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The association of air pollution in respiratory allergy: Its impact in an industrial city


Abstract and Figures

Background Asthma and allergic diseases have increased in recent decades and are more common in industrialized countries. Industrial areas with a considerably high number of inhabitants and vehicles can favor the presence of serious air pollution and therefore the appearance and exacerbation of respiratory allergy symptoms. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between exposure to environmental pollutants with exacerbation of respiratory allergy. Methods A total of 240 subjects above 6 years old who lived in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma, were included. The subject's address was registered in the database and the rhinitis control assessment test (RCAT) and the asthma control test (ACT) were applied. Environmental data were obtained from the Environmental Monitoring System (SIMA) of Nuevo León. Geolocation of industries and avenues in proximity of subject's addresses and SIMA stations were obtained through geographic information systems using ArcGis software. Results The relation between pollutants and subjects’ RCAT, ACT, and spirometry results in the 14 stations was established. PM10 and forced vital capacity (FVC) had an r = 0.074 with p = 0.005, PM10 and absolute FEV1/FVC ratio presented an r = −0.102 with a p = 0.000; The distance found to be associated with a worsening of respiratory symptoms was living 165 m from a main road or 241 m from an industrial establishment. Conclusions Exposure to pollutants present in the environment are factors associated with increased symptoms in subjects with respiratory allergies.
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Open Access
The association of air pollution in respiratory
allergy: Its impact in an industrial city
Cindy Elizabeth de Lira-Quezada, MD
, Sandra Nora González-Díaz, MD, PhD
Angel Gabriel Cotera-de Lira, BSc
, Carlos Macouzet-Sánchez, MD, PhD
Natalhie Acuña-Ortega, MD
, Rosa Ivett Guzman-Avilán, MD, PhD
Alejandra Macías-Weinmann, MD
Background: Asthma and allergic diseases have increased in recent decades and are more
common in industrialized countries. Industrial areas with a considerably high number of in-
habitants and vehicles can favor the presence of serious air pollution and therefore the appear-
ance and exacerbation of respiratory allergy symptoms. The objective of this study was to
determine the relationship between exposure to environmental pollutants with exacerbation of
respiratory allergy.
Methods: A total of 240 subjects above 6 years old who lived in the metropolitan area of
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma, were included.
The subjects address was registered in the database and the rhinitis control assessment test
(RCAT) and the asthma control test (ACT) were applied. Environmental data were obtained from
the Environmental Monitoring System (SIMA) of Nuevo León. Geolocation of industries and ave-
nues in proximity of subjects addresses and SIMA stations were obtained through geographic
information systems using ArcGis software.
Results: The relation between pollutants and subjectsRCAT, ACT, and spirometry results in the
14 stations was established. PM10 and forced vital capacity (FVC) had an r ¼0.074 with p ¼0.005,
PM10 and absolute FEV1/FVC ratio presented an r ¼0.102 with a p ¼0.000; The distance found
to be associated with a worsening of respiratory symptoms was living 165 m from a main road or
241 m from an industrial establishment.
Conclusions: Exposure to pollutants present in the environment are factors associated with
increased symptoms in subjects with respiratory allergies.
Keywords: Airway, Air pollution, Industrial, Northeastern Mexico, Respiratory allergy
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Faculty of Medicine and Hospital
Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González", Regional Center of Allergy and
Clinical Immunology, Gonzalitos y Madero s/n Colonia Mitras Centro,
Monterrey, Nuevo León, CP 64460, Mexico
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Received 1 September 2023; Received in revised from 23 November 2023;
Accepted 29 December 2023
Online publication date xxx
1939-4551/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of
World Allergy Organization. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
de Lira-Quezada et al. World Allergy Organization Journal (2024) 17:100867
Asthma and allergic diseases have increased in
recent decades and are more common in indus-
trialized countries.
Currently, there are millions of
people in the world with allergies and over 340
million with asthma.
Pollution is the leading
environmental cause of disease and premature
death in the world today.
According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), 9 out of 10
people breathe air that contains high levels of
The most abundant components of air pollution
in urban areas are nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone
(O3) and particulate matter (PM). Sulfur dioxide
(SO2) is abundant in industrial areas.
originates from industrial activities and trafc-
related sources, primarily from the combustion of
coal and petroleum fuel. Diesel exhaust has been
estimated to account for up to 80% of human
Environmental exposures, now
considered as the exposomehave been found
to greatly affect the balance of the respiratory
Outdoor pollution from trafc, industry, energy
production, and heating, etc, inuence the respi-
ratory system either directly or through their role
as precursors of other polluting particles.
pollution, diesel exhaust particulates (DEP), trafc
related air pollutants (TRAPs), O3, NO2, and SO2
may cause greater permeability, easier
penetration of allergens into mucous
membranes, and greater interaction with cells of
the immune system.
The National Institute of Statistics and Geogra-
phy (INEGI) in Mexico reported that in 2022 there
were 2 627 106 registered vehicles; in addition,
there are over 163 000 active units of industries.
The Monterrey metropolitan area is surrounded
by mountains which constitute a natural physical
barrier for the circulation of the wind and,
consequently, prevent the elimination of
atmospheric pollutants. These characteristics,
together with Monterrey being an industrial area
with a considerably high number of inhabitants
and vehicles, can favor the presence of serious
air pollution and therefore the appearance and
exacerbation of respiratory allergy symptoms. The
objective of this study was to determine the
relationship between exposure to environmental
pollutants and exacerbation of respiratory allergy.
It is an observational, prospective, longitudinal
and descriptive study, carried out from March
2021 to October 2022. The study was submitted
and approved by the Ethics Committee of the
Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University
of Nuevo León with registration number AL21-
00004. Upon verbal informed consent obtained
by subjects or parents/legal guardians, subjects
above 6 years old who lived in the metropolitan
area of Monterrey with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
and/or asthma, were included. These subjects
attended every 2 months the outpatient allergy
clinic for control of their respiratory allergy. After
inclusion, the subjects address was registered in
the database and both the rhinitis control assess-
ment test (RCAT) and the asthma control test (ACT)
were applied. Spirometry was performed in every
patient, considering a volume exhaled fraction on
the rst second (FEV1) according to GINA age
Environmental data were obtained from the
Environmental Monitoring System (SIMA) of Nuevo
León, including meteorological parameters (tem-
perature, humidity, wind speed, and direction),
and air quality measurements (particulate matter
less than 10
m (PM10), particulate matter less
than 2.5
m (PM2.5), O3, SO2, NO2, and carbon
monoxide (CO), which are considered the main
particle pollutants in the region, according to SIMA
through the 14 stations that operate in Monterrey
and metropolitan area. Measurements were made
using CO with infrared photometry; O3 with UV
spectrophotometry; as well as gas phase chem-
iluminescence for NO2; SO2 with pulsating UV
uorescence; PM10 by beta ray attenuation; and
PM2.5 with Beta ray attenuation and white light
scattering. The data obtained by the SIMA moni-
toring network equipment are extracted from each
of the stations to carry out an automatic validation
process; this allows it to be compared with the
requirements established by the Ofcial Mexican
Standards as well as WHO standards.
The data were obtained initially by SIMA in
comma separated values (CSV) format and loaded
into a structured query language (SQL) Server
2de Lira-Quezada et al. World Allergy Organization Journal (2024) 17:100867
database in master database le (MDF) format due
to its extent. SQL language was used to evaluate
the information and then the averaged data were
exported to Excel; a dynamic table was created
and the information was separated by variables.
Geolocation of industries and avenues in prox-
imity of subjectsaddresses and SIMA stations as
well as dispersion models considering pollutants
and climatic factors (precipitation, humidity, wind
speed, wind direction, and temperature) were
obtained through geographic information systems
using ArcGis software. Each subjects address was
mapped with the closest environmental moni-
toring station using spatial union analysis. Spatial
join through spatial analysis was applied between
layers that allowed the attribute tables of 2 layers
to be joined, based on the location of the objects
in 1 of them with respect to the other.
Analysis of the correlation between exposure to
pollutants and respiratory allergy was performed.
For continuous variables, contingency tables were
used; for numeric variables, Kruskal-Wallis H-
ANOVA and Bonferroni test was applied. Pearson
Correlation was used for pollutants and symptoms
relation; for categorical variables: chi square or
Fishers exact test was applied, with a value of
p<0.05 as statistically signicant. Statistical anal-
ysis was performed with MegaStat and
SPSSv25IBM Corp.
A total of 249 subjects were included; however,
9 were eliminated due to incomplete information:
the remaining 240 subjects were evaluated; the
majority were female, 128 (53%), and 112 (47%)
were male. The subjects age ranged from 6 to 74
years old and they were divided into 3 groups: 42
(17.5%) were 611 years old; 36 (15%) were 1217
years old, and 162 (67.5%) were over 18 years old.
Regarding respiratory allergy, 156 (65%) were
diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, 80 (33.3%) with both
allergic rhinitis as well as asthma, and 4 (1.6%) had a
diagnosis of only asthma. In patients with asthma, the
level of control according to ACT was: well controlled
60 (71%) and not well controlled 5 (6%), and poorly
controlled corresponded to 19 (23%) subjects. Ac-
cording to RCAT, 170 (71%) reported a score below
21, with nasal congestion being the most commonly
reported (213 [89%] of subjects). Regardingsubjects
results during the 6 visits completed in the 18-month
period, the mean RCAT was 24.80 with a SD of 4.50
and p ¼0.001; FEV1 had a mean of 87.76, SD: 12.86
and p ¼0.001; mean of forced vital capacity (FVC)
was 88.71, SD: 12.64 and p value of 0.003; absolute
FEV1/FVC ratio had a mean of 96.73, SD: 7.72 and p
value of 0.096, observing a difference in values
throughout the 18-month period. Subjectsad-
dresses belonging to 1 of the municipalities in rela-
tion to proximity of SIMA stations, are represented in
Fig. 1. The average temperature registered
Fig. 1 Proximity of subjects addresses to stations obtained by ArcGIS based on spatial union
Volume 17, No. 2, Month 2024 3
throughout the area in the period studied ranged
from 23.14 to 24.14C; relative humidity ranged
from 54.74 to 56.08%; wind direction was 127.09
139.83, corresponding to a southeast direction,
and wind speed mean range was 9.069.72 km/h.
SIMA stations were ordered according to the
highest level of pollutant, being Santa Catarina, San
Bernabe, and Obispado, the highest results (Fig. 2).
The relation between pollutants and subjects
RCAT, ACT, and spirometry results in the 14 sta-
tions was established. Pollutants analyzed were
matched to the days of the subjectsvisits. PM10
and FVC had an r ¼0.074 with p ¼0.005, PM10
and absolute FEV1/FVC ratio presented an
r¼0.102 with a p ¼0.000; PM2.5 and absolute
FEV1/FVC ratio presented an r ¼0.93 with a
p¼0.004. The r value of O3 and RCAT score was
of 0.081 and a p¼0.002; O3 and FEV1 showed a
r¼0.112 and p¼0.005 (Table 1). The subjects of
the San Bernabe station perimeter, presented a
positive correlation with the pollutants SO2 and
O3 with RCAT (r¼0.415, p ¼0.014)(r ¼0.430,
p¼0.012), NO2 with FEV1 value (r ¼0.404,
p¼0.018) and FVC (r ¼0.506, p ¼0.002);
PM10 with FVC (r¼0.372, p ¼0.030).
Proximity analysis was performed to determine
the mean distance between subjects homes
and avenues as well as industrial establishments
related to worse or uncontrolled respiratory
symptoms (Figs. 3 and 4).
It is now recognized that the prevalence of
allergic diseases has increased in recent decades
throughout industrialized countries, and our re-
sults conrm a signicant correlation between
exposure to pollutants and less controlled symp-
Climate change and pollutants may
inuence aeroallergens, altering pollen into
highly allergenic particles.
Increases in air
pollution related to climate change can affect
plant physiology resulting in more allergenic
pollen. All these factors directly impact the
symptoms of allergy sufferers or can lead to
increased sensitization rates.
Pollutants may disrupt pollen, causing the
release of pauci-micronic molecules, being deliv-
ered to upper and lower airway.
An oxidant
overload generated by pollutants will result in
the accumulation of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) and nitrogen that will ultimately lead to
tissue inammation and cell apoptosis; this has
been established in the oxidative stress
hypothesis. These factors therefore lead to an
increase in respiratory symptoms.
The results of
the highest pollutants detected by the SIMA
stations each portray specic characteristics
regarding their location. Santa Catarina, with
levels of NO2 far above WHO standards, is
surrounded by a condensed industrial area, as
well as avenues and highways leading out of
state with an increased circulation of large
diesel vehicles. San Bernabe, with high levels of
Fig. 2 Highest pollutant stations detected. Red arrows indicate the highest levels according to the different pollutants. Red squares mark
the three stations with the highest pollutants
4de Lira-Quezada et al. World Allergy Organization Journal (2024) 17:100867
PM10, includes the citys quarries and dense trafc
zones. The area of Obispado, with
elevated levels of CO, is the crossing point of
some of Monterreys main avenues (Gonzalitos,
Constitución, and Morones Prieto) which carry
heavy trafc from vehicles coming from every
cardinal direction. In Cadereyta, an oil renery
has been part of the local scenery for years, with
regular emissions of SO2 into the air. The
regions southeast wind direction was an
important factor in the transport of SO2
originating from the renery and into the city and
its neighboring suburbs. However, once
pollutants are in the citys atmosphere, decreased
wind velocity generally translated to a lower
dispersion of air pollutants a factor seen
throughout the period studied. Ottaviano et al
reported a causal relationship between
aeroallergen concentration and ears, nose and
throat (ENT) admissions. They found that the
levels of PM10 at specic days preceding
emergency room admissions correlated with
certain upper airway disorders.
In our study,
PM10 was correlated particularly in lung function
values such as FVC. According to Lee S et al
outdoor air pollutants (PM10, NO2, O3, CO, and
SO2) had signicant short-term effects in all age
groups (except for CO and SO2 in infants).
Trafc pollution is a major source of exposure in
homes close to a major road. People living near
trafc sites are exposed to high concentrations of
air pollutants including PM2.5 and NO2. Garcia
et al established that the evidence for adverse
NO2 effects is stronger for FEV1, representing
airway mechanical properties and/or airway
caliber, compared with that for FVC, representing
lung volume.
Eckel et al related FeNO
measured on 2143 children to 5 classes of
metrics of residential TRP: distances to freeways
and major roads. In children with asthma, length
of roads was positively associated with FeNO,
with stronger associations and higher FeNO for
100-, 300-, and 1000-m increases in the length of
all roads in 50-, 100-, and 200-m buffers, respec-
tively. In our study FeNO was not measured in the
subjects included, however it could be considered
as a variable for future follow-up studies.
Ierodiakonou et al reported in children from 8
cities in North America (Albuquerque, New
Mexico; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston,
RCAT ACT FEV1 value FVC value Absolute FEV1/FVC
r value
PM10 0.011, p¼0.664 0.032, p¼0.227 0.025, p¼0.343 0.074, p¼0.005 0.102, p¼0.000
PM2.5 0.021, p¼0.428 0.013, p ¼0.627 0.003, p¼0.897 0.036, p ¼0.167 0.093, p¼0.004
SO2 0.033, p¼0.207 0.004, p ¼0.868 0.020, p¼0.448 0.007, p¼0.801 0.019, p¼0.462
O3 0.081, p¼0.002 0.004, p¼0.867 0.112, p ¼0.005 0.122, p ¼0.003 0.016, p¼0.552
NO2 0.050, p¼0.059 0.000, p¼0.992 0.094, p¼0.000 0.084, p ¼0.001 0.069, p¼0.008
CO 0.017, p¼0.517 0.025, p ¼0.348 0.148, p¼0.003 0.150, p¼0.001 0.003, p¼0.894
Table 1. Correlation of pollutants from the 14 stations with respiratory assessment
Volume 17, No. 2, Month 2024 5
Massachusetts; Denver, Colorado; San Diego,
California; Seattle, Washington; St. Louis, Missouri;
and Toronto-Ontario, Canada) that longer-term 4-
month averages of CO were negatively associated
with prebronchodilator % predicted FEV1 and
FVC. Increased 4-month average NO2 levels were
associated with reduced post-bronchodilator FEV1
and FVC % predicted.
Bronner et al reported that living 50200 m from
a main road has been associated with increased
risk of respiratory allergy.
Schulz et al reported
that people living within 800 m of an industrial
Fig. 3 Mean distance of 165 m from subjectsaddresses to avenues was observed as having the highest association between pollutants and
respiratory symptoms. The red stars indicate the SIMA stations and the teal squares represent the subjects included
Fig. 4 Proximity analysis with an average of 241 m between the homes of subjects with uncontrolled respiratory symptoms and industrial
establishments. The red stars indicate the SIMA stations, teal circles represent the subjects included, and the green circles belong to the
industrial establishments
6de Lira-Quezada et al. World Allergy Organization Journal (2024) 17:100867
site are 47% more likely to have asthma.
In our
research, the distance we found to be associated
with a worsening of respiratory symptoms was
living 165 m from a main road or 241 m from an
industrial establishment. Rice et al published that
proximity of the home to a major roadway at
time of assessment, but not birth, was associated
with mid-childhood (age 710) asthma overall
and in sensitivity analyses conned only to those
who moved (62%).
Outdoor pollutants such as nitrogen oxides in-
crease the amount of pollen grains produced by
plants and are able to chemically modify them.
According to
cevková et al, among the atmo-
spheric pollutants, NO2 and CO were signicantly
and positively interrelated with pollen and allergen
levels, respectively. They also observed a signi-
cant negative association between PM10 and
allergen concentration.
A limitation to be considered in this research is
that although it was performed in 1 of the most
polluted and industrial areas in Mexico, it remains
a single-center study and a comparison with other
urban areas would aid in establishing a greater
association with subjects response.
A relationship was found between subjects with
greater exposure to pollutants and worsening of
nasal symptoms, being nasal congestion the most
frequently reported in RCAT, as well as differences
in lung function values. As population that lives in
Monterrey and the metropolitan area, we nd
ourselves immersed between avenues and indus-
trial establishments, which are associated with
worsening respiratory symptoms. Actions are
required among all government orders to estab-
lish concrete measures to reduce the pollution
rates that affect the population. Measures to
combat the effects of climate change is an
approach that has to be taken at the national and
international levels.
ACT, asthma control test; CO, carbon monoxide; DEP,
diesel exhaust particulates; FEV1, volume exhaled fraction
on the rst second; FEV1/FVC ratio, volume exhaled
fraction on the rst second/forced vital capacity ratio;
INEGI, National Institute of Statistics and Geography; NO2,
nitrogen dioxide; PM, particulate matter; PM2.5, particulate
matter less than 2.5 micrometers; PM 10, particulate matter
less than 10 micrometers; O3, ozone; RCAT, rhinitis control
assessment test; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SIMA,
Environmental Monitoring System; SO2, sulfur dioxide;
TRAPs, trafc related air pollutants; UV, ultraviolet; WHO,
World Health Organisation
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Gerardo
de Lira-Reyes, PhD, Geographic Information System expert,
for his guidance and most valuable contributions in this
research project.
Funding sources
Funding was provided by the authors.
Data availability statement
Any additional data is available upon request to the
Author contributions
Cindy de Lira-Quezada contributed to design of the study,
data collection, interpretation of the results, and manu-
script writing. Sandra Nora Gonzalez-Diaz: Design of the
study, manuscript elaboration, and revision. Angel Gabriel
Cotera-de Lira contributed to data collection and analysis.
Natalhie Acuña-Ortega, Alejandra Macias-Weinmann, Rosa
Ivett Guzman-Avilan, and Carlos Macouzet-Sánchez
contributed to manuscript writing.
All authors give consent for publication.
Ethics statement
The study was submitted and approved by the Ethics
Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous
University of Nuevo León, with registration number AL21-
00004. Upon verbal informed consent obtained by sub-
jects or parents/legal guardians (previously authorized by
Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee), subjects above 6
years old who lived in the metropolitan area of Monterrey
with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma, were
Declaration of competing interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to declare.
Author details
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Faculty of
Medicine and Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio
González", Regional Center of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, Gonzalitos y Madero s/n Colonia Mitras
Centro, Monterrey, Nuevo León, CP 64460, Mexico.
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
Volume 17, No. 2, Month 2024 7
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The intensity of birch pollen season is expressed by seasonal pollen integral (SPIn, the sum of the mean daily pollen concentration during the birch pollination period) and the amount of Bet v 1 allergen released per birch pollen grain expressed by pollen allergen potency (PAP). Betula pollen and Bet v 1 allergen were simultaneously measured in the air of Bratislava from 2019 to 2022 by using two Burkard traps (Hirst-type and cyclone) in order to evaluate the causes of the seasonal variation in the SPIn and PAP levels. The highest SPIn (19,975 pollen/m 3) was observed in 2022 and the lowest one (1484 pollen/m 3) in 2021. The average daily PAP level (4.0 pg Bet v 1/pollen) was highest in 2019 and lowest (2.5 pg Bet v 1/pol-len) in 2020. We found that seasonal variation in SPIn was associated mainly with the changes in environmental conditions during the pre-season period, whereas the year-to-year variation in PAP levels was attributed to environmental conditions during both pre-and in-season periods. Our results indicate that rainy weather in
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Limited number of studies have focused on the impact of pollen exposure on asthma. As a part of the EAACI Guidelines on Environment Science, this first systematic review on the relationship of pollen exposure to asthma exacerbations aimed to bridge this knowledge gap in view of implementing recommendations of prevention. We searched electronic iPubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases using a set of MeSH terms and related synonyms and identified 73 eligible studies that were included for systemic review. When possible, meta‐analyses were conducted. Overall meta‐analysis suggests that outdoor pollen exposure may have an effect on asthma exacerbation, but caution is needed due to the low number of studies and their heterogeneity. The strongest associations were found between asthma attacks, asthma‐related ED admissions or hospitalizations, and an increase in grass pollen concentration in the previous 2‐day overall in children aged less than 18 years of age. Tree pollen may increase asthma‐related ED visits or admissions lagged up to 7‐day overall in individuals younger than 18 years. Rare data show that among subjects under 18 years of age, an exposure to grass pollen lagged up to 3 days may lower lung function. Further research considering effect modifiers of pollen sensitization, hay fever, asthma, air pollution, green spaces, and pre‐existing medications is urgently warranted to better evaluate the impacts of pollen on asthma exacerbation. Preventive measures in relation to pollen exposure should be integrated in asthma control as pollen increase continues due to climate change.
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Air pollution (AP) represents one of the main environmental threats to public health and exposure to AP has been connected to upper airway (UA) disease. We evaluated the relationships between the ENT urgent referrals recorded at the Hospital of Padua and the daily levels of particulate matter (PM) as well as other environmental factors in a single year. Patients with UA disorders were included in the study group while those referred for facial trauma or foreign body inhalation formed the control group. Daily PM concentrations, meteorological data and the concentrations of the commonest aeroallergens were obtained. 6368 patients formed the study group and 910 the control one. The concentration of compositae allergens showed a positive effect on the total number of admissions (p = 0.001). PM10 did not demonstrate an effect on the total number of admissions or either the study or control groups admissions (p = 0.25). Alternaria positively influenced admissions of patients in the study group (p = 0.005). Significant relationships were found between the following: PM10 measured on the seventh day before Accident and emergency (A&E) department admission and rhinosinusitis (p = 0.007), PM10 on the fifth day and laryngitis (p = 0.01), PM10 on the second day and otitis media (p = 0.03), PM10 on the admission day and epistaxis (p = 0.0198). Our study confirms the causal relationship between aeroallergen concentration and ENT admissions. The levels of PM10 at specific days preceding A&E department admission correlated with certain UA disorders. This study strongly points towards the harmful effects of pollution and climate change on UA disease.
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Significance Human-caused climate change could impact respiratory health, including asthma and allergies, through temperature-driven increases in airborne pollen, but the long-term continental pollen trends and role of climate change in pollen patterns are not well-understood. We measure pollen trends across North America from 1990 to 2018 and find increases in pollen concentrations and longer pollen seasons. We use an ensemble of climate models to test the role of climate change and find that it is the dominant driver of changes in pollen season length and a significant contributor to increasing pollen concentrations. Our results indicate that human-caused climate change has already worsened North American pollen seasons, and climate-driven pollen trends are likely to further exacerbate respiratory health impacts in coming decades.
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Indoor environments contribute significantly to total human exposure to air pollutants, as people spend most of their time indoors. Household air pollution (HAP) resulting from cooking with polluting ("dirty") fuels, which include coal, kerosene, and biomass (wood, charcoal, crop residues, and animal manure) is a global environmental health problem. Indoor pollutants are gases, particulates , toxins, and microorganisms among others, that can have an impact especially on the health of children and adults through a combination of different mechanisms on oxidative stress and gene activation, epigenetic, cellular, and immunological systems. Air pollution is a major risk factor and contributor to morbidity and mortality from major chronic diseases. Children are significantly affected by the impact of the environment due to biological immaturity, prenatal and postnatal lung development. Poor air quality has been related to an increased prevalence of clinical manifestations of allergic asthma and rhinitis. Health professionals should increase their role in managing the exposure of children and adults to air pollution with better methods of care, prevention, and collective action. Interventions to reduce household pollutants may promote health and can be achieved with education, community, and health professional involvement.
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Rising emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have warmed the planet substantially and are also accompanied by poor air quality. The increased prevalence of allergic airway disease worldwide can be partially attributed to those global environmental changes. Climate change and air pollution pose adverse impacts on respiratory allergies, and that the mechanisms are complex and interactive. Adverse weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures, can act directly on the respiratory tract to induce allergic respiratory illnesses. Thunderstorms and floods can alter the production and distribution of aeroallergens while wildfires and dust storms increase air pollution, and therefore indirectly enhance health risks. Concentrations of particulate matter and ozone in the air have been projected to increase with climate warming and air stagnation, and the rising temperatures and CO2 increase pollen, molds, and spores, which escalate the risk of allergic respiratory diseases. The synergistic effects of extreme heat and aeroallergens intensify the toxic effect of air pollutants, which in turn augment the allergenicity of aeroallergens. With the Earth's climate change, migration of humans and plants shift the living environments and allergens of susceptible people. Urban residents are exposed to multiple factors while children are sensitive to environmental exposure. Since climate change may pose many unexpected and persistent effects on allergic respiratory diseases, health professionals should advocate for effective mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize its respiratory health effects.
Purpose of review: Respiratory allergy correlates strictly with air pollution and climate change. Due to climate change, the atmospheric content of trigger factors such as pollens and moulds increase and induce rhinitis and asthma in sensitized patients with IgE-mediated allergic reactions.Pollen allergy is frequently used to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and allergic respiratory diseases. Pollen allergens trigger the release of immunomodulatory and pro-inflammatory mediators and accelerate the onset of sensitization to respiratory allergens in predisposed children and adults. Lightning storms during pollen seasons can exacerbate respiratory allergy and asthma not only in adults but also in children with pollinosis. In this study, we have focalized the trigger (chemical and biologic) factors of outdoor air pollution. Recent findings: Environmental pollution and climate change have harmful effects on human health, particularly on respiratory system, with frequent impact on social systems.Climate change is characterized by physic meteorological events inducing increase of production and emission of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Allergenic plants produce more pollen as a response to high atmospheric levels of CO2. Climate change also affects extreme atmospheric events such as heat waves, droughts, thunderstorms, floods, cyclones and hurricanes. These climate events, in particular thunderstorms during pollen seasons, can increase the intensity of asthma attacks in pollinosis patients. Summary: Climate change has important effects on the start and pathogenetic aspects of hypersensitivity of pollen allergy. Climate change causes an increase in the production of pollen and a change in the aspects increasing their allergenic properties. Through the effects of climate change, plant growth can be altered so that the new pollen produced are modified affecting more the human health. The need for public education and adoption of governmental measures to prevent environmental pollution and climate change are urgent. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, chemical and biologic contributors to air pollution are of critical importance. Extreme weather phenomena such as thunderstorms can trigger exacerbations of asthma attacks and need to be prevented with a correct information and therapy.
Background: In the 5 years that have passed since the publication of the 2018 International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Allergic Rhinitis (ICAR-Allergic Rhinitis 2018), the literature has expanded substantially. The ICAR-Allergic Rhinitis 2023 update presents 144 individual topics on allergic rhinitis (AR), expanded by over 40 topics from the 2018 document. Originally presented topics from 2018 have also been reviewed and updated. The executive summary highlights key evidence-based findings and recommendation from the full document. Methods: ICAR-Allergic Rhinitis 2023 employed established evidence-based review with recommendation (EBRR) methodology to individually evaluate each topic. Stepwise iterative peer review and consensus was performed for each topic. The final document was then collated and includes the results of this work. Results: ICAR-Allergic Rhinitis 2023 includes 10 major content areas and 144 individual topics related to AR. For a substantial proportion of topics included, an aggregate grade of evidence is presented, which is determined by collating the levels of evidence for each available study identified in the literature. For topics in which a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention is considered, a recommendation summary is presented, which considers the aggregate grade of evidence, benefit, harm, and cost. Conclusion: The ICAR-Allergic Rhinitis 2023 update provides a comprehensive evaluation of AR and the currently available evidence. It is this evidence that contributes to our current knowledge base and recommendations for patient evaluation and treatment.
In this narrative review, we summarize the literature and provide updates on recent studies of air pollution exposures and child lung function and lung function growth. We include exposures to outdoor air pollutants that are monitored and regulated through air quality standards, and air pollutants that are not routinely monitored or directly regulated, including wildfires, indoor biomass and coal burning, gas and wood stove use, and volatile organic compounds. Included is a more systematic review of the recent literature on long-term air pollution and child lung function because this is an indicator of future adult respiratory health and exposure assessment tools have improved dramatically in recent years. We present “summary observations” and “knowledge gaps.” We end by discussing what is known about what can be done at the individual/household, local/regional, and national levels to overcome structural impediments, reduce air pollution exposures, and improve child lung function. We found a large literature on adverse air pollution effects on children's lung function level and growth; however, many questions remain. Important areas needing further research include whether early-life effects are fixed or reversible; and what are windows of increased susceptibility, long-term effects of repeated wildfire events, and effects of air quality interventions.
There is global concern regarding the harmful impact of polluted air on the respiratory health of asthmatic patients. Multiple epidemiological studies have shown ongoing associations between high levels of air pollution and poor early-life lung growth, development of allergic sensitisation, development of asthma, airway inflammation, acutely impaired lung function, respiratory tract infections and asthma exacerbations. However, studies have often yielded inconsistent findings and not all studies have found significant associations – this may relate to both variations in statistical, measurement and modelling methodologies between studies, as well as differences in the concentrations and composition of air pollution globally. Overall this variation in findings suggests we still do not fully understand the effects of ambient pollution on the lungs and on the evolution and exacerbation of airway diseases. There is clearly therefore a need to augment epidemiological studies with experimental studies to clarify the underlying mechanistic basis for the adverse responses reported and to identify the key gaseous and particle-related components within the complex air pollution mixture driving these outcomes. Some progress toward these aims have been made and here we will review studies providing an improved understanding of causal pathways linking air pollution to asthma development and exacerbation. We will also consider potential strategies to reduce asthma morbidity and mortality, through regulation and behavioural/pharmacological interventions, including a consideration of pollutant avoidance strategies and antioxidant and/or vitamin D supplementation.