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Abstract and Figures

Conservation is increasingly focused on preventing losses in species’ populations before they occur. Tracking changes in demographic parameters that can impact a population’s resilience in response to drivers of global change can support early conservation efforts. We assessed trends in population productivity (late summer juveniles per 100 females) relative to drivers of global change in 40 pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) herds across sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe in Wyoming. Pronghorn are an iconic rangeland species that have been exposed to increasing levels of anthropogenic, climatic, and land-use change. Using data collected across the state of Wyoming, we (1) assessed long-term trends in population productivity, (2) identified patterns in large-scale drivers of global change (i.e., climate, land cover change) across pronghorn habitat, and (3) determined the relationship between drivers of global change and population productivity over a 35-year (1984–2019) period. While Wyoming hosts some of the most abundant populations of pronghorn in North America that have been largely stable in recent years, we found many herds are experiencing long-term declines in productivity. Long-term declines in productivity were associated with increases in oil and gas development and woody encroachment. Although increasing across almost all herd units, woody vegetation cover remains at low levels, suggesting that pre-emptive management may help to prevent losses in pronghorn populations.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
Available online 15 February 2024
2351-9894/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Original research article
Declining pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) population
productivity caused by woody encroachment and oil and
gas development
Victoria M. Donovan
, Jeffrey L. Beck
, Carissa L. Wonkka
, Caleb P. Roberts
Craig R. Allen
, Dirac Twidwell
School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, West Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Milton, FL 32583, USA
Department of Agronomy & Horticulture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 66583-0915, USA
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, University of Wyoming, 1000 E University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, 1500 N Central Avenue,
Sidney, MT 59270, USA
Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arkansas, SCEN 522, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
University of Nebraska, School of Natural Resources, Lincoln, NE 68583-0961, USA
Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0961, USA
Antilocapra americana
Oil and gas
Population resilience
Tree encroachment
Woody encroachment
Conservation is increasingly focused on preventing losses in species populations before they
occur. Tracking changes in demographic parameters that can impact a populations resilience in
response to drivers of global change can support early conservation efforts. We assessed trends in
population productivity (late summer juveniles per 100 females) relative to drivers of global
change in 40 pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) herds across sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe in
Wyoming. Pronghorn are an iconic rangeland species that have been exposed to increasing levels
of anthropogenic, climatic, and land-use change. Using data collected across the state of
Wyoming, we (1) assessed long-term trends in population productivity, (2) identied patterns in
large-scale drivers of global change (i.e., climate, land cover change) across pronghorn habitat,
and (3) determined the relationship between drivers of global change and population productivity
over a 35-year (19842019) period. While Wyoming hosts some of the most abundant pop-
ulations of pronghorn in North America that have been largely stable in recent years, we found
many herds are experiencing long-term declines in productivity. Long-term declines in produc-
tivity were associated with increases in oil and gas development and woody encroachment.
Although increasing across almost all herd units, woody vegetation cover remains at low levels,
suggesting that pre-emptive management may help to prevent losses in pronghorn populations.
1. Introduction
Global species diversity continues to decline in response to factors such as anthropogenic development and resource use, changing
* Corresponding author at: School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, West Florida Research and Education Center, University of
Florida, Milton, FL 32583, USA.
E-mail address: victoria.donovan@u.edu (V.M. Donovan).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 11 December 2023; Received in revised form 9 February 2024; Accepted 13 February 2024
Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
climate, and biological invasions (Butchart et al., 2010; Pimm et al., 2014; Pimm and Raven, 2000). Conservation efforts often focus on
species that are most endangered or at risk, leading to a conservation triage approach to balance limited resources (Bottrill et al., 2008;
Gerber, 2016; McCarthy et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2010). However, it is often more economical and effective to focus on long-term
preventative conservation rather than short-term ‘crisis management to optimize conservation and keep common species common
(Joseph et al., 2009; Schneider et al., 2010; Wilson et al., 2011). Thus, there is a need to understand species responses to external
changes before drastic declines in populations occur (Capdevila et al., 2021, 2020).
Changes in demographic structure within a population are increasingly being recognised as an indicator of stress on populations in
response to global change (Capdevila et al., 2021, 2020). Environment-driven demographic rates such as reproduction and survival are
highly sensitive to environmental deterioration that can drive changes in populations (Drake and Griffen, 2010). For instance, Gas-
away et al., (1983) found that high juvenile mortality in moose (Alces alces) driven by wolf (Canis lupus) predation in Alaska helped to
sustain population declines initiated by hunting and severe winter, leading to heightened risk for species extirpation. Tracking trends
in components of population demographics can be used to signal potential changes in population resilience to disturbances within their
range (Clements and Ozgul, 2018).
Productivity, the number of surviving offspring produced during a given year, is highly responsive to environmental changes
(Britten et al., 2016; Gaillard et al., 1998). It can be one of the rst population parameters to indicate resource limitation (Bishop et al.,
2005; Eberhardt, 1977) and is sensitive to changes in predator abundance (Brown and Conover, 2011). Declines in population pro-
ductivity have been associated with lowered population resilience in a number of species (Fujiwara et al., 2014; Graham et al., 2007;
Kruszynski et al., 2021) and can lead to declines in population numbers, particularly when paired with disturbances that drive adult
mortality (Bender et al., 2013; Bonnot et al., 2017; Hatter and Janz, 1994). Because annual productivity tends to be easily quantied
compared to other demographic rates like survival, they can be used as a broad indicator of the impacts of changing environment on
populations (Gaillard et al., 1998).
We assessed long-term trends in productivity for pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) relative to drivers of global change across the
state of Wyoming. Pronghorn are an iconic species of western North American rangelands. The Wyoming Basin shrub steppe, one of the
most intact rangeland ecoregions on the planet (Scholtz and Twidwell, 2022), provides habitat to approximately half of the worldwide
pronghorn population (Yoakum and OGara, 2000). However, environmental stressors are increasing across the region. Oil and gas
development and associated roads and fencing have expanded rapidly in recent decades leading to loss and fragmentation of sagebrush
habitat (Finn and Knick, 2011; Walston et al., 2009). Neighbouring regions are experiencing rapid encroachment of woody species that
lead to the conversion of rangeland to woodland (Fogarty et al., 2020; Roberts et al., 2021; Twidwell et al., 2013) and invasion by
non-native annuals that can increase re frequency and damage some sagebrush ecosystems (Balch et al., 2013; Knapp, 1996). It is not
clear how rapid large-scale changes to pronghorn habitat (Allred et al., 2015; Christie et al., 2015; DAntonio and Vitousek, 1992;
Fogarty et al., 2020) are impacting population demographic trends across Wyoming.
We tracked long-term trends in productivity (juveniles per 100 females collected during late summer) in 40 pronghorn herds in
relation to vegetation change, climate, and anthropogenic development across their range. Low productivity in pronghorn can lead to
population decline, particularly when paired with disturbances that impact other vital rates like adult survival (Bender et al., 2013).
Pronghorn productivity is also highly sensitive to environmental change, with reproductive success tracking dietary income (Bar-
nowe-Meyer et al., 2011; Bender et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2009) and shifts in predation pressure (Brown and Conover, 2011). We use
almost 40 years of pronghorn herd productivity data within and surrounding the Wyoming Basin Shrub Steppe ecoregion in relation to
oil and gas well development, roads, re, annual forb and grass invasion, woody encroachment, and changing precipitation patterns to
evaluate (1) if and where there were long-term signals of declining pronghorn productivity, (2) where there were signals of long-term
change in pronghorn habitat associated with large-scale drivers of global change (climate, anthropogenic development, vegetation
change), and (3) what drivers of global change were associated with changes in pronghorn productivity. We predicted that large-scale
global change drivers have increasingly degraded pronghorn habitat during our study period, resulting in long-term declines in
pronghorn productivity.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study region
The state of Wyoming is an arid region surrounded by mountains in the west, south, and north and prairies to the north and east.
Elevations range from 940 to 4200 m. Annual average precipitation ranges from 160 mm to 762 mm (Frankson et al., 2017). The state
is dominated by the Wyoming Basin Steppe ecoregion (Dinerstein et al., 2017). Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp.) dominates the
Wyoming Basin Steppe rangelands while mixed grass prairie interspersed with sagebrush patches characterizes rangelands of
northeastern Wyoming. Large-scale energy and mineral development along with associated road networks, invasion of exotic annual
grasses, increasing wildre frequency and extent, conifer encroachment, and the conversion of sagebrush to grassland for grazing are
substantial threats to habitat across much of the region (Bradley, 2010; Finn and Knick, 2011). Pronghorn herds are distributed across
the majority of Wyoming, and represent >50% of the range-wide population (Yoakum and OGara, 2000). Wyomings pronghorn
population numbers have been largely stable in recent years, while harvest rates have declined (Jason Carlisle, Wyoming Game and
Fish Department, Personal Communication).
V.M. Donovan et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
2.2. Data collection and summary
We quantied pronghorn productivity by calculating annual ratios of juveniles to 100 females using data collected by the Wyoming
Game and Fish Department between 1984 and 2019. Data were collected across 40 herd units that spanned pronghorn range in
Wyoming using aerial and ground surveys following established routes within each herd unit (Emmerich et al., 2007; Grant Frost,
Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Personal Communication). Surveys were conducted in the late summer (typically August
131st) before hunting season. Females typically give birth during late May and early June, meaning juveniles are ~23 months old at
the time of surveys. Herd units were delineated by Wyoming Game and Fish Department based on geographic or man-made barriers
that restrict interchange among populations (Emmerich et al., 2007). In some cases, herds that were originally monitored separately
were aggregated to form one larger herd by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. In these instances, we took the average number
of juveniles per 100 females across both herd units before the time they were merged to obtain the longest possible data sets for each
We assessed large-scale changes in vegetation across each herd unit using annual, Landsat-derived, 30-m resolution percent cover
(19842019) and herbaceous biomass estimates (19862019) for multiple vegetation functional groups using the Rangeland Analysis
Platform (Jones et al., 2018). Within each herd unit we summarized tree cover, shrub cover, the cover and biomass of perennial and
annual forbs and grasses, and total herbaceous biomass inclusive of all herbaceous functional groups.
We assessed the impacts of climate on pronghorn productivity using changes in winter and spring precipitation. We evaluated
changes in annual winter and spring total precipitation per herd unit using PRISM 4-km resolution monthly precipitation data from
1984 to 2019 ( We dened winter from November-March (Reinking et al., 2019; Smith et al., 2020;
Taylor et al., 2016) and spring from April to June (Canon and Bryant, 1997; Collins, 2016) based on past assessments of pronghorn in
We quantied anthropogenic disturbance patterns by calculating the length of roads in Wyoming and the cumulative number of oil
and gas wells through time. We collected road data mapped across Wyoming in 2009 from the U.S. Geological Survey (ODonnell et al.,
2014). We calculated the total road length within each herd unit, and then standardised the measure by dividing it by total herd unit
area. While there was no temporal component to road data within Wyoming, we included this variable to indicate the general level of
fragmentation that occurred among herd units. We obtained oil and gas well data from 19802019 from the Wyoming Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission (Data) for each herd unit. We used spud date, the date when drilling activity began, to determine the year a
new well was added to each herd unit. If spud date was not available, we used the date of the rst completion report ling. We
calculated the cumulative number of oil and gas wells added each year from 1980 onward to determine the increase in oil well
development within each herd unit.
Wildres are increasing across the western and central U.S. (Dennison et al., 2014; Donovan et al., 2017) linked to changing climate
(Dennison et al., 2014; Westerling et al., 2006), shifting vegetation cover (Balch et al., 2013; Donovan et al., 2020c; Pilliod et al.,
2017), and anthropogenic ignitions (Balch et al., 2017). Thus, we also assessed the impacts of re on pronghorn by calculating the
annual total area burned within each herd unit using burn perimeters from 19842019 from the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
Database (MTBS Project, 2022).
Table 1
Environmental variables assessed across Wyoming and their predicted impacts on pronghorn.
Predicted Impact on
Perennial forbs and
Positive Pronghorn select for perennial forbs and grasses found in native rangelands (Jakes et al., 2020; Milligan
et al., 2021)
Shrubs Positive Pronghorn select for shrubs associated with sagebrush habitat (Christie et al., 2017; Smith et al., 2020).
Trees Negative Trees in rangeland systems are associated with woody encroachment and afforestation that can drive losses
in forage and rangeland habitat, eventually leading to a regime shift to an alternative woodland state (Coates
et al., 2017; Twidwell et al., 2013). In addition, trees decrease visibility, potentially increasing predation risk
(Goldsmith, 1990).
Annual forbs and
Negative Recent increases in annual forbs and grasses are generally associated with the large-scale invasion of non-
native species such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), which are degrading sagebrush habitat across much of
western North America (Balch et al., 2013; Mahood and Balch, 2019).
Winter precipitation Negative Winter precipitation is associated with snow cover and depth, which can decrease pronghorn mobility and
increase foraging energy expenditure leading to higher mortality (Barrett, 1982; Reinking et al., 2019; Smith
et al., 2020; Taylor et al., 2016).
Spring precipitation Positive Increased spring precipitation results in higher quality and quantity of forage and higher pronghorn densities
(Brown et al., 2006; Gedir et al., 2015)
Roads Negative Roads fragment habitat and facilitate movement of predators and hunters (Gamo et al., 2017; Hebblewhite
et al., 2009; Popp and Donovan, 2016; Seidler et al., 2015).
Oil and gas
Negative Oil and gas development is associated with habitat loss both directly and through fragmentation which can
lead to habitat abandonment and lower pronghorn abundance (Christie et al., 2015; Sawyer et al., 2019)
Fire Mixed Fires can degrade sagebrush habitat (Balch et al., 2013; Mahood and Balch, 2019); however, they also reduce
tree cover to restore rangeland habitat impacted by woody encroachment (Bielski et al., 2021; Donovan
et al., 2020b). Pronghorn have been shown to utilize recently burned areas (Augustine and Derner, 2015;
Courtney, 1989).
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2.3. Analysis
We assessed long-term trends in pronghorn productivity through time within each herd unit using Mann Kendall monotonic trend
tests (McLeod, 2011). Mann Kendall trend tests are non-parametric tests often used to detect signicant upward or downward trends in
long-term time series data. Numerous abiotic and biotic factors can inuence population demographics and these factors vary from one
population to the next, making it unlikely that there is a single unifying threshold in population productivity that can be used to
indicate when populations will experience declines in size. Instead, we used Mann Kendalls test statistic Tau, which focuses on
capturing patterning in data rather than specic threshold values (McLeod, 2011). Unlike slope, which is a measure of the magnitude
of decline or increase through time, Tau represents the degree to which a trend is monotonic, i.e., the degree with which it consistently
increases or decreases. Tau ranges from 1 to 1, where a greater positive Tau indicates a stronger positive monotonic trend (a value of
1 indicates a perfect positive monotonic trend), and a greater negative Tau indicates a stronger negative monotonic trend (a value of
1 indicates a perfect negative monotonic trend). We used Auto Correlation Function (ACF) plots to identify serial autocorrelation
within time series data. When autocorrelation was indicated, we used a block bootstrapping procedure and modied Mann Kendall
tests (modied to adjust of serial correlation) to improve signicance tests (McLeod, 2011; Patakamuri and OBrien, 2021). We
similarly used Mann Kendall trend tests to assess long-term trends in vegetation (perennial forb and grass cover and biomass, annual
forb and grass cover and biomass, tree cover, shrub cover), climate (spring precipitation, winter precipitation), and anthropogenic
disturbances (oil and gas wells) through time.
We modelled the responses of pronghorn productivity to the environment using two modelling approaches. First, we used linear
mixed effects models to determine the relationship between annual pronghorn productivity and annual variability in environmental
variables (Table 1; excluding roads), using herd unit as a random intercept (Pinheiro et al., 2021). Following the top-down strategy
recommended in Zuur et al., (2009), we used Akaikes Information Criterion adjusted for small sample sizes (AICc; Akaike, 1973) to
select among random intercept versus random intercept and slope models that contained our global model structure within the xed
component. A random intercept model was preferred over a random intercept and slope model. Second, we used linear models to
determine relationships between long-term trends in productivity in response to patterns in environmental variables over our study
period. The Tau of productivity, calculated from Mann Kendall monotonic trend tests, was used to represent long-term trends in
productivity for each herd unit (n=40). There were multiple instances where we had similar measures (e.g., perennial forb and grass
cover versus biomass) or, in the case of our long-term models, multiple long-term summary statistics for the same variable (Tau of tree
cover versus average tree cover of each herd unit). In such cases, we used AICc to determine which measure or summary statistic was
better at predicting our dependent variable (Appendix 1: Section S2). Preferred forms of each variable as indicated by AICc were
Table 2
Candidate models used to predict (1) the change in annual pronghorn juveniles per 100 females and (2) long-term trends in
pronghorn juveniles per 100 females represented by Tau, calculated using Mann Kendall monotonic trend tests.
Model Dependent Variables
Annual candidate models
1 ~1
2 ~Year
3 ~Year +Shrub cover
4 ~Year +Perennial forb and grass cover
5 ~Year +Herbaceous biomass +Spring precipitation
6 ~Year +Herbaceous biomass +Area burned +Spring precipitation
7 ~Year +Shrub cover +Annual forb and grass cover +Area burned
8 ~Year +Tree cover
9 ~Year +Oil and gas wells
10 ~Year +Winter precipitation
11 ~Year +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells
12 ~Year +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells +Winter precipitation
13 ~Year +Annual forb and grass cover +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells
14 ~Year +Shrub cover +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells
15 ~Year +Herbaceous biomass +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells
Long-term trend candidate models
1 ~1
2 Tau of shrub cover
3 Tau of perennial forb and grass biomass
4 Tau of herbaceous biomass +Average spring precipitation
5 Tau of herbaceous biomass +Tau of burned area +Average spring precipitation
6 Tau of shrub cover +Tau of annual forb and grass biomass +Tau of burned area
7 Tau of tree cover
8 Total oil and gas wells
9 Tau of winter precipitation
10 Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells
11 Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells +Road Density +Tau of winter precipitation
12 Tau of annual forb and grass biomass +Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells +Road Density
13 Tau of shrub cover +Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells
14 Tau of herbaceous biomass +Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells
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included within our models (Table 2). Because biomass data started in 1986, modeled data spanned 19862019.
Using a multi-model inference approach, we generated candidate model sets composed of variables that we predicted would
positively impact pronghorn productivity (e.g., shrubs, spring precipitation), variables we predicted would negatively impact
pronghorn productivity (e.g., trees, oil and gas well development), and a combination of the two (Tables 1, 2). Year was also included
in models as a discrete numeric variable. We screened independent variables for collinearity by using pairwise correlations. When
variables had a Pearsons correlation coefcient >0.65, we did not include them within the same candidate model. We used global
models to test for violation of model assumptions before candidate model sets were input into AICc to determine the most parsimo-
nious model (Burnham and Anderson, 2002). Burnham and Anderson, (2002) suggest that models with a ΔAICc <2 have substantial
support. When multiple models fell within this range, we classied them as our condence set, and applied model averaging using the
zero average method to determine model averaged coefcients that could be used to predict the relationships between pronghorn
productivity and patterns in environmental change (Barton, 2020; Burnham and Anderson, 2002; Grueber et al., 2011). We completed
all analyses using R software v. 4.0.4 (R Core Team, 2021).
3. Results
3.1. Patterns in pronghorn productivity
Pronghorn productivity declined signicantly across 43% (17 of 40) of pronghorn herds in Wyoming between 1984 and 2019
(Fig. 1b; Appendix 1: Tables S11; Appendix 1: Figs. S31). Average juveniles per 100 females ranged from 40 ±12 SD (Badger Basin
Herd Unit 207) to 83 ±11 SD (Crazy Woman Herd Unit 318; Fig. 1a). Declines in productivity were not limited to populations with low
overall productivity numbers. Populations with some of the greatest average productivity over our study period also experienced
strong declines in productivity (Fig. 1).
3.2. Patterns in global change drivers
All herd units experienced signicant increases in one or more drivers of global change identied as threats to pronghorn pop-
ulations during our study period. Woody encroachment, annual forb and grass invasion, and oil and gas wells all signicantly increased
across the majority of herd units in Wyoming (Table 3; Fig. 2; Appendix 1: Tables S12). Seventy percent (28 of 40) of herd units had
signicant positive monotonic trends in tree cover (Fig. 2; Appendix 1: Tables S12), though there was high variation in tree cover
across herds, ranging from an average of less than 1% in Pumpkin Buttes (Herd Unit 309) to 18% ±4 SD in Elk Mountain (Herd Unit
528). Annual forb and grass cover (ranging from an average of 3% ±0.7 SD in the Red Desert [Herd Unit 615] to 15% ±5 SD cover in
Leiter [Herd Unit 321]) signicantly increased across 58% of herd units, while annual forb and grass biomass (ranging from an average
Fig. 1. Maps of Wyoming, USA pronghorn herd units colour coded to represent (a) the average number of juveniles per 100 females and (b)
signicant monotonic trends in juveniles per 100 females, from 19842019. Monotonic trends are represented by a Tau value (ranging from 1 to
1), calculated using Mann-Kendall monotonic trend tests. Numbers in each polygon represent herd unit number used by the Wyoming Game and
Fish Department.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
of 11 kg/ha ±3 SD Wind River to 206 kg/ha ±121 SD in Leiter) signicantly increased across 90% of herd units (Fig. 2; Appendix 1:
Tables S12). Oil and gas well numbers increased across all herd units except two, where no oil and gas wells were recorded (Big Creek
[Herd Unit 529] and North Ferris [Herd Unit 636]; Fig. 2). The greatest average.
number of wells was in the Pumpkin Buttes Herd Unit (6283 ±5186 SD wells). Annual total winter precipitation also increased to a
small extent over our study period, but only in 3 herd units at the center of the state (averages ranging from 3667 mm ±1316 SD in
Chalk Bluffs [Herd Unit 520] to 309,387 mm ±84,508 SD in Sublette [Herd Unit 401]; Fig. 2).
Although global change threats to pronghorn were increasing across the majority of herd units, perennial forb and grass cover
(averages ranging from 19% ±3 SD in Bitter Creek [Herd Unit 414] to 61% ±6 SD in Chalk Bluffs) and shrub cover (averages ranging
from 6% ±2 SD in Chalk Bluffs to 24% ±2 SD in Carter Lease [Herd Unit 419]), important components of pronghorn habitat,
remained relatively stable and only declined in a few herd units (5 and 1 herd unit respectively; Fig. 2). Perennial forb and grass
biomass signicantly increased in 3 herd units (averages ranging from 218 kg/ha ±46 SD in Bitter Creek to 1254 kg/ha±180 SD in
Beckton [Herd Unit 355]) and herbaceous biomass signicantly increased across 63% of herd units (averages ranging from 218 kg/ha
±59 SD in Bitter Creek to 1311 kg/ha ±131 SD in Beckton; Fig. 2). No herd units demonstrated declines in herbaceous biomass or
perennial forb and grass biomass. Increases in total spring precipitation did not align strongly with increases in herbaceous and
perennial forb and grass biomass and only signicantly increased in 4 herd units (averages ranging from 6857 mm ±2429 SD in Big
Creek to 211,564 mm ±71,047 SD in Sublette; Fig. 2).
The annual total area burned by re, which was predicted to have both positive (reduce trees, increase perennial forb and grass
cover and biomass) and negative (reduce shrubs, increase annual forb and grass cover and biomass) impacts on pronghorn, signi-
cantly increased in 4 herd units (Appendix 1: Figure S2-13). A signicant increase in burned area in the Wind River herd unit aligned
with the only herd unit that demonstrated a signicant decline in tree cover (Fig. 2). There were several herd units that did not
experience any re over our study period, while the Sublette herd unit had the greatest average annual burned area at 3623.42 ha ±
6097 SD.
3.3. Drivers of global change impact on pronghorn productivity
The most parsimonious model for annual changes in productivity was the model containing shrub cover and year (Tables 2 and 4).
Model coefcients indicated that approximately every 4 years, the number of juveniles per 100 females decreased by 1 over our study
period (estimate = 0.28, SE =0.04, p <0.01; Fig. 3; Appendix 1: S41). There was a positive relationship between productivity and
shrub cover, where with every 1% increase in shrub cover within a herd unit, the number of juveniles per 100 females increased by 1
(estimate =1.05, SE =0.21, p <0.01; Fig. 3). Shrub cover did not change drastically across most herd units (Fig. 2), and thus, could not
explain long-term trends in declining pronghorn productivity we observed.
Model selection among candidate models tracking long-term productivity trends across herds indicated that the cumulative
number of oil and gas wells within herd units was the best predictor of declining productivity. However, two additional models fell
within 2 AIC of the top model: one including the cumulative number of oil and gas wells and the Tau of tree cover, and the other
containing the cumulative number of oil and gas wells, the Tau of tree cover, and the Tau of total herbaceous biomass (Table 4). More
consistent declines in productivity through time were associated with a greater cumulative number of oil and gas wells within a herd
unit (estimate = 1.83×10
, SE =8.28×10
, p =0.03) and greater tree cover (estimate = 0.08, SE =0.09, p =0.40; Fig. 4). This
aligns with increases in oil and gas development and tree cover recorded across several herds in the Wyoming Basin Steppe (Fig. 2). In
contrast, more consistent increases in productivity through time were associated with increased herbaceous.
biomass within herd units (estimate =0.08, SE =0.19, p =0.68; Fig. 4), again aligned with increases in herbaceous biomass
identied across herd units (Fig. 2).
Table 3
A summary of trends in productivity (juveniles per 100 females), environmental variables predicted to have positive or negative outcomes for
pronghorn across 40 herd units in Wyoming, USA, as indicated by Mann Kendall monotonic trend tests.
Variable Percent increasing Percent decreasing Percent signicantly increasing Percent signicantly decreasing
Productivity 20 80 0 42.5
Variables predicted to have negative outcomes
Annual forb and grass cover 92.5 7.5 57.5 0
Annual forb and grass biomass 100 0 90 0
Tree cover 90 10 70 2.5
Winter precipitation 82.5 17.5 7.5 0
Oil and gas wells 95 NA 95 NA
Variables predicted to have positive outcomes
Perennial forb and grass cover 60 40 7.5 12.5
Perennial forb and grass biomass 90 10 27.5 0
Shrub cover 52.5 47.5 5 2.5
Herbaceous biomass 95 5 25 0
Spring precipitation 100 0 10 0
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Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
4. Discussion
Pronghorn productivity is declining in the center of their distribution in response to large-scale drivers of global change. While the
Wyoming Basin is viewed as a stronghold for pronghorn populations, increasing oil and gas development and tree encroachment may
Fig. 2. The strength of signicant temporal trends in climate, vegetation, and anthropogenic change variables within pronghorn herd units in
Wyoming, USA between 1984 and 2019 (19862019 for biomass data) as indicated by Tau (ranging from 1 to 1) from Mann Kendall monotonic
trend tests. Signicant trends in environmental variables that were predicted to positively impact pronghorn within each herd unit are coloured in
blue, while signicant trends predicted to negatively impact pronghorn within each herd unit are coloured in red. Darkening colour indicates a
greater positive or negative Tau value. Herd units with non-signicant trends are coloured grey.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
be increasing pronghorn population susceptibility to decline. Increases in pronghorn productivity are associated with higher shrub
cover and long-term increases in herbaceous biomass, suggesting that declines in rangeland habitat quality associated with oil and gas
development and tree encroachment (e.g., Avirmed et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2000) are helping to drive long-term losses in pronghorn
productivity. This follows trends of declining pronghorn productivity found across a number of jurisdictions in past research, suggested
to be in part, due to density-dependent responses related to decreased forage conditions and habitat fragmentation in pronghorn
habitat (Jones and Yoakum, 2010).
We found that both tree cover and oil and gas development have increased substantially across most herd units in Wyoming over
the last ~40 years. Wyoming ranked eighth nationally in crude oil production in the U.S. in 2020 and saw natural gas production
increase 7-fold from 1978 to its peak in 2010 (Wyoming State Geological Survey, 2021). Expansive increases in oil and gas devel-
opment are a well-known threat to rangeland ecosystems in Wyoming, driving declines in iconic rangeland species like the greater
sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; Gregory and Beck, 2014; Hess and Beck, 2012). For pronghorn, fragmentation caused by oil
and gas development has been suggested to drive declines in population productivity by increasing pronghorn numbers within smaller,
more isolated patches of habitat (Jones and Yoakum, 2010). In contrast, tree encroachment is not a widely recognised threat to
Wyoming sagebrush ecosystems. This may be tied to relatively low levels of tree encroachment in the state; we identied a maximum
average tree cover of 18% within herd units. However, low levels of tree encroachment have been shown to have drastic impacts on
sagebrush-dependent wildlife. For instance, pinyon-juniper cover as low as 25 trees per ha has been shown to cause greater
Table 4
The top 5 AIC model rankings for annual models, used to assess relationships between annual pronghorn herd unit productivity (juveniles per 100
females) and annual variability in environmental variables, and for long-term trend models, used to assess the relationship between the Tau of
productivity through time and patterns in environmental variables in Wyoming, USA. Annual models were linear mixed effects models with herd unit
as the random effect while long-term models were linear models. Tau values used in long-term models ranged from 1 to 1 and are calculated using
Mann Kendall monotonic trend tests.
Model Df LogL AICc ΔAICc Weight
Annual models
~Year +Shrub cover 5 -4867.99 9746.03 0.00 0.93
~Year +Shrub cover +Annual forb and grass cover +Area burned 8 -4868.56 9751.22 5.19 0.07
~Year +Shrub cover +Tree cover +Oil and gas wells 7 -4871.37 9756.84 10.80 0.00
~Year +Tree cover 7 -4871.37 9763.20 17.17 0.00
~Year 5 -4876.58 9766.32 20.29 0.00
Long-term trend models
~Total oil and gas wells 3 16.40 -26.14 0 0.21
~Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells 4 17.61 -26.07 0.07 0.20
~Tau of herbaceous biomass +Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells 5 18.47 -25.18 0.96 0.13
~ Tau of shrub cover +Tau of annual forb and grass biomass +Tau of burned area 4 16.54 -23.93 2.21 0.07
~Tau of shrub cover +Tau of tree cover +Total oil and gas wells 5 17.74 -23.71 2.43 0.06
Fig. 3. Predicted relationships in annual changes in productivity (juveniles per 100 females) relative to (a) shrub cover and (b) year in Wyoming,
USA. Shaded area represents 95% condence intervals. Grey points represent raw data.
V.M. Donovan et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
sage-grouse to abandon otherwise suitable habitat (Baruch-Mordo et al., 2013; Coates et al., 2017). Low levels of tree cover may drive
declines in pronghorn productivity through increased predation rates by providing cover for predators (Goldsmith, 1990). Moreover,
tree cover can drive loss of forage associated with sagebrush and grassland cover (Bielski et al., 2021; Miller et al., 2000) and drive
behavioural avoidance (Milligan et al., 2021; Reinking et al., 2018; Sawyer et al., 2019).
Our results contribute to the overwhelming evidence that early management of invading trees within sagebrush habitat will help to
protect iconic rangeland species like pronghorn. Conifer encroachment has already been recognised as a threat within sagebrush
ecosystems (Maestas et al., 2021; NRCS, 2021). The impacts of conifer encroachment rapidly increase as tree cover increases (Roberts
et al., 2018). Preventative management and management applied in the early phases of encroachment is thus the most impactful and
cost-effective approach. Manual removal of trees in early stages of invasion along with infrequent moderate intensity res have been
recommended in recent management frameworks for controlling conifer encroachment (Maestas et al., 2021; NRCS, 2021).
Other drivers of global change viewed as threats to pronghorn, including non-native annual grass invasions, wildre, roads, and
increased winter precipitation, were not prominent drivers of long-term declines in pronghorn productivity. Annual forb and grass
biomass and cover were relatively low across herd units. Wildres were similarly only increasing in a few herd units. It is possible that
cheatgrass is not yet well enough established across the region for the re-annual invasion cycle to have strong impacts on pronghorns
sagebrush habitat (Balch et al., 2013; DAntonio and Vitousek, 1992). However, the re-invasive annual grass cycle prominent in the
Great Basin where perennial grasses are less adapted to re has not been shown to occur in the western Great Plains (Archer et al.,
2023; Porensky and Blumenthal, 2016). Roads were also not found to have a signicant impact on pronghorn productivity. This may
be an artifact of our data set, as time-series data for road cover were not available at the time of our study. However, the impacts of oil
and gas development likely indirectly represent road development impacts on pronghorn. In addition to fencing, each well pad is
associated with on average 2 km of roads (BLM, 2003) which can fragment pronghorn habitat and increase access for hunters and
predators (Gamo et al., 2017; Jakes et al., 2020). Predation was not directly included in our assessment due to data limitations
associated with large spatial and temporal scales of our analysis, but likely plays an important role in population dynamics through
both direct and indirect effects on adult and juvenile survival (Gosselin et al., 2015; Hatter and Janz, 1994). Predators are often a
leading proximate cause of fawn mortality in pronghorn (Barrett, 1982; Beale and Smith, 1973; Linnell et al., 1995; Panting et al.,
2021). However, because maternal nutritional status and body mass index for fawns typically determine the fate of a fawn regardless of
proximate cause of mortality (Panting et al., 2021), links to predation and fawn mortality are likely partially captured by the
large-scale changes in habitat quality we assessed. We did not assess hunting pressure in our models. In Wyoming, over 15,000 adult
female pronghorn were harvested in 2018 alone (Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 2022). However, annual harvest quotas are
dictated by annual fawn:doe ratios from the previous year and thus are not independent from pronghorn productivity (Christie et al.,
Because roads, along with drivers of global change like winter precipitation (associated with snow cover) commonly impact
pronghorn movement and migration patterns (Jacques et al., 2009; White et al., 2007), it is possible that these factors are more likely
to directly impact immigration patterns among populations than population productivity. Assessing combined patterns in immigration
and productivity would likely better indicate the impacts of drivers of global change on pronghorn populations. However, assessments
of immigration are notoriously difcult. Assessing immigration requires exhaustive population monitoring to quantify movements to
and from a population, which are rare (Millon et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2002). While dispersal can be tracked using telemetry
movement data, large-mammal movement data are often collected over 23-year time scales and on a small subset of a population (e.g.
Reinking et al., 2019; Taylor et al., 2016). Low delity to winter seasonal ranges also makes immigration challenging to track for
pronghorn (Morrison et al., 2021). Increases in the number of collared individuals and the longevity of movement studies may allow
Fig. 4. Predicted relationships for the top three models predicting long-term trends in productivity (juveniles per 100 females) relative to (a) the
number of oil and gas wells, (b) change in tree cover (Tau), and (c) the change in herbaceous biomass (Tau) from model averaged coefcients (black
solid line). Grey shaded area represents a 95% condence interval. Grey points represent the raw data distribution.
V.M. Donovan et al.
Global Ecology and Conservation 50 (2024) e02848
for better assessments of changing immigration patterns to determine the cumulative impacts of drivers of global change on population
resilience. Alternatively, genetic assessments of gene ow, which have been used to assess connectivity among pronghorn populations,
could be used to determine relationships between drivers of global change and pronghorn immigration (LaCava et al., 2020). This
becomes increasingly important as large declines in habitat connectivity are predicted for pronghorn over the next century (Zeller
et al., 2021). Our assessment should assist managers in identifying where these more detailed assessments are needed in Wyoming.
Focusing research on assessing changing population demographics in species experiencing shifting conditions from drivers of
global change may help support preventative conservation for more effective long-term conservation outcomes and decrease the need
for short-term reactive approaches (Wilson et al., 2011). Population monitoring efforts in recent decades have generated large amounts
of population-level data that span multiple jurisdictions, providing readily available information that can be used to help identify the
impacts of drivers of global change on populations across regions. Our results can be used to target populations for smaller-scale
population modelling to generate population-level management approaches. Because of the larger ranges associated with big game
species, management focused on these species may help apportion protection to other smaller ranging species at risk (Branton and
Richardson, 2011; Caro, 2003; Tack et al., 2019), though outcomes can be species- and scale-dependent (e.g., Carlisle et al., 2018).
Large-scale population data sets that occur across multiple jurisdictions like those utilised in this study allow us to track trends that
may not be detectable from a more local perspective (e.g., Donovan, Roberts, et al., 2020a) and assess the impacts of drivers of global
change that function well beyond the local scale (e.g. Johnson et al., 2017). Such research is fundamental for keeping common species
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Twidwell Dirac: Writing review & editing, Conceptualization. Allen Craig R.: Writing review & editing, Writing original
draft, Conceptualization. Roberts Caleb P.: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft, Methodology, Conceptualization.
Wonkka Carissa L.: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft, Methodology, Conceptualization. Beck Jeffrey L.: Writing
review & editing, Writing original draft, Conceptualization. Donovan Victoria M.: Writing review & editing, Writing original
draft, Visualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Conceptualization.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
Data Availability
Data will be made available on request.
Our work was supported by the University of Nebraskas Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the University of Wyoming,
the University of Florida IFAS, the US Department of AgricultureNational Institute of Food and Agriculture award
20196801229819, and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission through cooperative agreement 143404HQRU1567. We thank the
Wyoming Game and Fish Department for collecting and sharing their pronghorn population data sets, with special thanks to Tod
Larson and Grant Frost who compiled and explained the data. Any use of trade, rm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only
and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Open research statement
Data will be provided upon acceptance of the manuscript. The authors need to conrm data sharing policies for the data provided
by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Data will be permanently archived with Dryad.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02848.
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For nearly a century, invasive annual grasses have increasingly impacted terrestrial ecosystems across the western United States. Weather variability associated with climate change and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are making even more difficult the challenges of managing invasive annual grasses. As part of a special issue on climate change impacts on soil and water conservation, the topic of invasive annual grasses is being addressed by scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service to emphasize the need for additional research and future studies that build on current knowledge and account for (extreme) changes in abiotic and biotic conditions. Much research has focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying annual grass invasion, as well as assessing patterns and responses from a wide range of disturbances and management approaches. Weather extremes and the increasing occurrences of wildfire are contributing to the complexity of the problem. In broad terms, invasive annual grass management, including restoration, must be proactive to consider human values and ecosystem resiliency. Models capable of synthesizing vast amounts of diverse information are necessary for creating trajectories that could result in the establishment of perennial systems. Organization and collaboration are needed across the research community and with land managers to strategically develop and implement practices that limit invasive annual grasses. In the future, research will need to address invasive annual grasses in an adaptive integrated weed management (AIWM) framework that utilizes models and accounts for climate change that is resulting in altered/new approaches to management and restoration.
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Modifiedmk package enables to work with several versions of Modified Mann-Kendall tests.
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Grasslands are the most threatened and least protected biome. Yet, no study has been conducted to identify the last remaining continuous grasslands on Earth. Here, we used World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifications to measure the degree of intactness remaining for the world's grassland ecoregions. This analysis revealed three findings of critical conservation importance. First, only a few large, intact grasslands remain. Second, every continent with a grassland ecoregion considered in this study contains at least one relatively intact grassland ecoregion. Third, the largest remaining continuous grasslands identified in this analysis have persisted despite last centuries anthropogenic pressures and have the best chance to withstand 21st century pressures of global change. We discuss how these regions are of critical conservation importance to global grassland conservation efforts under anthropogenically driven global change. They provide essential ecosystem services, play an important role in mitigating the effects of climate change, serve as critical repositories for grassland biodiversity, are foundational for continental migration pathways, hold unique cultural heritage, and people's livelihoods depend upon their persistence. Most of the world’s temperate grasslands are fragmented today. However, some have managed to withstand anthropogenic forces of the 21st century and remain intact. They provide essential ecosystem services, serve as critical repositories for grassland biodiversity, and are essential for continental migration pathways.
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In the face of climate change, wind energy represents an important alternative to oil and gas extraction to meet increasing energy demands, but it has the potential to disrupt wildlife populations. Because behavioral adjustments, such as altered habitat selection, are a primary way that long‐lived species respond to novel disturbances, we evaluated effects of wind energy development on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) space use and habitat selection. Using data from GPS‐collared female pronghorn in the Shirley Basin of south‐central Wyoming, USA, we tested four potential effects of wind turbines on pronghorn space use during the summer and winter: (1) displacement away from wind turbines, (2) increase in size of home ranges, (3) short‐term avoidance behavior within home ranges, and (4) changes in avoidance behavior within home ranges over time. We monitored 166 individuals over five summers (2010, 2011, 2018, 2019, and 2020) and 142 individuals over five winters (2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020) and used resource selection functions to evaluate selection relative to turbines after controlling for other habitat factors, such as snow depth. Although a lack of consistent negative effects of wind turbines on pronghorn across years suggested that wind energy development may have less severe and more intermittent effects on pronghorn than oil and gas development has had on other ungulates, there was a trend toward increased displacement during the study and behavioral avoidance was apparent for individuals in close proximity to turbines. However, pronghorn were highly variable in their fine‐scale habitat selection, across both individuals and years, which could make effects of wind energy development difficult to detect. Nevertheless, some individuals, particularly those close to wind‐energy facilities, did avoid turbines, which could translate to population‐level behavioral or demographic changes over time and affect the resilience and stability of the population. Over time, the accumulation of development, including wind turbines, roads, and fences, can both limit movement and fragment habitat, potentially reaching a critical threshold beyond which populations are negatively impacted.
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Large numbers of bats are killed by wind turbines globally, yet the specific demographic consequences of wind turbine mortality are still unclear. In this study, we compared characteristics of Nathusius' pipistrelles (Pipistrellus nathusii) killed at wind turbines (N = 119) to those observed within the live population (N = 524) during the summer migration period in Germany. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects modeling to identify demographic groups most vulnerable to wind turbine mortality, including sex (female or male), age (adult or juvenile), and geographic origin (regional or long‐distance migrant; depicted by fur stable hydrogen isotope ratios). Juveniles contributed with a higher proportion of carcasses at wind turbines than expected given their frequency in the live population suggesting that juvenile bats may be particularly vulnerable to wind turbine mortality. This effect varied with wind turbine density. Specifically, at low wind turbine densities, representing mostly inland areas with water bodies and forests where Nathusius' pipistrelles breed, juveniles were found more often dead beneath turbines than expected based on their abundance in the live population. At high wind turbine densities, representing mostly coastal areas where Nathusius' pipistrelles migrate, adults and juveniles were equally vulnerable. We found no evidence of increased vulnerability to wind turbines in either sex, yet we observed a higher proportion of females than males among both carcasses and the live population, which may reflect a female bias in the live population most likely caused by females migrating from their northeastern breeding areas migrating into Germany. A high mortality of females is conservation concern for this migratory bat species because it affects the annual reproduction rate of populations. A distant origin did not influence the likelihood of getting killed at wind turbines. A disproportionately high vulnerability of juveniles to wind turbine mortality may reduce juvenile recruitment, which may limit the resilience of Nathusius' pipistrelles to environmental stressors such as climate change or habitat loss. Schemes to mitigate wind turbine mortality, such as elevated cut‐in speeds, should be implemented throughout Europe to prevent population declines of Nathusius' pipistrelles and other migratory bats.
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Maintaining the resilience of natural populations, their ability to resist and recover from disturbance, is crucial to prevent biodiversity loss. However, the lack of appropriate data and quantitative tools has hampered our understanding of the factors determining resilience on a global scale. Here, we quantified the temporal trends of two key components of resilience—resistance and recovery—in >2000 population time‐series of >1000 vertebrate species globally. We show that the number of threats to which a population is exposed is the main driver of resilience decline in vertebrate populations. Such declines are driven by a non‐uniform loss of different components of resilience (i.e. resistance and recovery). Increased anthropogenic threats accelerating resilience loss through a decline in the recovery ability—but not resistance—of vertebrate populations. These findings suggest we may be underestimating the impacts of global change, highlighting the need to account for the multiple components of resilience in global biodiversity assessments. The resilience of vertebrate populations is declining worldwide. Multiple threats are accelerating this loss of resilience.
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In this era of global environmental change and rapid regime shifts, managing core areas that species require to survive and persist is a grand challenge for conservation. Wildlife monitoring data are often limited or local in scale. The emerging ability to map and track spatial regimes (i.e., the spatial manifestation of state transitions) using advanced geospatial vegetation data has the potential to provide earlier warnings of habitat loss because many species of conservation concern strongly avoid spatial regime boundaries. Using 23 yr of data for the lek locations of Greater Prairie‐Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido; GPC) in a remnant grassland ecosystem, we demonstrate how mapping changes in the boundaries between grassland and woodland spatial regimes provide a spatially explicit early warning signal for habitat loss for an iconic and vulnerable grassland‐obligate known to be highly sensitive to woody plant encroachment. We tested whether a newly proposed metric for the quantification of spatial regimes captured well‐known responses of GPC to woody plant expansion into grasslands. Resource selection functions showed that the grass:woody spatial regime boundary strength explained the probability of 80% of relative lek occurrence, and GPC strongly avoided grass:woody spatial regime boundaries at broad scales. Both findings are consistent with well‐known expectations derived from GPC ecology. These results provide strong evidence for vegetation‐derived delineations of spatial regimes to serve as generalized signals of early warning for state transitions that have major consequences to biodiversity conservation. Mapping spatial regime boundaries over time provided interpretable early warnings of habitat loss. Woody plant regimes displaced grassland regimes starting from the edges of the study area and constricting inward. Correspondingly, the relative probability of lek occurrence constricted in space. Similarly, the temporal trajectory of spatial regime boundary strength increased over time and moved closer to the observed limit of GPC lek site usage relative to grass:woody boundary strength. These novel spatial metrics allow managers to rapidly screen for early warning signals of spatial regime shifts and adapt management practices to defend and grow habitat cores at broad scales.
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Aims In the sagebrush ecosystems of the western United States, identifying and enhancing habitat for large ungulates has become an increased priority for many management agencies, as indicated by Department of Interior Secretarial Order 3362. Estimating and understanding current and future habitat suitability and connectivity is important for successful long-term management of these species. Location Great Basin ecoregion, western USA. Methods We focussed on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in the Great Basin ecoregion and used a variety of data sources (GPS telemetry, aerial surveys, observation locations) to develop multi-scale ensemble habitat suitability models for the current and two future time steps (years 2050 and 2070). We also developed dynamic resistant kernels to model pronghorn connectivity. We combined the habitat suitability and connectivity outputs to derive and quantify changes in pronghorn habitat networks through time as well as identify areas that are resilient to climate and land use change. Results We observed a 33.4% decline in highly suitable pronghorn habitat by 2070, assuming a high carbon emission scenario. Patches of suitable habitat reduced in number and size, whilst the distance amongst patches increased, indicating elevated importance of connectivity for pronghorn in the future. Future connectivity decreased to a greater degree than habitat suitability (47.2%–80.0%, depending on the pronghorn movement threshold used). We also found highly suitable habitat (70%) to be more resilient to climate change than areas of connectivity (10%–15%). Main conclusions Our results show a loss of high-quality pronghorn habitat and areas of connectivity with projected climate change. Connectivity was more sensitive than habitat, indicating connectivity may become a limiting factor for pronghorn populations in the Great Basin. These results can help managers prioritize resource investments and conservation efforts in areas most likely to be successful towards long-term pronghorn conservation.
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While the tendency to return to previously visited locations—termed ‘site fidelity’—is common in animals, the cause of this behaviour is not well understood. One hypothesis is that site fidelity is shaped by an animal's environment, such that animals living in landscapes with predictable resources have stronger site fidelity. Site fidelity may also be conditional on the success of animals’ recent visits to that location, and it may become stronger with age as the animal accumulates experience in their landscape. Finally, differences between species, such as the way memory shapes site attractiveness, may interact with environmental drivers to modulate the strength of site fidelity. We compared inter‐year site fidelity in 669 individuals across eight ungulate species fitted with GPS collars and occupying a range of environmental conditions in North America and Africa. We used a distance‐based index of site fidelity and tested hypothesized drivers of site fidelity using linear mixed effects models, while accounting for variation in annual range size. Mule deer Odocoileus hemionus and moose Alces alces exhibited relatively strong site fidelity, while wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus and barren‐ground caribou Rangifer tarandus granti had relatively weak fidelity. Site fidelity was strongest in predictable landscapes where vegetative greening occurred at regular intervals over time (i.e. high temporal contingency). Species differed in their response to spatial heterogeneity in greenness (i.e. spatial constancy). Site fidelity varied seasonally in some species, but remained constant over time in others. Elk employed a ‘win‐stay, lose‐switch’ strategy, in which successful resource tracking in the springtime resulted in strong site fidelity the following spring. Site fidelity did not vary with age in any species tested. Our results provide support for the environmental hypothesis, particularly that regularity in vegetative phenology shapes the strength of site fidelity at the inter‐annual scale. Large unexplained differences in site fidelity suggest that other factors, possibly species‐specific differences in attraction to known sites, contribute to variation in the expression of this behaviour. Understanding drivers of variation in site fidelity across groups of organisms living in different environments provides important behavioural context for predicting how animals will respond to environmental change.
A key pursuit in contemporary ecology is to differentiate regime shifts that are truly irreversible from those that are hysteretic. Many ecological regime shifts have been labeled as irreversible without exploring the full range of variability in stabilizing feedbacks that have the potential to drive an ecological regime shift back towards a desirable ecological regime. Removing fire from grasslands can drive a regime shift to juniper woodlands that cannot be reversed using typical fire frequency and intensity thresholds, and has thus been considered irreversible. This study uses a unique, long-term experimental fire landscape co-dominated by grassland and closed-canopy juniper woodland to determine whether extreme fire can shift a juniper woodland regime back to grassland dominance using aboveground herbaceous biomass as an indicator of regime identity. We use a space-for-time substitute to quantify herbaceous biomass following extreme fire in juniper woodland up to 15 years post-fire and compare these with (i) 15 years of adjacent grassland recovery post-fire, (ii) unburned closed-canopy juniper woodland reference sites and (iii) unburned grassland reference sites. Our results show grassland dominance rapidly emerges following fires that operate above typical fire intensity thresholds, indicating that grassland-juniper woodlands regimes are hysteretic rather than irreversible. One year following fire, total herbaceous biomass in burned juniper stands was comparable to grasslands sites, having increased from 5 ± 3 g m⁻² to 142 ± 42 g m⁻² (+2785 ± 812 percent). Herbaceous dominance in juniper stands continued to persist 15-years after initial treatment, reaching a maximum of 337 ± 42 g m⁻² eight years post-fire. In juniper encroached grasslands, fires that operate above typical fire intensity thresholds can provide an effective method to reverse juniper woodland regime shifts. This has major implications for regions where juniper encroachment threatens rancher-based economies and grassland biodiversity and provides an example of how to operationalize resilience theory to disentangle irreversible thresholds from hysteretic system behavior.