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Past studies argued that the attentional capture by threats is hard to inhibit. When using threats as task-irrelevant stimuli, this effect can deteriorate performance on the primary task. Whether attentional capture is driven by affective information (threat) or visual features (shape) is still debated. Here we aimed to investigate the role of threat value and shape in modulating attentional resources by conducting two experiments (total N = 87). Participants engaged in a semantic vigilance task responding to masked words appearing at the centre of the screen while ignoring threat-relevant (threatening or visually similar but nonthreatening) and neutral control distractor images placed at different distances from the target word. We found no performance difference between participants exposed to threat-related stimuli via affective or shape features. Moreover, while performance decreased when a neutral distractor appeared close (compared to further away) to the target word, stimulus eccentricity had no effect when the distractor (irrespective of the conveying feature) was threat relevant. Our findings are in line with previous studies showing an initial capture of attention by threat-relevant information but that this negative effect is compensated by an increase in arousal. We conclude that even the visual features of a stimulus can modulate attention toward threats.
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Visual Cognition
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Visual features drive attentional bias for threat
Diána T. Pakai-Stecina, Botond Laszlo Kiss, Julia Basler & Andras N. Zsido
To cite this article: Diána T. Pakai-Stecina, Botond Laszlo Kiss, Julia Basler & Andras N.
Zsido (29 Feb 2024): Visual features drive attentional bias for threat, Visual Cognition, DOI:
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Published online: 29 Feb 2024.
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Visual features drive attentional bias for threat
Diána T. Pakai-Stecina
, Botond Laszlo Kiss
, Julia Basler
and Andras N. Zsido
Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary;
Institute of Psychology, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany
Past studies argued that the attentional capture by threats is hard to inhibit. When using threats as
task-irrelevant stimuli, this eect can deteriorate performance on the primary task. Whether
attentional capture is driven by aective information (threat) or visual features (shape) is still
debated. Here we aimed to investigate the role of threat value and shape in modulating
attentional resources by conducting two experiments (total N= 87). Participants engaged in a
semantic vigilance task responding to masked words appearing at the centre of the screen
while ignoring threat-relevant (threatening or visually similar but nonthreatening) and neutral
control distractor images placed at dierent distances from the target word. We found no
performance dierence between participants exposed to threat-related stimuli via aective or
shape features. Moreover, while performance decreased when a neutral distractor appeared
close (compared to further away) to the target word, stimulus eccentricity had no eect when
the distractor (irrespective of the conveying feature) was threat relevant. Our ndings are in line
with previous studies showing an initial capture of attention by threat-relevant information but
that this negative eect is compensated by an increase in arousal. We conclude that even the
visual features of a stimulus can modulate attention toward threats.
Received 19 July 2023
Accepted 18 January 2024
Signal suppression;
inhibition; attentional bias
towards threat; general
feature detection; semantic
Threatening stimuli seem to be prioritizedin visual per-
ception, resulting in faster detection of threatening
objects in the environment (Brown et al., 2010;Fox
et al., 2001; Hedger et al., 2016; Öhman & Mineka,
2001; Subra et al., 2017; Zsido, Stecina, et al., 2022).
Past studies found that reaction times are signicantly
faster when it comes to locating threatening target
stimuli over neutral ones (Becker et al., 2011; Blanch-
ette, 2006; Brosch & Sharma, 2005; LoBue, 2010;
Subra et al., 2017; Williams et al., 2006). Furthermore,
threats tend to hold attentional focus delaying atten-
tional shifts (Burra et al., 2019; Fox et al., 2007;
Holmes et al., 2014). Threats seem to produce these
attentional biases stronger and more reliably than
other emotional valences (e.g., positive or negative
non-threatening) and visually salient neutral stimuli
(Csathó et al., 2008;Marchetal.,2017; Williams et al.,
2006; Zsido, Bali, et al., 2022). Attentional biases and
attentional prioritization allow our nervous system to
initiate a quick and adaptive behavioural response in
dangerous situations (LeDoux, 2022; Reinecke et al.,
2009; Trujillo et al., 2021). However, attentional biases
toward threat-related information also serve as the
basis of the acquisition and maintenance of anxiety
disorders, such as phobias; a bias that can be targeted
in interventions to reduce fear and symptoms of
anxiety (Cisler & Koster, 2010;McNally,2018).
Yet, to date, it is still debated whether the advan-
tage that threatening stimuli receive over neutral
stimuli in visual processing is driven by visual or
aective features. According to the general feature
detection theory, threatening stimuli are salient
because of their specicvisual features (e.g., shape,
skin texture, movement) (Coelho & Purkis, 2009;
Davey, 1995). Visual search studies found that curvi-
linear shapes (like the body of a snake) are detected
faster than straight or zigzag lines (LoBue et al., 2014;
Van Strien et al., 2016; Wolfe et al., 1992). An attentional
advantage to downward-pointing V shape (that is geo-
metrically similar to the head of a snake) has also been
observed (Larson et al., 2007). In contrast, the fear
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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CONTACT Andras N. Zsido Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, 6. Ifjusag Street, Pécs, Baranya H 7624, Hungary
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
module theory (Mineka & Öhman, 2002hman&
Mineka, 2001) suggests that threatening objects are
salient due to their aective features (e.g., threat-rel-
evance, valence, arousal). More specically, according
to the arousal-biased competition theory (Mather &
Sutherland, 2011), emotional arousal cannot only
drive cognitive processes and mental representations,
but it can also improve memory and modulate selec-
tive attention. Better understanding the roles of
visual and aective features in the processing of
threat-relevant information could have both theoreti-
cal (i.e., a unied theory) and practical (e.g., rening
attention retraining methodologies) implications.
It was suggested that task-irrelevant threatening
distractors compared to other valences and neutral
ones are more likely to capture attention and decrease
performance (Burra et al., 2017,2019; Fox et al., 2005;
Mancini et al., 2020;Zsido,Bali,etal.,2022), yet prior
work concerning the inhibition or suppression of threa-
tening stimuli is still scarce. Consequently, the under-
lying mechanisms are still not well understood
although it could prove crucial because attentional
inhibitory biases to threat-related information are
core to the development and maintenance of anxiety
and phobias (Koster et al., 2006;Kosteretal.,2006).
In contrast, for visually salient (but emotionally
neutral) stimuli the signal suppression hypothesis
(Sawaki & Luck, 2010a,2011) proposes that the atten-
tional inhibition of objects is possible. According to
the hypothesis salient stimulus in the visual eld
creates a signal that grabs attention even though it is
irrelevant to the observers goals. This signal,
however, can be actively inhibited with top-down
control before attentional capture happens. This
means that people are capable of attentional control
through top-down, goal-directed mechanisms when
they want to perform well. Inhibition also plays an
important role in emotion regulation and helps us
downregulate the automatic evaluation of salient
objects, such as threatening stimuli (Mogg & Bradley,
2018). Studying how threatening stimuli and visually
similar but neutral distractors can be eectively inhib-
ited compared to control neutral stimuli oers an
opportunity to gain deeper insights into the interplay
between arousal, shape, and the advantageous role
of threat in attentional processes.
Past studies suggest that the prioritization of threats
over neutral stimuli is even greater in the peripheral
vision (Almeida et al., 2015; Öhman et al., 2012). The
brainstem-amygdala-cortex pathway (Gu et al., 2020;
Liddell et al., 2005) and the dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex (Cinq-Mars et al., 2022) ensures eortless evalu-
ation and rapid orienting towards threats, both in and
out of attentional focus. Stimuli that appear outside of
this centre lose details, which makes it harder to ident-
ify their content. To make up for the loss of this infor-
mation, spatial attention works with dierent eye
movements to bring important objects in the environ-
ment to the centre of the visual eld. However, some
stimuli that are characterized by higher arousal and
valence levels, seem to have the ability to grab atten-
tion without corresponding eye movements (Bayle
et al., 2009; Gao et al., 2017; Rigoulot et al., 2012;
Zsido et al., 2019). According to a previous study
(Calvo et al., 2008), the specic contents of emotional
priming scenes presented in peripheral vision were
not precisely processed, however, an impression was
extracted that later oriented selective attention or
caused false alarms for related probes in a recognition
task. Consequently, presenting a threatening stimulus
in the periphery should be harder to ignore than a
neutral stimulus even if it has shared visual features
with the threat. That is, by manipulating the eccentri-
city of threat-related stimuli, we may investigate the
dierence between the eect of visual and emotional
features on visual processing.
In the present study, we aimed to test whether the
visual or aective features of threat-related distractor
stimuli are more important in determining attentional
biases to threats. Additionally, we aimed to test
whether the spatial distance (stimulus eccentricity)
between the task and the distractors would have any
eect on inhibition. We used a semantic vigilance
task where participants had to respond to a centrally
presented word and ignore task-irrelevant distractor
images surrounding that word. We employed this
paradigm over a more common visual search task
because attention was xated on the central task
allowing for a more convenient and reliable manipu-
lation of stimulus eccentricity. This addresses a critique
of past studies (Pakai-Stecina et al., 2023). Further,
using this paradigm we can extract more behavioural
variables besides the usually presented accuracy and
reaction time potentially resulting in a more robust
interpretation. The semantic vigilance task has been
proven successful in a past attempt to demonstrate
the eect of auditory negative emotions on visual
attentional performance (Zsido et al., 2023).
We expected higher vigilance decrement (decline in
the rate of the correct detection of signals) for threat-
related (i.e., threatening and shape-matched nonthrea-
tening) compared to (visually dissimilar) neutral stimuli.
Further, we hypothesized that threatening distractors
would have a more pronounced eect than nonthrea-
tening but visually similar ones. Our second hypothesis
was that the eccentricity of the distractor would have a
greater eect on the performance of the threat con-
dition compared to the shape-matched nonthreatening
condition. We expected that threat compared to shape-
matched nonthreatening distractors would be harder
to inhibit regardless of stimulus eccentricity.
Experiment 1
We adopted a semantic vigilance task similar to previous
studies (Epling et al., 2016;Zsidoetal.,2023). Participants
were instructed to concentrate on masked words
appearing on the centre of the screen one at a time
and respond to living words with the spacebar and
ignore the non-living words. Irrelevant distractive
stimuli (pictures of two living and two non-living
things) also appeared on the screen at three dierent dis-
tances to the target word: close (visual angle of 5°),
middle (30°), and far (45°). The distractor pictures were
of neutral valence in general, however, there we also
used two special distractors. Participants were divided
into two groups, with one group (threatening distractor)
seeing a threatening picture among the distractors
(snake) and the other group (shape-matched distractor)
seeing a neutral but shape-similar picture to the threa-
tening one (caterpillar) among the distractors. We intro-
duced this manipulation as a between-subject factor to
avoid carry-over eects between seeing an actual
threat and an object that visually resembles it. In both
groups, a neutral, visually dissimilar control distractor
(sh) was used alongside the threatening or the shape-
matched one. Figure 1 shows the trial structure of the
paradigm used along with sample trials from both
visual feature and aectivefeaturegroupsinallthreedis-
tance conditions.
Materials and method
The required sample size for this experiment was
determined by computing estimated statistical power
based on previous studies of singletons and threat sup-
pression (Sawaki & Luck, 2010b; Zsido et al., 2021,
2023). The analysis (f=.40, 1-β>.8, r= .5) indicated
that the minimum required total sample size was 12
(or 28 with a more conservative approach of f= .25).
We recruited a total of 29 students (21 females, mean
age = 22.6 SD = 3.56) who participated in exchange
for course credit. The threatening distractor group
comprised 16 participants (mean age = 22.1 SD =
2.45). The shape-matched distractor group comprised
13 participants (mean age = 23.2 SD = 4.63).
All participants reported normal or corrected to
normal vision and normal colour vision. Two partici-
pants were excluded because they failed to follow
instructions. The research was approved by the
national ethics committee and was carried out in
accordance with the Code of Ethics of the World
Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). All par-
ticipants provided written informed consent.
We created a semantic vigilance task based on the
methodology of past studies (Epling et al., 2016). A
list of words, taken from a previous study (Zsido
et al., 2023), consisted of 384 nontarget (non-living)
and 96 target (living) words, with a signal-to-noise
ratio of 1:4 throughout the experiment (target word
probability was .2 and non-target word probability
was .8). At the start of the experiment, the words
were sorted into six lists (counterbalanced across par-
ticipants) to create a unique set of words for each con-
dition. Table 1 shows the number of words and trials
broken down into six conditions (2 types of distractors
and 3 stimulus eccentricities). The words consisted of
three to seven letters (counterbalanced across word
categories and lists). The words were positioned on
the centre of a 1920 × 1080 pixel-sized grey back-
ground with black ink colour of Arial size 9, set to a
transparency level of 35% (see Figure 1). A mask
(dark grey dots on grey background sized 135 × 62
pixels) was placed under the text to make it more
dicult to read.
The special distractor image categories (i.e., snake
for the threatening and caterpillar for the shape-
matched group) were determined based on the
results of an online survey (see Supplementary
material 1) we conducted on an independent
sample (N= 77) where we asked participants to
write objects that they nd threatening and pair them
with an object that is visually similar but is non-threa-
tening. We used the stimuli pair that was mentioned
most frequently. Our goal was to match threatening
objects to ones that people nd visually similar but
non-threatening in line with past studies
Figure 1. The top panel (A) shows the trial structure of the paradigm used. First, a xation cross of 0.5s was shown, then the semantic
decision task followed. Each trial was shown for 3.25s regardless of being a target or non-target word trial and the reaction of the
participants. The task was presented in three blocks (distractors in the close, middle, far positions) and the blocks were randomized.
The bottom panel (B) shows sample trials from both threatening and shape-matched groups in all three (top row: close, middle row:
middle, bottom row: far) distance conditions. Threat distractors are marked with red circles, shape-matched nonthreatening ones are
marked with green circles and visually dissimilar neutral control distractors are marked with blue rectangles.
investigating similar questions (Almeida et al., 2015;
LoBue, 2014; Van Strien et al., 2016; Zsido et al.,
2018; Zsido, Stecina, et al., 2022)
Distractor images were colourful photographs of
real-world objects. Most of the images were collected
from the Massive Memory Database (Hout et al., 2014)
and some images of the snakes, caterpillars, and sh
were sourced from the Internet. None of these
stimuli had a background. The images were resized
to approximately the same size (i.e., no larger than
100 × 100 pixels) maintaining the original pro-
portions. We used a large number of special distrac-
tors (20 exemplars per category) and other
distractors (i.e., 240 categories with 1516 exemplars
per category) that were randomly sampled across
trials (and participants) to ensure that distractors
and targets were comparable and to reduce the poss-
ible nuisance eects of low- and mid-level visual fea-
tures of the individual objects.
Distractors were placed at one of three relative dis-
tances to the four corners of the mask on every
picture: visual angle of (close), 30° (middle), and
45° (far). In all trials, there was either a threat-relevant
special distractor (snake or caterpillar) or the neutral
control distractor (sh) presented among three
other random objects (e.g., buttery, leaf, rock,
clock, etc.). Special and control distractors appeared
with equal probability across all word types (living
and non-living), eccentricities (close, middle, and
far), and experimental blocks.
Data was collected in small groups on up to 10 com-
puters simultaneously (with non-identical hardware
and software proles) in a computer room. Partici-
pants were seated in separate work-station booths,
approximately 60cm in front of 17-inch CRT monitors
(resolution 1024 × 768, 4:3 aspect ratio, refresh rate of
60 Hz, colour depth of 65.536k). Stimuli were
presented using the PsychoPy v3.0 software (Peirce,
2007). Data collection sessions were monitored by a
research assistant. After both verbal and written
instructions, participants completed a test run of 10
trials with 5 target present and 5 target-absent
trials. There were no distractor pictures present
during the practice trials and participants got feed-
back on their reactions (correct/incorrect). Practice
trials were excluded from the analysis. Participants
also had their chance to ask questions if they had
any before starting the real experiment. Then, all par-
ticipants present at the data collection site started the
task at the same time, having to press the spacebar
when a living word appeared on the screen. One
stimulus picture was presented for 3.25 s preceded
by a xation cross of 0.5 s (see Figure 1). Stimuli
were presented in three blocks according to the
three eccentricity conditions (close, middle, far). The
presentation of the blocks was randomized across
participants. The task took approximately 30 min to
Statistical analysis
There were no outliers, dened as those more than 2
standard deviations below or above the group mean,
for accuracy; while we identied and removed the
outlier for reaction time (less than 3% of trials).
Unlike past studies that used a visual search para-
digm, we also calculated the signal detection theory
metrics of d prime (d, sensitivity) and response bias
(c) in line with semantic vigilance studies (Epling
et al., 2016; Zsido et al., 2023). We used the formulas
d=z(H)-z(FA) and c=1/2*[z(H)+z(FA)] for this
purpose. Here, z(H) is the z-transformed value of the
proportion of corrected detection (Hits) and z(FA) is
the z-transformed value of the proportion of False
Statistical analyses were completed with the help of
the JAMOVI Statistics Program v2.0 (Jamovi Project,
Table 1. Number of words and trials broken down to six experimental blocks. Special distractors were snakes for those in the aective
feature group and caterpillars for those in the visual feature group.
Condition Distractor type Number of words
Close condition With special distractor (snake or caterpillar) 16 target, 64 non-target
With neutral control distractor (sh) 16 target, 64 non-target
Middle condition With special distractor (snake or caterpillar) 16 target, 64 non-target
With neutral control distractor (sh) 16 target, 64 non-target
Far condition With special distractor (snake or caterpillar) 16 target, 64 non-target
With neutral control distractor (sh) 16 target, 64 non-target
Total 96 target, 384 non-target
2022). We performed a 2 × 3 × 2 repeated measures
analysis of variance (rANOVA) with Distractor Type
(threat-related and control) and Distance (close,
middle, far) as within-subject factors and the Groups
(threatening and shape-matched distractor) as a
between-subject factor to test the eect of threat
and shape-matched threat-relevant but nonthreaten-
ing distractors on vigilance performance. The accuracy,
d,c, and RT values were analyzed separately. Main
eects and interactions are reported separately,
paired with relevant follow-up analyses to further
investigate the signicant interactions. Eect sizes are
also presented: partial eta squared (
p) for the
rANOVAs. Tukey corrections were used to account for
multiple comparisons. Both the normality and hom-
ogeneity of variances assumptions for the ANOVA
analysis were met. Please note that in the interest of
brevity and clarity, the results of the statistical analyses
are presented in tables. See Supplementary material 2
for the detailed descriptive statistics including accu-
racy, d, c, and RT across all conditions.
We began by examining accuracy to test our predic-
tion that the performance of the threatening distrac-
tor group compared to the shape-matched distractor
group will be worse for threat-related distractors com-
pared to neutral distractors. Figure 2 presents the
descriptive statistics; see Table 2 for signicant stat-
istical results and Supplementary material 3 for the
full report on all statistical results. The interaction
between the Distractor Type and Group was non-
signicant; thus, our hypothesis was not supported,
and neither the eect of threatening nor that of visu-
ally similar stimuli was dierent when compared to
neutral stimuli. We also expected that the threatening
distractor group would be more aected by the dis-
tance of distractors than the shape-matched distrac-
tor group, with the distractors only interfering with
the close distractor stimuli in the latter and interfering
regardless of distance in the former group. Contrary
to our hypothesis, we did not nd a signicant inter-
action between Distance, Distractor Type, and Group
The main eect of Distance and the interaction
between Distance and Distractor Type was signicant.
Teasing apart the interaction revealed that the main
eect of Distance was only signicant in the neutral
control condition. Participants were less accurate
when the neutral target was close to the semantic
task compared to when it was further away. The
eect of Distance was nonsignicant in the Threat-rel-
evant condition. All other eects were nonsignicant.
We then examined dscores to check for our predic-
tions. Figure 3 presents the descriptive statistics; see
Table 2 and Supplementary material 3 for the statisti-
cal results. Contrary to our expectations both the Dis-
tractor Type x Group and the Distance x Distractor
Type x Group interactions were nonsignicant
meaning that neither the eect of threatening nor
that of visually similar stimuli was dierent when
compared to neutral stimuli.
Again, both the Distance main eect and Distance x
Distractor Type interaction were signicant. The
Distance eect was only signicant for the control but
not the threat-relevant conditions. That is, participants
performance was worse in the neutral control condition
when distractors were presented close to the target
word than when they were presented in middle and
far eccentricities. All other eects were nonsignicant.
We next examined the cscores, again to check for our
predictions regarding the threat-relevant distractors.
Figure 4 presents the descriptive statistics; see Table
2and Supplementary material 3 for the statistical
results. Contrary to our expectations, again, both
the Distractor Type x Group and the Distance x Dis-
tractor Type x Group interactions were nonsignicant
meaning that neither the eect of threatening nor
that of visually similar stimuli was dierent when
compared to neutral stimuli.
The main eect of Distance and the interaction
between Distance and Distractor Type were signi-
cant. The Distance eect was only signicant for the
control but not the threat-relevant conditions. That
is, participantsperformance was worse in the
control condition when distractors were presented
close to the target word than when they were pre-
sented in middle and far eccentricities. All other
eects were nonsignicant.
Reaction time
We next examined the RTs to check for our predictions
regarding the threat-relevant distractors. Figure 5
presents the descriptive statistics; see Table 2 and
Supplementary material 3 for the statistical results.
Contrary to our expectations, again, both the Distractor
Type x Group and the Distance x Distractor Type x
Group interactions were nonsignicant meaning that
neither the eect of threatening nor that of visually
similar stimuli was dierent when compared to
neutral stimuli.
While the interaction between Distance and Dis-
tractor Type was signicant, the follow-up analyses
revealed nonsignicant main eects of Distance in
both the control (p= .548) and the threat-relevant
conditions (p= .069). All other eects were
The main goal of Experiment 1 was to determine
whether visual or aective features of a threat-rel-
evant distractor stimulus are more dening in atten-
tional capture and how the eect changes with the
spatial distance between the task and the
distractors. Overall, we found evidence of a distance
eect; that is, the performance of participants was
lower when a distractor appeared close to the task
compared to when it appeared in the periphery. Sur-
prisingly, however, we found no evidence of dier-
ences in performance for threatening (snake)
versus shape-matched (caterpillar) distractors. In
addition to this, the distance eect was only obser-
vable for the neutral control distractor (sh) but
not for the threat-relevant distractors. The results
may provide evidence for an attentional prioritiza-
tion of threat-related information based on visual
Before we can dive into the discussion of the poss-
ible theoretical explanations behind these results,
we need to check whether the results from a
unique class of images (i.e., snakes and caterpillars)
can be generalized to other types of threatening
information. Further, the lack of signicant results
for the threat-related distractors might mean that
the threat manipulation failed. Consequently, we
next sought to rule out stimulus idiosyncrasies or
ukish results as an explanation for what we
observed. For the dual purposes of replication and
to rule out stimulus idiosyncrasies, (and also to test
whether the visual or aective features of the
Figure 2. Accuracy in Experiment 1 for the threatening distractor and shape-matched distractor groups across the three distractor
eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
threat caused this pattern of results), we conducted a
second experiment.
Experiment 2
In Experiment 2, participants performed the same
semantic vigilance task as in Experiment 1. Here, in
addition to the snake, the threatening special distrac-
tor category also included spider, syringe, and gun;
consequently, in addition to caterpillars, the shape-
matched special distractor category also included
stinkbug, knitting-pin, and hairdryer; nally, in addition
to sh, the neutral control distractor category included
cat, kitchen utensil, and perfume bottle. This was
necessary to address the concern left by Experiment
1 that our results were not generalizable to threats.
Further, the sample size in Experiment 1 was rather
low (although the minimum sample size requirement
was met), which also precluded making generalized
claims about the results. Therefore, we aimed to
collect a signicantly larger number of responses in
Experiment 2. Our modied design thus allowed us
to explore the eects of aective and visual features
of a threat-related stimulus more broadly.
Materials and method
We sought to double the sample size of Experiment 1.
We collected data from 58 students (mean age = 20.7,
SD = 1.63) for partial course credit. Five participants
were identied as outliers (dened as those more
than 2 standard deviations below or above the
group mean) and removed, resulting in a total
sample size of 53 participants. The threatening dis-
tractor group comprised 26. The shape-matched dis-
tractor group comprised 27 participants.
All participants reported normal or corrected to
normal vision and normal colour vision. The research
was approved by the national ethics committee and
was carried out in accordance with the Code of
Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration
Table 2. Signicant main eect and interactions for all behavioural measures in Experiment 1. Main eects are broken down by
pairwise comparisons, while interactions by follow-up ANOVAs.
Measure Variable df F/t p
Accuracy Distance 2, 54 8.660 < .001 0.243
Close Middle 27 3.747 0.002
Close Far 27 3.564 0.004
Middle Far 27 0.520 0.862
Type * Distance 2, 54 3.970 0.025 0.128
Threat relevant 2, 54 0.403 0.670 0.014
Non-threatening control 2, 54 14.2 < .001 0.337
Close Middle 27 5.012 < .001
Close Far 27 4.749 < .001
Middle Far 27 0.780 0.718
dDistance 2, 54 8.496 < .001 0.239
Close Middle 27 3.379 0.006
Close Far 27 3.844 0.002
Middle Far 27 0.551 0.847
Type * Distance 2, 54 4.684 0.013 0.148
Threat relevant 2, 54 0.309 0.735 0.011
Non-threatening control 2, 54 14.7 < .001 0.345
Close Middle 27 4.651 < .001
Close Far 27 4.819 < .001
Middle Far 27 0.864 0.667
cDistance 2, 54 7.437 0.001 0.216
Close Middle 27 2.859 0.021
Close Far 27 3.844 0.002
Middle Far 27 0.816 0.697
Type * Distance 2, 54 4.424 0.017 0.141
Threat relevant 2, 54 0.278 0.758 0.010
Non-threatening control 2, 54 12.8 < .001 0.314
Close Middle 27 4.01 0.001
Close Far 27 4.82 < .001
Middle Far 27 1.15 0.492
Reaction time Type * Distance 2, 54 3.3520 0.042 0.110
Threat relevant 2, 54 0.608 0.548 0.021
Non-threatening control 2, 54 2.81 0.069 0.091
Close Middle 27 1.26 0.428
Close Far 27 1.95 0.144
Middle Far 27 1.57 0.275
of Helsinki). All participants provided written
informed consent.
Stimuli and procedure
The semantic vigilance task and the distractor images
were identical to Experiment 1. In all trials, there was
either a special distractor (threatening: snake, spider,
syringe, gun or shape-matched nonthreatening: cater-
pillar, stinkbug, knitting-pin, hairdryer) or a neutral
control distractor (sh, cat, kitchen utensil, perfume
bottle) presented among three other random objects.
Data was collected in small groups on up to 10
computers simultaneously (with non-identical hard-
ware and software proles) in a computer room. Par-
ticipants were seated in separate work-station booths,
approximately 60cm in front of the computer screens.
In contrast to Experiment 1, stimuli were presented
on 21.5-inch LCD screens (resolution 1920 × 1080,
16:9 aspect ratio, refresh rate of 60 Hz, colour depth
of 16.7M) because we did not have access to the com-
puter room with CRT monitors.
Statistical analysis
We removed participants with outlier values, dened
as those more than 2 standard deviations below or
above the group mean (less than 5% of trials). We cal-
culated the signal detection theory metrics of dand c.
Statistical analyses were completed with the help
of the JAMOVI Statistics Program v2.0 (Jamovi
Project, 2022). We performed a 2 × 3 × 2 repeated
measures analysis of variance (rANOVA) to test the
eect of Distractor Type (threat-related and control)
and Distance (close, middle, far) as within-subject
factors and the Groups (threatening and shape-
matched) as a between-subject factor on perform-
ance (indicated by accuracy, d, c, and RT). Only
correct trial RTs were analyzed. Both the normality
and homogeneity of variances assumptions for the
ANOVA analysis were met. Statistical results are pre-
sented in tables instead of in text to make the descrip-
tion of the results easier to follow. See Supplementary
material 2 for the detailed descriptive statistics includ-
ing accuracy, d, c, and RT across all conditions.
We began by examining accuracy to test our predic-
tion that the performance of the threatening distrac-
tor group compared to the shape-matched distractor
group will be worse for threat-related distractors
Figure 3. Sensitivity in Experiment 1 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three distractor
eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
compared to neutral control distractors. Figure 6 pre-
sents the descriptive statistics; see Table 3 and Sup-
plementary material 3 for the statistical results.
Replicating the results of Experiment 1, the
interaction between Distractor Type and Group was
nonsignicant; thus, our hypothesis was not sup-
ported, and neither the eect of threatening nor
that of visually similar stimuli was dierent when
Figure 4. Response bias in Experiment 1 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three
distractor eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
Figure 5. Reaction time in Experiment 1 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three
distractor eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
compared to neutral stimuli. We also expected that
the threatening distractor group would be more
aected by the distance of distractors than the
shape-matched distractor group, with the distractors
only interfering with the close distractor stimuli in
the latter and interfering regardless of distance in
the former group. Again, in line with the results of
Experiment 1 but contrary to our hypothesis, we did
not nd a signicant interaction between Distance,
Distractor Type, and Group either.
Similarly to Experiment 1, the main eect of Dis-
tance and the interaction between Distance and Dis-
tractor Type was signicant. Teasing apart the
interaction revealed that the main eect of Distance
was only signicant in the neutral control condition.
Participants were less accurate when the neutral
target was close to the semantic task compared to
when it was further away. The eect of Distance
was nonsignicant in the Threat-relevant condition.
All other eects were nonsignicant.
We then examined dscores to check for our predic-
tions. Figure 7 presents the descriptive statistics; see
Table 3 for signicant statistical results and Sup-
plementary material 3 for the full report on all statisti-
cal results. Replicating the results of Experiment 1
both the Distractor Type x Group and the Distance x
Distractor Type x Group interactions were nonsigni-
cant. Neither the eect of threatening nor that of visu-
ally similar stimuli was dierent when compared to
neutral stimuli.
Similarly to Experiment 1, the Distance x Distractor
Type interaction was signicant with the Distance
eect only being signicant for the neutral control
but not the threat-relevant conditions. That is, partici-
pantsperformance was worse in the neutral control
condition when distractors were presented close to
the target word than when they were presented in
middle and far eccentricities. All other eects were
We next examined the cscores, again to check for our
predictions regarding the threat-relevant distractors.
Figure 8 presents the descriptive statistics; see Table 3
and Supplementary material3forthestatistical
results. Contrary to our expectations, but in line with
Experiment 1, both the Distractor Type x Group and
the Distance x Distractor Type x Group interactions
were nonsignicant meaning that neither the eect
of threatening nor that of visually similar stimuli was
dierent when compared to neutral stimuli.
Again, similarly to Experiment 1, the main eect of
Distance and the interaction between Distance and
Distractor Type were signicant. The Distance eect
was only signicant for the neutral control but not
the threat-relevant conditions. That is, participants
performance was worse in the control condition
when distractors were presented close to the target
word than when they were presented in middle and
far eccentricities. All other eects were nonsignicant.
Reaction time
We next examined the RTs to check for our predictions
regarding the threat-relevant distractors. Figure 9
presents the descriptive statistics; see Table 3 and
Supplementary material 3 for the statistical results.
Contrary to our expectations, replicating the results
of Experiment 1, the Distractor Type x Group and the
Distance x Distractor Type x Group interactions were
nonsignicant meaning that neither the eect of threa-
tening nor that of visually similar stimuli was dierent
when compared to neutral stimuli.
In contrast to previous results, the interaction
between Distance and Group was signicant;
however, the follow-up analyses revealed that the
main eect of Distance was only signicant in the
neutral control but not in the threat-relevant group.
In the control group, participants were faster to
respond when the distractors were presented far
from the target word than when they were presented
in close and middle eccentricities. All other eects
were nonsignicant.
In Experiment 2, we replicated the results of Experiment
1; that is, performance was lower when a neutral dis-
tractor appeared close to the task compared to when
it was on the periphery. We found no such eect for
threat-relevant distractors; further, we did not nd any
dierences between the threatening distractor and
shape-matched distractor groups. This was true even
though, compared to Experiment 1, we used other
Figure 6. Accuracy in Experiment 2 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three distractor
eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
Table 3. Signicant main eect and interactions for all behavioural measures in Experiment 2. Main eects are broken down by
pairwise comparisons, while interactions by follow-up ANOVAs.
Measure Variable df F/t p
Accuracy Distance 2, 102 3.165 0.046 0.058
Close Middle 51.0 1.524 0.288
Close Far 51.0 2.430 0.048
Middle Far 51.0 1.000 0.580
Type * Distance 2, 102 4.454 0.014 0.080
Threat relevant 2, 102 2.040 0.134 0.030
Non-threatening control 2, 102 3.35 0.038 0.048
Close Middle 51.0 2.0198 0.042
Close Far 51.0 2.3464 0.022
Middle Far 51.0 0.0449 0.964
dType * Distance 2, 102 4.191 0.018 0.076
Threat relevant 2, 102 0.859 0.426 0.013
Non-threatening control 2, 102 3.67 0.028 0.052
Close Middle 51.0 2.238 0.029
Close Far 51.0 2.383 0.020
Middle Far 51.0 0.122 0.903
cDistance 2, 102 3.2757 0.042 0.060
Close Middle 51.0 1.01 0.576
Close Far 51.0 1.57 0.035
Middle Far 51.0 2.56 0.269
Type * Distance 2, 102 4.4317 0.014 0.080
Threat relevant 2, 102 3.73 0.027 0.054
Close Middle 51.0 1.13 0.263
Close Far 51.0 1.48 0.142
Middle Far 51.0 2.99 0.004
Non-threatening control 2, 102 1.85 0.161 0.027
Reaction time Type 1, 51 4.296 0.043 0.072
Distance * Groups 2, 102 4.313 0.016 0.073
Threat relevant 2, 102 2.267 0.114 0.080
Non-threatening control 2, 102 3.06 0.054 0.096
Close Middle 51.0 0.664 0.512
Close Far 51.0 2.290 0.029
Middle Far 51.0 1.671 0.105
types of threatening stimuli, not just snakes and cater-
pillars. Thus, the eects we found in Experiment 1 are
likely not due to the specic shape or a possible dier-
generalized to a wider range of threat-relevant infor-
mation. Similarly, it seems unlikely that the results are
due to a failed threat manipulation because the eect
of threat-related distractors was dierent compared to
thebaselineeect seen for the neutral control distrac-
tors in both the threatening distractor and the shape-
matched distractor groups. In contrast to Experiment
1,herewealsofoundadistanceeect for threat-rel-
evant targets for response bias; that is, the conservative
response bias was lower when the distractor was pre-
sented farther from the task compared to when it
iment 2 suggest an attentional prioritization of threat-
related information based on visual features.
General discussion
The goal of our two experiments was to test if salient
but task-irrelevant stimuli, i.e., threat-related distrac-
tors, capture attention during a semantic vigilance
task at dierent stimulus eccentricities. Further, we
sought to investigate whether the attentional
capture is driven by the aective (threat value) or
visual (shape) features of a threatening stimulus. We
did nd an eect of stimulus eccentricity for neutral
control distractors performance was lower when
they were presented closer (compared to farther
away) to the task. Contrary to our expectations, we
did not nd such an eect for threat-related distrac-
tors. Also contradicting our hypothesis, we did not
nd a dierence in task performance between the
threatening and shape-matched distractor groups.
Our results suggest that shape information alone if
threat-related, can aect task performance similarly to
actual threats. This can be seen as further proof of the
general feature detection theory (Coelho & Purkis,
2009; Davey, 1995) the smoke detector principle
i.e., better to err on the side of caution (Nesse,
2006). Further, this result is in line with previous
experimental results indicating that shapes that are
strongly associated with threats (e.g., curvy shapes
snakes, downward pointing V shapes snakeheads)
can elicit the same responses as threatening images
(of real snakes) (Larson et al., 2007; LoBue, 2014; Van
Strien et al., 2016; Wolfe et al., 1992).
A previous study (Zsido, Stecina, et al., 2022) using
the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation paradigm with
task-relevant threat-related objects showed that
when visual features are sucient to discriminate
the target from the other items in the stream, there
Figure 7. Sensitivity in Experiment 2 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three distractor
eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
was no eect of aective feature (i.e., threat level) on
reaction time or accuracy. While that study was more
focused on working memory resources and used task-
relevant objects, our ndings here are similar insofar
as only the visual feature was sucient to elicit the
same response as the aective feature of a threat.
Somewhat contrary to our ndings a recent study
(Pakai-Stecina et al., 2023) using threat-related
objects as distractors found that visual features of
threats are easier to suppress than aective features.
Figure 8. Response bias in Experiment 2 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three
distractor eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
Figure 9. Reaction time in Experiment 2 for the threatening distractor and shape- matched distractor groups across the three dis-
tractor eccentricities visualized as boxplots (separately for the two types of distractors).
However, in that study, the presentation of the two
features was mixed; i.e., trials with threatening distrac-
tors and nonthreatening but visually similar distrac-
tors were randomly presented to the participants.
This might have caused a generalization of the
threat eect from the real threatening objects to
those with the same visual features. Participants
who once saw the snake might think that all curvy dis-
tractors were snakes. Thus, a strength of our study is
that the presentation of the two features was not
mixed, i.e., participants only saw threatening or
shape-matched neutral distractors but not both.
This means that the eect we found could not be
caused by a generalization of the threat value to the
visual feature.
Further, Pakai-Stecina et al. (2023) used a visual
search paradigm allowing the participants to freely
explore the visual scene which might have caused a
confound in interpreting the distractor eccentricity
(the distance between the target and distractor). In
the present study, participants xated on the target
appearing in the centre of the screen while distractors
appeared at the same time in dierent eccentricities
ensuring that distractors were presented in the
fovea, parafovea, or periphery. Consequently, we
propose that just the shape of the threatening
object can cause the same eect and, therefore,
lack of distraction relative to neutral stimuli.
In the present study, we focused solely on threa-
tening and non-threatening images without manipu-
lating arousal using other valences such as positive
images. This restricts the generalizability of our
ndings to other types of emotional stimuli. While
the assumption of higher arousal and more negative
valence for the threat compared to neutral categories
is reasonable, we did not measure this directly. There
are other dierences between threats and their visu-
ally similar counterparts that could be relevant includ-
ing, e.g., knowledge of the threat.
The dual implicit
process model of evaluation (March et al., 2018) pro-
poses two interconnected automatic mechanisms,
where threat perception inuences valence proces-
sing, which in turn aects explicit processes like
evaluation. While the emotion (fear) elicited by an
object precedes its evaluation (this is dangerous),
participants saw several representations so ongoing
attentional processes shall also be considered.
Again, we did not nd a dierence between threaten-
ing and shape-matched nonthreatening distractors
suggesting that conscious processes (such as evalu-
ation) play a lesser role in attentional biases towards
threats. Given that future studies conrm these
ndings, this could be an important step towards an
understanding of the cognitive mechanisms involved
in threat processing and perception as well as the
maintenance of specic phobias.
Stimulus eccentricity mostly aected performance
in trials with neutral control distractors while see-
mingly it had no eect in trials with a threat-related dis-
tractor. Concerning neutral control stimuli the results
are in line with expectations based on, e.g., the
guided search theory (Wolfe, 2021). Stimuli that are
closer to xation are given priority in attentional pro-
cessing (thus it is harder to inhibit them by top-down
control), while distractors appearing further from the
task are easier to inhibit (and have considerably
smaller eects on task performance). Interestingly, for
both threatening and shape-matched nonthreatening
distractors the performance remained unchanged
across stimulus eccentricities suggesting that the pres-
ence of threat-related information overrides the dis-
tance-related variations. Considering the arousal
stimulation eect theory (Zsido et al., 2018; Zsido
et al., 2020,2021) increased levels of arousal elicited
by threat-relevant information may compensate for a
negative eect of distractors, resulting in overall
better performance in the close condition compared
to neutral control stimuli. While past research has
only demonstrated this eect with threatening
stimuli, our results suggest that it is triggered by
visual features strongly associated with threats.
Some limitations of the study shall be noted. First,
we solely examined behavioural outcomes and did
not investigate neural correlates, which could have
provided a more comprehensive understanding of
the underlying mechanisms. In future directions, our
study can be expanded by investigating the neural
pathways underlying attentional biases towards
threatening stimuli, utilizing techniques such as EEG
and ERP to explore the temporal dynamics and
neural signatures associated with these biases.
Second, individual dierences such as anxiety and
(both objective and subjective) fatigue levels may
interact with the arousal and distracting eects of
threats. Incorporating measures of anxiety and
fatigue would enable direct monitoring of partici-
pantsvigilance and anxiety levels during the task
and may provide deeper insights into the results.
In conclusion, our ndings support the notion that
threat information aects attentional processing
based on visual features. The eect of threat-related
distractors seems to be independent of their distance
from the fovea they seem to enhance performance on
the primary task when presented near it. Understand-
ing this attentional bias towards threat-related infor-
mation is crucial, as it forms the foundation for the
development and persistence of anxiety disorders,
including phobias. Targeting the attentional bias
associated with threat-relevant features through
interventions aimed at reducing fear and anxiety
symptoms can have signicant implications for
improving treatment outcomes (Cisler & Koster,
2010; McNally, 2018).
1. We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and helping
us to make this explicit.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
DTPS was supported by the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) (Funding ID: 57588369) and the New National
Excellence Program (ÚNKP-21-3) of the Ministry of Innovation
and Technology. ANZS was supported by the ÚNKP-23-5
New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Inno-
vation and Technology from the source of the National
Research, Development and Innovation Fund, the OTKA PD
137588 and OTKA FK 146604 research grants, and the János
Bolyai Research Scholarship provided by the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. BLK and JB was supported by the
OTKA K 143254 research grants of the National Research,
Development and Innovation Oce.
Availability of data and material
The data that support the ndings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Author contribution
DTPS: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data cura-
tion, Visualization, Formal analysis, Project administration,
Funding acquisition, Writing Original draft, Reviewing and
Editing; JB: Data curation, Visualization, Formal analysis,
Writing Reviewing and Editing; BK: Data curation, Visualiza-
tion, Formal analysis, Writing Reviewing and Editing; ANZS:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Funding acqui-
sition, Writing Original draft, Reviewing and Editing.
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... How can we explain that the snake-in-the-grass effect is more stable than the attentional interference effect, induced by spiders? In line with others, we suggest that a major factor is visual complexity: Spiders are visually more complex than snakes, so that the snake targets have a perceptual advantage [70][71][72][73]80 and pop out more than spiders. Also, snake distractors are more similar to each other, and might therefore provide a more homogeneous background for visual search which is easier to ignore compared to the more heterogeneous spider distractors. ...
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Previous research on attention to fear-relevant stimuli has largely focused on static pictures or drawings, and thus did not consider the potential effect of natural motion. Here, we aimed to investigate the effect of motion on attentional capture in spider-fearful and non-fearful participants by using point-light stimuli and naturalistic videos. Point-light stimuli consist of moving dots representing joints and thereby visualizing biological motion (e.g. of a walking human or cat) without needing a visible body. Spider-fearful (n = 30) and non-spider-fearful (n = 31) participants completed a visual search task with moving targets (point-light/naturalistic videos) and static distractors (images), static targets and moving distractors, or static targets and static distractors. Participants searched for a specified animal type (snakes, spiders, cats, or doves) as quickly as possible. We replicated previous findings with static stimuli: snakes were detected faster and increased distraction, while spiders just increased distraction. However, contrary to our hypotheses, spider targets did not speed up responses, neither in the group of control nor in the group of spider-fearful participants. Interestingly, stimuli-specific effects were toned down, abolished, or even changed direction when motion was introduced. Also, we demonstrated that point-light stimuli were of similar efficiency as naturalistic videos, indicating that for testing effects of motion in visual search, “pure” motion stimuli might be sufficient. As we do show a substantial modulation of visual search phenomena by biological motion, we advocate for future studies to use moving stimuli, equivalent to our dynamic environment, to increase ecological validity.
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Introduction Previous research on the visual processing of threats has largely overlooked the Q8 distinct effects of various types of threats, despite evidence suggesting unique brain activation patterns for specific fears. Our study examines the differential effects of threat types on attentional processes, focusing on snakes and blood-injury-injection (BII) stimuli. We sought to test whether these two types of threat stimuli, as taskirrelevant distractors, would lead to similar effects in a visual search task. Methods Participants were exposed to emotionally charged stimuli of varying arousal (medium and high) and neutral pictures of low arousal as task-irrelevant distractors while performing a primary visual search task. Results We found that BII-related distractor pictures interfered with attention to the primary task, resulting in slower reaction times compared to snake pictures. In addition, BII-related medium arousal stimuli decreased, but high arousal facilitated both orienting and executive attentional performance. Exploratory analysis of personality traits revealed differential effects of trait anxiety and disgust sensitivity, highlighting the unique mechanisms underlying fear responses. In addition, participants who used adaptive emotion regulation strategies showed better performance in overcoming the interference of threat stimuli on attention. Discussion These findings underscore the importance of considering individual differences and emotion regulation strategies in fear research and provide insight into the complex interplay between threat perception and attentional processes.
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Numerous studies have demonstrated that attention is quickly oriented towards threatening stimuli, and that this attentional bias is difficult to inhibit. The root cause(s) of this bias may be attributable to the affective (e.g., valence) or visual features (e.g., shape) of threats. In two experiments (behavioral, eye-tracking), we tested which features play a bigger role in the salience of threats. In both experiments, participants looked for a neutral target (butterfly, lock) among other neutral objects. In half of the trials a threatening (snake, gun) or nonthreatening (but visually similar; worm, hairdryer) task-irrelevant distractor was also present at a near or far distance from the target. Behavioral results indicate that both distractor types interfered with task performance. Rejecting nonthreatening distractors as nontargets was easier when they were presented further from the target but distance had no effect when the distractor was threatening. Eye-tracking results showed that participants fixated less often (and for less time) on threatening compared to nonthreatening distractors. They also viewed targets for less time when a threatening distractor was present (compared to nonthreatening). Results suggest that visual features of threats are easier to suppress than affective features, and the latter may have a stronger role in eliciting attentional biases.
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A large body of previous research has shown that emotional stimuli have an advantage in a wide variety of cognitive processes. This was mainly observed in visual search and working memory tasks. Emotionally charged objects draw and hold attention, are remembered better, and interfere more with the completion of the primary task than neutral ones. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that emotional stimuli also greatly affect sustained attention and vigilance decrement. In the present research, we investigated whether emotional stimuli demand more attentional resources than neutral ones in a dual-task paradigm. We adopted the abbreviated semantic discrimination vigilance task and measured participants' (N = 49) performance in a single-task and two dual-task settings. In the dual-task conditions, the visual semantic vigilance paradigm was combined with an auditory word recall task (with neutral or emotional stimuli). We found reduced vigilance and improved word recall performance in the emotional dual-task condition compared to the neutral dual-task and single-task conditions. The reduced performance was apparent throughout the task, while in the neutral conditions, participants' performance first increased and then dropped as time progressed. To conclude, our results indicate that emotional stimuli not only have an advantage in cognitive processing but also demand more attentional resources continuously while it is present compared to neutral stimuli. These results are consistent with the emotionality effect theory and evolutionary accounts of the neural circuits underlying motivated behaviors associated with critical survival needs.
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Emotionally salient objects activate the survival circuits of the brain and are given priority in cognitive processing, even at the cost of inhibiting ongoing activities. These circuits arouse and prepare the organism to take swift action when needed. Previous studies have suggested, however, that not all emotional dimensions are equally prioritized. Threatening stimuli may have greater prominence than other emotional categories. Thus, we sought to compare the effects that stimuli of varying emotions would have on orienting and executive attentional processing. We performed two experiments to broaden our understanding of the attentional consequences of threats through the monitoring of participants’ eye movements. Participants were exposed to emotionally charged (threatening, nonthreatening negative, positive) and neutral pictures as task-irrelevant distractors while performing a primary visual search task (under conditions of varying cognitive load). Behavioural results showed that participants found the first target number more slowly when the distractor image was threatening, but overall task completion times were actually speeded in this condition (relative to other valences). Further, participants fixated on threatening distractor images earlier and observed them longer than other valences. Results were more pronounced when the primary task was harder. These biases were not evident for positive and nonthreatening images, presumably because participants were able to ignore them, providing further support to the contention that threatening stimuli hold greater prominence than other emotional categories. Together, our results are in line with previous studies suggesting that the processing of threatening stimuli is speeded, potentially because of differences in the brain circuits involved.
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Individuals are faster at detecting threatening stimuli than neutral stimuli. While generally considered a rapid bottom-up response, this threat superiority effect is also modulated by top-down mechanisms known to rely on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). What remains unclear is whether the response is modulated only at later stages of processing, or whether rapid attention to threat itself is controlled in a top-down manner. To test this, we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to inhibit activity in the DLPFC, and measured EEG to index the immediate neural response to threat. Twenty participants attended two sessions where they performed a visual search task with threatening or neutral targets. Prior to this, they received 15 minutes of 1 Hz inhibitory or sham rTMS targeting the right DLPFC. We measured the impact of rTMS on the P1, a rapid visually-evoked potential that is modulated by attention. We found that threatening targets increased the amplitude of the P1 in the sham condition, but inhibition of the DLPFC abolished this increase. These results suggest that the neural signature of rapid attentional detection of threat, even at its earliest stage, is influenced in a top-down fashion by the right DLPFC.
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It has been posited (Öhman, 1986) that the processing of threatening stimuli became prioritized during the course of mammalian evolution and that such objects may still enjoy an advantage in visual processing to this day. It has been well-documented that both mid-level visual features (i.e., conjunctions of low-level features) and the arousal level of threatening stimuli affect attentional allocation (Cisler & Koster, 2010; Wolfe & Horowitz, 2004). Despite this, few studies have investigated the effect these factors have on visual working memory resources. Here, we investigated these factors using a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm, and by manipulating mid-level features (specifically, shape: similar vs. dissimilar) and the arousal level (non-threatening vs threatening) of the stimuli. Participants watched an RSVP stream in preparation for an upcoming memory test. Then, they completed a two-alternative forced-choice recognition memory test (with semantically matched foils) wherein they had to identify which item they had seen in the RSVP stream. Our results showed that when shape was a sufficient feature to discriminate the target from the other items in the stream, there was no effect of arousal (i.e., threat level) on reaction time or accuracy during the memory test. However, when the shapes of all the stimuli in the visual stream were highly similar, an effect of arousal appeared: When the target had a different arousal level than the background items (i.e., non-targets), performance was improved. Together, the results suggest that both mid-level visual features and arousal level can modulate competition for visual working memory resources.
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It is often said that fear is a universal innate emotion that we humans have inherited from our mammalian ancestors by virtue of having inherited conserved features of their nervous systems. Contrary to this common sense-based scientific point of view, I have argued that what we have inherited from our mammalian ancestors, and they from their distal vertebrate ancestors, and they from their chordate ancestors, and so forth, is not a fear circuit. It is, instead, a defensive survival circuit that detects threats, and in response, initiates defensive survival behaviours and supporting physiological adjustments. Seen in this light, the defensive survival circuits of humans and other mammals can be conceptualized as manifestations of an ancient survival function—the ability to detect danger and respond to it—that may in fact predate animals and their nervous systems, and perhaps may go back to the beginning of life. Fear, on the other hand, from my perspective, is a product of cortical cognitive circuits. This conception is not just of academic interest. It also has practical implications, offering clues as to why efforts to treat problems related to fear and anxiety are not more effective, and what might make them better. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Systems neuroscience through the lens of evolutionary theory’.
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Human visual attention is biased to rapidly detect threats in the environment so that our nervous system can initiate quick reactions. The processes underlying threat detection (and how they operate under cognitive load), however, are still poorly understood. Thus, we sought to test the impact of task-irrelevant threatening stimuli on the salience network and executive control of attention during low and high cognitive load. Participants were exposed to neutral or threatening pictures (with moderate and high arousal levels) as task-irrelevant distractors in near (parafoveal) and far (peripheral) positions while searching for numbers in ascending order in a matrix array. We measured reaction times and recorded eye-movements. Our results showed that task-irrelevant distractors primarily influenced behavioural measures during high cognitive load. The distracting effect of threatening images with moderate arousal level slowed reaction times for finding the first number. However, this slowing was offset by high arousal threatening stimuli, leading to overall shorter search times. Eye-tracking measures showed that participants fixated threatening pictures more later and for shorter durations compared to neutral images. Together, our results indicate a complex relationship between threats and attention that results not in a unitary bias but in a sequence of effects that unfold over time.
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Threatening stimuli seem to capture attention more swiftly than neutral stimuli. This attention bias has been observed under different experimental conditions and with different types of stimuli. It remains unclear whether this adaptive behaviour reflects the function of automatic or controlled attention mechanisms. Additionally, the spatiotemporal dynamics of its neural correlates are largely unknown. The present study investigates these issues using an Emotional Flanker Task synchronized with EEG recordings. A group of 32 healthy participants saw response-relevant images (emotional scenes from IAPS or line drawings of objects) flanked by response-irrelevant distracters (i.e., emotional scenes flanked by line drawings or vice versa). We assessed behavioural and ERP responses drawn from four task conditions (Threat-Central, Neutral-Central, Threat-Peripheral, and Neutral-Peripheral) and subjected these responses to repeated-measures ANOVA models. When presented as response-relevant targets, threatening images attracted faster and more accurate responses. They did not affect response accuracy to targets when presented as response-irrelevant flankers. However, response times were significantly slower when threatening images flanked objects than when neutral images were shown as flankers. This result replicated the well-known Emotional Flanker Effect. Behavioural responses to response-relevant threatening targets were accompanied by significant modulations of ERP activity across all time-windows and regions of interest and displayed some meaningful correlations. The Emotional Flanker Effect was accompanied by a modulation over parietal and central-parietal regions within a time-window between 550-690ms. Such a modulation suggests that the attentional disruption to targets caused by response-irrelevant threatening flankers appears to reflect less neural resources available, which are seemingly drawn away by distracting threatening flankers. The observed spatiotemporal dynamics seem to concur with understanding of the important adaptive role attributed to threat-related attention bias.
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Facial emotional expressions are a salient source of information for nonverbal social interactions. However, their impact on action planning and execution is highly controversial. In this vein, the effect of the two threatening facial expressions, i.e., angry and fearful faces, is still unclear. Frequently, fear and anger are used interchangeably as negative emotions. However, they convey different social signals. Unlike fear, anger indicates a direct threat toward the observer. To provide new evidence on this issue, we exploited a novel design based on two versions of a Go/No-go task. In the emotional version, healthy participants had to perform the same movement for pictures of fearful, angry, or happy faces and withhold it when neutral expressions were presented. The same pictures were shown in the control version, but participants had to move or suppress the movement, according to the actor's gender. This experimental design allows us to test task relevance's impact on emotional stimuli without conflating movement planning with target detection and task switching. We found that the emotional content of faces interferes with actions only when task-relevant, i.e., the effect of emotions is context-dependent. We also showed that angry faces qualitatively had the same effect as fearful faces, i.e., both negative emotions decreased response readiness with respect to happy expressions. However, anger has a much greater impact than fear, as it increases both the rates of mistakes and the time of movement execution. We interpreted these results, suggesting that participants have to exploit more cognitive resources to appraise threatening than positive facial expressions, and angry than fearful faces before acting.
This paper describes Guided Search 6.0 (GS6), a revised model of visual search. When we encounter a scene, we can see something everywhere. However, we cannot recognize more than a few items at a time. Attention is used to select items so that their features can be "bound" into recognizable objects. Attention is "guided" so that items can be processed in an intelligent order. In GS6, this guidance comes from five sources of preattentive information: (1) top-down and (2) bottom-up feature guidance, (3) prior history (e.g., priming), (4) reward, and (5) scene syntax and semantics. These sources are combined into a spatial "priority map," a dynamic attentional landscape that evolves over the course of search. Selective attention is guided to the most active location in the priority map approximately 20 times per second. Guidance will not be uniform across the visual field. It will favor items near the point of fixation. Three types of functional visual field (FVFs) describe the nature of these foveal biases. There is a resolution FVF, an FVF governing exploratory eye movements, and an FVF governing covert deployments of attention. To be identified as targets or rejected as distractors, items must be compared to target templates held in memory. The binding and recognition of an attended object is modeled as a diffusion process taking > 150 ms/item. Since selection occurs more frequently than that, it follows that multiple items are undergoing recognition at the same time, though asynchronously, making GS6 a hybrid of serial and parallel processes. In GS6, if a target is not found, search terminates when an accumulating quitting signal reaches a threshold. Setting of that threshold is adaptive, allowing feedback about performance to shape subsequent searches. Simulation shows that the combination of asynchronous diffusion and a quitting signal can produce the basic patterns of response time and error data from a range of search experiments.