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Pancytopenia as a first presentation of late-onset SLE; a case report


Abstract and Figures

Introduction Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is a systemic immune disease that classically occurs in young to middle-aged women and may present with cutaneous, renal, hematologic, neurological, and/or other symptoms at the time of diagnosis. Late-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the elderly is a subtype that differs from classic Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in terms of age group, clinical symptoms, organ involvement and severity. Case presentation A 63 years old female noted to have pancytopenia. The patient was diagnosed with lupus upon obtaining clinical presentations and serological marker, along with high titers of the antinuclear antibody and/or anti-double-stranded DNA antibody. The patient was managed with glucocorticoids and mycophenolate mofetil therapy, which led to a rapid response. Discussion Late-onset SLE accounts for 2–12% of SLE patients with a minimum age of onset of 50 years and older, leading to significant delays in diagnosis. Late-onset SLE differs from early-onset SLE in terms of gender and ethnicity prevalence, clinical symptoms and signs, development of organ damage, disease activity and severity, and prognosis .Some studies have also shown that late-stage SLE patients have higher rates of RF and anti-Ro/anti-La antibody positivity, lower complement titer, and higher incidence of elevated creatinine and decreased creatinine clearance .First-line treatment of pancytopenia is glucocorticoid. In refractory cases, rituximab and immunosuppressants can be used. Conclusion It is important to assess any unusual presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus when clinical suspicion remains high and conducting further laboratory and imaging investigation.
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Pancytopenia as a rst presentation of late-onset
systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report
Ghina Haidar, MDa,*, Naram Khalayli, MDb, Tasneem Drie, MDa, Mhd Homam Saah, MDc, Maysoun Kudsi, MD, PhDa
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic immune disease that classically occurs in young to middle-aged
women and may present with cutaneous, renal, haematologic, neurological, and/or other symptoms at the time of diagnosis. Late-
onset SLE or SLE in the elderly is a subtype that differs from classic SLE in terms of age group, clinical symptoms, organ involvement
and severity.
Case presentation: A 63-year-old female noted to have pancytopenia. The patient was diagnosed with lupus upon obtaining
clinical presentations and serological marker, along with high titres of the antinuclear antibody and/or anti-double-stranded DNA
antibody. The patient was managed with glucocorticoids and mycophenolate mofetil therapy, which led to a rapid response.
Discussion: Late-onset SLE accounts for 212% of SLE patients with a minimum age of onset of 50 years and older, leading to
signicant delays in diagnosis. Late-onset SLE differs from early-onset SLE in terms of sex and ethnicity prevalence, clinical
symptoms and signs, development of organ damage, disease activity and severity, and prognosis .Some studies have also shown
that late-stage SLE patients have higher rates of RF and anti-Ro/anti-La antibody positivity, lower complement titre, and higher
incidence of elevated creatinine and decreased creatinine clearance. First-line treatment of pancytopenia is glucocorticoid. In
refractory cases, rituximab and immunosuppressants can be used.
Conclusion: It is important to assess any unusual presentation of SLEs when clinical suspicion remains high and conducting further
laboratory and imaging investigation.
Keywords: elderly SLE, mycophenolate mofetil, pancytopenia, prednisone, SLE, thrombocytopenia
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic immune disease
of unknown aetiology that classically occurs in young to middle-
aged women
. Frequent symptoms include fever, joint pain,
weight loss, and fatigue. In addition, other systemic organs
symptoms may nd at the disease onset or develop as the disease
. Late-onset SLE was found to occur in patients over
5060 years of age
. Although rare and not frequent, the term
geriatric SLE is used to distinguish it from classic SLE
. Less than
10% of patients may initially experience a single severe symptom
such as kidneys or central nervous system involvement
. The
spectrum of haematologic manifestations in SLE is very wide and
includes lymphopenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, or pancy-
topenia, and in some cases, lymphadenopathy and/or splenome-
galy may occur. However, many of these changes have
multifactorial causes and must be considered when determining
the appropriate treatment approach
. We report a case of an
elderly woman diagnosed with late-onset SLE with pancytopenia.
We hope that this report will be useful for future medical pro-
fessionals in diagnosing and treating this disease.
Our case is compliant with SCARE 2023 criteria
, and this
work is submitted on the research registry dashboard.
Case history/examination
A 63-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension,
presented to the outpatient clinic in January 2023, with recurrent
oral ulcer, fever of 38.2°C*, and fatigue for the past three months.
Late-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) accounts
for 212% of SLE patients with a minimum age of onset of
50 years and older, leading to signicant delays in
Late-onset SLE differs from early-onset SLE in terms of sex
and ethnicity prevalence, clinical symptoms and signs,
development of organ damage, disease activity and sever-
ity, and prognosis.
It is important to assess any unusual presentation of SLE
when clinical suspicion remains high.
Departments of
Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Damascus
University, Damascus and
Syrian Private University, Daraa, Syria
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at
the end of this article.
Published online 6 March 2024
*Corresponding author. Address: Rheumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Damascus
University, Universitys location: Almazzeh Street, Damascus 963 11, Syria.
Tel.: +963 991 898 337. E-mail: (G. Haidar).
Received 21 October 2023; Accepted 19 February 2024
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is
permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work
cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the
Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024) 86:30253028
Case Report
Medications before admission were amlodipine 10 mg, and
aspirin 81 mg.
The physical examination including the musculoskeletal
examination, skin examination was unremarkable except for
pallor seen on the conjunctiva, and ulcers on the lips (Fig. 1). Her
blood pressure was 135/82 mmHg with a pulse of 76 beats per
min. No enlargement in lymph nodes was observed. No hepato-
spelomegaly was found.
Laboratory examination revealed leukopenia: 2300 mm
(n=40001100), anaemia: haemoglobin 8.3 g/l (n:1214), and
thrombocytopenia:132 000) (n=150 000400 000),iron value
48 mcg/dl (n=60170), total iron binding capacity 298 mcg/dl
(n=240450), serum ferritin 87 ng/ml (n=12150), direct
coombs was negative, reticulocyte 1% (n=0.52.5%),vitamin B6
4.2 ug/l (n=3.465.2), vitamin B12645 pg/ml (1 n=60950),
vitamin B1 3.2 μg/dl (n=2.57.5), vitamin D 23 ng/ml (n=20
and 40), elevated inammatory marker: C-reactive protein (CRP)
23.8 mg/dl (n<6), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate128 mm/h
(n=020).The rest of the chemical tests were normal. Protein
electrophoresis showed a polyclonal peak on gamma. Bone
marrow aspiration was compatible with pancytopenia, with no
evidence of malignancies or atypical cells, normocytic normo-
chromic red blood cells, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia, with
normal maturation and proliferation (Fig. 2).
The patients chest X-ray showed no acute cardiopulmonary
abnormality. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest
abdomen and pelvis was also ordered, which showed no
Further, the workup revealed a strongly positive antinuclear
antibody (ANA) screen (1:320 titres, homogenous pattern) with
normal anti-Sm, anti-SS-A (Ro), anti-SS-B (La), anti-Scl-70, anti-
Jo-1, anti-dsDNA, and C3 and C4 levels.
Differential diagnosis, investigation and treatment
Additionally, cryoglobulins, antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti-
bodies (ANCA), and anti-GBM antibodies. Virology including
EBV, parvovirus, herpes simplex 1/2, HIV, and hepatitis panels
was all negative. Blood and urine cultures were negative.
The patient was diagnosed to have SLE, due to the positive
ANA, in addition to fever, fatigue, recurrent oral ulcers, anaemia,
thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia , and the role out of other
In line with the recommendations, the patient has started
prednisone 60 mg once daily, and 200 mg/d hydroxychloroquine,
with improvement of fatigue, absence of fever, and increased level
of white blood cells (3600 mm
), haemoglobin (8.5 g/l), platelet
(152 000), in addition to decreases in ESR (98 mm/h
and CRP
(13.3 mg/dl) levels after 15 days.4 weeks later, the patient had no
clinical complaints, and she gained 2 kg of weight. The laboratory
tests were white blood cells (5200 mm
), haemoglobin (8.9 g/l),
platelet (252 000 mmm), ESR (45 mm/h1 and CRP (3.4 mg/dl)
levels. We had begun to taper the predlone dose 5 mg/wk, and
continued on 200 mg/d hydroxychloroquine, with a follow-up
duration every 3 months.
Outcome and follow-up
In August during a routine follow-up, after 6 months of disease
onset, she had no clinical complaints, and she gained 10 kg of
weight Her laboratory tests were white blood cells (9600 mm
haemoglobin (9.6 g/l), platelet (348 000), ESR (32 mm/h1 and
CRP (1.3 mg/dl) levels. She continued on 200 mg/d
SLE often affects young women
. Our patient is a 63-year-old
Syrian woman. For patients who initially present with atypical
symptoms, the American College of Rheumatology/European
League against Rheumatism (ACR)/EULAR) 2019 criteria may
be helpful in diagnosis, which requires at least six clinical
symptoms and positive serological markers with an ANA greater
than 1/80 to diagnose SLE
, as in our patient. In addition to
being ANA1/160 positive, our patient had fever, malaise, oral
ulcers, leukopenia, anaemia, and thrombocytopenia.
Late-onset SLE accounts for 212% of SLE patients with a
minimum age of onset of 50 years and older, leading to signicant
delays in diagnosis
. The period from symptom onset to diag-
nosis has been reported to be up to 60 months for late-onset SLE,
compared to 1924 months for adult-onset SLE
. Late-onset
SLE differs from early-onset SLE in terms of gender and ethnicity
prevalence, clinical symptoms and signs, development of organ
damage, disease activity and severity, and prognosis
. These
differences are due to changes in sex hormones as well as age-
related variations in environmental and/or host factors that
contribute to disease expression
. Pancytopenia is a signicant
Figure 1. Ulcers on the lower lip.
Figure 2. Pancytopenia.
Haidar et al. Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024) Annals of Medicine & Surgery
risk factor for morbidity and mortality in SLE and therefore
requires aggressive treatment
Some studies have also shown that late-stage SLE patients have
higher rates of RF and anti-Ro/anti-La antibody positivity, lower
complement titre, and higher incidence of elevated creatinine and
decreased creatinine clearance
. All lupus patients should
receive hydroxychloroquine at dose not exceeding 5 mg/kg/d
During chronic maintenance therapy, glucocorticoids should be
reduced to less than 7.5 mg/d and discontinued if possible
Immunomodulatory drugs such as methotrexate, azathioprine,
and mycophenolate may accelerate glucocorticoid taper/dis-
. Research on belimumab, rituximab, calcineurin
inhibitors, and IFN-blocking agents has advanced in the recent
. Belimumab should be considered for persistently
active or recurrent disease. Rituximab or cyclophosphamide may
be considered for organ-threatening, refractory disease
Higher complete remission rates and a more favourable safety
prole suggest that low-dose IL-2, obinutuzumab, rituximab, and
belimumab may be superior to the current control as treatments
for lupus nephritis
. The interferon (IFN) pathway has been
extensively studied in the context of autoimmunity pathogenesis,
given that multiple genetic polymorphisms are associated with an
increased risk of developing SLE. The elevation in IFN levels
promotes the survival and differentiation of B cells by inducing
. Calcineurin inhibitors such as voclosporin, cyclospor-
ine, and tacrolimus act directly against T lymphocytes, aiming to
decrease their activation and the release of cytokines resulting
from it. These drugs are used as a second-line treatment in
combination with mycophenolate mofetil
. First-line treatment
of pancytopenia is glucocorticoid. In refractory cases, rituximab
and immunosuppressants can be used
Induction therapy with glucocorticoids can suppress inam-
mation, whereas maintenance therapy with immunosuppressants
can reduce immune-mediated organ damage
. However, these
patients require less frequent immunosuppression due to their
lower incidence of nephritis
. Our patient was treated with
discontinued predrone 60 mg per day and hydroxychloroquine
200 mg per day. Fortunately, the prognosis of newly diagnosed
(SLE) patients has improved signicantly in recent decades
However, it is important to emphasize that late-onset SLE has less
systemic involvement than classic SLE. Patients with late-onset
SLE were more likely to die from treatment complications and
. Age older than 50 years, male sex, and low C3 levels
may be associated with an increased risk of death
. According
to a study by Boddaert et al.
, there was no late-onset SLE with
haematologic manifestations. We found two cases with late-onset
SLE with nephritis in the literature
. A case of pancytopenia
and macrophage activation syndrome
. The key nding from
our case is to consider the diagnosis of SLE in elderly patients with
pancytopenia. Other diagnostic procedures such as serology,
imaging, and renal biopsy should be performed when possible.
Late-onset SLE or SLE in the elderly is a subtype that differs from
the classic SLE in age group, clinical presentation, involvement of
organs, and disease severity.
Underscores the importance of acknowledging any abnormal
presentation of SLE when clinical suspicion remains high and
conducting further investigation.
Ethical approval
This Case Series was approved by The Ethical approval was given
by the Ethical committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Damascus
University (CD: 7823,2023).
Written informed consent was obtained from patient for pub-
lication and any accompanying images. Copies of the written
consent are available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this
journal on request.
Source of funding
Author contribution
N.K. wrote the discussion, G.H. wrote the abstract and the
results, M.H.S. wrote the discussion, T.D. examined the patient,
and M.K. re-write and reviewed the study acknowledgements
given by any of the authors.
Conicts of interest disclosure
The author declares no conicts of interest.
Research registration unique identifying number
1. Name of the registry: Ghina Hiader.
2. Unique Identifying number or regiistration ID: research
3. Hyperlink to your specic registration (must be publicly
accessible and will be checked): https://www.researchregis
Ghina Hiader.
Data availability
The data used to support the nding of the study are available
from the corresponding author upon request.
Provenance and peer review
Not commissioned, externally peer-reviewed.
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... However, some studies suggest using a higher age cutoff of 65 years and older to define l-SLE patients [5]. Since SLE is typically considered a disease affecting young or adult patients, the delay in diagnosing l-SLE is significant and has been reported to be up to 60 months [7]. Lateonset SLE differs from early-onset SLE (e-SLE) in several aspects, including gender and ethnicity prevalence, clinical manifestations, laboratory outcomes, progression of organ damage, disease activity and severity, prognosis, and mortality [5,[7][8][9]. ...
... Since SLE is typically considered a disease affecting young or adult patients, the delay in diagnosing l-SLE is significant and has been reported to be up to 60 months [7]. Lateonset SLE differs from early-onset SLE (e-SLE) in several aspects, including gender and ethnicity prevalence, clinical manifestations, laboratory outcomes, progression of organ damage, disease activity and severity, prognosis, and mortality [5,[7][8][9]. The predominance of females in SLE decreases with advancing age [5]. ...
Full-text available
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations and a relapsing-remitting course. The peak incidence of SLE occurs during the reproductive years; however, it can develop at any age. Late-onset SLE, which is diagnosed at age 50 or older, accounts for approximately 20% of all SLE cases. The comparison between late-onset SLE patients and their early-onset counterparts has revealed distinct differences in clinical characteristics, comorbidities, and mortality rates. Late-onset SLE patients exhibit lower frequencies of mucocutaneous, renal, hematological, and neuropsychiatric symptoms but higher rates of serositis, peripheral polyneuropathy, cardiovascular diseases, and pulmonary involvement. Additionally, they experience a greater burden of comorbidities and increased mortality rates. Here, we review the clinical characteristics, comorbidities, and mortality of patients with late-onset SLE.
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Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) can suppress allo-and autoimmunity by suppressing T cell function but also have anti-proteinuric effects by stabilizing the cellular components of the kidney`s filtration barrier. Therefore, CNI are used in autoimmune kidney diseases with proteinuria. However, the traditional CNI, cyclosporine A and tacrolimus, have a narrow therapeutic range, need monitoring of drug levels, and their use is associated with nephrotoxicity and metabolic alterations. Voclosporin (VOC), a novel CNI, no longer requires drug level monitoring and seems to lack these adverse effects, although hypertension and drug-drug interactions still occur. VOC demonstrated efficacy superior to standard-of-care in controlling active lupus nephritis in the phase 2 AURA-LV and the phase 3 AURORA-1 trials and was approved for the treatment of active lupus nephritis. However, how to implement VOC into the current and changing treatment landscape of lupus nephritis is still debated. Here, we review the unique chemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity profile of VOC, summarize the efficacy and safety data from the AURA-LV and AURORA-1 trials, and discuss the following four possible options to implement VOC into the management of lupus nephritis, namely regarding B cell-targeting therapy with belimumab (BEL). These include: 1. patient stratification to either VOC or BEL, 2. VOC/BEL combination therapy, 3. VOC-BEL sequential therapy, or 4. alternative options for the rapid antiproteinuric effect of VOC.
Full-text available
Unlabelled: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that affects many organs. In this report, we discuss the case of a patient with SLE who presented to an out-hospital clinic, complaining of fever and pain with genital ulcers. Negative evaluations for other causes of genital ulcers, indicated these ulcers as related to SLE. This case highlights the importance of including SLE ulcers in the differential diagnosis of genital ulcers. Learning points: Determining the cause of genital ulceration is a clinical challenge, especially in sexually active individuals.Genital ulcers associated with SLE are often underdiagnosed. Any patient with a history of SLE presenting with genital discomfort and/or pain must be evaluated for genital ulcers without delay.
Full-text available
Abstract Background Several studies have compared the clinical features and outcomes of late- and early-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. However, these previous studies were uncontrolled. The current study aimed to compare late- and early-onset SLE patients while controlling for sex and year at diagnosis (± 1 year). Methods The medical records of SLE patients in a lupus cohort from January 1994 to June 2020 were reviewed. Late-onset patients were identified as those with an age at diagnosis ≥ 50 years. The early-onset patients (age at diagnosis
Full-text available
Background: The Surgical CAse REport (SCARE) guidelines were first published in 2016 as a tool for surgeons to document and report their surgical cases in a standardised and comprehensive manner. However, with advances in technology and changes in the healthcare landscape, it is important to revise and update these guidelines to ensure they remain relevant and valuable for surgeons. This paper presents an update to these guidelines. Materials and Methods: The updated guidelines were produced through a Delphi consensus exercise. Members of the SCARE 2020 guidelines Delphi group, editorial board members, and peer reviewers were invited to participate. Potential contributors were contacted by email. An online survey was completed to indicate their agreement with the proposed changes to the guideline items. Results: A total of 54 participants were invited to participate and 45 (83.3%) completed the survey. There was a high degree of agreement among reviewers, with 36 items (83.7%) meeting the threshold for inclusion within the updated guidelines. Conclusion: Through a completed Delphi consensus exercise we present the SCARE 2023 guidelines. This will provide surgeons with a comprehensive and up-to-date tool for documenting and reporting their surgical cases while highlighting the importance of patient-centered care.
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Background: To date, no studies have described randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effectiveness and safety of various biological agents used in induction therapy for lupus nephritis. Objectives: We designed this study to assess the relative efficacy and safety of some of these biological agents in patients with lupus nephritis. Method: We collected data from RCTs that examined the efficacy and safety of any biological agents for lupus nephritis and then used these data to complete a Bayesian network meta-analysis to combine the direct and indirect evidence from these studies. Results: We identified nine RCTs evaluating rituximab, abatacept, belimumab, anifrolumab, obinutuzumab, ocrelizumab, and low-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) across 1,480 patients. Low-dose IL-2, obinutuzumab, rituximab, and belimumab achieved complete remission in a significant proportion of respondents when compared with that in the control. Ranking probability based on the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) indicated that low-dose IL-2 had the highest probability of achieving complete remission, followed by obinutuzumab, rituximab, belimumab, anifrolumab, abatacept, ocrelizumab, and the control. The risk of serious adverse events (SAE) tended to be lower for low-dose IL-2, rituximab, belimumab, and obinutuzumab than for the control. SUCRA-based ranking indicated that IL-2 had the highest probability of being safe, followed by rituximab, belimumab, obinutuzumab, control, anifrolumab, abatacept, and ocrelizumab. Conclusions: Low-dose IL-2 was the most effective induction treatment for patients with lupus nephritis and had the lowest potential for SAE. Higher complete remission rates and a more favorable safety profile suggest that low-dose IL-2, obinutuzumab, rituximab, and belimumab may be superior to the current control as treatments for lupus nephritis.
Full-text available
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disease with multisystem involvement. It is multifactorial and involves epigenetic, genetic, ecological, and environmental factors. Primarily it leads to activation of both innate and adaptive immunity, which consequently leads to autoreactive B cell activation by T cells and leads to immune complexes deposition in tissues leading to an autoimmune cascade that may be limited to the single organ or can cause a widespread systemic involvement. SLE is heterogeneous in presentation, with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from clinically mild self-resolving symptoms to severe life-threatening organ involvement. Clinical and serological heterogeneity are critical features in SLE, posing a significant challenge in its diagnosis. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are the telltale serological marker in more than 95% of SLE patients. The improved set of European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) classification enabled accurate diagnosis of SLE. The treatment focuses on remission, preventing organ damage, and improving the overall quality of life.
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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disease with an unknown etiology that can affect any organ or system of the human body. Hematological, renal, or central nervous system manifestations in these patients result in great morbidity because high doses of glucocorticoids, cytotoxic medications, or biological drugs are required to control these manifestations. It is noteworthy that hematological involvement predominates during the first years of the disease and tends to last over time, with the premise that it may be the initial manifestation of the disease. Clear examples of this are the cases of hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia that can be initially classified as idiopathic or primary to be later classified as secondary when associated with infections, medications, neoplasms, or autoimmune diseases. The spectrum of hematologic manifestations in SLE is very broad, including lymphopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, or pancytopenia. In some cases, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly are also identified. The vast majority of these manifestations denote high disease activity. However, many of these alterations have a multifactorial cause that must be taken into account to adopt a more complete therapeutic approach. The objective of this review is to characterize in detail the hematological manifestations of SLE to offer clinicians a practical vision of its diagnosis and treatment.
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The antimalarial hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has demonstrated several crucial properties for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Herein, we reviewed the main HCQ pharmacologic features, detailed its mechanism of action, and summarized the existing guidelines and recommendations for HCQ use in rheumatology with a systematic literature search for the randomized controlled trials focused on lupus. HCQ has been shown to decrease SLE activity, especially in mild and moderate disease, to prevent disease flare and to lower the long-term glucocorticoid need. The numerous benefits of HCQ are extended to pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Based on cohort studies, antithrombotic and metabolic HCQ’s effects were shown, including lipid-lowering properties, which might contribute to an improved cardiovascular risk. Moreover, early HCQ use in antinuclear antibodies positive individuals might delay the progression to SLE. Finally, HCQ has a significant favorable impact on long-term outcomes such as damage accrual and mortality in SLE. Based on these multiple benefits, HCQ is now the mainstay long-term treatment in SLE, recommended by current guidelines in all patients unless contraindications or side effects. The daily dose associated with the best compromise between efficacy and safety is matter of debate. The concern regarding retinal toxicity rather than proper efficacy data is the one that dictated the daily dosage of ⩽5 mg/kg/day actual body weight currently agreed upon.
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SLE is a chronic autoimmune rheumatic disorder of high heterogeneity in clinical presentation, treatment response and prognosis. Long-term outcomes in SLE have been dramatically improved over the past decades, however, increased morbidity and mortality, especially among young individuals, still exists. Unmet needs include residual disease activity and frequent flares, glucocorticoid treatment dependency and toxicity, comorbidity burden, reduced health-related quality of life, health disparities and damage. The main determinants of long-term outcomes in SLE are age, sex, race/ethnicity, genetic profile, environmental factors including smoking, disease activity, major organ involvement such as lupus nephritis and CNS involvement, comorbidities including cardiovascular disease and serious infections, coexistence with APS, treatment adherence, socioeconomic factors and access to care. In this review we discuss trends in long-term outcomes in SLE over the years and major contributors such as genetic, disease-related, treatment, comorbidity, socioeconomic and other factors.