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mHealth App to improve medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors: Development and usability study

SAGE Publications Inc
Digital Health

Abstract and Figures

Background Effective medication adherence is vital for older adult stroke survivors, yet 20–33% cease treatment within a year post-discharge, increasing risks of recurrent strokes and mortality. A mobile health (mHealth) app could be a novel tool to improve medication adherence among stroke survivors because of its potential to increase patient empowerment. A few stroke-related apps provide information and support to stroke survivors. However, none have focused on medication adherence and documented their development and evaluation process, particularly those focused on this older population. Objective This study aims to design and develop a smartphone app called OASapp to improve medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors and evaluate its usability. Methods OASapp was developed in a three-phase development process. Phase 1 is the exploration phase (including a cross-sectional survey, a systematic review, a search for stroke apps on the app stores of Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and a nominal group technique). In phase 2, a prototype was designed based on the Health Belief Model and Technology Acceptance Model. In phase 3, Alpha and Beta testing was conducted to validate the app. Results Twenty-five features for inclusion in the app were collected in round one, and 14 features remained and were ranked by the participants during nominal group technique. OASapp included five core components (medication management, risk factor management, health information, communication, and stroke map). Users of OASapp were satisfied based on reports from Alpha and Beta testing. The mean Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX) score was 71.4 points (SD 14.6 points). Conclusion OASapp was successfully developed using comprehensive, robust, and theory-based methods and was found to be highly accepted by users. Further research is needed to establish the clinical efficacy of the app so that it can be utilized to improve clinically relevant outcomes.
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mHealth App to improve medication adherence
among older adult stroke survivors:
Development and usability study
Wenjing Cao
, Juan Wang
, Yuhui Wang
, Intan Idiana Hassan
and Azidah Abdul Kadir
Background: Effective medication adherence is vital for older adult stroke survivors, yet 2033% cease treatment within a
year post-discharge, increasing risks of recurrent strokes and mortality. A mobile health (mHealth) app could be a novel
tool to improve medication adherence among stroke survivors because of its potential to increase patient empowerment.
A few stroke-related apps provide information and support to stroke survivors. However, none have focused on medication
adherence and documented their development and evaluation process, particularly those focused on this older population.
Objective: This study aims to design and develop a smartphone app called OASapp to improve medication adherence among
older adult stroke survivors and evaluate its usability.
Methods: OASapp was developed in a three-phase development process. Phase 1 is the exploration phase (including a cross-
sectional survey, a systematic review, a search for stroke apps on the app stores of Apple App Store and Google Play Store,
and a nominal group technique). In phase 2, a prototype was designed based on the Health Belief Model and Technology
Acceptance Model. In phase 3, Alpha and Beta testing was conducted to validate the app.
Results: Twenty-ve features for inclusion in the app were collected in round one, and 14 features remained and were ranked by
the participants during nominal group technique. OASapp included ve core components (medication management, risk factor
management, health information, communication, and stroke map). Users of OASapp were satisedbasedonreportsfrom
Alpha and Beta testing. The mean Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX) score was 71.4 points (SD 14.6 points).
Conclusion: OASapp was successfully developed using comprehensive, robust, and theory-based methods and was found to
be highly accepted by users. Further research is needed to establish the clinical efcacy of the app so that it can be utilized to
improve clinically relevant outcomes.
mHealth app, mHealth development process, medication adherence, eHealth, mHealth, mobile apps, usability, older adult
stroke survivors
Submission date: 5 August 2023; Acceptance date: 14 February 2024
Xiangnan University, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, China
School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Baru, Kelantan, Malaysia
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Central South University, Changsha, Hunan Province, China
Department of Family Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Corresponding author:
Azidah Abdul Kadir, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan,
Creative Commons NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NoDerivs 4.0 License ( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work as
published without adaptation or alteration, provided the original work is attributed as specied on the SAGE and Open Access page (
Original Research Article
Volume 10: 115
© The Author(s) 2024
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/20552076241236291
Stroke remains the second leading cause of death and a
major contributor to disability worldwide. The estimated
cases of stroke would continuously increase due to the sub-
optimal management of stroke-related diseases (e.g. hyper-
tension, atrial brillation, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes).
Medication adherence is considered a substantial and
crucial attempt to prevent stroke.
However, there is a
large volume of published studies describing medication
adherence among stroke survivors is problematic.
Adhering to medication can be challenging for stroke
patients due to concerns about long-term use, memory chal-
lenges, nancial constraints, side effects, and regimen com-
A consensus among social scientists indicates
that medication non-adherence is associated with increased
risk of stroke events and all-cause mortality.
As such,
measures should be implemented to enhance medication
adherence among this population. Brown et al.
strated that improving medication adherence may have
greater effect on the populations health than any improve-
ments in new therapies.
Several attempts have been implemented to improve
medication adherence among stroke survivors. However,
Wessol et al.
conducted randomized controlled trial inter-
ventions to increase medication adherence in adult stroke
survivors and concluded that despite some isolated
success, most interventions had shown limited effective-
ness. The worldwide development and adoption of afford-
able smartphones in the last several years has brought
enormous advantages toward inuencing the behavior of
patients. The advancement of apps is unavoidable and has
the potential to facilitate interventions because they can
improve engagement with established strategies for preven-
tion and treatment of diseases through individualized
dosing reminders, personalized goal setting, and gamica-
Zeng et al.
indicated that the development and
testing of mHealth intervention programs for stroke survi-
vors is still at an early stage, and evidence of their effects
are limited. Furthermore, apps are increasingly used to
assist older people in staying connected to friends and
family, remaining active, and self-managing chronic ill-
Many medication adherence apps are currently
available given the accessibility and widespread use of
mobile phones
; however, these apps are not specicto
diseases, such as stroke. Piran et al.
pointed out that
most apps exist to specically support stroke survivors/
caregivers and primarily focus on language and communi-
cation difculties instead of medication adherence. Our
recent review found that a feature related to medication is
not one of the primary features of stroke-related apps.
A few stroke-related apps provide information and
support to stroke survivors, but none have comprehensively
documented their development process and usability, which
will allow future researchers to develop similar mHealth
apps and may be especially useful for the more innovative
aspects of mHealth (e.g. design principles, technical fea-
tures, and the presentation of information). Moreover, a
theory-based app could stress and sustain health promotion
behavior change; otherwise, the apps effectiveness could
be limited.
The Health Belief Model (HBM) and
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provide a well-
dened framework for the development of apps.
Accordingly, this study reports on the design and develop-
ment of a mHealth app, namely, OAS, based on HBM and
TAM to improve medication adherence among older adult
stroke survivors.
The app was developed in three phases (Figure 1). The
researcher conducted the development process with a technol-
ogy team and an expert advisory panel (EAP). The EAP con-
sisted of three stroke experts, a nurse, a doctor, and a
pharmacist, each with abundant experience in clinic care tar-
geting stroke survivors. The experts were regarded as
project consultants, and they provided consultation or feed-
back throughout the prototype design and development
process. The technology team was responsible for the proto-
types design and programming and consisted of four people
(e.g. a technology director, an app developer, a user experi-
ence and graphic designer, and a database engineer).
Phase 1 involves three steps. In step 1, a cross-sectional
study was conducted to determine the prevalence of medi-
cation non-adherence and its associated factors among older
adult stroke survivors in China. This step is important in
creating an appropriate strategy to improve medication
adherence. In step 2, a systematic review of stroke apps
Figure 1. App development process.
in the literature, Apple App Store, and Google Play Store was
conducted to gather ideas for the development and content of
the app. In step 3, a nominal group technique (NGT) was
applied to develop the framework and content of the app.
Phase 2 included the design of the app and development of
its overall structure. In phase 3, Alpha and Beta testing was
conducted to validate the relevance, appropriateness, practical-
ity, and clear aspects of the mobile app.
Phase 1: exploration phase
Step 1: survey of medication non-adherence and associated
factors among older adult stroke survivors in China. A cross-
sectional study on 402 older adult stroke survivors was con-
ducted from June 2022 to August 2022 by using the follow-
ing questionnaires: the General Medication Adherence
Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire,
Health Literacy Scale for Stroke Patients.
The details of
the methodology have been described in a previously pub-
lished study.
The points generated from the survey regard-
ing app development were as follows: the app should
provide information on the necessity of treatments as well
as the known side effects of prescribed drugs and help par-
ticipants to share their concerns; older adult stroke survivors
are more adherence to medications if it meets their broader
health needs medical conditions (e.g. hypertension, history
of cardiac-related comorbidities, diabetes, etc.); the app
should utilize a reminder function to facilitate adherence
to medications; and additional information on hypertension
and diabetes would be necessary.
Step 2: systematic review of stroke apps in the literature, Apple
App Store and Google Play Store
Overview. We conducted two reviews, namely, a litera-
ture review and research in commercial application stores.
The study design for review of commercial apps has been
reported elsewhere.
The details of the literature can be
found in our previously published paper.
Some important
conclusions can be obtained from the literature review: an
increasing number of apps targeting stroke survivors are
released and mostly geared toward young and middle-aged
patients. Developers must address the needs of older age
groups and offer enhanced accessibility features. When
developing the app, enhanced accessibility features
should be offered to increase to older adults groups. For
example, the app could launch a care mode, which has
large and clear words, vivid colors, good recognition, and
large buttons for ease of use.
Step 3: NGT. NGT was conducted to explore three elements:
1. Identify the main issue of medication compliance in
elderly diagnosed with stroke,
2. Present the literature review and available apps in the
play store, and
3. Identify and prioritize a list of key app features suitable
for older adult stroke survivors.
NGT involves a highly structured face-to-face meeting that
provides an orderly procedure for obtaining relevant and reli-
able qualitative information from target groups that are related
to the problem area.
This technique has been applied in
numerous studies to produce ideas and identify solutions
within groups and generate recommendations for best prac-
NGT comprises four key stages: silent generation,
round robin, clarication, and voting (ranking or rating).
The facilitators presented the content and features of the pro-
posed apps and the techniques and elements suitable for older
adult stroke survivors were used for discussion.
Two weeks before the session, the researcher selected
and invited the participants for a group session. The
researcher briey discussed the topic and the expected
outcome of the session.
Nine participants were included in the discussion group:
1. One neurologist
2. One nursing specialist
3. One education specialist
4. Two pharmacy specialists
5. One public health physician
6. Three representatives from intended users (all of them
are older adult stroke survivors above 60 years old).
Two moderators from the research team conducted the
session. NGT consisted of six phases (e.g. introduction to
the purpose and procedure of the meeting, silent generation
of ideas, sharing ideas, discussion of ideas, voting and
ranking, and conclusion) which was adopted from the
studies of Potter et al.
and McMillan et al.
To be specic, facilitators conducted a literature review
on the features of a mobile application (e.g. emergency
information collection, risk assessment, reminders, educa-
tional information, self-monitoring of blood pressure/
lipids/glucose, rehabilitation guidance, communication
with healthcare providers and others, and psychological
support) expected by users from published research; they
shared the ndings to the participants and asked them to
rank the answers accordingly. The ow of the whole discus-
sion in NGT is shown in Figure 2.
Phase 2: design of app prototype
Inspired by the conception of storyboard in the movie
we intended to generate a storyboard to map
out and organize ideas based on the ndings from the app
store review, literature search, cross-sectional study, and
NGT in the exploration phase before actually developing
the app. The storyboard is the blueprint for the app and
Cao et al. 3
describes all the elements that would appear on a single
screen. Figure 3 shows the storyboard of the app.
The development of the app prototype can be dened as
translating the storyboard into a whole app design. Two
project researchers underwent two mobile application devel-
opment workshops to develop the prototype. The develop-
ment was based on a framework of guiding interface design
for older adults adopted from the study of Liu & Joines
well as guidelines for developing apps for elderly people
adopted from the work of Phiriyapokanon.
the app was developed based on HBM and TAM
(Figure 4). During the prototype development, the researchers
considered all inputs from the NGT session. The prototype
was developed on the Android platform.
Phase 3: validation of app
Alpha and Beta testing was conducted to validate the rele-
vance, appropriateness, practicality, and clear aspects of the
mobile app.
Alpha testing. Alpha testing is known as simulated oper-
ational testing on apps that have been developed to identify
and solve problems that have arisen. Alpha testing was con-
ducted by involving content experts and an app expert. A
stroke specialist and a senior lecturer, who has PhD quali-
cation and is an expert in medication adherence, were
involved as content experts in the Alpha testing. The
content experts were requested to evaluate the app by
lling out an evaluation form (Appendix 1), which was
adapted from a previous study.
An app expert, whose
research interests are usability assessment and product
design, was also involved in the Alpha testing. He was
responsible for evaluating the usability of the app. After
evaluating the app, the app expert was asked to ll out
the heuristic evaluation form (Appendix 2) adapted from
a previous work.
The experts assessed the comprehensibility, clarity, and
technical errors encountered when using the app. Feedback
from the content and app experts involved was recorded to
improve the quality of the app. Based on the Alpha testing
results, the researcher carried out modications to improve
the quality of the app.
Beta testing. After all amendments based on the comments
of the experts involved, Beta testing was carried out on the
target group, namely, older adults stroke survivors. Beta
testing aims to determine (in conjunction with data from
Alpha testing) whether the developed prototype meets
usersneeds in ways that would lead to sustained adop-
According to Mohd & Shahbodin,
Beta test is
carried out to serve as a trial before conducting a real test.
Beta testing determines the usability of the prototype. It is
formal process used to understand the usefulness and
usability of an application that has been developed.
Usefulness is related to how useful the developed applica-
tion is. Usability refers to the technical operation of the
application, which includes two aspects, namely, interface
and interaction. Through this test, the researcher determined
the effectiveness of the improvements after the Alpha
testing. The researcher was also able to identify any weak-
ness or problem about the use of the developed software
from the perspective of the target user group.
From the viewpoint of Allesi and Trollip,
there are
seven steps that must be executed in Beta testing, namely:
(i) Select the participant in our study, older adults stroke
survivors were selected for Beta testing. We enrolled
patients from the neurology department of three tertiary
hospitals in Chenzhou City of Hunan Province, China
(Afliated Hospital of Xiangnan University,
Chenzhou No. 1 Peoples Hospital, and Chenzhou
Third Peoples Hospital) through purposeful sampling
to obtain a maximum variation sample of key stake-
holders. The inclusion criteria were as follows: age of
60 years or older; history of stroke; modied Rankin
score of three or less; taken at least one medication in
the previous month, such as (but not limited to) anti-
platelets, statins, and anti-hypertensives to control risk
factors for strokes; last stroke episode that occurred
more than a month; and ability to read Chinese and
communicate in Mandarin Chinese or the local
Chenzhou dialect. Patients who had the following
were excluded: psychiatric illness or deafness,
aphasia, or other language barriers; and cognitive
impairment (Mini-Mental State Examination score
17 [for illiterate] or 20 [individuals with 16years
of education] or 24 [individuals with 7 or more
years of education]). The information sheet and
Figure 2. Flow of nominal group technique (adopted from the
studies of McMillan et al.
and Potter et al.
consent form were given to the patients who indicated
willingness to participate.
(ii) Explain the procedure and the purpose the
researcher explained the procedure and purpose of
the Beta test to the participants.
(iii) Determine prior knowledge the researcher determined
how much knowledge the patient has about stroke.
(iv) Observe them throughout the whole process the
researcher observed the participants and recorded pat-
terns that emerged from their interactions with the
prototype through the program.
(v) Interview them afterward after the participants
interacted with the app prototype, the researcher
interviewed them to provide feedback on its usability
and content.
(vi) Assess their learning after the participants inter-
acted with the app prototype, the researcher
evaluated how much of the learning process
they had.
(vii) Revise the program the researcher created a plan
that covers information about revisions conducted,
time needed, and deadline for each revision.
Figure 3. Storyboard of the app.
Cao et al. 5
Beta testing was divided into two levels, namely, (1)
one-to-one evaluation and (2) small group evaluation.
One-to-one evaluation. Three older adults stroke survi-
vors were involved in the evaluation. The participants
were given iPads with a pre-loaded app prototype. The
researcher kept the provision of guidance on how to use
the app to a minimum to allow the participants to explore
the prototype freely and ensure the identication of any
potentially unclear features or instructions in the prototype.
The participants were with the researcher individually and
asked to explore the app under the supervision of the
researcher. The researcher observed the participants
without interrupting them and recorded patterns that
emerged from their reaction towards the app. The partici-
pants were then asked to provide detailed feedback on the
app, particularly on its content and operation.
Small group evaluation. The researchers helped the
patients to download the app, discussed the purpose of
the study, and conducted a brief demonstration of the fea-
tures of the app (e.g. logging into the app on a mobile
device, setting medication lists and reminding, using the
stroke map, making a BP/ blood glucose entry, viewing a
BP graph and sharing it with friends by WeChat, sharing
Figure 4. Relationship between the constitutive denitions of HBM and the contents generated in the conceptual modeling of the
application (top) and TAM (bottom).
experience with others, and reviewing the entered health
information). The participants were asked to complete pre-
specied tasks with the mobile app independently to ensure
that they could use all areas/functions of the app. They were
then provided with the details of using the app and were
asked to test the app for 7 days.
All the participants were given the opportunity to
explore the developed app freely, and they were asked to
evaluate the app in terms of usability by lling out the
form called the Chinese version of the Usability Metric
for User Experience (UMUX) adapted from the study of
Wang et al.
UMUX is a standard usability questionnaire
designed to measure perceived usability consistent with
the System Usability Scale (SUS) but using only four
items (rather than 10 items).
The questionnaire is
compact enough to serve as a usability module in a
broader user experience metric.
A reliability analysis of
the merged data set resulted in a Cronbachs alpha value
of 0.83 for UMUX.
Lewis et al.
indicated that UMUX
provides an alternative metric for perceived usability for
situations where reducing the number of items is critical
while obtaining accurate usability assessment. The items
vary in tone; odd-numbered items have a positive tone,
and even-numbered items have a negative tone.
adopts a seven-point Likert scale (1 =Strongly Disagree
to 7 =Strongly Agree). It is scored as [score-1] for items
one and three and [7-score] for items two and four. The
scores for each item are summed, divided by 24, and multi-
plied by 100.
The reliability of the Chinese UMUX is
0.824, and the construct validity KMO of UMUX is
The correlation between UMUX and SUS is r
(173) =0.829 (p< 0.01).
The NGT results present the various features of the app that
were ranked according to their importance. In total, 25 fea-
tures were collected for inclusion in the app in round one.
After selecting, prioritizing, and discussing these features
in rounds two and three, 14 features remained and were
ranked by the participants. The results of the voting cards
were reviewed to determine the features that received the
most votes and the ranking of the votes. Of the 14 features
identied by the participants, medication reminder was the
top feature voted as essential for inclusion in the app. It was
followed by track BP/lipids/glucose, disease information,
pharmacy information, and communication (Table 1).
Furthermore, the NGT ndings were used to build a
Table 1. Number of participants who chose specic features.
Feature Number of votes Top 5 highest priority
Medication reminders 9 (100%) 1
A drugdrug interaction check 2 (22.2%)
Risk assessment 5 (55.6%)
Record medical history 2 (22.2%)
Pharmacy information 8 (88.9%) 2
Disease information 8 (88.9%) 2
Export information from app 3 (33.3%)
Hospital information 4 (44.4%)
Track blood pressure/lipids/glucose 8 (88.9%) 2
Versatility of medication information input and display 4 (44.4%)
Communication 7 (77.8%) 3
Work with wearables 2 (22.2%)
Important contacts 3 (33.3%)
Symptom management 5 (55.6%)
Cao et al. 7
framework of the app (Table 2). The prototype version of
the app is registered for national copyright from the
China Government (Appendix 3).
Prototype features
OASapp is composed of ve components (Figure 5):
- Medication management component
- Risk factor management component
- Health information component
- Communication component
- Stroke map component
Figure 5 shows a screenshot of the app.
Table 2. Framework of the app.
No. Items Description
1. Name of the app OASapp, the abbreviation of older adult stroke application
2. Objective To improve medication adherence among older adults stroke survivors
3. Platform for publishing
the app
Android platform
4. Main functions Section Medication management
This section has a medication list with reminders to take appropriate doses. It can generate adherence
reports and allow a patient to visualize their adherence. The medication lists include indications to
ensure that patients are educated. Patients could involve family members or healthcare providers
by sharing their medication lists via WeChat.
Section Risk factor management
This section allows for the self-reporting and storage of BP, capillary glycemia level, blood lipid
prole, and BMI readings, producing feedback in the form of graphs and numerical data logs. An
export function allows users to share these data via WeChat.
Section Health information
This section lists patientsknowledge of stroke, such as its denition, signs, and symptoms. It is
presented in short videos and textual graphic presentations to improve the effectiveness of
information dissemination. Voice Broadcast is applied.
Section Communication
This section allows patients to chat with health care professionals (HCPs) and other patients. Patients
can also browse a list of frequently asked questions.
Section Stroke map
This section helps patients to identify stroke signs and symptoms with the so-called Stroke 1-2-0
interface, where 1 represents First, look for an uneven face,2 refers to Second, examine for arm
weakness,and 0 refers to Zero (absence of) clear speech.If a stroke sign is suspected or
identied through the three-step procedure, the patient can link the quick recognition to the
immediate activation of emergency medical services (EMS) by dialing 1-2-0 to reduce stroke
prehospital delay. In addition, nearby hospitals are provided in map and list views, incorporating
proximity to the users location by using the Global Positioning System.
5. Other ancillary functions Patients can store their health data in the app (e.g. blood test results, imaging examinations).
This section allows users to store the emergency contact numbers of family and provides emergency
access to them through the app.
Patients can access their favorite health information from the Favoritesscreen.
Each component is described in detail below.
The medication management component encourages
patients to upload their medication schedule (medication
name, medication appearance, dosage, unit, and frequency).
Patients can receive customized reminders to take their
tablets. The medication lists include indications, so patients
are educated and make associations with each medication.
Participants can add a picture to provide visual clues (e.g.
to ensure correct medication is taken). Medication adher-
ence reports can be generated and shared with a healthcare
provider or family member by WeChat.
The risk factor management component allows users to
input BP, capillary glycemia level, blood lipid prole, and
BMI measurements; and view numerical logs as well as
1-week graphs of BP, capillary glycemia level, blood
lipid prole, and BMI data. These data can be shared with
a medical team or family member by WeChat; as such, the
user has easy access to the stored information for future
acute or chronic care visits to healthcare providers. If a partici-
pant records a BP with systolic reading greater than 180
mmHg or less than 100 mmHg or a diastolic reading of
greater than 110 mmHg, then the user will be guided by auto-
mated notications within the app at the time of the elevated
reading regarding what to do next. Figure 6 shows an
example of a push notication in the app.
The health information component provides users with
knowledge on stroke. Topics include the denition, epi-
demiology, harmful effects, and risk factors of stroke as
well as how to identify it. Topics specic to hypertension
and diabetes are also provided. All topics were created
based on literature review, multidisciplinary expert group
meeting, and user needs analysis. All health knowledge
were broadcasted by voice.
The communication component provides a platform for
active collaboration between healthcare professionals and
patients. Users can consult health care professionals about
stroke-related questions and share their feelings with other
The stroke map component helps educate users on the key
symptoms to look out for and allows them to directly dial 120
(Emergency Medical Services contact all over China). The
component adopts a stroke screening tool based on the
Stroke 1-2-0program, which was developed by adapting
Face, Arm, Speech, and Time (FAST) and is regarded as a
rapid response program for stroke in China. Stroke 1-2-0 is
transformed into three stroke recognition actions, where 1
represents First, look for an uneven face,2represents
Second, examine for arm weakness,and 0 represents
Zero (absence of) clear speech.
If a user taps an icon repre-
senting a symptom, then a pop-up window shows that the user
may be having a stroke, informs the user that it may be a stroke,
and directs the user to call emergency services immediately.
The user also has access to view the nearest hospitals and
his/her location by the help of the Global Positioning System
(a built-in function of smartphones).
Figure 5. Screenshots of OASapp, including its (A) home page, (B)
medication management component, (C) risk factor management
component, (D) health information component, (E) communication
component, and (F) stroke map component.
Cao et al. 9
The app launches the care mode, which has large and clear
words, vivid colors, good recognition, and large buttons for
ease of use of older adult stroke survivors (Figure 7).
Alpha testing
Several minor aws (e.g. wrong spelling) were identied by
the content expert. In addition, the content expert suggested
the addition of more information on hypertension and diabetes.
The app expert gave several pieces of advice, such as using the
same font size and color throughout the app. The issues
encountered in the Alpha testing are summarized in Table 3.
Beta testing
One-to-one evaluation. All the three participants were satis-
ed with the app during one-to-one survey and provided
positive feedback. The application usability fullled the cri-
teria; for example, it is easy to use and has simple interface
design and appropriate color schemes as well as high-
resolution graphics. No programming or technical errors
undermined the use of the app based on the evaluation.
Small group evaluation. A total of 15 older adult stroke survi-
vors participated including 10 men (66.7%) and 5 women
(33.3%). The participants were aged 60 to 87 years, with an
average age of 71.33 years. Eight (53.3%) participants had
a primary school education or less; 46.7% lived with
spouse; the majority had comorbidities (86.7%); and 66.7%
of them were married. The mean total types of prescription
medications per day was 3.73 (1.62), and the mean duration
of stroke disease was 40.8 months (range 12240 months).
An overall UMUX score of 71.4 (SD 14.6) was obtained,
which was higher than 68 on the SUS score, which is the
minimum cut-off point for a usable system; this nding the
good usability of OASapp as a mobile app. Based on Beta
testing, older adult stroke survivors provided some sugges-
tions regarding adjustments: information should be stepwise,
brief, and short (e.g. presented as maximum three screens of
text); choosing whether one would like to read or listen
should be easily conducted; the language used in the app
should be changed to reect everyday user language,
instead of academic or medical terminology; animations and
illustrations should be used to create visual aids and substan-
tiate the information in clear and engaging manner.
Main nal ndings
The development of apps by using comprehensive, robust,
and theory-based methods is critical to their success.
Figure 7. Care mode effectiveness of the app.
Figure 6. Example of a push notication in the app.
OASapp was well accepted by the content expert (Alpha
testing) and consumers (Beta testing). In this context, the
usability of the app is critical in older adults with stroke
because they have major setbacks in using smartphone
apps compared with other adult consumers. Wildenbos
et al.
reported that age is associated with normal physical
decline (e.g. hearing or visual impairments), which poses a
barrier to effective mobile device use. Four key aging
barrier categories, namely, cognition, physical ability,
motivation, and perception, can inuence the usability of
Operational and technical literacy are the
major challenges for many older adults because they are
still not as tech-savvy as the younger generation.
If the
design accommodates age-related perceptual, cognitive,
and motor changes, then the app may be more likely to
be acceptable for older adults. A recent observational
study underscored the pivotal role of a simplistic design
and the incorporation of features catering to neurologic def-
icits when developing a mHealth app for post-stroke care
derived from usability testing.
Previous research indicated
that the complexities of older adults (with chronic condi-
tions) and their disabilities are often overlooked and that
many of the developed mHealth apps consist of many dif-
culties to understand features.
App functions that are
difcult to use or understand might result in a signicant
decrease in usability. These factors are common problems
and shortcomings of currently available stroke mobile
apps. Based on our review of existing apps and systematic
review of literature, most apps are not designed to cater to
older adults.
Limited literature is available on the devel-
opment of apps that improve medication adherence
among older adult stroke survivors, and the present study
should inform future researchers in this evolving eld.
HBM and TAM provide a well-dened framework for app
development. Based on the HBM constructs, perceived bene-
ts, perceived barriers, self-efcacy, and cues to action are
associated with app uptake intention.
During the develop-
ment process, all these elements were addressed by health
information in different formats (e.g. textual information,
graphic presentation, or video). The stroke map component
analyzes the users risk for stroke and provides advice or
recommended action. This component will strengthen the per-
ceived susceptibility that an individual might have the risk of
suffering from stroke. The app content and functionality were
rened and focused using HBM. Furthermore, the perceived
ease of use and usefulness can pose barriers to technology
acceptance and universal access among older adults.
Additionally, Walrave et al.
reported a negative relationship
between age and perceived benets; thus, older potential users
need to be more convinced of the appsbenets. TAM posits
that higher perceived usefulness and ease of use results in
more greater behavioral intention and actual use of the tech-
Therefore, we applied TAM to facilitate the devel-
opment of OASapp. For example, we launched care mode,
voice input mode, voice broadcast, and share mode through
WeChat to ensure that the app is easy to use. HBM and
TAM contributed to the successful development of the app.
However, Mohr et al.
commented on the lack of theory
and evidence to inform the design of development of most
apps available to consumers. In general, our study provides
an example on how the theory component was incorporated
into designing a mHealth app. The results will have potential
use and implication for developers in terms of incorporating
theory in the development of health-related apps.
NGT was used to develop OASapp. In contrast to other
where participants generate their list of attributes
before the discussion and rank them afterward, the NGT in the
present work compiled attributes from the literature review
and presented them for discussion with the participants.
Although the participants were not allowed to brainstorm
before the discussion because of time constraints, they were
provided with opportunities to voice their opinion on what
the components should be and how to implement the
program. NGT allows everyone in the group to contribute to
the discussion. The NGT results showed that medication
reminders, track BP/lipids/glucose, disease information, phar-
macy information, and communication were the top ve fea-
tures voted by the participants. The ranking of these features
Table 3. Issues with Alpha testing.
Issue Changes made to the app
Delay in medication reminding Fast sync capability added
Dosage unit mg is not available Put mgin dosage unit
Wrong spelling Amending errors
Font size and color are not uniform Using the same fonts in size and color throughout the app
Line spacing cannot be set in the body of health information Glitch in system amended immediately
There is no information on hypertension and diabetes Add information on hypertension and diabetes
Cao et al. 11
highlighted that the group had a consensus on what is the
important issue and the prioritization of app features. Our
study conrms that the use of NGT is feasible and valuable
for identifying important features about apps.
Despite the plethora of medication adherence apps, the
majority of them were considered low quality.
et al.
identied 30 medication-related apps that were
written in English and summarized few ideal features from
the top ve applications (e.g. xNetwork, Mango Health,
MyMeds, C3HealthLink, and HuCare). In the present study,
we incorporated ideal features that could help patients take
medications as prescribed. First, OASapp delivers medication
reminders to promote medication adherence by using push
notications, alarms, and short-messaging service (SMS)
reminders. Ahmed et al.
conducted a review of medication
adherence apps available in repositories and found that very
few of them (1.4%, 6/420) incorporated SMS reminders.
Recent evidence suggests the signicant effect of SMS remin-
ders on improving medication adherence.
OASapp can generate medication reminders for different med-
ications for more than one user, including family members,
pharmacists, and other healthcare providers. By involving dif-
ferent stakeholders in the patients care journey, OASapp
creates a more holistic and interconnected support system.
This collaborative feature enhances communication and
coordination among those responsible for stroke survivors
well-being. Several studies have revealed that support for
stroke survivors from family members, pharmacists, and
other healthcare providers plays a signicant role in lowering
the risk of stroke.
OASapp also has a convenient feature that allows medi-
cation lists to include indications so patients are educated
and make associations with each medication. Educating
stroke patients about their medications is crucial, especially
considering the complexity of their medication routines.
OASapp empowers patients by offering information about
the purpose of each drug, enabling them to make informed
decisions and fostering a deeper understanding of their
treatment plan. Finally, OASapp provides users the oppor-
tunity to add a picture to provide visual clues (e.g. to ensure
correct medication is taken). For stroke survivors who may
face cognitive challenges, visual cues serve as valuable aids
in ensuring that the correct medication is taken. This feature
goes beyond the typical functionalities of medication adher-
ence apps and caters specically to the unique needs of
stroke patients. In conclusion, OASapp stands out from
other medication apps with its SMS reminders, support
for multiple users, medication indications, and visual
cues. These features together offer a more personalized
and comprehensive solution for stroke patients, addressing
their unique challenges and promoting better medication
adherence in this group. However, further research should
be conducted to establish the clinical efcacy of the app.
Alpha testing showed a positive result, that is, the
content developed met the requirement of the app.
Moreover, the app expert involved in the testing assumed
that the app was good and met the usability requirement.
Overall, the Beta testers had positive feedback with
respect to the usability of the mobile application. The
usability score of the app was signicantly higher than
the minimum cut-off point for a usable mobile app; as
such, OASapp is a usable mobile app for intended users.
However, open-ended questions may be applied while util-
izing UMUX on its own if unique problems should be
rened with mobile applications. Mummah et al.
tioned that without qualitative measures, one could not
easily explain why people assigned a low, or even a high,
score with respect to the usability of mobile applications.
According to Sauro,
seasoned users continued to have
higher SUS scores relative to rst-time consumers. Thus,
if the respondents were given more time and exposure to
explore mobile applications, then the UMUX score may
be higher. Further evaluation of different methodologies
for usability testing could be included such as by those
who have utilized the mobile application for some time.
Limitations and future work
One of the limitations of this project is the lack of a web
portal for sharing patient-entered information with health
care providers. Currently, patients have to share informa-
tion to health care providers via WeChat. In the future, a
web portal will be created to make data readily available
to providers. We plan to take a series of measures to
improve the next version of the app, including but not
limited to, making and publishing OASapp operation
guidelines on the ofcial WeChat account platform, creat-
ing databases and decision rules to help users determine
the normality of laboratory and diagnostic test results, and
adding informative tips to the operation steps.
Another limitation is the limited number of participants
who tested the usability of the current version of the app.
About 8090% of usability problems would be uncovered
if 7 to 10 participants are involved.
Once the users have
used the app for a period of time, they will have a better
idea of what they want. We will create and distribute ques-
tionnaires to understand the specic needs of actual users
and update the app in the next phase of this project.
We will further examine the effects of OASapp. More
work is done in the commercial eld than in the research
eld, which is quite logical due to the mercenary nature
of businessmen. Parati et al.
suggested that the rapid
growth of the commercial market has led to overabundance
of apps that lack readily available evidence of their effect-
iveness. Ahmed et al.
indicated that robust evidence sup-
porting the use of app-based interventions is necessary.
We developed and tested OASapp through mixed methods
and iterative design to improve the medication adherence of
older stroke survivors. The development and evaluation of
OASapp highlights the important aspects of the creation
process, which may be benecial for researchers and
medical professionals who aim to develop similar mHealth
apps in the future. As a way forward, OASapp will be used
in clinic trial to determine the effectiveness of it.
Summary table
What was already known on the topic
Medication adherence among stroke survivors is
Many medication adherence apps are currently available
given the accessibility and widespread use of mobile
phones; however, these apps are not specic to diseases,
such as stroke.
A theory-based app could stress and sustain health pro-
motion behavior change; otherwise, the apps effective-
ness could be limited.
What is this study added to our knowledge
Reports on the design and development of a mHealth app,
namely, OAS, based on the Health Belief Model (HBM)
and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to improve
medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors.
mHealth apps, such as OASapp, are promising digital
technologies for stroke survivors.
Further research is needed to establish the clinical ef-
cacy of OASapp so that it can be utilized to improve
clinically relevant outcomes.
Acknowledgments:The authors would like to extend their
gratitude for the time and effort of the stroke survivors who
provided input and feedback on their app in usability testing.
They would also like to thank Yong Huang for his assistance in
designing the mobile app. They express their special thanks to
KGSupport for their professional assistance in proofreading and
editing the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials: The original contributions
presented in the study are included in the article, further
inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author on
reasonable request.
Contributorship: Wenjing Cao, Juan Wang, Intan Idiana Binti
Hassan, and Azidah Abdul Kadir had a signicant share in the
app design phase. Yuhui Wang had a signicant contribution in
the app evaluation phase. Wenjing Cao wrote the initial draft of
the article. Azidah Abdul Kadir and Intan Idiana Binti Hassan
contributed to the design of the study and revisions to the
article. All authors read and approved the nal manuscript.
Declaration of conicting interests: The authors declared no
potential conicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Ethics approval and consent to participate: This study follows
the principles of the Helsinki Declaration 2013. The entire protocol
was reviewed and approved by the ethical committees of Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM/JEPeM/22080534), The Afliated hospital of
Xiangnan University (Linyan K2022-003-01), Chenzhou No. 1
Peoples Hospital (Yu2022033), and Third Peoples Hospital
(Lunshen 2022-10). Written informed consent is obtained from all
participants before they are included in the trial.
Funding: The authors disclosed receipt of the following nancial
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: This work was supported by the School-level scientic
research project of Xiangnan University, the Xiangnan
University StudentsInnovation and Entrepreneurship Training
Project, young key teachers in Hunan Province, China, open
Experimental Project of Xiangnan University.
Guarantor: Azidah Abdul Kadir
ORCID iDs: Wenjing Cao
Intan Idiana Hassan
Supplemental material: Supplemental material for this article is
available online.
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Cao et al. 15
... Tajudeen et al.(2022) afirmaram que os usuários possam alterar o tipo e tamanho de fonte com interface personalizável e defenderam uso de reconhecimento de voz. Elencaram-se informações de linguagem centrada no usuário com simplificação do conteúdo e tradução da linguagem médica Cao et al., 2024). Cao et al. (2024) destacaram a importância de tutoriais, informações breves e apresentadas, no máximo, em três telas de texto. ...
... Elencaram-se informações de linguagem centrada no usuário com simplificação do conteúdo e tradução da linguagem médica Cao et al., 2024). Cao et al. (2024) destacaram a importância de tutoriais, informações breves e apresentadas, no máximo, em três telas de texto. Tajudeen et al. (2022) apontaram existência de frustração com excesso de informação incluindo textos, imagens, vídeos, hiperlinks, ícones sem identificação e tarefas com muitas etapas. ...
... Azevedo et al. (2018) inseriram mensagens de ganhos do usuário ao seguir as instruções do aplicativo e as perdas, na hipótese de as instruções não serem seguidas, o que remete aos recursos gamificados. Cao et al. (2024) sugeriram uso de animações e ilustrações para auxiliar na tradução das informações tornando-as claras e envolventes. ...
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Com o crescente acesso aos recursos digitais, o uso desses no monitoramento e autogerenciamento de condições de saúde pode ser promissor. Contudo, para a integração efetiva dessas tecnologias nas rotinas de saúde, é crucial identificar habilidades e recursos do usuário, bem como desenvolver estratégias que atendam às suas necessidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os tipos de literacias necessárias para que pessoas idosas utilizem aplicativos de saúde. Foi realizada uma revisão de escopo orientada pela metodologia JBI Evidence Synthesis e utilizado o PRISMA-ScR. Selecionaram-se 19 trabalhos, distribuídos entre 2014 e 2024, divididos nas categorias literacia computacional, literacia informacional, literacia midiática e literacia em saúde. Os estudos encontrados apontam para a necessidade de que futuras pesquisas possam aprimorar métodos para avaliar, melhorar a usabilidade e promover a acessibilidade de aplicativos de saúde para pessoas idosas.
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Background As a principal cause of mortality and disability worldwide, stroke imposes considerable burdens on society and effects on the lives of patients, families, and communities. Owing to their growing global popularity, health-related applications (apps) offer a promising approach to stroke management but show a knowledge gap regarding mobile apps for stroke survivors. Methods This review was conducted across the Android and iOS app stores in September–December 2022 to identify and describe all apps targeting stroke survivors. Apps were included if they were designed for stroke management and contained at least one of the following components: medication taking, risk management, blood pressure management, and stroke rehabilitation. Apps were excluded if they were unrelated to health, not in Chinese or English, or the targeted users were healthcare professionals. The included apps were downloaded, and their functionalities were investigated. Results The initial search yielded 402 apps, with 115 eligible after title and description screening. Some apps were later excluded due to duplicates, registration problems, or installation failures. In total, 83 apps were included for full review and evaluated by three independent reviewers. Educational information was the most common function (36.1%), followed by rehabilitation guidance (34.9%), communication with healthcare providers (HCPs), and others (28.9%). The majority of these apps (50.6%) had only one functionality. A minority had contributions from an HCP or patients. Conclusion With the widespread accessibility and availability of smartphone apps across the mHealth landscape, an increasing number of apps targeting stroke survivors are being released. One of the most important findings is that the majority of the apps were not specifically geared toward older adults. Many of the currently available apps lack healthcare professionals’ and patients’ involvement in their development, and most offer limited functionality, thus requiring further attention to the development of customized apps.
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Background: Medication adherence is one of the crucial attempts in primary stroke prevention. The available evidence lacks comprehensive reviews exploring the association of medication adherence with stroke prevention. Objectives: To investigate the effects of non-adherence to medications used to treat the modifiable risk of diseases on stroke-associated outcomes in primary stroke prevention. Methods: Study records were searched from PubMed, Embase, and CINAHL. Those studies reported risks relevant to stroke-associated outcomes and medication non-adherence for patients diagnosed with four modifiable stroke-related diseases (atrial fibrillation [AF], hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus) but without stroke history were included for meta-analysis and further subgroup, sensitivity, and publication bias analyses. A random effect model was performed to analyse the pooled risk estimates of relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: Thirty-nine studies (with 2,117,789 participants in total) designed as cohort or case-control studies were included. Those patients presenting with four stroke-related diseases and categorised as medication non-adherent tended to result in stroke and/or associated death (all pooled RR ≥ 1 and 95% CI did not include 1). The findings of stratification and sensitivity analysis for each stroke-related disease showed a similar trend. Non-adherent patients with AF were prone to stroke occurrence (RR 1.852; 95% CI 1.583-2.166) but inclined to reduced bleeding (RR 0.894; 95% CI 0.803-0.996). The existence of publication bias warrants further interpretation. Conclusions: Non-adherence to medications for the four stroke-related diseases contributes to the development of stroke and/or mortality in primary stroke prevention. More efforts are needed to improve patients' medication adherence.
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Smart homecare utilises advanced technologies to support, improve and promote remote healthcare in homes and communities through collecting and analysing health data and sharing this knowledge with carers and clinicians. With the continuous growth in the world’s older population, smart homecare becomes increasingly crucial in providing in-home care for older adults, allowing the vital healthcare dollars to go further into other critical care needs. In addition, with the rise in the development and utilisation of innovative technologies in healthcare settings, it is vital to ensure that these technologies are guided and approved by the corresponding regulatory bodies such as FDA (Foods and Drug Administration) in the USA and TGA (Therapeutic Good Administration) in Australia. With this premise, this paper identifies four dimensions for researchers to consider when developing smart homecare solutions for in-home remote care: Technology, Data, People , and Operational Environment . The essential interplays amongst these four dimensions are discussed to identify the various enablers and barriers in the successful delivery of smart homecare solutions. As the primary output of this paper, it proposes a conceptual framework to achieve practical in-home care for the older population living independently with the support of technology, while addressing the challenges such as security and privacy of patient data. Secondly, a comprehensive and practical guide featuring seven phases is presented to support and direct researchers in implementing smart homecare solutions for remote care. The proposed framework and the guide aim to make smart homecare research practical and truly translational into broader practice.
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Aim: Medication non-adherence has remained a common and costly global health issue of growing importance among older adults. This study aims to determine the prevalence and associated factors related to medication non-adherence among older adult stroke survivors in China. Methods and results: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 402 older adult stroke survivors were recruited from three tertiary hospitals in China. The results of the survey showed that 61.4% exhibited medication non-adherence. The chances of medication non-adherence among older adult stroke survivors who had primary school or less educational levels were higher than those who had senior secondary and junior college educational levels [OR (95% CI) = 0.440(0.249, 0.778)] as well as those who had a bachelor’s degree or above educational levels [OR (95%CI) = 0.367(0.202, 0.667)]. Moreover, the probability of medication non-adherence with 4–5 and ≥6 types of total prescription medications per day increased by 1.993 times [OR (95% CI) = 1.993(1.190, 3.339))] and 2.233 times [OR (95%CI) = 2.233(1.159, 4.300)], respectively, as compared to when there were ≤3 types. Furthermore, medication non-adherence decreased with the increase in health literacy scores (β = −0.641 (95% CI; (0.913, 0.965)) and BMQ specific-necessity scores (β = −0.131 (95% CI; 0.806, 0.995)). On the other hand, when the BMQ specific-concerns score increased by one unit, medication non-adherence increased by 11.1% [OR (95% CI) = 1.111(1.044, 1.182)]. Conclusion: The present study found that patient medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors in China is problematic and associated with educational levels, total prescribed drugs per day, beliefs about medication, and health literacy scores. This indicates that measures should be taken to enhance medication adherence among such higher-risk populations.
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Objectives: We aimed to investigate the prescription of antithrombotic drugs (including anticoagulants and antiplatelets) and medication adherence after stroke. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search across MEDLINE and Embase, from January 1, 2015, to February 17, 2022, to identify studies reporting antithrombotic medications (anticoagulants and antiplatelets) post stroke. Two people independently identified reports to include, extracted data, and assessed the quality of included studies according to the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Where possible, data were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis. Results: We included 453,625 stroke patients from 46 studies. The pooled proportion of prescribed antiplatelets and anticoagulants among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) was 62% (95% CI: 57%-68%), and 68% (95% CI: 58%-79%), respectively. The pooled proportion of patients who were treated according to the recommendation of guidelines of antithrombotic medications from four studies was 67% (95% CI: 41%-93%). It was reported that 11% (95% CI: 2%-19%) of patients did not receive antithrombotic medications. Good adherence to antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and antithrombotic medications was 78% (95% CI: 67%-89%), 71% (95% CI: 57%-84%), and 73% (95% CI: 59%-86%), respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, we found that less than 70% of patients were prescribed and treated according to the recommended guidelines of antithrombotic medications, and good adherence to antithrombotic medications is only 73%. Prescription rate and good adherence to antithrombotic medications still need to be improved among stroke survivors.
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Purpose To identify preferred burnout interventions within a resident physician population, utilizing the Nominal Group Technique. The results will be used to design a discrete choice experiment study to inform the development of resident burnout prevention programs. Methods Three resident focus groups met (10–14 participants/group) to prioritize a list of 23 factors for burnout prevention programs. The Nominal Group Technique consisted of three steps: an individual, confidential ranking of the 23 factors by importance from 1 to 23, a group discussion of each attribute, including a group review of the rankings, and an opportunity to alter the original ranking across participants. Results The total number of residents (36) were a representative sample of specialty, year of residency, and sex. There was strong agreement about the most highly rated attributes which grouped naturally into themes of autonomy, meaning, competency and relatedness. There was also disagreement on several of the attributes that is likely due to the differences in residency specialty and subsequently rotation requirements. Conclusion This study identified the need to address multiple organizational factors that may lead to physician burnout. There is a clear need for complex interventions that target systemic and program level factors rather than focus on individual interventions. These results may help residency program directors understand the specific attributes of a burnout prevention program valued by residents. Aligning burnout interventions with resident preferences could improve the efficacy of burnout prevention programs by improving adoption of, and satisfaction with, these programs. Physician burnout is a work-related syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a sense of reduced personal accomplishment [1]. Burnout is present in epidemic proportions and was estimated to occur in over 50 percent of practicing physicians and in up to 89 percent of resident physicians pre-COVID 19. The burnout epidemic is growing; a recent national survey of US physicians reported an 8.9 percent increase in burnout between 2011 and 2014 [2]. Rates of physician burnout have also increased [3] during the COVID-19 pandemic with a new classification of “pandemic burnout” experienced by over 52 percent of healthcare workers as early as June of 2020 [4]. Physician burnout can lead to depression, suicidal ideation, and relationship problems that may progress to substance abuse, increased interpersonal conflicts, broken relationships, low quality of life, major depression, and suicide [5–7]. The estimated rate of physician suicide is 300–400 annually [8–10].
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Background: Nonadherence to medication in tuberculosis (TB) hampers optimal treatment outcomes. Digital health technology (DHT) seems to be a promising approach to managing problems of nonadherence to medication and improving treatment outcomes. Objective: This paper systematically reviews the effect of DHT in improving medication adherence and treatment outcomes in patients with TB. Methods: A literature search in PubMed and Cochrane databases was conducted. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that analyzed the effect of DHT interventions on medication adherence outcomes (treatment completion, treatment adherence, missed doses, and noncompleted rate) and treatment outcomes (cure rate and smear conversion) were included. Adult patients with either active or latent TB infection were included. The Jadad score was used for evaluating the study quality. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guideline was followed to report study findings. Results: In all, 16 RCTs were selected from 552 studies found, and 6 types of DHT interventions for TB were identified: 3 RCTs examined video directly observed therapy (VDOT), 1 examined video-observed therapy (VOT), 1 examined an ingestible sensor, 1 examined phone call reminders, 2 examined medication monitor boxes, and 8 examined SMS text message reminders. The outcomes used were treatment adherence, including treatment completion, treatment adherence, missed dose, and noncompleted rate, as well as clinical outcomes, including cure rate and smear conversion. In treatment completion, 4 RCTs (VDOT, VOT, ingestible sensor, SMS reminder) found significant effects, with odds ratios and relative risks (RRs) ranging from 1.10 to 7.69. Treatment adherence was increased in 1 study by SMS reminders (RR 1.05; 95% CI 1.04-1.06), and missed dose was reduced in 1 study by a medication monitor box (mean ratio 0.58; 95% CI 0.42-0.79). In contrast, 3 RCTs of VDOT and 3 RCTs of SMS reminders did not find significant effects for treatment completion. Moreover, no improvement was found in treatment adherence in 1 RCT of VDOT, missed dose in 1 RCT of SMS reminder, and noncompleted rate in 1 RCT of a monitor box, and 2 RCTs of SMS reminders. For clinical outcomes such as cure rate, 2 RCTs reported that phone calls (RR 1.30; 95% CI 1.07-1.59) and SMS reminders (OR 2.47; 95% CI 1.13-5.43) significantly affected cure rates. However, 3 RCTs found that SMS reminders did not have a significant impact on cure rate or smear conversion. Conclusions: It was found that DHT interventions can be a promising approach. However, the interventions exhibited variable effects regarding effect direction and the extent of improving TB medication adherence and clinical outcomes. Developing DHT interventions with personalized feedback is required to have a consistent and beneficial effect on medication adherence and outcomes among patients with TB.
Objective: Investigate stroke survivors’ (SS) preferences for a hypothetical mHealth app for post-stroke care and to study the influence of demographic variables on these preferences. Design: Mixed-methods, sequential, observational study. Setting: Focus groups (phase 1) were conducted to identify SS perceptions and knowledge of mHealth apps. Using grounded theory approach, recurring themes were identified. A multiple-choice questionnaire of five desired app features was generated using these themes and mailed to SS (national survey, phase 2). SS’ demographics and perceived usefulness (yes/no) for each feature were recorded. In-person usability testing (phase 3) was conducted to identify areas of improvement in user interfaces of existing apps. Summative telephone interviews (phase 4) were conducted for final impressions supplementary to national survey. Participants: SS of age >18 years recruited from study hospital, national stroke association database, stroke support and advocacy groups. Non-English speakers and those unable to communicate were excluded. Interventions: None Main Outcome Measures: 1) Percentage of SS (phase 2) identifying proposed app features to be useful. 2) Influence of age, sex, race, education, and time-since-stroke on perceived usefulness. Results: Ninety-six SS participated in focus groups. High cost, complexity, and lack of technical support were identified as barriers to adoption of mHealth apps. In the national survey (n=1,194), ability to track fitness and diet (84%) and communication (70%) were the most and least useful features, respectively. Perceived usefulness was higher among younger SS (p< 0.001 to 0.006) and SS of color (African American and Hispanic) (ORs 1.73 to 4.41). Simple design and accommodation for neurological deficits were main recommendations from usability testing. Conclusions: SS are willing to adopt mHealth apps that are free of cost and provide technical support. Apps for SS should perform multiple tasks and be of simple design. Greater interest for the app's features among SS of color may provide opportunities to address health inequities.
Background Stroke patients have low medication adherence after discharge, which leads to a high recurrence rate and poor disease control. Various strategies have been explored to enhance medication adherence in this patient population. Aim To evaluate the effects of mobile health (mHealth) and telehealth technology on medication adherence in stroke patients. Method All English studies that met the inclusion criteria published before September 2021 were obtained from PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library. Two researchers independently screened articles, extracted data, and evaluated the quality of the included studies. All articles were about randomized controlled trials. Medication adherence was used as the outcome index of this review. Random or fixed-effect models were used in statistical methods. I2 statistics were used to evaluate heterogeneity. Results A total of ten studies met the inclusion criteria, covering 2151 stroke patients. Compared with the Usual Care group, the medication adherence scores of the mHealth technology group were better (standard mean deviation 0.67, 95% confidence interval, CI [0.49, 0.85], P < 0.001). The medication adherence ratio of the mHealth technology group was higher (odds ratio, OR, 2.81, 95% CI [1.35, 5.85], P = 0.006). Subgroup analysis showed that application and messaging interventions were more effective than the telephone call intervention (OR 4.05, 95% CI [2.10, 7.80], P < 0.001). The shorter the interval of the intervention, the better the medication adherence of patients (OR 4.24, 95% CI [2.30, 7.81], P < 0.001). Conclusion Compared with Usual Care, mHealth can effectively improve the medication adherence of stroke patients.