
Effect of biofertilizer containing Thiobacillus bacteria along with different levels of chemical sulfur fertilizer on growth response and photochemical efficiency of small radish plants (Raphanus sativus L. var. shushtari) under greenhouse conditions

  • Independent Researcher
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... Norank_f__norank_o___SBR1031 mainly appeared in the heterotrophic denitrification system with carbon source utilization, and the contents were 11.62% and 10.52%, respectively, indicating that the system contained a small carbon source with a small portion of heterotrophic denitrification. Thiobacillus was considered as the main autotrophic denitrifying bacterium [46,47]. It was found that Thiobacillus was the dominant species in sulfur-based denitrification, and the contents of Thiobacillus in the simulated and actual wastewater were 3.69% and 5.55%, respectively. ...
... These two microorganisms, Trichococcus and ank_o___SBR1031 mainly appeared in the heterotrophic denitrification system with carbon source utilization, and the contents were 11.62% and 10.52%, respectively, indicating that the system contained a small carbon source with a small portion of heterotrophic denitrification. Thiobacillus was considered as the main autotrophic denitrifying bacterium [46,47]. It was found that Thiobacillus was the dominant species in sulfur-based denitrification, and the contents of Thiobacillus in the simulated and actual wastewater were 3.69% and 5.55%, respectively. ...
... Secondly, they provided a favorable location for the microorganisms to attach to the surface ank_o___SBR1031 mainly appeared in the heterotrophic denitrification system with carbon source utilization, and the contents were 11.62% and 10.52%, respectively, indicating that the system contained a small carbon source with a small portion of heterotrophic denitrification. Thiobacillus was considered as the main autotrophic denitrifying bacterium [46,47]. It was found that Thiobacillus was the dominant species in sulfur-based denitrification, and the contents of Thiobacillus in the simulated and actual wastewater were 3.69% and 5.55%, respectively. ...
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To solve the problems of deep nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants and the high value utilization of steel slag in the metallurgical industry, this work aims to prepare a sulfur/steel slag-based filter using the melting method. The melt granulation method and the utilization of metallurgical waste were the main innovations of this work. On this basis, the nitrogen removal performance of the filter media in simulated wastewater and actual wastewater were systematically investigated. Furthermore, the factors affecting the nitrogen removal performance of the filter media were studied, and pilot experiments were carried out. The microbial community in the reactor was also analyzed. The results showed that when the mass ratio of sulfur and steel slag was 9:1, the filter media could remove up to 90% of TN in simulated wastewater at room temperature, with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5–20 h and an influent TN of 21 mg/L. In the simulated wastewater, the effluent NO3−-N was less than 2 mg/L, the SO42− was less than 200 mg/L, and the pH was between 6 and 8. The removal of TN from actual wastewater was also greater than 90% at room temperature under a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 8–20 h and an influent TN of 8 mg/L. Influence factor experiments were conducted at room temperature, with a C/N of 2:1, a DO of 0.9–1 mg/L, and an HRT of 4 h. The results of the pilot experiment confirmed that the effluent TN was stable below 10 mg/L. The filter media was compounded for practical engineering applications. Microbial community analysis showed that the sulfur autotrophic denitrifying bacterial species Thiobacillus accounted for 3.69% and 5.55% of the simulated and actual wastewater systems, respectively. This work provides a novel strategy for the application of solid metallurgical waste in the field of nitrate-containing wastewater treatment.
Radish is an early vegetable crop with a very short growing season, widely cultivated worldwide. At the same time, the extensive varietal resources of radishes and the changing environmental conditions compel agroproducers to perform more careful selection of varieties/hybrids to achieve high yields of marketable products. For this purpose, an agro-biological evaluation of eight radish hybrids of different maturity periods was conducted in open-field cultivation. Differences were found in both the duration of phenophases and the growing period of radish plants. The hybrids Stellar and Rockstar were characterized by faster entry into phenological phases, root formation, and maturation, reaching the technical maturity phase on the 25th day. In terms of biometric indicators at the technical maturity phase (BBCH 49), the hybrid Adele stood out, with plants having the highest height (18 cm), leaf rosette width (18 cm), number of leaves per plant (8 pcs), and area (17.6 thousand m2/ha). Over the years of research from 2017 to 2019, which were marked by contrasting weather conditions, the highest yield was obtained from the Adele hybrid, at 26.1–27.3 t/ha, with a 15% advantage over the control and a yield increase of 3.5 t/ha. The hybrids were ranked by yield as follows: Adele > Eliza > Stellar > Rockstar > Rosetta > Roxanne > Donar > Rolex. The highest quality indicators were found in the root crops of the Adele, Stellar, and Rockstar hybrids. Based on the visual assessment of radish root crops, analysis of their linear dimensions, and quality indicators, the hybrids were ranked as follows: Adele > Stellar > Rockstar > Eliza > Rosetta > Roxanne > Donar > Rolex. A strong direct correlation was found between yield and root weight (r=1), as well as between the developmental phases of the plants (seedling emergence, appearance of the first true leaf, growth and development of leaves and roots) and the technical maturity of the root crops (r=0.90–1.00). The number of leaves per plant correlated with plant height (0.97) and the developmental phases of the plants (0.91–0.97). The sugar content in the root crop correlated with the dry matter content and the root diameter (0.92). Based on the agro-biological evaluation of radish hybrids of different maturity groups, it was determined that the most productive hybrids with quality root crops for open-field cultivation are the early-maturing Stellar, the mid-maturing Eliza, and the late-maturing Adele, which are recommended for cultivation in farms of various ownership forms in the central part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.
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Melatonin is a growth regulator that improves the growth and chlorophyll (chl) content in plants. This study aims to investigate the effect of melatonin pretreatment on chl synthesis and fluorescence parameters in Malva parviflora exposed to cadmium (Cd). The 42-day-old plants were transferred to nutrient solutions containing 50 μM melatonin. After two days, some plants were exposed to 50 μM Cd. Eight days after Cd treatment, some indicators related to chl fluorescence and some biochemical parameters were measured. In this study, melatonin increased chl content and chl a/pheophytin a (pheo a) ratio, chlorophyllide a (chlide a), porphyrin compounds, and 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) in the presence of Cd. However, it decreased chl a/chlide a ratio under these conditions. Whereas Cd treatment resulted in significant reductions in photochemical activity and electron transfer rate in PSII, melatonin improved photochemical efficiency of PSII by reducing the toxic effect of Cd on the activity of the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) on the electron donor site and reducing non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Based on the results, it appears that melatonin can maintain the chl content of plants exposed to Cd by increasing the precursors of the chl biosynthesis pathway and reducing its degradation rate. These results may, at least in our experimental conditions, partly explain the reason for the improved yield and growth of Cd-exposed plants when pretreated with melatonin.
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Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient that affects growth and development of plants since Fe as cofactor participates in numerous physiological and biochemical reactions. As a transition metal, Fe is redox active. Fe in soil often exists in the form of insoluble ferric hydroxides which are bio-unavailable to plants. Plants have developed sophisticated mechanisms to ensure adequate supply of Fe in a variable environment. Plants can sense Fe status and modulate transcription of Fe uptake associated genes, finally controlling Fe uptake from soil to root. There is a critical need to understand the molecular mechanisms by which plants maintain Fe homeostasis in response to Fe fluctuation. This review focuses on the recent advances that have been made in elucidating the functions of Fe signaling components. Taking Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa as examples, this review begins with discussing the Fe acquisition systems controlling Fe uptake from soil, the major components regulating the Fe uptake systems and then the perception of Fe status. The future exploration on the Fe signal transduction will pave the way for understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying the maintenance of plant Fe homeostasis.
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Modern intensive agricultural practices face numerous challenges that pose major threats to global food security. In order to address the nutritional requirements of the ever-increasing world population, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are applied on large scale to increase crop production. However, the injudicious use of agrochemicals has resulted in environmental pollution leading to public health hazards. Moreover, agriculture soils are continuously losing their quality and physical properties as well as their chemical (imbalance of nutrients) and biological health. Plant-associated microbes with their plant growth- promoting traits have enormous potential to solve these challenges and play a crucial role in enhancing plant biomass and crop yield. The beneficial mechanisms of plant growth improvement include enhanced nutrient availability, phytohormone modulation, biocontrol of phytopathogens and amelioration of biotic and abiotic stresses. Solid-based or liquid bioinoculant formulation comprises inoculum preparation, addition of cell protectants such as glycerol, lactose, starch, a good carrier material, proper packaging and best delivery methods. Recent developments of formulation include entrapment/microencapsulation, nano-immobilization of microbial bioinoculants and biofilm-based biofertilizers. This review critically examines the current state-of-art on use of microbial strains as biofertilizers and the important roles performed by these beneficial microbes in maintaining soil fertility and enhancing crop productivity.
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In order to study the effects of supplementary irrigation, application of mycorrhizal and Azetobacter on grain filling components, chlorophyll content and grain yield of rain fed barley (Var. Sahand), a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in the village of Khalkhoran viand of Ardabil province in 2017. Factors experiment were included irrigation levels (no irrigation as rain fed, supplementary irrigation at 50% heading and booting stages) and bio fertilizers application at four levels (without bio fertilizers as control, application of mycorrhizal fungi, Azetobacter, both application mycorrhizal fungi and Azetobacter. The results showed that the highest of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid, chlorophyll total (1.76, 0.88, 0.83, 2.64 mg/g FW), maximum fluorescence, variable fluorescence and quantum yield (1433.2, 1281.3 and 0.847 respectively), grain filling period and maximum of grain weight (32.06 day and 58.3 mg respectively) were obtained at supplementary irrigation at boot stage with both application of mycorrhizal and Azetobacter, and the least these traits were obtained no application of bio fertilizers under rain fed condition. The highest of grain filling rate (1.9 mg/day) was obtained under rain fed condition and no application of bio fertilizers and the least it was obtained at supplementary irrigation at boot stage with application of mycorrhiza. Supplementary irrigation at boot stage and both application mycorrhizal with Azetobacter increased grain yield 29.87% in comparison with no application of bio fertilizers under rain fed condition.
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The two-location field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of Thiobacillus and different levels of sulfur fertilizer on growth and physiological indices in the replacement intercropping of sesame and mung bean. A factorial experiment was performed based on a randomized complete block design in 3 replications in 2018. The experimental factors consisted of cropping ratio at five levels: 1. sesame sole cropping, 2. mung bean sole cropping, 3. 75% sesame +25% mung bean (3:1), 4. 50% sesame +50% mung bean (1:1), 5. 25% sesame +75% mung bean (1:3). Sulfur fertilizer was used at three levels: control level (S0), 50% of recommended amount (S1), 100% of recommended amount (S2). Thiobacillus bacteria was used at two levels: T0 and T1. The results showed that growth indices chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, biological yield, and grain yield of sesame and mung bean were significantly affected by the studied treatments. The highest growth indices, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, biological yield and grain yield of sesame were obtained by the 3:1 ratio. For the mung bean, the highest growth indices, chlorophyll a, biological yield, grain yield were obtained by mung bean sole cropping and the highest chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were obtained by the 1:1 ratio. Also, sulfur fertilizer, 100% of the recommended amount, increased all studied indices in both plants except for chlorophyll a in sesame. Interaction effects of cropping ratio and location on growth indices, grain biological yield, chlorophyll a of sesame and mung bean were significant.
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Carotenoids are long conjugated isoprenoid molecules with over 1117 identified structures, belongs to the class of hydrocarbons, involved in a range of biological processes in plants and humans. In plant cells, plastids are the organelles that play a central role in governing biosynthesis, stability and activity of carotenoids, and their diversity. In photosynthetic tissues, carotenoids act as accessory light‐harvesting pigments and extend the range of light absorption, and also play a very important role in photoprotection. In non-photosynthetic tissues carotenoids act as colorants and precursors for isoprenoid. While in human cells carotenoids contribute to the maintenance of skin health by increasing basal dermal defense against UV. Each of these phytochemicals produces a kind of protection against diabetes, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. In this review, we precise current knowledge of the genes and enzymes involved in carotenoids metabolism, their regulatory mechanisms underlying carotenoid accumulation. This review also discuss the impact of various types of plastids on carotenoids biosynthesis, accumulation, their metabolic engineering and functions as stress signals in plants.
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Previous research has shown that ground rubber from tyres can be used to supply fertiliser zinc (Zn) for prevention of Zn-deficiency in crops, and that inoculation of the ground rubber with several bacterial species hastens the release of Zn to the soil. We evaluated the ability of several microbial combinations to speed the release of Zn from ground rubber and to decrease soil pH to favour phytoavailability of Zn to crops. In a batch experiment, treatment combinations of two rates of ground crumb rubber (nil or 300 mg kg–1, equal to 0 or 3.4 mg Zn kg–1) and 24 bacterial inoculants were incorporated into a Zn-deficient calcareous soil. In a pot experiment, two wheat cultivars were grown on the soil without or with ground rubber amendment or with equivalent Zn from ZnSO4 (15 mg kg–1) in combination with two selected microbial treatments. All microbial treatments significantly decreased soil pH at week 3, most notably the inoculant comprising Rhodococcus erythropolis and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (RA) + Pseudomonas putida P41 (P1) + mixed Thiobacillus spp. (Mt). In the presence of tyre rubber, soil pH at week 10 was still significantly lower than the initial value, and soil DTPA-extractable Zn concentration increased until week 6 and then remained unchanged or slightly reduced at week 10. The greatest increase in DTPA-Zn concentration occurred with the RA inoculation. Microbial inoculation treatments were classified by cluster analysis into eight groups based on soil pH and concentrations of iron (Fe) and Zn. Group 8 produced the lowest pH and highest concentrations of DTPA-Fe ( average 6.92 mg kg–1) and DTPA-Zn (average 2.67 mg kg–1). Inoculations with RA and with RA + P1 + T. thioparus were the most effective in hastening an increase in DTPA-extractable Zn and significantly enhanced Zn uptake by wheat plants, whereas inoculations with P. putida P168 and with RA + P2 + Mt were most effective in decreasing soil pH and increasing plant Fe concentration.
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The widely distributed Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) lives in extremely acidic conditions by fixing CO2 and nitrogen, and by obtaining energy from Fe2+ oxidation with either downhill or uphill electron transfer pathway and from reduced sulfur oxidation. A. ferrooxidans exists as different genomovars and its genome size is 2.89-4.18 Mb. The chemotactic movement of A. ferrooxidans is regulated by quorum sensing. A. ferrooxidans shows weak magnetotaxis due to formation of 15-70 nm magnetite magnetosomes with surface functional groups. The room- and low-temperature magnetic features of A. ferrooxidans are different from other magnetotactic bacteria. A. ferrooxidans has potential for removing sulfur from solids and gases, metals recycling from metal-bearing ores, electric wastes and sludge, biochemical production synthesizing, and metal workpiece machining.
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Background: Sulphur is an abundant element in biological systems, which plays an important role in processes essential for life as a constituent of proteins, vitamins and other crucial biomolecules. The major source of sulphur for humans is plants being able to use inorganic sulphur in the purpose of sulphur-containing amino acids synthesis. Sulphur-containing amino acids include methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, and taurine. Methionine and cysteine are classified as proteinogenic, canonic amino acids incorporated in protein structure. Sulphur amino acids are involved in the synthesis of intracellular antioxidants such as glutathione and N-acetyl cysteine. Moreover, naturally occurring sulphur-containing ligands are effective and safe detoxifying agents, often used in order to prevent toxic metal ions effects and their accumulation in human body. Methods: Literature search for peer-reviewed articles was performed using PubMed and Scopus databases, and utilizing appropriate keywords. Results: This review is focused on sulphur-containing amino acids - methionine, cysteine, taurine, and their derivatives - glutathione and N-acetylcysteine, and their defense effects as antioxidant agents against free radicals. Additionally, the protective effects of sulphur-containing ligands against the toxic effects of heavy and transition metal ions, and their reactivation role towards the enzyme inhibition are described. Conclusion: Sulphur-containing amino acids represent a powerful part of cell antioxidant system. Thus, they are essential in the maintenance of normal cellular functions and health. In addition to their worthy antioxidant action, sulphur-containing amino acids may offer a chelating site for heavy metals. Accordingly, they may be supplemented during chelating therapy, providing beneficial effects in eliminating toxic metals.
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The amino acid phenylalanine (Phe) is a critical metabolic node that plays an essential role in the interconnection between primary and secondary metabolism in plants. Phe is used as a protein building block but it is also as a precursor for numerous plant compounds that are crucial for plant reproduction, growth, development, and defense against different types of stresses. The metabolism of Phe plays a central role in the channeling of carbon from photosynthesis to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids. The study of this metabolic pathway is particularly relevant in trees, which divert large amounts of carbon into the biosynthesis of Phe-derived compounds, particularly lignin, an important constituent of wood. The trunks of trees are metabolic sinks that consume a considerable percentage of carbon and energy from photosynthesis, and carbon is finally immobilized in wood. This paper reviews recent advances in the biosynthesis and metabolic utilization of Phe in conifer trees. Two alternative routes have been identified: the ancient phenylpyruvate pathway that is present in microorganisms, and the arogenate pathway that possibly evolved later during plant evolution. Additionally, an efficient nitrogen recycling mechanism is required to maintain sustained growth during xylem formation. The relevance of phenylalanine metabolic pathways in wood formation, the biotic interactions, and ultraviolet protection is discussed. The genetic manipulation and transcriptional regulation of the pathways are also outlined.
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In order to improve effectiveness of phosphate rock as phosphorus fertilizer, elemental sulfur and Thiobacillus have evaluated as amendments. First, Thiobacillus were isolated from different soil samples. Then, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using a completely randomized factorial design with three factors included: elemental sulfur at four levels of 0, 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg kg−1, phosphate rock at three levels of 0, 1000 and 2000 mg kg−1, four Thiobacillus inoculums (T1, T2, T3, T4) and without inoculation (T0) in three replications. Results showed that, all the four Thiobacillus inoculums increased significantly extractable soil-P. Combined application of phosphate rock and sulfur in equal proportion (1:1) along with inoculum Thiobacillus had significant effect in improving phosphorus availability in soil. Combined application of sulfur (at rates of 1000 and 2000 mg kg–1) and Thiobacillus significantly increased phosphorus uptake by plants as compared to the control.
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A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of arsenic (As) and sulfur (S) interaction on yield and their accumulation and distribution in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). The results showed that (1) at the same level of S treatment, application of As significantly decreased rapeseed grain and biomass yield; (2) Application of S significantly increased the grain and biomass yield of rapeseed when As was applied; (3) When As application rate increased, As content significantly increased in different parts of rapeseed, and reached their highest level at 120 mg/kg As. Arsenic content from seed were all below 1 mg/kg AS. Addition of S significantly reduced As contents in root and grain of rapeseed.
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Thirty isolates of Thiobacillus sp. were successfully isolated on Thiobacillus enrichment medium from different plants rhizosphere. Thiobacillus A1, Thiobacillus A2 gave the lowest pH and the highest total sulphate in liquid medium after one week. These two isolates were used as bioinoculants. The effect of inoculation with the two selected isolates and/or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on onion and maize plants was studied in pot experiment under green house conditions. Mineral fertilizers were applied at the recommended dose of N, P, K and sulphur(S) besides rock phosphate (RP) as P fertilizer. Results showed that, inoculation gave significant increases in N, P, K and S concentrations in plants rhizosphere soil at the sampling periods of 60 and 90 days from planting. Highest values of nutrient concentrations were found in soils fertilised with NK + S + rock phosphate (RP) and inoculated with AMF + Thiobacillus A1. Total sulphur-oxidising bacterial counts, dehydrogenase activity (μg TPF/100 g dry soil Day−1) and CO2 evolution (mg CO2/100 g soil) were determined in rhizosphere of the tested plants. Soil biology was affected by either mineral or biofertilizer treatments. Significant differences were found for samples collected after 60 days for onion and 90 days for maize fertilised with NK + S + RP and inoculated with AMF + Thiobacillus A1 which gave the highest significant differences over control. Mycorrhizal spores number and AMF infection percentages in plants roots greatly affected by AMF inoculation especially when combined with Thiobacillus A1 after 60 days from planting. Dry weight of onion bulbs and maize shoots as well as NPK contents significantly affected by AMF and Thiobacillus inoculations than the control plants.
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-1 were applied to pots. Each plant was grown twice on the same soils to determine initial and residual effects of applied S. Results showed that applications of elemental S and S-containing waste resulted in a decrease of soil pH, but general increase in nutrient concentrations for both plants and increase in residual available nutrient concentration in the experimental soils. In addition, it was found that S-containing waste could be used as an alternative to elemental S for improvement of plant nutrition in calcareous soils.
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Adjustable parameters of an inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP) are investigated and a digestion method of plant samples is developed which does not require the use of HC104. This HNO3‐H2O2 wet digestion method eliminates the hazards associated with hot, concentrated HClO4. The adjustable parameters of ICP are viewing height, forward power as well as the sample, coolant, auxiliary, and flushing gas flow rates, and the sample uptake flow rate. The digestion parameters examined are the type and amount of the applied acids (HNO3, HCl, and H2SO4), the temperature and duration of predigestion, the amount of H2O2, and the temperature and duration of digestion. Three plant samples (maize seed, wheat straw, and sunflower seed) and three dry weights are analyzed. The optimal parameters of the ICP spectrometer and HNO3‐H2O2 wet digestion for plants are determined.Optimal parameters of HNO3‐H2O2 wet digestion sample preparation: Optimal parameters of the ICP instrument:
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Publisher Summary This chapter presents detailed information on chlorophylls and carotenoids to give practical directions toward their quantitative isolation and determination in extracts from leaves, chloroplasts, thylakoid particles, and pigment proteins. The chapter focuses on the spectral characteristics and absorption coefficients of chlorophylls, pheophytins, and carotenoids, which are the basis for establishing equations to quantitatively determine them. Therefore, the specific absorption coefficients of the pigments are re-evaluated. This is achieved by using a two-beam spectrophotometer of the new generation, which allows programmed automatic recording and printing out of the proper wavelengths and absorbancy values. Several procedures have been developed for the separation of the photosynthetic pigments, including column (CC), paper (PC), and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). All chloroplast carotenoids exhibit a typical absorption spectrum that is characterized by three absorption maxima (violaxanthin, neoxanthin) or two maxima with one shoulder (lutein and β-carotene) in the blue spectral region.
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The effects of soil drought on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluo-rescence in the leaves of three bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes were studied. Drought was imposed 14 days after plants growing up. In the pri-mary leaf of all the cultivars, water stress led to a noticeable decrease in both the initial slope of the A n /C i curve and A max . The most strongly marked re-duction in leaf CO 2 exchange was observed in cv. Dobrudjanski ran. Maxi-mal carboxilation efficiency (α) and CO 2 assimilation (A max) was reduced over five folds. At normal ambient CO 2 concentration (C a 350 µmol mol -1), leaf water deficit resulted in a dramatic reduction (92.2%) of A n . CO 2 com-pensation point (Ã) increased with 127.5%. Stomatal limitation of photosyn-thesis (SL) increased significantly (131.5%), which suggests a stronger in-fluence of stomatal factors. Lowest reduction in leaf gas exchange parameters were observed in cv. Prelom. Cv. Plovdiv 10 showed moderate behavior. In the primary and in the first trifoliate leaf of all genotypes studied, drought stress induced an increase in the minimal chlorophyll fluorescence (F 0), ac-companied by a decrease in the maximal one (F m). Cv. Prelom was less affected. The F v /F m ratio practically was not changed and showed a slight tendency to decrease in all genotypes. Cv. Dobrudjanski ran presented the highest decrease (52% and 43%) in photochemical quenching (qP), in con-trast to cv. Prelom (29% and an 18%) in primary and first trifoliate leaves, respectively. The quantum yield of electron transport (Y) strongly decreased in cvs. Dobrudjanski ran and Plovdiv 10, while in cv. Prelom Y it was less affected. At the end of the drought period, in the primary and first trifoliate * Corresponding author, e-mail: 4 leaf, a significant increase was observed in the non-photochemical quench-ing (qN) of all genotypes, except for Prelom, thus denoting an increase in the energy dissipation through non-photochemical processes. Data obtained sug-gest that cv. Prelom is drought tolerant and cv. Dobrudjanski ran is drought sensitive. Plovdiv 10 showed moderate behavior. Keywords: drought, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, Phaseolus vul-garis L. Abbreviations: A max – maximal CO 2 assimilation; A n – net CO 2 assimila-tion; C a – ambient CO 2 concentration; C i – intercellular CO 2 concentration; F 0 – minimal chlorophyll fluorescence in dark adapted leaves; F m – maximal chlorophyll fluorescence in dark adapted leaves; F v /F m – maximal photo-chemical efficiency of PSII; PPFD-photosynthetic photon flux density; qN – non-photochemical fluorescence quenching; qP – photochemical fluores-cence quenching; Rubisco – ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxilase/oxienase; RuBP – ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate; SL – stomatal limitation of photosynthe-sis; Y – quantum yield of electron transport; α – maximal carboxylation efficiency; Ã – CO 2 compensation point; Ψ soil – soil water potential.
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A field trial was executed during the two consecutive seasons of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 at the Experimental Station of the National Research Centre. The trial was designed to study the impact of application of bio-organic farming on faba bean growth and quality of green yield in comparison with the recommended doses of NPK as a positive control treatment. The bio-organic treatment consisted of 10 m FYM + Rhizobium 3 leguminosarum + Soil yeast Candida tropicalis increased plant height by 3.4% over the positive control as an average for both growing seasons. The bio-organic treamtent of 5 m FYM + Rhizobium + Candida 3 increased leaves number by 2.6 %, leaves fresh weight by 13.9 %, branches fresh weight by 8.7 % and total fresh weight by 5.4 %. For yield attributes, the biofertilization of faba bean with the combined inoculum of Rhizobium and Candida when acompanied with either 5 m or 10 m of farmyard manure increased each of pods 3 3 number/plant, seeds number/pod and pod weight. The bio-treatment of 5 m FYM + Rhizobium + Candida 3 increased protein content in both growing seasons by 8.3 % over the positive control. The increase in Ca was restricted on the first season and reached 6.25 % while the increase in Fe was in the second season by 12.48 % over the positive control. Each of Mn and Zn content was increased due to the application of 10 m FYM + Rhizobium + Candida in both growing seasons. The percentage of increases reached 6.7 and 16.8 3 consecutively.
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The use of Rhizobium inoculant for groundnut is a common practice in India. Also, co-inoculation of Rhizobium with other plant growth-promoting bacteria received considerable attention in legume growth promotion. Hence, in the present study we investigated effects of co-inoculating the sulfur (S)-oxidizing bacterial strains with Rhizobium, a strain that had no S-oxidizing potential in groundnut. Chemolithotrophic S-oxidizing bacterial isolates from different sources by enrichment isolation technique included three autotrophic (LCH, SWA5 and SWA4) and one heterotrophic (SGA6) strains. All the four isolates decreased the pH of the growth medium through oxidation of elemental S to sulfuric acid. Characterization revealed that these isolates tentatively placed into the genus Thiobacillus. Clay-based pellet formulation (2.5 x 10(7) cf ug(-1) pellet) of the Thiobacillus strains were developed and their efficiency to promote plant growth was tested in groundnut under pot culture and field conditions with S-deficit soil. Experiments in pot culture yielded promising results on groundnut increasing the plant biomass, nodule number and dry weight, and pod yield. Co-inoculation of Thiobacillus sp. strain LCH (applied at 60 kg ha(-1)) with Rhizobium under field condition recorded significantly higher nodule number, nodule dry weight and plant biomass 136.9 plant(-1), 740.0mg plant(-1) and 15.0 g plant(-1), respectively, on 80 days after sowing and enhanced the pod yield by 18%. Also inoculation of S-oxidizing bacteria increased the soil available S from 7.4 to 8.43 kg ha(-1). These results suggest that inoculation of S-oxidizing bacteria along with rhizobia results in synergistic interactions promoting the yield and oil content of groundnut, in S-deficit soils.
Macrotyloma uniflorum (horse gram) is considered an under-utilized legume crop despite its nutritional and medicinal values. In India, it has wide acceptance among farming communities. This investigation emphasized on the possible application of two endosymbionts (Bacillus sp. AS03 and Rhizobium sp. AS05) of horse gram cultivated on Cr (VI)-contaminated soil. The photosynthetic performance (PIϕ) of Cr treated plants co-inoculated with AS03 and AS05 was significantly improved compared with non-inoculated Cr treated plants based on photosynthetic yield, which was evidenced from the rise in the fluorescence at I–P transient and rate of photosynthesis (pN), indicating synergistic action between plant and bacteria (AS03 and AS05). The smooth electron transport from PS II to PS I was achieved in the Cr stressed plants inoculated with both the bacterial strains. The detrimental effects of Cr toxicity on the root tips were also minimized with bioinoculation as revealed from mitotic index. Plants with dual inoculation of AS03 and AS05 had significantly lesser chromosomal aberration in the roots. Dual inoculation biochar or seed inoculation have beneficial impact on the plant photosynthetic performance along with improved growth of roots in plants treated with Cr (VI). The results of the current work suggest the possitive effect of dual inoculation of Cr tolerant endosymbionts, Bacillus sp. (AS03) and nodulating Rhizobium sp. (AS05), in reducing cytological as well as physiological stress of plants in Cr (VI) contaminated soil.
The Contamination of agricultural soils with Arsenic (As) is a significant environmental stress that restricts plant growth, metabolism, and productivity worldwide. The present study examined the role of sulfur (S⁰) in protecting Brassica napus plants from Arsenic (As) toxicity. Arsenic (100, and 200 mg As kg⁻¹ soil) in soil caused detrimental effects on five Brassica napus cultivars (Neelam, Teri-Uttam Jawahar, Him Sarson, GSC-101, and NUDB 26–11). The As toxicity inhibited the growth and photosynthesis indices in all cultivars with more deterioration effects in NUDB 26–11. Plant absorption and uptake of As caused the generation of oxidative injury by accumulating the reactive oxygen species (ROS), which simultaneously decreased the plant defence capability and ultimately the photosynthesis. Application of sulfur (S⁰, 100 or 200 mg S kg⁻¹ soil) alleviated the negative impacts and toxicity of As on the photosynthesis and growth matrices of plants, especially under high S level. S⁰ also boosted the antioxidant potential of plants and toned-down lipid peroxidation and ROS aggravation such as superoxide anion (O2.-) and H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, in As affected plants. In general, S⁰ at 200 mg kg⁻¹ soil more perceptibly increased the functionality of antioxidant enzymes, and non-enzymatic antioxidants, metal chelators and non-protein thiols. Further amendment of soil with S⁰ at fifteen days before seed sowing affected by As-induced toxic effects (added to soil at the time of sowing) considerably intensified the endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content and its regenerating enzymes D-cysteine desulfhydrase (D-CD) and L-cysteine desulfhydrase (L-CD) that further strengthened the defense capability of plants to withstand As-stress. Our results suggest the role of H2S in the S-induced defense operation of the B. napus plants in restraining As toxicity. The current study shows that S⁰ as a source of S might be used to promote the growth of B. napus plants in polluted agricultural soils.
The effectiveness of iron is reduced in saline conditions, which can easily lead to iron deficiency and inhibit photosynthesis in rice. In this study, 4-week-old Fe-deficient rice seedlings were treated under saline sodic stress (50 mM) to different concentrations (0, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.6%, and 3.2%) of foliar iron fertilizer (FeEDDHA). Differences in prompting fluorescence and the MR820 signal of rice leaves after 7 days of treatment were probed using the JIP-test. The results show that the performances of the two rice varieties were in general agreement. Under iron deficiency and soda salinity stress conditions, rice growth was inhibited, and the pigment content, specific energy flux, quantum yield, performance of the active PSII reaction center (PIABS) and the oxidation (Vox) and reduction rates (Vred) of PSI were reduced. These indicators first increase and then decrease with increasing iron fertiliser concentrations. The best results were obtained with the Fe3 treatment (0.8%). Fluorescence parameters such as the relative variable fluorescence (WK and VJ) and the quantum yield of energy dissipation (φDo) showed opposite trends. This suggests that iron deficiency/excess and soda saline stress disrupt the electron and energy transport in the photosystem. Appropriate iron fertilization concentration can repair the photosynthetic electron transport chain, improve electron transport efficiency and promote balanced energy distribution. Therefore, we suggest that moderate amounts of Fe are beneficial for improving the electron and energy transport properties of the photosystem, while spraying high concentrations of Fe fertilizer has a negative effect on improving salt tolerance in rice.
During this study, the bioremediation potential of zinc-oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) and PGPR mixed biofertilizer (BF) on maize plants under induced arsenic (As) stress of 50 ppm and 100 ppm was investigated. The treated plants showed increased As resistance to mitigate the adverse effects of stress by enhancing fresh and dry biomass, relative water content, protein content, soluble sugars, proline content, enzymatic antioxidant defense mechanisms including catalase activity (CAT), peroxidase activity (POD), ascorbate peroxidase activity (APX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) content. In the pot experiment, the parameters studied have shown that the integrated treatments of ZnO-NPs and BF cause a notable enhancement in relative water content 43%–50% and plant biomass. Moreover, the same treatment showed a marked upregulation in enzymes activity (APX, SOD, APX, and CAT) which oxidized the cell-damaging ROS, produced in response to As stress. Likewise, the combined treatment showed a maximum reduction in MDA content 46%–57% and electrolyte leakage in As treated plants as compared to stressed plants. On the other hand, total soluble sugar 114%–170% and total protein content 117%–241% escalated. SEM analysis revealed marked damage reduction in the treated cells caused by arsenic toxicity. Thus, the use of BF comprised of rhizobacteria along with ZnO-NPs could be a very effective bio source for improving maize plant growth under As stress. In in silico study, As mediated network of proteins showed positive and negative regulation of As activity that leads to stress generation for housekeeping genome.
Two field experiments were conducted at Farm of Cairo University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Giza to evaluate a new glass fertilizer (GF) composition on pea plants. The compound is created by melting a variety of raw materials to acquire oxides (60% P2O5, 30% K2O, 3.5% ZnO, 3.5% MnO and 3% Fe2O3 wt %). Control treatment was a full dose of recommended chemical fertilizers (100% RDF), Whereas other treatments were GF at a rate of 60 kg fed⁻¹, GF at rate of 30 kg fed⁻¹, 50% RDF, 100% RDF + biofertilizers, GF at rate of 60 kg fed⁻¹ + biofertilizers, GF at rate of 30 kg fed⁻¹ + biofertilizers, 50% RDF + biofertilizers, and untreated treatment (without fertilizers). The results indicate that, the treatment 60 kg fed⁻¹ GF plus biofertilizers induced increasing pea pod yield by 55.6% and 63.23% when compared with the control treatment in the first and second seasons respectively.
The stimulated effects of elevated CO2 concentration decline over time in many C3 plants. However, the phenomenon is a rare occurrence on plants hosting some symbious bacteria. The photosynthesis acclimation associated with an extended period of high CO2 concentration was therefore studied in cherry tomato that treated with a kind of photosynthetic bacteria. Bio-fertilization with photosynthetic bacteria, which can fix nitrogen for host crops and contains a variety of growth promoting factors, can play an important role in maintaining photosynthetic activity. In this research, we conducted a CO2 elevation experiment combined different water regimes and inoculation with photosynthetic bacterium, to evaluate the improvement of photosynthesis acclimation by using photosynthesis bacteria, and to explore associated mechanisms for artificial chamber grown cherry tomatoes. As a result of these experiments, we found that elevated CO2 had a positive effect on cherry tomato photosynthetic activity and yield of all treatment. After 55 days of CO2 injection, photosynthetic acclimation was found in the plant of uninoculated photosynthetic bacteria, which were most pronounced in high water treatments. Reduced irrigation amounts decreased the magnitude of photosynthetic acclimation, but relative fruit yield gradually decreased after achieving a maximum. In contrast, the photosynthetic bacteria inoculated plants just showed a slightly down-regulation of photosynthesis under durative high CO2 condition. Because inoculation of photosynthetic bacteria increased the photosynthetic pigment content, mesophyll conductance, maximum carboxylation rate and maximum electron transport rate. Furthermore, inoculation with the photosynthetic bacteria diminished the yield penalties caused by the reduced irrigation treatment through promoting nitrogen content and relieve starch accumulation in tomato leaves compared to those of the uninoculated control. And enhanced yield of inoculated plants grown under durative high CO2 concentration were observed. The results suggest that photosynthesis bacteria application could be a potential means to further improve the CO2 stimulation effect on cherry tomato production.
Increased food demands and ceasing nutrient deposits have resulted in a great shortfall between the food supply and demand and would be worse in the years to come. Higher inputs of synthetic fertilizers on lands have resulted in environmental pollution, persistent changes in the soil ecology, and physicochemical conditions. This has greatly decreased the natural soil fertility thereby hindering agricultural productivity, human health, and hygiene. Bio-based resilient nutrient sources as wastewater-derived algae are promising as a complete nutrient for agriculture and have the potential to be used in soilless cultivations. Innovations in nano-fortification and nano-sizing of minerals and algae have the potential to facilitate nutrients bioavailability and efficacy for a multifold increase in productivity. In this context, various options on minerals nanofertilizer application in agricultural food production besides efficient biofertilizer have been investigated. Algal biofertilizer with the nanoscale application has huge prospects for further agriculture productivities and fosters suitable development.
Fragaria × ananassa is a widely-consumed fruit worldwide, valued for its pleasant flavor and nutritional properties. However, its lack of fragrance, unlike wild strawberries, results in customer dissatisfaction. In this study, we tested whether the biofertilizer Saccharomyces cerevisiae can enhance the aroma of strawberry. We used different fertilization methods, namely, mycorrhizal fertilization (MF) and foliar fertilization (FF), to investigate the effects of S. cerevisiae on various characteristics of F. ananassa. The results showed that the application of yeast under MF significantly increased the amount of soluble sugars and total volatiles. However, no significant difference was detected in the anthocyanin content. The amount of total volatiles in fruits under different treatments was 18.17 (MF), 11.78 (FF), and 9.51 (control) μg·g⁻¹ fresh weight (FW). The main volatiles obtained from the fruits under MF, FF, and control treatments were esters (51.45%, 44.39%, and 29.39%, respectively), alcohols (35.93%, 28.77%, and 6.58%, respectively), and aldehydes (5.86%, 18.31%, and 62.88%, respectively). The photosynthetic rate and intercellular CO2 concentration were significantly influenced by the utilization of yeast strains. The MF treatment with yeast resulted in higher photosynthetic rate, and the plants from the FF treatment recording the highest intercellular CO2 concentration. Integrating the data of metabolites, it was suggested that S. cerevisiae, by generating CO2, promotes photosynthesis, leading to the increased sugar content in the fruits, which subsequently enhances the content of 3(2H)-Furanone, 4-methoxy-2, 5-dimethyl (DMMF) and phenylalanine-derived volatiles.
The present study aims to assess the effect of Thiobacillus and sulfur on morphological and biochemical properties of medicinal pumpkin properties under deficit irrigation based on a split-plot design. For this purpose, water stress was applied as a main factor in three levels (control, no irrigation in flowering stage, no irrigation in fruiting), and Thiobacillus and sulfur fertilizers as sub-plots (250 kg/ha). The results revealed water stress significantly reduced stem diameter, fruit weight, fruit yield, and 1000-seed weight. In contrast, Thiobacillus + sulfur significantly increased fruit weight, fruit yield, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, and oil content. Furthermore, deficit irrigation and fertilizers influenced fatty acid of medicinal pumpkin. The interaction of fertilizer and deficit irrigation was significant on all seed oil compositions, fruit weight and yield as well as seed weight and yield. The fatty acid profile of the oil showed that it is composed primarily of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and linolenic acids. Masoodi, S. and Hakimi, L. 2017. 'Medicinal pumpkin responses to Thiobacillus and sulfur under water stress'.
The present study was carried out to elucidate the effects of organic manures (FYM, vermicompost and forest litter) and biofertilizers (Azotobacter chroococcum and Pseudomonas fluorescens) on plant growth, yield and fruits quality of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch. cv. Chandler) under field conditions. Sixteen treatments (including a control) were used in this study. Among these, treatment T13 (50 % FYM + 50 % Vermicompost + Azotobacter + Pseudomonas) was found most effective to enhance plant growth parameters viz. plant height, plant spread, leaf area per plant, and induced early flowering. Maximum increase in yield per plant and yield per plot were achieved by the application of 50 % FYM + 50 % Vermicompost + Pseudomonas (T12), which was at par of T13. However, fruit quality parameters including ascorbic acid, total sugar, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity were found significantly higher in T13. Higher availability of nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) in soil was also recorded in this treatment. Principle component analysis revealed that different treatments (T9 -T13, T15 and T16) showed positive effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality parameters. Among these, T13 and T15 were found most effective to increase yield and fruit quality parameters. The PCA analysis also revealed that ‘Days to flowering’ was independent and negatively correlated to other planting value parameters. Similarly, total acid content in fruit did affect other fruit quality parameter, including antioxidant capacity. The combination of manures and biofertilizers has shown potential to increase crop yield and its nutritive properties under field conditions. Therefore, we concluded that the combination of biofertilizers with organic manures (especially, FYM and vermicompost) should be used for sustainably higher production of quality strawberries especially under organic farming system. Such approaches have a higher rationale with small farm or hill agriculture system where farmers are generally resource poor and have low input capacity.
Biofertilizer is a substance containing live microorganisms which exhibit beneficial properties toward plant growth and development. Various mechanisms are used by microbial strains in order to enhance nutrient uptake, improve soil fertility and increase crop yields such as nitrogen fixation, potassium and phosphorus solubilization, excretion of phytohormones, production of substances suppressing phytopathogens, guarding plants from abiotic and biotic stresses and detoxification of belowground pollutants. Taking into consideration growing consumption requirements on Earth and hazards arising from the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, biofertilizers are thought to be a promising and non-toxic alternative to synthetic agro-chemicals, including fungal control and minimization of mycotoxins contamination. The implementation of microbial inoculants is considered to overcome the shortcomings associated with chemical-based farming techniques, therefore research into widespread use of biofertilizers is one of the mainstream in scientific work for the development of sustainable agriculture.
This study aimed to investigate the combined effect of native sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and different sources of sulfur on pH, electrical conductivity, sulfate content in soil, plant growth indices and sulfate uptake by maize under different moisture conditions. A native sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was isolated and identified based on phenotypic characteristics and 16s rDNA sequencing. In this regard, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design including Thiobacillus bacteria, sulfur sources, moisture and incubation time as experiment’s factors with three replications. Bacteria in two levels (with and without bacterial isolate), sulfur in three forms (elemental sulfur, granular sulfur and without sulfur), and moisture content in three levels (100%, 75% and 50% of field capacity) were considered. Results obtained from incubation experiment showed that the treatments effect on pH changes, electrical conductivity and the amount of sulfate ion were significant in 1% level and the highest pH changes and sulfur oxidation was related to BS 100% field capacity (inoculated and fertilized with elemental sulfur) treatment in second week. About greenhouse experiment, application of 570 mg sulfur per kg in the form of elemental sulfur and bacterial inoculum significantly increased stem diameter, plant height, shoot weight and sulfate uptake by maize plant. Inoculation of Thiobacillus along with elemental sulfur increases the oxidation of elemental sulfur resulting in increased nutrients availability in soil, consequently increased plant growth.
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is one of the most important medicinal plants with high resistance to drought, whose tolerability can be promoted using biofertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of biofertilizers on some physiological traits and leaf fresh weight of Aloe vera under different irrigation regimes. The experiments were conducted in a research field in Iran (Boushehr with warm and dry climate) during 2016-2018. Irrigation treatments included 25, 50, 75 and 100% of water requirement and the applied biofertilizers treatments were mycorrhizal fungi (MF) (Glomus mosae), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) (including Pseudomonas putida strain P13 and Pantoea agglomerans strain P5), MF + PSB, and control (without any biofertilizers). The results of three harvests showed advantages of biofertilizers (specially the combination of MF and PSB) utilization on all determined factors such as total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, leaf proline, and soluble sugar amount. The highest yield was obtained in full irrigation, but due to the absence of significant difference in leaf fresh weight of this treatment with 50% irrigation, as well as the water deficit in Boushehr, located in semi-arid region, 50% irrigation and combination of MF and PSB biofertilizers is recommended. Therefore, Aloe vera is an acceptable option for planting in Boushehr province according to its scant water consumption.
This study was conducted to investigate the role of phenolic compounds in the antioxidant defense system in Malva parviflora L. plants treated with cadmium (Cd). After surface sterilization, the seeds were sown on seedling trays. Forty-day-old plants were then transferred to hydroponic cultures with Cd (40 μM) or without Cd (control). Some biochemical and physiological parameters were assayed on the sixth day after Cd treatment. Based on the results, the plants showed an increase in leaf soluble carbohydrates, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity at the end of the exposure period. However, length, fresh weight, chlorophyll (Chl) b, total Chl, stomatal conductance and starch content decreased under Cd treatment. There was no significant difference between the plants exposed to Cd and the control group for Chl a, SPAD index, carotenoids, and anthocyanins as well as the H2O2 content six days after treatment. The Cd content in the roots was considerably higher than that in the shoots. In assessing the antioxidant capacity of plant extracts, different results were observed using 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) test and beta-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assay. According to the results of this study, it seems that increased activity of PAL enzyme leads to an increase in biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in M. parviflora. This mechanism probably increases the antioxidant capacity of the plant to suppress Cd-induced toxicity and oxidative stress.
The present study aims to assess the effect of Thiobacillus and sulfur on morphological and biochemical properties of medicinal pumpkin properties under deficit irrigation based on a split-plot design. For this purpose, water stress was applied as a main factor in three levels (control, no irrigation in flowering stage, no irrigation in fruiting), and Thiobacillus and sulfur fertilizers as sub-plots (250 kg/ha). The results revealed water stress significantly reduced stem diameter, fruit weight, fruit yield, and 1000-seed weight. In contrast, Thiobacillus + sulfur significantly increased fruit weight, fruit yield, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, and oil content. Furthermore, deficit irrigation and fertilizers influenced fatty acid of medicinal pumpkin. The interaction of fertilizer and deficit irrigation was significant on all seed oil compositions, fruit weight and yield as well as seed weight and yield. The fatty acid profile of the oil showed that it is composed primarily of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and linolenic acids.
Currently, industrial sludge is generated in large amount annually. Industrial sludge is a solid or semi-solid material consisting of all compounds removed from wastewater, as well as any substances added to the biological and chemical operation units during the treatment process. The composition of sludge may vary considerably. Furthermore, distinctive treatment and disposal methods are necessary as sludge produced from different industries would have different characteristics. Therefore, processing and disposing of industrial sludge is a challenging and complex environmental problem. Landfilling, incineration and agricultural land application are the three most commonly employed methods for the disposal of industrial sludge. Among the three methods, the agricultural land application is a convenient and economical disposal alternative for industrial sludge. However, industrial sludge could have high putrescible content and pathogenic hazards. One possible way to ensure that the industrial sludge could be reused on agricultural land is by conditioning and stabilizing the sludge using a pretreatment process. One of the pretreatment processes which could be employed in this context is vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is an alternative for biological stabilization of organic wastes, with the addition of earthworms. Through vermicomposting, industrial sludge could be transformed into matured organic fertilizer or vermicompost in a shorter period. Thus, this paper reviewed the recent literature on utilizing the vermicomposting process to manage industrial sludge in order to assess the feasibility of this technology. The present review would also provide a brief overview of the production and treatment methods of industrial sludge.
Progress of the Dumas and Kjeldahl procedures over the past century is reviewed. Many recent papers claim that various modifications of the standard Kjeldahl method enhance accuracy, precision, or speed, and reduce cost of analysis. Furthermore, several authors advocate use of Pyrex tubes heated in an aluminum block for digestion instead of traditional Kjeldahl flasks. A review of current semimicro-Kjeldahl methodology suggests that proceeding under the following conditions gives satisfactory results: sample size, 50–200 mg for plant material, 100–500 mg for soil; digestion acid, concentrated H2SO4; sample size ratio (mL/g) of 16:1 for soils and 22:1 for plant materials; digestion salt, minimum 0.33 g K2SO4 added/mL H2SO4; catalysts, add CuSO4 5H2O at rate of 10% (w/w) of K2SO4 added, HgO at 5% (w/w) of K2SO4, or add Se to K2SO4–CuSO4 5H2O mixtures at rate of 1% (w/w) K2SO4; digestion time, 1 and 3 h past clearing for plant materials and soils, respectively; pretreatments, use salicylic acid or reduced iron to recover nitrate from sample. Use of Pyrex tubes heated in an aluminum block appears suitable for digestions. Our results indicate that the 2 commercial tube digestion systems tested produce satisfactory recovery of total N from soils and plant materials. Ammonium in Kjeldahl digests may be quantitatively determined by distillationtitration, ammonia electrode, or colorimetric techniques.
In this research, elemental sulfur was applied at eight rates with and without Thiobacillus inoculation in calcareous soils which had 23%, 17% and 8.5% Total Neutralizing Value(TNV). The highest grain yield, biological yield, plant height, and concentrations of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in shoot were obtained with application of S⁰ at rates which neutralized 2% and 4% of soil TNV, while highest available nutrients and plant-phosphorus (P) were recorded with application of S⁰ at rates which neutralized 16% and 20% of soil TNV. Maximum indices were recorded in soil which had 17% TNV, so that available P, Fe and zinc (Zn) increased by 167.33%, 35.67% and 81.70% compared with control respectively with application of 9.14 g S° g⁻¹ soil. Thiobacillus inoculation increased all of indices (except Fe concentration) compared with non-inoculated control. The results reveal that sulfur application along with Thiobacillus can increase nutrients availability, nutrients uptake and yield of wheat grown in calcareous soils.
Most plant nutrients are optimally available when soil pH is close to neutral. In this experiment the effects of Thiobacillus and Mycorrhiza on nutrient uptake and grain yield of maize were studied on an alkaline soil as factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design. Treatments consisted of mycorrhizal fungi (M): inoculated (m1) and non-inoculated (m0), thiobacillus(T): inoculated(t1) and non-inoculated(t0) and sulfur(S) (S0, S1:250 and S2:500 kg.ha−1). Inoculation of Mycorrhiza, Thiobacillus, and sulfur application decreased soil pH and increased grain yield and seed oil content. The lowest soil pH and the highest sulfur content obtained from combination of thiobacillus and 500 kg.ha−1 sulfur. Inoculation of thiobacillus and S application significantly decreased root colonization. The highest Fe content was in combination of mycorrhizal inoculation and 500 kg.ha−1 sulfur. Grain P content significantly increased by mycorrhizal inoculation and S application. The highest grain yield obtained from combination of thiobacillus with 500 kg.ha−1 sulfur.
Chemoautotrophic (Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) and heterotrophic sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (M2 and A12) were used along with pyrite amendment (FeS2) to canola (Brassica campestris var toria) cv Bhavani and wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv HD 2285 crops grown in sulphur-deficient alkaline soil. Results showed that the grain and straw yields and nitrogen uptake of canola and wheat were significantly increased by bacterization. Besides nitrogen, uptake of other nutrients (Fe and Mn) was also increased by these microorganisms. In general, pyrite amendment along with bacterization improved yields and nutrient uptake in canola and wheat over other treatments without pyrite addition.
Photosynthesis is one of the most important biological processes in biosphere, which provides production of organic substances from atmospheric CO2 and water at expense of solar energy. In this review, we contemplate computer models of oxygenic photosynthesis in the context of feedback regulation of photosynthetic electron transport in chloroplasts, the energy-transducing organelles of plant cell. We start with a brief overview of electron and proton transport processes in chloroplasts coupled to ATP synthesis and consider basic regulatory mechanisms of oxygenic photosynthesis. General approaches to computer simulation of photosynthetic processes are considered, including the random walk models of plastoquinone diffusion in thylakoid membranes and deterministic approach to modeling electron transport in chloroplasts based on the mass action law. Then we focus on a kinetic model of oxygenic photosynthesis that includes key stages of the linear electron transport, alternative pathways of electron transfer around photosystem I (PSI), transmembrane proton transport and ATP synthesis in chloroplasts. This model includes different regulatory processes: pH-dependent control of the intersystem electron transport, down-regulation of photosystem II (PSII) activity (non-photochemical quenching), the light-induced activation of the Bassham-Benson-Calvin (BBC) cycle. The model correctly describes pH-dependent feedback control of electron transport in chloroplasts and adequately reproduces a variety of experimental data on induction events observed under different experimental conditions in intact chloroplasts (variations of CO2 and O2 concentrations in atmosphere), including a complex kinetics of P700 (primary electron donor in PSI) photooxidation, CO2 consumption in the BBC cycle, and photorespiration. Finally, we describe diffusion-controlled photosynthetic processes in chloroplasts within the framework of the model that takes into account complex architecture of chloroplasts and lateral heterogeneity of lamellar system of thylakoids. The lateral profiles of pH in the thylakoid lumen and in the narrow gap between grana thylakoids have been calculated under different metabolic conditions. Analyzing topological aspects of diffusion-controlled stages of electron and proton transport in chloroplasts, we conclude that along with the NPQ mechanism of attenuation of PSII activity and deceleration of PQH2 oxidation by the cytochrome b6f complex, the intersystem electron transport may be down-regulated due to light-induced alkalization of the narrow partition between adjacent thylakoids of grana. The computer models of electron and proton transport described in this article may be integrated as appropriate modules into a comprehensive model of oxygenic photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll fluorescence is a non-invasive measurement of photosystem II (PSII) activity and is a commonly used technique in plant physiology. The sensitivity of PSII activity to abiotic and biotic factors has made this a key technique not only for understanding the photosynthetic mechanisms but also as a broader indicator of how plants respond to environmental change. This, along with low cost and ease of collecting data, has resulted in the appearance of a large array of instrument types for measurement and calculated parameters which can be bewildering for the new user. Moreover, its accessibility can lead to misuse and misinterpretation when the underlying photosynthetic processes are not fully appreciated. This review is timely because it sits at a point of renewed interest in chlorophyll fluorescence where fast measurements of photosynthetic performance are now required for crop improvement purposes. Here we help the researcher make choices in terms of protocols using the equipment and expertise available, especially for field measurements. We start with a basic overview of the principles of fluorescence analysis and provide advice on best practice for taking pulse amplitude-modulated measurements. We also discuss a number of emerging techniques for contemporary crop and ecology research, where we see continual development and application of analytical techniques to meet the new challenges that have arisen in recent years. We end the review by briefly discussing the emerging area of monitoring fluorescence, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, field phenotyping, and remote sensing of crops for yield and biomass enhancement.
Iron chlorosis is widespread in corn, sorghum and soybeans growing in calcareous soils in Iran. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of S treatments on yield and uptake of Fe, Mn and Zn by corn, sorghum and soybeans. Elemental S (powder sulfur) was incorporated into the soil before planting with the rates of zero, 100, 200 and 400 kg/ha. Results showed that elemental S decreased the soil pH and HCC3 concentration of soil extract, and increased soil DTPA‐ extractable Fe, Mn and Zn. Iron, and Zn uptake increased while Mn uptake decreased significantly by corn, sorghum and soybeans for almost all the treatments and Iron chlorosis was corrected. Yield increase over control was significant for sorghum and soybeans for all and every treatment. For corn, however yield showed signigicant increase over control only for 200 and 400 kg elemental S/ha. The results indicated that elemental S treatment was an effective means to alleviate iron chlorosis as well as to increase yield for corn, sorghum and soybeans in calcareous soils.
1. Stark verarmte Suspensionen vonChlorella pyrenoidosa wurden im Licht und im Dunkeln, bei An- und Abwesenheit von Kohlendioxyd, mit Glucose und organischen Suren gefttert und die Zunahme der Zellpolysaccharide nach der Anthronmethode bestimmt. Mit Glucose, pfelsure, sowie Citronensure als Substraten bersteigt die Polysaccharidsynthese im Licht (+CO2) die Summe der im Licht mit CO2 (photosynthetische CO2-Assimilation) und im Dunkeln mit Substrat (oxydative Assimilation) erzielten Syntheseleistungen. Der Effekt wird als Folge einer zustzlichen Energieaufnahme und lichtabhngigen Phosphorylierung gedeutet. 2. Die Messung des Brenztraubensureverbrauchs unter vier verschiedenen Versuchsbedingungen ( Licht, CO2) zeigte, da die Sure im Licht rascher umgesetzt wird als im Dunkeln. Durch CO2-Entziehung im Licht wird der Umsatz noch erhht. Sureeinbau und photosynthetische CO2-Fixierung konkurrieren anscheinend um die verfgbare Energie. 3. Zur Erfassung des Gaswechsels beim Umsatz organischer Substrate durch Grnalgen im Licht wird eine manometrische Methode angegeben. Whrend des Acetatumsatzes im Licht nimmt der Assimilationsquotient (O2/–CO2) Werte an (>1), die auf eine berwiegende Fettsuresynthese hinweisen.
Simple sugars, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, and their derivatives, including the methyl ethers with free or potentially free reducing groups, give an orange-yellow color when treated with phenol and concentrated sulfuric acid. The reaction is sensitive and the color is stable. By use of this phenol-sulfuric acid reaction, a method has been developed to determine submicro amounts of sugars and related substances. In conjunction with paper partition chromatography the method is useful for the determination of the composition of polysaccharides and their methyl derivatives.
Chlorophyll captures and redirects light-energy and is thus essential for photosynthetic organisms. The demand for chlorophyll differs throughout the day and night and in response to changing light conditions. Moreover, the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway is up to certain points shared between the different tetrapyrroles; chlorophyll, heme, siroheme and phytochromobilin, for which the cell has different requirements at different time points. Combined with the phototoxic properties of tetrapyrroles which, if not properly protected, can lead to formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the need for a strict regulation of the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway is obvious. Here we describe the current knowledge on regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis in plants by the chloroplast redox state with emphasis on the Mg-chelatase situated at the branch point between the heme and the chlorophyll pathway. We discuss the proposed role of the Mg-chelatase as a key regulator of the tetrapyrrole pathway by its effect on enzymes both up- and downstream in the pathway and we specifically describe how redox state might regulate the Mg-branch. Finally, we propose that a recently identified NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) could be involved in redox regulation or protection of chlorophyll biosynthetic enzymes and describe the possible modes of action by this enzyme.
A greenhouse experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of the elementary sulphur inoculated with Thiobacillus, compared with gypsum, in the amendment of a alluvial sodic saline soil from the Brazilian semiarid region, irrigated with saline water and grown with the tropical legumes leucena and mimosa. The treatments consisted of levels of sulphur (0; 300 and 600 kg/ha) and gypsum (1,200 and 2,400 kg/ha), irrigation using different waters containing the salts NaHCO3, MgCl2, CaCl2, NaCl and KCl, with different electrical conductivities (ECs: 0.2. 6.1 and 8.2 dS/m at 25 degrees C). Based on the results it appears that saline water increased exchangeable Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and soil pH. Sulphur inoculated with Thiobacillus was more efficient than gypsum in the reduction of the exchangeable sodium of the soil and promoting leaching of salts, especially sodium. Sulphur inoculated with Thiobacillus reduced the EC of the soil saturation extract to levels below that adopted in soil classification of sodic or saline sodic. Leucena was more tolerant to salinity and mimosa more resistant to acidity promoted by sulphur inoculated with Thiobacillus.