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Assessing the Evolution of LLM capabilities for Knowledge Graph Engineering in 2023

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Abstract and Figures

In this article, we evaluate the evolution of LLM capabilities w.r.t. the RDF Turtle and SPARQL language as foundational skills to assist with various KGE tasks. We measure the LLM response quality using 6 LLM-KG-Bench tasks for a total of 15 LLM versions available over the course of 2023, covering 5 different "major version" LLM classes (GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, Claude 1.x, Claude 2.x, and Claude Instant 1.x).
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Assessing the Evolution of LLM capabilities for
Knowledge Graph Engineering in 2023
Johannes Frey1[0000000331270815] , Lars-Peter Meyer1[0000000152605181],
Felix Brei1[0009000852456655] , Sabine Gr¨under-Fahrer1,2[0000000300545003] ,
and Michael Martin1,2[0000000307628688]
1InfAI / Leipzig University, Germany,,
2Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany,
Abstract. In this article, we evaluate the evolution of LLM capabilities
w.r.t. the RDF Turtle and SPARQL language as foundational skills to
assist with various KGE tasks. We measure the LLM response quality
using 6 LLM-KG-Bench tasks for a total of 15 LLM versions available
over the course of 2023, covering 5 different ”major version” LLM classes
(GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, Claude 1.x, Claude 2.x, and Claude Instant
Keywords: LLM benchmarking·knowledge graph engineering ·RDF ·
large language models ·evolution of llms
1 Introduction
Combining the power of large language models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs
(KGs) [14,6,13] to improve both LLM response quality, but also automation of
the creation or processing of KGs via LLM-assistants, received huge attention
2023. In order to assist with KG engineering (KGE), it is crucial that LLMs
can access, understand, and manipulate KGs but also artifacts that are involved
in their construction within various KGE processes. RDF Turtle is a widely
adopted language for representing KGs and KGE artifacts (RML mappings,
SHACL shapes, SPARQL BGPs, Ontologies, etc.) and could serve in combi-
nation with SPARQL as a general low-level KG(E) interface to be leveraged by
LLMs. While there exist works that employ or study LLMs for KGC/KGE tasks,
investigating the performance of LLMs w.r.t. such low-level interfaces and ba-
sic graph comprehension, still remains under-explored, albeit a studies showed
[11,3] that syntactical issues hinder the usefulness of semantically meaningful
responses. This study compared leading GPT4all models to leading commercial
models w.r.t. how well they speak Turtle. However, the obtained results only rep-
resent a snapshot from July 2023, LLMs rapidly evolved over the course of 2023
and studies reported that the performance of newer LLM versions can decrease
[7,2] for selected workloads, raising the question whether this also affects KGE
workloads. In this paper, we focus on closing this gap by assessing the evolution
in Turtle and SPARQL query generation skills of the commercial models from
2 J. Frey et al.
that study, for all versions that were accessible at the end of December 2023.
Our work encompasses the following novelties and contributions:
We present the first comprehensive, quantitative, and qualitative examina-
tion of the evolution of Turtle and SPARQL language skills for all Claude
and GPT-3.5T/GPT-4 releases (until Dec 2023). We assess 15 versions and
provide evidence that the performance of specific successors decreased for a
subset of RDF-KGE tasks.
We published a reusable time capsule dataset [5], capturing experiment re-
play data enabling further in-depth investigations (e.g. custom scores). Given
the (ongoing) discontinuation of old(er) OpenAI models, this resource is a
valuable asset, since it also enables future LLM efforts to be compared with
a state-of-the-art-2023-baseline independent of model availability.
We released an evolved version [9] of the LLM-KG-Bench framework [10]
with updated prompts (enhanced clarity), a novel SPARQL task, a feature
to rerun (modified) evaluations on captured model responses (e.g. using the
time capsule), and support for instantiation-based tasks.
We performed a replication experiment of findings in [3], thereby verifying
and reinforcing the original research outcomes and the soundness of the
benchmark setup and tasks.
2 Related Work
Recent studies have started to explore the use of LLMs in the context of various
KGE tasks. For instance, [20] investigated the performance of LLMs on typical
KG construction (KGC) tasks, namely entity, relation, and event extraction as
well as link prediction, on eight benchmark datasets. Similarly, [16] showed that
current LLMs can be used to streamline the process of automatic creation of KGs
from raw texts as well as for automatic ontology creation. In [18], LLMs have
been successfully used for automatic Knowledge Base (e.g., Wikidata) comple-
tion and correction. A new possible utilization of LLMs with instruction training
was motivated and showcased by [8], where RDF(S) triples have been generated
from textual statements, with the potential to perform further RDF(s) reasoning
and constraint verification. Many of those works emphasize the need of deeper
investigation and more systematic test scenarios. Therefore, the development
of new benchmarking frameworks and generators currently is a topic of high
relevance. The Open LLM Leaderboard [1], aims to evaluate the impressive per-
formance claims of LLMs using the 7 Key Benchmarks from the Eleuther AI
Language Model Evaluation Harness[15]. A highly promising approach within
a sub-discipline of LLM-driven KGC is highlighted in Text2KGBench [12] and
measured using a benchmark developed for that purpose.
A hardly-researched aspect of benchmarking LLMs is the evolution and shift
of model performance over time [19]. LLM services have been observed to sub-
stantially change within a relatively short amount of time, forcing users to contin-
uously adapt prompts, settings or even model choices as to keep the performance
to their respective downstream applications stable. This is especially challeng-
Evolution of LLM capabilities for Knowledge Graph Engineering 3
ing because, it is currently not transparent how exactly LLMs like GPT-3.5 or
GPT-4 are updated and how model behavior will be affected for its different,
multi-faceted capabilities [2]. In consequence, there is the need for empiric stud-
ies, which try to systematically assess skills of LLMs for different perspectives
of KGE. At the time being, though, the task of systematically evaluating model
performance states itself a real challenge, as standard approaches and proce-
dure, like regression testing, need to be substantially re-examined in the context
of LLMs, e.g. due to different correctness notions, prompting brittleness, and
non-determinism [7].
3 Assessment Setup
We performed 6 tasks via LLM-KG-Bench 1.2 [9], that assess individual skills of
LLMs to read, understand, analyze, and create KGs using Turtle or SPARQL.
The tasks are executed in two different manners, T1, T2, T5 and T6 are executed
as static tasks (fixed problem size) 20 times per model, while T3 and T4 are
scalable in problem size and are executed 20 times per combination of size and
model for 8 different sizes.
Additionally, for the original tasks from [3] we performed a replication study
using the same model versions. Due to the randomness with the default temper-
ature, there is a slight variation but the results remain in the same interval (see
Task T1 - Find Connection in a Turtle Org Graph checks basic
understanding for the RDF-KG data model and Turtle reading skills, and asks
to find the shortest connection from :Anne to :Bob in a small organizational
graph. For reasons of brevity, we refer the reader to the task fact sheets3or [3]
for the input documents and prompts. F1 score is measured for the list of IRIs
mentioned in the model response with regard to the list of IRIs representing the
nodes of the shortest path.
Task T2 - Find Syntax Errors in Turtle Org Graph is based on the
same file from T1 but has a period missing and a semicolon in another line
was removed. We prompt to correct the error without altering the formatting.
Correcting the errors demonstrates the LLM’s knowledge of Turtle grammar
while also showing its ability to transform it into a proper form without altering
existing facts and adhering strictly to the task requirements like answering with
just the corrected turtle document and keeping the original formatting. F1 is
calculated for the parsable, normalized triples, comparing the LLM’s answer
with the perfect answer.
Task T3 - Create Example Person Graph requests to generate a KG
using the FOAF vocabulary with n(ranging from 10 to 80 with step size 10)
persons who each have between 2 and 5 friends . The task is motivated by the
idea of using LLMs to generate test, training, or example data of various sizes
for KGE steps, but also assesses Turtle writing and RDF-KG modeling skills
4 J. Frey et al.
(a) T1 - Connected Path (b) T2 - Turtle Fixing (c) T5 - Fact Extraction
Fig. 1: Claude Evolution for Static Tasks: Distribution of F1 scores
(rdf:type, etc.). Although multiple scores were evaluated, we report a relaxed
normalized score person_relative_error, which is 0 iff number of foaf:Person
matches n,>0 if there are more, <0 if there are less persons than n.
Task T4 - Count Friends in Person Graph asks to name the IRI
of the person with most incoming foaf:knows edges, given a simple KG with
npersons (6, 16,..., 76). Each person is known by two other persons, but one
designated foaf:Person is known by three additional persons (one for size 6),
resulting in 5 (resp. 3 for size 6) incoming links instead of 2. This task tests for
graph comprehension (direction of edges) and processing skills by aggregating
link counts for various KG sizes. F1 is reported w.r.t. the expected person IRI.
Task T5 - Create KG from Factsheet assesses the LLM’s fact extraction
and advanced RDF modeling abilities, by requesting to generate a Turtle file that
captures a subset of information from a 3D printer spec PDF plaintext excerpt.
The prompt is designed to be very specific and unambiguous on how the
data should be represented, but also challenges knowledge about ontologies. We
evaluate F1 measure, comparing the set of parsable normalized triples to the
reference document.
Task T6 - Wikidata SPARQL query generation tests SPARQL syntax
formulation skills as basic strategy to extract information from a (larger) KG.
Leveraging LC-Quad [17], we provide a natural text input query, along with
a mapping for all IRIs, that occur in the reference SPARQL query, to their
English labels. We calculate F1 by comparing the result values with values of
the reference query.
4 Claude Models Evolution
For T1, Fig. 1a shows that Claude 2.0 and 2.1 reply consistently with accurate
answers. All Claude 1.x versions give a few incorrect answers. Claude 1.3 per-
forms better than Claude 1.2 but both miss expected nodes in the answer. This
Evolution of LLM capabilities for Knowledge Graph Engineering 5
(a) T3 - Person Graph Creation (b) T4 - Friends Counts
Fig. 2: Claude Evolution for Scalable Tasks: Mean of task metric - 95% CI
effect can also be observed for the Instant versions, but additionally, nodes are
reported twice in the answer. There is a light trend of performance improvement
for every model evolution.
As can be seen in Fig. 1b for T2, Claude models improved over time within
the three model lines Claude Instant 1.x, Claude 1.x and Claude 2.x. How-
ever, while Claude 2.1 performs best (although sometimes syntax errors remain),
Claude 2.0 performs worst. Several ratings of 0 for F1 were caused by too much
modifications to the original formatting and structure.
Claude 1.2, as well as all Instant versions struggle with T3 for all graph sizes
(see Fig. 2a). However, for the 2.x versions, the performance is significantly more
stable with increased graph size. Claude 2.1 delivers the best answers and the
correct amount of persons for sizes 20 and 30. The larger context size of Claude
1.3 100k did not help improve the quality of the results. There is a clear tendency
for improvement for all non-Instant Claude version iterations. However, Claude
inst. 1.1 performed slightly worse than its predecessor.
Considering T4, all versions seem to be challenged by the size of 6 persons
as indicated in Fig. 2b. In this tricky case, only 2 persons (instead of 4) are
different compared to the other persons. The models often respond with the
incorrect person having the most outgoing instead of ingoing edges. Claude 1.2
is struggling over all sizes and in all iterations to name the correct Person.
Similarly, it proposes one of the 3 persons that have one more outgoing link to
the designated target person (that has the most friends) in almost every iteration.
Both Claude 1.3 versions also have this confusion but only in around half of the
6 J. Frey et al.
(a) T1 - Path (b) T2 - Turtle Fix (c) T5 - Extraction (d) T6 - SPARQL
Fig. 3: GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 evolution for Static Tasks: Distribution of F1 scores
cases, with a slight tendency of doing this error more often with increased person
size. For Claude 2.1, this confusion does not happen for all larger sizes and for
Claude 2.0 only in 2 instances. As shown in Fig. 2b(lower), Claude Instant 1.0
performs similar to Claude 1.2. Claude Instant 1.2 gives a slight performance
improvement, by being more reliable and consistent and having less confusion. In
general, we observed in Task 4, that every new version brought an improvement.
When comparing the Instant versions to the full Claude version it is noteworthy
that the Instant versions seem to adhere more strictly to the output format
For T5, Fig. 1c shows that Claude 1.2 is on median and average slightly better
than its direct successor (which produces invalid Turtle in almost half of the cases
that leads to zero triples using our recovery parsing heuristic), but worse than
Claude 1.3-100k. All Instant versions struggle to produce valid Turtle, leading
to very few Triples that can be extracted (approx. half of all the instances lead
to zero recovered triples). There is a slight improvement between every Instant
version: if triples can be recovered, the number of triples extracted increases
with every version step. The Claude 2.x versions do not make severe syntactical
errors that render entire documents as unusable. Unfortunately, the trend that
was discovered in [3], that Claude 2.0 severely violates the output constraints
by giving explanations or titles in the first lines (”here is your RDF:”) also
materialized in version 2.1.
The Claude LLMs seem to have severe problems with T6. While most of the
time syntactically valid SPARQL is produced, the execution just returns empty
result sets. This is caused by semantic errors. Most often we have seen Claude
mixing up Wikidata IRIs or using them in a wrong fashion. There has been
only one instance with a correct result. In favor of readability, we refrain from
showing a plot for this task.
5 GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Models Evolution
As indicated by Fig. 3a, GPT versions from March 2023 seem to tackle T1 very
well (only one mistake by GPT-4). This shows that the effect of a decreased
Evolution of LLM capabilities for Knowledge Graph Engineering 7
(a) T3 - Person Graph Creation (b) T4 - Friends Counts
Fig. 4: GPT-3.5/4 Evolution for Scalable Tasks: Mean of task metric - 95% CI
performance for newer model versions, which has been reported in several on-
line posting as well as in [7], also affects KGE workloads. For later versions we
experienced problems like additional or missing list entries. There is a very clear
performance drop for GPT-4 6/23, which unfortunately has not been resolved
entirely for the November version.
T2 reveals a similar pattern, that the performance for the March versions is
the best (see Fig. 3b). We discovered two main error classes: performing no fix
but stating no error would exist, or changing the turtle formatting too much.
For GPT 3.5 typically the first class could be observed. This seems to happen
especially with the 6/23 versions from GPT 3.5 (4k and 16k). In contrast, GPT 4
seems to ignore the instruction to keep the original layout. In certain instances, it
modifies the turtle format so drastically that the evaluation code fails to retrieve
the turtle snippet from the response, resulting in a penalty of 0 values for F1.
As shown in Fig. 4a for T3, except for the March releases, all models perform
relatively well for the smallest graph size and we see a decrease in answer quality
as the size of the output increases. This trend is not significant for the March
versions. Interestingly, the latest version of GPT-3.5 demonstrates the poorest
performance among all models, opposed to the latest GPT-4 version showing the
best performance. While GPT-4 6/23 exhibits a decline in performance relative
to its predecessor like in T1 and T2, the situation is reversed for GPT-3.5.
For T4 we found w.r.t. GPT-3.5 (see 4b, upper), that version 3/23 is the only
one that in some iterations is able to name the correct person in the tricky case
of the smallest size, but it also very clearly outperforms all newer versions for the
8 J. Frey et al.
remaining sizes. Only for the size of 66 persons there are two erroneous responses
where it chooses the first person. Picking Person-1 (which has no special charac-
teristic other than its position at the beginning of the file) seems to be the most
common error for all newer GPT-3.5 versions. While there is a tendency that
the 16k version performs worse compared to the default (4k) version of 6/23 for
the tested sizes, there is no clear ranking between the remaining versions, given
the confidence interval and interleaving mean curves. In contrast, our observa-
tions of the GPT-4 versions presented a reverse scenario (see Fig. 4b, lower).
The novel November version reports only one incorrect person in the entire test,
showing an almost perfect performance. It is the only version tested, that dealt
correctly with the tricky case. Version 6/23 made an error, in 3 instances (Person
1 as answer), while the majority of incorrect answers of the March version (that
performs worse) are due to the incoming vs. outgoing edges confusion.
In T5 we can see a clear improvement trend from old versions to new versions
for both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 versions (see Fig. 3c). The version of 6/23 that
supports a 16k context window, has a slightly worse performance than the version
with default context size (4k). The pattern observed for Claude, that it does not
respond with the plain turtle, was also experienced for the GPT versions. While
the GPT-3.5 versions correctly reply with the plain turtle, the GPT-4 versions
sometimes wrap the answer in Markdown code blocks. However, starting for the
November version of GPT-4 this is consistent for all runs and in a unified format.
T6 seems to be quite difficult for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 as can be seen in
Fig. 3d. SPARQL queries produced by all GPT-3.5 versions often produce no
result, but roughly every fourth answer is perfect. The GPT-4 versions have a
better probability and create partial correct results as well.
6 Conclusion and Future Work
From the perspective of basic skills for KGE, the latest cutting-edge versions
(GPT-4T 11/23, Claude 2.1) demonstrated for the majority of tasks improved
capabilities over all their predecessors. However, we provided evidence that the
phenomenon which has been reported in blogs and literature, that for specific
tasks the performance degraded over the course of 2023 also applies for selected
KGE workloads (especially for the GPT March/June evolution). One troubling
reason is, that the newer models, although explicitly requested, do not consis-
tently respond in the specified output format (e.g. plain Turtle) but include short
explanations or markdown ticks. This impedes interfacing these models from
code and requires complex and failure tolerant extraction and parsing routines.
Since we observed very different behavior, this additionally hinders a plug-and-
play integration of various LLM (versions) into tools. Therefore, we see as a
next step to define multi-shot tests that are stricter, however provide feedback
to the models (e.g. parsing errors). Moreover, it could be of interest to assess the
performance using N-Triples (allowing easier data extraction from partially in-
consistent responses), or JSON-LD (popular for websites employing
and adding other KGE task (e.g. RML, SHACL, more SPARQL tasks).
Evolution of LLM capabilities for Knowledge Graph Engineering 9
Acknowledgments. This work was partially supported by grants from the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) to the CoyPu
project (01MK21007A) and KISS project (01MK22001A) as well as from the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the project StahlDigital
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Conference Paper
Full-text available
Large Language Models (LLMs) are advancing at a rapid pace, with significant improvements at natural language processing and coding tasks. Yet, their ability to work with formal languages representing data, specifically within the realm of knowledge graph engineering, remains under-investigated. To evaluate the proficiency of various LLMs, we created a set of five tasks that probe their ability to parse, understand, analyze, and create knowledge graphs serialized in Turtle syntax. These tasks, each embodying distinct degrees of complexity and being able to scale with the size of the problem, have been integrated into our automated evaluation system, the LLM-KG-Bench. The evaluation encompassed four commercially available LLMs - GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude 1.3, and Claude 2.0, as well as two freely accessible offline models, GPT4All Vicuna and GPT4All Falcon 13B. This analysis offers an in-depth understanding of the strengths and shortcomings of LLMs in relation to their application within RDF knowledge graph engineering workflows utilizing Turtle representation. While our findings show that the latest commercial models outperform their forerunners in terms of proficiency with the Turtle language, they also reveal an apparent weakness. These models fall short when it comes to adhering strictly to the output formatting constraints, a crucial requirement in this context.
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The AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium on Challenges Requiring the Combination of Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering was held at the Hyatt Regency, San Francisco Airport, California, USA, from March 27‐29, 2023. The symposium gathered researchers and practitioners from machine learning and knowledge engineering to reflect on how combining the two fields can contribute to tackling future AI challenges. The symposium featured a joint keynote presentation by AI pioneers, over 25 presentations by contributors and authors who presented papers, datasets, ontologies, and research findings, and two novel challenges proposed to be solved by the community in a follow‐up event.
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Being able to access knowledge bases in an intuitive way has been an active area of research over the past years. In particular, several question answering (QA) approaches which allow to query RDF datasets in natural language have been developed as they allow end users to access knowledge without needing to learn the schema of a knowledge base and learn a formal query language. To foster this research area, several training datasets have been created, e.g. in the QALD (Question Answering over Linked Data) initiative. However, existing datasets are insufficient in terms of size, variety or complexity to apply and evaluate a range of machine learning based QA approaches for learning complex SPARQL queries. With the provision of the Large-Scale Complex Question Answering Dataset (LC-QuAD), we close this gap by providing a dataset with 5000 questions and their corresponding SPARQL queries over the DBpedia dataset. In this article, we describe the dataset creation process and how we ensure a high variety of questions, which should enable to assess the robustness and accuracy of the next generation of QA systems for knowledge graphs.
Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT4, are making new waves in the field of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, due to their emergent ability and generalizability. However, LLMs are black-box models, which often fall short of capturing and accessing factual knowledge. In contrast, Knowledge Graphs (KGs), Wikipedia and Huapu for example, are structured knowledge models that explicitly store rich factual knowledge. KGs can enhance LLMs by providing external knowledge for inference and interpretability. Meanwhile, KGs are difficult to construct and evolve by nature, which challenges the existing methods in KGs to generate new facts and represent unseen knowledge. Therefore, it is complementary to unify LLMs and KGs together and simultaneously leverage their advantages. In this article, we present a forward-looking roadmap for the unification of LLMs and KGs. Our roadmap consists of three general frameworks, namely, 1) KG-enhanced LLMs, which incorporate KGs during the pre-training and inference phases of LLMs, or for the purpose of enhancing understanding of the knowledge learned by LLMs; 2) LLM-augmented KGs, that leverage LLMs for different KG tasks such as embedding, completion, construction, graph-to-text generation, and question answering; and 3) Synergized LLMs + KGs , in which LLMs and KGs play equal roles and work in a mutually beneficial way to enhance both LLMs and KGs for bidirectional reasoning driven by both data and knowledge. We review and summarize existing efforts within these three frameworks in our roadmap and pinpoint their future research directions.
How is ChatGPT's behavior changing over time?
  • L Chen
  • M Zaharia
  • J Zou
Chen, L., Zaharia, M., Zou, J.: How is ChatGPT's behavior changing over time? (Oct 2023),, arXiv:2307.09009 [cs]
  • J Frey
  • L P Meyer
  • F Brei
  • S Gründer-Fahrer
  • M Martin
Frey, J., Meyer, L.P., Brei, F., Gründer-Fahrer, S., Martin, M.: LLM-KG skills evolution time capsule 2023 for Claude & ChatGPT -Results and log of LLM-KG-Bench runs (Jan 2024).
Opportunities and challenges of chatgpt for design knowledge management
  • X Hu
  • Y Tian
  • K Nagato
  • M Nakao
  • A Liu
Hu, X., Tian, Y., Nagato, K., Nakao, M., Liu, A.: Opportunities and challenges of chatgpt for design knowledge management (Apr 2023). ARXIV.2304.02796
  • L P Meyer
  • J Frey
  • N Arndt
  • K Junghanns
  • F Brei
  • C Stadler
Meyer, L.P., Frey, J., Arndt, N., Junghanns, K., Brei, F., Stadler, C.: Aksw/llmkg-bench: 1.2.0 (Dec 2023).
Developing a scalable benchmark for assessing large language models in knowledge graph engineering
  • L Meyer
  • J Frey
  • K Junghanns
  • F Brei
  • K Bulert
  • S Gründer-Fahrer
  • M Martin
Meyer, L., Frey, J., Junghanns, K., Brei, F., Bulert, K., Gründer-Fahrer, S., Martin, M.: Developing a scalable benchmark for assessing large language models in knowledge graph engineering. In: Keshan, N., Neumaier, S., Gentile, A.L., Vahdati, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Posters and Demo Track of the 19th International Conference on Semantic Systems co-located with 19th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2023), Leipzing, Germany, September 20 to 22, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3526. (2023),