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Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal "Roadmap" to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape

  • Institutionen för naturvetenskap (NAT)


In the context of proposed future anthropogenic climate warming, the present study accounts for arboreal responses to recent temperature rise, viewed in the perspective of Lateglacial and early Holocene climate and ecosystem variability. As an analogue to a future warmer world, the focus is on an early deglaciated nunatak in the southern Swedish Scandes, Mt. Åreskutan, with a well-researched arboreal history, embracing periods of climate warming of present-day extent. New research from this and adjacent localities challenges traditional historical narratives, which fail to provide a true picture of deglaciation and vegetation history. It is increasingly evident that common boreal tree species grew close to this summit in a climate, 2-3 °C warmer than at present, during the Lateglacial and early Holocene periods 16 800-6000 years ago. Based on minimal temperature requirements for tree growth, future warming of the same magnitude would be sufficient for trees to reclaim their lost ground close to this peak. Recent observations of tree saplings and the emergence of genuine "forest plants" at these high elevations, indicate that dispersal mechanisms will not constrain this progressive process. Conceivably, it will not manifest as advancement of a broad forest front. History suggests that pockets of trees, with a ground cover of boreal plant species, will establish in local favourable niches, e. g. sites of vanished glaciers and perennial snow beds. Much of the present-day alpine tundra may be more conservative and resilient to tree invasion, as evident from insignificant upslope movement of forest limits in response to modern climate warming. By and large, continued warming is no imminent threat to alpine biodiversity. An open and diverse high-mountain landscape is likely to prevail.
European Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 12, No. 1
Publication Date: February 25, 2024
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes
and a Possible Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied
Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Services for Science and Education United Kingdom
Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the
Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More
Biodiverse Mountainscape
Leif Kullman
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Lisa Öberg
oldTjikko Photo Art & Science
Handöl 544, SE-837 71 Duved, Sweden
In the context of proposed future anthropogenic climate warming, the present
study accounts for arboreal responses to recent temperature rise, viewed in the
perspective of Lateglacial and early Holocene climate and ecosystem variability. As
an analogue to a future warmer world, the focus is on an early deglaciated nunatak
in the southern Swedish Scandes, Mt. Åreskutan, with a well-researched arboreal
history, embracing periods of climate warming of present-day extent. New research
from this and adjacent localities challenges traditional historical narratives, which
fail to provide a true picture of deglaciation and vegetation history. It is increasingly
evident that common boreal tree species grew close to this summit in a climate, 2-3
°C warmer than at present, during the Lateglacial and early Holocene periods
16 800- 6000 years ago. Based on minimal temperature requirements for tree
growth, future warming of the same magnitude would be sufficient for trees to
reclaim their lost ground close to this peak. Recent observations of tree saplings
and the emergence of genuine “forest plants” at these high elevations, indicate that
dispersal mechanisms will not constrain this progressive process. Conceivably, it
will not manifest as advancement of a broad forest front. History suggests that
pockets of trees, with a ground cover of boreal plant species, will establish in local
favourable niches, e. g. sites of vanished glaciers and perennial snow beds. Much of
the present-day alpine tundra may be more conservative and resilient to tree
invasion, as evident from insignificant upslope movement of forest limits in
response to modern climate warming. By and large, continued warming is no
imminent threat to alpine biodiversity. An open and diverse high-mountain
landscape is likely to prevail.
Keywords: Treeline, nunatak, climate change, megafossils, paleobiogeography, Holocene,
Swedish Scandes
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Global warming since more the 100 years is a meteorological reality, particularly amplified in
northern and high-altitude regions already by the 1920s -1930s. This course of change is
associated with large and predominantly progressive repercussions for biota, physical
landscape and human society. However, the common and widespread perception of this
development is that it represents a serious and imminent threat to man and planet Earth. This
alarmistic and dystopic view is purported to the public and media by the prestigious
International Council of Climate Change (IPCC) and its followers, which downgrade natural
climate history and rely more on immature and unvalidated numerical models. The latter fail
to reproduce recurrent natural climate changes in the long-term past (e.g., Karlén 1988;
Hormes et al. 2001; Bengtsson et al. 2004) and to deliver reliable and useful climate
projections for the future. In fact, modern warming is within natural Holocene climate
variability (Vinós 2022).
Alpine and subalpine regions are supposed to display early signal and account of
profound geoecological and phytogeographical changes attributable to putative
anthropogenic and unprecedented climate warming (Moen et al. 2004; ACIA 2005; Kaplan &
New 2006; Gottfried et al. 2012). This alarmistic climate view has prompted some scientists to
ventilate doubt as to the realism and strength of these model projections, often based on
“worst-case” climate change scenarios and neglecting robust paleoperspectives on climate
and vegetation (cf. Idso 1998; Bengtsson, Semenov & Johannessen 2004; Walther, Beissner
& Burga 2005; Karlén, 2008; Ljungqvist 2009: Humlum et al. 2011; Hausfather & Peters
With this general background, our objective is to provide the best available view of past and
recent climate-driven landscape change in the high-altitude Swedish Scandes and to
complement projective biogeographic models with robust observational and paleecological
data. As focus object, we chose Mt. Åreskutan, an iconic object in Scandinavian paleogeograhy,
also displaying detailed data on arboreal and general vegetation responses to recent climate
change (Kullman 2002a, b). In addition, an independent model has projected the future
treeline rise by 600 m, in the case of a 3 °C warming, on this specific mountain (Boer et al.
Moreover, Mt. Åreskutan has been in the centre of a controversy concerning the date of
deglaciation and late-glacial arboreal performance. Kullman (2000, 2002) presented robust
megafossil data, showing unequivocal presence of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp.
czerepanovii), spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris), as early as about 16 000 cal. a
BP, close to the summit 300-400 m higher than present-day treelines. This is about 6000 and
more years earlier than previous estimates of local deglaciation. These megafossil
dates also represent the first presence of tree growth in the Scandes, in conflict with
inferences by less precise methods, e.g., pollen analysis and terrestrial cosmogenic
nuclide (TCN) analysis (Tallantire 1977; Kleman et al. 1997; Johnsen 2010; Stroeven et al.
Not surprisingly, these new and unorthodox results were heavily attacked by defenders of the
old paradigm with the simple and negative argument that they deviated from established
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
truth (Birks, Larsen & Birks 2005, 2006; Johnsen 2010). These opinions were viewed in a
wider perspective and refuted by some authors (Kullman 2005, 2006, 2008; Parducci et al.
2012; Nota, Klaminder, Milesi 2022). To make doubly likely, late-glacial tree remains have
been recovered at widely distributed sites along the Swedish Scandes (Kullman 2002a, 2017b;
Öberg & Kullman 2011; Kullman & Öberg 2015, 2020). Taken together, these paleo-arboreal
results, based on megafossils, provide profound implications for the comprehension of
Lateglacial climate and paleogeography of the Scandes. In addition, the precision of some
traditional paleoenvironmental research approaches and biogeographical histories are
challenged in general. It needs to be realized that positive records of megafossils do
trump most other approaches concerning presence of species and deglaciation (cf. Paus
& Haugland 2017; Kullman 2018b; Odland & Paus 2021). The presented early dates of
arboreal presence represent a “roadmap” of fixed points, that future students of high-
mountain paleogeography have to relate to. The main objective of the present study is to add
detail to previous late-glacial records of megafossil tree remnants, recovered at high
elevations on Mt. Åreskutan (Kullman 2002a, b) and questioned by some authors (see above).
In analogy, and based on these data, the likely course of change in a putative warmer future
climate will be tentatively outlined. For that purpose, recent trends in treeline positions and
plant cover in general are highlighted and considered.
Radiocarbon dates are given as calibrated years BP (cal. a BP; present1950 calibrated in CALIB
8.20 (Stuiver et al. 2021) using the Intcal20 data set (Reimer et al. 2020). In the text, the
intercept values of radiocarbon age with the calibration curve are used for simplicity. Original
data are derived from Kullman (2002).
Mt. Åreskutan (1420 m a.s.l.), is an isolated massif, located somewhat to the east of the main
Scandes mountain change in central Sweden, 63° 26´N, 13° 06´E (Fig.1). The relief, built by
schists and highly fissured Seve amphibolite, is alpine in its upper parts. Adjacent valley
bottoms are about 1000 m below the summit. Proximity to the Norwegian Sea and low passes
to the west support a local maritime and humid macroclimate (Raab & Vedin 1995). The nearest
official weather station Storlien/Visjövalen (642 m a.s.l.) displays mean temperatures
(1991-2020) for the summer and winter periods; June-August, December-February and the
year, 12.3, -5.5 and 2.0 °C, respectively. During the years 1980-1998 an automatic weather
station was operated about 1 km to the west of the main study site, 1280 m a.s.l. Mean
temperatures for June-August, December-February and the year were 5.8, -8.2 and -2.2 °C,
respectively. The last-mentioned figures match temperatures extrapolated from the Storlien/
Visjövalen station and a lapse rate of 0.6 °C per 100 m altitude (Laaksonen 1976). Summer
(J.J.A.) and winter (D.J.F.) temperature evolution 1901-2023 displays regional warming by 1.4
°C and 1.9 °C, respectively (Kullman & Öberg 2023). Here concerned megafossils were
retrieved from a site, close to the summit, 1360-1370 m a.s.l. This locality is a flat surface at the
base of a steep south-facing slope, characterized as a minor glacier/ice patch cirque
(Borgström 1989). A rock wall provides protection from prevailing westerly winds and
enables accumulation of a huge and late-lying snowdrift, occupying a topographic niche in the
steep slope (1360-1400 m a.s.l.), and adjacent parts of the flat area below (Figs. 2-4). At the
present time, snow prevails here well into mid-July or early August. The melting snow feeds
two small pools, interconnected by a wet moss carpet area, predominantly, Warnstorfia
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
tundrae (Arnell) Loeske). Conceivably, this feature is a primary successional response to
earlier melt out over the past 100 years. A block rampart indicates a larger extension
of the snowpack in the past (Fig. 5). Most on the megafossils originate from beneath this
moss layer and its transition into the slope above, right at the mid-summer melting front. The
snow patch was described by Hartman (1814), who retells traditions from the
local population, that this snow patch had existed for centuries. A later geologist
(Högbom 1897), found that this was one of largest and most conspicuous snow patches in
the region. Tentatively, he discusses the possibility of a local glacier located here in the
past (cf. also Enquist 1910). That option had been dismissed by Hartman (1814).
Figure 1: Upper. Location of the study site, Mt. Åreskutan, close to the border between
Sweden and Norway. Lower. Winter view of Mt. Åreskutan.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 2: The snow patch cirque and the plain moss-covered area below, with a carpet of
Warnstorfia tundrae. Many megafossils were preserved beneath this cover, fed by meltwater
from the snow accumulating cirque above, and subjected to primary succession following
earlier melt-out over the past 100 years. Photo: 2010-09-09.
Figure 3: Overview of the main study site with the two small pools and the intervening moss -
covered area in the centre (1360 m a.s.l.). In the background a steep ridge protects from
predominant westerly winds and enables the accumulation of late-lying snow, that has
promoted the long-term preservation of tree remnants growing somewhat upslope. Photo:
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 4: This has been the modal mid-summer situation of the snow-accumulation cirque
during the last century, where a majority of the recovered megafossils are supposed to have
grown. Photo: 2018-07-18.
Figure 5: At the end of most recent summers, the snow in the cirque has disappeared
completely. The block rampart in the foreground indicates a former larger extent and longer
seasonal persistence of the snow patch, which may also be inferred from lack of lichen cover in
the centre. Photo: 2023-09-14.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 6: The summer of 2012 was relatively cold and ice and snow did not disappear
completely, providing a faint hint of prevailing conditions during the” Little Ice Age”, prior to
the modern warming phase. Photo: 2012-09-16.
Under this heading we display in situ images of all recovered megafossils of Betula, Pinus and
Picea showing the wide frame of arboreal history at this high-elevation site from the Lateglacial
to early and mid-Holocene.
Birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii)
Figure 7: Megafossil remnants of a birch that grow (1360 m a.s.l.) on the nunatak Mt.
Åreskutan, 16 815 cal. a BP. This is the earliest record of tree birch in the Scandes
and originates from a time when the Scandes, according the conventional wisdom,
should have been covered with a thick ice sheet. Photo: 2001-08-23.
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 8: Another late glacial birch, recovered from the mud close to the front of the snow
patch. Radiocarbon dating yielded 15 500 cal. a BP. Photo: 2001-07- 27.
Figure 9: Remnants of a tiny birch tree, dated 12 330 cal. a BP. Photo: 2001-07-28.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 10: Stout parts of the root system, unearthed from beneath the moss cover and
belonging to a tree birch. Radiocarbon-dating gave 11 930 cal. a BP. Photo: 2001-07-28.
Figure 11: Megafossil remains of a tree birch trunk (1360 m a.s.l.), which dated 8380 cal. a BP.
Photo: 2001-07-27.
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 12: Part of the root system of a birch (1375 m a.s.l.), dated 7980 cal. a BP. Photo: 2006-
Figure 13: Part of a tiny birch stem exposed at the centre of the snow patch site, 1370 m a.s.l.
and dated 6010 cal. a BP. This is the youngest megafossil tree recovered on Mt. Åreskutan,
and possibly it marks the onset of the Neoglacial era, with climate conditions increasingly less
conducive to tree growth. Photo: 2006-09-03.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Spruce (Picea abies)
Figure 14: Megafossil spruce and a keystone piece in Fennoscadian paleogeography, showing
that also spruce was part of the Lateglacial tree flora at high elevations. The radiocarbon
dating, 13 010 cal. a BP, is about 10 000 years earlier than previous inferences of first spruce
presence in the Scandes, based on the conventional pollen analytical approach. This chunk was
almost entirely covered by the moss carpet. Photo: 1998-08-02.
Figure 15: Megafossil spruce protruding from debris in the snow patch niche, 1380 m a.s.l
Radiocarbon dating yielded 12 000 cal. a BP. Photo: 2002-07-03.
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 16: Left. Old-established spruce growing in a steep slope, 975 m a.s.l. and marking the
treeline when this photo was captured. The stem was broken by a snow avalanche in the
1990s. Right. Wood remnants beneath the canopy gave an age of 6400 cal. a BP.
Photo: 2011-08-30.
Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Figure 17: Lage megafossil pine, exposed from beneath the moss cover and representing the
Lateglacial epoch, 13 810 cal. a BP. Photo: 1998-08-02.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 18: Close to the megafossil depicted in Figure 17, another pine was unearthed. The
radiocarbon age was 12 840 cal. a BP, adding further evidence to the existence of trees on
this early deglaciated nunatak by the Lateglacial period. Photo: 1998-08-02.
Figure 19: Stout pine trunk emerging at the snow front, radiocarbon-dated 10 950 cal. a BP.
Photo: 2001-07-27.
At the present time, the upper treeline is formed by mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp.
czerepanovii) at an elevation of 1015 m a.s.l., which represents a rise by 170 altitudinal
meters since the early 20th century. Analogous figures for spruce (Picea abies) are 1010 m a.s.l.
and 145 m, respectively (Kullman & Öberg 2009). Pine (Pinus sylvestris) is virtually
unrepresented in tree form on the slopes above the valley floor (380 m a.s.l.). Spruce is the
dominant species on this mountain up to about 750 m a.s.l. Higher upslope, a sparse birch
forest belt prevails. The upper limit of birch and spruce tree growth is currently about 350 m
Services for Science and Education United Kingdom
Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
below the elevation of Lateglacial trees, concerned in this study (Figs. 20, 21). The slopes
above the present-day treelines are sparsely strewn by birch and spruce saplings up and
above the site of megafossils, 1360-1385 m a.s.l. (Figs. 23-25).
Figure 20: Left. The treeline of Betula, 1015 m a.s.l., has advanced by 170 vertical meters since
the early 20th century. Photo: 2023-08-25. Right. Birch sapling established 1365 m a.s.l.,
350 m above the local treeline. Photo: 2003-07-19.
Figure 21: The current Picea treeline (1010 m a.s.l.) is 145 meter higher than about 100 years
ago. Treeline rise is accomplished by phenotypic change of an old-established krummholz
individual. Photo: 2023-09-13.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 22: Left. Vigourous spruce sapling with an estimated age of 50 years and growing
1385 m a.s.l. Two small cones with viable seeds were retrived. Photo: 2001-07-27. Right. A few
tiny saplings were recovered in the close vicinity (about 4 m to the leeward).
Photo: 2003-07-19.
Figure 23: A young spruce sapling growing on the steep slope above the “megafossil site”,
1380 m a.s.l. Photo: 2016-08-06.
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 24: The highest known (?) spruce in the Scandes (1410 m a.s.l.), close to the summit of
Mt. Åreskutan. That position is 400 m above the spruce treeline and 250 m higher than the
current upper limit of spruce saplings, recorded by the 1950s (Kilander 1955).
Photo: 2000-09-16. Source: Kullman 2002b.
Figure 25: Young pine saplings established 1365 m a.s.l.
Photos: Left. 2003-07-03. Right. 1999-07-07.
In accord with regional rise of subalpine and alpine species richness since the
mid-1950s (Kullman 2007a, b, 2008), analogous progressive responses are recorded on
Mt. Åreskuran (Figs. 26, 27).
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Figure 26: The upper limit of Melampyrum sylvaticum along the perimeter of Mt. Åreskutan,
was recorded on 37 stations in the mid-1950s by Kilander (1955) (green dots). This endeavour
(golden stars) was repeated 2002-2003 by Kullman (2004). A spatially consistent upslope
average displacement of 130 m was recorded.
Figure 27: Left. The upper limit of Cornus suecica has advanced from 985 (Kilander 1955) to
1365 m a.s.l., since the mid-1950s (Kullman 2004). Right. A presumably young individual of the
fern Athyrium distentifolium (1355 m a.s.l.), recorded 20 altitudinal meters higher than
obtained by the mid-1950s (Kilander 1955). Photo: 2016-08-06
During the Holocene thermal optimum, 10000-8000 years ago, broadleaved deciduous tree
species, with thermophilic affinities, grew at scattered locations along the southern Scandes,
where subalpine forest prevail at the present time (Kullman 2008, 2013, 2020). A recent
tendency of resurgence of some members of this flora has been perceived in subalpine regions
of the Swedish Scandes (Kullman 2023). Observations in the present study area provide some
local facets of corresponding progression, in the form of elevational spread of saplings to the
subalpine forest (Figs. 28, 29).
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Figure 28: Relict outlier stands of Ulmus glabra ssp. montana, growing in a steep and boulder-
rich terrain on the south-facing slope (650 m a.s.l) of Mt. Åreskutan (Totthumeln). The oldest
stems are more than 300 years old and were mentioned by early botanists (Hagström 1752:
Lange 1938). Scattered saplings (0.5-1 m tall) occur in the stand, Photo: 2010-06-13.
Figure 29: Left. Sapling of Ulmus glabra ssp. montana, 970 m a.s.l., growing 320 m higher than
the nearest relictual stand and putative seed source (Fig. 28). Unfortunatly, it was extirpated
in 2004 by construction of a ski pist. Photo: 2001-07-28. Right. A newly established sapling of
Acer platanoides, 970 m a.s.l. Obviously this is a wildling from plantations in the nearby
village Åre, 400 m Photo: 1998-08-02.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Images displayed in this paper, underline the robust character of Lateglacial and early Holocene
megafossil tree remnants and inferred past presence of trees close to the summit of Mt.
Åreskutan. No other approach has the same ability to pinpoint presence in space and time of
different tree species. In cases of conflict with other paleorecords, e.g. pollen analysis, priority
has to be given to megafossils (cf. Kullman 2018b). In general, it should be realized that
megafossils represent a higher level of evidence than e.g. the outcome of cosmogenic nuclide
dating of deglaciation, as performed by Johnsen (2010).
Our most common tree taxa in the Scandes (Betula, Picea and Pinus), were growing close to the
summit of Mt. Åreskutan already by the late glacial period 16 000-13 000 cal. a BP. A
reasonable analogue to the Lateglacial and early Holocene landscape is provided by Figure 30.
Figure 30: Today Mt. Grötmjölhögen (summit 820 m, 30 km to the south-west of Mt.
Åreskutan, supports a cover of mountain birch, predominatly in snow-rich lee depressions. In
addition, clonal spruces and scatterd pines occur in the slope. The exposed character of this
site precludes a more dense tree cover over the entire area. Photo: 2010-04-06. Tentatively, the
Lateglacial and early Holocene landscape of Mt. Åreskutan had some resemblance with this
present-day view of Mt. Grötmjölhögen. Photo: 2015-08-14.
The megafossil dates, presented in this paper, constitute a corner stone to which present and
future students of Scandinavian paleobiogeography have to relate. These findings are
parallelled in other parts of the Scandes (Öberg & Kullman 2011; Paus, Velle & Berge 2011;
Kullman & Öberg 2015, 2020, 2021; Kullman 2017a,b, 2022; Paus 2021; Paus, Brooks,
Haflidason et al. 2023).
Lateglacial tree growth 350 m higher than present-day treelines is no big wonder, considering
the effect of land uplift. At the time of the oldest megafossils, i.e. the summit of Åreskutan
appears to have been about 300 m closer to the sea level than today (Eronen 2005; Påsse &
Andersson 2005). This implies higher summer temperature by about 2 °C, which translates to
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Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
about 7.5 °C (see records above), and should have been sufficient for local tree growth at
favourable sites (Helland 1912; Körner & Paulsen 2004; Kullman 2021). The early dates of
Picea abies at this high altitude and and other analogous sites far to the west is particuarly
interesting since this species is assumed to have arrived about 3000 years ago. This gives credit
to inferences that a postglacial immigration stream came from the west (cf. Lindquist 1948;
Kullman 2001, 2008). Importantly, pollen analytical data point to the option of spruce
presence on the dry Doggerland during the Weichselian (Krüger et al. 2017), possibly an
underrated source area for biotic reclamation of Scandinavia following the Weichselian
glaciation (Paus et al. 2023).
By analogy, further warming by c. 2 °C would be sufficient to restore tree growth at the summit
of Mt. Åreskutan 350 m above present treelines, as modeled by Boer, Koster & Lundberg
(1990). That is a resonable option for the coming 100 years, based on the assumption of the
same pace of temperature rise as during the past 100 years, and the tight relationship between
temperature evolution and treeline displacement, documented for the past 100 years (Kullman
& Öberg 2009; Kullman 2018a). The realism of that vision is supported by the fact that saplings
of most boreal tree species are located right at formerly glacier/ice patch and megafossil sites,
as documented by this study. In other parts of the Scandes, groves of megafossil tree
assemblages are recovered in wind-protected ice-empty glacier niches, as much as 700
altitudinal meters above modern treelines (Kullman & Öberg 2015, 2020; Kullman 2017a).
Based on the above premises, the attainment of that postion would presuppose temperature
rise by about 4 °C. Most likely, such a course of change will not give rise to the emergence of a
closed tree cover over the entire summit area, due to a strong wind effect over the peak and the
prevalence of naked cliffs without a soil cover. Importantly, only future observations can
validate or refute these inferences.
Megafossil tree remnants display that during relatively warm phases of the Lateglacial and
early Holocene periods, main members of the modern Scandinavian tree flora grew on an early
deglaciated nunatak, 350 m higher than present-day local treelines. These species were Betula
pubescens ssp czerepanovii, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris. Based on a lapse rate of 0.6 °C per
100 m altitude, it may be inferred that summer temperature was at least 2 °C higher than the
early 21st century. By analogy, this historic situation may serve as a likely prospect of the
subalpine/alpine landcape evolution in the case of future warming by 2 °C over the present-
day level (early 21st century). With this background, it is reasonable to assume that tree cover
spots will arise in sheltered and scattered habitats on the alpine tundra, at least 350 m above
present-day treeline positions. This implies a more varied and richer mountainscape and a
revival of a more prosperous situation, prevailing during earlier and often warmer phases of
the Holocene.
ACIA 2005. Arctic climate impact assessment. Cambridge University Pres, Cambridge.
Bengtsson, L., Semenov, V. A. & Johannessen, O.M. 2004. The early twentieth-century warming in the Arctic-a
possible mechanism. Journal of Climate 17, 4045-4057.
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Services for Science and Education United Kingdom
Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
Kullman, L., & Öberg, L. (2024). Mt. Åreskutan Nunatak: An Arboreal “Roadmap” to the Paleobiogeograpy of the Swedish Scandes and a Possible
Pointer Towards a Future Revival of a Richer and More Biodiverse Mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol - 12(1). 219-242.
Services for Science and Education United Kingdom
Vol. 12, Issue 1, February-2024
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)
... For long, vegetation history has been synonymous with pollen analysis. However, that approach has been proven to provide an imperfect and incomplete view of Holocene treeline elevation, composition and structure [83][84][85][86][87][88]. A more qualitatively accurate view in these respects is provided by analyses of megafossil tree remains, preserved in peats and under glacial ice [60,85,89]. ...
... A more qualitatively accurate view in these respects is provided by analyses of megafossil tree remains, preserved in peats and under glacial ice [60,85,89]. Accordingly, all of our principal treeline trees were present in northern and western Scandinavia on early deglaciated nunataks already during the Late-Glacial, high above (500-700 m) the current (early 21st century) treeline positions [88]. The relatively highest elevations of tree growth were obtained 11 500-9000 cal. ...
... Picea abies, for long considered as a late-Holocene immigrant to the Scandes [e.g., 92], prevailed at high elevations much earlier on Mt. Getryggen than previously assumed ( Fig. 9), as sustained also at other localities in this region [69,88]. Subsequently, gradual cooling was initiated and maintained throughout much of the Holocene, which forced regression of the dominating pine treeline ecotone and the warmth-demanding trees. ...
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In the context of global climate change, positional treeline change since the early 20th century and up to 2023 was assessed along two elevational transects on Mt. Getryggen in the southern Swedish Scandes. Baseline data within permanent line transects, initially representing the year 1915, i.e. right at the onset of the present warming phase, were compared to later intermittent records up to 2023. These were complemented by repeat photography of individual trees. Concerned species were the regional treeline dominants; mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Grey alder (Alnus incana). Treelines of these species responded with different degrees of upshifts, although with substantial inter-site variability, related to topoclimatic conditions. Betula displayed the largest advance, by 215 m over the entire past 100 years. This maximum magnitude of change complies with data from widely different parts of the Swedish Scandes. Such a common performance indicates that regionally recorded summer and winter warming by 1.4 and 1.9°C, respectively, is the ultimate cause. In a long-term historical perspective, recorded by local megafossil tree remnants, most congenial conditions for birch and pine growth at high elevations prevailed around 10 500-9400 cal. yr BP, when the local treeline of Betula and Pinus reached 1355 and 1250 m a.s.l., respectively. The former elevation coincides with the upper limit of 14 Vaccinium myrtillus and the upper range of the low-alpine belt. With the exception of Pinus, recent treeline upshifts were mainly accomplished by phenotypic responses of millennial-old krummholz specimens (environmentally dwarfed modes), prevailing as relicts above the treeline by the early 20th century. Only occasionally, has treeline advance by Betula and Picea originated from seed regeneration during the past century. These circumstances may set the limit for further rapid and extensive advance of the last-mentioned species, where and when the pool of high-altitude old-established krummholz specimens becomes depleted. The prospect of further advance of seed disseminated Pinus, is judged to be higher, according to recent trends
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This study focuses, by in situ records and long-term observations, on recent (post-Litte Ice Age), arboreal change in a mountain birch dominated (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) valley in the Swedish Scandes. During the early Holocene thermal optimum and up to the onset of the mid-Holocene Neoglaciation, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) dominated the tree cover of this valley and formed the treeline ecotone adjacent to the early alpine tundra. Subsequently, and consistent with progressive cooling until the late 19th century, prevailing pine stands demised and opened for landscape-level expansion of birch and spruce (Picea abies). A short and distinct break in that process took place by the Medieval Climate warming phase, about 1000-800 years before present. Subsequently, during pre-industrial time, temperatures reached their lowest levels of the entire post-glacial period. This was the so-called Little Ice Age, which ended the long-term Holocene cooling. That cold-climate epoque was broken by the late-19th and early 20th century. Thereafter and up to the present-day, temperatures in the study region (summer and winter) have increased by slightly less than 2 °C. As a consequence, treelines of all species have advanced by a maximum of more than 200 altitudinal meters. Pine displays the most persistent expansion, particularly over the past few decades. "Falangist" occurrences appear in the pure birch forest, tens of kilometers and hundreds of meters, respectively, beyond and above the outposts by the early 20th century. Occasionally, scattered young pine trees now grow close to the birch forest limit and somewhat above. In particular, at sites where pine stands demised during the Little Ice Age, c. AD. 1300-1850, prolific regeneration and insignificant winter mortality are recorded over the past 15 years. In comparison, birch and spruce provide no analogous signs of recent expansion. It may be hypothesized that unabated climate warming and corresponding arboreal progression will profoundly transform the plant cover of this valley, and others alike, into the same pine-dominated state that prevailed during the early Holocene. In other words, a new biogeographic zonation pattern may be on the rise, with pine back as the dominant subalpine species. This option is focused by continued monitoring.
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Largely consistent with general predictions and earlier empirical studies, it appears that post-Little Ice Age climate warming has started to affect large-scale biogeographic patterns in northern Sweden. Long-term monitoring in subalpine and adjacent regions reveals sparse spread of broadleaved thermophilic tree species. Saplings of Quercus robur, Ulmus glabra, Acer platanoides, Alnus glutinosa and Betula pendula have responded to recent climate warming by jump-dispersal in the order of 50-300 km northwards and 500-800 m upwards, relative to their natural range limits. Consistent with treeline rise by boreal tree species, the thermophilies have reinvaded regions where they grew during the warmest phase of the Holocene, 9500-8000 years ago, but were subsequently extirpated by the Neoglacial cooling. Confined to the past 20 years or so, the unique observations of recent termophilies comply with background climate data, i.e. warming of all seasons. These results may contribute to more realistic vegetation models by stressing that the distributions of certain plant species are able to track climate warming without substantial migrational lag. Hitherto, vegetation and climate evolution appear to be well within the frames of natural dynamics during the postglacial era, although mechanisms may differ.
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This book is an unorthodox ground-breaking scientific study on natural climate change and its contribution to ongoing multi-centennial global warming. The book critically reviews the effect of the following on climate: - Milankovitch cycles - abrupt glacial (Dansgaard-Oeschger) events - Holocene climate variability - the 1500-year cycle - solar activity - volcanic eruptions - greenhouse gases - energy transport Applying the scientific method to available evidence reveals that some of these phenomena are profoundly misunderstood by most researchers. Milankovitch cycles are tied to orbital obliquity, not to orbital precessional summer insolation; glacial megatides might have triggered abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger events; and tides are likely responsible for the related 1500-year climate cycle. Climate change affects volcanic eruptions more than the opposite; and secular variations in solar activity are more important to climate change during the Holocene than greenhouse gases. In this book, we see how important natural climate change has been on human societies of the past. It also produces new climate projections for the 21st century and when the next glaciation could happen. What emerges from this study of natural climate change is a central theme: Variations in the transport of energy from the tropics to the poles have been neglected as a cause of climate change, and solar activity variations affect climate by modulating this transport. The author tells us: –Transporting more energy from a greenhouse gas-rich region, the tropics, to a greenhouse gas-poor region, the poles, increases the amount of energy lost at the top of the atmosphere. The effect resembles a reduction in the greenhouse gas content.– The book presents the Winter-Gatekeeper Hypothesis on how variations in solar activity regulate Earth's energy transport and in so doing affect atmospheric circulation, the rotation of the planet, and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation. This book is oriented toward students and academics in the climate sciences and climate anthropology and should also appeal to readers interested in the science of natural climate change. The repercussions of Climate of the Past, Present and Future are far reaching. By uncovering a strong natural climate change component, it provides a novel view of anthropogenic climate change, fossil energy use, and our future climate; a view quite different from the IPCC's gloomy projections.
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A megafossil wood remnant of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was retrieved from a high-elevation nunatak in the southern Swedish Scandes. The site was nearly 600 m higher than the present-day treeline. These circumstances comply with analogous earlier recoveries, indicating presence of spruce at high elevations in the Scandes, several thousands of years prior to inferences made by pollen analysis. Radiocarbon-dating yielded a median age of 9300 cal a BP. This result adds firm detail and adheres to ongoing reappraisal of the structure and biodiversity of the late-glacial and early Holocene mountain landscape, in the light of growing megafossil and molecular genetic evidence.
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Contrasting theories exist regarding how Norway spruce (Picea abies) recolonized Fennoscandia after the last glaciation and both early Holocene establishments from western microrefugia and late Holocene colonization from the east have been postulated. Here, we show that Norway spruce was present in southern Fennoscandia as early as 14.7 ± 0.1 cal. kyr BP and that the millennia-old clonal spruce trees present today in central Sweden likely arrived with an early Holocene migration from the east. Our findings are based on ancient sedimentary DNA from multiple European sites (N = 15) combined with nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis of ancient clonal (N = 135) and contemporary spruce forest trees (N = 129) from central Sweden. Our other findings imply that Norway spruce was present shortly after deglaciation at the margins of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, and support previously disputed finds of pollen in southern Sweden claiming spruce establishment during the Lateglacial.
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Økologisk kunnskap om fortida er en nøkkel til å kunne forstå og forklare dagens variasjon i jordsmonn, plantesamfunn, artsutbredelse og artsmangfold i fjellet. Variasjon i temperatur, isforhold og økologiske prosesser under og etter istiden har skapt grunnlaget for dagens plantesamfunn og økologiske forhold. Forholdene under den varmeste perioden etter istiden kan også indikere hvordan forholdene kan bli med økende temperaturer i framtida. Et sentralt spørsmål har lenge vært om istiden utslettet all vegetasjon slik at plantene måtte etableres på nytt, eller om planter kan ha overlevd noen steder i Skandinavia eller i nærområdene.
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Two and a half meters of sediments from Lake Heimtjønna in the Scandes Mountains reveal changes in the vegetation, climate, and sediment environment since deglaciation. The lake was deglaciated in the Late-Glacial (LG), perhaps as early as 16-18 ka cal BP. After deglaciation, the sediment environment at the Heimtjønna coring point was extraordinary and challenging to interpret. The genesis of the 1.7 m basal unsorted sediments including large stones is discussed concluding that the layer was rafted by lake-ice after the LG deglaciation. The Younger Dryas (YD) established a semi-perennial lake-ice that stopped the deposition of the ice-rafted stone-rich sediments. In the early Holocene, the unstratified and well-sorted clayey silt shows fluvial origin. In late Holocene, strong flood activity including the major flood disaster ‘Stor-Ofsen’ in AD 1789, caused a sediment hiatus at the coring point from ca 9.5 ka cal BP to ca 250 a cal BP. The LG interstadial warming initiated the succession from pioneer plants on mineral soils towards local dwarf-shrub heath. July temperatures reached at least 7–8 OC. In the LG and early Holocene, Papaver radicatum, Artemisia norvegica, and Campanula cf. uniflora today occurring at Dovre and with centric Scandinavian distributions, locally established. All have previously been connected to Weichselian survival on nunatak refugia. Continuous pollen curves of spruce (Picea abies) support the much-debated LG and early Holocene presence of spruce in the Scandes mountains. For the first time, it is shown that both grey alder (Alnus incana) and Armeria occurred in the Scandes in the LG and early Holocene. Due to dating errors, LG ages is exclusively based on stratigraphical correlations and considerations. The LG chronology must be thoroughly tested by future studies providing reliable AMS ¹⁴C-dates of terrestrial fossils.
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Radiocarbon (C) ages cannot provide absolutely dated chronologies for archaeological or paleoenvironmental studies directly but must be converted to calendar age equivalents using a calibration curve compensating for fluctuations in atmospheric C concentration. Although calibration curves are constructed from independently dated archives, they invariably require revision as new data become available and our understanding of the Earth system improves. In this volume the international C calibration curves for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as for the ocean surface layer, have been updated to include a wealth of new data and extended to 55,000 cal BP. Based on tree rings, IntCal20 now extends as a fully atmospheric record to ca. 13,900 cal BP. For the older part of the timescale, IntCal20 comprises statistically integrated evidence from floating tree-ring chronologies, lacustrine and marine sediments, speleothems, and corals. We utilized improved evaluation of the timescales and location variable C offsets from the atmosphere (reservoir age, dead carbon fraction) for each dataset. New statistical methods have refined the structure of the calibration curves while maintaining a robust treatment of uncertainties in the C ages, the calendar ages and other corrections. The inclusion of modeled marine reservoir ages derived from a three-dimensional ocean circulation model has allowed us to apply more appropriate reservoir corrections to the marine C data rather than the previous use of constant regional offsets from the atmosphere. Here we provide an overview of the new and revised datasets and the associated methods used for the construction of the IntCal20 curve and explore potential regional offsets for tree-ring data. We discuss the main differences with respect to the previous calibration curve, IntCal13, and some of the implications for archaeology and geosciences ranging from the recent past to the time of the extinction of the Neanderthals.