policy making. By identifying main conflicts and problems on the island, four thematic analyses were conducted: topographic factor assessment land-based sewage outlet analysis, hydrodynamic characteristics and sewage discharge, habitat quality of the island and its surrounding waters and the island tourism environment based on tourists’ perception, and finally form the MSP plan based on the analyses and stakeholder participation. Lessons learned were highlighted that: (1) Data-driven MSP is fundamental to improve scientificity; (2) Issue-oriented MSP is an effective way of regional marine management and (3) Government impetus and coordination between government and stakeholders is an important guarantee to promote the implementation of MSP. The issue-oriented framework for MSP provides a solution to the problem of slow MSP progress due to inadequate capacity.
A modelling tool was implemented in an Eastern Mediterranean Allocated Zone for Aquaculture (AZA) (Vourlias Bay, Greece) to examine the fate of seabass/seabream aquaculture wastes from multiple farms and assess their potential impacts on the surrounding ecosystem in terms of good environmental status. The model was validated against available satellite (Chl-a) and in situ data (PO4, NO3, NH4, Chl-a, Mesozooplankton), showing a reasonable skill in reproducing the observed range and horizontal variability. Environmental status was assessed by means of two environmental indicators (TRIX, E.I.), calculated using the simulated outputs. The environmental conditions in the AZA were “good” during the well mixed period in winter and “moderate” to “poor” during more stratified periods, particularly summer, when effluents from the fish farms were higher. In the vicinity of different fish farms, environmental conditions were found to be correlated to the fish farm production, as well as to the predominant current speed/orientation. Fish farms, where stronger prevailing currents induced a more efficient off-shore dispersion of wastes, showed relatively better conditions, despite their high fish production. Changes in the food web structure from the input of fish farm wastes were mainly characterized by an increase in dinoflagellates, an indicator for eutrophication, and also nanophytoplankton and microzooplankton. A series of scenario simulations (fish farms production and position) were performed to investigate the ecological carrying capacity of the AZA and demonstrate the utility of the modelling system, as a management tool for AZA spatial planning and licensing of fish farms.
The implementation of marine spatial plans as required by the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) of the European Union (EU) poses novel demands for the development of decision support tools (DST). One fundamental aspect is the need for tools to guide decisions about the allocation of human activities at sea in ways that are ecosystem-based and lead to sustainable use of resources. The MSP Directive was the main driver behind the development of spatial and non-spatial DSTs for the analysis of marine and coastal areas across European seas. In this research we develop an analytical framework designed by DST software developers and managers for the analysis of six DSTs supporting MSP in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. The framework compares the main conceptual, technical and practical aspects, by which these DSTs contribute to advancing the MSP knowledge base and identified future needs for the development of the tools. Results show that all of the studied DSTs include elements to support ecosystem-based management at different geographical scales (from national to macro-regional), relying on cumulative effects assessment and functionalities to facilitate communication at the science-policy interface. Based on our synthesis we propose a set of recommendations for knowledge exchange in relation to further DST developments, mechanisms for sharing experience among the user-developer community, and actions to increase the effectiveness of the DSTs in MSP processes.