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Desarrollo de una herramienta educativa inalámbrica basada en Raspberry Pi
Development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless educational tool
Hólger Jorge Santillan Carranza | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo , Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Jairo Oliver Enriquez Sandoval | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Jose Fernando Bonilla Castro | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil (Ecuador)
https://doi.org/10.29166/ingenio.v4i2.3165 pISSN 2588-0829
2024 Universidad Central del Ecuador eISSN 2697-3243
CC BY-NC 4.0 —Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional ng.revista.ingenio@uce.edu.ec
, (), -, . -
El siguiente documento presenta un dispositivo de conectividad inalámbrica diseñado especícamente
para el sector educativo, que emplea tecnología IoT y Raspberry Pi. Su objetivo principal es ofrecer a las
instituciones educativas una solución asequible que permita realizar presentaciones en el aula sin pro-
blemas y sin comprometer la calidad ni la facilidad de uso. Utilizando una metodología experimental,
conguramos un ordenador monoplaca Raspberry Pi, transformando este dispositivo en una alterna-
tiva práctica a un ordenador de sobremesa tradicional. Esta conguración permite la reproducción de
varios tipos de documentos, incluidos Word, Excel, PowerPoint y Publisher, ofreciendo a educadores y
estudiantes una herramienta versátil para satisfacer sus necesidades académicas. La solución propuesta
funciona a la perfección: mediante el uso de una aplicación móvil gratuita, los contenidos pueden trans-
mitirse sin esfuerzo a dispositivos externos, como proyectores, televisores y monitores. De este modo se
aborda un problema educativo cuyo principal inconveniente radica en el coste de los equipos. En última
instancia, el objetivo no es solo superar las barreras nancieras en la educación, sino también impulsar la
exploración innovadora para mejorar la conectividad y la automatización en diversos entornos.
e following document introduces a wireless connectivity device specically designed for the educational
sector, employing IoT technology and Raspberry Pi. Its primary objective is to oer educational institutions
an aordable solution that enables seamless classroom presentations without compromising on quality and
user-friendliness. Using an experimental methodology, we congure a Raspberry Pi single-board com-
puter, transforming this device into a practical alternative to a traditional desktop computer. is setup
enables the playback of various document types, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher, oe-
ring educators and students a versatile tool to meet their academic requirements. e proposed solution
operates seamlessly: through the use of a free mobile application, content can be eortlessly streamed to ex-
ternal devices, such as projectors, televisions, and monitors. is addresses an educational issue where the
primary drawback lies in the cost of the equipment. Ultimately, the aim is not only to overcome nancial
barriers in education but also to ignite innovative exploration in enhancing connectivity and automation
across diverse settings.
1. Introduction
e internet has gained immense signicance and has
become indispensable in various domains, including
education, employment, communication, entertain-
ment, and more. A vast portion of the global population
now enjoys access to a pervasive system of information
and connectivity [1]. e public’s growing demand for
increased advancements, innovations, and assistance
through this expansive platform in their daily lives has
driven extensive research in science and technology.
ese eorts have yielded remarkable achievements,
such as the emergence of the Internet of ings (IoT) [2].
IoT involves the interconnection of physical-world
objects via the internet, equipped with sensors, actuators,
and communication technology. e primary objective of
this technology is to develop practical, groundbreaking
applications while enhancing existing ones [3].
Received: 06/08/2023
Accepted: 25/11/2023
Raspberry Pi, herramienta educativa, au-
tomatización, facilidad de uso.
Raspberry Pi, educational tool, automa-
tion, user-friendliness.
Development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless educational tool
Hence, in accordance with the previously mentioned ob-
jectives, this endeavor is focused on creating a wireless
connectivity apparatus tailored specically for the edu-
cational sector [4]. It leverages IoT technology and the
Raspberry Pi to furnish educational institutions with a
cost-eective solution. is solution enables the seamless
display of presentations in classrooms without sacricing
quality or user-friendliness. Moreover, through the utili-
zation of a complimentary mobile application, content
can be eortlessly transmitted to external devices such as
projectors, televisions, and monitors [5].
Modern educational approaches have evolved sig-
nicantly over time. While traditional tools like books,
blackboards, and ipcharts remain relevant, technology
and the internet have emerged as indispensable resour-
ces. is is primarily due to the vast wealth of bibliogra-
phic sources available and the inclusion of visual aids,
which greatly enhance the quality of contemporary edu-
cation and facilitate more engaging and eective learning
experiences across age groups [6]. In fact, these resources
have become integral components of essential educatio-
nal tools for institutions today [7].
is device plays a crucial role in receiving video signals
and displaying images on a surface. Its signicance is
particularly pronounced in educational contexts, where
its utilization is geared towards enhancing the educatio-
nal experience, fostering interactive and engaging tea-
ching methods.
Raspberry Pi 4 model
e Raspberry Pi represents a family of single-board
computers (s) initiated by the Raspberry Pi Founda-
tion, aimed at promoting aordable computer science
and electronics education. Since its introduction in 2012,
the Raspberry Pi has le a profound mark across diver-
se domains, including education, research, project
development, and the creation of inventive technology
solutions [8] [9] (see Figure 1).
Specications of the Raspberry Pi 4 model are:
· System-on-a-chip: Broadcom 2711
: 1.5 z quad-core processor with Cortex-A72
· : Video Core
· Memory: 1/2/4 4
Connectivity: 802.11ac Wi-Fi / Bluetooth 5.0, Gigabit
Video & Sound: 2 x micro- ports supporting
4K@60Hz displays via 2.0, display port,
camera port, 4-pole stereo output and com-
posite video port.
· Ports: 2 x 3.0, 2 x 2.0
· Power: 5V/3A via -, 5V via header
· Expansion: 40-pin header
(Virtual Network Computing)
is a remote desktop system that relies on the
(remote frame buer) protocol, facilitating the remote
control of a computer system [10].
· Facilitates screen sharing among users
· Enables cross-platform compatibility
· Utilizes lightweight protocols
· Operates as a standalone platform
Its architectural structure, is rooted in a client-server
model, where the computer running the client applica-
tion assumes control over the computer running the ser-
ver application [11].
vnc utilizes a dedicated frame buer aligned with the
r protocol to manage client requests [12].
Once it receives a request for a screen refresh, the ser-
ver captures the screen content from the frame buer.
The server processes and transmits the captured
screen image data, along with frame buer update detai-
ls, to the client. Subsequently, the user decodes and up-
dates the bitstream accordingly [13].
(Remote Frame Buer)
e communication protocol designed for remote access
to a basic user interface represents a technology enabling
users to establish remote connections to and manage a
system or application. Its architecture is rooted in the
«frame buer» class, making it especially well-suited for
the ecient transmission of graphical data [13].
is protocol functions within a client-server fra-
mework [14]. e client is the computer or any com-
patible device establishing a connection with the
server. Once the connection is established, the user gains
access to the window system and applications hosted on
the server (see Figure 2).
Santillán H., et al.
is is an open-source soware initiative that conti-
nues to be actively maintained, even though it has been
around for a while. Some users may nd it a bit challen-
ging, leading to misconceptions that it is primarily used
by hackers, but this perception is entirely inaccurate.
[15] Debian oers highly user-friendly tools designed
for both system administrators and regular users. One
notable advantage is its unwavering commitment to be-
ing entirely free [16].
(transmission control protocol)
is protocol is universally recognized by all devices
[17]. It is designed to establish a dependable connection,
accepting a data stream within local processes, breaking
it down into segments not exceeding 64 Kbytes, and
transmitting each segment as a separate datagram.
Upon reception, the data is then reconstructed [18].
2. Method
Employing an experimental approach, we undertake the
conguration of a Raspberry Pi single-board compu-
ter, eectively converting it into a pragmatic substitute
for conventional desktop computers. is recongura-
tion empowers the device to support the playback of an
array of document formats, encompassing Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, and Publisher. As a result, educators and
students gain access to a versatile tool tailored to ful-
ll their diverse academic needs. e proposed solution
seamlessly operates through the utilization of a cost-free
mobile application, allowing for eortless content strea-
ming to external devices like projectors, televisions, and
is innovative solution directly addresses a pre-
valent issue within the realm of education, primarily
characterized by the formidable cost of requisite equip-
ment. By simplifying the transition to Raspberry Pi-ba-
sed systems and their compatibility with the Raspberry Pi
single-board computer, this initiative aims to bridge the
nancial gap and facilitate more accessible and interacti-
ve learning environments. It paves the way for aordable,
high-quality classroom presentations, ushering in an era
of heightened connectivity, automation, and learning en-
hancement across various educational settings.
e suggested system has been meticulously planned
and organized into a framework consisting of three core
components (see Figure 3).
1. Raspberry Pi Connectivity.
facilitates the high-quality transmission of data
for audio and video, ensuring exceptional clarity.
3. Internet Access.
is involves utilizing either a wireless connection or
an Ethernet connection to establish network connec-
tivity. Enabling on the Raspberry Pi can be achie-
ved by following the specied procedure, enabling the
transfer of les to the Pi.
5. Application Management.
e installed operating system provides the ability to
navigate and control various applications seamlessly.
Raspberry Pi connectivity
To implement the proposed system, Raspberry Pi provi-
des 2 micro- ports for connecting to a projector. In
cases where the projector lacks an port, an to
converter can be used.
Installation of the operating system
e process of installing the operating system on a Rasp-
berry Pi is made eortless with the Raspberry Pi Imager.
is powerful tool streamlines the formatting of the
Figura 1.
Raspberry Pi 4 model b
Figura 2.
Client-server model
Note: https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspbe-
Development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless educational tool
card and the loading of the latest version, signicantly
expediting the entire procedure [19].
Network connectivity and power supply
e system is equipped with a 5V to 3A power supply fea-
turing a type- connector and an Ethernet input for
establishing an internet connection through an Ethernet
cable. Furthermore, it oers the exibility of connecting
via , as this model includes capabilities [9].
Operating system update
To perform a system update, two commands are neces-
· Utilize ‘sudo apt-get update’
· Execute ‘sudo apt-get upgrade’
Establishing a connection between a mobile device/laptop
and Raspberry Pi
is a pre-installed program, and to activate it, you
can run the command ‘sudo raspi-cong’. Navigate to
«Interfacing Options», locate and select «-Yes». To
view your smartphone’s screen, you’ll need to enable
debugging on your mobile device. In this process, access
your Android device’s settings, search for «additional
settings», and choose «developer options». In that menu,
enable « debugging».
Install to mirror your cellphone’s screen by con-
necting the mobile device to the Raspberry Pi using a
cable. Once connected, you can take full control of
the Android device using your keyboard and mouse [20].
Wireless connection
To establish a wireless connection, execute commands
that activate the / protocol on the device. Open
the console terminal and enable the / port with the
command «adb tcpip 5555». en, execute the command
«adb connect 192.168.xx.xx:5555» to connect to the An-
droid device. Upon execution, you will see the message
«already connected».
Equation 1:
Bandwidth utilization = Data transfer rate × Transfer
duration (1)
e volume of data transferred is measured in various
units, including bits, kilobits, or megabits.
e time elapsed is expressed in seconds, minutes, or
hours, depending on the required level of precision.
e formulas outlined in the paper titled «Assessing
average throughput for data stream quantity in an
rendezvous server» provide a comprehensive method
for computing the average throughput of packets trans-
mitted within a system [21]. is calculation approach is
straightforward and eective in estimating bandwidth uti-
lization within a system operating at a specic data trans-
fer rate over a dened time interval.
e system’s transmission rate exhibits a direct co-
rrelation and is based on an optimal route forwarding
strategy, taking into account factors such as the speed
of interest, data rates (250 m/s), and data mobility. is
Figura 3.
Architecture of the proposed system
Santillán H., et al.
strategy is applied in the context of data content streams,
with lengths ranging from 100 to 1500 bytes [22].
DIFS=SIFS+(2 * RT) (2)
MPDU=1400+UDP+NDN header+MAC header (4)
TTP = expenses generated by physical layer+
MPDU/(Data Rate) (5)
·RT, Time slot (s).
· DIFS, space distributed between frames (s).
· VMG, Minimum congestion window (slots).
· TME, Average waiting time (s).
MPDU, Maximum size of a data packet unit
· TTP packet transmission time (s).
·TSACK, Tiempo de tansmisión ACK, measured in (s).
TSC, Content send time, refers to the period of
time it takes to transmit data or information from
a source to a destination over a communication
ABT, Mean wait time, refers to the average time a
message, signal or data packet must wait on a ne-
twork before being transmitted or delivered to its
ACK packet size, the size of the packet can be
quite small, typically measured in bytes.
Average throughput, refers to the average throu-
ghput over a given time interval.
Application load, refers to the amount of network
trac generated or received by the application.
· ATC, Average time per content measured in (s).
e Raspberry Pi, being an integrated computer with li-
mited memory, necessitates the use of a storage device,
such as an card, to install an operating system that
aligns with the hardware’s functional specications, for
instance, Raspbian.
Raspberry Pi imager stands as a robust tool meticulously
designed to simplify the process of installing an opera-
ting system on a Raspberry Pi. is user-friendly appli-
cation facilitates both the formatting of the card and
the seamless loading of the latest version, signicantly
expediting the entire setup.
To get started, you can easily download the Raspbe-
rry Pi imager from the ocial website and proceed with
its installation. Subsequently, connect an card reader
to your computer, select the desired card for the insta-
llation, and you’ll be up and running with your Raspbe-
rry Pi promptly, all without unnecessary complications or
concerns regarding the intricacies of installation. [23]
Once the is successfully installed on the card,
the initial conguration process will commence (see Fi
gure 4). During this conguration, you can enable various
settings at the time of installation, including:
Congure the username and password (pi user by de-
fault), congure the Wi-Fi (: TelecoTT1 Password:
xxxxxxxxx). Congure local (Europe/Madrid and key-
board: es).
Aer installation, you’ll need to identify the ad-
dress of the Raspberry Pi for establishing a connection. To
accomplish this task, IpScan is employed (see Figure 5).
Establish a connection using PuTTY over port 22
with the following credentials (see Figure 6).
Username: pi
Password: passwd (default)
Afterward, you will be prompted to update the
Upon successfully connecting to the system, perform
the following updates:
· sudo apt-get update
· sudo apt-get upgrade
While in the console, you should enable (which co-
mes pre-installed) to connect to the desktop and proceed
with the installation from the remote desktop. To do this,
run the command: sudo raspi-cong, navigate to Interfa-
cing Options, and locate . en, select ‘Yes’ to enable
it (see Figure 7).
Download and install Viewer on your device and
connect it to the Raspberry Pi.
Development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless educational tool
In the accompanying illustrations, you can observe the
login process for accessing the Raspberry Pi through
, allowing you to view the desktop and access its va-
rious options.
Execute the following command: curl -sSL https://git.io/
JfAPE | bash
Upon completion of the installation, you will nd the
launcher available in the System Tools menu (see Figure 8).
3. Results and discussion
Launch the PiKISS application to access the menu. From
there, navigate to the «Others» category, and select the
option for «Display and control of connected Android
devices» (see Figure 9).
To view your mobile screen, you need to enable de-
bugging on your phone. In this process, you access the
settings of your Android device, look for the additional
settings option, and select the developer options. In that
menu, you choose debugging.
Connect your mobile device to the Raspberry Pi us-
ing a cable. Once the connection is established, you
can have complete control over the Android device using
the keyboard and mouse.
On the Android device, access the Wi-Fi settings and
choose the network you are connected to while verify-
ing the address. Execute the command «adb connect» to establish a connection with the
Android device. Once executed, it will conrm the con-
nection with the message «already connected».
To establish a wireless connection, execute the com-
mands to enable the / protocol on the device. Open
the console terminal and activate the / port using
the command: «adb tcpip 5555».
Figura 4.
Menú selección SO
Figura 6.
PuTTY Menu
Figura 7.
VNC Viewer interface
Figura 5.
IpScan detecting Wi equipment
Santillán H., et al.
Open Scrcpy as usual without requiring the use of a
cable, and you will be able to view the screen of the devi-
ce (see Figure 10).
The research project represents a significant step
towards addressing the educational disparities that exist
in underprivileged schools and institutions. Education is a
fundamental right, and access to quality educational tools
should not be limited by economic constraints. By focu
sing on the development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless
educational tool, this project seeks to democratize access
to technology-enhanced learning experiences.
e creation of a customized application designed to
facilitate seamless connections and content sharing across
multiple mobile devices is a pivotal aspect of this initia-
tive. e goal is to empower educators and students with
a user-friendly platform that enables them to collaborate,
share resources, and engage in interactive learning activ-
ities. Such an application can bridge the digital divide,
making advanced educational tools accessible to even the
most resource-constrained environments.
However, as this research project progresses towards
implementation, one crucial consideration is the existing
network infrastructure’s ability to handle the anticipat-
ed surge in data trac. e deployment of this applica-
tion will likely lead to increased demands on the network,
requiring a thorough evaluation of its capacity. In cas-
es where the current infrastructure falls short, proactive
steps must be taken to enhance it. is could involve up-
grading network hardware, expanding bandwidth, or
implementing quality of service measures to ensure un-
interrupted data ow.
In essence, this research project not only embodies
the spirit of technological innovation but also emphasi-
zes the importance of equitable educational opportunities.
By providing a cost-eective and scalable solution for un-
derprivileged schools and institutions, it aims to pave the
Figura 8.
PiKISS installed
Figura 9.
PiKISS options
Development of a Raspberry Pi-based wireless educational tool
way for a more inclusive and enriching learning experien-
ce, ultimately contributing to narrowing the educational
gap and fostering a brighter future for all.
e Raspberry Pi operates on a 5V and 3A power sup-
ply, which furnishes the required energy for its smooth
operation and execution of tasks. It’s worth emphasizing
that an alternative power source, like a portable battery,
can also be used, provided that it aligns with the specic
device requirements. e article titled «Power consump-
tion of the Raspberry Pi: a comparative analysis» [23] of-
fers a comprehensive response to the intriguing question
regarding the power consumption of Raspberry Pi. e
study outlines various scenarios and conducts an intri-
cate examination of power usage in each scenario. As de-
tailed in gure 11, the research concludes that the average
power consumption of Raspberry Pi devices stands at 3.5
watts. Furthermore, the study undertakes a comparative
assessment between Raspberry Pi and other devices, such
as desktop computers and laptops, enabling an evaluation
of the advantages that Raspberry Pi presents when com-
pared to these alternative solutions (see Figure 11).
Table 1 exhibits a dataset that has been generated
from a sample of 22 observations. ese observations
were collected over a time span starting from time t=0
seconds and concluding at t=0.12 seconds. roughout
this timeframe, there was an exchange of data packets oc-
curring between devices, specically between Raspberry
Pi and an Android device, and vice versa. ese exchan-
ges were executed using the transmission control proto-
col (). e recorded values represent the sizes of these
transmitted packets, ranging from 0 to 1514 bytes. Even
when considering the original byte values, it is notewor-
thy that the size of these packets remains within a range
that is well within the typical capabilities of network con-
nections. is suggests that the existing network infras-
tructure is more than capable of eciently managing the
volume of data transmitted during each exchange, which
is crucial for ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted com-
munication experience (see Table 1).
e proposed system represents a valuable solution for en-
hancing the eciency of knowledge transmission within
educational settings. It achieves this by replacing traditio-
nal computers with a Raspberry Pi while harnessing wire-
less technologies like , thereby creating an eective
tool that optimizes teaching delivery in classrooms.
Moreover, it facilitates the seamless presentation of
various content types, such as text, les, presenta-
tions, and even videos, in an ecient and uid manner.
e incorporation of activates a / protocol
that simplies the display of mobile device screens on the
Raspberry Pi, ensuring a smooth and high-quality trans-
mission. is functionality grants educators the exibili-
ty to wirelessly share content with students, eliminating
the need for cables or physical connections.
e proposed design oers versatility by allowing the
use of a cable to connect the Raspberry Pi to the pro-
jector when Wi-Fi connectivity is unavailable. is gua-
rantees reliable transmission, even in environments with
limited wireless network infrastructure.
Figura 10.
Wireless connection working
Santillán H., et al.
Furthermore, the proposed system not only benets eco-
nomically disadvantaged educational institutions but
also provides an accessible solution for households lac-
king access to computers, oering an alternative solution
within their homes. By overcoming budget constraints
and limited access to advanced technology, it creates a
pathway for eective knowledge transmission both wi-
thin classrooms and households.
Finally, demonstrations through bandwidth con-
sumption conrm that the Raspberry Pi and Android
system combination is an optimal design. It exhibits
qualities and capabilities comparable to those of a con-
ventional computer, all without the need for substantial
expenditure. ese ndings also lay the foundation for
future research aimed at further enhancing this innova-
tive design.
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