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Discrimination of Second Language Vowel Contrasts and the Role of Phonological Short-Term Memory and Nonverbal Intelligence


Abstract and Figures

Although extensive research has focused on the perceptual abilities of second language (L2) learners, a significant gap persists in understanding how cognitive functions like phonological short-term memory (PSTM) and nonverbal intelligence (IQ) impact L2 speech perception. This study sets out to investigate the discrimination of L2 English monophthongal vowel contrasts and to assess the effect of PSTM and nonverbal IQ on L2 speech perception. The participants consisted of adult monolingually-raised Greek speakers, who completed an AX discrimination test, a digit span test, and a nonverbal intelligence test. A control group of English speakers also completed the AX test. Data were analyzed using Bayesian regression models. The results revealed that Greek speakers exhibited below chance discrimination for the majority of L2 vowel contrasts, consistently underperforming in comparison to the control group. Intriguingly, the study did not provide substantial evidence in favor of more accurate discrimination of L2 contrasts by Greek participants with high PSTM compared to those with low PSTM. However, the study yielded compelling evidence indicating that Greek participants with higher IQ demonstrated superior accuracy in discriminating most L2 contrasts compared to their lower IQ counterparts. The limited influence of PSTM on speech perception suggests the need for further exploration, considering the potential impact of test methodologies and the intricate interplay of other confounding factors. Furthermore, the study uncovers a noteworthy relationship between nonverbal IQ and L2 speech perception, likely linked with the association of high IQ with enhanced attentional capacities, information processing abilities, and learning skills—all of which are pivotal for accurate speech perception.
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Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2024) 53:9
1 3
Discrimination ofSecond Language Vowel Contrasts
andtheRole ofPhonological Short‑Term Memory
andNonverbal Intelligence
GeorgiosP.Georgiou1,2 · AretousaGiannakou1,2
Accepted: 4 December 2023 / Published online: 4 February 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Although extensive research has focused on the perceptual abilities of second language
(L2) learners, a significant gap persists in understanding how cognitive functions like pho-
nological short-term memory (PSTM) and nonverbal intelligence (IQ) impact L2 speech
perception. This study sets out to investigate the discrimination of L2 English monoph-
thongal vowelcontrasts and to assess the effect of PSTM and nonverbalIQ on L2 speech
perception. The participants consisted of adult monolingually-raised Greek speakers, who
completed an AX discrimination test, a digit span test, and a nonverbal intelligence test.
A control group of English speakers also completed the AX test. Data were analyzed
using Bayesian regression models. The results revealed that Greek speakers exhibited
belowchance discrimination for the majority of L2 vowel contrasts, consistently underper-
forming in comparison to the control group. Intriguingly, the study did not provide substan-
tial evidence in favor of more accurate discrimination of L2 contrasts by Greekparticipants
with high PSTM compared to those with low PSTM. However, the study yielded com-
pelling evidence indicating that Greekparticipants with higher IQ demonstrated superior
accuracy in discriminating most L2 contrasts compared to their lowerIQ counterparts. The
limited influence of PSTM on speech perception suggests the need for further exploration,
considering the potential impact of test methodologies and the intricate interplay of other
confounding factors. Furthermore, the study uncovers a noteworthy relationship between
nonverbal IQ and L2 speech perception, likely linked with the association of high IQ with
enhanced attentional capacities, information processing abilities, and learning skills—all
of which are pivotal for accurate speech perception.
Keywords Speech perception· Phonological short-term memory· Nonverbal intelligence·
Second language· Greek· English
* Georgios P. Georgiou
Aretousa Giannakou
1 Department ofLanguages andLiterature, University ofNicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
2 Phonetic Lab, University ofNicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
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The difficulties observed in adults in accurately distinguishing second language (L2) sound
contrasts is mainly attributed to the strong effect of their first language (L1) (Evans &
Alshangiti, 2018; Georgiou, 2022a, 2024; Iverson etal., 2003; Shinohara & Iverson, 2018).
Considering that L2 sounds are mapped in terms of L1 categories in the human mind (e.g.,
see Best & Tyler, 2007; Cebrian, 2006; Georgiou etal., 2020a, 2020b; Mayr & Escudero,
2010; Schmidt, 2018), L2 sounds mapped to a single L1 category are particularly difficult
to distinguish. For example, Georgiou etal. (2020b) found that Russian learners of English
struggled to discriminate the English /æ/–/e/contrast since they assimilated both English
vowels to the same Russian category, that is, /e/. This single-category mapping might be
fostered by the size and complexity of the L1-L2 systems. For instance, Iverson and Evans
(2007) reported that speakers of L1s with large and more complex vowel systems (German
and Norwegian) identified the L2 English vowels more accurately than speakers of L1s
with smaller and less complex vowel systems (Spanish and French). Nevertheless, more
recent studies argued that having a large and more complex vowel system does not guar-
antee a discrimination advantage. Elvin etal. (2014) found that Australian English listen-
ers do not discriminate Brazilian Portuguese vowel contrasts better than Spanish listeners
despite the large size and complexity of the Australian English vowel system and the small
size and simplicity of the Spanish vowel system. The authors concluded that crosslinguis-
tic properties but not crosslinguistic vowel systems predicted the difficulty of learners in
discriminating the L2 contrasts. The size and complexity of L1 and L2 systems can be con-
sidered together with the acoustic similarity between L1-L2 sounds to predict the speakers’
L2 perception patterns (see Alispahic etal., 2017; Georgiou, 2023d).
Discrimination predictions are usually based on the theoretical account of specific
speech models. A recent addition is the Universal Perceptual Model (UPM) (Georgiou &
Dimitriou, 2023; Georgiou, 2021a, 2023c), which accounts for the difficulties of learners
in the discrimination of L2 sound contrasts. Being consistent with other models, UPM also
suggests that the acoustic characteristics of L1-L2 sounds may be useful for the assessment
of speakers’ discrimination abilities over the L2 contrasts. More specifically, it proposes
that perceptual overlapping between two contrastive L2sounds against an L1 sound can
predict the discrimination difficulty of the L2 pair. In this context, two L2 contrasts can
be completely overlapping, partially overlapping and nonoverlapping. Completely overlap-
ping contrasts are expected to be discriminated worse than partially overlapping contrasts,
and the latter are expected to be discriminated worse than nonoverlapping contrasts.
Apart from the linguistic account, the contribution of several factors such as age of
learning (Flege etal., 1995), length of residence (Meador et al., 2000), L1-L2 use (Flege
et al., 1997), quality and quantity of L2 input (Flege & Liu, 2001), gender (Flege &
Fletcher, 1992), etc. has been investigated in a large number of studies. The role of cogni-
tive functions such as phonological short-term memory (PSTM) and intelligence (IQ) has
received less scientific attention. PSTM constitutes an integral component of the multidi-
mensional working memory (WM) system, alongside dimensions associated with atten-
tional resource capacity and allocation, as well as processing speed (Montgomery etal.,
2009). Baddeley etal. (1984) reported that the PSTM model contains two main elements: a
phonological buffer or store designed for the temporary retention of memory traces lasting
a few seconds, and a subvocal rehearsal process employed for the purpose of rejuvenating
these memory traces. General intelligence, or the so-called g factor, originally proposed by
Spearman (1904), comprises a psychometric construction of cognitive abilities and human
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intelligence. Cattell (1963) refers to two types of general intelligence, fluid and crystal-
lized. Fluid intelligence shows the ability of individuals to solve problems and reason and
is often associated with nonverbal skills. Crystallized intelligence emerges from past expe-
rience and is improved over time as individuals increase their knowledge; this knowledge
is language- and culture-specific (Dryden etal., 2017). This type of intelligence is based on
verbal skills.
Previous work that attempted to define the relationship between PSTM and language
studied the effect of PSTM on L2 oral fluency (O’Brien etal., 2006), vocabulary learning
(French & O’Brien, 2008; Martin & Ellis, 2012), and grammar aspects (Masoura & Gath-
erole, 2005). There is lessevidence regarding the interface betweenPSTM and L2 speech
perception. A relationship between PSTM and speech perception patterns is expected
since PSTM enables learners to temporarily store nonnative sounds, facilitating the abil-
ity to perceive and differentiate them from the familiar sounds of their L1. By employing
the rehearsal mechanism, nonnative sounds can effectively be reinforced, thus aiding in
the development of enduring and robust mental representations. This, in turn, enhances
the capacity for long-term recognition and differentiation of these sounds. MacKay etal.
(2001) delved into the identification of English vowels by Italian speakers. Their research
unveiled that PSTM significantly predicted the identification of word-final English conso-
nants, accounting for approximately 15% of the variance, as well as the identification of
word-initial English consonants, where it explained about 8% of the variance. These find-
ings were deemed noteworthy for understanding and predicting the identification patterns
exhibited by the speakers. Lengeris and Nicolaides (2014) examined the identification of
English consonants by Greek listeners in quiet and noise contextsand the effect of PSTM
on this identification using a nonword repetition task. The findings showed that PSTM
highly correlated with the capacity of the listeners to identify English consonants. Aliaga-
Garcia etal. (2011) indicated that Catalan-Spanish learners of English with higher PSTM
capacities had higher accuracy scores and perceptual gains from phonetic training com-
pared to Catalan-Spanish learners of English with lower PSTM capacities, highlighting
the significant role of PSTM in L2 vowel discrimination. Along the same lines, Safronova
(2016) found a positive correlation between PSTM and discrimination performance over
L2 English contrasts by Spanish-Catalan learners of English. In addition, larger PSTM
capacity was associated with better performance in the distinction of these contrasts. How-
ever, this result could not be verified for Azerbaijani learners of English (Ghaffarvand
Mokari & Werner, 2019). The authors trained the learners in the discrimination of L2 Eng-
lish contrasts, concluding that there was no correlation between gains from high variability
phonetic training and PSTM—thus, the role of PSTM in phonological learning was insig-
nificant. Similarly, Safronova and Mora (2012) indicated no advantage for Catalan learn-
ers of English with a large PSTM capacity in more accurately identifying the English /
iː/–/ɪ/ contrast in comparison to learners with a low PSTM capacity. PSTM is measured
using a variety of methods including nonword repetition (Lengeris & Nicolaides, 2014) or
serial nonword recognition tasks (SNWR) (Cerviño-Povedano & Mora, 2010; Ghaffarvand
Mokari & Werner, 2019), immediate serial recall (Tree & Playfoot, 2019) and digit span
tests (Kim etal., 2016) among other. Although the list of studies is not exhaustive, previ-
ous findings suggest mixed results regarding the effect of PSTM on the learners’ speech
perception abilities.
There is evidence focusing on the link between L2 learning and IQ. In some studies,
high- vs low-achieving L2 learners were found to differ from each other in terms of verbal/
nonverbalIQ (e.g., Sparks etal., 1992), while some other studies indicated no such differ-
ence (e.g., Sparks etal., 2012). In an earlier study, Carroll (1962)suggested that while L2
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aptitude does not depend on IQ, there might be an association between generalIQ and the
capability of cognitive mechanisms insupporting L2 proficiency. Łockiewicz etal. (2018)
explored the predictors of foreign language learning by L1 Polish preschooler learners of
Englishas a foreign language. The authors observed that nonverbal IQ was a good predic-
tor of the oral English skills of children. Woumans etal. (2019) examined the relationship
between L2 acquisition and nonverbal cognitive abilities, identifyingnonverbalIQ as one
of the contributing factors to the acquisition of L2 Dutch vocabulary, as higher perfor-
mance on Dutch L2 vocabulary correlated with higher nonverbalIQ progress. A similar
positive relationship between nonverbalIQ and L2 vocabulary development was observed
by Daller and Ongun (2018) in Turkish-English successive bilingual children. Research
regarding the effect of IQ on phonetic aspectsis scarce.Rota and Reiterer (2009) examined
among other the correlation between verbal and nonverbal IQ and phonetic abilities. Their
results suggested no correlation between verbal and nonverbal IQ and pronunciation, while
a correlation was found between verbal IQ and phonetic coding ability. Similarly, Chris-
tiner etal. (2018) reported that nonverbalIQ did not correlate with language phonetic apti-
tude. In contrast, one recent study demonstrated that Cypriot Greek speakers of L2 English
with a high nonverbal IQ capacity discriminated the majority of L2 vowel contrasts more
accurately than the corresponding speakers with a low nonverbal IQ capacity (Georgiou,
2023a). Some of the most popular measures of nonverbal IQ are the Wechsler Abbrevi-
ated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) (Wechsler, 1999), the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS) (Wechsler, 2008), and the Raven Progressive Matrices tests (Raven etal., 2000).
All in all, the very few studies in the literature manifest contradictory findings about the
effect of nonverbalIQ on L2 speech perception.
This paper aims to answer two main questions: (i) how do Greek speakers of L2 Eng-
lish discriminate specific pairs of English monophthongal vowel contrasts (/iː/–/ɪ/, /iː/–/e/,
/ɑː/–/ʌ/, /æ/–/ɑː/, /ɔː/–/ɒ/, and /uː/–/ʊ/)? and (ii) how do the Greekspeakers’ PSTM and
nonverbalIQ capacities affect their discrimination abilities? The first question’s motiva-
tion stems from the limited research on the discrimination of English sound contrasts by
Greek speakers. This research gap offers an opportunity to gain valuable insights into how
an individual’s L1 influences the acquisition of L2 sounds, especially in the case of an
understudied language like Greek. By exploring this, we can enhance our understanding of
crosslinguistic phonology and, practically, help educators develop effective teaching strate-
gies and providelanguage learners with tools to identify phoneticchallenges. The second
question arises from the noticeable scarcity of comprehensive research into the influence of
PSTM and nonverbalIQ on L2 speech perception, especially in speakers with a Greek L1
background. This gap in knowledge hinders our ability to grasp why some language learn-
ers thrive in acquiring new phonological and phonetic elements while others encounter dif-
ficulties. Exploring the connection between PSTM, nonverbalIQ, and L2 speech percep-
tion can illuminate this phenomenon, contributing to a more profound comprehension of
the cognitive underpinnings of language acquisition. This understanding can be a pivotal
resource for educators seeking to tailor instruction to the cognitive profiles of individual
learners, ultimately enhancing language learning outcomes.
Standard Modern Greek consists of a simple five-vowel system including vowels/i e
a o u/ (see Georgiou & Themistocleous, 2021), while Standard Southern British English
has a more extensive vowel system which includes tense and lax vowels, namely, /iː uː ɜː
ɔː ɑː/ and /ɪ ʊ e æ ʌ ɒ/ respectively. This study concentrates on monophthongs as the few
previous studies involving Greek speakers have focused on this type of L2 English vowels.
As shown by previous research,most of these sounds are difficult for Greek speakers due
to the size and complexity of the L2 vowel system and the differences between the L1 and
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the L2 vowels at the acousticophonetic level. For example, Lengeris (2009) studied the
perception of English vowels by adult Greek learners of English, indicating sinlge-category
assimilations for several English vowels. Specifically,English /iː/ and /ɪ/ were both assimi-
lated to Greek category /i/, English /ε/ and /ɜː/ to Greek /e/, English /æ/ and /ʌ/ to Greek
/a/, English /ɑː/, /ɒ/ and /ɔː/ to Greek /o/ and English /ʊ/ and /u:/ to Greek /u/. The dis-
crimination scores showed that the most difficult contrast was /uː/–/ʊ/ followed by /ɑː/–/ʌ/,
/ɔː/–/uː/, /æ/– /ʌ/, /iː/–/ɪ/, /ɔː/– /ɑː/, /ɒ/ –/ɔː/, /æ/–/ɜː/, and /ɪ/–/e/ in the /bVb/ context.
Discrimination Predictions
We compared the acoustic characteristics of English and Greek vowels to form predic-
tions about the discrimination of each L2 contrast. Eleven female adult Standard Modern
Greek speakers were recorded producing the Greek vowels embedded in a /pVs/ context (5
vowels × 4 repetitions × 11 speakers = 220 productions). The words were part of the carrier
phrase ‘Léne < target word > tóra’ (‘they say < target word > now’). In addition, 10 adult
female Standard Southern British English speakers were recorded producing the 11 Eng-
lish vowels which were part of /hVd/ words (11 vowels × 2 repetitions × 10 speakers = 220
productions). The carrier phrase was ‘they say < target word > now’. All speakers were
instructed to produce the stimuli as if speaking to a friend and were recorded at a 44.1kHz
sampling rate in quiet rooms. Only female speakers were used to eliminate the effect of
sex on the productions. Figure1 presents the F1 × F2 (measured in Hz) of Greek and Eng-
lish vowels as produced by native speakers of these languages. Figures2 and 3 present
Fig. 1 F1 × F2 (in Hz) of Greek
and English vowels as produced
by the respective native speakers
Fig. 2 Duration of Greek vowels
(in ms) as produced by Greek
native speakers
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the durations (measured in ms) and standard deviations (SD) of Greek and English vowels
respectively as produced by native speakers of these languages.
According to the acoustic characteristics of English and Greek vowels, the following
predictions can be formed about the discrimination of the target English contrasts by Greek
speakers of English. These are based on the overlapping parameter threefold proposed by
/iː/ –/ɪ/: English /iː/ is expected to be classified as Greek /i/ as it comprises its closer
acoustic exemplar. English /ɪ/ is between Greek /i/ and /e/. However, its duration is
close to the duration of English /iː/ and, therefore, it is expected to bemainly classi-
fied as Greek /i/. Thus, a completely overlapping contrast is expected, which will signal
poor discrimination.
/iː/–/e/: English /iː/ is expected to be classified as Greek /i/, while English /e/ will prob-
ably beclassified to its closest exemplar, that is, Greek /e/. The contrast will be nono-
verlapping, presenting excellent discrimination.
/ɑː/–/ʌ/: English /ɑː/ lies between Greek /a/ and /o/, and thus it may overlap with both
Greek vowels. However, its duration is closer to Greek /a/ and thus it may be classified
in terms of that Greek vowel. English /ʌ/ might be classified as Greek /a/, which is its
closest acoustic exemplar. The contrast is expected to be completely overlapping.
/æ/–/ɑː/: English /æ/ is expected to be classified as Greek /a/, while /ɑː/ might be clas-
sified as Greek /a/. Complete overlap is expected.
/ɔː/–/ɒ/: English /ɔː/ is close to Greek /u/, but its duration is closer to Greek /o/. There-
fore, it might be an instance of Greek /o/ and /u/. English /ɒ/ is close to Greek /o/ and
it might be classified in terms of that Greek category. The contrast is expected to be
partially overlapping, exhibiting better discrimination than the completely overlapping
contrasts but worse discrimination than the nonoverlapping contrast.
/uː/–/ʊ/: English /uː/ is acoustically close to several Greek vowels. It is expected to be
classified mostlyas Greek /o/ or /u/ since it shares more acoustic properties with these
vowels. English /ʊ/ is between Greek /o/ and /u/ but its duration is closer to the duration
of Greek /u/. The contrast might be either completely or partially overlapping.
Predictions About theEffect ofPSTM andNonverbalIQ
Although it is difficult to develop predictions for each English contrast, we hypothesize that
both PSTM and nonverbalIQ will positively affect the discrimination of all or most con-
trasts since the majority of the previous studies demonstrated either an association of pho-
netic abilities with PSTM (e.g., Aliaga-Garcia etal., 2011; Safronova, 2016) or the positive
Fig. 3 Duration of English
vowels (in ms) as produced by
English native speakers
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role of nonverbalIQ in several linguistic skills (e.g., Łockiewicz etal., 2018; Woumans,
2019) including speech perception (e.g., Georgiou, 2023a).
Based on the above predictions, we aim to assess the following hypotheses:
H1 The control group (i.e., English speakers) will discriminate all but one L2 contrast
(i.e., /iː/–/e/) with higher accuracy than the experimental group (i.e., Greek speakers).
Also, evidence is expected to indicatebelowchance performance in the discrimination of
these contrasts by the experimental group, with the control group anticipated to demostrate
abovechance performance.
H2 For the Greek speakers, thediscrimination accuracy of English /iː/–/e/ will be higher
compared to the accuracy of the other contrasts, and the discrimination accuracy of /ɔː/–/ɒ/
will be higher than the accuracy of the other contrasts except /iː/–/e/.
H3 The discrimination accuracy of the L2 contrasts will be higher for Greekspeakers with
high PSTM than for Greekspeakers with low PSTM.
H4 The discrimination accuracy of the L2 contrasts will be higher for Greekspeakers with
high nonverbalIQ than for Greekspeakers with low nonverbalIQ.
Twenty monolingually-raised Standard Modern Greek speakers with an age range of 25–45
(Mage = 32.15, SD = 7.06) (nfemales = 12) participated in the study. All participants originated
from moderate-income families and reported that they were permanent residents of Ath-
ens, Greece. None of them had ever lived for a long time in an English-speaking country.
According to their self-reports, they had knowledge of English at the B2/C1 levels and the
mean of their understanding skills in English was 4.2/5 (SD = 0.68). The mean onset age
of learning English was 7.75 years (SD = 1.73) and the daily use of English was 0.85h
(SD = 1.35) on average. The participants were divided into two groups according to their
PSTM and IQ capacities (i.e., high/low PSTM, high/low IQ) after conducting a median
split on the raw scores of the PSTM and nonverbalIQ tests. The control group consisted
of 10 speakers of Standard Southern British English with an age range of 24–42, who per-
manently resided in the UK (Mage = 31.4, SD = 6.02) (nfemales = 5). These participants had a
moderate socioeconomic status. All participants had healthy vision and hearing.
The stimuli consisted of the 11 English monophthongs embedded in monosyllabic /hVd/
words, which were part of the carrier phrase “They say < word > now”. These words were
hid, heed, head, herd, had, hard, hud, hod, hoard, who’d, and hood, representing the
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vowels /ɪ iː e ɜː æ ɑː ʌ ɒ ɔː uː ʊ/ respectively. Two adult female Standard Southern British
English native speakers were recorded at a 44.1kHz sampling rate producing the carrier
phrases. The speakers were instructed to produce the phrases as naturally as possible as if
speaking to a friend. The stimuli were normalized for peak intensity in Praat (Boersma &
Weenink, 2022).
Discrimination Test
All participants completed an AX discrimination test in Praat. The stimuli were grouped
into six “different” pairs and six “same” pairs. The “different” pairs included the six Eng-
lish contrasts under investigation, that is, /iː/–/ɪ/, /iː/–/e/, /ɑː/–/ʌ/, /æ/–/ɑː/, /ɔː/–/ɒ/, and /
uː/–/ʊ/. Each of the six “different” conditions contained eight repetitions of the contrastive
vowels (4 AB and 4 BA types). Similarly, each of the six “same” conditions contained
eight repetitions of the contrastive vowels (4 AA and 4 BB types). A total number of 96
items (6 contrasts × 2 conditions × 8 repetitions) were discriminated by each participant and
all of them were presented in random order. The stimulus pairs always included record-
ings from different talkers. Participants were asked to sit in front of a PC, maintaining a
consistent distance from it. They listened to the stimuli through a set of headphones con-
nected to a PC and were asked to select whether the pair tokens were acoustically different
or the same by clicking on the relevant script label. The interstimulus interval was 300ms.
During the experiment, the stimuli could not be repeated and no feedback was given on
the participants’ responses. In addition, there was an optional five-minute break at the mid-
point. Prior to the main experiment, participants completed a familiarization test with four
items on the script to ensure that they understood the requirements of the test. The test
lasted about 15–20min for each participant.
PSTM Tests
Participants completed a digit span testto measure their PSTM capacities. The digit span
test is typically used to measure PSTM together with other tests such as nonword repeti-
tion tests (Brunfaut & Révész, 2015; Perez, 2020). The former has been suggested tocarry
semantic information that can bias the performance of PSTM memory (Jacquemot & Scott,
2006), while the latter is not associated with such effects as it uses pseudowords. Neverthe-
less, even when employing nonwords (or pseudowords), it is important to recognize that
these linguistic constructs are not entirely devoid of meaning and can still evoke semantic
associations (Chuang etal., 2021). For this study, the digit span test was preferred because
it has been widely used for the estimation of PSTM and it is relatively quick to administer,
making it a convenient tool to assess PSTM capacity in a short amount of time. It is also
easy to use and understand compared to nonword recognition/repetition tests. The test was
completed on a PC in quiet rooms and required the subjects to type the sequence of dig-
its they listened to from the PC loudspeakers; all of them used headphones. Participants
took a seat in front of a PC monitor, maintaining an approximate distance of 1m from it.
Apart from listening to the digits, they could also see them on the monitor. The digits were
spoken at a rate of approximately one digit per 1000ms. Each sequence began with three
digits and upon the successful record of the digits, the sequence increased in length by one
digit. There were two different digit span subtests: the forward digit span (FDS) and the
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backward digit span (BDS) tests. In FDS, participants were asked to type the sequence of
digits in the order originally presented, while in BDS, they typed the sequence of digits in
the reverse order from the original presentation. For both subtests, upon an unsuccessful
record of the correct digits by the participants, another chance was given to them and they
continued from the sequence they left. Upon a second incorrect attempt, the test stopped.
The score of the participants was the sum of the number of digits correctly recorded in
FDS and BDS. Each individual took 10–15min to complete the test.
NonverbalIQ Tests
Participants’ nonverbal IQwas measured through Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
test (Raven etal., 2000). The test was completed in quiet rooms individually, following the
PSTM test. Participants were presented with a series of matrices or visual patterns, each
of which had one element missing. They were anticipated to identify the missing element
from the set of options provided; there were either six or eight options for each item. They
did this by discerning the underlying rules, patterns, and relationships within the matrix
and then circling the option that logically completed the pattern. A total number of 60
black and white items in five sets (e.g., A to E) of 12 items (e.g., A1–A12) were presented.
The items within a set progressively became more complex, requiring a greater amount of
cognitive capacity to encode and analyze. The test was completed within 40–45min. The
performance of the participants was measured using the raw scores.
Statistical Analysis
Bayesian regression models were used to analyse the data. The statistical analysis took
place in R (R Core Team, 2022) with the use of the brms package (Bürkner, 2017). There
are many advantages to using a Bayesian model including its ability to deal with small sam-
ples of participants (see Escudero etal., 2020; Georgiou, 2023b;van de Schoot & Depaoli,
2014). Approximate leave-one-out (LOO) cross validation was conducted to select the
best-fitting model by comparing models with different fixed and random factors. For the
examination of the discrimination accuracy, the final model (Model 1) included contrast
(six English vowel contrasts), group (experimental/control), and contrast × group as fixed
factors and subjects, and contrast and group within subjects as random factors. The final
model for PSTM and nonverbalIQ (Model 2) included contrast, group.PSTM (high/low),
group.IQ (high/low), and contrast × group as fixed factors and subjects, and contrast and
group.IQ within subjects as random factors. Weakly informative priors were used, namely,
student’s t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0, and a standard deviation
of 2.5 (see Gelman etal., 2014, 2015). We employed the Bernoulli distribution since the
dependent variable response was dichotomous (0 = incorrect, 1 = cor rect).
After fitting the models, we proceeded with hypothesis testing. The likelihood of
the test hypothesis against its alternative was estimated through the consideration of
Evidence Ratio (ER). According to the evidence categories for the Bayes Factor BF12
of Jeffreys (1961) as cited in Andraszewicz etal. (2015), anER of > 100 represents
extreme evidence, ER of 30–100 very strong evidence, ER of 10–30 strong evidence,
ER of 3–10 moderate evidence, and ER of 1–3 anecdotal evidence for a given hypothe-
sis. AnER of 1 shows no evidence at all. AnER of 1/3–1 represents anecdotal evidence,
ER of 1/10–1/3 moderate evidence, ER of 1/30–1/10 strong evidence, ER of 1/100–1/30
very strong evidence, and ER of < 1/100 extreme evidence against a hypothesis. For
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practical reasons, we will consider an ER of > 10 and an ER of < 1/10 (or 0.1) as strong
evidence for and strong evidence against a particular hypothesis respectively. Apart
from ERs, we also report the posterior probabilities (PP).
The results of the discrimination test revealed that the experimental group exhibited
poor discrimination against all but one L2 English contrast. The least discriminable
contrast was /ɪ/–/iː/, followed by /æ/–/ɑː/, /uː/–/ʊ/, /ɑː/–/ʌ/, and /ɔː/–/ɒ/. The /iː/–/e/
contrast was discriminated with high accuracy. The control group discriminated all con-
trasts with higher accuracy than the experimental group. Figure4 illustrates the accu-
racy percentages for the discrimination of the six English vowel contrasts by the control
and experimental groups.
To investigate whether there isevidence for above chance discrimination of the L2
contrasts by Greek and English speakers, we used two Bayesian regression models.
With respect to Greek speakers, there was strong evidence of above chance discrimina-
tion performance only for /iː/–/e/ and /ɔː/ – /ɒ/ (ER > 116.65, PP >0.99). With respect
to English speakers, there was strong evidence that all contrasts were discriminated
above chance (ER > 499, PP = 1). Furthermore, for the examination of H1, we fitted a
new Bayesian regression model, namely, Model 1, and conducted hypothesis testing.
As shown in Table1, there was strong evidence that all L2 contrasts were discriminated
better by the control than the experimental group (ER > 104.26, PP > 0.99).
We also compared the discrimination accuracy of different L2 contrasts within the
experimental group (H2) using further hypothesis testing. The results demonstrated
strong evidence that English /iː/–/e/ was discriminated with higher accuracy than four
contrasts (ER = inf, PP = 1) and that /ɪ/–/iː/ was discriminated with lower accuracy than
/iː/–/e/ (ER = 0, PP = 0). Also, there was strong evidence that English /ɔː/–/ɒ/ was dis-
criminated with higher accuracy than /uː/–/ʊ/ (ER = inf, PP = 1) and that /ɪ/–/iː/ and
/æ/–/ɑː/ were discriminated worse than /ɔː/–/ɒ/ (ER < 0.04, PP < 0.04). In sum, the
results show that /iː/–/e/ was discriminated more accurately than all the other contrasts,
while /ɔː/–/ɒ/ was discriminated better than three contrasts and worse than onecontrast,
namely /iː/–/e/. The results of hypothesis testing for the comparison of the accuracy of
different L2 contrasts as discriminated by the Greek speakers are shown in Table2.
Fig. 4 Discrimination accuracy
of L2 English contrasts (percent-
age of correct responses) by the
control (left) and the experimen-
tal (right) groups. The error bars
show the SEs and the dashed line
shows chance performance
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For purposes of testing whether the high PSTM group discriminated the L2 contrasts
more accurately than the low PSTM group (H3), we fitted another Bayesian regression
model, namely, Model 2. The results of hypothesis testing showed that there was no evi-
dence for better discrimination of five L2 contrasts by the highPSTM group (ER < 5.07,
PP < 0.84). The results of hypothesis testing are shown in Table3.
Table 1 Hypothesis testing results for ERs of the contrast × group interaction in Model 1
The hypothesis tests whether the control group discriminated each L2 contrast more accurately than the
experimental group
Hypothesis con-
trol> experimental
Estimate Estimate Error CI. Lower CI. Upper ER PP
/ɪ/–/iː/ 3.57 0.63 2.57 4.63 Inf 1.00
/iː/–/e/ 3.10 1.66 0.79 6.07 104.26 0.99
/ɑː/–/ʌ/ 2.46 0.56 1.57 3.43 3999.00 1.00
/æ/–/ɑː/ 3.02 0.55 2.14 3.95 Inf 1.00
/ɔː/–/ɒ/ 2.12 0.59 1.18 3.10 3999.00 1.00
/uː/–/ʊ/ 2.84 0.60 1.88 3.88 Inf 1.00
Table 2 Hypothesis testing results for the ERs of the contrast effect in Model 1
The hypothesis tests whether each L2 contrast was discriminated more accurately than any other by the
Greek speakers
Estimate Estimate Error CI. Lower CI. Upper ER PP
1 > 2 −3.67 0.50 −4.51 −2.90 0.00 0.00
1 > 3 −0.50 0.33 −1.04 0.03 0.07 0.06
1 > 4 −0.31 0.33 −0.86 0.24 0.21 0.17
1 > 5 −0.89 0.34 −1.44 −0.36 0.00 0.00
1 > 6 −0.32 0.33 −0.87 0.24 0.20 0.16
2 > 3 3.17 0.50 2.39 4.03 Inf 1.00
2 > 4 3.37 0.50 2.59 4.23 Inf 1.00
2 > 5 2.78 0.50 2.00 3.63 Inf 1.00
2 > 6 3.36 0.50 2.58 4.22 Inf 1.00
3 > 4 0.20 0.34 −0.35 0.76 2.67 0.73
3 > 5 −0.39 0.34 −0.95 0.18 0.14 0.12
3 > 6 0.18 0.33 −0.35 0.73 2.51 0.71
4 > 5 −0.59 0.34 −1.13 −0.03 0.04 0.04
4 > 6 −0.01 0.33 −0.55 0.53 0.93 0.48
5 > 6 3.43 0.70 2.31 4.61 Inf 1.00
1 = /ɪ/–/iː/, 2 = /iː/–/e/, 3 = /ɑː/–/ʌ/, 4 = /æ/–/ɑː/, 5 = /ɔː/–/ɒ/, 6 = /uː/–/ʊ/
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We conducted another hypothesis testing to estimate whether the high IQ group discrimi-
nated the L2 contrasts more accurately than the low IQ group (H4). We found strong
evidence that /ɪ/–/iː/, /ɑː/–/ʌ/, /æ/–/ɑː/, and /ɔː/–/ɒ/ (ER > 11.86, PP > 0.92) were dis-
criminated more accurately by the high IQ group compared to the low IQ group. Weaker
evidence was found for two L2 contrasts (ER = 3.04–3.96, PP = 0.75–0.80). The results of
hypothesis testing are shown in Table4.
The present study investigated the discrimination of L2 English vowel contrasts by Greek
speakers. It also examined the role of PSTM and nonverbalIQ in the discrimination of
L2 contrasts. The participants were adult Greek speakers with experience in English.
They completed three tests: an AX discrimination, a digit span, and an intelligence test in
controlled environments. The results of all tests were analyzed with the use of Bayesian
regression models. Apart from revealing the speech perception patterns of speakers with an
underresearched L1, that is Greek, this study provided further evidence—in the relatively
scarce literature—about the effect of PSTM and nonverbalIQ on L2 speech perception.
Table 3 Hypothesis testing results for the contrast × group.PSTM interaction in Model 2
The hypothesis tests whether the high PSTM group discriminated each L2 contrast more accurately than the
low PSTM group
high > low
Estimate Estimate Error CI.Lower CI.Upper ER PP
/ɪ/–/iː/ −0.35 0.57 −1.30 0.59 0.37 0.27
/iː/–/e/ −0.36 0.91 −1.86 1.11 0.52 0.34
/ɑː/–/ʌ/ −0.80 0.59 −1.76 0.13 0.09 0.08
/æ/–/ɑː/ −0.44 0.53 −1.30 0.42 0.27 0.21
/ɔː/–/ɒ/ −0.41 0.59 −1.40 0.53 0.32 0.24
/uː/–/ʊ/ 0.56 0.58 −0.40 1.55 5.07 0.84
Table 4 Hypothesis testing results for the contrast × group.IQ interaction in Model 2
The hypothesis tests whether the high IQ group discriminated each L2 contrast more accurately than the
low IQ group
high > low
Estimate Estimate Error CI.Lower CI.Upper ER PP
/ɪ/–/iː/ 0.90 0.58 −0.06 1.85 14.81 0.94
/iː/–/e/ 0.78 0.91 −0.68 2.33 3.96 0.80
/ɑː/–/ʌ/ 0.81 0.57 −0.11 1.74 11.86 0.92
/æ/–/ɑː/ 1.00 0.50 0.18 1.83 41.55 0.98
/ɔː/–/ɒ/ 1.34 0.59 0.40 2.33 110.11 0.99
/uː/–/ʊ/ 0.37 0.55 −0.56 1.26 3.04 0.75
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Greek speakers of L2 English have insufficient abilities to discriminate particular Eng-
lish vowel contrasts. This finding confirms H1 since we found strong evidence that the
control group discriminated all L2 contrasts better than the experimental group. Also,
we found strong evidence that all but two contrasts were discriminated by Greek speak-
ers below chance, while English speakers discriminated all contrasts above chance. The
confirmation of this hypothesis underlines the great effect of speakers’ L1 on L2 vowel
discrimination since every L2 sound is filtered through the speakers’ native inventory. One
explanation would be that the Greek vowel system is smaller and less complex than the
English vowel system; therefore, two or more L2 sounds might have been accommodated
to a single L1 category, creating perceptual challenges regarding the discrimination of
these contrasts (for further evidence, see Fox etal., 1995; Iverson & Evans, 2007, 2009).
An additional explanation would posit that the acousticophonetic differences between the
vowels of the two languages interfered with the perception of the L2 sounds, leading to
perceptual problems. The poor performance of the speakers can also beinterpreted as a
result ofthe infrequent use of English in their daily life and the limited exposureto L2 nat-
uralistic stimuli, which is considered an important factor in improving learners’ L2 speech
perception abilities (Georgiou, 2021b). Usually, active learners of an L2 (e.g., see Geor-
giou etal., 2020b) or individuals with naturalistic access to the L2 speech (e.g., see Geor-
giou, 2018) are characterized by better discrimination abilities due to more robust mental
representations compared to nonactive learners and speakers who live in a context where
the L2 is not dominant.
H2 was also confirmed. This hypothesis was based on previous evidence which sug-
gested that the consideration of the acoustic properties of L1 and L2 vowels can predict to
some extent the speakers’ L2 discrimination patterns. Indeed, our initial predictions devel-
oped on the basis of crosslinguistic acoustic similarity were verified by the discrimina-
tion results. Specifically, English /iː/–/e/, which was regarded as a nonoverlapping contrast,
had higher discrimination accuracy than the other L2 contrasts, and English /ɔː/–/ɒ/, which
was a partially overlapping contrast, had higher discrimination accuracy than the other L2
contrasts except /iː/–/e/. Therefore, crosslinguistic acoustic similarity can somehow besuc-
cessful in predicting the discrimination accuracy of the L2 contrasts (see Alispahic etal.,
2017; Elvin etal., 2014; Escudero etal., 2012; Georgiou, 2024). In addition, the overlap-
ping parameters proposed by UPM can be a good metric for the estimation of L2 contrast
discrimination accuracy (see Georgiou, 2022b).
Against our expectations, there was no evidence suggesting that speakers with high PSTM
discriminate particular L2 English vowel contrasts more accurately compared to speakers with
low PSTM. Therefore, H3 was rejected. This is inconsistent with several studies that have found
positive effects of PSTM on L2 speech perception (e.g., Lengeris & Nicolaides, 2014; MacKay
etal., 2001). However, it agrees with the findings of other studiesthat providecounterevidence.
Safronova and Mora (2012) observed that Spanish/Catalan learners of English with a high
PSTM capacity could not perceive the English contrast /ɪ/–/iː/ more accurately than learners
with a low PSTM capacity. Also, Ghaffarvand Mokari and Werner (2019) reported that PSTM
was not associated with gains of phonetic training in the discrimination of English vowel pairs.
Our findings may have several explanations. For example, the outcomes may depend on the
type of test used to assess speakers’ PSTM. In our study, we used a digit span test, while other
studies reporting a positive effect of PSTM used nonword recognition or nonword repetition
tasks. This result may have emerged from the fact that nonword tasks are more specific for the
measurement of phonological processing and phonological information stored in PSTM com-
pared to the digit span tests, which may additionallydemand WM skills (especially in BDS)
(Volpato, 2020). Notably, WM capacities were not found to be associated with L2 speech
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perception in some recent studies (e.g., Inceoglu, 2019), providing a justification for the nonex-
istent effect of PSTM on L2 speech perception in this study, which employed a digit span test.
In addition, the results may suggest a complex interplay between PSTM and L2 sound percep-
tion. While PSTM is recognized as a contributing factor to L2 sound perception, the scope and
character of its impact can vary significantly depending on factors such as the speakers’ L1 and
L2, and linguistic materials such as contrasts under investigation in a given study. Therefore, the
role of PSTM might not be universally consistent and may depend on the aforementioned fac-
tors. Another possible explanation for the results of this study is the role of perceived difficulty
for each contrast. Considering that the processing of difficult contrasts requires larger cognitive
demands (Ghaffarvand Mokari & Werner, 2019), a specific contrast which is perceived as dif-
ficult by anindividual with high PSTMmay be discriminated in the same manner by anindi-
vidual with low PSTMwho has perceived it as an easy contrast. Finally, other extralinguistic
and extracognitive factors such as speakers’ daily fatigue or psychological stress may have also
affected the results. This is because fatigue is associated with decreased motivation to apply
effort to the task (Wang etal., 2018). Speakers’ psychological stress during the task (as the task
was inspected live by the researchers) may have affected the participants’ performance as there
is evidence that the presence of stress affects memory functions (Schoofs etal., 2009).
The findings demonstrated that there was overall evidence that speakers with high nonver-
bal IQ discriminated the L2 English contrasts more accurately than speakers with low non-
verbal IQ. Strong evidence was found for four out of six L2 contrasts. Therefore, H4 can be
accepted to a large extent, highlighting the positive role of nonverbal IQ in L2 speech per-
ception. While these results diverge from earlier findings that showed no association between
phonetic abilities and nonverbal IQ (e.g., Rota & Reiterer, 2009), they align with the results
of Georgiou (2023a), providing further evidence supporting the connection between nonver-
bal IQ and phonetic (perceptual) abilities. NonverbalIQ relates to several cognitive functions,
which include perception, learning, and language abilities (Kiely, 2014). All these functions
apply to speech perception, which requires listeners to extract acoustic information from the
speech signal and organize speech sounds categorically in the mind. So, the advantage of
high nonverbalIQ individuals may be attributed to their enhanced ability to learn and process
information (see Stenberg, 1985), including phonological and phonetic relationships. Another
explanation is that speakers with high nonverbalIQ have increased abilities in controlling
their attention (Sweller, 1988). This means that they can potentially attune to the L2 sound
patterns more easily compared to speakers with low nonverbalIQ. For all these reasons, the
link between nonverbal IQ and speech perception seems reasonable and speakers with high
nonverbalIQ are likely to perform better in speech perception tasks than speakers with low
nonverbalIQ. We propose that the effect of nonverbalIQ on L2 phonological discrimination
is contrast-specific since not all contrasts were found to be affected to the same extent. At this
stage, we are not able to explain why nonverbalIQ did not affect the discrimination of particu-
lar contrasts. Perhaps, this is related to the level of the perceived difficulty of each contrast,
just like in the case of PSTM, which may prevent speakers with high nonverbalIQ from per-
ceiving acoustic differences better than speakers with low nonverbalIQ.
Our findings suggest that Greek speakers demonstrate poor performance in the discrimi-
nation of the majority of L2 Englishcontrasts. In addition, PSTM did not have any effect
on L2 speech perception, while there was an effect of nonverbal IQ on most contrasts.
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Although we attempted to control several factors such as L2 proficiency, L2 use, age of L2
learning onset etc. other factors such as speakers’ motivation, attention control, phonetic
aptitude, etc. were not considered for practical reasons; these unexamined factors may have
affected the results, underscoring the need for their comprehensive examination in subse-
quent studies. Also, we used a single tool to measure PSTM and nonverbalIQ capacities.
While these measures provided valuable insights into the association between cognitive
functions and L2 speech perception, incorporating multiple tools and assessments would
offer a more comprehensive understanding of this relationship. For example, a future study
can include additional measures of PSTM and nonverbalIQ using a variety of tools such as
nonword repetition and nonword recognition tasks and the WASI test respectively. Finally,
considering the varying effects of cognitive measures on each L2 contrast, future studies
may explain why particular L2 contrasts are affected differently by measures of cognitive
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Phonetic Lab and the Cyprus Linguistics and Humani-
ties Research Group of the University of Nicosia.
Funding Open access funding provided by the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (CLC). No fundings sources
are available.
Data Availability Not applicable.
Conflict of interest We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Ethical Approval This study received ethical approval from the Department of Languages and Literature of
the University of Nicosia. All participants were informed about the goals of this study and gave their written
consent for participation, according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Informed Consent Participants gave their written consent for their participation in the experiments.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
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... This is supported by the fact that phonological processing problems can appear in L2 learners with average or above-average intelligence and that the phonetic coding skills of exceptional L2 learners with below-average intelligence can be strong [27]. However, a recent study by Georgiou and Giannakou [28] provides contradictory findings. The authors found that nonverbal intelligence accounted for the discrimination of the majority of non-native contrasts by Standard Modern Greek speakers of L2 English. ...
... Although some studies in the literature do not favor the positive impact of intelligence on speech perception, it is assumed that at least some contrasts will be discriminated more accurately than others by speakers with high intelligence compared to speakers with low intelligence. This hypothesis is based on the most recent evidence indicating a positive link between L2 contrast discrimination and intelligence [28], and the findings of previous studies supporting a positive effect of nonverbal intelligence on L2 learning [22][23][24]. ...
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Although there has been considerable research on the interplay between intelligence and second language (L2) learning, research focusing on the intelligence and L2 speech perception link is limited. The present study aims to fill this gap. The native language of the participants was Cyp-riot Greek and they spoke English as an L2. The participants completed a forced-choice psychoa-coustic test in which they discriminated L2 sound contrasts and a nonverbal intelligence test which measured their nonverbal intelligence capacities. They were divided into two groups according to their performance in the intelligence test, namely, a low IQ and a high IQ group. The results showed that the high IQ group discriminated the majority of the L2 contrasts better than the low IQ group. In addition, the degree of perceived difficulty for most L2 contrasts differed between the two groups. It is concluded that nonverbal intelligence is associated with the discrimination of L2 sounds. This can be explained by the possibility that either intelligence triggers the more efficient functioning of other domains, such as information processing and attention, leading to increased speech perception skills, or that it directly affects the categorization of speech sounds resulting in the development of more robust L2 categories.
... Thus, due to the absence of preconceived assumptions about data parameter behaviors in our dataset and our small dataset, we adopted weakly informative priors. These priors were defined as a student's t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 2.5 [9,36]. ...
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While many studies have previously conducted direct comparisons between results obtained from frequentist and Bayesian models, our research introduces a novel perspective by examining these models in the context of a small dataset comprising phonetic data. Specifically, we employed mixed-effects models and Bayesian regression models to explore differences between monolingual and bilingual populations in the acoustic values of produced vowels. The former models are widely utilized in linguistic and phonetic research, whereas the latter offer promising approaches for achieving greater precision in data analysis. Our findings revealed that Bayesian hypothesis testing identified more differences compared to the post hoc test. Specifically, the post hoc test identified differences solely in the F1 of the vowel /a/, whereas the evidence ratios provided strong evidence of differences across multiple vowels and all measured parameters, including F1, F2, F3, and duration. These results may call into question the findings of a large number of studies incorporating frequentist models. In conclusion, our study supports the assertion that different statistical frameworks can lead to divergent interpretations, especially in cases with small sample sizes and complex data structures like those commonly found in phonetics. This can open a discussion about the need for careful methodological considerations and the potential benefits of Bayesian approaches in such situations.
... The dependent variable included the sentiment SCORE measured between −1 and 1. HDI (low/high) was modeled as the fixed factor, while COUNTRY was treated as a random factor. Weakly informative priors were used, given the lack of predefined assumptions about the data parameters (Georgiou & Giannakou, 2024). These priors followed a student's t-distribution with 3 df, a mean of 0, and an SD of 2.5 (Georgiou & Kaskampa, 2024). ...
This study analyzes how ChatGPT characterizes developed and developing countries using a sentiment analysis framework. We selected 10 countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) and 10 countries with the lowest. The sentiment analysis provided scores indicating the degree of positivity in the descriptions of these countries provided by ChatGPT. The results revealed that ChatGPT generally expressed positive sentiments about all countries. However, strong evidence emerged showing that countries with high HDI received more positive sentiments compared to those with low HDI. These findings highlight the bias of the model in describing developed versus developing countries. Ultimately, the study highlights the importance of adjusting large language models to ensure fairer representations of countries.
... The dependent variable included the sentiment SCORE measured between -1 and 1. HDI (low/high) was modeled as the fixed factor, while COUNTRY was treated as a random factor. Weakly informative priors were used, given the lack of predefined assumptions about the data parameters (Georgiou & Giannakou, 2024). These priors followed a student's t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0, and an SD of 2.5 (Georgiou & Kaskampa, 2024). ...
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This study analyzes how ChatGPT characterizes developed and developing countries using a sentiment analysis framework. We selected 10 countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) and 10 countries with the lowest. The sentiment analysis provided scores indicating the degree of positivity in the descriptions of these countries provided by ChatGPT. The results revealed that ChatGPT generally expressed positive sentiments about all countries. However, strong evidence emerged showing that countries with high HDI received more positive sentiments compared to those with low HDI. These findings highlight the bias of the model in describing developed versus developing countries. Ultimately, the study highlights the importance of adjusting large language models to ensure fairer representations of countries.
... We also controlled the phonological short-term memory (PSTM) and nonverbal intelligence (IQ) capacities of the two groups. PSTM was measured using digit span tests (forward and backward) and their nonverbal IQ using Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Test (Raven et al., 2003); for more methodological details, see Georgiou and Giannakou (2024). The two groups did not differ in terms of PSTM (t = 0.71, df = 38, p = .48) ...
This study aims to examine the perception of English vowels by Greek monolingual and bidialectal speakers of English as a second language (L2) and assess the predictions of the Universal Perceptual Model (UPM). Adult Cypriot Greek (CG) bidialectal speakers and Standard Modern Greek (SMG) monolingual speakers participated in classification and discrimination tests. The two groups were matched for various linguistic, sociolinguistic, and cognitive factors. Another group of adult English speakers served as controls. Data analysis has been conducted with the use of Bayesian regression models. The results of the discrimination test were predicted by acoustic similarity only to some extent, while perceptual similarity predicted most contrasts, confirming the hypotheses of UPM. A crucial finding was that bidialectals outperformed monolinguals in the discrimination of L2 contrasts. The advantage observed in bidialectals could be attributed to the greater flexibility of their speech categories, stemming from exposure to more diverse linguistic input.
... In this study, given its exploratory nature and the absence of predefined assumptions about data parameter behavior, weakly informative priors were utilized. These priors were specified as a student's t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 2.5 (Georgiou, 2022;Georgiou and Giannakou, 2024b). To evaluate the likelihood of the test hypotheses relative to their alternatives, the Evidence Ratio (ER) was used as a quantitative measure. ...
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While extensive research exists on the variations in voice quality measures among different languages, the impact of bilingualism on voice characteristics has been relatively understudied in the literature. This study explores the divergences among monolingual and bilingual speakers in various voice quality measures. The participants were adult Greek monolingual and adult Albanian-Greek sequential bilingual speakers, who permanently lived in Greece. All speakers participated in a controlled sentence production task, which targeted the Greek vowels. Acoustic measures such as fundamental frequency (F0), first four formants (F1-F4), duration, jitter, shimmer, harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), and intensity were elicited from the speech samples. Differences were identified in the majority of voice parameters for certain vowels, implying that the vocal characteristics of bilinguals may demonstrate distinct adaptations compared to those of monolinguals in certain instances. Jitter displayed the most pronounced differences across vowels, followed by F2, shimmer, and HNR, with F3, F4, and duration showing relatively fewer distinctions. It is established that sequential bilingual speakers may exhibit variations from monolingual speakers across multiple acoustic parameters and that voice quality parameters can also manifest as sound-specific. These findings hold practical significance for the evaluation and therapeutic interventions tailored to bilingual individuals within clinical settings.
... Due to the exploratory nature of this study and the absence of preconceived assumptions about the behavior of data parameters, weakly informative priors were employed. These priors were specified as a Student's t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, a mean of 0, and a standard deviation of 2.5 [69][70][71]; Figure 2 shows the density of the selected priors. After fitting the model with these priors, posterior predictive checks were used to evaluate the fit of the models to the observed data. ...
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Investigating heritage language (HL)-contact effects on the dominant language has received limited attention despite its importance in understanding the dynamic interplay between linguistic systems in situations of bilingualism. This study compares the acoustic characteristics of Greek vowels produced by heritage speakers (HSs) of Albanian and monolingual Greek speakers, aiming to identify potential differences and explain them. The participants were adult second-generation HSs of Albanian with Greek as their dominant language, born and raised in Greece. A control group of age-matched monolingual Greek speakers was included for comparison purposes. All participants engaged in a controlled speech production task, with the data segmented to extract acoustic values pertaining to the first three formants and the duration of Greek vowels. Bayesian regression models were employed for the subsequent statistical analysis. The results demonstrated differences in the first three formants of certain vowels and the duration of all vowels. These differences can be attributed to the crosslinguistic effect of HL on the dominant language, as well as the interplay between the dynamic and internalized language system of the speakers and the complex effect of the sociophonetic context. These outcomes contribute to the hypothesis positing the emergence of deflected phonetic categories among a distinctive group of bilinguals, namely HSs. Furthermore , this study underscores the significance of a comprehensive exploration of the sociopho-netic context of HSs for a nuanced understanding of their phonetic patterns.
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This study investigates the ability of listeners to categorize second language (L2) accents with high familiarity and examines how their linguistic background affects their categorization accuracy. The participants were first language (L1) Greek bilingual and multilingual listeners, who completed a task involving the categorization of talkers’ origins. After listening to samples of English (the listeners’ L2) and Greek-accented English, they assigned each sample to either England or Greece. Both bilingual and multilingual listeners showed accuracy above chance levels. This suggests among other findings that shared knowledge of the target language structure by both the talkers and listeners who speak the same L1 (i.e., Greek) and the use of common interlanguage patterns by the talkers may have aided in the easy identification of Greek-accented English by the listeners. Interestingly, multilinguals did not demonstrate higher accuracy than bilinguals in categorizing accents, indicating that the exposure advantage found in previous research may not apply when familiarity effects are strong. Another important finding was the better identification of Greek-accented English compared to English by the listeners; this provides evidence that listeners were more attuned to the acoustic features characteristic of the former accent. The findings carry theoretical and pedagogical implications for L2 acquisition and crosslinguistic speech perception.
This study aims to compare the acoustic characteristics of English and Dutch vowels and to model the perception of Dutch vowels by English speakers on the basis of crosslinguistic acoustic similarity. The first three formant frequencies and the duration of vowels were extracted from the output of 20 native English and 20 native Dutch speakers. A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm was trained on the productions of English speakers and the Dutch productions were later supplied to the model to provide a predicted proportion of how each nonnative vowel would be classified in terms of the speakers' L1 categories. The results of LDA demonstrated that all but one Dutch vowel were classified as above-chance responses in terms of two or more English categories. Due to the large and complex vowel system of English, completely overlapping contrasts were absent, while there was a large number of partially overlapping contrasts, which are predicted to exhibit moderate-to-good discrimination. The results of crosslinguistic acoustic similarity are largely consistent with those involving other English listeners of Dutch, potentially highlighting the importance of acoustic cues in estimating listeners' speech perception patterns.
This study examines how children with developmental language disorder (DLD) discriminate voiced and voiceless consonants and their processing speed. It also explores the contribution of factors like age, nonverbal intelligence, vocabulary, morphosyntactic skills, and sentence repetition in explaining speech perception abilities. Fourteen Cypriot Greek children with DLD and 14 peers with typical development (TD) aged 7; 10–10; 4 were recruited. Children were divided into four groups based on age and condition: young-DLD, young-TD, old-DLD, and old-TD. All children participated in an AX task, which measured their ability to discriminate sounds and their processing speed. They also completed a nonverbal intelligence test and a DVIQ test, which provided measures of various language abilities. The results demonstrated that the young-DLD group exhibited lower performance in discriminating consonants compared to the young-TD group, while such differences were not observed between the old-DLD and old-TD groups. Furthermore, while no significant differences in processing time were found between the DLD and TD groups, both young DLD and TD groups displayed longer processing times compared to their older counterparts. Age was the best-contributing factor to speech perception abilities in children with DLD in contrast to morphosyntax and vocabulary for children with TD. These findings highlight the role of voicing discrimination as a diagnostic marker of DLD as opposed to reaction time. Moreover, they underscore the crucial role of age in detecting DLD. The language developmental trajectories of children with TD appear distinct from those with DLD, as evidenced by variations in contributing factors between the two groups. These disparities can be attributed to the diverse nature of the DLD population, the therapies they receive, the compensatory strategies they employ, and the potential impact of other contributing factors.
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There have been numerous studies investigating the perception of non-native sounds by listeners with different first language (L1) backgrounds. However, research needs to expand to under-researched languages and incorporate predictions conducted under the assumptions of new speech models. This study aimed to investigate the perception of Dutch vowels by Cypriot Greek adult listeners and test the predictions of cross-linguistic acoustic and perceptual similarity. The predictions of acoustic similarity were formed using a machine-learning algorithm. Listeners completed a classification test, which served as the baseline for developing the predictions of perceptual similarity by employing the framework of the Universal Perceptual Model (UPM), and an AXB discrimination test; the latter allowed the evaluation of both acoustic and perceptual predictions. The findings indicated that listeners classified each non-native vowel as one or more L1 vowels, while the discrimination accuracy over the non-native contrasts was moderate. In addition, cross-linguistic acoustic similarity predicted to a large extent the classification of non-native sounds in terms of L1 categories and both the acoustic and perceptual similarity predicted the discrimination accuracy of all contrasts. Being in line with prior findings, these findings demonstrate that acoustic and perceptual cues are reliable predictors of non-native contrast discrimination and that the UPM model can make accurate estimations for the discrimination patterns of non-native listeners.
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Machine learning algorithms can be used for the prediction of nonnative sound classification based on crosslinguistic acoustic similarity. To date, very few linguistic studies have compared the classification accuracy of different algorithms. This study aims to assess how well machines align with human speech perception by assessing the ability of three machine learning algorithms, namely, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), decision tree (C5.0), and neural network (NNET), to predict the classification of second language (L2) sounds in terms of first language (L1) categories. The models were trained using the first three formants and duration of L1 vowels and fed with the same acoustic features of L2 vowels. To validate their accuracy, adult L2 speakers completed a perceptual classification task. The results indicated that NNET predicted with success the classification of all L2 vowels with the highest proportion in terms of L1 categories, while LDA and C5.0 missed only one vowel each. Furthermore, NNET exhibited superior accuracy in predicting the full range of above chance responses, followed closely by LDA. C5.0 did not meet the anticipated performance levels. The findings can hold significant implications for advancing both the theoretical and practical frameworks of speech acquisition.
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Although there has been considerable research on the interplay between intelligence and second language (L2) learning, research focusing on the intelligence and L2 speech perception link is limited. The present study aims to fill this gap. The native language of the participants was Cyp-riot Greek and they spoke English as an L2. The participants completed a forced-choice psychoa-coustic test in which they discriminated L2 sound contrasts and a nonverbal intelligence test which measured their nonverbal intelligence capacities. They were divided into two groups according to their performance in the intelligence test, namely, a low IQ and a high IQ group. The results showed that the high IQ group discriminated the majority of the L2 contrasts better than the low IQ group. In addition, the degree of perceived difficulty for most L2 contrasts differed between the two groups. It is concluded that nonverbal intelligence is associated with the discrimination of L2 sounds. This can be explained by the possibility that either intelligence triggers the more efficient functioning of other domains, such as information processing and attention, leading to increased speech perception skills, or that it directly affects the categorization of speech sounds resulting in the development of more robust L2 categories.
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This study aims to investigate the perception and production of the English /ɪ/–/iː/ vowel contrast by Cypriot Greek speakers of English as a second language (L2). The participants completed a classification test in which they classified the L2 vowels in terms of their first language (L1) categories, a discrimination test in which they distinguished the members of the vowel contrast, and a production test in which they produced the target vowels. The results showed that they classified both L2 /ɪ/–/iː/ mostly in terms of L1 /i/, which denotes the formation of a completely overlapping contrast according to the theoretical framework of the Universal Perceptual Model (UPM), and that they could hardly distinguish the vowel pair. In addition, their productions deviated in most acoustic parameters from the corresponding productions of English controls. The findings suggest that /ɪ/–/iː/ may carry a universal marker of difficulty for speakers with L1s that do not possess this contrast. This distinction is difficult even for experienced L2 speakers probably because they had never been exposed to naturalistic L2 stimuli and they do not use the L2 that much in their daily life. Finally, the study verifies UPM’s predictions about the discriminability of the contrast and extends the model’s implications to speech production; when an L2 vowel contrast is perceived as completely overlapping, speakers activate a (near-) unified interlinguistic exemplar in their vowel space, which represents both L2 vowels.
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The present study investigates the effect of high variability phonetic training (HVPT) on the discrimination of second language (L2) vowel contrasts by adult speakers who live in a country where the L2 is dominant. The same subjects who participated in a previous discrimination task were trained in the discrimination of four L2 vowel contrasts which were relatively difficult for this population of learners. Both the post-test and the generalization test showed significant improvement in the discrimination of most vowel contrasts (both stressed and unstressed). The findings suggest that HVPT may facilitate the formation of robust L2 phonological representations even for learners who live and are educated in an L2-dominant environment, dissolving in that way the perceptual confusions which emerge from first language interference. Finally, important implications are made for the implementation of HVPT in L2 classrooms.
Previous evidence suggests that nonnative speech perception is modulated by the speakers’ first language (L1) dialect. This study aims (a) to examine the discrimination of Dutch vowel contrasts by Greek listeners , and (b) to determine whether listeners' L1 Greek dialectal background, namely, Standard Modern Greek (SMG) and Cypriot Greek (CG), affects the discrimination of nonnative contrasts. It has been proposed that crosslinguistic similarity between L1 and nonnative sounds can predict the perception of the latter sounds. For that purpose, discrimination predictions were developed using a linear discriminant analysis (LDA), which was based on the acoustic similarity between SMG/CG and Dutch vowels and which provided quantification of the classification of nonnative vowels in terms of the listeners' L1 categories. The participants of the perceptual study were adult Greek (SMG and CG) listeners of Dutch who completed an AXB test on a PC script. The results of the discrimination test showed that three out of four contrasts signaled good discrimination, while one contrast signaled less good discrimination. Although crosslinguistic acoustic similarity was a relatively good predictor of the listeners’ nonnative discrimination patterns, it failed to provide accurate predictions for some contrasts. Another important finding was that SMG listeners did not differ from CG listeners in the discrimination of Dutch vowel contrasts. Probably, the high acoustic proximity between the vowel systems of the two varieties led listeners to employ similar acoustic properties to discriminate nonnative sounds.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of auditory perceptual phonetic training on the identification and production of English vowels by Cypriot Greek children and adults. Another two groups of Cypriot Greek child and adult speakers served as controls. The trained groups participated in the pretest, training, and posttest phase, while the controls completed only the pretest and posttest phase. The results showed that perceptual training improved identification accuracy, with children showing greater gains than adults. Although the performance of adults was poorer than the performance of children, their phonological system did undergo substantial alteration through perceptual phonetic training as they significantly improved their identifications in the posttest. Also, the results support a common mental space for the speech perception and production domains since the perceptually-oriented training affected the learners’ productions. However, transfer of improvements in production was observed only to some extent in children and not in adults, suggesting that training has an impact mostly on the trained modality and that some production improvement after perceptual training might be more evident in younger learners.
Several speech models have been formed in the past aiming to predict the abilities of nonnative listeners or learners in perceiving and producing speech sounds. The present paper proposes a new model for speech perception, the Universal Perceptual Model of Second Language (henceforth, UPM). UPM assumes that second language phone acquisition is strongly affected by the speakers' native language but still the window of phone learning is open due to the universality of speech sounds. Also, it supports that second language phones are initially activated as disoriented phonetic units. In this paper, we provide some initial insights into the predictability of the model. UPM uses degrees of overlap and chance criteria to form its predictions. We recruited Cypriot Greek novice learners of Italian who participated in two psychoacoustic tasks in which they classified and discriminated Italian vowels, respectively. The findings demonstrated that the degree of overlap between two nonnative phones may be a good predictor of the speakers' discrimination accuracy over these phones. UPM might be a useful model which aims to better explain speech perception mechanisms and patterns of speech acquisition.
Nonnative sound perception might be challenging for adult listeners since they attune from a very young age to the phonological aspects of their native language and, thus, every nonnative sound is filtered through their first language. The present study investigates the perception of Greek consonants in both Consonant-Vowel (CV) and Vowel-Consonant (VC) syllable context by Russian monolingual speakers. To this purpose, 16 Russian speakers aged 19-26 who are students in a University in Moscow and have no knowledge of Greek participated in the study. The participants were tested in an assimilation task in which they were asked to assimilate Greek consonants to their native language phonological categories and in an AXB discrimination task to examine their ability in discriminating nonnative consonantal contrasts. The predictions of the study were developed using the framework of the Perceptual Assimilation Model (PAM). In the assimilation task, the Russian speakers assimilated, as expected, the Greek consonants [t d g x] to the very similar Russian phonological categories [t d g x]. The Greek consonants [θ ð] were merged with the Russian categories [f z] respectively, while the Greek [ç] fell into the Russian phonological category [x j ]. By contrast, the Greek consonant [ɟ] was not perceived as an instance of any phonological category of the listeners' first language. With respect to the discrimination task, the discrimination scores of the Greek contrasts [θ]-[t], [ð]-[d], [ɟ]-[g], and [ç]-[x] ranged from very good to excellent. The findings indicate that Russian speakers assimilated consonants that are not present in their first language in different phonological categories than those proposed by the literature, and that the feature of consonant palatalization that is present in Russian, assisted the listeners to more consistently identify the Greek palatal fricatives. Moreover, the assimilation of Greek consonants differed in some cases for CV vs. VC context and the discrimination of one Greek contrast was different in CV vs. VC context. In general, the results demonstrate that acoustic features found in the speakers' first language interfered with the perception of nonnative consonants, and that the assimilation of nonnative fricatives (i.e., [θ ð]) to Russian fricative categories (i.e., [f z]) can be explained by the conformation of the speakers' native language to the faithfulness constraint, which led the speakers to preserving the continuant feature.