
La physique laplacienne dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle: Joseph Boussinesq: la pratique et la réflexion autour de l’atomisme en France vers 1875

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... (Sainte-Claire Deville cited in Duhem 1892b, 453) This agreement means that Duhem has a unitary vision of chemistry and physics, inspired by a phenomenological methodology and translated by his notion of natural classification. 18 Duhem recognizes that the ideal of mechanistic reductionism is a majority trend in France (Duhem 1892a, 153, 154;Príncipe 2015c). Here is a definition of mechanical theories: ...
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The object of this article is to show a certain proximity of Duhem to Poincaré in his first philosophical reflections. I study the relationships between the scientific practices of the two scholars, the contemporary theoretical context and their reflections. The first part of the article concerns the changes in epistemological consensus at the turn of the century. The second part will be devoted to Poincaré's reflections on the status of physical geometries and physical theories, as they appear in his texts written around 1890. Then I analyze the first reflections of Pierre Duhem on physical theory, in particular his thesis of the hypothetical/symbolic character of physical theories and his criteria for selecting good theories, partly associated with his ideal of physical theory; the whole set of considerations, highlighting the Poincarean inspiration.
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During the period 1860-1880, a number of physicists and mathematicians, including Maxwell, Stewart, Cournot and Boussinesq, used theories formulated in terms of physics to argue that the mind, the soul or a vital principle could have an impact on the body. This paper shows that what was primarily at stake for these authors was a concern about the irreducibility of life and the mind to physics, and that their theories can be regarded primarily as reactions to the law of conservation of energy, which was used among others by Helmholtz and Du Bois-Reymond as an argument against the possibility of vital and mental causes in physiology. In light of this development, Maxwell, Stewart, Cournot and Boussinesq showed that it was still possible to argue for the irreducibility of life and the mind to physics, through an appeal to instability or indeterminism in physics: if the body is an unstable or physically indeterministic system, an immaterial principle can act through triggering or directing motions in the body, without violating the laws of physics.
— This article describes various endeavours to find mathematical equations for the notion of pressure, firstly in the theory of fluids (Euler, Lagrange), then for the elasticity of solids (Navier, Cauchy, Poisson) during the 1820's. The alternative of action at a distance as opposed to action by contact is focussed on the notion of pressure. The article highlights the way certain speculative ideas from classical natural philosophy (particularly Boscovich and Kant) imbue later attempts at « mathématisation ». The article analyses the status of causality and hypotheses in these theories.
“Now let me see,” the Golux said. “If you can touch the clocks and never start them, then you can start the clocks and never touch them. That’s logic as I know and use it…” In Thurber’s fairy tale, the logic worked where magic was impotent, but to many scientists over the last two millenia, the Golux’s proposition would have seemed arrant nonsense. How could remote bodies interact? How could forces be exerted except by contact? Since remote interactions do occur, the sensible way out of the embarrassment was to invoke a third body, often a material medium which filled the intervening space and to which the Aristotelian name of aether could be applied. © 1973, American Association of Physics Teachers. All rights reserved.
RESUME. — Avogadro en 1811, et Ampere en 1814, enoncent l'hypothese sur la proportionnalite entre les volumes des gaz et leur nombre de molecules. La comparaison de leurs deux memoires eclaire les debats de l'epoque sur la distinction atome/molecule et sur la theorie de la combinaison chimique. Avogadro reste encore tributaire du cadre conceptuel de Berthollet tandis que la mathematisation mise en œuvre par Ampere pour sa theorie de la combinaison chimique necessite une claire distinction atome/molecule d'une part et melange/combinaison d'autre part.
Renouvier was among the first philosophers in France to break with the nineteenth-century inductivist tradition and defend the use of hypotheses in science. Earlier in the century, the humanistically-educated eclectic spiritualist philosophers who dominated French academic life had followed Reid in proscribing the use of hypotheses. Renouvier, who was educated in the sciences, took up the Comtean positivist alternative and developed it further. He began by defending hypotheses that anticipate laws governing the phenomena, but then eventually adopted a more liberal attitude towards hypotheses that postulate unobservable entities and processes as well. He also came to the realization that, from an epistemological point of view, all of empirical science is hypothetical. Renouvier used the tentative character of scientific knowledge as a premise from which to critique those who would claim scientific status for their social philosophies, and maintained a distinction between normative philosophical and empirical scientific inquiries.
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