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GA3 priming, biopriming and hydropriming eect on
quality nursery production of China aster (Callistephus chinensis)
Shabnam Pangtu, Puja Sharma, SR Dhiman, Prashant Sharma, Divesh Thakur
Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry,
Nauni, Solan 173230 Himachal Pradesh, India
Received: 17 June 2022 Accepted: 19 September 2023
The study was carried out at Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, on China aster [Callistephus
chinensis (L.) Nees] cv ‘Poornima’ and ‘Kamini’ in nursery under open eld conditions in randomized block design (factorial)
comprising eight seed priming treatments, viz. control, hydropriming with water, priming with GA3 (50, 100 and 150 ppm)
and biopriming with Trichoderma viride @ 1× 104 cfu/ml, 1× 105 cfu/ml and 1× 106 cfu/ml for 24 hr. There was maximum speed
of germination (18.97, 21.58), germination percentage (83.17, 86.33 %), root length (2.87, 2.93 cm), shoot length (6.39, 6.59 cm),
seedling length (9.26, 9.52 cm), seedling dry weight (227.67, 248.30 mg), seed vigour index-I (769.89, 822.19), seed vigour index-
II (18,934.33, 21,436.62); minimum time taken to seed germination (12.72, 11.33 days) and days required to reach 4-6 leaf stage
(23.70, 22.33 days) with priming treatment GA3 (100 ppm) in Poornima and Kamini, respectively. Hence, it is concluded that
seeds of Kamini treated with GA3 (100 ppm) for 24 hr obtained best results for most of the desirable character for quality nursery
production of China aster.
Key words: Germination, Nursery, Priming, Quality, Bioprianing, Hydropriming
Current Horticulture 12(1): 76–80, Januray–April 2024 DOI: 10.48165/chr.2023.12.1.02
China aster [Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees] is
an important commercial ower belonging to family
Asteraceae. Flower production of China aster is often
hampered by the availability of poor quality of seeds,
which is mostly connected with unfavourable weather
conditions during seed development and maturation
(Yu-jie et al., 2009). One such method of improvising
the seed quality is seed priming, i.e. controlled
hydration followed by redrying that helps to reduce
germination time, harmonize germination, improves
seed germination rate and quality of seedlings for
the beer crop establishment in many crops (Varier
et al., 2010). The plant growth regulators like GA3 has
improved the growth and yield parameters in many
fruit crops (Patil et al., 2017; Priyadarshi and Hota,
2021). Seed priming has presented surprise results
for ower crops like pansy, marigold, gladiolus and
China aster. Primed seed has eective results on
growth, owering (Pangtu et al., 2018) and seed yield
(Pangtu et al., 2018). Therefore, eect of seed priming
on quality nursery production of China aster.
The study was carried out at Dr YS Parmar,
University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni,
Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The primed seeds along
with non-primed seeds were sown in raised beds in
July under open eld conditions. For nursery bed
preparation, soil was dug up to a depth of 30 cm and
well-roen farmyard manure at the rate of 5 kg/m2
was added and mixed well. Raised nursery beds about
6 inch from ground and 2 m × 3 m (length × breadth)
were prepared. In nursery beds, treatments were
arranged in a randomized blocked design (factorial)
having eight treatments with three replications each
containing 200 seeds. Seeds were sown in rows 5
cm apart. After placing seeds in rows, these were
covered with a ne layer of sieved farmyard manure.
Irrigation of nursery bed was done with the help of
watering can having ne rose. Nursery bed was then
covered with polyethylene sheet. This polyethylene
sheet was removed as soon as seeds start germinating.
Seedlings of about four to six leaf stage were used for
*Corresponding author :
January–April 2024 PANGTU ET AL.
The priming agents required for various
seed priming treatments were obtained from the
Departmental laboratory and accordingly the desired
concentrations were prepared using distilled water as
per the details given below:
For hydro-priming 200 seeds were kept in 9 cm
Petri-dish on lter paper and moistened with 5ml
distilled water. All the petri dishes were kept at 23°C
in incubator for 24 hr. Then, seeds were taken out and
spread in a thin layer on bloing paper for drying
under room conditions.
In order to prepare 50 ppm GA3 solution, 50 mg
of GA3 powder was weighed with the help of digital
electronic balance and dissolved in small amount of
distilled water and nal volume was made one litre
by adding distilled water. Seeds (200 seeds) were
kept in 9 cm Petri dish on lter paper and moistened
with 5ml of GA3 (50 ppm) solution. All the Petri
dishes were kept at 23°C in incubator for 24 hr. Then,
the seeds were taken out and spread in a thin layer
on bloing paper for drying under room conditions.
Similarly, GA3 (100 ppm) and GA3 (150 ppm) solutions
were prepared using 100 mg and 150 mg GA3 powder
in one litre of distilled water, respectively. Then the
seeds were also treated in the same way as that of
priming with GA3 50 ppm.
The Trichoderma viride culture was procured
from Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology,
Nauni, Solan. The population density that resulted
in formation of 104 cfu/ml of fungal isolates were
used for preparation of liquid formulation. The 200
seeds were soaked in liquid culture of Trichoderma
formulation in sterilized petri dishes. All the petri
dishes were kept at 23°C in incubator for 24 hr.
Then, the seeds were taken out and spread in a
thin layer on bloing paper for drying under room
conditions. The formulation of Trichoderma viride @
1×105 and cfu/ ml (P7) and Trichoderma viride @ 1×106
cfu/ ml (P8) were also prepared in a similar manner
and seeds were treated in the same manner as that of
biopriming with Trichoderma viride @ 1×104 cfu/ ml.
The eect of seed priming treatments on germination
and seedling vigour of China aster under nursery
conditions was observed.
The higher speed of germination was noticed
in Kamini as compared to Poornima. It may vary
from cultivar to cultivar and such dierences exist
and may be aributed to their genetic make up and
environmental conditions. Dierent seed priming
treatments exhibited varied responses to speed of
germination. Priming of seeds with P4 (GA3 @ 100
ppm) resulted in highest speed of germination.
The possible reason for geing enhanced speed of
germination with GA3 (100 ppm) might be ascribed
to the fact that GA3 accelerated various metabolic
reactions before germination.
These ndings are in conformity with those work
of Kumar and Singh (2013). However, minimum
speed of germination recorded in non-primed seeds
might be ascribed to slow metabolic reactions in
non-primed seeds and consequently they took more
time to enhance the process of germination. The less
time to seed germination was observed in Kamini
over Poornima. It is obvious that variation might be
aributed to the genetic makeup of these cultivars.
Among seed priming treatments, less time taken to
seed germination was observed with GA3 (100 ppm).
The GA3 might have increased the á- amylase
activity for breaking starch stored in seeds to alter the
physiology of embryo and activated enzymes which
accelerate various developmental processes (Basra et
al., 2005). These results are in close proximity with
those of Montero et al. (1990), Sharma (2012) and Kaya
et al. (2010) were of the same opinion that GA3 (100
ppm) primed seeds took lesser time for germination
in pea and chickpea, respectively.
Maximum germination percentage was noticed
in Kamini over Poornima. As, it may vary from
cultivar to cultivar and such dierences exist and
being aributed due to their genetic makeup and
environment conditions. Among dierent seed
priming, treatments maximum germination was
noticed in the seeds primed with GA3 @ 100 ppm. The
possible reason for geing maximum germination
with GA3 treatment might be due to the fact that
during germination, GA3 activated the enzymes that
digested the endosperm carbohydrates rapidly and
eciently and reduced the mechanical restraints
of endosperm thus, providing energy to start and
sustain embryo growth. Similar ndings were
reported by Montero et al. (1990). Kumar and Singh
(2013) and Sharma (2012) were of same opinion while
working on bier gourd and pea, respectively.
The eect of seed priming on days required to
reach 4- 6 leaf stage in both the cultivars. Required
less time to reach 4-6 leaf stage as compared to cv.
‘Poornima’. The variation might be due to their
genetic make up and environmental conditions.
[Current Horticulture 12 (1)GA3 PRIMING, BIOPRIMING ON CHINA ASTER
Table 1. Eect of priming treatment on quality nursery production
Seedling length (cm) Seedling dry weight (mg) Seedling vigour index-I Seedling vigour index-II
Poornima Kamini Mean Poornima Kamini Mean Poornima Kamini Mean Poornima Kamini Mean
P17.89 8.13 8.01 148.33 160.76 154.55 485.13 571.81 528.47 9,122.33 11,306.79 10,214.56
P28.72 8.97 8.85 210.50 224.63 217.56 649.89 705.64 677.76 15,682.40 17,670.52 16,676.46
P38.96 9.19 9.07 226.47 247.73 237.10 744.62 792.81 768.72 18,827.24 21,378.87 20,103.05
P49.26 9.52 9.39 227.67 248.30 237.98 769.89 822.19 796.04 18,934.33 21,436.62 20,185.47
P58.85 9.06 8.96 200.74 213.62 207.18 685.34 706.93 696.13 15,550.94 16,662.38 16,106.66
P68.89 9.05 8.97 187.45 232.49 209.97 666.95 694.10 680.52 14,058.83 17,823.79 15,941.31
P79.08 9.29 9.19 227.60 247.67 237.63 753.09 801.42 777.25 18,890.80 21,365.47 20,128.13
P88.85 9.07 8.96 198.25 238.57 218.41 622.49 668.16 645.32 13,943.37 17,573.30 15,758.33
Mean 8.81 9.04 203.38 226.72 672.17 720.38 15,626.28 18,152.22
Cultivars 0.10 0.29 9.45 127.09
Treatments 0.20 0.59 18.94 254.19
Cultivars x
NS 0.83 NS 359.47
P1 = Control, P2 =Hydropriming, P3 = GA3 (50ppm), P4 = GA3 (100ppm), P5 = GA3 (150ppm), P6 = Trichoderma viride (1 x 104 cfu/ml), P7= Trichoderma viride (1 x 105
cfu/ml) and P8 = Trichoderma viride (1 x 106 cfu/ml).
January–April 2024 PANGTU ET AL.
Among dierent seed priming treatments, less
time to reach 4-6 leaf stage was recorded in seeds
primed with GA3 (100 ppm). This might be ascribed
to the fact that GA3 primed seeds exhibited an early
and uniform emergence. Pre-sowing hydration
might have softened the seed coat that allowed the
leakage of germination inhibitors in the seed and this
might have contributed to the enhancement of seed
germination and early transplanting of the seedlings
(Harris, 1996). Similar ndings were reported by
Montero et al. (1990) in Antirrhinum, Kaya et al.
(2010) in Chickpea also reported that GA3 (100 ppm)
signicantly increase the early seed germination and
following transplanting.
Seedlings of Kamini produced maximum
root length (cm) as compared to Poornima. The
variation might be aributed to genetic makeup of
these cultivars. Among seed priming treatments,
maximum root length was recorded in the seeds
primed with GA3 (100 ppm). The increased root
length following priming with GA3 might be due
to higher rate of cell division in root and shoot tips
incited by the application and these studies are in
conrmation with work of Montero et al. (1990),
Kaya et al. (2010), Sharma (2012) and Kumar and
Singh (2013).
Seedlings of Kamini resulted maximum shoot
length (cm) as compared to Poornima. The variation
might be aributed to genetic make up of these
cultivars. Among priming treatments, maximum
shoot length was recorded in the seeds primed with
GA3 (100 ppm). The increasing shoot length following
priming with GA3 might be due to the higher rate of
cell division in the root and shoot tips incited by the
application of GA3 and these studies are in conformity
with those of Montero et al. (1990), Kaya et al. (2010),
Siadat et al. (2012), Sharma (2012) and Kumar and
Singh (2013).
Seedling length was noticed to be more in
Kamini over Poornima. It is quite obvious that such
dierences between the two cultivars may exist
and can be aributed to their genetic makeup and
environment conditions as well. Maximum seedling
length observed when seeds were treated with GA3
(100 ppm). This might be ascribed to the fact that
this increase in root and shoot length of the seedlings
could be positively be correlated with respect to an
increase in seedling length. Similar ndings were
reported by Montero et al. (1990), Kaya et al. (2010),
Sharma (2012) and Kumar and Singh (2013).
Seedling dry weight was more in Kamini over
Poornima. Such dierences between two cultivars
may be aributed to their genetic make up and
environmental conditions. Maximum seedling dry
weight was observed in GA3 (100 ppm) primed
seeds. This might be ascribed to the fact that GA3 is
known to enhance the water uptake of the seedlings
which might have activated the enzymes with an
accompanying mobilization of reserve materials in
embryo and thus strongest seedlings were obtained
as a result of beer embryo growth. This increases
the fresh weight of the seedlings which is positively
correlated further with the increase in the dry weight
of the seedlings. These studies got support from the
earlier ndings of Muhammad and Rha (2007) who
observed the maximum dry weight in Sugar beet
seeds on priming with GA3 (100 ppm).
Seed vigour index- I was more in Kamini over
Poornima. Such dierences between the two cultivars
may be aributed to their genetic make up and
environment conditions. Among priming treatments,
highest vigour index-I was observed with GA3
(100 ppm). It might be due to production of longer
seedlings. Similar ndings were reported by Kumar
and Singh (2013).
Seed vigour index- II was noticed to be more in
Kamini as compared to Poornima. Such dierences
may exist between the two cultivars being aributed
to their genetic makeup and environment conditions.
The treatment with GA3 @ 100 ppm exhibited highest
seed vigour index-II. It might be due to increased
á-amylase activity for breaking the starch stored in
seeds by growth regulators or salt solutions (Basra
et al., 2005). Priming caused de novo synthesis of
á-amylase (Lee and Kim, 2000) increasing metabolic
activities in seeds, which resulted in higher seed
vigour. Similar ndings were in close proximity to
those of studies of Muhammad and Rha (2007).
The response of dierent priming treatments on
quality nursery production revealed that GA3 @ 100
ppm improved various nursery quality parameters of
China aster Poornima and Kamini.
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