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Dielectric Material Characterization for Reflectarray Antennas Designed at Sub-6GHz and Millimeter Wave Bands of 5G

Dielectric Material Characterization for Reflectarray
Antennas Designed at Sub-6GHz and Millimeter
Wave Bands of 5G
Sher Dali Khan
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Technology,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Izhar Ahmed Sohu
Faculty of Electronic and Computer
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Muhammad Inam Abbasi
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Technology,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Sanaullah Khan
Faculty of Electronic and Computer
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Imran Mohd Ibrahim
Faculty of Electronic and Computer
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
AbstractThe future compliance of reflectarray antenna
necessitates a methodical examination of its primary
traditional configurations to anticipate improvements. The
current design, which utilizes microwave and millimeter wave
frequencies, serves as a fundamental foundation for further
investigation. This study offers a comparison and
characterization of various dielectric substrates employed in
Sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave reflectarray antenna, based on
unit cells designed at 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz. The analysis utilizes
a range of commercially accessible dielectric materials
characterized by dielectric permittivity (ɛr) values spanning 2
to 3.6 and loss tangent (tan) values ranging from 0.0009
to 0.001.The performance of different dielectric materials in
the design of infinite reflectarray is assessed in terms of
bandwidth and reflection loss, providing a comprehensive
comparison. It is observed that the bandwidth of patch element
unit cells at different levels exhibits significant variations
depending on the material properties, with a 10% bandwidth
range. Furthermore, it is illustrated that the reflectarray
antenna's reflection loss can be deconstructed into dielectric
and conductor losses, both contingent upon the material
properties utilized in the design. This article presents a
comparison of eleven distinct substrate materials that have the
potential to result in disruptive designs for both the
architecture and components, thereby impacting the
performance of the reflectarray antenna.
Keywords Reflectarray, Bandwidth, Dielectric loss, Conductor
loss, Dielectric Materials
The surge in innovation has led to the emergence of fifth-
generation (5G) communication systems, showcasing data
rates potentially a thousand fold greater than existing
systems. This advancement has posed numerous challenges
for antenna designers who must now create antennas that
meet the specific requirements of wide bandwidth, high
gain, high efficiency, polarization diversity, and adaptive
beam steering [1]. Consequently, significant changes to the
structural design of existing communication systems are
necessary to accommodate the adoption of 5G technology
Recognizing the significance of millimeter waves, the
allocation of 5G frequency bands was determined during the
World Radio communication Conference (WRC-15) with
the aim of facilitating future developments [4]. A range of
frequency bands, starting from 24.25 GHz up to 86 GHz,
were suggested for 5G, covering a variety of applications
One potential solution to compensate for the losses incurred
is the utilization of high gain antennas. The parabolic dish
antenna, which possesses high gain and efficiency, has
proven successful in many wireless communication systems
as a directional antenna. However, it does have limitations,
as it requires mechanical movement to scan the main beam
and is not flat [6], making it challenging to mount [7] on
different structures. Furthermore, its large size results in
occupying more space than a flat antenna [8]. In order to
address these issues, a dual layer configuration can be
employed, with each layer dedicated to a specific frequency
band. Alternatively, a single layer design can be utilized,
incorporating two distinct resonant structures tailored to
different frequency bands. A proposal for a single layer,
dual band circular polarized reflectarray antenna has been
put forth [9]. Various reflectarray antenna designs have been
suggested for mm-wave and 5G communication systems
[10], including band loaded dielectric resonator antenna
[11]. Additionally, electronic beam skimming has been
shown to reduce the required hardware typically used in
traditional high gain beam scanning antennas and improve
antenna efficiency [12]. Several antenna structures, such as
single layer and those employing Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems on the resonant elements [12], [13], as well as
utilizing the variable capacitance [16], [17], of varactor
diodes [14], [15], have been explored for their suitability in
mm-wave and 5G communication systems [18].
This paper provides a detailed analysis and comparison of
different materials used for unit cell reflectarray elements
operating at different frequencies, specifically 3.5 GHz and
28 GHz.
2023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 2023
979-8-3503-0434-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 76
2023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC) | 979-8-3503-0434-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MICC59384.2023.10419832
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka-UTEM. Downloaded on April 17,2024 at 17:54:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Figure 1 showcases the proposed unit cell, with Figure 1(a)
measuring 42.83 mm x 42.83mm and Figure 1(b) measuring
5.35 mm x 5.35 mm. This unit cell demonstrates resonance
across discrete frequency bands, specifically at 3.5 GHz and
28 GHz, featuring infinite boundaries. The substrate
dimensions are 0.6λ at 3.5 GHz and 0.6λ at 28 GHz in
relation to wavelength. Furthermore, the lower resonant
frequency is affected by the scaling factor S11, leading to
diverse values.
The majority of the reflection loss in reflectarray antennas is
attributed to the conductor loss and dielectric absorption in
the dielectric layer. Factors such as the substrate thickness,
conducting material used for the patch element, and the
ground plane also play a role in the reflection loss of the
reflectarray antenna. The high electric fields in the substrate
region, along with the copper loss, contribute to the
dielectric loss. The most significant loss occurs at the
resonant frequency due to the high electric field distribution
and surface currents. To investigate the loss process in
reflectarray antennas, an infinite reflectarray with a
0.035 mm patch element thickness (copper) and 01 mm
substrate thickness was created using a commercially
available CST MW computer model. The aim was to
minimize conductor loss by employing a Perfect Electric
Conductor (PEC) for the patch element and ground plane,
while monitoring the dielectric loss using different dielectric
materials. The patch elements and ground plane were
designed using copper with a conductivity of 59.6 Ms/m at
20 °C.
Table 2 presents the computed losses for various dielectric
materials. The table reveals that materials with high loss
tangent values, such as Taconic TLC-27 and Taconic
TLC 30 shown in Fig. 2, exhibit a high reflection loss
primarily due to dielectric loss at 3.5 GHz, as depicted in
Fig. 4 at 28 GHz. This is attributed to the significant
dielectric absorption displayed by these materials in the
reflectarray antennas' dielectric layer. On the other hand,
materials with low reflection loss include Rogers RT5880
and Rogers 6002, which have low loss tangent values. This
is because these dielectric materials possess low loss
characteristics, with copper and conductor losses accounting
for the majority of losses in this type of reflectarray antenna
Table 2 delineates the reflection loss across various
materials. Illustrated in Fig. 2, Rogers RT5880,
characterized by an exceptionally low loss tangent
value (tan δ=0.0009), demonstrates elevated dielectric loss
in contrast to copper loss. Conversely, Rogers, featuring a
high loss tangent value (tan δ=0.0012), presents lower
dielectric loss. The phase loss of different dielectrics, shown
in Fig. 3, indicates that Rogers TC350 has a value of
0.49 (degree/MHz) and Rogers 5880 has a value of
0.93 (degree/MHz) at 3.5GHz, as shown in Fig. 5 at 28GHz.
Fig. 1. (a) Reflectarray unit cell 3.5GHz and 28GHz, (b) infinite boundary
of the unit cell at 3.5GHz.
Unit Cell for 3.5 GHz (mm)
Unit Cell for 28 GHz (mm)
Fig. 2. Reflection Loss for different substrates at 3.5GHz
Fig. 3. Reflection Phase for different substrates at 3.5GHz
2023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 2023
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka-UTEM. Downloaded on April 17,2024 at 17:54:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 4. Reflection Loss for different substrates at 28GHz
Fig. 5. Reflection Phase for different substrates at 28GHz
The materials specified in Table 2 are employed for the
creation of reflectarrays antennas with infinite resonance at
3.5 GHz and 28 GHz. The evaluation of bandwidth, which
is 10% and 50%, is conducted by considering the
permittivity of each dielectric material with a uniform
thickness of 01 mm. The calculated bandwidth for various
materials is presented in Table 2. The graphical depiction in
Fig. 6 illustrates that the bandwidth decreases as the
dielectric permittivity of the reflectarray's material
increases. Notably, Rogers RT5880LZ, with the lowest
dielectric permittivity, exhibits the largest 10% and 50%
bandwidths. Conversely, Rogers TC-350, possessing the
highest dielectric permittivity (єr=3.6), displays the lowest
10% and 50% bandwidths, as shown in Figure 6.
A novel and highly promising configuration for a DRA-
based reflectarray has been put forth in the Sub-6GHz and
28 GHz bands. As part of the future 5G reflectarray
communication systems, there is a plan to employ a single
band and single layer unit element antenna. This proposed
antenna exhibits resonance at the two designated
frequencies for 5G, namely 3.5 and 28 GHz. The findings
reveal that this antenna holds potential for deployment in the
design of comprehensive reflectarray systems, supporting
both single and dual resonance operations for future
communication systems. Moreover, the suggested design
features a straightforward single-layer structure, facilitating
an uncomplicated fabrication process. Based on the results
and the information provided in Table 2, it can be concluded
that Taconic TLY 3FF serves as the optimal dielectric
material for the forthcoming 5G reflectarray communication
Fig. 6. Bandwidth performance of reflectarray unit cells designed at
3.5GHz with different substrat
Reflection loss
Phase Slope
Rogers RT5880LZ
Rogers Rt 5880
Taconic TLF-3FF
Taconic TLC-27
Rogers RT 6002
Rogers RO3003
Taconic NF 30
Taconic TLC-30
Taconic TLC-32
Rogers TC350
2023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 2023
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka-UTEM. Downloaded on April 17,2024 at 17:54:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This work is funded by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Melaka (UTeM) through Short Term Research Grant (PJP)
No. PJP/2022/FTKEE/S01882.
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2023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 20232023 IEEE 16th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12 December 2023
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This paper presents a practical demonstration for the design and development of a switchable planar reflectarray using PIN diodes in the X-band frequency range. Waveguide scattering parameter measurements for the unit cells and far-field measurements of the periodic reflectarrays have been carried out to verify the predicted results. Reflectarray unit cell measurements demonstrated a frequency tunability of 0.36 GHz with a dynamic phase range of 226°. On the other hand, the designed 6 × 6 periodic reflectarray has been shown to achieve beam switching from +6° to −6° with different switching states of PIN diodes. This type of beam switching can be used in satellite communication for specific region coverage.
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The narrow bandwidth and low gain performances of a reflectarray are generally improved at the cost of high design complexity, which is not a good sign for high-frequency operation. A dual resonance asymmetric patch reflectarray antenna with a single layer is proposed in this work for 5G communication at 26 GHz. The asymmetric patch is developed from a square patch by tilting its one vertical side by a carefully optimized inclination angle. A progressive phase range of 650° is acquired by embedding a circular ring slot in the ground plane of the proposed element for gain improvement. A 332-element, center feed reflectarray is designed and tested, where its high cross polarization is suppressed by mirroring the orientation of asymmetric patches on its surface. The asymmetric patch reflectarray offers a 3 dB gain bandwidth of 3 GHz, which is 4.6% wider than the square patch reflectarray. A maximum measured gain of 24.4 dB has been achieved with an additional feature of dual linear polarization. Simple design with wide bandwidth and high-gain of asymmetric patch reflectarray make it suitable to be used in 5G communications at high frequencies.
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This work provides design and analysis of a beam steering reflectarray antenna, designed at 26 GHz, based on the mechanical rotation of the array. Unit cells based on circular ring elements are designed, and scattering parameter measurements have been carried out for obtaining progressive phase distribution. The unit cell measurements demonstrated a maximum reflection loss of 4 dB with a total phase range of almost 360°. Symmetricity of the array and the resonant elements has been exposed to steer the main beam by tilting the reflectarray at different angles. A beam steering range of more than ±60° has been demonstrated by varying the tilt angle from +30° to -30°. The designed 20×20 element array provided a maximum gain of 26.47 dB at 0° which reduced to 19.8 dB at 61.9° in the elevation plane. On the other hand, the reflectarray antenna demonstrated a maximum bandwidth of 13.1% with a minimum side lobe level of -25.9 dB.
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This work provides design and characterization of millimeter wave reflectarray antenna based on unit cells as well as periodic reflectarray design at 26 GHz. Diverse unit cell design configurations have been investigated based on simulations and scattering parameter measurements for feasibility of designing an optimum performance 5G reflectarray antenna. It has been demonstrated that the rectangular patch element provided minimum reflection loss of 1.02 dB and maximum bandwidth of 560 MHz. However, the phase error for rectangular patch element was observed to be 80°, which is much higher as compared to 10° and 13° in the case of rectangular ring and circular ring elements respectively. Periodic reflectarray antennas were also designed with main beam focused at 40° in the azimuth plane achieved with tilted array instead of using an offset feed. Radiation pattern measurements were carried out for further characterization where a maximum gain of 26.7 dB was provided by reflectarray designed with circular ring elements with variable radius. On the other hand, rectangular patch element array provided higher 1 dB gain drop bandwidth of 13.6% as compared to circular ring element reflectarray, which demonstrated a bandwidth of 13.1%. However, side lobe levels were observed to be higher at −18.4° for rectangular patch element reflectarray as compared to −19.4° in the case of circular ring elements based reflectarray antenna.
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The advancement in the current communication technology makes it incumbent to analyze the conventional features of reflectarray antenna for future adaptability. This work thoroughly reviews the design and experimental features of reflectarray antenna for its bandwidth improvement in microwave and millimeter wave frequency ranges. The paper surveys the fundamental and advanced topologies of reflectarray design implementations which are needed particularly for its broadband features. The realization of its design approaches has been studied at unit cell and full reflectarray levels for its bandwidth enhancement. Various design configurations have also been critically analyzed for the compatibility with the high frequency 5G systems.
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In this paper, a new dense dielectric (DD) patch array antenna prototype operating at 28 GHz for future fifth generation (5G) cellular networks is presented. This array antenna is proposed and designed with a standard printed circuit board process to be suitable for integration with radio frequency/microwave circuitry. The proposed structure employs four circular-shaped DD patch radiator antenna elements fed by a 1-to-4 Wilkinson power divider. To improve the array radiation characteristics, a ground structure based on a compact uniplanar electromagnetic bandgap unit cell has been used. The DD patch shows better radiation and total efficiencies compared with the metallic patch radiator. For further gain improvement, a dielectric layer of a superstrate is applied above the array antenna. The measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed array antenna ranges from 27 to beyond 32 GHz for a reflection coefficient (S11) of less than −10 dB. The proposed design exhibits stable radiation patterns over the whole frequency band of interest, with a total realized gain more than 16 dBi. Due to the remarkable performance of the proposed array, it can be considered as a good candidate for 5G communication applications.
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What will 5G be? What it will not be is an incremental advance on 4G. The previous four generations of cellular technology have each been a major paradigm shift that has broken backwards compatibility. And indeed, 5G will need to be a paradigm shift that includes very high carrier frequencies with massive bandwidths, extreme base station and device densities and unprecedented numbers of antennas. But unlike the previous four generations, it will also be highly integrative: tying any new 5G air interface and spectrum together with LTE and WiFi to provide universal high-rate coverage and a seamless user experience. To support this, the core network will also have to reach unprecedented levels of flexibility and intelligence, spectrum regulation will need to be rethought and improved, and energy and cost efficiencies will become even more critical considerations. This paper discusses all of these topics, identifying key challenges for future research and preliminary 5G standardization activities, while providing a comprehensive overview of the current literature, and in particular of the papers appearing in this special issue.
This article presents an equivalent electrical circuit for designing Radio-Frequency MEMS-controlled planar phase shifter. This kind of phase shifters has recently been incorporated in reconfigurable reflectarrays. The proposed equivalent circuit depends on the number, the ON/OFF state and the locations of the switches inside the unit cell. Such equivalent circuit is used for determining, with a little computational effort, the two important design parameters i.e., the number and the locations of RF-MEMS switches in the phase shifter cell. These two design parameters then allow a designer to design a phase shifter cell having a linear distribution of a given number of phases over 360° phase range at a single desired frequency.
This letter documents the design, manufacturing, and testing of a single-layer dual-band circularly polarized reflectarray antenna for 19.7-20.2 and 29.5-30.0 GHz. The reflectarray is designed using the concentric dual split-loop element and the variable rotation technique that enables full 360 ° phase adjustment simultaneously in two separate frequency bands. The elements have been optimized to suppress cross-polar reflection. Thereafter, the element data is included in a design tool that computes the reflectarray layout and the associated radiation patterns. The reflectarray is composed of 80 × 80 elements printed on a 40 × 40-cm2 Rogers 5880 substrate. The antenna has been manufactured and measured at the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility. The peak gain is 35.8 and 40.0 dBi at 20.0 and 29.8 GHz, respectively, and the aperture illumination efficiency is in the range of 53%-63% over the two frequency bands.