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Citation: Onuchukwu, I.S.;
Gholizadeh, P.; Liko, G.; Esmaeili, B.
Nature of Occupational Incidents
among Roofing Contractors: A Data
Mining Approach. Buildings 2024,14,
595. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Academic Editors: Jaemin Jeong,
Jaewook Jeong and Jaehyun Lee
Received: 26 November 2023
Revised: 17 January 2024
Accepted: 19 February 2024
Published: 23 February 2024
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Nature of Occupational Incidents among Roofing Contractors:
A Data Mining Approach
Ikechukwu Sylvester Onuchukwu 1, Pouya Gholizadeh 2, Gentian Liko 2and Behzad Esmaeili 3, *
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA; ionuchuk@purdue.edu
Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA; pgholiz@gmu.edu (P.G.); gliko@gmu.edu (G.L.)
3School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
*Correspondence: besmaei@purdue.edu
Abstract: Given that roofing contractors in the construction industry have the highest fatality rate
among specialty contractors, understanding the root cause of incidents among roofers is critical for
improving safety outcomes. This study applied frequency analysis and decision tree data-mining
techniques to analyze roofers’ fatal and non-fatal accident reports. The frequency analysis yielded
insights into the leading cause of accidents, with fall to a lower level (83%) being the highest, followed
by incidence sources relating to structures and surfaces (56%). The most common injuries experienced
by roofing contractors were fractures (49%) and concussions (15%), especially for events occurring
in residential buildings, maintenance and repair works, small projects (i.e., $50,000 or less), and on
Mondays. According to the decision tree analysis, the most important factor for determining the
nature of the injury is the nonfragile injured body part, followed by injury caused by coating works.
The decision tree also produced decision rules that provide an easy interpretation of the underlying
association between the factors leading to incidents. The decision tree models developed in this study
can be used to predict the nature of potential injuries for strategically selecting the most effective
injury-prevention strategies.
Keywords: construction incidents; roofing contractors; fall incidents; decision tree; occupational injuries
1. Introduction
The dynamic nature and environmental exposure of operations make the construction
industry one of the most dangerous industries [
]. Attributes ranging from the vari-
able composition of work crews to unobserved safety regulations and the type of work
performed all combine to make preventing occupational accidents in construction a real
challenge [
]. While all construction trades face such concerns, roofing is considered one of
the most hazardous occupations [
]: Roofing workers face a fatal accident rate over three
times higher than the construction industry’s overall fatal incident average [
]. The risk of
injury for roofing workers particularly escalates when they must regularly perform their
tasks at heights, an unavoidable factor in this industry. Thus, considering the frequency and
severity of incidents among roofers, it is important to examine the causes of occupational
accidents in this specialty trade in the construction industry.
One effective technique for discovering the underlying causes of occupational acci-
dents is investigating accident reports [
] since analyzing accident reports helps stake-
holders better understand the nature and pattern of accidents as well as how to prevent
and mitigate their risks [
]. While previous studies have employed different statistical
techniques to analyze accidents involving roofers [
], such studies fall short of fully
revealing non-linear patterns and the chain of events that may lead to an incident. To over-
come this shortcoming, researchers have suggested using data-mining techniques [
which presents an excellent opportunity for unpacking the various attributes—and their
relationships—underlying incidents.
Buildings 2024,14, 595. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14030595 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/buildings
Buildings 2024,14, 595 2 of 24
To fill this knowledge gap, this study uses the methodologies of data mining to de-
termine which contributing factors affect occupational accidents among roofers and to
determine these factors’ relative importance when predicting the nature of occupational
injuries (both fatal and non-fatal). To accomplish these objectives, the research team con-
ducted several tasks. First, accident reports related to roofing contractors were collected
from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Integrated Man-
agement Information System (IMIS) database. Second, the authors conducted a content
analysis on the collected data to extract variables that characterize accidents (e.g., nature
of injury,event type,injured body part). Third, the results were analyzed using a decision
tree—a supervised data-mining technique that is renowned for its ability to reveal hidden
trends in categorical and multivariate data [
]; to avoid overfitting the decision tree,
the research team utilized pruning and extreme gradient boosting techniques. Finally, to
test the robustness of the model, a ten-fold cross-validation technique was implemented.
The results of this study advance understanding of the scenarios and chain of events
that lead to incidents among roofers. Practitioners can use such knowledge to assess the
risk of injuries more accurately (e.g., Esmaeili [
]), implement safety interventions to break
the chain of events that lead to an incident, allocate safety resources more strategically, and
design personalized safety training programs to increase awareness among construction
workers (e.g., Li et al. [20]) and subsequently prevent incidents.
The outline of the study is organized as follows. The paper first presents the back-
ground of the occupational incidents among roofing contractors organized into three
subsections: survey-based studies, analyzing roofing accident reports using statistical tech-
niques, and analyzing roofing accident reports using machine learning techniques. Then,
the research methods and proposed machine learning model are described, followed by the
findings. Finally, the results are discussed, limitations are acknowledged, and conclusions
are summarized for the readers.
2. Background
The research team conducted a literature review of the current body of knowledge
related to occupational accidents among roofers in the construction industry and classified
past studies based on their data collection analysis approach: (1) survey-based studies,
(2) analyzing accident reports using statistical techniques, and (3) analyzing accident reports
using machine learning techniques. Here, we present the salient results.
2.1. Survey-Based Studies
Some studies examining roofing incidents relied on reviews from surveys. Among
these studies, Fredericks et al. [5] created a survey based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS) safety and health statistics database to pinpoint tasks linked to injury, illness, and
fatality patterns in roofing contracting between 1999 and 2000. Their study discovered
significant contributing factors relating to (mostly non-fatal) injuries—including the type of
injuries,event type, and causes of injuries. While informative, the study confronted several
limitations: (1) the findings were based on the views of contractors who participated in the
survey and not their actual incident history; (2) the geographical allocation of the survey
participants was restricted to Michigan; and (3) the study only presented descriptive data
without employing any inferential statistics.
In another study, accidents due to falls from height were compared among commercial
roofers and residential roofers [
]. The authors recruited 252 roofers in the Midwest
(Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin) to participate in their survey. The analysis
used various factors—such as the presence of fall-protection programs, enforcement versus
actual use of fall-protection devices, company size, work type, and race/ethnicity—to
determine whether residential roofers were at a higher risk of falling than commercial
roofers. Their finding is consistent with other studies: Fall incidents occur 33% more in
residential projects than commercial projects and 67% more in residential projects than
other building projects [21].
Buildings 2024,14, 595 3 of 24
While these studies all present interesting findings, they each face a major limitation
inherent in survey data collection: The subjective judgment of respondents. Survey re-
spondents may suffer numerous cognitive biases when filling out surveys, including how
recent events occurred, the availability of information about past events, the proximity or
location of events, etc. To address such subjectivity in analyses, studies need to collect and
analyze objective data regarding the conditions that led to occupational incidents among
roofers—data obtainable via accident reports.
2.2. Analyzing Roofing Accident Reports Using Statistical Techniques
The effects of fall accidents during a roofing project have been investigated through
various studies (e.g., Bobick [
]; Sa et al. [
]; Cheng et al. [
]; Dong et al. [
]; Moore and
Wanger [
]; Mistikoglu et al. [
]; Kang et al. [
]; Halabi et al. [
]); however, a very few
have examined the nature of incidents associated with roofing contractors in general (e.g.,
Kines [
]; Fredericks et al. [
]). In one of the early studies, Suruda et al. [
] examined the
data of 288 death certificates from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities database and found that roofing contractors
(SIC 1761 [
]) experienced the highest number of fatalities from falls to lower level (average
annual rate of 18 fatalities per 100,000 workers). In another study, Stern et al. [
] reviewed
the fatality causes among 11,144 roofers and waterproofers (members of the United Union of
Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers) and discovered falls to be the most significant
event resulting in fatalities.
Dong et al. [
] investigated CFOI data presenting 20,498 deaths in the construction
industry from 1992 to 2009 (in-depth data analyses limited to the years 2003 to 2009) to ana-
lyze trends and patterns of fatal falls from roofs in construction. The results indicated that
roof fatalities constituted one-third of fatal falls in the construction industry in
67% of which happened in small construction firms (1–10 employees). Dong et al. [
confirmed that residential roofers face higher risks than commercial roofers because (1) res-
idential roofing employers were less likely to provide or enforce the use of fall-protection
devices and ensure adequately safe work environments, and (2) residential roofers were
more likely to be employed by small employers (with fewer than 10 employees) than
commercial roofers. Notably, this study focused on only fatal incidents from roofs and did
not account for non-fatal scenarios, which are also common among roofing workers.
To better understand the factors involved in residential roofing fatalities—and thereby
understand broader factors in fatal events throughout the industry—Moore and Wanger [
examined 112 fatality reports filed by Occupational Safety and Health investigators for the
years 2005–2010. The study highlighted the notion that high risks in the residential roofing
industry stem from common factors or characteristics within the industry, including the
structure of the industry, the environment of jobs, and the workforce. The study especially
identified residential roofing as a highly hazardous occupation that is over nine times
riskier than the average occupation and over three times riskier (with respect to fatalities)
than the average construction trade. The results of Moore and Wanger’s study revealed
that the risk and fatality rate in residential roofing could be impacted by the fact that most
of the cases examined did not comply with the existing safety standards and involved
minimal-to-no adequate use of fall-protection practices or systems, as well as a lack of
planning and training among the workforces.
The objective analysis in these studies offset the critique of survey-based studies, but
these studies still faced three main limitations. First, the majority of past studies were
conditional on a fall event and did not cover other types of accidents (e.g., struck-by,
electrocution, caught-in/between) in which roofers may also be involved. Second, the
data for these investigations were usually gathered from all trades in the construction
industry (e.g., including large residential project construction and big general contractors),
and therefore, the findings may not be relevant to small specialty trade contractors such as
roofers; this constraint becomes an issue since the outcomes from these past studies may
not sufficiently consider the nature of certain tasks and processes nor the more specific and
Buildings 2024,14, 595 4 of 24
effective safety programs designed and implemented for specific specialty trades. Third,
past studies mainly employed descriptive statistics in their study without supplementing
such analyses with inferential statistics; since the relationships between accident-causation
factors may not be linear and include higher-order interactions, descriptive statistical
methods would fail to uncover hidden trends in the data. Therefore, more advanced
inferential statistical methods are required to handle the substantial amounts of high-
dimensional data involved in these accidents to uncover hidden trends that may inform
safety practitioners’ decisions for mitigating the risk of fatalities and injuries.
2.3. Analyzing Roofing Accident Reports Using Machine Learning Techniques
To address these limitations, researchers are employing more sophisticated data an-
alytics, such as machine learning, to search for cause-and-effect relationships in highly
complex data [
]. While several such studies showed the benefits of machine learning tech-
niques in investigating accident reports in the construction industry (e.g., Rivas et al. [
Cheng et al. [
]; Nenonen [
]; Mistikoglu et al. [
]; Amiri et al. [
]; Gholizadeh and
Esmaeili [
]; Gholizadeh et al. [
]; Kang and Ryu [
]; Sarkar and Maiti [
]; Li et al. [
Li et al. [
]), few have applied these techniques to analyze roofing accidents. In one of the
only studies in this field, Mistikoglu et al. [
] used the decision tree data-mining technique
to analyze 1413 of OSHA’s fall accident reports (594 fatalities and 819 non-fatal injuries)
for roofing contractors’ injuries occurring during the period between 1994 and 2008. They
used the C5.0 and CHAD algorithms to investigate the impact of a multitude of input vari-
ables on the degree of injury (fatality versus non-fatal). The techniques enabled drawing
decision trees and developing decision rules to explain the relationship between the output
and input features of the roofers’ fall accident reports, and the findings of the research
study indicated the possibility of fatality increased with greater fall distance and decreased
with provisions for safety training. Additionally, using the proposed models, the study
concluded that the most important features for predicting whether a roofing contractor’s
accident would involve a fatality or nonfatality were the fall distance, fatality/injury cause,
safety training, and the construction operation during which the fall originated.
While the research study conducted by Mistikoglu et al. [
] demonstrated the signifi-
cant potential of decision trees in identifying hidden patterns in accident reports, the study
still faced some limitations that need to be addressed. First, similar to some of the previous
studies, Mistikoglu et al. [
] only focused on fall hazards and did not include other types
of accidents roofers may face like struck-by, electrocution, and caught-in/between; such a
focus limits the predictive capacity since un-/under-trained workers may, e.g., face elec-
trocution or struck-by fatalities. Second, the prediction accuracy of models developed in
Mistikoglu et al.’s [
] study was relatively low (67–68%), and the authors did not use any
bias-reduction techniques. Finally, the authors themselves suggested the use of CART to
determine the importance of other variables in predicting the degree of injury. The study
reported in this manuscript aims to address these limitations.
3. Points of Departure
Regarding the literature review, three main limitations manifest among previous re-
search studies analyzing roofing accident reports. First, the majority of past studies only
focused on fatal injuries (e.g., Suruda et al. [
]; Stern et al. [
]; Dong et al. [
]; Moore and
Wanger [
]) and therefore reveal few insights regarding the variables influencing fatal ver-
sus non-fatal injuries. Considering that non-fatal injuries are very common and, in the past,
have impacted the direct and indirect costs of roofing contractors [
], investigating these
injuries and how to mitigate their risks is important since preventing non-fatal and fatal
injuries will enable roofing contractors, especially smaller ones, to achieve improved job site
safety while increasing profits. Second, while many of the past studies concentrated on fall
accidents, they mainly ignored other types of accidents among roofers, including struck-by,
electrocution, and caught-in/between; problematically, these events are still major risks,
and for studies seeking to prevent injuries among roofers via training, analyzing the im-
Buildings 2024,14, 595 5 of 24
pact of these alternative events is relevant. Third, the use of machine learning techniques
(e.g., decision trees) in analyzing accident reports among roofing contractors is limited and
presents significant room for improvement regarding accuracy and bias reduction.
To address these limitations and contribute to the body of knowledge supporting
improved safety outcomes for roofers, this study includes both fatal and non-fatal accidents,
analyzes all types of roofing accidents, and applies data-mining methods to the OSHA
IMIS accident report dataset to predict the nature of occupational injuries among roofers
and identify the most important factors for predicting the nature of occupational injuries
among roofers. Our results reveal the important contributing factors affecting roofer safety
outcomes, which support future efforts in isolating, mitigating, and/or training-to-offset
these factors to prevent fatal and non-fatal injuries within this high-risk industry.
4. Research Methodology
To investigate the various factors leading to accidents among roofers, this study
uses a supervised data-mining technique known as classification and regression trees
(CART). Additionally, known as decision trees, CART is renowned for its ease of use and
interpretability [
], particularly with the development of decision rules [
]. This method
provides a distinct and precise indication of the association between variables [
] and can
be used to reveal hidden trends in continuous (regression) and categorical (classification)
variables, a consideration that is especially valuable in our case as most of the variables
presented here are categorical. CART has been successfully used by other researchers in
similar studies [
] to analyze construction accident reports. In this study, the
research team formed the classification using a decision tree technique and the accident
reports collected from OSHA. Thereafter, we employed cross-validation techniques to avoid
overfitting, and we applied a reserved testing dataset to validate the results. The details of
these steps appear in the following sections.
4.1. Accident Database
To investigate the various characteristics contributing to incidents among roofers,
this research study collected accident reports from the OSHA IMIS online database and
used the Occupational Injury and Illness Classification Manual (OIICM), developed by the
U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics [
]. The research team filtered the
OSHA IMIS online database of accident investigation reports (fatal and non-fatal injuries)
to isolate accidents among SIC 1761 “Roofing Contractors” between 1 January 2007 and
31 December 2013; the filtered dataset yielded 679 accident reports. While most of these
incidents only involved one worker, some instances included multiple workers’ injuries;
thus, in total, 734 roofing workers’ occupational injuries were recorded in the database
during the seven-year period examined in this research study.
Each accident report includes case summaries, company information, project context
(e.g., project cost,type,end-use), a limited number of variables used to describe an accident
(e.g., event type,source, and cause of injury), and its consequences (e.g., nature and degree
of injuries,injured part of body), so following protocols established by Neuendorf [
] and
Krippendorff [
], the study team carried out a thorough content analysis on the collected
data to extract variables for the analysis. Similar studies have applied content-analysis
methods to identify construction accidents’ attributes, outcomes, and energy sources from
textual accident reports (e.g., Esmaeili [
], Villanova [
], and Desvignes [
]). Through
an iterative process, the authors identified nine attributes (variables) in the content analysis.
These variables were divided into two main categories: Independent variables—variables
that could be identified before the incident (i.e., pre-incident characteristics such as project
end-use,cost,type,cause of injury, and day of incident)—and dependent variables—variables
that can be identified only after the incident (e.g., degree of injury,nature of injury,injured
body part, and source of injury).
To ensure the consistency of variables across the data and to minimize the ambiguity
of the reported values, the research team adopted the Occupational Injury and Illness
Buildings 2024,14, 595 6 of 24
Classification System (OIICS) for “use in coding the case characteristics of injuries, illnesses,
and fatalities in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) and the Census
of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) programs” [
] (p. 4). In total, 32 accidents were
removed from the original data due to incomplete data or non-occupational causes of injury
(e.g., heart attack). OIICM describes a hierarchical classification system and provides a
four-level ontology to classify accident attributes, which helped authors combine small
categories to better represent the data.
4.2. Decision Tree Model
We implemented the classification and regression trees (CART) algorithm with the
recursive partitioning and regression trees (RPART) [
] to (1) predict the nature of occupa-
tional injuries due to an accident during a roofing project and (2) identify which factors are
most important in predicting the nature of occupational injuries. To build the decision trees,
the research team used the classification and regression training (CARET) packages [
in R [43].
The decision tree model was developed with the nature of the injury as the response
variable. The nature of the injury is split into two categories: non-fracture and fracture. Each
of these categories represents about 50% of the data. On the other hand, the injured body part
was a predictor (explanatory) and was categorized into fragile (head/neck and body system)
and nonfragile (lower/upper extremities,trunk, and multiple body parts) to avoid data imbalance.
The other predictor (explanatory) variables included source of injury,cause of injury,project
details (cost,end use, and type), and day of injury.
4.2.1. Data Partitioning
The process of subjecting the raw data to CART involved splitting the dataset into
training and testing datasets in ratios such as 70:30, 75:25, or 80:20, respectively. In this
experiment, a random selection of 560 (i.e., 80%) of the 699 collected observations was
trained with the use of the CART algorithm in R [
]. The remaining 139 (i.e., 20%) were
used for testing. The training and testing datasets (in the ratio 80:20) were independent of
each other. The training dataset was further divided into ten folds for cross-validation. In
ten-fold cross-validation, as commonly seen in other studies [
], the training dataset is
split into ten parts (“folds”), whereby exactly one fold is iteratively used for testing, and the
remaining nine are used for training. The details of the ten-fold cross-validation analysis
appear below.
4.2.2. Confusion Matrix
The performance assessment of a classifier is typically and initially presented in the
form of a confusion matrix. In its most basic form, the confusion matrix is a report that
provides a 2
2 array of the performance evaluation results of a proposed two-class (such
as a positive and a negative class) classification model. Figure 1depicts a typical example
of a two-class 2
2 confusion matrix. Furthermore, the results presented in a confusion
matrix can be used to compute several performance measures of a proposed classifier.
Table 1presents some performance measures commonly computed in the literature and
their associated formulas.
Tab l e1.Measuresofperformance*.
AccuracyTP TN P N
TruePositiveRate(TPR)**TP P
FalsePositiveRate(FPR)***FP N
PrecisionTP TP FP
F1Score2 Precision Recall Precision Recall
Equalsto1− specificity,wherespecificityis(TN/N).
Figure 1. Confusion matrix (* Type I error; ** Type II error).
Buildings 2024,14, 595 7 of 24
Table 1. Measures of performance *.
Measure Formula
Accuracy (TP +TN)/(P+N)
True Positive Rate (TPR) ** TP/P
False Positive Rate (FPR) *** FP/N
Precision TP/(TP +FP)
F1 Score 2 ×(Precision ×Recall)/(Precision +Recall)
Kappa coefficient **** p0−pe/1−pe
* Except for the FPR, a value close to 1 indicates a good classification performance. ** Additionally, known as
sensitivity, recall, and/or hit rate. *** Equals to 1
specificity, where specificity is (TN/N). **** p
is identical to
accuracy and peis the expected agreement by chance.
4.2.3. Cross-Validation Analysis
The robustness of the model developed by CART in this research was tested using the
ten-fold cross-validation technique. This method checks for overfitting, selection bias, and
how well the model generalizes to new and independent data, as seen in the real world.
This technique, sometimes referred to as “out-of-sample testing,” is a resampling method
and was applied in this analysis using ten different portions or resamples of the training
dataset to train and test the model in ten distinct iterations.
The ten fittings/resamples of the model in the ten-fold cross-validation yielded ten
Kappa values and ten prediction sub-testing accuracies, as listed in the results section. The
expected or average accuracy computed from the ten resamples was used to develop the
final decision tree model [
]. The selection of the ten folds in the ten-fold cross-validation
was randomized and iterated 50 times using R’s random generator set.seed function. The
cross-validation prediction accuracies were averaged to get the mean accuracy of the
training dataset. The summary of the results appears in the results section.
4.2.4. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve offers a visual aid for comparing a
classifier’s performance across thresholds and for illustrating the trade-offs between Type
I and Type II errors [
]. This enables the selection of an appropriate error combination
for the given situation. They are commonly used to interpret and improve the results of
machine learning and data mining techniques [
] more accurately. They can be drawn
using a two-dimensional graph with the sensitivities shown on the Y axis and the specificity
values represented on the X axis. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) gives an indication
of the performance of the proposed classification model [
]. At random performance, the
curve crosses the straight diagonal and reaches an AUC of 0.5. An AUC value of 1 denotes
flawless performance. The AUC is close to 1 if the ROC plot passes close to the upper left
corner [
]. The details of the ROC curve and AUC obtained in this study are presented
in Section 5.
4.2.5. The No-Information Rate
The no-information rate supports evaluating a model since the no-information rate is
an indication of one’s best guess, or prediction accuracy when provided with no information
other than the number of observations in the classes one wants to predict [
]. A model
with a lower prediction accuracy than the no-information rate indicates instances where
predictive models would not be helpful since such inaccurate models would not provide
any more insight than mere guesswork. Therefore, the research team considered the
no-information rate in assessing the utility of our developed models.
In the accident reports analyzed in this study, 356 observations (51%) were in the class
labeled non-fracture, which is slightly the majority group. The remaining 343 observations
(49%) were in the class labeled as fracture, which is the slight-minority group. Hence, when
no other information is available, our best guess would be to classify a report in the majority
group, which should result in a base prediction accuracy of 51%—in other words, if we
Buildings 2024,14, 595 8 of 24
were to only predict events based on the majority class, we would expect to be right 51% of
the time. This expectation provided an evaluation metric for our assessment.
4.2.6. Pruning
There are typically two phases in the development of a tree: the growing phase and the
pruning phase [
]. First, a sufficient-sized tree (called T
in this study), or an overfitted
tree, is typically developed in the growing phase. Second, the branches of the grown tree
are pruned to a fitted and right-sized model in the pruning phase. Pruning a tree is a
systematic way of controlling its size by cutting off subtrees that contribute little or no
statistical validity [
]. The resulting pruned tree is smaller, and while the smaller
tree may increase misclassifications in the training dataset, this smaller tree would likely
decrease the misclassifications in the independent testing dataset [
]. Such changes avoid
overfitting the decision tree to training data such that the model’s performance improves
when applied to a new and independent dataset. In this study, the research team pruned
the nodes to avoid overfitting the decision tree model [41,53].
4.2.7. Variable Importance
Decision trees are powerful machine learning tools renowned not only for their great
predictive abilities but also for their rich variable-importance information [
]. Researchers
have especially prioritized the evaluation of relative variable importance in the last two
decades [
] and have devised variable importance scores, or rankings, to support such
applications as model interpretability and model selection [
]. In such contexts, variables
with high-ranking scores may be selected for deeper exploration and for developing a more
fitting model.
In this study, the research team used the CART technique to pinpoint the most relevant
predictor or explanatory variables for a given problem in the process of growing a tree. In
contrast to a linear regression model, CART may not visibly include a variable (node splitter)
in generating a tree even if the variable is very important [
] because the variables shown
in the structure of the tree are the primary splitters. CART can shift splitting choices to
different parts of the tree since, behind the scenes, whenever a variable is missing, surrogate
splitters are moving a record down the tree to its appropriate leaf node. Therefore, visual
inspection of the tree may be insufficient in ascertaining variable importance rankings
because the predictive contributions of a variable may manifest in surrogate splits when
growing a tree.
With the use of the summary function in R, the RPART (an R version of CART) package
offers an evaluation of variable importance. This score is calculated by tabulating and
summing the reduction in the loss function (e.g., mean squared error) attributed to each
variable at each split. An overall evaluation of variable importance involves summing the
goodness of split measures for each split serving as the primary variable in addition to the
goodness (adjusted argument) for all splits in which that split served as a surrogate.
If two variables happen to be essentially duplicates of each other and their surro-
gates are not added, they would split their importance. This situation would prevent the
two variables from showing up as important variables. In other words, surrogates are also
included in the calculation of variable importance since even variables that never split a
node or do not show up in a tree may be assigned a high importance score, a factor that
allows variable importance rankings to reveal variable masking and non-linear correlations
among attributes [
]. Hence, CART enabled this study to prioritize variables based on
variable importance rankings and provided a better understanding of how importance is
attributed to variables based on their predictive contributions to the proposed model.
4.2.8. Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine
The extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) algorithm [
] in R [
] is helpful in con-
trolling overfitting and produces a prediction model in the form of a group of prediction
models, typically decision trees. This package, referred to as the advanced application of
Buildings 2024,14, 595 9 of 24
gradient boosting machine by Tang et al. [
], reduces the error rate of a current model
by building on the model (i.e., developing and adding other supporting models). The
overall predicted result of the boosted model is the summation of the various scores of
all the individual models. Therefore, according to Tang et al. [
], given an Fspace of
boosted trees, XGBoost prediction is the sum of the scores of Kboosted classification trees,
as defined by:
yi=∅(xi) = ∑k
represents the ith sample, and the score of
at the ith boosted tree is denoted by
. Hence, in an attempt to push the accuracy of the proposed decision tree model to the
limit and to check for overfitting, this study applied the extreme gradient boosting machine
to improve the accuracy of the proposed model. However, the boosting machine results
obtained did not provide improvement to the proposed model, indicating its effectiveness.
5. Results
The findings of this study are organized into two main sections: (1) frequency analysis
and (2) decision tree analysis. The first section explains the descriptive statistics of occu-
pational incidents among roofing contractors while concentrating on the degree of injury
as the most apparent consequence of these accidents. In the second section, the results of
the decision tree are presented to provide insights into the association between the target
variable (nature of injury) and the predictor variables—such as the injured body part, source of
injury,cause of injury,project details (cost, end use, type), and day of injury.
5.1. Frequency Analysis
The frequency analysis indicated that 276 (39%) of occupational accidents among
roofing contractors resulted in a fatality. The rest (non-fatal) of the injuries were filed into
two categories: 391 (56%) hospitalized injuries and 32 (5%) non-hospitalized injuries. Table 2
displays the frequency results and the ratios of degree of injury for each of the nine identified
categories identified from the content analysis. One thing to bear in mind is that the fatality
ratio in this study accounts for the proportion of fatal incidents from the total number of
catastrophic injuries in the current database (i.e., 699 reports) and should not be confused
by estimated rates that are computed by applying full-time equivalent workers. Otherwise
stated, a fatality ratio of 39% implies that 39% of all injuries in the record resulted in a
fatality, not that 39% of roofers would die on the job site.
Table 2. Accident characteristics among roofing contractors.
Variable Frequency (% 1)Degree of Injury (%)
Fatality 1Hospitalized Non-Hospitalized
Non-residential building 326 (47) 141 (43) 174 (53) 11 (3)
Residential building 367 (53) 132 (36) 214 (58) 21 (6)
Utility and heavy and civil
engineering 6 (1) 3 (50) 3 (50) 0 (0)
Project type
Alteration or rehabilitation 181 (26) 72 (40) 103 (57) 6 (3)
Demolition 5 (1) 1 (20) 4 (80) 0 (0)
Maintenance or repair 314 (45) 137 (44) 167 (53) 10 (3)
New project or new addition 176 (25) 59 (34) 103 (59) 14 (8)
Other 23 (3) 7 (30) 14 (61) 2 (9)
Buildings 2024,14, 595 10 of 24
Table 2. Cont.
Variable Frequency (% 1)Degree of Injury (%)
Fatality 1Hospitalized Non-Hospitalized
Project cost
$50,000 and less 401 (57) 157 (39) 227 (57) 17 (4)
$50,000–$250,000 109 (16) 47 (43) 60 (55) 2 (2)
$250,000–$500,000 51 (7) 26 (51) 23 (45) 2 (4)
$500,000–$1,000,000 46 (7) 13 (28) 29 (63) 4 (9)
$1,000,000–$5,000,000 42 (6) 16 (38) 25 (60) 1 (2)
$5,000,000–$20,000,000 20 (3) 8 (40) 11 (55) 1 (5)
$20,000,000 and more 30 (4) 9 (30) 16 (53) 5 (17)
Source of injury
Machinery 24 (3) 10 (42) 12 (50) 2 (8)
Parts and materials 115 (16) 31 (27) 77 (67) 7 (6)
Structures and surfaces 391 (56) 177 (45) 201 (51) 13 (3)
Tools, instruments, and
equipment 133 (19) 44 (33) 81 (61) 8 (6)
Vehicles 16 (2) 8 (50) 7 (44) 1 (6)
Other sources 20 (3) 6 (30) 13 (65) 1 (5)
Cause of injury
roofing elements (insulation,
shingles, plywood, etc.)
204 (29) 79 (39) 111 (54) 14 (7)
Coating Works (asphalt,
painting, spraying) 44 (6) 9 (20) 33 (75) 2 (5)
Dismantling/Demolition 70 (10) 31 (44) 36 (51) 3 (4)
Metal Works (decking,
rainwater system) 52 (7) 21 (40) 29 (56) 2 (4)
Preparation (inspection,
cutting, measurement,
marking, cleaning, etc.)
67 (10) 27 (40) 38 (57) 2 (3)
Repair and renovation 89 (13) 37 (42) 50 (56) 2 (2)
materials 86 (12) 33 (38) 49 (57) 4 (5)
Not reported 87 (12) 39 (45) 45 (52) 3 (3)
Event type
Caught in/between 12 (2) 3 (25) 6 (50) 3 (25)
Exposure to electricity 33 (5) 25 (76) 7 (21) 1 (3)
Fall (to lower level) 579 (83) 237 (41) 318 (55) 24 (4)
Struck-by 39 (6) 5 (13) 32 (82) 2 (5)
Other 36 (5) 6 (17) 28 (78) 2 (6)
Nature of injury
Bruises, contusions 32 (5) 10 (31) 14 (44) 8 (25)
Burns 42 (6) 1 (2) 39 (93) 2 (5)
Concussions 105 (15) 85 (81) 20 (19) 0 (0)
Cuts, lacerations, puncture 31 (4) 5 (16) 22 (71) 4 (13)
Electrocutions, electric shocks 34 (5) 26 (76) 7 (21) 1 (3)
Fractures 343 (49) 75 (22) 255 (74) 13 (4)
Non-specified injuries and
disorders 81 (12) 65 (80) 16 (20) 0 (0)
Other 22 (3) 8 (36) 12 (55) 2 (9)
Injured part of
Body system 97 (14) 58 (60) 35 (36) 4 (4)
Head 239 (34) 165 (69) 69 (29) 5 (2)
Lower extremities 88 (13) 1 (1) 80 (91) 7 (8)
Multiple body parts 98 (14) 34 (35) 60 (61) 4 (4)
Trunk 81 (12) 13 (16) 65 (80) 3 (4)
Upper extremities 96 (14) 5 (5) 82 (85) 9 (9)
Buildings 2024,14, 595 11 of 24
Table 2. Cont.
Variable Frequency (% 1)Degree of Injury (%)
Fatality 1Hospitalized Non-Hospitalized
Day of incident
Monday 145 (21) 52 (36) 88 (61) 5 (3)
Tuesday 118 (17) 52 (44) 62 (53) 4 (3)
Wednesday 135 (19) 47 (35) 80 (59) 8 (6)
Thursday 118 (17) 49 (42) 60 (51) 9 (8)
Friday 109 (16) 43 (39) 60 (55) 6 (6)
Saturday 47 (7) 22 (47) 25 (53) 0 (0)
Sunday 27 (4) 11 (41) 16 (59) 0 (0)
The percentages may not add up to 100% in certain circumstances because they were rounded to the nearest
Apart from the variables mentioned above, OSHA reports also provide information
on other variables, including human and environmental factors. Even though a large ratio
of these two variables were categorized under the “Other” division (i.e., 21% of human
factors and 35% of environmental factors), Table 3presents some of the most frequent
factors for each variable. The outcomes display that while misjudgment is by far the most
common human factor, problems with engineering control and personal protective equipment or
clothing were more dangerous, resulting in higher fatality ratios. Regarding environmental
factors, work surface, and facility layout conditions are the contributing factors with the highest
frequency among roofing workers and are also the factors causing the highest fatality ratios.
We present these factors in Table 3, but they were not included in the following statistical
analyses due to a large number of missing values.
Table 3. Frequency and fatality ratio for human and environmental factors.
Frequency Fatality Ratio (%)
Human factors Misjudgment in a hazardous situation 224 44
Insufficient or lack of personal protective equipment or clothing 71 58
Inappropriate equipment for operation 37 43
Malfunction in securing or warning operation 32 28
Inappropriate position for the task 30 37
Inappropriate material-handling procedure 17 29
Insufficient or lack of engineering controls 15 67
Environmental factors Work surface or facility layout condition 319 45
Material-handling equipment or method 34 26
Overhead moving- or falling-object action 24 42
Flying-object action 15 20
Temperature tolerance 9 44
5.2. Decision Tree Analysis
5.2.1. Model Interpretation
To predict roofing contractors’ nature of the injury (conditional on an accident occurring),
this study built a decision tree using the 560 training data points and seven project attributes:
source of injury,cause of injury,project cost,project end-use,project type,day of injury, and injured
body part. The target variable, nature of the injury, included two categories: non-fracture
(NF) and fracture (F). The tree treated head/neck injuries and injuries within the body system as
fragile body parts, whereas the rest of the injured body parts were labeled nonfragile body parts,
as shown in Table 2. To avoid overfitting the model, the decision tree was pruned using
tuning parameters, and accuracy helped select the optimal model in terms of the largest
values. Figure 2shows the proposed decision tree model for predicting roofing contractors’
nature of the injury from workplace accidents.
Buildings 2024,14, 595 12 of 24
miningwhether“theinjuredbodypartisfragile,”soifthisstatementistrue(i.e.,Yes) ,one
Figure 2. Decision tree for predicting nature of injury (* nature of injury represented by the node and
with the higher proportion of observation). Labels follow the majority: Node 1 is labeled non-fracture
(NF) since the proportion of NF is greater than that of F in node 1; node 5 is labeled fracture (F) since
the proportion of F is greater than that of NF present in the leaf node 5.
As shown in Figure 2, the tree has a total of seven nodes, four of which are leaf nodes.
The nodes represent split points, where decision criteria were used to classify the accident
reports in the nodes into two classes: fracture (F) and non-fracture (NF). The number of
accident reports classified as F and NF in each node is outlined under the number of
observations (n) for F and NF, respectively. The sum of the accident reports classified as F
and NF gives the total count of observations in that node.
The first-level splitting attribute is the nonfragile category for injured body part. The
second-level factor is coating works (which includes asphalt, painting, and spraying) as a
cause of injury, and the third-level factor is source of injury, which is split by parts and materials
(a category including such building materials as solid elements; containers; electric parts;
fasteners, connectors, ropes, and ties; furniture and fixtures; hoisting accessories; structural
and nonstructural metal materials; roofing parts; and tars, sealants, caulking, and insulating
material). The variable importance section below provides the list of important variables
arranged in the order of their relevance; this ranking indicates the extent to which the
variables contributed to predicting the nature of injury in the development of the decision
tree model. Notably, the proposed decision tree in Figure 2correctly classified 389 accident
reports (69.46%) out of the 560 reports in the training dataset.
Generally, the travel starts from the root node and makes a branch decision at every
node until the travel terminates at a leaf node or terminal node. For example, in Figure 2,
splitting the root node by injured body part: nonfragile = 0 could be interpreted as deter-
mining whether “the injured body part is fragile,” so if this statement is true (i.e., Yes),
one traverses the decision tree by branching to the left, and if this statement is false (i.e.,
No), one traverses the model by branching to the right; here, a branch to the left is always
a Yes-turn while a branch to the right is always a No-turn. Subsequently, decision node
3 splits by cause of injury: coating works = 1, which specifies whether “the cause of injury
Buildings 2024,14, 595 13 of 24
is coating works.” Hence, if this statement is true (i.e., Yes), one traverses the decision tree
by branching to the left, and if it is false (i.e., No), one traverses the model by branching to
the right. These terms were used in the following section for the decision rules.
The nodes in Figure 3represent split points, where decision criteria were used to
classify the accident reports in the nodes into two classes: fracture (F) and non-fracture
(NF). The number of accident reports classified as F and NF in each node is outlined
under the number of observations (n) for F and NF, respectively. The sum of the accident
reports classified as F and NF gives the total count of incident reports in that node. The
proportion of accident reports classified as F and NF in each node are also listed under
the percentage of observations (%) for F and NF, respectively; notably, the Total % listed
in each node represents the percentage of the 560 observations in the training set that sits
within a given node. For example, in the first decision node (root node) in Figure 3, 285 NF
and 275 F accident reports travel this node, so the number of observations sum to 560
i.e., 285 + 275 = 560 accident reports
), and the percentage of observations in the training
set is 100%. Comparatively, decision node 5 (which is a leaf or terminal node) has 82 NF
and 182 F accident reports, which sum to 264 (i.e., 82 + 182 = 264) observations—or about
47.1% of the 560 incident reports in the training dataset.
Yes- turnwhileabranchtotherightisalwaysaNo-turn.Subsequently,decisionnode3
iscoatingworks.”Hence,ifthisstatementistrue(i.e.,Yes), onetraversesthedecisiontree
Figure 3. Explanatory notes on decision tree representations. Number (n) and percentage (%) of
observations classified as non-fracture (NF) and fracture (F) in each node (* nature of injury represented
by the node and with the higher proportion of observation). Total % signifies the percentage of the
560 training set observations that appear in each leaf node.
5.2.2. Decision Rules
Each leaf node forms a distinct decision rule. Hence, the full set of decision rules is
developed with the use of all the leaf nodes in the decision tree. The decision rules formed
from the decision tree analysis appear in Table 4. The decision rules are further explained
in the Discussion Section.
Buildings 2024,14, 595 14 of 24
Table 4. Decision rules are derived from the proposed decision tree model.
Node Decision Rule
2 If the injured body part is fragile, then the nature of the injury is non-fracture
6If the injured body part is nonfragile, the cause of injury is coating works, and the
source of injury is parts and materials, then the nature of the injury is non-fracture
7If the injured body part is nonfragile, the cause of injury is coating works, and the
source of injury is not parts and materials, then the nature of the injury is fracture
5If the injured body part is nonfragile, the cause of injury is not coating works, then
the nature of the injury is fracture
5.2.3. Accuracy of Decision Tree Model
Before using a decision tree model to predict the nature of injury for roofing construction
workers, it is essential to evaluate the prediction accuracy of the model. Therefore, we
further evaluated the decision tree model’s accuracy by applying the model to the testing
dataset that was independent of the training dataset. The results are summarized in Table 5.
The results suggest that the decision tree model in Figure 2is reliable since it was 77.7%
successful (accuracy = 0.777) when predicting the nature of injury classifications in the
testing dataset. Another evaluation of the accuracy of the proposed decision tree model
is the no-information rate. Table 5shows that the accuracy of the model is higher than
the no-information rate 95% of the time; in other words, there is a 95% chance that the
true accuracy of the proposed decision tree model is between 69.9% and 84.3%. However,
with the use of the proposed model, we obtained a 77.7% accuracy, which is significantly
greater and better than the 51.1% accruing to chance. Hence, the proposed decision tree
model offers significantly higher performance than the no-information rate, as buttressed
by a p-value < 0.001. The kappa statistic is another assessment of the proposed model
presented in Table 5. It reflects the extent to which the model prediction matches the
actual classifications. The kappa for this decision tree model is 0.554, which is a moderate
score [60].
Table 5. Overall accuracy evaluation of decision tree.
Evaluation Statistic Result
Accuracy 0.777
95% Confidence Interval (0.699, 0.843)
No Information Rate 0.511
p-Value [Acc > NIR] <0.001
Kappa 0.554
Precision 0.768
Sensitivity/Recall 0.779
Specificity 0.775
The ROC curve in Figure 4provides more evaluation of the proposed machine learning
model in this study. The AUC is 0.775 (which is close to 1 and a good indication of a
reliable model) [
] with balanced sensitivity and specificity values of 0.7794 and 0.7746,
respectively. It is based on the results of the ROC plot and other model performance
evaluation statistics such as Kappa, precision, and accuracy, and the optimum decision tree
model was selected in this study.
5.2.4. Evaluation of Variable Importance
Analyzing the decision tree and variable importance scores reveals that the injured
body part: nonfragile (root node), is the most important predictor attribute, followed by
cause of injury: coating works in predicting the nature of injury. When traversing from top to
bottom, these are the first two variables displayed in the decision tree. Additionally, out of
the nine identified most important predictor variables, the two least important are project
end-use: residential and project type: new project, as shown in Table 6. Even though these
Buildings 2024,14, 595 15 of 24
two predictor variables did not appear to play a major role in the tree and did not show up
in the proposed decision process, they were part of the predictor variables used in forming
the tree. Such importance follows the surrogate logic described in the methodology because
(for instance) neither the least important variable—project type: new project, with a variable
importance score of 2%—nor the higher-importance variable source of injury: structures
(13%) appear as splitters in the decision tree, both had a nonzero importance due to their
function as surrogates for other splitting variables. Consequently, even lower-importance
variables are worthy of note.
5.2.4.EvaluationofVaria b leImportance
jectend‐use:residentialandprojecttype:newproject,asshowninTab le6.Eventhoughthese
Tab l e6.Var iabl eimportanceoftheproposeddecisiontreemodel.
Causeofinjury:Repairandrenovation 2
Figure 4. ROC curve and area under the ROC curve (AUC).
Table 6. Variable importance of the proposed decision tree model.
Variable/Attribute Importance Score
Injured body part: Nonfragile 49
Cause of injury: Coating works 16
Source of injury: Structures 13
Source of injury: Parts and materials 9
Source of injury: Tools, instruments, and equipment 5
Project type: Maintenance or repair 2
Cause of injury: Repair and renovation 2
Project end-use: Residential 2
Project type: New Project 2
The authors wish to underscore that the software R (version 3.6.1) only reports the
rounded variable importance scores, which it scales to sum up to 100%, and omits variables
whose proportions are below 1%. Consequently, Table 6summarizes the importance scores
of the nine identified primary variables affecting the development of the decision tree
model in Figure 2.
5.2.5. Cross-Validation Results
Table 7gives the summary statistics of the ten-fold cross-validation. The main purpose
of this cross-validation is to test the model’s prediction or performance ability in practice
when applied to new data not used previously in the training process. This process
serves to check whether the proposed model, as in this study, generalizes well to new
and independent data such as those (accident reports) obtainable in the roofing industry.
Additionally, this cross-validation serves to check for overfitting and selection bias [
Notably, the prediction accuracy of the overall training set employed in this research is 0.69
(as shown by the leaf nodes in Figure 2) and is approximately equal to the mean prediction
accuracy of the ten-fold cross-validation. Since these two accuracies are consistent, this
validation indicates that the proposed model has an average fit and, hence, is not overfitted.
Buildings 2024,14, 595 16 of 24
Table 7. Summary statistics of the ten-fold cross-validation.
Statistic Accuracy Kappa
Minimum 0.632 0.265
Median 0.676 0.348
Mean 0.689 0.378
Standard deviation 0.046 0.091
Maximum 0.768 0.536
We compared the output of the XGBoost package in R with the cross-validation results
calculated without the XGBoost. The XGBoost results differed a little from the cross-
validation results, as shown in Table 8. In fact, the decision tree model performed slightly
better, illustrating the effectiveness of our model.
Table 8. Compared overall accuracy of the extreme gradient boosting and decision tree model.
Evaluation Statistic Xgboost Result Decision Tree Model Result
Accuracy 0.712 0.777
95% Confidence Interval (0.629, 0.786) (0.699, 0.843)
No Information Rate 0.511 0.511
p-Value [Acc > NIR] <0.001 <0.001
Kappa 0.423 0.554
Precision 0.733 0.768
Sensitivity/Recall 0.647 0.779
Specificity 0.775 0.775
5.2.6. Testing and Training Dataset Accuracy Summary Statistics
To further confirm the robustness of our model, as previously explained in the method-
ology, the set.seed function in R randomly generated and shuffled the data based on seeds
set consecutively from 1 to 50. Each of these 50 seeds then generated a decision tree, and the
summary statistics of the outcomes are given in Table 9. As can be observed, the mean of
the 50 prediction accuracies of the ten-fold cross-validation is 0.696 (i.e., the mean training
accuracy = 0.696). The tree formed with each of the 50 randomizations was then applied
each time to the testing dataset, and 50 testing accuracies were obtained and averaged. As
shown in Table 9, the mean of the 50 testing/prediction accuracies is 0.704 (i.e., the mean
testing accuracy = 0.704). These values are above average, acceptable, and consistent with
other studies [14,62].
Notably, the training accuracy obtained from the decision tree model proposed in
this investigation is 0.695, and the testing accuracy obtained from the proposed model is
0.777 (as seen in Table 5). Hence, the results of the decision tree model proposed in this
study are similar and consistent with (and validated by) the 50 randomization results (as
summarized in Table 10), signaling that the accuracy was not obtained by chance.
Table 9. Prediction accuracy summary of 50 decision trees from 50 randomizations of the dataset.
Training Set Testing Set
S/N Statistic Cross-Validation
Average Accuracy
Average Kappa Accuracy Kappa
1 Mean 0.696 0.391 0.704 0.408
2 Standard Error 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.010
3 Median 0.696 0.392 0.698 0.396
4 Standard Deviation 0.013 0.025 0.035 0.070
5 Sample Variance 0.0002 0.0006 0.0012 0.0048
6 Kurtosis −0.437 −0.428 0.098 0.122
7 Skewness −0.242 −0.238 0.206 0.192
8 Range 0.054 0.107 0.158 0.319
Buildings 2024,14, 595 17 of 24
Table 10. Comparison between the mean values of prediction accuracy for the 50 decision trees based
on randomized data and the proposed decision tree model.
Average Accuracy
(Training Set)
Average Kappa
(Training Set)
(Testing Set)
(Testing Set)
Fifty randomizations/shuffles 0.696 0.391 0.704 0.408
Proposed decision tree model 0.689 0.378 0.777 0.554
6. Discussions
6.1. Frequency Analysis
The statistical analysis and findings of this research study are in line with previous
studies [
] and revealed that 39% of occupational accidents among roofing con-
tractors resulted in a fatality, and almost all roofing incidents occurred in building projects
(99%)—with residential buildings (53%) being the prevalent end-use. Kang et al. [
] suggested
that part of the higher proportion of fall incidents in residential projects might be due to
the higher number of residential projects compared to non-residential projects in the past
10 to 15 years. However, another explanation could be that residential buildings are fre-
quently constructed by small contractors who do not usually offer adequate PPE or formal
safety training due to budget limitations [
]. Such uncertainty remains a study-worthy
open question.
As far as project types are concerned, maintenance or repair projects contribute to the
majority of roofing accidents (45%), followed by alteration or rehabilitation (26%), and new
projects or new addition (25%). Comparing these ratios about roofing contractors to those
about all contractors—as reported by Huang and Hinze [
]—indicates that roofers are
involved in maintenance and repair work at significantly higher rates and involved in new
projects at significantly lower rates. We also found that 92% of the maintenance projects
in the data had budgets less than $250,000, whereas this budget occurred for new projects
only 31% of the time. In other words, maintenance projects appear to be much smaller
than new projects and, therefore, may have a smaller safety budget and/or be supervised by
individual clients who may not have the capacity to monitor safety practices. Whatever the
fundamental cause, this finding signifies the importance of considering the project context
when analyzing construction accidents.
The authors also found that “misjudging the hazardous situation” occurred at a
higher level (37%) in maintenance/repair projects than in new projects (25%), an outcome
that may be due to the temporary nature of maintenance/repair projects since workers
may not have enough time to explore the construction site to understand potential unsafe
conditions. A similar finding in a study by Mistikoglu et al. [
] revealed that project
types involving alteration, rehabilitation, maintenance, and demolition resulted in more
fatalities among roofing contractors than new projects or new additions. Perhaps for such
reasons, an investigation by Kim [
] recommended that during the design stage of new
projects, the construction design and management team should draw up a health and
safety plan and hand it over to the project owner to prepare for such future work such as
maintenance, repair, alteration, and rehabilitation. Such a recommendation is interesting
since maintenance or repair projects are strongly related to design. Some of these design
plans could include the design and construction of a safe passage to the roof to enable safe
access to the roof during the execution of future works. Another design regulation could
include placing the electrical control boxes at a reachable/reduced level for easy access,
which would reduce the need to work on ladders during future work.
This study’s results show that projects with lower costs (i.e., less than $50,000) tend to
have a higher frequency of occupational accidents (57%) than projects with higher costs
(e.g., 7% for $250,000 to $500,000). This result is almost identical to the proportion of
fall accidents in low-cost projects reported by Huang and Hinze [
] and Kang et al. [
and underscores the importance of appropriate safety training, culture, supervision, and
Buildings 2024,14, 595 18 of 24
equipment in preventing construction accidents, especially among smaller companies. To
address this issue, Siddiqui [
] recommended stricter enforcement of regulations and
standards to control the non-compliance problem among low-budget residential projects to
improve the overall safety among small specialty contractors.
With respect to the source of injury, a large portion of accidents have occurred in
structures and surfaces (56%), which may be unsurprising as this category involves all
roofs and roof skylights/openings—primary locations for fall accidents, as mentioned by
Kang et al. [
]. Previous studies have examined methods that can reduce the risk of fall
accidents near skylights and roof openings. Bobick et al. [
] have introduced an injury
reduction matrix to establish organizational duties and work requirements during three
construction phases (i.e., pre-construction, construction, and post-construction) to ensure
proper management of fall-protection programs near skylights and roof openings; the
authors recommended that the building owner “must implement reporting requirements
during the construction phase” (p. 36) and “an employee of the owner or a consultant
should monitor effectiveness of the safety and health program during construction” (p. 36).
Implementing this small requirement could have a considerable effect, particularly in small
maintenance projects. Similarly, Prevention through Design (Ptd) protocols, such as those
conducted by Ho et al. [
] for solar panel installers, may help small roofing contractors
understand the hazardous situations near roof openings and introduce some easy-to-
implement solutions to reduce the risks of working near these hazards. Furthermore, new
technologies such as building information modeling (BIM) can be adapted to better design
and implement fall-protection systems on roofs, scaffolds, and near skylights [
]. For
instance, Zhang et al. [
] have implemented a rule-based engine on a commercial BIM
program to automatically check OSHA’s rules and regulations on a building’s 3D model
and inform construction and safety managers about safety measures that are required to
avoid fall-related accidents. Such efforts may prove particularly helpful in new projects
where developing 3D models during the design phase is a prevalent practice.
The event type fall (to a lower level) represents the highest portion (83%) of accidents
in our data, and exposure to electricity accidents generates the highest fatality ratio (76%)
among the event types. A high number of falls among roofers is anticipated, as their tasks
mainly involve working on elevated structures. In a report on workers’ health, the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) disclosed that for roofers, the fatal
fall rate was seven times the average rate for all construction [
], which is mainly due to
the higher elevations at which roofers work as