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Abstract and Figures

The aims were to I. assess the differences in unforced errors between men’s and women’s professional padel players, II. assess the differences in unforced errors between winners and losers of the set in professional padel players, III. analyse the evolution of unforced errors in professional padel. To do this, the unforced errors (which are provided by World Padel Tour (WPT)) were collected from 2,567 sets (1,476 men’s sets and 1,091 women’s sets) corresponding to matches from the final draw (round of 32, round of 16, quarterfinals, semi-finals and finals) of tournaments on the WPT men’s and women’s circuits during 2016 to 2022 seasons, which are available on the WPT YouTube channel and on the WPT TV website. The results with respect to the first aim indicate that the number of unforced errors was higher in women’s padel than in men’s, regardless of the set number, tournament round, season and court. With respect to the second aim, not committing unforced errors is a fundamental factor in professional padel to win the sets. Finally, regarding the third aim, the number of unforced errors decreased as the seasons progressed; therefore, to win, players should not only have to pass the ball without missing, but they might have to hit winners or generate forced errors of the opponent.
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 41 No4, 2024 3
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
Padel is aracket sport played in pairs on a20 × 10metre court,
which is divided by acentral net, with an exterior four-metre-high
glass and netting enclosure at the back of the court and alateral
three-metre enclosure to the sides, against which the ball can be hit
during play[1]. Padel is practised by players of different ages and
competitive levels due to the simplicity of its rules and the fact that
its physical and technical-tactical demands are adapted to the level
of play[2–4]. This sport is currently played in more than 70coun-
tries[1], which in recent years has led to asignicant increase in
the number of facilities, commercial agreements (sponsorships, em-
ployment contracts, etc.), sports licences, etc.[1]. In this context,
the number of scientic studies on padel has increased in recent
years[5,6], with the most studied topic being analysis of perfor-
In professional padel there are several tournament circuits (A1-
Padel Tour, Premier Padel, World Padel Tour (WPT)), with the WPT
being most important; it organises more than 20events in different
cities around the world each season. Thus, the players on this cir-
cuit have been the subject of several research studies that have iden-
tied the differences that exist in the parameters of play between
men’s and women’s padel[7–10]. Studies have found that the du-
ration of the points is longer in women’s padel, as well as the
Analysis and prediction of unforced errors in men’s and women’s
professional padel
AUTHORS: Rafael Conde-Ripoll1, Diego Muñoz2, Bernardino J. Sánchez-Alcaraz3, Adrián
1 Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
2 University of Extremadura, Spain
3 University of Murcia, Spain
ABSTRACT: The aims were to I. assess the differences in unforced errors between men’s and women’s
professional padel players, II. assess the differences in unforced errors between winners and losers of the set in
professional padel players, III. analyse the evolution of unforced errors in professional padel. To do this, the
unforced errors (which are provided by World Padel Tour (WPT)) were collected from 2,567sets (1,476men’s
sets and 1,091women’s sets) corresponding to matches from the nal draw (round of 32, round of 16, quarternals,
semi-nals and nals) of tournaments on the WPT men’s and women’s circuits during 2016to 2022seasons,
which are available on the WPT YouTube channel and on the WPT TV website. The results with respect to the
rst aim indicate that the number of unforced errors was higher in women’s padel than in men’s, regardless of
the set number, tournament round, season and court. With respect to the second aim, not committing unforced
errors is afundamental factor in professional padel to win the sets. Finally, regarding the third aim, the number
of unforced errors decreased as the seasons progressed; therefore, to win, players should not only have to pass
the ball without missing, but they might have to hit winners or generate forced errors of the opponent.
CITATION: Conde-Ripoll R, Muñoz D, Sánchez-Alcaraz BJ, Escudero-Tena A. Analysis and prediction of unforced
errors in men’s and women’s professional padel. Biol Sport. 2024;41(4):3–9.
Received: 2023-07-02; Reviewed: 2023-11-20; Re-submitted: 2023-12-19; Accepted: 2023-12-21; Published: 2024-03-06.
number of shots per point[7,8]. In terms of shot types, men hit
more backhand volleys, at or topspin smashes, and shots close to
the net, while women hit more lobs, trays, and shots from the mid-
dle zone or the back of the court[8–12]. In addition, women make
ahigher percentage of errors (forced and unforced), while men make
ahigher percentage of winners[13,14]. On the other hand, although
men are more effective on the serve[15], women are more effective
on break points[10,16].
Similarly, studies have been conducted to identify the differenc-
es between match-winning and match-losing professional padel
pairs[17,18]. These studies indicate that match-winning pairs typ-
ically win long points (over 11seconds), do not make unforced er-
rors in the rst four seconds of the point, and are very effective on
break points. In addition, they perform more attacking actions in
85% of the points, spend more time in the net areas and hit more
smashes. On the other hand, match-losing pairs tend to lose longer
points, perform fewer attacking actions per point and per match, hit
more groundstrokes with or without the wall during the match and
hit more trays. Thus, arelationship has been found between win-
ning points and playing in areas close to the net[19].
The last shot of the point has been widely analysed in men’s and
women’s professional padel[10,19–21] as well as in other racket
Original Paper
Key words:
Racquet sports
Performance analysis
Shot efcacy
High performance
Corresponding author:
Rafael Conde-Ripoll
Universidad Europea de Madrid,
Rafael Conde-Ripoll
Diego Muñoz
Bernardino J. Sánchez-Alcaraz
Adrián Escudero-Tena
© Institute of Sport – National Research Institute
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
differences in unforced errors between winners and losers of the set
in professional padel players, III. to analyse the evolution of unforced
errors in professional padel.
Atotal of 2,567sets (1,476men’s sets and 1,091women’s sets)
corresponding to matches from the nal draw (round of 32, round
of 16, quarternals, semi-nals and nals) of tournaments on the
WPT men’s and women’s circuits were analysed. The data collection
was carried out from the recording of the unforced errors provided
by the WPT during the 2016to 2022seasons at the end of each
set in the open access videos of WPT TV (https://www.worldpadel- or on the ofcial YouTube channel (
com/@Worldpadeltour), following the ethical provisions of the Dec-
laration of Helsinki[33].
Study variables
The performance indicator analysed was the unforced errors (as used
in other investigations[17,19,20]). According to WPT, an unforced
error occurs when apair loses the point due to bad play in asituation
without pressure from the opponents that should be fully controlled
by the player of the team[19].
sports such as tennis or badminton[22–26]. These studies have
concluded that the point can end with awinning shot, aforced er-
ror or an unforced error. Awinning shot is that action where aplay-
er wins the point with adirect shot, while aforced error is that ac-
tion where the player loses the point due to an error in ahighly
difcult shot, and with apoor position for its execution due to the
opponent’s prior shot[21]. And, nally, an unforced error is that ac-
tion where the player loses the point due to bad play or an error in
asituation that should be fully controlled by the player[19].
It is worth noting that the majority of points in professional padel
and tennis matches end as aresult of unforced errors[20,27]. More-
over, making fewer unforced errors than the opponent is key for at-
taining success in padel[10,19–21], tennis[28–30] and badmin-
ton[25,31,32]. Specically, in padel, in relative terms, unforced
errors usually occur with the double wall and, in absolute terms,
with the forehand, backhand and volley[20].
Therefore, after carrying out an analysis of the scientic literature
in professional padel and even in other racket sports, unforced er-
rors seem to be afundamental performance indicator. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the rst study which takes into account data
from seven seasons. For this reason, the aims of the current study
were: I. to assess the differences in unforced errors between men’s
and women’s professional padel players, II. to assess the
TABLE 1. Unforced errors as afunction of the winning or losing pair of the set by gender (data expressed as mean and standard deviation)
Unforced errors according to:
Winners Losers
Men Women p d Men Women p d
First 6.12 3.26 7.46 3.76 < 0.001 0.369 7.78 3.31 9.44 3.88 <0.001 0.435
Second 6.01 3.23 7.21 3.53 <0.001 0.341 7.97 3.39 8.98 3.61 < 0.001 0.291
Third 6.05 3.27 6.92 3.39 0.004 0.316 7.76 3.34 9.08 3.63 0.001 0.381
Round of 32 5.36 2.83 6.32 3.18 0.021 0.310 7.36 3.52 7.99 3.16 0.049 0.265
Round of 16 5.46 2.72 6.03 2.89 0.118 0.208 6.50 2.66 7.54 2.65 0.016 0.324
Quarternals 6.04 3.25 7.43 3.63 < 0.001 0.380 8.01 3.37 9.37 3.82 < 0.001 0.345
Semi-nals 6.51 3.44 7.54 3.73 <0.001 0.271 8.02 3.29 9.53 3.79 < 0.001 0.404
Finals 6.12 3.33 7.78 3.75 <0.001 0.482 8.18 3.45 9.84 3.92 < 0.001 0.482
2016 7.54 3.55 7.93 3.66 0.340 0.118 9.09 3.46 10.73 3.83 0.001 0.409
2017 6.44 3.15 8.04 3.93 <0.001 0.440 8.79 3.20 10.11 4.19 0.007 0.322
2018 7.31 3.72 8.53 4.11 0.020 0.300 10.17 3.78 10.54 3.59 0.238 0.151
2019 7.13 3.45 9.19 4.08 <0.001 0.519 9.35 2.98 11.15 4.27 < 0.001 0.482
2020 5.93 3.04 6.83 3.38 0.021 0.278 7.07 3.33 8.51 3.65 0.001 0.389
2021 4.85 2.81 6.13 3.11 <0.001 0.429 6.49 2.81 7.88 3.17 < 0.001 0.440
2022 5.25 2.76 6.51 3.03 <0.001 0.428 6.78 2.75 8.24 3.06 < 0.001 0.501
Court Outdoor 6.22 3.37 7.49 3.59 <0.001 0.376 8.22 3.57 9.56 3.51 < 0.001 0.412
Indoor 6.01 3.21 7.22 3.63 <0.001 0.341 7.73 3.26 9.08 3.80 < 0.001 0.349
: mean; SD: standard deviation; p: p-value; d: effect size.
Biology of Sport, Vol. 41 No4, 2024 5
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
In addition, the following contextual variables were established:
gender of the players (men and women), result of the set (winners
or losers), tournament round (round of 32, round of 16, quarter-
nals, semi-nals, and nals), set number (rst, second and third sets)
and court (outdoor and indoor).
With respect to the “result of the set” variable, several previous
investigations have studied aspects of scoring in professional
padel[34,35]. These investigations use the set as aunit of mea-
surement, instead of the match, since the data vary very signicant-
ly depending on whether two or three sets are played. According to
the rules[1], apadel match is won by the pair that wins two sets
before the opponent. Therefore, in the scenario of athree-set match,
the results could lead to confusion as each pair would win and lose
aset before playing athird and nal set.
The unforced errors analysed (which are provided by WPT) were
collected from matches that are available on the WPT YouTube chan-
nel and the WPT TV website. The responsible analyst who recorded
the unforced errors in WPT during the seasons indicated in the
sample was acertied padel coach with more than 10years of ex-
perience. However, an inter-observer reliability analysis was performed
to ensure the veracity of the data collected. Adoctor in sports sci-
ences, author of numerous relevant scientic publications on padel
and with more than 10years of experience, using the LINCE video
analysis software[36], analysed the unforced errors of arandom
sample of 380sets to guarantee arelevant amount of data, between
10and 20% of the total study sample[37]. The reliability of the
analysis test was 0.93, considered almost perfect[38]. This doctor
collected the contextual variables of the study, through an ad-hoc
instrument. Furthermore, once the registration was completed, the
doctor again collected arandom sample of 380sets in order to
perform an intra-observer reliability analysis, with the average reli-
ability of the analysis test being 0.98, considered almost perfect[38].
These reliability procedures have already been used in relevant padel
Statistical analysis
Unforced errors did not meet the normality criteria (Kolmogorov-
Smirnov), so non-parametric statistical methods were used[41].
Adescriptive analysis (means and standard deviations) of unforced
errors organised according to the contextual variables was carried
out. Subsequently, an inferential analysis was conducted, using the
Mann-Whitney Utest to identify differences between men’s and
women’s professional padel and between the winners and losers of
the set in professional padel according to the set number, the round,
the season and outdoor or indoor tournament. Effect size was calcu-
lated, considering asmall (0.20), medium (0.50), and large (0.80)
effect size[42]. In addition, graphs were created through the Holt
prediction model to determine the evolution of unforced errors in
professional padel. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
v.21software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) and statistical signi-
cance was set at p<0.05.
Table1shows the differences found between men’s and women’s
professional padel in unforced errors according to the set number,
tournament round, season and court.
As shown in Table1, professional women’s padel players com-
mitted signicantly more unforced errors than men (p<0.001,
p= 0.001, p=0.004, p =0.007, p=0.020, p=0.021,
p=0.016or p=0.049), regardless of the set number, tournament
round, season or type of court, except for the winners in the round
of 16(p=0.118) and in the 2016season (p=0.340), where al-
though women committed more unforced errors than men, these dif-
ferences were not signicant. Furthermore, in the losers in the
FIG. 2. Evolution of unforced errors in women’s professional padel
until the year 2030(UCL: upper condence limit; LCL: lower
condence limit).
FIG. 1. Evolution of unforced errors in men’s professional padel
until the year 2030(UCL: upper condence limit; LCL: lower
condence limit).
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
TABLE 2. Descriptive and inferential analysis of unforced errors as afunction of gender by winning/loser pair
Unforced errors according to:
Men Women
Winners Losers p d Winners Losers p d
First 6.12 3.26 7.78 3.31 <0.001 0.532 7.46 3.76 9.44 3.88 <0.001 0.533
Second 6.01 3.23 7.97 3.39 <0.001 0.612 7.21 3.53 8.98 3.61 <0.001 0.515
Third 6.05 3.27 7.76 3.34 <0.001 0.569 6.92 3.39 9.08 3.63 <0.001 0.610
Round of 32 5.36 2.83 7.36 3.52 < 0.001 0.623 6.32 3.18 7.99 3.16 < 0.001 0.546
Round of 16 5.46 2.72 6.50 2.66 < 0.001 0.455 6.03 2.89 7.54 2.65 < 0.001 0.543
Quarternals 6.04 3.25 8.01 3.37 < 0.001 0.618 7.43 3.63 9.37 3.82 <0.001 0.530
Semi-nals 6.51 3.44 8.02 3.29 <0.001 0.467 7.54 3.73 9.53 3.79 <0.001 0.556
Finals 6.12 3.33 8.18 3.45 <0.001 0.661 7.78 3.75 9.84 3.92 <0.001 0.545
2016 7.54 3.55 9.09 3.46 < 0.001 0.484 7.93 3.66 10.73 3.83 <0.001 0.748
2017 6.44 3.15 8.79 3.20 < 0.001 0.777 8.04 3.93 10.11 4.19 <0.001 0.546
2018 7.31 3.72 10.17 3.78 <0.001 0.765 8.53 4.11 10.54 3.59 < 0.001 0.580
2019 7.13 3.45 9.35 2.98 < 0.001 0.677 9.19 4.08 11.15 4.27 <0.001 0.459
2020 5.93 3.04 7.07 3.33 0.002 0.352 6.83 3.38 8.51 3.65 0.001 0.464
2021 4.85 2.81 6.49 2.81 < 0.001 0.607 6.13 3.11 7.88 3.17 <0.001 0.584
2022 5.25 2.76 6.78 2.75 < 0.001 0.587 6.51 3.03 8.24 3.06 <0.001 0.576
Court Outdoor 6.22 3.37 8.22 3.57 <0.001 0.597 7.49 3.59 9.56 3.51 <0.001 0.630
Indoor 6.01 3.21 7.73 3.26 <0.001 0.564 7.22 3.63 9.08 3.80 <0.001 0.511
: mean; SD: standard deviation; p: p-value; d: effect size.
FIG. 4. Evolution of unforced errors committed by players who
lose sets in professional padel until the year 2030(UCL: upper
condence limit; LCL: lower condence limit).
FIG. 3. Evolution of unforced errors committed by players who
win sets in professional padel until the year 2030(UCL: upper
condence limit; LCL: lower condence limit).
2018season, men committed more unforced errors than women,
although this difference was not signicant (p=0.238).
As Figures 1and 2show, the number of unforced errors decreased
as the seasons progressed in both men’s professional padel and wom-
en’s professional padel.
Table2shows the differences found between winners and losers
in men’s and women’s professional padel in unforced errors accord-
ing to the number set, tournament round, season and court.
As shown in Table2, the results show that the players who won
the set committed signicantly fewer unforced errors than the play-
ers who lost the set (p<0.001or p=0.002), regardless of the
set number, tournament round, season or court type.
As Figures 3and 4show, the number of unforced errors decreased
as the seasons progressed, both in the pair of players who won the
sets and in the pair that lost them.
Biology of Sport, Vol. 41 No4, 2024 7
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
The aims of the current study were to: I. assess the differences in
unforced errors between men’s and women’s professional padel, II.
assess the differences in unforced errors between winners and losers
of the set in professional padel, III. analyse the evolution of unforced
errors in professional padel.
The style of play in professional padel varies according to the gen-
der of the athletes. The results of this study indicate that the num-
ber of unforced errors was higher in women’s padel than in men’s
padel, regardless of the set number, tournament round, season, and
court. Various studies that have analysed the most frequent techni-
cal-tactical action in professional men’s and women’s professional
padel, as well as the differences between them, agree with the re-
sults of this study[13,14]. Apart from showing that ahigher num-
ber of errors (forced and unforced) are committed in women’s com-
pared to men’s padel, it has also been found that men produce more
winners than women. Women’s professional padel is characterized
by amore conservative style of play, where more continuity shots
such as lobs and trays are performed[8,9,11,12] and where to
win, it is enough to pass the ball and not commit unforced errors. In
contrast, in men’s professional padel fewer unforced errors are com-
mitted and the athletes make more aggressive shots such as at or
topspin smashes[12,14] to perform winning shots or to generate
forced errors of the opponent. Nevertheless, these differences be-
tween playing styles in professional padel according to the gender of
the athletes could be due to anthropometric and strength differenc-
es between elite men’s and women’s players[4,43], since men are
on average taller, and have ahigher muscle percentage and higher
values of vertical jump and grip strength than women players, which
allows them to play amore aggressive game.
Not committing unforced errors is afundamental factor in profes-
sional padel to win the sets. The results of this study show that the
players who won committed fewer unforced errors than the players
who lost the set, regardless of the game context analysed. Hence, to
enhance their chances of success in matches, athletes should work
closely with their coaches to develop strategies that minimize un-
forced errors during practice. For instance, coaches and players could
watch competitive or practice matches, identify when unforced er-
rors occur and nd out ways to improve[44], and likewise, coach-
es could also propose exercises in which the unforced errors are mon-
itored and penalized[45,46]. Further investigation in this domain
is required, given the scarcity of information regarding the inuenc-
es of specic drills and training protocols in enhancing technical-tac-
tical abilities[47].
As shown in Figures 1–4, players reduced the number of unforced
errors between 2016and 2022. This could be due to the profes-
sionalization of the sector which has led to enhancements in player
skills. In addition, according to the data of the present investigation,
the number of unforced errors will decrease as the seasons progress;
therefore, to win, players must not only pass the ball, but must also
hit winners or generate forced errors of the adversary. Various
studies that have analysed the effectiveness of the last shot of the
points in professional men’s and women’s padel in different game
contexts[13,17,18,48,49] show that the players who win the
matches commit fewer errors (forced and unforced) and more win-
ners than the players who lose, which would reinforce one of the
main objectives of this sport, which is to minimize the number of er-
rors (forced and unforced). In addition, depending on the type of
shot, the players who lose perform ahigher percentage of backhand
volleys[8,18] and off-the-wall shots[8,48]. Coaches and athletes
should work in acooperative way so that the latter develop agreat-
er competitive performance by being more diverse and unpredictable
in their actions thanks to appropriate challenging constraints[50].
Likewise, previous studies have indicated that winning pairs tend to
win long points (more than 11seconds) and do not usually commit
unforced errors in the rst four seconds of the point[19]. The same
authors found that, at the net, losers committed unforced errors ear-
lier in the rally than winners whereas there were no signicant dif-
ferences at the baseline. Similarly, Courel-Ibáñez and collabora-
tors[51] found that winners made 40% fewer unforced errors at the
net compared to losers. The study conducted by Escudero-Tena and
collaborators[14] indicated that in men’s padel more winning shots
are made than in women’s padel; thus men’s padel is generally more
aggressive, although this difference decreases as the importance of
the point increases. On the other hand, in men’s padel fewer errors
(forced and unforced) are committed than in women’s padel at non-
key moments and at key moments, so women must train to achieve
amore uid game. However, men commit more errors (forced and
unforced) than women in golden points, with women being more ef-
fective in these cases. Likewise, Sánchez-Alcaraz and collabora-
tors[34] stated that the importance of the point for the match score
causes players to change their game behaviour. Therefore, players
must pay special attention to the different moments of the game,
and create training routines in which specic situations are estab-
lished, that is, train with ascoreboard simulation.
The results of this study are very novel, because as far as we
know, it is the rst study that analyses such an extensive data sam-
ple (seven seasons), allowing apredictive analysis of the develop-
ment of the number of unforced errors in men’ and women’s profes-
sional padel. However, alimitation must be taken into account when
interpreting the results, which is that the data recorded for the round
of 32and round of 16pertain only to the 2022season. In previous
seasons, WPT did not provide these data in these or prior rounds
(i.e., rounds from qualication). In addition, in future research, as
unforced errors have been analysed, forced errors, winners, and shots
that generate forced errors should be analysed.
The style of play in professional padel varies according to the gender
of the athletes, because the number of unforced errors is higher in
women’s padel than in men’s, regardless of the number of sets, the
round of the tournament, the season and the court. Hence, since the
Rafael Conde-Ripoll et al. Unforced errors in professional padel
as the seasons progress. Therefore, in order to increase the chanc-
es of winning, players will not only have to pass the ball, but they
will also have to hit winners and/or force errors on the opponent.
Conict of interest declaration
The authors declare no conict of interest.
number of unforced errors in men’s and women’s professional padel
will decrease as the seasons progress, the style of play in women’s
padel game should evolve so as to be more offensive.
In addition, not committing unforced errors is afundamental fac-
tor in professional padel to win sets. Thus, players who win commit
fewer unforced errors than those who lose, regardless of the context
of the game. However, the number of unforced errors will decrease
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... Thus, it seems that, at professional levels, there is a clear tendency to maintain, or even increase, the number of winners produced during tournaments. This tendency is supported by a previous study (Conde-Ripoll, Muñoz, Sánchez-Alcaraz et al., 2024) that showed a decline in unforced errors over time. This tendency highlights the professionalization of this emerging sport, with players showing higher technical/tactical skills. ...
... Even though it was not measured in the present study, a possible justification would be that, given the observed enhancement in player's skills (Conde-Ripoll, Muñoz, Sánchez-Alcaraz et al., 2024;Ungureanu et al., 2024), it is reasonable to anticipate their heightened ability to effectively defend against more challenging shots. What currently constitutes a winner, in the future it may evolve into a generator of forced error. ...
Full-text available
Objectives: 1) assess differences in winners between male and female professional padel players during 5 seasons (2018-2022); 2) assess differences in winners between winning and losing pairs of a set during 5 seasons (2018-2022); and 3) predict the evolution of winners in the coming seasons (2023-2027). Methodology: 4,048 winners (2,268 men´s winners and 1,780 women´s winners) of 2,024 sets (1,134 men's and 890 women's) were analyzed from the World Padel Tour circuits (2018-2022). Using Student's t-test for independent samples, with 95% confidence intervals and effect size (Cohen's d). Results: a significantly higher number of winners in men's padel (.001 < p < .029; ES: 0.257 < d < 0.587), except for losing pairs in the third set and during 2020 and 2021. For the second aim, winning pairs produced significantly more winners (p < .001; ES: 0.502 < d < 1.678), except in 2020. Concerning the third aim, the number of winner/set is foreseen to remain consistently random (2023-2027: men's winning pairs:20-24; losing pairs: 16-20; women's winning pairs: 18-21; losing pairs: 14-18). Conclusions: men achieve more winners than women, winning pairs make more winners than losing pairs, and the number of winners will remain consistently random over the coming seasons.
... Es importante destacar que el número de errores son superiores a los golpes ganadores , siendo, en términos generales, el remate el golpeo con más puntos ganadores y la volea el golpeo con el que más errores se comete (Conde-Ripoll, et al., 2024a). En este sentido, la efectividad del golpeo entre la pareja ganadora y perdedora parece variar en función del género, ya que las jugadoras femeninas cometen más errores no forzados en ambos casos (Conde-Ripoll et al., 2024b), así como en función del tipo de punto (Martín-Miguel et al., 2023c). Escudero-Tena et al. (2022b) analizaron esta cuestión especificando tres tipos de puntos: no clave, clave y punto de oro. ...
... Diversos estudios han analizado esta limitación de la investigación desde el punto de vista de secuencias de golpeo. Por un lado, se ha identificado las secuencias de golpeo más comunes en pádel profesional (Conde-Ripoll et al., 2024b), por otro lado, se han analizado las principales secuencias de finalización Ramón-Llín et al., 2022). No obstante, estos estudios no han diferenciado en función del tipo de punto, lo cual es significativo dado el efecto que tiene el punto de oro en las acciones de juego. ...
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El estudio analizó las diferencias en las acciones finales de los puntos de oro en pádel profesional masculino y femenino, atendiendo a las características del punto, así como al tipo de golpeo utilizado por la pareja ganadora del punto. Se analizaron mediante observación sistemática 418 puntos de oro de 77 partidos de la temporada World Padel Tour 2023. Los resultados mostraron más puntos de oro por set (p=.032) y más golpes por punto en mujeres (p=.030). El error fue la forma más común de conseguir puntos, con un 10% más de winners en hombres (RTC=2.8). Se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en los tipos de golpes finales. Respecto a los winners, predomina el remate y recuperación del remate en hombres y volea de derecha en mujeres. En relación a los generadores de errores, además del remate, los hombres causan un 18% más de errores con la volea de revés. En la categoría femenina, el globo y la víbora/bandeja son los golpes que más errores provocan. En conclusión, en pádel masculino, el smash y recuperación del remate son fundamentales, mientras que en pádel femenino destaca la volea de derecha, globo y víbora/bandeja. Estos hallazgos son cruciales para entrenadores y jugadores al planificar entrenamientos específicos por categoría.
... depending on the moment: non-key moment, key moment, golden point). These findings emphasize the importance of minimizing unforced errors, which remain a key performance indicator at the professional level (37). ...
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Introduction This study aimed to analyse the differences between pressure training and official competition matches in high-level male padel players from Finland, focusing on the proportion of points won by serving and returning players, the frequency of break points and golden points, and the effectiveness of the last shot. Methods A total of 4,417 points from 38 matches played during the 2022 and 2023 seasons were analyzed. Results The results revealed no significant association between match type (pressure training vs. competition) and the distribution of winners, forced errors, or unforced errors ( p = 0.867). Similarly, the frequency of break points, non-break points, golden points, and non-golden points remained consistent across both match types, regardless of the service situation (serving or returning players). While a relationship was observed between shot type and match type in forced errors ( p = 0.024), the overall shot effectiveness remained comparable across different shot types. Discussion In conclusion, this study suggests that high-level male padel players display comparable technical-tactical performance in pressure training and official competition matches.
... The effectiveness of the last shot, a key technical-tactical performance indicator has been thoroughly investigated (Conde-Ripoll, Muñoz, Sánchez-Alcaraz, et al., 2024). A point can conclude with a winner, a forced error, or an unforced error (Sánchez-Alcaraz, Jiménez, et al., 2021). ...
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Objective: this study aimed to analyze the differences between amateur and professional padel players in terms of the type of last shot, its effectiveness and, the court area where it is performed , in both men's and women's padel. Methodology: a total of 180 matches and 2,278 points were systematically observed. Results: amateur players committed more unforced errors than professionals (CSR=2.9-4.7), while professionals produced more winners (CSR=2.0-4.0), and more forced errors in men's professional players (CSR=3.2). A relationship was found between the last shot type and player level for winners and unforced errors in men's padel (p<.05). Amateurs scored more winners with the forehand and bandeja, while professionals were more successful with the slow smash. Amateurs made more forced errors with the recovery smash and more unforced errors with the powerful smash, whereas professionals committed more unforced errors with the contra-pared and double wall. In women's padel, the relationship was significant for winners (p<.001), with amateurs scoring more with forehand, backhand, back wall forehand and slow smash, and professionals with x3, fake, and powerful smashes. Professional women also committed more forced errors with the forehand, while amateurs committed more unforced errors with the slow and recovery smash. In men's padel, amateurs produced more winners in zone 5 and more forced errors outside the court, while in women's padel, amateurs made more unforced errors in zone 5 and fewer in zone 2, with professionals committing more forced errors in zone 6. Conclusions: these findings highlight how skill level impacts shot selection and performance.
... The analysis of gameplay patterns in women's competitions in other racket and paddle sports has revealed a tendency to make more unforced errors with the backhand, especially in pressure situations, where the player is forced to hit from an uncomfortable position [16][17][18]. This asymmetry in stroke execution can influence not only the number of unforced errors but also the effectiveness of attacking shots, i.e., winners [19]. ...
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Background: Pickleball has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, yet studies exploring its specific characteristics are scarce. This investigation provides a detailed notational analysis of women’s singles pickleball, evaluating the technical and tactical performance indicators in the game. Method: An observational methodology was used to analyze all points from five PPA Tour tournaments. The matches were recorded and coded using LINCE PLUS software, version 2.1.0, with a category system designed for this sport. A descriptive analysis was conducted with IBM SPSS version 25.0, and Theme 6.0 Edu software was used to detect gameplay patterns. The statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The findings indicate that serving players have a slight advantage, winning 55.1% of points. Most of the points were resolved through unforced errors, accounting for 63.7% of the total, primarily from forehand strokes in short rallies and backhand strokes in medium rallies. The most frequent hitting zones for point termination were near the non-volley zone (35.8%) and behind the baseline (38.6%). Conclusions: This study provides a deeper understanding of performance in women’s pickleball, highlighting technical and tactical patterns that offer guidelines for optimizing strategies and techniques in the sport.
... From a gameplay standpoint, professional padel has evolved in recent years, transitioning into a more intense sport (Ungureanu et al., 2024) characterized by a decline in unforced errors, a trend projected to persist (Conde-Ripoll, Muñoz, Sánchez-Alcaraz et al., 2024). Match-winning pairs produce a higher rate of winners and commit fewer errors compared to match-losing pairs (Escudero-Tena et al., 2021;Sánchez-Alcaraz et al., 2022). ...
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Este estudio examina las características físicas y técnicas en el pádel masculino de alto nivel de Finlandia. Participaron en el estudio 10 deportistas masculinos del top-25 divididos en dos grupos (top-5: n = 4, 30.8 (±4.3) años, 184.5 (±5.9) centímetros de altura, lateralidad: tres diestros y un zurdo; y clasificación entre 10 y 25: n = 6, 28.8 (±4.4) años, 185.7 (±5.1) centímetros de altura, lateralidad: 6 diestros). Se realizaron las siguientes pruebas: salto con contramovimiento, lanzamiento de balón medicinal por encima de la cabeza, lanzamiento de balón medicinal, smash potente y smash por encima de la valla. Los resultados mostraron que había diferencias significativas en la prueba de lanzamiento de balón medicinal por encima de la cabeza (p = .031) entre los dos grupos. En conclusión, este estudio pone de relieve que las características técnicas y físicas difieren ligeramente entre los mejores jugadores de Finlandia (top 5) y los clasificados entre el 10 y el 25.
... An instrument was designed to assess SPP, covering items related to shot effectiveness, player movements and court positioning, teamwork and communication, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and game rhythm or pace (the ratio of actions and point duration, expressed as shots per second). Several studies have emphasized that minimizing errors is a key factor in increasing the chances of winning a match [32]. However, shot effectiveness is closely linked to other tactical variables, such as player movement and court positioning [33]. ...
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The purpose of this study was to design and validate a guide to strategic principles in padel (SPP), offering practical recommendations for both players and coaches. Once the first version of the guide was developed by six relevant researchers in padel, 11 padel experts (all with a federation title as coaches and with experience as a coach and player) conducted a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the guide. Aiken's V coefficient and confidence intervals were used to calculate content validity, and Cronbach's α coefficient to analyze reliability. The adequacy and wording of the 15 principles initially designed were evaluated. One principle was eliminated for obtaining values < 0.91 in Aiken's V coefficient regarding adequacy. The wording of the remaining principles was modified according to the qualitative assessments of the experts. The reliability of the instrument was acceptable, (α = 0.90). This guide provides a foundational list of strategic principles for padel, offering practical recommendations for players and coaches. It could also serve as a useful resource for federations to incorporate into coach education programs, supporting the development of tactical knowledge in padel.
... 5,6 Narrow focuses typically examine technical-tactical indicators, such as shot types, contact with opponents' wall, shot height, and shot trajectory. 7,8 In contrast, broader focuses consider contingencies of shots, including players' court location, hitting side, distance to the net when hitting, serve impact of match outcome, 9 and tactical perspectives aiming at achieving an offensive position effectively. 10,11 In professional padel, WPT operates on an elimination system in which pairs losing a match are promptly eliminated from the tournament. ...
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Purpose: This study analyzed the effectiveness of net exchanges (ie, number of times the pairs exchange their zone on the court from the net zone to the back zone or vice versa) in men's and women's professional padel depending on the competition phase. Methods: Data were collected from 41 matches, comprising a total of 4829 points, from both the qualifying and the main draws of the World Padel Tour Finland Padel Open tournament. Descriptive analysis (frequency and percentage) and inferential tests (Pearson chi-square [χ 2 ], Cramer V coefficient [Vc], corrected standardized residuals, and chi-squared automatic interaction detection) were carried out. Results: There were significant differences (P < .05) in net exchanges between the main and qualifying draws, both in men's (79.6% vs 72.1% for no exchanges) and women's (62.2% vs 57.6% for no exchanges) padel. Additionally, differences in the likelihood of winning points based on whether the serving pair or the returning pair finished the rally at the net were highlighted. Indeed, finishing rallies at the net for the serving pairs increased the probability of scoring a winning shot (ie, in even-numbered net exchanges), while finishing rallies away from the net (ie, in odd-numbered net exchanges) was more likely to result in errors, for both male and female players and main and qualifying draws. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the strategic behavior of professional padel matches, highlighting the importance of net dominance and its impact on match outcomes, particularly in relation to gender differences and phase of competition.
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Our aim in this study was to analyze gender differences across amateur and professional padel players related to the last shot of each rally. We analyzed a total of 180 games per category (professional and amateur), with 90 games for each gender. We performed descriptive and inferential analyses, including the Chi-square (χ2) statistical test, the Cramer's V coefficient (Vc), subsequent Z-tests and corrected standard residuals (CSR). Results revealed that male amateurs produced more winners than female amateurs (CSR = 3.2). Conversely, male professionals exhibited more forced errors (CSR = 3.0) than female professionals, while female professionals committed more unforced errors (CSR = 3.8). In addition, there was a significant relationship between the type of the last shot played and player gender among amateurs , particularly when the last shot resulted in a winner (p < .001) or an unforced error (p = .011). Similarly, among professionals, there was a significant relationship between gender and last shot play when the last shot was a forced error (p = .009). Likewise, there was a relationship between the court zone and gender in amateur padel, when the last shot was an unforced error (p = .002) and among professionals,when the last shot was a winner (p = .001). In conclusion, the type of technical-tactical action, its effectiveness, and the area of the court were influenced by the players’ sex in both amateur and professional padel.
The objective of this study was to know the distribution of winning strokes and errors in padel and to analyze the differences between male and female gender. A total of 1,068 strokes were analyzed corresponding to 8 matches (4 men's and 4 women's) of the Valencia Master tournament of the official World Padel Tour 2021 circuit. The matches were analyzed through systematic observation. The results showed that there are no significant differences between genders in the area of the court in which the players make the last shot of the point in padel (winner or error). Both men and women make approximately 40% of the point-ending shots from the middle of the court. Furthermore, men make 22.9% more winning shots bringing the ball into their own court than women, and women make 29% more winning shots with double bounces than men. On the other hand, there are no differences between men and women in the distribution of errors in professional padel and approximately half of the errors in padel occur by hitting the ball against the net, in both men's and women's padel. These data will serve as a reference for coaches and players to design exercises adapted to the demands of the competition.
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The aim of the study was to carry out a systematic review of the most recent research on performance analysis in padel. An electronic search was made in four sport science databases: Web of Science, Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar. Systematic review principles were used to identify and select studies following inclusion and exclusion criteria. From a total of 261 articles identified in the initial search, 27 articles were included in analysis, all dating from after 2018. The articles were classified according to four study variables: temporal aspects, game actions, on-court movements and match score studies, ordered in turn according to the year of publication. The results show differences in the four study variables according to the gender or the level of players, the side or the zone of play and the duration of the match. In conclusion, the results define the relevant aspects of the game with the aim of being used at a technical, tactical and physical level, as well as contributing to the development of scientific knowledge in padel, allowing future research to address less studied topics and carry out more complete and specific studies and interventions for a greater understanding of the needs of padel.
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The goal of this research was to analyze how situational variables such as the tactical position and the direction of the serve, the return's direction, and the score affect the vertical trajectory (VT) of the return (straight or lob) in men's and women's professional padel. For this, a sample of 2752 points (1431 men and 1321 women) corresponding to 69 matches played in the 2021 season of the World Padel Tour circuit was used. The VT of the return (straight or lob), to which player it was oriented, how important the point was attending to the score, the tactical position of the serving players, and the direction of the serve by systematic observation were recorded. The results showed that situational variables had a significant influence on the type of vertical return trajectory. Men performed a significantly higher percentage of straight returns (three out of four returns) when returning to the player at serve, or at a nonkey moment, or Australian position, or when the serve was to the body or to the side wall. In contrast, women returned a significantly higher percentage of lob returns (three out of four returns) to the server's partner, or in golden point situations, or in serves to the “T” and to the body, regardless of the tactical position at serve. The return had not been analyzed considering the score, observing changes in the golden points. These results have a great impact both on carrying out specific return training and on improving pair's anticipation to serve in different return situations.
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Since the 2020 season the World Padel Tour (WPT) has incorporated the golden point rule, which consists of playing a point to decide the game when the score is deuce (40–40). The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the golden points and the rest of the points in men's and women's professional padel, as well as to identify the differences between both types of points. A sample of 2752 points (1431 men's and 1321 women's) was used from 394 games identified and finished with a golden point, corresponding to 69 matches played in the 2021 season of the WPT circuit. The variables recorded were the type of point (golden points and non-golden points), player serving, tactical service position, number of net exchanges, effectiveness of the partner serving and effectiveness of the last shot through systematic observation. The results indicate that during the golden points in men's padel, the Australian position is usually used more, while in women's padel the Australian position is more common when the player on the right serves and the traditional one when the player on the left serves. In addition, both in men and women, the most common serves are those directed towards the side wall. On the other hand, except for the errors in women's padel during the golden points, the winning shots are made in areas close to the net and the errors in areas at the back of the court.
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar las diferencias entre el sexo en jugadores profesionales, que compitieron en el World Padel Tour durante cuatro temporadas (2016-2019). Se recopilaron los indicadores de rendimiento de 1070 sets (532 partidos), de los videos de acceso abierto del canal de YouTube de WPT. Se analizaron las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en los indicadores de rendimiento según el número de set, la ronda del cuadro y el tipo de torneo a través de un análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Los hombres realizan más remates y remates ganadores que las mujeres independientemente del contexto de juego. Por el contrario, las mujeres realizan más puntos de quiebre, puntos de quiebre ganadores, errores y golpes ganadores que los hombres. Existen más diferencias significativas entre mujeres y hombres en los indicadores de rendimiento en el torneo open, seguido de los torneos master y donde menos diferencias hay es en los torneos master final. Además, los remates y los remates ganadores son los indicadores de rendimiento donde la magnitud del tamaño del efecto es más grande (d>.80). Estos hallazgos resultan de gran interés, pues ayuda a los entrenadores a conocer que indicadores de rendimiento condicionan el estilo de juego según el sexo de los deportistas.
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The objective of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of finishing actions in men’s and women’s professional padel. To do this, the category, the type of finishing actions, the type of shot and the number of shots in 5513 points from five World Padel Tour tournaments were analysed. The results showed that men made more winners and fewer errors than women (p < 0.001); with smashes usually being the most frequently used shots to make winners, also highlighting the forehand off the wall smash in women's padel. The back wall shots and forehand or backhand shots without a wall appear as the most frequent errors in these finishing actions. Also, while men tend to make more errors with forehand volleys, women hit more winners with this shot. Men and women padel players make more errors (CSR = 6.7; CSR = 5.5) and fewer winners (CSR = −6.7; CSR = −5.5) in the first five shots of each point. However, they make fewer errors and more winning shots as the number of shots per point increases. These findings are highly relevant, since the style of play differs according to the gender of the players.
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The objective was to analyze the effectiveness in men’s and women’s professional padel of errors and winners depending on the type of shot and the importance of the situation during each game. In addition, differences between men and women were identified. The sample was made up of 2759 points corresponding to the games that finished with a golden point from matches played in the 2021 season of the World Padel Tour circuit. The results show men and women make more errors (men: 58.7%; women: 63.2%) than winners (men: 41.3%; women: 36.8%), and this difference increases as the importance of the points increases in men’s padel; however, the opposite happens in women’s padel. Trays and smashes are the most characteristic last shots in men’s and women’s padel (hits with which more winners are achieved), followed by back wall shots (shots where more errors are made) and then drive and backhand volleys. In men’s padel there are more winning shots and fewer errors than in women’s padel, except in the golden points, where men make more errors than women. These considerations are of great importance, as they help the players to know the most effective way to finish points according to the situation of the game.
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El texto está formado por 10 capítulos integrados en tres grandes bloques. En la primera parte, titulada “La Comunicación como objeto de estudio científico”, se incluyen tres capítulos: 1) Fundamentos de la investigación en Comunicación, 2) El método científico, y 3) La construcción de teorías científicas. En la segunda parte, titulada “Técnicas de investigación cuantitativa”, se presentan tres capítulos más: 4) El análisis de contenido, 5) La investigación por encuesta y mediante cuestionario, y 6) La investigación experimental. Finalmente, en la parte tercera, titulada “Análisis estadístico de los datos”, se incluyen cuatro capítulos: 7) Introducción conceptual a la Estadística, 8) Análisis univariable, 9) Análisis bivariable, y 10) Análisis multivariable.
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To prepare athletes for psychological pressure of competition, pressure training (PT) systematically applies pressure on athletes during training. This study explored how to create pressure for PT and how PT improves performance in competition. Specifically, it aimed to explore the views of sport psychologists and athletes on: (a) common properties of effective pressure manipulations, and (b) PT’s mechanisms for improving performance under pressure. Eight sport psychologists and eight international-level athletes participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis identified three properties of effective pressure manipulations: (a) extending the reach of consequences, (b) simulating psychological demands of competition, and (c) approximating, but not replicating, intensity of competition pressure. Analysis also produced three themes that described how PT benefits performance: (a) learn and practice coping skills, (b) “change the relationship” with pressure, and (c) increase the quality of training. Understanding these benefits can help communicate to athletes why they should participate in PT. Lay summary: Pressure in training can help athletes adjust to pressure in competition, and this study found that practitioners can create pressure by applying psychological demands and consequences that have an extended impact on athletes. Athletes can then practice coping skills and learn that pressure does not have to hurt performance. • Applied implications • To create pressure in training, practitioners should implement pressure manipulations that increase the sense of importance to perform well. • These pressure manipulations include consequences that have extended reach or demands that emphasize psychological challenges of competition. • PT helps athletes train mental skills learned in workshops or one-on-one consulting.
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El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre la altura, la posición del ranking, lateralidad (diestro vs. zurdo) y el lado de juego (derecha vs. revés) de los 100 mejores jugadores de pádel del mundo tanto en categoría masculina como femenina, atendiendo al ranking profesional World Pádel Tour (WPT) 2020. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de una relación significativa entre la altura y el lado de juego en ambos sexos, siendo los jugadores del lado izquierdo más altos que los jugadores del lado derecho (p= .004). Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias cuando se compararon jugadores según la lateralidad (diestros vs. zurdos). Los jugadores zurdos fueron significativamente más altos que los jugadores diestros del lado derecho, tanto en hombres (1.80 ± .05 m vs 1.76± .06 m; p <.05), como en mujeres (1.70 ± .06 m vs 1.64 ± .06 m; p <.05). Finalmente, se observó una correlación positiva entre la altura y el ranking en mujeres, aunque parece estar altamente influenciada por el lado de juego, ya que solamente se observó una relación lineal significativa (más altas, mejor posicionadas) con jugadoras del lado derecho (R2 = .162). En conclusión, la altura en pádel parece ser un factor determinante para el lado de juego, siendo los jugadores más altos los del lado izquierdo. En mujeres, la altura de las jugadoras del lado derecho está directamente relacionada con el ranking
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The objective of this paper is to (1) introduce a scientific way of measuring the cost of an unforced error in tennis during various match situations and (2) to provide a basis for players and coaches to choose the right strategy among extremely cautious and adventurous playing styles based on a statistical approach. To do this, we analyzed a total of 2,490 different match situations. The results of this study show that the cost of an unforced error varies greatly depending on the match situation. Players are better served by playing a high percentage, low-risk game in situations when the cost of an unforced error is higher than the median cost and adapt a high-risk approach when it is lower than the median cost.