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When matter ceased to matter: The disappearance of the philosophical problem of matter from physics in the late nineteenth century

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The idea that all physical phenomena should ultimately be reducible to matter and motion was influential throughout the nineteenth century, although this ideal was never realized and never without critics. But could the notion of matter itself be understood? A unified conception of matter was lacking in nineteenth century physics. Physicists used different conceptions of matter, and debated the question of the true nature of matter on the basis of philosophical as well as empirical arguments; it turned out to be very challenging to develop a conception of matter that was consistent with experimental findings as well as philosophically satisfactory. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, physicists increasingly rejected the question of the true nature of matter, arguing that this question was irrelevant for physics or altogether meaningless. This was sometimes seen as an emancipation of physics from philosophy, and sometimes as a result of philosophical reflection on physics.
When maer ceased to maer
The disappearance of the philosophical problem of maer from physics in the
late nineteenth century
Marij van Strien
Version: March 2024
The idea that all physical phenomena should ulmately be reducible to maer and moon was
inuenal throughout the nineteenth century, although this ideal was never realized and never
without crics. But could the noon of maer itself be understood? A unied concepon of maer
was lacking in nineteenth century physics. Physicists used dierent concepons of maer, and
debated the queson of the true nature of maer on the basis of philosophical as well as empirical
arguments; it turned out to be very challenging to develop a concepon of maer that was
consistent with experimental ndings as well as philosophically sasfactory. Towards the end of the
nineteenth century, physicists increasingly rejected the queson of the true nature of maer,
arguing that this queson was irrelevant for physics or altogether meaningless. This was somemes
seen as an emancipaon of physics from philosophy, and somemes as a result of philosophical
reecon on physics.
Concepons of maer in the nineteenth century
In eighteenth century natural philosophy, maer was conceptualized in various ways: somemes
maer was taken to consist of atoms, and somemes it was taken to be connuously extended.
Atoms could be conceptualized as perfectly hard bodies, or they could be taken to be deformable, in
order to account for elasc collisions in which moon is preserved. Another popular and inuenal
concepon of atoms was that of point parcles: according to this concepon, developed around the
mid-eighteenth century by Boscovich, parcles are unextended, their mass being concentrated in a
point, and each parcle exerts a force on other parcles. These types of maer all have dierent
properes and are irreducible to each other. They are also subjected to dierent dynamics: point
parcles only interact through forces which act between pairs of parcles, depending on their
; rigid bodies can rotate and can collide with each other; and deformable connua can
addionally undergo internal stresses (Stan 2017).
Around the beginning of the nineteenth century, it seemed for a while that unity could be
achieved through the research program developed in France by Laplace and his collaborators.
Laplace aimed to account for all natural phenomena, including phenomena of heat, electricity,
magnesm and chemistry, in terms of elementary parcles which he termed ‘molecules’ and which
he treated as point parcles (Fox 1974). Within France this research program became extremely
inuenal, and some notable successes were achieved. However, there was no complete agreement
In Boscovich’s theory, point parcles exert a force on each other which becomes innitely repulsive at very
short distances, so that parcles never collide.
on the properes of these molecules, which were oen seen as point parcles but somemes as
having a certain extension; and despite the fact that the explicit aim of this program was to reduce all
natural phenomena to the moon of molecules, in pracce even the Laplacians found it more
convenient to treat maer as connuous in some of their calculaons (Brading & Stan 2024).
Aer a
brief period of great success, Laplace’s program collapsed between 1815 and 1825, and most
physicists came to agree that its ontology of point parcles was too restricve to account for all
natural phenomena (Fox 1974).
From then on, all of the above concepons of maer were again in use. In pracce it was
somemes more convenient to model maer as connuously extended, while in other contexts it
was more convenient to work with an atomisc concepon of maer. Therefore, how a certain
physicist treated maer in his calculaons did not necessarily have to match his views on the
ulmate constuon of maer. For example, in the 1820s, Cauchy worked with a connuum
concepon of maer, despite his convicon that maer is actually molecularly constuted – his
ontological commitments did not seem to maer to his physics (Brading & Stan 2024).
Throughout the nineteenth century, physicists debated the nature of maer on the basis of
philosophical as well as empirical arguments (Harman 1982; Wilholt 2008). The queson of the
essence of maer was deeply connected with the quesons of the nature of force, energy, and the
ether. On the philosophical level, there was the idea that there should be fundamental elements of
maer through which all properes of macroscopic maer could be explained. However, several
conceptual dicules were raised again and again. If atoms are extended, it seems they should be
divisible and therefore they cannot be basic elements; but if they are point parcles without
extension it is dicult to see how they can constute extension and how there can be anything
besides empty space. Furthermore, if atoms are perfectly hard, it is dicult to explain how they can
collide elascally and how moon can be conserved in collisions, but if atoms are deformable then
this seems to imply that they have an inner structure, and therefore they cannot be basic elements in
terms of which all properes of maer can be explained. More generally, it seemed that any
property that was aributed to atoms could not be explained in terms of atoms and therefore had to
remain fundamentally unexplainable.
Besides these conceptual dicules, there were also empirical challenges to the concepon
of maer. In the early nineteenth century John Dalton showed that chemical substances react in
xed raos and argued that this demonstrated that chemical substances consist of small elements
which he termed atoms. Though many indeed saw Dalton’s work as evidence for the existence of
atoms, there were also crics of Dalton’s conclusions (Nye 1976). Furthermore, in Dalton’s theory,
there is a dierent atom for each chemical substance; it thus seemed that Dalton’s atoms did not
full the philosophical ideal of simple atoms, and therefore, not everyone accepted the idea that
Dalton’s chemical atoms were ulmate parcles.
Further research on the properes of chemical elements became possible through the work
of Gustav Kirchho and Robert Bunsen on spectroscopy. In the 1850s, Bunsen invented a gas burner
which has a hot ame with minimal luminosity. Kirchho and Bunsen discovered that if a chemical is
heated in this ame and you look at the light of the colored ame through a prism, you observe a
spectrum with a few bright lines, with a characterisc paern of lines for each chemical element;
each chemical element thus has a characterisc spectrum [g. 1]. With the assumpon that chemical
substances are constuted by atoms, this suggested that the atoms of a specic chemical element
Furthermore, Laplacian physics was never fully dominant even in France, as there was a rival, more abstract
approach to mechanics developed by Lagrange, which did not depend on a specic ontology of maer.
can vibrate at specic frequencies, which causes an emission of light of these exact frequencies. This
in turn suggested that atoms have a complex inner structure which is dierent for each chemical
element, which further strengthened the idea that chemical atoms could not be atoms in the
philosophical sense of being basic elements.
Fig. 1. Source: Kirchho, G. and R. Bunsen (1860). Chemical Analysis by Observaon of
Spectra. Annalen der Physik und der Chemie, 110: 161-189. Courtesy of Linda Hall Library of
Science, Engineering & Technology.
Further complicaons arose from the kinec theory of gases. This theory, developed from the mid-
nineteenth century, explained the behavior of gases through the assumpon that gases consist of
small parcles, molecules or atoms, which move rapidly in all direcons. This theory was successful
and was seen as a conrmaon of atomism, but it also had problems. A main issue was what came to
be known as the specic heats problem: it turned out that measured values of the specic heats of
gases were hard to reconcile with the evidence from spectroscopy as well as with the assumpon
that atoms are rigid bodies or that they are point parcles. Take γ = Cp/Cv, with Cp and Cv the specic
heat of a gas at constant pressure and volume, respecvely. Within the kinec theory of gases it is
possible to derive a value for γ given the number of degrees of freedom of atoms. This derivaon is
based on the equiparon theorem, which says that in thermal equilibrium, the kinec energy of a
system is equally divided over all its degrees of freedom. If you take atoms to be point parcles, then
the only moon of atoms is translaonal and they thus have three degrees of freedom, which yields
γ=1.67 (this is the value which Rankine derived in 1853). If atoms are rigid, extended bodies, they can
undergo both translaonal and rotaonal moon, with which you arrive at γ=1.33 (as Maxwell
showed in 1860). However, if atoms can vibrate, as suggested by spectroscopy, this adds addional
degrees of freedom, which brings γ close to 1. None of these results agreed with the experimentally
determined value of ca. γ=1.4 (Nyhof 1988; De Regt 1996).
In this way, by 1860, the inner structure of atoms had become a scienc problem. Physicists
aempted to develop models of the atom which could account for the seemingly contradictory
ndings of spectroscopy and the kinec theory of gases. In 1867, William Thomson (the later Lord
Kelvin) argued that spectroscopy suggests that atoms are capable of vibraon; but to aribute
vibraon to an atom “is at once to give it that very exibility and elascity for the explanaon of
which, as exhibited in aggregate bodies, the atomic constuon was originally assumed” (Thomson
1867, 17). This statement was repeated almost word for word by James Clerk Maxwell some years
Thomson notes that it is sll possible to argue that the parcles which are analyzed in
spectroscopy are not atoms in the philosophical sense, but molecules which are each composed of
many philosophical atoms. However, “Such a molecule could not be strong and durable, and thus it
loses the one recommendaon which has given it the degree of acceptance it has had among
philosophers” (Thomson 1867, 17). The scienc challenge which spectroscopy posed to the
understanding of maer was thus at the same me a challenge to philosophical concepons of
maer: spectroscopy showed that chemical atoms could not be the simple foundaonal elements
through which all properes of maer could be explained.
For Maxwell, spectroscopy not only posed a challenge to concepons of maer, but also
revealed something signicant about the ulmate nature of maer and even about divine creaon.
In an entry he wrote for the 1875 edion of the Encyclopedia Britannica tled ‘Atom’, Maxwell
pointed out that spectroscopy shows that all hydrogen ‘molecules’ have the exact same periods of
vibraon, no maer where they come from: spectral lines idencal to those of terrestrial hydrogen
have also been observed in the spectra of sunlight and the light from stars, which shows that
hydrogen molecules can also be found in stars, and that terrestrial and celesal hydrogen molecules
have the exact same periods of vibraon. According to Maxwell, this can only be explained through a
common origin. Maxwell compares the vibrang molecules to bells, which must all have been tolled
the exact same way; he also compares them to “manufactured arcles” (Maxwell 1890, 483). For
Maxwell, this was an argument for divine creaon.
In the second half of the nineteenth century, a new concepon of maer was developed by
Thomson and other Brish physicists, namely the vortex theory of maer (Kragh 2002). This theory
built on work in uid moon by Hermann von Helmholtz, who had shown that in an ideal uid there
could be stable vortex rings of xed volume. In Thomson’s view, this suggested that these rings were
“the only true atoms” (Thomson 1867, 15). According to the vortex theory of maer, atoms were
vorces in a hypothecal uid, which later came to be idened with the luminiferous ether.
Thomson argued that this theory could solve both conceptual and empirical issues with the noon of
maer. In 1867 he wrote that unl now, in order to account for the permanence of maer people
needed the “monstrous assumpon of innitely strong and innitely rigid pieces of maer”; but now,
with the vortex theory, this assumpon is not needed anymore, as it can be proven mathemacally
that vortex rings are stable (Thomson 1867, 15). This means that only God can create or destroy
vortex moon. Thomson argued furthermore that the vortex theory held the promise of explaining
properes of maer such as elascity. It was to some degree possible to study the properes of
vortex rings experimentally through experiments with smoke rings, which are vorces in the air, and
which could be shown to collide elascally:
A magnificent display of smoke-rings, which [the author] recently had the pleasure of witnessing in
Professor Tait's lecture-room, diminished by one the number of assumptions required to explain the
properties of matter on the hypothesis that all bodies are composed of vortex atoms in a perfect
homogeneous liquid. Two smoke-rings were frequently seen to bound obliquely from one another,
shaking violently from the effects of the shock. (Thomson 1867, 16) [Fig. 2]
“We may indeed suppose the atom elasc, but this is to endow it with the very property for the explanaon
of which, as exhibited in aggregate bodies, the atomic constuon was originally assumed” (Maxwell 1890,
471; originally published in 1875).
Fig. 2. Source: Tait, P. G. (1876), Lectures on Some Recent Advances in Physical Science (London:
Macmillan), p. 292.
Furthermore, because vortex rings can vibrate there was the promise that this theory would be able
to account for the results of spectroscopy. Vorces could be interlinked and knoed in complex
ways, creang a set of dierently formed vorces which might represent dierent chemical elements
(Kragh 2002).
Maxwell was very interested in vortex theory, although he considered it a promising research
program rather than a worked out theory. Maxwell argued that from a metaphysical point of view
the vortex theory had great advantages, mainly because it involved no arbitrary assumpons: “When
the vortex atom is once set in moon, all its properes are absolutely xed and determined by the
laws of moon of the primive uid, which are fully expressed in the fundamental equaons”
(Maxwell 1890, 471). He saw it as a return to a Cartesian concepon of maer, since according to
this theory maer consists of moon in a uid which completely lls up space. Maxwell did remark
that it would be very dicult to develop the theory of vortex atoms further. In this he turned out to
be right: the vortex theory was popular in Britain for a while, but eventually it lost momentum
because of the great mathemacal dicules involved in calculang dierent types of vortex moon
and a lack of concrete results (Kragh 2002).
In a 1873 lecture tled ‘Molecules’, Maxwell argued that the philosophical problem of the
essence of maer was as present in the science of his me as it had been in ancient mes:
The mind of man has perplexed itself with many hard questions. Is space infinite, and if so in what
sense? Is the material world infinite in extent, and are all places within that extent equally full of
matter? Do atoms exist, or is matter infinitely divisible?
The discussion of questions of this kind has been going on ever since men began to reason, and to
each of us, as soon as we obtain the use of our faculties, the same old questions arise as fresh as ever.
They form as essential a part of the science of the nineteenth century of our era, as of that of the fifth
century before it. (Maxwell 1890, 361)
…though many a speculator, as he has seen the vision recede before him into the innermost sanctuary
of the inconceivably little, has had to confess that the quest was not for him, and though philosophers
in every age have been exhorting each other to direct their minds to some more useful and attainable
aim, each generation, from the earliest dawn of science to the present time, has contributed a due
proportion of its ablest intellects to the quest of the ultimate atom. (ibid, 364)
Maxwell argued that we are not jused in aribung the properes of sensible maer, such as
extension, to atoms, and that also the idea that two atoms can never coincide is a prejudice which
derives from our experience with sensible maer (Maxwell 1890, 448).
However, despite his acknowledgment of the philosophical problem of maer, Maxwell
argued that one can do physics without a commitment to a specic noon of maer. Maxwell argued
that in physics it is oen fruiul to work with clear and detailed mechanical models, but that it is
important not to be commied to their literal correspondence with nature; they should rather be
conceived as pictures or analogies that are useful as long as you don’t mistake them for reality. It can
be useful to model maer as a connuous substance, whether or not it actually is connuous; and
this it possible as long as the maer you are dealing with is homogeneous enough at the scale you’re
looking at:
if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel, and if one cubic yard of the
gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as
equivalent, then, in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may,
without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous substance. But if a worm
has to make his way through the gravel, it makes the greatest possible difference to him whether he
tries to push right against a piece of gravel, or directs his course through one of the intervals between
the pieces; to him, therefore, the gravel is by no means a homogeneous and continuous substance.
(Maxwell 1890, 450).
We have seen that for Maxwell, a discussion of the nature of maer was part of his natural
philosophy and even natural theology. Nevertheless, he thought that within physics it is not
necessary to decide on a specic concepon of maer. This argument was increasingly made by
physicists in the late nineteenth and early tweneth century, and increasingly physicists argued that
the queson of the nature of maer should be le out of physics altogether.
The queson of the nature of maer gets dismissed
An inuenal discussion of the problem of the nature of maer can be found in Emil Du Bois-
Reymond’s famous 1872 lecture, “On the Limits of Our Knowledge of Nature” (in Du Bois-Reymond
1898). Here, Du Bois-Reymond argued that there are two quesons which are forever beyond the
reach of science, namely the queson of the nature of maer and that of consciousness. He argues
that whenever we ask about the nature of maer, we get into contradicons. The philosophical
concept of an atom is that of a fundamental element, which is passive and without properes: Du
Bois-Reymond characterizes the philosophical atom as “a presumably indivisible mass of inert and
eectless substratum from which forces emanate through empty space into the distance” (Du Bois-
Reymond 1898, 25). But he argues that this concepon of atoms is full of contradicons. In order for
an atom to actually exist, it has take up at least some space; however, if an atom is extended, it must
be divisible. Moreover, to be extended, atoms must be impenetrable, which requires a repulsive
force; but then the atom is not eectless (Wirkungslos) anymore. According to Du Bois-Reymond,
such contradicons are unavoidable: they arise when we try to explain the properes of maer in
terms of smaller bits of maer, which is in principle impossible (Du Bois-Reymond 1898, 27; Wilholt
2008). Therefore, we have to accept that no understanding of the nature of maer is possible. In Du
Bois-Reymond’s view, the queson of the nature of maer is thus unanswerable and should simply
be set aside. The success of science does not in any way depend on having a consistent fundamental
ontology; in fact, Du Bois-Reymond argues in this lecture that everything but the nature of maer
and the nature of consciousness can in principle be explained in terms of the moon of atoms. By
isolang the scienc enterprise from the problems of maer and consciousness, Du Bois-Reymond
makes science independent of philosophy.
In 1884 Heinrich Hertz held a series of lectures at the university of Kiel, the manuscripts of
which were published in 1999. In these lectures, Hertz argues that it is possible to gain scienc
knowledge of maer: chemistry and the kinec theory of gases have given us evidence for the
existence of atoms, and it seems likely that spectroscopy will teach us a lot about their inner
structure. But this scienc knowledge of maer can never sasfy the philosopher. Philosophers will
always keep asking quesons, for example asking whether or not atoms are extended and what is the
dierence between empty and full space (Hertz 1999, 31; Wilholt 2008). He argues that the noon of
maer includes the properes of extension, moveability, impenetrability and indestrucbility, but if
we ask what exactly is meant by each of these concepts, it turns out that dierent and somemes
even contradictory meanings are aached to them and that it is not clear whether maer even
necessarily has these properes. We nd that these properes “are composed of the results of our
observaon and of the demands of our understanding; they therefore correspond only in part to the
properes of things, and in part rather to the properes of our mind” (Hertz 1999, 117).
Is it to be hoped that a satisfactory structure can be built on such an uncertain foundation? Can we
expect to unravel the complicated relationships of matter as long as its most elementary properties
are still unclear to us? The success of physics seems to give us certainty on this point. But can we also
understand how this is possible, how the study of matter can be useful to us, a thing whose simplest
properties we are unable to specify? Certainly we can understand this. (Hertz 1999, 17)
Hertz argues that in order to do physics, it is not actually needed to have a conceptually consistent
account of the nature of maer. He makes a comparison between maer and money: there are
contexts in which the material constuon of money maers, for example, money should be dicult
to forge. However, the essence of money does not lie in its physical properes, and e.g. for the eld
of economics the physical properes of money are completely irrelevant. Similarly, the queson of
the ulmate nature of maer is of philosophical interest but is largely irrelevant in physics. Physics
and philosophy can exist in parallel, and should each respect each other’s endeavors:
If the philosopher wanted to reject everything the physicist says about matter because of its uncertain
definition, he would be in the position of a man who does not want to accept payment because he
dislikes the way the coins are minted; on the other hand, the physicist who ridicules the philosopher's
endeavours concerning matter is in the position of someone who denies the usefulness of a well
minted coin. (Hertz 1999, 119)
Physicists and philosophers are simply interested in dierent aspects of maer. Hertz points out that
it is important not to confuse these aspects: otherwise, you may nd yourself trying to melt paper
money because you have heard that money can be cast into silver spoons, or you may try to
“construct the universe from the properes of extension, mobility, etc. that our minds have given to
the concept of maer. Not a few philosophers have been guilty of such a ridiculous blunder” (Hertz
1999, 119).
Hertz argues that in physics we can work with an image of maer: for example, it is ne to
picture atoms as ny billiard balls, as long as we keep in mind that this is only an image which does
not fully correspond to nature. He developed this noon of images further in his Principles of
Mechanics, rst published in 1894, in which he argued that “Various images of the same objects are
possible, and these images may dier in various respects” (Hertz 1899, 2). In this work, Hertz argued
that the noon of force was conceptually unclear, and in order to avoid dicules with the noon of
force he developed a formulaon of mechanics in which force did not enter as a primive noon, but
within which a claried noon of force could be derived. It seems that in Hertz’s view, the conceptual
unclaries in our noon of maer did not necessitate such a reformulaon of physics because they
did not actually maer for physics, in contrast to the problems with the noon of force (on the laer,
see Eisenthal 2021). As Hertz argued in his 1884 lectures, the philosophical endeavor of developing a
conceptually consistent noon of maer was not altogether irrelevant, but physics was neatly
isolated from such concerns.
Also Henri Poincaré thought that in pracce, our concepon of maer did not actually maer
for physics. In Science and Hypothesis (rst published in 1902), he characterized atomism as an
“indierent hypothesis”: the existence of atoms can be neither proven nor disproven, and in
calculaons you can start from the assumpon that maer is connuous or that it is made out of
atoms – this will not make a dierence in the results of the calculaon, but only in the diculty with
which the results are obtained (Poincaré 2018, 109). Thus, like Du Bois-Reymond and Hertz, Poincaré
argues that we cannot know the nature of maer and that this does not maer for physics. We can
work with a noon of atoms or we can take maer to be connuous, whatever is most convenient
for our purposes.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, there was increasing skepcism among physicists
about the existence of atoms and about the fruiulness of the atomisc hypothesis. Several
physicists, including Poincaré, argued that physical theories which were based on an atomic
concepon of maer, notably the kinec theory of gases, were speculave and not very fruiul.
Ludwig Boltzmann is known for his fervent defense of atomism against these cricisms. However,
this does not mean that he thought that all philosophical quesons about maer could be answered.
In fact, like Maxwell and Hertz, whom he cited as inuences, Boltzmann argued that in science we
work with images which do not correspond with nature in every way (de Regt 1999). He wrote in
1899 that if we realize that science can provide no more than pictures of nature, philosophical
quesons about the nature of maer dissolve:
Many questions that used to appear unfathomable thus fall away of themselves. How, it used to be
said, can a material point which is only a mental construct, emit a force, how can points come
together and furnish extension, and so on? Now we know that both material points and forces are
mere mental pictures. The former cannot be identical with something extended, but can approximate
as closely as we please to a picture of it. The question whether matter consists of atoms or is
continuous reduces to the much clearer one, whether [the idea of enormously many particulars or the
idea of] the continuum is able to furnish a better picture of phenomena. (Boltzmann 1974, 91).
In an address held in 1904, Boltzmann argues that in the past, sciensts le the queson of the
nature of maer to philosophers, but that this has not yielded very good results, as philosophers
mostly have pointed out contradicons in our concepon of maer. Referring to Kant’s second
annomy in the Crique of Pure Reason, Boltzmann writes that Kant had shown that “[i]t is strictly
provable that the divisibility of maer can have no limit and yet innite divisibility contradicts the
laws of logic”;
This is by no means the only occasion when philosophical thought becomes enmeshed in
contradictions, rather we meet it at every step. The most ordinary things are to philosophy a source of
insoluble puzzles (Boltzmann 1974, 164)
According to Boltzmann, philosophers tend to get into contradicons because they tend to have
“excessive condence in the so-called laws of thought” (Boltzmann 1974, 165). Boltzmann gave an
evoluonary account of the laws of thought: these are a priori principles which make experience
The part within the square brackets is taken from Wilholt (2008), who notes that these words appear in the
German original but are missing from the translaon.
possible, and they are innate, having evolved in a biological process of evoluon. However, we
should not aribute absolute certainty and infallibility to these principles: they have evolved to get
us through daily life and not to deal with abstract philosophical problems. Therefore, the queson of
the nature of maer should not be approached through a priori reasoning, and rather than asking
what is the true nature of maer, we should ask what picture of maer gives the best account of the
phenomena. If we realize that both atoms and connuous maer are mental pictures we have
constructed, we can simply ask which of these pictures “can be developed more clearly and more
easily while most correctly and denitely reproducing the laws of phenomena” (Boltzmann 1974,
145). “Of course this does not answer the old philosophic queson, but we are cured of the urge to
want to decide it along a path that is devoid of sense and hope” (Boltzmann 1974, 169).
Thus, like Du Bois-Reymond and Hertz, Boltzmann argued that aempts to solve the
philosophical problem of the nature of maer only lead to contradicons. However, unlike them, he
did not think that physics should free itself from philosophy. Philosophers may have a tendency to
get stuck in contradicons, but physicists do need philosophical reecon on the concepts and
assumpons they use. Boltzmann argued that physicists and philosophers should work together: “the
me for a pact” between sciensts and philosophers had come (Boltzmann 1974, 172). According to
Boltzmann we can in fact use philosophical reecon to show where a priori reasoning goes wrong
and to unmask certain problems as pseudoproblems (Preston 2023).
In this way Boltzmann argued that the queson of the ulmate nature of maer could be
reduced to the more praccal queson of which picture of maer is most appropriate. And he did in
fact have an opinion on this: he argued that atomic theories had been highly fruiul and should be
pursued further. Boltzmann worked on developing an atomic model which was compable with the
ndings of the kinec theory of gases and spectroscopy. In the 1870s, he proposed a soluon to the
specic heats problem according to which molecules of a gas consist of two atoms which are rigidly
connected, similar to a dumbbell: such molecules have ve degrees of freedom (three degrees of
freedom of translaon, two of rotaon, and none of vibraon), with which the rao for the specic
heats comes out correctly. This model could not explain spectral lines, but Boltzmann argued that it
was possible to account for both the specic heats of gases and spectroscopy if molecules mostly
behave like rigid dumbbells, and if they vibrate only briey aer collisions, aer which these
vibraons are passed on to the surrounding ether (De Regt 1996).
Moreover, Boltzmann gave a peculiar argument for atomism based on his views on the
philosophy of mathemacs: he argued that any noon of the connuum has to start from discrete
elements, or atoms, and then one has to take the limit in which these elements become innitely
small. However, in Boltzmann’s view, one cannot assume actual innity in nature, and therefore this
limit cannot be taken to be actual. According to Boltzmann it is therefore more clear and economical,
and goes less beyond the facts, to sck with the discrete elements (Wilholt 2002; Van Strien 2015). It
is not so easy to see how this mathemacal argument for atomism diers from the type of
philosophical reasoning about the ulmate nature of maer which he claimed to reject.
Philosophy and physics are deeply connected in the work of Ernst Mach, who argued not only
that we cannot know the true nature of maer, but also that the noon of a material body is
generally misleading. All we have are sensaons, and our noon of body is an abstracon which we
use to refer to relavely stable complexes of sensaons. It is wrong and naïve to think that there
must be some “dark lump” (dunklen Klumpen) of maer behind the sensaons, or that bodies are
absolutely unchangeable (Mach 1882, 17). It is true that mass is conserved, but this is merely an
abstract equaon and does not indicate something real behind our sensaons. Mach argues that the
concept of atom is even more problemac than that of bodies in general:
Modern atomistics is an attempt to turn the concept of substance in its most naïve and crudest form,
as it is held by those who consider bodies to be absolutely stable, into the basic concept of physics.
(Mach 1896, 428)
Mach points out that “atoms are somemes ascribed properes that contradict all previously
observed properes” (Mach 1883, 463). Moreover, he argues that we are not jused in conceiving
of atoms as enes in three-dimensional space. Three-dimensional spaality is a feature of our
percepons; however, we cannot perceive atoms, and therefore we should not conceive of them as
spaal. In a footnote in one of his later works, Mach menons that it was his own research on
spectroscopy which led him to the idea that we need not think of atoms as three-dimensional
Still caught up in the atomistic theory, I tried to explain the line spectra of gases by the vibrations of
the atomic constituents of a gas molecule relative to each other. In 1863, the difficulties I encountered
in this endeavour led me to the idea that non-sensory things need not necessarily be represented in
our sensory space of three dimensions. (Mach 1906, 418)
Mach argues that atoms should be regarded as “provisional aids” (provisorische Hülfsmiel) and that
they are mental enes (Gedankendinge), comparable to mathemacal enes, which funcon in
our theories but do not actually exist (Mach 1883, 463). Mach thus used a posivist and empiricist
philosophy to dispel the problem of maer altogether. He expressed the hope that as natural science
becomes more sophiscated, it will abandon its “mosaic game with lile stones”, and will recognize
that its aim should be merely to nd the most economical descripon of the phenomena (Mach
1882, 21).
There are signicant dierences between the authors discussed: Boltzmann, Du Bois-Reymond and
Hertz took maer to consist of atoms while Mach and Poincaré were skepcal or downright crical
of atomism, Hertz argued that although the philosophical queson of the nature of maer is largely
irrelevant to physics it is sll a legimate queson, while Mach and to a degree also Boltzmann
dismissed it altogether as a pseudoproblem, and Hertz and Du Bois-Reymond thought that natural
science should become independent of philosophy while Mach and Boltzmann thought that
(anmetaphysical) philosophical reasoning was needed to dissolve the (metaphysical) problem of the
nature of maer. But despite these dierences, they all agreed that physicists need not engage with
the philosophical queson of the true nature of maer.
We have seen that this was movated in part by the dicules in developing a model of the
atom that could account for the ndings of spectroscopy and the specic heats of gases, and in part
by the fact that any such model of the atom would go against the philosophical idea of atoms as
basic elements through which all properes of maer could be explained, and by the seemingly
widespread idea that all philosophical aempts to develop a consistent concepon of maer had led
to contradicons.
Despite the desire of Du Bois-Reymond and Hertz to separate physics from philosophy,
philosophical and physical aspects of the problem of maer were thus closely intertwined. De Regt
(1996) has argued that in the debate about the scienc heats problem “there was a close mutual
interacon between science and philosophy”, arguing in parcular that the philosophical views of
Maxwell and Boltzmann inuenced their scienc results regarding the specic heats problem.
The fact that towards the end of the nineteenth century many physicists dismissed the
queson of the true nature of maer falls under what John Heilbron has called ‘descriponism’
(Heilbron 1982). Heilbron has pointed out that in the late nineteenth century there was a widely
shared view among physicists that we can never know the true nature of things and that the aim of
science should merely be to describe the phenomena. It is true that also during other historical
periods one can nd sciensts expressing a similar view, but it seems to have been parcularly
widespread in the late nineteenth century. This view was shared among physicists in dierent
countries, and among physicists who otherwise had highly divergent views on the philosophy of
science, including physicists who came to be known as ‘realist’, such as Boltzmann, as well as
‘anrealists’ such as Mach. Heilbron argued that there was lile internal movaon in physics for
such a modest view of the aims of physics, and that descriponism was mainly rhetorical and mostly
found in public lectures: his claim is that in a me in which natural science was oen seen as
materialisc and arrogant, sciensts took care to present their endeavors in a modest way, arguing
that they were merely describing the phenomena.
It has been argued that this is not enrely correct
and that descriponism did in fact maer for the pracce of physics (Porter 1994; Staley 2008). My
account of the discussions on the nature of maer in this period supports the view that there were
internal causes for descriponism: the widespread rejecon of the queson of the nature of maer
was movated by conceptual puzzles as well as scienc problems.
In 1908, the existence of atoms was conrmed by Jean Perrin’s work on Brownian moon
and atomism became almost universally accepted among physicists. But this does not necessarily
imply that the nature of maer could be known aer all. In 1912, Poincaré admied that there was
now experimental proof for the existence of atoms; however, he maintained that these were not
atoms in the philosophical sense:
The atom of the chemist is now a reality; but this does not mean that we are about to arrive at the
ultimate elements of matter. When Democritus invented the atoms, he considered them as absolutely
indivisible elements beyond which there is nothing to seek. That is what that means in Greek; and it is
for this reason, after all, that he had invented them. Behind the atom, he wanted no more mystery.
The atom of the chemist would therefore not have given him any satisfaction; for this atom is by no
means indivisible; it is not truly an element; it is not free of mystery; this atom is a world. (Poincaré
1963, 91; and see Ivanova 2013)
In Niels Bohr’s atomic model of 1913, electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom, which led to
comparisons between the atom and the solar system: in this sense the atom indeed became a world.
Although the above quote from Poincaré dates from before Bohr’s atomic model, the idea of orbing
electrons was already around. (Another analogy: the ancient Greek work ‘hule’ (ὕλη) can mean
maer, wood, or forest. Upon entering the forest, you may nd that you cannot see the forest for
the trees anymore).
By the early tweneth century, studies on radioacvity had shown that maer can decay; it
turned out that the atoms of physics are not immutable and that they are in fact divisible into smaller
parcles. Moreover, these smaller parcles were electrically charged, and it seemed that no
understanding of maer would be possible without taking into account its electrodynamic
properes. The philosophical ideal of primive, essenally property-less bits of maer was now fully
Heilbron’s claim is modeled on the more famous ‘Forman thesis’ in the history of quantum mechanics.
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Identifications, diagnoses, and treatments of pseudo-problems form a family of classic methodologies in later nineteenth century philosophy and at least partly, I shall argue, in the philosophy of science. They were devised, not by academic philosophers, but by three of the greatest philosopher-scientists. Here I show how Ernst Mach, Heinrich Hertz and Ludwig Boltzmann each deployed methods of this general kind, how they identified different pseudo-problems, gave different diagnoses of such problems, and suggested quite different treatments for them. I argue that it was Mach who really first developed the idea of a pseudo-problem, that he did so in a relatively focussed way on the basis of two kinds of examples. Hertz’s contribution was much more limited, identifying two specific pseudo-problems concerning physics, and suggesting a way in which they might be treated. Boltzmann’s conception of pseudo-problems, though, was far less focussed, being applied to a very wide range of problems in philosophy and physics. However, his conception was certainly more influential, and perhaps ultimately more fruitful and suggestive. I argue for the originality and continuing interest of such approaches, and I try to dissociate them from any problematic ‘positivism’.
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Heinrich Hertz dedicated the last four years of his life to a systematic reformulation of mechanics. One of the main issues that troubled Hertz in the customary formulation of mechanics was a ‘logical obscurity’ in the notion of force. However, it is unclear what this logical obscurity was, hence it is unclear how Hertz took himself to have avoided it. In this paper, I argue that a subtle ambiguity in Newton's original laws of motion lay at the basis of Hertz's concerns; an ambiguity which led to the development of two slightly different notions of force. I then show how Hertz avoided this ambiguity by deriving a unitary notion of force, thus dispelling the obscurity that lurked in the customary representation of mechanics.
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In this article, I argue that Poincaré’s acceptance of the atom does not indicate a shift from instrumentalism to scientific realism. I examine the implications of Poincaré’s acceptance of the existence of the atom for our current understanding of his philosophy of science. Specifically, how can we understand Poincaré’s acceptance of the atom in structural realist terms? From a careful examination of his 1912 paper, I suggest that it does not entail scientific realism in the sense of acceptance of the fundamental existence of atoms but, rather, argues against fundamental entities. I argue that Poincaré’s paper motivates a nonfundamentalist view about the world and that this is compatible with his structuralism.
Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason argues that the Enlightenment was a golden age for the philosophy of material bodies, and for efforts to integrate coherently a philosophical concept of body with a mathematized theory of mechanics. Thereby, it articulates a new framing for the history of 18th century philosophy and science. It explains why, more than a century after Newton, physics broke away from philosophy to become an autonomous domain. And it casts fresh light on the structure and foundations of classical mechanics. Among the figures studied are Malebranche, Leibniz, Du Châtelet, Boscovich, and Kant, alongside d’Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, and Cauchy.
In recent years, the philosophy of Ludwig Boltzmann has become a point of interest within the field of history of philosophy of science. Attention has centred around Boltzmann’s philosophical considerations connected to his defense of atomism in physics. In analysing these considerations, several scholars have attributed a pragmatist stance to Boltzmann. In this paper, I want to argue that, whatever pragmatist traits may be found in Boltzmann’s diverse writings, his defense of atomism in physics can not be analysed this way. In other words, I wish to show that he did not defend atomism as “preferable for its practical virtues”, as has been alleged.1 On the contrary, Boltzmann considered the atomist picture to be indispensable — more precisely, an indispensable prerequisite for making the application of continuous differential equations an understandable enterprise.
Towards the end of the 19th century there were those who wished to see the kinetic theory abandoned. This paper attempts to show that this reaction was primarily due to philosophical objections rather than the results of scientific difficulties encountered by the kinetic theory. First the relevant philosophical background is examined as well as the relation between the kinetic theory and thermodynamics. Next the scientific difficulty known as the specific heats ratio anomaly is discussed and finally Boltzmann's philosophy of science is examined.