
Locally Abstract, Globally Concrete Semantics of Concurrent Programming Languages

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Formal, mathematically rigorous programming language semantics are the essential prerequisite for the design of logics and calculi that permit automated reasoning about concurrent programs. We propose a novel modular semantics designed to align smoothly with program logics used in deductive verification and formal specification of concurrent programs. Our semantics separates local evaluation of expressions and statements performed in an abstract, symbolic environment from their composition into global computations, at which point they are concretised. This makes incremental addition of new language concepts possible, without the need to revise the framework. The basis is a generalisation of the notion of a program trace as a sequence of evolving states that we enrich with event descriptors and trailing continuation markers. This allows to postpone scheduling constraints from the level of local evaluation to the global composition stage, where well-formedness predicates over the event structure declaratively characterise a wide range of concurrency models. We also illustrate how a sound program logic and calculus can be defined for this semantics.

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... In consequence, an adequate semantics evaluates locally each different kind of statement s and puts r into a continuation. Such a local, trace-based semantic framework was suggested in [14,15]-here, we specialize it to sequential programs with recursive procedures. ...
... We provide an LAGC-style [14,15] trace semantics for the sequential language with recursive procedures whose grammar is shown in Fig. 1. ...
... Process logic [23] and interval temporal logic [22] feature the chop operator, which was taken up by Nakata & Uustalu [37], who used infinite symbolic traces to characterize non-terminating loops. These were extended to a rich dynamic logic [8] and equipped with events and a local trace semantics [15]. ...
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Contracts specifying a procedure’s behavior in terms of pre- and postconditions are essential for scalable software verification, but cannot express any constraints on the events occurring during execution of the procedure. This necessitates to annotate code with intermediate assertions, preventing full specification abstraction. We propose a logic over symbolic traces able to specify recursive procedures in a mod- ular manner that refers to specified programs only in terms of events. We also provide a deduction system based on symbolic execution and induction that we prove to be sound relative to a trace semantics. Our work generalizes contract-based to trace-based deductive verification by extending the notion of state-based contracts to trace-based contracts.
... Since the deduction rules resemble symbolic execution of a program s; s ′ , where s is the leading statement and s ′ the remaining code, an adequate semantics is defined locally for each kind of statement s and continuation s ′ . A general local, trace-based semantic framework was suggested in [8,9]-here, we specialize it to sequential programs with recursive procedures. ...
... We provide a LAGC-style [8,9] trace semantics for a sequential language with recursive procedures. Its grammar is shown in Fig. 1. ...
... Process logic [16] and interval temporal logic [15] feature the chop operator, which was taken up by Nakata & Uustalu [29], who used infinite symbolic traces to characterize non-terminating loops. These were extended to a rich dynamic logic [6] and equipped with events and a local trace semantics [9]. ...
Contracts specifying a procedure's behavior in terms of pre- and postconditions are essential for scalable software verification, but cannot express any constraints on the events occurring during execution of the procedure. This necessitates to annotate code with intermediate assertions, preventing full specification abstraction. We propose a logic over symbolic traces able to specify recursive procedures in a modular manner that refers to specified programs only in terms of events. We also provide a deduction system based on symbolic execution and induction that we prove to be sound relative to a trace semantics. Our work generalizes contract-based to trace-based deductive verification.
... SQL telah naik menjadi bahasa terpopuler ketiga di kalangan pengembang, menurut Stack Overflow. Seperti Java, ia memiliki sintaksis yang mudah diakses namun intuitif dan digunakan di mana pun database dikelola [18], [19], [20]. ...
Perubahan dalam dunia pendidikan sangat signifikan, apalagi pada saat artificial intelligence (AI) sudah berkembang dengan cepat dan menyebar hampir di seluruh dunia. Fungsinya sangat menarik dan AI digunakan secara praktis. Di sisi lain, kebutuhan peningkatkan kompetensi sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat terutama pada siswa sekolah dasar, dimana sejak kecil, mereka akan mendapatkan bimbingan dan pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan programming sehingga akan siap dalam menghadapi globalisasi. Masalah seperti belum tersedianya infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia akan dapat diatasi dengan menyediakan tempat untuk melatih mereka dan melakukan training kepada guru, sehingga guru juga akan siap dalam melanjutkan pengajarannya kepada siswa sekolah dasar. Pengabdian ini akan berfokus untuk memberikan pelatihan game design kepada siswa sekolah dasar agar mereka mampu belajar programming dengan cara yang menarik, yaitu melalui game. Hal ini akan menghasilkan sebuah game yang sederhana tetapi akan sangat membantu siswa sekolah dasar untuk dapat belajar programming secara menarik dan memotivasi mereka untuk dapat mencintai pelajaran programming. Lebih jauh lagi, hal ini juga akan dapat meningkatkan daya kreativitas dan inovasi mereka terhadap teknologi, sehingga akan dihasilkan sumber daya manusia digital yang siap menghadapi era globalisasi 2045
... ABS uses a Locally Abstract, Globally Concrete (LAGC) trace semantics [17] as its formal foundation. LAGC semantics allow one to give simpler soundness arguments for program logics, than SOS semantics. ...
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We present a novel and well automatable approach to formal verification of programs with underspecified semantics, i.e., a language semantics that leaves open the order of certain evaluations. First, we reduce this problem to non-determinism of distributed systems, automatically extracting a distributed Active Object model from underspecified, sequential C code. This translation process provides a fully formal semantics for the considered C subset. In the extracted model every non-deterministic choice corresponds to one possible evaluation order. This step also automatically translates specifications in the ANSI/ISO C Specification Language (ACSL) into method contracts and object invariants for Active Objects. We then perform verification on the specified Active Objects model. For this we have implemented a theorem prover Crowbar based on the Behavioral Program Logic (BPL), which verifies the extracted model with respect to the translated specification and ensures the original property of the C code for all possible evaluation orders. By using model extraction, we can use standard tools, without designing a new complex program logic to deal with underspecification. The case study used is highly underspecified and cannot be verified with existing tools for C.
... We use a locally abstract, globally concrete (LAGC) semantics [16] for CAO. A LAGC semantics consists of two layers: A locally abstract (LA) layer for statements and methods, and a globally concrete (GC) layer for objects and systems. ...
We present Behavioral Program Logic (BPL), a dynamic logic for trace properties that incorporates concepts from behavioral types and allows reasoning about non-functional properties within a sequent calculus. BPL uses behavioral modalities [s |- {\tau} ], to verify statements s against behavioral specifications {\tau}. Behavioral specifications generalize postconditions and behavioral types. They can be used to specify other static analyses, e.g., data flow analyses. This enables deductive reasoning about the results of multiple analyses on the same program, potentially implemented in different formalisms. Our calculus for BPL verifies the behavioral specification gradually, as common for behavioral types. This vastly simplifies specification, calculus and composition of local results. We present a sequent calculus for object-oriented actors with futures that integrates a pointer analysis and bridges the gap between behavioral types and deductive verification. This technical report introduces (1) complete LAGC semantics of a Core Active Object language (CAO) without continuations (2) Behavioral Program Logic and (3) gives an example for a behavioral type expressed in Behavioral Program Logic, method types. This report contains the soundness proofs for method types. While the semantics cover CAO with suspension, the method types do not, to simplify the presentation.
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Contracts specifying a procedure’s behavior in terms of pre- and postconditions are essential for scalable software verification, but cannot express any constraints on the events occurring during execution of the procedure. This necessitates to annotate code with intermediate assertions, preventing full specification abstraction. We propose a logic over symbolic traces able to specify recursive procedures in a mod- ular manner that refers to specified programs only in terms of events. We also provide a deduction system based on symbolic execution and induction that we prove to be sound relative to a trace semantics. Our work generalizes contract-based to trace-based deductive verification by extending the notion of state-based contracts to trace-based contracts.
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Choreographic programming is a paradigm for writing coordination plans for distributed systems from a global point of view, from which correct-by-construction decentralised implementations can be generated automatically. Theory of choreographies typically includes a number of complex results that are proved by structural induction. The high number of cases and the subtle details in some of these proofs has led to important errors being found in published works. In this work, we formalise the theory of a choreographic programming language in Coq. Our development includes the basic properties of this language, a proof of its Turing completeness, a compilation procedure to a process language, and an operational characterisation of the correctness of this procedure. Our formalisation experience illustrates the benefits of using a theorem prover: we get both an additional degree of confidence from the mechanised proof, and a significant simplification of the underlying theory. Our results offer a foundation for the future formal development of choreographic languages.
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Formal specification of multi-threaded programs is notoriously hard, because thread execution may be preempted at any point. In contrast, abstract concurrency models such as actors seriously restrict concurrency to obtain race-free programs. Languages with cooperative scheduling occupy a middle ground between these extremes by explicit scheduling points. We introduce cooperative contracts, a contract-based specification approach designed for cooperative scheduling. It permits to specify complex concurrent behavior succinctly. Cooperative contracts are formalized as behavioral contracts in a compositional behavioral program logic in which they can be formally verified.
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Interaction trees (ITrees) are a general-purpose data structure for representing the behaviors of recursive programs that interact with their environments. A coinductive variant of “free monads,” ITrees are built out of uninterpreted events and their continuations. They support compositional construction of interpreters from event handlers, which give meaning to events by defining their semantics as monadic actions. ITrees are expressive enough to represent impure and potentially nonterminating, mutually recursive computations, while admitting a rich equational theory of equivalence up to weak bisimulation. In contrast to other approaches such as relationally specified operational semantics, ITrees are executable via code extraction, making them suitable for debugging, testing, and implementing software artifacts that are amenable to formal verification. We have implemented ITrees and their associated theory as a Coq library, mechanizing classic domain- and category-theoretic results about program semantics, iteration, monadic structures, and equational reasoning. Although the internals of the library rely heavily on coinductive proofs, the interface hides these details so that clients can use and reason about ITrees without explicit use of Coq’s coinduction tactics. To showcase the utility of our theory, we prove the termination-sensitive correctness of a compiler from a simple imperative source language to an assembly-like target whose meanings are given in an ITree-based denotational semantics. Unlike previous results using operational techniques, our bisimulation proof follows straightforwardly by structural induction and elementary rewriting via an equational theory of combinators for control-flow graphs.
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A recent trend in programming language research is to use behavioral type theory to ensure various correctness properties of largescale, communication-intensive systems. Behavioral types encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. The successful application of behavioral types requires a solid understanding of several practical aspects, from their representation in a concrete programming language, to their integration with other programming constructs such as methods and functions, to design and monitoring methodologies that take behaviors into account. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of these aspects, which we summarize as the pragmatics of behavioral types.
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Distributed and concurrent object-oriented systems are difficult to analyze due to the complexity of their concurrency, communication, and synchronization mechanisms. The future mechanism extends the traditional method call communication model by facilitating sharing of references to futures. By assigning method call result values to futures, third party objects may pick up these values. This may reduce the time spent waiting for replies in a distributed environment. However, futures add a level of complexity to program analysis, as the program semantics becomes more involved. This paper presents a model for asynchronously communicating objects, where return values from method calls are handled by futures. The model facilitates invariant specifications over the locally visible communication history of each object. Compositional reasoning is supported and proved sound, as each object may be specified and verified independently of its environment. A kernel object-oriented language with futures inspired by the ABS modeling language is considered. A compositional proof system for this language is presented, formulated within dynamic logic.
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The complexity of satisfiability and determination of truth in a particular finite structure are considered for different propositional linear temporal logics. It is shown that these problems are NP-complete for the logic with F and are PSPACE-complete for the logics with F, X, with U, with U, S, X operators and for the extended logic with regular operators given by Wolper.
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We report on the formal proof of a microkernel’s key property, namely that its multi-priority process scheduler guarantees progress, i.e., strong fairness. The proof architecture links a layer of behavioral reasoning over system-trace sets with a concrete, fairly realistic implementation written in C. Our microkernel provides an infrastructure for memory virtualization, for communication with hardware devices, for processes (represented as a sequence of assembly instructions, which are executed concurrently over an underlying, formally defined processor), and for inter-process communication (IPC) via synchronous message passing. The kernel establishes process switches according to IPCs and timer-events; the scheduling of process switches, however, follows a hierarchy of priorities, favoring, e.g., system processes over application processes over maintenance processes. Besides the quite substantial models developed in Isabelle/HOL and the formal clarification of their relationship, we provide a detailed analysis what formal requirements a microkernel imposes on the key ingredients (hardware, timers, machine-dependent code) in order to establish the correct operation of the overall system. On the methodological side, we show how early modeling with foresight to the later verification has substantially helped our project. KeywordsMicrokernel-Formal verification-Interactive theorem proving-Isabelle/HOL
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These notes give an overview of the main frameworks that have been developed for specifying the formal semantics of programming languages. Some of the pragmatic aspects of semantic descriptions are discussed, including modularity, and potential applicability to visual and modelling languages. References to the literature provide starting points for further study.
This paper introduces ctrees, a monad for modeling nondeterministic, recursive, and impure programs in Coq. Inspired by Xia et al.'s itrees, this novel data structure embeds computations into coinductive trees with three kind of nodes: external events, and two variants of nondeterministic branching. This apparent redundancy allows us to provide shallow embedding of denotational models with internal choice in the style of CCS, while recovering an inductive LTS view of the computation. ctrees inherit a vast collection of bisimulation and refinement tools, with respect to which we establish a rich equational theory. We connect ctrees to the itree infrastructure by showing how a monad morphism embedding the former into the latter permits to use ctrees to implement nondeterministic effects. We demonstrate the utility of ctrees by using them to model concurrency semantics in two case studies: CCS and cooperative multithreading.
Choreographic programming is a paradigm for writing coordination plans for distributed systems from a global point of view, from which correct-by-construction decentralised implementations can be generated automatically. Theory of choreographies typically includes a number of complex results that are proved by structural induction. The high number of cases and the subtle details in some of these proofs has led to important errors being found in published works. In this work, we formalise the theory of a choreographic programming language in Coq. Our development includes the basic properties of this language, a proof of its Turing completeness, a compilation procedure to a process language, and an operational characterisation of the correctness of this procedure. Our formalisation experience illustrates the benefits of using a theorem prover: we get both an additional degree of confidence from the mechanised proof, and a significant simplification of the underlying theory. Our results offer a foundation for the future formal development of choreographic languages.
Active objects provide a powerful conceptual model of distributed systems. This paper presents an extension of a locally abstract, globally concrete trace semantics of an active object language with time and resources. The proposed extension keeps the flexibility of the framework in which abstract traces are generated, one rule per each syntactic construct of the language, to later be composed in a concrete global context where symbolic values are resolved. The paper also includes a running example to show how abstract and concrete traces are constructed.
We present Pirouette, a language for typed higher-order functional choreographic programming. Pirouette offers programmers the ability to write a centralized functional program and compile it via endpoint projection into programs for each node in a distributed system. Moreover, Pirouette is defined generically over a (local) language of messages, and lifts guarantees about the message type system to its own. Message type soundness also guarantees deadlock freedom. All of our results are verified in Coq.
In our earlier work we presented a method for formal verification of concurrent Java programs based on Dynamic Logic and symbolic permissions. Embedded within the explicit dynamic frames method realised through JML⁎ specifications, permissions to heap locations and the actual heap location values are tracked separately and require two independent and often overlapping frame specifications. This is in contrast to well established Separation Logic and sibling frameworks, where program frames are inferred from permission annotations that already provide implicit framing information.
We propose the trace modality, a concept to uniformly express a wide range of program verification problems. To demonstrate its usefulness, we formalize several program verification problems in it: Functional Verification, Information Flow Analysis, Temporal Model Checking, Program Synthesis, Correct Compilation, and Program Evolution. To reason about the trace modality, we translate programs and specifications to regular symbolic traces and construct simulation relations on first-order symbolic automata. The idea with this uniform representation is that it helps to identify synergy potential—theoretically and practically—between so far separate verification approaches.
Deductive software verification aims at formally verifying that all possible behaviors of a given program satisfy formally defined, possibly complex properties, where the verification process is based on logical inference. We follow the trajectory of the field from its inception in the late 1960s via its current state to its promises for the future, from pen-and-paper proofs for programs written in small, idealized languages to highly automated proofs of complex library or system code written in mainstream languages. We take stock of the state-of-art and give a list of the most important challenges for the further development of the field of deductive software verification.
We present Behavioral Program Logic (BPL), a dynamic logic for trace properties that incorporates concepts from behavioral types and allows reasoning about non-functional properties within a sequent calculus. BPL uses behavioral modalities, to verify statements against behavioral specifications. Behavioral specifications generalize postconditions and behavioral types. They can be used to specify other static analyses, e.g., data flow analyses. This enables deductive reasoning about the results of multiple analyses on the same program, potentially implemented in different formalisms. Our calculus for BPL verifies the behavioral specification gradually, as common for behavioral types. This vastly simplifies specification, calculus and composition of local results. We present a sequent calculus for object-oriented actors with futures that integrates a pointer analysis and bridges the gap between behavioral types and deductive verification.
This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to Dynamic Logic. Among the many approaches to formal reasoning about programs, Dynamic Logic enjoys the singular advantage of being strongly related to classical logic. Its variants constitute natural generalizations and extensions of classical formalisms. For example, Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL) can be described as a blend of three complementary classical ingredients: propositional calculus, modal logic, and the algebra of regular events. In First-Order Dynamic Logic (DL), the propositional calculus is replaced by classical first-order predicate calculus. Dynamic Logic is a system of remarkable unity that is theoretically rich as well as of practical value. It can be used for formalizing correctness specifications and proving rigorously that those specifications are met by a particular program. Other uses include determining the equivalence of programs, comparing the expressive power of various programming constructs, and synthesizing programs from specifications. This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to Dynamic Logic. It is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the appropriate fundamental concepts of logic and computability theory and can stand alone as an introduction to these topics. The second part discusses PDL and its variants, and the third part discusses DL and its variants. Examples are provided throughout, and exercises and a short historical section are included at the end of each chapter.
Static analysis of software with deductive methods is a highly dynamic field of research on the verge of becoming a mainstream technology in software engineering. It consists of a large portfolio of - mostly fully automated - analyses: formal verification, test generation, security analysis, visualization, and debugging. All of them are realized in the state-of-art deductive verification framework KeY. This book is the definitive guide to KeY that lets you explore the full potential of deductive software verification in practice. It contains the complete theory behind KeY for active researchers who want to understand it in depth or use it in their own work. But the book also features fully self-contained chapters on the Java Modeling Language and on Using KeY that require nothing else than familiarity with Java. All other chapters are accessible for graduate students (M.Sc. level and beyond).< < The KeY framework is free and open software, downloadable from the book companion website which contains also all code examples mentioned in this book.
We propose two abstract semantics of the global view of choreographies given in terms of partial orders. The first semantics is formalised as pomsets of communication events while the second one is based on hypergraphs of events. These semantics can accommodate different levels of abstractions. We discuss the adequacy of our models by considering their relation with communicating machines, that we use to formalise the local view. Our approach increases expressiveness and allows us to overcome some limitations that affect alternative semantics of global views. This will be illustrated by discussing some interesting examples. Finally, we show that the two semantics are equivalent and have different merits. More precisely, the semantics based on pomsets yields a more elegant presentation, but it is less suitable for implementation. The semantics based on hypergraphs instead is amenable to a straightforward implementation.
Conference Paper
Language semantics that is formal and mathematically precise, is the essential prerequisite for the design of logics and calculi that permit automated reasoning about programs. The most popular approach to programming language semantics—small step operational semantics (SOS)—is not modular in the sense that it does not separate conceptual layers in the target language. SOS is also hard to relate formally to program logics and calculi. Minimalist semantic formalisms, such as automata, Petri nets, or π\pi -calculus are inadequate for rich programming languages. We propose a new formal trace semantics for a concurrent, active objects language. It is designed with the explicit aim of being compatible with a sequent calculus for a program logic and has a strong model theoretic flavor. Our semantics separates sequential and object-local from concurrent computation: the former yields abstract traces which in a second stage are combined into global system behavior.
Formal system development with KIV / M. Balser ... - In: Fundamental approaches to software engineering : third international conference, FASE 2000, held as part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25 - April 2, proceedings / Tom Maibaum (ed.). - Berlin u. a. : Springer, 2000. - S. 363-366. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 1783)
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Dynamic Logic with Traces and Coinduction is a new program logic that has an explicit syntactic representation of both programs and their traces. This allows to prove properties involving programs as well as traces. Moreover, we use a coinductive semantics which makes it possible to reason about non-terminating programs and infinite traces, such as controllers and servers. We develop a sound sequent calculus for our logic that realizes symbolic execution of the programs under verification. The calculus has been developed with the goal of automation in mind. One of the novelties of the calculus is a coinductive invariant rule for while loops that is able to prove termination as well as non-termination.
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Fractional Permissions are a popular approach to reasoning about programs that use shared-memory concurrency, because they provide a way of proving data race freedom while permitting concurrent read access. However, specification using fractional permissions typically requires the user to pick concrete mathematical values for partial permissions, making specifications overly low-level, tedious to write, and harder to adapt and re-use. This paper introduces abstract read permissions: a flexible and expressive specification methodology that supports fractional permissions while allowing the user to work at the abstract level of read and write permissions. The methodology is flexible, modular, and sound. It has been implemented in the verification tool Chalice.
ABS (for abstract behavioral specification) is a novel language for modeling feature-rich, distributed, object-oriented systems at an abstract, yet precise level. ABS has a clear and simple concurrency model that permits synchronous as well as actor-style asynchronous communication. ABS abstracts away from specific datatype or I/O implementations, but is a fully executable language and has code generators for Java, Scala, and Maude. ABS goes beyond conventional programming languages in two important aspects: first, it embeds architectural concepts such as components or feature hierarchies and allows to connect features with their implementation in terms of product families. In contrast to standard OO languages, code reuse in ABS is feature-based instead of inheritance-based. Second, ABS has a formal semantics and has been designed with formal analyzability in mind. This paper gives a tutorial introduction to ABS. We discuss all important design features, explain why they are present and how they are intended to be used.
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We present KeY-ABS, a tool for deductive verification of concurrent and distributed programs written in ABS. KeY-ABS allows to verify data dependent and history-based functional properties of ABS models. In this paper we give a glimpse of system workflow, tool architecture, and the usage of KeY-ABS. In addition, we briefly present the syntax, semantics and calculus of KeY-ABS Dynamic Logic (ABSDL). The system is available for download.
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The ABS modelling language targets concurrent and distributed object-oriented systems. The language has been designed to enable scalable formal verification of detailed executable models. This paper provides evidence for that claim: it gives formal specifications of safety properties in terms of histories of observable communication for ABS models as well as formal proofs of those properties. We illustrate our approach with a case study of a Network-on-Chip packet switching platform. We provide an executable formal model in ABS of a generic m × n mesh chip with an unbounded number of packets and verify several crucial properties. Our concern is formal verification of unbounded concurrent systems. In this paper we show how scalable verification can be achieved by compositional and local reasoning about history-based specifications of observable behavior.
This paper presents a short introduction to automatic code-driven test generation using symbolic execution. It discusses some key technical challenges, solutions and milestones, but is not an exhaustive survey of this research area.
Software components are a valuable programming abstraction that enables a compositional design of complex applications. In distributed systems, components can also be used to provide an abstraction of locations: each component is a unit of deployment that can be placed on a di fferent machine. In this article, we consider this kind of distributed components that are additionally loosely coupled and communicate by asynchronous invocations. Components also provide a convenient abstraction for verifying the correct behaviour of systems: they provide structuring entities easing the correctness veri fication. This article aims at providing a formal background for the generation of behavioural semantics for asynchronous components. We use the pNet intermediate language to express the semantics of hierarchical distributed components communicating asynchronously by a request-reply mechanism. We also formalise two crucial aspects of distributed components: recon figuration and one-to-many communications. This article both demonstrates the expressiveness of the pNet model and formally speci fies the complete process of the generation of a behavioural model for a distributed component system. The behavioural models we build are precise enough to allow veri fication by finite instantiation and model-checking, but also to use veri fication techniques for infi nite systems.
Specifying the functional behaviour of a concurrent program can often be quite troublesome: it is hard to provide a stable method contract that can not be invalidated by other threads. In this paper we propose a novel modular technique for specifying and verifying behavioural properties in concurrent programs. Our approach uses history-based specifications. A history is a process algebra term built of actions, where each action represents an update over a heap location. Instead of describing the object's precise state, a method contract may describe the method's behaviour in terms of actions recorded in the history. The client class can later use the history to reason about the concrete state of the object. Our approach allows providing simple and intuitive specifications, while the logic is a simple extension of permission-based separation logic.
Distributed and concurrent object-oriented systems are difficult to analyze due to the complexity of their concurrency, communication, and synchronization mechanisms. Rather than performing analysis at the level of code in, e.g., Java or C++, we consider the analysis of such systems at the level of an abstract, executable modeling language. This language, based on concurrent objects communicating by asynchronous method calls, avoids some difficul-ties of mainstream object-oriented programming languages related to compositionality and aliasing. To facilitate system analysis, compositional verification systems are needed, which allow components to be analyzed independently of their environment. In this paper, a proof system for partial correctness reasoning is established based on communication histories and class invariants. A particular feature of our approach is that the alphabets of different objects are completely disjoint. Compared to related work, this allows the formulation of a much simpler Hoare-style proof system and reduces reasoning complexity by significantly simplifying formulas in terms of the number of needed quantifiers. The soundness and rel-ative completeness of this proof system are shown using a transformational approach from a sequential language with a non-deterministic assignment operator.
Software today is often developed for many deployment scenarios; the software may be adapted to sequential, concurrent, distributed, and even virtualized architectures. Since software performance can vary significantly depending on the target architecture, design decisions need to address which features to include and what performance to expect for different architectures. To make use of formal methods for these design decisions, system models need to range over deployment scenarios. For this purpose, it is desirable to lift aspects of low-level deployment to the abstraction level of the modeling language. This paper proposes an integration of deployment architectures in the Real-Time ABS language, with restrictions on processing resources. Real-Time ABS is a timed, abstract and behavioral specification language with a formal semantics and a Java-like syntax, that targets concurrent, distributed and object-oriented systems. A separation of concerns between execution cost at the object level and execution capacity at the deployment level makes it easy to compare the timing and performance of different deployment scenarios already during modeling. The language and associated simulation tool is demonstrated on examples and its semantics is formalized.
Distributed and concurrent object-oriented systems are difficult to analyze due to the complexity of their concurrency, communication, and synchronization mechanisms. We consider the setting of concurrent objects communicating by asynchronous method calls. The future mechanism extends the traditional method call communication model by facilitating sharing of references to futures. By assigning method call result values to futures, third party objects may pick up these values. This may reduce the time spent waiting for replies in a distributed environment. However, futures add a level of complexity to program analysis, as the program semantics becomes more involved. This paper presents a Hoare style reasoning system for distributed objects based on a general concurrency and communication model focusing on asynchronous method calls and futures. The model facilitates invariant specifications over the locally visible communication history of each object. Compositional reasoning is supported, and each object may be specified and verified independently of its environment. The presented reasoning system is proven sound and (relatively) complete with respect to the given operational semantics.
Conference Paper
Dynamic logic is an established instrument for program verification and for reasoning about the semantics of programs and programming languages. In this paper, we define an extension of dynamic logic, called Dynamic Trace Logic (DTL), which combines the expressiveness of program logics such as dynamic logic with that of temporal logic. And we present a sound and relatively complete sequent calculus for proving validity of DTL formulae. Due to its expressiveness, DTL can serve as a basis for proving functional and information-flow properties in concurrent programs, among other applications.
Traduction en chinois parue en 2010. Tsinghua University Press. ISBN 9787302208136
We present a semantics, calculus, and system for compositional verification of Creol, an object-oriented modeling language for concurrent distributed applications. The system is an instance of KeY, a framework for object-oriented software verification, which has so far been applied foremost to sequential Java. Build-ing on KeY characteristic concepts, like dynamic logic, sequent calculus, symbolic execution via explicit substitutions, and the taclet rule language, the presented system addresses functional correctness of Creol models featuring local cooperative thread parallelism and global communication via asynchronous method calls. The calculus heavily operates on communication histories specified by the interfaces of Creol units. Two example scenarios demonstrate the usage of the system. This article is an extended version of [5].
We present an interval-based temporal logic that permits the rigorous specification of a variety of hardware components and facilitates proving properties such as correctness of implementation. Conceptual levels of circuit operation ranging from detailed quantitative timing and signal propagation up to functional behavior are integrated in a unified way. After giving some motivation for reasoning about hardware, we present the propositional and first-order syntax and semantics of the temporal logic. In addition we illustrate techniques for describing signal transitions as well as for formally specifying and comparing a number of delay models. Throughout the discussion, the formalism provides a means for examining such concepts as device equivalence and internal states.
This paper provides a fully abstract semantics for a variant of the concurrent object calculus. We define may testing for concurrent object components and then characterise it using a trace semantics inspired by UML interaction diagrams. The main result of this paper is to show that the trace semantics is fully abstract for may testing. This is the first such result for a concurrent object language.
We present a trace semantics for a language of parallel programs which share access to mutable data. We introduce a resource-sensitive logic for partial correctness, based on a recent proposal of O’Hearn, adapting separation logic to the concurrent setting. The logic allows proofs of parallel programs in which “ownership” of critical data, such as the right to access, update or deallocate a pointer, is transferred dynamically between concurrent processes. We prove soundness of the logic, using a novel “local” interpretation of traces which allows accurate reasoning about ownership. We show that every provable program is race-free.
The syntactic theories of control and state are conservative extensions of the λυ-calculus for equational reasoning about imperative programming facilities in higher-order languages. Unlike the simple λυ-calculus, the extended theories are mixtures of equivalence relations and compatible congruence relations on the term language, which significantly complicates the reasoning process. In this paper we develop fully compatible equational theories of the same imperative higher-order programming languages. The new theories subsume the original calculi of control and state and satisfy the usual Church–Rosser and Standardization Theorems. With the new calculi, equational reasoning about imperative programs becomes as simple as reasoning about functional programs.
Modular SOS (MSOS) is a variant of conventional Structural Operational Semantics (SOS). Using MSOS, the transition rules for each construct of a programming language can be given incrementally, once and for all, and do not need reformulation when further constructs are added to the language. MSOS thus provides an exceptionally high degree of modularity in language descriptions, removing a shortcoming of the original SOS framework.After sketching the background and reviewing the main features of SOS, the paper explains the crucial differences between SOS and MSOS, and illustrates how MSOS descriptions are written. It also discusses standard notions of semantic equivalence based on MSOS. Appendix A shows how the illustrative MSOS rules given in the paper would be formulated in conventional SOS.