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Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak



Gipuzkoan Bizimodu Independentearen Programa onartu zenetik ia 20 urte igaro dira, eta desgaitasunaren arloko arauen eta politiken bilakaera kontuan hartuta, beharrezkotzat jo da programa ebaluatzea. Horretarako, alderdi orokorrak (parte-hartzaileen profilaren ezaugarriak, sarbidearekin, parte-hartzearekin eta Programaren garapenean izandako gorabeherekin lotutako gaiak), sozialak (gizarteratze-mailaren azterketa), psikosozialak (ongizate emozionalean eta desgaitasuna duten pertsonen ahalduntzean eragiten duen modua) eta ekonomikoak (inbertsio publikoaren errentagarritasun ekonomikoa) jorratu dira. Ebaluazioak aukera eman du programak hasieran planteatutako helburuak lortzen zer neurritan lagundu duen aztertzeko eta ondorioztatzeko, bai eta desgaitasunaren arloko foru-politikak Desgaitasuna Duten Pertsonen Eskubideei buruzko Konbentzioaren eskakizunetara erabat egokitzeko hobekuntzaneurriak zehazteko ere.
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza
Independente Programaren
Ebaluazioaren emaitzak1
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena
Elkartu - Gipuzkoako Ezgaitasun Fisiko Duten Pertsonen Federazioa
Rakel Oion Encina
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
Elkartu - Gipuzkoako Ezgaitasun Fisiko Duten Pertsonen Federazioa
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
1 Edición en castellano: <>.
Gipuzkoan Bizimodu Independentearen
Programa onartu zenetik ia 20 urte igaro dira,
eta desgaitasunaren arloko arauen eta politiken
bilakaera kontuan hartuta, beharrezkotzat
jo da programa ebaluatzea. Horretarako,
alderdi orokorrak (parte-hartzaileen profilaren
ezaugarriak, sarbidearekin, parte-hartzearekin eta
Programaren garapenean izandako gorabeherekin
lotutako gaiak), sozialak (gizarteratze-mailaren
azterketa), psikosozialak (ongizate emozionalean
eta desgaitasuna duten pertsonen ahalduntzean
eragiten duen modua) eta ekonomikoak (inbertsio
publikoaren errentagarritasun ekonomikoa)
jorratu dira. Ebaluazioak aukera eman du
programak hasieran planteatutako helburuak
lortzen zer neurritan lagundu duen aztertzeko
eta ondorioztatzeko, bai eta desgaitasunaren
arloko foru-politikak Desgaitasuna Duten
Pertsonen Eskubideei buruzko Konbentzioaren
eskakizunetara erabat egokitzeko hobekuntza-
neurriak zehazteko ere.
Bizitza independentea, desgaitasuna, ebaluazioa,
politika publikoak, gizarte-inbertsioaren itzulera
Transcurridos prácticamente veinte años desde la
aprobación del Programa de Vida Independiente
en Gipuzkoa y teniendo en cuenta la evolución
de las normas y las políticas en materia de
discapacidad, se ha estimado necesario llevar
a cabo una evaluación de este. Para ello, se han
abordado aspectos generales (caracterización
del perfil de las personas participantes, así
como cuestiones vinculadas con su acceso, su
participación y las incidencias en el desarrollo
del programa), sociales (análisis del grado
de inclusión social), psicosociales (manera
en que incide en el bienestar emocional y
el empoderamiento de las personas con
discapacidad) y económicos (rentabilidad
económica de la inversión pública). La evaluación
ha permitido analizar y concluir en qué medida ha
contribuido el programa a alcanzar los objetivos
inicialmente planteados, así como determinar
las medidas de mejora correspondientes para
alinear plenamente las políticas forales en materia
de discapacidad con los requerimientos de la
Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas
con Discapacidad.
Palabras clave:
Vida independiente, discapacidad, evaluación,
políticas públicas, retorno social de la inversión
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
1. Sarrera
2 Elkartuk eta UPV/EHUk osatutako ikerketa-taldea hamahiru
pertsonak osatu dute: Elkar tuko bi, Mikel Malcorra eta Rosa Ugal-
de —UPV/EHUko irakasle elkar tua ere bada—, eta Euskal Herriko
Unibertsitateko hamaika, hiru fakultateri lotuta: Lan Harremanen eta
Gizarte Langintzaren Fakultatetik Rakel Oion, Amaia García, Amaia
Inza, Amaia Izaola, Ane Izaguirre, Psikologia Fakultatetik Eneko
Sansinenea, Ainize Sarrionandia, Iñaki García Fernández eta Luixa
Reizabal, eta Ekonomia eta Enpresa Fakultatetik Irati Labaien eta
Alberto Díaz de Junguitu. Akordioaren betearazpenaren jarraipena
egiteko, UPV/EHUren eta ikerketa-taldearen ordezkari gisa Soziolo-
gia eta Gizarte Lan Saileko Rakel Oion Encina aritu da, eta Elkartu-
ren ordezkari gisa Mikel Malcorra.
2. Bizitza independenterako eskubidea
Desgaitasuna Duten Pertsonen
Eskubideei buruzko Nazioarteko
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
3. Bizitza Independenterako Programa
4. Bizitza Independentearen
Programaren ebaluazioaren helburuak
eta esparruak
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
5. Bizitza Independente Programa
ebaluatzeko metodologia
et al.
et al.
social return on investment
6. Parte-hartzaileen profil
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
7. Programak gizarteratzean duen
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
Gipuzkoako desgaitasun fisikoa
duten pertsonen egoera eta beharrizanei buruzko
Espainiako bazterketari eta gizarte-garapenari
buruzko VIII. txostena 
et al.
8. Programak maila psikologikoan duen
et al.
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
et al.
et al.
9. Inbertsio ekonomikoari buruzko
programaren eragina
return on investment
et al.
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
Inbertsio publikoa (IP):
Itzulkina (I):
10. Bizimodu Independentearen
Programaren genero-eragina
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
11. Ebaluazioaren dimentsio
kualitatiboa: parte-hartzaileen
1. Koadroa. Parte-hartzaileek Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren Bizitza Independenterako Programari buruz egindako balorazioa
Barne-faktoreak Kanpo-faktoreak
INDARGUNEAK (gaitasunak)
AUKERAK (gizarte-sistemetan)
AHULEZIAK (zailtasunak edo arazoak)
MEHATXUAK (gizarte-arazoak)
Iturria: 
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
12. Emaitza nagusiak
2. Koadroa. Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren Bizitza Independenterako Programaren ebaluazioa
Barne-faktoreak Kanpo-faktoreak
INDARGUNEAK (gaitasunak)
AUKERAK (gizarte-sistemetan)
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
13. Ondorioak eta proposamenak
Barne-faktoreak Kanpo-faktoreak
AHULEZIAK (zailtasunak edo arazoak)
MEHATXUAK (gizarte-arazoak)
Iturria: 
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
1. 
2. 
3. 
4. 
5. 
6. 
7. 
8. 
9. 
10. 
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive
 
Voluntary Sector Review
for the Beck depression inventory II. Beck
depression inventory - second edition
Journal of Personality Assessment
desgaitasun fisikoa duten pertsonen egoeraren
eta beharren azterketa,
Euskal Herriko
Agintaritzaren Aldizkaria
VIII Informe sobre
exclusión y desarrollo social en España,
Aldizkari Ofiziala
Aldizkari Ofiziala
A user’s guide to
the general health questionnaire
Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology
Journal of
Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
 
Qual Life Outcomes
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiko Bizitza Independente Programaren Ebaluazioaren emaitzak
Mikel Malcorra Otxotorena • Rakel Oion Encina • Rosa Ugalde Urbistondo
Análisis Financiero
Economía social: valoración y medición de la
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Convención sobre los
Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y
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Cuadernos de Trabajo
mental health concepts, emerging evidence
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Journal of Personality and Social
The exploration of happiness
 
Psychology Report
Spanish Journal of Psychology,
Revista de Psicología General y AplicadaRevista
de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de
Journal of Adult Development
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EL DAFO o FODA es una herramienta de diagnóstico organizacional procedente del ámbito de las ciencias empresariales, aplicada al análisis de las empresas en el contexto de mercado. Su utilización se ha extendido en diversas disciplinas, incluyendo el trabajo social. Se emplea en el análisis situacional de grupos, colectivos, organizaciones, comunidades y realidades sociales más amplias, constituyendo una herramienta de diagnóstico social reconocida social y científicamente. Su aplicación se suele enseñar en el grado de trabajo social de manera acrítica y sin un cuestionamiento de su fundamento epistemológico, lo cual condiciona su aplicación metodológica. Teniendo como base el análisis de las Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas, Oportunidades, la herramienta cruza estas variables para desarrollar cuatro tipos de estrategias cuya enunciación parte de una visión economicista y violentológica, lejana de los principios del trabajo social y que, además, no se adecua a las funciones desempeñadas por la disciplina. Esta propuesta hace una revisión critica del DAFO y propone su adecuación a la disciplina y ejercicio del Trabajo Social. Para ello, se propone retomar el inicio del análisis por las potencialidades y, lo más importante, la readecuación de la definición del tipo de estrategias relacionando estas con las funciones del trabajo social, a saber: información promoción; prevención, sensibilización y mediación; atención integral y asistencia; y coordinación, evaluación y planificación.
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The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is a measure widely used to assess life satisfaction. This paper aims to test its psychometric properties, factor structure, and distribution scores across age, gender, education, and employment status. For this purpose, a representative sample of the Spanish population (N = 2,964) was used. Although analyses showed no significant differences across age or gender, participants with higher education level and those who held an occupation were more satisfied with their lives. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a unifactorial structure with significant correlations between the SWLS, and subjective happiness and social support. The internal consistency of the scale was .88. Thus, our results indicate that the Spanish version of the SWLS is a valid and reliable measure of life satisfaction within the Spanish context.
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Mental health has long been defined as the absence of psychopathologies, such as depression and anxiety. The absence of mental illness, however, is a minimal outcome from a psychological perspective on lifespan development. This article therefore focuses on mental illness as well as on three core components of positive mental health: feelings of happiness and satisfaction with life (emotional well-being), positive individual functioning in terms of self-realization (psychological well-being), and positive societal functioning in terms of being of social value (social well-being). The two continua model holds that mental illness and mental health are related but distinct dimensions. This model was studied on the basis of a cross-sectional representative internet survey of Dutch adults (N = 1,340; 18-87 years). Mental illness was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory and mental health with the Mental Health Continuum Short Form. It was found that older adults, except for the oldest-old, scored lower on psychopathological symptoms and were less likely to be mentally ill than younger adults. Although there were fewer age differences for mental health, older adults experienced more emotional, similar social and slightly lower psychological well-being. In sum, today's older adults have fewer mental illness problems, but they are not in a better positive mental health than today's younger adults. These findings support the validity of the two continua model in adult development.
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In an effort to strengthen conceptual foundations of eudaimonic well-being, key messages from Aristotle’s Nichomacean Ethics are revisited. Also examined are ideas about positive human functioning from existential and utilitarian philosophy as well as clinical, developmental, and humanistic psychology. How these perspectives were integrated to create a multidimensional model of psychological well-being [Ryff, C.D.: 1989a, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57(6), pp. 1069–1081] is described, and empirical evidence supporting the factorial validity of the model is briefly noted. Life course and socioeconomic correlates of well-being are examined to underscore the point that opportunities for eudaimonic well-being are not equally distributed. Biological correlates (cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, immune) of psychological well-being are also briefly noted as they suggest possible health benefits associated with living a life rich in purpose and meaning, continued growth, and quality ties to others. We conclude with future challenges in carrying the eudaimonic vision forward.
The concept of 'social return on investment' (SROI) has come to play an important role in debates about how social enterprises and charities conceptualise, measure and communicate their achievements. In this paper we analyse the nature and role of SROI as used in the United Kingdom for impact assessment of such organisations. The paper offers insight into methodological and procedural aspects of the framework. Key issues explored include the quantification of benefits, the valuing of volunteering and the ways in which judgement and discretion are exercised. There is a particular tension between the participatory element in the design of each SROI exercise and its use for the purpose of competition. The paper concludes by proposing a research agenda that includes an examination of the context in which discretion and judgement are applied and the use and usefulness of SROI in the new policy and funding environment in which third sector organisations currently find themselves.
This article reports the development and validation of a scale to measure global life satisfaction, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Among the various components of subjective well-being, the SWLS is narrowly focused to assess global life satisfaction and does not tap related constructs such as positive affect or loneliness. The SWLS is shown to have favorable psychometric properties, including high internal consistency and high temporal reliability. Scores on the SWLS correlate moderately to highly with other measures of subjective well-being, and correlate predictably with specific personality characteristics. It is noted that the SWLS is suited for use with different age groups, and other potential uses of the scale are discussed.
Background There have been several developments in research on emotional disorders in people with intellectual disability (ID). Although a large amount of work has been completed in mainstream clinical fields on the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Beck Depression Inventory– 2nd Edition (BDI-II), to date there has been little work completed on people with ID. Design This paper presents several analyses that provide information on the psychometric properties of the BAI and the BDI-II. Data on subsamples of the total cohort are also presented. Method Both assessments were appropriately revised for use with persons with ID and individually administered. A sample of 108 participants from inpatient and community settings completed the assessments. In supplementary analyses, several subsamples of anxiety referrals, depression referrals, sex offenders, other types of offenders, men and women are also presented. Results The joint factor analyses of the BAI and BDI-II revealed a two factor solution corresponding closely to a depression and anxiety factor. Results from further factor analyses independently demonstrated that the BAI had three factors corresponding to cognitive–subjective anxiety, somatic temperature and somatic balance symptoms. The BDI-II exhibited a three factor structure: cognitive self, cognitive-affective/loss of functioning and somatic symptoms. In the supplementary analyses anxiety referrals had significantly higher scores on the BAI, depression referrals higher scores on the BDI, sex offenders are significantly lower scores on both the BAI and BDI than other groups. Conclusion The factor structure of the BAI and BDI conforms specifically to those found in research with the general population. Result suggests that both assessments can be used reliably with individuals who have ID.
The state-of-the-art in cost-outcome analysis of assistive technology (AT) is first reviewed, and then the article focuses particularly on the cost aspects of such technology. It elaborates on the concept of 'social cost' as the main indicator of AT economic impact, and proposes methods to compare alternative AT solutions in terms of social cost. A specific instrument for social cost analysis--Siva Cost Assessment Instrument (SCAI)--was designed to help clinicians estimate the economic aspects of providing individual users with AT solutions. The use of the instrument involves: (1) a description of the objectives of the individual AT programme, (2) the establishment of the sequence and timing of all the interventions forming the programme, and (3) the compiling of a cost calculation table for each AT solution. Such a table distinguishes social costs (the sum of all material and human resources mobilised by the intervention) from the financial plan (the actual disbursement of money over time by involved actors). The SCAI tool is not intended as a decision-maker, it is just an informative instrument that, used during clinical assessment, makes clinicians and users aware of the economic consequences of their decisions. The article also explores the possibility of using SCAI to compare different individual AT programmes. Based on a survey of 31 individual AT programmes carried out over a number of years, a first attempt has been made to infer social cost indicators for various categories of AT equipment. The first clear finding is that--not surprisingly--most AT solutions, though very expensive in terms of initial purchase price, lead to considerable savings in social costs due to the reduced assistance burden. In some cases, the savings detected in social costs were in the range 150,000 euros over 5 years. The second major finding is the marked variation in the social costs of different individual cases where similar AT solutions were implemented, suggesting difficulty in establishing repeatable social cost figures for a given device: such figures also depend on the individual context of the implemented AT solution, and on its inter-relationship with the other AT solutions composing the whole programme.