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Richardson, L., & Lacroix, G. (2023 – accepted for publication). Which modality results in
superior recall for students: Handwriting, typing, or drawing?. Journal of Writing Research,
volume (issue), ##-##. DOI: xx
Contact: Lindsay Richardson, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
Ottawa, Canada – lindsayrichardson@cunet.carleton.ca.
Copyright: This article is published under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-
No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license.
Which modality results in superior
recall for students: Handwriting, typing,
or drawing?
Lindsay Richardson & Guy Lacroix
Carleton University, Ottawa | Canada
One of the most common interests among cognitive psychologists is establishing
ways to enhance human learning. An additional layer of complexity has been brought on by
the rapid evolution of technology. Specifically, examining if the mechanisms involved in
typing differ from those involved in handwriting. The literature concerning the implications
of encoding modality on memory have been inconclusive. This present research examined
whether encoding modality resulted in performance differences for word recal
l. Wammes
et al.’s (2016) drawing versus handwriting methodology was utilized with the addition of a
typing condition. The results replicated the
drawing effect, whereby drawn words were
better recalled than handwritten ones. Overall, the evidence did not
suggest that the
mechanisms involved in handwriting led to better free recall than those involved in typing.
However, if the pen is indeed mightier than the keyboard (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014),
then the effect is not explained by visual attention or sen
sorimotor action differences
between modalities. Implications for education are discussed.
Keywords: drawing, handwriting, typing, recall, memory
For decades, cognitive psychologists have sought to identify ways to promote more
effective recall and these efforts have yielded many well-known memory enhancing
phenomena. For instance, expanding on a concept (i.e., the elaboration effect; Craik
& Tulving, 1975), reading aloud (i.e., the production effect; MacLeod et al., 2010), and
creating something (i.e., the generation effect; Karpicke & Roediger, 2008) have all
been shown to increase one’s likelihood of remembering encoded information.
More recent research has focused on the influence of motor movement on
memory. This field, known as embodied cognition, examines the influence that the
mind-body connection has on memory and learning (Stolz, 2015). It has produced
many fascinating findings. For example, participants who perform actions or
observe others doing them remember the actions more accurately than those who
simply hear a verbal description (i.e., enactment effect; Madan & Singhal, 2012).
Even movements that are unrelated to words can improve memory. In fact, Sullivan
et al. (2018) found that the act of pulling words written on paper toward oneself
rather than pushing them away increased the likelihood of recall. They dubbed this
phenomenon the mere ownership effect, whereby information related to one’s
possessions is well-remembered (Cunningham et al., 2008).
Research on embodied cognition is directly relevant to determining whether
the memory benefit offered by digital encoding strategies differ from those
associated with analogue methods. This present research aims to explore the effect
that encoding modality has on one’s recall ability. Handwriting has been used as a
means of encoding for centuries, but relatively recent technological advances have
allowed people to use a keyboard instead. Ostensibly, the mechanisms involved in
typing on a keyboard are not the same as those involved in handwriting. If typing is
used as a method for encoding information, it makes sense that psychologists
would be interested in whether it offers similar memorial benefits. Longcamp et al.
(2005) explored this idea with a sample of pre-literate children aged 3 to 5. They
were asked to either handwrite or type letters with feedback from the
experimenter. Then, they completed a letter recognition task. Longcamp et al.
found that the older children, but not the younger ones, recognized more letters if
they had handwritten them instead of having typed them. This result supports the
argument that typing and handwriting involve distinct sensorimotor processes.
With handwriting, the relationship between movement and the shape of the letter
(or word) is learned over time. Conversely, with typing, one merely needs to locate
a key on a keyboard and tap it.
Even though handwriting might yield better memory for letters or strings of
letters, the same might not be true for words. When semantics are applied to strings
of letters, as they are with real lexicon words, the mechanism of encoding differs
because the encoder can group the letters of the string into one meaningful unit
(i.e., or chunk) of information. Thus, it is likely that literate individuals, as opposed
to Longcamp et al.’s (2005) pre-literate children, encode real words as opposed to a
series of letters from the string. So, when the modality for retrieval is not either
handwriting or typing (e.g., verbal), the encoder should be able to rely on the
meaning of the word to recall it. Still, Longcamp et al.’s research provided evidence
to support the notion that the peripheral kinaesthetic signals that accompany
handwriting and typing movements differ. This finding raises the question of how
these modality differences evolve developmentally.
Investigating the development of each modality can elucidate the underlying
cognitive and motor processes to help explain the mechanistic differences between
the two. For instance, Kiefer et al. (2015) studied the effects of handwriting and
typing training on preschool children's reading and writing performance. They
found that handwriting training led to better outcomes, suggesting a strong link
between motor action and perception in the context of literacy training (see also
Bouriga & Olive, 2021). Studies by Grabowski (2010) and Bourdin & Fayol (1994)
found that writing is more cognitively demanding than speaking, and that written
language production requires more working memory than oral language
production. These findings contribute to our understanding of the cognitive
processes involved in handwriting and typing as well as their effects on learning
and memory.
Mangen et al. (2015) also argued that there are physiological, cognitive, and
ergonomic differences that make handwriting and typing distinctly different
processes. Specifically, handwriting is a more kinaesthetic process that is governed
by the spatial consistency involved in the motor action of shaping letters. This
theoretical framework was the basis for their hypothesis that free recall and
recognition of words would be superior when written by hand compared to both a
screen and a mechanical keyboard. To this end, 36 participants completed a within-
subjects encoding task, where they were asked to use a pen and paper, a
mechanical keyboard, or a screen keyboard to record words played through
headphones. After the encoding task, half of the participants were asked to take as
much time as they needed to orally produce the words they remembered. The other
half were presented words orally and asked to indicate whether the word was
present in the encoding task. The results demonstrated no effect in the recognition
group. However, free recall was better for words that had been handwritten than
those that were typed (regardless of keyboard type).
Mangen et al. (2015) claimed that handwriting was associated with better free
recall compared to typing because of the cognitive and sensorimotor differences
between the modalities. They also argued that keyboarding can be considered less
generative than handwriting because keystrokes do not need to be created by a
typist; that is, the keys remain in the same position and the word dictates where the
fingers must go to produce it on a page. Comparatively, when handwriting, one
must generate each letter from scratch to form the words. Ultimately, Mangen et al.
provided empirical evidence to suggest that humans’ sensory and perceptual
experience of logging information differs depending on whether the information is
handwritten or typed and that this is partly explained by the kinaesthetic
differences between modalities.
However, the literature suggests that it is quite difficult to produce a reliable
modality effect, as seen with the number of mixed results found throughout the
literature. This is especially true when they have been examined under more
ecologically valid conditions (e.g., Bui et al., 2013; Morehead et al., 2019; Mueller &
Oppenheimer, 2014). While researchers agree that there are mechanistic
differences between handwriting and typing that could lead to performative
differences when used for encoding (e.g., Aragón-Mendizábal et al., 2016; Bouriga
& Olive, 2021; Longcamp et al., 2005; Mangen & Balsvik, 2016; Mangen et al., 2015;
Smoker et al., 2009), it is not clear which modality leads to superior memory for the
information encoded.
A salient example of these mixed results can be found in the literature that
pertains to modality differences in university notetaking. It is unequivocally true
that the act of taking notes during a lecture enhances university students’ academic
performance (Dunkel & Davy, 1989). Until recently, though, most of the notetaking
literature pertained to the act of handwriting. Because it is now very common for
students to bring their laptops into the classroom (Morehead et al., 2019), many of
them choose to take lecture notes by typing them. This provides yet another
implication for understanding how the mechanistic differences that exist between
these two modalities affects memory. Students’ in-class notetaking serves two main
purposes: encoding the information and storing it for later review (see Kiewra ,1989
for a thorough review). If the mechanisms involved in one of the notetaking
modalities enhances memory for the information, students would benefit from
adopting that modality when taking notes in class. Unfortunately, answering this
question empirically has been proven difficult because many variables come into
play (e.g., review period, instructor differences, handwriting and typing proficiency,
working memory capacity, academic support, organization, study habits, class
attendance). Still, many researchers have investigated how lecture notetaking
modality affects students’ academic success (e.g., Blankenship, 2016; Bui et al., 2013;
Fried, 2008; Gaudreau et al., 2014; Grace-Martin & Gay, 2001; Kay & Lauricella, 2011;
Kodaira, 2017; Kraushaar & Novak, 2010; Manzi, et al., 2017; Morehead et al., 2019;
Muller & Oppenheimer, 2014; Skolnick & Puzo, 2008; Sovern, 2013; Urry et al., 2021;
Yamamoto, 2007).
Alas, this line of research has produced inconsistent results. For instance, Bui et
al. (2013) found that students who took notes with the assistance of a keyboard
outperformed their handwriting counterparts on a comprehension test. Mueller
and Oppenheimer (2014) obtained results in the opposite direction. They found
that participants retained more conceptual information when they took notes by
hand compared to typing them, as would be predicted by the research suggesting
that handwriting would lead to superior memory for information encoded
compared to typing (e.g., Longcamp et al., 2005; Mangen et al., 2015). Nonetheless,
Morehead et al. (2019) and Urry et al.’s (2021) exact replications of Mueller and
Oppenheimer’s experiment failed to generate a difference between the
handwriting and typing conditions.
When investigating how students’ typed and handwritten notes differed,
Fiorella and Mayer (2017) found that typists tended to use more verbal strategies.
They also found that some students opted to use maps and drawings when taking
notes by hand and that this ability had an impact on their learning. Interestingly,
Alesandrini’s (1981) results showed that concepts were better recalled when drawn
compared to paraphrased. More recently, Wammes et al. (2016) investigated the
difference between handwritten transcription of words and the drawing of what
they represent. Because the processes associated with visual and tactile perception
are reciprocally connected (Mangen et al., 2015), it makes sense that the extended
integration of visual attention and sensorimotor action involved in drawing would
result in memory improvements over handwriting. In fact, Wammes et al. sought to
demonstrate this empirically. As such, participants drew and handwrote words
presented on a screen during an incidental learning task. After a three-minute
distractor task, they were asked to orally recall as many words as they could in one
minute in whatever order they chose. Wammes et al. found that the words that were
encoded by drawing were better remembered than those that were transcribed
with a pen and paper. Importantly, these results established that the integration of
the multiple memory trace components involved in drawing (i.e., visual, semantic,
and motor) improves memory.
To support this interpretation of the drawing effect, Wammes et al. (2016)
empirically and systematically ruled out alternative accounts. For instance, a levels
of processing account for the results could have been argued (Craik & Lockhart,
1972). Simply put, information that is encoded more deeply (e.g., creating cue cards)
is better remembered than information encoded in a shallow way (e.g., re-watching
lecture videos). To rule this potential explanation out, Wammes et al. added a
feature-listing condition to their basic paradigm. This condition required
participants to list the features of words. For instance, when given the word dog,
participants might have listed features such as four legs, barks, fur. If a levels-of-
processing account could explain the drawing effect, then listing should have been
shown to be just as beneficial as drawing in terms of memory improvements over
handwriting. The experiment did not generate this result, however. Drawing
improved memory more than listing or handwriting. Fernandes et al. (2018)
replicated this finding, whereby drawing was shown to promote memory
improvements compared to listing. Ultimately, Wammes et al. similarly excluded a
series of other plausible alternate explanations for the drawing effect (e.g.,
encoding time, visual imagery, picture superiority).
If the memory enhancement for drawn concepts can be attributed to the
integration of multiple well-known encoding techniques (i.e., elaborative, motoric,
and pictorial), then recall for drawn words should be superior to any one technique
alone. This was exactly what Wammes et al. (2019) sought to demonstrate. To this
end, they replicated Wammes et al.’s (2016) methodology and demonstrated that
drawing was superior to four novel conditions: drawing without visual feedback,
tracing, imagining, and viewing. This provided strong evidence to support Wammes
et al.’s (2016) argument that drawing recruits multiple memory-enhancing encoding
techniques, which results in superior performance to any single encoding
technique. Ultimately, the literature has provided ample empirical support for the
notion that drawing concepts promotes improved memory for information when
compared to handwriting because of the integration of multiple memory trace
components (e.g., Fernandes et al., 2018; Wammes et al., 2016; Wammes et al., 2019).
When comparing handwriting to typing, though, the act of handwriting
promotes the integration of more memory trace components. So, taking Wammes
et al.’s (2016) memory trace component explanation of the drawing effect combined
with Mangen et al.’s (2015) sensorimotor and visual attention explanation of the
handwriting effect, one might conclude that the act of handwriting, albeit inferior
to drawing, is superior to typing when attempting to encode to-be-remembered
information. In other words, even though handwriting does not involve as many
encoding benefits as drawing, it might involve more than typing.
The goal of this present research was to build upon Mangen et al.’s (2015)
research to examine whether the mechanistic differences between handwriting and
typing impact memory for information encoded. As such, Wammes et al.’s (2016)
paradigm was replicated with the addition of a typing condition. Moreover, the
present research used some of Wammes et al.’s words in addition to others
frequently found in academic texts (also see Roberts & Wammes, 2021). Across
three experiments, 191 participants completed an encoding task, whereby they
were asked to draw what the words represented or to transcribe them by either
typing or writing. Experiments 1 and 3 employed a within-subjects design, whereas
participants in Experiment 2 used a between-subject design. After a 3-minute
distractor task, participants were surprised with a free recall task, where they were
asked to recall as many words from the encoding task as they could in one minute.
If Wammes et al.’s results are replicated, then words that are drawn should be the
most likely to be recalled by participants. Moreover, if support for Mangen et al.’s
handwriting superiority effect is found, then handwritten words should be recalled
more than those that are typed.
1. Experiment 1
1.1 Method
Participants were 64 undergraduate students recruited from Carleton University’s
SONA system. They earned 1% bonus credit in their psychology courses as
compensation for participation.
Target items. The 80-item word list is shown in Table 1. Forty words were selected
from the Academic Word List, provided by the EAP Foundation (publicly available
online) to be representative of words most used in academic texts. The other 40
words comprised a selection of the words used by Wammes et al. (2016). The words
ranged in length from 3 to 12 (M = 6.66); in frequency from 379 to 326 758 (M = 28
233.10); and in number of syllables from 1 to 4 (M = 2.11). The English Lexicon
Project’s website was used to gain the lexical information on the words within the
list (Balota et al., 2007).
Filler task. Following Wammes et al.’s (2016) methodology, the filler task comprised
a continuous reaction time task (CRT). Sound files were constructed to represent
low-, medium-, and high-pitched tones using Audacity 3.2 software (Crowder, 2015).
Each tone was presented to participants for 500ms at frequencies of 350, 500, and
650 Hz for low-, medium-, and high-pitched tones, respectively.
The recruitment announcement indicated that participants would be required to
use Zoom along with their own writing utensil and notepad. Participants completed
the experiment online and in a location of their choosing over a recorded Zoom
call with one of two different experimenters. Participants were instructed to keep
their webcams on for the duration of the experiment.
After providing informed consent, participants completed the encoding task.
PowerPoint slides were created to display all instructions and stimuli. The
instructions prompted participants to either handwrite, type, or draw the words
shown on the screen. They were informed that the prompt “handwrite” meant to
continuously write down the word in their notebook. Similarly, the prompt “type”
meant to continuously type the word into the Zoom chat window. Additionally, they
were informed that the prompt “draw” meant to take the allotted time to draw out
what the word represented in their notebook.
Table 1. This 80-item word list was used in the encoding task of all three experiments and is
presented in alphabetical order.
assumption elephant interpret similar
available environment involved skirt
concept estimate jacket spider
couch flute occur stove
data frog process theory
define function require toaster
desk glove response turtle
doll hammer scissors wagon
Note. Words in this list are sorted alphabetically.
An Excel spreadsheet was used to randomize the display order of prompts and
record the randomized order of target words. Participants were not informed of the
upcoming memory task.
Participants completed two practice trials for each prompt to familiarize
themselves with each of them. From the list of 80 words, 30 of them were randomly
selected per participant such that 10 were randomly selected to belong to each of
the three prompts. This was done so that each participant received a unique set of
target words. For each participant, each of the 30 words was shown on the screen,
one at a time. A cue card creating site was used to randomize and display target
words and a mask “&”. Participants were shown the target word for approximately
1s. Then, the mask replaced the word on the screen and participants had 40s to
follow the prompt for that word. Next, a tone sounded to indicate that a new word
would be displayed on the screen in 3s. Immediately following the encoding task
(i.e., 30 randomized trials), participants were instructed to take a self-paced break
before continuing to the next task. They were also instructed to put their notebooks
out of sight and reach.
Subsequently, participants completed the CRT as a filler task. The
experimenter’s computer played a shuffled playlist of tones that included 1500ms
of silence between tones. This was played through the participants’ speakers via
Zoom screenshare (audio only). Hence, there was no way to control for audio
quality and volume. Participants orally classified each of the tones, in turn, as either
“low”, “medium”, or “high”. Each tone played for 500ms and participants had
1500ms to respond. Participants continued to classify tones for three minutes.
Following the filler task, they were then be asked to freely recall as many words as
they could in 60s in whatever order they choose. For this free recall task, participants
spoke the words into their microphone and the Zoom recording was used to record
their responses. In total, the experiment lasted approximately 35 minutes.
All methods were approved by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B
(CUREB-B) at Carleton University, which is constituted and operates in compliance
with the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving
Humans (TCPS2).
1.2 Results
Participants' CRT accuracy was calculated (M = 0.64, SD = 0.26). However, the data
for 27 participants were missing because they chose to take a self-paced break that
lasted the given maximum of three minutes, which left them no time to attempt the
CRT. Consequently, this metric was not used to determine participant compliance.
To ensure that results could not be attributed to experimenter differences, an
independent samples t-test was conducted on words recalled. The results found no
significant differences between participants run by Experimenter 1 (n = 33, M = 6.94,
SD = 0.52) and Experimenter 2 (n = 31, M = 6.42, SD = 0.45), t(62) = 0.75, p = .46. Thus,
participants’ ability to recall words cannot be explained by the difference in
The proportion of words recalled (M = .22, SD = .09) was calculated for each of
the three prompts by dividing the number of words participants recalled for that
prompt by the number of words they were shown for that same prompt. To
investigate whether modality influenced the proportion of words recalled, a 1 x 3
Within-Subjects ANOVA was conducted on proportion of words recalled. The
independent variable was Prompt, which comprised three levels: Draw (M = .34, SD
= .18), Write (M = .16, SD = .14), and Type (M = .17, SD = .13). The results are
presented in Figure 1 and they demonstrated a significant omnibus test, F(2, 126) =
32.27, p < .001, 2 = .34. It was expected that this study would replicate the effects
found by Wammes et al. (2016), whereby drawn words would be better recalled than
handwritten ones. The results did replicate Wammes et al.’s drawing e ff ect, t(63) =
6.71, p < .001, d = 0.84.
Figure 1: The proportion of words freely recalled is depicted and differentiates between
whether they were drawn, written, or typed during the encoding task. Error bars represent
95% confidence intervals.
Expanding upon Wammes et al.’s results, this experiment demonstrated that drawn
words were also better recalled than typed ones, t(63) = 6.76, p < .001, d = 0.84.
Finally, it was also hypothesized that handwritten words would be better recalled
than typed ones. Unfortunately, this hypothesis was not supported, t(63) = 0.39, p =
.35, d = 0.05. To follow up on this null effect, a Bayesian one-way Repeated Measures
ANOVA was conducted, which found strong evidence to support the null, BF = 0.10.
1.3 D iscussi on
The results from this present study have provided an independent replication of
Wammes et al.’s (2016) very robust drawing effect. Free recall for drawn words was
very clearly superior to that of written or typed words. It failed, however, to find a
memory benefit of handwriting over typing. Nonetheless, it should be noted this
inability to replicate Mangen et al.’s (2015) result might have stemmed from the
drawn words distinctiveness as originally argued by Wammes et al. (2016,
Experiment 7).
A distinctiveness effect is an enhancement of memory that is experienced for
stimuli that are unique in some aspect (Restorff, 1933). Hunt (1995) argued that
perceptual salience is not required for the effect to emerge. Rather, it is the
differential attention elicited by the distinctive stimuli that yields it whether it is due
to perceptual salience or contextual incongruity. With regard to the present
research, it could be argued that the drawing condition enhanced memory for these
words not because of any encoding benefit inherent to the task, but because
drawing made them more distinctive relative to the words in the other conditions.
In fact, Wammes et al. (2016) noted the possibility for the drawing effect to be
accounted for, at least in part, by the distinctiveness effect. Hence, this possibility
will be explored in Experiment 2 using a between-subjects design.
2. Experiment 2
If drawing certain words yielded a distinctiveness effect so powerful that it nearly
precluded the retrieval of handwritten or typed words, then it might still be possible
to generate a handwriting effect using a between-subject design. Experiment 2 was
designed to examine this notion. More specifically, participants were randomly
assigned to one of three encoding conditions: Draw, Write, or Type. If the
distinctiveness of drawing prevented an effect between handwriting and typing
conditions to emerge in Experiment 1, then participants who handwrote during
Experiment 2’s encoding task should outperform those who typed on the surprise
free recall task.
2.1 Method
Ninety undergraduate students from Carleton University’s SONA system
participated in the Draw (n = 30), Write (n = 30), or Type (n = 30) condition. They
each earned 1% bonus credit in their psychology courses as compensation for
participation. Exclusion criteria ensured that no participants had previously
completed Experiment 1.
Materials and Procedure
The materials and procedure used in this experiment replicated those of
Experiment 1. The only difference was that this present experiment utilized a
between-subjects design. Therefore, participants only completed one of the three
prompt conditions: Draw, Write, or Type to which 30 randomly-selected words from
Table 1 were assigned. Once more, this encoding phase was followed by the CRT
used as a filler task and a surprise test of free recall.
2.2 R esults
As was done in Experiment 1, participants' CRT accuracy was calculated (M = 0.66,
SD = 0.26). This time, the data for five participants were missing due to time
constraints during the retention interval. Still, this metric was excluded from
determining compliance.
Again, an independent samples t-test was conducted on words recalled
ensuring that results could not be attributed to experimenter differences. The
results found no significant differences between participants run by Experimenter
1 (n = 45, M = 7.98, SD = 0.53) and Experimenter 2 (n = 45, M = 3.29, SD = 0.49), t(88)
= 0.71, p = .48. Thus, participants’ ability to recall words cannot be explained by the
difference in experimenter.
The proportion of words recalled (M = .27, SD = .11) was calculated for all
participants. To investigate whether modality influenced the proportion of words
recalled, a 1 x 3 Between-Subjects ANOVA was conducted on proportion of words
recalled. The independent variable was Prompt, which comprised three levels:
Draw (n = 30, M = .35, SD = .11), Write (n = 30, M = .26, SD = .11), and Type (n = 30, M
= .21, SD = .08). The results are presented in Figure 2 and they yielded a significant
omnibus test, F(2, 87) = 14.94, p < .001, 2 = .27. Just like in Experiment 1, drawn words
were better recalled than handwritten ones, t(58) = 3.17, p = .001, d = 0.81. This
replicated Wammes et al.’s drawing effect. Also, replicating the results found in
Experiment 1, drawn words were better recalled than typed ones, t(58) = 5.57, p <
.001, d = 1.44. While the results of the within-subjects Experiment 1 were unable to
support the hypothesis that handwritten words are more likely to be recalled than
typed ones, the results of this between-subjects Experiment 2 did. Specifically,
participants in the Write condition remembered more words than those in the Type
condition, t(58) = 2.15, p = .02, d = 0.55.
Figure 2: The proportion of words freely recalled is depicted and differentiates between
participants who completed the drawing, writing, or typing encoding task. Error bars represent
95% confidence intervals.
However, a Bayesian independent sample test—conducted between the Write and
Type conditions—found anecdotal evidence to support a null effect, BF = 0.67.
2.3 D iscussi on
The contrast between the results of Experiments 1 and 2 was informative. While
Experiment 1 was unable to generate evidence in support of a handwriting
superiority effect, the change from a within-subject to a between-subjects design
in Experiment 2 did replicate Mangen et al.’s (2015) results. However, while the
Bayesian test provided merely anecdotal evidence in support of a null effect, it was
unable to provide evidence of a difference between conditions. Therefore, one last
more stringent experiment was conducted to establish the existence of a
handwriting superiority effect. A within-subject design including only writing and
typing conditions was conducted.
3. Experiment 3
3.1 Method
Participants were 37 undergraduate students recruited from Carleton University’s
SONA system. They earned 1% bonus credit in their psychology courses as
compensation for participation. Exclusion criteria ensured that no participants had
previously completed Experiment 1 or 2.
Materials and Procedure
The materials and procedure used in this experiment replicated those of
Experiment 1. However, participants did not experience a drawing condition. As
such, to ensure all participants received the same number of words in total, 15
randomly selected words were written and 15 were typed. Moreover, the research
assistants from Experiments 1 and 2 had since graduated and 3 new research
assistants were hired to be experimenters for this experiment.
3.2 Results
As was done in Experiment 1 and 2, participants' CRT accuracy was calculated (M =
0.76, SD = 0.09), and eight participants’ data were missing due to the retention
interval time constraints. This metric was not used to determine participant
Once more, potential differences in words recalled between experimenters was
examined. Since there were three experimenters, a 1 x 3 Between-Subjects ANOVA
was conducted to determine if they had influenced the results. Fortunately, no
significant differences between participants run by Experimenter 1 (n = 12, M = 7.42,
SD = 2.91), Experimenter 2 (n = 12, M = 7.25, SD = 2.00), and Experimenter 3 (n = 13,
M = 7.92, SD = 3.75), F(2, 34) = 0.17, p = .84. Thus, participants’ ability to recall words
cannot be explained by the difference in experimenter.
The proportion of words recalled (M = .25, SD = .10) was calculated for all
participants. To investigate whether modality influenced the proportion of words
recalled, a 1 x 2 Within-Subjects ANOVA was conducted on proportion of words
recalled. The independent variable was Prompt, which comprised two levels: Write
(M = .25, SD = .17) and Type (M = .25, SD = .15). As seen in Figure 3, the conditions
generated almost identical recall. Participants were just as likely to remember words
they had handwritten compared to those they had typed during encoding, F(1, 36)
= 0.02, p = .90, 2 < .001. To examine an absence of effect, a Bayesian one-way
Repeated Measures ANOVA was conducted with the dependent variables
proportion of written words recalled and proportion of typed words recalled. It
found strong evidence to support the null effect, BF = 0.12.
Figure 3: The proportion of words freely recalled is depicted and differentiates between
whether they were written or typed during the encoding task. Error bars represent 95%
confidence intervals.
3.3 D iscussi on
Experiment 3 demonstrated no effect of handwriting or typing on the memory of
incidentally learned information. Moreover, it is unlikely that the null effect is
explained by lack of power. The only reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from
this experiment is that there is no difference in performance between the act of
moving a pen on paper and making keystrokes when transcribing words before a
surprise free recall task.
4. Differences Between Ex periments
Across the three Experiments, 191 participants completed both the encoding and
the free recall task. To investigate potential differences between experiments, a 1 x
3 Between-Subjects ANOVA was conducted on Words Recalled (M = 7.58, SD = 3.18).
The results were found to be significant, F(2, 188) = 4.58, p = .01. Post hoc
comparisons demonstrated that the difference existed between Experiment 1 and
2, t(152) = 2.98, p = .003. Participants in Experiment 1 recalled fewer words (M = 6.69,
SD = 2.77) compared to those in Experiment 2 (M = 8.23, SD = 3.42). A Bayesian
independent sample test found strong evidence for a null effect, however, BF = 0.12.
5. The Effect of Word Concreteness
One of the key differences between this present research and that of Wammes et
al. (2016) was the use of abstract or unimageable words. It is possible that the words’
concreteness might have impacted participants’ ability to recall them differentially
depending on condition. Thus, word concreteness was examined to determine
whether it impacted word recall. As such, Brysbaert et al.’s (2014) word concreteness
ratings database was used to collect concreteness ratings for the words used in this
present research. These ratings matched our expectation based on the source of
the words. When a median split was conducted, words with concreteness ratings
below the median were those from academic texts, whereas words with ratings
above the median were those from Wammes et al.’s materials selected to facilitate
drawing. The likelihood of recall (i.e., the number of times a word was recalled as a
function of how many times it was shown) was found to be correlated with
concreteness ratings, r = .38, p > .001. Moreover, abstract words (M = .20, SD = .09)
were less likely to be recalled than concrete ones (M = .28, SD = .11), t(78) = 3.53, p
< .001.
To investigate this issue further, the number of concrete words seen relative to
abstract words was calculated for each participant. Numbers greater than 1
indicated that participants received more abstract words and those less than 1
indicated that they received more concrete words. The correlation between this
Concreteness Ratio (M = 1.13, SD = 0.36) and proportion of words recalled was not
significant, r = .01, p = .77. Moreover, an independent samples t-test found that the
proportion of words recalled did not differ between participants who saw more
concrete words (M = .24, SD = .10) and those who saw more abstract words (M = .26,
SD = .11), t(189) = 1.41, p = .16. Therefore, even though the concreteness of a word
can influence the likelihood of recall, this did not impact participants’ overall
performance on the word recall task.
6. General Discussion
The goal of this research was to determine whether the visual attention and
sensorimotor processes that distinguish writing and typing were sufficient to
generate a handwriting superiority effect, which could be explained by embodied
cognition. Theories of embodied cognition posit that cognitive processes, such as
memory, are closely tied to the physical actions and experiences, such as the
kinaesthetic and spatial aspects involved in handwriting (e.g., Longcamp et al., 2005;
Mangen et al., 2015). It was hypothesized that if the mechanisms involved in
handwriting—a more kinaesthetic process governed by the spatial consistency of
shaping letters—are more conducive to memory compared to those involved in
typing, then participants would recall more words that were handwritten compared
to those that they had typed during an encoding task. Following Wammes et al.’s
(2016) general methodology, participants in Experiment 1 drew, wrote, and typed
words that were presented on a screen, during an encoding task. After a three-
minute filler task, they were surprised with a one-minute free recall task. The results
demonstrated that participants who typed words performed just as well on the free
recall task as those who wrote them by hand. Interestingly, a between-subjects
version of the exact same experiment (i.e., Experiment 2) yielded a significant
difference between writing and typing groups. It provided evidence to suggest that
handwriting might be more conducive to memory. Given the mixed results from
the first two experiments, Experiment 3 was conducted to examine whether a
distinctiveness effect could explain the inability for Experiment 1 to demonstrate a
handwriting effect. More specifically, it was argued that the distinctiveness of drawn
words might have reduced the experiment’s potential to reveal a difference
between the handwriting and typing conditions. To this end, participants in
Experiment 3 only encoded words by writing or typing them.
The results of Experiment 3 failed to demonstrate an effect of modality on
memory. In other words, participants were just as likely to recall words they had
handwritten compared to those they had typed during incidental learning.
Collectively, this series of experiments failed to replicate the results of Mangen et
al. (2015). However, the one that most closely resembled that of Mangen et al. (i.e.,
Experiment 2) did replicate their findings. In Mangen et al.’s experiment, the
presentation of condition was blocked, and thus, participants completed one
encoding type at a time. In our within-subjects experiments (i.e., Experiment 1 & 3),
we did not use a blocked presentation of the different encoding conditions.
However, the results of our Experiment 2, which used a between-subjects design,
successfully replicated Mangen et al.’s results. It might be that a handwriting effect
is only achievable when participants are not switching encoding strategies within
an experiment.
Thus, these considerations beg the question: Why would a between-subjects
design result in a handwriting effect, whereas a within-subjects design would not?
Since participants were generally able to recall fewer words in Experiment 1
compared to Experiment 2, one possible explanation is that the inclusion of three
different encoding prompts generated a cognitive load that was difficult to manage
for the participants. At least one other example of this exists within the literature,
albeit the procedure and task are not directly comparable. That is, Bouriga and Olive
(2021) found that typing takes up more cognitive resources than handwriting, but
they did not investigate those involved in drawing. Moreover, drawing is certainly a
cognitively demanding elaborative process (Jonker et al., 2019), so it might have
added to task’s complexity too. This does not explain the lack of effect found in
Experiment 3, however, since there was no drawing condition and the words
recalled were not significantly different from the other experiments. Future
research might help clarify the issue, but in comparison, the drawing effect is
certainly not vulnerable to changes in experimental design (see also Wammes et al.,
Still, this research provided more evidence to support the notion that drawn
words are better recalled than handwritten ones. Expanding upon this result, the
present research also demonstrated that drawn words are better recalled than
typed ones. Moreover, it added evidence to support the notion that the drawing
effect is not sensitive to word concreteness (Roberts & Wammes, 2021). Our
experiments used a wider variety of words than those included in most work on the
drawing effect (e.g., Fernandes et al., 2018; Wammes et al., 2016; Wammes et al.,
2019). It included more abstract expressions found in academic texts in addition to
words that were easily imageable. The results demonstrated that the concreteness
of words was related to the likelihood of a word being recalled. Because
participants’ word lists were randomized, it was possible for them to have received
a different number of concrete or abstract words. This was found to not have
impacted participants’ ability to recall the words, however.
6.1 L imitations and Future Directions
While these experiments offer meaningful insights into the effect of different
encoding modalities on word recall, this present research is not without its
limitations. Notably COVID-19 restrictions necessitated online testing, which
reduced our ability to control the participants’ compliance with experimental
instructions and prevented us from using the CRT filler task to measure it.
Moreover, we did not anticipate individual differences based on participants’
demographics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, first language, learning differences) and,
as such, this information was not collected. This resulted in our inability to examine
whether demographic differences could explain the results and reduced its
external validity in this regard. Finally, no stratification of the words was conducted
prior to randomization to ensure that participants received an equal number of
concrete or abstract words. Thus, it is impossible to say with certainty that word
concreteness did not affect the results. Future research should aim to intentionally
manipulate word concreteness to examine its impact on the relationship between
modality and word recall.
6.2 E ducat ional Implications
Across three experiments, we explored participants’ ability to recall lists of
unrelated words that they had encoded using drawing, handwriting, and typing. The
drawing effect proved to be extremely robust, but unfortunately, the evidence to
support a handwriting effect was not particularly convincing. Thus, if there is any
benefit to taking handwritten notes over typed notes in the classroom, then we
would argue that it probably does not stem from the cognitive and sensorimotor
differences between these modalities (see Mangen et al., 2015).
Nonetheless, our experiments do not allow us to exclude other reasons why
handwriting notes might enhance students’ encoding more than typing. When
students take notes under more ecologically valid conditions, they are recording
lectures; that is, rich narratives designed to impart expertise in a given academic
domain. Thus, in that context, other factors might lead handwritten notes to yield
better encoding than typed ones. For instance, Muller and Oppenheimer (2014)
argued that handwriting forces students to use “deeper processing” when taking
notes more than typing because the speed at which lectures are given require them
to paraphrase the information if their handwriting is to keep up. Typing unfolds
more quickly and allows for notes to be taken verbatim, which was argued to yield
“shallow processing.” Unfortunately, while Muller and Oppenheimer’s results
initially supported their claim, more recent research has failed to replicate them
(Morehead et al., 2019; Urry et al., 2021). In fact, it can be argued that this line of
research has led educators to give more attention to the role of external storage
(Kiewra, 1989). If students take notes to build studying materials in preparation for
examinations, then the more complete notes afforded by the fastest notetaking
method (i.e., typing) might be preferred. Yet, this possible advantage must be
weighed in relation to the finding that laptops in the classroom tend to generate
many distractions (e.g., access to social media and disruptive notifications) that
compete with the lecture for students’ attention (Fried, 2008; Gaudreau et al., 2014).
Thus, the issue is complex, and students ought to consider the advantages and
disadvantages to both notetaking modalities. Nevertheless, if handwriting can be
shown to generate superior encoding under certain conditions, the explanation will
be at some higher level of cognitive processing like Muller and Oppenheimer’s
proposed depth of processing proposal.
Finally, this research and the growing literature supporting the drawing effect
(Fernandes et al., 2018; Jonker et al., 2019; Roberts & Wammes, 2021; Wammes et al,
2016; Wammes et al., 2019) do lead to several suggestions. In the context of lecture
notetaking, it might encourage students and educators to explore if a modern
version of shorthand-like notetaking: “visual notetaking”, whereby symbols are
used to replace words and phrases, could increase students’ academic success
(Tutt, 2021). The multiple memory traces involved in visual notetaking could
enhance memory and ultimately lead to better learning. Minimally, when the
content allows, drawing certain concepts presented in class—colloquially referred
to as “Sketchnoting”—might yield better encoding than writing them. Importantly,
like concept mapping, this practice would not thwart the external storage benefit
of academic notetaking.
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