
Novelties in Aspidistra (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae) with erect stems in the flora of Vietnam: A. quanii, a new species, and A. erecta, a new national record

  • Komarov Botanical Institute, Saint Petersburg
  • Vietnam National Museum of Nature
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39 Novelties in Aspidistra (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae) with erect stems in the flora of Vietnam: A. quanii, a new species, and A. erecta, a new national record Abstract The paper reports two species of Aspidistra newly discovered in the flora of Vietnam. It includes a description of A. quanii, a species new to science found in the central part of the country and information on four locations of A. erecta in northern Vietnam, a species known earlier only in southern China. The studied species are remarkable for having elongate, more or less erect stems. For both species, detailed analytical colour illustrations, data on morphology, ecology, phenology, tentative relationships, distribution, and provisional conservation status are provided. Additionally, we provide new data on shoot system of A. globosa, a species morphologically close to A. quanii.

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... There are over 100 species of Aspidistra and most of them are endemic in Vietnam, and more than fifteen species have been described in the past five years (e.g. Averyanov et al. 2020, 2021, 2024a, 2024b, Chinh et al. 2023. However, the diversity of the genus is still far from well-known and understood, and despite preliminary studies have also been conducted on the genetic diversity of its chloroplast genome (e.g. ...
Aspidistra linearistyla, a new species of Asparagaceae from Ha Giang Province, Vietnam, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to A. cerina, but clearly distinguished by its tubular perianth to 24–26 mm long with a white tube and yellow lobes, and linear pistil that is13–14 mm long and 0.8–1 mm in diameter. The new species is currently known only from the type locality in northern Vietnam. A detailed taxonomic description along with photographs of the diagnostic characters is presented.
... The genus Aspidistra Ker Gawler (1822: 628) inhabits tropical and subtropical forests of Asia, with the highest species diversity in south China and north Vietnam (Li 2004, Tillich 2005, 2008, 2014, Averyanov et al. 2019a, Vislobokov et al. 2019a, 2019c, 2021, Cai et al. 2020, Lu et al. 2020, Hsu et al. 2022, Huang et al. 2022). The genus is currently known to comprise at least 232 species, 209 of which are listed in a revision by Tillich (2023) and 23 more were described thereafter (Kalyuzhny et al. 2022, Roy et al. 2022, Chinh et al. 2023, Ding et al. 2023, Meng et al. 2023, Peng et al. 2023, Averyanov et al. 2024a, 2024b, Chu et al. 2024, Dong et al. 2024, Liang et al. 2024. It is commonly impossible to establish the species identity of the specimens of Aspidistra solely on the basis of the vegetative traits, and the floral features are needed in almost all cases. ...
Aspidistra tripartita, a new species of Asparagaceae, is described and illustrated. The species was discovered in 2019 in Son La Province, northern Vietnam. Aspidistra tripartita belongs to a group of species characterized by campanulate to cupulate perianth tube and deeply lobed stigma. The new species is readily distinguishable from the other species of this group by thick rhizome (more than 10.5 mm in diameter), long and narrow ensiform leaf blades (28-71.5 cm long and 2.6-3.1 cm wide), and stamens with supraconnectives.
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The chromosome numbers and the karyotypic characters of six species of the genus Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. from Vietnam were reported for the first time. A. clausa, A. hekouensis, A. zhangii, and A. superba own the same karyotype formulas of 2n=38=24m+2sm+12st. The karyotype of A. triradiata is formulated as 2n=38=20m+6sm+12st, while A. formosa is as 2n=36=20m+16st.
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Aspidistra phongdiensis is described based on the specimen collected from the Thua Thien Hue province of Vietnam. The new species is morphologically similar to A. khangii but differs in wider leaf blade (vs. narrowly elliptic), perigone white outside (vs. purple mottled), yellow pollen (vs. white), introrse anthers (vs. latrorse) and widely obconic pistil (vs. desk-shaped).
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Aspidistra nikitensis is described and illustrated as a new species from Gia Lai province of Vietnam. The new species possesses linear leaves and trimerous flowers with a mushroom-shaped pistil. In these features, the new species is morphologically similar to A. hainanensis species complex but differs in its convex stigma with projections. In stigma structure, A. nikitensis resembles A. longanensis but differs in shape of leaves and flower merism.
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Background and aims: Asparagaceae subfamily Nolinoideae is an economically important plant group, however, the deep relationships and evolutionary history of the lineage remains poorly understood. Based on a large data set including 37 newly sequenced samples and publicly available plastomes, this study aims to better resolve the inter-tribal relationships of Nolinoideae, and to rigorously examine the tribe level monophyly of Convallarieae, Ophiopogoneae, and Polygonateae. Methods: Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods were employed to infer phylogenetic relationships of Nolinoideae at the genus level and above. The diversification history of Nolinoideae was explored using molecular dating. Key results: Both ML and BI analyses identically recovered five clades within Nolinoideae, respectively corresponding to Dracaeneae + Rusceae, Polygonateae + Theropogon, Ophiopogoneae, Nolineae, and Convallarieae excluding Theropogon, and most deep nodes were well supported. As Theropogon was embedded in Polygonateae, the plastome phylogeny failed to resolve Convallarieae and Polygonateae as reciprocally monophyletic. Divergence time estimation showed that the origins of most Nolinoideae genera were dated to the Miocene and Pliocene. The youthfulness of Nolinoideae genera is well-represented in the three herbaceous tribes (Convallarieae, Ophiopogoneae, and Polygonateae) chiefly distributed in the temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, as the median stem ages of all the 14 genera currently belonging to them were estimated less than 12.37 Ma. Conclusions: This study recovered a robust backbone phylogeny, providing new insights for better understanding the evolution and classification of Nolinoideae. Compared with the deep relationships recovered by a previous study based on transcriptomic data, our data suggest that ancient hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting may have occurred in the early diversification of Nolinoideae. Our findings will provide important reference for further study of the evolutionary complexity of Nolinoideae using nuclear genomic data. The recent origin of these herbaceous genera currently belonging to Convallarieae, Ophiopogoneae, and Polygonateae provides new evidence to support the hypothesis that the global expansion of temperate habitats caused by the climate cooling over the past 15 Ma may have dramatically driven lineage diversification and speciation in the Northern Hemisphere temperate flora.
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This paper continues the publication of Aspidistra species newly discovered in the flora of Vietnam. It includes illustrated diagnosis of two species new to science, A. liliiflora and A. sessilistigma found in northern and central parts of the country. Detailed analytical color illustrations, data on morphology, ecology, phenology, tentative relationships and distribution are provided for both discovered species.
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Micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis were investigated in 69 species of Aspidistra using scanning electron microscopy. Sculpture of epidermis varies from smooth to verrucose and rugose in the genus. The abaxial epidermis of some species bears papillae, whereas the adaxial surface uniformly lacks the papillae. Sculpture type of epidermis and density of papillae are generally found to be stable characters at a species level. The infraspecific variation of epidermis sculpture, where present, ranges from smooth to verrucose or from verrucose to rugose. Micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis are shown to have potential taxonomic significance in Aspidistra ; in combination with the type of shoot structure, they allow to subdivide the species into 13 groups. The groups are largely incongruent with floral morphological traits. An identification key to the studied species of Aspidistra based on vegetative characters (gross leaf and shoot morphology and characters of leaf epidermis) is presented.
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The Bat Dai Son Mountain area belongs to Bat Dai Son Nature Reserve and additionally includes allied territories of Quan Ba District in Ha Giang Province of northern Vietnam. The study of the area was based on cooperation between the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology) and the Komarov Botanical Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences). It was funded by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The book describes the history of Bat Dai Son Nature Reserve management, natural conditions of the region, provides new data on plant diversity and vegetation, the survey of studied locations and methodology used, descriptions of main plant communities, survey of the plant key groups and analysis of the threat for the plant diversity. The documented and illustrated annotated plant list is the main part of the monograph. It is based on the study of 2569 collecting numbers with about 8000 voucher herbarium specimens and includes 1146 species belonging to 521 genera and 162 families. Highresolution images of collected herbaria and living plants are available on-line at free access in «Herbarium LE» database. The studied flora is related to the Eastern Himalayas with the influence of western Malesia. Its endemism in the limits of the South China floristic province is 22.3 %, with its own local endemism 14.7 % of all documented species. The total number of plants in studied flora is 3500–4000 aboriginal and invasive species. This is a significant center of local regional plant diversity and the refuge of many strictly endemic forms of life.
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This paper continues the publication of newly obtained results from a continuing taxonomic investigation of the genus Aspidistra in Laos and Vietnam. It includes diagnoses of two new species, A. medusa Aver., K. S. Nguyen & Tillich and A. triquetra Aver., Son, Tillich & K. S. Nguyen and amended descriptions of A. khangii Aver. et Tillich and A. locii Arnautov & Bogner known before on incomplete material. Lectotype of A. locii is proposed. Color illustrations, new or updated data on morphology, ecology, phenology, tentative relationships, distribution and conservation status are reported for all mentioned taxa. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Aspidistra corniculata is described and illustrated here as a new species from northern Vietnam. In flower structure, A. corniculata resembles A. lubae, A. marasmioides, A. multiflora and A. zinaidae but possesses hornlike connective appendages in stamens that distinguish it from all the other close species.
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Aspidistra globosa is described and illustrated as a new species from southern Vietnam (Gia Lai province, Kon Ka Kinh National Park). The new species has long erect stem, which is a rare feature in the genus Aspidistra. Aspidistra globosa resembles A. khangii and A. locii in globoid perigone and erect stem, but differs in smaller flowers, color of perigone, position of anthers and orientation of flower.
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Aspidistra erecta Yan Liu & C.-I Peng (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from the limestone areas in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. It resembles A. fungilliformis Y. Wan in floral shape, but differs in its longer pistil than perianth tube, curvulate style, and exserted stigma. In this amazingly diverse genus, A. erecta distinguishes itself as the only Chinese Aspidistra, of over 60 others, having an upright stem. A somatic chromosome count of 2n = 38 and a karyotype formula 2n = 22m+4sm 2SC+12st were determined for A. erecta. The new species is known from only two localities in southwestern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, near the border with northern Vietnam. Color plates, line drawings and a distribution map are provided to aid in identification.
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This updated and improved key facilitates the successful determination of all the 93 Aspidistra species currently known. Taking in consideration the variability of several species and/or the uncertainty of character distinctions, a number of species is now considered twice or even three times in the key. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)Ein aktueller und verbesserter Bestimmungsschlüssel für Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. (Ruscaceae, Monocotylodeneae)Der aktualisierte und stark erweiterte Schlüssel ermöglicht die Bestimmung aller 93 bisher bekannten Aspidistra -Arten. Die Zuverlässigkeit der Bestimmung wird dadurch erhöht, dass eine Reihe von Arten zwei- oder dreimal im Schlüssel auftauchen, wenn sie stärker variabel oder einzelne Merkmalsunterschiede nicht immer sicher zu entscheiden sind.
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Fifteen species and two subspecies of Aspidistra (Ruscaceae, Monocotyledons) from Vietnam new to science are described. This raises the number of known species to 76 and extends the genus area to South Vietnam at ca. 12° N. Additionally, a detailed new key is given to determine all recently known species in Aspidistra. New species:Aspidistra atroviolaca, A. bicolor, A. bogneri, A. carnosa, A. connata, A. foliosa, A. geastrum, A. lateralis, A. lutea, A. marasmioides, A. opaca, A. petiolata, A. stricta, A. subrotata, A. superba . New subspecies:Aspidistra arnautovii sp. nova, subsp. arnautovii, A. arnautovii subsp. nova catbaensis, A. subrotata subsp. nova crassinervis . New combinations:Aspidistra dodecandra, A. glandulosa . (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Es werden 15 neue Arten und zwei neue Unterarten der Gattung Aspidistra (Ruscaceae, Monocotyledoneae) beschrieben. Damit erhöht sich die Zahl der bekannten Arten auf 76. Das Areal der Gattung reicht nun bis in das südliche Vietnam bei ca. 12° N. Zusätzlich wird ein neuer Bestimmungsschlüssel für alle derzeit bekannten Arten der Gattung vorgestellt.
Chase et al. (2009) attempted a subfamilial classification for the expanded asparagalean families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae sensu APG III (2009). In Asparagaceae they recognized seven subfamilies including Nolinoideae Burnett (1835: 985, 1095, 1106). The Nolinoideae circumscribed by them consisted of 16 genera including Nolina Michaux (1803: 207). Since the publication of their paper, the subfamily name has been adopted in many taxonomic papers (e.g. Reveal 2012, Vislobokov et al. 2018, Tanaka 2019, Averyanov et al. 2020, Nguyen et al. 2020, 2021, Meng et al. 2021).
During the past decades the number of known species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) increased rapidly to 209. The present paper provides a comprehensive and detailed dichotomous key for the identification of all currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. Additional information is provided concerning the distribution of each species, and its chromosome number(s). Furthermore, an annotated bibliography is added.
A new species of Aspidistra, A. sonlaensis, is described and illustrated from Son La Province in northern Vietnam. The new species is morphologically close to A. micrantha, but differs in number of perigone lobes, anther position and pistil shape. The new species is accessed as Data Deficient (DD) according to the IUCN categories and criteria.
Aspidistra peltata, a new species morphologically allied to A. tonkinensis (= A. fungilliformis subsp. formosa; A. formosa) discovered in northern Vietnam, is described and illustrated. From the closely related A. tonkinensis, the new species differs in having an erect stem 4–14 cm tall, much smaller leaves, smaller flowers, filamentose stamens, a pure white style and an entire flat stigma with remarkably inflated margin. The new species is obviously a local endemic of the southern part of the South-Chinese floristic province but it may potentially also found in southern China.
Aspidistra thuongiana is described and illustrated as a new species from the South Central Coast region of Vietnam. The new species has bright yellow flower and a slender pistil with a minute stigma. It is morphologically close to A. longipedunculata, but differs in shorter peduncle, bowl-shaped (vs. campanulate) perigone, shorter ovate (vs. oblong) erect to spreading (vs. recurved) perigone lobes and stamens inserted at the base (vs. middle) of perigone tube. Data on nuclear 5S-NTS region of the new species are provided, aimed to serve as a molecular characterization for comparison with its congeners.
Aspidistra magnifica, a new species from Mount Cà Đam, Quảng Ngãi Province, Central Vietnam, is described and illustrated. It is similar to A. maguanensis in having purple-black flowers, twelve perigone lobes and stamens, and a table-shaped pistil, but differs by its somewhat elliptic leaf blades, short flowering peduncles, much large broadly campanulate to bowl shaped perigone tube, longer outcurved perigone lobes and larger rounded stigma. A morphological description, two colour plates, the distribution, ecological information, the conservation status, and a comparison table of similar species are given.
This paper continues the publication of Aspidistra species newly discovered and reported in the flora of Vietnam. It includes illustrated diagnosis of one species new for science, A. angustata Aver., K.S. Nguyen & Tillich and notes on two species, A. chunxiuensis C.R. Lin & Yan Liu, and A. guangxiensis S.C. Tang & Yan Liu newly recorded in the country. Color illustrations, new or updated data on morphology, ecology, phenology, tentative relationships, distribution and conservation status are provided for all three taxa.
his paper continues the publication of newly obtained results from a continuing taxonomic investigation of the genus Aspidistra in Laos and Vietnam. It includes illustrated diagnoses of two new species, A. melanaster Aver., K.S. Nguyen & Tillich, A. obliqua K.S. Nguyen & Aver., two new varieties, A. semiaperta Aver. & Tillich var. globulifera Aver., K.S. Nguyen & Tillich, A. lutea Tillich var. luteo‐rubra K.S. Nguyen, Aver. & Tillich, and notes on two species, A. austroyunnanensis G.W. Hu, Lei Cai & Q.F. Wang and A. hekouensis H. Li, C.L. Long & Bogner newly recorded in the flora of Vietnam. Color illustrations, new or updated data on morphology, ecology, phenology, tentative relationships, distribution and conservation status are provided for all the mentioned taxa.
Aspidistra babensis K.S. Nguyen, Aver. & Tillich, a new species of Asparagaceae from limestone mountains of Bac Kan Province in northern Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it is close to A. stricta, sharing a perigone that is upright and split almost to base, and with fleshy perigone lobes. Aspidistra babensis however differs from A. stricta by leaf venation with numerous secondary veins, adaxial perianth lobe which is thickest near base and lacking a prominent median keel at lower half, and a convex to almost hemispherical stigma with a verrucose surface. Sequences of chloroplast DNA (trnL-trnF and rbcL) are provided for A. babensis.
Aspidistra micrantha is described and illustrated as a new species from southern Vietnam (Quang Nam province, Song Thanh Nature Reserve). The new species has globoid flowers, which are the smallest within the genus Aspidistra. In floral structure, the closest species to A. micrantha is A. urceolata, which is endemic to the Guizhou province of China, but strongly differs from the latter in some morphological features of the rhizome, leaves and position of anthers.
Aspidistra minor is described and illustrated as a new species from southern Vietnam (Gia Lai province, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve). The new species possesses very small ovate to elliptic leaf blades and very small flowers with stamens inserted at the base of the perigone. In flower structure, the new species resembles A. leucographa and A. elatior but strongly differs in shape of leaf blades and position of stamens.
This paper continues the publication of newly obtained results of a successive taxonomic investigation of the genus Aspidistra Ker Gawler (1822: 628) in Vietnam summarized in a series of recent publications (Averyanov & Tillich 2016, Averyanov et al. 2016, 2017, 2018, Vislobokov 2016, Vislobokov et al. 2016, 2017, Nguyen 2017, Nuraliev et al. 2017). A new recently discovered species is described and illustrated below.
This paper continues the publication of newly obtained results from a continuing taxonomic investigation of the genus Aspidistra in mainland southeast Asia. It includes descriptions and illustrations of seven taxa discovered in China and Vietnam, A. deflexa Aver., Tillich & V.T. Pham, A. heterocarpa Aver., Tillich & V. T. Pham var. heterocarpa, A. heterocarpa Aver., Tillich & V. T. Pham var. echinata Aver., Tillich & T.A. Le, A. nigra Aver., Tillich & K. S. Nguyen, A. sessiliflora Aver. & Tillich, A. sinuata Aver. & Tillich and A. tonkinensis (Gagnep.) F. T. Wang & K. Y. Lang var. compacta Aver. & Tillich. Specific taxonomic status is proposed for A. vietnamensis (Aver. & Tillich) Aver & Tillich. described at first as a variety of A. elatior Blume. The name A. connata Tillich is accepted as a synonym of A. subrotata Y. Wan & C. C. Huang. One species, A. hainanensis W. Y. Chun & F. C. How is reported as new for the flora of Vietnam, and another one, A. semiaperta Aver. & Tillich as new for the flora of Laos. New or updated data on ecology, phenology, tentative relationships, distribution and conservation status are reported for all mentioned taxa.
Plants of the World is the first book to systematically explore every vascular plant family on earth--more than four hundred and fifty of them--organized in a modern phylogenetic order. Detailed entries for each family include descriptions, distribution, evolutionary relationships, and fascinating information on economic uses of plants and etymology of their names. All entries are also copiously illustrated in full color with more than 2,500 stunning photographs. A collaboration among three celebrated botanists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Plants of the World is authoritative, comprehensive, and beautiful. Covering everything from ferns to angiosperms, it will be an essential resource for practicing botanists, horticulturists, and nascent green thumbs alike.
Aspidistra albopurpurea, A. khangii, A. lubae and A. stellata discovered recently are described and illustrated as species new to science. All novelties are local endemics of northern Vietnam and southeastern Laos. Aspidistra albopurpurea is unique in the genus with a white/red stigma in striking contrast to the large milk-white tube base. Aspidistra stellata belongs to a group of species with extraordinary long and narrow lineate perigone lobes. Aspidistra khangii and A. lubae belong to a small group of species having erect, vertical shoots. The first species is easily distinguished by its stout stem, down-curved peduncle and obpyramidal, container-shaped perianth. Aspidistra lubae has characteristic horizontal, peduncles and urceolate flowers. Besides the type variety, A. lubae includes var. lancifolia, which differs in its erect, lanceolate, immaculate, shortly petiolate leaves. Both varieties of A. lubae were found growing, often intermixed, in the same locality in very similar ecological conditions.
Bogner, J. & Arnautov, N.: Aspidistra locii (Convallariaceae), an unusual new species from Vietnam. — Willdenowia 34: 203–208. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. Aspidistra locii from central Vietnam is described as a species new to science and illustrated. It differs from all other species of the genus in its perigone with completely connate tepals, lacking any trace of lobes, and with a very small, central, circular opening of 1.5–2 mm in diameter.
This accessible, comprehensive glossary covers all the descriptive terms for plants that one is likely to encounter in botanical writing, including everything from magazine articles to plant field guides, scientific papers, and monographs. An essential companion, it presents 3,600 botanical terms, accompanied by full definitions and detailed illustrations to aid in identification, all laid out in a clear, easy-to-use fashion. It will be indispensable for plant scientists, conservationists, horticulturists, gardeners, writers, and anyone working with plant descriptions, plant identification keys, floras, or field guides.
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Aspidistra heterotepala (Asparagaceae), a new species from southern Vietnam
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1822) Aspidistra lurida. The Botanical Register
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Aspidistra brachypetala (Asparagaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
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